MM UHLMBOL33S FLUID1 EXTRACT BtfGHU, A podttrt kn4 PpeelrMj Iternsdy for diseases of the Mu44er, KMn.j., lltant nd flrvrilfkl welllc. This NMldng lAeressrs tho rovers of digestion, tA Jems increases tno povrersoi aigestion, oi brtln0b.MthrMUon,bywWcl.thi !ereoiu depositions, ml til unnatnral n. , telle tbe waUrore!ereon Jirjetncnts are rsducrfl, as tvc.11 m tmln and Inflammation, tad m gooa for men women ana eniiarcn. HELMBOLD'S extract buchu, or weakntu otlslng from Excesses, Habits of Dissipa tion, Early Indiscretion, attonded with tho following. Bymplomi! Indisposition to Exertion,. 1.081 of Tower, mraeutty of Breathing, Trembling, YTakcfnlcoss, Pain In tho Hack, Flushing of tho Body, Eruption! of tho race, Loss of Memory, Weak Nerves, Horror of Pliosse, Mmness of Vision, Hot Hands, Dryness of tbo Skin, universal Laaaltudo, ralud Countenance, These aymplonis, If allowed to goon (which this Medl clns Invariably removes), aoon follow FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITS, &c, taono of which tbo patient may expire- Who can ssy they aro not frequently followed by that "direful dlsr cases.' INSAXTTY AND CONSUMPTION ? Many aro awaro of tho cause of thtlr soiTcrlng.bnt con a will confess. Tho records of tho latino asylums and tho melancholy dcatns by consumption bear amplo witness to tbo truth of tho assertion. Tho Constitution, onco affected by organic weakness, requires tho aid of medlclno to strengthen and invigorate tho system, which UELMBOLD'3 EXTRACT OF BUCHU invariably does, A trial will convinco tho most sceptical. In many affections peculiar to Females, tbo Erriucr O'ccutt Is nneqnaled by any other remedy, and for all ecmplainta Incident to tho ecz, or In tho DECLINE Oil CHANGE OF LIFE. tV Bex STJtiTOMa adovi. BT No Family should l)o without It. Take no Balaam, Mercury, or unpleasant medlclno for Oapleaaant and dangerous diseases. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Curoa Socrot Diaouaoa In all their stages llttlo expense, Ilttlo or no change of diet, no inconvenience, and NO EXPOSITOR. M USE HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU For all affections and diseases of these organs, whether EXISTINQ IN MALE Oil FEMALE, From whatever cause origins tlng.and no matter how Ions standing, Diseases of these organs require tho aid of a diuretic. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Is tho Great Diuretic. And It Is certain to havo tho desired effect In all diseases for which It Is recommended. BLOOD! BLOOD.' BLOOD! Helmbold's SXGOXY COSCE2TTIUTED COMTOTCTD PLUID EXTRAC-T SARSAPARILLA, Fbf pnilfylng the Blood, removing all chronic constltn. tloaal diseases arising from an Impure slate of the Blood, ana' the only reliable and effectual known remedy for tho ruro of Scrofula, Scald Head, Bait Rbcum, Fains and Bwelllngs of the Bones, Ulcerations of tho Throat and Legs, Blotches, Pimples on tho Face, Tetter, Erysipelas, and all scaly Eruptions of the Skin, XSJ) BEATJTIE'VIX& TUB COairjUSXIOK'. NOT A FE-W Of the worst disorders that afflict mankind arise from tho corruption that accumulates In tho Blood. Of all the dis coveries that have been made to purge It out, nono can equal In effect Heludold's Comtocnd Extbact of But bapasilla. It cleanses and renovates the Blood, Instills the vigor of health Into tho system, and purges out tho humors which mako disease. It stimulates the healthy functions of the body, and expels the disorders that grow and rankle In the blood. Buch a remedy that conld he relied on has long been sought for, and now, for tho first time the public havo one on which they can depond. Our pace here docs not admit of certificates to show Its effects, but the trial of a single bottle will Bhew to the sick that it has Its virtues surpassing anything they have ever taken. Two tablespoonsful of the Extract of Earsaparllla added to a pint of water Is equal to the Lisbon Diet Drink, and one bottlo Is fully equal to a gallon of the Syrup of Earsa parllla, or the decoction as usually made. HELMBOIiD'S HOSE WASH, All excellent Lotion for diseases arising from habits of dissipation, used In connection with tbo Extracts Buchu and Barsaparllla, In such diseases as recommended. Evi dence of the most responsible and reliable character will accompany the medicines. Also explicit directions for use, ulth hundrtdi of thoutanit living witnesses, and up wards of 80,000 unsolicited certificates and recommenda tory letters, many of which are from tho highest sources, Including eminent Physicians, Clergymen, Statesmen, 4c. The Proprietor has never resorted to their publication In the newspapers s he does not do this from the fact that his articles rank as Standard Preparations, and do not need to be propped up by certificates. The Science of Medicine, like tho Dorlo Column, should tand simple, pure, majestic, having Fact for Its basis, Induction for its pillar, and Truth alone tor Its Capital. My Extratt Barssparllla la a Blood Purifier : my Extract Boehn Is a Diuretic, and wUl act as such In all coses. Both-aro prepared on purely scientific prlnclpleato vacuo and are the most active measures of either that can be made. A ready and eonclustvo test will be a com parison of tbelr properties with thoso set forth In the fol lowing works t See Dispensatory of the United States. Bee Professor Dswees' valuable works on the Practice of Physic. Eee remarks made by the- cetecratod Dr. Pirrsto, Phlta. Bee remarks made- by Dr. Ermum McDowiix, a cele brated, Physician and Member of tbo Royal College of Burgeons, Ireland, and published In the Transactlsns of the King and 00060 Journal. Bee Medleo-Cblrnrgleal Review, published by Bzxj'n Tsxtzib, Fellow of tho Royal College of Surgeons, fits most of 'the late standard works on Medicine. D BOLD- BT ALL DRUOOISTS ETERV WUKRE. Address letters for Information, in confidence, to H. T. HELMBOLD, Chemist. PBINOIPAL DEPOTS Helmbold's Drug and Chemical Warehouse, Ho. 694'BEOADWAT, NEW YORK, and Holmbold'a Medical Depot, Ho,. 101 SOUTH TENTH BT,, PHILADELPHIA. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. ASK FOB HELMDOLD'Bl TAKE NO OTHER I April 15, 1805. ly, A. LOGAN GitIM, Attorney and Counccllor at Law, I. APORTK, SULLIVAN CO,, PA. E7" M ury and other claims promptly attended tn, OcOtxr ,13. TT jnL E L Q L BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! IF YOU WANT TO BUY . C4. j. SPRING A'ND OUMfaER . GO TO Grcasy's.Storc, iit Light Street, Pa. Who Keep all Kinds of CALICO, MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAM, FLANNELS, CARPETS, vrrtcTi,iT V UUbliliHi , SHAWLS, Rnn(v-ninflf .nihil.." J Sugars, Molasses, oyrups, eoflccs, Teas, Fish, Salt, Bacon, Hams, Lard, Tobacco, egars, Hats, Boot' Caps, Shoos, Drugs, Oils, Faints, &c, &c. 1 n addition to our largo stock of Dry floods, we have a tatgo and full assortment of Ready Made Clothing tor Men and Hoys wear which wo ire determined to ell choapcr than can bo bought elsewhere. Call and sou, and Judge for yourselves ID" They nlso keep a flno assorlino nt of DRUOS and MEDICIM'.S, to supply the nbsenco ufa rcgelar Drug Store in Light Street, which will bo careful'y com pounded and suitably directed for tho accomodation of their customers. II. W. CREASY, &Co. Light Street, April 29, 1605. BLANKS. Deeds, ftfortgages, BONDS, Marriage ertificates for Ministers of tho Gospel & Justices of tho Peace,' SCHOOL ORDERS & ARTICLES OF AGREEMENTS. LEGAL BLANKS : Summons' Subpociieas EXECUTIONS, SCARIFICAB AND CAPIASES, WARRANTS & COMMITMENTS. Notes : Cvminon, Single, Double, and Non-L'x- cmption, ParclimcnV deeds, with every other kind of Blanks, for salo at tho office of tho columbiademocrat: The Columbia House, AT Cape May, New Jesey, VSTILL bo opened for tho rcocptibn of TIIUItSDAV, JUNE 13. I80J. It is the Intention of the proprietor that the Colum bia House shall fully sustain tho popular reputation wl'ich it hm nlready acquired, and ho respectfully " licits tho public attention for tho coming eunsou. ' rangementB aro in progress for the itccominodatiofc an extra number of guests, nnd we aru assured tbe railroad facilities will be excellent for all who desiro to visit this favorite summer resort. Ileck's celebrated Philadelphia Hand has been se cured for tho season. For rooms, Slc, apply to J. II. DENN1SON, Mer chant's Hotel, Philadelphia ; or to GEO. J. BOLTON, Proprietor, Cape Island N. 1. June 10, 1665. Stove &Tinware.Shop rPIIE undersigned informs tho publio in I general, that he has opened a NEW TIN SHOP In the building f irmerly occupied by P. 8. Moycr, one door below the Columbia Democrat Ofilcc, on Main Street. Uloomsburg, where he will make all kinds), Tin-Ware and Repairing, in good Btyle and oil nioder. ate terms. STOVCS of all kinds and qualities for sale or fur nished to order. ESS Country produce taken and publio custom respectfully solicited. JACOB METZ. Jr. liloomsburg, April 20. 1805. ly SCIIOLASMPS FOR SALE. Pittsburgh Commercial College. Illuglininptin " " Crittenden's ' riilladolphia. Stratton.llryant & Co.. " These Scrips, are in amounts of $15 and $50 and art ns so much cash, by the Student on cntring cither nfiiie above Colleges. Young men desiring looblairi a finish ed Collegiate Education, will here findaguod specula ion by applvingat the oilico ofthe may I. low. COLUMIIIA DEMOCRAT SIT QaAlBI!a!B3 EKDIfiSILo- BELL 4c ALLAB CH, Proprietors. CORNER OF THIRD STfy PENESYL VAN A A V WASHINGTON, D, Ol R. THAYE, M. D to his pations and all wishing his professional servi ccjthat they can address him at the last named place, tG- All calls In tho vicinity of the Railroad, inten ded to with promptness, April 8,ieb5. JOHN G. YE AGE R, MAN! FACTURER k WHOLESALE DEALER IN HATS, CAPS, STRAW GOODS, BONNETS AND ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, No. 257 North Third Street, Phila'd. Nov 20. 1862 S. H. DE WOLF, DEALER IN Ready-Made Clothing No 22 North Second st.. One door above Race St., PHILADELPHIA. 6? Clothing made to order at tho short est notice. May 27, 1805,-Cin STATUS UNION JKOTHIi. COO and 603 Market Street, Philadelphia, rpilIS Hotel is located in thu verv renirn of Im.lnp.. X and is near the respectaclo places of umusemont ' which make it purticutarlydcsirable to persons visiting Philadelphia on business or pleasure ; and the .Manager hopes by close personal attention to tho wants of his his guests to make it a comfortable homo for much as nit ,. .i-ii, with their patronage. J. I). HAVEN ii SON, I'ron'rs. IOIIN SHOCKI.IIY, Cube-, May 23, lidl.-;V i.-oi I LEATHER! LEATHER! ! THE undersigned would announce, that he has on hand nthlsllatandCap Emporium, nn Alain St., Illoomi burg, an assortmcntor different kind ofleathcr, such at. fine calf skins, morocco, (red andblack)and linings istl cf which he will sellcheape r than can be had clsowhers in this market, Call andcrt mine them for yourselves. JO,lNK'aIR'1'On'' I DlooinsburcMuy 21, UC4 A Fortune!! EmploymcntlTor Evorybotly. Groat Salo of Jewelry, Watehos, Chains, Diamond llingn, Silvor-Waro, Gcr man and French Fanoy Goods, &o., worth over 8800,000 all to ho sold without r'ctorvo. Evoryono to havo Bomo1 thing Valuable tilBf OP TIIE ARTICLES. flontt' Onld Hunting Case Watches, Ladles' (5 old Enameled Case Wotchos, Rents' Hunting Onso Silver Watches, SW.OOtoSlIOOO 50,00 85,00 35,00 73.00 70,00 150,00 50,00 50,00 100,00 30,00 8,00 10,00 80,00 10,00 n.oo uenta uoui waienos, iicuuie tune, (lold riatcd Watches In Mnglc Cases, 35 00 Oold Plated Watrhos enamelcd.fortadios 33,00 Diamond nines. 58,00 (Sold VcStattd Ncek Chains, Sold Oval Hand Bracelets, Chased Gold llracelcts, 10,00 4,00 .1,011 5,00 4,00 4, OH 4,00 ChatelninoChalns nnd Guard Chains Solilnlro nnit Hold llrooclics, i.uva ami t lorcnuno uroocucs. Coral, Opal, and Emerald Rrooahes, 8,00 Mosaic.Jet,Ijavn and Florentine Ear Dropsl.00 8,00 Coral. Onal and Emerald Ear Drop s,uu S,5U 3, W 3,00 4,00 4,00 5, CO 3,00 4,00 3,00 3,00 8,00 0,01) 10,00 7,00 8,00 Iti.txi 7,00 aoo 10,00 10,00 11,00 10,011 10,00 15,00 12,00 10,00 10,00 15,00 50,00 50,00 40,00 50,00 California Diamond llicatt I'ins, (lold Fob and Vest Watch Keys, Fob and Vest llibbou Slides, Solitaire Slecvo lluttons, Studs, etc, flold Thimbles, Pencils, etc., Miniature Lockets, Miniature Lockets Magic Spring, flold Toth Picks. Cmsses, etc. Plain Gold Hints. Chased Cold Rings, Stone Set and Signet Kings, California Diamond Rings, Ladles' Jewelry in scte Jctandfiold lollies' Jewelry in sets Cameo. Pearl 4.0U Gold Pens. Silver listen. Harder & l'cncil.4,00 Gold Pens and Gold Mounted Holders, 5, OS Gold Pens k Gold intension Holders, 0,00 SilverOoblcts and Drinking Cups, 30,00 Silver Castors, Fruit and Caho Baskets, "".IHJ Silver Ten Si Tnblo Bpoons tc. Forks, doiW.OO 8ilvcr Tinted Tea I'ots and Cnd'eo Urns, 35,00 silver natcd lea ntcliors and Molasses Cups, 2j,00 00,00 Sco what tho most popular and widely circulated periodicals say of our Establishment: From tho "Dispatch" of February 25,'05 Wo take pleasure In calling tho attention of our renders to the nnnounccincnl of .Messrs. Davnugli ft Co's Orcat Salo of Jewelry, Silver Ware, and Fnnoy floods, inour advertising columns. Wc arc person ally acquainted with tho mcui'icra of this firm and know them t.i be Gentlemen of sterling worth and in tcgrety, Their stock of goods, for variety aud extent, we havo scarcely seen paralleled. From tho "Mirror of Fashion,'' March 1st, 1805. Mesrs. Devaugh & Co's Great Sale of Jewelry, etc., opened on the ISth tilt., and wc venture to say that no finer display nf goods was ovr-r exhibited by any estab lishment in this tlty. Thu ladies thronged their ba zaar almost to sulfocatlnn, although the streets wero rendered nearly hnpajsablo by tho incited snow nnd slush. We predict for them n wonderful success From tho "Ledger," February v28, 1805. Our lady friends should visit the extensive establish ment of Messrs. Duvaueh & Co.. No. 15 Maiden Lann. if they wish to indulge themselves with a sight which thiy will long remember. Such a profusion of elegant waicncs. mains, Kings, uurnnga and, sit snort, nf Jewelry of every name, kind and description, wn nev er before witnessed. Their silver nnd plated ware Is superb nnd almost casts into the shuUa tho other splen did establishments uhich have long been thu boast of our city. It is estimated that their stock is worth not less man one minion 01 uoiiars, From tho "Tribuno" of April 21, 1805. An acquaintance nf over 10 years with Messrs. Gl rard W. Devaugh & Co., warrants us in speaking in the Inchest terms nf them, i hey aro anions our nlilcst Maiden Lane Jewelers and have long enjoyed u wide and enviable reputation. From tbo "fcstaats icitung,' April 24, '05. Many of the hands in our oilico hnvc sneculaied in the Eutarprise of Messrs, Devaugh lc Co., and though none of them have yt realized 'a fortune' all express themselves (well plensed with their venture. Two of mem uy working alter Hours nave made over S AW cadi witliiii'six weeks. How You Can Get a Prize. Send Twenty-Five Oents to us, and as soon as we receive it wo will mail you a certllicute showing what you arc entitled 1 1. If tho article or articles please you, rend back the Certificate arid One Dollar wo will forward yoa tho article, no mutter how costly it may be. If the article is not what you wish, male, wl'cn you send the Certificate nnd dollar, what other article of the samu value you prefer and wo will soud it. If you wiili more than one Certificate send us SI and wo will send live ; for Si, eleven ; for $5, thirty ; for 10, sixty ; for 315. one hundred. AUENT8 ARE WANTED in the Army and in every nlace. Wc have an immense stock of iruods to dls- pusc of, and needa large tiHiuberof Agents. Our terms tu Agents are very liberal and some even or our l.ndy Agents arc making from 85 to S'-IO n d.ty. Wc give Agents 50 per cent, on all Certificates they sell provi ded they remit not less than 81 for eiht. J3 Write your nanu and address distinctly, aud say only what is necessary GIIUUD W. DEVAUGH & Co., 15 Maiden Lane, New York. May 57, 18li5.-2iii, Dr. Talbott's Pills. (ANTI-DYSPETIC) Composed of highly Concentrated Extracts from ROOTS AND IIERUS Of the greatest medicinal value, prepared from the original prescription of the cclcbrulcd Dr. T.ilbott. and used by him with remarkable success for twenty. ycurs. in iiiiuiiioic reuiuuy hi uu DISEASES OF TIIE LIVER, or any derangement of TIIE DIGESTIVE ORGANS. They euro Diarrhoea, Dyspepsia,-Scrof-! ula, Jaundice, Biliousness, Liver Complaint. Thu well-known Dr. Molt says of these Pills : "I havo used tho formula from which your Pills are made, in my practice for over 12 years; they have tho finest eiTcct upon thu Liver nnd Digestive Organs of! any medicine in thu world, nnd are the most perfect Purgative which has ever yet been made by anybody. They are safe and pleasant to lake, but powerful tn cure. Their penetrating prop.Tl es stimulate the vi tal activities of the body, remove the obstructions of its organs, purify thu blood, and cxpell disease. They purge out tbe foul humors which breed and grow dis temper, stimulate sluggish or disordered organs into their natural action, and impart n healthy tone with strength to thu whole system. Nit only do theycuru tho every day complaints of everybody, but also for midable and dangerous diseases, and being purely veg etable are free from any risk or harm. No person who has once used these Pills will ever be without them." They create pure blood and remove all impurities from the system, hence aru a positive cure for FEVEKS, HEADACHE. PILES, MER CURIAL DISEASES AND HER EDITARY HUMORS. DOSE-Tor adults, one Pill In llioinorning j f irchll dred under Hjears, half a Pill, Price One Dollar per Box. Trado supplied, or sent by Mail, post paid, to any part of tho United States or Cauadas on receipt of price Nono Genuine with out tho facsimile signature of V. Mott Talbott, M. D. V. MOTT TALBOTT & Co., No. 62 Fulton St New York. May 27. 18G5.-ly The Forks Hotel. LOCATED IN EAST BLOOMSBURG. The undersigned having taken tho well-known Forks Hotel, retpectu illy announces tu his friends nnd the public generally, that ho is prepared to accommodate all who may favor him with their custom, to entire sat isfaction. He is provided with ample Stabling and provimlcr for the accommodation of Travellers, Teamsters, Dro vers, &c,, on moderate terms. E7" Public custom is solicited. GEO. W. MAUSER. Bloomsburg, April 8, 18M, 1 C LAI 31 AGENCY. ''PUB undersigned, ' desires to call tho A. attention ofihe Public to Ills facilities for obtain ing Pensions, llounties (Local and Government) Itoun. ty Lauds for Soldiers, llack-pay, Settlement ofotlicer's Accounts, kf . Discharged Soldiers or their lioSs can gei ineir iuii uouuiies, uiougu gcuurally they havo oulv received part. No charges for information, nor unlei's cLilm Is secured. Olheu with E. II, Little, Esa., in wiiiie iramc uuuumg ueiow Exchange Hotel. 0. B. BROCK WAY. April 1, lSo5.-Jy, ISAAC K. STAUFFER, W AT Utt m. Ait JUK AND No, 118 North Second St., cor. of Quany, r 11 l Jj A JJ J3 L P II I A . An assortment of Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware constantly on hand. E3" Repairing f Watches and Jewelry promptly at tended to. January 4, 1803. ly. Stationery ami RlanlHook's Supplied to doalcrs and cash buyers at low wholesale rates, W. U. PERRY. Match I, Ic05,-3iii( lhiidl(ace tils., I'hila Schenk's Mandrake FOR Sick Its Symptoms, Cause and Cure, rillllS has rocoived its name from rt oon slant nausea or sickness at the stomach, which attends the pain In the head. This licadacho Is apt to begin in the morning on waking from a deep sleep, nnd when sonic irrsgulgrity of die, has been commit- cd on the day before, or somotimcs for sovcraldajs previous, At first there is a distressingly oppressive feeling ill the head, uhich gradually mcrjcs Into a so vera heavy pain in the temples, frequently ntten ded by a sense of fullness and tenderness in one eye, and extending across tho forehead. Theru is a clammy, unpleasant tasto in the mouth, nn ollunsivo breath, and the tongue covered with a yellowish whito fur. The sufferer desires to be alone in a dnik room. As soon as Inc patient foils thu fullness in Hie head and pain in the temples, take u lare dose ufScliluk' s andrako I'lIU' and in an liour or two they will feel as wcllas ever. This has been tried by thousands, and is always sure to cure, uud idtlenJ nf the sick hcadachu couiine on every week or leu days, they will not be troubled w ith it once in three months Hchcnk's Mandrake Pills nre composed of a number of root besides Podophlniii, or concentrated Mandraku ull of which tend tn relax the secretions of the liver and act moro prompt than blue pll or mereury, and wi'liout lcaing any dangerous effects. Inabillious perbon thev will show themselves by the stools. They will expel worms, mucue, bile and all morbid matter from thu system. In sick headache, if they arc taken us directed abovn, (afull dose as soon ns they feel the first symptoms nfil Dr. Schcnck will and has directed his agents to return the money if iliey do not give per fecc satisfaction. If a person has been compelled to stay out lato at night, or dring too much wine, by taking a dose of pills on going to bed, next morning he will feel as tho' the had not drank a drop, unless he forgets to go to bed at all. They only cost 25 cents a box. Whoever taka'sthoni will never use any other. They are worth a dollar to a sick cost. man for every cent I he Dun't forget the nams-SCIIL'NcK'd .MANDATE PILLS. Sold wholesale and retail at Dr. Schcnck' Princigay Oflicc, No. 15, North Sixth Street, Peiladolphia, and by Druggists and Storekeepers generally, Trice for Pulmonic Syrup, Seawood Tonic, eack $1 30 per buttle, 37 50 tho half dozen, or two boltlts ofsyr rup and onu of Tonic, fur $7 75, Dr. Schcnck will be at Ills office, No, 15 North St, Philadelphia, every Saturday to sec patients. Ho makes no charge for advice, but fur a thorough exam ination of the lungs with his Ueiplromclcr, he charges three dollars. Match li, m$ Keep Your Eye ON THIS PLACE. S OND AlililVAL OB1 NEW GOODS. if. & EWER HAS enlarged and greatly Improved his Store Room and stocked It with' a larte and superior Slock of IIALl, anil WINTER GOODS, which will bo sold as low as at any other establishment In the country, idicos at 10, 18, 30 and 25 cents. Muslins, lihathcdand Grown at 25, 28, up to 48 cents. DnESS GOODS of every shade, quality andprlco; a full lino of Domestic Goods, via ! Checks, Stripes, Ticks, Llnnen nnd Cotton Tablo Diaper, Glnghnms, Nankeens, tic kc. A good supply of Ladies Shoes nnd Gaiter New stock of Hats aud Caps. All Wool Ingrain anil Cottago Carpets. a splendid article Just opened and for sale, A fresh supply of Groceries and Spices, a new lot of OADAR AND WILLOW WARE. MACKEIlAti by the quarter, half nnd nhnlo barrel Nos. 1 and 3, medium and large. Also, a large and splendid assortment of new designs. Also, a new lot of TRUNKS and Oil Cloth Satchels, Having bought these goods before the late rise, I am prepared to sell low, cheap as the cheapest for cash or country produce. WIJ STUDY TO rl.EASE. Bloomsburg, Jnn, 7, lcW. Reding Rail -road. WINTER ARANGEMENT, NovFmbcr 7th, 1804, Great Trunk Lino from tho North and Nortli-Wcst for riillade'phia, New-York, Read ing, Pottsvillc, Lebanon, Allentown, Enstnn, A, n kc. Trains leave Ilnrrlsburg for New-York, as follows At 3.00 nnd f. 15 A, M. nnd 1.15 P. M., nrrlving at New York nt 10 A. M nnd 2.45 and 10 00 P. tl. Thu above connect with similar Train, nn th Penn sylvania Rail Road, and Sleeping Curs uuomp.ny the first two Trains, without chango. Lcnvo for Reading, l'ottsvlllc,T.ima'iin, Minr.-svlllp, Allentown, and Philadelphia at C15 A. AI, nn 1 1.45 P, M stopping at Lebanon and principal rilatiour only. Wnv T'ralus. stonning nt all points, nt 7 25 A M, nnd 4.40 P.M. Returning: Leave Ncw-Yorl, nt 0 M., 12 noon, i.nd 7.00 P. M. Philadelphia nt U A. 51 and 11.30 P. M : Pottsvillent 8 50 A. M.nnd 2.35 P. 51 I rnmnqun at 8.10 A. ,n. aml2.l3r. at. nun Kenning tit .niiinigiit, ami 10.43 A. M i..h nti'i uu, r. ,,i. Reading Accomodation Train, Leaven ItindingntG 30 A. M. returning from Philadelphia nt 4.3 P. 51. Columbia Railroad Train 3 leave lloudin; at 0.40 nnd II A SI, fur I'.plirata, l.lllz, Columbia, he tin Sundays i Leave New. York at 7 I' tl , Philadel phia 3.15 P 51., Pottsvillc 7.311 A. 5t , T.i iiu'iun 7 A, 51 , llarrishurg a 15 A, 5L. and Heading at 12 midnight, fur llarrisburg. Commutation, Mileage, Season, Sr mid, and recur sion Tickets tu aud from nil points, at minted Rates. Itagguiic checked through SO pounds allowed each Passenger, O. A. N1COLI.S, Otvcral iuiicriHtrndent RtjntNO, Tn. Nov. 20, 1801. JACOB LADOMUS, DEALER IN English, Swiss and American JEWELRY, SILVER WARH, &o . , n n. I a ti. . . n ..... uio iiiciv.Lt otirr,, writer vj "a""" , PlJILADELPIIIA. Dealer in American, r.uelish and Swirfs Watches, inaking n speciality of the celebrated Amkiucin I Watiii. wImlIi lie would ri'iomiuehd to ull wanting a I good time keener, nnu will bo sM.I nt the lowest i prices ami aru thu cheapest and b!t for the puce. .March 1, leti5.-ly. The Berwick House Jknci-h, Columbia en.. Pi- Mlir, undersigned would respeitl'ully announce to 'slff1 ''''' '"iu"1'3 a1"' fblie ginerallv, that having leaed this well-known house-he has given it ulhurouuu renovation. Tho moon havi-li;u ru-pnpei ed and the entire establishment i'l,-gaiitly refurnished. Being pleasantly aud eligibly located, and provided with all thu re.pilxile convenience, it oilers to thu public the couibiscd advantages of A First-Class Hotel. II IS TABLE will always bi supplied with the best the markets allord, and II IS BAR Willi the choicest li nunr. Travellers, drovers, (canisters, boarders, fee. accommodated to general satisfaitinn. Careful and nc complicating Ilo.tlers always in nttemlaiicn. Stablin thu most complete and extensive In this section. J. P. S1BBET. ,May2?,iei4. Mntiliooil : how Lost how Restored. Jiii-t published, a new edition of Dr. Cul verwell'slVlfbrnted Essay on thu radical cure (w ithout medicine) of SneriiiatorrhiEa. or seniinal weakoeft. liiL.nliiuin.v 3nil:,l Losos, tmpntuiiry, .Mental and Physical Incapacity, luipeiidliiients to marriage, etc.: also, Consumption, Epilepsy, ami Fits, induced by selr-indulgeucc or sex ual extravagance. 3y Price, in a sealed envelope, only sit cents. Tho celebrated author in this admirable essay clcarlv demonstrotes, from athirty yeals' niccessful practice, that tho alarming consequences of self-alum- may be radically cured wilhouitho dangerous uc of internal mediriuc or tho application of thu knife uuimlng out a mode or euro ut oncu simple, certain, and elR-ctual, by means of which every ulTert-r, no matter what his condition may be, may i-urehimselftlieaply, privately, and radically. K7" 'ibis Lecture should be in tho hands nf every youtli and every man in the land. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelop.-, to tiny address, post paid, m receipt of six cents, or two poi-tatanis, Address the publishers, CIIAS.J.C. KLINE k Co., 127 Broitlway New York, Post (jliice Box 4.5J0. April 1, 1805. Lackawanna & Bloomsburg Itailroml. COT TWO DAILY TRAINS, "a ON AND AFTCR MONDAY, JON E 12th, 1PC5, PASSENtlEll TRAINS WILL RUN AS I'lil, LOWS: LEAVE NORTHWARD. L,enve noriuumncriaHii, KSJLIU 8.00 A.M. 5 00P.M. 8.10 5 40 ' 11.84 0.25 ! 10.15 0.20 10.25 7.30 11.10 8.15 ; 12.15 P.M. !).I5 I I. so 10,25 ; 5.50 U.30 I' II WARD , li.00 A 51 4 28 1. M I 7.00 5.30 I b.:k 7.30 II. 05 8,20 0 25 8.3a 10.00 U.IS 10 40 10 00 1.20 P.M. 1.25 0.05 10,35 5.10 5.00 " Danville, ' Rupert, liloomsburg Berwick, " Shli kkhinny, " Kington, Arrivo nt Scrantnu, " New York, " Philadelphia, LEAVE SO Leave Scruntnu, . " Kingston " Berwick, " Bloomsburg " Rupert, " Danville, Arrive at Northumberland, " llarrisburg, " Washington, " Philudelpliiu, The shortest and most direct route to the west and the oil region 1 ItT Trains of the Philadelphia and Eric Railroad leave Northumberland every morning for Erie, arriv ing there tin afternoon of tho siiiuh day to connect with trains for Bull'alo, Cleveland, Chicago, with all points west, and connecting at Corry with all trains u !u u,i wuck uaiiroau. Now and elegunt Sleeping enrs accompany the night trains each way between Northumberland and Haiti- mure, and Norlhuiubeiland and Philadelphia, iciphia. ON DA, II. A. F Supt, Kingston, June 17, 1805. aker & Confectioner THE iinderigncd has always on hand and for sale, FRES.t UREAD, UAUES, PIES and French and Domestic onfec tiono in glent and splendid variety J Nuls, Fruils.nnd every thing usually found in a first class confectionery store, He would call especial attention to his newly re ceived stock of PICKLED FRUIT AND JELLIES. llaviug recently fitted up a new and elegant IOH CltjEAITI SAfsOON, on the first llnor, two doors wot of Eyer k Moycr's Drug store, he Is prepared to wait upon his many cus tomers with first cans Ice Cream ns cheap as the cheapest, lie will supply Ball , Parties, ami Picnics with ice Cream, Conleclioncry. 4c, at reasnable rules. B, II. STOIINEK. Uloomsburg, April 22, 18(15. New Barber Shop. TIIOS. 1) DROWN. Karhor. i ULOOMSUUltG, Columbia Co., Pa, I Aplli 21, lit J. Cheap Grocery Store. ALSO HATS, CAPS AND SliOIJS, ' rTMID understated has remnvedhls Mat and Cop Store JL ui, to Evans' old stand, whtrc in addition to n superior assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER a Hats and Caps pi CONFEOTIONAHIES, CRACKERS, Molasses, SttRar, Uoffco, ioas, Tobacco SnulT Cigars, Spicca, Dried Fruit, Butter, Coal Oil, Drugs, Parlor and Hand Lamps, Books. "Writing Papor & Ink. Hardware and Cedarware, lhcktl Knives, CombSf J'C, fc( iJ'C , Together with a vnrlcly of articles generally kept In a SlAls'o-A line lot of KIDS, .MOUOUEOfl and Ltmaos to which lie invites the at cnllon of Shoemakers und the P"1"0 JOHN K. GIRTON. Bloomsburg, May 13. IBfiJ rrillr i,n.ln,ai,M n Ttin!vr1v tninrn III t A Ittuhrinli., ii.iMttifjm. and kcnnsconstaiitlv on hand nd for sale nt his Wnrcrooms, a large assortment of FINISHED sSa COFFINS, Ily which he Is enabled to fill orders on presentation Keeps n good Horse and Hearse, and will at nl I lues uu reaoy loaueuu i nncreia. SIMON 0. SI11VE. Illnnmsbiirg, January 20. 1850 IMPORTANT TO LADIES. Harvey's Female Pills tin; mnt! Mini popular remedy wrr known for all ilNcasi: tf thr (finale J"'X 'Vhvy have Iicen u sett in many thousand tss's with tmfaiUn stitcfKi and may In: rulied on in tvery case fur which tfvy arts re toimiM'iidctl, und particnl.trly in all casus arising fruin Obstruction , or Stoppage of Nature no mailer from what caine it Jirisru. They are ulT'ic tual tn rvfltnritiff U hf-alth all m ho aro buil'cring from Weakness and iMtility, Uterine Discharges, crvimn nexs Ate, and thry AC L' LIKE A CHARM I in strenf.'t'iuii'iHg anil restoring thu aydtoin. ThoHHandi or lad its wild .iave tsnlV'-reil lor yearn and tried various other reiuetl.t's in v i. owe a renewal of their health nnd btrenglli wholly to ii.c tliency of DR. 1IAKVE1"S FbttJALE PILLS. 'lluyarc perfectly h-innU'ss on the syntem, may bn taken ut any time with pel feet MilVty : lint during tho early litagui nf Preifiiancy they should not ho taken, or n mi" arriag! may lie takeiit or a inigrarri.igc miy be til" result. They never c.itioe any ttakni'-fi p.un or dii-lrcHs. U.ichbox cun tanid ixty pi I., I'rice Une Itotlar. DR. IIAUVBr'S GOLDEN PILLS, A icmeiiy for s pet in I ran1-, tour degreea el rouge r than the iibuvu ; Trire five Dollars per hox. A private to i adirj with ti m anatniniiM cngrav ingi, sent froj on receipt o( dirt-ited envelope and Mump. rTT Cat tlii notiro out If vntl deiM! Dr. 1 1 n r v v ' Tillfl, andilv"1 't' "Hit procure tlini of your Dru'A gt, d not take any i 'titer, fr tme de.ilen w ho an: unprinrlpled will recuniinrnd other Fumnlu l'll's, thry can make a larger prullt im hut entloae tin: money and rend diicil to DR. J. BRYAN, CONSU l.TTNO I'll V S ICI A N, No. -1 12 llroa'lwuy, New J 'ork. who will take nil risk if propel ly directed, uud will send thu Pills, secured fro.u observalluu, by return mail, Poi.1 Pr.iil. BY DRUCRISTS OCNERAl.l.Y. DEM AS BARNES It CO., Ntw Voair, Wholvsale Agents, 18f.5. July 15 New Drug Store. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Til P. undersigned would iuforii' their friends and the public geucrully.that they havo taken the stand I'nr merly occupied by Geo. M. Ilnu'enliiirh, lu the En linage Building, on .Main street, in Bloomsburf, where he lias just received n full supply of lk'iis, iHi'Iichics, Paints, tils, Sunups, &c, Which will ho sold on moderate tonus for ready pay. Also, NOTIONS generally, of every variety, sortund size. Phynician' prescriptions carefully compounded, nt all time und mi short uuticr. !C Ciiiifi'itiouciy of thu bet selections, nnd Soda Water in reason. Ls" A share nf the public cintom is rcspertfully so iciled. EYER k .MOVER. nioomsbiirg. April II. If 115. Arcana Watch. An Ele-nnt Nove'ty in U'ATCIIEi. rpiIE cases ol this watoh aro on entirely .1 new invention, composed of six different metals combined, rolled together and plnnihed, producing nil exact imitation if 18 curat gold, raited Arcana, which will always keep its color. They aru as beautiful as solid gold, and aro afforded at nno-cightli the cost, The case is beautifully design -d with Panel and shield for name, with Patent Push Pin, and enjfrnved in the ex. act style of the celebrated fluid Hunting I.uvers, nnd are really handsome and desirable, uud so exact nil lm itotionofgold ns to dely detection. The movement Is manufactured by the well known Hf Jinier Watch Com. pany of Europe, anil aru superbly flnirhed, hfiving en Braved pallets, fancy carved bridges, adjusting regit, lator. with gold balance anil thu improved Jewelled action, with lino dial aud skeleton hands, and is war ranted a goo.1 time keeper These watches ure of llirco different sizes, thu 1 smallest being for Ladies, nnd arc ull Hunting Cases. A case of six will bo rent by Muil i r Express for 3125,00, A siu;lo one sent ill a handsome Morocco tJosn for $25,00 i will readily tell for three times their nisi, ivuure sine agents lor mis watch In Ilia United States, uud none aru genuine winch du not bear our ' Trade mark. Address i:iRARDV. DKVAUGII & Co., Importers, 15 Maiden Lano, N. V. ' May 27, 1805 -3ni Skylight Picture Gallery. i npiIE unilorfiloneil rpKrifolfiill v infni-ma I ., " P, , 11 rCbpecilUllY 11)1011113 tue citizens or B ouluHllrir nod Ihn mil, II rally, that he has succeeded Mr.Rosenstock in the Pho tograph and Daguerreuti business, at the well known Sky-Light Bland, in the Exchange Block over Stohner's Store, to which holms added u full Camera and mi. proved material, by which ho proniles lu taks the nioi.1 perfect LIFE-LIKE P1CTUIIES, seated or standing, that have yet been produced in this section of Country. This being the only establishment of the kind In Bloomsburg, and having been lilted up nt heavy ex pense, it may bu considered n first class LIKENESS SALOON, Croups or a single picture taken at any time lie solicits thu public, custom and trusts ho will bu able to render general snti. faction. IE?" ALBUMS AND PICTURE FRAMES, of ol kinds, constantly on hand and for sale cheap. CLEMENT GEARII ART. Illuomsburg, March 25, 1805 WUNTISTKY. II. C. HOWE R, SURGEON DENTIST, Itrsl'ECTFULI.Y offers Ills profess lonal net vires to the ladies and gentle men of lll.iomsbiirg and vicinity, Ho is nrHitard In Mlon,!!,, -,ll ,K., ...,.iu opj'allons in the line of his profession, and is provided vi luiuiaie.lllliproveil fJKUKUII, TKKTll wlllch will beiuserled on eold. olntinn. ui ,iirf i. i tolookw. ll as the uatiiial teeth " nn erai pmio ami block leclli iiianiifattured and all II.Vp7m;.,o... ewuoor. oove tneuourt Uluuiiiiburg.JuucO IcbJ ij The LcliigU C.UCIc Fowttct' TS warranted to bn the most pnt In agent or the im. nch anil Idoml of Callls 8wiii, of Shcop, Inula mtllng iligesllon.clcaiW. lug thu system nnd triw.; the purified an iinnl fluid in rioih, r,, ...Mix L.tlfn. ' " luiiniuun, i,Mij pireneth and uslabllshlng health and vigor, nuvov'fl morbp, h MULEroWDIlR hthi. only medicines leially 'Mi'j,,tu i, i inuri;, i.n- uu,,, ftviiftrriaiifl ami Holland, and dulv n,i ALLCMTOVHP hnnorcd with prize meSu nls, nnd Invented by Mr. Duvoy. I'rofetsnr of the lm, nerlnlCollcgo for Acrlnilltiro nt I'.uls, and now man. iirucliircdbyO..IIIUN'l'.ll,l)fr O'"1 A., Allen town, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania. All diseases of thu Stomach, lllood. Lungs and Ilnw. els, spcodlly nnd certainly cured, Healthy stork will he brought into the very highest state ol perfecllon, nnd one or two n week. Is orgrrat value, tu hard working horses, breeding stntk and colls, and saved thousands ol vnlunblu horses from contaglout diseases, ns well nt the nnrn-yard nslu the ' ainiy. THE LEHIGH WOR.M CONriiCT ONS crfcctuallvovetronio ntl tho obstacles which usually prevent tho expelling r,f worms, am pleasant to takr, nnd nlso ono of the most Kgrctahlo piirgntives for children, So fonlldcnt Is the Inventor of thu success ol his laborious studies. In tho pathological composi tlon nrthlsiirrpatiitlon.lhal lie furnishes every graS unted physician, with a written prescription, ns a ncr i.rn In materia meillcn, ...... ..... . . Till! UNION ROACH. RAT, MICC AND ANT EX. TIUlMINATOlt. Isn powder for tho euro extermination of all Vermlni will never changu with nan and climate, nnd nrufernblo tn tho old Pin snhorous Taste, which hnnt. ens ill a short time, making It worthless. For direc tions ami particulars soe mo suiau inns mi mo uoics 07 One liuiidri'il and thirty-seven premiums has been nwnrded In those celebrated preparations, up n October 20, ldiil, RoVAl, k Itovan, nro the wholiisnlo Agents in Phil's. WHOLESALE j- IIETAIL. For Balo by W. Erasmua, sole Agent for Uloomeburg. Sharpless, Cntawlssa. 1,. II. k J. Shoemaker, Ituck Horn. Master k Urn,, Mlllville. (,'. Prcslnn, Rohrsbtirg. Slew-art & Sloan, Orangevlllc. Ilendershotl, llloomsbiirg. C. Fowler. Ilspy. Creasv & Co., Light Street. Law k Spuuglcr, Lime Ridge. Ilowman, k Owen and Miller, Uerwltk. il. II. Fowler, Fowlcrsville. tUSf All orders for Columbia County will be addressed to IF. EIIASMUS, Wholesale Atut, lllonuifliurg C. G. IHIINKU. Nnvcinber 10, 1801 ISm. Nos. 9,11,13, 15, 17 Couithindt Street NHAR BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITV Tills iild establisheil and favorite report of thu lliitj. ness Coiouiuiilly has been recently refitted, and is com. fdcte In cvorythinit that call minister to the cuol'ml. ITf ts patrons. Ladies and families are specially nmltarv fully provided for. II li centrally located In the bii-lness part ofthe utj and is contiguous H tho princlpnl lines f sleainbust cars, omnibusJiiS ferrien, kc. in conse'iuencu ofthe pressitru caused by thu RcM linn, prices have been reduced t One Dollar aid l-ij'ty fcnls jnr I ,t 'I he tablo it amply siipplud with all tho luxurii-s the .aoii,auiiise.Ual to that ufnny otti r hotel in u, Ainplu accoiuiiioilatlons aru otlered fur upward 1 1 I n gue.ts. , . , !y Do nut blinvt iiinner.uaekini;ii, and otliv'rj w may say "the Wuctern Hotel Is full." D. D, WINCHESTER, I'roprn t. r. TIIOS. D. WINCHESTER. Feb. 15, IctW. am &m&m .NEWOMNIIJUS. I he umliTsigncd, grii'cful for pail int., respectfully jnf rms lliu Travelling I'iii.'i generally. that hu haJu.t prnenred from New mk .1 new, beaiiifiil nnd caiaeious Phoenix Company Coach, by w b, h mean he is now enahleil to ronvv I .m ijiiBi-r and i!,iggnce safely and romrortalilt I iwe, . Iilinni4hurg aoe thu sevi-rai Rail llepui, l.. o , i the Tiaiiis. It w ill bo hi study to a" roinmi.djl.! li , rii-loin, rs to Ihclr satirfaitiuii. Hu solicits i,..-1 li ,: .ll ruii.ij,-. tj I'AKE ; CENT.-1. JACOB I, cm 1 ll loom.burg, Jauuarv 7, l",, New Grocer y Sore, MOKE FRESH WOODS. Formerly Enigmas' M SiawJ on Ala- Snr, Filonmsbm rpiIE und A (.'"ml stock ucr -iguod jut rci'eivud a ck of FALL W'WWU Hit V GOODS, oi an Kin.iH. .M,.ir Hi nvy GALf A33 V BOOTS the bent in the market ; n Good Assortim ut in I, i 1 1 and Childreus' SIiui-h of all kinds. A Fresh Lot of Groceries, of all kun's, such as Molnssus, Teas, I Itico, I 1 h, hugars, Coffee, Spiuc; Bait, I ATS AND Gav Tohacco, S. jiars, Caudi.-y, Razt'D,, Lml, &(-., etc., etc. FEED AND PROVISIONS. ,2"?''""'' "It" 11 ,ari,-'' of notions and Mrelu las. ton niiiueroiis tn nie,.ou. 1 .1ehaua"h)rods',U ,,aml '""'""V , , HENRY QIC! Ell. Il.oom-biirg, Dec. 10, IH!4. NEW STOKE & CHEAP GOODS. ''QllK K SALES AM) SMALL PROFI IS.' rriIE undorsipned, havinrr lakon thu B Slnru lately nr,-iiii,.-, by JafMU, K? Eyer. nil .Mam HtSver;variey,'or,', M" J!V;.'l'?.clOl!l' lofyrms bis friends ami lie nub lie pub'ic geu- ; : i fJ." ",",l,!.1,'ll,Py" "e a share or thu ...... ... ..,Kc, aim irusis mat he ran render eener. Hi sali.factiuu by selling ihum the best 'Ii.aiiiy r f !.1U11CIIAI'1Izu, on fair terms and ut jntisraciury prices. DRv"ook)c'!i",i',, ,'ari' or oitocuitii'.s, pish, UUEENSWARE, WOODE.VWARE, boots, siions, and especially with a splcnnid variety of'' UM' LADIES DRKS8 COODS. , . , , J-WATJl' .1HTKI.KS g-c ,(. ' leudy pay"''11' " t'"",p Ultt '',e'll,c' for r goods1''0"1""' l"n'lur,!' Bcnerally taken in exchaiiiu f, r ANDREW TERWILLItint, , IMl.i-y. BlooiiKbiirg, Jan I National Foundry. ' Ill.OOMSISlJKG, COLUMBIA CO., PA. ', ' 'lM,ri'l.!!.Srl.l"-;r,,,r(,"i,',"r of 1110 n,'ve named rv 1 Icrs 'ir cu,,","""i" ' " Prepared to rectus A 1 1 Kinds of Machinery, tic is alsn prepared tn make Stoves, all sizes ami m!!Srs! "''""verythiiigusuaily made .'''""''"Ivelafililiesiiiiil practical workmen, war- i::ti.,?v ""! con,,ju" u" '"u raSlrili"Uf "" k""'s 1,0 l3n '"'' " r This establNhiHeht is Incn.ud ncartlm Lack 'T na , Bloomsburg Railroad Depot. w Illuomsburg, Sept. 12. 1803. I,,,M,! NEW SADD AND iarncss P rPHJi undersigned, rcspcoiAuly ,'ufor' t , '''1"Titiifii of I.iaht Slr tt. .in i'-.. t.nel, ., ttof'in slm,!.,:.,,!... SADDLERY" AND IlAllNrJf.l, In tho old Sloru llnuso of Ceu McDowell, an-1 n floor in Liu's Sloro, in Light Street, hv dt mouiifactiiru SADDLES, TlRIDLES, ilA!lNL-ri u lu ordr and on modf mtu leruis. & Repairing of all kinds, executed on riturtnt ic aud in good style. CMi"n,ry P""'"10 '"kt'11 I" exihnugj for wyrN ( i ELL It) L FIlPAj. Light attetl, June. 3, ieC5, " i m m V
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers