I If T . ! 4 i It "1 il r GQLUMBIK DEMOCRAT. . 11 Our Constitution. ..miard It ever! Our clorlons Unionhold It dear ' Onr Btarnr ring forsake It never! itie piorni uaucataian- EDITI'.D BY LKVt 1 1. TATE BLOOMSBUKU: Saturday MornlnF.Auff 19.1005. I ,1 ""iUMoc'jiA.v. ii Mniimemtipttobe appalled, connpt. d or tnmpromiicd it knowt no bnsnM, it cowbm tonodangcr.ltopprca.es no wc.kne.v n.slructlvc oniyorde.potiamitutha.otocon.ervatoror .ibc.iy. labor and property, it la tho acntimont of rtecdom. of ( w"iaShX 1 Democratic County Convention. Notice la hereby lilvcn that tho Oomocratlc Electors. In and for the aevcrnl Dorciusli. nnd Election Ills trlcti will incel nt thlr rcrpecllvn placet of holding tho General Elcctlona. eiccpt In Con)iigham twp., there they will meet at tho Public llsuae o( I'eter llower, on SATURDAY, 1 tin SGlh of AUCUdT. 1603, between the houra of 3 and 7 o'clock 1'. !., of aatd iHy, for the purpoieof chooilns two Delcsatea fromencli Die trlct, to meet In County Convention nt the COUIIT llOUSR, in llloemsbnrj, o i MONDAY. TUG 1STII B.Y OF AUGUST, 1805, at 1 o'clock, I'. M for tho purpoie of maklns the uaual annual nomination! of the Dcmocritle parly of Columbia County, E. II. LITTLE, Chairman, JOHN J. 8TII.ES. I ISAIAH nOWER, IIEN'Y II1NTBHI.1TER JOHN IIILI., rEl'LlllL IIEHUINE, I JOHN I'ltUl'l. E. O. RtCKETTd, EI.1AS DIETERICK, l!emocratlc Standing Commute. Mooiniburg, July 29, ItM, The Three Day's Meeting. The final arrangements are being per- i- i. ,t.! ,t. .,, . .,,,;,. fected to mako this the granucet meeting ,. J? L over held in Columbia County. Speeches will bo made on current topics by able men, original poetry will bo read or sung, tho history of tbo ''Columbia Co., Invasion" will bo given, a band of mu sic has been engaged, board and canvass tents will bo erected, flags displayed, and in lact everything done to mako the gain ing harmonious and successful. Tho citi zens should make arrangements to be there the whole time, s tho proceedings will bo equally important throughout, Of course no liquor can be sold on tho ground, nor will Jany rowdyism bo permitted. The peoplo should bring amplo supplies, as the good peoplo of Orangevillc will not bo in a condition to furnish all with rations, The objools of lho mectini: aro fully stated in tho hand bills. To all who fa vor Constitutional Liberty, and oppose tho pernicious doctrines of Nego Equality, a cordial welcome is extended. Nay, more; we even invito our Abolition friends Aa come and hear true Jcffersonian Doo trineB enunciated, One of tbo results of the meeting will b to show the enemies of the Union, that a strong party still exists, pledged to Etand by the Constitution and its guaran tees, and determined not to rest until civil law is restored throughout tho land. Power cannot intimidate or disaster crush it. Co-existeut with tiic Government, it will tail only with it. And now, as in the darkesthoursoftrial.it forms the rear guard to our Constitution, around which overy true lovor of bis country oan rally. t "Wondeii if tbo Democrat has any more candidates to announco for Assem bly V'SUr of the Jtojtli. Why this insinuation on tho part of Mr. Jacoby. Is not this a free country, are not democrats at liberty to oanvass IV, UUI uw , duu HdVU Ullb XUl(UiJ Ulu llgllKj ru. rr. nn4 1. . Vi i.1.!:; ii.. .:..i..i to print proper notices in their journals ? We have been taught so to think. In 1861, Ihcro wero threo candidates before the people of Columbia county, for tbo Legislative nomination. He printed all their notices. Wo found no fault with him for eo doing. Tho next two years tho candidates be longed to Mountour. Last year, again, thero wero three oandidates in the field for the Legislature. Their names were all printed by Mr. Jacoby, be, himself, being r.l 1. j . 1, , nrifl nftni, nnmhpr. nnrl ifnl. fi.o nAminnlmn .... . .T ... I Nnliriflv. nn holinrn. ftniiinlninorl. I j, But has ho forgotlon, that after ho re the paper, under tho new arrangement.and coived lho nomination last year, Ihaenemy fiml it one of tho largest clasi-papers in iuduct-d a Democrat of high character, to1 that State, of fine appearance, well print bo a caudidato. Wo took tho responsi-' cd and ably conducted. Mr. Campbell blity of ejecting that gntlemaa'a decli-1 was a graduate of this office, a vouo nation to secure Mr. Jacobys election and j gentleman of character, energy and abil it was aeconiplished. Wo then heard not, Uo is a son of the late faao Camp- ,.,t r.. .. .. ,, n . . K.u.,i, nuui uu, ijuanui, Tho othnr oan.1 ilntn wlin I. nnn nf ,' patrons, by two of his Democratic our young friend, thus prominent among . 7 , 7 , . oro will bo little left to redeem ex-p-i. . , .- i.i.'0 ' 1 '"'ifc, riu.b ic renuiro. Constitutional Advocate, mini mr tin. IWmnnt Mtti,n,r I friends, to have hia name announced for Assembly. Wo told them frankly that wo regretted bis determination, and could wo 1 i see him in person, wo should uso our in-' Tho Jersey Shore Herald, has pass flucnoo to persuade him from his purpose, 'Dt0 'be hands of Frank It. S.vydeu. ' as we did an aspirant last yenr, and tho E-q., Mr. Mojrc retiring and is uow friends of another gentleman thn year published as a Dcmooratio journal, Mr. but as this could not bo dono, our only 1 Snyder jS a son of Ex-bheriff Snjdor, of remaining alternative was to insort bis j Orange township, this oounty, and is a name or inour the censuro of himself and friends. Wo mav havo erred in judg. ment, and if so, ask forgiveness. J It.morTuianono and ' a half million dollar, to pay tho general officers assicnod to duty under tho icoont eenoral ordr. This is a monstrous iinno-1 liiioal. holiday creatures who never saw1"0"01 1,10 "omooratio party and tho the "front" in war times. Mostor thorn : out and stop tho vast expense of keeping j them in idleness. I ....... - . - , T Stone tho Co,umbua,Ohio,eollector , whiIo uWog thcir walk , th. FflrtrfH; of Internal Reienue wa, a defaulter oho other day, clasped bands. They tho amount of 8140,000. No matter-be . ffero not permitted to sneak, ftm.ll-1 waa ii'Ji'i, nv vuiuumuii ihikiui- 111 II' T7. I.I..1 ...S.1J. ' - LWiWHUtllliWUIBlW I "Lincoln Hirelings." The manner In whloh tho 'Ropuhlioau' Utioks to this text, and hearing 1. John, P. RIbol, and parson Wllaotv ilisouuing itho samo subjcot, induced us to bclievo f.t I . .! . J .!... wo ituoio m.ng was u,o. umer- jwiBO those throo reputable (?) poison- ,,u "ino. win .o.e w , ' , ,. , 7, 1 ' . , in ponklng of tllc contemptible hounds who stayed at homo to dog their neighbors. As wo be- fnr Mm.rl,, !,, , . row romerked, it was a fitting term. In regard to (ho assertion that Son, Buoknlew rufusod "to vote a man or dollar," for no ono clso is referrod to, ;it ig p&ipablc aD error as the other. I)y referring to tho records it will bo seeo that he voted for 8000,000,000 in odo batch I That our roaders may havo this matter in it inm lio-nt. wi, .nnnml an nvirnr-r frnm tho Snocl, alltiileil In. "And Ioonceivo it my dutv at (his June- r turo, unpleasant as tho tusk mav be. to aenounco tno men who compose 1 10 exist. J l ,,,K,.A!lra,n.ls ra!,?n, aS "UM' W l ,av proptiiuicu uieir mgii powers; wno uavc brought upon the country tho horrors of a war they might havo avcr'cd ) who have I taKon our oromcrs oy tnousacus una sent ier by thousands and sent of slaugjtor; who llav o KSI.S'oS: , tuem to ucios loaded us with .tieut; wno nave Broken the laws our In- titn. irnitlil nnl I. n n t.ht.lA.l h .. ll Hit . . . I - , I H I it only peeri - - j oi tllO uiwiujuc ilLiui'i upon ine suujuui,' i uo wurii 01 icjimi is u n.iun.gT'i "rnorniETon ' rcfcrrnooto Senator IJuokalews speech, had no lovo for the people llicylivod among t.avig nur readers to diuw their own eon- railroads in Virginia goes on rapidly, mid ,ri11 ' , which was taken down in hort hand at nor wish for tho propcritj of tho ouutitry, cU8j011Si Tho nuestio... asked bv the it will not bo long beloro such uommuiif nvmti uui iiiivu iiiaisiuu uu ii. 'i Terrar pnr.mins inn pnnnirv nnu. liilv ...i n. ri i. ...i .in . 1. . r ' 1 : It II 1 1 ..1 11. . . ....... '.a it r 1 m j . ' I I I tin ridinrni I llir.iliirlinili r IIP thcrs gave us and sent insolent hirelings to ( his 1110 saiue import now mai ii. uw iu. jj00(u too. ju ,j3 fj j ,( j ! teize our peoplo ; who have repeated hero The mcaniog cf the word cannot be ohaug- j anJ if jjoott, wa, captured and dipos I the abuse of tho dpnnt!o nml wietpd rrnv. , tin .i ..c i-im,in ' . i ;...i!.. . ...i... .l .i . : , r . . 1 crnmcnts of tho old world, and who vet , iruuiiuH oi me om wortu, anu " 110 J01' . notwithstanding all tbis. have the supremo ami unexampled, mpude.ico to come be - fore freemen asking to bo re-elected to tbo offioes which thoy havn digracod. " f From the Republican. Mr Editor. Tatemakes pretensions to bo tho soldier's friend. Tho old Sinner I How doro he talk thus? A mm who nays he would rather aftend a "horto thief s Skirt. Though a reoent invention, it has funeral than a soldier," and "tboy aro all J bcrome very popular, and is rapidly oh guilty of murder," and "overy ono who taining tho prel'srcucu over other kinds in nrllisfn.l ini,U In Vin ol.nl '' A E. Klisb Rohrsburg, Pa , Aug. M, 1865 Mr, Jl. E. Kline : Wc pronoutioo tho abovo malioiously falo, and its author sl liar, a scoundrel and a COWARD. LEVI L. TATE. Bloomsburg, Aug. 10, 1800. t6f Squeak and Squealing, Thr-so ate terms now in frequent uso by the Pee are unquestionably ihe lightest, most do John, lloivrty Bcckley. Haystack Email-1 eircablo, comfortable and ecomomioal eer uel, Negro Brower, (of Danville), and These aro advantages whieh la- e , . , dies, who havo experu-ncd tho. discom many others of their loyal followors.with- fort anj inoonvcDience of sindo spiinga, out, wo Icar, properly understanding their will duly appreciate. import or meaning. In I601,on repeated provocations from Dr, Patcmon John, wc publicly denounced him a "liar, seoundral and paltroon." He resented tho insult by returning us an apolegetical note, by the hand of ono of our own friends, askiDg pardon and begging to be cxcu?ed .' We excuse tho poor rhvil, as we only havo other cowards, who begged for quar ters. His apolegetical letter is on file. Wo may somo of these times edify our readers, and elucidato his patriotism by printing it, in connection with cortain correspondence, signed u Thomas Duim," in whioh tho writer attempted to seduce his neighbor's wife I And he is a fair sample, the bell-weath er, of the misscrablc erow who weekly at tempt to do what they never can accom plish, viz : to rcduco us to their own s(ltUS Wo pily suoh cowards ! They arc not only the "Devil's poor," but they are in reality, "poor Devil's." Fort Wayne Weekly Times and Senti ncl. Isaac W, Campbell, E-q , and H. Dir.!., Esq , havo purchased tho Sentinel and Times office, of Fort Wayne.Indiana, and united the two in one,as a great dem ocratic establishment, under tho above ti tle. Thev also nnblish Daily. I hoy bavoengigod II. S. K.vapp .. fcq , an able democrat from Ohio, as the ! n. 11. . . 1 l-.ilitAp i.F it, I r Wn b.nn AA:..n.l i.- n-... . , rl ,,w u.iu ureivEu uiu urm. utlllincr Ol 1 ,- oen, oi uaiawissa, who was h 'ntelf a ISf l ,1. ' ... , iiu-iuu- uciuuuiuvi ru aro uiau io BCC ! the Demoeraoy of Indiana, and wish the entcrprizo great success. 'good printer and sound Democrat. Wo bopo tho Demoeraoy of old hyooming will jw.rd a liberal support to the Jersey ' ' - nn-Vimam A. Wallace, of Icar"e't,naa Docn ro nominated for Stato ' served three yo irs in tl.-il rtns.liM. .l.nArl. ....I .. i .i llODor of lD0 Stat0 "quiro tho re-election f Mr. Wallace to tho Senate. JJSy Jefferson Davis and fl f). flov ' . rrr mn nnrsaenl nn --...-..,'...--w..v- Patriotism vu. Loyalty. Loyal means fialiy to a person, patri otism menus lovo of one's country, A person may bo loyal and bo a traitor.- The Quakers In tho Revolution wero call a. . . . . Cli loyalists, anrt were so in every sense 0f that word, and jot thry wtro tho bit tucy uvea in. xney wero Tones oi me Um'pe8t ey0' inr WUS " Pn,ri0"sm " ,beir rankling bosoms. Yet they loved to bo called loyal and to officiate together as euoh What the word meant thon it . . . , means now. When you hoar ofa loyal per- ' 8011 1,0 i9 one who loves some individual sup' remoly.and would rather servo him than his cn,.Btrv. Ha does not bolievo that rulers ar0 Bcrrants. but demieods, and ho treats thom as such. On tho other hand, the pa- triotio man wo liko ihat name is a uian who considers himself as tho sover- ..,,i .i, i.i co..,ni if., Invra w I,! .,,. 1. f,.r .!,. .nv n-r. his country supremely, fur above any per- son in tho laud, lie would oppose every n:- OlUwWl LIlUli IIWHIM M'jull V n.w v w v. . . j fi fl . , . r n ,. fl . . di f,M,.,l!,,u1fl,i,l,ir,l,.orofi,Uad0n.ion. - ------ r Ho is not loyal knows nothing about Jcally to any lord but ho is patriotic , i0ulty is a word that was iiiTenled uo- ,cr the old fourL.l system to express tho dtl the vassal owed to the lord, and it ";- , " " .Oil. noon mo laiicia uur ueiuuuioii.ru oi os auovo luuicntcii.wu y nru inu larco 1 . ft . i i V u . in,titui ons dscarded tho aft vost go of the rewards which wore offered for his capture . , bv the War Department, hv tho citv of 1 sovcrigns,thoy di.oarilod the word "loyal, at,d their palriotio dicundimts. should do tho same. Something New. Wo cull attention to tho advertisement of tho Duplex Elliptio or double Spring use. 1 lie rods in it aro eomposeu caon of two delicate and well-tempered steel .... . 1 springs, which are ingeniously braided , together edge to edga.tho lower rods hcav- ( ier, and having a double covering, This 1 ,!.-. -1 l ..)... it,: peculiuiij ui uuiiMruuiiuu iiiuul-s iih tkirt very strong and durable, and aKo so exoeediugly flexible lhat it readily adapt ifsolf to tho form of tho wcarer.and allows of ony amoant of doubling aod crushing without injury to its shapo. Thcso skirts Trouiii.e BrtEwixa. Forney's 7m i recommends tho Abolition Stat Conven tion to kocp olear of the negro suffrage question dec arinc Pennsylvania prohib its ueirrocs from voting, and nothing ran bo done till it this eTiaDced. Tho Pitt burg Commcicial takes the rtess to task for snub shuflling, and favors meeting the isjuo boldly. Curtiu,McClurc & Co. keep pwuring hut shot into Cameron and tbe League wing of the party. MoUluro says .. . , i -e ,t... o: w. . ..... nnf nrPtJinilQ TlfiHrtP. nnfl n.,tfrwnPl! flPil. mnn trtia (urnprl nf in llnhinnt with, sured for dishonesty by a vote of his own j eDts of the Democracy in a badcondi - party in Congress. Wlulo this "war inj'10"'- . . Africa" is progressing, entire harmony ., VT, j' "&h-f Sfg prevails in the Demoeralic ranks.and there j focdYo Sk ia uu iruuuiu uuuut piuuiunuiug uur jjusi . lion on tho negro suffrago question. Wo all bolievo our fathers mado this a white! ... , . , i man s govcrnment,and wc shonld prcservo I it as such. iymV Mv : I V u v J umvuwM umiw t wwui PiT?4 I h n Jt fifilh olnnilnna It fl UO rflanifnrl in a heavy Government victory. "My J 4 Unolc's Nephew" carries out tbe bayonet ..i ! , , .... . e -i t rule without any liability to failure. In fact he is (he iuvcutor of test-oaths and t.. -i ,.i,.i:- -r ,.!.. tl)B SVbtcm fui) Tifl Amcri. .. .1.. 1 1 .::.. . . :,i 1 : xau anuuuy luiuaiuia uiu iuuiuiv ivuiuuie r a llin .r.lpm nc na .Iihwti '.r llio lain nlni,. J J ' tions' in Tenuessco and Kentucky. So.Mi: in i nci to Think Or. From tho day that trains wero first put upon tbe Catawisa Railroad down to this date, , "T Tu ' ' , , , 0e1 lihat ;do" nol ppgjjjj wt,ji enough for a road one hun- more than twelvo years, not oic possen- i j . . ; Uluwl twenty miles long, we cannot . i l,. . . . , CSy Tho shoddy party in Berks county at their convention split into Curtin and Cameron factions into whites and blacks. The Cauuron clan were tho jeeeders. Two sets of delegates will go to tho Shod- ey State powwow.then will come the tug of war. Jho Reading Gase'te gives tho battle-cry of tho rivals in this wise: Ourtln au.l theollieM"--''Oaineron and --'-A Cincinnati dispatch to he Chicago I unrs says . Tho Hon. Gcorgo L. Pugh has received an Intiraa- tion that tha trial ot Jeff Davis will Foon i.l. l :.. ..-i . i , r ceeutngs, any acicnce ever Known in this or tho old country. Mr. Pugh will join Mr. O'Conor of New York in Washing- ton in a few days. . ...p. Th 0hio anJ p gtatQ Conventions meet on the samo day- Thtirs.Uv. th. 24tl of A...n.i m.u their Sale nomination;! iUI. Ci. -..! , u J. Wilkes Booth. .1 Dili I 13 IU UIIUUIU' IUU fcW IUU UllivUV .... .....i. ... ...... .... .!.i. luat oo.n, u mu neto, o, x . i.iucoiui is uui iieau. n- i it is uow in ouui-1 land, uudcr an outlined untno. While wo , foarcolv credit this Morv. wo dtcm it proper to republish the loilowing remarks ' IiemUa apronvs,uii will produco thought in the minds ol a thinking com- munfty . A rEW pEUTINE,vr questions. , ,. . .... ... , A lew days ago tVO lllilishcd tllO sub. eUnu0 ol-a New York d.patoh to (he Cm- cinnal (rtcM',wliioh m itcd th.tt J, Wilkes ttuoth was alive.and living incog, in Soot- la'"1- dispatch stated that after the ""." took PPtM'M"0'0 unnn n naiii nrr vnnvni ixrniiTii w n h c ii tr ii itiiii tl(J cincrgeDOy, nd ruado good his es. cape. This extraordinary information camo from a republican snurce and was lirst niven pXiblicitv iu a republican journ- a'' Al. ,L ,,m0 f '"W'S 1 10 Patcl , ' .frmn. (1,iri nnt,n0,i. N11i.i,nP ,in ron ,,nv UN I kj Oljf UUJ IJ I J IU I ,,ontjcjtv. uut wu is, t0 a lwo qucs- tions, and call tho attention of our re publican coleninorarh ' aries to them, They Ut. If Booth was shot and killed by Boston Uorbett.and his body buried where , "no mortal eye would ever look upon it,1' f"' X Mnf. Surratt if she would disclose the route jiM an,j otjrr 00r,l0ratiU9 ' not paiJ over to his cantors f WHY? To tax a (arm worth a thouaaud dol 100, U00 iu lars o0, and exempt bonds ( Mr A. has S2.000 iuvosted in a croccrv store odo week before lho assessor calls, Mr B. hai S1'J0,000 in money. Mr. A. putt in hi- 5,000 stock on tho assessor's books and is taxed 00 lor it. Mr. B. puts his SlOOjOOO in bonds tho day before no uievia mu :i"ui, ..nu luui lonifio : ., .. !,.. ut., i e ...,, (jujrnig . u iiuuijiouic iai ui in, li nan (icu uuiiuii. no aiso urnws scvin inoiis sand dollais interest making an inorease of ten thousand dollars I Why ? il...,;,, nJ nrlclMrilli. uespouc. nnn nrisiooraiic Because all Governments seek to win the interest of the wenlthy in favor ol the Government ag.mi.-'U mu lauur ui U1B iiior. Beware of tho tcorpii'n for ho wi I stiug. -I ... tit. t it.. 1.1 . .i. . i uu wc.uuiy uuiiiun.iuer w.inc i iu no i i , groos to voto, tor with their money they expect to o.ntrol that vote herealter. If a poor man votes for negro suffrage and is in favor of exempting tho wealth as the bondholder he will find that ho hus been working out his own damnation. When an Abolition politician, who has been twiatinp; and humiu!: office, all Uiu i days of his life, tells you lie won't want uiuuo, ten uitu no is a nar ana uic trutn is a stronger to his tongue. Wh-.t is the use ol a man being hum- bugged f RBca 1 When you hoar any leadn-g Abolitionist allium how be loves foreitrn citizens. nk- !.- .t . I 1 ..iii , nnu wny no mcijueu mom auu neipcu to burn Catholic churches teu years ago I .i i- w loitiKiDg over. Tf trill dmro itin rannfi ft. a Annn uours a aay lor irom nvn to inreo uoiiars a week and board themselves, h will not make shoddyit.es pay poor women moro than sixpence for makiue a , j . fa tWi, Anr.H f i. ut.i '. nv uu . cut.iu j, .uu uiui.u-uuiiii:i a hereabouts who havo been cnioyine them - selves for four years.whilo lbo"bravebovi" I I Ut IUUI j ll 0 H UIIU IUU UiUVC UUJ5 enlirno fn- fniin naare n.1ittA (t..tl., I. .. .. were in the front to savo their scalps, re - -1.... .i., ... ' ' siS'' in favbr of those boys 1 ' I hey won t. Calico and everything clso is dear, while tiie produce of the lurnier briugs a mighty small prion. This was brought about by tho Aboli lion rule. Tho time was when a small amount of money would pay for a largo amount 'of goous, aud taxes were very low. CU1IJU This was when Democnts managed the ! tor sa lu m mouo i-iullim superior niod affairs of the Govcrumeut. i paati; or i.i.mu. wair.mted Superior lo any .NOW It takes a lurge amount of money . . . . to buy a small amount of goods, aud taxes are enormous. i Tho Aboli'iouists rulo now. I Tho thing is plaia,and a blind raau can't holp but seo it. , Unless tho people come up to tho work' nml hpln tlin lliimnni-snv rpiln.... il,,. .on n . ! I . . . - ... . .- , , .. ... . i, l. The Mason & Hamlin CvnixnT Oa cuss. No ono who hoars those instru ments will bo surpriesd at tho verv stroniri favor With which thnj are regarded by! our loadino- nrrrniUn Thoip ninliK"- nt 1 our leauiug organists, 1 neir quality Ot touo is admirable, round, eouorious.puro, 'pnthc.!oj wbilo thoy have abun and quite sufficient for smaller rbarehn J and lor suoh halls as arc usually occupied , .... by Sunday Schools. With all this their STS wtoA S. SS of a opo.a.t d upon an entirely new principle, which gives the performor very efficient control of tho tones ho producos. 1 nil mm nrnla ni-.ffn, nl mhii, 13 Tho Maine ShoddyAbolition-Ro- publican Stato Convention, which wet laic week, dcohued flat-footed for negro ,.ir. c. r.. v i .. rn, . , to Son ZW for tho blacks-and.as goes New England . - .... ...... 1.,. .r n."8'' . ci n'w DUv j.ii IIVJ Ul X QIJUnT I vmtin state rvews iiems. Now wheat from Wisconsin sold at , , a .81.78 tier pushel. Tbc , , of lho Allfllio Cablc vine of tho Atlantio Cable, ha, proved u failure. . r.ii t ! 1 .t. . ... :. V Tl velv i,. Hi LouU a few1 lUOiuexoui wi.iBihiuu imivi-uiuuti "u,vu ' .... nceka ogo, has entirely subtiuru. o'at0- llinimnnd two hundred i r . e .1.1! . !.. 1. and fifty-seven aorcs of public lands wero entered nt Winnebniio City, Wisconsin, j ...... duiillLT lasl month, for actual settlement .,!.. il. L, .1 ihn clou uuuui in.. iiuuiiv .uu .o.. alone footing up to one thousand and forty nine dollars. . . . . r, , ., c3....- -Gen. Grant arrived at Detroit So ur. day evening, and was wolcoined in bcball of the citizulis by IIoil. Theodore UOinncy and Senator Howard. -Simon Cameron, tho groat Winnoba- CO Chief, has beell dubbed a Doctor Of 1 i ..f n Laws (!) by some ono-horse conoerii ol a IVII..nn in, ilw. Riieniintiniinn rlnop Willi 6 , 1 , t . ,t. . ,.f n as much propriety might the llegroo 111 U, I) have Iit'cn conlerred unon h in. u, najcutsu couimiu upu uiiu, Cyrus L Pershing, Esq , has been Dominated for tho fifth tiiiK. by the Dem ocrats of Cambria 00. far Assembly. The four year Mr. P. has served in tbj Leg islature h.n proved him lo bo ono of the best men in tho State. Ho was unani mously nominated for Speaker l.vtycar. The oaptaiu of a esi'l now unloading in New London ha a hi v beea which name on tho vessel .it C'i'v 1' iot in May last. When in port ibrlni so nrhoro for foot) when at sea lie I'wJs them with mola'scs. About sixty paym'tst' r. havo been brevrtted by Stanton, lor "I'milil'iil and meritorious serv ces. Att.... .1.. .t... .... , worn veterans, WHO Wailed SO long and SO wcarilv for the visits of said navmatters, . , V . . li.iJiiiuiit.io, thlllk Ol this I A general reccpiion was held last Kit i. fl -it- il llin Whiti. llniKi, nil wbinli OllU' U.ty ai UIO I1IIL liousi., on which .. uui no iu, mu- occasion all tho guests niiving business with tho President were admitted. The health Ot the i resident IS said to DC much , OClier, io" IS THE I 1MB. I'l'W persons aro l. e . I. . n....iA. ? aware ot t b i ot t i it in cmmi ir (O'liatotf. they shoulu select lho earnest t)rount lo J . .... . . (0 tuarKCt. 1 Iley atu V-istly f-Upi r or to tliosp oflnln ornwtli. pnti lip Iront lono-cr. . . -. . n . -- -r- .- o . and nrooui'o moro abundantly. Although ,.;. l.i - i,-.t, il,. thn nrli'P.i nrn ..niiif.whiif. hiirhpr than llior ! h iH be in a few weeks lieiealtur, thtMoMia - I . it . -ii i ., toes now offered will prove cheaper in tho . - - - --. . , allfj ,lan tnoi0 pUi chased late in tho .ea- s(,u. U0u..ekccpers would do well to heed this advice. KS'-Did it ever occur to tho casual read- , : ,l, i . . c , 1 cr,m rcailins the ti n y report-of the mil ,. ' . - ... . ll01" l:)kon b5" capitalist in the Govern- went lonn, that every dollar so invested is a dollar withdrawn from taxation, and coii.rqueutly the placing of an additional , ,, ... , . , 1" ,bu tL,MD unnn ,lle tP5" ? Such "9 t!e fact, however, whether observed or not 77 Ifnr.inn nrni.!... s.1..,. ic ml . , ' ' of tho Tribune has been raised bv the stockholders from 55,000 a year to S7, - rm. ,.M . ... . ., o0U' hen not out of town he anally UTlinc tu'ft Inli.mn3 i ,.A. men, ,ui uujm, would object to advocating u"gro suffrage v m, ' MiktlKIAG-ES. i In Wifk-ebarro, Aiigust.liT 1S03,' Rev. Y. C. Smith, Mr. Willi m , Uoiimns flZt " DEATHS. Uattie J!i. daughter ol Nathan .md "nzauein uouiDoy, departed this ife nt 1.1 l! L .1 11 .1 . . . . . . . , ., , .. , '"rdvil e, Schuylkill eo..Pa. August 8, , ' agQa lv ear:i mou'Q3, am md 10 1 J ' . Hp, i nv. n.i.1 !m ni.k , r .11. ..... And her hours of ullliriion are o'er ; ... " '" She has met with a happy release, She haa gone to be troubh-rt in mnp The hearts of her parents are sad. Tor here they shall see her nn more; But, oh ! mav they mrcl her again, In Joy on that Heavenly ahoro J. H. HARM AN, Auc.vr. r n p I? rt pa ...u..u.ii.i.irt'u . fomale at Manufacturers Prices, iiuperi, j.iiy irua-amn. AdministL ator's Notice. Eita (c of Math ias Vliitcnighl,dictl. I otters of Administration on tho estate jnf Mathias Whitonight, lale of Hemlock tow n sblp, Columbia co . Uneased, have been granted by the Register of Columbia co. to the un.lerslgn.-d all persons having cUiins against thu c.tatc of the dece dent are requested lu present them to the undersigned at hla oliicu in lllooiusburg, l'a.. w hhout deiay, and all persons indebted to make payment forthwith . C, 11 UltOCK.V AV August J. IrCj-fm S. Administrator. LEATHER ! LEATHER ! I rnilR underainnpil lmn lonv ;f X t.uir friendi and the public, that Ihey keep on nllJ o'1'" r" ' cheap, nt the .Madison Tannery, near two miles North of Jer.eytawii, Columbia county i'i.n 'd uf Xi a -A W 2? E E a 'i ftn.0u .i'ir1'.)'': . . . ... ' r;. "'i nufiaiii iija best warp. We will sell by Ihe Side, piece or luUcwt . to suit purchasers, ,, ,. JACOD A.SWISHEIt Ic CO. ...ttuisuii launeiy, Aug, I'.', Idb5, 3wS 00. -NEW VUjilR. FACTORY. NEW CHAIR FACTORY, In llie I'ruio building on lho coiner of Main Street aud Court House Alley, In part of Meti's Tin r ana curt House Alley. In part of Mela'. Tin Mp ffiMr,tt,,,r',h,(" make.,., or1- OflhebestklHd, latest style, and at modetats puces. forVClia'irs t,"ury fioduce taken in exchange nioomsburg, July SO, IPCS. JAMEH CALM AN, R. TKAYEK, M, D H ivuTmmi'!'?'''1"'' fr0ln "oitrose. m ces. that they can address l.im at thVla.tnamed rl.eo j.-T.. -."."ur '! ni psi rots attn ded to with piomplness A pill B k Nctt) fottCttisemCUtfi ' . J. WoichBClbaum, Ma sn dMi nm m ME) W T , AS S (g) Tram I'llllauCltlhia. . " .7 ,. ' ' . , n..,..ir-tf lnfo,,ih..itl.. of niom.i.u.. .d ..lolnllv Itint hp tin. nnetlR AUUUIIBI UIO XjA ciianou uoTtr,, hcre offcrafor iaio . s'iicr.i oLJisi 1 or i:vr.rtY size and qualitt. A new Invuntlon of ?ncctnclc. for illdatit or clo.u M .mllnir. ulih snl.l. .Iivnr. utrel and loito ic iiiell It reiumu. with goiii, Mivc frttmcg,aiid new and iinin f',..n"d.f''nbV!; - " n - :irnvc(l aaiorimcni 01 ren- film m...p nf hla own inbllcto blaHpcctuclearor Near Plentcd rerfon!, an I nianufactutp. Ho would patllciilnrly eall attention to for peraon who have been fpnrateu upon tor iiici-ai- ,rntt 0f cye, ami in iii now mm oi tiiaa.ca nnu 'rir0,,! "wi, Tthe'.r ,hape, exact ccntru.ilmrp and hlnhly polllalwd aiirface Tlio nunlltlciarc to be found 111 a hlih degree in Ilia HIGHLY IMPORTANT. Very net nrazllllnn Pebble and Cry.lal. ao unlyfr- r'A7.rii. fi.'ifih-1.1;? ery vnrlity of article! In th Optical line not named. Optical and other Inurnment! ami elnmea carefully rcpplri., nt .hnrt lm,1CB. He can aiwayi cii'ct cUi- ca in uit the vl.loii of the ncrnnn. n he '"cos them, upon flrat trial. Ho will remain In llil place during ucptcni,er Court and thoae In want of the above nr- iieieawui i-enno gnr mu ran- u u, , rcioictablc hou.e where hla lervlce may be ilrlt ivlll nVti.n Dive linn n call HowlUif reuulri'd, goto any rcipictahle hou.e where hla ictvlce may be O"'rho very bet Eye-Water and Hie best uuniing InsncialHav! for nlo. GlnaKCi aluaya Aitsufl IU, Itfi'v, NEW SKIRT FOR. 1865-G. Tho Great Invention of the Ago in HOOP SKIRTS. J. W. I5U AD LEY'S Now I'atent DU PLEX ELLIPTIC (or double HI KING SKIRT This Invention consists of Duplex (or mnl P.lllntle I'uiu It. flni.il Bteel Hnrinci. inneni' ouily Draldau tiuhtlv and ftnn'y togelhir. edge lo edge making the tougherl, mit II. xiole, elnlicarul .lurablc Spring evtruied, They fi-ldum bond or break, like 111 G tiingie Bpringi, nnu tuiiv'iui'n ( ..' n... perfect and beautiful thape more than twice at Iiitijj asanyHingIeriprlngSI.nl that ccr ins or can be made. , , riii. umnJ.rful fleiibll iv and sreat comfort and .. , . ;.-t.... 11. ii..ni. niii.it- "- "y l-HIrl Will De expcrienci'll pariicnnili) in un ,iui,u'-' ,Vscinblie!. Opera!. Cairaigc.. llailrond t nrn. eMinli ivw. Arm cnnire. for rrmneha c amuiouae itreiM! ,,, 3Kitl call bc f((,t,i ,S. in uap to orcupy- rt nn)ill place aaeanily and coiiven.eiilly ai a .ilk or iimilln : UtA'Ladyhavini,' enjoyed the pion.uro, comfnri and great convenience of wearing lho Oiplej Klllhllc ,C(! S1,lllg aKlri for u ,,,,i. ,ay will never utic - wa.d. viiimgiy dispenso w Vuu" mi mcir ui ,...-.iTM. lliry a.c iiupi'tlur to in ' The llonp nrc covere. Willi 'J P'y - Uiri-i.d and w ill wear twice in lone a! t In-.liigla yarn , im-erinc which ii used oil n tingle nteel Hoop Kirn. 'I hnll.rH. ..mini,. .,l. on Pi-erv Skirt lire lll.o .Idllble Steel, and twice or double covered to prevent Irom wearing olf the rod when drnsglng down stair., "liinv .. ...i.:.... .,,i . , . i.i ... i,.,,. 111 "?e , , . , , All are made of the new and Ueaiit Crd.-d Tape, I aj are the be.l uunllly in every pud, giUnt In the I wearer tile iimst grace till ami peili'it li ipe po.i. o. i anil nro iiuqu-iilloiiniiiy inn iifiiioi, iit-.si ueiirann-, , eouiioiubieiind i-couoniiciiskiri urmadt-. WEdl'rt' HIlADLl'.Y i. t!AHV. Propriilora of tin-In ' i . i .... i villliuil,uil'...vii'.iijiiiii.iiiuii;r,,,.iiiiiiii.-ri.ii'i"i;' k.J - i R'?deStreei, New York Tor y.i'f in nrrl cl . Stnnn ill till! Cilv. and Ihr.r. I nutnie Unitm oiati-a mid i.'nnc.i.i, iiawum ii i.'uba. "jf0;,?"1;"' -V.rVho f,,l!-x Vn n 1 fi.nnj skirt. ' ' ii imiit-., iplic (nr do.ible) Aug IU, ltM-3mo. CAUTION FROM THIS AMERICAN WATCH CO. I t htiwltifi innii. In hup knnr?lprl(rn tlinl. i ill J il.nloii! o? tho American Watch have been put up on the market iu great number, caliulati-d by lhir iiiitr u niililee.nefiH to iniure tile reoiitatiun of our Sdltulne prodinls, l o protect out own inler'sl.and.tlio p'ljllr. rrom initosltion we ngaln puldi ll l1"' tr.oH , innrk. by which our W'atihes may hivailahlyb-i known .- uuinulHLliiiu four tjicacl VV ntcberf. 'Ilulitit lius the name ' Am. iiciin VVnlih I'o . Wnlthain 1sh " i-nnrnved o:, the InM le plntu 'I'll, brion.l h.-w tin- nume Applel Traey -i u. V.i llliam M.isi ."cngrnn-d oh Hi.- iiiifidc pifU. J':p third liai the n.-.uin 1". S. UrtrtlPil Vi .i tliuui, ilaa. eiirar.-d rjn Ih.i 1 lriKiit nl.it-. i All the iiliove stli h have Mm nun. e Am ericui. Winch c'"- pumeii on u...- diii, nn.i nro warranted in ,-v. iy ! ''" fourth luMh mm. ,-wiu, micry, uo.tou .u,i.i - cugmvid , Plaw. and, V;;;."'-.,, ... r.'iiHci, on ih.i u.siJe ' ....... ...... ,n ....iu... nn4i of vnri- . ,;,r"' . " it'it naVdiy possible fur in to .ilv.'r e.i.e, a. may accurately rrper.he ...j i.niiirr.Mii ..... ii,,!-... . .....i.. a..u.,.-.- They are usu.illy niBcrilie.l with namea .o nvarly np- ,.- .. .... .. . proaohing our own n to eenpe the obiirialiou i ftlie unaceutonied buyeri- some aro represented as made bv the Union Watch Co., of oo.li.u, Ma!'.,"--noiirich ' company existing. Some am iitim.'d Hie "SsliMer'i Wntcli." to bo huI.I na our I e irtii or Win. tillery ttylo usually known as the Mnldlei'n Watih " oilier, aro ii. ilthe ".IpplLton Watch Co ;' r tliers Hie 'P, S llaitley," inttcad or our "t ti. Dan lea," bemles many varit tfpa iiinied in euch n manin-r an to loiiv.-y the idea lhat thfy are the vertible productions of the American Watch Company. We also caution flu- public, nnd parlleularly soldiers agaiiut buying cerinin urtiiles called Watchei, h" tree ly a.lv.rtiaed ill lilualraled papers ai ' Army Wnlcliea,' Otlicers' Wntchea," ".Magie Time Objervern," "Ar tana Watcliea," fce., the price of wlnrh lire .t.itndto be from teven to sixteen dollara. A good Watch, m Ihcic limes cannot be almrded for anyaJch money. A little attention) on the part of b lyeri will protect them from grosa imposition. UUKMKN'S A. APrt.ET(jN, AgcntN for the American Watch i.'oinpHuy, I a IlltOADVJ AY, M'.W YoliK. Aug. 111. lttS5-lni, 0 2 8 . HOOP K I R T S . HOPKINS' 0 2 3. "OWN MAKE" Of HOOI" iK:ilTi, Are gotten up cxpres.ly to meet the wants of 1'ir.t- Class Trn.le. rat. Wily : being made of the finest leniDeied Cneli.h Slcel f prings with I.inuen fiuii-hcd covering, and having all the mtt.illc faneninus immovably secured, l.y improved machinery. They retain their shape nnd Llain.ity to the la.t and aro Warranted tu give en tire rati. faction ALSO constantly in receipt of full lnj tfgood Taslerii made dliirts. at very low i'ric-s. nkirts nude to Order, Altered nnd Repaired; Wholesalo and n.i tail, al .Manutactory and Sails Uor.m, No. 028 Arch Street, above Oth, I'hild'a. KS- Term Cash, One Trice Only I Aug, 19, l36.i-4 mo! ,h, n,.,,, ( ,h. r.. r i voir immu j otittttic tat JMiTlU Utll rtuiJfllVtr f illtlimiHi rlyo all whom it may concern : Take no- I tiff , that J K Sharpies, Isaiah John, Walter i, i , , ,e'' a,'""utl Ko. teiibader, James a isincn.JuiinJjniesoii, Jacob Creasy, Ceorgo Long, ; anden i.ying the immunities ot a llo.lv Conmra e have exhibited and presented to lto:M&tcZmS I I'leas of Columb acourty. an instrument in wri'lns. purporting to be the proVosed d a u" o ho Cau- wl.sa Land and liuildlng Conipany." to b. located in lie toiMlship of Catawlssa, ll. Va J'cou" ty if Colum bia having lor its object the purchasing of ti ,wn . ts 1 und lands, buildiupliouies lor sale aud re it which filed in the rrolhoiioiarVs mr.en J JV.'.'. ..? notice to be given iiceojdina inlaw V ,' t ' and thai if no suilicient reason Le shown to t ,,, I , lias Heii inadctn the said Court to craut su, n ,h ..V.. trary, by Ihe Silt day ol September, IbdS, thev wi II ,i , SIS .US rVr v'S i!ien.; ' and b a corpora.iou or body pelulc in Law- ,lri i,, fact, accordiig to lho said article "aud co d lion" a. d , tnlHvecoiitiuiiaucu by the name, ,tyl" u !j tilli T n aaid iustiumeut luentiutiiil. ' 1 I monu,.burgu"Ti;1dM0,KMAN'' rl '"'""" r , 'r1 U h-Jlllija jY School will open its next Term of ... l-,eveuVYi-ekii,oiiAIOYDAl,Timi!SillllAvnr catiuuaro taueht Voi-ii i ...i, ..in . "'" r'OU E WJS neCof1,h,eUiv'hColX;'i,caJoo1R ,"d"'' Innrncllons will alsnbo given lu anyof the Deaun ful Uranelies. .H , ' u"'l eyTernn liberal. t.ioom.burg.Aug.lC. .SS,". J' tESC,,ED Piano Forte for Sale. A Superior Toned Piano Forto.7octa. fh'iPaln.'f alt','.'1. ,0'1 rgam for cash fT- Tha mker gutuntee for fiv yeari. Cr. tt sett naiiu'ii. ........ ,, 1 , ,, i uey einoraco a compicio assortment or , " All Ihe nowaud desirable Hiyles, .izeand length. TWO fnr I. mil,'.1 lll..r.' r,,t,l IMlll.lrnM ...I Jt ... m i i . ... ........ . -. , . ,. . ..... w.. .. ..,.(, ..it. ,.,w ..,,,VI(, ,,, ... . a I others made in point of Svmmetiv. Finish m.l ri,.. I wo hrnil Register's Notices. .. . . " A M & J borouy gtvou lo . i legatees, tatca if the respective dew-dents and rainon. thai the niTtno'W nnd will lio presented for eonnnnntlrii nn.I nllrnvAn.... In the Orphan's Couit.tu he held In i.o Mioburg. In ho 'o.KK o nVlnlr. In the nlWi....... .1.. Vopniint of R mnl Nik i i ol Kuaael Wliilo lute orttntro townihlp, decerned. 'I Final acopiiiu of L'nv la Yctlcr,, tut ut of llio Int vVlll ofSntnh Dav'la, laVc of'Citanif. ta t up., dtcifiii'd. l?!. .! ..,.) r It II 1 I i,fi y.u.'r. m-ciitoMofui'p 1.1,1 Win o'r c0,n,T roiutcrinaclitr, late of 1'ranKlln twp., detc.iiied, ,i 'rnii n . n ..nun in'ihir. iiiiiii ft. . i . T-!. f'l. r. - - . , . T, , , . . ' .. ,r . . of tlie rtUte of Josculi Ocorlmrt. Into ol Catatvli.t twp., uecfnied. 5 Aooount of Liwm 0. Qroen, adm r,of r - .i...' .i ' niiiHunitim. i.-i, mi c,..rv., 0 Mt md final account of Wnv. Job- bun, Guardian of Abraham Htinan minor child of lanc ritiuan. V anJ fln(J, acon(in, of Wmi Uo)). t,i,,a auardlan of i.a.u K Tltuun, minor child of linnoTilman. o Account ot Jjcvi v riants ana a n . .Y. ,,!l. t Abra ham Yuihis ndin'ra. of Ludwlj Young, dci d. 9 First and final account of D.tnii I Melllck, Eeciilnr of ElUnbolh .Marr late of Hcoil tnwiifhip, ilic'd, III Account ol , John lioittni' , aiim r nf tV-tc-r llf.Alnv, uti't w.-i )iitnrllitn of Itrlttaln llodltie lluc.j wh0 Bfi M11U iniitala llodiuo, who.' limr linn jP(.ph s orc 4 ' . ..i- i.v tr n..i: A,l.- 11 aULUUUl Ul ilUHII .lUUM'O. .,..111 I, or fcler Kouino, wnnwni gunruiiu i v m. Ulne, dee'd. who died leaving lu; l.mnm I. Il it'liw Ul0e cu.iriiiuu in 1 n ram urn n r. I'J Account of John r Dodinc, adm'r. of 'cter Ihidlne who wn nuardlan of Elirabclh Uo dine, now Elizabeth Reader, IU First and final account of John Dil- dlno, ndm'r, of llciir M llildlne.lata of Madlaontnp, dtceanoil, Accouut of John Erclnnd and I'eter EvHnnd, n lm'r. of Peter Kvtland laic of Fluhlngcreek ton uslilp, decc.lbCit. lfi Second accouut of John ApplfMum, Adin'r. of Ihtltli Appleman, late of HcmlocH townihlp ,(.CiaHi-J. w 10 Account of John Heinbold, Executor i,f Hamuli Weary l.ito of l.ocu.t twp., dee'd. 17 l'jrtt and Gnal accnuiit of Jamo Mn.u rnnd llenjnmin I' llattin, Eiicutor of Henry llntti.i, ih-cM. 13 Aoonuut ol Win Snydtr cnardian of .r ..... 1 ,.i.... p.i m u," ," i"ii ... .....v. ... ...... .uumr vbildofCho.ini" rainier, d. c'd iu First and Iiiiiii account of Elwnmt of vl,ttUt Mu,uiBr late ii llfi irrrr Khip.Vetfu. ,,""ull(-r " ""-'rcre . 20 First and final account ofW II nnd n, Ei'r of Athtl Dlckernoii, latu of Uciwlrk liomuili jeccnod. . ,..... (.,, ,.r r.,u u i . nr.i, uiiu iiiiiu muuuiju, hi uii;iuj Evann adm'r. of Mkhael Whitcniihl t;it of Hemlurk towinnip, uac u. o.j Acoount of John Swilzir,urvillfr l'x ........, .,.1 , . -.. , . oll'iriu riiin rniura, idir ,n inri, ... . . hit. ,i UU Aeciiunl of Samuel Creasy, guariiiau iifLoiiiha i.n'Ver, Intn Li.uli I'rv, minor cliilu .f IVter I'ry late of.Mlilin tp. iln-'d. 'ii Account of II W Creasy, Vliu'r of John .Mulilt-), Into ul skotl twp, deiM. iifi Account nf Mithias Wh'tcni':1 Ominlliiii ul Har.ili R Kline, dnuglitfr of il.iimun I, In. nf Alt I'li-arant twp, s!0 Account ol John Stidilon, gu-inlin i ofr'.iuiuel, minor clilbi of Ch irb- llnwurd of tit.-i.-ii IVnOil. J7 Account of John Scoit, Guaidian (if IPum M lliu!lanil, minor rhild of John llo.iglu'm lite of Lm-iut iwp.ilecM. 118 Account of Edward Edwards, ndm'r. nf AiigMet'i! II l'onrce, bite r f llriarccrk tnp il .c'd. 29 Firt and tins I account of Daniel Kov teiibader Adm'r ot Martha l'crry. late of Locuit Iip, 'M AcCOUOt of Jacob Ilartllian, fidili'r. of JmoIi llnrlinan, lulu ufOnliitnbia c. itec'd uitea.eti. ni First and final account of Peter IC llerl.em ,.lm'rol'i! nry W Hoagla-iJ. Into nf Lm-mi twp il -.M av2 F;i:-t account of R iher V. f'l-ik ami Jliciii ! I" i: -rly. Ef - ntnr- of J.icli 1 y' rlj ...i of U.'.uin (i, ,'..'.. y.l Mtji.toi' Vi'm. ii. Fisl" r (e.inrdiau ol lUniy v irtaj tr, in,. ,-I r'ranH' I t'.i p d,-i-d 31 Acctirii ni ,M thi n Wliitenihi, uar dijii i.t U.iuli Kini, minor child of Harm .it ICtim, .teceii.'ii. . 3.") Account of Dav'nl I) in ('lardiaii ol John Kitchen rl.il.l nt 11. nry Uu. h n dee'. 'Mi Account of John Aliirmy, Exccuttu ul John .Murray I.ilo .irt'ol'iu.bl't co dei',1. ;i7 First .iceoiiin ol itobcrt F. Clark, Cri color of Juhu licnli r. laic ol .l'i.liiijri. ,.k iniin 'hip 'lie d. ...j , . i- .1 1 . . . n I. , . 00 .jccoiuii ui itoniri l . u i ar , n u in r .f j,,.. ... , ,. ' ' " " . ' " ' " " ' " . Account ot a wi row ii .lacooy. su- ii In r.teriit.ir of John Jacoby, late of Ml 1'le.sai.t lownsnif. .lc .1. ll) Final account ol Hnh B Bowmin and leai.ih llower, A-lu.'rn ui Unah l.ahl, iute nf lie' w ilk lloro. ii.-i .1. 11 First and final ncciiinv of T H. ter, Executor of Win I'rj late of .MiiMin tn p , dee'd. Vi Fir t and dual account ot' John Snillh, ono ofthe Exccnlors of Jacob Mills, I ,ii, .,f -Madison twp., der'.l. 'l.'l Accouut of Leonard B. Rupert. AI- minlnintnr of H.irah Ann Jjcksou, late of lilooui township, .tee'd' 11 Account of KU Crcn-lini;, cu-inli-.n of lleiijamln I' Abbott, minor child of Wm Abbott. . I hrott township. JOHN (i I'liEHZi:. lleifiT. Augtiit 3, IC',', " "JkTOTICM is hereby oiven, th.-.t tln (ol JL l lowing iirlirl, a of persou-il property, were-pi.r Bijascd l.y the sub-cub. r. nt fcheriirv Male, or. p. L IL DAY, theSih DAY ur" AUULTd, Id's, ia the pr..p. r ty ofThomai Heavir, in lUmlock two.. (.Vi.,..,... . HORSF-S, ONR MILCH COW, of young cattle, ono L'-iiu' one two-horeo Wagon and Ltd, ono Sprinij Wagon, one Wiiggy, tlncu I'lows,one harrow, oiieCul tivator, I slt-d and box, 1 set ol harness, ono 1 single set and 1 caddlo &. bridle, , VII of which have been left in charge cf the sal.l Tims , W eaver, to have and to hold (tic satno during my pleasure, of wliuh all persons interested w.ll taku ... JOHN rilE'lTEUICK .'niniuiir v p.. rtllg, J, ltU, -3ft' Jj;.5lj, ' Jl " - - -' . i. rBMI8 next term of this Iiikliln'inn wtl' 7 n I. . r V" of tu"'n uge Irom JjiVSO lo fU'etne'in udle" onhl'erm' ' " rM bc n-i, !..,. ! . . '"' ami IVenrS' .V'.rt"" 1 l ",lrfa forGerm.ir I ilVlJ. a",d,,I"! va,il" Ornamental Uranchoi . at en I thc K ffll .,?"t I,UP'" wll '"" of the e., n, 'rT "e''e" l h-glnu.i.g start ne w . .. n 'aU!"a pn"-le. in order i- f'.u?f.a'i.un.' f'"1 V'. orts to secure ram I '"u"'ulf Progreis In his pupil,. August.'i, iei;.v KEY. II ltlNKKP,. A M. I'rin-ipal . ' 1 T Pennsylvania Agricultural so ciety. rriIK Pensylvania State Agrioulluml o," .,f;','":,y.".",.h!1'1 nlubilioii on Uepiemb. i SO, '.7, as, and '."J, leU3, at WILIiIAMSI'OUT, Lycoming County. Any niforiuaiion desired will be given upon pers..n ! nXs'o Xiili 5 , fern"1?''''?' Fs "Is.1. .1 r A' Uin " "'"'H'lON. 1'residtni I nc omco ol I lie Hnrlcty ni b apen " iffirh Al lvU Ml JjO.NGA Tlic oftire of Hie Hnrjcty mil Ia uprn m Wjlliann AKER. Kcoretary. Nornetcwn, July 'l IF6 BeafuesH, BlinduesB &. Catarrh, Treatad with tli ulsioct riirceii by. Dr, J, ISAACS SewVfn r?,nJnurut' .V0"!" Leydtn Hollaed. No. 519 PINE biieet l'lmadclrhla. Tsiitn..nlala from the moet reliable ioujcc! in the City and rountry can bo teen at hit office, Tho mcdica! ficuliy aro invited tc accompany their raticatt.at to his no iscret ia lu Brattice. ARTIFICIAL ESE3 imeiti wlthou pi July J, le u.r. mi