3Wr''w",r tfjffWBffBEffiTlil ANJ) BLOOMSBURG GENERAL ADVERTISER. LEVI L. TATE, EDITOR "TO HOLD' AND TRIM THE TORCH OF TRUTH AND WAVE IT O'ER THE DARKENED EARTH." TERMS: $2 oO IN ADVANCE. VOh. 19. NO. 20. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PENN'A,, SATURDAY, JULY 15, 1865. VOLUME 2 9, BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL lialtimoru, Mil. ESTABLISHED ns a REFUGE FROM QUACKERY. Tnc Only Place where a Cwc can be ob tuincd. Or. Johnson has dinoverrd tho most Certain, Hpcrdy, ami inly Klfcctita1! Iliiiiody III ll'.u World fur Wrukiipc of the Haikur Limb. Htrirlnri's Afl'erllniH nf tin1 Klillny mill lilailih'r. In v.ttint.iry Ulvi li.irt'rn, I in r it u it . (ii'iicral 111 bllity, Nurvi.il' ni'm-, llyspipsla, I.anpiir.r, Low Spirits. Confusion uf Idr-iis. t'alpit.il imi nl tliu lliutt.Titiildlij, 1 ivmlilitie, ItlniiicF.J .if Hltlil nr Clilillni hf. Micas.' of tin: llcful 'I'll real, Nose, nr lluwils-thom Tcrril.l., Di-tonlcrH (lriaing I'inni fulitary lliiiuls of Youth-i cii t and Military ptntt itcayiiori; filial tu thrir vicliuiB than thu muiu nV r-'j reus I" Hi' Maiii'u rs of lfl i-.es, blluhtlii!! their mn.t lirljll.iiil hopes or nntiupullous, tcmlcrilit; mariluge, &c.i liupuiMlilo. YOUNG MEN I'spci lally. who linvi' hccunni tho victims of f'olltary Vice, that dimitl'iil unci diminutive habit whkh aunti tilly snuil'D lii'iti untimely j;r!iv c llioii-tiinls of young lin-n nl' the' iitu-l u.uilloil luluiiln ami brilliant liiltlloii, who uilnht Minimise have entranced li-tmliig Hen n'm with In thumb is of elo'iicnci or wukad lute stacy tin: Iliiug lyn in.iyr.ill will, full confltk'iice, MARRA1G !5. Vanli'il it rM'i". or young mi 11 iniitompl.illu:! mar. ring.', h' I'1:: aware if phy(.'al weaklier, organic du hility, .klnrmitl"-. speedily iurd. Hi' who pl.i i' - unhfi.'U'innli i tliu ran: uf Ih J.inay ii lluimisly int.uile In I1I1 hniior n a uenlli'inuu, anil nnilliUiill.v rii ui"i Im tikill ii.ii phyeicuu' nittJAMU u i:akni:&i iiint''i'i.it''ly C'ir d an. I fill viinr luilnru.l. '! his iIIkIiuiim ..tf..ct!ou which ininljri lift tul s im.iIiI .i I niiirrl.iiii' iinpiH.iMi. Is th., p malty pi I hy tin- u inns nl iii.pr-.pur liulnlji-.icp-. V.uinix per t.n i.rv I., apt hi Linni.tlt i Nfi'pi-iv fiuiii mil being .man' "f "'" ''"' C'liiiu'iueiice.. 1'iat inny ensue. 'nw w li" that niii'.i rn.ni'l tin- kuIiji i t t ill pn lui I In i!i nt that IhnpnwiT nl prurrc alimi I In.l nmn r hv tin.,.' i.illnij in-. iiht pur IiiIiiik than hy tliv pin ,1, nt i i;imiI. Ii'ins ih ir tl'i-' iilranirt! l IitiI tr (.ll'iii'iini;. Uii: nn -t f iiii'in nnil ih-hlriii In ' .-.tiip-hiiHnllM'th li'cly iiinl niiinl nrmu, 'I'lia hi. in Im .niiiii ili'r.iiif'l. 1,1 ' rhyifal ami menial lulu tlnns wi iim ni'.l. I.ti' "' rr.rt!.ilivu puw ur, Ni'U uu. In i filnlliy lit pi'Pi'ii I'.ilpiiailnn nrtli't llcari. 1iiiI'm li'iri 4 -oift it'ti'- Inliiy. a Wiuling nl tila 1'l.uil'j r.iiiiii.''"""',l'""",1,,l',, a"'1 ""111' UK. JUIINe.TOM', , ,.riihi! )iil Ci.lli'KU nl Darm-nnii, l."ii.lnn, ?' , w " li..m .nr. 'if lli.'i.n.t cinlin.nt Cull,. -uu In Ih" i- ... I Mull -. ..ml Ih i! iri.it. r pari m n.." iiiu ..I ii..! in.iti , . ;. .... ..I 1 1..i. Il.l.'ll HP' ' . , ,,..,. nl II... m.ojI rvi r known j m my tr"ii' nl ami Li-is . hrn .id'i'i'p. ul, inn a al na.)Lii . una.,. l'.iri', 1'hil.i i, li'i. anil i-iiittiiiii ...t.iin lil nu iim-.t 111 it 'V ' . ... I ill. rl il'iill! in t1"' I' . . . i.. , n .icii inrvini , i ,i,: .,,..., i,, l l I. i-lll'llln.'ffi. Willi It' 1 ' nt -'"e lini 'l. w ith il. iaicn.t.i.1 of nnii.l, ui caret iwinc.i- "l l' T.MCi; l-AUTIl-'I'LAll NOTll.'I'.. Ilr J. inl.'r.'SfM all llmeu wlm In injnr.'.l tln'iii- t ! T, ' ! "iVt' 'nVn 1 ' I.'iVi V " 1 1 at i -.' in'"lh"' jy!lJ J-"- ... ..t. !v. Dcr.'itiL'Clih'lit "f'thu lltcVi-'liVi !' tninlio.H, (tfia'ial Debility. i-ii- uA;;;:;:v:-rK:rmV.'.ivc.-..n.i,H,,,in, t, li ilru, l.-.l l.o,i,f i.i"iV. CmriiMun ..I l.l.'i.s. til,, nly. c...iiJrii-i. I...f"il Uii'lf. I uui.litj .Au iri' soti.i' t,f II. 1 1 pnnlni'i'il. "i h. ' . .'i. ... i.f u- r .";;, i": f whati.lh.'t,..-. ..l-'hiii ..l.ninsh!allh. l "";"-' r Mnr. Ii.-iiiiiiiiu .'ak pala. ntrt..iH ami . ..t.tk . Iiauiii! a mii,;iiI.ii app.'auan- almitt tliu tj'u. cltMh ami ryinptunii "I Cii.iii n.ptiuii. YOUNti MEN .. .... .. .'. i it, ..'Iiik bv a certain pr.ifli'i' in "'' .....I il.. I...irili. lllllll COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. " Our Consllliitlon jiiard It over ! Ottr clorlona Unionhold It dear 1 Our It tarry riaE-forsako It never I The proud Cutcaaslanour only poor! editi:d by m:vi i tatb. rnorniETOiii ELOOMSBURG : Saturday Moruing.July 15,1065. TERMS OF THIS PAPER: ( .UTUd jAN'L'AltV 1st, 1X3. ) $3 00 per Year, or 2 50 if paid strictly in advance. g?'-'r'-"g?'"''1''-T'-'',ii''ff'riiiriii-dj In mi c r.itt v, n trntiinctit not tube iippalk'il, corrupt "J or imnproinisoil It kuowmiu I).t3i:nu5s, It cowers lono danger, It oppresses 110 weaknuss. Ik'striatit c only of liespollsiii it id tha kolo conservator of liberty, la'ior in.l prn..'rly. It la thu enliun.iit ir Irueduin, of t-iual liylitu, (il'L'iu.n obligiiiioiia-.he law of nature IKivuiliu Ihu law of the MiiiI-Ai.lmi. DiHAl'i-oiXTti'. Thu pooplo of Dom iok wore tli.-nppoiulud iu proouiia6' both Dpcakors aud iuumo for tliu "Fourth." Wc had to depond upou our o.vn cittzcus to ,-uppl the dfficii'uoy. Wli'lc wo have no disposition lo cav.-l or find fault, wo rigrct that the orators of Iho day tool; nd vanlahi- of the time and oronsiou to make a political liariiinrjuo, tore Mined to the Lurtins than at a national cel-bration. JkiUir.li Untitle. Riv. M. I'. Crusthwcite, a brawling MclLo'.li-t proaohor, as wo '.cam fiotn ihc Gazette, a what w.u failed tho "Orator ofthoday." llute i.n ain.ther iustauru where the proprialii'ii of yoei il ritiaunship, and common decency wcru outiaoud and ' The Hai'risburg Celebration. Tho Douiooraoy of Hnrrisburg held n uiogniOcjiit celebration upon tho Fourth of July, in Fishor's Grove, near that City. Hon. CiiArtLiiS J. Bidui.E, of Philailel plila, dolivercd a very logical and eloquent Oration on tho oo'oasio'n, and the Rev. Daniel Gans, of Norristowu, mado an appropriate and sensible Christian prayer. The following timoly-wordcd and patriotic letter from Senator Muokalew, was read at tho Celebration : From lion. C. 11, Ihtckakw, V. S. Sen. utor from Pennsylvania. Uioojisuuno, July 1, 1805. Gentlemen -. I havo received your in vitation to attend a Democratic celebra tion at Harrisburg an tho 4th instant, which I am unable to accept.' It is, iu my opinion, desirable that iiiuuiiuua i'ir uutuur.uiu!' luu iviiiitvurnory n, ,. , , , . . of Independence ahould. bo non-partisan . "-" "Ja ""ureeu a iuer to rres iu character. Hut, I understand from the ldcut Johnson, in which she olaiuis that uewspanets tliat you arc compelled, by a tho only crime proven aaaint her waa that due tense of self-respect, to stand opart of kissing hcrooibin, a rebel officer; and from your Republican neighbors on this furthcrmoro.that it was not her.btit auoth- them to cndtiro tho burdons of Hfo, bo tint boing faithful to Thco and tbemeeives, they may at last end thoir days in thy peaoo, fully pcrsuadod of tucir reward of rightcousnoss in Ilcavou. All this wo beg in tho narno of Jctus Christ Thy Son, who has taught tit hum bly to my; Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed bo Thy namo; Thj kingdom come, thy will bo done in oarth aa it is done in Heaven. Givo us this day our daily bread, and gorgivo us our trespasses aa wo forgive ' those who tres pass against us. Lead us not into temp tation, but dolivcr us from evil, for Thiuo is tho kingdom,tho power and glory foi ev er. Amen. S& Mas. BnxrY Periunii, of Haiti moro, who wna recently convicted of jou a subordinate position in a Joiut cclc- " wll klfl9C(1 & rcbcl oA ! bration, aud huliject you lo a dueourse. n-i""iiitfi'unson, u is roporicu , ooustu from a notorious political priest. A simi- era her osplanation perfectly satisfactory, l.ir spirit of itiroli'iiuu has been mauife.ited and haj almost determined to pardon hurl ...any o.uer p.nui'.-. utfiuu your o ky 1U She wa3 coavic,cd of this awful ()fl'cllsc b. nro.icliitn, fl.,iv..r,arv. wlieicbv ''union'' Milltar' Commissiou.eoUSibtiug of Judg celebrations (iu the proper teuso ol that Advocates, reporters, and nobody knows torni) havo been prevented. In speaking how many I'rigadiorH. This is conclusive thus, I have particularly in view a caso in ovidence that we have a stron.' covcrn ll.t I .l. ...... ... I ....l. II.,r. .....I " - nip luu.lij UllU UlUUlO lib uuuu tiitltu ai.u I .Q Rending. Your political antauotiifts do not appear to understand l,tho tigns of i he tiiii'S," C'f Hon. A. II. Stephens, late Yico which ludioatu that intolerance, insolence I'rcMduut of the rebel confederacy, now aim outrage, f0 oompicuous t.ur.ng iuC nt alowcJ q .q - v I tlill ilU4 ,J U Uat V AtwU UlUIIUuwM JJ Ml I . ... , , . unlooiMi. desnoyt'd by '.tfunntic.il political have ! reached tluir tittnosl possible limit Pcn ,,r l,.ul,y Irom mno. t0 ,Bn ,n tLo nboliiiou "I'.lMl hound of Zion." Wo sajjctnll such rrniing pnlit'oal l'ricst- "with nipger on the brain aud muliee in thtir I.Lurts," be remembered and exo crated, by the tine friends of "Lihcity the Union aud tho Constitution." iu this country , aud that for the future forenoon, in company with nn officer. tho ordinary ru'cs of deconov and some His health is vcrv Icohle. and it is feared I der-rco of justico and fairness must be ob- thu imprisonment is fast underminim; his reryud hy them in both political ami social W(jab COU3lUutiou. Ho is kept in a room action. The sus.pun.-ion of war expondi- . ,. .. turcs and of war patronage, tho decrease "1 "lmsu"' fe'uaruc" a" ,uc 11,1,0 u? lwo nuiuitio. i ujiuiiister-ueuerai iiuagan, who is similarly guarded, is allowed a daily prom. mado batweeu six aud seven o'clook P. M. " ".' ' " . '." .. I 1.' pii.,I run. me il V li' l i-v.'il w n.'i. at- i , , r, n.ai.i.i!.'.' iiiipo.-il.le ,1ml ik:ll..ys Llli " ' I. nly. fhoulil apply iinin 'ili.UHy. tiatrh.!. from , nf Willi II .ira Vt hat a inly Ih it a ymini! man. ""i "l."."r . ... ili.. nn. i. ill iilri It. in 1114. r-iiniii i"- i.ii'iiiii-..... t- ami iil.i nn ntf .'I lil''. "' lllu '"."r11 .pi. -Ill .' nl ill't l.tllil!: iruii.i.' i';,"" dill; ill? in a i" tiaiti icn:l .ial.lt. In fait, cunt-; H4lalia f nature, ami in. uch p.'Isuiio luii.'l, niiinl ntirl MARRIAGE, .. ..! .. . ,. .v,.,l mil,, I r.iul limit' are tha L .rv rinui-ll.' !' prniliotu tuuiiulilal liappju.'.-!i III' .lied tu" . 'I the, ' tl.iiji.urni'J tlirouCli Uf.; beruinea w.'ary i k'rl.iia..' ; tliS l't"-."'t ' "'V'"" "' , , el In niiinl I, I'oni's Mudi.we.l w ith . am u .'. w i n i if iin iai.t.i.... ," pine"!, of aiinlhar bec.ni'a bllsltlu.l with our own. (Jfffc;7 Smith Frcetick Strut, left haml aid.' Kami! from l!alliiu..r.! trret, a tew- ilnnr l,;,i 1,4 .'inn r. Tail not to ubiiv name au.l nun. XKh" N'o I. '.t.'rs ri riivi-.l mil.:.'.!, postpal I au.l cm- laiii.n. a -lanin in ' ?l " " - 'z . ,. w!tl,. -h.i.il.l inn., nu.. ami send portion ofaU'e.li. Jllellt desrill.illj H'liil'l.'iu' i-l,0 I'liitor' liipl.iuio I'-inSi in Iim nlticc. Eiulorscimnto' llic 'rus. The many UfamU cured at lliia ital.li.hiiicut Xtill iu ll el,,Mtw...ty yarsand Ihe '!';'"''' '. ii.irl.iut Suralr.il ol"-.'.!..'" I'urlor .ed. I ' "r- J..hn , il 'luini'I;'.! l.y'il. r.'Pork'iH '!' ,''l,pi',','.'ir','.','t 1?,'.'i'1' oth. r t.iiiifi-.. ii"tr" n whiih Iruu appi an-1 iigiui JJenlionu'i nf.haia.l r ami .etp..u.ibil.ty. a .ul.i in.nl nuarantj to ih allluU'd- Skin )ii-cs Sicrditj Cured. April 'il. l 'l'A.-ly of arbitrary power in pub'ic adminiftra tioi), and tho rapid growth of public sen i . . . . - -.. . .... Wo wonder whether the "lllood- ""'ui ' ;oroi tnc usagrs uu ri'iueoiu I , r. . , . , . ,, vi iiuuut.ui iiiiu-a. me idem .ututuriu...ii"t; lllllltlOH nl ft nil ' irnr i-nn.l ... fnllnioni .... . " of which tuey do not properly estimate, paragraphs Irom tnu teaching of "One Hut if they do not recogn:z-! them, and who tau 'lit ai never .-mm taught :" do not adant liieir nolicv to the chanced "D.cssed arn tho pcaoe linkers, for thev conditions whieh surround them they will snail lie cuiieu tnc clnlitien ot Uotl. soou recive insiruotion irom v lunar eo u- 'l.ovu vour enemi.-s. l.l,f th,.,., tion-', which, thouoh it may bo gucvolis, , - i - - - w ' i .11 I ..in s.i vnn. .In nn.nl M il,,., I , ,-,. Will UC JUSt, SaitllSrV &I1U labllllg. i . .'? ' I T n... ..j.n,..r..1t nn nK.,.1iot,l vnr. anil ilcsiuteluilv use VOU allu liur;ueulu J . ' I. . . .V... .. ' ' vant, U. It. HUC&AIjUW. J .i. n f T !....:.. i.i i .... .t . i . i ... I 10 toe v. omiiiH.cc oi iiivnauuu. .luugu inn, iiiui yc ue noi juugeu. "Whatsoever yu would that men should do to you, do cvsn so tothein." Tho book that contains the above is a u.'ilrd volume to the present race of blood- thi i sty bigots. ?Sham-Dcmocrats3. Thcso sham Democrats are more liablo to ml tie n cliangca of poitiou than any other clasi or specie.! ol humau beiuns that ever inhabited this earth' Sunbitry Gazette. That is trto, The sham-Democrats like Hast Rutlcr, Stanton, Forusy, Charles Shrines and John Youngman tell tho peo ple that a Democrat is a traitor, and yet claim lo bo Democrats themselves; They protend to bo in favor of the Government iuiAYEi; n'v Tliu ucV. daniel cans. Mmighty God, our Heav uly Father, Thou llith and Mighty Ruler of the Universe, and the God and Father Of our but (avof da ,ism Tb tB,k of frec T ll.r!. Tliu hnlv nrnsntipf I ..u.u uo v,u.. M-v r-dolI, but aaV()c:lt0 mob3 and arbitrary rule wc come at this tunc, beseeching Iheo to IMo, by the Lincaster (Ohio) Entfa Wl UI,0U us tho V,?bt ,of Tb 0OUDU:Ui,"00 of Abolitieniam, and thought John Drown x ' 11 1 ! . .,.,1, . nil. I tf rtn.ll nu D crasy, but now defy tho one and boast of CctY General Sheridan is denounced as Thou hast been the God of our Fathers, " U P D E GRAFF 'Q EYE AX!) KAit IM'UHtAllY, (On the B.iuarw, Tin" l'"i.'fi""' bti-cli- Hutu I bLcause on his recent vi.it to that nlnca l,n 10 r0Ul;lve &wuiy, ant. (o grunt u. piefuned to be diiven to tho u.ns bv a I1'1)' favor Detnoci at. Tho Haul,- sat-j Tbo ardor of n , .hnr nf , iii in whom they trusted aud were not made uilmt was dampened, and they express ashamed ; and Thou art our Lsutl, guuliug Ibfii indignation that lie should bo caught us iu thu present, and in whom wo trut in company with u copperhead Comics- for tho future, through Je.ius Christ our iinin. iuu -lovar win no nreoiuueu. t i .'timt leu", i.i'iu wiiiniiiK uuiiiuiistrtiiioiis ... , , n r. , i f, ii, ,, in favor oFauy of our mot noted Koncrals Wc l,,anb Tlicc' f,od !. ll" mT y. i . .... . r ii. . .1... I -..I. mm I nm rnlirr. I m, i. rant at.it iMcaus and tluiieocl; aud Thorn ones tu tuts y, "u. Sudden Death. Vo renrct to loarn t.ii ' i ... . .... t ii .i.. i.i u as onu nncriuaii and Mierniau nod tlieir ious institutions, nnu tor an iuo ulU33,"ris ,1,01 Mr AVilliam Hoffman an ao-cd and most Oli.'enial assoeiatca amonr "Pnn. -c i,tu l;r l.il. li.,i-n Imnn inadn to crowd . .. ... r, . . . .1 -.. . . 0 --r vi nm .nu nuiuu...,. respcctauie citizen 01 tieuirc tow nsmjMuia pcrneatts. , ,.rown us both as a nation and as in- ... ...i.i..i 'i'..c,i vt, I I UUUUiy, UlUU viy aui.uuij! ju ui..'hiij r--"7" iMra. Riirrntl Pmnn ITnrnM nnil dividuala. nvnninrf last. IlO had been eUtinccd ill '-"J . , 1 1..,.l,.,1,.n 0 . Atzcrutt wero executed on Friday last in Witngraioiui "cans """'fa harvesting during the day, and liugcrcd Auolhcr Military Outrage. Tho cowardly "loyalists," of Schuylkill county, some months ago, induced the au thorities to nend Eomc Regiments of Sol diers Ito Pottsvillo. Thcro wn3Uo earthly necessity for bringing tho United States Troops into Schuylkill, no moro than thcro was for tho pitiful leaguers Inst year bring ing thorn up into Columbia, but It wasdono lo jjratify tho malovolonoc of tho cowardly disloyal abolitionists of tho Thomas Dunn stripe iu both instances. In each caso the soldiers woro ashamed of their position aud tho Government disgraced. Now, hoar what tho !i02d Regimont, lo catcd at Tamnqua, say3 lo tho Editor ol the Pottsville Democratic Standard : IIead-Quaii's 202d Reot Pa. Vol?. ) Ta.mao.ua, Pa , June 23, 1SG5. Edito'u or Dl-mocuatio Standaiid : Tho soldiers of the 202d beg a thort spaco in your valuable papor to inform your many readers and liiends, a few thoughts on our unpleasant position among our '-Kcyslono brothers." You know wo aro soldiers, and obedi ence is our duty ) but honor is not always our reward. Wc know wc aro not wan tod or needed hero wo can too dauger with as keen an eye as our commander, and havo been as faithful lo our duty whenovcr danger was buforo m, but this "hobby horse" of war among our uativo mounlaius wo cannot see. Sixteen dollars a month perhaps will not make men look as fur into danger, nr. two or three bundled ; but with honest and patriotic soldiers wo suppose that could make no difference, and wo have every reason to think there aro no other kind of soldiers in tho 'iC2.d. Rut wo aro sick, disgustod, demoralized and "played out'' with this kind of sol diering ; wo aro ashamed of our calling and want to go home, or down to Dixio, or Mc2tco,or sumo place where wo can do duty and see some point iu it moro than big pay, extra pay or bouuty. Wo arc woary of mock show and aro f-igbing for reality ; wo kuvo boon tho terror of old motbera long enough, and havo delighted all the little folk's ol sev eral counties with our doadly charges to hoar them laugh . but tho merry latightor of the children aud tho ' tcrror-sirickcu looks of tho timid old damoB,as they gaze on our polished bayonets and think of tho loody battle nro both played out. We aro Punusylvaniaus, wo left houi"s, and familios and btisiuoss behind, aud wont forward to serve our country in her dark hours; but now that that dark cloud has past away and all our comtado regi- mcnta havo been sent home, wo ask to fol low them : the other. Poor John a few months ago denounced tho Abolition party with all its changes, but now swallows Ivnownolhing ism, niggers and all, Those sham-Dem ocrats, sinco "tho Democratic party left them," aro liablo to many vory sudden changes, Northumberland Democrat. the Penitentiary yard at Wellington t!iat t,,c lincB lmo falIen t0 UJ iD l)loasaDt behind tho rcM of tho field hands as they The Supremo Court of tho District of Co- placeB,and that wo havo a goodly huritagc. wcm,e(1 hRir way homeward iu tho even- 'MMIIS 1NSTUT10N is now opened and lumbia, Judge Wylio on tho bench, gran- Wu adortJ lbce llt tll,s , "P1;0111"' ,ual jg. Not nrriving for some lime, 0110 of .1 ted a writ of habeas corpus in tho caso of aSal" Uoc0 maU0 10 " ?T his sons started out to meet him. lie lound rriviliu wpvMin"- . - -, ...,,.!.... (,., I 1.. ...! Mlnt mii er ilinr Tllllt- rV'lliii'of'inMlm J" h country'; am. Mrs. Suirutt, but on an order from the ua na 0 pcopiu, President .uspcuding that writ in this cao era and sons havo been pcrmiUcd tore XJvZ. I, ,,:,, ,,.,,., . turn and to rejoice together with us on , ,..-.--- - , - - - MMurm, UV.1I": 'UffUH-U) lilts "WL'U liVVlHWM Hi' - , . Hi.' l'upil. I mia- I'',', ' 'u'urV .'. . 1 ! A.,, 1 will b .1.1, ln Inn in tin r eh blatSIUL'S of una ....ilr j j verMoii of the UyulidH iP. tc. And will l.yi l'- bUU- treat ad forms o'ft-or. a, liye Oranuled Lids. I . rirri.lllt.illH 1 l-.-a- ' l tl! ..UT with ail til.' diseuncfl to which thu Eye in I".1.'.. . , . w.tl i,,.!it all Iha dlH.'.-lf.'H colillnou to hu oYttan. i'l-.l.atr i Iron, tin' lar. Noni.f I'''''"';1'' action of thu President to be bindiug On the court, It is said that Payno mado a statement exonerating Mrs. Surratt from h"i"'f ..11 i::... :., .1.., ,,i..i 1, .li.n.nitv ntliiarinit.total Da ilnes oven wuere . -,. tho llrulu I- d-'Mroyt'd. Will insert an alt nunl ui.r. . . t,iiriiiirfi-rf of thu 11 atural. '' .".. 1'. . ... .,.,, 1 , ,.,t , 1 . 'i i 1 ii 1 , All iliaenscs com- . nu.- -t.;.. tu:ii: ?J1.,., fr,;,s uiii;abi. ... ..... ISi' J.uu uuiii ti iiuuui utiouu, . , , , IfC . liair .., i,.;. : ,,cali.1K new . . v V.V I . it,,, l.nnlrS UUIIU US UII nu ' "1' e.'.l 1 .'1IC1IH. . .a..- .'i" ..-.-- . - (.- ,,f i ui i,un iuiui UU...V.. v.t ...w M....,b- lesh Int.) d.-rurnu'd part, una Lcm-rai u..w., - . vl'uli'ver cluracur it may i.i.i.uiit. -,,..,-., Ot Ncwfoundlontl tllO let instant ,,;!i.i..ru. ii.iiiai( cure f ""', had over four hundred persnus on board KmhT only forty havo thus far been heard !?,T. t nwriZi".. r -di ViuinaVo IW, ..u;d . from. The reH arc, doubtless, lost AltTll ll'AI. liVl.P.. IV I II llli-l'll linnct'ii w lnv them th" mono id.nprt'i-Mou of the uatui."- I'heyare ni ii'ii wiiiiiuu i-u. .a.. . :vultltliullkj, tl'ili .) TIiib lri)ubleoi. o a. a- him KinL' dead, bv tho roadside. It was - u ' " supposed by somo that ho was struck by lightning) aa there was a thunder storm prevailing at the tune. iserwiclc ua:cuc Thv protection and lovo. Grant, O.Alcicilul I'atuor, now 10 emtio ... TimnilT. President Ad upon every section of this laud aud nation. Ilr(w Johuson) ia jgoo, advocated the Givo us truo repotitanco towaius VIUU....U f 0 i.rcoUi)iri(ls0) TO MY CIGAR. Yes, fillet friend, I love llicu well, , In I'limicd doctor's npU 1 lore thy frograr.t mUty spell, 1 lovo thy cool delight. What if they tell, with pbi7.es long, Our years lire sooner past, I would reply, nltlicaiuu .noun, Tlicy'ro sweeter nhlta they last. And on, mild tabc, to mo thou art, A monitor I though still, Though speakest u Icitou in my heart Ucyond the preacher' skill. When In tho solonin evening hour, Attended but by thsc, O'er Iilntry's trajjle pajo I pore Jlau'a fate in Ihcc I cu. Awhile like tlicc, thjhero burns, And waites and futnut nrotind, And then, llku thee, to nrhci turns, And mingles with thy ground. Thou'rt like l)! man of orth who gives To goudncss every day, The fragrance of whose vlrtuu lives When ho has paired away, Then wln'ii thy snowy column prow, And breaks and fades uuuy, 1 ilufii how iiiluglcd realms thus ruie, And tumbled to decay. O'er beggar's rags and monarch's robo One common doom it passed, Kind nature', works, the mighty globe, Must all burn out at last. Anil what is he who smokes thea now t A helpless, moving hoap. Thai soon liko then tofatu must bow, I. Ike thee iu dutl itiuet sleep. fio when I sco thy smoke ru'l liii;l, Thy ashes downward go, 'Tis thiH. I hope, my soul (drill fly, Tims leave my body low. GEN. SHERMAN AT HOME. Warm Rccoption of the Hero at Lancaster, Ohio. Correspondence Cincinnati Commercial. Lancaseek, Ohio, Juke 20. Major General W. T. Sherman arrived a,t his homo on Saturday last, Juno 24, lie was received at tho depot by several thousand of his friends and neighbors, nnd escorted to his residence by a largo num ber of roturncd veterans, under command of Colonel J. Strafford , of the Ono Hun dred and seventy-eight Ohio Ugiment, proooded by a brass band, alid followed! by hundreds of enthusiastic citizens, anx ious to greet the General. Over tho gate at his residence the ladtcs had erected a beautiful arch, with tho inscriptions : ''Atlanta ia ours, and fairly won!"and) "Welooruo, thiico wolcome home 1" Hon. H. 11. Hunter delivered tho ad dress of welcome on tho part of tho cili- zons, ind Col John M. Connell on the part of tho soldiers. Mr. Hunter welcomed the General in strong and appropriate terms, saying that this rccoption was not in any spirit of adulation, but in honor of ono upon whoso at least, wo ask, humbly risk hand aud brain, as the cotnmandor of a and pray the government to reloase us grert army , hung the destiny of tho na from disgraceful duty. tion. Col. Connoll, on behalf of tho sol Wo are working nun, no loafers; and diera,said that the boys were thcro to wo scoru to guard paaceablo working citi- welcome their loved chiof, without being zcus in our own State, aud neglecting our fully equipped, and that, for thus appear own work at home. ing, the General was to blame. It was In conclusion, lot us Bay to all, that wo his fault, for ho did the work and Bent are not proud of this trip ; we will novrr thom home to bo citizons again. Thoy name it among the adventures of our sol- wcrc ticr0 to-day because of his skill, and, dier career, aud wo 1-cg of you to spare ia all that assembly, thcro wore nono so our children tho shame of knowing ihcir gja(j t0 ECC j,im as tho boys in blue, fathers once stood guard over the good or,NnuAL shcman's speech. Geueral Sherman (being redcived with quired ninny partSjallofwhioh wcrocriuolly important to tho working of tho whole Providenco assigned rnc niy part, nnd, if I hove douo it, I am well BatisGcd. Tho past is now ftilh the histotitn, but wo mutt still grapple with tho future. Id this wo need a guido, and fortunately for us all, wc can trust the Constitution which has safely brought us through tho gloom and dangor of tho past. Let oaoli State tako care of its own looal interests and affairs, Ohio of hers, Louisiana of hora, Wiseonain of hers, and I believe tho best results will follow. You all know woll that I havo lived much at the South, and I say thut though wo li&vo been bitter and fierce enemies in war, wc must trust this pooplo again in pcaco. The bail men among them will separate from those who ask for order and peace, ant' when tho people do thus ffparale wo oau cucourago the good, and, if neod be, wc can out tho heads of tho bad off ut ono blow. Let i ho present tako caro of thu present, and with thu faith inspired by tho past, wo can tru3t tho future to tho future. The Gov ernment of tho United States and tho Constitution of our fathers havo provon their ntrongth and powor in timo of war, aud wo can safely trust them now in poacc aud I beliovo our country will bo cvon more brilliant iu tho 7ast unknown future than iu tho past, Fellow-soldiora and nighbors, again I thank you. I do not wish you to oontidcr this a fpocah at all, for I do not profess to bo a man of words. 1 prefer to boo you separately, at your leisure, in a social way. I shall bo with you for somo days, and shall be pleased to havo you call in when ever you feci liko it, in the old familiar way, without any of the Formality and re serve which wcro proper enough in tho midst of armies. With three cheers, tho crowd dispersed", well pleased with tho General. pcoploof the coal mining distriots of Penn sylvania, l'jvcr Xoun, All or the Soldieub or the 20.nd. 4M Diassi.vo ui J. Davis. Novcr was thrco cheers) replied as follows : Fnir.sns or my Royhood : I jou for this moet hearty wcloomo. thank 1 am faitu in our Lord Jesus Christ. Forgive isious. thu grand flinrirr of our l'ichts and liucrtics tlie Constitution whieh wc liavo hitherto ac- ooptcd. and do now ncknowlcdgo as a gift of thy wisdom and lovo, and as a pledge oi for President of tho United StaUs. Ho en dorsed the Hrcckinridgo Platform. This must bo a horrible thought to tho loyalists. A Hrcckinridgor for President 1 Worst of all, ho was elected by themselves 1 Thcso facts miut now riso up boforo thorn and stare them iu tho faco liko some terrible ideal ! Thycarc for us iu all lime to come A rjoUinridgor, Prcidi rn. Tim 'nu, Vnrl- lh,;dd. cavs that HIl'SS t 10 PlOSldsnt Ol IUO UUUCU S3iar.CS, J"adiuViuro.i. Those suiivting fro... ii win dewet q h ( uf j usti00 (jhnso and Senator Smiinor the Governor of this Commonwealth, and T,"u.. iii-iirrtiTv. u wiikonnrre wiih a view of ,raV0Hi0K in tho South, tryiug to in- all others in authority, and may thoy gov cttothoncgito inourreclion by iuccn. cm inThyfonr and for Thy glory. De3- more than it ni.nl.r ul a .ii.uiy ii '"Xut.i , t ii.. .i.- ...... ml Wltiirnrms nmomr tho noon 0. and .Will lie il nii.iiiieii. tun. 1 fllM'V BDLCUUUS. UWI valla uuuu IIIU 1 ll'l- l.uj O . I th.i.n who niav no ili.posul to empioj nun. . .... . . 1. .... I....!.. In Irxtl, iiinrim nnrl ' . . . r . il ... i..... .....n. n.rnji.i o , , ii Minn, ,n i ..mi ill! uu. nun. u ,u ..u..., ...w. r llUUV lO UllYU llllilU tlll--.-lt. ..v i,.,uvt. I .ww..--- --- , jitli JlToittou Dav'u al practice.lie imp1 . llli.to tt uu may ' .i Ml!y II, It'll l.tr. TINWARE & STOVE SHOP. P"aon w rplir. un.lorelgned respectfully inronus Ills old fiknd CtZf A tolegrain from Wat.hingtcti Btatcs that Jcfforcon Davia will soon bo tried. If n...i .a,5... linn iii! has nurclia?ed hi. brothers nlnr.,.1 l ll,,. nl.nv.i Ilt.ll.huif'llt . Bllll 111"- C01K CTtl W I Id Iieriaftcr bu conducted by lil.us.'lf .'clnsivt ly. , ue mis imi ri'ciiiviu .tu. i ui. .". : ... , , . . tu t iVih. est nn.lniOKt cjteuiilu affortuieul ot 1'ANCY r,eJ ou h0 chltrgO of treason, It Will UO iaugiio lOV Un ever intri.'luceu lino linn iiiarnei. . .!,i ,1 . 1, SSi ins sunk i-oiinfts of a coiupicto assortment nf boloro a civd court t but it is said that no he befct Cooking and parlor stoves III tlieiuaiket.ti'Selh- .... .:, nr with Stove l'istures of c cry .Inscription Ovun and vjlll lirst bo tried by a military OOmCIIS- .i'i'i.i imnniai Hinvnu '.-i-. &r. ' tUnvi'iiiPO and cinH on the oll2l'UO of C 0 III 111 1 0 1 1 V with tho llm nrnlinn- till! nri.tonnr Olid OOPtive. Tiuwaro constantly on hand nnd luaiiufactiirgd tu order. :,:, ,1-1 , ,nc nf , n 1 , . . . , . 1 All kin. Is 01 r pairing itouo, ns usual, un biiou nm. i iuvu uaujaiuiuiuu.iu.uw.i ..uvi? w niuwu i ttPtl ail wuu iu jieiaueuini it. ..u.i. wmm charity. Grant utito us all suoit quatin- cations of mind aud charaotor that wo may properly carry forlvrird tho Ark of tho Lord, aud ueoping, hand down to tno generations yet unborn tho distinguished privileges with whioll Thou hast blessed ... i. 1 1 !!..!. .1 t.1 UO. Mcrouuuy guarti aim oicsb tuu wjuow Tho patmiugu of old friends and new cusluiuurs rv- I . .t,,i. ,ecifuiy .uii'ii -d a iiui'EitT havo latoly nomo to light ' rihtsJousuut oako nruoiously prepare New YobK, Juno 20. Tho Tribune's Washington special says : In accordance with the act of Congress ordering no moro thrcoccnt H"'es to bo issued, Secretary McGullou,:h has, ou his own responsibil ity, dirccte I Iho issue ol five ccut notus to cease, with a viow of bringing into circula tion niekle e.oiu of tho different denomina tions, wl di, it is bcliovod, have boon hoarded t j a great oxtent. j,. i t'S?" Tho friends of tho osecutod assat- sins have mado applications for tho bodion of the d unused ) but, no far as hoard from, ilk y have not boon Rt'lEiitod mortal so drcrsed-up as Jefferson Davis especially thankful for tho kind words of has been by iho disp.Uohoi and lottors an- the tried and valued friend of my family, nouncing his capture. Tlw Accounts vary Mr. Hunter, and lor ihc warmth with materially. Rut novor mind. Hero thoy which Colonel Connoll and the soldiers aro, in brief : have received inc. With tho latter I can 1. Davis was captured while running tloal in a very few wouls, for they know towards tho woods drwsod in his wife's that with us words arc few, and meau on,i twiHinnfiis. mill calf-skiu boots much, and thai when tno timo comos a rcvolvor in ono hand and a bowio knifo again, wu will go whero tho stars aud in ti,n other, flits wifobeiu" a littlu-wo- utrincs lead, without asking many ques- iimr n 1 1 Imr ilrrris I iinm. fflheors.1 Mv old friends and inau, .luuoiiii. ti(, .... i,vw. - . would not havo fitted him well.) Hut no neighbors, I knew your fathers boforo you mat at 5 tho stury is just as good. better lhau yourselves , for it is near ihir- 2 He was oauuht with Iiis family in a ty years mucc I left hero a boy, aud now, nil... in full manhood, I find myself among you, :i' ITU toni was surrounded, when his with a name oonnected with tho history of wife asked for protection till flio could 0ur country: During tho past four yfars drcsi. 'I'his was granted. Sho then eamo ,y mind has been to tuicui upon out ouu out with Jeff, dressed iu pettiooatu and thing tho success of our arms that I ... e t. .!.!. t . ii,n,w.ii nf nothini? else. I claim no wrapper, or inuy s irouu, yiui a uu.. uuin n..-o..-. o ' , , upon his hsad and a pail upou his arm special honor, 10 iiavu uouu u his wife sayiug, ''pleaso, goutlemeii, lot my old grandmother pass she wants to go to tho spring for eonio water." A sol dier lilting tho liood nun caicuing iioiu ui D.ivis' whiskcrJ, said, 'how aro you, grandma ?" aud'added ''this is Jiff. Davis." As you pay your inonoy you tako your ohoioo. Hartford Timo ir Tho Secretary ol War has itsticd nn nr. lor rftfiniriu'? all absent ofii curs and lueu on dotachod service and liablo io duty to icluru at once to thoii command full man s share; for when onu s country i m ger, tho inau who will not defend it, and eubtain it with his natural strougtn, is ae man at nil. fJhccrs.J .'or this 1 claim uo special merit, for I havo dono simply what all tho hoys iu blue nave uono. i havo only laborod with tho fctrongtll of a single man, and havo u.cd tho brains I inherited and the education given by my ootiutry. Tho war through which wo have just passed has covered a wide urea of couutry, and imposed upon U3 a task which, likti a vast pice of machinery,; ie The IntervieTf Between Presi dent Johnson and Senator Sumner. (.from tho Cincinnati Euquirer.J A friend at Washington assuros us that a few weeks ainoe an interview look placo between President Johnson and Senator Sumner, which was substantially as fol lows : "Good evening. Mr. President," said Senator Sumner, last week, upou ontoring tho President's room at the Whito HousoT "Good evening, Mr. Sbnutor," replied tho Precidcnt. "Pleaso bo seated for a moment, until I fioish a letter to an old friend." The loiter being finishod, tho President turned to Mr. Sumner, when tho latter is aid .- ''Mr. President, I have called upon you for the purposo of expressing to you the viows of our peoplo on tho subject of reconstruction," "Well, sir," replied tho Prcsidont. Mr. Sumner commenccrl by saying ; "Sir, your North Corolina proclamation docs not meet tho approbation of the peo ple and they will not submit to havo tho great results of tho war thus thrown away." "What people are you representing, sir I" nked Mr. Johnson. 'The whole Northern peoplo,"saidMr; Sumner. "I apprchond you will find you but rep rcscut a small portion of the Northern peo ple," replied Mr. Johnson. "Thou," said Sumner, "we mujt take your North Oarolitfa proclamation as nil iauicatiou ot your ponoy, must wo c l'es,sir, replied tho Pie3idont. "Then, sir,1' said Sumner, "you do not intend to enfranchise the block men V ,ll have nolhiug lo do with tho subject; that exclusively belongs lo tho States. You certainly would think it an usurpation ou my part if I altcmptod to intcrforo in fisiug tho qualifications of doctors in Mass eaohusctts. ' "Hut," repliod Sumner, "Musiaeliusctta hno always been a loyal State" "That niav bo," roplicd the President, "but tho loyal men of the South havo mado uutold saeriltcea lor tneir union aoa timents, while Massachusetts has mado hundreds of millions out of her loyalty, and it would bo a poor roluru for South ern ad be ran co to tho government, if tho latter should, in violation tq tho Constitu t tion thrust upon them local laws in oppo sition to" their wishes." At this rcplv ot tho Prosulcnt, Mr. Sumner became itupationt aud irritablo, and rejoined by Baying, 'lI am sorry to soo you evincing do little sympathy with that elcmont tuat piacou you in rower." At thu, the color Hashed to tlie l'resi lent's face, and ho addod, omphaticallv, "You and I might an well understand eaoh other now as nny other time, lou aro aware, sir, I havo no rcspoct lor a Kccfu sionist ; but, as muoh as I degpiso them, 1 still havo a groatcr destcttatioti aud con tempt for a fanatio." "Good evening," said Sumiior, and left in a huff. Z3J' A young physioian asking ponuix rlu of a lass to kiss her, rt pliml, "No,oir,l uuvcr like a doctor's bdi tttiek ui uiv face "