Farmer's nepartaicnt. . L r , Turnips for Stock. OonocruiDg the Vftluo of turnipi for, elook, Augustus Matson of Onom1g Co", ' N, Y,, Baje in the Cullivator : A man looking for a yoko of oxen, onco oamo wboro I ws breaking up a stiff sod, on a very warm lUy i ho was surprised to boo bow tbey walkoil along, paying no attention to tho very oppressive beat, Ho wiilictl to buy thorn, but thought wo askttl too much. Ho went on, but came baok and took them. Ho was disappoin ted in them ; they did not stand tho heat as woll as ho cxpeetod. The trouble was he had no turnips for them. When cattlo becomo accustomed to them, there is no food they seek with such avidity. I feed some to my horses, generally giving them some onco a day. They seem fond of them ; they profer them to carrots. I winter my sloro hogs mainly on them. For hogs I cut tbotn finer than lor oaltlo ; , I have tried cooking them for hogs, hut like fsoding them raw bettor. If hogs have as warm a place as thoy ought to hare, they grow Curly, (cd almost entire-1 ly on turnips. If farmers would feed ruta bagaa to their hogf, thcro would bo less complaint about losing their pigs than ! thorc now is. If hogs had not boon used to eating them, I would givo them but a few at a timo as first. When thoy havo learned to cat them, they rolish a Jew of them occasionally until thoy are fully fat tened. Calves led a few turnips oaoh day, will do bettor than if fed with meal. If, utSttuS! it'I $fn 8 fatler,' CUt With tho turnips they Will keep in good I Order, and crow faster. A to fecdmrr - w - a sheep with them, I cannot speak from ex periencojbut sec no reason why they should not bo valuable. How to Raise an Apple Orchard. 1st. Select your trees yourself if possi ble ; don't allow a refuse ireo to bo sot it is only wasting time and care ; deter mine that every moan scrub of a tree go to tho bonfire before it finds a plaoo in your orchard. Sac that the trees aro carefully taken up and carefully set in well prepar ed ground. 2d. Let your land be carefully cultiva ted for at least six years. Allow no grain, except occasionally, perhaps a crop of1 buokwheat, but never a crop of rye. Tho j contrast botween a cultivated orchard and j a neglected one is astoniBuiog,and the two , only need to be seen to bo appreciated, i Od. Protect your trees fiom cattle, sheep, mice and all destructive insects; otherwise your labor may bo all lost Exclude all domestic animals. Allow no mulching to remain arouud tho trees in winter to harbor mico, and especially watch for the applo borrer, one of the most insidious enemies os tho apple tree. A gallon of soft soap diluted with ono ur two gallons of soft waier, applied to the trunks of tho trees, i3 an excellent thing for tho tree?, and is not agrceablo to any insect. Nothing will kill an insect quick er thin Boft soap. 4th. Follow up a judicious system of pruning, leaving a good spreading, opon head. By pruning annually.tlioro will be no neccs-ity of sawing off largo branch'os, nnd the result will be more perfect troos. Let the motto be followed "whatever is' worth doing, is worth doing woll." ' i Plant as you Go. , When a Spaniard eats a peaoh or pear by ihe roadside, wherever he is, ho digs a hole in the ground with his foot and cov ers the seed. Consequently,all over Spain by tho roadside and elsewheeo, fruit iu great abundance tempts the tasto and is over free. Let this practice be imitated in our country, and the weary wanderer will bo blest, and bless tho hand that min istered to his comfort and joy. We tre bound to leave tho world as good, or but. Ur, than he found it, and ha is a selfish churl who basks under th'e shadow and cats the fruit of trees which olhor hands have planted, if he will not aloo plant, trees whioh generations. shall icd fruit to coming! How to Test tho Quality of Wool. I A Texas paper says s Take a look of wool from the sheep'o baok and place it npou an inch rule. If you can count from 1 30 to 33 of the spirals or folds iu the space of an inch, it equals in quality tho finest Electoral or Saxony wool grown. Of courso,. when tho number of spirals to the inoh diminishes, the quality of tho wool becomes relatively inferior. Many tests . havo been tried, but this is considered tho simplest and best. Cots wold wool and somo other inferior wools Jo not measure ' nino spiral to the inoh. With this test ' every farmer has in his possession a knowl edge which will enable him to form a cor rect judgement of the quality of all kinds of wool. There aro somo wools whioh ex-1 perienoed wool growers do not rank as wool, but as hair, on account of the Lunl ncss and etralghtness of the fibre. K&"A Frcnoh nnturilidt has calculated ' that tho number of birds' eggs and young 1 birds destroyed in Franoe every year by predatory urohins and adults amounts to twenty millions. "HBIjMBOIsB'S Itttmn t? YTTJ X f!T TUT f! WIT I FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, A positive and, Bpoclflc Kenedy for dlsesne. of lh tlLdd.r, Kidneys, flrnvel "l Dropsical Kw.lllrjjs, nils Medlctna Increases the powers of digestion, and, excites tho absorbents Into hcallliy action, by wblcli tba watery or calcareous depositions, and nil unnatural cn hrgernenti reduce J, as well At pain and Infltmmttloa, ivtid Is good for men, women nnd children. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, For weakness rvrlslog from Excesses, nabltj of Dlsslpo tlon, Eatly Indiscretion, attended with tbo followlnu Symptoms l Indisposition to Ilicrtlon, Loss ol Memory, WeakKcrVci. Horror of Disease) Dlnmoss of Villon, Hot ltandi, Dryness of IHo Bklo, Loss of Power, Iiltllculty of Breathing, Trembling, Wakefulness, Tain In tbo Unf it, Hashing of tho Dody, frnptlonsof tbo Toco, Universal Lassitude, Tsuld Countenance. r.tloved to coon hi bleb this Modi elnelhv,a'riaW removes), soon follow ''5VfTV3rtTlTr, EriLLTTIC FITS, tie., j en's tTtlllcli tbe patient may ejplro. Wbo can tay tbeyaronot Ircn,ncntly followed by thoeo "direful dis eases," IXSAN1TT AND COSSTJMPTION? Many ore nwnro of tho consc of thr Ir snirerlog.bnt nono will confers, Tbo records of tbo lnsino a-ylums and tbo melancholy dentin by consumption tar aaplo wltncsu to the truth of tho a.ertlon. Tho Constitution, onto nffecloil by organle vrenkners, requires tbo aid of medicine to ntrcnr.thcn nnd Invigorate tbo system, which IIL'LMDOLll'S EXTRACT OF BUCIIU Invariably docs. A trial will convince Uio uost sceptical. In many affections peculiar to Females, Ihn nxrr.ACT Cccntr la unoqunlod by any other rcmody, and for all complaints locldcnt to tho sex, or In tho DECIJXK OIS CHANQE OF LIFE. t3T Bib Stjiptoms adov. t3T" No Family should ta without It. Talto no Eakara, Mercury, or nnploasant mdlclno for onplcaeant and rlangcrons cilsea-cs. HELHBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCiiU 0 G3&Ww-ESoeiI WAOH Curca Socret Dtneascn In nil their stages llttlo expense, little nr no chenge of diet, no Inconvenience, and NO EXPOSURE. USE HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCH u I remit aOToctloni nnd diseases of these orsans, whether 1 KXISTIXO IX MALE OK FEMALE, Trori whatever csnee originating, and no matter how lon3 standing Ulscstcs of tbeo organs require the oldol a dlarotlc. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Is tho Great Diuretic. And It Is certain to havo tho desired effect In all diseases for which It U recommended. BLOOD! BLOOD! BLOOD! HelrribolcL's jnanxT coxcxsthvted cojipotod FLUID EXTRACT SARSAP AR1LLA, For purifying tho Blood, removing all cbronlo constitu tional diseases arising from an lmpnro state of tho Blood, and tho only reliable and effectual fenown remedy for tho enro of Scrofula, Scald Iload, Bale Iihcnm, Fains and Swellings of tho Bones, Ulcerations of tbe Throat and Legs, Blotches, Pimples on tbo Face, Tetter, Erysipelas, and all scaly Eruptions of tho Bkln, ax BBAtrxxsnxo- THE coairtEsio:?. NOT A FEW of tho worst disorders that atllct mankind arise from tho corruption that accumulates In the Blood. Of all tho dis coveries that have been mado to purge It ont, nono can equal In effect IIeuxdold's CoaporsD Extract or Sab safarilla. It cleanses and renovates tho Blood, Instills tho vigor of health Into tbo system, and pnrges out tho humors which mako disease. It stimulates tbe healthy functions of tho body, and expels tho disorders that grow and rankle In the blood. Bach a remedy that could bo relied on has long been eonght for, and now, for tho first time tbo public- have ono on which tbey can depend. Our epacehore does not admit of certificates to show Its effects, bnt the trial of a single bottle will sh9w to tho slclc that It has Its virtues surpassing anything they havo over taken. Two tablespoonsfal of the Extract of Karsaparllla added to a pint of water Is equal to the Llsboa Diet Drink, and ono bottle is fully equal to a gallon of tbo Syrup of 6arsa parllla, or tbe decoction as usually made. HELMBOLD'S ROSE WASH, An excellent Lotion for diseases arising from habits ot dissipation, used In connection with tbo Extracts Bochu and SarBapsrllla, In such diseases aa recommended. Evi dence ot tho moat responsible end rcllablo character will accompany tbo medicines. Also explicit directions for nso, wall hundred of thoumnds living witnesses, and up wards of S0,000 nnsoUcited certificates and recommenda. tory letters, many of which nro from tbo hlcbest sources, Including eminent Physicians, Clorgymen, Statesmen, Ac. ' The Proprietor bos novor retorted to their publication la the newepapere ; bo does not do tbU from the fact that Ms articles ronla3 Standard Preparations, and do not need to be propped op by certificates. The Science of Medicine, like tbo Doric Colnmn, should stand simple, pure, majestic, having Tact for Its basis, Induction for Us pillar, end Troth alone for Its Capital. My Extract Earsaporllla Is a Blood rnrlfier my Extract Bocbu Is a Diuretic, ond will act as 6ncb In all cases. Both aro prepared on purely sclontiflc prlnclplcs-fn vacuo ond ar tbe most active measures of either Oiat can ba made. A roody and conclusive test will bo a com. parlson of their properties with thoce set forth In tho fol lowing works i Bee Dispensatory of tho United States. Geo Profoesor Dkwees' valuable works on the Practlco of rbyslc' Bco remarks mado by tho celebrated Dr. rnrsic, Thlla. Bee remarks made by Dr. ErintMU JIcDowill, a cele brated Physician end Member cf the royal College of Burgeons, Ireland, end published In tbe Transactions of the King and Qncen's Journal. Bco Medlco-Chlrurglcal r.evlew, published by DWjf Tmvina, Fellow of tho Eoyr.1 Collego of Burgeons. gee most of the late standard works on Medicine, ra?: ISOLD 1)7 ALL I)ltUGOIST3 EVERTTVIIEnr.. Address letters for Information, In couQdeace, to H. T. HELMBOLD, Chomtet. PBINOIPAL DEP0T7 Holmbold'a Drug and Gliotnioal Warehouso, No, 691 BEOADWAY, HEW YORK, and Holmbold'a Medical Dopot, Ho. 101 SOUTH TENTH BT,, PHILADELPHIA. HEW AUK OF COUNTERFEITS. ASK VOIt HELMDOLD'ai TAKE WO OTIIEIl'l April 15. 1805. ly. A. LOGAN GRIM, Attorney and Caitncellor at Law, LA PORT L SULLIVAN TO,. PA. e7" Military and .other claims promptly attsaded lo (Htober 13, lso.l. L sCsHbhI A FortllliC ! ! . t..i.. Employment for Everybody Groat Salo of Jewelry, Watches, Chains, Diamond Ring", Silver-Waro, Ger mitu nd Frenoh Fanoy Otiodd, &c, worth over 8800,0(10 all to bo sold without reserve. Everyone to havo some thing Valuable. LIST OF Till! AllTlCJ.HK. flcnH' Odd tlimttne CnsoWntchos. 'i 00to$l50 00 Ladles' Hold nnnmelcd unso watches, rienta' Hunting Oaio Silver Watches, 50,00 HJ.OU 3.VO0 7U.U0 I5D,()0 30,00 511.110 rienta' Gold Watches, dt.uhto time. "3.00 watclicn. ilt.uttlc time. (Inld riatrd Watches In .tingle Cnses, 35 00. Cold riatrd Wati ties etianmlcd.for Indies 33,00 Diamond Hlngs, 30,00 Hold Veitnnd Neck Chains, 10,00 Oold Oval Hand llrnrelets, 4.00 LChated Oold llrncclcla, 3.00 L'hatnlnlne Chains nnd Uttnnt Chains 5,00 Solitaire nml II "hi llronches, 4,00 l.nvn nnd Florentine llrnochcs, 4,00 Coral, Opal, and Utncrnld llroonlies. 4,00 I Mi)snic.Jet,Lnva nml Florentine Unr 0rops4,00 Coral, Opal nnd Eincrnld Ear Drops, 4,00 California Dlnmond HlcnH I'ins, U.50 tlold Fob nnd Vett Watch Keys, SMO Fob and Vest Itlbbon Slides. 3,W flolltnlre Sleevu llutloiis, Html", etc, 3,00 Oold 'I hlinbles, Pencils, etc., 4,00 Minlaturo Lockets, 4,00 Miniature l.ockcts Jingle Spring, 3,10 Hold TboHi Picks Uinnart, etc. 3.00 I'liln rlolil Kings, Chased (I old Illngl, 4.00 PtnneBct nndSisnct Kings, 3,00 California Diamond Hlngs, 3,00 l.ndlcs' Jovelry In sete Jet end Oold H.00 Ladles Jewelry ill nets-Cameo, I'eatl, 4,00 Hold Pens. Hllver DMeii llnrdcr k. l'enclt.4.00 100,00 , 30.00 ' tstyj , 10,00 so.ou 10.00 II 00 H.00 H.00 0,11)1 I 10.CH) 7,00 I ,00 I ' 7,00 I 8,00 , io.oo 1 10.01) I II, 00 o.oii ! 10,00 15,00 I 12.00 ! 10.00 III, 00 1 15,00 sa.m , 50,00 1 4(1 00 i 50,00 (lold Pens and Oold .Mounted IlMcrs, 5,04 Oold Pens St Oold L'xtrnslnx lluldure, 0,00 Silver Goblets ami lirinking Cups, 211.00 Hllvrr t'mtnrs, I'nilt nnd Cnhn Markets, 25,00 Silver Ten k Table Spoons te I'orks, doiSO.OO Sliver Plated Ten Tots and CutTcin Urns, 33,00 t llur Plated ico ritchsrs and Molasses . Cup, 23,00 CO.OO See what Ike most pepulnr and widely circulated periodicals say of our EntaldUhuicnl: From the "Dispatch" of February 25,'fl5 Wo tako pleasure in cnlllng the attention of our j roHilcrn tn the unnoiiiiceniciil of Messrs. Dcvnucli Ko'a Hreat Sole or Jewelry, Silver Warn, and Fancy (loods, In our advertising columns. Wo are person ally nrioalnti-d with the ineni'icm of this firm and j i know them tJ bo gi-ntlcinen of sterling worth and 111' ' ,.,ruf Tltnl. at .1. nf ntM.I, fnr vlirtMV nml flttCnt. we huvc scarcely seen paralleled. From tho "Mirror ot fashion,' fliaron Ut, 18G5. Mcsr4JCVI,"Sri k. I'o't Great Salo nf JewclrV. etc., I npened mi the I5tli lilt , nnd we venture to say that l hi i finer display or goods was ever ctmuiiaii hy any rsino i liahinent lit this city. The ladles thronged their tin ' znur alinott tn sulTocatlnn, althoueh the streets were i , rendered nearly Impnjsublc by the melted mow nnd 1 slii'li. We predict fur them n wonderful success From tho 'Ledger," February '-28, 1800. i Our lady friends should visit the extensive cstablUh. ' ment of .Messrs Di'vniigk fc Co., No. 15 Mnideii l.nno, if thoy wish to indulre themselves tvlili n sight which liny will long remember. Such n profusion of elegant I Welches Chains, ltiiigs. Earrings and, in slmrt of I Jewelry of every name, kind and description, wo nev er before witnessed. Their silver and plated wnru is . superb and almost casts into the shade the other splcn- did cstablishnier.ts which have long been the boast of our city. It is entiinnted that their stock is worth not less than one million of dollars, j From tho "Tribuno'" of April 21, 1805. . An acquaintance of over 19 years with Messrs. Oi. rnrd W. Ileaui;h & Co., warrants us in speaking In . tho highest terms of thm. '1 hey are nnioup our olileBt Maiden l.nne Jewelers and havo long enjoyed n wide and enviable reputation, From tho "tstaats Zcitung," April 24, 'Go. Many ot mo nanus in our oinco nave speculated in the Enterprise of Messrs, Ilovaugh & Co., nml though ! none of thciu have nt realized 'u fortune,' all express tncmselves ,will pleased with their venture. Two nf mem ny worsiug auer Hours nave inaue over $:u'i eacn within six weeks. How You Can Get a "Prize. Send.Twenty.Fjve Oents tn us, ami ob soon as we receive It wo will mail von n certificate showlnir what you are entitled t '. If the article or articles please you, cnd hacktho Certificate and One Dollar we I will forward yon the. article, no mutter how costly it ' may be. If the ntticlu is not what you wish, state, when ou send the Certificate and dollar, whatolher article of the same va.ue you prefer and we will send it. If you with more than nnu Certificate scud us SI and ucuill send live; lor $-'. eleven; for S3, thirty; for $10, sixty ; for SIS. one hundred AOEiVTd ARC WANTED iu the Army and in every 1 plaro. Wo have an immense rttock of goods to dm pu!oof. nnd need n large number of Agents. Our terms . to Agents are very liberal nnd some even of our Lady 1 Agents nru making from S3 tn 920 n day. We give Agents 50 per eent. on all Certificates they sell provi ded tl.-y remit not less than SI foreight. I tsT W rim your name and address distinctly, nnJ sny only what is necessary. Gilt All D W. DEVAUGII & Co., 15 .Maiden Lane, New York. May 2T, lSfS.-2ni. Dr. TaibottV Pills. (ANTI.tlYSPETIC) Composed of highly Concentrated Extracts from ROOTS AND HERBS Of the greatest medicinal value, prepared from the original prescription of Ihe celebrated Dr. Talbott, nnd used hy him with remarkable success for twenty years, An infallible remedy in nil DISDAanS OP THE LIVEll, or any derangement of THE DIGESTIVE ORGANS. They euro Diarrhoea, Dyspepsia, Sorof- j ula, Jaundice, Biliousness, Liver Oomplaiat. i The well. known Dr. Mott says of these Pills : "I i have, used the formula from which your Pills nro made, in my practice for o-er 12 years j they have the f finest eirecl upon the Liver nnd Digestive Organs of any medicine in the world, and uro the most perfed Purgativo which has ever yet been mado bynii)body. j They are safe and pleasant to take, hut powerful tn I cure. Their pcnetiuting propirtes stimulate the vl tal activities of thu body, remove the obstructions of its organs, purify the blood, and expell disease, 'i hey -purge out thu foul huniori which breed nnd grow dis temper, htiinulalo sluggish or Cisordored organs Into their natural action, and Impart a healthy tone with strength to tho whole hy.tcm. Nitnnlyilo they cure j the every day complaints of everybody, but also for- I midable and dangerous diseaves, and being purely veg ctablo arc ficc from any risk or harm. No person who ! has once used theso Pills will ever ho without thorn." I They create nuro blood and remove all hnnuriiieti from the system, hence urea positive curu for FEVEKS, HEADACHE, l'lLES.MEll CU1UAL DISEASES AND IIER-' EDITARY HUMORS. ' DOHE-l'or adults, one Pill iu Ihe morning ; firchil dred under fcjuus, half a Pill, Price One Dollar per Box. Trade supplied, or sent by Mail, port paid, to any part of Hie United States or Canadns on receipt of price. None Genuine with out tho facsimile signature of V. Mott Talbott, M. D. V. MOTT TALBOTT Si Co., No. 62 Fulton St., New York. May 27, 1805,-ly The Forks Hotel. LOCATED IN EAST BLOOMSBUKG. I'he undersigned having taken the well known Torks Hotel, repcctu illy announces to Ins friends and tliu public generally, that he is prepared to ncconiinodatu all who may favor him with their custom, lo entire sat infliction. lie is provided with ample Btabljng and prnvinder for tho nicommodatlon of Travellers, Teaumors, Uro vers.&c, on ingderatu terms. SJ Public cuitoiu is solicited. GEO. W. MAU GER. llloomsburg, April H, ldKi.J CLAIM ' 'AGENCY. rpiIE untlersignod, desires to call tho X intention of Ihe Public nihil facilities for obtain ing Pensions, Homilies (Local and Ooverninent) llouit ty I, amis to- rJoldlers, Hack-pay, Settlement of olllcer's Accounts, kr. lliicharged Hollicre or Iheir hat s can get their full liountles, though generally tbey havu onlv received purt. No charges for information, nor unlets cbtim is secured, Office with 11. II. Little, ilsq., iu i, iii.v .mine uuuuiuy uciuw x.xcuange noiei. 0. B. BROUKWAY. April I, 1663. ly. ; ISAAC K. STAUFFER. itt a nrr rxTtr a tt-it- A -sat r No. M8Nortb Second St., nor. of Quarry, PHILADELPHIA. An assortment of Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Hated Waro constantly on hand, ITS Repairing of Watches and Jewelry promptly at tended to, January 4, leflJ, ly. Mi:ilinlliiV mill BEI'illlrnBEnnlr'H Qupplictl to donlers and cash buyers at tJ low wholesale rales, w c. rermv, th and llace sits. Phils March I 6u5,-3in, lMllllllWMMmWWM SSS.VIljWsM IPMMyi' Schenk's Mandrake FOR Sick II ABMH1 Its Symptoms, Cauek and Cuuk HIS has received its name from a con stant nauien or sickness at the stomach, which attends the pain in Ihe head. This hcadaeha is apt to begin In the morning on waking from n deep sleep and when some irregulgrlty of die, hax been commit edonthc day before, or sometimes for nmcral daj s previous. At first there is a distressingly oppressive feeling in the head, which grndually merges into a so vcrc heavy pain in the temples, fremiently atten ded by a sense of fullnevs nnd tenderness in one eye, and extending aero." tho forehead. There is a clammy. unpieatant taste In the mouth, an offensive breath, and the tongue covered with a yollowisli white fur. '1 ljo sufferer desires lo be alone in a dark room. As soon ns Ine patient foils Ihe fullness iu the head and pain In the temples, take a larc dese ofBchink' s aiidrnkc rills' and in an hour or two they will feel as well a ever. This lias been Iricd by thousands, nml is alwuy sure to cure, and idstend nf the sick headache coining on every week or ten days, they will not be troubled with It once in three months , Schcnk's Mandrake Pills are competed of number of root besidcj Podophiinii, or concentrated Mandrake all of which tend to relax tho sccrstioiu of the liver aiuUet morn prompt thnn bluo pills or mercury, and wi'hout leaving any dangerous elicits. In a billions person thev will show themselves by the stools. They will expel worms, mucur, bile and all murbid mutter from the system. In sick heaJachc, if they are taken ns directed above, (afull dose as soon as they feel the first syniploms ofit Dr. Schenck will ami has directed his agent to returnlhe money if they do not ive per fece satisfaction. J If a p'irsuu has been compelled lo stay nut late at night, or dring too much wine, by taking a dose of pills on going to bed, nest morning he will feel as tho' the had not drunk a drop, unless he forgets to go in bed at all. They only con M tents a hot. Whoever takes llicm will never use any other. They are north a dollar to a sick cost. man for1 every ecru the Iloti'l forget the iiamii-Sl.'IlUNt'K'a MAMJATP. PILLS. Sold wholesale and rttail at Ilr.Schenck'sPnncigay Office, No. 16, North SUlh Street. Pclladelphlo, and by Druggists and Storekeepers generally, Price for Pulmonic Syrup, Beawoed Ionic, eac il 50 per bottle. $7 50 the half doscu.ur Iwo buttles i fayr rupand one of Tonic, for V 75. Ur. Sihcuck will he at his office, No, 15 North ft, Philadelphia evciy Saturday to see patients, lie makes no charge for advice, but for a thorough ciam- I i '"u" 01 mnsswiiunis ueipuometar, nctiisrges three dollars, Mstih l, 1S64. I 1 iwwww"l""'IJHM,1!"r Keep Youu Eye ON THIS PLACE. SliUXD AlllUVAf. OF NEW I I I AH enlarged and greatly Improved tin Hiorn unoiii rl and nocked it with n large nnd superior Stock of I HALL ond WlNTIllt OOODS, whltll willbusoldas , low as nl any other establishment In the country. nlicos at 10, 18, 20 and 25 cents. 'Muslins, tthavhidand Urown at 25, 28, I iin to 48 cents. l)HEsrl OOODS of every shade, quality nnd price; n full lino nf Doiuoslle floods, vli ! Checks, Sirlpes, Ticks.Llnnen nnd Cntlini Tahlo Diaper, Olnghatiis, Nankeens, cc , &c. A good supply nf Ladles Shoes nnd tJaltern New stock of Halt nud Cups. All Wool Ingrain and Collage Cnrpcls, n splindld article Just opened and for mle, A fresh supply of Groceries and Spices, n new lot or CADAIt AND WILLOW WARK. MACK lilt At. by the quarter, half nnd whole barrel Nos. I and 'i, medium and Inrge. Also, a large and splendid assortment of new designs. Also, n new lotofTUUNKM and Oil Cloth Nutchcls. Having bought these goods before the late rl", I am prepared to sell as Ihecheapcst for cash or country produce. WR STUDV TO TLEABU. Ulnoinsliurg, Jnn. 7, l-'ii3. jeding Jtail-road. WINTER ARA'NGEMENT, Novprnber 7th, 1804, rcat Trunk L'tio from tho Noith and North-West for Phllii'lo'phia, New-York, Read ing. Pottsvllln, Lebanon, Allcntown. Haston, r. tie. Trnini leave llarrlfbnrg for New York, as follows At :i IIU and . IS A. Al. nnd 1.45 1'. M nrriving at New York lit 10 A M., and 'J.4.1 and 10 (10 P. 11. The above connect with similar Trains on th Penn tli nnl! Itfill linn, I. nml Kleehlllfr Cnri, ncronin nv the i.' . . 1.1 -I. ........ llf.i livu MlllB, ii llll, I, I, l,,.ll,j.i. Leave lor llendlng, Pottsvllli'.Tamaqua, Mini svllle. I Allcntown, nud Philadelphia ut rj.15 A. M. an 1 1 45 P. i AL, slopping at Lebanon nnd principal Station, only. Way Trains, stopping nt nil points, nt 7 25 A M.nnili 4.40 P. M. Returning ' Leave New-York at !l iM., 12 noon, nnd 7.U0 P. M. Plilladulpiil.1 nt S A. .11 nml 11.30 P. M : Pottsvllle nt rt 50 A. M and v'.jlj I. M ; I'.iina'iua Ill C. IO '1. ii I. UIIU ..Iu I ill . illl il ,n,nil, ill l . .IIIUII luii I 7 M and 111.45 A. M l.llj and Gtl.i P. M. Reading .rcomodalioii Train ; Leaves It' ailing at 0-1 HO A. M, returning Irnui Philadelphia at 4.3 P. .M. , Columbia Railroad Trains leave lleadiii at It. Ill .'.ml , II A SI. for llphratn, l.itlx. Columbia, ftc I On UlulHy ; Leave Nnw-York at 7 I .1 , Phliadel-! pin .-i ;.I5 P .VI., PotlHi ille 7.I1II A. M., Tn mi'tun 7 A. ,M , llurrisburg S 15 A. M.. and Reading at "J mldiiight,for llurrisburg. Coininiitntlnn, Mileage, Season, Se ,onl, and l.xcur siou Tuki'l to and from all points .it reduced Rates I llnggagu checked through ; SO pounds allotted each 1 Passenger. IJ. A. NH'OI.I.H, Centritt Superintendent Pf oino, Pa. Nov. 01. lEOl JACOB LlD OM US. DEALER IN Enolisii, Swiss and American JEWELRY, SILVER WAllti, &o. (J 1 8 Marhet Street, comer of Dcctdar, Philadelphia. Dealer in American, Englisli and Sia YV.itihei, makiiiK a speciality of the celebrated Amiuioin W .ire il, whiih he would reiommeiid to all wanting a good time keepur, nnu will he sold lit the lowest prices nnd nru the cheapest and best for the pi Ico. .viurin 4, ir-nu. iy. The crwick House JlerivHc, Columbia co., l'f rrm.a j Mil undersigned would repiitfullj' iinnniitici- If. s ill" tuieiius anil uio puimc t'eoerouv, that- having leased '.his well-known huusu ho hs given il alhorough rciiovotiou. The rooms havob'cn re-papei ed and the entire establishment eli jjiiully refurnished lleiiig pleasantly and iligihly loc.tled. an I provided with all thu requisite conveniences, it oilers to the public tile eombi.eil advantages of A First-Class Hotel. 1113 TA1ILU will always be supplied with Ihe best the markets ad'nid, nnd IKS n tit with the ihouebt li quors. Travellers, drovers, teamsters, boarders. c. accommodated to nenernl satisfaction. Cnriful nud ac couimodntine; Hostlers iiltvnjt in alter.daiicc. !!tat'liii the most complete and ctenive in lliii, nectinii. 1. T. S1III3ET. ,Muy2rt.lfll4. .llaulioiiil : how Lost Ikmv KcstorciT. Just published, n new cdiiioii of fir. t'ul- i ts-i erwell'sl elehrated Unsay on Ihu rndinil OSTjT c"rn ("ithout medicine) of Sieriualorrhu:a. , ol seminal wenkueiis, Invnliiulary feuiiuai Losses, Impotent')', Aleutal and Physical loe.ipa'iiy, Inipendimeiith tn niarringu, etc also, Uoutuiiiptiou, Kpilepny, and Pits, induced by self-indulgence or scx ual exlravaganee. , 'Xj Price, In a sealed envelope, only tiv rents. The celebrated author in this udmirable e?stv ile.irlv demonstrates, from athlrty yeats' sucressful jiractico', i that the alarming ronsu'iueiiccs of t.elf.ahiis m iy be radical y cured withoutlho dangerous use of iiitern,il mediuiio or thu application of the knife pointing out a mode or curu at onco simple, ceitaiu, and ell'tctual, by menus of which every sulfercr. no mutter hat Ins loinlition may bo, may.eure himself iheaply, privately, nud radically 'iliis Lecturn should be in the hands of every ' youth and every man in the land. Mini, under seal, in it plain envelope, to any rrl.lresi, I posl pid, tn r'ceipt nt -ix nuts, or lo po.-,t um, Address Ihe publishers, OIIAH.J.O. KLIVi: k l',i., . 127 Itroadwny New Vork, Post Dlhro liuv 1 5-(l. April I, Ituj Lackawanna & P.loomsburg llailioad. TWO DAILY TRAINS. BU ANII APTi lt AIONDAV. JUMI IStli. IPII.1. I'As-SllNBUU TRAINS WILL HUN Ad I'UL LOWS: I.UAVC NOItTIIWAni) Leave iviiriliiniitierliiud, H. IIUA..M. 5 OH P. 11. a.w s iu ii.-.'j a ta Ki.1.1 ii'j'i It) t!5 7.HU 11.10 ti.l.'i P.M5 P. M. 11.15 I. 30 Itl.'.'j v - 5.511 liHU T II W A ft II li 00 A ,M 4 '-ti P. M 7.011 S HO B 3.-i 7.30 0.05 f,o(l 0 95 H.II.1 llltlll 11.15 III 40 III (HI I.510P..M. I.'.'5 '.1.05 lll,: 5.10 5 00 mute to the wort and thu iauviiii! Hupert, liloom&burg lterwick, " aiilikshluny. " lvnigtou, Arrive at r-crnnton, -" New Vork, " Philadelphia, LliAVi; 801 Leave Hcraiiton, Kliigslon . " lterwick, " It'oomsburg " liuperl, " Danville, Arnve at Nurthuniherlaiid, " llnrrifburg, " Washington, Philadelphia, oil region I ir? I'rains of tho Philadelphia and llrio Itailroad leave Nuiihiinibcrlainl "very moriuiig for trie, arriv ing there ihu afternoon of ihe saum day to connect with trains for Ilull'alo Cleveland, Chicago, with all points west, and connerllng at Curry with all trams i on tpe nil Creek Ituilroad. i 'ew ami t legunt bleeping cars accompany the nlclil trains each way between Northumberland mid Haiti- , more, and Northumberland and Philadelphia. , II. A. l'ONUA, S upt. Kingston, Juue 17. Ifii5. Baker & Confectioner 'PUB undesigned lias always on hand and for salo. 1 r'RUSit IIHIIAII, OAKlId, PIKri and French and Domestic on fee tiono in gioit and splendid variety j Nuts. Frults.aud every thing usually tound in a first tlass cnufecliouery store He would tall especial uttuntion to Ills newly re ceived stock nf ' PICKLED FRUIT AD JELLIES, Having recoDlly liiletl up a new and elegant ICIS CitKA.ia SALOOIV, on the first iloor, two doors wrnnf',yor& Mnyer's Urug tturc, he Is prep ired tn wait upon his many cu. tinners witn Ilrst ciass Ice Cream as cheap as the cheapest, lie will supply llallt, Parties, and Picnics Willi Icecream, Conleitionery. tie., at reasoable rates. B. H. STOHIVEJc. Bloomiburg, April 2J, IEl. K . . ."OOlVa & b I ATIONERY. aJsuppled to Hanks, Merchants and County Officers Sn'dVdKV niX,'M ,JC" by M Much!, 1355. Ith md Rico ?leil,' lhil". ntYiiVOROjS Cheap Grocery Store. ALSO HATS, CAlB AK snOlSS, f I 'lIB undersigned lias removed his Hat and , CapPloro J up to llvanV obUtand, whsro In nildltloti to n. superior ussortincnt of ! SPRING AND SUMMER LM ll WIS itlUl wauo CON FKOTION A III KB, 0 UACKE US, Molasscn, Suqar, i Ooffco, 'i'ons. i T;haefo SnulT, 1 Cigars, Spioea, 1 Dried Fruit, Butter, I Coal Oil, Drug, Parlor nnd Hand Lamps, ' Books. Writing Puper & Ink. ; Hardware and Crdnrtvtuc, Pckct Knives, Combs, ') i.. .f.n .f. ; lit.,, ii i. , Pogetlier wllh'n variety ot a.tlcle. generally kept In a Biore. , , mtr.' t-i3 ... , . -1 At.nA line i,io. r.i,-, num;i i.w..iuo .7. i; ....lenient on of Shoemakers ,.i.d th. public, """" i JOHN K OIUTON. Jllnoiusburg. May 13. ISW' I ..,,, ,..., .a.a.n lt,ll,.fl'.IV .IHHII-I III III, , lllll einu IH'l 1 il, T' ' .j - ,, I (Mirtakwir llusiniM, and keeps coustiintly on linn ml for sale at Ills Warcrooius, a largo assortment l,M VI 1 1 P n ( !(". KI'INS , I'l.MblUjU gSraJ uul 1 lnDl py (,ri, 1C 9 enabled to till orders on presentation AuoKcrini n cuod llore anil lii-.-irsc. una will nt al tm'CB bo rI.a,j. lo attuinl I'uncrels. BIMON C SIIIVK, llnoinsbirg. January SR). IPSU IMPORTANT 10 LADIES. Oarvey's Female Pills tliu mnt in fall I Mr nml popular rcnu'ily vwt nn u fur all ilNfafCs nl'lhd (I'lii.ilu fi'X Tlwy have hcenineil in many tliounauJ tasen uitli unfjilli)' sttitfso nud may ho relied on in even r,iie fnr which tli-'y an: re toniiiKMidciJ, and particularly in all rncs arising from Obslnution. or Stoppage of Nature nn matter Troiii uliat caiic it arif'. Th nri? uII'hc tnal in rc&torin? Ki liealih allu Uo arc snUVriu frmn Ve,ikncid and Uthllity, Ulerlnu t)icliari'es, N'crvon nesd Ate , Ate. i and iliny ACT LIKE A Oil ARM ! in Ptretipt'ipning and mstnring tin y t m. Thnipand j of vvhv .iavi riiIIWimI for years and Iricd varioti" mhur reihediL's in v n mve a r'ncwfil nf their lien tli 1 ninl ttreiigtli wholly tn ii. Mfieacy nf i DR. IIAUVEY'S Fhn.'ALE PILLS ) 'Ihtyare perfectly InrnitenH nn iliu tyU'ui, may h taken ut any liinu w ith poi fftt Mifi-ty ; hut during tlirj eaily btagKn nf Pri'irimiicy they -hmild mil Im tnkpii, or a mitf urnage may ha tsikcu. or a iiiiflt.url.tgc iniy voe iiinresnu inuynuver caiitsu any iLUiien8 pain I ur di-rcus, Kadi Imx cuul.uuri Fixty nil.ti. Trice Uuc Dnllar. ). HARVEY'S GDLDHN PILLS, A ifinedy fnr nwi'n , fuur ileyrfes ttronger tlian tliu :ibov( ; Priru I'ive Ilidliri prr im A private Circular t( hiIm-h vtnli line anatnmti.-al t-ncrav Iiil'h, sunt (riM uur'cipt uf iliintett enveiupu ninl i-tmnp (Ti lut till;! nntiu1 out it you denii Hi lliirvi' PilU, aiulil jnu iniinnt proinrn tli'.'iu nf yni t ilntii Hi t, di hot tike any nthtr. f'f i'iui) iteiieri v h.t are nupriiiciplml u ill rr-cniumenti othi-r lttrti IM f they can maku a larci-r prnfil on -bat eiiLbmi: tin1 momy uitii fen J iliittl to Dll. .1. 1HIY.N, t'UNi-Ul,Tl(i PII5ifl.W. Xo. -14" liioatw.iij, Aac York. in ho will take all ritk it piopeiv directed, and will send the Pills, tccuml fiom olier ilion, by rtliini mail, 1'oi.t P.iid. riOLII IIV UUUlJIilTS Ci'.M.RAI.l.Y. IHIVI A-J IIARMItl ft CO . Nfw Vonit, t holesale AeenM. July IS, lrt:5, J. f. EVtR. t. N, MnVk New Drug Storl WHOLESALE AND RETAIL j rplll'. uiider-.igned would iufnrii' tin Ir friends nnd th, J public generally, that they h. no taken the stand for- , uterly occupied b tl.-u. .VI. llageiibtiih, iu the Ilxch.tiii Huililini;, on .Main street, in lilooiobur:r. where he lias 1 Ju-l rcieiven a full supp'y ol j fiftl'tigs, ,TIt (lociiJt's, S'iiiEils, iviK, ' LL.'iiiipM, A:c . Wliiih will be sold on iiioderate terms lor ready pay. Also, NOTION'S gem rally, of ever) variety, ortau.l si'e. , Pliyirinns' prescrlpllous raiefiiily i iuoiouudinl, all all times and on short notice. Lr- Ciuifei tioiieiy -f llu- best feleetions, and f'odn ! Wnler in reason. ' U' A share of the public ritstnm i. respectfully 1.0 ( iciled. UYLK k .MOVIIIt. ! lloonislmrg, April II, Ifl'.j Arcana Watch. An Jilt guilt Sove'j in WATCJlJifi. MIE case-i ol this wi.teli arc nn f-utiroly new 111 v.-11 1 1 (ill . loiniioneil nf tiixdllferenl meials combined, rolled logi th' r .tod pl.u.isllcd, pruducin no exact imitation if id gold, tailed Arcana, whiih will aluayt keeji Itsmiir. They are a 4 btutifill a solid gold, and am allordi'il a. niii'.eiulith the cost, The lata is beanlifully de.lgu 'dwilh Panel and shield for name, with Patent Pin. and uoernvi'il in thu ex. act stylo ol the celebrJt.d Hold Hunting Levers, audi are n allv hiindsomu nnd desirable, and so ex.11 1 an i in- , it 11 1 1 uit ol gold ns tu iitiy iietettioii. The movement is niaiiiiiai-iiiieo oy uiewei' koiiiviim Jlmer Watch tool, p.iny nf Cm ope, mill ate superb y finished, having 1 11 praved pallets, fancy carved bridges, aejusiiiij regu lator. with gold balance and the improvi il jew elled action, with line dial and skeleton hands, nml is war muled n good tlmii keeper Theso watches are nf three ditr.'rnnl, the smallest being for Ladies, ninl are all Hun'lug (;.iei,. nisi- ui ni ou -tin III' ,11111 l 1 XliresH for ija.ou. A fciu;lu one sent 111 n handsome .Mororru I i;.ish ror 8J5,0U j will readily sell for three limes Hair , rost. u are sole agents for 111 i a ivatih 111 Ihu Uuitei l-lalcs, ami noun are genuine ulncli do not hear our iradeiuark. Address ItlKARD W. DKVAUGII .t Go, N. linperiers, 15 SJaidcn Ltuo. May "7, lcti5 3m BLOOMSBURfi Skylight Picture Gallery. HjIIE untleraicnctl rospcetfullv informs J the rilitens of llloom. burg mid Ihe public genu. rally, that he has snicetded llr-llnse ck in thu Pho- lograpli and Ihigiierrean business, at the well known Hky-LighlHtaiii'. in iho llxehango lllork nvcrrindiiier's Store, to which helms added n full Caiiiera and im proved material, by winch lie promise, to tk tho mos'. perfect LIFE-LIKE PICTUliE V, seated or standing, that have yet been produced in this section of Country. This iieing llu only establishment of the kind in llloomsburg. and having been lined up at heavy ex 2c.n,s,Ci'Al,",'.a' '"' considered a first cla.i I.IKBNIWU BALOOV, Uroups nr ,i single picture taken at any time llo solicits tho public custom and trusts lie will be able to render general satisfaction. tCT- ALllU.Mri AMI PK.TI'ItU KIUMI'.H. of al kinds, constantly on hand nud lor sale chuap. , , , CLUMUNT flUAHIIAKT. Illiiiiuisliiir;, .March 8.5, I-U3 BH3N TESTES Y. H. C. II 0 W E R, SUftGEON DBNT1ST, iit.-i iA ri ui,i,y otP rs l i prof..,, S services lo llio l.ulie. nml gentlo- ttS men of l;i,iamliurif uud i-irimn. n,. i. nrenared tnnlteiwltn nn i,n oiuralloiis Iu ihu i,, of profession and i. p ov ded wi lithe impinved POHCKL1IA TKKnc, v li k W'.l liein .elled on enlil. iitniliin .1 , "CM 1 plate and block teeth manufai tilled and all K," 'l'1,' u" tBV"' bnu pioperly nli'-nde "o "'.ameride doJ" e .he . uir 1 "'jo-nibuig, Jen' 0 1 1.3 ;mllt The high I a warranted to bn tho most nan,. Iu agent or Ihe lnm. nih and Mood'of Caul., Swine, or iheep, In pru. tinting digciliuu,clatii Ing (lie system nnd Iran the pitrllli'd nn lull fluid In rieaU, fat, milk. butler nudstrenglli and CHlnblishliig heal and vigor. DIIVOV'S ItOllHf- u Ml'LP. rOW'llf.ll iM Hw only medicines legally- inienieu in I ranee. i;n ami, nuiizerland and lliillnnd, nnd dull' ml ...i i.,.i .1..... . liunored with otz oieil als. nnd Invented by Mr. Duv'iy. l'rolcssOi ; or the Im .... . i i College tor Agriculture; nt I alls, and now man ' iifactufcd by P., Dr or ., tud A., AIM, i town, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, I All dleinn of the rtninich, lllood, Lungs nhd ll.iw , els. speedily nml rcrlnlnly nireil. Hi nllhy stoch V II be brought tutu the very highest Unla ol' perfrctlor ' and one or two labli'poonul week, Is nf great vulu to hard working Ii uses, breeding sin- k mid tolls, am ivi'd thousands ol wtlutiblo horse. Iroin conliiglou. diseases, ns well nt t lie onrU'Var. i n to um, TUII i lTi'CtunllV nvijrrnmi' nil tlMicfi4lncl(,i wliicli itKiitill- e ii -i i uii, , , ... , v .. .. , .. ....... JJI!" V'" '1 e",! "".Mo' " "r.MlV. ,1,11,1.,.,, u.w i. t lip Iti vontnr of tlii! fitircp t ii It ii I uii i ; i " ., . ... I...H..I . ol l.lsjaborious slm les, ii i no ?'"''" . ' ' ..i....t!.i.... tin ti if..rl..i.ii nrencrhitloii.os a tie. linn nf I i nreiiaiaiion.inni lie iiiiiiiiii:i. ., tr K,, ! In malerin medlcn. 'TllllUNluMlOACII. HAT, Mil 13 AN'll ANT LX TIlll.MINATOII, Isn powder for the sure i ileriiiliiullon of all Vnrinln, i will never th'iiigu with nun and tllmate, nnd lunrh preferable In Ihe old I'hofphorous Paste, which linr.t- ens ID n short time, mnklng l worthless. For direr I tions and ree llin small bills III tin) botes One hundred and thlrty-mven preiulnms hue been nwiirdcil to Ihesc cell brated preparations, Up to . Octolier l. le'ltl. .,... Kovai. A ItoVkR, are Ihu wholealo Agents In Phil'a i 11'UUI.IiHALE ij- RETAIL. Vor salt by W Kiaaunir, ole Agent fur Blomnsbtirg. fharplen, i ntaHlisa. L. II. & .1. .-hoeioiiker, lluck Horn. Ma.tcr & Urn.. MilDllle. I. Preston, Unlirs lmrir. fcMewart & Sloan, Ornngevllle. Ileudershott, lllooiiinburg, I . fowler, l.-py. ' Cri av k. Co., Light Street l.inv ti iSpniiglor, I. nnu liidg", ' liounian. k. Owen nud Miller, Ib'riuck. ' O.ll. Puttier, I'ottlcrsville. ! K&r All ordi'i'H fur Co'utnhi t County will bo atldrcsactl lo IV. ERASMUS, Wholesale Ag.-nt, Itloonifbiiri; u. u. iniitNKii. November in, I HI". I Um. ivs'.wraiss &i H i se ii, Nos. 9, 1 1 , IU, 10, 17 Uouitlanilt St ool NIlAlt IMOAIlWAV, NI!W V()ltl ell'' Tliisolil'i'slnlili-b-il ami l.'ivorltu reMiit of l lie 1;,,.. ueiis Couiiiiuuil) Iris lieeu r.-ieiitly relltled, ami iai,,, plete iu i. it) llilug 1 1 ill miiiialer tn the iiiinlortu .,i its patrons Ladles and families are speii ill) and taio fully providrd for. It i- ii ntriilly located in the Im men port of the citj and is conligiiotn I" tho principal lines i.l steamlmau ears, omniliiis.os ferrti-K, etc. Ill coline'iuellLe ofllie pressure CfUHeil b) the flelie lion prices hav' been reduced to One Dollar ui d l'ljtij t eits ptr I)a , 'I he table ik niuply nuppiieil ith all Ihu luxuries r, the seanin, and Is v'l""' to tint nl any other hotel in In country. Ample aceomiooiIatioiH are otiered for iijiw ard ol I i guests. UJ- Ho nut helicvi iiiiiii 'rii mil kmen, a' il others In, may say 'the U'e-tern lint' I l lull " II II. WIN'fllllrtTCU, I'roiuiet i TIIO-5. II. WIM'IIIItiTIIlt Pi b 15, IMiS fiifc; ill -JJ afl OB) V ,as .wj; SJ I Iip iitiilfr-iiriiPtl. pitni'ful lor pa-i it- rui.-nre, reapertfullr ml' nun Hie Travelling I u i, gener.iliy.ihai he li i ju-t proi ured from ew ork i new, lie.iufirul mm lap.ii'iouK Phoenix Company Coach, by whi, h uieaiH he It iimv eiriliUu i, tmrvi v 1 eiiger. and II.iul'.ibo af ly mid eiool.irt.ilili leiw.i I looiimluire am' Ihe kevern hull II, pol. to o I Hie T HUH It v. Ill he 1,11 -III. I) In III coo nil lUle l . i ii.t.jiin to t Is t-1 r suil.liii tini. llu rti.lit.iiM t e i u ill .. P ii r ! ih fj PARI: .13 I'l'A PH. JAfOIt I. till! I' V I'looin.h.iiir, J.'iunitrv 7, i-'t'.'i New Grocery Sore. .MOItl-; KKKSII 'tiOOD.S. (Forniilij Id uMii'is' old Siawi) u;i I. ,t SV'e'f', Jlftitiiiisbiitf!, rVUK iiniliT.-ii'iii'il lius ju-t icroivtil .) i goi.,1 ,, !( ,,( AMI Wmm DM (.OOIfS, ol iill kniiN. Mi ii'. ,.i,i y HALF PMQ V, ? BOOTS, Hie be.l in the linrkel ; .1 li mil Aat.irlm, ut r, 1, 1 , 1 , and t.bil,.reiih' Hliues of all ktinli. A Fresh Lot of Groccriorf, all kin-'p. u h ns Molasit-s, Tea-, I Rior, I 1 Mi. "tigiirs. (Jolluf, Siiifes 1 iali, Hats and Cat lob ace", fcn i'ins. ('.inilio Kttzc ti- L ml tVr.. tc , 'C KEEI) AND IM(JVLS1"NS. 'Inget'iir null a en-al aii ! of i. ,n 1 ins ton iiumerii'l- to me 1 loo. .icl,lngerf,;,K',a'''1 V""UW 'ly..k. IIENKV GIGKU. I! 00m burg, 11 -r 10. iNH NEW 6TOI1E ,t CHEAP GOODS. 'QUI K SAI.liS AM) saiAM, I'Klll 1 1 S.' 'I HE unilt'iMned, linving taken tin I tjlme lately iierupiuil by Jniue IC Kyer. oil Mini Nrei . above Iron Street, 111 l,oi,ibur,;, ill .io.-k.-d it with every viirn-iv ol ff: MffVIT tr-. .-.-.r.-. JJI (J J I J H HVlV .. 1 . Vy "I' lib'ii Is nud h- iiuli ir . idl y, huwiliii. happy i rei,.,,.,..,, ,!,,.. ,,. public i.iMromiee, noil that be mil render genei ul bdtisfiuti.iu by M'lliui! iheni Hi,, hest quality 1 ( J?l S'sBS,tJII9 A X titf. V , i.j ul"t'r wrms ant nl autisMrinry pines Ills stock iiuliilfity. , in part, of IMIV liOIJ )S. CiliOL'I'.ICllIS. FISH ttruuxriWAiti:. WOOIil.NWAIIR. llOOIt), fclHICrf. and cspeiiall) mtli n spleumd viiricty nf A ' " k LADIKS DRESd GOODS, pivr ,ihnci.i:s Ac , which he hi,, soli us cheap us thu ihiniisst, for e -,ln I ready pay. ' rcrtounlry p.rodure, gennr illy taken iu exthan good!. , , , .'lHl;W TKUWII.LICf It 111 1 1 ii,hurg. Jan 7. I Hii y. , National Foundry. m.O0.MSIHJI(G, COLUMBIA CO., P . 'J 'iV'n.'.'v.T1,1";' l,'"l'rirtnf "f Hf nbove nam v l,TtM tdl''"'l'""''m' ,,,"" l"'Plted tore.. IV.; AH Kinds of itladilnny, ' tnh .vm i'll."lf."'.ii."",nil,"' Ihiglnos, .Millt nii't.tni .maijiiim.s, wj . tie. lie i. also prepared to maku Stoves, nil a,,, nfftra: """overything usually made H: .,!.lii.i',hIJ!l"r"i't'll"ic",nd l-rictical workmen, war ii l 1!';'v", "'e l,irKest eoutrncts ou tbo in lit re isonable terms. catC's"'''1''1 k'"'la Wl" be Uko" '" ,;'ltl,''ll'f' f" il This eslabli-hiiicnt is loea.ed near the Lm kiiwaa. n,i ,t llluoiu.burg Itailruid llepot, . t'K IKK HILLlinVlIC llluillll.bllri.' tJept. 'J, IHIiII, NEW SADDLERY AM) Ml Ha rness Siiop HJE unilmijjncil, n sicutfiilly iufonns 'PllO LlllzcllH of l.ielil Sllri.i t. .1,1.1 I'n fit I'Ubllc, Hint hn has peiiiii.ii new (In p lor llu iiianu l.ictura of .ill kin. In of SADDLE It Y AND HAUNKSS, In thunld Store House ol fieu llcllowell, nud ncx. 1 oor to Uiifs btore, in Lihl KlH-il. ivheie he will iiidinilucturt) SAUHLiS. illtlULIlri. IIAUNIlad &e.. to out r and on moderate terms. IT Itepairlngof all kinds, executed on limit nntue and in good s ylu. L'ountii pioduec 'aken m exrliungi. for work and puM. iU torn invited ELLIS I . FHEAS ''.hi tr- "tin ttl