Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, August 12, 1865, Image 3
COLUMBIA DBMO(:RAi.: Saturday MornlnfrAuir. 12,1000. ROT Senator BUckALEw.has our thanks for i basket of primo Fcjco Tomatooi. - - ter Mr, 0. N. Savage, of- the ''Dan villa Hotel," is an excellent Landlord and keeps a first class lfolol. 55" A half dozen fine pigs, over fivo weeks old, will be sold cheap on applio.v (ion at this office. r5 Anduew Fueab, Iq., of Centre township, has our hearty thanks for the present of n flno lot of Apples. -! - - CSET" Hon. W. II Jacoby our lalo Dom ouratin Member of tho Legislature, has our thanks for sundry valuable publio docu ments. r,a. ".'!...,. . I !...! ...! ..:..!.. w ...a,. uau.uumraii oflioers all above the rank of major, still detained at Johnson' Is'nnd. Thuv will be discharged in a fifiort time, AST Levi F. Iiiwin, 2?q., of Clear field county, and formerly Editor of tho Berwick Gazette, is tho Detnooratio nomi ueo for Auditor of Cloarlicld. and will ,n , . , Will i IfiyOnr friends and customers, ploaso bear in mind, that wo MU'-T HAVE jionev, and hope they will improvo tho opportunity to maku prompt and punctual payniente of tho coming September Court, , IffiT Somcbody'lias lain us under obli gations for several copies of tho List of Pennsylvania Soldicts (Piisoners of war,) buried at Andorsonvillo, Georgia, from Febtuary 10, 18(11, to March SJ-1, 1805. fiST Milton M. 'I'liAUOHjEsq , of Ber wick, is announced as a candidato for District Attorney, Mr. T., is a .joung Attorney of fair legal acquirements, good moral character and found Democrat. lie will be nominated without opposition and triumphantly elected. CS5 IIou. Kikiaii Cowan, ono of tho j Ponatofs in Congress, will deliver the an nual address before the Pennsylvania Ag ricultural Society, at Williamspoit, on Fiiday.the 'JOth o( September. The Ed itor of lite Columbia Democrat, is on the ( iominittt'e on Stoves and Tin-ware. Both judicious selection. tST.lon.N J5i:sr, lsq , of town ship, Nottbumboiliiiid county, has an ex cellent Nuricty of all kinds of Fruit, Shade and ornamental Trees. Ho selN choice Trees at very moderate priocs. Persons wautmg Fruit True, may address, John, Bjst, Ei-q , Diuvi'lo, I'-t. The Suii'lay Akiciny, Wm. Meeseii fi Co., have reiiewt tl anil iiineli improved the Suiulay (Philadelphia) Muruury. It is an inilcpeudent denneratie poper, uon ducted wilh t-ignal ability, : n I one of ll c host papers in the State. Democrats should liberally palrnuize tho Meicury, The Suliiicis Ctwfitt. '1'iiis i-i thu title of a beautifully printnl and well cautliict uo iMagazitic, publinlnd in Philadelphia, at a 00 pur annuiii, hy C. W. Alcxandeii, E-q The Oai-ket is iiiiendon to bo tho t-pocial exponent of the Soldier's fame and interests. Specimen copies to be seen at j this office. ! AST ItEftELLfoN is Toi'iiET The rcc John, alias Jlr. Dunn, ha3 laised tlio j black standard of rebellion in the Aboli tiou Camp of Bloomsburg. He is just now actively engaged in tdandering and abuse-j ing the meu whoso money lifted him from . obscurity to public position, by calling ouo tho "Old Pharisee," and another, the "Old Samaritan)." How true "place a beggar on horse back and is auro la ride 10 the Devil." - - . sts- BSf Who isa 1 itiTon i t be wont traitor to popular sovcrignty is ho who raises his hand to obstruct legal proccs 8css, or to int'ado private rights, whilo tl o Bhiold of the law is over them. Nor is ho less a traitor to legal progress, who councels servile acquiescence in an unjust law, merely because it has the form of law ; for the cn roachmeiils of a law upon the rights of a pasMve people may be more dangerous to liberty than the invasion oi au army. BSr Goon FnuiT and VEaErAnr.ES. Mr. F. Williams, formerly of Northum berland county, has a splendid ansorliocut of Fruit, Vegetables and Garden products, ,;n his Nurscriosat Scott town, in Westoru bloomsburg, This is a great accomoda tion to our citizsns, who can now bo sup plied with all kinds of Garden Products, at less than city prices, by calling on Mr. Williams. We think our pcoplo will not fail to duly appreciate and .liberally pa tronize this desirable cnterprizo. , fefesy- Mr. Postmabter lieckley cbargOSI T ,, . . , two COntS OU Dl'Op-LiltorS, IlOtWltllStanu- , , , . r. t,,.!...! UC IHO latO JXUl. "I vyuUfJll-ai, u.uw-v.. ... . . i i. it.,. .,ni. tllO 1 OSt-UmOO Ji.llY, I" luauu m jiuji- ago but one instoad of Ueo couts tho amount for ovory sueh letter, from and after the first of July 1805. Wo fo told IJie Rev. Rowdy official las-t evening when bo niulu.hly remarked, that ho had receiv ed uo sueli instructions from the Depart ment. Will not tho 'Department' speedily eeiid such "instructions" to its imbeciio . -ii 1 .1 ... ,1. ,l,,i SgeillS, as Will U'BU" uieiii linn i'i... .....j And prevent the exaction of future extor- finnn from the public RECEIPTS FOR JULY, TO Till! COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. so; T!io following paynienln havo been mado to tlio Columbia Democrat oflioo, during ino montJi oi .July, ihuo I.. Ol.ctlinlliicr.M.n, sinno fit Chu Mnt'lM'itibr'g)?'') w t MiuiMin i:i ft r,n t II Swank 2 Of) .ii ic or mi 1 US ' Jones .1 (id i in v h. ij!iif r i:q :i i H in ,',Mosc frlillchcr I AO llctny Kclrhnct MnJ Samuel Frcaa lane A Or will Eai M i: I'm Win Edgar Or. Fulor lll.M r.lliif ll lnx Est. H Snyder Sheriff Jesse Colt-men j; 1 A Striiugcr Mrs Margaret Creasy I. Una AI.-Mituntl.-1ll I. A Hutchison l.nrnyt'Hu 1'rcnsy Ellas OronsV Cnl W II lint II Cent linn Peter Cut a .vi ii j ritiup a on ' "" 1 All iinnici r.iuncr (III) ii ik. 2 60 JnlmUniinerillinti HUVH . ti? w... t. ii...... -.i ' .. .... ' I Wm II Dcmoti 'uTm i! no ! U AO Aloininlor Kiioiik I All Jcau II t'lirpunlrr S SO '-Jnculi Diiiiittii-llrr t (10 IMvwir.l (Ir.ili.nii II OO 'J in no AO mi Ij.l or Jlio Vrtfljrr l.n.ic Ii Vnil 3 00 3 AO t! W :t T.i A 00 I I'll II 10 ('ii!ilinlil;i County 20 00 II 11 I'rpm A oo Oupl U It M ViuitK I 00 .Mirnll AiMllli'r Alio lion Win II Jaruliy :l 00 IM nf Win iioti'iiiiiii :t no .Mm 0 I! ItriiL-lnr U 00 lift (if 'I'll. is IV Vmiin. !i mi Hills Ii Freai a (HI Philip ! Hyer II 53 John W Kline '.' AO apt Jim II Kliuo V! .'id Jim II Ati.Mlcklii H AO Com. nf Pcnii'n It! 70 1,-t of .11 McDowell 7 1)0 I) A .MiiffarRcll M II SOU II At tHi'vcn-i Henry Krlrlinct Kninutl llvrrctt llcv H Nrljnii r, 1 'Jjj !! (ui i on , Orancnvllla N, H hunt S 00 Jim Kuutlor.Cllintuii ) H) Our n.iviiients for July tiro mure r.-iii. ctal.lo limn large. 1'uw or our subscribers, wo nro sorry losay, to ,u" l,'v, T!1 b!"" ,'av, M J"";'1"!"""1''1; iiupu mill .lit i nut i.ic,l, iviiciuui ui uuiiiu ui uuiuau, will nbligo us by nit enrly remittance, or Valuable Uca! Estate. jK pursnntico of nil Driler of tho Orphans' Court of 1 Columbia county, 6u Saturday. August 20, 1805, At 10 o'clock In tlio forenoon, Androw Crcvolnnd nnd H.iniuel llemy nsccutors nf Arihlhalil Henry lute of Orange Iwii., in said county, il'x'il will etposo to rnlu ny ruuuc veiiuiio, mi inn premises, a certain inessu-,-tro teueincnt nun tract of land situate In the township or Orange, mljninluz lauds of John .Mecargle nnd John Ilerrini; mi tho .North, Dr. I) W .Montu'omciy ami Richard Mail's heirs on the Eau , Jereuilnli llngrn l.ncli, Ueo llelilcr nnil Peter Jlcllak on Hi Smith, mnl lMulul Vandersliiu ami Win Oolong, un tho West. CONTAINING 238 RCRES more or less, on which mo erected n good Two-Story Dwelling .House and Frame Barn, Wagon Sbud, ami out-luiild-itigs, an excellent Spring of Water near tho door. Theio is also on tho West end nf said property -t one mid n half stuty frame Dwelling lluuso and n miod Hank Horn, mnl n Hprlue of Water convenient In t tho same, u targe part of tho premises is cleared, uu I which iu GOOD AlVLE OdUIIARD. I The uncleared part is well Umbered. l,nto the e . tale nf said iK-c'il. nltu.ito in tin- twp., of Orange mid county aforesaid. JllSSli COLEMAN, Clerk. llloiinisliurg, Aug. I, 1BI.A, The nl ovo prope ty will be sold on reasonable terms and will be divided into tws farms, if necessary tn mil pun ha ers. nr.imi.w i.i.i.m HAMULI. llENltV. August 5, IBM i Ex'rs. OllANUEVILLE eademy , and boulters Orphans' school A The Next Term of this Iiislitutiuu u-.1l iom- iiieurQ on mo'oav At ticai urn. ieo l or farther particulars Impure nf Pi OI II. I). W.U KI'.R, iiraugeviiie, -lugusi IHi.j. Court Proclamation. lt IIEUKA8. the llnv. Wii.mam Elwh I., Presid-nt VV judeeol lh,- I'oiirl ui Oyer anil Terminer nnd lien Jail Delivriy, i.'iiurt of Ou.irlcr Hessinus of the ' Pi'.ill and Cntlll nf t'oinilinu l' and Orph.ins t'nutt, in tin- -Ji'ith Dislrii t, rniupmied nt the cuunties 1 nl I'nlitinlii.i.Sulliv.iu anil Wymumu. nml the llnu. John I Jl'ltuJ imlils-'ii.tephen ll.-ilil) . sni inti-Ji,li;evii C.itlllil lii.i ciunly,ltae ihsm-tllheir preeepl. Iionrintr (Into lite HI, d.iy nf r.-lt.. in the nt mir l.i-ril one tlmin-aud i-ipht i Itumireii and sit live soil tn me ilirei led fur holding -i ' Ciurt uf (),-r -'ine T iiuiurr mnl Oeuei.-il Jail dellvc r. i Ceueral (tu.nli-r -sdinns of the Peace, Cnuiiuou Ple.ts 1 and Orphan's Cuiiil, in r,lnimi.buru m tho comity of j rnlinuhi.i. nu tin-hrsi .Mnud.iy, thiingtliu Ut day) of frpt next, t" .onliime nili: week. Millie is lii-rili) I'licn, to the I'nroner, Hie Justices' of Hie I' nnd i.'nustalili". nf the said cnuui of Cn. , uuibi.i Hint they be iln-u mid there in their pmpir per- ' tnu at in I, 'i K in the fnrinui-ii nfsaid day with t tic i r re, mils, in-iuiMtioiiH and ollit-r riineuibi.tni, to du the ilniis w huh In their nllici-s appertain tu bu dune. ! An.l those that are hi mud by ii-i nj'iii..ince, lo prusn ule . .1:1 1 u-l the priinm-r that are or may bo in the Jail uf s.iid i-niinty ul'Cnlunibi.i lo be jjien nml thero tn prnse- , s nl tin-in .-i shall be just. Jurors aro n-pie-teil In In piinrlual 111 I lieu iilii-nd-mie, tigree.ilily lo their nniiies. 1 1 ll.ited at lllnonisliiirg, the -Jrth day nf July, 1., S. tn lie- yi ar nt ntir Lord nno llmus-ind echl ! --w Slmudreil nnd siMy-lnur, ami in Hi-- eiubiy- nielli year nl tiie luiiept-mleuci-ul tin- t uili-il M.itit ol'America. t linn m 11111 ('iihviihi,iii,iii ) SAMUEL SNVDI.Ii, Shitlir. ."herilPs Ollii-e, l'.lo'ini-.biirg July ir.i, Ici'iA. Traverse Jurats fur September Term, 05. nini.ut DuusIiIms Hugh s, Daniel llieccc. lieaver Juliu Aln naei. I owlef, llnnch Hilteiiliouso 1'ian- cis Hvtins, Wm. I' Jnu.i IJ. Juiouy. I Cauu isb i .Moses, haniuel i?huuiin. Cntru-AI D lleiolev, ti.linuel C lloni-l, 'I'lln.l. I'rV, I Cniiyngli.ii'.i-Dawil Camp,-James Harry. Isaac W Hans rishiugcn ik fc'.imncl CCrcvcliug, Fr-inkliu tamu, I l.nreiii.ui, Creeiiwooil A!-tthins Kline. BainucI (.illcspie. Hemlock N P Monro, Locust William lleaih, P Iv, Hcrbine. Alt Pleasant Jai ksoii Ikeler Minlisoii -Win Kitchen, (-'annul Deinolt, Perry O Christian Mil!lin-I.en is Creasy Thoniau Atcn, PInllp Oil Jacob J l.riuccuberiror. Mnuloiir- tslihi-r Evan", Or uigo rjamiiel iuiniiruiaii, Fi le Thmnas r-uckou.e, P. Swisher. Siig-irloaf John Kile, -en, Utand Jurors for Stp'cmuct 'lertniti(iri. nionm-Peter Jones, fieo W. Correll. llor. Ilerw uk liilburt l uwler. Ilenton f'.iiuui I Deliver John Fry. Cntawiia Lewi.i Yitlcr, George Ilishcl, Peter G. Cauipbill. Centre Jeremiah Ila;cnbuch. t'ouyngliiiiii A. W. Lia. Creeiiuood J. F, Deillerich, llonjainin lives. Locust Wm .Osborii, John Leo. Alt Pknsant Stephen Crawlurd, Thomas J, Well ver, Oeoriio Creamer. . .Ilmlison John (.rahani. Milllin Jolin L. Ilnnd. Scnit-Puor filing Alarshitll (1, Kinney, riioiua Creifling Siigarlouf-Frederick Lauhirh, (ien. W. hle nlman. List of Causes l'r ht'li'.Term " F.lijah AIcAIurtiln Enilorscc of Aaron Wolf vs Chris I, ml Willi". 5 Jacob Harris vs Pctur .'ai-nby, ;i r.ussel P htoker, s Wm Ikeler. I Havel Aclii'.ili.iili vs John War.lin. 3 Jonas I'-ehrniser jr vs KinanuAshluii. Ii Hush .Mclleyiiuliis cl al is I'elir tllipliant. 7 Amos W Creamer ro Hunch Howell, e Aums W Criamer is Lumh Howell. 'J o.-nrce Cair, tudorseo ol" Jjnie Curr vs Hylvcstor J Fox el al in (ieorse W Harrison vs Casper I Tlionus. II Ueo A Ill-runs v Pet' ' Miller I j Aaron III. mm vs 1 1 - . 1 1 - 1 1 Slier III John llint. rliler vs John Jntuesnii 1 1 1'niutuonwi-nltli of Peiiua at the Kelalioii nf lltr-iui ll Kline ct al vs Wesley How man el al l.'i Jacob lleinley vs i.'allawissa It II Co Hi llenlaiuin Wi-rtiuan vs U A Willi mis 17 Ad.un Hietcrich vs .lereiiimh J.uo'iy I. Stephen llaldy v. Ca.taw-n & ID llaili.n l .Morcnn by lu-r uext filed Win II lloag Inntl vs Itiihard Alors.Mii 20 (Jen Longeiiti-rger cl al vs Hugh W ct nl. Aug A, lt-03, MUti'jnoUs SSi1B3Bl5.;,a'M5 .S.MiS... r"Y virtue nfa writ of venditioni expoins to inn ill 5 recteil. isniud out ni tlinC.i.iri ul Cmiimon Pl.-as i of Ciiluiubia cnuuty, will be expo.. ,1 in piibliu sale nl I the Court House in Hloonnburs. on Aluinluy Iho lllj i ,i..u ,,f Seolemlier next, at one o'cloik, P. M.. ot Mild I,e fullowiUK rc.ileelntot.i wu . a ceruin trail or piece ui laud .ituato in Locust (owiikhip, Cnliiuibi i county, bounded -mil ilcicrihetl j.p.Uuwsi on the south byluinls of Jnlm I'rust, on the wet by lands of Jackson tleurge, and uu the vim IjuJjj ot Jullil aiulteo, iniiiuiuniB vM-fk n 'io f.' Ad'. E-'OBlTi: ACSHtES, iiin-e or less : Whereon am erected a story and half dwelling house with npperleiiaui is. cied. taken 111 execution ami to no sold as the prop erty u! Nicholas. Ilakur, ALSO, Al the same time mid place, a reitain piece or lol or Laud, sliuato 111 t-iiust twp, Columbia county, con taining TH.N AC1IEH, be the same more or less, bound ed as follows, to wit on the West by land of John Leo. nu Hie Norlh bv laud of Franklin liatig, oil the East b) land of Peter bwunk, mm on Hi. rtouth by the ma ui mad leadiait from Numedia to ISiuplnwn. wli-r-on aroiiecled two two story I'l.iine Dvvilliug Houses. I'.uiin. Hum and stable, with thu nniuiilcnances. u rieis-d. taken In uicruliou, and to bo sold as the p,0peityof JulmP. Walttr- , , " Ghcillrf 8 on,,c HA,ML':'" c,VVBhe,.t( H.-m.bu !.' .a t I 75 I tin 75 . 11 10 till III till nirrrEit. . . . tition . . i . POTATO t;p, ' i Dimiii AITJ.EH, i t HA MB . f. on i 5,, I ill), SO i IIACON, ... 17 i I. a a J 50 niji;KWiiiiATi'ii,ii(. a uu M. IV hy inr- ton. 10 ll CHICKCNS, n-r pnlr. 40 GENERAL ELECTION. Printers lcss fcit.Ud rs ii. ivtiiiiiirnii r inr i iinr t'w-.r n t ni-.-imr - " "T . V. . ujf RIILTON M. frilAUtill, fisq .f 11, J.T K wick, we nro to tiiuouniu. will I emu Into fur o tor , UlSTKICr ATTOItNR lit llm approaolilni! General Eleiiion. nit.Jci t to Hi "v ...vUUI.nHV,ai.ii.lj IE I f Ml R l.'flllVf.ll lull. Atigiut A, IrVA- 43 Ltgislntivc, YII'I'tASMlX II. JAt.'OllV, li. . rf lll.inin,l,nrn, i tWf "'"'""i'01' In nnniiume, wlllbnnrnmll. ,i . """imi"" i" inn i,i,Hir-i,A ri;iw;, lii-lnro tlio nest Di'inncrnlic Cunvi nllun of Colnniblu (,'ouiily, mihjrii In tlin urn, i,r tin- pnrly Jiny an, ibu-1 'I'. I). (.-, gj Candidate for Assembly. pnpl. STATlitj II M, VANTZ, f Mlrllm twP wo vntc .ntliort?edtiirtiuinunco, will bo n eiiiiilldntii for n sent In tha l.i-Risliitiiti-. i,t Ua nppin.-irliliii! Oene ill l.leitliin, to ropie.ent the I). mi Li.i.y n i.'ol uinbl.1 nnd -M Milour In Hie Hcnernl Assembly. Jiilysw, itoA.-iaoo. ' Candidate for Treasurer. T01IN J. STILES, of Uanton township, tf Ihroucli tho earnest iKllcitaiinti nf Ills many lieni nirallc frlinds, has Iimii Itnlureil to oiler himself in n cnililidnlofor Hie ollleu nl I It I : Ar-U C I lit nf rolunibla (ouiily, sulilecl lo the, lei lnn nl the llenim r.-ille Uuii. ventlon, which will be hH,l mi lliu'J-llh uf August uoxt llentoil. May 'J7, lUIM.-ai Commissioner. T.OIIN F. FOWLEIl, Eq., of Pino r, ' f township, wo lire-uuthotled to announce, Hill bo a nan JiO .'i tu- Mr COUNTY COMMISSIONS, At the apprnacliln-! lieueral lllerllon, subject In Hie (krl.ilun uf tlio Coliiuibu County IlLiuuiralio Cuiiveu lion, Juno 17, l?nj.-tr Coiaiijstssioatcr. WM. It. DEMOTT, of Madipnn twp., wo are uulluii.(d In aunoutit'f ,wil! be a inn I'ldato for COUNTY COMSIK'SIONKU, M I lm npiin'mliini! (ii ncrnl l.'rttinn. en t-1 t-rt tn Mm ili t-i tioii uf tltti L'oNimliM ( otinly Ikui (uralk ( unveil Hun. Jlllll- ii), uca.-i. HEADING RAIL HO AD. Summer Arrangement. July qo, 180-1 i reat Trunk Line From 'I ho North , and North-West for I'lill nli-lnln-i, New York. Iti-adiiiL'. I'nttsvlllu, Lei uu, AII,ntiiAii. Eislnil. &i-. 1 Trains leave llai riiin,- fur Wu Ynm, as lull-ius . At a 00,7, '.'Aand .!" A. M.. nnd l.l.j I' M.. m riving at Ni w Ynrk nt 10 00 A. Al . an t .i.nd.iml lil.:iu I'. M. f I'lie above eouneit Willi sliml ir rr.,iiw mi lb-.- Pi-mi-'svliuni.i Ilntl Koad. and rilci-ping Curs nnnuipaiiy , the H.lio and.n.lA A. M Trains, w iilmut chuiae I Leave Inr Kcadlu:. I'nttr lllo. Taoinqita, -Miners- ill,-. Ashland, Pine drove. AlienloH n, mnl l'lnl.i,... i plit.tat n l.i A .M si (1,1 r.4A P .M, stopping at Keb.tiiun I and p i mi i nl r-luliniiH uuly . I W.iv 'J'ruins, ktnppinn at all peints. at 7 '.' A M and i 4.4H I" M. Ituluruiii). , l.i-.nn New Vmk at H A Al I l.'.Cil imnii. amis) p ,M, I'hiliuleiplii.i al I'.OO A Al and ; a.llo P Al ; l.illsville al rl.l-l A ,M mid e.'JS P .M i Ash 1 lend at li.lll A M mid 11 .1 mi. Taiu.-niu i nl a IS I Al i ti.l 'J.l.'i P Al nml liending nl I no 'i.'.to and 10. A A Al. I tWand l0A P Al. lleailin:! Ai'enuiiiin'latinii Trilu ; I eaves It,-ailiti5 a' lilii A Al rctuiului: I'mui I'hil-i'lelpln.i al A JU P Al. ; Cnluiubia It it 1 1 Trains leave lle.lillll.' ,-itlilll) nod III.AiA VI undo l.SC Al.fnr Eptirnfi. LttU, C'ol i uinbin lir. Oi. fundaiH; Leave N- w Ynrk nt K Oil I Al, I'lnl.i delplil l III j P .11. PiiltsVillii 7.S0 .11 , T.nuaiu.l i il) A ' Al, llartlslmrgB. I.i .1 Al.iu I Heading at I.UJ A Al ILirnsburg. Cuunnu'atimi, .M il--.irc Seaaiv.-, t-honl and Excur t.inii Tulcets 'o and I'mui till pniut-. at reibic, d l!at". Ilaci-'aee iheiked Ihimigh ; no uiuiuls alhuved eai Ii P.ii.eng'if. I!. A. Nlt.iiLLri. OltMUO. M'l-I KIM kMlLNC, liindnig, P.i. July 11, l..!J. u 1. 1, d Al K -OF Valuable Haul Estate N I ursiionet ol' nn older of llu Or- ph.HM' Conn i f ('nhiiuhii cmiitty. on I Sat w day rft'is tthK 18(55, ! nt 1 tl nVIork ill tin fun-miMi, N'atli.-.n llrt'dlifinliir, aicl i f'liiMiit I I I'Ih r. (imu'Ii.iiih of thr ii innr clnMrMi nf . (ihlfiiii 1'ijJh r, Inl 'l I'.civit Inu ithliit. i" Fiild cuiin- t v, t M'.ibi'd, ill' '. "(J Hi nitlc li 1'iililir VcititiH', mi 1 Iip I'M mi ics, Ji 1 lli"-c 1 1 f I ii i n liiiri.s (r I.uiit 1 1 1 :i 1 1 Iti lit av or tiu 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 . f r tj 1 1 I f il .111 ti ULSintieil as IuIIii.vh NO 1, rnntaii'in a'futii SIXTY A Cli IIS OF LAND. vli'Tnof nliout Unify acTc art; art: uicttfil a clcurrit, nml wticrcnii Log House and Huni fniM ti. lei! hy land nf Kniili I. nncciilti ran. D.m.l Fry, ll tc (I. ', atitl I'llici l.ttuU uf tlcrc Icui. XO. t ruiifninii.; aVont 1 SIXTY FIVE ACHES, i .rirriofabuu th. riy nirv aic ( leareiLam! unoii wMili arc 4t 1'rrtmc Iloiisc and JUimy j hmnilnt Iiy lamln nf Waslifiit'Ion riplirr,? tmucl Pih'T Mill nllicrti, l.ilu lln L'slnti1 nt t-inl iltTiMnL'tt, ituatu hi thu tmviishti' of 11 avt-r, nml citnty .tlnrcfanl. 1 UlotnnBbnrs, July Ui. , ( ONIHTIOX9 or SAM!. Ten nrr cent, or ono j Omrtli cf I tic piirtlin-t' 111 on": v to bt p.inl on i ty nf i.ilu, j nml nno-ftiurlh li'tr Itic ten pi'r cut nn Hit! miifirnni tinii nt' halo, and Hit! h.'ilaiicc in nno ar iVmn tho confirmation nt t..ik, 10 hu ci'ciulm hy hinid ami jnort 1 M.ic. The pnrtliuT to pay for conveyancing and j etiimps, NATHAN BRKDHENDEB, 1 SAMUliL FISUEll, (Juai dia?is. July 13, ihfl.". OF Valuable lical Estate. TN pursuance of an order of the Or- I phaut' Coutt of Columbia county, on Siturdatj, the )h dnj of August next, I nt ID n'clnnk in the I'nrennnii. P. ter Eveland, ami John Cwlaiiil, ndininisirator. n! Pii.-r Ci-i laim.l.ilu of Fish iugcrrik township, m s-il'l cnuuty, deceased, will .ex pose to sale, bylublic endue, mi th-i prehiises, u cen-nu Tract of Land Lying Hi Fi.hiUKcruel: towiiahip. in III" county cf Co luiiilu.l t bounded by lands nl Jacob Winner, on Iho Nurlh am I West I by I hilip Wilson, mi the East ; by William Emory uu Hie Suuth. and by others, loiilatu- FIFTY" ACRES, I more cr lens, w-Iiircoit are creeled a , , n xv - T r, J?1 JV1 E . HOUSE . . i i t t i nine mnl niit-lmlMiiiZi 1-oe Hie lllitale of said deceased, siluati. in the luws-.llip of Fnhiugcreek. and louuly JI:M,j COLIIMAN. 1 Clerk, i llloomsbuig, July IA, IciVi, CONDITIONS : ' Ten per lent, nf one fourth of Iho purchase money lube paid down no the day of sab" Thu balance ol the one fourth on thu .ibsoliila rnuhrmatinn i uud the remaining .Ihree fuurths in one year with Interest from oiitli inatiou. Purihiiser forstampp and convey ance. PETER EY 'ELAND, Adtll" JOHN EVE LAND, Fishiiigcrck, July 13, luiA.-u F. 0. HARRISON, M. D. WOULD respectfully inform Hie cllliens i.flllnoui6 biirK.otnl v H mil v. that ho couiinueslhe practise of .vr.iiici.vh: .i.vo tsviuir.m; . ud solicits 11 share nl public patinuafo. Omch.nn AluinSlrul. first hoiiso below the tour House, llloniusburg. Februiiry a, lcA.1-tf "S"LANK 1 suppled Ii BOOKS Sc STATIONERY, din llanko, .Meirhaiits and County Ofllrris nf Iho best null il l I UldiiU uy 111.11 ptumpnv nv tended to. W, O. I'KllltY. IKn -I ( It ind Kjcp .Heels I'lilt'a, .MjiiIH WIIHAT, per bushel IIVU. " " WlltN, " nUC'KWIIEAT, I'l.OUII per M,l. ULOVEnSfiHI), SPECIAL NOTICES. T Jrandroth's 1'IIU a General Aifi.tant of JjNntiirr,, What I. health 1 What Is disease I llcullli l.whcn thOi niiply nti.l 'espcndlliirit nra final. Ultcosd wlitn'lho tuifnlv iml uncqilal. IIANimr.TII'3 PILLS Impart certain .-jpuMvo powers to nil tmttars in tlio hodyuhuro life Is below, ar.loftho,urroudl,,g pady. ,tl, liavo I remaluci! longer tlian.tlio. tJine liaturo ilcslgned. Ho Infovcra and all thft tlisi oriascs lilch soon run In I ... . " " urn in lo tnnrtillcatloit II ranclrcth'a Tills h.ivo inarvelous cur ative qaallllo. Our hmlloi aro continually changing, tin! It is by this iliango wo llvo, PhouM mailer ro main In organs bayojul llio 1 1 mo naturaileslgne.l, pain and I n n 3 in in ;i 1 1 n set In. which la nothing mrrn than n preparatory clfort for onrgoo.l.iAII llrauilreth's I'llli I nro supposed from tho result tu ilo Is simply j Assisting 1 heso Etrurts of N'aturo, August A, l-iCj-l mo, Plio GrpvoBtccn Piaixo 'Forte still-re'liiliis Its' prni'odoiice nnd creal tionulnrity. ! ...i t.....i. i . " , "J. , , """""" i'P'viiii-iii inr a .e. . rinil pf thirty years, is now pronoun -ed by the inusiral ' world In bo unsurpassed an I even une-iualled in rich- , . .. . ... . . ,,.u mm p ,,,y , ,,,e, uurahiiny cheap- ', noes. Our new scale, Lrunchactliiii. hurp pedal, Iron frame, liver-strung bnss, seven o tnvn unowned nl- mios wo nro selllm; chenner hv from SIliO to Jt.'OO . ! tlian tho snnin sljle nud llnlsli ftro sold by any other ; llrst clnss makers In tlio country. IKulers and nil in want of good planus aro Invited to sen.) for onr De scriptive. Catalogue, wliirh contains photographs: of our ill iTe rent sljlus, together with pilcei No nno .hould punhaso a piano without seeing this ( atn loKua. Medisl nliuost without niiniber. have been nwnrdod to tho tlrovejteen Plum, tin J the Celebrated WarliPmalr. Ilmugli put in coinpetltion with others from all pan of Europe and iho U.S. it look the highest niN-itit. Kslabll.hed lr'ai Orovesteen Co, I'JU IIIIOAUWAV, NEW yoitK. JulyS'J. le'CI-). II, Cm ONE J'KICE GLOI 111NU. JONES' OLD EHTAIlLIglir.D o a' j: p h iv, i: CLOTHING HOUSE, G04 Kailiet treet, (Above Sixth.) PHILADELPHIA. At JOMlR' Crescent Ono Price Clntlnng S'ioip, the louesl kc Hi nir, pru-i- Is tnaiked In plain I'mnre. uu eaih arliile, mid never varied. All buy alike, ulu-ther Judge ur not The stuck Is pntteu up lit a superior man ner, expre.sly fur retail sab-s. Those wauling a cno-l siib-lmiti.i! and I'.ishiuiinble nrllcle. should nut la 1 1 to .O.VvS, (iOI Mail.el Street, One Prico .Vioro. .May El, li-'ii'.. ly ' inr to in as' VEMETiAN UNIftlEMT. ACP.IIT MV CCItl! I'llli PAINH ANI1 ACIIIW. and w.iriaiili d siipenoc to any ullier I'r'iup It pnsi- liv-ely cures ; relief is absolutely sure immediately it! II usei', Ali'lhers rcnic tuber ibis, and arm yourselves, with a buttle Ithniit dilay. Croup is a ill lease which Rives ii o notice, frc'picMly iittnchlug a child in Uu-1 dead uf mailt ; before a physician can btf siiiuiunned it I may be too laie. I'l-uieuiber. the Venrtian Li.iiiiieut ' never fails. Price 40 and ell cents a bottle, r old hy all Inuggist. Oilice, AO l.'urllatidl tflreit ,New York. July !!, 1st! , lm. A OI'INTLEMiW cured of Nervous Hiliftil ituliH' r Unit, w ill hu li.ipnv funiif Ii dtlicr with thf uic:iimf curf, truKK ur utAiimi.) Tin rem oily in Ktuipks cute, .mil it-itiiui. I'or full irirtuuljrt iy n turn mail, p1m- iuMrcd-i JOHN B. OGDHN, GO Nassau Strett, New York. June 'Jl, l;l'A. Ilni A CAUU TO INVALIDS. A Clerp) mail. ,w bile rcsidin;; in fouth Americn ns n missionary, ilisiovcied u safe mid simple remedy or Hie Cure of Nervous W enkness. t'.nity Decay, Ills eases of the Urinary nnd Seminal I ) ru'.ins. and the whole tr.iiu of disorders hrniiitlt' ou by b.iuiful mid vieiutis habits. Cleat iiumber.s have been nlready Hired by this m.ble lemedy. I'r uipted by a desTre tn benefit the alii nod and 1 Ciillscud the reripe for pri-patina mid. using Ibis medirinc, in a s--ali-il envelope, to any one wlm needs it, FltllC OF CliARtiE. pn-as,. IiuIiim- n post-paid envelnpe, nddresred tn vourm If. Adiires. JOSEI II T. INMAN, ftalion D, lliblc House, N. Y. I lty. April !'. if 03 y WHISKERS! W11ISKEK5! Do you want W huKt'v nt .loinl'H.'litjn I Dur (ireriau f 'niup'iuiid will tnrt'O thfiu tu j;ihv mi tin: unnotlfat taru ur ciiiii, nr hair, tin h.ild Ih.ids, in .Six VL'ka, l'rn SI tnt hy mail anj liurc, iln.-idj tjf.ictl, un rtifipl oi'piii''. A.niifss, WAKMill It CO.. llux Itmoktyn, . V. IVhruary 1-, i-iu-y. THE PHOENIX PECTOUAL Arill Care Your Cou:h. V1 v THE PIIOFNIX PECTORAL ; Oil, SYKEP OF WILD tTIEKKV & SUN- COMPOUND if E.KA sxaki: HOOT. Will Cute the Diseases of iho 5Cr2i:.?. d A 'iff -A $ 3$ ti V 'll G. S$ Such as Colds, Coughs. Croup, A-sthma, Bronchitis, Citarrh, Sore Throat, ( Hoarseuets, Whooping J Cough, i'c. Itstiineli uso will prevent PULMONARY CONSUMP'I ION, And even where this fearful disease ii fully devel oped ll will nflord more lelief than any other lnuili cine. . Lawrence Oetz. ex-Ppenker of the Peuusylvatiia House of llepres.-iit.itives, says : "This cmigli reme dy is now extensively used, and is of tho bluhest value tu Iho coiuiuuuity, its curalivo qualities having been tested by tliou-ands wilh the inn-l KTulllViiig results. It is carelully and skillfully pri pared from Wild Cherry and sen. ka Snas.. Hunt by Dr. Levi Obur-hultzi-r, u reputable phyiiri.iu of Plineuixville, Pa., mid is sold by ih.miI' all druuglst-. and country store keepers." J). P. Crosby, e.'osliuaier nnd cx-l'-urgess of Polls ton n, (ertilies ns follows : ' Poti'stown, tsilS.Jan. II, This cei lilies Hint I havo used the Phoenix pectoral in my family: mnl I recommend it to the public us the very best remedy lor Cough and ('olds that 1 havo over tried One of my children was tailed with a cold, accompanied with u Crimpy had, Indeed, that it loiild n it talk and breathe. Having heard u inurh said abuiit tho I lineuix Pictoial, I procured a' Imiilo of it. The tlrst dose relieves tlm dillicully of brealhliiK, and before the chil.d hud taken uue-fourtli of the butliu it wns entirely well. Everv family kho'.t have it lh their linuse. D- P. CHOSI1Y. , J.C. Siuiili. ilrugjlit. of New Hope, limits county, P.i. , in wrilinr; to Dr. OberholUer. says: "A low days sini'i- 1 bought two ilnzeuol yuiir v iluablo cmigli . remedy tn tr), nnd llnd it very good, uud as it is near- 1 ly ull s.iiio I would like you to send nie il gross of it. -Yinir nieiliciiies enes bi'tti-r satisfiirliun than nuv most pi.puljr nnigli prupariiltuns, but yours eenn to I am ngeiu tor some ot uiu III- ,1,1,111: lin ,,,l,e Kuuti. 1IIU lUIIUWIIIlfl. till lAllull J , ,. I- ,l,-f ll.liU ui,--,,. I'.llls. merchant, near I'utt.lnwii, I n. : "1 havo tried I the Phreniv Pel total, mnl find It to bo thu best cough I lueditiuu uxtaiil, ll meets Willi 11 more ready Bale than ' any other Unit I have ever had in my 'lore. 1 The propnuor uf ibis inedicin,) has so iniich confi dence in lis curatn 0 powers freiii Hie testimony uf llioueands who havo u.ed it, thai tho moiiey will be Ptn men to my purihaser who is iml salisiiod witli 1 itsetfeils. It is n. pleasant to take that chlllron cry for ll. I Price ITURTY-nVU l.T'.Nl'd ; Largo lloitles ONE I DOLLAIl ... I It is intended for only ouo class ef disoases. iiamo- ly, those of thu Throat and Lungs. ITJ" Prcpamd only by LEVI OBERIIOLTZER, M, D riircui wille. Pa, Hold by nil Druggists and Storekeepers. JOHNSTON, Iltll.l.tlWAY, fc COWIIEN, Nu. 23 Norlh Hiith Street, Philadelphia, mid 1', C. WELLS ,tt Co,, No. 11.1 Franklin Slrecl, New York, l.'eueral Wholesale Agents. Hold by E. P l.UTV. nml U .MOVER. Drug gists, llloomsburg, and by nearly every druggist and rounliy stnreketpor in Columbia enmity. N II. It our nceic.l itruueikl nr slntekecper does 1 not ket-p this mediriue do not I t him pui you oil' with 1 oonn other medicine but .viol at ouii. tu one it the , dgculs fur it I Juuti -II I (II tut A FKW HEASONS WHY TUB AMERffiAM WATCH is Tim nnsr. IT Ii mndn (n tlio lic.t nili:tlpl. wMlo tli foreign Watch is generally mado on no nil, Tlio foreign watch In Inontly mailo by wciinuii nail boyt, lly linn, I. While their labor In cheap, their work Is ilenr (it any price. Hucli wiileliea are mailo wlthonl plan, and mild wllliont goarantco. They-aro irri-gular In They nro designed only to cil, iinii the bi.yV,' " j, tho party luort thoroughly sold. Those who havo kept ' nf res," "li pliies" nnd "Htvlrs levers" In professed r,.u,s r for a ew venrs w I nniirec nlo t in irnil. r,r i.i,. , "iiMruuiun, ni'ii quiio ni irrettuiar in tlateinnlil, Till: PLAN OK Till! AMERICAN WATf:ll. Instead of being mailo nf several hindreif liltfo pie. cos, scrowed together, tho body of Ilia Alucilcnn Wntch i formed of i-i.atis. No Jar interfered lth tlio linminiiv of Its working, and ml iidieu shock ran Ihraw Its mnclilncry nut of gear In riding or nuy I, -nines pursuit, It Is all held tugcllier ns flrin. ly us n single pli-ro of metal, It is Just what nil ma thliiery sliuiild bo 1st At'Ul'ltA'iT.. 2d. RIMI'LI'.. 3d, 8TRU.VU. -Hit. nUlNOMlCAL. 'o not not imlv sernro f'htanness liv onr iv.i.m !'"' Ouallty, Wu tint pretend tlint nur Wiikli can be ouupui ior less iiinuej man ino lorilirn ninse U-u-ve. )t ,, ff , ttl, llluo s0j-ror ,mc.llM lh,. price. "r soliler's Watch (iiaiueil Win, Ellery) Is what Its , linmi! lllMrntl'S-flolill. irtlbalniltinl. n n,t nlu'nlii P.,.1 ,l,.e-warritnt...l to stand any nniJuni of Ma chlng Hiding or I'lchtlng, .Our Next Higher Qunllty of Wntch (ntrnied P. fi Uaslli ll) Is similar In slau .mil (.'"imriil nppearJiiccbut ii.ii ni"reje"i, nun n limro elabnriite llnli-ll. 01 II I, Mill. R' WATlll, recenlly Lroiight out Is put up In u great variety of pait,-rns, In.iny nrihein of rnro heanty nnd workmanship, iulto tunll, but wnrrantco In keep time, The proof of tho merits ormir Wntch may bo found In Hip fact that wo now rmplm over eeu hundred workmen in our factories, nnd that wo are Hill unable 10 supply the rnnstnnlly Increasing deinsnd. Our Three 'it.rter Plato Wntih is thinner and light. or than thu ('then, wi- have desnlb -d. Its lino chrono lilCtf'r balauru Is deliclltelV lnlliislnd In rnrreit lln, v. rlation caused by chanues nf Ibinperaturo. This" I Watches am the fruits of Ihe latust i-jpeiiineiits In I uiniunm-iry nmn-n maim ny our liesl wurKnifli. tu a scparatn ik-pmtment ot our f.utnry. I'or thu lluc.t lline-kecpliig nunlitles thev ilinllengu ru.ipnrlsni ulththo bis. works nf tlm must lainious EngWsh nnd .Swiss makers. KOIIIIIN.V.S U APPLET! jN, Agents fur tlio Ann r Iran tVatih I'liiiiliany, . I il llltOAIWAY, NEW YORK. Jiily'JJ, IMSA-liii. NEW ARUIVAL w T tttv ' v. I At A. J. Evans' (LOIiliM KMIIiH! BLOOMSBUltG, PENN. LATEST SYLES CAKAP GOODS M'lll! under-Icned respectfully informs his friends .L nml the public generally, that lie has just rcicivod j imiu me Lastern cities, n inrco ustuitmeut of ft E. V GLO T H. I ft Ct being the be.t nssortnietit ever utl'ereit in this mat r-n . Also n cnmpli te iissnrtiui'iit nf llnvs Ctotliliig, In f.irt nverjtliini! in tho Clnlhiiig Line For Ihnse who prefer In leave their tucasures. a perfect til guaranteed, and , tithing but the best workmanship allowed nt this es la lislimciit. lie ulsu keeps on hand it large ns-oit-mei 'of BOOTS AXD SHOES. II ATf ND CAPH. tnietlnr wltli a vnrii tvof iinllntM. "ALL AND at.ll POIl YOUIlrilll.r. -n a. j. iiVArfc. lilnnturbiirg, April. 2H, I Sill. A. DAVIS & CO., rUILAI) ELl 111JI, Manufacturers of Rail Bead Track, Hay Coal an Cattle J-' PLATFORM AND COUNTER EVERY DESCRIPTION C-r- EVERV SHALE Ifarranlul. Orders promptly filled, -apply to 11. II. EATON, Solo Agent, Berwick, J. K. EyiSK, Bloomobur, Pi I July 2'2, letlo. Ohio. J Third Edition, Jlfty Thousand, 100 p'i- JCS , clttth cov.cts, I BY ItOBT. E HELL, M. D., A raution addressed to youth, the married and those i CONTEMPLATING MARRIAGE. Hciu hy iiii'il, poht paid, on r-ot'ipt n' TI'N T.NTa. A f ai'i fin ticriual nf (hi pnwill hunk lias hem a I BOON TO THE AFFLICTED ! 1 and lias sa cd thousands limn a life cf mlserj and an ! UNTIMELY GRAVE. ' It treats on the evils of Youthful Indiscretion, Self- , Abuse, rS.uiiiiat M rami'-. Ellllsslu.l. Seil.ll Ola- eases, (ieuilal Hi-lulity, Loss ol cower, .Nervousm-sn, Pieinaturo Dicay, tinnim-iiie, de. (x, which mini Iho sullcrer Irnni iiillllling the viiuu.rrw.VD or Jijuunicin, Address, nn. J Box TjO BRYAN, Consulting Physieinn, 9. M2 Broadway, N. Y. July 13, 1 PiVf. J. II. II AR MAN, A ii ent RUPERT, PA per. i PA ATI. OF LIME, Wniranied tSupenor tu any manufactured. For nlo at .Manufacturers Prices, Itupcrt. July Si. Irtrt-Ilnm. ERRORS Oh YOUTH. A GENTLEMAN who fullered foi years from Nervous and Oenital Diliiliiy.Night. ly Emissions, nml seuun il Weal-ne-s, tlm result of uutl fill inilisi-relion, und ciiiw near eiidini; his day, ill hopeless mi.ery, will, for Hie snk-i nf sun'erini! man, scud tn any one diluted, the simple menus used by him, which edi-ctcd u euro in u tew weens, alter Iho failure uf numerous iin-dli ini-s. H ud a ilirecli-d en vilopu and stamp nnd it w 11 cost yon nnlliiug. Addrebs, EDGAR TRE.MAIN, Station L, liiilt St., N. York City. Ju'y 13, ie03. SQ SOMSyM'P'SlVE.S'o q U E R ITS Cod Liver Oi! Jelly,1 AlTUOVnil IIY Till! ACAD P. MY OF MHDICTVE. Tor Ci uglis, Colds, llrniirhinl and Tuburrular Con siiinplion, Scrofula nn.l (i.-oeral Debiliiy The mn.t mil I, bland and niilriti'.m iorm in which Cod Liver till ran bu used, nnd with mure lenient seiured to thu patient by it sing a teiispooufui of this Jelly. Ilian by double tho ipiantiry of the clear or uujelliilcil Oil. For i BIllU uy b,jlB,-t ,,i, m E. II. TRL'EX, Wholesale Druggist, No. 15 Hickman St , New York. July 13. Ir-oA. COLUMBIA Insurance Company, COLUMBIA, LANCASTER Co., Pa. Cash Capital 5t Anseta, $500,000. iCIIAUTEIt PEKPLTUAL) Directors : S. C Filaymakcr, John W. ritency, Jnlm I'cndrirh, i'.ilini. .1 Shorn, Win, I'ation, Amos S. (Jreen, tlul.t. T. lty. ni, M. S. Hhuinnn, (ieo Yoiing.Jr., N. .McDonald, S. I'. F.bcrlf in, 11. i .Minich. Edmou.t Spuiiac. aaios a ouehn rrcs't. M. S. SOCMAN, Treasurer. OEO YOIINC, Jr., Seer, wry. IC Wil insure propi rty ut as rraroitnl.lo rates ns will bu cnii.l.tenito the Company and those insured. Ji. II. CONOVER, Agent, Lav,h Huvcu Pa i Ul', it. l. - CO Al. OIL. IN COLUMIUA COUNTY. t COAL OIL disooycrrd !n Light Street, Cnlumlia county, In llifl cellar uf tin) nn.lff slgticd, which, will bo tnldby Hie quart or gillon. Also a second arrival of Summer Goods Consisting of every tiling generally kept lit a tonally store, which will be sold ( hcapcr than the Cheapest. Call anil sco nnd Jitiljro for yourselves. Ills slocKconnlsts of Ladles Dresnoods cholcnnt t)ts end latest fashions Calicos, Muslins, Oingliama, Flannels, Carpets, - i Shawlff, Hosiery, Kilkb, HEADY MADE CLOTHING. Cassimcrcs, . ... (, Satinets, CoHonados," Kentucky Joans, Thread, Ac. Groceries, Qticcnswrirc, Cedarwaro, Hardwar'o, Medicines, Drugs, O'l". .... Paints, &o BOOTS, SHOES. HATS k CAS.&o. The pntrnnnco ofnld friends, and the public genera ly, is ri'speiuuily so.icileil. . , The hlgheat market firico paid forenuntiy produce PETE It EN'l'. Light Street, July 15, 1P03. PR0VI8I0iST"ST0RE A large Stock of Family GRO CERIES and Provisions gen erally, just opening, and for Sale by W holesale and Reta. I AT HIE SHANNON BUILDINGS, MAIN ST., BLOOMSIjUPvG. ! CONSISTING ot all tho ncocssarh it and lumries of life, usually found in such 1 tablifhuiciits In i illcs and largu towns. Among tin , aro I tiUOAU. ALL OUAnCS. COITEE, rilOM 01.1) (.'overumcnt Java dnii'ii. TEA, Imiu thu very best to clnnper ipiallties. M'li i;." all kinds, Dried I'ruit, llmus, Dried licet Pork, I lour, Duller, oheese, Cod Pish, .Mackcrell, Keruseno Oil and l,aiups,WonJ,-ii Ware, Uroutus, Pnils, 'Jaskets fee , -c, de. Pyrups, Molasses, Cider Yinegar. Com Starch, En. da, Cream of Tarter, foreign 1'ruits mid 30 tons of arliclei. too nuiui-rotis to meiitiril. All laid in since tlm late FALL IN COLD nnd wil be sold at tho lowest cash prices. CASH PAID FOR EGGS. LAYTON ltUNYON. r.lnoni.burg May 37, liOj. lOASUMCTION, UATAHRIJ, AND ! BJlONClimS CAN Mi ! . nrmvrt i v f xt ALUAItLE treatise on the nature Consumption and its various stage,. Ilmnchlt- of Consumption anil its various stages is rnturrh. i.r... urico III Cents, in.ludlut! nostace.aud simple pregcrijitious which have cuied thousanils, will be sent, free of charje, to any ono applying. It will cost von but little, anil may be tho meaiiB of saving your life. Send uu addressed envelope and stamp tu DR. J. BRYAN, ConsiUingPbysiilan, ( Ttrnmliric N V 1. Jjrouuway, 1X. i., And von will rccclvcilL-y return ot man. i I July 13. ist.3. ! ; 1 FEES II ARR1VA L I OP j SPUING kWl) S2JJMNIE8 ! A T Miller's Storeft rrHIE subscriber his just returned frnin the Citiea J w nil .innther large and select assortinet of SPUING AND SUM M Ell UOODs purchased at rhil.nlelplil-i, nt tho lowed figure, nn.l winch they are determined to sell on as moderate terms ns i an bu procured elsewlicio in lilooinsburg. His slock i otuprises L.iuii.' nr.h.fs noons, ofdioicest styles nml latest fnsb'nn, OliV (10UDS, .I.VJt (IKOCKI.'F.S. . iijiumvmi: (imr.xoMiu:, ., CF.itjin imiu:.' ivjihc nojv, .V.1U.S. hoots ,- suor.s If.lTS A IMPS, .tc, &, r ., He, III short evervlliing usually kept In country Siorcs to wlm h ho nnito Hie public generally. Tin- Hiehesti rno paid fur country produre. S. 11. MILLER. I llloomsburg. Vay 13. 1803. TO THE MUSICAL PUBLIC, THE subscriber, 20 years a practical Piano Fori.) M.iruf.tclurcr, of New York Oily, has p.'rn.a .ently located in this section, und would lespectlully solicit orders for TUNING, REPAIRING, AND REG ULATING PIANO FORTES AND MELODEONS. The subscriber is also the mauufaetur cr's Agent for Chiekcring & Son'3, Hazlrton Bro's, Ltndc.nan & Son's, William R, ilradbtiry's, 1'Jdward Bloomlield's, McDonald & Co'a PIANO FORTES, And Carhnrtt Niedham's. and I'cluubet'a Melodcons and Harmoniums, And L. U. Stuart's PipeCHUP.CII Olit'.ANS. james Mcdonald. llloomsburg. May', 1BI3.-Iy Insurance Company WlLKES-nAUUE. TENNA.' I (PI'IWL AND SURI'HS, $150, A S J E 'I' S . Ftork not rnfled in, .... ssi.ooa 40,0(10 !,"i,IIUII o.oou p.i-i' A.lll'U I'.lll.) receivable, ..... C, S. A-'JO llfinils, I Temporary and call loans, 1113 shares Wyoming Hank Stock, - . SO shares Tint National llantt nl Wilks-Oarre, ' 70 shares Second National Hunk at Wilkes-llarro 10 shares t llkes-llnrro lltidge aioclt. Ui nl Est.i'c, Jndgnieiils. - 1 Due troin Agents and others, 7.1IO0 L'.AeO 1,5111 111.' 7,4 H Cash In nanu unu in uann, O. M. 1IOI.LRNI1ACK, JOHN UEICIIAUD. SAMUEL WAIHIAMS. CHAIILUO DOItllANCi:, ll 11 I.AI'DIV L. D, SHOEMAKER, II. JI.1IOYT, O. -OLIilNH, Wm. H. ROSS, I IIAKLUS A. MINER, STEWART FIERcn, u Al IIAIUHNC. O..M HOLI, i:IIACK. Pretldtnl. L. D. fllULMAKUIt, vice Prfj'. It. C. HMITIL BscnTRV. . . ...twi, I,, .EClll. March 23, IS ... i lusbiirg, Pa, TOOKKT DlARIESIpnOTOGRAPll I ALIIUMri t ALUUAl PICI'lIRE?. -lelHng in I yir ir.vv pur fur tasli 11 I Atari . I I M i b PER It V ,v ti .t I I'll.' I Attempt to Kidnap deorgo N. Sanders. Montreal, C. W. Aug. a, 1805 Last evening nn ailcmjl wa madn lr kidnap Geo, N. Sanders, aid enrry bint over tho lines. Tho conepitniors offered Detective O'Reilly SlO.not' to a.ii them Ho prctciidctl to agrr-ft, l.-tit warrjed San doro and the police He then, -in carry ing out his apparent complicity, inducid Sanders to get iuto a onrnilge, end (hes drove out to the suburbs, whom lliev were attacked by tiiti kidnappers. Sau tiers wa.4 gaggrd, and O'Leary (hrowr out of tho carraigc. On approaching ll. toll gate, tho police, in ombuah, prang upon tlicm, released S indent nnd enplurcd two of the kidnapper", Cm log E. Hogan and W. A. Burns, who say they are de tcetive1'. Shots vroro freely exchanged with the police. Another kidnapper wa captured this morning, Adiiiiiiihtr.alor's IVoticv. P.state. oj Wm. Ihffmttn, Decease 1 ETJ'EltS of ndnilnlstialiouoli the F.sta'e nt IV Iji ilo'liunn, late u( Ceulre Iwp., i oliiiuluncn., .! r a have b.-en gtautod by the Itegisier of Culiuiililn r i tn tho iinilcrslitned ; all persona bavins claims ugnltist tin. estate of thu decedent nru ri"ni'.lnd to present them i the Admiulstr.itor at Ills lesidcucc In mid town ship without delay, and all persons Indebted to nnki payment forthwith, JESSE HOFFMAN, Administrator. July g.t, ier.a-n.,s3 Administrator's Notice. Estutc of John J 'eager, JJeccand. IETTEUS of ndminittration on the J Estate of John Ycncer. sen., late of Lwust twp ('ulumbia cniinly, deceased, have been g-.rt"dby the Iteginler of Columbia county to tho iindorsigneil r all persons h-vvtlig claims again-', the cstalu nf the tic reilenl nro le-tuested to nri-sep' thein to the uLder sizncil, resUliui! in said township, without delnv, and all persoiis in lebte.l to makn paymenl forthwith. JACOII YKAOEIt. tVASIIINOTON YftlOER Administralor'a. July !.1,1P1A - Cw S3 Administrator's Notice. Estate of Levi Ashlon J)eceafcd. I ETTEl!?- ,1J Estalo nf I.e of administration on tho Levi Aslitou, lite of Pine tnwnshli. Columbia uuin.y, deceased, hevo been ctanted by tin. itegtster ol .;i.iuiuom co,. in in.- uiiocrsieneti ; an per sons having claims agulitpl th estate of the deceit. 11' are rt"iiostod to present them lo I lie; Ailniinislrator nt Ills resilience in Pino twp., without delay, and nl nil persons Indebted lo make payment fatthwith, JOHN LOltf Adn.'r. July -IJ, liM.-ll.v ?3, AUDITOR'S NOTICE! THE f.n.lf rsicnci Auditor, appointed by the Com of Common Pleas ot Columbia County, In distribute the fund in the hands of Hie lata flteriH of Columbtii county, arising from Hie sine of tHj real eslato of Samuel C. Krkkbaum. nmnng the several Hen credl tors of tlio ui id ijainu.l C. Kriekluiim ; will attend at his office In Uloomsbtirp, on I'll ID V THE 1st DA. OF SLIM EM II I.K NEXT, at 10 u'clnch A. .11 , of said day. for the purpose of making distribution. All ver. snns hnvtnii elaiuts or detuniidQ niainrt the said fund nre untitled lo present llieui to the Auditor on that day, or be d'-barred frou coming in for a sltaie uf the fnnil C. O ISA UK LEY. r.lroincburg, July :9. 03 SJ.J0 Auditor. Anditor'a Notice. Estate of Henry (!. Koons, Deceased. rMIE undersigned Auditor, appointed Mfe"' make dislributiou of the balance in Hi h inds nf il-i'iry Uu"3, adiulnlslrntor of Ileury O. Knoas. lute (if Hum luck township, in said county, deceased, among the several creditors of (he decedent, in the order cstab llshed by law. will attend nt bis oilice. in llluaiusburi! on SATUIIOAY. T.iE I2th day of AUUUciT NC.XT lit 10 o'clock A. M., of said day, for tlio purpose nf making the ilistriliu'lnu. All persons having claims ur ileiiiaiuis against Hiu estate oi mil iiecuucui, ere no. tilied.ln present tin-in to tlio n udilur on I Hal day, b(, j.j,; fl0m comim: in for a sharuof tho fiin-1 P.OUEltT F. CLAltK, Auditor. , July 1, loCj. it -S2.30 IlioonnLut; Administrator's Notice. , Estate of James Lafferty, Deceased. 1 'J ETTEIIS or Administration on tho Es'atn of James Lnft'erty, lato nf Ilriarcreok township, Columbia county, deceased, havo been eran ted by the Register or Columbia inuiity to tho under sinned ; all persons linvius claims against tha cstau uf tho ilccedent are r.eiueste.l lo present them to th, undersigned, residing in t'ishinirrreek In'vuship.wlth. out delay, uud all persons Indebted to niaku pa) men t forthwith. ! WILLIAM EVELAND, 1 Adininisttator, June Sf, J?C3. -Cw SI 00 NEW CU.'IIR F A C T O il Y I rpnr, UNDErvr'KINEn announces to his friends nn I jl the public, that lie has opened u NEW CHAIR FACTORY, r.l In the frmc buildin- nn the en tier nf Main Street Va mnl Court House Alley, in part of JlcU's Tin 3h ,. when) he Keeps constantly ou hand and make tu 01 derail Kinus ot ISlMtllSlr. Of the best kind, latest stvte.and at moderate prices. Oive him ti call. Couutry producu laKen in exchnnge for Chair a. JAMES C ADMAN. Eloorinburg, July CO, Hi!. Q I9. linEifiS5ACE33 Justice of the Peicc, Licensed Cnnvcyav cer, Sciivaicr, ya. OFFICE BEAVER VALLEY, PA. Will attend to taking Acknoulsdgi'ieou, Write Deods, Morlgagcs, Leu-es, llonds. Notos. tec. CT Clnrges .nodcrnte. May (i, ISOA.- am FRESH ARli IV A L Spring and Summer- sit mwMMwm -FOR EVERYBODY 7 HE undersigned, grnu-rul for past pairnine. re-pee fully iiiforinslilsntstuniers and ilipiibtirteni-ially that he nan Just received from the Eastern tine -, th l.irgest aud most select sloik of S PRING&SUMM ER Tint hai yet ! --en n inied In l)Iooin?)'ir?. t-. which lit Invites tl'- n iimi of Ins friends, ami assures ihen- lliutlK" ,n ' "'1 ru.l fur tale tit at laigims. II, Sleek c 'inpi im-s u largo assortment of (ilM'I.CMEM'aWllARINO Ari'AKEL, Consisting ui t'ssMtuNsetE Drkss Coats, "t iviv Of criptiuu; Pauls. Vests, Shirts, Cravats Stoics, ci-'m lljiidkerchiers.Cloviii, liuspeiiders. lie. Gold Watelios and Jewelry, Of even-description, lluo ami cheap. pi. ,-Kiiiiemb.r " Uatnbtrt'i Virrp F.mrMlvmS call see. No chartlo for o;1'1!1"?''''"''....,,-,,- llloomsburg, April 1, 1S05. (lone l.A i )' liCTlE; tiuxtfxesssE. rPIIE undersigned boing a regularly L- C ceu.ed AUCTIONEER. Hereby off, rs his services as sncli lo all who may I'' l disposed to give him a cill. His I iijc eiprlenc in Hie business, will enable him to render sjilil iriion i l.i' ciuiou en. All persons ilesiiing my survics. will plea ii, me tu that tileel before tiny tidveitii -. IP AM DP.Ji. Po i olh, ndd II ' a iSttsiW