Farmer's Department. Trnuanlantinc Why, and How. This and the next aro tlio months in which mdny of tio plants in tho Wtchcn and flower garden nW bd transplanted'; that'ls, removed from tho placo in which they' are to perfect thcrasolvcs. As noth ing of tWs hind happens to plant! in their 9ild ilato, it rday bo asked if this 1s not nn unnatural oporatipn.-' To this it may be "replied, that all cultivation is in a mcas'uro unnatural ', it oonsists in giving tho plant thoso advantages which it -can nnSfiu under tho oaro of man. Wo inlfo advantage of celtain capabilities and tondonoies of'plant?, and direct thcin to Bervo our own purposes. When wo dam a natural stream and niatto an artiiiciai pond, wo alter tho courso of naturo, hut in ordcT to do it successfully, wo must work in strict accordance with natural laws. So in cultivation ,vo induco ar.ant to grow differently from. what it would if wild, but in doing this wo follow the laws whioh govern its growth in the natural state. Wo do not oppo30, wconly dircot. Tho leaves and roots of a plant bear di rect; Tho leaves and roots of a plant boar direot relation to oris another ; if from any uatural or artlficiaf cause tho root growth is oramped or ohooked, the leaf growth is correspondingly diminished, ami tho plant shows a greater tendency to pro duoo flowors and fruit. Tomatoes in pots will Bhow blossoms when only a-fow inoh "cs high,-whilo if sown in the open ground they will'mako quite largo plants beforo they show any signs of flowering. Now Transplanting, no matter how carefully it may bo dono, by breaking off the min uto root fibres has a tendency to hasten tho maturity of tho plant. -It does this in n ln9 strikinc!. manner, it is truo, than when tho plant is grown in a pot, but it greatly modifies its developemont, and flower and fruit aro borno much earlier. This tendenoy to .early maturity is some times increased by two removals ; the plants arc taken from tho seed bed and "prioked out," as it is called, into another bed, from which they are finally removed to tho placo where thoy are to mature Each removal breaks off and shortons some of th'e branches of tho root and, after the first shook isover,now small fibres or feed crs are thrown out which, from their in creased number, enable tho plant to grow withmuch greater vigor than before, and maturo much earlier than it would havo if left to grow wherc-the seeds wcro sown Sometimes there is an advantage in clip ping the long or top root in order to in duoo tho formation of fibrous roots. As tho functions of tho roots are disturbed in transplanting, it follows that tho relation betweca their absorbing surfaco and tho .evaporating surface ot tho leaves is broken up ; the plant gives off moisture by tho leaves more rapidly than it is received by the root, and the plant wilts. This indi oates that a moist atmosphere is the moit Euitablo time fortheaperation, a(,drizzly spoil,' when the soil is not to wet. It frequently happens that tlto plants are getting large, and thero is no prospect of a damp season. Transplanting can be dono, with proper precautions, at any time. For several years past wo have been accustomed to work without regard to the weather, and havo been uniformly success ful. "If tho holes are well watered and the plants are shaded for a day or two, they rarely fail to do well. . Tho shading is easily done with a handful of cut grass, a burdook or other broad leaf, or a shingle stuck in a position toward off tho sun dur ing tho hottest part of tho day. Whcro tho plants arc few and stand thinly in the eeed bed,oach may be carefully lifted by tho trowol'no as to retain a ball of earth around the roots, and removed with com paratively little disturbance; but where thero is a large garden this particular care cannd . bo'eicroised all the operations must bo carried on In a wholesale way, Where many plants are to bo removed, they should ba carefully lifted from the eeed bcd.eeperatod and "grouted." Grout ing consists in coating tho roots with thin mud "protects tbo'delieato fibras from dry ing, and should always be tlono whero the plant's are to remain for sometime out ol - . t- - ,i mi., i iuu gruuuu, auu airccuons lor grousing plants 'cannot bo bettor given, than by quoting from Watson's American Home Garden, which by tbo way is one of tho most reliable and practical works ever published in this country.' (Prico $1.00 ) "Grouting is performed by mixing rich cow dung may bo added, with water, to tho consistence of sou mud, and dabbling the roots of the plants in it, not by thrust ing them through it, but rather by draw- ing them through it. or, as it were, strlk 'irlg them upon it until each root is load. ad. A dozen plants may bo grouted aiV Anrld i nrtrt As'flirtii'nain I.aIJ ! .1 t i ..uu u, . -Ac uu,u ,u ,ue nana, cutjjoiuiuij iu (uid iiruut'ta, an incli or( two of tho root end may. bo cut off. In transplanting in tho large way, labor can j bo profitably divided : ono hand can raako , the holes with a trowel, another can drop the plants, and one or two may lollow to set them. American Agriculturist. i ! w J-iauics win sooner pardon want of saiisa than waut of manners' ast imnufiujiHjMi SCROFULA. DR. E. W.. WELLS' AMERICAN COMPOUND Fr THE BLOOD, TIliS old established, thoroughly tried Remedy, rccommcdcd by some of the matt minent Plysici ns,hts attained a celcbri y in most parts of the country, i?i owing SCROFULA OR 'A7A&S EVIL Scrofulous Sorfj, Kesu or Erysipelas, Scaled Held nnil Ring Worm, Tetter or Sttt RhcKnGtltltrr or Sti ell cd Neck, (so common with onr American I'cmales) cu rabto Cancers nnd Canccroui Sores, Wains or Bolls, Chronic tllcf rated Sore, 3 thiac, .Mottth and Throat, Syphilis in all Us forms, Sy Nosllie or mcrccrrlnl Soro moulli, and throat, chronic plccration of tlto Lungs, Ftomach and Kidneys, Tim. nlc, Postuncs, and Blotches. Rheumatism, Female Weakness. Lercorrliao, (arising from internal ulccra on) DropCy, Cencnal Debility, Emaciation and all dis eases of tho In cases of Costivcncss or Constipation it NEVER FAILS. Its mild in its nction, Just sufficient to rcgulato the bowels and keep them regular. Its unliko all prcpa rations for the Blood, having the laxative properties combined, As it contains Wild Cherry, Mandrakc and Dandelion prepared in a scientific manner it works icionder fully in 'Cits ts of chronic affections ' of the Uvea Chronic PI LES, and permanently cured by the Alt' r native and Laxative afl'cct ono great .feature in it, products an APPLETTE, from thacommcnccracnt-in short it is a very flnoTon- ic Its palatable and can be taken by the most del icate I'umalc or Child. It being purely vegetable thero will bo no harm dono in taking It, if there it no benefit lerivcd. Prepared by Di E, W. Wells', Practical Physician 1 WILKES-BARRE, PA. OFFICE over L. O. Pains Store, Makket Street. For Sale by all Druggists t hcountry. throughout P. 3. Every agent is authorized lo refund tho money whero the compound falls to relievo. Full Directions accompany .cachbotllc in English, Trench and tier I man. ' N 13, No Cartlictic medicine U re quired. In treating Five thousand oases, I havo never known a case to requiro Physio, or havo I ever known it to fail iu thoroughly removing thc diseases. As I devoto a11 n,y titne al lte stu(1)' and trcBl menl of D!soa5e3 op- THE BL0OD I am prepared to giro advice (gratis) by ap ',DB to m' oSce or b lcltor aocom nleu b a St E. W. ,VELjj8, AT. n. Wholntato. 34 Cortland Street Now Vnik. Dodson. i! Bumoyw. ii, ireisjr u c. Ligln Htfeel -r ion. Ilerwlek, Pa Sehenk's Mandrake FDR Sick AD AOS Si Its Symptoms, Cause and Cunr., r-iplllS has received its name from a con X alant 'nausea or sickness at the stomach, which attends the pain in the head. This headacho is apt to begin jn the morning on waking from a deep sleep, and when omo Irregulgrity of die, has been commit- oil o n the day before, or sometimes for soVora'l days I previous. At first there is a distressingly oprtfeaslvu 1 ) feeling in the head, -which gradually mcrcs Into a so I 1 I verc heavy pain in tho temples, frequently etton ded ' by n sense of fullness nnd tenderness In one eye, and extending across tho forehead. Thero Is a clammy, Hnpicamnt taste in the mouth, an oflensivo breatb.and the tongue covered with a yollowlsh white fur. The s-rfercr desires to bo alone in u darlt room. As soon nslnepatlcntfeilsllie fullness in th head and pain In the temples, take a Inrc daic of Schink'a andrake PilU' and in an hour. or two they will feci fcswell'as ever. This has been tried by thousands, and is always sure to cure, and idirtcnd or tho sick headache coining on overy week or ten days, they will not bo troubled with it onco in three months Schcnk'a Mandrake Tills nre composed ofi number of root besidej rodophinin, or concentrated Mandrake all of which tend to rcla tho secretions of the liver and act moro prompt than blue pills or mercury, and without leaving any dangerous effects. In a bllltouo rerson thev will show thcmsalves by tho stools. They will expel worms, muciir, bjlo and all morbid matter from the system. In sick headache, if they arc taken as directed abovr, (afull doseassoon as they feel the first symptoms nfu Dr. Schcnck will and has directed his agonts lo return tho money if they do nut give per fece satisfaction. If a person has been compelled lo stay nut late ot night, or dring toomuch wine, by lakinga dose of pills on going to bed, next morning ho will feel as tho' the had not drank a drop, unless he forgets to go to bed at all. Thoy only coil 55 cents a box. Whoever tnkas them will never use any other, Titty man far every cent. Iho arc worth a dollar loasick cost, Don't forget thu iiamc-aCltBNCK'd MANDATE riLLS. , . Bold wholesale and retail at Dr-Schenck'sTrincigay Oflice, No. 13, North Sixth Stlrct. Peiladclpllla, and by 1 Druggists and Storekeepers generally, Pfleofrir Plltmnnlr Hvrnn Rvnnrnxl Tnnl, ,.-,1 I in iricoiorinimonic oyrup, Beawootl Ionic, -jack tl 30 per buttle, 37 30 the half dozen, or two bottles tfsyr- rup'and one ofTonlc, for $7 73. Dr. Schcnck will bo at his office, No, 15 .Voitll fc'l. rhiladelphla, cVery Saturday to sec patients. Ho makes no charge for advice, but for a thorough csam Jhkllon of tho lungs with his Ketpiiouiclor, he charges threa dtllars, Match IB, 1505 iriTi inn sis sjimsw wi mm m isn it miiwnr , Keep Your Eye ON THIS PLACE. SE OND ARRIVAL NEW GOODS. St JP ftROWXR HAD chlNrged hnd ((realty Improved his Store nonm and stocked It with n largo and superior m rk of IMI.t. nnd WINTER GOODS, which will !. -old aa low'ns nt rtny other establishment in the country. ulieostxl 10, 18, U0 unit 25 t s Muslins, Pleached und Urown at 20, 28, up to TO cents, DRES3 OOODA of every shade, quality rind pf loo; n full linn of Domestic Hoods, viz I Chocks, Stftpcs, Ticks, l.lnncti and Cotton Tublo Diaper, Olnglinius, Nankeens, ftc , A.C. A good supply of Ladles Hliocs and Gaiters New clock of Hats nud Caps. All Wool Ingrain and Collage Carpels, h Splendid nttlflo Just opened and for tnle, A frosli supply of Groceries and Spices, n new nt of CADAR AND WILLOW WARE. .MACKEEAL by tho quarter, half nnd whtilo barrel Nos. I and !i, medium and laigc. Also, n largo and splendid assortment of new design"'. Also, a new lot ofTRUNKS and Oil Cloth Satchels, Having bought these goods before the late rise, I nm prepared to sell low, cheap ns thu cheapest for cash or country produce WH STUDY TO PLEASE. Ploomsburg, Jnn. 7, 1603. Keeling Kail-road. WINTER ARANGEMSNT, iNovcinbcr 7th. 160-1. reat Trunk Lino from tho Noith and Nort l.Wekt for Philaile nlna. Vow.Yor. tlnml. Ing, I'otlsvllle. Lebanon. Allentun n, li.istnn, c. &c. Trains leave llarrlsburg for New-York, as follows At 3 UU and P. 13 A. M. and 1. 1.1 1'. M., nrrlviug at .Vow York n't 10 A. M., nnd 2.43 and 10 00 V. tl. Tin! above connect with similar Trams on th Per.n sylvanln Kail Uoad, and 81,'t'piug Cars accOmp ny the jirsi nvu i ruins, wiinoui cuaiizo. Leave for ItcniliiiB, I'ottville,Tainaqua, Mini 'sville. Allentown, and I'liiladelphia at f.15 A. M. an 1 1 45 V, M.. stopping nt Lebanon and principal Htnlion, only. Wny Trains, stopping nl nil points, nt 7 23 A M.nnd 4.10 V, SI, lletnrnliig- Leave New-York at O M IS noon. 1nd 7.D0 P. M. t'hiladclpTii.i nt 8 A. .M and 3.M 1'. M : roTrsvillent ?S6 A. .M nfd B.M P. M ; famanna fct P.I0 A. M. nndS.ljP. M. ami Uvadingat 12 .nldnlg'M, 7,n.l nnd 10.15 A. M 1 .3d and 1103 P. .M. ReaiHng Accomodation Train t Leaves n. mling at C. ou t, i.i. reiorniui; irom i iiiiatieipnia ni i.j i . .u. t'olunrtia Railroad Trains leavo lleadin at U. 10 and II A iM.for I', l.ltiz, Ciiliiiubia. &e On Suudajs J Leave NowVnrk nt 7 P .!., Philadel phia 3.15 P. SI., roltsviJIu 7.3D A..M , Tn naquu7A. S! , llarrisburg 6 15 A, ,Y1.. and Heading at '!! nridulglu.fot llarrUburg, Commutation, Mileage, Season, Sc ,6nl, A'ndEicur vion Tickets to nnd trout nil points .it reduced Uatrs. llogggu checked ttirocgn ; SO V'undi nllowed each Paanergc'r. O. A. N1COLL3, ftntroJ Sui'ennltndc it HcitiiNo, Pa. Nov. 5j. 1851 JACOB LADOMUS. DEALER IN EnoIiIsii, Swiss and Amekican JEWELRY, SILVER ARE, 018 Marlvt Street, corner of Decatur, Philadelphia. Dealer in American, English and Sniis Watches, making a speciality of til" celebrated A.MEnicAN Watch, which hu would retomineiid to all wanting a good time keeper, anu will .hu sol, l at the lowed prices and arc the cheapest and best for the piice. .March 4, lf05. ly. The Berwick House, Berwick, Columbia co., Pi' 'jWjME undersigned would respectfully nnnounco to his fuiends and thu public generally, that having leaded Ihli wcll-kiinwn house lie linn given it alhnroush renovation. The rooms havcbecH re-papci ed nndtho entire estnblislinient elegantly rufuinifdiod. llcing pleasantly and eligibly located, and piovldcd with nil tho rcpiisito convenience, it oflors to the public the combined advantages of A Firsl-Ciass Bote!. MIS TAIILIi will always be supplied with tho best the markets niroid, nnd HIS DAlt with tho dmicestli 'tuors. Travellers, drovers, teamsters, boarders, ic. accommodated to general sati.f.iction. Careful and lie comtnodating Hostlers always in attendance. Stablin tho mott complete and cltenpivo In this section. J. V. S1H13ET. Mny23,ieoi. TINWARE & STOVE SHOP. THE undersigned respoctlully mrorins Ms old friend ttlil cusloniurs. that ho has nurehatcil his hrnih,-m nterest in the bovo et,tatlit!inient,andtho tniirem nils hereafter bo conducted by IiiniBclfexclusivcly. jiisv received anu oners lor sale, tne larg est nnd ntobt extensive Assortment nf I'ANCY 8TOVKS ever introduced into this market. His stock consists nf n -niunlflf .njanrtiiiit nf ho best Cooking nnd parlor stnvcn in the market, togcth-1 or with Stove Fixtures of every description, Oven and I Box Stoves, Radiators, Cylindar Stoves, Cat Iron Air Tight stoves, Cannon Stoves, &tj. Ilc. Slnvcpipo nnd Tinware con-tnntly on liand and manufactured tn Order. U All kinds of repairing done, as usual, on short notice'. I Tho patronage of old friends and now customers re-1 pectfully solicited. A. RUPERT, liloomsburg, November 3d 1SC0. tf. I UlaiillOOil : Il(W LOSt llOW KCStOl'Mh I i Just published, n now edition of Dr. Cul- ! iSESiSs-ii vcrwell'sl'clclirnlcd lissay nil tlu radical tfs&fti c,"e (without meillcine) nfipcrmatorrluKJ. - oi se.nin.H weakness, Inviduutury Seminal Losses, Impotvnry. Mental and Physicnl lncnpaeiiy, luipeudiinents to marriage, etc.: also, Consumption, Epilepsy, and Pits, induced by self-indulgence or sex ual extravagance. Price, In n sealed envelope, only sit cents. Tne celebrated author in tint ndmirnblu essay cleatlv demonstrates, from nthirty yenu' successful practice, that the- alarming consequences of sclf.a'JUio may b radically cured withoutthe dangerous uo ofiuternul mediiino or thc application of the kinfo .pointing out a modo or euro at once simple, certain, and elt'crtual, by means of which every sultcrer. no mutter what his condition may be, may euro himself cheaply, privulely, and radically. K7" 'I his Lecture should bo in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sejit, under seal, in a plain euiclope, to any address, post paid, en re'eeirtt of 'ix cents, or two pobl stains, Address Hie publishers, CIIAS.J.C. KLINE it Co.. 127 Uroadway New York, Post Olllco Uox 4,53d. ApHll.ltOJ. v 628. HOPKINS' 620. MOOl' g Ik 9 IS 'P: , MANUFAOTORY, No. 0!28 ARCH Street, above Oth Phil'a WHO LES A LE . R K TA IL. ' I The most complete assortment anfl best quality an-l styles of Ladies', Misses' anil Children's Hoop gkirls, in iho city. Those of "Our Own Make." am gutti-n up expiessly to meet Ihc wants of I'irst Class Retail . Trade, embracing nil ttin new and deelrablo stvles. sines, lengths uud clzo walls, in trail und plain Skirls. Trout IU In St! springs, from '.13 to 44 Inches long, and -i 9, 'J,3,3J, 3), nud :i) yards roiiuil the bottom i mak ing more than a liiiudreil arielics for Ladles ; in Mis scr' und Children's iikiil, wo are beyond all conineti- lion j all that nro made, by us havo stamped on the kid pad, "llopkin's Hoop Skirl Manufactory, No. b'.'d Arch . Street. Philadelphia, and aro warranted 10 give sat s fuctiou. 13- Agenn for tho I'NI'.W I'LEXIULH" SKIRT, tho most pliable Hoop Skirts made, equal to llradlcy's "iiupiux cupuc risiie, anu ui niucn lower prices 1 AI,o, constantly in receipt of u full assortment of good Etsteru nitidu Skirls, which am being sold nil ' tcry low prices. Kid padded and metalie fastened 13 1 springs rS cents, "0 springs $1 UU, ?5 springs 31 13, 3t) 1 'PriUgS S I va UIIU 4U spring i 81 OU, HKlrlS IliaUU 10 orill.r. tti,ero,i nn,i rPm iro,i' Ten... Cnii.onn Prim Only. I'or Ciicoar loutainlng Catalogue of st)lcs, lengths, sixes and Prices, call at or address by mail. iiietotnng ciunii inr rusiugu, Hopkins' Hoop Skirt JManufaotorvi No. 028 Arch Stroet, Philadelphia, arch ll, 3m, CLAIM AGENCY. &0. HPIIE undersigned, dosires to call tlio JL attention of Iho Public lo bis facilities for obtain ing Tensions, llountles (Local and Government) llnun. ty Lauds for Soldiers, Rack-pay, Settlement ofutllccr's Accounts. Ilc. Discharged tSolJiere or their lie i s can fet their full llouuties, though generally tlmy havu onlv ccelvcd part. No charges for information, uor unle.i Claim is secured. Ufficawith E. II, Lilllo, E i , in whltu frame building below Exchange Hotel, 0. H. BROOK WAY. Al'til I. ie05.-Jy TO ALL INVALIDS I IRON IN THE &LOOD. it,l well known to tho medical profession that lllON l tho Vital Principle or I.lfo Ulcmcnl ef the blood. This Is derived chlofly from we eat t but If tho ''fnn.l I, tint nrr linttv illffcstcil. nr If from anv cause Vih.1t i'vir. ilin nnOsinrvnuanlltv of iron Is nut taken Into the circulation, or becomes reduced, -the wholo system autlers, Tlio pad moou win irruaio ino ncari, iu clog tip tlio lungs, will obstruct the llvor nnd will send Its,iiiclng elements to all parts of tho sys tern, and every nno will suddr In whatever organ may bo predisposed to dlseusc, Tho great value of i0N AS A illCiHClNli Is well known anil acknowledged by all mcdicul men The illiliniliy has been In obtain such n preparation o It ns will enter tho rlrcuMtlon anil assimilate ntonco with tl) u Illnod, This point, says Dr. Hayes, Massach. lisctts State Chemist, liai bccnnttalneil In tbo I'eruvl' an Syrup, by combination in a way befdrc unknown. TUB PERUVIAN 8YBUP s n Protected solution of the Protojldo df Irrln fcNcw Discovery In Medicine that Strikes nt tho Hoot of Dis case by supplying the blood with its Vital 1'rinclpio or I.lfo Element Iron. TUB PElltjVlAS SIRUP Cures Dvspepjla, Uvcr Complaint, Dropsy fever nd . . 'Aguu, Loss of liner) gy, Low tfplrlts. THE PERUVIAN SYRUP Infuses s'trentth, vigor nnd now llfo Into the systclii.nnd builds up nn "Iron Constitution. THE PERUVUW SYRUP Cures Chronic IJir.rr' o-a. f crnfula, Bolls, Scurvy, Loss of Cuiittilulonal Vigor. THE PERUVIAN VII UP Cure Vcrvoiis AfTi'dion, Fcmalo Complaints, nud til liiauiici"! inc iMkineys nnu maimer. THE PER Ul'lANl'RUP a epcclflo for all dls asen oricinntlng in a bad stat.1 of ,he blood, nr uccoinpnnlcd by Dabillty or a Low State of the tiystcm. Vamphlets containing ccriiflMtea of cup's nnd recom Inendntions from t.ome of the nlost eminent Phystclnns Clergymen, and others, ill tie sent Tree to any address V u KOleit a l'W of the names to show I ho character of the ti'vtimomils. JOIINT. WILLIAMS, HSU , l'rcsldnnt of tho Mainpoiltnn Hank, New York. lluV. A HE I, STLVfiXB. Lato IMitor C.'iiistaiii Ailvocutc nnd Journal. lli'V, I' CIILT.1,'11, KiBtirr ?.'ow Vn'rk Chronicle Uev John Piernont. Lewis Johnson, M D. Rev Warren Lurtou, Kcv Arthur II l'lillcr, Kev (lurdon U-ibbius, Kcv Sylinnust'obb, licv. T. Starr King, Rev I plirnim Nute, Jr., (lev Jnei-pti II Clinch, P.ev. Henry 1'pli.iui, Rev P (.' lliadley. HOswrll Kinney SI I),, S K Kciidull M D. W P. Chl-holin, M D. I'miicii D.ina, SI 1). Ji'reuiiHh Stone, SI, D Jose Anlo Itanehcs SI D Abraham Wendell SI D. A A llnye, M D. 3 11 1 billon, M 11. Rev John V Olini-sl 'a I, II, i:. Kiuue-y. si n. Premired by N I. CLARK i CO exclusively for J, P.IJINri.MOUli, No 4!i Rrondway New Ytt!i. So:il by all DrugcM. Ho family Should be Without it, Only 2." cents a bo fou s.iu ay P DINSMOKE. No4'JI llniiday. Vow York. J.W TOWED, & CO No. 1 Trumnnt it llos'im And by all Druggists and Ctratilry K'troeliccpors. REIMIIMJS'S RUSSIA SALVE FORTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE. Has fully established thc supc.lority uf RE DOING'S RUSSIA SALVE, Oier nd other l aling preparations. It cutcs nil Kinds of So cs, Cuts, Sc .Mb, MiiiM?, iloits Iter, Salt llhi'iim, U s I ie Lis .iiie-s Piles, C'orhi Soreliiis Soro eyes, &.., ac ron oving the pain at , iiu-.'-. and Reducing' the most angry i unking rinelliugs and iullauintion us if by nagic. Only 25 cunts a box. rot; saie oy J P I'lN'MORE, No. lill llronilway New York. S W LOW LE JtCO., N i, IdTioim it-st, liotlon, And by all DruggUls, Staj 7, 16Cl-12m, THE underslg,.'iris arso cxtenstveiy engaged In l J Undertaking Uuiintaa, aiyl keeps constantly on hand nil for sale at his Wnreroonis, a largo assortment of, FINISHED gssjgg) COFFINS, j Uy which beds enabled lo till orders on rir'efenUtlOn Keeps n gd'od Horso uud Ilearso, and will at al i times be ready to attend Ftiucrels. SIMON' C. S1I1VE. I llioonisbnrgs January !). !r5!) J. P. fc.YL.Ut ' I N. MOV I! ; New Diiug Store. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL THE undersigned would inform their friends nnd iho public genernlly.that tlu-y havo taken the stand for lucily m i npii'd by lieu. .M. Hauenbtiih, iu tlio llithaiige i lluildiug, on Main struct, in llloomsburg, where he has i just leceiveo u full supply uf I S5rna-M, i'Tic4lii:iiius, Eai!!c, nils, I jLaiiiiis, Arc , I Which ill bo mid on moderate terms for ready pay. Also, NOTIONd generally, of every variety, sort uud sire. , I Physicians' prescriptions carefully compounded, at all limes and mi short n itice. ft.'- Confectionery of thu best selections, and Soda Water in season. L7" A share of the public cuttom is rcspeitfully su. I icited. EVER it. MOVER. iloomsburg, Aprt II, 1 8r:i. ISAAC K. STAUFFER, No. 118 North Second St., cor. of Quarry, 1' II I L A D E L P II J. A . An assortment of Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware constantly un hand, VY Repairing of Watches and Jewelry promptly at tended to. January 4, 1FC5, ly. !ENTISTBtl HOWE R, EUHOEON DBNTIST. nrsi'ECTFULIiV n-r,-r l,l.i,.r.. I lunai sery tees lo the ladles und gentle- men of 111, loimburg und vicinity, Deis .MmallonslnihVlYnVLriaipr'S ,0lfi:S' ?'"0 'WW 'iln" .' ,8,V,f?"!.,.,7.":.tlu !y a".J Properly attended to. Hiiu.o, fame ciio. """" """ Uloo.ncburg, June 0 1PC3 IMii'ii'ii.ui mMm II. c. BELL 6c ALLABAOH, Proprietors, COUNEIl OY THIRD S'Pq-PIMESYLVANlA A V WASHINGTON D, C- IMPORTANT TO LAD113S. THE riUVATD MEDICAL ADTISfiK, An Invaluable (realise of GA pages, by published tot tho benefit of tho icx. On receipt of TI'.V OliNVS, It will bo sent post paid, i .Antn.i niivnlniiK. trt nit wtio nntilv for It It gives n concise description of all tho diseases pe- .S,l.. . l..,..ntna t,.itllttir tvllh treats r Conception, Pregnancy, rlllty Hotual Abuses, Prolapsus Utcr , I'eninlc W enitncss menus oi cir", iTnniuiiim on. c nun niucn mnvr ,ii,u.iwi ,,. ..... nod not published In any other work, should nroenro a copy without delay. livery lady Tiiur.n o,ooo kaoii, havo already been published nnd distributed this year i Harvey's Female Pillfj, , the most infallible nnd popular remedy ever known for 1 all diseases of tho female scjc. They have been tiled in many thousand cases with iinfalling succcss-nml may bo relied on In every chso for which tlmy arc re commended, and particularly In nil cases nrlilng from Obstruction, or Stoppage of Nature, no matter from what catiso It arises. They nre ch"uc lual In rostorlng to health all who nro anlferlng from Weakness nnd Debility, Utcrlilil Discharges, Nervous ness, &c i iC nnd they I ACT LIKE A OH ARM I in strengthening nud restoring the system. Thousands of ladles whs -wo sullVred for years and tried vailous other imiiedies In Vk.n. ijwu n renewal of their health nnd strength wholly to tn ?IIiency of DR. IIARVHY' I? ISM ALB They nro notn new discovery but A Ion,, the celebrated PILL. lied remedy, DR. JOHN HARVEY, one of tho ihnst ominent pliyslclans, prescribed tt'tii for many years In h'lt privnto prnctle, and no phys. rian wns morj truly pupiilar ur widely known than tri in in tho treatment nl j FEMALE DFFIU1BTIES. 1 All who have used Dr. Harvey's IVuialc rills recom mend them to others. Nurao recommend thciu-Drui I IMS and Dealer recoiumiMid them In p elVrencu to ntbec ineJkincs. becalne of their merits. So Lily ob jects to tnke tin-in lor thoy aro elegantly , Prepaml by an experienced Uhcuiiat. ' Thoy aro perfectly Inrmless on tho eytcui,mny h i taken ut any tlina tilth nuifi'it safety ; but during the early stngjsnf Pregnancy they sliould not bo taken. or a ml., arriage inly ii laKi'ii, nr n miscnrriiigu ni bu the result. Tin y n-wr cause any sickness p.iiu or ditres-. Each box contuiiu si xty pil.s and full dir I ic'l'loiis lor hie. I vnr.v. ON R tlOI.I.AR. T7 Cut this nolico nut If you desire Dr. Harvey's Pills or Hook, nnd It you lannnt proturo them of you r druggi-t, do not take any other, for some dealers who nrd unprincipled wilt rccomiiu n t other I'om-'lo Pills, they cah make n ISige'r profit on-but cnrlosa tin) money hnd send dliot to Dr. J. BYRAN, General Acent. Ilox 50711. 442 llroaiiway, N V. Who ill take all rlsK it properly uiiotteui nnu you will receive them nnst pant, Bccurely scaieu I from ob sorvntiuii, ny return man. tiUI.iJ uv iiuuij,i.irii i,,i,.ii.x,i . DEMASUARNE3 & CO., Nkw Yobk. Wlio'csnlo Ag-nts. Third Edition Jlfty Thousand, Oli pigcs, cloth covets, 13YROBT. E HELL, M. D., Member of tho Iloval Cellcco nf Surgeons. London, j addressed to youth, the married, nnd those ! CONTEMPLATING MARRIAGE. 'Pent by mall, post paid, on receipt of TEN CENTS. I A carctui perusal ol this small book has beeii a I DOON TO THE AFFLICTED ! and has saved thousands fiom a life c-f uilscr,, and an i . UNTIMELY OR VE. ' I St treats on the evils or Youthful li, discretion, Seir Atmso, Semiiuil Weakness, Emissions. Se-junl Dis eases, Uonital Debility. Loss of Power, Nervoiimess, Prematura Decay, Impotence, tzc, to., which unlit the sufferer from lulfilling ipa i onua.iTioMS of MJinni.WF., and illustrates the meani of cute by the use of RELL'S PEC 11TC 1MLLS, and other treatment ne'ec'sary lu sonic! cases, and Which Never fails to Cure, ami tun be 7clitd on. Thoy do not nnuseato the stomach, or render the breath Mle'iisiip, and 'hey call be USED WITHOUT l)ETEi TlON. They dn not Interfere Willi business puriuits, and arc speedy in action. NO LHANGEOF DIET IS NEOESS UlY. They urn WairunteU in all cuss. , to be rfleetunl in remoiing and curing the ill-ease. Upwards ol two thuu&atul cas.'s on re-rord lhat , HAVE RE EN CURED I hV tiing HELL'S SPECiriC TILLS, and e rtilicates can lie stintvn Iruin many inai nave I'.ecn u.eni NO CASE Of rAU.UHE EVER OCCURS. Upwards of a Hundred Phicirians use iKim ex'.eji sively ih their prilate pVaetlce, and lin y cannot effect cures wiiuoui ineni. HELL'S PECIF1C PILLS Arc Hie original tind only gennlno Hpclllc Pill ihre urc n Host t itniuiurj iiisiv.iiti; ut l m;.i THEE ARE W AH RENTE I They are adapted for malo nr fouial old or raung. anil aro tlio nmy reliable re of all diseases Rrisiug trdnt and aro tbo only reliable remedy known lor Iho cue xee xux'ci. Jiiej u j jtii 14 nil Sexual Diseases, as , Gonorrhea, Stricture, Gleet, and in all Urinary una Kidney complaints, thev ACT LIKE A CHARM ! Relirf is experienced by taking a single box and I from four lu six boxes generally i llect n cure. I SOLD I! V DRUGGISTS GENERAI.I.V, ill boxes containing silly pills, pneu SI, or six boxer, i3; nlser ' in largo boxes, containing four nf the stun l, price $1. i If ynu need Iho liook or Ihu Pills, cut out litis adver i ti.emciit for reference, ami if you cannot procuro them i of your ilrugglat. do not bo imposed on by any other remedy, but enclose the money in a letter lo the pro ' prlctor. Bffi, J. 15Are, S5o- 5079, I , , 41.' Uroadway, N. V. ' Who will take all rislt if propoily directed, and will send the Pills, secured lio.u observation, by return mail, l'o'. Paid. c i SOLD II V DRUGGISTS (ir.NCRALLY. DEM AS 11AIIXE3 it CO., New, Whfilosulc Agents, TO THE iiFFLICTKD FROM DR.. J URYAN, consultim; PIIVSICI.W. No. l 2 liroa-'lwuij, New Pork. Medical treatment, to bo successful musk be adapted tn each particular case, und the aitutil condition nl the patient lit Hie time, uud regulated from lime tnliuie. us ihu exigencies of the enso icpiirc. Mud'cluci acts more potently on some pursuits than nn uttiers, and it th'itild beailmini.toied Willi it View to nstlat nature ciid nut to 1'ore.o it All who' arc afllictcd vitli Cbronio Dilhciilties nf nny kind, and havo fallfd to ol tain icrnianenl ben ellt from tho treatment of tllolr famllv pliyslei.iu, aro solicited to give men statement of their cniidltliili; and 1 will advi.o thoni.freo of charge, what treatment is necessary to ensure recovery! thu time rewired, and the expense, ' I desiru tn prescribe or givo advice only in tuch complicated and chronic cjscs as have ballled tho skill of other physicians. To all such I will pay speedy attention, and oivo every ease my serious consideration, Advico without medieluu is r ldoui sufficient s there-foro.wlie-u nddrossiug me, enclose onu dollar in your loiter, for which I will give my candid opinion und aducu. and such luediciuu ns I can ad'ord lor thu same by return of mall: und will also stale upon what terms I will undertake the casu My professional allcniion is given mori pailiculnrly to tho following diseujus, winch I mako special! ties uf my pr lession ; and I can treat them ns well at a dirlance as if called upon personally. All Chrouio anil Complicated Affections of tne system, (.ana all diseases peculi ar to to Females ) Dyspepsia and Liver Complaints, Chronic Headache I ilea uiul I ntnla, Chronic and Inllaninialory Rhuuuia lliui. ,euralsiu, and Nervous Diseases general Dcc'll--Hly, Hcrofula, L'nncera and Tutiior. Chronic and In llainatorir Diseao of Hie Eyes and Ears. Catarrh, dum itial tVcaknces. Imnotenre, Urethral an.l Vaginil Dis charges, Bexual and Urinary Dl. eases ge'serally Bc'serJlly. ' Cousumptiou, RroDuhitis, and Lung Din cases generally. A trcatlso on this subject, illustrating tho various stages and hum ratiunal modo of trinTiiicnt, will bo -'v l-v pa,,,, on ,,,e receipi o. po,,ago " beaten tark of tl,eu, as! uSHm . ik .T' basis i and 1 li.wu rcttorod tliuii.auds by ",,i," , .', i sound scientillc di... lhat have been g1Ven oyer by ,Il 7r X' ciansaj Incurablo. Under the ordinary treatment the paticnu , wy ". '""ler my trcntinenl thero is sol .e'hope .,.A,1L'e e.l? ' consultation. J u.o "Vo ro.Zl, that an. hurjful. in a ny ease. Sly motto is' ''Nature has provided, furovery ili.euse. reuneilies in i,.,2 ..rthufleldsuud treeof ,h fore l" and I use iiu minerals under any circiinutailces. My address is as follows; k "J. Lit VAN. M, ll, Hot 507b, The IicIriteH Callllc Potvilcr ' I S wnrmotntj in J v" Ihc most ct,.,'" lot' agent for the jch and blood of (t1"' Bwltio. or Pl. )') mtllng dlgento'n', MILEPOWI ri" f,n,.t OIllV lK,lln.l , r LllPMTQWN V honored 'w Ith n,l,l.0"''f als, nnd Invented by Mr. I itvoy, Proresor r thc h' nerlal College for Aorlciilltlro al Pails, and now man rracturcdbyC,f3.lrtliNEIt,I)ror Z. and A., a C town, I.chlsli County, Pennsylvania. All diseases of tho (tnm.icli, Illnod, Lungs ait )0M. els, speedily and ccitnlnly cured. Healthy etcclcilt bo brought Into tlio very highest stnto ol perrectlar and nno or two tablespoon ruin week, is ofgrcnlvali, , i,.i u-ntklni horses, brooding stork and rolls. saved thousands ul tatunblo horses from contagion diseases, ns well nt the narn-ynrd ns In the army, THE LEMinil woitst co.vfectionh' cfiectttallvovcrromc all tlio obstacles wlilcli iisunli prevent tho cupelling of worms, nro pleasant to t and nlo nno of tho most ugrreablo purgatives -ihllilren, Ho coufldcr.r U tho Inventor of the sue,, nl his laborious studies, In the pathological coni Hon nf this prepair.tlon, that he furnishes every !,,., uatcd phyli'inti, with n tvrllleii proscription, ns a in .y trn In uinlerln modica, Till! UNION KOAOII. HAT, MICE AND ANT U TEItSllNATOR. Isn powder for the sum extermination of nil Verml will never chniige tvllli ngo ulnl ellnlatc, nnd nii .i piererablo to tho old Fhoi'phornits J'aste, wbitlt hiiii ens In n short time, making It worthless. I'or dlrti lions and particulars sec the' small bills in the boxe?. tti?" One hundred nnd thirty-seven ircinlnma h.iv. been nwnrded In these celcbriitod preparations, up t October ail, led I. .... RnVAt.iti Rovm. nil' the wholesale Agents Inl'hll'a Dor sale by nil lerpccuiblu Drhg and country rto,,.P November It), ISO It'di. TH II (!KE AT WORLD'!' AIR CxTifuiTION III.. O IN LONDON Irtl. THOS. W. MATTSON iiHnrdi'd Iho Prlje Sled nl for his superiority overall competitions ill tho United States for his improvement In Travelling TrllllKS, He being tho inventor nhd Manufacturer nf Elastic Mi1?! ' Hpring so'ld Solo Lcathornnd ttrA Clvted Iron Prat:' Travelling Trunks, Vnllses, Lair-c's Hat Uases, Cnpi i Rags. Leather Unit-, Umbrellas and Hobby Dors. Roys' Cigs, Propellers, V.'haell crVnws. .tie, whlr-ih' is preiared to sell nt the lowest Manufacturing prit, The most rxteti'lvo Trunk and Carpet Hug Slauiifactiir cr inPbilndi lphi i, KM -MARKET STnElli", one door nheve Pnurlh. Uouth side, PHILADELPHIA LT'rJnIes'riftm on iho first (lour. (C7'JViiril.a "iinilly repulri d or exrhanged for m ones. Call and see, ns we bi ll very (heap for r.nsh ICoy. 14, IH,3-lno N03. 0, .1, Kl, 15, 17 CouttluiHlt Strcf. Nl'.AU I1UOADWAY, NEW YORK ( ITv This old establishid and favorite resort or the l!it.. less Community has been recently relltti d, nud j plclo in everything that enn minlKH'r to the cnniinti, its patrons Ladies and fumilies are specially and care fully provided for. It i c utrally located in the bu mess part of the cm and Is contiguous to the principal lines (.1 steambcat't cars, ntnnibusses ferries, &c. In cniie,Ue-ncii of the pressure caused by thu Rtlr lion, prices liave bei-n reiliieed to One Dollar ai'd hifiy Cents ptr Da. 'I he table is amply supplied with all the luxuri, t , the season, and is o'P'Ul to that of any uth, r hotel m iln country. Am(.la accomntoilp.tious are oheicd for upwurd of le-t, guests. C7" Do r.nt believe iiiniK'rs.nackmcn, nnd others Mn, uiav sav "the Western Hotel is full." D. I). WINCHESTER, Proprietor TllOri. D. WINCIICdTElt. I'i b. 15, IrU'J. l II E Proprietor of this wrllWown ami centrally 1 led House, thu Exiiuniik llnitL, iliuate on Mm Street. In !!lnnmburg, immedialrtv -iiiasiti ibn ivi....'. bin County Court Hoiim', resprcttnlly informs his I'm n it ami tin-tmblic in irtni-ral. tftst his lluiise U m,u i ... dcr fnr Ihu re'eeptioii nndeuturtalument of travelers Hlio nut) 1,'ul uispii't'ii io nvnr ll w nil lllrlr custnin, Hci In,) inared mi ixnense in Pfimline the J:iiiiin,iv r..- iMili'rtaiuiueiilof his guests, ne-ith 'r sb-ill Ihcre be iiia. tliiiif untiling (,nu hi' part, to uiinMi r to thi-lr pursnnai couilu'rt. His huuse' ib npujlous nud enjoys an i-xcell n, busiuc'S locution. U-Ouiuibiiscn run i'.ll tiracf between thu Ex y llitel and the-lariuus P.iil Rnail Depots, by whiihi j-cli-rs will be pli'.isaiitl) cninoyc-iltn and from thf C speelive Stations in ,1-jo time tn meet the Cars. "VSI. ji KOf N ' ue umierngncd, craiclul for naii i . . ... iif. rmagi', resperlfully inf ruis tho Travi-llniL- I i Se'ni rally.that ho h.isjust proenred from New York new, In-.niiifur ami r.inin-ioii Phnotiiv flmnnon,. i. i by vvlii. 1? ..m--. 7 i "llJU "J vuauu. swieers iV I V ' "r. .. "T" "i. " ' V .V . ' . ..... .nnrg nni' tin: rai null Iinail Ili-puts, to men "..IIIM.1. a win no Ills stuiiy tn ncroiiiuii'ilate In. iKlomiTHtn their sntitlarliou. Hu solicits il ,t pulih, patronagi'. 1 ay 1'acc :'o envrs. Il I Art k . JAC'Jlt I. UIP.TON uiooin.burg, January 7, IPCS. New Grocery titore. MORE FRESH (,'OODS. Formcrlij Eumnaa' old Siand) on Main Street, IJlooinsburg. THE undersigued has just received a good stock of FALL AM) WINTER DRY fiOOUS, cf all ktnds. Men's Heavy OAL'F AMD K P BOOTS, the bert in tho market ; a Good Asiorlmeiit nrtvi,,, und Childrcns' ,-hoos of all kinds. rUJ" A Fresh Lot of Groceries. of all kirn's, such as .Molasses, Teas. I Rico. Fish. ugais, UOItOC, Spices, I Salt, .( e Sats and Caps, Tobnccn, Scgar.s, Candio.", Razcus, Lard, &t, etc., Slo. t FEED AND PROVISIONS. I OL'Ol'ier With n rrni . nPt.,... - I .as.Joo itutuerousTb .ncrion." " "u,lt",?!""1 I i . miauge'h&s0 iml 1,ro""cc """'"'V '"1" ' I ,,. , HENRY Q I O'ER, n com burg, Dec. Ill, ifOL NEW STORE .fc CHEAP GOODS "Ql'K K SALES AM) S.1IALL I'ROFI I S. llllw'?dor6i!n?',' llav't; falcon tl.o b...T",i lR5c,1j""'eupie:d by Juincs K? Eyc.r nn tn public patronage, and triiiu illauV , , ' ,w al sntislactiun by selling them tin. best ' uality of on fair terms and at satistaciotv prires. GEUCEKIEU, I'ISII, UVEE.VSW'ARE. WOODLNIVARC. HOOTS, SHOES, -and csncfiallv win, n ...i.n.i: i ''ATS, C.M'3 .-i'.vhuiu variety or LADIES DRESS GOODS. ie u ill sell as cheap as tile cheap'.'t, f0, which lie i ready nay. , for cash " goo?1""'"5, ,redl!rC' ECC-clally taker! !n c.tcjfdhg'e ., Jan. 7. W" ''"VJLL'tGEIf National Foundiy. BI.OO.USIIiKG, COLUMBIA CO., lA 1 'ten l iJrf of i ricl r of tho above named tt 'iti 1 fir "'""i"1""01"' I" no prepared to rccciv All Kinds of illnchlnpi-y, IIIPLbHLNU A1ACUINES, JttJ.. &t. cahi'gs."""'r K""'" w'" b" tnkcn ,n "hane Jubs 'W.lbM.-l'.'li! '! "V'"'".1'.1'""''" ! lca ed near Iho l ackawsr naS llloom.burgmilrii.iil Depot. Uteoiuituig Bcpt 11, iRijn rilTEK BILL.lJEVn',