Sttilyday Morning, July 0, 10GJL SQT "JeFFBRSOn" trrcek. will nppoar next fST Sheriff Snyder, offers a reward of 85 for tlio arrest of John Dretheiiy, whb escaped from our Jail on tho 4th of July, bj uudcrmlningtho wall of his "prison. . , . .. Ca?- Three 'tbtlusaud" of Clay's Mctallio wcathor strips wanted in Col. co. Who if! Supply them ? Hero is a ohanco to mako money aud forve the People. . Call at tbo Exchange 110101 and seo tlio Model I "Tr" , CST Ici: Cream, of a very snpciior Quality and in largo quantity, oan he had every evening of Mr. Sophia Fox, ut Finn's Silnnli. mi Ylnin Rlr.,.f P.ln.i... , burg. Kim S'htifi Smn Qkhipi. Ii' r. , oAVEKY,a very clever lullow anu returueu tidier, has opened a now Boot and Suoo .. ul. . . riuop III HIllVO i nuiltllng, tnillll btrcet, 111., i..... i .. : :j ... .... iiniuuicuui u , n uuiu no la urriiai i'u iu uu eoniinotiaio uia puoiic jjrucraiiy , C" Samuel Liuosberry, of Cleailielil ' oouutyj onu of the victims of Abolition ' vengeance, was roleacd uueHnditioDally ' 'from Fort Mifllin, on U.itunlay last, by 'Presidential order both imprisonment 1 ;Uld fine beillC ruilllttud. Thus aro till! nilMac.tUlU sairatra nnu uninni'in'iioj re- . . . . . . . ... uu&uu iui tui'ir i.uso swearing anu im-j ipropcruso of their brief autbomy. ." 1(, , " """" "Lol. M. IIi'l'KI.SS, of asbiui'toll , ' '? cc'Jtity, is rceoinmeutleil, lor Auditor Ucn- vial, and DAVID CAKSKP.ID.iN, Esq., of, Cliuton county, for Surveyor General.- 1 They are both good men would doubtlrBi ' iniik affussout State OiKccrs. Their claims ! will bi- submitted to aud decided by ibe Dfinocrut'lC State Uoliveilliou. , ! limlou Miss Amelia D. Ei)ii,bas removed bcr Fanoy 'rri.nming Store into her new Brick Store IIouc,on Elatu bel&wj Market Slreet, Bloomaburg. ' L idic9,givc ' 'her a o.ill at her new quurterd nndlcain' tlsu'lutus-t f.i.-hions. Bj quick r;S7- tVnlinviio iiHi.nlinn lrC!l 1?. v -r u 1 " " ....v....-- .w o r.Hlrinlin mill (! m nc r :i I ?r Or-ition in nnr pnirioiio anu ui.mocr.niB ur.mou iu oui f nitior r.rilnmns. It will rad woll. Tim ' Ooloilel Will Scarcely be called a traitor tot ' ' darinc to Ui k Democracy aud Freedom, J after having tor over tnrec bloody long )cai5.,lj(l his Kcgitnc'nt 'to coiiquebt aud victory. BsaS". Capt. Thomas Ciialfant,' has nilercd upon tho publication of iho X.V.V V lllth volume of ilia Dun V dk hvclli gewxr'' This is, and ever has been, one of the soundest Democratic journaU in she State. And under th". superviiion of Oapt Chalfant, t has larg'! by ae'vanctd '!! , character, iuila uce .m l pjpultrlty. S A. L. Hum;, Esq, has sold kin 1 tuieresi iu tlio Mi'-ntowti Dcm acrid:' to 1 hist.on, VKllN,:a K. Run,. C. Era ,A : 1 llirno), Esj , continues its Elilor and ' Publisher. Wo havo bat few 1) ddar or better papers Oil Ol.r CXehang, Hot, than tlui " A llnntnu'ii Hi inneriit mo AIICUIOWU Uimoorttt. - ' srv- P,i.,. lb,,,. Oil !., ,l V (SSf I aillti, DtU.i', Ull, hpiCC and -No- ttiinu iil' vorii-r.- i nl rrnrivoil ni.I (K)ll-, IU (VU aril lj , J IIM reel l(.U anu for talo at E ye it & Mo y Kit's Cheap Drug Sore. They only keep the best niality. 1 I'.ill and examine. ef Cheap I!oot-( and SilOE5 always' to bu hud at (Jigger's Htnrc. Also, Hats and Cap-t. Litest styles aud lowest price.'1., with a guariiiitoe of .great bargains to eus- , toiujis. tsgr Mcsr.'. Fakmisk, Liptle it Co , Proprietors ol "The Old "White's" Typo Foundry," No d'.i, Bjckman Sirect, Now York, have our thanks for a neatly ,priu .ted Caul, of their Typo .Foundry aud "(Printer's Warehouse, aeeoinpauied by a ilist of their Prices and epoc'uueu of Type, 5fc3 Oapl. C..1L .BBoruwAY, has pur chased Senator Ruckalew's dw.-lling hou o and lot adjoiniug our res'deiice on Third Street, and now c cupied by Hi Sheriff Miller, for the e. nBideraticn of saoo. -e Serin is Lisa .'- -Tim ''rilnnd.liminils of 1110 UIUOU-UOUUUH 01 .Zion," havo ceased praying lor Antiy T I II W..1I tl iiFiiin.. iftrtro .JOUUSUII. r.CII, I. ui'i. pn;"" i.v.w oi no mitro use to Preiiduut Johnson, than they -wure'to Old Abo, beforo and nines he quit attending the Tbeatio it is indeed but a email loss. But what becomes of ibo assortion, lately mado in oue of our tCburohrs here, by a fanatic, named Dan' Barber that "God and Andy Johnson we,o . i . ii ' mw'rtmnrng tbo" - t;01 . -t. tlANRUM uas B6SOCiaiCll V. 11. TihnBS. Esn.. (formerly of tho "Berwick Garctte," and "Carbon Doraoorat,") with himself in the publication of lho " Luzerne U,non." Tho paper will next week, bo enlarged aud much improvcd.and we havo no rlnnhl, iirir'pr llin ltunieos of Mesrn. uo nouut, uuocr 1110 duspioes ui nieafrs. tlunnum & Ihhhs it will refltet credit t"u 'I, u"l riuiti crtuit, npon tho noblo Democracy of Luzerne 1'hoy havo our bost wishes tor sueoest., .-hm.. ,ni i.:.- 1.1. . i. . aa iuii wunu anu maun troops II) niiirlcslon. S. C rjoentlc hml a flr.1,1. . . .... - n. - - in wbiJj number wore wounded on both nder. aaaaaaMM infc i run nOTTEIt, . nuns POTATOES, . niillU) APPLES, HAMU IIACON, . IS i SO to , 3 UU ' 91 .. 17 may hy iho ton, 10 00 1 UinCKi:N3,'per pair. 40 11K0EIPTS FOR JUNE, TO THE COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT, i -:o:- Tlin fnllowintr tiavtnnnla lintrn Unn n...1..l ; o i. ,i " ".,. iiiMiiu to the Loltnnbut Democrat office, during th0 month of June. lRflfi , fi the month of June, 1800 : ... 12 00 3 20 0 So 3 511 . II Seymour Schcll 3 M 00 WmPI.eldy, Jolm J Hit leu. , M Oil lllrnni T Dve vollt. U 00 ii i I'll !ii I j Tliomnn, S Ptcntlj, Wni-Hopiier, Win Slmller, II A SHepenhlier, Itiiuc III sa, (Jen W .Mnueer, Jnrper Dcinott, yYi.Vi iNryiinrii. Hon jn.Max'weii OenW 1'rvcr.e, Wmjl llcniotl, liitg b " icTiJifir? WnVi'arbe-?'"'11'' !( kSS: I 70 I 07 3 00 5 00 3 Oil HO 4 00 J III 3 10 3 SO 10 00 I M 3 00 3 00 ; S 00 3 AO :i so 3 00 2SS 3 00 3 SO .III, ., I.UIIIVUI, ( Philip Oil, J lj I.oliielibGrirer. 3 30 1 I. Waller (Illinois) 1 (10 latol, "-'I Freil II V.vrr. ,1 til I I V J FMettorlrh. 1 75 (Otvcn II liverlv. 3 SO I Win FuLillig. . ff ml. O W Sterner, 8 II Kline, Esq., 4 SO 11 II llnrinan. L.o . :i uo I (Ml 3 SO S IK) 1 01 to II CO ) Kp Church, 5 00 )J (JUulck.UKi., 3 00 ) Ji.M'i lluey, J r Fuivlfr I UiniiRnt & Nej Irani, 3 00 I A Flr.-ilicr u,v Jtlliu Huttoii JO 'UcoM Ueagl We havo small receipts fur June. Tula la owing u tho fa.t, u,.-,. we Ik,v not b.-en m i, out to collect, i and that pc.iple have otlmbu.lnei,. In harvest, bealdo paying Ihu Printer, lluring thi- 'hiit mouth wn hivo ent bills tn many of our customers and we earnestly ..... .... . . return iiiriniori'iiiiiuk'ouruucs iy mall witiioul no Io i lay. GENERAL ELECTION. Printers 'its, 63.00. Candidate for TrcaBUner. T OIIN J STILES, of Bontou township, oirallc'fMendj, has been Induced in nffer hlms.lf as a! il.iln r.ii llin .CTi. ..I 'I'll I' Will) I 1 1.1. cuuniy, sunieci nnneiiccMion ui tnu Ui'nui.Tatlc Cnn. velitl'in. which will he held nil thc3-ith of August next uemou, .uny iru.i.-,-i e'onjjiiihsioiicr. WM.'R DEMOTT, of Madison twp.j U wo.iruaulhniiiedtoiiiinounce.Hlll boacan. rfldnlu for t COUNTY COMMISSIONER ' ,t the apprinihing Oinernl IVetiinn. suljict to Iho ' n.'10"" ""'LV bu 1 'J!"y u""'",t; -'"n'"1 , J""" "'lt"-5-"-' j Coimtiifesioner. i T011N F. FOWLIJR, E-rj., of Pir.o P t"nHnp, we am aulhorrzcd to announce, w'lll L)U J 13 11(1 luVlC lor COUNTY COMMISSIONER, M lho n1,rnri,B i; n,i niettion. subject tmi , lZ"nmo1 '"'J l0"""1" Lu" 7 uc,"ncM;,c OD"v,;," i7:M''-" . Auditor'ii KcliCCi Es'a'c vf Ilovy U. Koons, Eeccuscit. rpiIE uudersigucd Auditor, appointed n.iin diMnhuunn nf the balanc lujli.- inud.-i of Henry fl liv Iiie nrpiims' i.ttiirt oi l oiuuiiiii coiiuiv lo llin. adulilllf Irator f lit-air y (!. Koons. late of Heir He c.i nni. among tt'o i( tmvu.iHp, i ,1,1,1 cu'iiity, ileeia-u'd, an creditor. Hi di'iieilenl, iu th.i order est. ih ,, ,,, . wil, ,.Ht.nd . hi, ,ril. ,, ninum-burg, Timi).;V. :P.IIJ.IJth day of !i;iilM P Nl-.X I', t 10 o'clock !. til., If y.ll ll.-ry, fo'r'the ptlrpirso of making th;. dNtrllm-iou. All Vyra.n having claim, or dciinuds rtciliusi thu rstnte ul tl.u dec.ident, are no- une.i i pr.;.Mii ti.em to th.i n that day, , -r t - ii ileb int;il Irom com ni ill for a share tn t it: fund HOliERT 'F. 'J LARK, Auditor. niooin-bur'g. July 1, 1iii.l - It Sl.'.5n Si, CiTariesilotes" COr. WObri aftcl Third Slrecta, PITTSBURC Cotivrtnctiily Inc.-tli'il toih I), pot nnd ('niitrJl in Hi i! l't. ThfOifci atention paid to tia.llt'rs Tetms ! niiidt'ielc. SEIT11ER S. RIAL, Troprittorr. Ju'y I. nDiinsn a. n a fi."i)SSit S(l!,ll!l - r , Sfc gr. . , Va ihG UC& Estate. OF rY HE undersigned, executors of the es- i tntc "f Malher McDowell. Idle .If Hcolt town- i ,, ,uit r.o. - ..t Hut. ,i. ri.,'.; ,. he public hotuo of B.,,m.. Ui.Ml. Orange- vint.ia, SUlrdui, July IT), JtJ05, ., i i .ii. , i .... . , ?.t l oVlock i . M i the toltowiug dcsctlbed tracts und Ni-L fituaied in tha tow n-l ip of Oraugi!, b.'un. y tamU n(. ,.,aU.r Uulchisu.i, Ceorge Kilmer ;"lU """"' "i . 1J Acres aua ,)u 'rcnes. No. 3. Hifntm1 i'i the miiio township, ami ailjuiuing Ihu ubi.i e, toutaii.iug 51 Acres and l'JO Perches. No. 3. Si'.u.f.cJ in same township, joiui ig the above, cnutni.w 52 Atrrcs and 55 Perches. No t, situated and bounded as above, cuntaius 50 Acres and 117 Perches. .So 5, adjoining above, contains 53 Acres and 42 Perches. No 0, ut'joiuiiig above, contains 17 Acres aud 07 Porches. No. 1. aim adjoining nbnvo. contains 50 Acres and 72 Pereho.'. Nil. , riluiilrdaiid hounded as above, contains 10 Aeros aud 125 Perches. Ni !, by above al.o situated in same town.-hip and bnui'ded iimtaliu 1)3 Aorcs and 63 Porches All ihe almvc de.rrilte.l ha.'ts me timber laud aud will be mleri d at pui.lic sale on said day. 'Perms will known on ditv of PETER EN 1', ?.-,.- "I iM M n 1 11 1 W I. I . I . V jlx,4j. li-i. uj I, j ''-llll:1'5-" BRIDGE LETTINGS. rry. County C I ..TOSf, Commiasioiiers will ro WLIium llnlino's in lleutnii i tonn.hiit. Columbia cuiiuty, betweuu the hours of u M. and 3 p. m . on '1o"".'. "lC ml day ey July, .Bud, lZfZ X&tiZ, tnbe lOOfeet between abutments, width IS feet ; height ItSSSlKttS . .S'Ji ZTS' 0n They will also receive propojau at Josnua n lies. , i" between, ho; Tuesday, the 11th day of July, 1605, , ' .M. S!W& I ?,,,,!;rid,,.rLlll,.l'r UciLhV iacrc,iohr."Vro...'ow: i ! rhSriw..pJ"w.,,oM ! '""B Dm wing'tvallnn lower side of said abutment , f(l(,t lon?ialJ llc rcVuied on tbo uppci and lower ; i ' le f Wtn abiuinunt. . Dj order nr lho CVmniusioncrs. j ! ROBERT 0. FRUIT. Clctk. f Coinmiiiioners OlTicc. nioonijburg. June ill, le5, t U"'fV J.,w.u? l? 1 ."V" 1 j suppled to tiaiiK 'JV.r" """'1 Hanks, Merchants slid County Ofticeia Urncra ny man promptly at V. O, VERRY 4th trnd Kate FHren I'hil'a tended In Mfltht. 1M5 WHEAT, per bushel. 1 41) RYE. ii ii i oo corn, H h iw I1UCKWIIEAT, SO 1'f.OUR per libl. 10 till clovershhi), io oo n-Ax seed . i so liUCK WHEAT Flour. 3 00 l" IggMu-. ,.,,,,,, .., ....... r ' ' -iv."..: !rTOri-wT-r!--mr - -"im. .ummmil iuiii!ti.-ma,izizzz SPECIAL NOTICES. ONE PRICE CLOTHING. JONES' OLD KBTAIIM8IIK0 O A' li PR O II OL'OTHING HOUSE, 004 Moikct trcet, (Above Sixth.) PHILADELPHIA. , . rtl 10"-H' crcaccm Ono pico ciothihg Siori the L.V,!i ""'J! iVl"1,0 "P .? , artlrle. nnd lifter Vflrlml. All hi,., nillrn ...I...I... J'"180 "'II0' J1 fi? f""-5) l EM,!i" l In n iiipcrlor man. ner, rapftufy fdr retail nalti. Tlirtnc wanllni n aond iib)taiitla!.aiid rathlonable orllcU', ihould notdllto gil'to tn A'K't" iwha.u, 001 Miitkct Strtet, One Prieo iS'itfrb, Xily IS, IP0.5. ly A GENTLEMAN mrred 0f Nervous XJL Ocbl llty. rreinatUro llecny, and the cfTecfa of youthful liiillm n llnn, tt ill ba happy to furnish oth!r "Itli tho ineaiu of euro, (rnre or ciuRoa.) Thlirdih Cdr is tltllltle. R.lllf. mill rorlnln. j or iuii pariitiiiorii, tiy return mall, pleajc nildron JOHN ii. -OODKN-, GO Nassau Strct t, New York. June 3), leo.'..-3ni . iAuu iu i.nvalius. Cl,TJ !lfl, ,' Americaa, a ''l"""'Covi-rcd n safe ahJ I simple remedy nr ho ( ure of Nervous WrilKncJa.Tarly Decay, nia of tho Urhijry nnd Bt-niliiul Organs, and the "hole train of disorders brought on by baneful and vicious habits. (3 rent numbers hilvo been already cured by this nobto remedy. Pn inplcd by a desire to bcncllt the atll ited nnd unfortunate, ( will ?ond the ,. i,i .... ,,i , , ....... 7 . - . . rcrlpefor preparing and; using this medlclno, In n ealed envelope, to nnr ono who need. n. fiii-f. ni' 'oiiAnoi:. - Pl-ar inclose n po.t.paid envelope, addre.rod to 'yourself. Address. JOSEF H T. INMAN, Slailun D, Uiblc House, X. V. ( It v. April Ii, lM-y ' gTTtnoi.'iMio i ttrntBi-unn i ft ,Y1 I 11 IklV 1'jILlI II I IHOii. tn I III rfill 1 V ..... Co',;,und wlil for'co 'then, 'tho'u'oo, hes fjcu or'cllln, or hair, on bald heads, in Sit Weeks. Price, $1 u, Sent by mull nn)Wheri closel) sja cd, on receipt of pi Ice. AitdiChS, 1 WAllNUK It. UU., Ilirx K13, llrooklyn, X. Y. February 13, IbbS-y. THE PHOENIX PECTORAL Arill Cui-o Your Conach. THE PHOENIX PECTORAL'; oa, COMPOUND SVntP OF tVIUD CIICKRY & ai:.v. i:ka hjjaki: poop. Will Cure the Diseases of the Hi 'xi t r rt S Sfrii ir" it tt rt. is' ?, ' . ' " out.ii vjuiuo, uuuiiua. viuuii, iiouiuiit, Uroticuiils, Uatarrlr, Sore Throat, lloarsrnej'S, Whonpiug ! '(yOUgll, &o. Its timely use will prevent PUliMONAUY CONSUMPTION, i And even where tilts fearful ilmrWh fully duvel Dped it will all'did more li lief than any other nit-di-'Sine. i J. Lawrence Oeti, ei-!"penkor of tho Pennsylvania House of lli-preseiitalives, says : "'Phis tough remti- ity is now extensively used, and Is of the highest value to (lie riMuOiudiry.'it rurativo itiullHcs having be till I te, ted by'lhniisaniN with Iho mo.t gratllying rctults, It is eareldlly and skillfully prepare.! from Wild f'tin.rv Itirlr n.wl .mulr n Ji. . I? i i, In, rt- t fl r"'-l ' "".-7- ""'"'": , hollzer, a reput.'iblo phyiician of Phoenixville, Pa.. ' anil is sohl oy neatly all .lruggi-tt. un.l country store keepers." D. P. (.'roiby, ex-Postmaster and ev-l'Urgcs s of Potltt 'to'.vn, certifies us t'ullovs : IVrtrrcv!, 'Jan. 3, Irtll. rhi certifies that I have used the Phoenix Pectoral in mr faulily, and I recommend it to the public in the very be.t remedy Mr Cou?h and Colds that 1 havo ever tiled. On.; of Uly thildreii was tuken with a r.dd, nr. ouipauii'd with a Croupy Cough, so bad. indeed, Itia'ptt could n .t tulk and brealhe. Having hear 1 h.i i.iut n &aiu unoiii ino i no. oix ritinrai, i uri'rureu a; hotile nf it. The first doso relieves tho illllicully of i hr.ithini;, before the . Iiild liad taken one.fouitli of the bott o it was eutiii ly well. Ilvt'rv family sho'd : Imve il ill their house. D. P. CKOrillV. J. O.'tMnlth. itnic;iii:, of New Hope, iiucks county, 1 p.i.,' iii Viidiig t ni; to Hr. Oberholtzcr. says: "A few i httwo d.T.enoi your viluablo cough I .I O n.l it vow utiil .. .I I- ..n. ly aiiguiio i would like you to send mo u gross of it. Your me. Urines gives better s'llisfiction than any other l have iu the sture. I mil agent fur some of thu initgi no Hiiur ci'iiti i ii ia ruueii s, uu. vours sceun iu . bVhe nr.lolviuais Subtract from a letter from lllran, Ellis, luercliani, near PoU-town, I'u . "I havo tried . tho Pluenix Pectoral, and find it to be llmbest cough ', It meets with a more ready sale than i any oilier that I havo ever had hi my .tore." 'I he piopn, tor of this medicine h',s so mutli confi. dence iu lis iiirativo powers Irom lite testimony of thousan ls ho hive u,-d it, lint lho money will bu , 1 ,'JJ",(:cCK l" '"' pu'c1i:is" w"" ia mm with , It is i-o nleinant In laU" that children crv for it. Prico I DIRTY-FIVE TEN IS ; Laigo Uoitles ONE DOLLAR It is intended for only one class ef diseases, name ly, those of thu Thnut und Lung, iTJ" Prepared only by LEVI ORERIIOLTZER, M, D Ph.eniwillc, Pn. Sold by all Druj-'gists and Storekeepers. JOHNSTON, IKII.LOWAY, c COVVDEN, No, 23 North Sixih street, Philadelphia, nnd P. O. WELLS u. Co,, No. 115 rrnukliii Street, New York. iJeiierarWholesulo Agents r"loo 'Country sioreaeepur in i.'uiumui,t county. ,V. II.-It yout neerest tlrugsistor storekeeper does out keen this medicine do not I t linn put you olf with omt tilher medicine, but send at oucf to nnu of tho ' iigcuis lor it. June 31, IPGj.-Cni rcnnoylvania Agricultural So ciety. riPIIE Pcnylvania Stato Aurioullural ! 1 twry will hold its Exhibition oil September W. 37, 31, and , ISiW, at i W1LLIAMSP0RT, Lyconiing County Anv inl'orin'itiou desired by persons dcslrlne to ex- Mbit, applications for premium lists or posters, or by members of 'ho Sur. ly, will be given by the under signed, f r A. P.OVD HAJIILIOV, President. Harris- burg. A. BROWER LONG AICER, Secretary. NorrislLWii, .May 33, 16C5. , StutioilCi V anil BlallkcHSooIi'S r ; QuDiilied to dealers and cash buyers at C5 low whole.alo rates, iv " pi'nnv March I, J8C.1, 3m, llh and liuci Hi. , Phlla . H-'itJiSaB WAIiffi PAl'iiR. g us p received a new assortment ol l'oou j style, of wall vsvvax INCLUDING BOR- BERING AND UEILING PAPER, , j,.,,,,,,! .,,,,. r material In his line ulneh Sttb?,. ' ve'""" ry " hV'w "' Jo Wnu.u w ...,......... v ,IaD ,og czeouloff t0 oraCT and best style, at ibort notice. E J. THORNTON. nioonuburg, April 2'J le03 Iv MANUFACTTREIt OF U M B R K L L A S S U N UMBRELLAS, ANU PARASOLS OIIUelB a and 1 iNorlll iOUtm oliecu P II I LAI) EL I II I A Mairb I U65 ,'rr. nsWus U. B. 7-30 LOAN- Tin r w skimrs, $230,000,000. ! ti .i.k.i..'i Ji. . .... iiu.iium vi inn T?crrcinry ni iiie i rrauiv. mo ; urTrfeulgncil, lha nencnil Hulucrlntlon Agent for tho' cjlnDf'iTiiiP,i M-.a.M.t.i.. . i ,--'- ,-l.l.'l IH V, UI1II I I II U UUIIVi UI8 nurd afriea ofTrcatury Notes, boarlnj seven and llirco-teiitKn per cent. Interest per annum, known aa 'the 7-30 LOAN, theae nntca iro liauod under dato of July 15, 1BCG. and aro payablo thrco years from that data In nitron. cv. i cy, or aro convortiblo altho nppcratlon of tho holder into P. S. 5-20 Six PCr CCMt. GOLD. BE A II IN 0 BONDS 'I'Infse Ilpndt aro nnw worth n handioinc premium, hnd nro exempt, an aro all overnniont Honda, rnovi Stat, Coiwrr, 4ND Mcnicipal tiiaiiom, which .bsj 'FROM ONE TO TllltKR PKA rCNT. fivn .mmitw nttiun vil. artordlng to the ralclcrlad upon other Propcity.- ti,b in... ... . i, , ... The Intereat la payable acml-anunally by coupons at-, .. bk" b"nk. The Interoit n 7 a .ai.uu iu catii noiq, wiiiiii may DC em on anu 80lil o The Intereat rt 7.30 per cent. nmriUnlatn 'One cent per day On a 850 nolo, Two conta " " 8100 ' Ten " " S500 " AO " siooo 81 ( (t 55qt)0 ii N'otca of "II tho donomlnatlonalnained Will be piompt- lyfurnishcd upon receipt of subscriptions, I he Note, of tM. nurd serie, riro ,i,e. Uciy similar In form nnd prlvllcgoa to tho SeveM.-lhlitles already ! suld, exceptthat the Oovo-linmnt reserves to Itself iho outlon'of imilne inter. . t in .ni.i m n r Ihstcad Jf 73.10th. In rurrency. Subscriber will dc. duct Ihu Interest in enrrmey mi to July 15th. at the i time when they subscribe. I The drllvrry of ll.o hotea of till, third scries of tho ... . f- . ... . " ' " i Sevon.thiities will co iunenco on tho I.t of June, and will bu made nr,i'v nrf,...,.i ,.. ..A T ,..' : ; . V.""",'.",i " vuin,,Z T. , -, rlliait BI.Illl.S adocts only the ni - o-'b" v. iniimi nmnu hi uiu cuuuiiioiis oi mis matter of IntcreJt. 'I he payment In gold, If made , will bo oiuivaleut to Wi lurrenry interest of the higher rote. The return to specie paymenta, In tho rvrntorwhlrh only will tho option tn pay Interest In Cold be availed f.r. lunn ,1 mn .n. ,..n mill Pdllnllvit h.lluld Hint Un..l. ... " 1 I'a.vj- a mill pui j ' ' " '' I ,0 "1"0 lllalle " ieven aud thrcc tcntlis per tent iu currency. 'I'M it THE ONLY LOAN IN MARKET ! Now nfleied by the" Ooverninent, and its .uperlor ad- ' vantages make I flu, OltnAT POPULAR UIAM OF THU rEOPl.ll. I Less than SJM.OOd.OO') of tlic Loin authOrlMtl by ' the last Congress are now on tho market. This aniuurt, j at tho rato at which it ia being nb.orbed, will all bo I subscribed fur within sixty duys, when the notes will ' Undoubtedly toiMin.ind a proi.,iuui, as hus uniformly ' been tho case on dosing the subscriptions to other I loans. I In order that cltizons of every town and sscliou of ! thu country may bo afforded facilities for taking lho I loan, tho Nnliminl llankB, Stato Hanks, and Private Ilnuker. throughout the ciuntiv have generally agreed to receive subscriptions at par. SubsciibcM will so- led their own agents, In whom they have confidence. .,,.,,., ., . . , ..... . aud who onl, are to bo responsible fur Hie delivery of the notes fcr which they receive orders. , JAY COOKE, hen cntPTios Aoi.t, rtiitadtlphin. (TT'tlubscriptioKs will bu received by tlio l'irst'a tionai Hank ofBioomsburg. -i. ict'u. otn. BLANKET ecds, l.ortgages, BONDS, Matriage ertificates for . .1 1 o t . ! iVlMISterS Ol tJJC ttOSpel V1 JuMlCCS of tilO ' - r, 1 I caee, ..... 1 SCHOOL ORDERS & ARTICLES OF 1 r l rl I . r n ...,r. Auiv,rji,j.',iCji 1 o. LEGAL PLANKS .- Summons' Sub.pocneas EXECUTIONS. SCARIFICAU AND CAl'lASEH, WARRANTS it COMMITMENTS. 'IVotcs: n,,,,,,n n., ,,.,, V.n. r.V v.'.j,., ""-- CtnpllOrl, i urilHieiil deeds. ' t with every other kind of Blauks, for sale . ,i -ne, ,.f ut lu0 OIC00 Ul IU0 COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. PROVISION STORE A large Stock of Family GRO- CERIES and Provisions gen- erally, just opening, and for Fale bv Wholesale ant! Ketaa r AT THE SHANNON BUILDINGj?i MAIN ST.. BLOOMSHURG. nvCTonrvn n .1 . (ujuioiutu ui nil ihu ui'ucs8;ine4 .....(t. 1?.!!?...'!'", unJJ11 "chl" ' iWl.l....t..Uj...lll and larg, towns. Among,, i ,,, SUI.AR, ALL GRADE3. COFl'EE. FROM OLD Ooveriimeut Javadotvii. 'PEA, from the very best lo cheaper iuuljlies. SPICES all kinds, Dried Fruit. Hams. Dried Ceef Pork, Flour, Hotter, Cheese, Cod Fi.h, .MacKcrell. Kemcnc Oil und Lmnps.WooJ. li H'ure, llrooun, 1'aiis, Uuskats He , 6lc, Sec. Swum, Molasses. Cider Vmcirir. Corn Starch. I'n. da, Cream of 'Purler, Foreign Fruits aud 30 tons of artieicn too numcruus to ineiuiin, , All laid in sinco thu lalo FALL IN COLD and w il , ,,: o1'' tl,u lo"' CU8'' l'rlcP'' CASH PAID FOR EGGS. LAYTON RUN YON. lUooniiburg. May 37,105. NOTICE IN PARTITION. Estate "of James Raliton, deeemed. 1 (1 Matilda 'UalSton, 1 llUraina, WldOW oi ixODcrt Jtaision, anu daraca, Uonald t, Elvira and Charles, minor ohildrcn of Robert Ralston, deceased, residing m til 0 CountV ofDaunllio, John RaltttOH. ro- i ... . - . SKIIUg 111 BCIII.ylKlll uouniy imam ItalS ,0Di rc8lli1Dg m i3rai! booth Amonoa, ' Jnsiah Ralston, of Columbia County, Ac- ncs intermarried witli Marsnal ailvcrthorn residing in Breckinridge, Colorado Ter- ritory, Susan intevmarricd with Miles 0. 1 Abbott, Martha iiitertnarrica ?ith Georgo Rid Oman, aild L'lZabeth a datl!htnr of James Ra'lston, Junior, deoeased'vho ha. lor hor guardian B h, tlartumn, heirs and legal representatives of .lamef Raleton, lalo of IMoom township, Columbia County,! deoeasea, , 7'.i E NOTICE-. That in inqueftv i" bo held oil thu real e.lalu of the deceased, which lull assemble at the farm house in llloom township, i ,,lunibia county, occupied by Henry GerrUon , on l delay, the I 'h of AuguU A, D 1805. at ten o'clock, in ho forenoon and to continue until all tho real cstat t the deceased ia appraised , for the purpose of uiakie partition of thu real o.tatu of the i said deceased to .ml among hla Heirs und legal rep, reaentatives, if in, same can be done without preju dice to or spoiling the whole , otherwise to value ana appraise the sam according lo law ; at which lime and plscu you ai repined to attend if you think proper. I SAMUEL SNYDER, ( keriB OIV.' illoorasKuu, Juni 10. li- j,-w 1 NEW SADDLERY AND fey Harness Shop ! ! HTMIE undersigned, rcspce'tfully idforms jl rncciiizeni or i.iffiu Birrrt. nn.1 ih r. public thiit hr hat mencit h'ltcw toptfr' tlio mnim ractuM of all klndi of SADDLERY AD HAHNIiSS, In tho old Hloro llouio of (Ion, MoDowcll, nnd net uoor lO'Unt's BtoriMH l.lghl fitieet, hcro ht will niaiiufacture HAIIIIL.IW, TiulDI.Cd, IIAItNKSd &. to ord.-r and on muderato tenna. tQr nnpaliliiRof all klmli, cteeuted on thort notice and In good aiylo, Country pioduco nkon In ctrhantc for work and public ciitiom Invited, ELLIS I FI1EAS, MbIU Btrcat, Juno 3, IBiij. Adinliiiti atoi 's Notice. Estate oj John lldiulfuck, Deceased, LCTTKItr of ndiuliilstiation on tho I'Unto id John llcluilruck. Into oM,icuiitw.i;i!liimbii co rtct'j, !'hv..!'?''l?'"".lt!d..liy Ke?'"t.''r f .'luiliblac'i to ...Bui.ugisiimi, mi Tvfpujis iiiiviiiK nanus nuaiiAi tne catale of tho decedent arr-'retpiestcd to proaoifl them to 11,11 '""u trnior ni ma resiucnco tn raid tuwn "in I' niinnuiduiay,- anu all pcraoha Indented to inakti payment fottliwltli. SAMUEL L. KELLER, Aduiinistratur. May 27, ltCJ.-(,w J3.C0 TO THE MUSICAL PUBLIC. , 'VIM Eubscriher, 20 years a practical 1 Piano Forlo Manufacturer, of Now Vork City, I'1" t"'riiiii cntly located In this section, and would rcspectlully solicit orders for TUNING, REPAIRING, AjS'D RE(i Tt r TIVf Ir (Mn 1'rt tr td a uu'ulB" Ulv 1 Jo AND MELODEONd. .l,tn,:i,, !., i. .1 ... 'uu mauuiuuiur- cr's Aceut f(.r w Ohickerinf; Son's, tiazleton iroa, Lindojian k Son's, William H. Ilrndbnry's, Edward Bloomfii ld's, McDonald & Oo'o PIANO FORTES, Ami Caihart & Necdhaui's, and Peloubel'a MelodeoiiB and Harmoniums, And I.. U. Stuart's Pipe CHUIICH OKOAN'tt. james McDonald. ISIoomsburg, May SO, ISIS. ly FR EH II .IR RIVAL OF SPBJWG km SUMMER A T Miller's Store ' T'!!:i.h'fcir.r",r it"" JUf 'T'."' f'n",'h rMa -1 with another large and select assortmet of . oM,,AV. . ,Vi o;Mll;r r'rtrti, vrliUMr AlJ bL ll it iii liOOllg purchased nt Philadelphia, at Iho lowest figure, and whit h lltev arc determined lo rmII on a mnileritti! t on. at ran he procured elsewhere in Blooiusburg. His stork toinnrlses ' of choir' st styles and latest fashion inr goods. .ia-J) aiwcr.MKS. ! IIIU1H'111B QUKR.VWVt!i:. cr.D.111 ir.iRE, itur.wH' nuts 1MKY, AVJ.S, IIOOTH & SUOh.H 1 .17's ,f cr.v. &t , tie, ft., ' III short everylhliii! usually kept in country Blorcs 10 whirh he invito the public generally. The lllghestpri.u paid lor tountry produce. S. II. MILLER. ' Rlonmshiirg, a'ay 13. NEW ARRIVAL, At A. J. Evans' LOllilM I! Wlilij'M ! BLOOMSDURG, PENN. LATEST SYLES CAE AT GOODS M" HE uiidcriigned respectfully iufurms his frieiid.1 I mid the public generally, that ho has just received from thu Eastern cities, a l.tree assortment of JSSW G.I..O'T.H.HI5.J) boniff I In bopt ai -inrt inriit ever olfcrtMl in lliis ninrktl. Alio a ctitn pli'lv .tftflortment of Uoyn Clothing. In fa"t ovfrythUui in tho rioilimg! Tor tlmao wlln Hrdfiir In Ii-nvt! Iln'ir ntfitsiiros. a porfett lit fuaranturtl, and , clliiny but llic best n orkiiiansltip a! low oil attlibus tn Its.1! Went. Uo ult-o Kccpi) on hum. u large naort inei of BOO 'IS AND SHOES. II ATS NI) CAPS, together wllh a vari. ty of notions. ICr- "ALL AND SI.E FOR YOURSELF. CQ A. J. EVAWS. Illoo'.nsburg, April. 33, 1801. NEW GOODS " I AT( Q, KreaillCr'S StOl'C, ', jerseyTOWN, COLUMBIA Co. j ; ntian arrival of sprinu and sujimer i i OOODd AT REUUCED PRICES. ' PIIE subscriber has just retured fiotn i I'hllnuclptii.i. Willi u largo umi select assortment ol New Cooils, tiur.'h.tsed at the lowest cash ttrices. I Hi. stock lonsisls nf Ladies' Dress tiootls, Alpacas. 1 Cloakim;. FnucT r.rticles. Calicoes. Oinshams. Flfin- ""I". Hiawln. Silks, llolln., Satinelts. Cut- 1 tona.les. isuutucKy jeans, inre.iiia, iiusiuu, t iLKing, Hinriiug Groceries, Queensware. Hard I ware, Cedarware, llrooius, Mi'iliciiies, Drugs. Oils. Fish, Fait, N.lile, C.indiea. Tobacco, Segirs, llOO'I'S AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, in short. eery .lung usually'kept in a country k'tora. i Thankful fur pan patronage, old frieads tin it the nublit eenerallv. are ii.iled to call aud see fur them- it'-lvcs. I will sell goods ut i s low rates as any oilier house hi the country. 1 will not be underm!.! by Jew or lieulilo, Come niends, roll op. bring jour I'm- uuce uriug your cusu, your i.utuo.rur aiijiuiug uu luietosell. I will pay as much, and sell as low, a. ally liuunu this sine of Philadelphia ; tu comu one and i all, luiiig yuur trad", but don't ask fur mist. Poor Trust is dcud, burl debts killed him. WANTED, 200,000 Shinglea, and 500,000 feet Pine and Hemlock Timber, for which the high- n.i imrt.t nr will hi, nnij. Orain. rinllr an.l .Meaiuepton tuml tor salu at my store. C. KHEA.MER. Jerseytotvn, .May 0. ISoS , LEA1UER1 LEA 1 HER!! n"tIEundersigiiedwotildiinnounce,thatliehasophai. athisllatandCnn Enmoribin, on Main St.. Illoniiif burg, uuassortuientuf dill'erent kind of leather, such at hue calf skins, morocco, (rod and black) and linings nil cf which ho will tell cheaper than cuubu had ol.ewherr III this market. Call und exemiuc them tor yourselves. JOHN K. (JIRTON IKnonisbiirg. May '.'4. I rti 1 COLUMBIA- Insuranee Company, COLUMBIA, LANCASTER Co., Pa. Cash Capital Assets, $50 0,000. iciiaktek pi.rpetuai.) Directors : 8. C Slayinakor. John W. Bleacy, John Foudrirli Samuel muocii, wm, ration, aiuos , ureeu. Itnbl. T. Kyou, M. H Sliiimau, (ieo. Ynuug.Jr. N. McDonald. S. F. Eberleiu, II, (i .Miulcli, Edmond Spuriiig, AMOS H r.REP.N . rros l. M. S, 8I1UMAN, Treasurer GEO YOUNO, Jr , Surretary. tr" Wll insure pmperly at aa reasonable rates as will be consistent lo lha Company ami those insured. L. II. CONOVER, Agent, Beach Haven, Pa. June 10, 161. j. 00 K ET D1ARI KS .PHOTOGRAPH ALHUMS i( ALtlU.M PICrtlRES -clling ' very Ion' pure, foi cash W O PEtlRY, MaiihJ, r?i 0 W ro, bKact, Phil t.itiurjBjLjt!Ufa,wjrB Auctioneer. ''pH'E undorelgnod, would rdupcotful ly f X announce to the putlle ilnt'lie . rinct'eil hn Lloentc aa , Public Auolionocr. I'ePllna thankful for part favora ha aollelK a rnnliifM nnre oftlio kind pntronajo hcrptolnra vitended to him Poraona wlahluff my service will please rail on or addrcva me at ORANQEVILLE, Oolumhia County1, Pa. iioac wlililnr my aervlco will pleaao call unon ma before thev advertise their sales IU9 ineir aaiea. WM. SCHUYLER. Jluitimtttf . OrangcvPlf, May 13, 180.1. Fll'ES H'AIUll VA J. Spring and Summer, !vVrVi -f on- --EVERYBODY TUT, tirtilersigjftcil, rfTttU'rT-.l for past patrnna?e, respee fully Informs his eu'tuiners nnd thruubllceenerlillv fnlly Informs his cutuiners and the publlcgonerlilly he has lust received from tha Kastern cities. Iho that he has Just received from the llastcrn cities, tho lirgest and mort select stock of SPRING&SUMMER T ab oil SSA-a-A- JRK PfLM 1't.n. I.nn ... ..........I t .. tlthnid . .. ,. I , . I. . I Invites the attention Of Ms 'friends, and n'sskrea them Or lnoro Ot ttlU (Jloarfiold people, IlllUCr thai tho aro oircrcd for sale at great bargains. Ilia' . .. , ... flu ck c imprison a large assortment or r'Ullllar SCIltcni'C, Bbould ,1)0 npeodily re- UKNTI.KSIEN'B WinitlNO APPARE!,. I lp.,q,,d (,'nneistina ni Fashion Ante Datsi ChV.-s. of over dea i ""wlu' crlptlon; Pants, Vests, Shirts, Cravats Stocks, Cotton I iiauuKercnieis, uiovcs, suspeuiiers, &c. Gold Watches and .Jewelry. v., ui;i; iiu.ti ,,iiiwn, ii. iv mill viiu,'. N. II. Remember " Leutnlrrir't Cheap Kmnirium.' call and see. No chargu for examine Ootids. ijaviIi i.own.vunnn Blooiusburg, April 1, J3US. (JunoldJ!)) rffMIE undersigned being a regularly li U LCU'C'll . AUCTIONEER. Hereby rft' rs his servlres n surli to all n hn mnv r..i dispisyiVa, V'ex-p'M tho business, n 1 11 cnablu him to render satisfaction to Lis tuston ers. All pursons desiring my service's. Will ilet-.e inforin me to that irfuct before tuiy advertise. 1RAM DERR. Pnst-nincc address . Iiohrf'.urg, Columbia county. Pa. Jackson ion n hip tuiiir'il. I:ii.l. i A m eric a n Hotel, iOpposite old Independence Hall, ri!!i,i!;:i,riii S. M. llEULIN'CiS, Proprietor. Wm. II. Ih.ui.tsaa, (li'r'f;. May 37, leOS.-lini S. II. DE WOLF, HfiALEfc IN Ready-Made Clothing No 22 North Second St., Ono door aboio Race St., PHILADELPHIA. SS- Clothing made to order at the short-. est notice. May 37, 16G3.-Cm 'SCiiOLASHII'S V()ll SALE. Pittsburgh Commercial College, lllnghamptlu " " Crittenden's ' " Phlladolphia. Stratton, llr'yant Sl Cb.. " ' Theso Scrips, are'in'aUioifiKs of IS and 5U and aro nsso much cash, by thu Student on cntrjng cither of Hie above Coltegus. Young men desiring to obtain a finish '. cd Collegintn Education, will here find a good specula 1 ion by applvingat'tho olhcc ottho 1 Slay 1 .18(53 COI.UMIIIA DEMOCRAT ' G It EAT RE DUO R ION IN P R 10 E S NEW ARRIVAL OF S u m m e r Goods AT PETER ENT'S STORE, ! LV LIGHT STREET, COLUMBIA CaVXTY, PA, Dili .i spiuwiu auBnriiutiii ui MERCHANDIZE , whkli will t,c solJ 'heap for ' CASH Oil COUNTRY PRODUCE. His stoekcnnsistsof Ladies Druse Goods choicestntyles and latest fa.hiona , Calicos, Muslins, Ginghams, Flannels, Carpets, Shawls, Hosiery, Silks, READY MADE CLOTHING. Cassimcros, Satinet, 'Cottonadcs, Kentucky Jeans, Thread, &o. Groceries, Qucensware, Cedarwarc, Hardwaro, Medioinea, Drugs, Oilb, Paintd, &a BOOTS & SHOES. HATS it CAJ'S. In short .very thing uninliy kept in a country lore. The patronage of old friends, aud tho public genera ly, is respeitlully solicited. The highest market price paid for country produce PETER EN'P, Light Street, May C,, 181.5. Administrator's Notice. Estate of David Vandine, Deceased. J ETTERS of administration on ihc i i Estate of David Vaudiuo l.ttc of .Madison t.t 11 . Columbia county, deceased. Iiatubero g-,r :d by th Register of Columbia county in tile tiudcrsicuee , all parsons havlhg claims again", ihu. estate of thede- "-nod.' hiding,,; t satd.lwtnlhiwlniodeiavraud all pctsons indebted to make payment furihwilll JOHN A. FUNSTON, Administrator. May(i,iso3.-ow$3oo . Administrator's Notice. Estate of Abraham Keifcr, Deceased I ETTERS of administration on the j E.tato of Abiahan. KeiTer. late of Orance twp.. Columbia coun.y. deceased, have been granted by lho Register of U.ilu.nbia cu to the undersigned , all tie. ..,11 havhnr claims nirartnirt the e.latc ol the tlecedeul aie reouested to prerent them to lha A ilnimlalialor at his risidenco lii llloouishurg, wiihoul .lelu. and all' per.ons indebted to make nSyment rnrlhwith. MICHAEL F. Ei ERLY, AJmiiiistiatm; Mayo, 1605 - 6w $3 STATUS WiMON HOTflili. C0.1 mi J COS Maikct Street. Philadelphia, rTMIIS Hotel Islocated in the very centra nf buaiiies. J. and is near tho respuctaclo places ?f umusi'iii nt which make It particularly desirable to persona visiting Philadelphia on business or pie ar.urc , and Ihe Mai.ap.-i hopes by cloto peiaonul altention to the wants of hi j ht sucits to make H a cutnfoitiblb homo for much da ,i.i i . with thf ir psttunage J. D. UAVl!i ciSOK, I'toii'm, IOHN SlIOCiaEY.tuiit Mar 23, 1301 -13 r.'H. Execution of the Conspirators. Payne, Azcrolh, IJar iold and Mrs. burrat, WftTa' llliri I'OCIfifllnir o j , at Washington. Dr. Mudd, Arnold', and O'Laiughljf to be imprisoned for life. Spani;!cr; six years ! in Albany Prison. lUOTe I unions, President JoilNHOff. . ...... ... ' ua pardoned Mat. JAOIHI WlLIIKIiM. of .01earnld oouoty,- who had bueu lentouooit to tine and iU3prisoninnot iu lort Mifflin, jby the military llunkiee at nnrrisbUr'g,bo. ,0auao hn a ni.,nft..rnf SbidB doles The President has also pardoned tho guerrilla Moabcy. Abo TrcnlwlUUia Sec rotary of tho Southern Confederacy, and he has gouo lo Charleston. j Administrator'? Notice. ' Estate of James Laflferly, Deceased, j J ETTER3 of Administration' on the I iJ Esltto of Ja.cs I.alftrty late of nrisrcraek township, Colu'i.bia county, deceased, have been gran ted by the Hcglatcr or Colnmbu county tn tho unde, mgiied ; all persons having claims ugninsl the astatu of 1,10 ' ""dent are rouueste I to prestnt them to tho "l!!!. iurii nil. WILLIAM E VELA NT), Administnitor, June i?l, IKCi.-Ow S'l 00 Administtatbr's Notice. Estate of Andnw Hess, dceeascd. IlTTEtle' of administration, de bonis non, cunt ici j tatvriito attcxo, on tlic estate of Andrew Hiss, lata of Hugurloaf township, CM. Co., deceased, havo been cranted b the lleirister of Columbia countv tn tiiu mi tie sigiH'd i all persona having claims against tho as 1!,:,: tb'loy.aiid all psr.Diis iudebtodto in ilfj piyinnt fouh 1 1 ii . RICHARD HESS, Admlnii Irotd- Aprll 3'J le(M.-Gw 1 BARGAINS ! BARGAINS! IF YOU WANT TO BUY Spuing and Summer S'OEt'OS G OTO Creasy 's.Storp, in light Strccf, Pff 'Who Keep all Kinds of MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGfiA, FLANNELS, CARPETS, HOSIERY, SHAWLS, Ready-made Clothing Sugars, Molasses, I Syrups, coffees, , Teas,' Fish, Salt, Bacon, Hams, Lard, Tobacco,- eganij Hats,- Boot-, ( Caps, Shoes, ! ' Drugs, Oils, i Paints. .to., he. In addition tn our large stork or Dry Oooits, we hu P lnnn1. .,. .... ilMl.t,, ... J., t,... i-n . sell cheaper linn can bo bought elsen here. Call and I vu, uiio juttgu iur yourselves , G" They also keep a fine assnruiie lit olIir.U(i' an.i . SILUICI.MES. t.. suiply the alui-n of a rdgolar Drug I Kloru In Light Stre. t. whfUi will bo carel'ul'y com pounded ud suitably d'reclud for ihu aicouiodation l i.teii cu.iuiners. II. W. CREASY. & Co. I li'ht Street, April SO, li-05. Or. Talbott's Pills. N'ii-DYSPi:ric) t'oi.iposed of highly CuucentrateJ Extracts from ROOTS AND UERUS Of the greatest mudieiuil value, prepared from tha original prescription of the eelebrnt, u Dr. Talbot!, und used by him with lemarkable buclv.s for tneuty years. An infallible remedy In all DISEASES OF THE LIVER, or uny derangement of , THE DIGESTIVE ORGANS, j They euro Diarrhoea, Dyspepsia, Sorof i ula, Jaundice, Biliousness, Liver Complaint. The woll-knnnn Dr. Molt says of these 1'IHs : ( havo used the formula from whiih your I'll, a aro mado. iu my practice Pir over li years; they havothe 1 finest ell'ci't upon thu Liver und Dige.tlvo Organ or t any medicine iu the tvoilt!, and are the most perfect 1 Purgnlivn which has ever yet been made by anybody 'I hoy are safe nnd pleasant to late, l ot powerful to cure. Their pentliuliug projurt es stimulate the vi tal actit Hies of thu b idi, runny.' lho obstructions it its organs, purify tlio blood, and .'(pell disease. I h tf purge otit'tho foul humor ivhnh br.'ed and grow 'Mr temper, stimulate slugsuti or t-isorilered oigau. inft their natural action, Mid linput a healtliv loua with sirengih lo lho whole system. Nit only tin they cur : lliu every day c omplamts of ever, budy, but also foi midubtc and daugero.u diseases, and being urely veg ctahle uiu I'.ee from any riskor hurni 'o person who has once used lb. su Pills will over be thsin." They ireate pure blood and remove all impurities from ihe system hene-o are a positive euro for FEVEliS, HEADACHE. PILES.MER CURIAL DISEASES AND HER EUITARY HUMORS. DuSE-t'or nilults, one P.U in the moriiiug , I r ihll. dred under 8) cam, half a Pill. C3" Price One Dollar pt r ftos. Trada fUppllt'd, or SCUt by Mail, po-t paid, to 'r J 1 I I t , any pait Ot 1110 Uultl'd States Or OanmluS receipt ot price. -None Uenu.De with- Ollt the fui'Mtllile HffliatUrC of V. Mott -ttll)0tt, M. D. . .MO IT TALDOT 1' it Co., No 62 Fulton St., New York. May j7.1tM.-iy cj (nvp. 2, Tillvn Imh lO C X 1 111V, ai C !lOp JHHE undersigned informs tl)0 publtO ill I .B..ra n at ho has ooencil a 6U" ' " " , 'Jell' " NLW TIN SHOI , , , . ,v In the building f irmily oicnpie.l by P. 3. Aloyer, 'or be ow thu Culuinbia Deinoornt OrRc-. o.i J on" .Main Slreit. nioout.burir. w In ro ho will niakn all kin,l. Tin-Ware and Repuiriiis, in good style and ua luoJ.o ale terms, STOVES of all kinds anJ qualities for stle or fur. nished to order tSy Country produce taken r.ud rHiblio . ...11.. !'... S uustoiii rcupcuuuiiy soitoiieu. JACOB METi.Jr. Plconiabuig April 59. 180,i -ly New B a Ruhr Shop. THOS. D BRON, Barfer, BI.OOMxBl (.oluaibM lu. r. .rtll?o .en ' l!