BIA AND BLOOMSBURG GENERAL ADVERTISER, .' rat asc rrr- JLEVI L. TATE, EDITOR. "TO HOLD AND THIM THE TOItOII OF TUUTII AND WAVE IT O'EU THE DAIIKENED EARTH." TERMS : $2 50 IN ADVANCE. VOL. 19. NO, 21. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PENN'A,, SATURDAY, JULY 22, 18(15. VOLUME 2a BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL Baltimore, Md. ESTABLISHED as a HE FUG E FKOM QUAOKEUY. The Only Place where a Cure can be ob tained. Ur. Johnson has discovered tbo most Ortain, Pprpily, mid only r.ffcrtiial Urmr-dy In llio World for Weakness of tlio Hack or t.l int.v. Strictures Aircctlum of llio Kidneys and madder. Involuntary DisrhnrRes. 1 in potency , Cli-imral ltcliillty, .Nervous ihss, liys"isl:i, Lanpnor, l.ow i-'nirlis. Confusion nf Mean. 1'aliiitntlnii of llio llitirt. Timlillty, 'I reintil i ttf:. Iliiiiucss .if Hl?hl or !liliIln'K-. I'lrc-aso ()f th" lli;ad Throat. Nose, nr How t is those Tumult Hisordcrs rirlsin frnm Solitary llnblls of Voiilh-sicrcl anil tnllttifv practice's inoie fatal t their victims than tlio hoiiu n't' v reus t" ti": Mariner nf IMi ih, hlltfliliiiir. their nioft brilliant hopes er anticipations, rendering marriage, &c, impossible. YOUNG MEN Psricdally. who have hi'como tho victim nf Fnlltary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit vvliirh annu ally sweeps Innn untimely c-ruvTlhnusiiuils nf niinp: iikmi of the' iiiot exalted talents anil litilllant intellect, Mlm might ntherv, ire have entrained liteiiini! Hen ii'is with ihe thiiiulers nr i In'incnie, nr waked lo i c nlaty llio living lyre, may call with full confidence. MAltltAIGE. Married perrons, nr young men contemplating mar rlaife, being aware nf phvslcal vvcnhucss, organic do Mlity. defcirniitle-. speedily curvtl. lie, who plates himself under the care of Ur J. urij ri liuiiiiisly conliile in his hiinur na a (rcnllinun, and tonliilvntly roly upon li is skill as a physic! iir OUUANIC i:.KNi:sd in iiiediately Cured and full vigor restored. 'J his distrcssl'i? nirortinu which lenders lifo ml n nabh! and niarri.ig" iiupos6ilil''-ii the puii.ilty p. i i... ,i.., i. lima nf iiniiruner indiileciiri'x Young nrr- 'mi are too apt to commit oM'obos from not being oware of Hie dreadful coiwe.pieures that may ensue. Xuvv. who lhat unilerstaii.l the sulijert will pretend to tuny thai tlie power of procreation is m-i sonner ny .i, . .. , .-,.lll,. int,. Inn. rimer ll.lhlts than bV tile ITU dent ' ItiXd.s h nia deprived oi the pleasure t heal tey oil'spnug. the moM n-rio'i" and dnstrui'Hve syiiip hinsofboili body and iiiiud arise. The rysteui bo f nines deniiued, lh' physical and mentil funcHoiiB weiim iieil. I.iiss of I'r'nreative power, iNervous Irri tability. Dvspep-ia. 1' ilpitntimi of th- Heart, ln-lUes tion, Coiuiitutioeal In Inlity, a Wasting ot the 1 ruuie Cough, l.'oiuuniptlou, lleeay an I lliialli. llli. JUHNpTDN', Member nr tlin llnval C'ollega ol Snr?eon, London, (iradiiate from on- nf thuinn-U euilnent Colleges in Ilia V nited stales, and the printer iart or w liose lin- has .ihiiil In t e hospitals nt Loudon, i'aris, i'liila- .,.inli, i. nml elsewheie, hns i d'i'Cted some ol the most iKtmii'liliig 'iires th it wore ever known i tunny Iron, bled with ringing in llio head and curs when asleep ureal nervuuniess, being alarmed at sud 'en sounds, r if - t. ,,, 1. 1 1, lIii in,, it I In tuli ,1 soine. ll.lilHUO'"'S. I." H' l" V , limes Willi deraiigiuenl of mind, were turcd inimerti- iikly. TAKi: l'AUTICULAU NOTICII n. i lr..K,. nil ihiiite who havo iniiired them ...l.'.o i.v iiiiiiriuii r inilulL'ciiiu ii ii t solitary habits, which inin both body and mind, unliltiug tlioiu iur i iiher biisinets, study, smn ly, or marriage. I'l.i.d.a ri llltlf, ,1 f ill nml niel.iuclinl'y ellerts . I. 1 ,.;i,le In, 1.1m iif-ninth. VI7.; v'eakncss of the ll.u k anil Limbs, i'alns in the Ili-ad, llinmcss of Hulit, Lus ol i'nwei, raipiiauou ui uiu lli-nrl. llyspopMa, Nervous irralabiliiy, iifrangeiueui or llio ingenue rumlioiis, Ucnural Debilily, Symp- a ,.r t -i. ,,c, in, n I inn. A.-e. m, . . . , , v '.-.'I in, r,i uifiil ell', rH uu Hie mind arc iniicli to be dreaded Loss ol' memorY. C'oiifiitinn of Ideas, Il'iiiesi-iou oftplrils, lHil I'mboclings. Aversion to Honeiy, tiell-liialriKl. Love of Ho iludi , Tiiuidity.&c are some nr the evl s prodm ed. I h, ,u nf o nr. una oi all ajos em now Jinlgi uli.nt U llw. raiKP ol'lhi-lr iletllllitlj lieallll. losing Ikeir vUuiy l...,..t,i,iii,r w.iiilt t, il.:. uervoiM a i i eii acl.iU'd liaving a singular appe'iiauri" about lh,- ). tough Sllld syilllltDIIH of l.'nll-U Hlill ill. YOUNt; A'. EN v wlin Inne iniireii i,,.r, ies bv a c.rtnin pi lirt bulged in wIiimi -il , i li.ibil tiu'i'ieinly I' .lined Irmii evil eoiiip.iiii'iiis. 'i it 'I'honi, Hi ell'-ils o which are niglilly I li i v a w hen iwleep, nud. if mil e.n -d ren ders iinui ige ioipo.ilile aa.l destroys both iiiiud and body, rhnuiil apply iiuiiiedi.iiely. U it-it a pity Hint a young mail, the hepn of our con n try, tin- ink if Ins parent". lnml.l he siiateh M from all prn-p, il-, and enjoynieuls o lile, by llio ron.o nueiieour duvialing from lh,: palh of nature, and in dulg ing in a c rtuiu suri-t lialul. Sucli perauiis must, bUore. cont mplalill Arcana Watch. An Elcgunt Kovcltij in JI'ATCI!Eit rpiIE-cnB!9 ol this watob tiro nn entirely .1 new Invention, cnmpocdof siidlflerenlmct.'ils combined, rolled together nud planished, producim; nn exncllinllatliinif IH rarat gold, called Arcana, which will alwnys keep Its color. Tlieynro us liraiitlful as solid gold, nml nro iilloriled nt nne-elglilli the cost, Tins caso is beautifully design Ml Willi l'aiiol and shield for name, w ith I'.iteni Push I'in, nud encr.ucd in the ex act style ol tlio celibratod Hold Hunting Lever, and nro reeuv n.ioiisuinr uiiii oesir.ioie, nun so ex.irt an im itation of gold as lo defy ilct 'climi, Tlio iiuivcmeut is luanufaclureil by t ho well known Ht- Jiuier Watch Join, pany of ihimp", am! aio superbly Unbin d, having en graved pallets, f.uiry tarved liridges, adjusting regu lator wiiu koiu ooniiieo nun me imprnvcii jeweiicu net lull, Willi Hue dial and skeleton hands, ami is war ranted n good linio keeper wnicnes are ni uiren iiniereni sl7.0s, llio smallest being for Ladies, nud are all lluulisg Cases, A cno orsiv will bu sent by .Mull ir Ilspress for 5Hj.H0. A single one sent in n handsome .Morocco Case for Sit.OH I will readily sell for Ihtee times their cost. We nre sole ngeuts for this watch In the Hniteii flalcs. and none nre genuine, winch do not hear our TrndoinarK. rtiuireis (ilUAllD W. DEVAUGII & Co., Importers, 15 Maiden Lntic, N. i'. May 'J7, IM55 3.n Select poetry. New Skirt for 18G5. tiii! nitr.AT invention or Till! AGR IV HOOP 8KIUT9. J. W. ltradhiy's New I'dlent Duplin Lllipti; (or ilou Ido) Spring Skill. Wests' llr.idlcy !t Cary, (late J I. tc 1. O. West,) rfolo I'roprietois and inaiiuf'iriurers, !i Chambeis and Til nml bl llea lo Rtreets, New York This invenlion oousisU of lluplcv (nr two) UHlptici Bteel Springs, ingeniously llraided Tightly and l'irmly tngelher, edge to edgu, making the. Iniighesl.mnst tl .-s. -Iblo Ll.islie ami iiur.ible Hpiing over used. They seh doui lloud or lireak like th Siiiglo Springs, and eon seipienlly Presi.rve their perfect an I beautiful shupu Iwiee as long w anv mliur skirt Hie wonderful Usability and ureal comfort ami pleasure to tiny lady wearing! the duplex L.iiptic ski ri will he epi'rieiieed particiiUirly in all uowiled Asseiiiblie, Operas, Carriages, Itailro. d C irs. Church Pews, Arm Chairs, lor I'muit-na le and llouee liruss as the Pkirt ran be folded, when in usu, to oteupy a small place as easily as a silk or iiiusliu dress A having enjoyed the pleasure, comfort, and pri a conveuienee if wearluir the "lluplex r.lllptic Steel Hpuug Skirt" for a single il.iy, will never after wards willingly disneiisew itli their Use. For Children Misn:.. and Vuurg Ladies, they arc Superior lo all ulhers. They are the best quality in every part, lind uniuea tionably Ihu i,ightest, most dusirable, itiuilorlable.and economical skirt ovvr made. l ull fi.W.V, in all first class ttors in thin City, and throughout the United Stales, Camillas, Havana du Cub. i. .Mexico. South America, and Hie West Indies. iNiiuiiti: roii tiii: duplex llliptic skiut. April 15, IBiio, "b r . TaSbolt's Pills. (ANTI-DYtSI'irriC) Composed of highly Cnnceulratu l Hxtracts front HOOTS AND IIE1U5S Of the greatct medicinal valuo, prepared from llio original prc.iripliou of tlie ctdebiuti d Dr. Talbot and mt'd by biiu with remarkable success for twenty years. An nil. HH'ile remedy in all uisuAsia or Tin: nvi:n, nr any derangement of Til E DIGESTIVE ORGANS. Kiaa and Never Tell. a bono ron tmT: summkk. Though you may sip from beauty's lip Tlio sweets that there dodwell, 'Tl very menu In you I wcon If you shall kiss and tell I What makes a kiss exquisite bliss, A sweet niyslan spell lie always sure tlio kiss Is pure ; Hut never kiss and tell 1 This blood of lovn springs from above Win-re saints ami angels dwell ; It was but lent, and never meant That you should kiss and Icli I It Is a seal a halm to heal A pearl within its shell The llybliau dew, forever now j Hut never kiss and tell ! It is a plan since time began, Approved and honored well : From Kubl.i Khan to Ispahan, They kiss and never lei 1 1 In nights in June, beneath tlie moon, The fairies know it well j Kueh rosy breath our Venus hath f Wo kiss and never tell t Hincc Tiros, or Helen's wecs, Tlio monk within his ce II, The ml trod one the praying nun All kiss and never tell I llrLL'ASE OF Ex-GoVI.RNOU LUTOHEa. Ex-Governor Lotcbor was released from tlio Old Capital Prison last Mondny oigbt 8th itiflt,bj direction of President Johnson, upon the condition of going immediately to bis bomo in Virginia, and bo gave his parolo to remain there subject to tbo or der of the President. THE MILL IN THE SEA. A CHRISTMAS STOUYi The Pittsburg Post saya : The coun try has lost a patriot as puro as arnold ; the Treasurer a fi.iaucor as acute as Mon roe Edwards, and the army a goneral who alone is bis own parallel. Pun. Butler, on Friday last, not having taking tho bint to resign,wa kicked out of the United States Army." A correspondent, spooking of General SlicrmaD, say. bis pictures aro like him, "if only bis whiskers woro a littlo rodder, They cure Diarrhoea. Dyspcpia. Sorof- and a creator hostility to tbo War Do- nl.t, .l.iundice,Piliousncss,Live.rOoiii.laint. nnitmcnt thrown into the expression of his The well-known Dr. Slntt .-ys nf th.-o lVs : "I ' EST In lticbmond no one is allowed to el I ceil 111. tile uy ,nio,iey. . , . let to nkc, i. iii iniweifui to marry without first taking tlio oatti ol ai op it es sllln'ilati. Hie vi- . J . ., , e n - 1 liuiance. oui'ii are ibo orncrs oi umuu mother JIallcok. What next J Will ba bies have to take tbo oath before thoy can be born 1 MA1UUA.GE, rcfleit lliat n sound mind and body aro Hie nio.l Hi res saiy reuiiinles to proniote connubial h.iiuuo-s In ilee.l, without tin bo Ibo Journey ihrongh life homines nwe.n iulgriinas! I tin pro-l" ct hoilily darkens lo too view, Ihn ttil nil becomes sb.nloweir with de-pair and tilled Willi tlio mel.iui holly relleetlou thul the hip piuera of another beeonius blighted with our own, OQicc, 7 South Fralcnck Street, left-hand side giiinc from Ih.llliuorc street, a few doors from the comer, l'ail not lo observe naino and nuin 1,1 C7" Nn letters received unless pnstpal I and con taining a stamp to bo used on tho reply, I ersons writing should i-tale age and send portion of advcilise irient den rlliiug symptom The Doctor's Diplomo hangs in liis nlfico. Endorsement of tlie Press. The many thousands cured nt this establfhiuent within the la-l twenty year-, and Hie numerous nil norlaut Surgical upuMllona perlor I. by Dr. Johns loo, witnessed by tho reporters ol Tim Sun ami many ,,il.,r i,nni,,. uotlros ol which Ii.-ue nppe.ired again ...,.i .,,,i i ,-r.. in nubile, besides his standing as a guiillonuu ofcharailer and responsibility, is a sulll tient guaranty to tlie afflicted. akin Diseases Speedily Curd. April leia.-iy U R D E G PL AFF'S EYE AM) IvAll 1KF1MUAKY, f)n Uio B'luare, Thiee llnors from Ktci le's llotol Wir.KESBARRE, PA. rpiUS INSTUTION is now opeucd aud 8 furnished in Hie in.t eolly styh'. neccption, i i miikiioiuii nrol.iree. convenient and well adapted. The Surgical apartment coiiinius llio :' M . .II.i.i.,.,i.nijiii tins fouutrvr and IltlOSl I iiuei tt'iii vn ,i,9,, thus Ins faculties, will enable him to meet any and all .. . II., will nneralelllioll all tlie , , :,.ii,,inii IlLlN'DNIWtf. Cataract, Oieluon of tlie I'upil, Cross Lyes, Closure nr tlie Tear Diieta, In version of Hie Kyeiids, I'leryglum. &e., tc. And will truat all forms of Sores, Lye Crannied Lids. Opaci ties of the cornea, nun rcroiuiuus oisi'.ipeB ui ..w -sellicr with all llio diseases to which Hiu Lyo is sub ll'n.M'Nr.rJS Will treat all tho "iliseasos common In tho nrsau. Discharges from llio I'.ar, Noises in tlie tar Cataiih, dilllculty ol' Deafness even where Ihu Drum is destroyed. Will insert an ailiflcial one answering nearly all the purposes on lie nni'iroi. DIMDAHIW ol' Tllll TIlllUAT. All diseases m...... .. -.,.1 v..j. n ill be treated ' '"iLllALrinitoBvilo wili operate V leet, Hair 1.11, uiou rauuiu, "V"ii,. ,Vw led Teiieils. kc. I'laslic nperalioiu by i owf llesh into deforuieil parts, and Heiieral buiery oi V. i.ilever cuara, i-r 11 may jir '', .,., T .i.,.,. HIJIINIA (or UUI'TI.'Iti:.)- He will perform "La is i... i... i,.,k run, nf Ilerui.l, IMieratlon iur uiu iwinmi vi;nni.i.-y " ,.,,,,,.1,1, ibis is iii.iiueilioiiably a perfect cure, and lllllc m no pain. Will ufm.iiiy hui.drcd nporated npnuin lloslonllieroli islieen no having met tlio iierleitiiiuirobjiionoi all wiionuvu iiiiii i ' i AKTiriCAL LVLfi -Will insert nrtlllclal l.yesglv iug tliem Hih motion and expression or the imiuru, .1. nA lnrl.,1 .( llll ,1m lllllaL It.llll. MliiiM!lli)tll. ri'ilesA Tins trouhlcsoino disease Is readily cured. Those bUll'ering fminit will do wc '"iVr'.'up Uenrairvisils Wilkes llarrc Willi a view liulliling up a periiiaui nt liislitute for tlio trealineiu .1... p.... i ,.r ,,.l (!i.iii,riil Hureerv. Tho uxneriuU' el '" J"..' ' ' i a.,i,,.i .in.i nencr. :iinr man a uuuiier on nin.nj ,. - - ni practice, lie hopes, will bun sulllciont guuraiilco to those who may bo disposed to employ him, May II, UM. tr. have used Hie formula Ironi wlnih y ur 1'IPs nru Ut'O, made in my pr.ietno lor over 1. years; iney iiiveiue liue-i . Il.u t iipoiillie i.m r ami iiii'iv! in :ny iiii'du ine in the world, and are the most perfei I I'uri'.ilive which h.i i ver yet leeu made h aiohm'y. Tiny are sale ami pleasant core. I hi ir lieu, ti..tinir proi al ai-iiv ities ol Hie, remove in- ou-iriiction oi s nruaiK. purily the 1.1m il, ami i .p i! uisea c. I li'-y pill ire out On- foul buoiiir; whlili breed au-l l'iow ills teuipi'r. -liugish or -.isordered organs Into their naliiral action, aud iuip.ut a health) tnn.s witli streuglh to Hie w hull-sysleni N't only do they cure the every day complaints ol t eryno.iy, nut aio ior midable and d'angerous diseaes.aud being purely eg cublu aio f'eo from any riik or li.irni No peuon who lias "lice used tin se I'll Is will ever be w iti.o it tin m.' They create pure blooil nud remove all inipiiiiiiej from Hiu system, hence areapoi'ivo euro for FEVEUS, HEADACHE, PIl.KS.MElt CURIAL DISEASES AND HER EDITAKY HUMOUS. UiWI! I'or adult., one IM1 in Hie morning ; f irchit- dred under jears, half a Till. JKf" Price One Dollar por Box. Trade supplied, or scut by Mail, post paid, to P .... M -.. .1 C..i any part ot tnu uuiteu oiaiia ui vjuu.iuiiu on receipt of prico. None Genuine with out the faipimilu fignaturc of V. Mott Talbott, M. D. V. illO IT TALIJOTI- & c;o., TlIU 150DIE5 OF TUB EXECUTED CON Bi'liiATons A Washtnglon telegram sava that no objections exist to delivering tho bodica of tho persons executed last Friday to their respective friends alter tho lapse of a eufficient time to prevent any excitement that might ensue Jroui linino diatelv doinn so. It was fearod that friends of the deceased might get up funeral par rades, which would provoke violence anil to prevent the possibility of this, tbo authorities decided to withhold tho bodies Slay a; No G2 Fulton St,, Now York. unli passion has somewhat subsided. Skylight Picture Gallery. re?f- An Inciulnt. The Louisvillo Democrat of Tuesday has the following A confederate officer who was on his njHIE undersigned respectfully informs wttv back to bis homo in Georgia, wai out a .1... -Itlirn. AC llln.,m.l.llrn llil l! lllll.lil- eniln. t r-r rally, that he lias succeeded Mr.liuaeiislock in Hie Pho tograph nml D.iguerrenn busiuuss, at llio well known t-ky-LightStani', in tlio Lxeh.iuge llloeli nverSlnhuer's more, 10 which ueinis iimiicu u mn vv.inn-ia nun im proved material, by which lie promises lo i.k llio iiios'. perfect LIFE-LIKE PICTUIIES, seated or standing, that have yet been produced in tins section of Country. This being tlie oniv esi.iuiisumeui oi me i.nm in i!t,..,,wi.i.-.r nml iniviiif, been tilled nn at lieavv ex pense, it may be ronsid-red a first class LlKLXCiS .SALOON', Croups or a sing le picture taken at any lime Ho solicits tlio public custom and tru.-ts lie will ho able to reiidur general satisfaction. IL7- ALltUJIS AM) riUTl.'Kli l lirt.illia. oi ai kinds, constantly on hand l,,Jllj,(;;f.,,i;! oij'it AllT. humisbuig, March 25, Itil5 illn denot vestcrday. Ho was fuddonly surprised at being pur rnnniiRil bv fiva or bix nccroes who ha recognized him and jumpod down from their wagons to run and meot him. They were driving government teams. Ho rec ognized them ap his own nogroes, who bad followed tha Federal army off. They beggod him to take them back home with him, and that they would bo "do best oiggas he clior bccii" if ho would. Ar rangements were made, and master and negroos all left on tbo train for Georgia last night. iiv..rn.'e HirniTu." Tl is rt woman's derforthereriptlouandenlertainmriiti.ftravihrsv.lin . t,n. may lei I itisUOsUll 111 I.IVOI 11 vv nil uieir iiibum... .,u i.,.- rfrlt 10 UBVC UCT Ill'UiU III uiun nun"" u,,:,r... exnenso ill preiuiiiiig Hie J'.xuuNur. lor tho t . ... T. euti rt.iinmcul of his guests, neiiher ih ill there be any- t,or huSiband fCturilS from DUSIUCSS, UI9 thill ' wauling (011 Ins pan; lo niinisii r 10 ill 'ir pi isnu.i. ri,.- coiaforV iii'houseis spaeiou.aii.ienjojsau ie. ih n, a Womaii's right to bo kind and forbear liusiness ineavinn. ... By-Oiniiiliusi'ii ruuni 1111 uiiies ueivveeii iiiu u iv 11. .x.l ,.,,.1 vnrinns It'lil II, .1. 1 1). OOtS. bv' wlll Il IE elers will bo pleas mily convened to nnd from llio u gpecuve niuuoiis III uuu niii'i nn-v-. .MAV, lcbU WAI. 15. KOONS. rnilll'ronriilorofthis well knowii and c-itl rally loea i. ted lluiise, thu Il.eusoe IIo'ill, sitiua- 011 Mai, l III. el.nrir. Ilill.n .li.iieiv noosile Hie Colum lu.i County Court House, re,e tfully inforins Ins rrieiids nml tho public in general, that bis IIoiimi is now in or TIN WAKE k BTDVE SHOP. rpim iiiiderslgned respeitrully informs his old friend X and customers, that he lias purchased Ins brothers mere. I in Hie abovo establishment, nudlliu umcuiii wils hcrcaller be conducted by liimself exclusively. Ho has Just received and oilers for sale, tho arg JSSi est and most cMcnslvo nsuiltuent of I'ANbl tzmn u'e.v v p u 1.., .n.ln, ...1 1 ,1 fit ibis market. ISfl His stuck ronsHts nf u coinpleto assurlment cif 1... I. ITnoLIm nml iiikIiii .Invn. ill 1 1 1 il market. tO'XCtll ir Willi Btovo l ixiiires nf evety .lescriiliou, Oven ami Hox rHoves, Itadiolors, Cylindar Bloves, l'at Iron Air Tight sluves, Cannon rituves, lie. tie, rimvepipe mid Tiuw'aie cnnslanlly on Hand and manufactured to (inter All kinds nf repairing done as Usual, on shurt notice. Tim n itinnage ol' uld friends and new t uslouiurs re rstll'ully solirlnd A llUtT.R'l Dloouilbuit', Not fluVr ' Jf CO.-1 ing whenever her husband is annoyed. It is woman's right to cxamino her hus band's lincc, and tco that it wants neithor mending nor buttons. It is woman's right to bo satiified with her old drossos until hor husband can afford to got bor now ones. It is woman's right to bo con tent whoD her husband deolaros he u un able to take her to tho oountry. It is wo man's risbt to nurse her children instead of leaving it to a maid. It is a woman's rinbt to eel her daughter married nap pily or not at all. It Is a woman's right to feel pleaued though a husbands bring a Iriond uuexpeotedly to dinner. It is wo man's richt to be contented with hor own garments, without encroaching on tboso of And, Hually, it is a wo- 4,iidnniciisashaioorpiibiieiairiiag. man'u rij'lit to rcraaru a woman wituout orncic, on viiiin ciietr. una mmiv .,..., tiidtavorii'j; to u a man The Porks Hotel. LOCATED IN EAST DLOOMSUUP.G. ri... ..,,,i.,.i;.,,,n,l iiii vi ms taken tho well-known I'orks Hotel, respeeiu illy unnouncos to his friends and llio public generally, that he i prepared to accommodate all who may favor him witli their euttoin, o miliru sat. 'iloii'provldeil with ampU Rluliling and provindor for Iho accommodation of Travellers, Teamsters, Dro vers, &e on moderate terms. ij I'ublic custom is snlieitod. ,,,,!, GEO. W. MAUttEK. Illooinsbiirg, April 8, ltiiJ. F. 0. HAKRISON, M. D. .11 rfcneetftlllv illforio I lie I'iliZellS Of Ploo lurg.aud vicinity, that hu (oiiiiuuesHie practise of , husband. MF.HKWi: WAV SUIKIh.lir, uor 'lusU"-uu Orm House, IHoo lusbiiij februarv 3,1BJ1 tl in olden times tbcro onco lircil two brothers, one of whom was rich and tho other poor. When Christmas was near at hand, tho poor one had not so much as a bit of moat or a orust of bread in tho house, so he wont to his brother and beg ged him in God's namo, to givohim some thing. Noiv, it happened that this Was not the first time that tha rich brother had given the poor ona something, and ho was not particularly delighted when ho saw him coming. "If you will do as I tell you," said ho to tho unwelcome visitor, you shall have a wbolo ham that is hanging up to bo smoked." Tho poor brother said he would do what ho told him, and thank him too. "There it is,1' aid tho rioh brother, flinging him the ham, "and now go to the infernal regions." "Since I have proniiced it, I ruUv't, observed tho other, taking up his ham and going his way. After wandering about tbo wbolo day, just as it grow dark bo perceived a bright light at no groat distance from him. 'It muft be boro," thought ho. On going somewhat further into tho forost however ho found an old man with a long whiteboard, who was cutting wood. "Good evening," said he with the ham. ''Good evening," raplied tho man "whither may you be going?" "Oh, I m only going to tho lowor re gions; only 1 uou t Know wiiottier 1 vc cotno tho right way,'' replied the poor simple-hearted man. "Yes, you are quite right, said the old man, tho entrance is just hero ;" and then bo added, "when you havo got down be low, they will all want to buy your ham, for swine's flesh ii a great rarity there ; but you must not sell it for money ; bo rather exchange it for tbo old hand-mill that stands behind tbo iloor. When jou come up again, I will teach you what to do with the mill ; for it hai its uso, Lean tell you." On ontering tho undorr-round dwelling, overy thing happened just as tho old man had told him. All the imps, great anil Kmall, gathered arouud, and began out- biddiiiK each other for tbo ham. "I bad intended feasting upon it, on holy Christmas, eve, with my wife" said tho man ; "but as you neeui eo bent on having it, I'm willing to part with it ; but but I will not tako anything in oxohange except the old hand-mill that standa be hind the iloor." The chief imp did not at all relish part fog with his mill, and ho began to haggle and bargain with the man, but tlio latter rnmninrul firm : so at last the imp was fnin to let him take the mill away. When tlio man had emerged from thp under ground dwelling, he asked the old wood niutnr bow to use tho mill, and when he told him, he thanked him, and returned bomo ; but, let him make what speed ho Willi 1(1 . Im did not reach it till twelve o'clock at night. "Where in the world havo you been al this time?" said hia wife, as he camo iu "I've been sitting hero and waiting hour after hour, and I had not as much as couplo of splinters to lay across each oth cr under tho gruel pot, to cook ChVistma: dinner." "Oh," replied tbo man, "I could not cotno sooner, for 1 liad Fomo business to mind, and was obliged to go a long way about it. But you hall sco what I havo brought with mo." ne then placed tha mill on tho tablo, and mada it grind, first of all candles; then a tablo cloth ; then food and bcor in shoit, all wanting for a Christmas feat, aud whatever bo called for, tho mill ground it immediately. His wifo stood by, and crossed herself many times over, and was very anxious to know how her husband had como by tho mill. Hut this ho took caro not to tell. "It mattors not how I got it wifo," said he, "you eoo it is a good mill, whoso water docB not ocoso to flow, and that s onouch." And thon ho ground oatables and drinkablos, and every possiblo dainty for Christmas week; and on the third day he invited bis friands to a banquet. When tbo rich brotbor saw what a feast was in prepration he turned hot and cold with voxation for bo grudged his brother the least windfall. "On Christmas eve," said he to tho olhor guests, "ho was ao miserably poor, lis onruo to ask mo for a trifle in God's name, and now all ol a euddoii, Lo is a3 itand rb jf bp had toogmo an curl or u king." Then turning to his brotbor, ho said : "Whcro on earth did you got all thcea riches ?" "Behind tho door," answered tho oth- or, who had no mind to lot tho cat out of tho bag. Put towards cvoning, when lie had taken a drop too muoh, ho could not keep his counsol any longer, but brought out bis mill. "Hero is the goldon goose that has brought mo all my riches," Eaid ho, and made the mill grind first ono thing aud then anothor. On aceinr; tills, the brother wanted to buy tho mill of him, but tho oth er would not hear of it at first. Atlongth, however, as his brother seemed to wish for it bo very much, ho said ho would tako three bund red pounds for it, only he bargained not to part with till harvest tinio; "for," said ho, "if I keep it till then, I shall lo able to giind enough for many a year to come." During this spaooof timo, we may easily imagine that the mill was not allowod to grow rusty, and when harvest time eamo the brother had it given him, only the other bad taken good caro not to tell him bow he was to man ago it. It was ovening when tho rioh brotbor brought tho mill home, and on the follow ing morning ho told his wifo that she might go into the iiald with tho reapers, aud that ho would mean-while prepare the dinner. Towards mid-day, theroforo, lie placed the mill oif the kitchen table. "Grind away," said ho, "and let us have some horrings and a mess of milk of the best sort." So tho mill began to tnrn out herrings and milk, till all the dishes and pots and pans were filled, and at last the kitchen was completely flooded. The man kept trying to stop tho mill ;do what be would, the mill did not coaso grinding and at length tho milk had risen so high that ho was in danger of being drowned He now tore open tbo chamber door, but Unas likcwho inundiated; aad it was with diffiuulty that he could wade through the milky tide, and manage to unfasten tho latch of tho house door. No sooner had ho opened tho door, than out ho rush ed, still pursued by a torrent of mill: and herrings. And on ho ran till bo had reached his brother's ; and then ho en treated his poor relation, for God's eako, to take his mill back ; "for if it goes on grinding for anothor hour," Baid he, "the wbolo village will bo inundiated with her rings and milk." Put the brother refused to take baok bis mill unless tha other counted him out three hundred ponnds more, and as ihcro wa3 no help for it, tho rich man wai fain to pay him the money. So, now that tho nnm- bmtber bad moucv an well aa tlio mill, he built a honse that was tar hand sonior than the ono his rich brotbor inhab ited. With tbo help of tho mill ho col lected so much gold that ho could cover tho walls wish plates of gold, and his house Btood near the ken shore, it could be scon shining from a great distanco at sea. All who sailed near tho coast were suro to anchor iu tho neighborhood, nnd pay a visit to tho rich in tho golden honse in order to sec the wonderful mill. One day, a oaptain, who, liko so many others, bad come to fee the mill inquired after looking at it, whether it oould grind salt ? "Yes, it can grind salt as woll ns any thing," said the mau. The captain then wanted to buy it at any price ; ''for," thought he, ' if I bad this mill I should not bo obliged to sail so far over the rough seas to fetch salt. At first the wan would not hoar of sell ing it, but the captain teased no long, that ho couBcntcd to part with it for many thousand pounds. As tbo captain had obtained the mill, he took care not to remain in tha neighborhood, for fear tbo man should ropeut of his bargain ; so with, out even stopping to inquire how ho was to inanago tho mill, he went baok to his ship and sailed away. On rcaohing tho main sea, ho took out his mill, and oried "Grind salt, and let it bo primo stuff !" And tho mill began to grind salt till it Mind Your Own Buaincsa. Puck, in making some deep investiga tions in rcrjard to the geuoral nature of of things, hit upon tho above profound and wise saying. It is Etraugo what a yast difference it would have mado, docs, and will make, in thii world, if the adviso is strictly attended to. Just think of it. If Satan had minded his own business, and not tempted Eve with a eour apple (which, by-thc-by, the fcx still hanker aftor,) wc might havo been living in tho gardon yet. If Evohnd minded her own business, sho wouldn't have been gossiping with tho what do you call him? If Noah had not attended to his business, and built the ark without minding tho tattlo of his neigh bors, whero would wo have been to-day. to say nothing of the animals ? If Galilee Coporuicus, and Sir Isaao Newton hadn't followod tho same rule, what would wn know of tho hoavculy bodies? Or, Chris topher Columbus had minded cvory-body's business but his own (and he etuck to it, too) whero would the New World, tho Fourth of July and the Star-Spanglod Banner hare been? Juet meditate on it seriously. How many littlo arrangements, and big ones, would all amount to noth ing, if somo people didn't mind their own business. On the other side of tho ques tion, what serious evil oomes of minding everybody's business but your own lit sets families, towns and States by the ears, playing the very douoo with all hu man affairs. UST The Providence Journal, in an ar ticle on Mason & Hamlin's Cabinet Or gans, speaks of these oxoellent and now celebrated instruments as follows: "For volume and quality of tone ; for variety and beauty of effects ; for excellence in crescendo and diminuendo ; foi quickness of response to the touch in rapid staccato and legato passages ; for tho oaso and en tiro frcsdom from fatiguo with which the bellows is operated ; for the stability of every part of tho workmanship and for capacity for standing well in tone, tho new Cabinet Organs of Messrs. Mason & Hamlin noriablo rood instruments, tho largoi-t of which aro smaller than ordinary piano fortes aro not only quito equal lo the smaller pipo organs of the beet makers V-ut mnco guporior to tho generality of those heretoforo used in small churches and halls, and for private practice." JobIi Billlnga on Wit. Yu asked mo to dcscrlbo wit ! I can't dew it woll.- I haint got any prdigroo, it is liko tho wind,it blowcth when and whore it listhofh. No man can be witty wbtn ho wants to, nnny more then ho ken ba hun gry when ho wants to, it curamrth to him as luv dus, ho can't tell bow nor wlii. Wit is wisdom at play, whilo bumpr is only good naturo on a frolic. Wit is like groat strength, a dangerous 0130. Tlicro is nothing that scorns tow suit r. woman' harto so muoh ns jewelry, God save tho phools 1 and don't 1st them run out, for if it wasn't for them wiia men couldn't g'-t a liven. Soma people's branco are looked in their beds. Wo arc told that thoro wasn't anything made in vain, but I have thought that all tho timo spent iu niamifdckturing striped naiks and mnskectors was washed. Iftharo was nothing but truth in tliL world, a pool wud slan just r good a ohanoo as a wise man. Truo politenoss conehls in being vory anxus about nothing. Itobbors como just liko rain, thoy fall on the just and unjust. If a man is wiz'e cs a carpent, he can oflbrd to bo harmless as a dote. Tho best plaoc to worship God is out doom. Wo arc apt to halt them who wont take our advise, and despiso Jkorn who do. It is dreadfully esy lo bo n phool man can bo ono and not know it. ' Elogant lczzure chawing plug torback er, and spitting in a dorg's oyo. Ileal happiness don't consist so much in what a man don't havo nz it duz in what he don't want. Fear is the fust lesson larn't and the laet one forgotten. Nobody but a pool git bit twise by tho same dog. A pet lamb always niako3-a oross ram, Epitaff's are liko circusa bill?, there is more in the bills than is over performed. Tow be healthy oat onions and go naked- The New York Evoning Post, an intensely Republican sheet in a recent ed itorial said : "It is our duty to insist that wherever our flag floats, there an American citizen may say what ho thinks, to whoover chooses to hear him.1' It is oharaoteristio of the ground hop; never to come out ot his bole in tbo Spring, until he ha unmistakable signs of fair woatlicr. Tho Post, in changing tac tics, from tho suppression of newspapers and the incarceration of American citizens for attempting to enjoy the privilege it now claims, shows a fair change aud we wel come it and eovcral other Republican journals to tbo truo doctrine of American freedom. The Armstrong Democrat, an Ab olition paper wants tbo negroes (o voto in Pennsylvania, and desires that tho Legis lature next winter shall tako moasuros to have the Constitution changed for that No doubt it sees the noeesity of securing tho fifi 'on or twonfy thousand blaok voters thus to bo mado in order to maintain tho abolition rupromaoy in tho State. But, r.a the Old Koystono has novor felt that she has lost anything by maintaining a white man's government, it ia scarcoly likely that very siany legis lators can be elected with suoh an under standing. Tho Democracy aro willing 'o accept that is3U3 before tha people. split and cracked again, when tho captain found his ship was full, ho tried to stop tho mill, but in spito of all his endeavors, tho mill went on grinding, and tho heap of salt crew higher aud higher, till it fin iBhed by sinking tho ship. So now tho mill stands at tho bottom of tho ocean, and keeps grinding on nt this very day, which is tho reason that sea-water in silt. 137 Two paupen, who lately csoapod from a county poor-houso in the oil rogion of this State, niado 8100,000 oaoh by op orating in oil lauds boforo the OTcrsccrs of the Poar cuught them ANiCEOutti. Thcrohi nothing half so swoot in life,half ao beautiful or delight ful or loveablo as a "nice girl," not a pret ty or dashing or elegant, but a 'nice girl.' Ono of thoso lovely, lively, good-hsrted, swect-fiiocd, amiable, neat, domestic crca- turos met within tho sphere of homo, dif fusing around tho domestic hearth tho in fluence of hor goodness, liko essonoa of sweet flowers. A nice girl is not a lavishing boauty daudlikc on tho pofa, and discussing tho last novel or opora, or the giraffo-liko oraaturo swooping majcstioally through tho drawing room. Tho "nico girl" may not even dauco, or play, and know nothing about using bor eyes, or coquetting with a fan. Slto novcr languishes ; she is aotive Sbo is not given to sensation novels ; Bho is too buoy. At tho opera eho is not in front, showing her baro shoulderB,but sits quiet and uuobstructivo -at tho back of tho box, most likely, in tact it is not often in suoh soencs wo disoover her. Homo is her place; JS7 The Abolitionieti of Alleghany county, have officially dcolaryed in favor of negro suffrago, That will bo tho issue in the coining election, undorstanUingly it not openly avowed by tho llopublton "loyalists." lv A pnoriinc vouuk lady Bava ; ,(If w ( t-l w w tho courso of truo love never doas run smooth, why don't thoy water and roll it regularly bo many hours a day, until thoy get tlio courso so smooth, that a donkoy oould run upon it. ' gy Some pportamen mado a groat ado over killing a whito hare in England not long agoi Wc know of ladies vho havo greattauccefs in destroying whito hairs in numbers, heriabouts, nnd what's more, they don't cay anything about it." Pes" A man in New Hampshire had the Eiiufortunc,reoontly to lose his wife. Over the grave ho caused a stone lo be placed, on Tfhich, in tks depth of his grief, ho had ordered to bo inscribed, "Tears cannot rcstoro her, theroforo I woep." rjcS" A gentleman at tbo Astor House tabic, Now York, asked tho person sit ting next to hira if he would ploaso to pass the mustard. "Sir," said tho man, "do you mistako mo for a waitor ?" "Oh, no 6ir," was tbo reply, "I mistook yen for n gentleman." Cr A hotel is to be built at Hull ltun; Heretofore it hasn't been much of a place to stop at. Sty All Confederate prisoners below tho rank of colonel, osoept in a few bos- pitala, havo been set tree. X" Two hundred and fifty freodmen's teaohora aro now employed in Virginia alone. Sy The yellow fever is reported nt Newbern and Wilmington,North Carolina, Tho spotted foyer ix also reported at Non- born. , .. .. fgyDr. Mudd, Arnold, O'Laughlin and Spanglcr.lcft Washington on Monday night, for tho Albany Penitentiary. jFjQr Ford's Tboatro, in Washington, was to hvo been oponcd lit Monday night, but was closed by ordf-r of tho War Department, and no playing was permit-ed.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers