Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, August 12, 1865, Image 2

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" Otir Constitution Ewarcl It ever
Our elorloai Unionhold II dear t
Our Starry nagforsako It never I
The proud Caucasslan our only peer!
Saturday Monilng.Aug 12,1005.
UtMocrtAiT. n milliiicnt not to bo appalled, corrupt
ed or compromised It known no baseness, It cowcrn
to nn danger. It oppresses no weakness, rtt-struclivc
only of despotism It In thu sole conservator of liberty,
labor and property. It ! the sentiment of freedom, of
oiual rlthts, of equal obligations the law of nature
pcrvadlnf tho law of the land,
Democratic County Convention.
Notice ii hor4iy hiven that tho Democratic Electors,
In and for tho levcral Uoroughi and election Districts,
will meet at their respective places of holding tlm
Bencral Elections, except In Oon)nsham twp., there
they will meet at the I'libllc House o( I'ctcr Mower,
on SATURDAY, 'I C "Alt of AUGUST, lSGs, liettvcott
tho hour of3nnd7 o'clock I', At,, of said dty, for
the purpoa of choosing two Debates from each l)i.
trlct, to meet in County Convention nt tho COURT
HOUSC in Illoomsbtirg, on MONDAY, TIIC H3TII
DAY OP AUGUST, IH6J, nt 1 o'clock, P. M for tho
purpose of making the usual annual nominations of
the Democratic parly of Colunbla County,
li. II. LITTLE, Chairman,
iiE.vY ntvruuLiTCit John nn, i,,
E. O. KlCKErrS, iilias IHIJTKRlfJK,
. . Democratic Standing Coiinnittce,
r.loomtburg, July ), JSOj, .
i 1
The Nob-Mountain Meeting.
' Tho meeting in tho Orangovillo Grovo,
is fixed for tho 29lh, 30th ami Jlst of the
present month, commoncing on tho after
noon ot Tuesday tho 20th; Thoro wilj
bo touts, and a regular encampment, with
an organization for preserving good order.
Ulizcns with their families and returned
aoldiors will constitute tho main body of
the audience, but visitors and strangers
will bo welcome-. Original pociry, ap
propriate to tho occasion, will be rccilcd
or sung, and tho speeches delivered will
cover tho whole field of present political
Tho place of meeting, (upon tho lands
of Mr. John Mcgargsll,) is one of Iho fi
nest situations in the county for tho pur
pose in view, and there is no reason to
doubt that the meeting will bo most pleas
ant and Eucoessful.
Auditor General.
Hon. Paul LKiuy,of Montour county,
will be presented by the Democracy of the
Noith, before the coming Democratic
State Convention, as a candidate for Au
ditor General of Pennsylvania. We mo'st
oordially endorse tho movement, and taks
pleasure in saying, that Mr. Loiily is in
every way well qualified for tbo efficient
discbarge of the duties pertaining to that
responsible office, and msuro our demo
cratic friends everywhere, that from his
inch character as a citizen. o-miiiVmnn mnl I
" 1 a '
sound Democrat, ho would, if nominated,
make an available candidate. Wo com
mend Mr. L , to the respectful considera
tion ol the convention, and fool well assur
ed that with such n Btandard-bcarcr, the
Democracy would again redeem tho "Key
stone of the Foderal Arch."
The Case of William Kcsslcr.
William Kcsslcr, a poor insane man, of
Jackson township,in this county was draf
ted; but no notics was over served on him,
tho officer whoso duty it was, saying that
it was unuecessary, that ho know him to
bo insane), and that bo would so return tho
factj. Subscquently,William Kesalcr was
taken to tho Lunatic Asylum at Harris,
burg.where he escaped and by sonio means
returned home.
Tho notifying officer went into tho ser
vico and died. Tho way seemed to bo
clear; and thirty-pieces of greenbacks, a
prizo uot to bo lightly discarded. Accord
ingly ono bitter cold uight in .February
last, a Bquad, followed by a military offi
cial, arrested tho poor lunatio,hurried hiui
from point lo point without giving his
friends timo or opportunity to briug tho
facts bpfore tho couviming tribunal ; un
til finally the poor, rruuNDi,iiss INSANE
citizen, found himself incarcerated in Fort
Mifflin, under scntenoo of a Court Martial,
to confincmont fof TWO YEARS WITH
Who shall answor at tho groat day, for
the unexamplod Buffering this innocent lu
natic has endured I
We aro gla'd lo add, that upon tho facts
being made known to President Johnson,
ho immediately ordorcd Kcsslcr's release
and diiohargc,:ind to be returned in chargo
of a guard to his homo in Jackson town
ship. For which to him, thanks.
-" -
US?" On Wednesday morning last Abi-
jah ncss, of Sugarloaf township, in this
county, called at our office ; being on his
way homo from Fort Mifflin, where ho
Las been confined under scntonco of Court
Martial for tho last sis mouths, IIo in
formed us that Win. Kcuslor, Clirk Vents
and Syrus I.arieh, also of this county,had
been released.
Wo also learn from hitu that at the
same time, seventy-fivo others from differ- j
cnt part of the btato woro released ; all
of them by order of tho President of the
United Slates.
Wo nro very glad lo greet tho citizens
of tho county again; and to know that
President Johnson is surely though slowly
restoring to liberty all tho victims of Lin.
coin and Stanton.
Ex-I're' itlrnt lluohanan'ii new woil:
is In the hand', of thr printer;
1 ftaf
r "
Tho Soldiers' Friends.
That an clcotlon Is at hand can easily
bo scon by tho attempt of the opposition
(o court soldier's votes. Not only do tLoy
pretend to bo his best fricntU.but cndc.tvor
to eioito them against Democrats, Tho
Republican party, wo broadly assert, ia
IfnnilltliAiti, n ikIm m t .11.. - i 1 m
not tho soldiers friend. Truo, thoy as-
sort they gavo hint tho clcotivo fratichiio,
but not to bonefit him, but for tin purpose
of turning tho army voles to thoir own
purposes by fraudulent moans. By moans
of cnormou frauds, gifts of places, sales
of furloughs, Ac,, thoy won tho majority
of that voto, hut now ho is tinlrainmolcd
by military dictation his ballots ncod not
pass through tho hands of llcjHiblkdn
l'ost Masters mi ho can voto aB his rca-
son dictates.
In tbo first placo the llcpublicans on-
dcavor to debase tho whito soldior by
placing him on an equality with tho no-
Gro, an admitted inferior. Nay, more
than this, many llcpublicans assort tho
Negro soldiers to bo belter than tho whito!
Again, tho Republicans show their lovo
lor tho soldior by heaping abuse on Mich
men as McClollan, Sherman, Bucll, and
oiucr prominent ucucraH ; ami tno mis-
ccgenation sheet of this plnco has mada
its most cowardly assaults upon Demo
cratic soldiers from this County, t-imply
because thoy woro Democrats.
Wc hold tho llcpublicans responsible,
also, for tho murder of our men nt Salis
bury, Andcrsonvillo, Danville, and other
Confederate prisons, becauso these mon
could all have been exchanged hud not the
Administration insisted on tho exchange of
a few nngroos Rnt.
Wo chargo tho Republican parly with
unduly prolonging this war, and eveu uow
trying to oxoito another.
Thoy aro responsible for first offering
men 100 Bounty to sorvo "ono year' or
during tho war," and then refusing to pay
it on their dicchargo.
I'hoy aro the ones, also, who keep ne
groes and negro families in "Frccdmcn's
Homes" &o., oveu crcoting a Bureau with
Gen. Howard at tho head for tho special
caro ot thcso Government pets, while
wounded soldiers and their families arc
turned upou tho oold charities of tho
world, and in many cases havo alroady
become township charges.
The llcpublicans, hccaii3o in power .arc
to blame because thoy can at once cash
shoddy contractors, but keep the soldior,
his widow, or mother, months and yenrs
out of their arrearages of pay, and that
miserahlo pittanco called iiPcnsion.u
i hoy can boast and feto suoh warriors
as Burnside, Butler, Dix, aud that ilk,
whilo thoy accuse manj' of our bravest and
host soldiers of Treason.
Soldiers, examine tho record of tho
prominent llcpublioans of this couuty,and
in what light does it stand? What blood
, or money havo they contributed moro than
men of Democratic faith ? Wc aro satis
fied with your answer as given last No
vember, f
The Gho3t of Abraham Lincoln.
Thero are a class of politicians that
would grind the bones of thoir fathers to
make their political bread. The Blaok
Republicans and War Domoorats struggled
With each other which should make the
most capital out of tho assassination of
Mr. Lincoln. But when the popular ox.
citomcutupon tho subject was allayed,
they dropped tho curtain pon uthcir apoth
eosis of tho dead I'residout, and concen
trated their atlontion upon thomanagmont
of tho living ono. Wc hear nothing now
of the liberal projects of tho Loyal Lea
guers to build a Lincoln monument, and
the family of tho murdered Prcsidont have
heard as little latterly, wo aro assured, of
the hundred bousaud dollars that was to
..... I
" - - v . v.- - v- v. viov-jiu tuiuuuiuild vtl
peoplo's sacred obligation. '
Hut Andrew Johnson's advisers fitill '
uso the memory of his predecessor to hold
him in subordination. If any mcajuro is 1 "c uSut a,nong tho loyal supporters of
in contemplation that is objoctionablo to tl10 Qvernmcnl,for tho fat offices in Phil
Mr. Johnson's Dcmooratio inclinations, olphia, has been settled by tho ro-ap-tho
ghost of Abraham Lincoln is conjured pointmcnt of the old incumbents but ono,
up, and tho spectral infliionoo invoked to' ' as follows :
compel obedionoe. "Mr. Lincoln would) Collector of the Tort Col. William 13.
havo donoso and so," and "Suoh was wri Thomas of Philadelphia. j
Lincoln's policy," and "Mr. Lincoln ox-', Na?ul Officer Ut. Edward Wallaoo.of
nrcsscd himself time nnnn lliia cuMlhI," reading.
Undorsuch a system of terrorism, a man
ol strongost will might succumb lo tho
machinations of his inquisitors. Jly iu-
ciatltlr. tlmt ikn C-lnnAr. C AT T : I
a 1 ' J-iniuuiu cx-
..,J 1 1 -1 ii r I
pected and comaudod it. iIr. Johnson was
. 1 it- , , u v.. na0
mduocd to sign tho death warrant of Mrs.
Wo do not wonder that Lis health hna
given way undorsuch a routine of survoil-
lance and mental torturo. Let us bono
that ho has sufficient vLit L !!!
r - j . . , w
tho ordeal, and sulTieiGiit onnrnn r
tho spoil, and atscrt bis own iudividualitr
m. ......
Tho Itepublio needs a livo President- it
cannot afford to bo trovorncd at tho J eh
w Exeouttvc will m&ko au effort to cs-
cape from tho political neioomauocrs who
hold him within their charmed circle, for
until then ihoro will bo but M, ' r
AndrewJohusonin offioo.and thoauhMLc"
of aulhoiir.7 will Im wltli n nni,:.i i...
w&snotofhis own Bcleotion, and with
whom bo has neither sympathy nor con.
- - --
iJ JubncE Jiiftioo is liko Nobu-
chadnezzr'B tree, fo: flho is eo great that
Bho shades not only tho palaeo of the kinr;
inn mo nouso oi tho nobles, but Iho inann-
'Iho County Convention.
As tho timo is ncur at hand for the"
meeting of (his body, wo would urgo upon
our friends tho necessity of sendinc cood
and reliublo men as Doli'gatcs. Tbo quos -
lion should not bo who has the most liuio
l - ... . , ,1.. t . . 1
to fqmro, but who is tho host man, and
who will test reprcscut tho wiahes of tho
people. Tho Convention should look fur-
thor than ti c imoro nomination of oandt-
dates. Tho pontest wo aro about to ongnge
in is all important. To what oxtent shall
wo endorso President Johnson 1 What
phall bo dono in regard to the continued
euspomion of the writ of Habeas Corpus t,
of tho continued intorforcnoo by tbo raili-
tary with the civil powers ? How oan wo
host organize and unito the people against
tho pernicious doclrino of Negro suffrage
aiui Ncgro Equality. Thcso and kindred
questions should ho considered in tho
Conventions of tho pooplo,aud wc may
ihus inform tho powors thai bo, that these
bodies aro not morn machinery in tho
hands of designing mon to accomplish
porsoncl uims, but that Iho people them.
ro acting through their Delegates,
aa luat l)loir nwu aro Outlllod to re
sncc 4,
The Tomato.
season for this royal
fruit has
again arrived, ami wo proposo to "nu
prove tho occasion" by tome remarks to
our readers.
Wu nro indebted for thi.i plant ( f-y-coposicum
(SGiiloitiiiii) to South America,
tho homo of most of tho spcoica of Sola
turn aud allied genera, and it is, next to
the potato and Indian corn, tho most val
uable: vcgotablo production native to that
quarter of the earth. Tho tomato is among
the most healthful of fruits ; tho cultiva
tion of the plant is simplo, and its pro
ductiveness groat. It will grow well in
various soils, and is but little Mibjuct to
insects or disease, l'csides, when treated
fairly its appcarauco in tho garden or
field is ornamental.
Tho uses of tho fruit aro many. It is
stowed, baked, oaten raw, aud used in
madu-dishes. It is mado into ketchup
and applied as a garnish or dressing. For
preservation, it is driud or cannod, pre -
pared as a preserve or pickled. And we
now read accounts of the manufacture of
wine from it, which is said to be fiuo.
Tho vaiiety best kuown and that com
monly raised, i3 tho Large lied, whi.obJU
of greatest fliza and mostly irregular iu
form. It is rather sharp to the taUo, be
ing moro aciduous than othor sorts; Tho
largo Yellow has n mild flavor.and should
bo mixed with tho red in cooking. The
Cook's Favorilc, is a new sort of fair size
and appearanco which wc hear commend
ed by some persons, but wc aro unable to
fix its character from our own observa
tion. Tho Pear-shaped tomato is of mod
erate sizo but elegant in form : and tho
small Cherry tomato is tho proper kind
for pickling. But, in our opinion, tho
Frtnco of Tomatoes is tho Fcieo. Tho
vino of this variety U readily known from
others by a light bluiah shade in the col
oring. Tho fruit is of good sizo, gener
ally regular in form, and of a dull red
color. Its quality is excellent. Its taste
is mildor than that of tho largo red with
out tho insipidity of tho yellow and the
flesh is full and firm without toushncss.
The plant in growth may bo supported
by a stake, trellis or a frsmo; if allowed
to spread upon tho ground straw should
be placed under if. This answers as a
mulch and keeps tho plant and fruit olean.
It is a common error to place the plants
too closely. Thoy should havo plenty of
.pace, and the ends should bo pinched 'off!
cr fruit has fot fully. Shortening in
the (moots has tho samt. effect as with
m . iu IUU 01'J It
not quality and carlincss of tho fruit.
1 nE 1 "fsADBLWir Aitointments.
Surveyor or Customs Hon. E. lieod
Mycr, of Bradford county.
PoittnaUcr Cornelius A, Walborn. j
The only exception upon tho "slate,"
: TTnn W, Mill 1 .1..
ii u., luuilTUIU. IUU U, (3. 01
i,i .1 , . , , , .
sna w, uag superseded bv Col.
n vumnr 1 y
U. S. Mar-,
r , 0 "? Vor,? rM'' n fPoak-,
X! !Iamllu,8 Fn,,i"ct Organs, j
mi . T tra.. - 1
wj guuuiuu nuuiiues irom jjos
ton to San Frannicpn. Tl.f Mo.-.c it.
B0D lt Haln bavo succeeded in making
H Olltinrlill. Cm.ll Inrl. L . 1...I
t 8T .-fma ,". 'nstruu'et-from httla ,
h"7"-k ' T' 10 ' . 0 VV",.C", ,Jl
universal opinion of thu musical profes-1
Hl?n TLo' a8reo lhat 110 suou wecliani-
r ?ft kind Mf found c1ual
?ffeD n, f.T: ..Iho toD0. l3J
ZIZi I prZoatlvo Z'Sf'
Thev stand romrh trnvMlinr, 1..1 1 at(1, A now braiioh oi villany was oroa-
" will livo in climates that will kill;1.011 b? ,Ilis circumstanoo, and bounty j
Amcrioa" "Miiaric.
-w- - -
rT Goti. v. I . Ulair said in a reconl
speech at St. Louis, that Gen. Shorman 1
"has bacu assailed by nobody oscont thoso 1
who aro thu cnemioa of their country."
How do tho editors of abolition oraaus
iinr mat
"Lot ub got Andrew Johnson."
Tho Democracy must givo up paddling
in tho shallow current of oxpedtenoy , and
tako to tho deep fca of principle, if they
1 would rcorctlb the ascendency of their
patty. ''Lot us cot Andrew Johnson
: -
! ,.
is a loo frcquont expression amoDg Dem
ocrats. Wo say lot us get upon a Dorao
cratlo platform, without regard to indi
viduals, whatover may bo then- mfluonoo
or position.
Andrew Johnsons namo
i n. v...t.i. .fan
umy uu ,i lunui ui oiiuutiui uu. ...
trinos propounded by Thomas Jefferson
overtop that tower, and constitute the real
clement of Douiooratio suprcmaoy. Many
things that Mr. Johnson has dono, and
much that ho has uttered, is acccplablo to
tdo party, but bis executive action docs
not como up to the standard of Democrat
t- Ti !. i l. t.n.l
ill priciptca. it, is ituu i ii 11 u nun iu
It is truo
a very pow
that ho to
contend with a very powerful organization
into whoso meshes he was suddenly thrust
bv the accident of his elevation. In view
ofhis surroundings and of tho difficult
and dclicato naturo of his position, wo can
forcivo many errors, but we cannot per-
J? ... " .A J' 0.1 I iL.
mi. uivui iv ui, n,viiiv mux ....
era 1 10 creed . The urst ooject is to sc.
euro the confidence and co-operation of
tho masses, by the communication of true,
.... , I I
auu thcrcloro popular, principles; anu
afterward there will bo no difficulty in the
sclcLtion of a competent loader. A party
that depends upou the prestige of a name,
or upon tho resources of an official, is
neither worthy of Eucctss nor likely to
achieve it.
Tlmrn Iins lmnn rnnnnl. nf nnliticnl
Iranaecudcntalisiu, The v'iguo and shift-, '' a meeting of tho Town council, in
ing theories engendered by j which it was proposed to send to the gov
tho doctrines loiced upon partisau organ- "umcnt of isUm a sciics of evolutions
ization to mcot tho cmcrgencica of civil of sympathy on account of the murder of
strife, should now give place lo well do-, l'rcMdent Lincoln (which wi-ro finally
fined princijiles, Btiitablc to thu normal paed by a voto of 7 to 0), a warm di.i
condition of a republic. The old laud-1 cu'ssion sprang up, and Mr. Councilor
marks of the Domocratio party aro now 0lc15rj tllU1 ventilated his opiiiioni upon thu
tho only safo guides ol the organization. American clergy. Said .Mr. Clegg :
If Andrew Johnson will ro enter the tried ' "It is impo.iiblo ut tho present timo, to
aud beaten path that is the approved high-' ,orr;c;t llow lu l,:,9t Kara thu country, and
road to Democratic supremacy, wo doubt ! pecially this town, baa had to endure
, mi .. . i , i tUc visitations ot American peace e.po.itles,
not that tho party will give the standard lu all(1 lt!I1):lc-Peonlo who bavo uueu.
into his hands, But ho must follow the
party, uot tho party him.
tVilh tho half
1 century's experience of the truth and val -
, uc of thoir principles, .his is not the time
t lorsauc tnem to soiurc tno cnampiou-
ship of any living man. II Mr. Johnson
has not tho Mrcnglh of will, nor thc'iutcn -
sity of purposo, to burst thu trammels of
Black Hcpublican discipliue, and to be
. , . ,.. ,. . .
independent of his SurrouudingS, ho is no
fit leader for the party that has ruled tho
llcpublic for half a hundred years. Ho
can safely rely upon the support of the
. ,- , M
masses, standing apmcly on a Democrat-
lopiatiorm; no cannot reiy upon mo sup-
nnrl . nf Mm HUM.- It rniil.lir-nn, nnon ,.i
I-- - f v-"""""; '"
nlatform. Thero is too much of anti
Blaok Republicanism upon his rccoid to ,
make him acecptablc to them under an)
j circumstances. He muBt choose whether
) to fiiuk between two stools or lo sit firmly
and opculv unon tho one unou which is
inscribed the history of his antecedents.
Thoro is no objection to tho Democracy
getting Andrew Johnson upon tho Domo
cratio platform, but wo
Andrew Johnson getting
upou a Johuson platform.
proto.-t against
the Democracy
Increase of Ciime.
The close of tho war seems to have
i"" wuumijr, .i itaiui-
val of murdor, robbery aud all the do-
grcos of lawlessness aud crime. Murder -
crs, thieves and assassins infost our com
, luioKu uu usaaaiua tuiuil our cutis-
-,. ..i . ., . 1 ul "uiuuu auu uuimrcu iu UDiornueu 10VI1
mun.ties loan extent that threatens to d,s alld vi,lgcs They preaehed the.e doc
or ganize society, unless tho machinery of triues ince.i.-antly, uinc latii-uao whieii.
J'UStiB hol"h l T"
v "
. . i , ,
mist Iniir vnoea null Iial-a hnnn ,..urln in
miliar with tho recital of deeds of violeuco
and bloodshed : and perhaps Iboy do not of the first born Cabin' amongst till ohiss
rcalizc tho appalliug naturo of tho criminal ' es a"1' 's impossible to view their con
record that inaugurates the reign of ! , 1 """I"1? dgreo of chanty .eKccpt by
t . i -. -i i .i , i believing that Host! b asphoinini' rowdies
peace. But when it is ooi.dorxd that tho . in HUrpJcc8 1);ld
polico roturns exhibit a statement ol twen- tho God whoso namo they so impiously
ty thousand arrests mado within the past ' took in vain !"
threo months in New York alone.and when
tho public journals, day after duy, recount j
the swelling lists of offences against the;
pr anil ;.. y r i, i. i,.
moral aoSp.,oro has been Uiuted with '
'wiwiw v W(Uim tUU VUUL1US1UU IUU I lilt!
fresh clem rnta of poiaou
Various explanations arc offered of this
astounding increase of crimo. Some as-
Wat U is owing to the disbandmeut of
tho great armies of the North and South,
abrubtly transferring wild and reckless ,
chractcrs from the camp to civil life. Many'
P i I II 1 .
01 lU0 solulcra ccgaSea tno Into struggle
wCro men of respectable antecedents, gen-
and industrious members of
donio.d that tljtf Inderal ranks were partly
mt.J.ltn,1 r.Am .l.n u f. . . .. T C t
rccrmteu irom tup rcfujo of foreign popu-
latl0DS' md nubo' thousands of ad.
cut,roal!f from ihc Old World. Toward
tLo oloso of ",0 war l cliicf incentive to
,wtluu' moutjr, and tho oaormous
bouDtios Paid tracted tho mercenary
ted by this circumstanoo. and honntv I
uroKorage anu bounty jumping became a
profession that was pursued with consum.
brokerage and bounty jumping kcamo a I
mate tact and great snocess. Thoso mon
uow Cud thoir occupation gone, When
thoir trade was livdv thnv nt
gains, and became habituated to a oostlv
and luxurioua existence. K, i. r,.ii,'0
v'll kefp uj t'
riaiiD. M . .i ,1,
hazards. Honest labor, ol course, is out
" of tho question ; and finding tho fountain
f cr prfiots suddenly sealed, thoy do
'not sortiplo to enter other ohannclo of pro.
lcssionai ttuavcrv.
Thcso mcn,wo tiro confidcnt.aro tho g1"'
rotors, the buglars, the reckless ruffians
that nro infesting tho neighborhood of our
great cities. For tho most part, tho ro
turning soldiers, those, wo moan, who
enlisted to fight and not to jnmp tho boun-
'tv. aro miictlv rcsuminc tho avocations of'
i -i "
1 peaceful life. Thoro is no trouble to bo
, apprehended from a soldier that has dono
bis tluty in tho field ; but.from tho ekulk-
1 ors, the bounty jumpers aud Iho bounty
, brokers, thero is more misohiof to bo pro
vided ngaiuit than, perhaps our quiet law-
- o.iuems arc aware..
n i iui. cniniiiiiniM ni tinisl in nrntpnlptl
uur commuum .. u 1 'y1,
, against these UcepcritUocJ. anu, it t"0;
'ministers of justice nro not equal to tho
task, then let tho natural law of sell pro
tection pravail. Let it bo understood,
, bore, that law and order is to pravail.nnd
it will not be difficult to awo tl.n evil dis -
' nosed into ,ood bnhavior. The nnonlo
, d 1 1
yu "iusuj uiiuuu iu, us conau-
queuecs of civil strife, without putting up
! wilu tho outrages of gangs of scoundrels
... 1. - . l.-l.l.. I 1 . t . . . 1 1
who tuouuuiy iitivc uccu taugtii to uunrvc,
, by their experience thus far, that the civil
law in thi.i country has been oanooled.
An Englioh Kootonian on the
American Clergy.
The old towu of Bof(t)i),m Lincolnshire,
's Very "uiiprogresied" nlai-o. lleoeilt-
pied our chapels and assembly room?, and
got up bazaars and tea diiukingn ami set
. ''a" mtlicain t ha town eniljroi.lur ins
J,- iJi Jtiyot:
thoruuhout all limono nntl LTmIM, ,
'uuivcrsal broilierhood,' so that nations
1 should never go to war any more. Naj,
wc liad orators even iu our country, evtu
j" ou,r loturc, who hUd the doctrine
that there could ho no hanpincsi or pros-
perity iu KnsUni un., 'm,ril.ail
tulions wero introduced ! Thank God
wo fc!l!l11 'icaf no more of this in our lime,
1 Wuavf hud &u imporinnt l.sson, and
bhall uotvsry soon tnivetit. f Hear, hear 1
Did wo U(ft liml ,ho u J.l
uutlerutaiiiling trojo iu iho hrotherhood
nf tlm Ainnrin,,, Si,w .1..,.
- ... m.ui,v, iLiy uiiui-
tlLS 01 peace ueeatue prc-cm nent tor m-
saiiaimiuiooii-mirsiiiicsi .' Their cry wns
war lo tho knife ! They incessantly iu-
11 11 111 C ll l tic ul nf lmirili r. nml !i,.ilR,,l
J decda which, for wanton ciuelty und win;,
1 ed outrage havo no parallel even in. t lie
r000''11 ot mo most barbarous bl'i ; lor
during the !:iat tour years the ChrUti
anity aud, civilization of which America
ouco boasted may be said to have 'fled to
, brutish beasts, aud men have lost their
reason.' The very atmofphere of America
was tainted wilh tbo breaih of utbas-tiia-
tion, con.-piracy and cruelty in every form
'and wo need not wonder at t' c result,
Their clcigy, landing with the New Test
ament in their hands nreached nothinn
else. They, like tho devil, eoitld mmm
ouripinri', anu lounu a hunuroil text.
, which in the nnmo of tho Laid f-aiitciionci!
- u,llrter and rapino aad robbery, and the
buriiing of dwelling housed over thu lin.uls
i r w , , ..f . . . ,
' nn rKl!!!0" J',U '.'IV
,0 be rcteti: In.a ofu thHMn-
(luonce, as ministers of religion, to calm
....... n i
the tamncst of li.ininn nr.inn ,!,;, cl
! ohiect seemed to bo r- lot Inn ru
Slate rVcwM fltentn.
,, , ,, 7, .
dTie leolt larlifr
toes ol iranulin and Marshal College.
Eleven divorco cases will bo beforo
tho Au.ust term of tho Luzerne court.
Tho United Stains fri, pn,
sunk by tho Merrimac in Hampton Heads',
uas beou raiecd'
A fellow was lately
was lately captured who
o be To ho II, Sura.t ; ta,
ko b.r Lat is atill at largo,
was supposed
it was a mista
nUrlm li' ltr,,,,, l.w, l ' I
UiarlCS Ji. UroWU, bettor kllOWU as
formerly tho property of Ohaufrau. tl1Q
-Tho Mifflin County Oil Company
composed of ten men, is Lid to have sKk
a two hundred barrel oil well on Pit llol e
. -Tbollarrlsburgposioflice is kept in '
samo ouiiuing with a tavern, and tho con-1
bo Htationnd ar : ; l .
LtlUL'UCU IS r nr. n mi trnpi mil-,! i-
tranco free from obstruotiou by loafers.
-A- nw train is to bo nlaoed on dm
JrS drJS" a"?. J3"0 llail,r.oad about tu
Vr . . ""-'"""t", iu tiiu mrcci 10 i0W
York from Erie over tho Ca.awimlidl.
road, without channo of cars. '
-The Venango Spectator, stys John
M. Lane, u member of tho 1 Oth cavalry,
wuu iobi a ICC IU iUO Service, was n ,.n.i.
didalo for
,i!.i... f .r. . m -
primary el
lections in that county, and was
drfcatfd b, ciilllu 6l,.iie
In Washington, 1). C, on July 2d,
1RCG, by Hov. Father M'Oarty, Mr. Luvi
T, Tatk. Jr.. nf flinnrfinlil no.. Pa., to
- J " 1 i
Miia LmiE, only daughter of tho lato
taVltl lYUnfctlBt!
! , , ' 1 , ,, ., , ,
Oil tllO 3d, Inst., by tho ltcv. Nathaniel
Spear, Mr. James V. Wilson,- to Mies
SUSAN Smith, both of Greenwood.
T A in A tflTTCJ
im.uurg iuu " -uiy.i
) OIIN UEITZ. ncOU 00 V0ars.'2 months .11111
n dTZ' joars.2 months
T1 B0(rtnsburBjOn tUo .lth ,mm 0bIiIA
Jane, infant daughter of William and
Amelia Hart, aged about fi months. '
. At Mi'tonyiUc on tho 30th of .luly,1805,
Uhwj e JU, chiiu otAIbojt'& Alico Drown,
- ; ,
July, Mrs. Er.sA. Dhaice, agotl about HO
i . ' ' 7 ---
It) IShingCrOOli township Uolutnhia CO,
- on tho 31st ult., Mrs Ann Hutchinko.v,
consort of Thomas J. Hutchinson, Ksq ,in
05' 'car of l'cr "6-
l Th'r? GoIumbia county'
I 00 tllC 18 Gw,l I"ENUEU-
ui.ll, ajreu about 71) yoars.
I A , C! n. .,..,..!.! 11..
i, o8l, f , .g((;. f a'j''' 0.
flT0 d OiiAni.KS Clinton, ion of Jno.
t , r . . t . ' ..
: Harriet ijcggot, aged l year u montus
J and 23 days.
OltOIiiitio, little Cllnlie I
Thy volcu Is heard no more,
1'or thou nrt gone in yotith'n uri;h' morn,
'1 liy Btny on earth is o'er I
Thy ftnrry eyes Invo clojod tor aye,
To our pour murtnl l;lit,
lilt in the crown wlili ImIi;Ii the Ijinl,
Tliuy rparkle pure and hright.
Thy 1 it t la slMir loudly calls,
llrr I'.tpa's naiiicln i;ico,
III. tliougi n nro sail, n Clintic Dear,
IIo sighs ui'tl thinks of thee,
Tliy iMainina. Imw she she'll tin. 3 thee,
A"li'j mill's tin; arint chair
AIM in tint twilight cn. an, ,ui
Will almost deem thee tlii'iu,
One week ago our Ilnm- lnnl milled,
Hut God n claimed Hi.- timvt'r;
Ami linre, frmii mir frail inrtlily hmiie,
To his celestial lloucr I
And tlicru .imi'la chosr n laud
Our darliun lives lnru)e,
Wo shoulil not weep, that thus our (Iml,
lias sumiii.iiieil It i in aivay I
'J liesi) swelling tears, th.-y mut be d'lcd,
1'or (iid, had Cliiitittgiven,
To IjIossdui near 11.1 r In ails nuhtlj
And tlii'ii -to I1I011111 in Heaven.
l"la. August '1. I:ui.
Aflmiriistr-i ntnWi
3 Notice .
Estate of AJuthim Whitcitighthctl.
cttors of Administration on tho estato
Jir Mathias WliiteniL'lit. lam nf llmninplc 1 in, n
ship, (.oliiinuin en . ilci eased, nave brcii granted hy
tin' llfgislur i.fOuluniljia cu. to tin- utiilerslgni'il nil
piTsoiiH Having claims ngani.t the i"tali) nt'tliu decs
di nt an- re'iuested to present Ilium In tiiu uinlersi"iied
at his oilicu in Illiiuni.-bii r. I'.i.. without ileiai, and
all persons induliteil to make piyuiunt Inrlli with .
August i:.16l,j-Crt- 53. Ailiiiiui.iratur.
aj-.seif asiau'ijiij
M V School will open its next Term of
I'leviii Weeks, 011 ,IJ DAY TIIU S-ill OAYof
AL'OL's'T. All the li a 11 l li.t -1 of a lilnral Ihif lisli l!,lu
latiuii are taught. Vocal . u.n will he a standard
1. 1, Huh. lur thu benefit of til.! wliolu .-'clioiil
' I iilrueiiuiis w ,ii .1 be giv. 11 111 any of II,,, llia,,,i-
iui iiraucii'.'s, unu 111 iiisiruiiieuiai uusie.
Terms literal.
Illuomsburg, Aug. IS, liiij- Inn.
Piano Forte for Sale.
A Superior Toned Piano Form. Toeta
vns Rosewood, Round Corners, sepeulimj mould
ings ; llrst (.lass maker, will be sold at a tor
ca.h il'applwd for tuimt'iliutli-ly.
ITJr- The makers gmiruulce tor live yiars fan be seen
ni livenj i Home, acoit town, tuoouubur', fa
Augul Icli-t.
'gHll'i undersigned bey leave to inform
E t.ielr friemls anil the piihlir, that they keep on
hand ami oiler fir sate ilicap, nt tile .Mailisun Tannery,
near twonnles North of Jersevtun u, UuluuibU county,
l'a all kinds of
fc A 3BG 2
Which they will sell at market prices, orotchanse lor
Il.irkauil lliiles. Our Leather is lit.; 1,'old Li piur Tan
ned, which will provo must durable and warrant the
best warn. Wo will sell by therildo, piecu or 1UU cwt ,
to .uit purchuscis.
Alaihson Taunwy, ( ... nn
Aug. I J. lm:5. pwJl)0.
ripiIE fubscriber offers for sale at whole-
JL ealo and retail; Halt by the llarrel.
Rupert. I'a. Augu-t i. fuj3lB. J "'
TVTOTICE is hereby given, that tho fol-
JL low Iiil' nrtiilfs of personal nroii'rly. were tuir
slia.eil by til" Mibctib"r. at sin-tiir's ti.ili'. r.u s.i'i'iiii.
1 '.'AV '!"5tl1 ".')v AUOUTH, Ifi;.1. is the proner
Uounty, u.-
tp Columbia
Iwo head ol young cattle, ono Lamb
one two-horte Wngtiu and bed, ono
Spring Wagon, one Buggy, threo
IMowsjOiie harrow, oueCul
tivator, 1 tied and box,
I set of harness, ono
1 single set and 1
saddle Si bridle,
All of which havo been left in clinrse of the raid Thus.
U ouver, in have am to hold Hm u, ,i.,,i ,
pleasure, of which all persons interested willtatto
.Montour tw p
joiin' niuTrnnicK.
Aug, 3, IPfi.1 3iv SJSt).
t the matter of the Caltairissa. Land ami
Building: Company,
o all whom it may couceru : Tako no.
eott ' Wm'j rw. 61l"l'le., Inaluli John. Walter
of it.,. K.... ,,ri..... 7i"'..,u'' ".'V'"'.' "eiu? cillieiis .
feS'' frcnt.Iftr, te r'Oo.VS
te'J Jj-rHn,
f-i: .tIL? IV" V Vsi'.soV,,
''eow""'l'nf-'atawl6sa, in' said county if Col m
vV'tlof i"' tM imrehasini !,V 1-n lot
I iiu .uims, uuiiutii nouses or salu u d rent wlilrh
, lire llioro fin lv unulrl...! . . . "M "-ui. wtiicn
, Ibo'rte;,-
aud cnuilitjoiis.nnd
,miu,.S'...SS """ "J'" una in
.''OLnJIAN, Prcihonotary,
Pennsylvania Acricultural rTI
Tlm myivmh State Arjrioultural
, Drieiy win uoni , Uxhilntlon on 8emni..i.n.
tvyiVT8" T ' '
w ILLIAMSPOIIT, Lycomiuir Countv
i pl&'i'W
ii,V,l"T'"' A' ,m'u ,,AA''iv.S:
The olhto of the Kocictv tvin ... v
nn.i tin tii.i t,ri..rii. -i-vi, ai i, i iiatns-, t,
Register's Notices.
jVTO 1'ICE is hereby given to all legated,
11 ercdllori and other persons Ititoresttjil (nlhoe
....... ... ..... ........ mom iiiiiiij, ,, IIIHIIHj
niu ii-pPm,,u iiutuuciii nun minor 8, WIST tru
bi, ....... r,upi-inuii iui gimiiiiiiiuiioii ami allow i ,
ln tho Orplwn'i.'oii,t, to be held lu lllooin.liiirs.ln in,,
county ar.iro.ald, on Wtdnoailay.thtf (111 of Hepl. lei?
,'" ' ". -i p.i- . 3
iA'K1,.1! ""L
!S' II 1.1. ...I T ... f- 1f.., 11
Ul l,iPrv .it.-. ui.iil u , n ll.lllll. llL'CL'llir,,.
i ,nt r.r nfllio Infl U'lll nfSnfiili tl... I, In nfl .
i A' iiuuuuii u ui JLCllCr. J'jXo,
t ea t p , licccauil.
i i ''u"i ' ..?"i mr m
' IioWll i ruer, liiccuiora ot mc itii tvm ot Uonr.l
ru.utorn.aCer. nto or rr.uku,, twp .. uccon.c.t
iwp.. .tecad.
ngXLtlnZS wXA? tot
fl F,Mt nml flntl, flC(.01nt of Wffli Rotj
in,, ouardinn r AUohani Tiimnn minor chiu c
Firtt and Gnal account of Win, llol
Oiianllan or Inane It Tltiiiau, minor child i,
' H .
fi Annnnni nf T.iiui Wridittn nnd Alirn
ham Ynn, ailm'rs.of I.ttilwij! V011115, due'd.
! 0 First ami final account, of Danic'
JJ"'"!' uf m of
10 Account of John V. Bodiuc, adni'r.
, ' i;- , ... . , .
n accoutit oi .iohu v doiiiiiii, Atitn r
.11.... I... .I1...I 1.. iL-l. , 1. f-,.,..,. I
nf Titer lliidliKi, wlm tvas LMtardiiiH of llavl l (J
hoiu siurdian u iiirnm .i i!.M,i,r. '
U Lu.
1 ,Z" Z V." guarJitin ..r cni
I'll I. Il..n.ln.
atl in'r
lizaheth II
( V ,,uj j. ., aJ,',, UDt 0f
; AU J,1, l Memy ,m imiSnte
John Di'-
late of Madisuniu
14 Account of John Evclatid and Pol.
Kvi'land, ndni'r'. of 1'cter l'.velainl late of I'icliitigrre
towusliipi deceased.
lfl Second account of John Applomnn
Adm'r, of Haiti a, late of Hemlock lowiuh
dcciosi'd. o
10 Account of John ltcinbold, Exccuio
of Samuel Weary late of Locust livp., dee'd.
17 First and liual account of Jatne,
5!asU-raiiil lleiijauilu 1' Uattln, Ilu'cttlors of it .,r,
liattlii, ilecM.
I 18 Account of Win Snyder, Guardian ei
of thu perion and i-i-tato of Oliver i'nlnier, minm
j thitdorThomas 1'almer, dee'd.
19 Kir.-U and liual account of Ehvoo-1
llusiiei, Kir. nf Charles Slaslcller lato ol Hriitrcrec
township, dee'd.
I 20 First and dial necotiut orW II Worn.
in, Ili'r of Asliel OickersoH, lato bflterwick lloro
1 deceased.
I ti I First aud final account of Jao b F
i:ans uilm'i, of .Michael Wliitenlght latu of II iuI.k
township, dsc'tt.
I Acootiut of John Switzer,8urviug Es
ccutor ufrreJerick bwitzea, late ofDotry twp, r
j 113 Accouut of Saimiel Creasy, gunnl m,
of Louisa Oruver, lute I.niiloa 1'rv, iiiluor clnU .,
' 1'eler Try late of Mlllni livp. dee'd.
I 24 Account of II W Creasy, Adm r 01
John Muf.lcy, late of Scott twp, dee'd.
ii5 Accouut of Mathias Whitrniola,
CunriHm i.t'farali I', Kline, it.iuglm.i- of ILiriuuu .uu
. of Alt Pleasant twp,
20 Account ol John Stnddon, gu-ir 'i
of Samuel, minor chlla of Charles lloivard ol t, ,
I 27 Account of John Soolt , Guard tan 1
lleury M IIimI.iuiI, niliinr child nf John lloiiL n
late of Locust twp. dee'd.
I 28 Account of Edward Edwarda, adm't.
! of Augustus I! l'earce, latu of Uriarcri'k twp, ii I
29 First and final aceountol'D.inii'l Kn3
tenbailer Adm'r of Marlhu 1'erry latu of l.ocu.t In
'M Account of Jacob flnrtman, adm'r
of Jacob llartman, late of Columbia co duc.'d
31 First and final account of Fctnr K
llerlLiiu Ailin'ruf Henry A! Iloiglnml, lato of l,
twp, dei'.l
32 First account of Hubert F. Clul:
and Mk'iinel 1' llyerly, i:ifnturs ol' Jacob Lyerly 1 .'
of eioitm twp, dec'it.
33 Account of Win C. Fisher, Ouard'ai.
of Henry C r5v.a) lute of franklin twp. dee'd.
34 Aeootint ol M alii ti- Wliitenlght, trtia i -iliuti
nl' I sitiuli 'Kline, minor child of Hamuli Kli'u
35 Account of David D.-mott, Citiortliai
of John Kiliheii child oflliury Kit, lieu dee'd
30 Account of John Murray, Es rucr
of Jubn .Murray, late iirr,,l nubia cu dur'd.
37 First aciioiint ol Kobeit F. IJi.'ir,
I'icriitor of Julm lleali-r, late o l'lslilnEcreek loin
ship dee'd.
3d Account of Hubert F. Clark, ad.n'r
ofrhlas II fowler, late of.eult 'd.
39 Account ot Andrew 11. -
Uvlni! Kx.'cut'ir of John Jaeoby, lato of Alt I'li an,
township tb'c'd.
40 Fiual account of Soth 15 liowni n
and Isaiah llowcr, Adin'rs of Isaiah It.ilil, iutu ol I'
wick Horn, det'd.
41 First and final account of .1. II. 11
ler, Uxecutor or Win Try latu of Mir.lin twp , dei ' I
42 Fir t and final account ot Job".
Smith, one of tho Uxccutors of Jacob Alilli, lati. o
.Madison twp,, dee'd.
43 Account of Leonard B. Iluport. .VI
nilnlslrntor of Harah Ann Jackson, latu ol ill
touusliip, dee'd
'U Account oi r.n t;rcveiing,
of ISeiiJ-imlii P Abbott, minor child of U'n
. in Abb
bcull luwu.liip.
JOHN U. rucuzu, R. ,.l
A up n ft 5, letio,
i'f& 'J0! W :t&ff "'"J
rB IiG next term of this Inniiun'on
Wl .
becin on Vt'lHlNESHAY. Arei'KT n i-i.
Tfia replar prries of tuition range from fi .J n
per Urm nl'i levcu weeks-, lo bo n.-n.l nt m I,
ion- me milium nt tin irrni.
Thu iinial extra (haiiges will bo Hindu r.irOi'ima
and 1 rem It. mid the various Ornamental Drum-1'
It isesireiuely important that ike K who fb
nltiiml the School should lie present nt tho beginni
ol Ihe ti-ini, or us soon nlteras possible, in in . ,
start ti-gularly with the clasi In all cases tun.
win bo iliarecd fin iliu tur.t. tcom, unluss otherui
oyspeciJil previous agreoiiicnt.
I'li Principal I as had an uxperionce of years m
teaihliiK thu Lnngunges and lliger Jlaihematic. a.
will as tliu ariuus branches nf a substantial I'm,..
Liliication, and will sparu no .-Hurts to sccuru r. ,..
and thorout'li progress in his pupils.
. 1L,. "uv. ii.nixiiun. a. v.
Augiisto, IcQj, rriui-niti
They do not Inlurfuru Willi business pursuits, and ur
rpeedy iu uctioti.
.wciiANonoF inn is Ni:ocsa-itY.
arc warranted in nil cases,
ron Tiii: ai;i:i:i)Y and pliiaianunt rune
"Ii f.
tlm llliiii-li
nco. - j
'':'" are adapted for tnnlo or female,
nntl nroil,o only it-liahlu knouB for tli,
le liable kiiowii for the cure 'fall 1
old .ir "ni
easesnritin; iroi
Gli?., , 'i"4"8' Oeitorihea. t-'lntlur
n, i V,. , i P "" L y un,t complaints iluj
, l, ?n, '"i'r lii'l'ef I. oAtionenicd by! .
tur". ' '' f""" four 10 uuiCB Benerally elf. rt
Hold ill boies conininlii- en i.n..
nr tlv l..i... I' .. .. I'.'ii,, I'llto Vlio Mini.,..
?1 L S S; " Uot'l" al"- i" 1B hows, con
"r lFj S ' "u l,rlcu O'dlars.
. .ifl.v.,ll0,,-.,.",ar.i to (leutleii'en om.v. sent fre-- i
and bin in it.
iml r, ... . ...I..
ofvniir .(.....I . T . ' " Jou cauiioi p.-ocuro lll-ii-'
,; '' V ' 'l0 " imposed on oy any oil
prMon 'tf ",u mmy ln u lutKt l" 1" '
f,r.'MJ, nti.l II...... ' ... .'
Dr. J. BYRAM,GWultin
Who Will ,:il .-,, .r '', . t' .' '
.. tn II... . .1 k, ,r
t.-lll ... i .. " " " l'll,!"-i' tiliuvu-ili lllltl Ji"
will receivotlieni post paid, n'ouroly sealed from
servulion, l.y re, urn mail.
spi.ouv imuomsTa ci!Nr,iiAi,i,v.
DRMABUAIIMIS &(.'()., f.'nv Vobk
July 13, litis. Who-emlo Afc-ents.
Deafness, Blindness 6c Catarrh,
offiW if. .,, ,,y r. j. lMMJ
!mii-T', " "'l1 " Lcyitcn, llnll,ii.u
."iv" .ihuhi-i puia
reliublo sources in tin-I'l'iy.,,,,! U1,,,,lfv , ,,i
oilier Tho m ,Hc,i Ijt-ultv aro invilii.i
y llicir idiioiit,a3 lis ha, nu et r i in i
I 1 1 Ull L I.VJ ,,,-ri iv. 1UU i
n r i
j in.til
Nuliutin " July .)
fin ha,
Julv ,
1 '