Farmer's Department.! HR&MBOLD'S I A Fortune! IFLUID EXTRACT BUDHU, ! A poslltte and Fpeclfln Remedy for diseases of (So , hUddrr. Kidneys, ftiivrl Imd Flrnp.lclit Kficlller". ' This Medicine Increases tho powers of digestion, and I nrltcstb nbrorbents Into hcallhyr-clton.tiy whlci, tho watcryoTfslcurcous depositions, and nil nnnatornt en forcements am roduecrt.nj well n pain end, Inflammttlon, ' I nnd Is good for men, women and children. S-4 u IT. - f m It is & singular Tact that what wore vast, treeless prairies iu Illinois, twelve years , ago, lira now covered with a dense growth of thrifty young foroet trees, comjitising various species of oak, hickory, cotton wood. ash. fcc. : so rapid has been tho' In many localities, that were somo Spo'ition to rttot., of the early settlers located, twenty M twenty-fivo years ogo,without a troo around them, thoy can now cut and hew good building timber a foot square I'rairio iHtld WllQll kept IrOtll tbO annual fall bum-. These symptoms, If allowed to goon (ulch tills Modi- ing formally practiced by tho Indians, m7&1Xwkv, l., rSDldlv produces a crowth of trees. Somo ' la ono of which tho ratlcnt may cxplro. Who can say of tho old eitizens, who greedily loeated tho timber land-when thoy oamc to this country, and were careless about acquir ing prairie, now find tbo latter ol nioro valuo than tho former, their timber has grown fatter than thoy used it. I Employmout for Everybody. Orpat Sale of Jowolry. Watches, Chains, Diamond Kings, Silvcr-Waro, Gor man and Crouch Fancy Goods, &c, worth over 8800.0(10 all to bo sold witliout rcsorve. Evoryono to havo some thing Valuable. I mut of tiir Ocnlt' Oold lluutltiij Case Watches. OOtollS) 110 Ladles' Hold imanieicii ;nn waicnes. . . a. mm ft OS Schcnk's Mandrake j Keep Your Eye .cheap Grocery Store. The Lehigh HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU. yomoakncM arl'lnn from Excesses, llahlla of DlHlna lion, Early Indiscretion, allcndoit with Hie following; Loss of Forcr, DlflicuUy of Fircslhlng, Trembling, Wakefulness Fain In tho Hack. Flushing nf Iho ltody, l'.rnptlona of tho Face. rallid Countenance, dents' lliinllng Onto Silver Wntehei, (Icnls Hold wnlclir'a, ili.ulila lime. Lossot Jlcmory, Weak Nerves, Horror of Dlscius. Dimness of Vision, Hot Itandi, PrjufMof tho Skin, Universal Latitude, they aro not frequently followed by those "direful dls INPAXtTY AND CONSUMPTION? Many are avraro of thecanieof thrlr suffering, but nono will confess. The records of the'lniBio asylums and tho melancholy deaths by consumption bo-iv nmplo wltnoss to the truth of tho assertion. The Constitution, once affected by organic weakness, roo.nlrcs tho eld of medicine to strengthen and Invigorate tho system, which HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT OF linCHU Invariably doot, A trial will convlnco Uie tnost sceptical. Fruit Trees. Tho Rural Reio Yorker eayj, thera is a praotioe among tho Swiss and Germans of boring into the ground among tho roots of fruit trees, with an instrument made for' thu purpose, and pouring in liquid manuro to force the tree forward, and also to cna bio it to resist tho drought iu dry weath er. I havo practiced this for four years with some Cue Seckel pears, in dry land with good success. Avoid th'u after Sept ember first, as it will induoc a second growth-lato iu thu fail, which will be quits irregular and very liable to bo winter-kill- od. The instrument I U3e is tbo common I iron bar which can be driven in among , tho root without injury. Take for a wash, a9 I buy no "epocial" manures, to I three-fourths of a barrel of wator, four quarts of ashos, two shovctsful of night soil stir up well, and pour into holes made as abovo, what the tree requires. Soap sude arc capital for this purpose. In many affocllona pecnllar to Female., Iho Extract tlrcntr Is uncqualod by any other remody, and for all oomplalnts Incident to the sex, or In tho declink on change of life, CITSek Symptoms aboyr. XST .JMo Family should bo without It. T&ior.o SaUam, Mercury, or ncpleasant raedldno for hnploasnnt and dangerous diseases. IiELUBGLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Cures Sccrot BisoaBca Tn all their stages llttlo oxpensc, llttlo or no change of diet, no Inconvcnlenco, and NO EXPOSURE. M,no 7J.UO 150,00 Hold Plated Watches in .Magic Cased, M UU .10,00 tlol.l Plated Wall lies onameled.for ladles 35,00 Sil.UO lllan.ond lllnga, sn.o mo.uu nold Vestnnd XctV Uhnlns, 10.D0 30,00 . Oold Oval Hand llraeelcts, JiOO .8.00 P.nhl llraeelcts. 5,00 10,00 Chatelaine Chains iiml tltiard Chains 5,00 80,00 Bolitairo nml Uolil llrnochcs, 4,uo m.uu i liiiva and I'lorentlno Uroprhes. 0 IMI I Coral, Opal, and Einenild llrooahcs. 4.0U MO M(isaic.Jct,LavaiiiidFloreiilliioi:nrl) 8.00 Cornl, Opal nnd Eiueiuld Ear Drups. '1,00 0,00 I California lliamolicl lliea.l Pins, 2,50 10,00 Oold 1'oh and VcitWnlih Keys, SJ.J0 7,po roo ami vest niimoii cuues, -'"" aolltalre Sleeve liultons, Studs, etc, 3,00 10,00 Oold 'I lilinblcs, Pencils, etc., 'l.OO 7,00 Miniature I.otkcts, 4,00 8,00 Mlnlaluro l.ncket-Mglc Spring, 5 10 10,00 OolilTflolh Picks. Ciosses, etc. 3,00 10 OH I I lain uolu Htiifis, Chased i.olit Rings, t.uu HlnnnPct atulPlgnet lllngs, 3,00 0,0i I Callfotnia lHamoml Mugs, 3,00 10,00 , Ladles' Jevolry In ssto-JctandflolJ 8.00 15,00 Lndips" JeuPlrv In sels-CaiiiBO, Pearl, 4,00 IJ.OO OoldlVns, Cllverllxten Holder h. Pencll.4,00 10,00 Hold Pens mid Wold Mounted Holders, 5 OH H.00 (Jnlil Puis k Oold Extension Holders, COO 15,00 Silver Goblets and Drinking Cups, 50,00 50,00 Silver t'nstors, Fruit mid Calio llaskcta. '-'3,00 50.00 Silver Tfa & Tahlc Spoons & Forks. dozW.GU 40 uO ' . Silier Plated Tea Pots nnd Coffee Urns, 35,00 50,00 i SlUeV Plated lu: i'Hchors and Molasses 1 Ciipa, I'.OO 00,00 Poc what Ihp must iicpnlnr and widely circulated ' iicnodicats say of our Estahlirhiiienl: I ' From tbo "Dispatch" of February 25,'05 , I Wo take pleasure In calling the nltentlon of our i readers to Hie nnnouiiceineiil of .Messrs. Devnngli k 1 Co's Crent Sale of Jeuelrv. Silver Ware, nnd fnncy (ioods, inour ndverlising columns. We ore person ally acquainted uith the inem'iers of this firm and know thcin U he gpiitlrmeii of sterling worth anil lie tegrely. Their st.irk of goods, for variety nnd extent, ' ue have scarcely Keen paralleled. ' From tbo "Mirror of Fashion,'' Marob 1 1st, 1805. i Messrs. Ilevaugli i Co' Brent Hale of Jewelry, etc., opened on IhoJ'itli "It . and ne venture to say that no I finer display of goods was ever exhibited by any ettah I liihinent iu thi. city. 'J he Indies thronged their ha. 1 r.anr almost to suffocation, although the streets were ' rendered nearly liiipajfiible hy Ihu melted snow and slu-li. Wo predict for them a wonderful sncceas From tho "Ljdner," February V-'B, lWo. PILLS. FOR Sick lRnftiwa ....... v l.Sflikl. rnTTin IT A HATS, tr aiiw a, , J rllo JrLAUlii.1Ti,sIr, i J XAXN-' J w .unerinr assortment of HP, (hVD ARRIVAL Or NEW GOODS. Hv Inmrnvcil his Store ttnoni 1"J nnd stocked it Willi n large nnd superior Stock of JL ntllc PoVder 1 8 wurranted to 1 be Die most power, Iu ngent or the .to.,, nch and Moo J of Cattle Swine, or Fln, In rrt.' mf tin? digest, on.clsuns lag the svsteinand t,M sier,nr oc purin.-d is linal llilld In fWl, mllli, butter encHtr-nrtl, and cslabllslilne HmIi. nnJ vlanr, DI'VOV'fl IIORPH t, Ml't.E POWIlElt r lb. only medicines lesrnll natented In Fi.nice, I'.nf. Imd. Svrittr:ahd am' llnliniid .hi.. Huly , i mitt, il hy li. ir Couit. Ipiriureil Willi urits mnl Duo). I'roli'ssor f th ti i Its Svmptomb, Cause anu Gunr. 'HIS has received its name from a con- slant nautca or sickness at the stomach, which USE HELMBOLD'S iEXTRACT BUCHU For all affections nnd diseases of these organs, whether i ESISTIXO IN MAI.F. OF. FEMALE, Fron whatever csuen orlglnatlng.and no matter how lonj? standing Diseases of theso organs reqnlro tbo old of a : diuretic. j HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU I Is tho Great Diuretic. effect In all diseases hy a sense of fullness and tenderness in one eye, nnd extending across the forehead. There Is a clammy, unpleasant taste iu thu mouth, an offensive breath, and To Cure Wormy Trees. The following reccipo is published in tho New York Evening Post ; With a large gimblet or augor bore in- lo.the bod? of a tree.iust below where the And It Is certain to havo tho desired ... . , ; j tor TThlcu It Is recommended. limns atari, in tnreo piaoes, a groovo in clining downwards. With a small tun-' nel pour a shilling's worth of quicksilver , into each groove. Peg it up closely, and watoh tbo result. Had it been done when the aap first started on its upward circuit it would hare been more effioacious yet' even now. it will greatly abate the nuis ance. The plan was first tried for a wormy apple tree by Samuel Jones, E;q., Ca naan, Columbia county, N Y., and with1 enliro suectoi. It is beliovod that far from damaging the trees, it will oven add to the beauty of foliage. In tho case of , tho fruit becoming perfect and beautiful, but tbe very leaf eecmcd to grow largor and far moro dark andTgloosy. , the tongue covered with n yotlowisli white fur. Tbe sufferer desires to be alone in a dark room. As soon as tnc patient fells the fullness in Iho lieart and pain in tho t'mplCH, take a lar'e due ofSihiuk' s andrnkc I'll k and in an hour nr two they will feci as well as eter. This has been tried hy thousands, and is always BLOOD! BLOOD! BLOOD! I-Ielmbolcl's inanLT cosczstoated cojtpchtnd FLUID EXTRACT SARSAP AhlLLA, For purifying tho Blood, removing nil chronlo constitu tional diseases arising from an lmpuro state of the Blood, and tho only reliable nnd effectual known remedy for tho cure of Scrofula, Scald Head, Salt IUieum, Palna and Birclllnga of tho Bones, Ulcerations of tho Throat and Legs. Blotches, Pimples on tho Face.Totter.Eryelpelas, and all scaly Eruptions of the Ekln, AXD BEATja'IFYIXO THE COitri,BSa03:. NOT A FEW sure to cure, and idsteml vt tin; sick headache coming ) Catterpillars on Apple Trees. Thu common tent caterpillars wcto abundant last year, and tbey have left their eggi very neatly and skillfully glued upon tlie branches of apple trees. Sharp eyed boys or men may remove these clusters very readily and throw them upon tbe ground, Bin all trees oau bo cloaned with comparatively littlo trouble, while the branches of a largo tree that fills a cirolo of somo thirty or forty feet, and probably some will escape tho most oare ful search. These mu9t bo removed after they be como "creeping tbiuga," whioh they will do os the buds open. For many years a round brush attached to a polo has been Tory generally used to remove the nests of these insects. One groac trnublo with tiiMe bru-hes was that the bristles, cs peoially after being wet with dew or rain, were not stiff ouough to hold and wind up the web. Mr. J. S, Scedham of Salem,' Mast,, has loft at our office specimens of , a brush made in the old form, but ol iron wiro, oard fathion, which wo think will obviato somo of the objections urged : against tho old fashioned ones. Nr Need ham calls it tho "Oatorpillar Scourge." For tho burpose of cleaning it when clogg od with ncsticaob "Scourge," is furnUhcd ' with a 'little Iron toothed handbrush. We ! do not know the price, nor whore thoy aro to bo bad except ol tho patentee, iV. 15. Farmer. of the worst disorders that ntaict mankind arise from tho corruption that accumulates In the Blood. Of all tho dis coveries that havo been made to purge it oat, nono can j years IWlWI,ttSV,MW.- w " hatabuxa. It cleanses and renovates tho Blood, instills the vigor of health Into tho system, and purges out tho humors which make dlscaso. It stimulates the healthy functions of the body, nnd expels the disorders that grow and rankle In tho blood. Such a remedy that could ho relied on has long been sought for, and now, for tho first time the public, havo ono on which they can depend. Our t paco here does not admit of certificates to show Its effects, but tbe trial of a elnglo lottlo will shw to tho sick that It has Us virtues surpassing anything they havo over taken. Two tablespooneful of tbe Extract of Barsaparllla added to a pint of water Is equal to tho Llsboa Diet Drink, and one bottlo Is fully equal to a gallon of tho ymp of Ears a parllla, or the decoction as usually made. ' HELMBOLD'S ROSE WASH, An excellent Lotion for diseases arising from hahlla ot dissipation, used In connection with tho Extracts Bnchn and Sarsaparllla, In such diseases as recommended. Evi dence of the most responsible and reliable character will accompany the medicines. Also explicit directions for nse, vUh hundred) of thoumndi living witnesses, and up wards of 30,000 unsolicited certificates and recommends- I tory letters, many of which are from tho highest sources, including eminent Physicians, Clergymen, Statesmen, &c. Tho Proprietor has never resorted to their publication In the newspapers ho doea not do this from the fact that his arUcles rank as Standard Preparations, and do not need to be propped up by certificates. Tho Science ot Jledlclno, like- Ihe Doric Column, should stand simple, pure, majcotlc, having Fact for Its basis, Induction for its pillar, and Truth alone for Its Capital, attends the pain in the head. This headache is apt tn begin in the morning on waking from a deep sleep. and when somo irregularity of die, has been coin mi t : odonlhc day before, or tome times for 6tcraldas I ' previous. At first there is a distressingly tppn'sslvc t Our imlv friends should visit Iho extensive establish, i ' liictll oi ,.11'ssrs ui'vuush ot no. .muiuv,, .hiir, . . . , ,, , . if ihey wlshtoindulce llieinielves with a sight which feeling in tho head, which gradually morses inloase tiny will long remember. Such u profusion of elegant j Watches Chains, Kings, Earrings and, in short of Jewelry of ctcty naine. kind and description, w ncv- , ' tr before w ilucsse.t. Their silver and plated waro is vcre hcay pain hi the temples, frequently niton del superb mid almost casts Into the shade the other splen. j i iliil t'dtaliiishuienls wiiieh havo long been the boast of I our city. It is estimated that tneir siock is worm not less than one million of dollars, j From tho "Tribune' of April 21, 18G5. ! An ncqualntancB of over 19 years with Messrs. Oi i rani W. Kevauijli & Co., warrants us in speaking In ' the highest terms nf them. They are iuiioiiv our oldest Maiden Lane Jewelers and have long enjoyed a wide and unviable reputation. From the "Stoats Zeitun'r," April 24, 'Co. i Many of the hands in our office have upeculatcd iu the Entarprlnoof Messrs. ll 'vuugli U I.'"., and though I none of them have, nt realized 'a fortune' nil express liieiiKilves .well pleased Willi their venture. Two nf them by working after hours have made over iWenrli I within six weeks I How You Can. Get a Prize. ' Sinrt Two lily. Five Oents thus, and as soon ns wo receive it wo will mail you n certificate showing what you are entitled t If ttio article or articles please you, send back the Ccrtillcalo and One Dollar we will forward yon the article, no matter liow costly it may be. If tho article Is not what you wish, slate, when you ne.nd Hie Certificate nml dollar, what other article of the same value you prefer nnd wo will send it. If you w nmrc Mian ono Certificate send us 31 mid wc n ill send live ; Air S-, eleven ; for $, thirty ; for 1(1, sixty ; for 815. one hundred At.'ENTfl AKI5 WANTED In tlie Army and in every place.. Wc have an inimenso stocK ot goods In di. pose of, mid need a large nHiuber of Agents Our terms to Agents are very liberal and some even of our Lady Agents aru makiiii; irnm S5 to $i0 a day. Wo give ' Agents 5U per cent, on nil Certificate they sell provl-, ded they remit not less than SI for eight. 09" v rite your name and address distinctly, auJ say only what is necessary. GIUAltD W. DEVAUGII & 0o 15 .Maiden Lanu, New York. May 27, lWa.-Sin. I DrT Talbolt's i PiHsT ' (ANTl-DYSI'ETIC) ! Composed of highly Concentrated Extracts from I HOOTS AND HEHUS ' Of Ihe greatest medicinal value, prepared from tho . original nrcrrintion of the celebrated Dr. Talbott. mid uieil liy him with remarkable success for twenty An iiiiaiutiie remedy in an DISEASES OF THE LIVER, or any derangement of THE DIGESTIVE ORGANS. Tlicy cure Diarrhoea, Dyspepsia, Scrof ula, Jnuudico, lliliousness, Liver Oomplaiat. The well-known Dr. Slntt says of these Fills : "t have used the formula from which your Fills are made, m my practice for over 12 years they have the fiiiest f ffecl upon the Liver nnd Digestive Organs of any inedlciiin in tho world, nnd are the most perfect l'nrgntivo which has ever yet been made hy anybody. They .ire safe mid pleasant to take, but powerful cure. Their penetrating propirt cs stimulate the vi tal uciivitics of the bodv, remove the obstructions of its organs, purify the blood, and cxpell disease. 'Ihey purge out the foul humor which breed and grow li temper, stimulate sluggish or disordered organs into their natural anion, and imparl a Ileal thy tone with strength to the whole lem. Nitnulyilo Ihey euro tho every day cnmpluintH of everybody, but also for midable and dangerous diseases, and being purely veg etable uio free from uny risk or harm No person who has "nee used these Fills will ever ho Willi-.) it them," They create pure blood and remove nil impurities from ihe system, hence aru apoiitivc cure for IfEVEKS.lIKADACHE.PILliS.MEIl CUIUAL DISEASES AND UFJl EDITARY HUMOUS. DO.Sil-I'nr adults, one Fill in the morning ; Orchil drcd under a j ears, half a Fill. Sf Price One Dollar per Box. Trado supplied, or sent by Mail, pott paid, to I any part of tho United States or Cauadas on receipt of prico. None Genuine with out tho facsimile signature of V. Mott Talbott, M. D. V. MOTT TALBOTT &- Co., No. G2 Fulton St,, New York. May 27, IFG5.-ly IIALI, and 0001)8, which will he sold as low as at any other establishment In the country, nlicus nt 10, 18, 20 ami 25 cents. Muslins, liharhrd and Drown at 20, 28, t to 48 rents. nnr.?3 OOOIIS of every shade, quality and price n full linn of Domestic floods, vlx ! Checks, Slrlpes. TIcks.Llnncn and Cotton Table Diaper, (Jlnghnins, Nankeens, ic , ice. A good supply of Ladles Shoes and Oaltera Now stock of Hats aud Caps. All Wool Ingrain nml Cnttngfi Carpets, a splendid nrtieie just opened nnu lor tnie, A fresh supply of Groceries and Spices,' a new lot of j. CADAR AND WILLOW WARR. ' MACKEP.AL bv the miarter. half nnd whole barrel ! Nos. I and 2, medium and large. Also, a large and splendid assortment of new designs. Also, a new lot of TIHJNKfl and Oil Cloth Satchels. Ilavlntt bought these gooih before the late rise, I am prepnredto sell low, cheap as the cheapest for null or country produce. WE BTI.'DVTO TLEASn. Illooni'tiurg, Jan. T, lctu5. SPRING AND SUMMER Z Hals nml Caps fli? OON FKCT10N A U IMS , OH ACKERS. Molasses, Stmnr, Coffee, Tea?, Tobnct'o Snuff. I Cigars. Spices, 1 Dried Fruit, Huttor, 1 Coal Oil, Drugs, 1 I'arlor and Hand Lamps, l0 ilfnUht into the tory lushest mmb of .e,fefti;,. Books. Writing Paper & Ink. . -hrV 1 flnrrlltifire (111(1 CfttarwafC, naverl ihoMMliiTu l' horse lrm cnntAlout . ... .. . nl 1 A (liu SltiVll.l-ltll fH III 111(3 flfillV. iwct Aiimw, Comhty ,,,,ro f4Knmii vou.u eoNPrrTMNir To?ctor with n vatiety of urtlrle ecneniry hfpi .i. .....I i,.imi,ihil hi Mr r.i-:. if.ti .mil itni. ,n1icliileilliyll.n.lllllVi:it.'' of and A.. .Ml. ' ton ii. Lelileh County, Fennsylvnnln . ! A I diseases of Ihe Hloniuli. Ill . Lunjs and m- ..1. .i,..,ll v nnd rerln n V iiireo. iivimny sinen n Alsi-A fine lot of KtnMOltOilF.lHnnd Linikosio I wlilchhelnvltesthealentlon of Slioemalters and I tit I Puhllc' JOHN' i: UIRTOV. nioomsbtirt. May 1.1. IHl'fi ' iASit'"-'' Reding Kail -road. WINTER ARANGEMENT, November 7tb, 1804. Groat Trunk Lino from tbo Nottb and North -We.t for I'hilado'plna, New-Votk, Read Inir, I'ottsille, Lebanon, Allcrilown. Ilaston, A c, ic. Trains leuve llnrrlsburii for New-York, as follows Al 3 mi and H. 15 A. M. nml 1.4.1 I'. IL, arriving nt New York at III A M., nml 'J.l.'i and 10 110 1'. )l. The above connect with similnr Tram-' on th Penn sylvania liall lload, and Sleeping Oars aecompniy the rirt two Trains, witliout (hniiKe Leave fur Reading, Futtsvllh',T.iniO'iia, llini -svllle. Allciitowsi, mill I'iiiladvlplilu ul H.l.l A, Al. an I 1 45 F. AL, sloppinc nt Leh.inoii and priuciial Sintioii. only. Wny Trains, plopping at all points, al 7 A .11. and 4.40 1'. M. Returning' Leave , New-York at II V M., 12 riniui, and 7.(10 I'. SI. I'liiludelplii.-i nt H A ,M nnd 3.:t(l I I'. M ; l'utiH lilt; nt HSU A. Jl.und s.: F. .11 ; ricmti'iua nt b.iu A. ,11. nun. .l.i r. ai.unu ui aiiiii); in i. .iiiuiucui, 7.M ami 10 45 A. ,M l.'M and KOo 1'. M. lteadine Aceoinniialioii Train; Leaves It- ndinc at fi- 30 A. Al. returning fiom Philadelphia ut 4.3 I'. Al. I Coluiublu Railroad Triiins leitu Hi-nil in ut 11. Ill .mil ' II A Al. for llplirala, Litir., (,'oliiiiibia. r . On Hundavs J Leave New-Yoik at 7 F tl., Flilladel pliin 3.IS I -A1 I'ntisvlllc 7.30 A. AL, Tn uii'iua 7 A. Al , I Ilarribiirg S 15 A. AL. and Heading at ''J midiiigliLfur llarrlsbiirg. i (.'onimtitatinn, Mileage, Season. Sr iiiol, and Kcur- slon Tickets to and from all points . .it minced Hates llaggnge checked through rassenger. r,. A. Nlt'OLLS, Ptncral biipcrtiitritdcnt IIk.hino, Fa. Nov. Si. 1804 t ----- IV . 1 ttos?ufeea usllr" prevent ihe cupelling of wnn. Jre plenssBt to taV. nnd nlsoone ol the Ino'l ugrcenl.l- pilfjMln fi , children, Ho confident I-(lie Inventor of t lie nieces, ol his Inburluin studies in jhe ninnloiieal eoiupo. lion of Mils prepai.ilion that in' rurtiMieii nery ?ia niited iihv'leliiii. v ith a wrlltcn'.'i,ej a tie i ra In loan rln lira , , Till! FM.iN ItiiM'll. II VI, Vll'l' A.N'll .WW run wis i 'in. I. a pin iter f.r lu sur i X1 -itmiiiiii oi li 'ill rniln- will never i hiui(fe w llh itie is ! .his' I mucf prel'erabli-lo the old I'lirpphormi. Hi-te. lii li hard im in n short Uiiii" iiialilng l wiirili'"-- For ilirec lions ami i,.i r I it-iiln r r -e.- llin i i ill I'll . i the hois line huiidii il nnd Ijilrly se,-n r.iiiiui,,,, have been uwatJeil lo iIu'hi- relelir.ited it' i rinioiis, up m ' "iV.vl. At ' I "k atelln' wholes-ile eti' - In I'M) n, irnoi.HSAi.u .) niu r.j., For sale by Kiasuni-, -ole Aguni for lilouniKlmrp;. Stiurple . l.'alawla. L. II k J. rlineiiiaker, Ruck lloin. Aln-ler & Urn.. llllville. I' I'ri sloii. llnluiib im. Stew lilt & Slo in, Oranirevllle. Ileiidorolioll, Itloomslintg. I Fowler, lpy. t'rea't ti I'o.. I.Ltlit Su. et. Law . Si:inr.l''r. Lime Itidce. liimniaii, A. Owen nnd Alllltr, UirwuK. (Ill Fowler, Vowlersvlili-. i ti" All oidrr.-t lor Columbia Count? ' ?ill be addressed to THE iiu,ler?ls.-iti ais" extensively entpffd III l I UmlerlaLiii (ikIiims. and keepsroustaiilly on linn I nd for sale ul Ills Wareromns, a large assortment on FINISH LD gca COFFINS, ; Ilv whleh ho is eii.ililed to Mil orders on presentation J Also Keeps a good Horse and Hearse, and will at ul , times be reauy in .iiienu i uuerei.. 111. I?IjI Nos. !), il, Mt, i. W. ERASMUS. C. G. I1IUNBU i .'in 1 lllnoiiisbnis. January SI". Irt'J tiiAtuN t:. sin vi:. IMPORTANT TO LADIES. JACOB LADOMUS, DEALER IN Enoi.ish, Swiss and American JEWELRY, SILVER WARfcl, kc. 018 Market Street corner of Decatur, I'UILADEI.I'HIA. I Dealer in American, llngllsli ami Swi-s Wntehes, unikliig n speciality of th" celebrated A mkrioas Wxrui, whieh lie would rerotn rid In nil wanting a good lime keeper, nun will 1.3 sold nt the lowest i prices and aru the (heapsst mid best fur the pries. i .March 1, Ieii.i.-ly. Harvey's Female Pills tho mot infallible nml popular reined.)' ever knoivofor j,, : . r . ,, .,, nil msenp.--. in nil' leiuilir m-a , tirj ,1,1, ,- 11.-1:11 11 t!0 pounds allowed each , . , M11tnjlliii; sin t.-.s-iind may bo relied on In ever i asu for ivliiih Ih. y an- re cominended, and p.irlieuinrly In all rn-es ari-iug frniu Ohstntition or 6fo;)fl of Nutiuc, no matter from what came it urines.. Til 'y an- eiDc lunl iu re.loriug to lie.ilih ml who lire siill'.-riuir frn.n Weakness and II bilily, Uleriiio IH-iili.irges, Nertou. ness Ate , &.(- ami tliey AC I' I.IKE A CIAU.M ! hi strt'iipl'ii'tiiiiK .Tin! rcKtnrinp tin (jti'in. TliniuninlH tf l:u!h wh v t iitl'Ti'il rir irA nml iri-it .1 r m-i 1 other rcmi'iltt'H iu v nuo n rn!v,i ul (In ir Ilea in nmJ r-lriiitli uhtdly tn ilu-uLy of DR HAItVEVS F hi..' ALE 1MI.LS. 17 (.'jintlandt St'oei hrua hwy, n'.w Ytiiii; , if Tills nlil-i'tiihllli-d nml invorilv re Mill ol the' . nen t'oiniiiuuiiy Iris I'een rei ,-nily rr.fllteii, -in 1 1. , . plcle iu ever) ilium that in ouiil.t'-r lo Hie ,f, . ,( its patrons La. .if mid I'.imiliei. uri if ''' '!) n'ui j lull) prut ided f .r. It I-untrall) loe Hi in 'h '"I 10 ."ul -fin . , and l coniiguoiM tn thu pr..ifinil linn i.l pt. ..n car iiiilbiis-e ferries. 4t III eollHI-.Uelire of llo pn-""ir- I HUje.l ',) llie 11 , Hull, pril l"' ha., been r 'llie- In One llolliir tun iij'U ' 7"r '' 'lh. Ii'b' i- ' ,!. 'Imi.'.I i i'l .ill H,e ln in, lh SfiiHiili. alio isi-'i'liit -i' -ii-il "I .1' ) "lb. r IimUI i eoiiiitr). Ample a. t ..rn iii(rs .1 1 i-oi s nrr otli K -I lor upwiml u irilei,ts. J - l'o 11 -I I ' llev 1 1 11 nil. 1 . 11-. I. ni 11, l' d other S Ilia, -.1)' ' III'- We 1' 11. linn ' i" I 'll ' ii 11 iv 1 v Li:-1 1 1 1: ri 'j-n- THUS Ii WIM'l' I'll F. Ii. 1.1 1 1-iU V The Porks Hotel. on every week or ten dnjs. they will not be troubled with it once in Ihree month. Schtnk's Al'inilrnke Tills are composed of a number of root boaidoj Fodophiniii, or rouceHtrated Mandrake all of which tend to riha the srretious of the liver and act moro prompt than blue pills or incrrury, and w iihout leaving any dangerous c Ifeits. In a billions person thev will show themselves by the stools. They w ill expel worms, mucur, bile and all morbid matter from the system. In sick headache, if they arc taken as directed abovo, (afull dose as soon as thoy feci the first symptoms ofit Dr. Pchcnck will and hnsdirecled his agents to return tho money if ihey do not give per fece satisfaction. - If a person has been compelled lo stay nut late nt night, or dring too much wine, by taking a dose of pills 011 going to bed, ncit morning he will feel as Iho' the had net drank a drop, unless he fergets to go o The Berwick House, Rerui'k, Columbia iv., Pi' "pan HI', undersigned w on M respectfully announce-10 Id" fuiciiils and the public gnuernllv, thnt ha'lug len.eil llils well-known lioiisi he his given il n thorough renovation. The rooms have hi on re-p.ipei i-d and the entire establishment el-g.nilly 1 -furnished. Ileing pleasantly and eligibly located, nml provided with all thu reiyimilo offers to the public tlie combi-ed advaiitago. of A First-Glass Hotel 1MB TA 111.11 will Always be supplied nun tlie best the J murkets nir.inl. mid HIS 11 Mt unli Hie choicest II- I Miiors. Travel 'cm. ilrovi rs. (oaiusfrs, hoarders, c. I accommodated to ueiiernl fnll-l'.ii tinu. direful and ar 1 coiiiiiioilaliiig llii'-llers always in atteinlaiice. .Stablin tkcuio.l oiiipleiu and extensive in this ei linn. J. 1'. S1I1JJET. : Alavea.lNil. HhibliDtiil : how Lust how Ucstortil. Jut iubliKlieJ, a new edition of Dr. Cul ,jsiCJj v-i-rwell'st ulrbialeil llssny nri the radical '41Svr3 C"'K (w'niuiit niedicliie) of A'lieriuatorrliui 1, 01 seminal weakness, Involuntary sfcinin.ii Losses, Impoi, ney, .Mental and Physical Incapacity, luiii-iiiliiiieuls to marriage, etc.: alto, Coiisiimptlnii, Lpilcpxy, ami Kit-, induced by self-iudulgeiicu ur sex ual eiiravagane,-, I'liee. in a sealed euelope, oniv fix reins. Tho cell bruted author ill this iiiIiiiiihIiIh t-ssav cleaily demonhtrali-'s. from ftthirty yeals' sueei-ssfui pracliee, that tho alarming coiiHcoueiici.'B of felf-ubuse unv be radical y cured uitliout the ilmig.-ruws 11-e i.f internal meilii iiio or the application of tlie kuil'i pointing out a mode or mm nt once siuip'e, certain, niid effectual, by means ol'whkli every sufferer, no nuiller what his condition may be, may cure himself chciply, pritately, mill rnuicuil) E? 'Ibis Lecture should bo in Hie hands nf every youth ami every man in the laud. stent, under seal, 111 a plain t-iivclope. In any address, post paid . m meipl of six cents, or iwu po-.tsi.imd, Address thu publishers, UIIAS. J.U. KLINT, & r,, 137 llroailway New York, l'osl Ollue llox 1,310. April I, IbtO They are perfeetly hiriule'S on (lie f) -.tem, :- b Inkeiintnuy time Willi pel iett pufet) ; Inil ilnnrij.- lin early slagus of I'ri-guaiiey they .linulit not be Ink. 11 or u ml iirriag'-111 ly b ' taken, or 11 iiiistrirtiage liny he III .result They never cause any snkin-s pun ordistresi. I'.a'-li b-i c oiilaiu. iil) pil. I'rit e I'm DR. UARVEVS OjLUEN PILLS, !A I'MrPily f(r PlH'i r:if' (utir ilrcrnrs utrt'iia'T than tin iih'iii- , I'rirt 'ic Dollar' ir i- A iriuti- li ;ulic4 t.illi ilm i'ni!r)ivinu h'iit Ip- on tva u rtirritfil rti tii't J fl.V Cut thU noun wa if cm iVfi,- Ur Mnr'j'i PilU, niid it (.timiMi pfi.c in tln'iii nt Hir I ' rmr -ci-t, tU lake any iIht, f-'i" "Miio ih'ili-ra h.i iff iinpriiii ij'lLit will ri't'Hiiiitn'inl t lir IV'tti'lt! I'tlv they tan niakp a luryi-r protU on -hut nnliM tin ' inoiiry .tutl r'L-iul ill ml in I DR. ii-- :NI5W !MSim:s. I In' iiiitlcriv.riril . ti'iurdil fiir pfi-i int- r mase. r" Lilly mf rm- Hie 'jv.u 1 lliug in gen-rall .tli.ii In-b'-ts jiivi pr.i ored ir .ni . w , -r k new. b -ailllfii1 mill e.-if.u in.lp Phoeiiij? Cin.piiy Cit:h, b uhi h 111, jiiih I,,. . i.inv ,-nnb ,-u o ronw. ' , s'-ugi-rs mi.i 11 uiLMwe. a , ly aii.t t-ni. rubly li i libeiiiiuli.u-.' mi. in,- .,-i rni l'.-iil li- nil IJ pots, t Ibi-T'iiiiii II uill In In--lu 1) Li 1 lOii.ijo.l i-.-1 iHtom -r lo th,.ir rimi-fni lino ll-i ...lii iu 1 n 1 u p.itrun.-,",-. I'vi'i. ', envrs J.M'ull 1. (ill! T l-b.lrg, J.1II.JHM 7, Is'i'l. ,1 JiUVN CD.VSri.TIMi IMMSICI . 1 t'-i lltoa twny tnr )oh ulm uil! t-i'rtc alt TitU if pr'ijn i u ilir-'i l mI, n".t vill pond the I'll!, Ktuiri'd tfit.ii 'tiiTV tlMH l' n tin a hiail. Post P.. ul tH ui hy purmntiTn i:i:vi u m.i.v. tti:M.. it &c CO.., July '., IriM. New G MOKK F RES II t.'OODS. I'm mil, j I'.i 'sjjr' 1,, S'fin-' oil A n Av '(', U'HIIIIsbilt v. igiiitl ir s ju-t 1. r. tvtii. s. Mll s. New Dhug St out. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL rplll! iiiuler'igiied would Inform their fiieinls ami tin- . J pulilic geueially.tlial the) liaie laken ih- siiiudfnr mcrly occupied by Oi-n. M. llii2eiiliio-li. in lie l'.ieh,iu!e Ihiililing, 011 .Main street, in lilo.iinliurf w here he hits Just rei eiveu a full supply of , Brills, .Tf3 liciiu;s, i'aiitts. nils, ' Lamps, tVc, Which w ill h- sold ,111 muderati- terms for ready p.iy. Also, NUTIONS generally, nf every variety, son and sie. Flirsiciaii.' tireierlpttous iiirefuily ronipoiiinled, ai all tunes 1111 I on short o-.tii'i1. k- 'ouf-'i lioufl) it Hie best selei lioliH. .'llnl .-mil. Water 111 i .ism C A -li.iri- ol Ihe pn'ilir ei:toiu i respertfull) su 1 itiK'd. llYHIl &. .Mii Lit. Illiioin.burg. April II. L-l." ".lE 111: g I llo, S nf FALL X. MTiT?!. 051V ,1(.;S. ol all LiinN. Nil r,'.. II, m v iALF hm ' V SOOTS, .1 .-irt.. -ni .t, t, , tin best in He and Children' Hli Lei ; i - "I .ill kin I. A JYesh J'1"! oi n all krn-'- MoltlSSFS, I Tl'tl- "ityaiH, Colli Toba Grot rrios ' i. Il IIS Hie, I 1 L, S.VTS ASH CM', jco, S'Kiira, Oiinilii-f, Uai-i ti -. I,-i.i( .r.. A."'' , iv o FEEI A.M PROS fxpiy. L;icl;awiiuna & lllooiusburg: Itailtond. COT TWO DAILY TRAINS, "a ON AND AITHR MONIIAY, JONK t?(li. l"f,S, FAtiSUNliUR TRAIN'S WILL KUN A3 FCL LOWS I Leuve How to Lead Animals. Oaitlo, it is a did, of all descriptions, horses, calves and bheop may be led by making a slip ping noose and fastening it to tbo lovvor ' jaw passing iho rope (which must bo small) around tbe neck and through the noose on the jaw. It is a very easy way ; of leading a sheep, ono not obliged to go j behind and "push." After once pulling, tbe ibcep will follow right along with no trouble. tQr A married man who wau out at a whist party, when he proposed going borne, was urgod to stay a little longer. "Woll," be replied," perhaps I may as well) my as she I My Extract Sarsaparllla Is a Iilood rnrlfler i ray extract Bachu Is a Diuretic, and will act cs such In all cases. Both are prcparcil on purely eclcntlflo prlnclplos-M vacuo and are the rnost active measures of cither that can bo made, A ready and conclusive test w 111 be a com parison of their properties with those set forth la iho fol lowing wcrkat See Dispensatory of the United States. See Trofessor Dewzes' valuable worlu on the Practice ofrbyslc. Eee remarks made by the celebrated Dr. rnrsic, Fhlla. See remarks made by Dr. Epnium McDowill, a cele brated rhyslclan and Slembcr of tho Itoyal College of Burgeons, Ireland, and published In the Transactions of the King end Queen's Journal. See Mcdlco-Chlrurglcal Review, published by Einj'.v Tsuvisb, Tcllow of tho Royal College of Surgeons. Eee most of the lato standard works on Medicine. LOCATED IN EAST BLOOMSBURG. wife probably is already as mad can be." SOLD nT ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. Address letters for Information, la confidence, to XL T. HELMBOLD, Chemist. PKINOIPAL DEPOTS Helmbold's Drug and Chemical Warehouse. No. 691 BHOADWAY, HEW YORK, and Holmbold's Medical Depot, No, 104 SOUTH TENTH ST., PHILADELPHIA, DEWAUR OF COUNTKHFI3ITS. AUK yOK HEIiMD OliD'BI TAKE WO OTHER 1 April 10, 1805. ly. The tinuVrsizned havinz taken the well. known Forks lloicl, rccpectu illy announces to Ins fricmls ami the public gem-Hilly, that he is prepared to accommodate all ho may favor hi in witli their custom , lo entire sat isfaction. llo is proviilcd with ampls Stabling anil provindrr for the accommodation of Travellers, Teamsters, tiro vers. &r on nioilernle terms. kV Fublic custom is solicited. GEO. W. MAUGEK. Uloomsburg, April 8, IWS. i CLAIM AGENCY. rPIIE under-igned, desires to call the JL alti'iition oflho Fublir. to his facilities for obtain ing i'eiisions, lloiinticB (Local and riovernment) Boun ty Lands fo-Soldiers, Hack-pay, Selllenient nfnlhcer's Accounts. Air llitrliarzed nol i jers nr their huts can fjet their full llounlles, thoujh generally they havu only received part. No tliarges for infornutiou, nur iinle.a rbiitn is si-cured. Olllce with 1-1. II, Little, Usi., iu uiiite frame build tog below Ltchange Hotel. C. B. BUODKWAY. April I, 16iM.-ly. bed at all. They only cost SS seiits a ho. Whoever takjs them wlllncvcr use any other. They are worth a dollar to a sick cost. man for every cent Ihe A. LOGAN 0 RIM, Attorney and Couvcellor at Laic, LAFOItTJ;, SULLIVAN CO,, FA. XST Patience i. key of contentment. . gcToi" ?d n,,,cr r,""", p,0,n,,,' "u"ded ! ISAAC K. STAUFFER, W A THMAKEKND No. 118 North Second St., cor. of Quarry, I PHILADELPHIA. An assortment of Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware constantly on hand. ITS Repairing of Watches and Jewelry promptly at- tended tn. I January , 1SH5. ly. Stationery and RlanUelSook'M ' Qupplicd to denlors and cash buyers at KJ low wiioiaiaiej rates, Match t, ICW, -Dm, w. c. ruuav. llh and Baro Hi , Fhlla Don't furget the naine-SCIIUNCK'd MANUATL FILLS. Bold uliolosals and retail at Dr.Schcnck's Frincitay Oflice, No. IS, .North Siith Street, I'eiladelphia, and hy I Druggists and Storekeepers generally. Price fur 1'iilmnnic Syrup, Heawuod Touie, -jack $1 50 per buttle. J7 SO the half doren, or two bollki ofsyr rup and one of Tonic for 97 "5. r Dr. Schenck will be at his office, No, IS North SI, Philadelphia, every Saturday to see patents, llo makes no charge for advice, but fur a thorough exam ination of the lungs with his Keipirotoetcr, lie charges three dellars, I March 1, 18, Leave LEA V F. NORTHWARD, NortliuiiibcrlaNd, BOUA..M. S01F..M, lliinvillc, - - b".4l) S-ill Itupcrt, . . 9,'H I'.loniiKburc 1 0. 1 . li.SM lli-ruick, IU..'., 7.30 Shltki-liiiiny, - 11.111 f.l.'i Kington, . . P. M. !U5 . .-'cram 111, I5U Itl.-il New Vork, . . . . fsjlil Fhilailelphia, .... i,.;(n LI.AVll SOUTH WARD. Piraiitoii, . . lino AM lap, M Kiuzstnn . 7,011 S 3il ller ick, . h.:w 7 JiL IHooiusbiirg 11.05 f.'il) Kupert, U!U g.:i.i ll.iiivillo. 10 till li.l.) 1 Nortliumlierlaiiil, III Id 10 bo llnrribburg, I.Vill'.M. I. as Wnsliiiigtou, - '.ill., ID, .1, I'liil.iilelphiu, S.IO SOU The shortest nml most direct route lo the wcsland the oil region ! ifT Triiins of the Philadelphia and Lrn' leave Nurlhuiiibi-ilaiid i-very iiinrniug for Uric, arriv ing there th afternoon of iho saino day lo connect with trains for Uutfalo. Clottlaiiil, Chicago, with all points west, and connecting al Corry Willi all train . on the OH Creek New and eleznni tileemuz cars accniiinanv Iho uielit trains each way between Norlhuiiibcrland and Haiti- Arcana An Elegant Xovc'hj in HATCHES, rPIIE cases ol tlii" watch aro an entirely now invention 10 npnu-ii of six illH'i-rcnl nu-t.-ils comliiii"!, roiled togMlur ami pin- i-hed, pru.lui in-- an exact iiiiilatiuii if 18 rural zolil, t-iilled Arcana, whiih will nluiiys ki'i'p Its rolor. Th'-j an' in In-auiiful as solid gold, nnd an- nlfordeil a . mi,- nslilh the rosl, TI10 cate is beaiilifnlly design d Willi I'nnel and shield for nanio. willi Fati-iit l'ui-li I'm. and I'ligratod in tlo- ex act .tyle 01 thu celebrated Cold lluiiiiuu Levers, and aru reallv liuiidMiiuc and derlralile, and so u.,rl 1111 im itation of gold us lo dr fy dr iei lion. Tbo inoveiuJiil i iiiaiiufnilureii by Ihouel' know 11 M Jnner Walrh Com pany of Luropu, mill aru superhi) liiu.hiil, hiviug en graved pallet, fancy carved bridges, adjusting regu lilor Willi il'ilil lialuiiro and Iho unproved Jewelled union, V, llh Inn- diul and skeleton Irttml,, unci is war ranted a good Hunt keeper Thou wak-lics lire of three ililforeiil kites, the smallest being for Lndiss, 1111J are all llun'iiig Cases, A time of six will lie .out by .VI111I ir lixprcss for SK'.VliU, A Miiglo one scut ill a handsome Morocco L'asu fur SJS.tlii , will readily tell fur three limes llieii cost. Wi-aro sole uzeiiis lor llus wiiti h in tliu lluitert flales, and noun are geuuiiiu do not hear our Trade mark Address GIUAHD W. I) KVAUGII k Co., linpnrtPrs, 15 Maiden Lauo, N. V. May V.7. 1-ttS -3ni lil.'l'l'iel Willi ,i. n mii.l) ,,f,, ,0 ,.1, iiiiiiii-iiiii. 11, eie 1 inn. ir I'.iller, Lug., Me .1 1l.1l 1.10 liue e.-m I 1 1' l I'll illge i,r giiu-K, II I-"' II V C II. now burg, 1). 1 II) leiii NEW STOliK ,t EilE,r C little ! ' 17 tkf M)S. 'QU K SAJ.iiS Jt) VUh't 1 I. !Tt I tll'i ttl)(ICI'Mtl(!lI ll.lVIt." tl-Jll tllll Slnre l'ii,-l v ?'lreel .iliuve r.i-i 11 mtli is ,i b) James k. II. -r. .11 1, Irerl, In Ll0iilllbll.'. .. i.l .!,!., r,v i.irien of lleipi-rifiill) iiiforu.4 1,1s fn 11, 1, mid I - , ,t ir re" - Ol III-! Si n.-r r erallj Unit he n ill bo happy lo receiv. l-iiiuii: iiiiiiiiii.iBi!, nnu iiiimh nun ,,., ., al s.itisf.iilion by s.-.'liug ihem III l,et , 1I11, 1 iTSSEOJSAi-XS'.i-;, on fur lurins nii-l at s.Hurieior pur . His etoik cousiai., in o.iri. of Illty COUII!., UltOI'llltll'.H, FISH. UULLNHWAUF.. UOi.lii-'.N W Ri:. JOUiri, irtOI'.'l. IIAT.l. .inu espe, uny wiiii n s. ieniii.l variety o h A DIES DUE;-.-' ''lUDS. F.iwr .4hria.r.s 4 4e wlnih lie ui,; sell is ctitup iik 111.1 11, .ipii.t, fi,r r lni leady pay. n.Couiiiry piodure, KenerJIy tnki n in exchan.e (. 1 goods. ".'num. tep.v.'illwji a. llluonisbiug, Jan 7. I "lj-y. I. AT 1 S II. 1)E WOLF, Il II A LFll IV Skylight Picture Gallery. Ready-'yjuic CSodisf!,"; '"JTHE unilermcneil rcspeotfullv informs . . , '"' more, and Norlliuinberland nnd I'hilaileliihla. II. A. FON1IA, dipt. iMiigsion, juuu.i,. ico. akcr & Confectioner I'lli: iindeMgncd has always on hand and for sale, FltUH.i IHILAII, OAKIlri, riLS and French and Domestio onfec tiona in grcit and splemlid variety ; Nuts. Fruits.and every thing usually found in a hrst class confectionery storu. llo would lull especial aileiitiou lo his newly re ceived stuck of PICKLED FRUIT AND JELLIES. Having recently fitted up a new arid elegant ICK CKUAM SAJLOIIIV, on the first floor, two dours west ofllysr& Moycr's Drug store, he Is prepired to wait upon his many cus tomers Willi llrsi ciast Ice Cream as cheap us ihu cheapen, llo will supply Hall., Farlies, ami Picnics with lie Cream, l.'onleitionery, &c., at reasoable rates. U. 11. STUHNEK. Bloomiburg, April 27, MM. New Barber Shop. THOS. D HltOWN, Harbor, HLOOMMlUna, Coliimlda Co.Fa April Tl, 186S K ine i iiizciis 01 iiiooinsbiirz ana Ihu public gene rally, Ihat hi has succetded .Mr.lioseiiilock in Ha- Pliu togruph and business, at Ihe well known tiky.Lightdaiiii, in the Lxcliaugn lllock overSiohner's Sluro, to uhiili huiias added it full Camera ami im proved material, by ho pruiulses to tiks tho most perfect LIFE-LIKE PICTURE V, sealed or standing, that havo yet been produced 111 this section of Country. This bring ihu only establishment of the kind in lllooiiishiirg. nml huving been filled up at heavy ex pense, ii may bo considered a first cla.s I.IKllNIMH flALOOV. Croups or a sing In piilurn taken at anytime lie solicits the public custom and trusts I10 will he ablu 10 n nder general satisfaction. 'Li- ALI1U.MS AM) FlCTUltF, FHA.MF.8. of a kinds, constantly 011 hand and lor sale cheap, T.HMUN T OUAUIIAIIT. Illooiniliiirg. March 25, Itb5 BHiiN'TBSTHtY. " II 0 W E II, STJROEON DDNT1ST, KFsri.i-Tl uLLV oirers his profess lonal services to tlie ludies and goinc men of III ,nmsburg and vicinity, llo is nrcnared lo allenrl tn .ilv ilm .,,HU opirdllons in the line of his profession, and is provided willit'io latest Improved POltCELIIX TRUTH, which will I'diniertcd nn gold, plalina, silver and rubber base , tnlooktvi II as the natmal teeth Ml'ieril plato and Idcck ttelli manufactured and all o erntieiis on teelh, carefully and properly attonded 10 llcsidence and olTiru u lew doms sbove thCouit tl,usr, same side I tllyn.nsbur;, JuueO U63 r 1 II. c, I No 22 North Second .U.. Ono ilnnr R,re Si , PHIL A DEI PHI A. BSJ'- Clothiiio mrttle lo order at the horl CKt notice. Jlny 27, leb.'i - i;m STATKfe; BJ.VIUN nOTSiL. I'llilanil OnS Market Plreei, I', Iphi.i, nnillS Hutel islorcled in til-- very lenir-- or liiuln-'H a, and isneitr tho rtspciiurii p k 01 n.-m n- )!, !,, '."'IV " I'trlniiMil) -lesliabl, ! prious visilm( I llllailclphla on business or pli nsini . and I lie Manage' hopes hy close perMim! attention tn the wnnuotU' liisgiuns In make it a couiforlabl lioin.i I'-,, ninth si 111 with their iiiiioniiye .1 !. IIAVIiV s)A, rroiVrs. IOIIN ailOCKLHV, CtepK. ' )l,-iT'.':l. HOI .-li i j. JOHN C. YEAGEH, MANI FACTUKERV.WIIOLL8ALF, ULAL11P, IN . IIAT8, CAPS STRAW GOOUS, BONNE IS AND ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, No 25? North Third Street Phila'd Nov v'9 iei
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers