4 A. Saturday Morning, July 1,1865. isr Miiniy thanks for that Serenade, .... Inet rPifnafln it OtTOl! llllf. U 2 tsST Our Berwick flieuds aro to baVO , , tWO Co Durations in tUC aUOlCUt lSorOUllll ., i tt . OD t II 0 I OUT til of July, Ceif" Wo are cratlUBU to bo ablotOuaVt , . , , ,,' to present to our renders, another of tlio i able letter.) from our friend ' JebpehsoN.'' CST" Senator L'uckam w, has nur thanks for a copy of the Navy Register of the Unitiid States, for 1805. CST Our neighbor of the Stor,givs no tice, that in coesequenco of tho anniversary eoason no paper will bo issued from that office next week. Tub Rain. We were favored on Tues day with a gentle thower tlmt has cooled the n i r nod made us nil feel the refreshing effects of u change in the atmosphere. t Its'" No paper chronicled the facts 1 1. ,r llin tirinrehS ol tha war. so truthfully i n r- n and intelligently as the Age, As a dem oorutic organ it is bound as .1 news print it n reliable. C"TiieOld Guard is hero for July. It is n live Mngfzine. Mr. Dunn, deserves the tlmuki of the great demo- fTatio party, everywhere, lor Ins able anil fearless defeuso of our cherished princi ple!!. fiQT Go to tlio I'xi'hatigo Hotel and see ouo of tho cheapest, simplest, and best Inventions of tho age. This County and S, hujlkill for f-alc. Now i.- your tiino to m;ike money and serve the people. Ct3-"Tho Massachusetts Scnato has passed a law imposing 530 flue for mak in diacriu.iiiattou on account of color in nny iun, place of amusement, public con veyance, or public meeting." fcgy- Waiter thinks that the country is likely to hear of numerous fires like that at Nashville, within the next few weeks, including tenible destruction of govern monl properly. The quartet matters' re ports are boiu demanded. Fire strikes nuch a olcir IjI.iocc. AlliilVAl. Tho MOth and 150th regi uicnlH I'ennsi Ivania volunteers (Buck tuN) irr. ved in 11 irrijburg ytsUrday, from Hlmira, N. Y .win re tlu-y have hueii doinn guard duty over the lebtl prioui rs til that place. Tho two reyiiileuts com bined iiuuihi r B87 uh'u. jiy. Tho CossTiTunosAr, Advocate, published at Ashland, Schuylkill cmnty, - I'.i , by Jlfssrs Neuwuhl it. NcUinlcy. last with uunipletul ti lir.-t volumo. The Advocate in an txeiHent democratio jour nal and deserves wi ll ilie putrtti:i.c t has received. Jjjng may it wave. BsSr Our Cut. ivaior, for which we in nuircd in our last i-iue. was retutucd on Monday and dej cbittd in cur Barn. It was li. km away without leave and de laiuid ncai two wci ks nt a time when we (Itemed it mont, and then Micukingly re turned Such a fellow is a bad neit'llhor, ' alld the IJC.t lime he rilav-Ul SUeh it frUllli, 1 I C .-hill be txpostd. rvp The Ab..l,tionfauaii a inte. d ho' I-' u iui. , lu ' HOW-WOW oil the Fourth 1U Green- W33d. OlIB Old ivjC. With "uinrcr Ctl 1 i- ,, the brain," and -'Lustiness in his Heart, , ts expected to dcsnatit largely ami learn- edly upon ''(Joppet head'" audltTruitors. ' ( Wc advise our ioyal friends and I rave Soldars, to heawaio of the iinpo.-itions xnrl iiii,riint'riirtiiiin of our countries ailQ llllsripiisciKailoils Ol our wuuun-n woht r.bil bitterest enemies. -. PnrdoriS by Ia' I'icsi'tetil. President .... . , Johnson is in limously aaJ liumanaly cs- ... ercittn' iltO Paidoiling prerogative. Every ... ., ,:i'.,;.. r..,n- mail, bungs tho gratilying tntclligenee , ...(' r . , i . that Some poor Victim Ot tanatical despot- ism, has been released f.om tho military . .. , , t.iii n i Inniilo and from brutal bondage. God prailt tlldt ho may continue the good be- ' a in work, in objdiense to his Constitution- h (ihlit'ttlioil, UOtWIthstaildlllC the unatll- 0 i ii t , i i-t I'llKlS ill the Loyal blooJ-ho'intU OI the 1 1) if tiut'ttnu iiumiiiiMraiiwu. CSS' One thing seems lo bo ecltlcd ,viz : that Johnson is to be ihe President, and 1 that thu fanntiiB liko Sumner and his crew nrotonceivu no favor at his bauds. I They niest lake a back seat in thu onini-! bus. So far, good for President Johnson. Tl, innr.t In-, omIq innqi-t from llin dostriifl. . " .. .. ., !' TlVe UliailOS, IU0 more popular in. will rir.r-.mii TIip rnnnirv now Deeds Jack. DecmiH. j tie country now noeus jacu- n i.n firmnno. ,..u n tinnmi III ttolltl nn . " ' ' ' ' L' -u I l-" l- " I '4y. With these tlio people will S00U bo (mi ted and prosperous again. CS" We want to know ol the Republi. I i-ans where they stand in regard to tho Administration of Andrew Johnson. Da they approvo of all ho has done aud aro thoy ready to support all ho may do hero after 2 That U what thoy demanded of the Democrats for tho last four years in ordtr to prova tfuir "loyally'' and "it's a poor rulo that wou't work both wa-ys." Andrew Johnson may do tome things that roay not set very well on Abolition stom achs, but according to tlio rule entoblish ed by themselves thoy are bound to swal - . . , .... . , , 40W IJJfl rlo.O. I ni'J must Stand Up 10 tllO raca KcvuSVDt)crtiocmcnt0 1 -.-r- .- -- ! Auditor's Notice. Estate of Henry (!, Room. Deceuscd. rPlIB undersigned Auditor, nppointod X by tha Orphans' Court of Columbia county In make distribution ofthabalanco in the bands of Henry Ulu.a, administrator of Henry M. Knona. late of Hem. lock township, In nlil county, deceased, among tha t .overal creditors of Ihn decedent, In tha order calab Hahod bylaw, will attend at Ilia nfflce, In lllnomabiirg, ,oa BATUltOAY. Tllll IJth day of AUGUST NEXT, U 10 o'clock A, Mi, of laid day, for tha purpose of making the dlstrlbu'lou, All persons having claims tl&od to present ttioni to thu Auditor on that day, er bu debarred from coming In for a abara of tho fund ROBERT 1. CLARK, Auditor. lUoouuburg, July I, I Bl -411.5(1 St. Otiarlcs tiote., Cor. Wood and Third Streets, PITTSBURG. , Conveniently located to the Depot and central in Ih, oJirJe"0 ,,e"1 ,UC"11"" "IJ ,U ,ra""1-"- ( inouarate. SEITillilt Si RIAL, Jntyj-.y l''ttfiiUiiri OP IVnlnnhln Mn Msfn(n. , dur-rs'im undersigned, executors of tho cs- " tltu "P Mutlinr McDowell, talc of Hcott town, fiiip,,.i)iiiiiioi.iciiiiiiv, iinieiueu, win oner ni public JmeVl'a .''!JnU "f "'del Evcrltt. Orange- ' . r ir ion- CHIlUrclay, JUly lo, ISOj, nt 1 o'clotk r. M the following described tratta of land: N'n. I. Situated in the towns! Ip of Orange, boon. ' ded by landi of INnler it llulcliuoa, Ocorga Kellner and otheia, tuntalninj 59 Acres and 30 Perches. tim ubuvu, containing .... .. cii.i.i.u.i in u,o sa.ne iov,iiniP, oi.a aiijoining 51 Acres and 120 Porches. No. 3. aitualuJ in aamc town.hip, joini.ij the above, contains 52 Acres and 55 Porches. No. -I, situated and bounded as above, contains 50 Acres and 117 Perohcs. No 3, adjulning above, contains 53 Acres and 42 Perches. No. G, adjoining above, contains 47 Acres and 07 Perches. No. 7, also adjoining r.bnvo. contains 50 Acres and 72 Porches. No. 1), situated and bounded as above, contains 40 Acres and 123 Perches. N l, nl-n situated in .aiuu township aud bourded by above, (outatna 33 Acres and 83 Perches. i All Itie above described trails lire timber land, nnd will bo ollWed nl puiillc fale on said day. Terms will lie madu known uu day nV s. lu. I PETEH EXT, ) n , theo. Mcdowell.? Julv ISliS - la KEUEIPl'S FOR JUNE, TO THE mi ITMH! A H IfAf f iHI? A T :0. j. T!u. r,,11Q-!nc nniMninl.l., I.n ,,w b i"v'v"' umu w.ui t,t tlio lt.lllh',l h'mi.... fP.rt,. .1....; : -)"-,,.u.,.ve1uuug tliu iiiuiuti ui utliit;, louu ; U Si')mntir Si-hi li 3. '5 00 WinPLeidy, 3 on llirnui F l.ventt, , I! OH I) K Slnau, I 70 I'h-nis Thoinis, 1 07 9 11 Pr, nii. 3 In Win Hnpp. r. fl III) ) Win fihanVr. B ho II A Swi-iii'iiliiscr. (. nq ) Ibiiuc lit ss, 4 (l.i J Oi-.i W liniicei, lJ I'i . Ja-jier Demott, J IS (no W Welliver. 2 ill ' liiitin Ort. 13 (lu '-' 30 a 3o 2 30 a on 2 10 3 (-0 5 .10 .1 .0 '-' 11,1 i .1)1 a oo a oo jnn J Mines. i;,q , (Iri'i'iiwo.id Pet, co , J. hn Ktstli . (.'has Neyhanf, h'oil Co C 11,11.1 lion Jih. Mnxwell (!en VV Fr. eze, 1 in II 11,'inoti, A Kline (dram;.-) lluh Mct'otliiiu, " has II Tyretnan, Win I'arbiK. J Kreamir. Erq., A K Suiiili Jacob Harris, Esq , I ev J 1' Dicttcrich, Win I'el.i'iig. i-'ertt. li W Sti-rner. 8 K Kline, V.q., J 1' Fowlor Esq.. Cinngdl Ac Neihard 10 uO ' J I! Loneeiibitger, i kfi I , ,. 7 .IF, s , A - Ji.l'."r?';.or("""0"') it!?. 72? .VcviC.':r', ??2 1 . J ( Owen II liyirly. 3 30 i! .',11 4 50 (J II llannan,L, I uu I'p Church. 3 00 ) J C Hun k. i:,q., .1 00 , Joh'i lluey, 30 3 00 .1 uo We have small receipt, fnr June. This is owinir tj Ilie fait, that in hate not been mil h out to cnllicl, I and that people have othi I.uiik-sh in harvest, be; ttm ini till, I'rititei.. Iliiri,,,. III. I... I ...mill, ,v I pajingtlio rrintcr. During tin- lad mouth we liavo uni bills to tinny of nur customers and wu earnestly feu, il ril tln.ln til remit m r,ur , Inn. ..... 1 1 1 1 li . . . . , .1.. lay. j A I,,TI;.I'1M:WN c"red ,o1, V,,J j- Debility, Prematuro Decay, and lite etlitls of youthful nnlis reli will be happy t fuml.h oth rs Willi the mi'iius of cure, (riiKK or iuaroh:.) Tliisieiu cy simple, sate, and certain. For full pirliculars, by ri turii mail, plcnse ud, ress JOHN B. OGDEN GO Nassau Strett, New York, June it, iei'5.-3m BRIDGE LETTlNGsl ry jj County Coinmissioners will re- ceivu prupoials at William llnlnie'a In nenton lmviifl,ii). Columbia county, betwien tlio hours of 1J M-:i M "" Monday, the KUh day rf July, 1S05, r ir building; an Arch Covered llrnlgo over Fishing. riuiii. near tile ib-Biim ic. ul . tui iiurns, niuu iifinei' tobu loufeet beuveiu ni.atmenu; wmiii isfc.ti height Id feet 11 inthes from low watt r mark, Theabitmciits to be 7 re. t thick, nnd the mug wall on the upper side of i:.it abutment 'JU feet lung, and on juwer side of s;,id ahuunHin inn-u long They will also receive proposals al Joshua II. lies.' inSntailn.if lowii.hip. d.luii.bia county, brtwemthe hours ..f 10 a. m and jp. m..o Tuesday, the 11th day of July, 180o, . , ,. , , " , ,. for building an Ar. h Covered llnilge over l isl.lng- ''rci k. near the residcure ol the said Joshua 11. Ursa. Said bridge o bu IW liet bitwetu abutments; wid h ' imSea ; height is feet io inches Trom low- water mark. The abutments to be 7 feet thick, and wiug-wall on upper Bide or Cut abutment 25 feet long . the wing-wall in lower t-ide of said abutment 111 loll long.uiid none required cm te upper aad lower kl ll! tf tVi.kt llSlltlllf.llt. II) order of tho Conmiii.ioucrs. ROBERT C. FRUI T, Cleik. CoiiimissioiierR' Office ) lllooiusbnrg. June 21, idi 5, j GENERAL ELECTION Printers les) S3.00. Commissioner. TOHN F. FOWLER. Eso.. of 'Pino .J township, we are authorized to aiinouiice. will 1 5 a candidate 'fur nnnvi'V fniVT-3invPi vww,. v v ... .k. .,, . . , At I.lnn II. tli..-nl Pl.rlini, -..Klo-l tn Hi. ( decision of thu Colninbia Couuty Diuiocratic Cotivcu. I June 17, IBb5.-tc tUo!sijnih5iuiur- WM. R. DEMOTT, of Madison twp., no aro authorized lo aiiiiouiicc.wlll be a can. t'ldnte for COUNTY COMMISSIONER, At Ihe iipprnniltiug General Election, subject to Iho iicti .tu,, . i uiv uuiuhivi. u,iiiv,iuii. v.. f ah., f .nl.. ...,.l. I ...ti,... II ......In rn,r.ii tinn. Juno 18, I8C3.-IC Candidate for Treasurer. JU11IN ,J &J IJaCiCJ, OI noillOll lOWnMiip, Ihrniigh Iho earnest solicitation ofliis many liciu. ouatlc friends, has been inducrti to oner iiiiusi ir ni candidate for ilie,.i;l,e nt ''REACRER of l oluuibia county, subject to thaileriiinit or the Heiuo. ralic l.ini. vcntlon, which will be held on tho2stU of August next llentnn, May 27, IW.5.-83 ' I.) LANK BOOKS & STATIONARY, I Bl , supr'-'o i " iiaii... eiritiiaiitt .nu , uhiiij ,Jinv--if of Ihe bett inauii.l Ciders by mail pimoplly at .tended in w. li. PERKY tendsd tn W. 11. PERU .Match t, IS ii 4th and Rare Miccts, I hil'a JPJtf r Mmif WHEAT, per bushel. I 4d I flUTTEIU , . . rtvu., " " 1 00 CQUd ... JO uuitr. BUCKWHEAT. " ill POTATOES. 60 3 00 . su . 17 50 10 mi DRIED APPLES, HAMS UACO.V, . . FLOUR per Mil. oi.ovurlaRKU, to oo FLAX SEED . 'J JO IIUCKWIICAT Flour. 3 00 hay ny the ton. 10 00 CHICKENS, per pair. 40 SPECIAL NOTICES. ONE PRICE CLOTHING. JONES 11 OLD ESTABLISHED ONE P It JO E CLOTHING HOUSE, 601 MeiLet treet, (Above Sixth,) PHILADELPHIA. At JOVRa'L'frrnt nnn p,lf n.i.i.. u. loweit itlllng prlcuia marked In plain llcurni nncacli article, and never varied. All buy alike, whether "J?.?.! wa!,PilnLn aubWilai and fallilonali, article , ahuuld not lull to go lo JONES', 001 Mtukct Hi net, One Prioo 5ioro. May 13, tdOJ.-ty QIMf't t,' llflV ni) lllUMTiDirniro u.k, va.. ijiiui.uiijiiiiu l'ljji.a coutaini moro vcgotauio extrno- tivn matter than twenty baxea or any plUa in tha world bealdea, nfty'flvc hundred pbyaiclana uio them in their practice lo tho exclusion of other purgatives. 'I he , yf lel( v.u. yBl ,cllta.,y u,,,,rcllCll. Whcnlliiiy art better known sudden dcalli and con. tinue.l sickneaa will beoflho pa.l. Let those whu know theiu apeak right out In their favor. I lis a duty wlilili will suvu lile. Our race are aubjict to a redundancy of Dialed bllu at tlila acaaon, and it is aa dangerous os.lt ij preva. lent; but Urandtclh'a fills nffurd an iuvnluilile and tinclcnt protection. Ily their occasional uj we pre- , icnuhu collection of those impurities, whic.l, when in auincicniquautmca, cause so much danger to tho body, health. They aeon euro liver complaint, dy. nen.la. Iim iif nuiii'Illo nln l il... Ii .n.t l...... i...... pain In Iho breast bone, audden fainlnesa and costive- neaa Hold by all respectable Dealra In Medliinca. ,ilay'.'7, lehj.-lin , will. i. ji.iiiiai?. A Uergynian.,whlle residing in South America as n niltsiouaryi.dlscovtrcd a safe and simple remedy or me core acniiui laknciu, i.ariy utiay, Ills eases nf tho Urinary and Seminal Organs, and the l.l.nla.uln.,f .lLn,.t.. l.,r...,l.l .... I... I.n...r..l -...I ...,u.v .......... u.uu(,.. U uuu.iui vicious habits. Crcat numbers liavo been already cured by this noble remedy. Pr. niplcd by a deire to benefit the nil! clod and unfortunate. 1 will feud the , recipe for preparing and, using litis medicine, in a , sealed envelope, to any olio whu needs it, I'KEE OF i en Anon. I Please inclose a post-paid envelope, addr cued to jourself. Address, JOSEPH T. INMAN. . hlallon 1), llibte Uuu.e, N. V. I ity. , April 13. ltTi3 -y I THE BltlDAL CHAMBER -A note of warning nnd udviLd to those sutrer.ng with Seminal ' Weakness, Oeneral Debitily. or I'ri'iiinluru Detay.lroui w halevcr cause produced, ltead, pmider, and rettectl , lie uit in time. I Sent FllEUIoany address for the heiirfllof the alllict vd. Sent by return mall. Address. ' JAMES S. BUI EEIt, 420 Broadway, Nnv York. April 8, letV. 3 in. 11ISKEUS I W HISK ERS ! Do y..u , wnnt Wlu.kers or Mottaches 1 Our (ireciaii 1'iuiip'iund will force them to grmv nn the sinontlti'pt face or chin, or hair, on bald heads, in Six VVc Ks. I'riio, SI UU, Hem by mail anj w hero, tinsel) sen id, ' on receipt uf price. Address, ; vVAHNnrt . CO., Uox ISI, Urooklyn, N. V. February IS, Istij-y. Deafaoss, Blmduos &. Catarrh, Tieated w ith he utmost uccess, ny nr. J. .i..a( Oculist and Aurlst, .114 IM VP. Slrerl.l'h (formerly nf Leydeu. Holland,) 'No. hiladelphia. Tesliinnniuls Irnui the ;os, te iVbie sources in Uio City and Country can bo swell at his office. Thu medical faculty aro invited lo i accompany Iheir patients, as hi ha, no seciitin his , practice. AUTiPIClAl. F.VE3 liiscrled without I'ani. I ,o cntirKO ui.iiiu inr enaimiiauuii. February II, Ic'u5. f Julys!, 1S0I, l'Jin IF YOU WANT TO KNOW - I IiTLU EVEUYiillM! rilntir.g to tliu hn- ' A inita. system, in.tlu nnd female; thf iniifis and tientment ol diseases i the n.arriago cU'Ioiks of the world; !i"W lo m.irrv in II and a thou viu.l tiling, uuv. r published before read the ruvii-ed nnd enlarged !di im, ir ' Medical Coiuiniiii Sense," a curious hook for rar ous people, anil a good k f..r uvery one. 400 nYae T 10(1 lllustn Hons, t'-ce 5I.5U. ( imtents table JeSl fVue to nuya-ilre. Hooks may be h id . it -ho K.n.5r.... .i k, st limmili. m.i naid on re , 72' llooktilures, or will be sc.t by u ml I. post naid in re CotlUlWll, Atffi:, Double, UU'l Noil-t.Z-7 XT, 1 ceipt ol Ihe price. 11 II. FuOlil. .M. D.. . , ' . , . '"i 1 ' 1130 Hroadwtiy, New Vork. ' ClIipHoil , I'ai duilCi.L deeds February 4, 1803. lu). THE PHOENIX PECTORAL Will Cute Tour Cough. THE PHOENIX PECTORAL; , OR. CO.MPOIJND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY AtSlIN-l EKA 8NAKE ROOT. Will Cure the Diseases of tho ! Such as Colds, Coughs. Croup, Asthma,' Uroiichilis, Ojtarrh, Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Whooping Cough, ttc. Its timely use will prevent l'ULMONAUY CONSUMPTION, And even where Una fearfnl disease is fully devel oped it will alford more itrllef than any other mcdi. cine. ; ). Lawrence tietz, ex-Spcnker of tho Pennsylvania : llouso of llepresentatives, says : "This congh reme- I . , . . -.1 I i.. t .1... t...-,.nj I collie co.umuui.y. ill cnrative quulitiea hiving been .......I 4,., .k........lj .uiili II,.. ,trIIIVin runll. lettedby thon.ands Willi the mo.l gratifying resnlts. , It is carelully and skillfully prepared from Wild Cherry Uark and encka Suai-c Root hyDr. Levi Ober. holtier, u reputable physli inn ot liioculxvillo. Pa., and is sold by nearly all druggMi und country store keepers." D. P.Crosby, ci-Postmastcr und ci-Purgess of Pott. town, certifies as follows : TolTSTomi, Jan. 3, Ic'f.S. i'his ceitidea that I have used the Phoenix Pectoral in my family, and 1 recommend il to tho public ns tliu very be. t remedy lor Cough uud Colds that I have cvtr irieu, cold.exEom (hn, it mull ",""a,'f-,,."y ,cv",1T,,.,"i ',!'rninv.',!!ia mpanied with n Cronpy Congh.sobad.lndeod, lid u it talk and breathe. Having heard so much said about Iho I liocnix I'i ttnral, 1 prucur.d a bnttlaofil. The first dose rulloves the dillicnlty of breathing, and beforu Uu-child had taken one-fourth of tliutoltie It was eiilirely well. Ev.rv family sho d havo 41 ih Iheir house. I). P. CROS1IY. j. c. smith, drugei.t. of Neiy iiopo, iiucks county, days since i bought two di-zcn of your v iiuabiu cough remedy to try, and find it very gno.Und as it is near. ! ly ail goiiu I would like you tu send mo u gross nf u. "Your medicines gives better satisfuction than ,ui.y other 1 have ill Ihe Horn. I am agent lor some of thu most pttpuiar cough propan.iions, but yours seem, to 't'f'o!.,ri:gn;ianUeitract from a letter from llirau. Ellis, merchant, mar I'oltniiwn, I'a : "I have tried l'et'T'lVi! any o.hcr thai 1 have ever hid in my store." Ihe proprietor or this meilicirto lias so mucn conn- prietor ot mis ineuicino uas su nuicn cuiin- dence in its curative powers Irmn iho lestlmony oi p".",1.'SwJ n o'ls" ot'a Ld 'with itseirecis. it ... ... i, es.nnt t inkn i hat children crv for it. I Prico I KIRTY-FIVE CENl a ; Largo Uottlcs UNL. iwll t ,n ... .. p ... ...., i M, , mtendeu lor oniy our riass tu uisva.us, hi.i' ly, those of Ihe Throat oud Lungs, fljr Prcparud only by LEVI OBERHOLTZER, M, D., Phunixvillo, Pa. Bn,lbyall Druggistsand Ktnrekoo,.ers. JOHNSTON, IIOLI.OWAY, k COWIIENt No, 23 l North Sixth Street, Philadelphia, and F. J. YELI.S Ac Co,, No. llSl rnuklin Stroet, New Vnrk, General Wholesale Agents. Bold bv E. P LUTZ and EYEIl At. MOYER. Drug gists, llloniu, burg, and by nearly every druggist and country storekeeper in Columbia county. N. II.-II your neeten diuggntor siotckt-eper doea pot keep this medicine do not I'l bun put you off with uni'. other medicine, but send at unci to one of tha agents for it Jure 'II IW3 -Urn IllllllHUUrtWIli luMl't I U. fj. 7-30LOAN- TSfliltSf- SliKIISS, Ily luilhnrlly of the Fcrrtinry of iho I'reaiiuy, lb uflilorslgnedi tha lienor il Subscription Client for tho calj of United Slutca .Securities, oirr Initio public tho third acriua nf Treasury .Vote., hsarlnl stivnn and IlirecUnlhs per cent. Inlcrcit por annum, known aa the 7-UU LOAN. These notes nre Issued under dale of July IS, IMS, and aro payable three yenre from that date In curren cy, or aro '.onverllbto at tho nppcratlon nfthe holder Into U. S. 5-20 Six per c.CHf. u 0 L D IJ H A11ING1JONDS Tlicao nond aro now worth a handiomc premium, ' and are exempt, a. are .It ovenment t.ond.. rao, Statr, Couhty, aro Municipal taxation, which ddh . raoM oic to Hints rtR ckut rR annum omun ril UK. according to tie rate levied upon other pronnly.- 1 TliolnterMl la pa)al,lo aeinl-aminnlly by coup..n at- ,IU,IC1 1 '"BlIi nn'o, ttlnt.li may be cut BIT and aold I) nny bauk or btnki'r. The Inti real rt 7.30 per cent, ninniinla to One cent per day on a S5U noto. Two cents " " " 8100 ' Ten " " " 8500 " 20 " 81000 " 1 " " 85(100 " . N"lc nf ,l10 "conilnntinnaiioined will be piouipl lyturnishcd upon riceipt of 8Ubacrlptioiif. Thc.ole of lliii 'I'hlrd aurlc. are nrerl.alv .1 . Ilir '"f" ".'.."vltegc, to tho Scve-1.le. a.r-ady aold, exceptth.it tho Cove-nmeiit reirervca to itself the option of palng liiterot ingolit coin at 0 per-rent., lntiad of 7:i.l0tha in currency. Hub.ctltiera will do- duct the Interest in currmry up to Jjily,.15lli. nt tho I The d. llvcty of the nntea of hii third aorlca of tin Siivcii-llilrtlcs will toiimtiico on th.i Nlnf June, and will be maile pruinpl'yaiidconlliiuouily aller that date Tlio sllghl ch.nigi! made In the londltlniis of tills Tlllltl) tiEltlEH nirecu onlvtlio matter of intorest. 'I he payment in gold, if made , w 111 bo equivalent to tlu currumy luiercst of tho higher rain. l,h The return lo apcclr tiavmcnta, In thuVi ntofwhl only will the option to pay interest in Cold be availed .,r ,..i.i i i n made Ith tx per cent, In gold would Lu fully equal to those made with ajven and tlirtetenlha per cent in currency. This Is i ill, iJVJlXll 11 ti .1 IV IV. lj L Nmv otleied l.v the Oovonimm.t. and .t.,ir ! vantages unikc it hu OUOAT l'()l'(i,All LOAN OF Till! PEOPLE, Loss thin SlW.Oid.liail or tho Loan authorized by ' uii-uii v.oiicre.8 nre now on ino matKel. Tilts amount, at tho rate at which it is beinv nti.orlv.,1. uiti ...n I... 1 suh.c.iLed fur wllhin sixty days, when tlio notes w 111 ! undoubtedly cuinimnid u i,rui..liiin. ;i. Im. mi,!!',,,,!. 1 been me rase on c'using Hie buIjiciI, lions to oilier loans. In order that citizens of every town and section of ! lli country may bu ntrurded lucilitles fur taklHg the loan, tltu Nulional Hanks, Stale Hanks, mid Private' '"V" seucrai.y agreeu i.if ivluivi; ffuustiii'iiuiis ni 3UUaH;r inrrs Will PU led tlicir u.n ag'-ntt, in wliotu they liavu couftdence. 1 ami ho onl uru t Im ri'upotiaibte fur tliu it(.lii ry of iliu iiutuit Tor li icli tlioy recti vu order. i JAY UOL'KE, ! Sua'i riptiiin LNT. Philadelphia. CSiib3Cripliona will be receited by tlu Flrnl N'a tluiial I'a nk nflilounisburg. 31i.y flj, Ii-LS. 3m ELAiS K?. I I' 4 3 G iVl s" a i (ro tTfitV o 5 O') BONDS. Marriage Certificates for Ministers of the Gnsnel Si Justices of the ,. 1 eace, . .. .. ! SCHOOL' ORDERS & ARTICLES OF AGREEMENTS. LEGAL J! LANES .- (Sum moils' Siibpociiea.s EXECUTIONS. Sl AliHiCAS AND OAl'lASE. WARRANTS & COMMITMENTS. Note3 ; with every othtr kind of Blanks, for sale at the office of tho 1 COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. PROVISION STORjg A large Siock of Family GRO CERIES and Provisions gen erally, just opening, and for i ale by Vi (loltisale and Reta. 1 AT THE SHANNON BUILDINGS, MAIN' ST. BLOOMSBUKG. C ONSISTING oi all tho ncoessarirV" ' und luxiirn s nf I He usuallv found in sin L, lauiiMtuicni. in rules ami larga towns. Among lln aro tilJHAR, ALL GRADES:. COFFEE, FROM OLD Government Jav.tdow'ii. THA, fiom the viry b-i-c to cheaper qualities. SPICES all kinds. .lined Fruit. Hums. Dried fteef Pnrk, Hour, Hmter, Cheese. Cod Fish. Mackeri.il, Kerosene Oil and Lamps. t oud n Ware, lirooius, Paiis, tiask.ls rtc, ace, Ate. Syrnps, Molasses, Cider Vinegar. Corn Starch, So. da, Cream of Tuner, Foreign Fruits and 30 tons of articles inn nnnicriiin to jaeinii n, . V," 'a?. nrtreV 'V l" "Old .1 IHO lowest CUl.ll priCCS. CASH PAD FOR EGGS. LAYTON UUNYON. llloom, burg. May 27. ItiiJ. NO'IICE IN PAKTITION. Estate of James liuliton, deceased. To Matilda llalston, WilUmina, widow of Robert Ralslon, and James, Donald , , t i . .. . C., Elvira lllld I llliriCS, minor children f nl,r TnL,n,j .Ihcii.im rouidincr in 01 liODen liaislOll, mcia-CU, resiUing 111 til 0 CouUtV of Dauplliu, Jdllll RalatOU, re- . ,. . , ., ..r. ., Wjti- , ,, . Silling til fcSllllV Iklll l-OUUty,U llliani R.lls ton) re8idiun in Brazil, South America. Jusiah Ralston, of Columbia Couuty, Ag- intermiirriod with Marshal Silvorthorn ves iniermiirrieu Wltn lU.irsiia I onion lorn rosidiiig n Urcekiiir dgo, Co orado Ter- iillnrr in Drncl. I iirliltrn P.ilnr.nrtii 'IVr ., r, . , 0 . , ... ntory , busan intermarried w ith Miles C. 0tt Murth inUrrnnrried With QeorgO BtdloiliaU, altd E'lzahftll a daiicbtor of J lWton. Junior, deceasedvho ha, or horpuan ian JJ is . llartmsn. ueirs and ur iiui ti4,iiuiuu ij a . nuriuinu, uurs auu , , ,,l,,.11,.,,;.J r i.... n n i , i.i uut,aii;iiiaiivua uouico aiaiciuu, "k'U 01 15100I tO..h.p. Columbia County, dccc&scu, TAKE NOTICE; Thai an inquest will be held on tho real estato of the defeated, which rhall tisjcmblo at the farm-house in j illonin town.hip, Columbia county, occupied ny Henry I (iarri.ou, nn I Iriday, the Wlh of August A, D 1805. , alter) o'ctock, in Iho forenoon and tn continue until all thn real estato of tho deceased is appraised ; for the purpoac of making partition of tho real elate of the aaid deceased tu and amon: his Heirs and lecal ren- resenlatives, if the same ran bo done without preju dice to or spoiling the whole ; otherwise to value and appraise tha eaiiin according to law ; at which time and place you are required in attend if you think proper, SAMUEL SNYDER, Sheriff, lhaurTa Orhc, Blonmsburg, ( Junu 10, IE03,6w I Lost, ON SATURDAY, Juno 3d, 180O, be tween Light Street and KEIBER'8. near tl i ooi oi ma norm mountain, a gentleman's liaavy ULANKUT SHAWL, Of a dark grey color and mixture. A aultable reward Mill be paid on tho dollvery nf tha name to Ihe tub- BGIIUVr Bl i.igw cl en. UZAL II. UNT. Juno 17, 1WK, NEW SADDLERY AND tffffi Harness Shop ! ! rpHU utidiTsigiwd, rcapeetfully Informs IUJ"':. Ih.it he hua ontned a new almp lur tho inanu. " ' "'' OA 1UJjl. K 1 AwJJ IIAKMbbb, In thenld Store llue olden McDowell, and nut ifJ:"1'. V"1 tu ord t and on modr rate termi. 19" Hrpairliieof all klnda, executad on abort notice and In good a do, I Country pioducn 'aken in l arhange fur work and public cuDluui nullvd. I ELLIS L. l-'HEAS. j l.iglit Sirco., June 3, I so J. ArintiiiUti nttn-'H Police. I Eslutc oj John Ucimliuvk, Jcceaiccl. LETTER of Hiliiilnltlratiuu on tho K.tate ut Jolm lli'iiiilriick.liite of Ii'.im tvvp., Columbia co., dte'd, have liueii granted by tha Kesiatcr of Columbia rn.. in the undersigned j all permma Imvitig claim. niiiilntlli.: lili uiilinutilulny, olid all puraoua indebted lo mats payment furtliwllli. SA0lULI L KLLI.LK, Adiuitlistrbtt r .M.iy , leC3.-1 S3 W to" the" MUSICAL PUBLIC. iTiiG PubseribiT, 20 years a practical 1 Piano Fmlo .Manufacturer, of New Vnrk City, " " yrf,"',, ' n,! f . iJl , . rtspecuuiiy solicit orders lut iiu, prrni.i 'ciiuy mcaieu in luia suciluii, una would 1 1 1 " ' 1 AlKliN U, AINU Ul'.Li ULATINU PIANO FOIITES AVn MPT finFflVV J " fUDSCriUcr IS alSO tlie maUUtaClUt- er's Agent for Chickering k Son's, liazlt'tou Urn's, Iiindcmau & Sou's, William B, Bradbury's, t'.dward liloomni Id s, McDonald & Oo's PIANO FORTES, And Carhart & Necdham's, and Tcluubct's Melodeons and Harmoniums, Alld , u. gluaIt.8 Vipi! OUUUCII OUOANS. james McDonald. nioomsbiirg, May'iO, 13'3.-ly I'llEHH dRltlVAL $mm km summed A T Miller's Store riHIl! Milu' nher has jut returned from ihe Citioa with another lurgo and select anortmet of , SPUING AND SUMMEU GOODy purchase,! at Philadelphia, at tho lowed figure, nnd which they aru determined to sell on as moderate trrma as ran be procured elsewhere In Uloomsburg. Ilia sunk cnu.nrises Liuiks' oiims noons, vd choir, at stiles and latest fnslilnn. DRY GOODS, .A'I aUOCEHIKS, inunwHR qukwmvjhk. UMJili HViKl. iniuuvn nitb i JiOA". JVJllLS. HOOTS SHOF.8 HATS $ CAVS, etc., .ye., f'.. 111 short uvcrything usually kopt in country Stores to whiih ho itiiilr the nubile generally. , The llLghcslpricc paid for country produce. . 11. iniLJjiliU. Uloomsburg. Vny 1.1, 1803. NEW ARRIVAL. At A. J- Evans' lL0liilf'(! fflWIil! liLOOMSBUHG, PENN. LATEST SYLES CAEAP GOODS 'I HE undersigned respectfully informs his friends I and the public generally, that he has jubt received froui the Eastern lilies, a lurge utSortniint of baing the lieMasiortnii.nl ever offered In tins market. Aim a CTinpletu assortment of Uoya Clothing. In fact everything in the Clothing Line For those who prefer 10 leave their measures, a perfect fit guaranteed, and . othing but the best workmanship allowed at this cs. 11 tishuient. Ho also keeps on baud a large assort ing) of HOOTS AND SHOES. HATS NI) CAPS, toeether with a varutyof notions, dy- 'ALL AND SI.E FOR YOURSELF. 0) A. J. r.VAWd. Uloomsburg. Apnl.23, led. I Estray. C'AME into the enclosures of the nn J ilerslgned, on Raven Creek, in llenton township. Culunibia county, on or abiut tltu t'trit of May, liii-l., a pale red MILCH COW, With a slur nn her fun head, and is slightly briudli a lion I the head and neck. The, owner is requested to prove property. paychargi's and lake her away, or .ho will bu disposed of accord ing lo law. JOSEPH HESS. May i7, lri(iV-3vSI.50 NEW GOODS AT; C. Kreamer's Store, JERSEYTOWN, COLUMBIA Co. FRESH ARUIVAI. OF SPltlNII AND SUMMER UOOUS AT REDUCED PRICES. fPIIE subscriber has iiist rctured from J Philadelphia, with a largo and eolccl assortment i.f Mew (inciils purchased ul llm lowest cash prices. lli- ..tnrk i-nnsists of Ladies' Dress I.Oiids, iipucas. ctii.ii.iiic-. Fasrv articles. Calicoes. Ginghams, Flan nel.., bhawis, Silks. Cloih,. I.'assiiners, Satinet ts. Cot toundes, -Kentucky Jeans, Threads, Muslim, 1 ickiug, Shirting Groceries, Queensware, Hard ware, Cedarware, llroonis, Mediclaea, Drugs. Oils. Fish, Salt. Nails, i.-.j u'. I,,..,., s..,.i,,a it, lti-iv-a .wo m.Kit'S. I ' ...... .,,-. r, . .... i HA'u n.iu Uiii I ,n horl ,.ie ,Mut ulay.kcl,, i n cuu,llry ttora .irkM forp!1 I)a,rl,go. old ttiend, and the pnbltc generally, aru invited to call nnd seu for theui- , ClM u l,II,u,Ui "'""" """' ur, - , inn bling vou you, IjUlul( r ur anything you , . .Vi. nnvu to .en. , wn. .a, ... .. ... , ...IU .III U. UII, U so iomo one uud ; ur,;;s-Vou7 uadel but dona.k for trust. p00r 'fntst is dead, bad debts hilled him ' WANTED, 200,000 Shingles, and 500,000 feet Pino and Homlook Timber, for which tho high est market price will bo paid. Groin, Flour and Meal kept on hand for sale at my store. 0. KUEAMER. Jerseytuwn, May 0. I8C3 LEATHER I LEATHER 1 1 THE undersigned would announce, that he ha. on haul athisllutandCap Emporium. on Main St., Illooutr hnri. anassoilinent of different kind of leather, such lu fine calf skills, morocco, (red andblart.)and linings aAl rf wnitn ne win sen rneaper man can ce uau eiscwncrr ill this uut.et. call ana eicminr. ipera mi jogr.ejve. JOITNK, GIRTON UIoomibuii.M.)' :i, 1IM A Fortune!! Employment for Everybody. Great Slo of Jotrclry, Watches, Chains Diamond Kings, Silver Waio, Gcr- man and French Fanoy Goodi, &o., worth over 8800,000 all to bo sold without rciorvo, Evoryono to liavo iomo- thing Vuluablo. LIST Of THE ARTICI.EH Ucnla' Cold lluntln Case Watches. 8'j ootoi40 oo i iled Caso Watchos, 30,00 fi.PO' a Biivor watches, M,tm 7u,uo Lnilli-s' Cold Enamc (Innts'llunlltig Oasn (icnts' (lold Watches, doulilc time, 75,(0 Cold Plated Watches in Magic Caaos, PA in) Cold Plated Walt lies cnnineled, for ladies 33.bl Diamond Kings, So.oa Hold Vest and Neck Chains, lo.W Qold Oval Hand llracelets, 4.00 Chased (lold llracelets, O.iw ChiitelnlueClialiisand (iuaril Chains 3.U0 Snlilalro and Cold llroncheai 4.00 io.oo luiMKi 3"? . IO.U'1 j vu.uu 10.00 l.ava mid Florcntlno llmochos. 4,04 GOO Coral, Opal, and Emerald llrooahc. 4,00 H.00 loaalc.Jet,Lava and Florentine Ear Drnpal.UO S.OO Coral, Opal and Emerald Ear Drops, 4.00 (l.llii California Diamond llieart Plus, S,30 I0.HU Onld Fob and Veil Watch Keys, tf.SO 7,00 full nnd V.il llil.lw.ii HII.Ia. 3 id mi Solitaire Sleeve llultuns, Studs, etc, 3,00 IO.OO ! Ould 'I hiiuldea, Pencils, etc., 4,00 7,00 Mihlaluro I.oikets, 1,(0 B.IKI .Minlaluro l.otkcts-Msglc pting, iXO 10,00 Cold Tooth Picks Cmsrrs, etc. 3.(10 10 00 Plain Culd nines. Chased Gold Kings, 4.00 11,00 Stone Set and Signet lllnga, 3,00 lO.ikl California Diamond ltlng; n.00 10,00 Ladies' Jewelry In site-Jet and Oold H.OO 13,00 Ladles' Jewelry In sets-Cameo, Paatl, 4,00 14.00 (inld Pcna, Silver Ellen lloidef At Pencll.4,00 10.00 Hold Pena aud-Onld Mounled llnlders, 5. OS M.00 (lold Ponsfc Cold t'xlcnsloH Holders, 0,00 13,00 SilverGoblcla and Driuking Cups, 30,00- SU.W) PilvcM'aslors, FrultaudCake llasketa, W.otl 30.00 Silver Tea tc i'abln Spoona As. Forka, doZ'.M.bO 40 00 Silver Plated Tea Pols and Coffei- Urns, 33.0J 30,00 Silver Plated Icq ritchera and Molasses Cups, UJ.Oft 60.00 Hec what the mott peptilar oud nidely circulated periodicals say of our tfstubllshui'iil: Fmm tho "Dispatch" of February 2505 We take pleasure in calling tliu attention of nur renders to the announcement nf Messrs. Uevaugh Ac Co'i Ureal Hale of Jewelry, Silver Wnro. nnd Fancy (.noils, in our advertising columns. We are person ally aiquiiliitrd Willi the memScrs of this firm aud know them l.i be gi-nllemen of sterling worth and lu tegrety, Their stock of goods, lor variety aud axtuut, we have scarcity seen paralleled. From tha ' Mirror of Fa-hion,'' March lt, 1805. Mes-ra. Dcvnngh A. (Wi OreatSaleof Jewelry, clc. npeiiFiInu thu 13th ult , and we veuluri: to say that no finer display of goods was cvereihibiled hyauyratnb lijlimeut in this cily. 'lite ladies Ihrouged Ihclr ba zaar nlmost to sutfui ntion, allhoitgh the streets were rendered nearly Impnasabln by tho melted snow and alu'h. Wu predlit for them a wonderful success From iho "Ledger." February i!t), 1805. Our lady friends should visit the extensive establUh incut of .Messrs D"Vaui;M At Co , Nn. IS Jluidiii Lauu, If Ihcy ivishto indulgo llieuiselvus wl h a sight which thiv will lull! remeliiliiT. HulIi a nrofiiitun or li.,,t 1 Watihes Chains, Itiuga, Carriugs and, in short nf jewelry or every nairn-. Kind nnd description, wn nev vt before witnessed. Their silver and plated ware is superb and lniost casts into the b,iilu the other splrn. did nstnbliahiuci.ls wluih have long been tbe bnait of our city. It is estimated that their .lock is worth not less Hun one million of dollars, From thu "Tribuuo' of April 21, 1805. An acquaintance of over 19 years with Messrs. (li. rant W. Detaunh At Co., warrants us in speaking in the hiitlicsl terms of them, 'i'hey nre among our oldest Maiden Lane Jewelers anj have lung mjoyed a wide and enviable reputation. 1'iom the "riiaats Zeilun;," April 24, '05. Miny of tho hands in our otlice huvc speculated in the Eutnrpiise of Messrs. Dovaugli At Co., and though imnoof them have yot realized 'iforluno,' nil express liiemselvcs ,wtll pleaned with their venture. Two of tli" in by working, after hour, have made over $200 each within six weeka How You Can Get a Prize. Send Tiveiity-Pive Oenta to us, and as soon as wc receive It wo will mall you a certificate showing what you are entitled t . If Uio article or articles please nu, curi back the Certificate and One Dollar a.nl we will forward yon tho uilicle.no matter how cotly It may be. (f the article is not what you wish, state, w Pen j on send the Certificate and dollar, whatolher article nfthe same va.ue you prefer and we will snd it. If 'ou with more than one Certificate send us 81 nnd wow ill send fife! (or 1. IiL'i.n. dir C-.1. rhlrtv: for 10, sixty ; lor SIS. one hundred AC EM'S ARK IV ANTED lu tho Army and in every place. We have an immense stock of goods to dis pone oi, auo neen a large iiHiuueroi i gents, uur ii'ruia to Agents are very liberal and some even of our l.udy Agents uro making from $3 to S'.'O a day. We giv Ageni.30per cent, on all Cuitilicales they sell pruvi- ueu mi y renin not less man yi oreigni. HJ W rite your name and addrctiJ dUlinctlv. anJ sav only what is nccenflary. GIllAHD W. DEVAUGH & Co., 15 Maideu Lane, New York. May 77, IrtVi.-ani. S( IIOLASIIirS FOlt SALE. Pittsburgh Cnmiiiurcial College. Illiighamutin " " Crittenden's - " riiiladolplna. Stratton.llrynnt Ac Co.. " Tliesa Scrips, arc in amounts nf $13 and 3511 aud art is so much i ash, by the Sludiat on cutting either uflhc oboce Colleges. Young men desiring tuohtniu a finish od collegiate education, will here find agood specula ion by .ipplviugul the ulrlcu of tha May I. IbiiS COLUJIU1A DEMOCRAT ;' NEW GOODS ! Gil EA T R ED UCR ION IN PRICED NEW ARRIVAL OF S u m m e r Goods AT PETER ENT'S STORE, .V LtailT STIIKET, COLUMBIA COIWVT, IM. HAS just received Iroui Philadelphia, aud is now opening at the old stand late'y occupied by Maria At Cut, a splendid assortment of MERCHANDIZE winch will h so'1! cheap (or CASH OK COUNTRY PRODUCE. His stockrousialsof Ladies Diess Goods choicest stylus and latest fashions , Calicos, Muslins, i Ginghams, Flannels, Carpets, Shawls, Hosiery, Silks, READY MADE CLOTHING. Cassimoros, Satinets, Cottouades, Kontuoky Jeans, Thread, &. Groceries, Queensware, Oodnrwarc, Hardwaro, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, Paints, &o BOOTS A SHOES. HATS & CAPS. In short very thing n.ualiy kept in a country store. The patronage of old friends, and the public genera ly, is respectfully solicited. Tins highest market prico paid for country produce PETER ENT. Light Street, Mn 0, 1803. Administrator's Notice. Estate of David Vuvdine, Dceeastd. r,1 ETTERS of ndniinintratmn on tbe Estato of David Vand.iio. lalo of .Madison twp., Cntunitia county, deceased, have been gmr?a by Ihe Register of Columbia county to iho undersiguec j all pari-ons Having Claims again c.,a ,11 ma uc .,.ln,,l nr. r...a.to,l tn nresflP ttll'lll ttl the lindpr. I 6 .nei , res uiug ih sam uiwnun t, wuuuut uemv, mm a,T l)eri01u indebted to make payment forthwith JOHN A. FUNSTON, Administrator, -Cw 3 oo May 0, 1805. Administrator's Notice. Estate of Abraham Keifer, JJueased f ETTEHR of administration on the I i I'-,.,!,, r ,u,.h.i,. i,-,iC r. late of Oranie tivn. Columbia county, deceased, have been granted by the liegisier oi uniuniDia cn laiiissiisnitsuE. t .. sons having claim, against the estate of the decedent ate requested to present them to tho A dniiniatrator at hlarealdenco in Uloomsburg, without deliiy, andall person, indebted lo mako payment foelhwUh. MICHAEL P. EYERLY, Administuitor, May 0, 1863 -rjw S3 TSbOKF.TDIARIES.PIIOTOGRAPIl IT ALRHM3 Ac ALBUM riCTURES, -selling very I" pi ry low pruea roi c.tn. W G. PERRY. Matih 4, mi S. W cor. k Rata, PhiU, Kuil-road Accident. I Mr. JlKsfit 0. IlAnroN.of Limo Uidge, in this county, whilst traveling in tho j Oar, on Mondoii morning last, noor Dal jtiinoro, had Ins tight arm fr.ctured in , throo places owing lo an aoeident on tho 1 rm i'IkI it is inarad, will require am ntiiulinn I,' f 1 1,,, -!.,,, k, n r puiation. v. o, iiarr'son. M, U., of "lootnsbufg, was immnliauly sent for by 'r. Uarlou nod on Tuesday started foe iJaitimore. The H'V. Mr. Austin, of New York, ,imt - - ui"n;i ivaio ci ,iiijii'-i' iijurnui Mr. Austin was tlio only per.-oo w ho loit lifo by the so called "accidont." iifii'nisn i i 1 1 imvwNt ji jT-rraa AdmUiiotrator'a Notice Eslalo of James Lallurty, Doooased. I HTTHB3 of Administraliun on tho tj Estate of James LalTtrty late r Urlarcreek township, Columbia county . deceaaed, have been gran tod by tho Register of Colutnbin county to tho undei signed; all persona having claims against ike esiatn of the decedent arn roquosto I to present theintothn undersigned, residing Inl Ishingcreik township, with out dalay, and all persons Indebted lo inako payment forthwith. WILLIAM EYELAND, Adminislt utor. June 51. ieW.-nwJ.100 1805. riilladtlphla & Lrie mi, 31 A I Xt - K It, . This great line traverses the Northern and Noith west countlca of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, on Lake Er.-e-. It has boon teased by thi Pennsylvania Railroad Company, and la operated by them. Its ontlre length was opened for pasjonger aoi freight business, October llh, Ifdl. time or PAasn.iocit traIks at boRTHOKaastAan Mail Train leaves, East 10 lu P. M Elmira Ejpreia Train,- II n p. SI Lock Haven Accominodatlon, 10 77 1 M Willlamspiut Acconiuiodatiuii. S a3 P. H LEAVE WESTWARD Mail Train. . . 4 V4 A. M. Ltnilra EApress Trail 5 23 A. M. Lis'k Haven Aceoiumodalion 4 31 P. M Wlllramsport Accommodation II 56 P. in Fassvngnrs Cars run through on Mall Train, with dot i'hano both ways between Philadelphia uud Eru, jut! Ualtiinore and Erie. Elegant Sleeping Car. on Elmlrc Express Trams botli ways between Wllliamspurt and llaltimoru. For information respecting Passenger business, sp ply altlie Cor. 30th nnd Market Sis. And for Freight businessof the Company'. Agents S, II. Kingston, Jr., Cur.l3ll) alld Market Sis., Phil u. J. W. Rcnu!ds, Erie, William ilrown. Agent N. C. Rr It., tlaltiinoro. II II. Ilouslotr, Ceni. Freight Agt , t'hilndelpbtn. 11. W. Gwinner, Keni.Ticket Agt. I'hiladelphiu. Joseph I). Potts, Oen'l. .Manager Willininsport. Jnn. 7. leiig.- Admiuistiator's Notice. Estate of Andrew IJtss, deceased. LETTERS of administration, dt bonit nan, eunt(s tamsnla antro, on Die est.ito of Andrew Hiss, lata of Sugarloaf township, Cut. cc, deceased, have been grantsd by the Register nf Columbia county to the uii do-signed; all persons having claims against tbe es tate of tho decedent are requested to p roienl thmn Id tho undersigned, residing in said township, without delay, and all psraons indebted to make uayni'at forth with. IUCHARD HESS, AdialnTs trolot April M. 1665. Ow $3 UAUGAINS ! BARGAINS! IF YOU WANT TO UUY Spring and Summeii GO TO treasy's Storp, iu l.iglil street, I'a. Who Keep all Kinds of CALICO, MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAM, FLANNELS, CARPETS, HOSIERY, SHAWLS, Ready-made Clothing Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, eoffeos, Teas, Fish, Suit, iiaeon, Hams, Lurd, Tobacco, Bgars, JIats, Boot', Caps, Shoos, Drugs, Oils, Paints, &e., &o. In Addition to our lame stock of Drv Conds. we lis,. a large and full assortment nf Ready Made Clothing uu ..Kiiiniiu uuj. ivuui .vnicn wc iru ueiermiuea to ell cheaper than can bo bought elsewhere. Call and sen and Jndgo for yourselves DC?" They also keep u fine assortment of DRUC and MCUIC1NUS, to supply the ahsenco of a regular Drug Store in Liaht Strett. which will be rarefnllv mm. pounded and suitably directed for thu accomodation of uteir customers. H. W. CRUASY, &Co. Llghl Street, April 29. IPhj. Dr. Talbott's Pills."" (ANTI-DYSPETIC) Composed of highly Concentrated Extracts from ROOTS AND HERBS Of ihe greatest medicinal value, prepared from iha original prescription of the celebrated Dr. Tatbott. and used by him with remarkable success for tweuty years. An infalliblo reuiedy in all diseases of the liver, or any derangement nf THE DIGESTIVE ORGANS. They euro Diarrhoea, Dyspcpiia, Scrof ula, Jaundice, Biliousness, Liver Complaint. Tho well-known Dr. Mnlt taya of thoao Pills: ( have used the formula from which your I'ills urn made. In my practice for over 12 years; they havettls finest ell'ecl upon the Liver and Digestive Organs of any medicine in Iho wnrld, and aru Iho moat perfeit Purgative which lias ever yet been undo by anybody. They an-safe and plensant lo take, hut powerful Co cure. Their peni truting prop.rt cs stimulate the vi tal activities of tho bndv, remnvu tho obstructions of its organs, purify the blood, und iwp uuiseasc. 'I hey purge out inn luut iiuiunr, wuicn ure-'n and grow uis lempcr. stiniulalc sluggish ur kisoidered organs Into their natural nclion, and impait a h'althy tone with strength tu the wholo system. N'touly do they core tho every day complaints ofeterbody, but also for midable and dangerous ill, ea.es, and being I urely veg etable aru free from any ri.k or harm No per.on whu has once used thesu Pills will ever bo w'ltl.oit them." They create pure blood and remove all impurities from Ihe system, heuco ureaposiiire euro for FEVEUS, HEADACHE, PILES,MER CURIAL DISEASES AND HER EDITARY HUMORS. DOSt. For adults, one Pill in the morung , firchil dmd uud r Syears, half a Pill. ti- Pnoe One Dollar per Box. Trade supplied, or sent by Mail, pott paid, to any paitof the United States or Ounadaa on receipt of price. None Genuine with.. out the facoimilo signaturo of V. Molt Talbott, M. D. V. .NiOTT TALBOTT &. Co., No. 62 Fulton St,, New York. May 27, IBOS.-ly BENJAMIN GREEN, DEALER IN U'ludow Shades!, Oil Cloths, Mais. NO. U3 NORTH SECOND STBEET, VIULADELrill.V. Malta 1. lcS3,--3ni. At '