aries (ii"' ; Itt'K ii, f' OUi vf d Ml il'll COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. LtSaturday Mortiing.Juno 17,1065. i t&" S. B. in form b us that ho Bent t9 ,$8S CO in May (torn Kersey, Klk county, Ta. It Dover onrae to hand, Who got tlio money ? WTho "Western Chronicle," pub. fjirhed by Messrs 0, M, Vanderblioe & ro.,at Thrca llivors, Michigan, has eus fEcnded publication, Ufi qt i uugu axron one oi mo assooi k4) Judges of tho Supremo Court of tho ijUiiitod Stales, died at Nashville on Wed nesday last. Jlfir Chief Juttioo Bulittof Kentucky Jias jmt bon tried by tho Legislature of that State, and directed tho Governor to fcmovo him from offioo. -mArrest of John lil'tchel. Jous Mitch ja, ouo (if tha official corps of tho "Daily Wow," wa, on Wednesday Jat, arrested rfn-Nw York, and sent to FortroRi Hon- JTOO .('Bitow.x ami Itooru. lioth names oom 1110 noo with S. liiitli aro monoylabloi, Doth men were traitors and murdcrer.H. Jioth met a cruel fate, and both deserv ed it. A (.ortiou of tho bluff upon which Fort Ualluck obi! aovoral buddings woro aituato ttiiiiblod into th Mina'tHsippi lUver on Fri 'day Itut. It is probable number of Uvea woro lost by tftn oatastropbo. Tho Slunoy Foundry, owued by W. .A. l'uirikii', destroyed by tire Sunday -rveul: ao. The loss win SSOU'J, 81UU0 of .wh ili tt covered by insuranoe. On account of tho many liroa in Danville tho aro fouipauicH nave urganitou menifjeivos iiuoro completely. ," , " - .,, .Notice Publi.hora of nowapipera will .tilt'uie send one copy of their papor, with lutes of hdvertising, to tho Advertising Am-y of II. Seymour Schcll & co., -...-I !1 .1 I $0. tV.' Fulton Street, New "fork. About two o.olock Saturday morn- g"'', Salmon, Utto of fccott lowuslup, l.o .iiig Taylor.s Depot in Xaaliville a largo lumtia county, deceased : building oonlsti uing largo nuaniiriea of u .Sdweuin, hn, QUurtcriuaatCr H and commissary Btores of .Margaret S.ilmnu. lU-n-aai-d in l.irlit Stn-el, ticott waa diao3verod to bo in flaraen. fiofore uwu'''y. ciumbia Coumy, ivnn.jivai.u, .. Iho c.u.fl.gration could bo stayed, half oT ' tirlaU. the first, da, oJuh, Jl.U 1805, .1.1. 1 ' , . ut iwo n'olnck in ll nftornoon nf fli d.ry. furlho pur- tllll dopot Was COnaUIIIOIl, C.lUMIlg a loss to po,u of making pntlilii.n of the reul o.lule of the .nd itlin riivuriim(ji)l of nearly ten mlMiriTHi ff di-tH.ueil to nnd nmong hr Mi nn.l I - 11 1 n-prcsen. ,"m8 , . , , . u'llllOTW 11 ,a,lvr,, ,f ,n aanni eaii beiloiie without prcjuilir to '(lunar, I'OMllU' lilt is buduoscu IU0 aeatu oi three government employees. Tus LtitiB's FuiE.ND. The July tiatn ibcrof tliij Miigitzino opmn with an en (graving appropriate to tho seaion, called -'O.N tub Clu'v-." It is a beautiful pic ture of two lovers enjoying tho repose a ail freshncis of the aca shore and tnakot ono 10 breaker ng.tiiwt , , - , .. 0 1 1 of the ult waves. Jong for tlio dasli of tho ilho rocks, and the stu.' rrt.. o. 111.... 1 .1.:., ..,1.1 1HF UUUU1U AiajUIUU A 1 It JU1 IUI3 UIUUIAJ ( ijuite brilliant. fifty We have reoeived a uonmiunicaliv1 'from qn atvmymoui source at Catawisia 1 di-signed to bo rather funny in the denou mmt of a lova affur, but bi tbo pariios writ.og it, has soon Ut to withhold their uawc.s lb j produoliou caunot bo published in our coluum.4. l'rintrra re Jlliro, WC ro- . I ull I. !, ..rnnnr n,..,n f 1" v,-.v f.vj.u. .... ...u ui tin author, and whom thai is not given ('(four own taft:ly tho artiolo is rtjucled. When will writers learc this old e.-Ublich- ed offiui.-rulo and aavo thoimclvos tx- jjco:e mid trouble Trout ruling. in company with E. 31. Little, Ex( , & Lady, our.-clf and bet ter .half, including sundry young respon aibilitieni, set aail on Tuesday morning last fur the head waters of Fiihiogarcek, on a 'Trout FLbing crcurnion. Wo travelled plc'isautly, enjoying tho ridu and tccnorj much!:, and tho excellent cntortaiiimeni ot Mr. Stile's Hotel, Alines Coir, and Mrs. Prtr Hess' bugtly. The bprecklod leautleg were not very plenty, although we caught quite a number of tho finny tribe, and had thorn in largo feasts in Mrs Coles' best style. We also visited tho Oily Sprioca, in tbiit section and seen tho sights. Wo returned on Thursday evening, of Ur spending threo day a to tho satiefaotio1 ofthe party, and nothing occured to mar tho ploasures of our j mrney, with the ex ception that a Lady took ua to be Dr. Jthn, which wo promptly informod her it was a grand mistaka. Pttoai.AMMK OF l'UESIDBNT JOHNSON. Tho President, says tho Nuw York Ex press, baa laid down certain rules for his goveruinaut, among which are to bo uu dcritpod tho following : Ut. (And most important,) the roslor atiou ol civil law and its operation ovcry whero, through tho provisions of tho Con stitution. 2d. Tho restoration of nil (aB a rule) to jmoiI nr.vilirpfl wlin fuirlv riM.nilt of tak 7 b ,a r fc tOg Up UriUfl agUlUbt tilO government, ami - A. iin.n. tn-:An ... UA I a d 1 rTinti t ft CTiiica a uu .UJ i -tho Union aUd COIlbtltUtlOU. ad, All tcctional prinoiplea and gov ernment to be disowned ana Uiscounte 'Danced, .4tb. A strict construction of the Consti tution. ,6th. A striotly eoonomioal adminiotra iiortof tho Government aa toon aa tho prcBojit bunions upon the troasury can bo removed. '8lh. Tha reduction of tho nublio debt or'oftho nrflKflnt tmnvv avstom of taxation r ?.Uln: Pr8flD neavy sysiom Ol l" (ODa'or both) OB Speedily BS prudent. . The President is in oonstant oomimioi cation with tho heads of Departments iu tho hope of carrying out these reforms, bat tha most diffioult task of all is in stop ping ! iu tho trf tury. RECEIPTS FOR MAT, , TO THE COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT, :o: Tho followrae pavraccts have been mado t, tho CWufii&fa Democrat office, during luo inonia ai iuyi xouu ; Cot.mtilaCo.iiiy. t!9 iff ,Kst. or Mary Cox 7 00 Wm WHIlmai, 4 ( M A Olrtoii, 3 JO sk1 Pcllerninn. S J ;;r Sth'-BSrta.ij S5 Philip Applcaan K Ln fluff, 3 0 ? Wm Pcuyifr, i 00 i ?s Cornelius (iirion, II 13 Atnoiercnm, fB Ifelwig Win QooAmnn, O I' Dilettanti. K,g 8 SO fi 40 3 SO (Dr. A J, i'olk, A VV l.ovn A II Whtlmlrl, Isaac II Yn.t, 1 00 SO 1 07 10 00 SJ 3 SO 10 00 4 SO V IIS 3 SO IS 00 0 01 30 00 5 00 S 00 3 SO t no I Krt. of J.donrgn, ncubpfi.Kiiitia,i:ti.,s so nin, mous, II kliAM tin ,n A i lincn-on, I J K Kiirkhsum, 1 23 Abraham Maslrller, 3 () Wm Apple man, Esq , I oo llernard Amnicrruan, 4 24 Julin Doak, Kiq., I 7H John M Nun, 9 SO Julia llrla, k ju II II Unblu 3 David Vandlnc3 00 iacnb 1.a(niiiu, i (1 Fell, Ei , Wm II Terry, Rt. Jniepti Kuml Jono Webitor llnpklni it (Jo. Ajr. I'liomical Co., linn Reuben Keller. J'fUlunuth 4- llfu., Abraham Kelfer. 3 00 ij, j inai a I... n no John II Suit 10 IK) 3 00 3 M 3 SO so 4 ,W 3 SO H 00 13 IK) , 3 iu t so Howard Aaanrialton 'J 00 S 00 n Mciimrr. KV, A A KlhiD, Ess.., Wyatt u llulln(a T J Wnlllrtr, Cii , I oo Rut. of J uruglor, 11 00 7 t) WiUun i SO Juhn Hoiik, Kn., 3 00 Unary Tubiai, 3 00 Klin K tJhulo, 3 00 lanai llnwcr, 3 SO l',t, Jatyfla llailnian 3 00 Mutrowilltan (JlrciK.ID ItO Mia, Kil.n Freai, r roo urcnr, II Honk, i r Hibi-it. Fred Moely, Kit. of Rev. I Until Hudson Owen. Ki1 Hon M K Jackson, P.-t. r Alex Mears, i SO I A M Mntt'ller, 3 00 - 'g ft'Xfi;;': ilw jWoI Nnlhan Olivnr, t SO r Oalemiin 3 SO ri'iatTr, 0 Sil evil.. 3 SO ' ileury JJeLonj, 4 00 John J) Ellin, Kit, 3 00 Win llrhiabach, 3 SO II F. Ui'larJ 3 IS Win Vil'cr. (Centre) 3 SO l.'upt J (Iruvcr, 3 SO Joseph ulic, 3 4J Iter do Hunter, S 00 II Y Water, 3 00 Cul J U 1'r.n 10, 1 00 i jiaa .ea, a ihi Hl. jf Wm Itrnwn, 4 SO J-o ttittcnlinuaii, 0 00 Win .Miller (Alt I'laa) t SO I'elor Werkh Hi;r, r SO John Wanivli t So I) Koinknlil, l!j, uj 1 atnla or John Cos, IS JO I Notice ia Partition. I ist'ite of Margaret Sainton, Uccctisvl. r"0 Pbobo W. Salmon , Joseph, Harriet ; J- aud Cotnolia, rhildi en of John Sal mon, deceased, of Marion County, Ohio; I.aiali II., Eon of Joseph Salmon, tleo'd, of Illinciii; Ahruin Salmon, of Wash ington, 1). C. Uilliam Salmon, o( New Joranv ; James Sul.uiou, White Ilavon, Ltizurno County ; Juscpb Silmon, of lluzluton, Luzcruo County ; Clark ShI iiKin, of Bradford County, I'enn'a ; Phebo Salmon, ol I.j coining County. Wheeler Salmon, of Mouionr Couuty, Eliza Ann r, .,. . t .... ouuiiuanir, uii&rioitc i:ott, ot (Jolumbia Count); LCIiiti Ann Fowler, Ellis Salmon, cliildreu nnd Oraud children of laaiah 8 lUum) doeased ;ames, William, John Saroh Ann Ciintnn, I'bebe .foncs, and Maigarct, namo of husband unknown, olrildren of Gt-otgo Saluiou, deceased USiUtllliC U Ul IIIU UUIIUIL'II VIIIIJI,1YI1 , Keiru aud Irgll reprosi'tit.ttive of Mar- or "polling ino nnoi,.; oincrwut ia vniim nnu n prnNe Hiv huio ncriirilmg (o law ; at which .iiiin nnd ln'yuii aro rfpured outti'nd it yon tlunk SAMUEL SNYDEIi. 6hf rrff. Offlr.n, tll'Kua.liuri ( .May I J. IsM flw t O Employment for Everybody. ,0r'"t of Jowtlry Watches, Chains, Diamond Il'iig", Silver-U nrn, Gcr- maa al, FuUob wy Au., worth over 8JUU,)llU all to he told without reserve. Jiveryuuo C'lutC kOUJll- lbui(; Vitluablt). l.isr or Tim akticm:s. Cirnlr' Cnld Uuntlng r.iM W.iuh.a. 6Jj(WioJI33 00 l.a'llii-' riold Knaoieiiid (.'11 -h Watiln's. Sii.UO r-i.lill (ient4 fiunting tiHSf hilxr Wati.h.-s, 31IH "o.nn l.Vl.llll .' 5U,(IIJ luu.nj 30,00 K.llO In. 0,1 11.0(1 III Oil lii-uts (.old n'' (;old Plaliid Wsiti lies in Ma jic Cn.i'a, 33 I'll (J.Id Plated VV t bos t-uaiu"leil,forladiei 3S.00 (,.....,.. I 111..! jm Ve.tand NwA Clisins. 1 00 S.ilil S.IK) 4,011 I Cold Wnjl llH.l Uf llclrts, , i-mi-i Gold llrai.leu, I Chdtchiiiae'liaitisnuil (luard lh.uns rAolitdire iu.l uol.l llroochi's, l.hvn und Floruuvine Rrorche., 4,011 4.0U and'Uinerald Uroo,thrs, Mos.ur Ji-t,l Ihiyh and Floreutii.u Car DropsLUij (-.00 Coral. Ounl aud J.uieiuld Knr Drons. 4. no O.llil IO,no 7,00 ",() jo.oo 7,(10 .U, 10 nu 11,00 lO.llil 10,00 15,1111 U'.iio lii.ii,) 10,(111 13,00 50,00 so.uo 40 OH 50,00 l;',Vf"i'!.J '"."i? ! '!,-ll'.'i;'f. ''.!" 3.S0 3. J0 a, no .1,110 1,(10 4,10 SMI .l.iiil 4. (10 3,00 a no H.0D J,0 .1.00 5. M I - j .' tnd Vest Ribbon Slides, J dnliUtre Sleeve liuttons, Stud-, ale, , tioiu i nimioes, renews, etc., I Jlii'i.iiiire i.oraiis, Miniature Lockets Magic Spring, liold T-toth Picks Closers, etc. I'liiin Hold Kings. Chasml Cold Rings, lone iit and fliguet Rings, i 'altlnruia Dininoiid Rings, Ladies' Jewelry in sJte-- Jet and Gold Ladies' Jewelry in sets--Cameo, 1'e.iri. (Mid Pens, diver lUleu Holder c I'eucil liold Pens nud Cold Mounted Holders, (ioiii renssc ; bxteusiou iiuiiicrn'. 0.00 SilverGoblels nnd Drinking Cups, 30,00 .-liver Castors. Fruit and AJa'o Iiu. Wets, 35,(10 Silver Tea St Table Spoons It Forks docN.OO Silver Plated Ten Pols and Cinfiin Urns, ai.OO .-Olvsr I'lateil len rilcuurs arid .Molasses C'Uie, 35,00 00,00 Seo what Ihe. most pepnlar and widely circulated periodicals say ol our Ketulluliuicut : I From tho "Dispatch" of February 25, '05 ' Wo take pleasure in calling the attention of our readers to the UNimuaceiKonl of Messrs. Duvmigh & t'o'n (irent Sale of Jewelry, -Silver Ware, aud Fancy I Cooda, inour ndr.-rlising culumns. Wo ure person ally with the inrmSera nf this firln and know them u be genticineu 01 sterling worm anil in tegrsly, 'Iheir st.Kk of goods, for variety and extent, From tho "Mirror of I'a-hiou," March 1st, 1805. Mesrs. Devatigh . Co' Crest Sale of Jewelry, clc. opined on Iho 15th ult , uud we venture tn tay that no finer display uf gouds una ever ethiliil.d by any estab lishment in Ibis city, 'Ifiu ladles thronged their ha xuar almost to suCotutioM, although tho streets were rendered nearly Impassable by the melted snow and slush, We prediit for ihem n wouderlul snccesa From tho "Lodger," February US, 1805. Our Indy friends should visit Ihe extensive establish. meiit uf Mi ssrs Devauifh & Co.. No. 15 Muideu Line. if Ihey wish to indulfo themselves wi Ii a sight which tiny will long rsmeinber, Vuch a profitiiou of elegant unains, mugs, r,.irrings .inn, in snort 01 Jewelry of every name, kind and description, wo uev r before witnessed, Their silver and plated ward is superb and almost cast, into the shade the other splen did establishments uhiih liavo long been the boast of our city. It is estimated that their stock is worth not less than one million of dollars, From tho "Tribuuo' of April 21, 1805 ; An acquaintance of over 10 year" with Messrs, Ci. rard W. Dvinugh St Co., miauls ua in speaking ill Ihu hi, best terms ul them. 'I hoy am among our oldest Maiden Lane Jewelers and liuvo long enjoyed a wide aud enviable reputation. From tho "Staats Zuitung," April 21, '05 Many of tha handa in our offlto have ttpecuUtod in tl)e i:utruriOff Mfr-, U-vauiEU & Co., and though none of i Ii3 in h a v b vol r cat i zid ' h f u r tu nu.' all exit rue lncnl.,vei (Wt ,,,,, wlt, ,he, venture. Twoof 1 1 Uiem by working after hours have over SJOO each , ' ,v,,t,ln ,u wck' j - i How You Can Get a Prize. ' i ' Bend Twsnly. Five Oenta to us, aud as soon as wo receive itwn will mail you h cerlilicuto showing w hat you are entitled t, If the atticlo or orlicles please ' you, send bark Ihe Cerddrdto uud One Dollar wo will forw aid yon Iks article, no mutter how costly it may be. If Iho article is not what you wish, state, when you sshd the CeillScalo and dollar, what other orticle af the samo value you prefer and wa will send It, If you nlih mors than one Oerlillcato aend us 91 1 and we will send flvoi for J, elrveui for $5, thirty j fur S in. sixty i for SjlS. ona hundred place. We have an inimanso stock of goods to dis. posa of. and need. Urge uuuiberof Agenls. Ourternis to Agents am very liberal and some even of our Lady Agents ate making from ti I" fc-o a day. VV e give I Ai. cr i n asb i,Ann,ioiiiuiniitii v Agents SO per esnt, onall Certificates they sell provL aeo tn-y renin not isssinau 91 loreititit. rj- VV rite your namo and addles s distinctly, anl lay only what 11 necessary. GIRARD W. DEVAUGH t Co., . 15 Maiden Lsnc, New York 1 40 J 00 03 so 10 (III ntrrrca. rcaos POTATO F.8, dried apples, MAMA IIACON, . sn AO 3 bO . SO . 17 11 00 CLOVKasP.F.D, 10 oo feS&or. 3 m hay y the ton. CIIICKL'NS, per pair. 40 SPECIAL NOTICEH. a single box of brandketips nrr r o i . ii 1' 111 Lb contains tnoro vcgetablo oztrao WHEAT, pcrbuifhel, RYC " CORN, " " imoKwirevr, n.OUII ner blil. llyo maltrr tlinii twenty Imiea of any plUa In tha world J 7-. II) JjUAN. Loildea.Gny flvo hundred phyalclana uao them Hi their Thoie notea are laaurtd under date or July IS, 1805, practlco to tha exclualou of other purgative). 'I lie and an payable threo yeara from that date la eurrcn Jlrat letter of their value ii yet aenrcely appreciated. y. or are convorllbla .at tho opperalioii of tlio holder When they are bctler known Hidden death and con. into tlnued iicknon.will bu of the Pail. Ul thuio who U. S, Six OCT CCIll. .nun. iM:aiv nam uui in ineir invor. 114a a uuty whlrh will luro life. ' I Our roco am aubji ct to a rodindaney of vitiated Wo at thla acaion, and It Ii a) daugt-rau aa It la preva lent ; but UrandrclVa i'illa alTstd an Jnvnluibla and ewcicni protection . Ily luuir oecniloual uaa wa pre. rent the collection or thoio iinpuiKiet, whlcli, when Jn lulfldent qunnlitiei, cnuno no uiuoti dangrrtotha kudy'a4iealth. TJiey imii uto liver cuuipluliit, dy pepaia, loat of npellto,paln in the head, lie art burn, pnlu in the hreuit hone, audden famtneii and Cutllvo net) Hold by all roipectable DcalrJn .Meditlnoi. May 37. Itti.S.-lin A CARD TO INVALIDS. A Uergyinanwhile realdlng in South America at ajiilttioni,ry,,i)iacovcrcd 11 nfa nnd viiuplo remedy or tin Cure or Nervoua Wiakncra, Unrly Detay,l)ia raaea of the Urinary anil Seminal Orgaui, nnd the whnleraln of dienrdera brougktjin by buioful and vlcioua hablla, Great uumbura kave been already cured by thla noble remedy, i'r, Jiipted by n deairo to benefit the alii cted and uufnrtunaK, J. will unil lha rrclpo for preparing nnd; utiug thla medicine, In h aualcd envelupu, to any uiio who neoda it, 1'RllU Ol' ricase ilictoito a jiot.paid tanvclopo, aJJr oncii la JOSEFII T. INMAN, I PuUim O, nible House, N, Y. I uy Aprtt IS, 1603 -y THE BRIDAL CHAMBER. A noio of warning nndadvicdtntlione euffenug with Wenkiiea,Ut;iieral Debility or l'remnturo Dccay.irum whatever cau.o produced, Head, ponder, and retlectl 110 wi In time. Hent I'llKUIonny addron. forthobonefitoftho utUict cd. ricHI by return mail. AdilrcM. JAMES S. BUTLER, 429 Broadway, New York. April 8, 1W4.-3U1. IIISKERS1 WHISKERS! Do you want hlikira or Muii-rtaehca t Our Orrcinn Compound will force them to grow on the amootliHst fnc or chin, or bair, on bald hwada, in Hiz Woi-ka. 1'rir.n, SI OH, Kent by mail nu)hcru, cloail) aiued, oh rcioipt of price. Addri'bX, WAIINUR fc CO.. Ilox ja, Orooklyn, N. Y. February Id, IbllS-y Deafness, Elindno3 &. Catan li, Ticntod with the utn'ioat iiicceja, by Dr. J. ISAACS', Ocnlirt imd AnrirX. (formerly ofLoydeu, llollnnd,) No. 510 l'lK Hlrc.i't.l'liiladi'lplna. 'IVHiinonlnla from llw moat re iablc aourcca in Llic City and Cotiutly cnu be bin oClc. The tiiccticul faculty nro invited to nrcuir.nai'y tlh-ir inliuntii, an he .Ii;ih 110 vctft in hi a practice. A'tTli'll.'i AI. I'.Vtt.S inserted uitliout pain. No chiirgo umdc for oLumination. February II, lHU. July3, 1S04, l.'ia. iFWlT WANT TO "KNOW A I ITTI.i: (IF EVUUYTHIN'O rclallriB to tha ha man ayptin. mnle nnd femnlo ; tho cniiKO ind trenttni'nl 01 dUnaaoa ; tho Harri:igc cUitomd of tlm world; how to marry wi II nnd n Ui"usuu I lliinm nevr piitilialiud beforr rend the revised and ciUargeit cdi. tioiiof ".Medical Common Soi'.ac," n furious hook for curionH peoplu, uml ngood hiok for evt ry one. 400 pngea. 100 llluntrnlinna. 1'iire I.S0. Contuta tuldii int frcu to any iiddrea. Iinoka may be hud nl hu Hook Stores, or in ill be aent by uriil. pont unjd on ro cuisrtol the price. F. II. I'uOTH. 31 I).. 1130 llroadway. New York. Fthiuary 4, ls05.-6m. Pennsylvania Agricultural So ! ciety. PIIE Peiuylvunia Slato Agricultural 4 fuciely will hold ita Uililtuion on September 3d, 37, 2S and U, ictij, at WILI.lAMSl'OUT, LycoiuiDg Coumy. ' Any hiforniHtion degirffl by persons iIBirinif to cx hllit, njiplir ntiona for prnitiium liriin or lotf m, or ty 111 nititrs f Mih Horiuty, will bo givon iy tint untlT (.U' A. UUVD HAMIKrO.V, I'r.isiJoiU. ilnrrii burt;. ! A. BROWEIl LONCAKKR, Sccroiaiy. Noriutcwii, May 3, 16j USE. TO HA & ' V E N E T 1 A N LINIMENT. ffT cures Chnlora. when firet tuken. in a u. Djsuucry 111 lia'lf nu hour; Toothnctm In live minulea. It is perfectly innocent to take inter, nnd is recommended by the moat eminent phy aiciuna in the United States, 1'rico, 40 nnd SO cents, TowtHOi, l'a,. August (i, 183T Dr. S 1. Tobias, New York: DearSir I havu usod vour Venetian Liniment wiih grntt succets, bolhusun int' ns well us an oMsrnal medicine In rases of II on . mli nn. Colic and Cholera Morbu i reg.ird it as sover COO ri'inedv. Your ilono ljir.iiiieutst.inds ui.rivulled lis n horse liuiiuent amongst firriers and boat inun on this canal. WM. LF.WIS. fiup't North liiuiich Ca'unl. Sold by all Druggists. UUice, Nu. 30 i.'ort!aiiill St Av'il I. 'Idtt-'i.-Imo-i N'yw York. I'TVW AlMi! A- S'POVIfl SIU1P. mlir. oi.dersiBncil rrsnectrullv luforins his eld friend fT' L nnd customers, that iiu lias niirchased Lis brotliera nterefct in tho above relablihlnueut.undtbe conci-ru will hcreulter ho coinlurteil by him. elf exclusively. Uuiina ji:m receivi u nun oners lor, ine iarx- , est and moat extensive ussortiuunt of FANCY 1 STOVIIS evur introiliiced into this market. J ! His slock consists of n cointileti- assortment of 1 lie best Cooking and parlor stoves in the market, togrth er with-Stovt- Fixtures of every duscriptiira. Oven and , Ilox Stoves, Radiators, Uylindnr Sloves, Cnst Iron Air-1 Tight stoves, Cannon Stoves, ice Uc. Stovepipe nnd Tin ware cou.tautly oh hand nud manufactured tn nider. All kinds of repairing done, as usual, on thort notice. ( The patronage of old frienda and new ciisiomurs re. pertl'illly holiclted. A. RUl'URT. llloomsbiiig, November 3d 1800. tf. rpllLPoprietorof this well-known and centrally Iocs X ted House, thu Hk iunok Hotki., situate on Vlui, Street, in llloon.i-burg, iuiuiodiiitely ino.nte the Col.iin , ,,,, ,vuini- Court HousiLrc'siieclfuIli'iufmciiis hi friends , nn,i ,h,, ,-,,ic i Keneral, that his House is now in or der for tlio roccptioii und entertainment of travelers who may feel disposed tn favor it with llioir custom, He has simrod no exneiisc ill nrcnuting tlio ICr-K'l-oe. for the entertaiiiu.eiil of his guests, neither shall lliero beany, tliiiu- wanting (on his part) to iniiiister to their personal comfort. Ills house la spacious aud enjoys uu cxcelleu. business locution. IC?" Oiuuibuscii run at nil times between tho IU iv Hotel And thn various ll'Ul Road Depots, by which cag elera will bo pleasantly conveyed to ami from tho ft speclive Stations in due time to meet the Care. MAY. IcCO WM. U. KOONS. "' R E Sil A R It IV A L Spring and Summer, lire F 0 11- EVERYSSODY llUiltiderslgued, grateful for past patronage, respet I fully inform, hlsctistumers and thn puhlicgenerally that he lias Just recerved from the Eastern cities, the Urge-stand most select stock of SPRING&SUMLMER That has yot been opened in Hloomeburg, t" whlcli he lilt lies the attention of his fiiends, nnd assures them thai they uro ottered for sale at great bargains. His Stock comprises n largo assortment of OCNTLUMKN'S WKARINO APPAREL. Confuting ni Fasiuonablk Dalss Coats, of every os cription; PantB, Vesta, Shirts, Cravats Stocks, Cotton Handkerchiefs. Cloves, Suspenders, &c. 1 Gold Watelics and Jewelry. Of every descrlptluu. lino and cheap. N. 11. Remember " Lennbtrg'i t'neop FMporivm..' , ell and aee. No charge fo, uf,.'EN11KIlfI Uloomsburg, April 1, WM. (Ju BLANK BOOKS & STATIONERY,! suppled to Uanki, Merchants nnd County Otficors of the best material Ordera- by mail promptly at tended to. V, , I'UlUiV. th and Race Uects, Phll'a March 4, IBM.. New Bakbeh Shop. THOS. D. BROWN, Barber, ULOOMaMIKG. Columbia Co.. Pa IU. C- 7-30 (.OAN. TflflilttBU SEJKBfiS, $230,000,000. Dy authority of llic Periflary nfihn 'trcacuty, tin ntTJcrai(neil, tin Oonerul tiiibmiptlon Ajent for (ha rale of United .Blatoa .Hccutltloi, ofTora to llin public tho third acrlci of Trcaiuiy Noto, bearing ajvoo and uiicv wuina per ni. niiercii per n iiiium, kmow aa i'1" dOLD'HE AIIINO BONDS Theao TlonCt aro now worth a handromc preiuiuiu, and aro eieiopt, aa are all vverniuent Uonda, rtoK PTTr, Covktv, d Mi'KiciriL taiioi; wiiuu nm rnoH oxa to TiiatK ran caat run akhvh onniRriL m. according to . ra.olerl.J upon other property. Tha4n4or4 Ii pajnblo aeini-iniinnlly 'by coupom at taoSnd ln each nn'o.wlntli may bo cut off nnd aotd to any bank or banker, Tlio Inlormt rt'7.30 , per cent, ninnunla to One cent per lay on a $50 note. Two cents " " " 8100 Ten " 8500 20 " 81000 " 81 " ' " " 85000 k Notca of all the denomination a named will baplompt. lyfurnldiod upon receipt of uhictlptlon, The Notea of thla Third Serlea nro preflnoly aludlnr In form and prlvllcgoa to the Srven-I Inrliea nlready old, eicnpt that tho Onva-nrnonlr.aervea to itself tho option of paying i uteri it In gold coin at 0 per. oonl Inrtendirf 73 -lotha incurrency. Subucriliora will do the intcreet in curnncy up to July 13th. at thu lima when they atikieribo. The JMIvrry of lli.i uutca of Dili thirl 6erleaoflh will cn iimcnee on thn Ut of June, nnd will bo mado prompt y midcnntlnuouxly niter that dntu The alight chango made In tho conditions of 1W1 THIRD SHltllld ntructa only the matter f Inteteit. lliepnyuwnl in gold, if mado , will bu ciuivaluut to tho currency iiilcrcat of tha higher rate. Tho return to ipecle payinents, in tha f.ri nt of which only will lha option to pay Interest in Cold bo availed of, would sorodaco and cualii) prices Hint purch if a uiailu ullh gn percent, in gold would bo fully equal to those made w-iib aoven and three tenths per cent in lurreucy. ThU is THE ONLY LOAN IN MARKET Nuw oireied by tho Government, and its superior ad. vuntngea make 1 1 h'l OK BAT I'Ul'lll.All LOAN OF Tllll ri.ori.Il. Iaiss tlun 8i30,0J0,OO.) uf thu Loan authorUod by the last Congress aro now on Iho market This amount, ut Iho rale ut which it is being nbsorbod, will nil be subscribed fur within amy days, whun thn notea will unduulitndly comiuutid u prcjiim, as 1ms Hiiiforuily been thu case on dosing thu aubacrlptiona to other loans. In order that cillci'na of ovory town and a cctlou of the country may be nlTonled fucilitiee for tuklng the loan, tha National llauks, glate Hanks, and Private nankora throughout tho ctontr, hnvo g.-nerally agreed m receive siiuseriptinns ut pur. auiucllbers u ill so- Kiiti!.. own., gem., in who,,, th-v have nnd who ,.Hi, nro to bo responsible for tho deiiv-ry or thu notos for whiah they rcceivo orders, JAY COOKE, Pnn'mtmirt okst. PMIailclpiuj. Cy9uhacrlptions Hill ho received by U13 First Na tiarial linnk of iiloomsburg. May 37, lHl',3.-3iu Arcana Watch. An Elcgunt Xwe'-tjf in WATLHE rS"Il K oiiflc ol thin w-ntoh aro nti entirely I: nw invonlloll rrjuipiMrtlnf ell (iilTf rt'nt metaU c'mhinfiU rttUt'd tuiftiti'-r uiirl plini'liutj, prnJucin; an ct liiiitaf inn if in r .irat gold, rulluj AiCitnn, nbirh will alvvnyn kfo4 Itc i)lor. 'I'hvy nic a beautiful n hoIkI gold, ami nro iiirnrdeil a. duqmiiIiIIi the rout. Tliu nifc U lL'autilully linlgn ui w ith Viuutl and sliieU for iiHiui. iitli 1'aK'iit I'tiiti Pin, mid citru.'cd hi til ex (Kt itylR n( the ctlrhrjttt)il (Jold HuiHiitU I.wvtTf, Hiid nro M.'iillv hundiuiic and dciirablw, nnit sn exact an tin Untiim of cdd usi in doiy ilpti'clion. Tlio innvoinunt ia ir.HiiUl turtd Uy tlm wtjll kiniwn bl: Jnm-r Vntti Coin ptuy uf Kiiropr', (tut! arc fiipctlty lluihtif.d, rnniuj en t-r.tVL'il! f.incy carved liridgcb, a-'jiilu roc'i 1'itcr wlli U'tUl ImIiuicc and Iho inirorfld jmvLllfd tirtion, u Mil lino di..t und ekclUon Jiunda, uud m war rantL'd a good itwn Itxpcr TIliMC WHlthOrt nf lf lhri( dltfwfrMlt Biton, ttio (tiital 1cL Immiik OiT Lidiort, niitl uru ull llnn'.iiv (.'firien. A rasu oT mix vIU-tm unt hy alnil r Kxprcria fir 1.5.00. A rMiijl" 0110 ticut m it haiidiiuina Morucru for 4$J3.UU ; w Ml nudity cell for thruu thm-j thtir Lost. Vii aro aolc ucnttt for lliW w utrli in tlm Qnitud flalerf, and noun art guiiuitu' winch di nut bour out Trade mark. AddroH GIRARD W. DKVAUGII & Co., Importers, 15 Maiden Lane, N. Y. 5lny '.'7, iMil -:im J UST received a dcw assortment of uood , - o "ty1" of WALL PAPER, INCLUDING BOR- DER1NQ AND CEILING PAPER, and n general variety of material in Ills line, which I will be found on the FIRST Fl.tlulUininedlute y cast i of Lnt7,'s Drug Stur. in I'm Rupert Ulock, whero all persons wishing goods in his hue will bj attended to in person ut ull times, EST Paper Hanging executed to order Ulld best Stylo. Ut fllOrt HOtlOe. K J. TltUUiN L'UiN. nioomsburg, AdiiI '-J ISO.? -ly NEW GOODS AT, C Kreainer's Store, JER3EYTOWN, COLUMBIA Co. Fit nan ARRIVAL OF SPR1N13 AMI) SUMMlirt GOODS AT F.11UUC150 TRICclS. rPHE subforibor has juit rotured fiom I Pliilnuclphi.i. with a largo and select assortment o'f New Cools, purchased at (lis lowest cash Prices. His stock consists of Ladies' Dress Cot.d-, Alpacas, Cloaking, Fancy nrticl- s. Calicoes, (.inghams, Flan nels, Shawls, Silks. Cloths. Oassiuiera, Satinctts, Cot toiimles, Kentucky Jeans, Threads, Muslim, 1 lckiug, Shirting Groceries, Qucensware, Hard ware, Cedarware, Urooms, Mmliciuea, Drugs, Oils. Fish, Salt, Nails, Candies, Toiuccn, Sagars, IJOOTd AND SilOES, HA'IS AND CAPS, In short, every thing usually.kepl in a country Mora. Thankful for past pnlrnungn, old friends and Ihu pnblic generally, are niriled to cnll nnd sec for them selves. 1 will sell goods at as low rates nanny other house in thu country. I will not bo undersold by Jew or Genii lu. friends, roll up, bring your Pro duce bring 'your ciiah, you r, Lumbi r or anything you have to sell, 1 will pay us much, and sell as low, us uny liniisu thissidiiof Philadelphia; kocoinuouo nnd all, bring your trade, but don't ask for tru.t. Poor Tiust ii dead, bud debts killed him. WANTED. 200,000 Shinglos, and 500,000 feet Pino nud Hemlock Timber, for which tho high est market price will b paid. Cram, Flour and Meat kept on baud for tale at my store.. C. KREAMER. Jersaytown, May fi, IS.1S Oreat news of brilliant. adilocui.MiL isarnving from every luarler. Heuda that must fuiiously rebel ugainst tho laws of beauty, whether they be white, gray.kunJy irgl.oiiig red. uru everywheru STRIKING THEIR COLORS, And assuming, the loveliest hmwn or the inn.t lustrous aud perfect block, under Ibo swill operation of CRISTADOUO'S HAIR DYE, Which transfigures thorn in a few moments. Man factored by J, ClUdVAUORO, No.S Astor Houeo.No York, Sold by applltd by all Hair Dresser Muy 0, 1H05, 1 in. STixlTBg lift" ION MOTUJL. fOO and mi Market Street, PhtladslphN, rpHIS Hotel Islncutnd in the very centre of hutineis JL and Is near the respectacle places of umusmn int w hich make it particularly deslrnblu to persons visiting Philadelphia on business or pleasure ; and the Manager hopes by close personal attention tn the wants of his bis guests to make it a comfortable houio fur much as iu . . with their patronage. J. U. ll.WLN &S0tV, l'ro.'rs, IQUN tlHOI.'KLI'.V, Cm .J t;a ' laolmiirnttiiM ft tlfnAinfiltttHfV t it 1 1 ft w ( CUT TWO DAILY TllAINS. -U ON ANf) AITKR MONDAY. JONR I3lh. IR0.1. rAflaUNOEU TttAINB WILL RUN AH I'Cl. I.OWH I I. BAY R NORTH WAUIl. Leava NoilTiiimbcrland, uui A.M, 11 Danville, 0.40 " Hupart, 0.3 illoomRhurg 10.13 " llerwick, . . 10.3.5 Khlrkahlnny, 11,10 " Kington, . 13,11 l. M, Arrive at ecranlon, I .SO " Now York Philadelphia l.K.AVU SOUTHWARD, S 00 P.M. S40 (l.M 7.30 11.13 IU.31 3.30 C.30 Leave ncrnnion, . . i.jxj A 31 " Kingatun . 7.00 41 llerwick, . . M.33 " llioowabors 9.03 " Rupert, 0-3j " Danville, 10 00 Arrive at Northumberland, 1040 " llarriiburg. 1.30 P.M. " Wahington. 8.03 " rhiladoUihia, 3.40 4 3 CM 3 311 7.30 tf.?0 t).3j u.13 ID 8.1 l.' 111,15 4.00 Thn .l,n,l..l .r. !.., .11. I .,., ,1,., ... J I nil reploiil . . ''; ' ' '""''"'? B".aft iiic theri tliu afternoon of tho .nniH day to counect llh train for Uulfalo Cleveland, Chlcugo, wlUi all pointa went, nnd coiiucrllng at Carry wlUi nil train uu the Oil Creek Niiw and elegant Hleeping curs nrconipany the night train each way between Northumberland unJ Haiti more, and Northuiuburland and I'hlladclphln. II. A. FUND A. Supt. Klupjton, Jil-io 17. 1605. TO THE MUSICAL PUBLIC. V HE etibecribcr, 20 years a practical Piano Fnrlo Manufacturer, of New York Cllv. lias pi-rinn cully located in this section, and would ruipectmlly solicit ordera fur TUNING, REPAIRING, AND REG ULATING PIANO FORTES AND MliLODEONS. Tho subscriber is also tho manufactur er's Agent for Chickering & Sou's, Hazleton Dro'a, Limle.nan &, Son's, William II. UradburyV, Edward BloomOeld's, McDonald & Co's PIANO FORTES, And Carhdrt Ac Neodhaui's, aud Pulouticl'a Mclodcons and Harmoniums, Audi.. U Stuart' 1'ipe CHURCH U1H1AVS. jam us McDonald. Cloouifbiiig, May SO, ldii.-ly Notice in Partition. Entntc of Christian AluJJhy, Deceased. Ucorgo Mutllcy, of i;oluinbia Coun ty , llioiiKia iMiiltlcy, ot J urco : Kalaumzoo County, Miohigau : Rivcrj Charles Mutlley, and John Mufiloy, of Calbouu County, Miohigau ; Rebecca Ha- ponbur.h, of LillloatOllO tOWUship, MoU r n ' . , )...,I..I . J ir . . . ?,u 0 "x? 1 ennsylvanl . 5 and Mary iponenbcrgo, ctiUUrnn null legal repre Bcniativos of Chrietian Mufiley, late of Centre township, Columbia County , Penn sylvania, and Catharine, widow of said deceased 1 Take Notice, that nn inoue.t will he held at the lotu dwelliu; houso of CHRISTIAN MI'FFI.KY. deceased, In the town otiip of Cent re, in the County of Columbia 011 SATURDAY, JULY rilh, at ten o'clock in tho forenoon of tint diiv, for the pur j.osu of milking partition of the real estate of thn said deceased, to nnd nmnng his children, nnd legal repra eonl.ilives, If tho hi.ii can he done without prejudicu to or spoiling or the uhole, otlioruue In value uud ap praise tho same, according to law ; nt which time and pI.ilo yau ato loiuired tnoUend if ,ou think proper. XAMUEl. as I'D an. Sheriff'. BherilT's OlEcs, lllonmsbnrg, Mny 13. lrt.-iiw FliESH ARRIVAL OF 1 A T Miller's Store, Till', suli.rriher tins Just returned from Iho Cities with another large und select ussortmct of aPIUNG AND SUMMER GOO Eg puTchaaiMl nt tho lowest t'gure, nnd which they arc determined to sell on as moderate terms n r'"' '"' ""ru"l wUeie m nioomsburg. nu stock comprises Ldoini' atihss noons. otVuransTifTaBiKa. 1 cKitoV' ROM MILS, UOOTS ,t SUOKS nrrs & cwps, &.c. c, c. Insdinrt everything usunlly kept In country Stores to which ho invito the nubile generally. Thu Highostpricu paidfor country produce. S. II. MILLER. niornnsbnrg, May 13, 18V5. NEW ARRIVAL. S ZEISS' At A. J. Evans LUl IltD vi-' s m I I BLOOMSBURG, PENN. LATEST SYLEB CAKAP GOODS flMIK undersigned respectfully iisTorma his triends L and the public generally. Hint he has Just received from Ulu Lastcrn cities, a large uesorlmeni of mew Ghar.ixi2i&u being the best nssortment ever offered in this market. Also a complete assortment of Hoys Clothing, In fact everything in tho Clothing Line For those who prefer to leave their measures, n perfect lit guaranteed, and , othing but the best workmanship nliowed at this cm ta lishmcut. Ho also keeps on hand u Inrgu assurt mei 'ol ! BOOTS AiXD SHOES. II ATS VND CAPS, together with a variety of nutioni. jy 1ALL AND SHU FOR YOUHSHLF. -q A. J. UVANS. ' Uloomsliurg, April. 23, 1H04. BENJAMIN GREEN, UEAI.EII IN Window Shades, OH Jt,.i.Jt Mais. NO. 33 NORTH SECOND STREET, PHILADELPHIA. March 1, 15. 3iu, M A N UFA CTTR E 11 0 F UMBRELLAS, SUN UMBRELLAS, AND as. PABASOLS Nombors 2 and i North Fourth Streett V II I L A D E L P 11 1 A . March 4, 1805. 3in, The Forks Hotel. LOCATED IN EAST BLOOMSBURG. -rk M.i.,.isno, taken the null-known Forks I Hotel, respectu illy aniiounois w his friends nnd the public gcncrully, that hn ia prepared to accommodato I . ' ..:'. ui. .. .tl, tt.r.r .Inlrtra . to unllrn nt. all wuo may lavui iniu - Ho is provided will anipls Stabling and provinder .... . un,..,.n,i.ti,m ,,i' 'I'ravellers. leamslors. Dro 1UI vets, 4ce on moderalo terms, '""'""Kff'w. MAUOEIt. I BALTIMORE LOOK HOSPITAL Baltimoro, Md. ESTABLISHED a a REFUGE FROM I QUAOKERY. 'Ifte Only Itatx koj Ourf can taob ainat. Dr. Johnson ha diancwrefl tho most C.tlsln World i n. Rnerdv. and onlr CT.ctual nrmedv In in. I for Wcakneaa of Die Hack rv l.lmbs. Btrletaiea ArroCtirmsof thaaKWnc and Illadder. Involuntacv i lleVsl'YVSor?. Ideas, ralpitntion of tho Heart, Timidity. Trcinbhng, Hinincis of flight or Giddiness, I'lstssn of Iho Head Throat, Nose, or llowili lhoc Terrible Disordpra Hriaing from Golitory llobila or Youth-ti-4 and solitary practltea more fatal U their vlcilrua Uian tha one or ryrna to the Marineraf H)ef, btlghling their most brilliant hopes or nnticipotions, rendtrine marriage, &c., impossible YOUNG MEN K.patlally. who have ( the vlrlimj 0 fMltaiy Vici, that drtndfut and deslrurjivo habit whacri annu ally sweeps to nn untimely grave thousand! of young man of tlio ino-t enallcd talents aud tirilllanl intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listening Son, u'i with 'lie thunders of aloiuenoo, or waked to cc tncy tho living .lyto, may call wlih full confidence, MARRAIGH. Married perrons, or young men contemplailug mar, rlnge, being uwnro of physical weakness, organic do bility, deforiiutitt'., rpeodily cured. Ho who places himaelf uuder the aim of Dr J. may ri llrlnusly confidn In his honor -as a gmtlciuan, und confidently rely upon his skill as n physician' OROANIO WllAKNUSS lmnodlatcly Cured nnd full vigor resisted. This distressing airectlon which rundara life ml nrubl nnd marriage Impossible Is thx penally pn I by tha victims of improper Indulgences Young per mils atu too apt in commit elcosscs from not being owaro of Iho dreadful conscpienros that may onsuc. Now, who that understand the sutjeot will pretend to tany that tho power of procro alion la lost aooner by those filling into improper habits than by the .ti dent I lleaidss bilug deprived oithe pleamro ofheal tey oirsprlug. the most serious nnd dcstrnitive aymp huianfbolh hndy and mind nriao. Tho System be. comes deranged, tho pl.yslcnl and mental functions wenaeued, Loss of l'roereatlvo power, Nervoua Irri tability, Dyspepsia, I'ulpltatioii of thn lloart, lndlgea lion, Constitutional Debility, a Wasting ol thu Frame Cough, Consumption, Decay and Dunlli. DR. JOHNSTON, Member of ttio Royal Col I ego ol Hargoons, London, titnduMo froui obi of the most eminent Colluges in Iho United Stales, and tho greater part of whose life has been spent In t 0 hospitals of London, Paris, 1'hlta delplilu, and elsewhere, has cUeded eome ol lha most nstonl-hlng curca that were I've known ; ina-ay trou Idcd with rioging in the head und oars wheu aslerp, grunt nervousness, being alarmed at sudden ounds, liashfulnesa, with frequent blushing, attnuded some times with deraugmeut uf mind, woro curad lmuicul ately. TAICr. rABTICULAR NOTIOIS Dr, J, addressus all those who have Injured thorn selves by improper indulgence nud solitary habits, which ruin both body nnd mind, unfitting them for cliher busiueis, study, society, or innrnago. Thesa are eotno of th 1 sad aud melanchnlly cfiects produced by oarly habits of youth, viz.- Weakness of tho Uack and Limbs, t'nina in tho Head, Diuinesa of Hiiht, Los. or niii-culnr I'm, l'alpilauo.i or Iho Heart. Dyspepsia. Nervous Irratability, lljraugouiuiit of tho Uigeslivn Functions, Uenural DobiUty, Symp toms nf Consumption, Sec. Mkmtallv. 'I he fearful cifec( on tho mind nro much to he dreaded Loss of momory. Coufusian of Iduus, Depression of spirits, livll Fnrhodtiiga, Aversion to Society, Self-Distrust, Lovo of So Hudc, Timidity, &u. jre sonic of tho evl a produced.. Thousands of pnrsons of nil ages ran now Judge n hat is the cnuae of I heir declining liualth, losing their vigor, b"comi..g weak,' pale, nervous and en acintcd, having a singular uppearautv about thu eyes, cough nud tyuiplouia of Coustt mptlon. YOUNG MEN who have lnlnred thenisolvea hv u curiam prnctlcc.ln dulged In when nlonn, u hnbitfrO'piently learned from ovit companions, or at .cuocutuu cnecis 01 wnicn uru nltrhtlvVclt. uven when nslecn. and. if not cured. ren tiers marriage impossible, and destroya huth mind cad body, should apply immediately. t hat a pity thai a young man, tho hepe of our coun t ry, the pride of his parents, Hlnml, I bo snatched from all prospects and enjoyin'iits of i, by tho conso qiiencunr dovlatiug from tho puth of nalura. and In dulg uig lu a c-ilntu sicret habit. persona mast, bifotu m il-' uiplat D MRRISOE, reflei t that u sound mind uu d body ore the in, Ml neoco Bury renuieites to prumioio connuoiai uuppinesi in- , deed, wlthuiit these the Journey through life besomes n wcury pllirlniane ; the prospect hourly darkens to j thn view, the inind beeouiea shudnwod with despair , uud tilled with the mclnnchnlly reliectlon Hint thu tup piiiese of another bocoinos bligLtud with our own, I Office, 7 South Frederick Street, left-hand side going from Ilnltimoro street, a few doors from the corner. Fail not to ubservo uauio uud num. "Cjm No Irttors received unless postpaid and con taining n htnmp to be used on tho reply, Icrsous writing sliouiii siuto ngo auu suiiojioriiu'. ui uuibih.u- , loent describimr symptom I Tlio Doctor's Diploma hangs in his office. , Endorsement of the Press. The many thousands ccied at thl ostabllshment within the last tw.nty year, nnd the numerous iin .,,.,! t-orffirnl oneratlons Dcrfor.ned. by Dr. Johns- ' ... . . . .... ..... ...A.t.,.. ,rpi... a.... .....i ton, Wlll.esscu oy u.u ,,,,,,-. u u,,u other papers, notices ol which huve appeared agulu nud ug.iin before the public, besides his standing as a geutlouun of character and responsibility, Is a suffi cient .guurauty to the iitllicted. Skin Diseases Speedily Clue I. April 3J, ltSM.-ly NEW GOODS ? ? G 11 EA T RED UCR ION IN PRICES NEW ARRIVAL OF Summer Goods . AT PETER ENT'S STORE, .v LiaitT STiir.irr. Columbia cotwrr. pa. ft AS Just received from Philadelphia, end is now 1 J opening at the old stand lato'y occupied by Yarn Ac unl, u epienuiu asauriineii, ui MERCHANDIZE winch will t,e sold cheap lor I CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. His stockcnnslstsof Ladles Dress Ooods choicest styles and latest ruinous I Calioos, Muslins, LJIlUUUlua, Flauuols, Carpets, tihawls, Hosiery, Silks, READY MADE CLOTHING. Cassimci'cs, Satinetfi, Oottonadcs, Kontuoky JuanB, Thread, &c. Groceries, Qucensware, Cedarwaro, Hardwaro, Mcdioinos, Drugs, Oils, Paints, &o BOOTS & SHOES. HATS & CAPS, In shon very thing nsunliy kept in a country store. The patronage of old friends, and Iho public genera ly. Is respectfully solicited. The hlghe.t market price paid for country Produce PL ruu LN 1 . Light Street, May 0, 1805. Administrator's Notice. Estate of David Vandine, Leceastd. ETTERS of administration on tbo l'.slate nf David Vandine, late of Mndlsnn tivp , Columbia county, deceased, have hucn g-irt,l by tne Register of Lolumoia county to tne uuuersignee ,- an parsons having claims agaln't the estate nf thade oedent am reiucsled tu presor' them to tbo under signed, residing iu said township, wltliout delay, and all ticrsuns mucuicn vi .ui, .,., JOHN A, FUNSTON, il(T77UIS'i-uror. May 0, ia&J.-w 81 00 Admlniatrator's Notice. Estate of Abraham Ktifer, Dcctused ETTERS of administration on lUi.-im of Abraham Keifer. late of Orange tbo two.. 'nl.imbia coun v. Ueccnseu, nave oeen granteu by the iieiriinr of Columbia co., to the undersigned ; all per all j h.vlni claims oeu.n.t thn .slate of the deseiicnl aro rciuested to present them to the A dnnnistrator his rOSluCICB in n.noiii.uurK, niiuum uci-,,, iii.hi, oerions indebted to make payment forthwith, 1 MICHAEL F. EYERLY, AdiniitisO alar a, a IS'w J IhJfltructlve llils iji Harrlr3burg. A great Gre ooourrcA oo Vodnosday no tiling last in IlMtisbutg. "frko loss of propsrty. wan Inimcnse laying wasto about nu aero of Ibnt City. It was up- loha 1,10 work o incendiary. Insurance Company, WILKE3-RAlTli. reSNA. CAPITAL AXU bUKfLTTg, - - $150 a b s lira . Ptock not called In, .... IIIU. receivable . . . IM.OOO 40,000 3S..0II 0.000 'Ciao XI. S. 3-30 Uotidi Temyoro-ry and nail -loans, .... 103 shares Wynuring Hank Stock, . . SO shares First National Hsiot at Wilki'-llarro, 70 shares Second National Hank at U'llkss liar re 40 sharea VV Ilkei-Uarrs Bridge Slock, . . Real llstate, Judgments, - . . Uua from Agetitaind mhara, . Cart In hand and In Bank, .... .1,000 7,ffHI 3.5) 1.SIII 101 7,414 Xftl O. M. HOLLKNI1ACK, JOHN KMCIIARD. SAMUKL WAUHAV13, CHARLLfl DOURANCK, It D. LAI.'OK. L. 1). flllOF.MAKLtt.. ii. si iiovr. O. ;iLLINf'. Wm. 8. ROS3, Cll.lULUjA MINER, n.Kw.utr nunce. w .11 IIAliUINU. (l.M HOLI.ENHACK, Vsilrfi-rt. I. l. KIIUCVIAKCII, Vies l'rcs'L L. a SMlTH.BacKaTrtT. . F. liItOWN.AgenL March 3d, VP . mabiirg. Pa. IS(J5. i'llliaUt'liIU.i & hne A X 3k 51 & U , This great tine travorsaa the Northern and North, weel counties uf Pennsylvania to the city ol' fine, on Lake Krie. 11 has been IrasoJ by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, nnd is operated by them. Its entire length was opened for passenger ui freight iusinasfl, October 17th, 1HC4, TIM or r.Minagk tb.iss at aoaTui;r,tn-.Asp. Mail Train lenves, East 10 M P. M. Fdmlra Etpress Trnln, J I 37 P. AI. Lock Ilavon Accommodation, 10 37 A.M Williuiusport 3 3S P. .M. LliAVE WLSTWABD. Mall 1 rain, .... Klmlrn Eiproaa Train, . Lock Haven AccoD)modatlcen WIUinniiDort Accon.nrodatinn 4 34 A. M. 5 3" A. ,M. 4 at i: L 11 Si r. Passengers Curs run throtgh on Mail Train, wrru out citAXua both wave between PLHadelphla and Erie, and Ualtiinnroand Hrln. Utegunt Sleeping Car. on Klinlro F.iprXss Trains bolh wnya between Willlamsport und Halmnoru. For Information respecting Paasengnr buslucsf, ap ply nttlio Cor. Ootli and Slarket Hta. And for Freight the Company's Ageals. 8. II. Klugstnii, Jr., Cor. i 3th and Market dls., Phil'a. J. W. lloyuolds, Lriu. J.M. Drill, Agont N.C. Z.Z., naltlmoro. U. 11. Houston, Oen'l. Freight Agt , Philadelphia, JI. IV. Owlaner. Oou'l. Ticket Agt. Philadelphia. Joaeph 1). Potts, Gen'l, Managar.Williuuiiporl. Jan. 7, mas. Adminlntl ator's Notice. Estate of AKlrew JI(S, deceased. rKTTKRS of administration, d4sais.tun, cum U. j tnmento anno, nn tho estate of Andrew lltss, late of Sugarloaf towuship, Col, co., deceased, have boaa granted by tfcci Register nf Columbia county tn th nn detaigned ; nilporaons having claims against the es tate nf tho decedent nro requested tn pr(fcnt theui 1,. tho undersigned, resiling in said township, wlUt-iut delay, and all psrtona Indebted to make payupat Nrili- RICHARD HESS. Administrator April tses.-pw fcJ BARGAINS l IF YOU WANT TO BUY Spring and GO TO Creasy's Store, In Llgtn Street, Vy. Who Keep all Kinds of CALICO, MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAM, FLANNELS, CARPETS, HOSIERY, SHAWLS, Ready-made Clothing Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, coffees, Teas, Fink, Suit, Bacon, Hams, Lard, Tobacco, spars, Hals, Boot", Caps, Shoes, .Drugs, Oils, Paiuts, &c.,&c. In addition to our large stock of Dr, Cools, w. havo a Imge and full assortment of Ready Made Clothing tor Men end Uojs wonr which we are determined t sell cheaper than can be bought elsewhere. Call aud see. ana jnoge tor yourselves uTT They also keep a linn assortment omitCd- and MKLHCtNES, to supply Ihe absence of a tsgelarUrug Store in Liilit Street, which will be cartful' v com pounded und suitably directed for the accomodation of uiuir cusiomers. U. W. CREASY, & Co. Light Street. April 83, ISM. Dr. Talbots PillsT (ANTI-DYSPETIC) Composed of highly ConcentrutsJ Eitroofs frou, ROOTS AND HERDS Of tho grontest modlclnal vaIbm, pr'yarwd ftotn (hi original prescription of ihe celebrated Dr. Tnlbott, and used by him with reinarkaMe eacccs-a for twenty years. An infallible remedy in all U13EASSS OF THE LIVER, or any derangement of THE DIGESTIVE ORGANS. They euro Diarrhoea, Dyspopxia, Scrof ula, Janndico.Riliousness, Liver Complaint. The well-known Dr. Molt says of these Pills: "I huve used Iho formula from which your Pills are made, in my practice fur over 13 years; they have the finest elTucl upon the Liver and Digestive Orgnitt of any medicine In tho wnrlit, and are the most prfeit Purgative which has ever yet keen made by anybody. I'im'y are safe and pieaiaut to lake, but powcntil to cure. Their penetrating pro,isrt ea stlmolate the vi tal activities of the hodj, remove Ike obstructions uf its organs, purify the blood, and expell disease. They purge out tho foul humors which breed and grow dis temper. ilugtlsb or.'irurdorad organs 1nt their natural ncllan, and Impart a healthy ten with strength to Ihe whole sytlsiu. Nil only do th.')' cure the every day complaints of everybody, but also rbr uildabio and dangerous diseases, and being purely vee. ctable aie fiee froai any risk or liurm No person who has "ii co used those Pilia will ever be lll,rit them." They create pure blood and rVmuvo all jmpuirtic. from the system, hence are aposillv cure fur FEVE KS, HEADACHE. 1'1LC3,MER. CURIAL DISEASES AND HER EDITARY HUMOHSf DOSU-For adulH, one Pill in n -uwiulu; . r.iriM; deed under bjsars, half a Pill jfciy- Prioo One Dollar per Bos. Tindo supplied, or sunt by Mail pott fVid. to any part of tlio United S'atcs orC'iH-ida on rcoeipt of price. None uimiuid-i 'rfro out tho faceimtlu ta'gftalurtj "f V. ,Jott Talbott, M. D. V. MOTf TALBOTT & Co , No 62 Fulton St,, lw Yt,;k, May iW. ISo5.-ly F. C. HARRISON, M 1'.."" T7 0ULD i..pcctfully inform UiewituvK fHlaeir., ner - at V burg, and vicinity, tbathe onri'.u st... , 'ta'oe e MKOlCIriS AXTi kVi .M.r, ,.n.t solicits a share r public p.Cc Ornrs, on Itaiu taire st km kn icij, House Hlnninsburg lbr'ti.i) a, I3.1..-H afj.ra
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers