COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT, " Our OonitltitlWrt.Bnard It etor ' Our glorlom Union hold II dear ' Our I um lac- Marry rias forkc it novct' h proud Gaucar.slan-our only licet! BY LnVl h. TATE. rROPntnTOR BLOOMSBURG i Saturday Moruiim,July 16,1065. TERMS OF THIS PAPER: ( AFTWl JANUARY irr, I80J. ) $3 00 per Year, or 2 50 if paid strictly in advance. g?""t"ya 'mmmmanmmrimim ol tho proceeding under an undoubted evi DoeKitv.a.cmin,cr.ii,ouobcnppaiit,i,corrupi. 'denco of fact. The violent attack of tho J or compromised It knowi no buontn. It cowen . . , ,, oo.70fdTn lT1cTno,WC!,,nc,, nv-uueuve,11011 "pono' of tho counsel for tho ao ". "P" -. The mat tieht., or equal obiigatiom-,110 iw of nature sliaP1Dg or Icadi ng intorrogativss by tho prvdin?tho inw or the land-ai.un. ( Court in a manner oaloulatcd to obtain a Thr lT,-.Wr.,i ht , 8Pccfio "er,8hoWcd nnlioo. Thcbrow Ane Unlawful Murders. ,i!n r , .1 , Mrs MarySurratt ICwisl'Jl)i, , g, tho, cTscI xn wary jsurralt, J,cwis 1 ayno.Uavid ( for the defunte, wo repoat, showed mnlico. J!., narroltl, and Qco. A. Atserott, as Tho disappearance, provious to recall for mvwo 1U a j.wiuuu uuiy 01 our outtion oompltoity in tho death of Mr. Lincoln, anu the rulusal to give her only four days rospue or to submit their trial to tho courts us , ce meets almost universal condemnation. Read the article on this subject,in anoth er column to-day, from tho Now York News. A Large Fizzle. Tho Abolition Oclc bration, gotten up on the Fourth in tho swamps of Greenwood,to gull tho Soldiers and abuse Democrats,was a 'gfan-ijizzle ' Tbo Democratic Celebration iu Jackson, outnumbered it mora than two to ono, and was attended by at least seven tenths of the returned Soldiers, notwithslanding the extraordinary' efforts of tbo 'wool-ley. heads" to give it an imposing aspect. For the friendly notice, "Old Reose,' gave us from the'stand, wo make our ac knowledgement,and tendor him our "most distinguished consideration." Thomas Dunn feigns to sneer at tho ''Card," published, in tho last Demo crat, over the signature of tho Thirty Fort Mifflin Viotims and says it "don't amount to a bill-of bean--.' Perhaps not,Thomas, in tho estimation of fools and cowards. But it most effectually pins, tho Ho upon all tho 'Uoijal'liars," who insisted that we had any agency in causing their "arrest and imprisonment.'-' -Tbe Engiiu nlid-Machinery for tbo Greenwood Petroleum Co . n'assad through Bloomsburg, last Tuesday, for the "He site," on Kline's Farm near Wttle Ureen Greek, a few miles above Kobr-burg. Mr. Enos Jacoby, the 8u peritendent is driving a forca in putting up the engine house and derrick. The Engine is of twohe-horse-powor, is new and said to bo a good one. Success atlend tho effort. Conspiracy, a tno of traitors were overheard tho other evening, in town con cocting "treason, strategem end doath." They proposed on certain conditions, to send copptrheaps inio eternity, run a stump ca'ndidato for some office, and in the event of failing to get the negro .nfraSe,to annex Cuba to tho United States. One was a long-legged brainless sprig of the Law (!) ihe other a wooden-nut-mpg negro, nnd the third was tho kitchen cook of the Hospital, who looked up tho pump to deprive the soldiers of a Drink of wat cr. JB Thomas Dunn, says of ''Isaac," tho son of Abraham, who holds a luora- iiToomoe, which the aforesaid Thomas would liko to posess, that "he made" the people go to Cjtawisaa, instead of meeting them at the county sct. This pcttv f arl U ominous and tianifioant. Poor Thomas wants to be Assessor, and thus lar having failed to root out the "old ren egade," now attempts to implicate his offi cial conduct. ' Our paper last weok was in ereat demand and perused with general interest Wo had scarcely copies enough to supply now subscribers whilst a hundred more would have been eagerly appropriated. Few country papers have a larger circu lation and is bettar loved by its friend and more hated by tho enemies of free dom, than the old 'Colujima Democrat.' Another Sudden Death. Henry La mon, a temperate and roipeotablo farmer ol liriarorcek, in this county, retired to his bed in usual health on Friday evening of last week, after a days hard work in harvest, tml in the morning his wife at tempted to awake him, when it was dis coverad that ha was dead - 1 i & The Attorney General of Virginia Las deeded that all white citizen. who have res d.d , , month, in a county oj' that Stato ,vill bo entitled to vote at the 10 last wock, wcro hung on Friday at Wash witncsics, showed malico Tho extraor crs of tbo dl,y9 of tho revolulioa, that, in Maswcliusclts, said : "We mut.t bavo an logton. It was dono in pursuance of tho' dinar v concurrence of tho" voluminous nor- t,,(J n;u 0f G,!J1 atnrd Uherij, yon will an,i.8avery God, an outi-slavery Bible, ;Dgofl,T.?mMfM&', witLsesTw?', riL!Szi:t0i --- ,u nasty approval of President Johnson as to a unity of suggestion, demonstrate of in tho violcnco that has dared to overthrow Rl 0 Itigcrsoll, of Illinois, laid : U jo man two days were allowed tho pris- malico. Tho execution of tho scntunco Justice in tho Federal City, for tho orirai it ii likely that Jo.tis Uhrist wnuiu nc on mt- .uv., uuu. mo aimosi tmmouiatoiy alter its approval, in ,, r .--a-;-- 6 ,uu .u u . , .' Ant P .1 i . . . I . . . . . r ' tliOSQ all il npinii ! orimmnlM In Irml nut in 1 .... t . !r! ., i.s. Ti.. IA Oners 0 Urnnarp tit ml n.l mi. I i .. . . . ol nillrtlnr. llnrniiin. w mnnrl In tirmrt ' fil.n TY.tmini-.ita if fin niirl I nnw. Mrs. SuanATT,vas never proven guilty of ! in eontcmnt of ho order of the iBde bar- TZT.Zu b"t',t,! ! oaxbl lo have been ue1fi,d and God lu.u. luuRcuoroi DUUI1C IS. thnl anlin nnlfnn nf ir. nm.n.i . . .-I'm c aU ttie dews orURlUUU Iliui. iiva Bexteleetion therein. . Ctw lief t"' will not be cUndei;' color', are' 0': JfTBtlZZ, Zb.r o" . hi from their bonus and business a'nd shut, Va.,th.t the announcement of which it had been ordered with the -rim! -UP ge0D'' ni"'LS Wi"'0mt know T sbow tbst tI,e cs'&nsof our 'PP LU marriage was incorrect, as published ofmurder. ' 'DS au'e of thc'f '"human treatment; nents in 1854 were purely Abolition, iti. in a late Columbia Democrat, The Military Murders. Tbo Military "Court" whioh bai boeu silting on tlio parties said to bavo bcou implicated in the assassination of Mr. Llnr1 coin, hi eicotitcd its ''uommUiinn." j Organized, as a high officer of tho Depart tneiit of tbo Navy has dcolarcd-such bud ics to bo, "for tho purpose of cohviotion,' "tbo Military Commlsslou ' lias deter, tninatcd it) lawlosa violcnco in tho blood o( four American citizens I ; The Military Commission wo have do clared on authority of law to have bren a usurpation of the functions of the judioiary. t'ho malice which tho law allege', as a 1 general principle in that ease, wo bavo l8U0Wn bavo dcolarcd itself In thooourso cross-exnm nation, of manv of thn loadim rf a 1 p-ed with jurisdiction in the caso, is inoon- tcstiblo testimony in support of the pro- .nmBtlon of law that ih -IrJ.,w ,,r !!(.. wbich hns just been perpeffated at Wash inrtou, was characterized, in fact, by tho mnlico wbich makcB tho makcB tbo taking of life murder! Bal Jorms, some men will say, in the stolidity of their souls, aro of very little importance in cases that do not involve substantial injustiuu ! Tbo gross stupidi- ty of those who meet tho orimo involved in tho death of Mrs. Surratt and her as . , , . sociatcs with expressions of indifference for tbeyof-His of law, is precisely the stuff nn irriinl, r.n-,. f.,,. .!. of despotism. Outsido onus of fredom can find no dwelling .laco in tho habititbns t i m i v. , , of men 1 Technicalities, rules of law.b s ,.' , , ' of right, declarations of iiidependcnoo,i!on ,- . r , stitutionalhmitationi of power, are them - , ., ' " selves not merely tho tenement but the ....., i i t cv . . r i .- very body ! Indifferent to form. ! I-orms aro rights ; forms aro are freedom I privileges; forms I Mrs. Surratt, people will say.was inno cent. Wo oare vory Httlo for Mrs. Sur ratt; wo caro very little wbothcr she was guilty or innocent : wo ignore all knowl edge, one way or tho other, presented in tho chaos of truth and perjury which we havo seen, in tho form of testimony, taken before the usurpation which overthrow, in the City of Washington, both iho law and the judiciary. A enmmittoo executing the bloody code of Judge Lynch, having seized a parly of our fcllow-citiz-'ns.good or evil as they may have been, and having, after a pretext of trial, executed upon tb?m the penalty of death, must not dare presume to plead to m reports of its imfamous pro eeedingi, in extenuation of a crime that, placed under tho ban of both God and man, knoivs no other namo, in either mor rals or law, than murder I Whether Mrs Surratt wa?f or was not guilty, we repeat we neither know nor oare to know, Whethor Atzjrot, Hayne, flerold, were, or wcro not co-conspirators with Bjotb, wo aro not aware, nor at this moment are w disposod to inquire. How can we presume to know ? In sol iimn duty to our trutt as an agent of the "eternal vigilanoo" which has been wall id to bo "ihc piicc of liberty," we arc bound to reject with scorn all tho accounts of the proceedings of tho violent men who bad the insolenoe to subject Mrs. Surratt and her companions to a mockery of trial. I he innoeoDce or the guilt of that woman md her associates has never been put in evilence unless wo arc to suppose lynch I law to be entitled to the reverence due the civil law ; and, therefore, in deter mined adherence lo the saored forms that enBhrino liberty, we shall hold Mrs. Surratt and all her fellow-victims, so long as they Bland so under a bencficient pro sumtiou of constitutional justice, cn'titlod itill to the supposition of their innocence! Lynch law can, we repeat, make no one guilty. To aoecpt its proceedings in jus tifioation of its murders is substantial to compound with felony! Innocent in the' , . 7 t0 'n8,tt tbat 11,8 eye ol the lay. though all the eowtW P - 'm ,u?ivcrsal 5,,ffraS0 upon this in and unconvicted persons who were yester-' T , 'gDrant Ra' Tl' EaMera day put to nvi.ilent death in Washington llePnW-"me out sr.naro for Negro are, we hold their acts and their per ton,1 Sn.r tY8'"11 W0'"' alike indifferent in dealing with tho great 1 v u'J 7, trCak" ahead' crime of tho men who .ud r spoifs b 1 nst ' n' "loaves nr ., r ..... Psoi this matter where it belongsto tho Sutrs ....uMiicirinei, A lolemn duty is devolved upon us bv thf nrimn vvl.UI. I.. !...-. ' ... W d, a J Qommlwa !! ,1,2 r JurnBl we bav ZLmT.'' 1 a a. I th Ini s vtenee- h r0D!'Di'' 1 1 L t S .!! ' T .. ",Bl J- I J "ma of hborlj, In tho of low, in Iht B.m. of the .entity f ;fW "n.8 ,he fu' of our conviction, declara tho' The outrigo ls been committed, nnd jcfcnnot bo undone. Hut a grout orlmo remains, notwithstanding, to be expiated, Four Amorioan citizens bavo bton mur- "trod in opon day under, tho shadow or tbc Capital, panoplied to sill tho sacred rights of their citizenship 1 Tho solfisk. ness wh oh aavs thut Uwles-i vlnlnnnn nn. not reach this individual, or that, other, it a mggestlon of iho soul of a sltivo. Wo spit upon It. No man's safety is worth tho lease of an hour if bloody lawlessness 1.. .11...... 1 !.. .:.,. v.. .i.... . . 1 r tism docs not bring millions 15 having mur dered but a few it does its work among tbo masses by terrors. And its uolatod out rages tako pltco, mark you', nt the very broastworks of liberty. The battle of freo dom, wo must lltoicforc. assutuo to have been begun, and wo owe it, if not to the PrcS011t dl,' anu generation, certainly to tho future, to fight it out IOU. Assemble then, fellowcitizens, who lovo tbo law, who know Its form to bo the boa, of lib. crty, who bold yourown rights bound up 'udi'solubly in the right of every Individ "aI, oitizo"' faDd '"c tho that erics "caven from the gibbets ol yesterday a memorable example to murpation lor over moro. Assomblo, wo say, organizo, suWibe. a" resolve bcture tho manes of vourfath -fa.. .) .. r ,...! .i . all tho forms of law, nnd all tho freedom of the publio that tits today wecpinij, Hko a Niobe, at tho feet of the gibbets on il 'S ! tolav, without any passion unworthy men establishing a gro t precedent for tho s;foty of their institutions, that you will, if the law of tho hind shall declare thoso. men guiltv, uso cvory honorablo means to sustain the Executive in a do termination to tcaoh, in hi-tory, tha lesson that cannot to conveyed otherwise, with sacl) fi00d m',cki,'d, as by the exneu- ,l!D th t0DtBDe ?D !hos, f00'8 of law loss power, oven unto death I , H(W yorj- Daily Kites. 1 Tor the "Colo.mdu DEMocniT, Col. Tatk 'Klin r i n r tfinf Anntl.iiH V .....,. .1 , . f Ied country for the last four years, b fna, v,;n .., , ,P, J -, , last being ex iolled. Tho southern idea 'p.M , , , , , of soiling up a confederacy is exploded ' ,i i . j , I and with judgment and moderation, l ie 1 s.l!n , o, . . , . ,, i oiu oliip ol otatc. will soon bo on her o d . .. . lh.. K nBnn,n '.,'' 1.... that hei another four years of such misery, dcsobi tion and death, caused by the fanaticism and ambition of bad men. Ono propitiou-i omen of the present timo is tho prevalenc? of a conservative feeling throughout our land. Men who could talk of nothing but blood and destruction a few months, are now following in the ranks of the great conservative party, and aro willing to ns sist in rebuilding upon that sure old Dem ocratic foundation that our Fathers laid. Of this we bavo a striking exemplification by the obief Magistrate of tho nation, in his laudable efforts to assist in the rcsto ration of States, He refuses to havo any thing to do in rclalion lo tho Enfranchise ment of the Negro, which vexes very loyal men sorely. Nothing but Negro suffrage and amalgamation will satitly them. Tbc latter arrangement wo migh submit to, viz : amalgamation a Negroes and Molilionis lo .1.... I . .1 ... , . . from would not be offunsive to a lover of tho Cauoassian Race. Mr. Editor, what has this Negro Race ever done that they should receive such ' marked attention at our bauds. What aro their achievements in tho Arts and, Soicnoes. What have thej over dono in ' Africi where thev have livpfl never bear nftM. ! msnt nn ,lrin.;t,iAf .i. , If they arc endorsed with all th, olemnnt, ' of greatness that d isif llfTlli.linfl Ihn n ----"- casian Rcc, they will assert their rights 1 they will not need the fanniioal hnr,..' of Philips aud Sumner and strong minded : women to tell them their rights, to show how they appreciate pardon, and what use thoy make of it. Wo only need refer to tho Texas cxredition together with other serious difficulties they havu had with our soldiers and citizens reoontly Since they havo been declared freo, liberty wi.h them is licentiousness-libcrty without w restraint is anarchy and yet leading men 'h b,itJon or Republican party havo Wfi n , ... - ,, r J" ivkn ni.n.j i .i.. t...m. , .. . "WHO DUIIV lor Jon30- The Republioan party depend iog upon tho Negro vote of tho South of ffbiol"h likely to fall, they are C"M bo D.mocrfloy, Who have bCB" PO-a --I. vilified by bad men uresseti in a little brict author ty.aro loom- Dg up , n . JcJr anciont vfor wo trut ogain to guiiolho .liip of Su.o then we may expect tho law. admin st d' a, laid down In iim lUnt. .. : L. .July 10, ISG5, OANDRA. nnu IUBV IUUUIUU UD SO UC 1I1E0 a 0.(1 i .... snot.whero the rich nerfnn.n ,:,, lt0' I11'ois. a "" for tht "ColumH Dimtcral." Dcstiltbry Letter. No. G. Cot., Taxk i In this number lavish to present a low llistorio RorulniJcouocs present a low Ilistorio KoruinlJcouocs wliloli l tlitnic provo to every impartial auu 011,1,11,1 rcoder.thal our l61itlca1 opponents ate rcal,y 015,1 'r,ll' Abolitionists in pnn - olilo,in practice and policy, in tho fullest gnnso of tho wotdt that this Is their prop'r . . u"w '" K' ; . " records sln.w that lllOV are not satisfied with Hod himself, mir his Holy Word, nor tho different and illstiuot ltnocs ol Men which the Creator has made I that by mifccgcnalion they plead for tho mix ture of the different races of men, and thus abolish ill distinction whioh God has inadu in the Human family, and ultimately abolish cntirtly the Family of Man ! ! For erery iutulligonl person on this sub ject, knows that the fourth generation of mixed races become abortive, and oannot fulfil the command of tho Almighty as laid down in Gen. 1 'i'i. A few years ago Anson Uurlingame, of damned for not Preaching ogalnt slav ' ery " This is tho same man who said, , ,b0 Constitu'ion. we bavo no need of it." Win. L. Guriifon,ni)iuc timo Muce,burnt tho Constitution of the Uuitcd States on the Fourth of July, and thou declared "it was one of the most pluasant and satis factory "nets of his life," or words to thai cff.ct. Again, W Phillips said : "The Constitution of eur Fathers was a mistake. Tear it in pieces and make a b'ller ; don't toy th machine is out of order ; it is in order ; it does what iti framcrs intended protect slavery. Our claim, (naid be) is disunion, breaking up the btalrs '' In harmony with this, W. L Garrison iaid : "This Union is a lb ! The dmcr iean Union is an impustinc,a covenant with death, and an agreement ic th hell ! I am for its overthrow ! Up with the j tl-ig of disunion, that wo may have a freo and glorious Kepubl'c uf our own." I will hero present what W. Pni'lips said of what hap been called tho "Repub-, national Mean party," and when our troubles began to rto under its sectional influence: "No man has a right to bo surpiised at this stato ol thing. It is just what wo Abolition di.-ui.iouists have attempted lo bring about. It is the first scciiooal party ever organizod in this oountry. It dots not know its own face, it calls itsglf national ; but it i not na tional, it u ffclioual. Thn Republican party is a party of the North pledged against tho SjuiIi." In his paper called tho Liberator, V , L Garrison said : "The Republican party is moulding public sentiment in the right direction for the specifio work tho Abolitionists arc striving to accomplish, ; v:z. Tho dissolution ol tho Union, and,;"" uc" uu ,,,ucr Slauas j the abolition of slavery throughout tho' Iu 8r,7i,i B Uo'por published a Bjok laud." 1 eallud, ' l'he impending Cri.iis" for the A student at Evcutton Collciro, Cook "'foulation of which tho Abolitionists rais that I institution, iu which he said : "Mav the United StaUs eac to exist, may it bo blotted oat if slavery rears its head." Mr. Lincoln once said : "I h.ivo al- ways bated slavery, I think, as muob as any oilier abolitionist. I have always hated it, but I have been quiet about it,. until the iulroductiou of the Nebraska bill bogau, I always belicvod that every body 1 was acainst it,.and that it was in course of uIt,lnat0 "'""on-" Again bo said, "I i ... , . ., .... , leave you, Hoping tnattne lamp ol liberty Luru 5" ,our bos0Q,a ulltil lliere fcba11 o longer bo any doubt that all men are LrD fre aBd C(lal" I n 9 n n . I In speaking against the Cou-titutional Fugitive Slave Law, Mr. Siward said : "Extend a cordial welcome to the fu diive ! slave who liys his weary limbs nl your door, and defend liim as you would vour paternal gods. Correct yout own rrror, that slavery his any Constitutional guar antcc whioh may not be released, and ought not lo bo rcliuqMi,hcd. Say to slavery, wiien it shows it bond and de- mauds the pouud of flush, (or its lccil ngi initial ii it draws one drop of blood, its life (or constitutional existanoe) shall pay the forfeit, D,, and inculcate all this, and you will soon bring tho parties of the country into aucffectivo aggression upon Blavery. h. P. Chaso said : "Slav very must ceas, or Aniprin lit,n.. In hi 7WA,..f i , ,. . r.u,.urjf JOOi, th0 UlsboP "' Abolitionism, Horace Gree- saiJ : "Wo loathe and detest all laws bi'sb S" withhold political rights on ount of color. "A man is a man for a'that,'' and ought to have tho full rights 01 ,""uo.'d, whether Lis ancestors were Celts, Goths or Hoitentots, whether hi. complexion be ebony or iv or,. Al c n - tltuLnl exclusions' of any 'clast f m tho noils, th. I.... , only necessary to rfcr to (ho followin" rcsolutiou which was adopted by their tnmu nMWurmiwwiii r'nn.nnitnn tn Auburn N Y Sen't of Convention in Auburn, i , oep i oi that year, namely: Kttolvfd, Tb'at' wo recommend that a OonTcntiou nf f Delegates from the f,ec in number to-their reptcson- Stales equal tntiVL.s N c0,grcj3 respeotivoly, bo bold . ,, u of sVril(,ll,n.ftn (i. 411. of ti v I1B50, to nominnto oandidatos for tho ( iirogWenev nmi yjco of the United Statos, . t(0 pr0,jenta ctotion," , fm , ........ iu.k.i- ...!. .(.. 1 -liim luauiuuuii mm uuuuiou wuu iiu- j lishPil In tbc N. Y, papers of Sep t 127, 1851 '. Dr. Sumliri as moved to call this the Republican parti carried. Such is D0,, bolinI(1 ' tlic r"t Kepublican parly the origin of the Kopublioan parlyfa-id la niergotl into tho littlo Abolition party. Senator Dooliltlo told tho oountry in a Tll droP ,,a9 "'oral tho Ilucket-ful. spceob in tho Sbnato Feb. 17, 1800, "that Tcte ani on,y ttT0 Parti now, the Abo tbo Republican party had olected Thomas litioD wljich in ,frei,t P'i' of Mis Jcfforsou, President in 1801 I Oh what a ogcnation, aud behind them that con whopping lie lint wasl! I wonder it did I cniptiblc crowd who fear tho South. not choko tho old wretch to death ; hut I Wl''t dil' Abolitionism swallow up Repub abolitionists can gel used to most any ,io;lm';m 7 Bol"o it was founded on thing that is faUe 1 The N. Yi Tiibitnc, s priueiplcs nearer tho truth. Became ond of May 18,. 1800, says, That during thomaB wuo ' riS,1 ia a mnjoiity ngainst tho proceedings of tho oouveution in which 'worltl '1','0 people do not yet understand ; nominated Lincoln at CLiesgo, Judge l,ut ,,1C (lla prejudices are being swept Jessui-, roso and said ; That he desired to awn'' 'J,"-'y "ow say we mutt free the iinend a verbal mistako in tho namo of tho ' nofiroC8 S l them is to rccogniz i llieir party It was printed in tho resolutions, j t-'quality with tho white man " On pngo 'National Republican paity." Ho wished to strike out the word 'national," as il was 7iot the namo by which tho party was iroperly known." The- correction was made. This sustains thn view nf V. Philips given above. Gov. N. P. Bink, one of Lincoln's Mijar Generals, said, "in ccitain circuiustances I am willing to lei tho Union slide, if slavery is continued, "this Union canuot, and ought not to -itand." Again ho naid, "I can conceive time wlun this Constitution shall not be incxtsloneo; when wo shall havo an ah soluto military dictatorial gnvcrnmont traiiMiiitted from ago to age." It A Spaulding, of Ohio and, "I i tlieoise of the alternatives being presented, of the continuance of sLviry or a di.-Bolution ol the Union,! am fur dissolution's audi caro not how quick it comes." This was in lSSO- Aftur the rebellion bad progressed somo limo, aud the abolitioniits thought the i Constitution and tho Union would be per manently uestroycit, tueir natioial Ami slavery society held u meeting in N. Y., and passed the following resolution : L'esofv-d, "That while tho society has rendered this verdict with the deepest cm-phosi-, it has not failed lo remind the neo- p, ot t!ie Nor,b ,nat)rvc ''bco tho ad.'p . "uu " """u.ion o. me u. their et havo run to evil, and ihey have made ta 10 sl,ud innoejnt blood in the way ol -"0'-g complicity ; mat by consent . " ",V9 representrt.ou in Oongress, to tbe arrest and condition of fug'iivc slaves on their own soil, and to tho sup pression of slave insurrections by iho iron hand of the geucral government, they (the people) have made "a covenant with death and with hell they have btcn ulngreiment, till, ut last, judgment is laid to tbc line.and lighteou.ncs.- to the plummet.and tho ball sweeps away tho refuge of lies ; the wat- er.3 0vcit ,ho l'Mug placc.the. covenmt , alu " aau""tia,aoa the agreement 1 I r Cd Ut'e fiUm.3. of ",onc and Book "'a!l endorsieu by (ii niombers of Conoress i,tJl1 generally circulated by them iu 1800 j a P81"' ''lcotionceriDg document. In the -Edition from hich I quote days, We unhesitaliDgly declaro ourselves in favor of t,1D imacdiatc and unconditional aboli Jlon ol f aVl!r)'" We eaunot be too haJty 0i,r''ug ul our designs Page 33 No I man can bo a true m " cnn 0 8 lruo l"triot without first B'1"S Abolitoni ts Pa0 1 1 (1 A6ll'8t slaveholders, as a body, we w.ige -... i ago izu j uu.- nilf,V,nrn,nn,nninH Tl... ,i., ,,t. havo we fully aud frankly defiucd our po- siuon; w: have no modifications to pro poeo, no compromises to offrr, nothing to rstruot. Frown, sirs, fret, foam, prepare your weapons, threat, strike, shoot, stab, 1Ufi 011 oml Wur' d"0be the Uuio-i.uny au",u,lal " lno H0'" system, if you will do all this, more, less, belter, worse, any thing do what you nil), sirs, yu can neither loil nor intimidate us ; our purpouc is as firmly fixed as tbe eternal pillars of Heaven, we have determined to "abolish slavorv, and. so heln tuOnn at.nii.i, :. .. wil,i" l'go JS7 - ' f - ' 1 ' I lb In a Pamphlet called 'Miscccinalion ' tlic theory of tho blending of tho Races, applied to tbo Ameriuan white man and negro, 1 13 Mason street, N. Y Page au the Author says, wo must beoome a yellow skinned, black haired people in fine, wo muni become Misogens (or mixed) if wo would attain the full results of civil "lion. And on pagos -W and 50, he says say todav. ''He 7b. Zr"?. ajainst me." When be cast out devils.as1 Burnside did in Ohio, and went about do 1 - - - ----- ,, .iju ,B , tiff rrofvl . r,,i.,:. -tr-. j . .. i 00 "ri""'ii; uuureu, to the poor and the oppressod.tho hypocrites were' horrified, and talked to him of the law and tho prophets, as the traitor? of to-day talk ol coartc and constitutions. It is fit ting that wc(Loyalieu)jhould brand theso men with tbe namo ol Connerhr,r?s . 1 as." b. uni i-Tbn po.itloo or ik. n.Pab,i..0 ,., ,.d., rtm, u f ,r..?7it,,a rat ptsnrtrtt:x'BS& w ro oward the truth. Hut tho ' psrty will not perform its whole mission inr( ' wo nanaaru ot (.so- ca. u, am gamat.on or (tmsccg nat.on.) When tho President proclaimed iMnanoi patlon lio proclaimed also the mingling of tbo raocs. J. uo ono loimwH the other U" I.. rn um BU1UIJ US Ulll'UUIIJT IUIIUWB BUUIino, J UO psrty, ss it whole, will not admit it jet. ' 'J'hoy movo iu darkness, not knowing what! tin doy will reveal to them. They doniod j tbry wcro Abolillonisls. But' had set their faces toward the littht. ' l"B they could not stand still And 0J 1D nn,wer to the question "what wi you do with tho negro when he is free,'' the author says : "Wo will take him in to our society, into our eburcbesffuto our Bcbools, into our social circles, into our lfanillici,i ffc w,l' receive him as our young i ljro'llor-" I " V0 01 11,1 C5 t,ic author ayi ; '"Tu',t ,llu solution of the negro prnblem will not h ivo been reached in ib's coiin- irj uiiiii iuunu opinion unctions a union of the two race. T'ioI it is lliu duty of anti-slavery men cvciy where to advocate mii-oegpnasion or the mini;liiig of :ill the races on this continent, ' From authentic documents iu my pos Koisiou oilier ex'raels to a'l Iheso presented here could be made lo almost any numbei ; but t deem these fuflicioui to prove condu ively that while the oppo neiit, of the Democracy adln-ro lo thuir present principle" ami practices they fho'd be known ouly as Auoutionisim, and justly icjarded as such, nn I nothing ruorc MOtllilig Irss. J EFFHRSON. Fiom Slur of th' h DltlSlctil lluillhli" Ao,M If it in ti 'it aimrally knnn, I wi -h ii in he iliKinieily nn.hir-i.ood, that o 1 rt.niiic 1 a rude, ijjnnr.iiil. nnpriiicnil d, luifiii h Kiinttemaii, I rum tin womlen niilinei! com try, is now nlii)ina in Ltliiom -tiuiu ; jiM. tirully known a- a Piano nml AMoi':nn aiiuiil bin inn prop-'rh it- mii-ural hum. tuij ; and dm- i'o .l.,ruii! in ihe r-'ct- : '' ever I hear ell ol a eop erhend ntywa anv- tiinu in my f.ivnr I .1 r an d ii a an iniili 11. d knnek liim into Ktrtrrii ly tr-u lir.-i ittn I uifol tin Ihisyinl s k ic prrfeui in in.ikiiii; iti is a- e-lion aniniiy imiinlo kti'iw In m, nil ! e-iei ially l), sa VVIIO who leu ine iruin 111 an itmu. in hi- e,ie. mi mi or lie nm null- iu li-.ini, llll par e ,is:iei! 111 Ihe correciinif,s of ihi-,' thai H.-n -licit if- euv abln in no in. in nor lace nl iwti; anil lli al iinMiiiiy l.iioralile can be milhlnU ly -aiil ol liim. KkIioiv I Tii.-icr 11-. tear um that some cnmp.H. ion-tie one a-noiii; you may prniKiunre one wort in his favor" I caution ) mi lo b-w ir.! ol 11; in inoi.Mronv biped ; for n ho amoti-j n ia any ile-ne Hi bt llirn-.! ink) tn'nfi y witlmni a inn-iiieiil- war in-j. He 1, ma nnlv iiioiimron 111 si-'ainl Mreiiiilh, tint ol hiicIi 0 ' ouraae .nut uml.i niitetl h.'roiMii h- lo cau-e hi- lellnw men tn Ircititde and Iihcohih as loiii-hcd 0.1 h!.i.i'i ol Ins iiiaun.iniiiioi.s ih'ea'b h ch, v are ul.ul lo r.-aiH, h.ive iievoi tin.'ii known, 111 oil- in-lain.., t)t; c.ihi.'iI 11. 11 iwei ntinii. Wliat I have tn tear lor ynu ami ttin- eaii-en me m ,u jou, ir. iIihi il he -hniihl he co 1fr011tp.1l bt ni.e nl in. yon enul.l no' tvuhManU the -eeiie whioh will pre-eni IimiIi rti tl,l(i ,,,,, "I dip palor vvhicn uili over-pr.-a I hi. (., , brow, the llistima ol lux oniall livinklina orbs the i-u-i-l.tne. o' l.i inskv teeih die -hikiiiy mid iri'iiiblinj; n his lieme.ies 111.I his mi I, leu traush inn into Ihe parrel ol ihe ncl'nusH Hntel, where I e .l remain nil In h,u nl ineelmg u u ,(te I nn iiKitiiiii, MILiSLLiet. I me 11 cn oi niavery vvlin:ti cliar.icierizi t,i, renowned, eininen' ait I Inynl tiuiiihiir His riidnvo Iu iiitiiiii(,o!i7.e all uunver sa'ton b r.air.ituii; the wnnileiiul e.,i which hit h,i. piiflurmeil, the prodigies ol valnr of which lie has been Hut hero, the wonderful eceapei ol which he has tiern the nut jeel aud his numerous mlvtii ttires. in which he wiif, alwajr- the principal acini. Ullil'tl ll'UIll U.S ..n.r.jn I i, .... .. it ' I 11 r , j nsiuuiuuij, (, lVe never failed to retr.iiiil nn, nf a hiotv mid I smiie nine auo in a .ailmad car, wl,, I ""' : ' " "'r';iai viei.fjil unit Ci'l- fioalions o( ocr liraituan hero A certain iirayuadoe.i.i had been mal'iim hiui-ell pnn-spicuou- when an old (eutl.'maii, wit), a solemn vi-ajn, and an ivory. he.cle.t cui,u si fun in the buck corner of Um car cx. alatnted: Tliat last adventure ot ,ouis younu Inend, is u cry cvtranrdin Jtv one mi eMruor.luiary imteed. Une cotthl hard ly believe 11 without having set 1 11. ,,dn i see it; but I can relate a which Imppeiud 111 my lamily, and 111 which I was ler a lime deeply inuum-ied which is almost u- remarkable and I be-' Itdve quite us true. ''Wn, yotl hear it?" "Cotliilnlt- " ai.i.l irm,i.,L.i. ll .l .il l . . ' I "" 1 I .r..v ir;; t :::'r. t," ,,."e" i wnile comnanv. ceuinp nn i,.tl... r 1 ,uu; ecuoea I 10 , l-uiii anv, ne inn nn Ihe soIhiiiii phiz of the old Reiulumai that somothins neh was in ihe wind. '-Well, ir," continued iho narrator ' the ctrcum-luiice to which I alluded is thi. IS 'III i My lather had three children. He Z, 'Z ' ' b H.ui,. ,.iicil nau IB it niV flrisr ' ,C Bha Ur- es,,alf' !" "uinrhip of ' Cl ifa ,$J" 1"... ' ' ? ""' iue atu , " iiKeu, snu many yeais of "'.!" 1 "S""0" ed, and during all of which lime iho coms of ihe prnceet'.inxs V ealinn nn ihu u.i..i m. father and uncle saw this and thou-h bitter etiemte-, ihey had too much senio to bite e-cli his own nose off. Thev were chival "sic Kiauiia v eaunit nn ihu nr.. anu uravo men, almost as much probably, as jour-elf, sir, ( ,he' a much, I . ''i " juuisou, ir, maures-iiie Um i ,.VSJ'.a' cT.".""id)".JJa.l" m ; anu iney ae among Ihennelves' .zfs:"ur &tsSvb 1 uArTnvrr'"''ME' Z$inrwi.Wp ,rle fi9lJo' n"0'i the m.joriiy ohhe oi. Juiyis, iw, M BJ ' 1 -jii tivo' ,t'P',,H iho affirmative. It wn toadily acpcdeil to. Mj oldem brother n 0.n on ihr HPPnlnled day, nnd al The n ibii ueuu upon mo tmr. My next ,.,, --f 1 ronsln ihrnuBli Hie limes, and denote! mew b w ncuo nrealli nllefwnrds." Here tin .1,1. f,rtt.l fl,Ul I. A ...... ... 1 . . p tent tlmi lit .'i;.nd . . u ii in cn H n ii n r en i ii srnil) I,h ptocee,'pd .' 'i iu v. I eei tip nji It" in to lake mh,1 nnd I' Pit Ii r li -lid it r r,,r, n . , , Ij I i Mi lll.l) H.j.-htil It vf. i.m mi n Hi, leaMl-Hi n mil n I nnd irm I r i,n(J nv piflnl in VBVrr II lw ,t dw,.p ff ,IPp , )t jmsibi iiy that tp-icd upen it p. c tonk (i in laiet h tin iiliotiei.iif I'ifrlisijje n innirenl ili r lipnn' nml nr r1 Here tl,p rsmtler I ul hit- Imleiel ir-f Ii if fucr, olid rren r d lo ihiike v it, m0 p r c . 1 1 1 1 e n(iiatinn. "Well, tli," pxplalmpd bfapaadeeio.wlin had lliceiicd 10 Um narr ilivo' with olmoift brpiiihle'R nltoiilion, "Well, .lr-ue J whal was llic ri'nll ? How did il ond ? ' 1 jAuI (mi the wy fi ( (I t,u rallied ihe old KPiitleman ; the prnpeity passed in. lo the daiidi of my iineli1 anil Inn Imrily ntnl in) surviving brothel ha been ioor a! a rat ever jince I I linpp the on.'i-.lciti will lint be I st nnnn Mr liHiiriPii, il tn w I peiu-p and dijjii-l it that he may become wice in luinr. Dkmocrat Col. Tate : In looking over my let tor No f as published iu your paper of tbe 24th ult., I oVervc an unintentional error a to tho year in which the Hon. H. Clay made hN ffst spceeh in favor ol a United States Bank. It was not in 1311, but subsequent to that timc.v II is true Mr. Clay was in the U S. Senato iu 181 1, but then co operated with the Democracy aga'nst lb Bauk and the year in whioh Ir) changed bis position I cannot now state accurately. I know that lie was certainly in favoi of iho B ll to rcchtrtcr tin lhn't which Gen. Jick-ou voted in laU'J. Wishing to do jiiiliee to all men. I re q'ict you to pl,'a.c publi-h this eorrcclinn and greatly oblige JHFFI3US0N. sy- On Jloudny, Angut 7, there mil be an election in Kentucky for Cone. res, I liPgi-laturu, btato 'treasurer, and Judif. I of the So; reiue Cul t to niecd'l Jinle Jiullitt. B8r During last week fit) I rebel priMin "rs wore released, makim; a tmal of I I, :IU1 rulrased since the accm-iou nf l'rei - uuiit Johiifon. ollo but sick remniu. prii-oinr-i VSf It is rumored thai ihe riDiiis iu Ihe old P, u iciiliu y Priion, at U'.i,hing ton, aro being fitted up ptfpuraliiiy to liie recoptioo of J if.r.-ou Divis, who ii to be put on trial. COT Hon. L'nicrson Ktheridgo, of Ti n ucunet, has bren aircsted at Columbus, Kentucky. - Deafness, J31in(lnesa fx. Catarrh 1 t,....i ,i.i. . ' ii.aini wn in, u uu- iMPi.,.,k ... 1,. .i -ilJ CI W.ri-u. I'hil ,, IV.ii,,,, ,,. 1," j In- ".".I r. l,,lili. Kur-.. in 111,- !,- u, "i!" ,y ' . ',' In ntiu,.. ti,., .11 -.l.c-.l licull, .-,r wvul, , ,1' I1-" p.en iu n Ii. I1.1. i. .... r-l m ini I' M-tu;- Alt nnuAI. HVl-.-s ,., ,, ,lliu lt .Si;rll.irK.. iim.l..- 1, cvuhiiiiiIiim,. "iiiiuiii tMU i Jul) la, IhUV- l-.'m --l. ,f '--MilKTT:rT-JTI--3-!lFT-3T.I MAURI OES. ! 'J (D', : 1 iu-t, at the Forks Mot !, I IJjoom-iburg, b tho Hcv D J. Wallet, ,ur. .IA.MB- Uiivi.KHi aud Mi Van Pi:i.i.boili of Unar Ure Co umbi.i to. Chi. I. Ml A lowt'bhiji, I On lb, 4 h d.0 of .Jily nIH.e Ho'-I .( , Mr. Kahler Iiy the 1HV jcrl, (!. di 1 -Mr JAi.yn Kuamkk. nf White HM .Mon- uur eoiiuty Mis.- MARV.daujjI.Ur ol , . , leliridc, of thn nn,,,, n:.f.., I DEATHS. , Iu Rerwmk, on Fiilay muruing 3(Hli ot lone, Mr. Iluoii Tii.imimon, ng,.,l fa7 yars, 1 0 tiiontbs a-.d I" duyt t In Hriarercek lo.vuihip, Uoltimbi 1 couu IV, oil 6.ttilnlay mnriling la.t-siIdeUy in Ins bed-Mr. Ilwi(r J,AM ,.Nlils,jd ,b)tU io years In Fort Mfilni, ,,u th,, uh of, ,lv. Mr I'll If III I." . . - y. 1 ,"" 1 'V'1 " ! Kline ol Uentou, - in th, 2Ut, r,.iir f IU ,, tTI,o ,l 1 ' ert ,,' 4 '' "." "Mil. -I" I V1. only r,,.. unit family ,n ,,.s,, r,,,-,,,,,., ,c. In Ilrrry tniis,. .Vl'i.ihnir timntv '". HI) VC.1FI T..r I. n. ....I J..... Kit ROUS OP YOUTH. 4 filfVTI I'll 11, A ulj; 1 LhM AN. 1 7 '. who luff, tod for C nilil lli'liility.Vigin. ' ho,,HVn, I.",, Jill ''fT.h'' V-Vf da ly linn, iiliirli ,.,r.,,..rf 1 .. '"" al,"I,,,: iiie.uis ,";"!!u!',,v,uvB,, i.fii'iSi'rK'j: ,h" clo,., an,. .un, ..,' ',, w WM ' n Address, EDO Alt Tit KM A IN u. ie Hlu"u" st" N v"'k -'y ...nil f..i " ""aKiissn, ti,,. rr.uli .,f Q U K It U S Cod Liver Oil Jelly AITROVUn BV THE AC.UJWIV 01 SM.UI, lV1:' .. 1 " - if. w.ndVi j "in .? m,i ,,,,n,i? rcrr,lla .,, Cn rui tiursg. Cllll . nmn.l.l.I ... . .. . . 01 rail liu...i. ...a .." ""'""n rullenr hv ..,. - ." '"'"';?? ""'' 'curi nn.l ..i. -nu I.IH-r tllltritifUM fnrm In ..VV .,"u" Hniil.l.. ,1... ' ..""llill D mil Jul V. Ill 7a by ah M ' - ii., r.u.. - ""t'J't 1111:11 llV I). H. TUUK.V, Wholesale Drugrji,,. Vn 1'. It,. -L .. CP ,u,jr u liK aw Mirnitian M . Vtim ' . . . t TI A iV Jlkfc Mk Third Edition nn,. '' , Zl J 1 BYI10BT.I3 HELh.M D. , CONrUMPLATINO M A It R I AG H AclrfW" nnlp..lJ,onrictl)t 0 TUN CLKT ROON TO THE API'LIOTKD I urn) ha, .avf.fl lhn.,..n.l. r . l4lJ 1 UN TIM M 1 V Y l a 'k " n I...,. .1 ,...:.,.""