EWRKBintl GjyjllMDjMOW. Saturday Morning, Juno 24,1 0G5. 8- Tbo rain of last Monday, was timoly and moat refreshing. 96T Maf. it. Bruco Rickets i at home on IcaTO of absence. 6& Good Ti moth if Hay, is celling at 810 00 per ton, in Bloomsburg, eST Judgo RurtUT.bas ircotcd a dwel ling Home, on MUn Streotibclow Willow Grovo. iSF Wo would oall tbc attoution of our idadtra to tbc letter published on our Erst NctDbt)cttiscmcnj0, THE PHOENIX PECTORAL Will Cure Your dough. - CST" Wo again rofor, with satifactlon to; bur list of now Advertisements in this! Democrat. t& Hay harvest, is now fairly in pro TIIE PHOENIX PECTORAL ; OR. COJirOWND BYltUP OP WILIt CHERRY k. BCK tKA BNAKC HOOT, Will Cure the Diseases of the Such as Colds, Coughs. Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis, C'Jtarrli, Soro Throat, Hoarseness, Whooping Cough, &c. Its timely uso will prevent PULMONAUY CONSUMP'I ION, Anil even where this fearful disrase la fully deval. oped II will atlord uwru Itllef than any ottior modi, clus. J. Lawrence Of li, ex-Pneaker of the Pennsylvania WHEAT, per nu.rrtl. 1 40 K YE. .... i oo CORN, " c IIUCKWIIEAT. 50 FLOUR per bhl, 10 un CI.OVElisEEIJ, 10 00 flax beed . 2 0 DUCKWIIUAT floor. 3 00 ROTTER. . . F.U0d . . POTATOES, . DRIED APPLES, IIAMH HACON, hay by tho Ion. an .VI a no . so . 17 10 o CHICKENS, per pair. 40 SPECIAL NOTICES. ONU PHIOK CLOTHING. JONES' OLD EBTARM8IIRD ONE i'iU E CLOTHING HOUSE, 604' Mark ct treet, (Above Sixth.) PHILADELPHIA. U. C 7-jLOAN- $230,000,000. . Vy authority tf the rc'mlaty of tfie Treason, tirjderaltincd.lbsOcncr.il "iihacrlptloo Agent for tho cite of Uallod .Malca .Securities, ofl'era U the pnbtle I lha third acrlee of Treasury Notes, boarlaur svn and IhrM-lriutbs per cent. lolcroiH par nnuw, known as Iba 7-80 LOAN.- Tbaac notaa ara liaaad under daw of Jutf 'J. and ara payable three years from that date la curren., ty, or are convertible at the opperatlou of the holder . Into 0. 8. 5-20 Six prr cent. OOLD-DK A ItrNO BONDS Lost, ON SATURDAY, Juno. 3d, I805,.be tween Light Street and KEISER'O. near (lie foot of tho North Mountain, a gentleman' lieary BLANKET 811 AWL', Of a dark trer color and tnltturf, A sniltabte reward will be paid on the tlotiverf nf the eioia U) the triber at Light W V UKAL II. ENT. fune IT, ISeS. NEW SADDLERY AND Harness , Shop ! t rMIE andcrstffnotl, respectfully informs .fl Tliec.llt.tni of f.tcht Rtruut. nnJ Ihu. tcnarnm TI.e.e llonds are now worth a handsome premium, I fffc 0f alUllld! T" " "W 'U"P T"" At JONES' (.'rn.ir.nl Qui Price (li.lhln. Hln.n. ,h I lowest sailing price li marked In plain Azure oil each i article, and never varied. All buy allko, whether Judge or not The .lock la gotten up in a .uperlor man. . nor, Cipro. sly for retail unlet. Tlmae wauling n Bond inbtaiitia', and fa.liiouable article, ahould not fa 11 to grcn.x, in ibis oouuly, nml tho tery heavy. i - &1T Tho Port Office building, 6ioetcd en Suioud and progressing rapidly. flew r By noma ul Kiinri'f cnia via. anvi "T itarnuch rrmu 1V la IIOHT exti'llllvulv mpiLaml 1. nf Iho lilnln.Bt ..In. Crops ft CO milio r.ominiiiiliy, ita cumtlve lutilille having boon leitfd by thuuaiidi nilh tun moat drilli lug ratulU. lit li carulully and aklllfuliy prepared from Wild I Cherry Hark and t-rnrkn riiniko Hoot by Dr. Levi Obnr. iioiir,i.T. n ri'puiiioie tmyiirian ol riiocniivlllc, I'a , and la anld by neatly all drugjilati and country atom Out Prioo 6'ioro. May 1.1, l6fl.S.-ly JONES', 004 Maiket Sheet, to bu t . ... n. at'i ocri. JJari;(.l oirocis, is rj. p.cmaby. ei.Po.tinai.tcr and CKlurseaaof I'otu I town, ccitlflea at. follun a : I'oTTfToKK, Jan. 3, ler.J. HVy ain't I have i Thla rcrt dna that I hava uaed the Pbncnlx 1'i.ctornl a in tny family , nml 1 rocoiiiiMiiiiil II to tbo public aa the (ung tilUy III ipy, IS Oliarming fOOiry, I ever tried, llnu i.r my Lhil.lriu waa taken with a , . , ,. , . , . . , cold, accompanied with n Croupy Cough, an bad, Indeed, but IS bellCVf) not to bn OltgllMl. IU.it It count n it t.ilk anil breathe. Ilnvlnx heard to . . I niUili aaiil about the IlioeuU I'ntoral, I procured a --o. U' ... I 4 . I.r..,. ... nna I bul" nf Tlie ,,r,t ,i0" rollevee tho (lilUcully of CS3 VS c cut anJ bcuiod bliout two tnn? i,r!(lli,ie, n,i bcton lU rllM nd one.r0Jrtii ! f,. n In. of 3 ? tbe,.b11:? '! wn "Hrel ell. Every family aho'd ..j.i,.w , invo . .w - i nave u in ineir iiuuae, IJ. r. CKUdUV, acres of ground. CSS7- Mr. William LoNaENiiKuaF.it, of M line township, has our hearty thanks for the prcseut of a perk of Goo blar.k Cherries. sssr Michael 1'. Eykrly, has beou ttppoitited liy tho County Comniibtiiunors, T.ix L'olleulor of IS05, for Uloum town ship. A I. on UuiiV itCT. W the kind neigh-1 bor, who took our Cultivator out of our ; Ourn, laal wick, return it immediately '( I 4S Mr KiCHAiin Stii.es, of Ucnlon.! returuutl hnnie last Tucalay, cxerpttig tho lo!3 of his right arm iu tho war, if! looking quite w. 11 CST Mr. Hun yon is riming hu new ftore in teenrdunco with the iuerease o' patronage eoitfarre;! upon it by tho pub lic. Mo ba"-juat rroeivLd uuother snpp'j of Freah Grocerifs, inelu'litig four tons ol Sugar, two toiu ul I'Vb, und otber no tioun in proportion. Hi motto is Quick alt!H,8U.all pioGtf,iind Iioms of oualouier.'. ifcjjy Min At VERSA McBhidb dauph tf-r of the lato I'mnk MeUrule, of Hem lockwan tin' sucoHs-fttl competitor, at hp German llcformcd V'r of Uloouis- b irg, (It tvtn reoeivo 1 tho moU votes of i lie a'eiuhly ,) for a bunutiful ' Pho'ograph .tl'fjtm.' ' It (the Ail um. not the young Ladj) wai sold for SIO 00. J. C, eiinitli. ilructlat. of New lloou. Uucka eountv. Ta., in inline to llr. Oberhiillmr, .aya : "A few Oaya aiico I bouhttvto ili.zenof your v iluablu coul'Ii remedy In try, nml tinil It very eouil.und as it is near ly all gniie I nnulil like you tu enil me n gmsa of II, 1 "Your tncillciuea gitrea better aati.farliun than any ' other I have in thn atore. I am nieiil lor aoiiiu of the met popular cuugli pruparnliuns, but your, aociu. to ' be iloli the tio.t good, j Tlie rollowliu in an extrait from a letter from Illram Kllia, nierchnni, near l'iittuwii, I'a : "I liavo tried the I'liiuiiii 1'eitor.il, ami liud it to be Iho buit cough medlciitu extant, It mei ia with a muni reuily aale than any oilier that I have ever had in my atoro." 'I he proprietor of till a meiliciii" hat ao much cnntl denro in Ha tnriilivo pnucre I ruin Iho tiatimony of lliciiniinlaHholiaveii.Mln.tll.it the money will bu j I'a id i-,ack to tny puKliaajr who in nit aati.lio.l with 1 lla elfecla. It la .o plniisanl to take that cbildicn cry for it. I I'nce I'llll'.TY-ri VU I K.Vl'd ; Uigo liotlli . ONE ' DOLLAR I It 1-intended fur only line clan af Uiasaaea. name- I), thoau of tho 'Ihrojt uuJ Luuga , if Prepared only hy LEVI OBKIUIOLTZER, M. D . ' I'huMiixville, Pa. ! Sold by nil Uruggi't. and Storekeeper, , I (JIINrtTON, IKILl.tltVAY. i. CUWDCN, No. 23 ' Nurlli Hath rilreet, I'liilaiMphia, and V. U. VELI S Co,, No. IIS Franklin Htreot, Now ' York, Cciieral Whoieaale AgcuU. I Hold bv E. 1' I.U'IV, and I.VER i .MOYER Drug. fV'ats, lllooin.hiira, anil by nearly every drugLitl and country atorukeer in Columbia county. ."' ll.-Iljou necreat ilruggiator alnrckeeperdoe not keep thia medii inn Jo not I 'I lino put you off w'lth loiin other lueiliclou, but aind at unci to one. of Hid ageniH fur it. June lil, lebl, Cm ; A S1NGLEBOX OF BKANDRETH'S PILLS contains moro vcgetublo cxtmo- tiro matter than twenty bote, of any piUa iu the world be. Idea , flft) flvo hundred phy.liiana uae them in tlielr practico to the exclualon of other purgative. 'Ilm flrat letter of their value la yet acnrccly appreciated. ( YVhonthey an bitter known audden death and con. tiuueil arckneaa will be of thu past. Let thoau who know tlicm apeak right out In their favor. It la a duty liii ll will aavu life. Our race are aubji ct to a redundancy of vitiated bile at thia aeai on, and it la aa dangeroua aa it la prova lent ; but Ilrnndrelir I'illa afford an Invalu iblo and cltulenl protection . Uy their occaalouat uau wo pre vent tho collection ef tkoao liupiirlllca, whlcli, wheu in aulficient qiiantitiui, cauau au much danger to thu body'a health. They aoou curu liver complaint, dya pep.ia, loaa of appetite, pain In the head, heart burn, pain iu Iho hrenat bone, audden famtneaa and coklive lie. bold by all rcapcclublc Dealer, in Mcdicinea. May H7. IrtbS.-lm A CARD TO INVALIDS. A Clergyman. .while residing in South America a a miiaionary, diacovered a anfu and aimplc remedy or the Cure of Ncrvi.ua Weakntra, Early Dei ay, Ilia cnae. of tho Uriunry and Beminal Organa, and the whole train of disorders brought on by bam ful and vicioiia linbila. Orent number havo been already cured by llila noble remedy, i'r mpled by a da.iro to btuefit Ihu all) cted and unfortunate, I will fend tlio recipo for preparing and, uiug thi lucdicinu, in u abated envelope, to any one whu need it, FEEL! OF CliARIlF,. I'lenae incloao a poat.pald envelope, addr cared lo yourailf. Adilreaa, JOSEF n TINM AN-, Motion I), lliblu House, N. Y.I My April li, ieci-y THE Bill DA L CHAMBER A note of warning and advice to those aiilTeriRg with Heiniii.il VYeakneaa.Oeneral Debility, or Premature Decay, iriu whatever ranee produceil. Read, ponder, and reflect I lie wiiioin time. Sent FREEtnany aildresa for thu bjnelllnf llio alUlct. od. Sent by return mail. Address, . JAMES S April d, IfCJ. BC i'LER, 420 Broadway, New Yorl -3 m. and are elempl, aa aro all ovi ruinent Honda, ro.n Htxtk, Cmjuty, and MciicirL Taxanoa, wiiicii aspa ' raoM oar to iiirii p.r crai riR imnvm iitilirval if, according lo ti e rate levied upoti oilier property. Thelntereal I. pajabto aeiul-annnally by coupon, at. lathed to each no'e, vvhiih may bo cut vlT and aotd tu any hank or b,nkfr. Tho Intureat ,t 7.3U par ciut. ui'4inta to One cent, per day on a SOU nolo. Two coots " " ' SI 01) j Ten " " 8500 ' 20 ' " siooo ' 81 14 85000 Note of "II the denoniiHatlnna.naiued wEI bp piooipt. lyfurnlthcd upon nccipt of eutucrlptlona. The Note of till. Third Uerle. nro prrrlaoly alu ilnr ill form and privilege t. the St veN-'l hlrtlea nlrcndy old, except that the Uovo-nmentreacrvo. to Itself tho option of paiing Interest in gold coin at 0 per. cent., In.lendof 73.0ih. In currency. Sitlncrll era will de duct the Interest iu rurriucy up lo July loth, at tuo lime when thuy aubicribi. , '1 he d' livery of Iho noire of this third serin of tin Seven. thirties will commence ou tho l.tof Juno, and will bu made prompt y nnotnntinuously aner Dial dale The alight change made iu tho conditions of Ihl THIRD SERIES nUect only the matter of Interest. 'I he payment in gold, if made , will be nlraleat to ttu current y interest of the higher rate, I The return to specie payment, In the evrntof nhtrh onl) will the option to pay intercstln Gold be availed of, would ao reduce nnd rqualln price thai purch in a made with six pur cent, in gold would Ce fully equal to those madewith B.-ven and thrretcnths par cent In currency. This is TIIE ONLY LOAN IN MARKET . Now oireied by the Government, and it .uporlor ad. vantage make 1 1 h Oil EAT POPULAR LOAN OF Till! PEOPLE, , l.uts than $ 2.10,0 JD.UOJ of thu Loan authorised by thelat Congress. ire now ou llu niarknl. Till amount, ol the rntu at which it la being ab.orbod, will ull be subscribed for vulhiu alxly day, when the Hole will undoubtedly roinuiand a priiiuui, aa iu uniformly been tin) rail) on c'osing the subscription to oilier loan. lo order that clti"na of every town and a'ctiou of the country may be afforded lucilitics for taklag tho loan, thu National Hanks, Stale Uanka, and Private Hanker throughout lha ceuntr) have generally ngreed to receive aubarriptiuii at par. Subscriber 'will sn. led their own agents, In whom they have confidence, and ho onl; are to bu responsible for the delivery of tho holt, for which Ihey receive orders, JAY COOKE, Fc'B'CHIrTIOM .OM1T, JAId JttpkiiX, I ICaubacriptions will be received by tho First N'a tluiial Cnnk of llloomsbuig, Slay S7, Irl.5.-3ui '""E'KIiSfia WALL KMI'tiEl. " r- SADDLERY AND HARNESS, In llienld Storri lluuao of (len .McDowell, and net. i oor to Eut's Store, In Light Htnnl, where he will iiBHuructuru HAIIIlLi:.-!. IIRIDLES, HARNESS &e to erd r and on modrrato toriua, tC9 Repairing of all kind, uiocutad on short notice and in good )le. Country produee 'nken in fxrlungu for work mid public cusloui invited. ELLIS L. I'KEAS, Light Htrco., June 3, IBM AthiUuhilratur's I'olicc Elule of John Uctnilmsk, UueuieJ. IETrF.lt.J of administration on the Kstale ul John J lleloilruck.lale of Locust t p. .Columbia Co., dec'il. Iinvu baen granted by Hie Ileglater of Coluiiibluco., lo thu underslgued ; all person having claim, ugnlnat the 'lMlu of the decedent arc lequwaled to present them to the Administrator lit his realdeuce in aiiidlowii alilp without dulay, and all puraona indeblud to make payiount fuithw ills. SAMUEL L KELLER, Ad uiitiialr ator. May v?, lS&i.-lw 8:.W TO THE MUSICAL PUBLIC. rJ',IIE subscriber, 20 years n practical I Piano Forto Manufacturer, of New York City, has p'ruin icntly located in this section, and would respectlully solicit order" for TUNING, REPAIRING, AND REG ULATING PIANO FORTES AND MELODEONS. BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL J Baltimore, Md. I ESTABLISHED ai a KEKUGE FROM1 QUAOKlilir. Tlie Only PtM tcftoe a Uuri caH'He ob tain at. Dr. Jnhdpon has difO(itrd' tlia ml)' Crrteru, ttpMvdy, ana only RtT&ctaal Uemodr In the wona ror vrcatness ca me atK or iJmbs.Btilcunx AITeetlona of the KJdncr Jind neaa. Ilfpiirprln. r.arinior. ixirr P!frit, Confusion of find LuadG0f. InnSanlar Uleciiarffe. fnpMencf , Oeneral Debilftr, Nervous- I'lnme. t filgtitcr (llddlnca. 4case of tho lload. 1 KLE01I0NS IN CONNEOTIUUT. TUB "sOllain BROOM) TUOUOUT." Democrath Triumph in Lorulon. NjJw Loudon, Juno 12, 1805, Proelcri&k L. Aildu (Dam.) was olietcd ::KSrffi!,Surfiy;; y w rhy Wih0 ammo 0hUdi. IlieJr moM billliaut hopes ur unliclpatiom. rendt-rlttc (JulO. ItobtTt UoUf Jf." irtarriare. A.:., itiinnatibli. ' ' YOUNG Espetlally. who MEN ha Vice, that dreadful and dcslrucllrn habit which anuu OrmociutK 'Irlttmph in fl'uUibttinj, WArxwuuitY, Jurio 12 At tho city to-day, tbo Abolitionists' wtm nie. with the Ihundera or eloquence, or waked to cc- lliorouiTLil V dflffntrH Tlin T)emner.icr elacv tbo I vims Ivio.innv call wilh fu l confidence , n'"r""Bul "eicatcu. 1U0 democracy MARRAIOE. folcetnd their ticket in spite of a hard t- Married nrrson. or vounir men contcniofallrur mar ' fort 00 (ha Uart llf their onniinnntji to nrn- .Inn. Imliitf ,i,B. nf lit.lal w..hn... uraanl. tin .. - vo become the vlciim. of Solnary I hanuu. I ally aweena to an untimely crave thouaanda of young 1 men of the tno-l nailed talent, and brilliant Intellect, cloolioil nun .itH, .i.iic.n.ew mu.c viiu.iitcu iui.uiu( wc. vent it. Tho voto tood as follows s Dcmooratic majority, loauc 1SG&: bililr. defornillle.. roueilllv turad new no piac s niiuseii uuuer toe care of lit j.tnay, , . t:' t i tV nllDioijdy conlldelnhlihnunra. n gentleman, and Junn rkOndriOK, JJtflU conQdeiillyrelyuponliltkllliiaphyiItiau Chas. B. Mcrrimao. Ab oiiiiAvin ueieuiigj ' " ' .inmediately Cured and full vigor restored, 'ihl distraaal'ia aU'ecliuu which lenders life ml a erable and marriage impossible is lb penally pal by Iho viitluis of linpoucif Indulgences Young per sons nre too opt lo comoilt exce.iea frbin not b'elng oware of the dreadful consequences that may ensue. Now, w ho that understand the subject will pretend to tany thai the power of prncro alien is lnt sooner bf those lulling into improper habits than by the pru ileot t lleald.s b'iug deprived o. the pleasure of heal tey otTapiiiig, Hie inn.l serious uiid destructive ayuip. li ins ol both body and mind arise. The Sysleui be come deranged, the physical and mental functions weaaeiied, Loss of 1'rocrvative power, Norvous Irrl lability. Dspcpla, I'alpltatioisof the Heart. ludigea tion, Ciiuatllulional Debility, a Watting ol the Frait.e Cough, Coiiauhipllnn, Decay and Death. DR. JOHNSTON, .Member of Iho Royal Cbllegu ol Snrgeooa, London, llraduale from one of Ihninnst eminent College Iu tho United Slatea,nnd the greater part of whoae Ufa has been apviil iu I hoapilala of Loudon, Paris. Phila delphia, and elsewhere, has elfected some ol the most astunlidilug cures that were ever known; many trou bled lib tinging In the head and oars' when asleep, great nervousnQss, being alarmed at sudden Bound, ba.hfulness. with frequent blushing, attended soino lime with dcran.'uicnt of mind, Were cured luilneui ately. TAKE l'ABTICULAR NOTICE. - f20' 40 Tlr. J. Addresses all those wlin have ioliiruil them. Tbo SuWoriblT is IllbO the tlianufjctur- t '"Ives by Improper Indulgenre and solitary habits. mnci) iiirii uuin iiouy nuu iiiiiio, uuiiiiiog lueiu lor . either buslueFs, study, society, ur marriage. I'htiBO am aoiiiu of th sad unli nn-lancholly cfTectn I produced by early habits of )outli, vlJ: Weakness uf , Hie Rack and Limb, I'uiiis In the Head. Di'rflhcsa of itfiht, Los. of Mu-cutar rowei, Palpitation of tho I llearl D) spepaia, Nervous Irratability, Derangement of the Digcative Functions, Oenural Debility, Syrup- torn of Consumptioii, die. ! MbNlALCY. 'J lie fearful effecta ou the tniud a're'uiucb j to be dreaded Loss of memory. Confusion of Idena, I D"pieasion of Spirits, Eiil Fo'bndinua, Aver. ion lo , Society, Sell'Diatrusl. Love of So llude, Timldity.ice. i Atv some of llieevl a produced. I Thousand of porsona or all ages ran now judge 1 what is the cause of iheir declining health, losing tkeir , vigor, becoming weak. pale, nervous and eu aciatwd, having a singular appearance about the eyes, cough and symptom of Conasmption. YOUNG MEN or's Agent for Chickering k Son's, ilazlctou Bro's, Lindc.uan & Son's, William B. Bradbury', Edward Bloomd-ld s, McDonald &, Go's PIANO FORTES, And Carhart U Needhain's, and reloubct's Melodcons and Harmoniums, And L. U. Stuart's Pipe CHURCH OROANH. james Mcdonald. lllooiaHbnig, MuySO, 13. 5. I- I ST P. M lb ST7 A. M. P. SJ. A. M. 3 fJA. M. 4 n e. m. Hi! I-. in. FltESH ARRIVAL OF 1MUDGE LETTINGS. 'PIIE County Cominis.ioiiL'rs I P.mii.mx Pectoral, adver- i i. r -..: paper 01 io-nay, iy t.en Cir Tub lipd iu our tlberholtior, ia for Mile in Bloomeburg at the Drug iSioteof Ew-rit Moyir, and E. P Luis, ll is bind to bu u certain euro for Cough' nml Wciikut's os, aud very u-i'fui lor chihlri n will re ceive proposals at ill am Holme's in lleutoii township. Columbia county, between thi hour of 1J ,M. anil 3 P. .M , ou Momliy, the Uth (toy if July 1805, f ir building an Arch Coverrtl llridge over Fishing. creek, near Ihc reaiu. ire of Peter Kama. Said llmlge to ho IIHJteel between abut nt wiiith Id feet I hclgl.l I. i feet l 'iieties from low wnt,r mark,. The ab itmenu to be I fee t thick, .md llu w nig wall ou Iho upper side of I n-t abutment ttl feet long, and on lower side of said abiumi ot Pi feet long They will ulo receive propnFBls at Jnhu U. Hes' Hi StKailiuf tow u.hip. Coluuibia county, b-tweeii the huiirfol III A .M uud 3 P. .M on Tuc.Mlav, the llth duy of July, 186., for boildiog on Ar.h Covernl lit idgu over Fi.hing" erei k. near the residence ot the said loahoa II. Hess Said liridpu o be 'J-teet between abutment , wid ll II, fret H iiirii" I height 13 feet III inches' from low. wnttr mirk. Tito aDutinent lo hu 7 l--el thick, nnd Hie wing-wall on upper side of l!ait abutment .'a feel long. Ihu wing. wall ou lower tide of aaid abutment III leel lone. and none required on Ihc upper unci lower si le of West abutment. 11 order t tlie Coimnis-inu.ra, ROBERT C FRUI T, ! Clerk. Cominipsioiiera Office, I ' ninomahurg, June 'Jl. Idl'S, WIUSKEHS 1 WHISKERS ! Do you "1 UbT reemvud a new a.ortmoui of good want Uhl.kers or iMouslaehea t Our Grecian sl)le. cf Compound will force theiu to grow on tho anioulheat ir , 1 t i i DI.-I! JVOT nnivn virn face or chiM, or liair. on bald heuds, In Six Week. W A is Is 1 Al lUt, IaNLi 1j U D 1MU liOH- DEK1NG AND CEILING PAPEU, A T Miller's Store u hohavu iijurc tlieiuiolvca by a certain pr&cllce.ttv tlitlgud tu wlii'ti i I on f, n haUft fr'i'itinvly lunrnuil itoux uil compuiiluiii, or ul clioui, thu tiTecU of which are tilgUUy felt, oven wlion Uilecp, and, if not cured, tun Utrg innrriafit? impossible, and ilcgtroya bulh mind and bovly, hould apply linmiidiatuly. V linl a pity Hint a youne tuitii, Hie licpo of our coun t r)'. tho pride uf his parent, fhuulil be inatched from all prtxpects and enjoyment., of lift, by thu corns tiutMiceuf dovlatintr from the path uf nature, and in dulg ttir iu HO-tiuin ccrul liabit. Such person. uiuit. b.fure .u iIj uiplaim MARRIAGE, KS" I'ho Ii'o-creain ,nd Stiawberry Feelival." held last trpur., in the Gcrmun Reformed Churoh of Bloom-burg, closed on S.itiiriluy niglit and was a complete Success. It rcaliied 80 '8 00-5a5 00 of, which sum wai donat d by C F Lvnaiso: , M D Tha proceeds are to ho applied to the 1'quidaiion of the dilit upot the Cliuroh cdifi'.'e. GENERAL ELECTION Piiiiln s 'fi, E.'UIO. Commissioner. "JOHN F FOW'LKR, E-q., of Pino towiivhip, nj aro authorized tu unuouuee, will bu a caniiidntu fur COUNTY Tee Burr Musical InmruMent tor hie Fa.mily. ''The piano-fortr," 6ays the Anutioan Baptist, "extensively as it l ucd, is not so well adapted to all pur pou' as sacroil and secular musio aB ano ther intrtiuieut which is now justly claim ing a large! share of public attention, and which hn already heon estenfciveTy tutro dueed into tehoals, ohurobos, and families, and received the endorsement of tho chief organists, musicians, and nrtisis uf Amor ioa wc mean th.jM.iflou & Hamlin Cabi r.oC Oigan." COMMISSIONER, i At the approaching General Election, subject to the , decision of llu Columbia County Democratic Conven- linn. I June 17, lciS.-tr. Commissioner. WTM. R DEMOTT, of Madison twp.,1 T T wc arc anthoiized lo announce, will be a can didate for COUNTY COMMISSIONER, At the nppri'inhing Uiniral E'cction. aul.jicl to the deci aiou of the Columbia Lounty Demcratu Convcu Price, til UH, Sent by mail an) where, closely sea cil, on receipt of price. Address, WARNER k CO.. Uox 13d. Drooklyn, N. Y. February Id, Idu5-y Deafness, Blindaes 6t Catanh, Tieated with the utmost success, by Dr. J. ISAACS, Oruliat and Aurist. (furmerly of Leyden, Holland,) u. 310 PI SH Slrect, Philadelphia. T-cstimomala from the must ru lablo eourct a In ihu City and Country can be a. en al ills office. The medical fncully are invited to accompany their patieula, u lie lias no ectei in ins practice. ARTIFIl'l.lL EYES Inserted without paiu, No charge made for examination. February 11. IHU. . July '!, 1801, lini ifTouwanFi'o know ' Al ITTLE UK EVERYTHING telatlng to tho hu man sysleui, male nnd female,- tbu lauses and treatment lit disease, j Iho marriage! cu-loina of tho world; liow tn marry will nod a thousand things never publishud before read thi rovued and -enlarged edi tion of ".ledirnl Common Sense." a curious book for curioua people, and a good book for every one. -HiO pages. ItJU llluatraiioiis. Price SLoU Contents laid" sent free lo any address. Hooks may be had at 'he Hook Stores, or niil bo sent hy mail, post naid on re , ccipl ol Ihc pnc. E U. FOOl'E. SI. D ' 1130 Ilroadway, New York. February I, 1803,-iiin. .Pennsylvania Agricultural So ciety. ,fpiIE Penylvariia State Agricultural ( lonely will hold Us Exhibition un S, plumber , 50, 'rt, 'J1 and ta, IBcij, al WILI-.IAMSPORT, Lycoming County. Any infonintioii desired by persona desiring to ex hibit, applications for premium lists or floater, or by uiemtKra of 'he Hoe'ic-ty, will bo given by thu under signed, rr A. HOYII HAMILTON, President, Harris- bUrS' A. BROWER LONGAKER, nil and a gem ral lam ty of material iu bia line, which will be f. unci on lb.- MUS I' Fi.uolt immediate y can of Luiz's I'rug Storf, iu tue Rupert iilcnk, where all peraou ivi-hiug good ill his liiu will be alloiidi-d lo in porsou at all limta. T SPRING Mubarrihrr has IuhI rturnud from Iho t'ltlcs w till anotlit r lurgo and nelcct avorlinct of .rlA'V SUMMER GOODs purchased at Philadelphia, al the lowest liguro, nud which they aro determined In -II ou as moderate terms as ran be procured else where in llloomsburg. Ills Slum rninprisea .W-Paper Uat'ging wculod to order "MK Xji;mifttMttni.Mm. and best style at short notioe. E J. THORNTON. Hloonnbiirg, April ' IHM ly JULANKS. Deeds, SLov Igagcs, BONDS. Marrisgcertiflcates for Ministurs ol the Gospel t .iuticcn of the Puac SCHOOL ORDERS eV ARTICLES OF AGREEMENTS. duy aonns, .wn ohoufmiks. II ilimviRK HUKKjrn jint.. cf.uar ware, nou.mv WAHe. mo.s: a"aii.s, huot.v 4- siot.s nW7W a; Gir-s, e S(c., -c. In short everything usually kept In country Stores lo which he invite tho public generally. The llighustprice paid for country produce. S. II. MILLER. Cloomabitrg. ay 13, UoJ. NEW ARRIVAL. At A. J. Evans' retlect thai a auuad mind and body are the most neces snry requisites to prouiule- connubial happiness In deed, without these Iho journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage ; Ihc prospect hourly darkens to tbo view, the mind becomes ahadowejl with dcapnir and Ailed with tho melancholly reflection that the hap piness uf another becomes blighted with our owu! Office, 7 South f'rcdei ick Street, left-hand side going from Haltlmnre street, a few door from the corner. Fall not to observe name and num ber. (K7 No letters received itnlcaa postpaid and con taining u damp to bo used on the reply. Persons writing ahould stale nge and scud portion of advertise ment desi ribing symptom? The Doctor's Diploma hangs In hi. oUlce. Endorsement of the Press. The many thousands cured at Ibis establishment within the last twenty yean, and the numerous im portant Surgical operations performed, by llr. John. too, witnessed by the- reporter of The Sun and many oilier paper, nonces ol which uare appcareu a loul neiilii li.f.irn the nubile, besides his standing Seiiilemuii uf character and responsibility, is a .utH cicinl guaranty Mine amnion. Skin Discuses Speedily I vie I. April 2., leCJ.-ly Philadelphia k Erie' 18SS. This great line travorse. tho Northuru and North west counties of Pennsylvania lo the city of Erie, on Lake Crib. , It has' been leased by the Pennsylvania. Itailrna.J Company, and I. operated by ihuiui Its entire length was opened for passenger and freight busihes. October lTlh, ISA I. TIMK Of FASSCXeSR TRAINS ,T KORTHUMasRLsRB. Mall Train leaves, East III Iu I'. M. Eliulra Express Train, Lock Haven Accouituodallan, YVllliaiusport Accnulmodallou. LEAVE WESTWARD.' Mall 1'raln, .... Elinlra Express Traia, . Lea k Haven Accommodation . Wllliaiusport Accoinuiodatloa i'sssengvrs Cnra run through no Stall Train, wits). Oct i HAHua both ways between I'biUJclphlaaud Erie, and llallimoro and Erie. Elegant Sleeping Cars on Elmlre Express Trains bolh wuys between William, port and Oaltiiui.ro. For Information respecting Passenger buaiueas. asi ply althe Cor. :10th and .Market flts. And for Freight business of the Company's AfiU. S. II. Kliigslnu, Jr.', Cor,13ih and .Market bis., Wid'a J. W. Reynolds, Erie. William llrun-n, Agent N. C. R: R Dallimors. II, 1). Houston, Gc-n'L Freight At . Philadelphia, 11. W. aw'iliuer. Oen'l.Ticket Agt. Philadelphia. Joseph D. Potts, Oeii'l. .Manager, Williamspurt. Jan. 7, 1803. Admiuisti ator'3 Notice. Estate of Andrew Hiss, deieased rETTERS of administration, debmit nan, turn t. l (aitteulo sins, an the estate of Andrew llcss, lata of Sugarloaf township. Cot. ca, dccua.ed,' have be., granted bytho Register of Columbia county lot.ia un do signed; all'percfona ltavlug claims against tbj es tate of the decedent aro requested to'preaam thaui t., the undersigned, residing iu said township, With ul delay, and all parsons Indebted to make payment furih RICHARD HESS, Aduilnls trat r. April OT. 13,-Cw SI RAR GAINS ! B A KGAIN8 1 IF YOU WANT TO .BUY Spring and Summehs 68SsllS GO TO Creasy's Store, in Light Slrcel', Fa'. LEG A L BLANKS : SuinmuiKs' Subpoeneas EXECUTIONS. BCAKIFICAS AND CAPIASES, WARRANTS Sc COMMITMENTS. (LOilliiMi ISi'OllM! new goods ? T ier.5. Secretary, Notes: Common, Single, Double, rind Non-Kx-tuiptian , Parchment deeds, rpur. undersigned respecttuiiy informs hu old friend with every other kind ot Blanks, for pale I .nml -i.t,iiiii,ri. that lie haw nnrr!in.il his hrnthiirH ' imii. June 10, te.- le Candidate for Treasurer. JOHN J STILES, of Benton townhhip, through Ihc earnest solicitation of his many He no ocrallc friends, has been induced to offer himself a a cnndldritefnr the otllco ot 'I REAr-URER of Columbia county, .ubject to Ilm decision of the lleuio.-ratlc Con, ventlon, which will bu held on ihe'Jnth of August next llenmn, May S7, I f05 rj.t Death or Wy. OampdeLl, Esq. A dUpaioh was received in this place, on 0f Robert RaLton, dceia-ed Monday, announeing the death of Wm. 6 Campbell, Esq , Proprietor of the St LawreDco Hotel, in Philadelphia. His remains will be brought to New Alexan dra, in this county on Wodncidaj for in- ierrapnt. Mr. Campbell was at onetime a ..i ,i.. o. ni i.... tr.i r .onneetcu wuu w.c o.. u..a.. , .- IJlJlom'Di ftlu, 13!iaabclU a daughter of Pitt.burg, aud for eomo time was dcntiGed , Jamcj llalfitotli junior, tlcoeased.wbo has with the interests of tho Mountain House, ror her guardian B F. Hartman, heirs and Cresson. Mr. Campbell was formerly a legal representatives of James RaUton, ... I . i. nt . i ' : c l l. : n . rrciilent of this couutv. and his numerous la-e 01 uioom mwiiuiip, wo.ucuuia uuun.j NOTICE IN PARTITION Estate of James RaUton, deceased, To Matilda Ralston, Willaniina, widow of Robert Ralston, and Jamca, Donald C, Elvira and Charles, miuor children residing in the County of Dauphiu. John HaLlon, re Biding in Schuylkill County ,Williara Rala ton, residing in Brazil, South Amcrioa, Josiah Ralston, of Columbia County, Ag nes intermarried with Marshal Sllvcrtborn residing in Breckinridge, ddorado Ter ritory. Susan intermarried with Miles C. Abbott, Martha lntrriuarnea wuu Nornstcwn, May J3, TINWARE ct STOVE SHOP. and ciiatomera. thai he has purchased his brothers merest in the above establishment, and Ihu touceru w lis hereafter be conducted by himself exclusively. Ho naa j list rcceivcu nuu oners ior suic, mo tore est and mn.t extensive assortment'of FANCY STOVES ever introduced into this market, His stuck consists of a complete amorlineiU of he best Cooking and parlor stoves in the market, togeth er with Stove Fixtures of every description, Oven and Hoi Stoves, Radiators, Cyllndar Stoves, Cast Iron- Air Tight ttovee, Cannon Stoves, &c. &c. Stovepipe uud Tinware constantly on hand and manufactured to order. All kinds of repairing dour, as uaiiul, un short notice. The patronage oi oiu irieuus auu new cusminnr re .i-m'ii., -..n.ic.l A Hlll'l'llT. lllooinsbiirg, November 3d ISCII. If. at the office of tho j COLUMBIA BLOOMSBURG, PENN. LATEST SYLES CAEAP GOODS ri HE undersigned respectfully informs his friend I nnd the public gciirrnlly. that he. hni Just received from tho E-islurn cilies, u largo nsioilinent uf being the beslnsiortinent ever oirered in this market. Also a complete assortment of lloya Clothing. Iu fart everything in the Clothing Lino For those who prefer lo leave their measure, a perfect fit guaranlei-d, and . oihing but the best workmanship allowed at this es ta lishmcnt. llu ulau keep ou hand a large assort- """ Cf 1W01S AND SHOES. HATS ND CAPS, together wllha variety of notion.. Oy 'ALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. Tl A. J. EVVVNS. Illooiinburg, April. 91, ISM. GREA T K ED Ut RIONJN PRICES DEMOCRAT. PROVISION STORE Estray. tVJ ''plIErroprictorofthis well. known and centrally loco .L ted House, thu Exciiakos Hot.l, situate on Mai, Street, in Hloomsburg, immediately ?pnnsite the Coluin bia County Court House-, respectfully informs hi. friends and the public in general, that his House is now in or dor for Ihc reception andontcrtainment of travelers whu muy feel diapo.ed lofavorit with their custom, lie has spared no expense 111 preparing the Kxchanob, for the entertainment nl'hls guests, neither slnll there be any thing wnnlln6' (on his part) to minister to their personal comfort. His house is spacious and enjoys an excellent business location, IC7" Oinuibiisen run at all time, between the Lx v Hotel andtliH various Kail Road Depots, by which Lag elers will be pleasantly conveyed to and from the re spertivu Stations in due time to meet the Cars. .MAY, 1CC0 WM. B. KOONS. FRESIl' ARE I VA L A large Stock of Family GRO CERIES and Provisions gen erally, just opening, and for i ale by Vi holesale and RetaW AT THE SHANNON BUILDINGS, fiAMK into the enclosures of tho nu- J ilersigncd, on Raven Creek, in Renton township. Columbia cuunly, on or abcut the riri-t of .May, lust., a pale red MIIiCII COW, With a star on her forehead, and i. slightly brindle about the head anil neck, The.'uwner is requested to prove properly.pay charge, nnd lake bur away, or show ill bu disposed of accord ing lo law. JOSEPH HESS. May C7, lt!C3.-3w$l.50 George! Spring and Summer, FOR 1 deceased, TAKE NOTICE, friends will be pained to'hear of bis dc neaso rcttn'a Argus, 1 1 11 ,iu.n...il. ivhlrli shall naacnible at t. - T.10T Vnvinr nu Wooni townahip, Columbia county, occupied by Henry tub Calyi'So. This is tho title of a new priday, the I thof August A. D 1805. rrliliancc. iust commenced iu The Saturday , o'clock, In Iho forenoon and te continue until 1-ive.llng Po,t of Philadelphia. It is very I . t.gtirtVlSnrtS'r.te' fo? -EVERYBODY MAIN' ST, BLOOMSUURG. ONSIST1NG oi all the neoessarin and luiurii a i f life, usually foiiml in sucki talilisliiiie'iila i.i i iliai uud large towns, Aipmiglh. are SUGAR, ALL GRADES. COFFEE. FROM OLD Government Java down. TEA, Ironi thu very beat to cheaper qualities, SPICES all kind, Dried Fruit, Ham. Dried fieef I'nrk, I lour, Duller, Cheese. Cod Fi... .Mather, II, Kerosene Oil and Lamps, Wooden Wnro, Uruom,, Pans, .ask. Is 6ck &.C, &c. Syrups, Molassea, cider Vinegar. Corn Starch. So da, Cream of Tarter, Foreign Fruits uud 3d tuna uf articles too numerous to ineuiii n. All laid iu since the lato FALL IV 001.1) and wll be sold at the lowest cash prices, CASH PAID FOR EGGS. LAYTON RUNYON. Iltonin. burg. May '.'7, Ir'to. JNKW GOODS AT; C. Kreamer's Store, JERSEYTOWN, COLUMBIA Co. FRESH ARRIVAL OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS AT REDUCED PIUCLS. T TIIF. undersigned, grateful for past patronage, rcapec fully informs his customers and thepublicgeiicrnlly Hint hn hna lust rereived from the Eastern cities, the , ThatiM Inquest will be held on the real estate of the hrgestand most select stocky L' m . , .l i ..i i..i, ...,., 1, 1 ., ,h, I, h... In. raicralriaTS- o TCT IW SKI i ueccoaeu. wo.... ...... ."-""-"- ..;v m'i:. h- ij i- .vr vi ii i (O SC. JLwV V MVJ V lia.i"-.. rs?1 llu- 119 - uywy VJ Wi Willi """""h ."'-- - -t v ipurposeol maaing pamiioii o; mo reai o;. I 'rhat has yet been opcneU 111 tnooin.Durg, o which in CXOitinir. and ful of intoroit, EVE ISLE saiddcrea.ed to and among his Heirs and legal rep- , ' B,tim,0n of his friends, and eourea tlieiii i-xoivu t,, auu iui a , n resentatlvcs, f tho .ame can be done without preju. 1 1, , u ,)lTt,,e,, for fl t great bargains. Ills hersel IS a Bttlgular creature, OVOrtlOWing 'Jt .polling thi, whole otherwise to value and " JJVi V ,'niprlB a large assortment of .....1. !!e ....1 nr,,1 ,IH n tnllrlli I ...nralau lha same BCCoruing 10 law I oi wnicil nolo .:.,., ...,,..l, iveiniun A PLAII l.T.. wun spinta. u -u ." -3" , you .,. required tu attend if you think luLr. o(yi,y de. t-otion Auctioneer HE subscriber has just retured fiom Philadelphia, w 1II1 a largo and .elect assortment 01 New Cools, purl based at the? lowest cash pricus, lli slock coiiaisla of Ladies' Dress Good., Alpacas, Cloaking. Fancy articles, Callcoea, Oiiiglianis, Flan nel, Hiawls, Silks, Clothi, Cnaslmera, Satinet ta, Cot lunacies, Kentucky Jcuiis, Thread, .Milsllus, I ickiug, Shirting Groceries, Queenswaro, Hard ware, Cedarware, Medicines, Drugs, Oils. Fish, Halt, NEW ARRIVAL OF 8 ti 111 m e r Goods AT PETER ENT'S STORE, .V LiailT STRKET, COLUMBIA COt.VTr, PA, I 1 AS Jint received trom I'litlaclelplua, atiu is uw JJ opening at the old stand lale'y occupied by Maris 4c Em, a splendid assortment ol M ERC11 AjNDIZE which will be sold cheap lor CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. Ills sturkconsistsof Ladfes Dress Ooods dioice.tatyle. and lateal fashion. 1 tJalicoa, ' Muslins, Uinguams, 1 , Flannels, Carpets, Shawls,- Hcrsiery, Silks, READY MADE CLOTHING. " Cabsimeros, Satiueti, Cottonadea, Kentucky Jeans, Thread, ks. Grocories, ' . Quoenswaro, Cedarware, Hardware, Modiciues, Drugs, Oils, Paints, eV-0 BOOTS k SHOES. HATS et CAPS. In shon rcry thing usually kept ill a country store. Tho patronage of old friend., aud the public genera ly, is respectlully solicited. The hlgliust market prlco paid for country produce PE'l Lie LN 1 , Light Slrcel, May G, 18C5. Who Keep all Kinds of CALICO.' MUSLINS, SILKS. GINGHAM, FLANNELS, CARPETS, HOSIERY, SHAWLS, Ready-made Clothing . Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, coffees, Teas, Fishj Sftlt, Bacon, 1 Hams, Lard, 1 Tobacotf, egnrs, Hats, Boot-, Caps, Shood, Drugi, Oils, Paints, &c, &c. In addition to our large stork uf Dry Goods, w-c hav a lutgc and full assortment of Ready Made Clothing toi Men and Uo wear which we ire determined 10 soil cheaper thin can be bought elsewhere. Cull and sen, and Jadge for yourselves Ky They also keep a flhe assortment of DRUOJ and MEDICINES, to supply tho absence ofn regelar Or'ng Store In Light Siren, which will be rartfntv com. pounded and suitably directed fur the accomodation o their customers. II. Light Street; Apiil W. CREASY, & Co. w. leer. Nails. HOOTS AND SilUES, ot the mystorioua about hoi. Ve think .my 0110 who begins "Eve Islo'' will find it difiiculi 10 refrain from neruBiotr to the end tha varied fortunes of this siugular cirl. and of the varied characters with whom fate baa counected her. Tho Post oan bb procured of tbo periodical agents, or by addressing tne publisneri, walnut Street, i'liilailelpliia. ent a single number, 92 60 .'2h for ix moatbi, 310 Price fiv a vear, or KS'SS. ; . to .. if ,hi,.k , Co11,iiit SAMUEL SNYDER, ' i&tt!bK Wa Sheriff. fheritT-s olHrr. Illoomsburj. I June 10, li?uS,-0w I F. 0. HARRISON, M. D. t WOULD respectfully Inform the eitliens of BlrJoms. burg.and vtciulty.thatho rnntlnuesthe piactl.a of JUEMCIXE .1JW Sl'RCIF.RT, ..nd.olisll. a i-haro of public patronage- ' Orn,enMainBlieet. fli.t houte below th.Loiit Iloust, Bloorn.buig fertiusry J. lr?ii 1( TPIIE undersigned, would respectfully 1. announce to the p iblic tlat bu has rinewedbls License bs- Public Auctioneer. ' Feeling lliankful for past favors he solicits a coutinu unie of tho kind patronage beretnlore extended to him Persons wishing my service will please call 011 or addras. me at I ORANGEVILLE, Columbia County, Pu, ' Those wishing my service will p'case call upon me befuto they advertise tlielr sales. WM. SCHUYLER. N. II. Remember " IxtenDtrft casap r.nptruM,- .'Jlictioneer. call and .e. No ch.rgo for "lJ'Avnf,'1!NnEnO Orangcvillr, May 13. 1365. Hlooin.bun. Anril I. 1303. Uune IBS'J ) , Uold Wotonoauu ucoiry. I Of every deicrlplien, nne mui mco.. LANK BOOKS k STATIONERY, ipplsd ef lha best ni.ttrul tended ti, Mifchlc 13 .up to Rank., Merchant, and County omeei. Order, by man prom pur s Wl OS, I CIVIC I liii th and Bscs tttctti, I'hil'a. Statioiici-y mul lEIuiiLoIiool; k Qupplied to dealers aud cash buyers at kj low wnoieiaie raies, M.ich t ISM. -!m, w. et. rr.BRY. lib and Race la ThlU llroonis Candies, Tobacco, Segars HATS AND CAPS, In short, eircy thing usuallyjkcpt In a country stora. . Thankful for nasi lialriiuagu. old friends and Hie 011 hi 1 c generally, arc nil lied to call and aeu for them- I selves. I will sell good at as low rates a. any other house in the country. J will nut be undersold by Jew or Oenllle. Come friends, roll up, bring your I'ro duco bring 'your rash, your, I.uinbir ur anything you have to sell. I will pay aa much, uud sell as low, as any house this sldo uf Philadelphia ; o coma ono and all, bring your trade, but don't usk fur trust, Poor Tiusl is dead, bad debts killed him. WANTED. 200,000 Shinglos, and 500,000 feet Pine and Henilook Timber, for which the high est market prico will bo paid, Grain, Flour and .Meat kept on hand for sale ut my store. 0 KREAMER. Jersc)town, Moy 0, ISdS 1 New Raruek Shop. TUOS. D. BROWN, Barber, DLOOMSDURG, UolumVl. Lo Ta April S3, ISO Administrator's Notice. Estate of David Vandinc, Deceased. T UTTERS of administration on the I 1 Estate uf David Vandina, lata of Madison tw p., Columbia county, decea.ed, havo been g-nrted by the Register or Columbia county eo ine miaersiguec ; an nr.nna havllii claims ugalut Iho estate of the de cedent aro requested to preen' them lo the under signed, residing in saiu towiisnip, Wlllioui ueiay, auu all iier.ous Indebted to make payment forilntlih 1 tniiM a iinwuq'nsi IV1AL1 Jl, lunoiu.i Administrator. May (I, liuJ.-Ow J3 00 Administrator's Notice. E'siate of Abraham Keifcr, Deceased I UTTERS of administration on the 1 I'.atate of Abrahau. ICeifer. late of Orange twp.. Columbia coun.y. deccaaed, have been granted by the Register of Columbia cn to tlie undersigned ; all per ...,Tu i,.vincrrialni aeaiiisl the elate of the decedent are requested to present them to the A dniini.liator hi his rcsldenco in Illoomsburj. without oeliy, andall oeitons indehied In males puyment lorinwun. 1 MICHAEL F. EYKRLY, AJministialor Mj. ISoJ 5 93 Dr. Taibott's Pills. (ANTLDYSPETIC) Coiuposod of highly Concentrated Extracia tfitu ROOTS AND HERBS I Of the greatest medicinal vali-e prepared fmi.i !hi I original prescription of the celebrated Dr. Tk.kett, and used by him with remarkable success for twviitr j years. An infallible remedy in all I DISEASES OF THE LIVER. at any derangement of 1 THE DIGESTIVE OllOANS. 'l'hey oure Diarrhoea, Dvspep-is, Sorof 1 nla, Jauudioe, Biliousness, Liver Ccmplaiiit. I Tho well-known Dr. Mott says of these Pills: ! I havu used the formula from, u'luah your Pills are made-, In iiiypraclnofor ueer I- years; they have (be finest ellecl uponthes I. del mid Digestive Urgitua of any luudicfn'o in tfie woill, nml arc Hie most perfect Purgative which has ever yet been ma le! by anybody They urn aafu and pleasant to lake, I. id noworful 10 cure, Their ienetialing prop.rt ea rtiiuuiato Ihe i tat activities of Ilm bocli, remove tho obstruction m it orgitiis, purify thu blood", ndcx pell dfseasn, 'Jboy mirei, .nil the tout hunnir. ivhlfh li.ewa mj a.nu, ,1,.. I temper, stimulate klugglsh or isorb iod organ Into 1 lheirnaiur.il anion, and impact x henllhy iaoj witfi I strength ta tlie w hole ) sic, n. ,S : only do they cure , Hie every day complaint of everybody, but also for midable And dangeroii .liaeasea, and being purely v.g ' c-iablu aio froo from any risk or harm. No person who naa once ua.jn uieso nils win eyor uo wnaout mora. They create pure blood and remote ull iuipuritiss from tho system, hence are a positive curu for FEVERS, HEADACHE, PILES,MER CURIAL DISEASES AND HER EDITARY nUMORS. DOSE For adult, one Pill In the morning , f irchil dred under B jours, half a PilL ES8' Price One Dollar per Box. Trads supplied, or sent by Mail, post paid, lo any part of the Uuiled Stated or Cunudas on receipt of prioo. None Genuine with out tue lacsimiio Mguaturo ot V. AJott Talbott, M. D. V. MOTT TALBOTT & Co.. No 62 Fulton St New York. May 37, ieoJ.-ly BENJAMIN GREEN, DEALER IN Window Shades, Oil Cloths, Dials. NO. 3Ii NORTH SECOND STREET, PHILADELPHIA. March 1. Itfli -3m, I nOOKET DIARIES PHOTOGRAPH I At. HUMS Al.llUel PlCI'I'lina, -.clljog at l TCrv law piitr. im cssn , u runm ' Mar.h t. Ib3 r W cut. i Kasf, I'hiu UM Jjt.".. ... '. -mI i-.aa.. ' sliS. r .ito-j'j ssa'--' V. m ''; ijgt. AMaUrT'A'' "fe"'. fc.Vwl " aSMMHMHHHHHWflHH I'A'