Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, June 17, 1865, Image 2
COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. Our OomilmHonjmrd U .r.r t Oof lortoa Union hoU tl daar I Oar Starry rUgffortak. It ntTttl BDITED BY LEVI L. TATE, FROFHfXTOHi BLOOMSBURQ'i Saturday Morning.Junc 17,1065. TERMS OF THIS PAPER: ( AFTER JANUARY llT, 1BG4. ) $3 00 per Year, or 2 50 If paid strictly in advance. DmotiiCT, a acntlmeat not to be appalled, corrupt id or coropromlnil It kaowl no baaanaia, It covrara to at dang ar, It oppretaea no naakne it. Beitructlvo only of deapotlain it In the aele conacrvator of liberty labor aid property. It U tha aentlinenl of freedom, of qul rlghti, of anuat obligations ibo law of nature grading the law of the land-Allm. Democratic State Convention. At tho last formal moetiDg of the Dcm ocratic State Contral Committoc, it was resolve that tbo State Convention should bo oallcd to moot at Harrisburg on Weil nCBday, the 2lst day of Juno inst. But having sinoo learned from a rnjority of the Committeo, and been advised by many other leading Democrats of the Stato,that a postponement to a later day, would, on many accounts bo acceptable, and ia generally deaired I boroby give notioo that tho next Democratic Stale Convention of Pennsylvania, will con vene at tho Hall of tho IIouso of Repre sentatives, in tho Ciiy of Harriaburg, on THURSDAY, tho 24th day of AUGUST next, at ono o'clock P. M. C. L. WARD, Chairman. Totvanda, Juno 1, 1SC5. J8 Gov Wm. Bioleu, of this Stalo, paid a visit to Washington a fow days citico, and had a long interview with tho President. Tho Governor and tho Pres ident aro old friends, and wero Senators together, and, as tho reoord proves, voted together in favor of the Crittenden Com promise and all other publio questions lending to peaoe. Wo are glad to learn that Gov. Biglor was cordially reoeived by President Johnson, and that their riows harmonized. This is a good omen. Got. BroLEa and Lady, passed from Washington to California, to visit his El der Brother tlx Gov. John Riglcr, ex yeoting to bo absent until next Ootobor. A wEiTsn in theUonoord Patriot oalla those olergyraen who aro so full of wrath and all nncharitableness tho "blood hounds of Zion." A very appropriate designa tion for ''brimestone clergy." Easltsn Argus. "Tea, quite as good as that'whioh asad to be applied to himself by the Rev. Wm. Bivens, a colored clergyman who ''trav eled the eirenit" in Southern Pennsylva nia, Marylaad anil the valley of Virginia, whose boast it was that howas "God Al mighty's Bull dog sent here to bark at the Devil's Dog." Sherman vs. Stanton. General Shorman and Secretary Stan ton are at open enmity. At the grand j " ' """"'S"-'". ooermau woma not nottce Stanton, and he has sinoo pub- li.hed several letters reflecting severely upon the Secretary. Gen. Sherman has boen giving his evidence before tho oom miltee on the Conduot of the War. In his testimony the Seoretary and Gen. Hl leek are aeftuied of some very moan ac tions. Ex Governor Reynolds, of Illinois, died ot his residence in BelJovillo, on tho 8ih inst. Bo was born in Montgomery oounty, Pennsylvania, in 178B, of Irish parents,who had landed from on emigrant ahip at Philadelphia, three years before. At the time of bis birth, Illinois was al most a savage wilderness. Sxill Idle. Tho greater number of our ooal works are etill idle judging from tho oosl market tbey bid fair to romain so for a long time The price of eoal is very low and the hands do not seem wil ling to go to work at the low wages. Constitutional Advocate. tar Tho horses and carriage intondod a a present to President Johnson, wore sold in New York on Friday. The horses were bought by Dr. Ferguson for 91000. Fr.noh the Hotel proprietor bought the oarriago for 81400, and E.Baker the bar ness for 8185, being 52510 (ess than they OOit. ' Mr. Yulee, formerly Unitod St!. Senator from Florida, surrendered him- sen to tho authorities at Jaok?onvill le in Hut State a few days einea. President Johnson has cranial pnmiiiion lo Gen. Longstreet to visit Washington eity on business. W The Presidont has oomrauted the acntenoo of Bowles, MilligaD and Ho the allenAi? Tnrli'nm . - 0 - ""u.piraiors to im prisonment for life. R. ".'Gillette, Esq., "c7New Ub anon, Columbia county, New York., ha. bn employod as oounscl for JefT.rson Nvi, along with Charla's O'Copne, . ( tW Dan Rioe the renowned showman is reported to have died at Almont, Mich igan, on S.lurday ws-k , from aooidental poiHoning, Notea of Third Scries of 7-30a mi,. .t.m.4 r ... c .1 a-.i. -i ' '. ......,. m ... mo .uuiiom w "g', ury Department was uoablo to print them with stiffioiont rapidity to fill tbo orders. It will bo rememberod that n hundred mil lions vitro subscribed and paid inglo week. Tho printing prosss finally surmounted tbo difficulty Wednesday, 7th, tbo dclive I bird Series commonood.and will bo con- ........ . . i whioh has given an appearonco of n falling rr!..l. ! ai ou in tno popular iKing onno ioan,ino great body ol small takora being unwill-' iug to pay iiiiur iiiouay uuiuss inuy receive their notes right in hand, to oarry thomt unuea w.t tne same propines. mat . Sitting upon . gate po.t.upon one of those ' be,o d J fc , k ea the supply of th note, o the fir. and rins, WM , illKp !Urt, d.rkey jast nu. J socond soncs. It has boen tins mtterup- tor Dg his teona wllo, when ho was told of ' ... nm. rphirB . omM home. Itisexpeoteathataftorthiaweoklparlej bis uewly obtained iutclligcnoo, ; .1 I !.! .1 n mi' lr . tuu uauy luuaonptioua to 1110 ocven xnir tios will run up into millions, as they will undoubtedly bo stimulated by tho opening oftho farmer's wont mnrltMs Knt nnrl West. It is not at all likely . that thc'i.,n ni:m.. Government will ever again offer so desir ablo a security as theso notes, and about two hundred millions only remain to ba taken. 1 With the closo of tho war tho national expensos will bo vastly roduccd, and in vestors must look for a sharp roduotion in the rato of interest as soon as tho pres ent loans becomo due, and oan bo paid off. Thero is no reason why the United Slates credit for moiicy should ever again fall below its orcdit for courage. Tho same spirit that preserved tho geographical in tegrity on a par with that of the most fa vored nations and that will reposcut a rale of interest under rather than ovor four per cent. Cheating the Soldiers. From tbs Democratic Standard . Less than six years ago, to havo tho promise of money from "the government oftho United Stales," was considered as boing equivalent to tbo monoy itself. Tho soldiers of tho regular army signed their payrolls days and oven weeks before receiving their money, and thoy did it willingly,without tho least doubt that "the Government' would deal honestly with them, and pay them to tho uttermost farthing ; and thoy wero not disappoint ed. Bntsinco tho present War Department has been in power, this rulo has been re versed, and when a man now enlists as a soldier, he must expect to be ohca'ed in overy possiblo way. Tho first thing dono in this lino by Stanton 3 Co., was to rcfuso to givo to the five-year regulars the warrants for tho bounty lands to whioh tiiey wero entitled For many years the rulo had been that any soldier who had been in aotipn while in the service of the United States, should reocivo a warrant for 160 acres of land. Bat when Stanton and his baokers, the Abolition Congressmen, gave 8100 bounty to throe year regulars, tboy made this act an excuse for depriving all those regulars who had enlisted prior to August, 1861, of tho bounty lands whioh they were prom bed at tho timo of their enlistment. The five-yoar regulars, somo of whom havo Bhed their blood upon ovory battle field of ,mportauoe during tho war, novcr received aDy bounty, not even the carrison f p.,-, Sumter. DuriDg the last three years, tbo unfair, dealing on the part of the War Depart ment has beon so notorious as to create as much dissatisfaction atuong.t the soldiers," and oauso many desertions. Men who had been disabled by wounds or siokness, with dependent, upon, thorn, wore put iDto tho Invalid Corps against thoir will, and not paid for a year or fourteen months ot a time, whilo contractors and shoulder strapped loafers about Washington obtain ed their monoy without difficulty. Tho latest cheating dodge is tho deduc tion of part of the promised bounty of tho one-year men. This caps tho climax of meanness. For a War Doportment which expended over 8300,000 during the first year oftho war for those worse than use less articles, brass Bhouldorsoales,and we know not how much more for the equally usoless loalher stooks, lo oommenoo re trenobment now by depriving our gallant soldiers of part their hardoarned money, is an aot unworthy of any official pretend ing to represent this great and generous nation. The man who took his life in his hand and wcut forth to suffer, and starvo, and toil, and face tho deadly bullets of the fiercest fighters tho world ever saw, in do fenso of our notional life, is worthy of all that was ever promised to him, and as much moro as a grateful nation can be stow. It is arguod that these mon did not serve out the year. A poor excuse, that. I If ilinu u . ,1 e . t I a. : "T uw7 ,uo c? 'ny.tnf lead itllnhi Una 1 thU.nor do wo brieve ih.i r n " .. or our ,Mi. -..I . Never let it be said that the American ' people presentod the Generals with costly nou.e.. and . -Heated the nrivata .olrW. . out of their bounty I ZiZ fc. f.uJ. 80(1 ,by ! mont of a wooka ffaBe8' the ployee left "lemn, sonorous, and grand j with I , 'W. ya"' Tho flaa'iy of rope s vinVout ) r bj PJW -ho lurch, preferring tou-eyers shut you cannot dislnguish its ' I'T COna"med Vah'cd at ouo . mnSh n T f JCDl,slment "way the timo until he spent his moo-1 "und from that of tho pipo organ itsoir. It dLoll?r.8' Tho buildinS "as the largest of T.r.nMl! I y " m05ey 'o United States authorities have 's 80 prTeotive aud beautiful as to meot the' 1 1 'n 00UDlry' bc''"S 0 feet horetotoM ,0 doi dot"!nloputaBlopto this, and wo ' of the most refined and fastidiou., by 200 ftiot P" Wo do not believe that President J ohnl ''l00 g',T9 P'B8es lo Dl1 iad " n churcb ol tod TIm tSi9 son wil sanction itnv nxnh .i . -) .o.v iuuiu. - ,, .. . . uvk'wuo Huiuiuvcu ii v m.m. in vnira , u . uiuiuarv bier. - I - - . ., Mi kuD larir.iH, nnn n, . K.uuGcuinir ai w... r i ... i - jThc Poor Negro how HomclcBS ? Tbo following oIIddIdltb aro a rw.onlv.l of Iho.n .tattered throu-,h Lrifl n.n.nan.r.t . 2. "ir: r ' " PAMnca idca or rREF.nnM. rrom th. lvirt.tmtg Kiprau.j Rather an amusing Inoidont ooeurred in i..t. - . .. .i them v,ith evident marka of pleasure. for :0., ci'ao rrao. Tee free 1" ho oxolaim ed in ,03iaov t0 ,1j mamma. "1 ain't gWjne to rook th0 oradlo no rnoro, 'case J'9C free. ' Rnnina to a voumrer sister, ha im 1 saying : .v011 is freo-don't nik ... more oh, And spying a oat lazily stretch , . . , nig nor iinius in mo vunsmno, no rcacnou by sorcaming oat : vmi'ra frn niifiKV ilnnV lrntak nn nmr f nj( Whether the delightful fellow wont Jon nlrinrr tho fowl,. tl. U. hnvx. wo do not know, but tho above is rolatod O ' "-I -- I I as an actual occurrence. Such freedom as ho would havo tho oat ottjny would cost her hor life, but freedom in his mind was the joy par cxcellcnoo of his life, now A wise old NEunsss WAS TUr.ATnl) Wc learn from Tho Old Dominion that a Dfgro woman was set to work a day or two since, sweeping tho side walks in Nor folk, under a oonvoy of a guard of her own persuasion of oolor, for expressing hor desiation of the ".Yankees. Quite a crowd gathered in tho vicinity of the At lantio Hotel to behold the anomaly. She seemed to bo about as bitter in her haired, as some of tho lighter colored femlniuos. Kltbmuiid Republic, May 16 During tho past week, about two hun dred negroes, of all ages aud sexis, have congregated on a lot near Baoon's Quarter Uranoh. Fifty ot these aro ohildren, un der twelve years of agj. They aro from tho Counties of Gooohland, Fluvanna and Lou'ua. They will soon learn that, hay ing loft a livelihood at home, they will havo to toil hard and constantly to make a living in this now over-crowded "city. Ooo of them a nearly grown man, offored ycstcrday,lo hiro himself to a gen tleman in that vicinity for tho moderate sum of twclvo dollars per annum. On Saturday night a negro woman and four ohildren formerly the property of Dr Skclton of Powhatan, reached the city after a threo day', walk in search of ease, plenty , and nothing to do,whieh,ljf course, they did not Eod. After wandering abuut during the night, they were, on Monday morning fed by a relative of their former master. Oo tho route they wero robbed of tbeit little stock of monoy by etrsggl tug soldiers. The Iluth into Danville, Va. The Tide turned back by the military. IUchuioad JUpaWie. Jfjy I8. During the firt.t threo days of the occu pation of Danville by the United States troops, negroes from the surrounding counties crowded into the place under sun dry dolusioun, from which they havo boon partially awakened and sent back to thoir work. In consequence, farming opeia tions are being rosumed, and thero ia a prospget of crops being made. The Negro's Paradise. rtlsnbuig Daily Keaa, May 16. For the last few days a tide of negro women and ohildren, obviously from tbo rural districts, has been pouring into town. This is in the face of tho avowed polioy of tho military authorities, who desire to keep this population, as far a. practicable, at home, it being the uniform experience of tho Federal officers who bavo had to administer civil rule that this class ia a dead charge on tbo United States oommis sariat, wherevor they aro allowed to con gregate in towns. Persons who havo re cently arrived thero by rail from Gold3 boro infoim na that the line of the roud U .filled with them throughout ils whole ex tent, all waiting to come to town it be ing their most definite idea of Paradise to visit a city. Ihi military trying to do mtthingThe negro's delusion. CEIthmond Whig. May IB. The military authorities aro requiring all negraoj to show passos from their em ployers, with a view to ascertain who are the idlers end who aro laboring for a live lihood. Some of thorn are infatua.ed with tho idea that tboy are now able todo noth ing, that the world owos them a living. This is all very fine in theory, but in praotice is but a will-o'.tho-wisp. Negro mon who are willing to go to work find no .lack of empbyment ; but wo heard a WC"K mi as t0y w' t onv otuioa trouble,- but in-1 , Mott military interjerence with negro freedom. Th fret fJi --,v , i . T" u'uwcu uv(' uriu o jo icotk. ' o nitr1iKttfift ,..., .w .In.. ! ....! ... .... ...I ,( for In a during the maron of a column of United """" " " LT". .ill OIIU.m. and everv intelligent ner- " W'? NaW Bnd r,fiht u "TW od. rrridlrg in Hr.U, Sonth Amci " "vitn v if. uvui i j h w II unin piuvui 1 . ... i . i ii... iidr id Ann n inn ffmnip.i viiiiniinna ni .. . l d hi l ii i u iiv k i i d im .it hi ( . . have States troop,. Th. negroes oollee.ed ou " ,,"7. u T' " tt ' on In the eon mon walk, of life, should .W .d. Th. fou .rt treason reco uea Joi,B h ,,., f Co lb n , , Ag; and on ., trm ,n :,.. ., .t ltl .u.-ni.. u, ut .nn , ...I . . i in history una been boatou to ttio cariii. , ncs init'imnrricii wiin ijiirMiai ciivci horn nnu on every farm to witness tho passaao of tho i, aii 'sir vu lo ohn tho law n everv Darticular. ' u"lv'J ..t.i!.. t...i !...u. n .i t ... rn ties of tho aoldiors. and in many instances s:rected ......... m .Lw v,n.i tt,t i ,!nnfl bo tl.o W.i crs. and tho . uur eoumr18 BBTlU' n ,.t.i. ..... . M.I.I.U - f. . . I . n.Kinnl (I . . T T I """ nuiuu, oner tuo pay- ""' ijjuu ; - nuro wo nave an orcan 1 V'am a,"r, nX" va'1 W,I,M' "l Is bwlutoly esseniial that tho Indus trial TCSOUroei of tho country b at ODCC it,l i. nppllod to tho cultivation of tho growing j craps, in order to supply tbo wants of tbo . . ,, k.n nnmi ,tin 1 r I - & yuo8tiOD9 ot conip lion for labor so performed will bo deter mined hornafter by the proper authorities The Negro in Kentucky, An ititoroaling corropoitJcnco has ta kon plaoo between tbo Mayor and a com mittco of tho City Council of Louisvillo -on tbo OD0 hand aml Oon- Palmer on ,ho TT- ,,ho ?moi.n,fl comP,!,,De,, lo V',0 ! General that tbo city was run oror with . . , , negroos claiming to bo freo, and looking to the military authorities for assUtanoo ; I that tboy wero crowded and herded to- &tlUt a"d oonseqaontly there was I danger of small-pox and other cpedemlcs. They asked, therefore, that tho laws of vagranoy should bo enforced ; that the negroes shall bo sent back to tho parts of States where thoy probably bolonged,and that matters bo lorbiddcu to perlnit their slaves to hire thoir own time. The Gen. replied, admitting the evil, but reminded tbo officials that tho negroes wore not properly vagrants ; that many of them, if not all, wero freo, by being the wives and ohildren of soldiers, or for other reasons ; that recent events have disturbed if uol ohanged. tho relations of servants and masters , that they woro na lives, for tho most part, of Kentucky ; had the same local attachments as whiles, and had a right to scok for labor wbcro it could bo found. Ho censured tho cowar dioe of steamboat and forry owners, vho out of fear of obsolcto aud inapplicable laws, would not transport freo persons of oolor across the Ohio, and thus helped tbo ovor supply and stagnation of labor at Louisvillo aud other places. Ho has, thcrofore, issued an ordor advuing those colored persons who caunot find work in Louisville, to go elrcwbcrc in search of it To cnablo them to do so, tho ProvoHt Marshal of tho post of Louisville, upon tho application of any colored person who may report him or iiemlf as unahlu to find sufficient employment in this city, will issue passes lo nil colored porsous aud their families, specifying tho number of persons to be passed, and their names, and the point to nhiuh thoy want to go to lug-ign in or iu scaroli of employment. Tho order reads : "Any oonduotor or mauager of any rail road, steamboat, ferryboat,or other means of travel, who shall refuse, upon tho ten der of tho legal faro, to soil to uuy such person oamcd in any such pass tho usual traus'poitation ticket, or bhall refuse to' trnmport any persou, will bo ot ouoo or rotted, and sent out of tho department, or puoished as a military court may ad judge." Tho Louisvillo Journal of Monday, says : "Tho negro population of this place will soon dwindle down to a few, if they continue to havo the oily as thoy havo done within tho last day or to. Up lo thmo o'clock yestorday afternoon, tho oleik has issued one hundred and thirteen passeD to negroes who dceiru to loavo tho oity, used up all bis blaoks,and was com pelled to 'oloso up' shop." A Singular Present. Tho negroos at Norfolk and Fortress Monroo hovi purchased a sword, whioh ia to be presented to Ben Butler. This is an idea whioh could only have originated under tho wool of a darkey. Presenting Butler with a sword is about equal to mak ing a pig a present of a pooket-haukcr-oheicf,for one is about as likely to bo prop erly used as the other. It would bo much moro appropriate to make Butler a prcsout of a sale, in whioh to store the gold he stole at New Orleans. If ho bad his deserts, ho would receive tho present of a a reward for his "pa triotio services" in filling his own pookets by plundering friend and foe. If he should ever fall into tho power of somo of tho whito private soldiers who have suffered from his tyranny, inoompotencs and cow ardioe, he will bo mote likely to need a pair of crutohes or a coffin than a sword, which is an article that he has neither courage enough to uso, nor sense enough to let alone. Democratic SUuxdatd. BSr Tho iVtw Yok Obsover, in an ablo article on oburoh musio by its souior editor thns speaks of tbo Mason & Hamlin iSr-Tbe new Court Home in Sunburv is progreising the foundation being nearly completed and is very ma.sive. ft-. T4. . ....,. . """""" iuu jjemoeratio blate Convention will " 81 ""ristmrg on, th : on Thur.dav. 21th of Auga.t next. wiirK in iitr. ivi'trrnrfi win luuruiurua iit""i - , - , - , iti . i l -i i iuvi r wucuii MiuHiiaiiiLu nnu i'iiild t: main at their homoi mid Dl&ntattODl to 0. - .- i . . i fif ill Frt Ca!i Dtintertt," Desultory Letter. No. 3. Cot.. Tatk : I nm at a loss for terma to express fully my abhorraneo of tho as- .aisioation of President Linooln. Mur. . . . . . . . rrovcrned also, tho Law Droves to bo a o - shield and protector of all. If we dd not liko certain lawn, or if they do not prove to bo good, lot in tako a lgit course and rrpctil them. The supposed or aotual violation of law by ono man does not justify another in doing an illegal act, although this is fre quently plead in palliation of a crime. But tho plea is not a good one. No mat ter who Mr. i.inooln was, nor what ho had done, it was unlawful aud wicked to murder him. Booth deserved tu bo arrcs ted and punwhed according to law, and I am sorry thai tho ciroumstances were such i this could not havo been the caso. Then 1 I thiuk wo should havo had him, and doubtless all others who woro engaged with him in iho dreadful deod,indictod by a Grand Jury and tried by their Pcors before a Civil Ouuut, which I think l the proper, the lawful course to try, and dfcposo of all mattors not strictly military. Booth's was an awful, a bold and out ragcous act, but let me inquira what biltci spirit did the Mobs in Philadelphia mani list in tho recent assaults upon tho Ixcieii solls! loan ace no difference. It was the very same t-pirit, but if possible more mean And cowardly. Ag;iu, what better was tho spirit and remark touching this subject, of Mr. Lind, l'rosident of one branch of tho City Council I To mo, it appears that the nubs which destroyed printing presses in California, and at Ports mouth, N. II,, and that hung men in In diana, and olhcr places, as soon as they heard of Booth's woeful crime, havo thus proven themselves to be no better than he. Had thoy tho couroga and rpirit tbo havo manifested in tho uulawful proceed ings just referred to in tho same drgrce, they would do just as ho did to accomplish thoir hellish purposes. AH this is wroug and de.'purntoly wiekud anil should be condomued in tho (trougoiit terms by tin Pres-, the Pulpit, and law-abiding people everywhere, and of all Political and Re ligious parties. It is presumed thnt all intelligent men know tho law, and I re; cat that no one i. justifiable in violating tho law. If it u believed any ono has done so, let liiin b arrested by legal process j our Courts are opeu, and lot him bo tried by the propel tribunal. Wo must havo law aud order or we are a doomed Natiou. I make those remarks iu tho spirit of candor, kindness and lovo. The war is over and now let us again enjoy all our legal rights and ex tend them to others. Let us unanimously tolerate tho Constitutional Freedom of Speech, and of tho Pres.. Let us coaco to do evil and learn lo do well. Let us reasou together, and no Ion gor proscribe each olhcr. Let us promote union and harmony, rostoro as soon as poasiblo what tho war has dfitr-.yed. Let us build up the wasto places, that "the wilderness may bud and blossom as the rose." That the voico of sza.CE and love may again bo heard aud enjoyed through out our land. Let all dwell safely within our borders. For the preservation of our National Constitution, our venerated Union, andi&'ur GLORIOUS FLAG, Ui us "sing praises and Glory to God in tbu highest and on earth Pcaco and good will to mon." JEFFERSON. Largo Fire in Nashville. SUPPOSED LOSS OF LIFE. Loss estimated at 610, 000, 000. Washington, June 0. At about two o'olook Ihia afternoon the exteusive build ings used for Quarmaster and Commissary stores, at the corner ofSummor and Broad streets, known at Taylor's Depot, wasdis covered to bo on firo,the oonflat-ration was puppoied to have' boen caused by sparks a locomotivo. About half of tho building was destroyed and tho other half, com prising commissary storos, was saved. Loss ostimated between four and five millions. Soveral dwellings near tho sccno of coufltgrotion wero destroyed with their content.. So great was the heat that all appruaohes to tho scene was impossible. Two or three employees aro supposed to bavo perished in tho flames, j later. , Tho doslruoticn of government proporty st the great fire to-day, it s beliovcd, will cause a loss of betwocn eight and ten mil Hon dollar. Within its walla wero storos sufficient to supply an army of 80,000 men .the front was by this precaution saved from destruction. Various rumora nr .a..,. a In ll.o . ' UUUUI . " ..: : .. 100' Borao uinttin- .U8 mai n was tno work of on incendiarv. . ' v: "ucueur, a oourt of in qutrV Will invnalitrclo tko , anrt nll,.. -I . " , . o w "o mailer. J Jin oorabu.t.on was so rapid that the building conla work on it. Address by tho Governor. Pennsylvania Kxkoutivk Chambbb, 1 UAtuiisnuna, Pa.,Juiio 10, 1605, Th the leojile of Pehnsylvauia : Tho bloody struggle of lour years is en ded. Tho fires of rebellion aro quenched', essings we owe unuer uou to lha unequalled hcroism-civio and lull-. itary to The Teople. In tho darkest) hours under the hcayiost tin courage - ruonls falter who would they never fal tered. They have been inspired with tho de lermuiauoQ 10 maintain mo irec uovurn- . .1 i. ..!.. .1 . .-. . I u. our ... " B-u - publican principles which it is their prld. ..II. --.i .u. ti and duty to defend, for tbo sako not uu y uuu ; .u u , .uu -w. j of themselves, but of the human race. ' o J , Pennsylvania have boon among the fore- nusy "8 moil in tho career of honor. Their hearts havo boun in tho contest, Their moans and their blood havo been poured out like water to maintain it. Tho romnaiits of tho heroic bands that left tho soil to save (heir country, are now returning, having honorably fulfilled thoir service. Thoy havo left tens of thousands of their brothers on many u bloody Dld, . ... : , Their invmoncs will bo preserved ou ,, .. . . , , our rolls of honor, l or tueir widows and families, a grateful country will suitably provide Lut tho survivors who aro now reiurn ing lo us have such a welcome a it befit, a brave und patriotic people l' give lo the gallant men who havo saved the country, aud shed new lustre ou Pennsylvania. I recommend that in every part of the State, on THE APPROACHING AN NIVERSARY OF INDEPENDENCE, -peeial observances bo had of welcome our returned dt-fendcrs and of comiuenio- ration of tho heroio deeds of themielves and thoir cotnndcd who have filleu. A G.CU1VT1N. MARRIAGES. At the parsonage of ilev. R E. Wil.-ou, in Bloonitburg, on Tliursilny.tlu 8ih iust , Mr. James C Stpii.nku. of this plac, tu Miss Dhmina Hoats, of Milt n At Pliiludelphia, on (tin 7th inst,, by Rev. Mr. Hill, Fkank M Lakhibii, of Ool. Co.. to Miss M.vriiE M, Milleii, ol Philadelphia. ic-aaaM-wapoa-iauajiui. mBiar.ui ii'Li'Tiauaiepcataunga: DEATHS. In Light S'reelron tbo mornin- of Ihw I -'th io.t., after a short illnn-s, Mr.,Vn. LIA.H SUANNON, Dgrd ubout 311 y'fiirs ; leaviUj; a wife and several small childiet,. In Biooiu.-burg, on Friiluy, Miy 1805, Aha SiuiL.inrantdaughtiirof lieu ry and Harriets. Shiptou, ugcil 4 inorth. and U dys. I i Orange township, April ..h, nf dis eas,o ooutracttd while n prifoncr, Samuel M. Kbblvh, of Co. i'.i 11 lillory. aged 28 yearj, 1 mouth, and 21 I days. . In Cambrn, Luz'roo , ou" Monday' last, Mr. John HouiiKs, oSed about 7' yoars. j NctuSVDucrtiscmcnt GENERAL ELECTION Printers Fies, 8.00. Commissioner. JOHN F. FOWLKR, E q., of Pino' lV..Iu"t"'.hi!'ii,70 orc uul"'1"'1 lu . COUNTY COMMISSIONER, j At tho approaching Hon..,.,! Elrcllun, auWctt lo th i t "n. ""'bl County D.uiocratlc Cu'iri" j twio IT, IStjJ. tr I Commissioner. WM. R. DEMOTT, of Madison twp .'Idala for" " tttt"",", """nounce,-ilt bo a raa. COUNTY COMMISSIONER, At hoopproarblng Cenrral K'ettion, -aUi-u to Ibo no". " f l,,8Co:,""l'l L'ounly l)au,otfrbft.- VBVen Ju'no is. 1?C.. te Candidate for Treasurer. J?hHNhJ,tSmES' of Benton townahi ft throuch tU iiti..i .,ii ,., . ' wrallo friend.. hV. ' " .n.'l"'r.", can ecu veo Ueuton, QN SATURDAY, Juuo 3d, 180.1, b- twean Light tftrcet and Kpihhu . 1 k foot of too North MMl"tW'' BLANKET SHAWL. T$ASS' UZAL H. ENT. June IT, ISf J NEW SADDLERY AND Jks Bin I'Iwkti C? K i a I I'lIK llllliprain.,.l . . ..... SADDLERY AND HARNESS y B.!or? .-Ion" "f i.-en M,)ouii ..... In the watmraetuto HADIH .at, VuiULrn ''uaS' wiU '"'"lon inod;m,"ul,1;LE'1' e., itoor and in god .rl, "u""l rtoil dmM'u1utvi.Iadkcn.ln e,rU"" f' " .Streo,,,u.3lSLIS 'rKEAS. AdininiAtrator'M Notice. EitaXe of Joint lhimr,ub n. j , lvua . . . ' "XIJC, U ".""" ?'!f.'.I,.g,1I,.wd.,!r eiei n:..""Vf.'u"u crlata of th d.rri. ina Aouumatrator nip wiuioui delay. P)mnt foithwjih iips.a.d.n,d.;;it SAMUEL L. KELLER, I o-rallo frl-nd.. ba. been ludo-cd to otf, , iZ Jlf iXuuf.XniW '"' ,u'1 fav0 h -"IW' I eandldaNfur the nUtco of TKEAiillBVit Hi ,, " "ln k'n' I'ttlriinaan burctoto.a on.' n.lal n. i. ,,. . tjiiAiNt-h vlLLE, i Lost, o,prr8r,o!:,v7.e'i'ra.'.''it'' t bla ro.iH.; r.'.:"",.ia.',ul0 i tud si.ysr i6. .cu ,3C0 Ad,uinUirator. NOTICE IN PARTITION. Ettale of' James Jiahton, deceated. To Matilda Ralston, Willsmina, widow of Robert Ralston, md Jnmcs, DcnalJ C, Elvira and (lintlcs, minor clnldrcn of Robert Rnbton, deemed, rceidirjg h, tlto County of Dauphin. John RaUton, e. suing in r-rmivijcw i ounty.n iilian M ,., liidlemnn, mid Elizabeth a daughter James Ralston, .lum'nr. doocafed, who liai 1 for hor guardian Ii i, HartuiMi, heirs anj legal representatives of Jnmcs lUl.-tOD la'e of Bloom towimlnp, Columbia Counh) deceased, TAKE- NOTICE: Tliat w (nTIMt Wil bn heU ruitt.e rui mim u rr tllrtu luplodby n I lnilelVi u,t I lA of August A. D.. I8IU I nl oVlo(ki , xt fi,;,nu(.n ,,, ,' (Jrfiton i cm eiif, " '' r'xi" ,h' pp'i"irjui purumo of making paitlilun nf llw rial i lata of 0 I id to ami auwi M. ttcir hhJ icg.ii ,.p , ri'.i'iittit 1 t i- . IT Ihp nam-rail bo ilono ivllhwit p,i., appralm tb. himb awutding to lair ,' at wlilrb ttm , "J i'i yem aro required t aiu-mi ir yu ibm prnptr. SAMUEL SNYDEItt tf berilT-n OIHrn, lUoniiitbutg, June IS, ISiC liir TO SCHOOL DIRECTORS. r"PiIE School Liw requires tint the An. 1 niial rrpnit of Pitcctiir, .lull bo flli-d In Hio ,,( ht Urn Bupoflrill-ud'iiil at MarrUbarg, liufuni ill IJIh uf JULY lien, nr tltu Ptalti ninup(Jitlou .lui. OU lh.ll bofoirMed ; acne.i tt a it iicci,...iry for inri-rton it. , to tin couniy Hi-rintadcut. tiih Uip.,,' la t b .IgO'd by Him I'rofident und tJucrelary ol ir,. oi .i board. o tim npmu p.-uj.,, undor "okkiokik , A.Nll MBMUIiUH t Jfci TUB IIOAnU;" Ilia Hum, ai,i , utfinr. tUa mcw bu-ani aro to s mittou. t 0 G. BiltKLEY, Co. Sttp't. Jllic 10, l!3' The Columbia House, AT Cope May, New Jersey, WILL bo opened for tho rcceptico ol ga.i, on TIIUndDAV, JUNE IJ. IPja: It la the Intontlon of tlu proprlMur tliat tha Cnlio,. bla llniua fv 1 1' fi 1 1 r iiu.liilu I 1m rruni.i,... XXlV m'ri'.MLi"-:. .V. ''l'"'"":' - f 5 " TtV1 - T- i .TJ -'"J """",J""U lluck'. osl-bratcd I'hlt.iduliilii i Uau I tin, !.,,. ., aitrcd fiir tho'ri'U'on. For riMiua, &c . npply to J. H. DRNNIdDN, chant',, I biln IplptiU ; or to GEO J. BOLTON, Pr"prl-t,r ' i.'apo 1-l.iu.J j Jnu, in. 1.1. COLUMBIA' Insurance Com-pany, COLUMBIA, LAA CASTER Co, Cash Capital k ARSets $501.; '.hi. (;uAim:it I'liu-crr; vi. Director. 3 C Slurm.ikr, S'.iuiiimI rlliiiiii, t"li T It)" ii, V. MiUuiul,), J .f.o W -i ar) tViu r..i ...i. Al. 0. '11,14111. S 1" Mi- riiu J Uu I ...., s ma, H I,,. ll.o 1 l,H' j IT li. (Iifcu LOiiiuri.l rtt. -r.ntr A Mil.' H UHi'.l .V I i M . -"MUtl iV, l, , U1W ri)l)l, ir., ifcir in). H-VMUiituro pmp-lty .1 u ,.a.j, , ,1,1., t,,., t ill bo c.ii.t.tsiii 1 1 llw i;,ni(Miiy Tt in.,, j in. L. H .CONUVEtt, Am. iieueh Il.ircn, l'j. Joiim in, ' American SIo(til fHESTiUr JSTItEET, Opposite old Independence Hal!, liilLADEMMIEA. S. M. IlKULIXOS, Prupiioior. Wm.. H. Hv.ULi.NOd. tlirk. u nr isoi.-tioi S H DE WOLF, I).1Ar.UC: iff Rcady-?ade Cloihing No 22 North Second at., On Covr iboTtrlluryj h't , PHILADELPHIA. 05?"" Clothing madii to order at the short est notice May a:, l(.o.6ni Auctioneer THE undersigned, would resiicclfu!1? L.n"aTnC " ,bC VMk '"' 1,38 t Public Auctioneer. Columbia County, Pa. Thwe wiihkg my nrrtco T4-ill call iipnj uu before they udyirtii-o ihnr uIk. ' 1 WM. SLHUYLKH, Orangavl.U.May.s.i PROVISION STORE A large Stock of Family GRC CERIES and Provisions gen erally, juat oponing, and for gale by e and Retail at rnK SHANNON BUILDINGS, 5 BLOOMSBURG. nONSISTINO ol all tho necessaries iabll.h?uuVi'hfi,,f "r"v ally found In mh iao.,.imuti in tillo. uad larga town.. Among ibtu BU(JAtt. AI.I. fitlAUEd. Oovsrnioont Java down COKfKK, I'ltO.M OLD Li-., , ' troin tno vi-ry Tork( I Will r. Iltifta. I at tf-a. in, .Mackervtl, Kcranonc Oil MaHini.nouUcu WOff, i Uuakiit. -... -v.t c. i ate. Staitli, f"' d 30 tout of bo .old a,,; ,M GUD OASH PAID FOR EGGS. DOCKET DIARIKM .PHn'ivmii a mi Ury liSrtS." l-ICI'llllUS, -.rll,,,,. a. fin . nto. vfi a. li.ct fin .