COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT, AND BLOOMSJBURG GENERAL ADVERTISER. IBEVl L. TATE, EDITOR. 'TO HOLD AND TltlM Tilli TORCH OF THUTH AND WAVE IT O'ER THE DARKENED EARTH." TERMS: $2 50 IN ADVANCE. VOL. 11). NO, 15. ijefci. liobT READ, I860. AMI d Hand to Your Neighbor PROSPKUTUS or I he Philadelphia Age. i f: p; f 5 I u u M-HJi U.NLV DEMOCRATIC DAILY MUR.N'INU JOURNAL PUBLISHED IN PHILADELPHIA. 'fit 71101, 7Ac Constitution, wil the En oi cement of the Laws. - The Publi-hcrg of tlio Philadelphia, Age, invito the ''uruuet attention ot busiuobS men, thinking men, literary mon, and all who are ! ii u.rostcil in tha vaticus occupa tions mid pursuits of life, to tho DAILY ud WEEKLY, editions of their Journal The Philadelphia Dally AgCi Which ndvooaics the principles and pol icy of the Democratic party, is issued tv "ry luoruiig, (Sundays (.xorptcd,) and mautuiria tho lattkt intelligence from all part f the world j with carefully prrpar-fcd-ariiclcs on Government, Politioi,Trado, Finance, und all the current questions and Hairs of tin: diy ; Local intelligent , ( lrki t Reports, Price Current, Stook tjuotatious, M iriiiu and Oominciciul la tiilligeiiuu, Hi ports ut' Pubho Gathering, Porfiitu and ihnui'Hiu Currc.-uoudcuae. Legal Reports, Hook notices, ! ,Ontioisini, R virus of LiRratuio Art und j Music, Agriiu'tural Matters j and discus- iuu ol whatmr puljct is ol gcnnral in- ivruit uud itiiiiorl.iiiei:. No ovarii of ni importaueo ooeurn in any puit ol the country without beiug fully aud protnpl'y leb gi u lull to and pub hah id romptly in iis culiimus. ''It Iiks all the di'p itches oi tho Associated Pred" from every part nt' the United Stales, and the news fiom all parts of Europe bh-tight by the steamers U instuutly tele graphd,fiutn v.hatevcr point tha eteaincrs first touch TEltMS Ten Djllurs, per annum, for arinjile cop) ; Cvh Dollars, lor sis tnos. ; Two dollar.- Fifty Ceuis, for tbrco tuotiths ; and for any less timo, it the rate uf Onii dollar per mouth. I'ny.uent rc qu:r d iiivsriably in uilvaue . The Ihiladelphia Weekly Age, I" a eompktt compendium of the News of t! o Week, and contains the Chit t Edito rials, the Prices Utiricnt aud Mukci ll ports, Stock .t.uions, Intell:getico for farmers, I'orrurpoudciii'o, imd Qencrul News Matter published iu the Daily Age. It nlio contains a groat variety uf other litumry und ini.-eollancous matter, iurlud iog talis, sketches, biography, facetia; aud poetry, reiidetitg it in nil re-poets, a fimt elas family Journal, paiticulaiij adapttd to the Politician, the Mf-rcliuii', the Var uier, the Mechanic and the Literary mau. nnd all ulnsxcs of readers. It hut;, in fact, every churuoteri tio ofai.lVlS NKWS PAl'Eit, fitted for Counting House, the Workilsop, the fireside, and tbcGi.ncial Reader. 'The Weekly Age is mailed in nnson to reach all parts of Pcuusvlvauia, New Jureey, Delaware and Maryland, ou or kefore Saturday ot each week. TERMS. Two Dollars per aunum for a'sing'e copy ; Ono dollar for six mug j aud sixty ccnt.i for three months. Ouo eopy gratis will bo ,trut f r ouo your to the per&ou forwarding us twenty yoirly abjcrilnTS paid in advance' No papor will be gent until tho subscription is paid Specimen copies of tho above pupcri lent gratis to any oddros,on application, TO ADVERTISERS, The circulation of the Philadelphia Age, g steadily aud rapidly growing, makes it it IcaU as valuable a medium for adviriL ing as any other commercial and business newspaper in Philadelphia ; and tho faot that it readies a large class ol conservative readers, eoattcred over n vast extent oi country, who do not take any other Phila delphia paper, commends it, to an extra ordinary degreo, as a means of communi cating with the publio not possessed by any other journal published in this city. THE AGE is now on a euro nnd per manent foundation, The publishers oould easily fill tbeir columns with the unsought -l J i- r i ana most nuerai commeuaauons 01 ruo pre'B throughout tho country , but they prefer that it should stand altogethar upon claims to public confidence well-known and titablishod. It will be, as heretofore, the eupport of true National, Conservative, Democratic, Union principles, opposed oliko to radicalism and fanaticism in every foim, and devoted to the maintainanco of good Government, Law, and Order. Tho revival of all tho business relations of the ountry, consrnuoct upon tho suppression of tho rebellion and tho restoration of peioj,will cnablo tha Publishers to make a number of improvements in tho various departments of this journal, and thoy therefore, roi-poctfully tolicit tho support of all who wish to seouro ona of the beet Commcroial, Literary, Duotness and Fam ily newspapors in tho country. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE Addrcs?, GLOSSBENNER & WELSH, 430 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Select flJocttn. QUERIES. "If parion tttl ponoa Irntdiui on hit twi, MU4 frit tli 4 ffritn A a flritn t ti It tnkadjr'i buiinaii, lr t SDtlraD ihnnld chun 'I'u vrail ii put. & ltd, If Iho tu t; iloD't refn.a t Or. Xo upeik k tittle plain. r. Tint the ineanlnj nil lus; ko.n. 1. it tnyboJj'. bu.laeti ladjhsi blaut ti it tnjIoJr'. buiiaei. N'aix the gontlemin iott all, Or hcu be liatet the lul, Oriklltaril tltilt Ut It It n.eenarr 'That cutuln iboaH b. dram. Tu .are from farther tro-ikl. TAi c!ldl Utlcri t I I. itanybol;'. builniti Hut lbs hdf't. If bar M.n Hide, out with ttksr Uilit, ,ni ikw.n't ut her know ! I. it'anybo ly. buiini it Hut Iho ginttiman'i, ( .ha Phoulil acci il another e.cun, Where it docin'l rhauce to I la pet. on on the aide walk, Whether great or whclh r .mall , la it anybody'abuaincaa It'Hu that pct.uil meaita to ctll t Ur if Jon am o (uraim Audha'n tailing anywhere, In It any vocr 6nitiiaa Wlul if. bualneaa may ta Urn ! The atibat.tTtce of our query, Simply ntJtcil would be tUia la it AhTDODT'a BttllHB.a Wliut ioloJR'i nttai.mia ta t If it la. or if itlau't, We would really like iulmrw Kur t're certain if it l.n't. Tbir are .uue kho miiru . tl it la, we'll jnm the "ihbli, AnJ kct the nobler ftil Ot tha limmi and rfaumrra. Whothroni the public matt , Hut if not, we'll act the teachur. Until each mtJJI rliiro, tl were U'.il't iu tbr lutnre T' toiicciua. Jfntcrcsting Skdcl), (Jiiango in the llousuboJd. "Thcro'n no ue trying any longer to suit Iao Psrsou'a" muttortd that iudi viduil' better half, as sbo fat iu a corner of the farm kit'ehon, rapidly divesting a o'uickcu of its feathers. 'Tvo worked and slaved myself to death for him and h .i'u , und all tbo ihanl.s I've bad for thv lau fifteen jcara has been growlin' and fault-finding, un'il now I'm just deter mined to Hand out and have my own way, or let things have their own course, and hu'll u'ud, after al'Mrlirga Talbot has got come rpirit in her that eau't be crush ed out rsith all bis abutu' and aggrava tion. 4 Tu think h should liavo tbo heart to rel'uu mo a new carpet after be had aueh good luck with his wheat crop, and I just slaved uivself tbroucb barrettins: and eol along with on girl.'' 'The more tho man getf, tbo stingioi he grow, and thcro isn't a woman among my acquaintances that would stand suoh treatment, and I won't. I'll put my foot down from this momcut," setting down moat cmpbatica'ly that solid member of her comely person on tbo kitoben floor. ''If Isaao Parsons won't come to terms, I II quit him that's all." Mrs. Melissa Parsons had been a re markably prstty girl in ber youth, and thirty-eevon jears made her a fair and comely woman. Her husband wsga somewhat phlrgmatio man stubborn opinioned, and as his early lifo and nooial atmosphere bad not enlarg ed or softened his oharacter, tbo hardest and most disagreeable part of it expanded ivitb bis years. Ho loved money, and as ho aotbelio part of his naturo had novor been cultivated, he regarded it as waste fulness and extravagance to indulge in muoh graoo or beauty of surroundings. Still, tbcro wub another side to this man. His atieciions were deep and ton der, and a jndicious woman could have reached and influenced iiim to almost any degreo through those. But Mrs. Parsons never understood ber husband. She was an impulsive, high spirited and really warm hearted woman, with a good ebaro of petty social ambition, and iho and ber husband were constantly jarring each other. Yet all theso years the barns and store houses, tbc lands and gold of Isaao Par- gong bad increased, and God sent children two boye and a girl to soften tbo hearts of the father and mother, and bo to them angels of a new oovenant of peaco and tenderness. But alas 1 alas 1 tbo sweet faoes, and tho ministrations of ohildbood, had novcr aooompllshed tbeir mission,and with boarts and tempcrj frotted and toured and worn, Mr. and Mrs. Parsons oonntcd the years growing over them, and both felt that tbeir marriage bad bcn a m'utako ' ' with blind eyei that BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA would not seo, and hard hearts that wo'd not understand, each blamed tho other, and mutual rcorimination only produced fresh bitterness. At last a crisis camo. Mrs. Parsons bad set her heart that autumn upon a now parlor carpet , wbioh was in no wiso un reasonable, and in which her husband ought to have indulged hor, but tho man ner of tho request, wbioh was in reality a command, at onoo roused tho inherent stubbornness of the man, and be flatly re fused her. Then followed panionato words and angry retorts, till husband and wife separated with mutual bitterness and' rage. . But now a's Mrs. Parsons took up hor denuded cbioksn and plunged it into a pan of hot wator, her oyoa glanood on a weekly paper which lny on tbo table, and they settled on thia passage, which com pleted a khort sketch ''Who, when ho was reviled, revilod not again, but com mitted his eauso to Him who judaeth righteously." And thoso words stole, in a uill.sorone, robuking voice, through the stormy soul of Mm. Parsons. She had read them innu merable times before, and they had (or her no pcoial message of meaning ; but now God had sent his angel to drop them in bur heart, and in a moment something of the real sin and wrong of ber life roso up and confronted her. Sho sat down iu a low chair by the kitoben table, and rested ber forehead on hor band. The hard, fretlul, angry look nent out fr ru hcrfsco,and was succccdsd by a soft, thoughtful expression, and tho sunshine hung in yearning,goldeu beauty 1 about lirr. And then tbo woman's memory went back to her first acquaintance with Isaac Parson. he bad ohosen her from a scoro of others who envied bt r that good fortune, and bow those early days of tho oourt sliip came over tho softened heart of the woman, as the Grst dajs of spring came up from tho South, and so softly over tho bare, despairing earth. Then sbo saw lurself onco more a shy, tremulous, joy ous brid at the altar,leauing on tho strong arm uud tender heart, to whom site gave hcraclf gladly aud trustingly as a woman ebould. And the remembered that morning aud a little later, when her proud and happy young husband brought her to the house wbioh had been bis father's, and how for a while the thoughts of her being the mis tress of tbo great old farm homo, fairly frightened the wits out of her. She meant to mako it a sweet and hap py home fur I-aao Parson?. She remem bered, s though it bad all happened yes terday, the little plans and contrivances she had made lor his surprieo and their mutual comfort. But tbo quarrel oame. How well sho remembered it, and how oloarly sho saw now the foolish and sinful part sho had borno in that I If she had controlled her tompcr then if she had bcon only gontlo and patient, forbearing and forgiving, iu stead of being proud and passionate, tret ful and stubborn 1 Hero tho wife and tho mother broke down ; sho buried ber faoe in ber apron and cried like a ebild, Mrs, Parsons was an encrgetiu, detar mined woman, and wnen sbo bad odoc m ado up her mind upon any oourso of ao tion, iho would not sbrak back from it. What went on in luo softened woman s heart that morning, as she sat with her apron at her eyes, and the sobs rooking her to and fro in her low chair, and tho sweet restless tunshino alKabout her what went on the softened woman's heart only God and His angsls know. 'Aro yoa tired, Isaao I" Tho farmer was wiping bis faoe and hands on tbo brown orasb towel whioh hung near tha window. lis was a tall stalwart, museular'man, sun-browned ind weather-beaten, jet ho had keen, kindly eyes, and the bard features bad an hon est, intelligent expression, Mrs. Parsons was cutting a loaf of ryo broad at tho kitchen tablo. Her husband turned and looked at her a moment as though he half doubted whother ho bad heard aright. Bis wife's face was bent over tho bread, so be could not see it : but tho words came a eeoond time : "Arc you tired, Isaao I" It wag a long timo tinco Mr. Parsons had heard that soft, quiok voioc. It stole over bis heart liko a wind from tho land of his youth. "Wellies, I do feel a kind of tuckered out. It's bard work to get in all that corn with only one hand besidos Roger. 'I rcokon so ; and I thought I'd broi the cbieken lor tea, and bate the ewee polttsea, an yoo'd relish tbetn belt so." COUNTY, PENN'A,, Mr. Parsons did not toy ono word ', ho eat down and took tbo weekly paper out of his'poekct,but his thoughts woro to busy to let him read ono word. He knew vory well his wife's aversion to broiled obiek ens, and as tbo kitohon was her unditputcd territory, ho was obligod to submit and have tho ohickens clewed, potatoes served up in sauoe, notwithstanding sbo was per fectly awaro that he preferred the former broiled, and thu latter baked ; and this unusual defercnos to his taste fairly struok tho farmer dumb with astonishment, and ho sat Btill and watched his wifd as sbo hurried from tbo pantry to tbo tablo, in her preparations for lea; then there eamc aoross him tbo memory of totno of the harsh, angry words bo bad spoken during tlicir quarrel that morning, and tha words smote tho man's heart. And whilst Mrs Parsons was in tbo midst of taking up tho dainty broiled ohiokciiB, two boys aud a girl burst into tho kitchen. "Hush, bush, children," wound in among tho olMreperout mirth liko a silver chime, the soft voice of tbo mother : "Fatber'e buy reading tho papor, and you'll disturb him." The children wcro silenced at once, not in fear of tho reproof, but in wonder at it, for tho wife as seldom consalted his wishes in tho small, everyday matters which mako tho happiness of irriation of our vop, as he did hcr's. In a few moments tbo hungry family gathered round the tablo. There was lit tle t-pokon at the meal, but a softer, tenderer atmobpherc seemed to prcvade tho room. The obildrcn felt, though thoy did not peak of it. "Are you going out this creuiug,Isaacl" "Well, yes1, I thovght Id step round to tho town mcetiu'. Want anything at tho tore ! ' continued Mr. Parsons as be tried to button his collar brforo the small, old fashioned lookiug-glass, whoso mahogany framo was mounted with boughs of ever green, around which o rlctberiies 1 ung their oharu.s of rubies. But the man's large fingers were clumsy, and after several iuefectual attempts to ccomplish his purpose, Mr. Parsons drop ped bis hands with an negry grunt, that tbo thing would not work." 'Let inc try, father," Mrs Parson step ped quickly to ber husband's side, aud in moment her bund bad managed the re fractory button. Then she smoothed down a lock or two of black hair, which had strayed over the unburncd forehuad,nad tho touch of thoso oft Gngers lelt very pleasant ab.ut tho farmer's brow, aod woko up in bis heart old sweet memories of timos when bo used to foel them fluttering like a dream thro' bis hair. He lookod on bis wife with a softness in bis face, and a softness in his keen eyo whioh be little suspcoted. And tbo soft ness and smiles stirred a fountain warm and tender in Mrs. Parsons' heart which had not for years yielded onu drop of its sweet waters. Sbo reached np her lips impulsive and kissed her cheek. Any one who had witnessed that little scene would scarcely have suspected that the married ife ol Isaao Parsons and his wife counted thrcoquaitors of a score of years. "Tho woman's comely faoo was full ol shv blutbes as a girl's of sixteen, and Isaao Parsons seized his hat and plunged out ol tho bouso without speaking ono word ; but with a mixturo of amazement and something deeper on bis faoo not sag ily deceribod. But at last bo cleared his throat, and muttered to hitnsolf, "Melissa shan't re pent that not I ssy sho t'han't!" and when Isaac Parsons said a thing, every body know bo meant it. Tbc sunset of another autumn day was rolling its vestures of pttrple and gold about the tnuuntaius when the wagon of Isaao Parsons rolled into tbo farm yard. He bad boon absent all day in tha city, and tho supper bad been awaiting him nearly an hour, and tbo children had grown hungry and impatient. "Oh, lather, what havo you got thorel" they all olamorcd, and as ho camo into the bouso tugging along an immense bun dle tied with oords, "It is something for your mothcr(ohild ron," was the unsatisfactory answer. At this moment Mrs Parsons entered tho kitchen, Her husband snapped tho cords, and a breadth of ingrain carpeting rollod upon tho floor, through whoso dark greon ground work trailed a rtissot and golden leaves a most tasteful and grsoe- ful pattern. Isaac Parsons turned to his amazed wife l,Tber, Mcliisa, Ibere'i the parlor ear SATURDAY, JUNE pet yoa askod mo for yeitorday morning, I reckon thcro ain't many that will beat it in West Farm's." A quick change went over Mrs. Par sons' faoo, half of joy, half of something deeper. "Ob, Isaao I" Sho put ber arm around tho strong man's neck and burst into toars, The trio of children stood Btill and looked on in stolid amazement. I think tho tight of tbeir faoes was tho first thing wbioh recalled haao Parsons to hitnsolf. "Cotno, oomo, mother,'' he said, but his voice was not just steady, don't liko this. I'm. hungry as a panther now. and want my supper beforo I do anything but put up my borto ;" and bo strode off to that impatient quadruped in the back yard. So tho new carpet proved an olivo branch of pcaoo in tbo household of Isaao Parsons. While others admired its pat tern or praised its quality ,it spoko to Mrs. Parson's heart a story of all that which lovo and paticnoo may accomplish. After many atruggela and much prayer, the tti umph over prido and passionato,and evil habits, was at last achieved; and this was not accomplished in a day,- or month, but the "small loaves that leaventh the lump," working silently and suroly, oom plotcd at last ttc puro and pcrfeot work, and in the farm bouso of Isaao Parsons reigned tbo spirit of forbearanco and sclf rolinquishment, of forbearanco and love, which was given unto thoso "who fear God and keep his holy commandmonts. Written fur the Philadelphia Sunday Mercury Leaves from the Diary of an Ed itor. Monduy, January 3, Oat of a situa tion. Just had a brilliant artiolo rejected by that stupid ass Quod, who becausa his paper is successful, thinks he knows better than I do what tho pooplo want. My wifo thinks I might "try and got something to goat." Borrowed two dollars of an old friend who didn't know I was out of busi ness until my fingers bad clcsed upon the bill, or I wouldn't havo got it. He asked ! I.! - try l(l..t nfin.C " mo la give mm j iu.ivo iu ...jr but Lord ! when I told him I hadn't any, his lower teeth suddenly grew too heavy, and bis jaw dropped. Mem. If you foel particularly genorous next July, and want to oool off your best friond, just ask him to lend jou a dollar. It will bo equal to putting a chunk ofioc down his baok. Tuet'lay, Ath. Wrote o pamphlet of three pages for a patent medieino dealer i 1 left the priee 'to his own liberality.' Ho pulled a roll of bills from his pocket, oountcd them over carefully ,returned them to tho plaoo from whenoa they oame, and aftar a distlutory remark or two con cerning tbo hard times, handed mo fifty oents. Camo homo at 11 P. M., with eight gin oooktails in me and a smoshod hat on my hoad. Wednesday, 5th. Had a headaohc. Saw an advertisement in the Ledger for an editor answerod it. My wife inform cd mo that our rent was duo. Told her I knew it, and that in all probability the1 landlord, or his infotmal agent, knew it too. Tho knowledge of that laot would probably extond to a constable beforo tho week was out, and in that oase we would bo ont as well. Wifo in tears. I camo down town, resolved to drink no more Got along very well until I met Counoil- man Van Clief, van s oountenanoo al ways remindod mq. of an Egyptian hiero glypbiu I onos saw cut upon a vase. It is an astonishintr countenanoo, and has th it sort of a look wbioh induces the be lief that somo physical drawbaoK or ebronio oontraotion of bis faolal musolcs prevents him from evor closing his eyes Well met Van. Van is genial, and I oouldn't resist the iuvitation Pelted's- Leddy's Harry Neal's tho "rest is si leul." 1'hursday, Oth. Landlord's agent constable friond in need raised rent constable lolf, and Friday, 1th. Thought I would try the Telegraph. Knew that tbo Telegraph en- couraged cocontrio genius. Went up stairs and askod for Hardiug. Harding wasn't in. My information on that point was derived from a young, sharp-eyed in- J dividual, who had a considerable quantity of hair tucked behind his oars, answarcd to the namo of Somobody, Is Mr. Some-ono-olso in? Mr. Some-one-clso was in. Ho asked me what I wanted. I told him. He had never hoard of mo. I told him I had odited "Tho Weekly Pickle," eto. He has a vory polite method of staring. I left the office I havo heard a vory small opinion of tbo Telegraph. I think it is going down. Saturday, 8th. Hail a proposition from a mau of capital, to itstt an inde 10, 1865. pendent weekly paper, to be dovotod to everything, including the dot'enoo of n or ality and tho noouuiulation of money, Couldn't refuse such an offer. Aooeptod at onoo. Clinohod tho bargain by accept ing ton dollars from bim, and taking din ner with bim . Monday, IQth. Typo and material purohased. Went homo jolly and at peace with all tho world. Took an applo and two oranges homo 'o my wife. Tuesday, lit. Rented a floor for publi cation office and composition roouin, in Third street. Rest of tho day oecupied in plauning Wednesday, l'2th. Moved in motoriiil. My partner very groou in tbo buiincss objected to any interference on my part with the financial department. I yielded a point and oonsonted to trust (bo pecun iary department to his keeping. Mag nauimous, that ! wasn't it? Thursday, 13th. Engaged a foreman Foreman went out to look up a few oom positora and didn't get back. Havo my suspicious of bis whereabouts. Friday, 1-ith. Office begins to look ship shape, Prospeots fine, Two friends of mine asture mo that tho paper will be a brilliant success. They will tako it reg ularly. Good for them. They took tho other paper I edited and published, reg ularly, but owjng to o defect in tbeir mem ory, thoy novor paid for it. An editor's friends and tho warmest admirers of his genius aro always dead heads. Thore is nothing mercenary, nor tho faintest ronii nisconco of filthy mere in their patron age. Monday, lth. Under weigh at labt. I havo hired a tub-editor at five dollars a week. Thore is nothing apparently ob jectionable about him except his breath and boots. His breath is strong, and his mouth is not unliko tho bung hole of a brandy cask, His boots are dilapidated and dusty. Very dusty. Thoy seem as if they had not bcon used to straight walking- They have an unusually twist ed look. I may bo prejudiced in this. I 6U9pend judgment. Tuesday, 18th. Had twenty calls, most of them contributors, desirous of selling me divers brilliaut iketohos. 1 ricoi va rious, Mem. Those contributors were nono of them remarkable- for the olegancc of tbeir attiro or for their modesty. Four of them wanted a slight loan : seediest. hinted that twenty five oents would not be refused in case I should offer it to him. Another ono insisted on selling me three hundrod and twenty pages MSS. for threo shillings, averring that he just needed that amount. to mako up the sum total of bis passago homo in Conneotiout. I pur chased his MSS. Two hours afterwards I found bim in tbo St. James, helping u friend swallow tho contents of a black bottle- labeled Jigwater. I presume he was then en route for Connecticut. Wednesday, lidth. Wrote a scorching leader defining tbo position of 'Our Journ al.' Scored the Inquirer. Pitohed into Harding. Mem. to country editors when you ere in want of a subject for & leader pitch into Harding, It will tickle your readers immensely, and wont annoy bim in the least. Reoeivod a let er fiom a man who has iuventod a "patent double ribbod gravy saving grid-iron, "and wants it noticed thinks a description of it will bo intensely interesting to tho readers of the now paper. Says he won t charge mo anything for writing tbo article Had a call from the Rovorcnd Texttwistcr, who wished to know whether tho new paper will devote any oonsidorablo spaoo to re ligious matters. Has a sermon which he would like to publish ou our first page, Is quite sure it would be a feature. Text : "I am tho tesurrection," eto, Thinks if I would publish a continuous history of his cburoh, with his biography, in lieu of would inorcaso circulation. I deolined all bis offers. Thursday, 20jA, Getting over head aud oars in trouble. Sub-editor, breath, boots, bung holo, mouth and all, disap peared. Cry of copy prevalent, My partner gone off in a phrenzy, Publioa tion day neor ot hand, Just had a from a bore who wants to be the military editor of our paper. Ho is cook sure "military column" will make journal im mensely popular. Ho won't charge any thing for his services it I will let bim ad vertiao all his friends gratuitously. Can't do it. Sogoring don't pay, cither ou pa rade or paper. Friday, 'ist. Foreman announces tbo compositors all off on a spree. Nino col umns to sot. Six rum punches give jno tonic hope. Saturday, 'i'id. Geooralrow; but glo ry ' tbo paper i out, published, and may VOLUME 29. bo had of all tho principal cows agents. "Price sells it, I writo for it, and senaiblo people advertlso in it." Thus I Loaded the poster Al) day long general gdsh of my partioular friends and admirers to get copies of tho Now Enterprise ; but nono of them offers to pay, Tho invariable reply to tho boy : "It's alj right till Mr. that got it." Man. The roal friends of tho editor are thoso who take his paper and pny lor it as readily as thoy do for their liquor; Sunday. 23d, Sold three hundrod pa purs. Agents sold fifty. Gave away to friends aud tho proso-nearly fivo hundrod. Friends seem to think wo publish our pa per for pastlmo. Of courso an editor novor wants money. Impossible that n man of braiiu should starve, or bo in want of ten oents wherewith to purshaso a paper of tobacco ? Absurd ! My partner buttons up his pocket dubiously. All pay out and nothing coming in. Thinks my infiuonoo and popularity don't amount to much. Ho can't back out now. So I think. Mon eyed partners arc unpleasant fellows. Thoy always-sh'ako their money at you as their strongest argument. Monday, 25!. Began to clear away for another week of labor. 'luesday, 2'jlh: Partner went on an excursion the first of tho season. Day cold, raw, blustering, and bunsbino vifi- llln in nnlnlinD T ! t rtnl.t.l ntm... u.w .u M.v.ivm wt.vwui. auuu,, and sucooeded in getting an unusually heavy brick in my hat. ffedncsday, nth. llecoived' a nolo from my partner. Says if I don't oomo to offieo be "will be compolled," eto. Hum bug. Can't write tolerable Englith. I1 suppose I must go down to office. Cus the luck ! Fiiday, 'itilh. Hod' an interview with my partnor said be was going into tho oil business, and bogau it by lubricating tha interior channels-of his esophagus with old ryo. Seventeen friends came in and offered advice concerning' next issue. Each one of them wanted a puff. Pre sented them with soma exceedingly heavy sixes. They were puffed accordingly. My partnor offered to buy or sell. 1 couldn't buy, and wouldn't permit him to sell. Had an offer from a tcmpcranoo loo Hirer to write a six-oolumn expose of thu manner in which whiskey and other "al coholio poisons for body and soul" aro manufactured. Told bim l wold write an ortiole showing how it was consumed, and asked him to atsist. Ho docliued and de nounced my paper as a truckler, time server, and- bound to go down. Told him I thought from present appearances it wa "goii' up." Icball, in my uext, relate my experience in thu closing of my enter prise the JYiw Enterprise and of sun dry little troubles with advertising collec tors, whom I engaged, and; who were of material assistance in winding up the con cern, even before it hud run down. ear As the cry of ''copperhead" dns out with tbc end of the war which guvs riso to it, new names aud new epithets will bo applied to the Democratic party. But, as tbcro is nothing in a name, and as principles uover die, the glorious old par ty, uuder whose mild and benignant reign our country attained its placo among tho nations of the earth, has nothing to1 fear from the revilings of its onemies. Like a rock in mid-ocean, over whose broast the broakers beat in vain, it stands as eternal as Truth herself, nud as immutablo as the principles upon whioh it is founded. The gates of abolitionism shall not prevail against it, nor shall tbc waves of fanati cism overwhelm it with shame. Gather around its standard, O, yo people 1 aud plant its glorjuus-folds so high abovo lbs aspirations of its enemies, that all the op pressed of tho earth may seo it, and ruth to claim a share in its bkesings. Gen; Banks and the Red River Campaign. Tho Congressional Committeo on tho Conduct of tbo War have completed their labors. The Washington- correspondent of the Rochtbter Democrat Btatcs that "tbo ovldence bearing ou tho Rod River cam- paign is very damaging to' Gen. Banks, and exhibits in him alt incouipctouey, an inversion of all military tactics and uu worthiness of motive, from tho reproach of whioh wo will never recover. This volume demonstrates that disastrous cam paign to have been merely :t graud Gotten speculating venture, aud that, too, iu tha iuterest of individuals, and not fur the profit of the government." State Census. Undtr the t'oustitti tion a State census must bn taken onou in ton years, aud this is tbo cai in which mi it is to bo made in i'cni.fiy ivjiiki in u oik will probably oomtuence in June