Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, June 17, 1865, Image 4
Farmer's Department.' Bran Mashes for Horses. Naoy who koepa horeca gtvo thcifl no chango of feed. It ia hay 'And oats all tho ilrao. Thoeo who prtlcad io keep febo bones, via will not cvou suppose to Xhtko a (ecular feed of oorn, For .h'oraoA, w know, aro almost onlircly on oorn in tlio West. It may do as a feed for plow team but certainly not for fino carriages or or I U I buggy horses- But horacs, whether fed ) regularly on ooru or oats, should hato a 1 bran mailt at least unoe a vreek and if twice all tho bettor. It cools tho system It bpehB tho bowols and clcanso and tJiirifloo llietn. It keens the horse in health.! . 1 It wards off tho cholio and other bowel oomplaints. There will bo fever horses! horses dying with tho botts cholio simi lar diseasos,if bran mashes ato given week ly. V They are made by heating tbo water to tho boiling point, and then pouring it on bran'. About six quarts of bran should bo used for oaoh horao. A couplo qaurt3 of oaTs may be put with tho barn and a little salt and tho boiling water poured oyer all. When cool, feed to tho horse. Thoy should gcnorally bd given at night. Rural I 'fit Id. Setting Fence Posts. Whoro it necessary to set wooden post?, it will bo found that their durability will bo greatly promotod by slightly charring ot oarbonizing the surface beforo inserting them into tho soil. There are few substan ces moro indestruotablo lian charcoal when buried beneath the surface and kopt constantly in contact with nroist'iotl, or soil that is oonstantly wet. We have seen posts thus protected, taken from the soil after having stood for upwards of thirty years, in perfectly sound condition, so far as rot was concerned, below the surface, while the upper part, which bad been ex posed to the atmosphere, was in a state of Complete deoay. The cost of charring is but a trifle, and may be effected by means of chips brush or refuse matter of any kind. A very slight oharring will be sufficient to insure the preservation' of most kinds of wood whether hard or soft. Stakes are also equally benefitted by this process. EFFECTS OP UUOKWI1EAT STltAv? ON Animals. A correspondent of tho Ru ral Neto Yorker writes as follows : "Buck wheat and buckwheat straw create, when feed to thorn, on all tho domestic animals a variola-like cutaneons eruption, called buokwheat eruption, appearing on all tho spots poorly covered with hair or wool around the mouth, on tho cars and inside the hind logs. This disappears without farther injury as soon as tho food is chang ed." Will any of our readers who have fod buckwheat or buokwheat straw, gives ns tho result of thoir experience ? ' Chaeooal is a powerful absorbment. Water filtered through it loses not ouly its coarser impurities, but even tho more subtle matter by which it may bo discol ored. Baked Beans without Pork. Excellent in taste, easily digested, good for dyspeptics, free from swinish flavors. Soak a quart of beans in water over night; draw tho water away ; boil it in clean water, until soft ; put it in a bakeing dish with a lump of butter tho size of an egg ; alt and peper, and bake as usual. Sorohtjm Breau. The Green Lake Spectator acknowledges tho recoipt ol a sample of flour, manufactured from Sor ghum seed. It is of- a light pink color, much (finer, softer, and lighter than buck wheat flour, but somewhat coarser than wheat flour. He says it will make rice griddle cakes or bread. This adds still another inducement to farmors to enter into the cultivation of sorghum. The farmers of Livingston county, 111., have adopted the plan to do without fences every one taking care of his own cattle. The system works well,nnd tho whole ex pense offences is saved. "What aro wages here !' asked a la borer of a boy. "I don't know, sir." "What does your father get Saturday Bight?" "Get!" saidi tho- boy; "why be gets as tight as a prick.!'' Oua AROBTocitAcr. A wag says a codfish aristocrat is one of thoso men who dan pin a dried herring to his coat tail and immagine himsolf to'be a whalo. r Life is a thing which many people in a hurry to get rid of, il ire may seem judge by the number of "fast" young men nowa-days, who uio themselves up I with the greatest apparent satisfaction. r If you know' anything that will make a brother's hsart glad,run quiok and Ull it but it is something that will oauto a sigh ; bottle it up. ; Why is coDsoionoo liko the stran on the insido of an omnjbus I Heoaure it it sn inward eheok. Io tho outward juau, SCROFUL A. DR. 15, W, WILLS' AMbRlckN COMPOUND For THE BLOOD; THIS old established, tlmtbughly tried Rimcdy, rtcommcdat by some of the most nihwit Physicins, has attained a celcbri y in tnost parts of tht country, iti cwing SCROFULA Oil AVAG'S EVIL (Scrofulous Horn, Rom or Erysipelas, Seated Head and Ring Worm, Tetter or Salt RhtumOiittor or Swell ed Neck, (to common with onr American Females) cu rable Canccraand Cancerous Sorca, Dlains or Uoili, Chronic Ulcerated Sore, mm. ttilue, Mouth and Throat, Syphilis In all Its fornn, By N'oailie or mercerrial Sore moutli, and throat, chronic plccration of the Lung, Stomach and Kidneys, Plm pie, roatunea, and Dlotchea. Rheumatism, Female Wcaiincaa. Lereorrhao, (arising from Internal ulcera 'on) Dropay, Gonetial Debility, Emaciation and nil (Us aiea of the BLOOD In cases of Costivcness or Constipation it NEVER FAILS. lta mild In ita action, Juat aufllcicnl to regulate tho bowels and keep them regular, lta unlika all prep? rations for the Dlood, having the laxative propertlca combined, .Aa it contains Wild Cherry, Mandrake and Dandelion prepared in a scientific manner it works wonderfully in cos. ti of chronic affections 0 the BOWJEIi! Chronic PILE9. and permanently cured by thoAlt-r nativo and Laxative affect one great feature In It, products aa APPLETTE.. from thecorameneeraent-in short it is a very line Ton ic. Its patataole and can be taken by tho most del icoto Female or Child. It being purely vegetable there will be no harm dono in taking It, If thero is no benefit derived. Preparea by Dr, E, W, Wells', Practical Physician WILKES. BAROE, PA. OFFICE over L. 0. Pains Store, AIahket Street. For Sale by all Druggists throughout t ntuwwry, r.B.-Every agent is authorized to refund the money wbora the compound falls to relieve. Full Dlrectiona accumpuny eacnooiue in English, French and Gcr man. N. B. No Carthetio medicine is re quired. In troating Fivo thousand cases T't. 1 t. wuvu mjver nuown a caso io requiro byoio, or have I ever known it to fail in thoroughly rcmoviB lfio di u,Bua9CB- devoto all my timo at the study and treat. ment f Diseases OF THE BLOOD I jam prepared to giro advico (gratis) by op. ( plying to my office or by letter, accom panled by a Stamp. . K,;W. .VELLS, WBd hiv,tvS1iFWf!l4?,i ' New y'ork' ' JC Jl,l60.-H(t3 Schenk's Mandrake 'I 'IAV pmm, FOR Silk Its Symptoms, Oaube and Cuhfc, T ""HIS has rccoived its name from a bott- tant nauica or alckness at tho stomach, which attenda the pain in the head. Thia headaehJ U apt to begin In the morning on waving from a deop ikqi, andnhon some Irregulgtity of die, haa been continu ed on the day before, or eometlmca for aoveratda)s previous. Al Crtl ihtra ia a distressingly oppreaalvo farting in the head, which gradually merges Into a s: vcre licavy puin In tht temples, frcjuently alien ded by a sense of fullness and tenderness in one eye, and envmdlog across the forehead. There ia a clammy. tnplearant Urte iu the mouth, on oflensire brcalb.and the tongue covered w 1th a yellowish white fur. Tho suffer!r desires to be atono In a dark room. As noon as tne patient foils the fullness in the head and Vain in tnc templet, tae a large dose of ScblnVa audrako Pills' and in an hour or two they will feel as WeTles over. This has been triod by thousands, and ia nlway sure to euro, and idstend of tho nick headache coming on every wck or leu days, they will act bo troubled with it ouc in throe months Scholia's Mandrake Pills are compssod of number of root besides rodopbinln, or concentrated Mandrake all of which tend to relax tha serretlona of the liver and act moro prompt than blue pills or mercury, and without leaving any dangerous effecta. In a bitliuus person fhev will show themselves by tho stools. They will expel worms, mueup, bile and all morbid matter from the system. In sik headache, if they oro taken as directed abovrs, (afull dose aa soon aa they fed the Brst symptoms nfil Dr. Bcu'cnck will and has directed his agents to return tho money If they da not give per fete satisfaction. If a person has .been compelled to etay out late at night, or dring too much wine, by taking a dose of rills on going to bod, next morning be will foel as tho the bad not drank a drop, unless he forgets to go to bed at all. They only cost 54 cmts a box. Whoever takos them wilt never use any other. They are north a dollar to a sick cost, man or every cent tho Don't forget tha name-SUIJISNCK'd MANDATE PILLS. Bold wholesale and retail at Dr.Schenck's Prlucigay Office, No. IS, North filth Btreet, relladelfhia, and by Druggists and Storekeepers generally, Price for Pulmonic Byrup, Bcawood Tonic, tutl 81 JO per bottle. 17 50 tho halfdoien.ortWoboltlca cfayr. rup and oneofTonlc, for 17 7J, Df.SchcnckwIllbo at his offlco, No. is 0rth St, i-hiityqeipnia, every gaturdey to see patients. Ilo mikes no charge for advice, but fat a thorough exam. Inatlon of the lungs with his Uciplromctcr three dellars. llueJi U.Hci Keep Youk Eye ON THIS PLACE. SB OND ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS. HA3 enlarged and greatly Improved til Store noon nnd stocked It Willi n largo mid superior Block of RAM. nnd WINTER nooIlS, Xvlilch will bo sold as low as at any other establishment In the country. idicos Ut 10, 18. UO und '25 cents, Muslins, Uliaehedand Urown at '25,28, up 10 48 cents tlli:Sr3 nOOIJS nf every shade, quality and price a full lino of Bomoslle, floods, vit : Checks, Vtrlpcs. Ticks.Lliincn nnd Cotton Table Diaper, Olnghams, Nankeens, Jcc , A.C. A good supply of l.ndles Which ami (.altera N'pwtnck of llrils ami Cans. 111 tVtltJI llll illll illlll tlllilf,! I 111 11 13) I a splendid niticlo Just opened and for inle. 111 I - - I ..... J....A,.i A iresn tuppiy oi fjitnnnmnc! ri iwf !inif)iu VH X UtlI IVO mm Kj-sO) a now lot or imii imiiAIV IIMDI,' CADAH AND WILLUW AIU'.. oy ine quarter, nan aim wnoiu uarrri Noa. I und 1, medium and large. Also, u large and splendid assortment ot new designs. Also, a now lot of TRUNKS and Oil Cloth Satchels, Having bought theso goods beforo tho lato Hid, I am prepnredto sell low,chcap as the cheapest for cash or country produce. WE STUDY TO rLEA8i:. .ttloo!jburg, Jan. 7, lc03. Reding Kail-road. WINTER ARANGEMENT, November 7th. 1804. Great Trunk Lino from tho and North .Veht for I'hllodc'phia, NcwVor'c, Read, iti ir. Pottsllln, Lebanon, Allenlowii, Eastou, c 4c. Trains leave llarrlsburg for Nuw-Vork, as follows At 3 UU arid H. IS A. M. and 1.43 1'. M., arrlviiig at .New Vork at IU A. M and 2.45 and 10 1)0 P. II. 'I'h i! above connect with similar Tram on th Pciin syivnnla jtall ltoad, liml Sleeping Cars acconip ny the Qrst two Trains, without cli.ingi;. Leava for Heading, PottsvlllcTamd'Stia, Mint .-svllle, Allcntowii.aud Philadelphia ut fj.15 A. M. nn 1 1 45 P. .M., slopping at Lebanon and principal Slatlou. only. Way Trains, stopping at all point, at 7 95 A iM.dnd 4.40 P.M. Itt'tarning: Leave New-York at 0 V M.,1'2 noon, and 7.00 P. M. Philadelphia ntBA.M nlid 3.:it) P, M ! Pottsvillc at 8 SO A. M. and 2.33 P. M ; l'amnun at 8.10 A. M.nnd2.1SP. M.nnd Hendingat 12 .iildnigUt, 7.35 and 10.45 A. M 1.3d and G03 P. .M. Kcadlng Accomodation Train; Leaves R'ndlngatO 3D A. M. returning from Philadelphia nt 4.3 P. .11. Columbia Railroad Trains lenvc heading at (i.40 and 11 A M. for Ephruta, l.lliz, Columbia, ttc On Sundays; Leave New-. Vork nt7P JI., Philadel phia 3.15 P. M.. Pottsvlllo 7.3d A. M.. Tic.iaqua 7 A; M , llarrisburg S 15 A. M.. and Heading at-'S midnight, for llurrisburg. Commutation, Mileage, Season. Sr ,onl, and Incur sion Tickets to and from all points. at reduced Rates. Baggage checked through ; bO pound allowed each Passenger. C. A. N1COL1.S, Ptncral Superlnltndtnt Rsnpca, Pa. Nov. S5, l&',4 JACOB LADOMUS, DEALER IN ExaiiisH, Swiss and American JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, Sec. 618 Market. Street, corner of Decatur, I Philadelphia Healer in American, English and Sis Watches, making a speciality of ilu celebrated Amuucan VVatiii, which hu woald reLomnicud to all wanting a good time keepjr, am will be sold at tho lowest prices and arc tlio cheapest and bjgt fur the piicc. March 4, IbUo.-ly. The Berwick House I Benvi'-.k, Columbia co.y Pi- j ffjtf tm undersigned would repttVully nnnotmce to Igij' his fuiends nnd the public generally, that- j having leased this w ell-known house -lio has given it a thorough renovation. The rooms have been re.papoi j eil nnul'ie emir, establishment elegantly rcfurnitlied I I king pleasantly and eligibly loValod, and provided with all tho rcpiioilo couveiiiencos, it offers to the I puuuc me comoiseu aovautagos oi A First-Glass Ootel quors. Travellers, drovers, teamsters, boar.lcrs. .c. accommodate, to general atjsfaitl..n. Careful and uc comiuodatlng llosllers nlwnys in alter.daiics. Stabliu Ike uio.l compluto and cit.iui.ivii in this seitinn. J. P. SIUBET. May 28.180 1. : how Lost how lUslort'd. Just publishnd. a new edition of Dr. Cub vemcll'st flebratt.l Essay on the radical euro (without liiediclnut of Ol SCllIn.,1 U'.Jibllai. I ,,,..,, ... n ... I..-, Losses. Impoiency, Mental ami Phj.lcnl Incapacity, Impendiiiicnts to marriage, etc., also, Consumption. Lpilepsy, and Pits, induced by sclf indulgouce or sex ual extravagance, 1 '',ice in n sealed envelope, only six cents. I he celebrated author in this admirable er say clcarlv demonstrates, from a thirty yeats' succrfu pruclicu. tnot the nlurming conso.ueuces of sell-abuse unv to rndicarv cured wiihootiim .., . !rmodi.no0rC, uV.!Qf f.'nif li0" ,or XU" 'nire-pi.lnlliiB out hi ,?,...? r , fcil"P'V.' certain, and of 'canal, end hi, ? nlv h'!,""' V EV"? "m,l"'r and radically.' ' v" "'"P"" 7 'I his Lcflorn &hn,llr1 l,n In lltn ImJ. ..r youth and every man in tho land. Bent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, post pai. , . n rceipt of lt rents, or two post slams. Address the publKlicrs, , , CIIAH.J.C. KLIXBfcCj. . .'"fS??wa'r r,cw York' V"1 Ullli:a " s.S'-U. April I J cuo 628. HO f KINS' 620. HOOP $ K S n T MANUFACTORY, No. 028 ARCH Street, above Utti . PhiPa WHOLESALE ty RETAIL. The niort cnmplctn .tss 'rtmeiit and bjsi quality anJ st)lcs of Ladips', Misses' and Children's Hoop tikirts, In the city. Those of "Our Own Make," am otn-H mi expressly to meet tho wants of l'ust i lass Retail l rado.-embracing all tho new and dosirnbla stylus. Bites, engt lis and mo walls, in trail nod plain Skirts 'Jh SI.3.3J, 3i, and 3t yards round the bottom : makf lug mors than a hundred arlclies for Ladles : in Mis ser onil Cliildren's Skirt, wo aro beyoud all comneti. linn ; all that arn mado by us havo ttainped on ihi kid pad, "lloiikiii's lloop Bkirt Manufactory; No. Arch tacUoi'i r8 w"rra,u,!l"0 eivo Bats- C-Agents for tho "NEW I'LEXlllLE- SKIRT. tho most pliable Ilnop Skats made, equal lu llrndley's "Duplex l.llptic" rlkin, and ut much lower prices. A so. constantly In receipt of u full assortment of good I. tstern made Skirts, which aro being sold nt very low prices. Kid padded and mctalic fastened 15 springs ea cents. 2U springs 31 uu, W springs 81 13, 30 spring. SI M and 40 springs SI 50, Hkirts mado to order, altered und repaired- Terms Ca.h -Ono Prlci Only, for Liicuiar containing Cataloguo of stilee, engths. sizes and t'rircs, cull at or uddrcss by mail. Inclosing Stamp for Postago, , Hopkins' Hoop Skirl Manufaetory, 1 No. 0S8 Arch Stroct, PLiladtiphia. March II, 16C3,-3m. r Baker & Confectioner T,15';;!lffiiKir:is'',,Td tot "a,c- French and Domestic Confec tions In gieu and eplcndid vnriety i Nuta. Fruita.nnd evcrv. tU.f if.,U? Vy ,?,un'1 a "' i'a-s confer on" , y store ee'ved ."lock of ' ""CC'al '""!,Ui", ,0 PICKLED FRUIT AND JELLIES. riUYlDl' reCCIlt V Ittiirl nn n n .l a j I' uv u DUU elegant i onlllpto KEAM SAIsOoiV, ; IZZIH ',' Ice Croat, as clieap n. "o wlth Ice Cream, Coutenionery, &c at reosoobie rates BI , H. STOIINER. Bloomsbuig, April SM.ieiU. J0IIN - YEAGER, MANt rACTUHEIlk WHOLESALE DEALER IM HATS, CAPS, STltAW GOODS, IJONNETS AND AR'J'IFIOIAL FLOWERS, No. 'JCr North Third Slrtct. HUila'd ' wli .U .'I Ull 00,1 AGIUOULTUHAL 01IBMIOA.1. Co's. CHEAP FERTILIZERS. The rcrtlllxoTji rlrcpnrc.l by tho Agrlcultual Chemical Co., (a Company chattered by tho legislature o't'enn-1 syivnnla with a cAiltal nf S'50,001),) liavo been proved , In practlro to bo the chsapdlt.iuost profttaMaahd best, for Ilia iFnlmer, Onrdcfiof ni d I'rult-growcr, of all 1 concentrated mnniiros now otlercd In nny market, Tha Coiiipan)'a list embraces tlio following i I 8-P'sFkii lnNf Th's Fertilizer Is com ClMUIVy LIVj. fis ,0 and tlio Vertlllilnii olcincnl hf urine, ciuiibliied clH mlcally and iiircluiilc.illy with other valuublo fcrtllliluir a genii and absorbents . ,,. . It Is reduced to n pulverulent condition! rrndy for Iniiiiodlato iiSB..nnd wilhout loss of Us highly nllro. gciinin lerllll?.iiigiirop,rlli,. t.. ., ,, ... Us lililtcisnl tippllmlil-liywUI cropnd soils, And Its duiablllty tmincilvn tiunllllr's are well known to it an tiMt nrricimiiriristaii uimu. tMEMUAl COMPOST Thl. VttUitsr Is I .irmly composed of niilmnl mat Ur.'iic'l as meat, . ou. Ilfli. Icullitr, hair and wool, toiftlier rt Itti clmlnlcals Mid iimrcnnle ferllllieVi, which (lffoin.o(i! the muss, and rolaln the iiilrorcn cus elements. It Is n very valuable fertlllicr for Held crops pener- , ally, nud vsVicclatly ror puatoo, and (jurdfii purposes. Its excellent iimllllos, strenrjtli nnd tlu-apnrss, havo niadu it very popular with ull who have used It, I This Injlily phu.pliatlc rcrllllter is pnttlcnlaily aJ; adapted f 'r iho iiilllvuln'i oi tlcvs, frulta, lawns nnd lloners. It will prouioto a vigorous and healthy ouuiilitv and ncrfect the mat irlty of the frull. l'nr hot I crnwlli df wnoil mill Iron, nnu largeiv increase uio liou.ound housi'hold plants ami flower'. It will bo ' found tin ludliprnsnble nrllclo to aeeuic their Rrcateit I perfection. It w III prevent and euro ilscascd condi. ti0ns of the peach and grope, and Is excellent for grass mm ihhiif. It liTmnnoitnd nf such elements ns make It ndanted i to tho growth of ulkliids of crops In all kind" ofaoila. The formula or method of combining Its constituent ertllulni! ingredients kavo received the hitthpst ,,. froval of eminent chemists k scientific ngiicultutl.t. PHOSPHATE OF LIME, Tho Agricultural Chemical Company irlanuf.icturc a I'ho.nhaiu uf l.iom In accor.laueo with a new and vat. uablc loiuiula by which a very superior article Is pro duced, so as to ho utl'oriled at n losi price than other manufacturers clurgo. I'ranticnl tests havo proed that, lis vulue, its n tertillt'.T, is i"iuul to thu best Phos phate of l.liin In tlu- lonrkjt, Terms Cash. All orders of a Ton or i more, will be iti livorcd ot tho Rul'rcnd.Jitutlmia and 1 tho Wharves of Shipment, Iroe of enrtagc. Cartage : will bo charged on nil ordora of U barrels r less Ono dollar per Tun ullowanco for cartngo will bo I mado oh all .all s delivered at the Works ol tlu Com pany, on Canal Wharf. .luinuiji.i uii.M, uiii;.iiii;.i.i uju'.in s n;urvo A l UANAl. WllARr, OH HID lltl-AWtRE. OHico. 4131 Arch St,, Pliiladelpliia, I'a. It. II l'l i'Tr', (Jenrrnl Agent. The Comnaiiv's Paiiiolilet Circular, embracing full directions tor using the nbovo Fertilizers, scut hy null,, Tree, wlion requested. March II, ldli5.-3m. (Jiy, rret.C nrtolsnlu ! c Chqap Grocjeiy Store, BflATS, CAR'S AND SSHOES, 'I Ull undersigned h as rpiunvei) bis Hat and Capf-lorc 1. uptu Uvans' old ttand, wlurc in addition to u superior assortment ol' SPUING AND" SUMMER J3 Hats and Cups CON SECTION ARIES, UllAClc iMolasfes, Supar, Coffee, Teas, Tubucco Suuff, Cigars, Spices, Dried Fruit, Duller, Coiil Oil, Drug., l'arlor and Hand Laiitps, Books. Writing Paper & Ink. Uurdicarc und Cedurware, Picket Knives, Cuiiibi, ij'C., iyc, )-c Togilher with u variety of articles generally krpt in a 1 store. Also-A fine lut of KltW, MOt'Oi.CCM and LiMiiusto which he invites the at eution nf .hueinaliers anil the public. JUII.V K, CHITON. Uloomiliiirg, May 13. 1EC5 cii"0ivfy engaged In t11' UnilcrttiJ.iHe liutintsi. and keepscoiistamly on hand nd for salo ut itia Warcniouis, a Inrra Kssortmcnt of FINISHED pft&Sk COFFINS, I Hy which ho I. enable Aim-Keens a good II ' ""-v I to till orders on nrcsentation ' 1 1 or so and Hearse, and will at nl ' attend I'lluerda. bI.MON C. SIIIVE. llioomabi'rg, January '.'J. I WD ; J. f. tYiin. l k. siovk ew Drug Si ' O 14 lL WHOLESALE AND RETAIL THE undcrslgni-.l would Inform their friends und the llllblic cenorullv.tlint Ihcv li:,ei Ink,.,, II, ,,,.1 iiiorly nciupieil by Geo. .M, llugeubiich, Iu the Eichaugs Uiiililing, on .Main street, in Iilooi.iiinir... uhp.n i. i,nu juc, reeciveu n mil sii)piy oi c", ---.jj ,..., jilOPS, ttC W,m 5 vnrVnvK1 " ,"u;!,'ra, l,'r,M8 ",'mi PV. AlHO. NO 1 IO.b generally, of every variety, sort and .times 'SnU ra&",e,U11' "'"'ounned. a, nil times and on short notice. U. contectlor Water iu ten son. .rrr-Confectione.yof thu best .election,, and Soda L? A sharo of the public custom is respectfully so. idled, ' EVER 4c MOVER. Oloonisburg, April 11. I8CS. ISAAC K. STAUFFErTT tTT f r fW iw m wnv. - 0 wjti.Lju.m.a.imiussD No, 1 18 North Second St., i-or. of Quarry, PHILADELPHIA. An assortment of Watches. Jewelry, Filvcr and ,, Plated Waro constantly on hand, tended to uf Wolcl,0li ani1 Jowelry promptly at Januury'l, 16CJ, ly. EiI3N'i'ISTBls. H'O WE II, II. c. 5URCJE0W DENTIST, RrsPECTPUI.LV offers his profrsi "".i services 10 110 Untie, no, I ntl i men of lll.ionuljyrK and vicinity. cnlle- lie is operations iu tl.Vi.onfl i. profession and snJovi.i w,l ,.i.ol1..est,I,roveiI POKMM rKfr. nf "u uu ,i""w iu uiiciiii m jiij nig --" .Ml icr il nl'jlH nn.l l.ii. i in..! .. . . .. 111 ,1 . V . ' o, erli,.n.- teeth. Z,Ytoi,ySnfitu$X i" ii.,)u7elr.!;a.,i'di,o.o,li' fe,v Uljti.nsburg, June Q 18U3 BELL & ALLABAOH, Proprietors. CORNER OP THIRD ST PENNSYLVANIA A V WASIllNfJitON, D, Ol 4i If yi ar ru sr m - 'iujiw unucrsigood, desires to call tio JL attcntioif of tho Public in 1,1. r,,.ini. f.,.' Acroiuiti. br Acrmiiits. tr. l)i.rhan.,.,i I i get i uir lull uounties, though generally tlwY iialS ., recuivou nan. rvn rni.rna r ir . -.- Irliini is uni is secure. i. unlet, with . . i.ini,, nils fiamo building below Kiehmgo llolel,' . - . ...luriuaiiun. mo building below Klrhn L,l" ln V. B. UKOCKWAY .fril I l4i ly ERS. : more ,,.- iHiiNU, VALUABLE THAli OOLD.i'1'115 ! t MAXIMUS, OAl'IVATIS, Tho laws that regulate health, ate of Importance to Ml. Bryan's Life Pills TUB finUATIIST MEDICINE OP T1IC AOE. A sure amldoto for sickness, and a rcfugo from . , i Sorrow, Tain and Disease They are adinltied to be tho Best Family Medicine lor cenoral use. rntlfylnr tho lllood nnd eteasnmi. the system from all nnpurily. they oio ENTIRELY VEGFsTAULB, anJ mild In their operation. Read What They Witt Do: .A gcntlo anJ ollrctual purgative. Bilous derangement removed. Cleaner of the Dlood and system. ' , I ,fcl,,, i ,, f,f i,uivor disrsllet'. ibillty and Los or power .iispeuei , . ' Jlinercj supplied to the Muscles 4. Neives, I p-,,,,,. irr(BUitJtios! removed. emm "rcguiariuis rcmuti.u. Gloomy anllelpatlona banlsheJ. FTcaduche entirely cuicd. Irritation uf the atoniach leaioied. J nuudice an t l.ivcr Cumplalnti cured, Kidney diseases rill'veil, Loss of appetite aild sicK stonncH Melancholy and L'nnti) diipciled. iNcutalgla and Nervousness cured. jo plum und other Stimulants nvoiilcii, Pimples nnd nruptions reiiToved. Quinsy and Sore throat healed, r-iiimiti sin soon alleviate I. Q VJlm p produced Sweet nnd Sound. T 1 outhache and Isljnin! gums rcllcud tt ' U rinary diseases beni f.lle.l j Vitality produced in the iicrious, ' Worms i IvnriuLty cajm ll,l. i V Vnctly the Mcditluu lianted I. r dung and old win iiso them. jv.nn Mu.tiiiiUF, CijxtQlis Bryan's Life 'ills. have been used by tliodsan'ds with sitccos, Iluudreds ol CcitiQeate can be i botvh 'liny rrrjilalr-th" Ktnmaih. Live nnd llili.irv S rr-. Ions wlilc'i Is th'Mlii-1 r.iue .,r,'. ii,,n. i,rs. Iiimncs of Sight, Headaiho, fkn ytrimach and othr-r hiudrcd roinptam a. 'J ho.c of a ncrwius l-!in,i'-r.iiin.-iit wU.m rirlilss adds .. kcror un pils.. to thu ill. of jf,., i., ,m, . sed ,llti n i'."W cAislciite an , ll. u ttius of nu'vuMi uro ciiangca tu s.'uln of joy. by using tli.-ni. THE THE THE I II 12 THE THE TUB THE THE THE TnE pour in! ":tli brilliu'it llion-htj ORATOR wit'i new Ide cr, ictrds of f,n SOLDIER niih niiSm.itjble courage INVENTOR ,,., bright coiurptioiiscf the futuri'. With l.'J-ill..U0 111 r n-.,t ,.,.-. . ME II A NIC Willi unfailing energy, with hkill that cntrancss. AUTHOR .... with a swfet mi'lodious voice. AJ UoIOIAlS nitlf rjpturoos uinoiioii... DISI'IRITED becomes Iinpi'ful and liaript.. DESPAIRING Bryan's Life Pills , Aro u'luptcd for all Aires & Constitution'. ' 'lrr.a' cnmpoaeil of the activi-prinriplis of IIinu, , "uuia iinie.i iroin nor nuns and rhev ! Xl? 51J De ,!lKc" b? nl1 ages, icjcs or condlilon wlihoiii unr. I T.? cl,lt0 1 1 ' now in cure diso.iso we must go fjrthcr than simply nur tho bowe s : wo tiiitttt .i.,.f, .. ' """"""f " wi ine laws oi Mature, in the "i hih- , . - in. .ici Mi act iu i'"t man lor oilier luriieusiiiio iii very many cases ill i i . ".wu"' "' "ccumulate.l uciid roultiT. A action' of n.Jdiciuo m, ' to ,,?,ko ZnnoV' 'i.i'.'e ' I , though local iu its character, allccu "more or lc,H u 'J cr.'o th ?y., ,u by K'lIStffi ' and then otVthJ wholis "tem tK.?!! !'. ?" B1 1 "UBh the hodi . hhould parli..lly runali iu ...Ti inango H nllected. so us to nccoiiipliil, Ike woik designed , therefore, a slinplo cathartic, im I s not what th., usiom wholly reiui t's. A , n'.licj m s necessary that will ,,ot ,.y W'U1'UJ V bu '. ls, but have uuo-pecial union on thu secretions if !?, I' VCr' J101"""' "ves, Kidneys and Ah , ? ?ary I tnuiil ami finally u,o lilood. Much, then. Is tlio on. !!nr,ih!,,.C.r "O'an'.I.iru Pills; consaiue . fly ,h,.y,;rPe I InvnluabU In mi cases of Dyspep.l.t llmd achu and blood. '1 hoy act on ull parts of til . sy.teir. ami in lluenco a change in ihos',, uteaut ,', lu " 'u ' lects the human fame. They'luvt heallhlul and life. ; f vnig which, being tlk, up l.v t "i n any ' mlnuto vessels, enters Urn hlo.iii no I i"", ,V, aturo ?. pejrori,. he funciionr. If a.iehlion ,s j,il j to ili0 Ji I."'1"" und ''f 'lar uvaruations of tlio body, i I ,u?1' ''"'".""'y be prevented : and the.o .ills ,,r, 1 uiiK . i Cl111' a" ,ll!y ""t '"iiy nit on tlm olf, Ihrouel. ih. .nU'.. :, c '"".V. ca"y Mi'iry PUCreilDrisI 1V lirninrl im .11...,. il,.' i - ""K. rtJlurs cxnouilds tier Inw. .ml l. mora vT,...:. . ''.' on. uniting in.. Uulfall. in harmonic with lU.mlVVo,? iZJi'SSCll lej,, j ,J' !. taken that weaken, tho svs-1 M'lM ' ,t var:n,fc,,rr,c,f0 .f'SS iiuuiitiicii. ur it i ipb ssi ii.... i l''V,nJ4 "I""' l uhlilou, Upon uS K,'',,C" ;l1-'1,t 1?''8.U',,, b '"" '"U'Utforcesof ,1. tu o'and I I'll inrl II... ....... - -. """ 'h' M IIII1U luinurtic, they never weaken tho system, bit ,ruata I to natural eiuilibriuni-uiid tills great nrh eloln es nt foundliti..,, of, ve?y dlcase. They 'ie t m -.. i.,,. ,.i mo sysieiii.nnu innueiicu a chaiigoin th organs aro deranged, Thu utmo.i relianco mav placed ill those Pills: thuv .,, l.. . ho sought study and j-xp,.,ioeoin tlio true union or turo's remedies, dircited to tho euuso tlm lie, at foundat on of UI.Bst. They-hafo been tiled by th vc Il llll the .and. w ith auccos.ful result's ami they n o vXci . befom tho people with lit u fc-reulcbt to.ilJ.lci'c. ' greuleti loiifldeucu, A Box of Hiuv..S''b Lu'E 1' will (Sott HUT TWENTY' EIVE CENTS. They wllacco,p,iinii(in,,y.u ,, ,!6ellcJ -J e.isu.ll.y pui Uruy mo , in, nmedlciuo long and favorably tun ta tK AuicMiaS If you wish to buy IHIV AND I.IPE PM i n,i mU 'lout tak- ?nv"L ?.! ; r UK. J. BRYAN, . Box 5070, 70 1,'ediir Street. N, v trbrunr, , i, . ,MW CnlilQ i'oirdcr warranted to 1 bfi the moat power. In .agent . or , tho atom, nth and blond nf Catllo, Rwlno, or Snep, in pro intllng dlgcsllniilcana. In? tho system and.lrrfrt. sferlng the purirliid nn llmnl Hold In flelj. Tat, milk, butter nmlttrcngtii 1,'n d establishing health and vi;nr, iiiivovs tionsr. U. MIJLCrOWDLIl is IU nnly tiicdiclnes Iclnlly pati ntedln France. Kng" ' laud. (Switzerland and OuRtS llnllnnd, nnd duly ad. SilSi1" mlllA.I bv tlimr L'ourlS. LLeMTOWtr'' hniiorert wltbptlM tnc nU ami Invented by Mr. Iluvny. Prnrcasor or tnc im Xerlil Co Iw for Agrlciilmw al Pntls. nnd now man. nfacinredby C' IL llllt.i:it. lr "f Z. r.d A. Allen town. I.i-hlgh County. Pennsylvania. , All nsVs of thu ftm.H.h. ISIuo L I. n ga rls. speedily and rrttainlv rnred. lien"!')! ty be brought tho very highest Half P"f and ono or twn tnhlrspnnnlul a week, Is of great vf.lui i irrctunllVDVorromo nil Uif obstacles which ilsunlly prevriit the oprlllng nf worms, arc plcnenn to take. I i.l I ii so on., ol Ihc m.i.t agr.rnl. e piirgntlv s for c l l drcii. Po fnnildcnt I. the Inventor nf th-success ol Vila liibotious studios, In tlio palliolnglcal compost, ttnn ftrthis(.r.p.iiiillou.that ho furnishes every glad, uatcd phyriilnii, with u written prescription, oa a new t ru In innlirlii medlcn. .,, . ,vv Till'. UNION ROM.'II. RAT. Mtfi: AND AM" I'.X. I . Tl'.ll MINATOU. . Is a'r for tho sun- ojlermlnation of all Vermins, ' vlirn"ver iliaugB with ago und tllmrttc, nn.l much ' preferable In lli.i old I'ho.phornus Paste, wlilrli hard. ! ens In n skort lime, innklng II w n.-thtoss. I or direc I lions nnd pnrllculnrs seo Ihn snnll bills in llio boles. : rr7" Ono liuiidred and Ihlrty-si ven prnnlnms hnvo , been nwarded in theso eclcbrnted prrparutlona. up ti ' ''VtoVA'.Vllnvin aro th1" whol.'snle Agrnts In PhH'a j irilU,ESAL!jy lib' MIL ' For s-ale by W Erasmus, fole Agent for iSloomshufg. Fharples, Cntawlssa. , I, II. U J. Klinciiiukrr, flucx lloin. Ma.tor x Urn. Mill.iHu. (', I'icsl Iliihtsbiirg., Btsn art & glonn, Orngr.vllte. Ilciidcrtlioil, lllooiui.burg. i f. Fowler, I'.'py. ' Crcnv k Co., LlghtBlrcil . f v k Spuigler, Limn Rlilgi. nnwn.m, & Owen mid Miller, Her wick. j U.II. ronicr, f owiersMne. , fo"" All oidci'3 for Columbia Uouuty ; pril! be addressed Io II'. ERASMUS. Wh. l.'salc Av-'iit, lllooni'lmig l 0. U, UUt.NKU. N'. ven.bcr IS), li'OI ISin. ' Nos. !), l!j 13, 15, 17 Couitlanrib Sfeel ' N'i'.AR IIROADWAY. NEW VORK CII V This otil-ostablislie.l nnd faVOrlto ri'sort nf tho llufl. lies Colillndnlly has been rerentl rc(Hlrt, and iscuoi. )lrtc In i vorj thliig that can ioiilit.-r to tlio tni-ifurts nf Us patrons La.lins ilild.familles tiro specially d'.ltl v n4 , fully provided for. ; !'. j centrally IricMod ln the bu iuess part f th rli nud Is cjotiguous t.'jli" principal linbs i.l'l.';iinlii,,u i urs, .mi"i!)Ussoi li'rrt.-s, . i. oni..fiUssG4 li'rrl.-s. a-p. In conre.piitico of the pressure caused by the ltel, . Hon, prices havo beou rc.lucud to One Dollar u d 1'ijty C ctH.i per )u i 1 lu tabic is amply silpjili. d w ith all llioJiiiurl..s r tlu- n'asoii.auilise.puil to th.'.t nl any uifi, r hotel iu tlf, country. i Ample accoinmoilations arc onured tor upward of t i ' gui'.ts. 1 SjT Do not belicvi luiini'rs.iisckm. n, and ntHi-rs i' may say "tho Western llot.-l is full." II l WIVCIILMTnit Prnprli, TIKM. II. WI.N'ClliyTIJR. , r. i,. is. lt-M. NEW OM NU P. I be uniJcrsinuil, g'aic.'u! f,.r pi " j. it. r'liig.-, rraprrtfully inf run I Tn.v Kin-.- I' , svp.,thnt loi In. just prrcircd Tr it). New .l, i new. Ii ' nn.i Phoenix Coinp"! y 'Joach, win- Ii loe.niH he i now .oi hi ,1 i, rnut , , by f;''g"r and li.isiiijsu n.fjly 'OOll.-tl '.'.I , oiooiiuio,,. a,i , v,,r ll ,., b"! Tlili.lS. I HiH i,,. 1H ,, ru.toni'rs l' their sati.l nil m, patroli.'.g l. '..'.inn II ti r in , . I ' ,U l N III i!jl .1 s.jI.i u, t . li'l 'j.t.'oa i. mi: to-; II "Oni.h.irg, Jam, lrv j.Vey (Grocer if MOKE 'Ill'SII ;oou.s. !n.i;ul,j EniMtltg-i,Vl Sait) 0.t M.ut Sin ft, Uulii'ilhliur !. ll'J underMcrucd hs in.t r,,t P'Od stork f " " - of .III hud". M n', . JV. CALF AiB V BOOTS i th "l 10 III" mil I Kel ; h i;-.03 Aj..)itoi , ,.r I.. , , . . und Children' Miuea uf ull kui ij. A Freeh Lot ( Gro .net of kin-' a. mrh nf Molussrs, Teas, I Ric,., I ugaiM, ColL'C. Spiixw. I Suit, M Ii .1 Jt ,1 llllil c lobaecti, S'cnrfi, Citudi.T, Rnzco hit I, iVi'.. Ai', ,tc FEED AND PROATsn ivq l.'g'l ni with a tr,.Ht n'l' iy hi ni.ijuuft.iiKj U" f. us tin, iiiii,,. ri,( ln ,,, , j(Jll n i iiier, i:,-s. ,i,j i I i i'ciiiiii2o tor n'iod., H-nburg.c., J1' G1GER. NEW STOREAOIIEAP oonhs. ''Ql! K SAIaSS ,.!)SimLL I'ROFHS.' fS II E undersiirneil, S ."tore I n, leii.M.n. ..i Il Vj undersirneil. Ii ilUI no laksii i in fjl.ct.nboK. Iron firett, ni 11 Ull every rnriMv ,.r l.iuiLs K. Kyer. on Mum Mon:n, lurg, ,n,, du.i.ej I!.i....r . . - o..a i' (,r : r:r." .' ." public i.airolmgo, and tn at he .ah r.a t i '." ""' a. .l..l4lI,o by .elliog lllMLh&ft$'0?US' MBSaoHAWfflJBai.' on fair tetnis and at satisfariorv prices, ui:oci;i;ii'h. nyu, itUEEN'HWAItE. WUOIII'.MYWf),:, Eoors;dni)t:e. audcspe,,,y wilha.pleii.lM tanety of'Vm CAl"X LADIES DRIlSd (JUODS, golds';0'"""' Pr0l'"r0' s,,cr:"l- I" exchange fo, llljj.mbiri!, Jm , WIIKEIV HJj-y, TERWILLIGEIt. ationai Foundry. iii nrntoinnm " mT. . .. U UJj U M CO., PA. J '.'''f 1"1"' "f Iho abovo naino.l .... ' WP.- u, L ...... : miiiull-b, c-iii iniiarv i:iinit.u iiuk it,... '""'HN'C MACIIINEti. kb. ic " ', tor.S,?'1 ,mako "". and "om.burg, Hept. IS, lcflJ.,,U''Clt B'l'MBVi:. MA TR.UWNI.HL. f ,A KD a ENTL HAIENtU. in7mo"rw l',e , , fi."S ''!.."? ''??.. .. valuab ti i n . VI "': L !n!mu- .".. i Wiom marry li.ii.nili- n,i ....i.i . ,V'U ',' l"n.UIB J'ou to nrbeulllv. T.,1- l, M.""' '.""" "I ' I age.wealih and if you w'i.i u, , X" .i. ' '.'?!. .J'"1' P"l"ihj . .,, tlim sent by-yi ihiVi an. "iL ri laid SARA II Ii, LAMDEUT, Grcenpnint, Mir .!.-,, Kiu C., Nw Yerk. 0f every rJcecription for le at this ofSea. '11 XSillRNmi