IMI.ITMRIA DRMOriRAT.1 GREEN CREEK SimSi... Petroleum Company. S Tk 1M,,,, k.. g.n. " .ho Oily I P""1 Sto ?0,000.f)0. I A ssy-Tho CJjfasa crop? aro exceedingly ; promising. i j . . 1 ' The ooiinty scat of Snyder county -1 has bocti removed from Frecburg t'o'Sel- tiogsgrovc. WORKING OAflTAL, . $20,000. Par Value of Shares 000 Btch. . cahii aunscrttrnoN nuci: rnn biiaki: No Liability to Stockholders, HP HE lands owned nnd loascd by this s r. . . I I. I i vT i.onipnny nre Biiuaieu on unrn lireon, Llllle 8ST Mllj. BAMUKIi I'KKASi ha bought F.ahlng Crock, Rnvcua' Crook, mid Won Crook. L dayman's Mill property no Rohrsburg, M pnhK , nsl.lnl. I n nn, .m ft? r.fin. '.nnBf'""'" Pu' ,""w" 51. woiis-ono on Orooii l wa i, m.w" w uvmu v threes,, inu omcr un icst urecK, J ... I Hooki for the subscription of stock have boon opened it , m ", , ,,, nl UioBlnreol ' Rchutler t lllack. In Hohrsburg, Pn.i ' A Trot 13 to POmO off On tllO Wy- ntthc Store of J.J. Ilrower. and nt tho olDcc of llio ' President) lu Bloomsburg, Pa, 6tmng Gourso ou Saturday noxt, for ai PAL EM ON JOHN, porso ol 82(10, between Ekrotk a b. m, 1 President. jjLady Lowo and Laycook's g. Prince j isr'Tho Lady's Friond for Juno is a fino number. "Summer Days" a beau-1 WHEAT, per bustist. 9 00 RYP.. " " I'M conn. " i oo I1UCKWIII.AT. 1 00 FLOUR por bbl. 10 Oil OLOVEttSKHI), 12 00 FLAX BKEI) 3 00 IHICKWIIEAT Flour. 4 00 nOTTBIU . EGOS potatoes, dried apples, I1AMB II A CON. . HAY by the. ton. 40 . 5H 7S 9 30 . S3 . 911 IS (XI CHICKENS, per pair. 40 JACOB SCHUYLER, Sec'y. IIOAltD OF Johnson II, Ikeler, sncou uoirnrii, Iram Dcrr. May 1.1, IHCJ.-3W DIRECTORS! Joseph (layman, l.uo. Jacob y, Auctioneer . uful Btcel engraving, is a most appropriate ', embellishment. Its literary contents arc: equally attractive This is n rnagazino j .that must bo popular with the .ladios. , rPHK undersigned, would respectfully ,1 . ,,, n r n . in m L announce to lbs public that ho has rcaowed his t 2.30 per year. Deaoon & Potorson, Phil- Licensees adolpbia. I Public Auctioneer. , ,. 2fTT ..... Feeling thankful for pant favors ho sol Id tun contlnu TUB l IRCU8. This great exhibition nme of tin' kind patronage herutolore extendod tohlui ,,, . ., . , nt I ,i Persons wishing my service will plcaau call ou or Mill tiotb If IUUUJ.UIII UU aUUIOUajr, 1UU uumibh in. at iotb o! May. Its varioub foaturc's aro in to resting and attractive, and is said by ORANGE VILLE, Columbia County, Pa. those who have witnessed the performance b,foW,'"5,u.ZVre:.T plcn,oco11 upoumo VM. SCHUYLER, .(7ut7io?icer. Oranovill, May 13, 18fii. to bs unsurpassed in ground and lofty tumbling and gymnastic exhibitions. Sue niiticti in nnnllmr column. Notice in Partition. Gdr Ilia Rkwaiiu Tho Itev, D A, Estate of Margaret Salmon, Dcccassd. Btckley received tho appointment of Po- ,r., n. T , masttr, at Bloomsburg, in plaou of Dr. j I O I hobo W. bnlmon , Joseph, Harriot John. This poaition, wc presume, Uock- A aud lamella, cbildi on of John Sal- ly got as a ruuard for the prominent i mon deceased, of Marion County, Ohio; part he took in noting, mobbing, and abusing old men. bclimgrove Times. Thero is more truth thaB poetry in the foregoiDg paragraph. In this community it U fully understood. And wo think tho Editor of the " Tinus" has not only "bit . (lie nail tquaro on the head," but has given it a ''double clinch.'' SPECIAL NOTICES. A"UARU Hto I N VAT.IDfl. " A CIcrFyDian.lwhllo reilding In Houlh America nt Ainlnlonory.ldlicovcrod a nafo and Irnplo rcmody or the Cute of N'crvoua WrakncM, Early Decay, Dlt on not of the Urinary and Bemlnal Organs, nnd the ttholo train of dlaordera brougli. on byj baneful and vlcloua hablta. Orcat numbern havo bon already cured by thla noble remedy, l'mnptcd by a doilro to bcncCt tho afll'cted and unfortunate, 1 will tend tho recipe for preparing nnd, tiling thla medicine, In n ealed cnvolopo, to any one who needi It, FRB1! OF CIlAuOK. l'lcaie Indole a post- paid cnrelope, addrcned to youraelf. Addrcsi, JOSEFn T. 1NMAN, Btation U, Ilible IIoubo, N. Y. ( Ity. April li. l8Ci.-y THE BRIDAL CHAMBER. A note of naming nnd advice to thoae auUVriNg with Brminal WeaknetK, Ucneral Debility, or l'rcinature Decay, lrm vthatevcrcauio produced. Head, puiider, and reMcctl Ue wlie In time. 8entFlllXtoany nddremi.forthobenofltoftlio nltllcl ed. Bout by return mall. Addreie. JAMES S. RU I'LER, 420 Broadway, New York. Aprils, 18CS.-3 in. WIIISKEHPt I l-Thone wishing n line aet ofuhlik. era, n nice moustache, or a bonutiful bend of glimy hair, will pleaae rend tliecnrd of THUS. F. CHAPMAN In another part of this paper. February U3, 1S65 3ui, List of Dealers of Columbia County. I?On tho vnr one thnu.niid i Ichl hundred end ly-flv r, nfOoi,il, Wnr i, Mi n Imnrite, Dlttillora, Drewera' llrrlaurnnt md Holing lluine Kerpert, with In the County nfCnlttmMa, rcturiied and rlanaifled In accordance Willi tho aovernlflcti of Aaieinbty, by lha Apptalaer of Mcrcantlle'rutej uf a aid c'Hinly ai ful Iowa, to wit I Vcmltri, 7'tvja. Hits I.hemt. S II Miller Bloom, A J Sloan do MoKolvoy.Nral&oo do II 0 & I V llartman do J J Browcr Bloomsburg Iron Co h Mondonhall L T Sharploss P John John R Moyer Eycr & Mover E P Lutz V Habb J K Glrton A Terwilliger Henry Gigcr ( A Jaoohy Henry Kleitu J V Hetulorthot Andrew Rupert J Sharpless P Billmoyor A J Evans David Lowcnbcrg S 0 Shivos B Stohner V Fox A Solider WHISKERS I WHISKERS! Doynu D L Mendcuhall wnnt yVhiikera or Mouatnehe I OurOreelnn l.lovtl Pixtan Compound will force them to grow on the emootlipat , , fnco or chin, or hair, on IihIiI heada, in PIx Wceka. JaS K, Es Cr Price, 81 Wl. Bent by mall any hero, clmel) aea'cd, 1 i.i .... on receipt of price. Addrets, ' i l.OUUPr WAIINEU k CO.. llox IM. Urooklyn, N. Y. I Will Butler do tlo do do do do do do do do do do do tlo do do do tlo do do tlo do do do do do do Montour 'do Brobst &. do rVO the Nervous, Debilitated and Den- J S MeNinoh & co Cutawissa Jl pondent of both aexea. A great rudorer having been restored to health In n few day, uflcr many vrara n miserjr, ia wining in nsrial ma alirerinc fel low creatures by sending (free,) nu the rcn irit of n po'lpaid addressed envelope, nenjiy of tl e formula oi euro employed. Direct to JOIlrV M. 1 AONAl.l,. Do I IbJ Pott Oiricc. Ilmoklyn, N. Y Jan.H, 1801. uyl9, -C4. Deafness, Blindnos c Catarrh, Tiented with the utmost aucccas, by Ir. J S Brobct J SharplcsB & oo G Hughes it Son J K Sharpies Croiis) &. John S D Rinard W John Cnspcr Rahn auue TnE Housk 1'coplo of tin's ago ore . evincing their just appreciation of stock, -generally, aud wc know of no frpeoie3 of the animal raco, iu which good blood it p moro desirable than in tho Horsu. 'Youno Black hawk," to bo seen at tho .. Exchango Stablo, in this place, is the prettiest specimon of IIor?e anywbero to be fouud in this section and is so regarded . by the beat horsemcu. Aud it is worthy of note, that his stock aro the largol Colt-, -in tho country, commanding from Sll'O to 6130 at tho ago of one year. The Income Tax. kninl, IT r.( T I. c i i ,, 1 "tented with the utmoat aucceas, by l)r. J. I3AACB. (luannr 1 UaiaU 11 , son Of Joseph Salmon, deo'd, Oculi.t and Aurlat. (formerly of l.eden, llnllnnd,) No V.? p of Illinois j Abrnm Salmon, of Wash- 5l!l l.'IN1 ?tret.i'iiiliaiii-ii.tiin. Testimoninia irom tho Win Ott . n !, it'ii- 7i . ' . moat re loble sources In thu City and Country can bo ir t? i : ingtOU, I). L,) William Salmon, o( New en nt his oirne. The medical faculty aro Invited to " L Ue,t 'V .Inlllin Kn rimn Wliiln TTnn.,.. wu;Haiijr uii-ir imiiuius, as iib iiu llotrcil't II I i I! O J v , sanies oaimon, vv Lute Haven, practice, artificial i:Yi:s.inencd without pain. Y, . l'UO County: Joseph Snlmoil. of N" charge nindo for eiaminntiun. &am -ton. Luwriii County ; Clark Sa ""2" l WA do do do do do do do do do Reighard & Uro .Scott C S Fowler I A Wurman Barton & co D.tvid Whitiiiire Jursev Luzerne ll'zlctou, inon.of Brtidfoid Countv. Punu'a : Plml.n IF YOU WANT TO KNOW Salmon, ol Lycoming Countv. Wheeler ' A 1 itti.i: of nvuitYTiiiNo relating to the ha- G vS' Crevliug & co S.llmon nt Mnntnur Cnnnie VII.. A -rt man eystem. male nnd fenialo ; the causes and Puter Ellt 0 1101011,01 JlOUlOUr tOUDty, lSllza Ann trentnicntol diseases i tho marrlago cu.toiws of the ,,,,,, o li ti uronsyx co C S. Fowler J T Crc velitig - --- f UU U IIIBVUVCB , UID HlUrilHi;!) CUl()IHfl oi UIC oucllhan)r. Ulmr otto Scott, of Columbia w7!ilh,,,watt! Mtk"y ys" nntI tiioimand iniiiRB huvit Uotinlj; Eliza Ann Fowlor, Ellis Salmou, tlonof ".Medical Common House," a curious book for children and Grandchildren of Lminli ":!Ki0.fa do. do do do lo do do do do I. 'I lit 8 11. i;i B i;j 13 it 14 14 14 14 11 It 11 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14' 11 11 14 12 12 14 14 14 11 11 11 14 14 14 14 12 11 8 13 10 00 10 00 HO 00 15 00 10 00 30 00 10 00 10 00 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 15 15 7 12 0(1 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (1(1 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (III Gil Rcubon Millor Briarorcek 4 40 00 Rolir MoIIcnry Denton G VJ5 00 All persons who may (col aggriored by the abovo olasslfioation can have an opportunity of appealing by calling upon (he undersigned at his offioc in Blooms burg, Pa,, at any tlmo on or bofora tho 1st day. of Juno, A.D, 1805, after which no appeal will ha heard, 0. B. BROCK WAY, Mercantile Appraxtcr. May 0, 1800. - " Tli e"Foi;i7"0 tel LOCATED IN EAST BLOOMSBURG. Tho undersigned Imvlnff Inken the wMl.tmnwn t'ntk. Hotel, rcM'ectu illy nimnuiitea t'l Ills friends nnd tho piiDiic generally, tnnt he in prepared tu accommodate nil v, ho may favor him nlth their custom, to snllro ast Isfnctinn, tlo Is provided wllh ampin Stabling and prnvioder for thH arcommodatlon of Travellers, Teainilor., Dro. vera, tec, on moderate terms. ITT Public custom laanileited. CEO. W. MAUGER. Bloomsburg, April B. 1RM. WY0M1MG Insurance Company, WII.KEB-IIARIIK, PHNNA, $150, CAPITAL AM) SURPLUS, A 8 ttli T d , Block not called In, . . . . eio.ouo llilli recelvnlile, ..... 4S,uuo V. f. 5 -W Honda, W.CHH Trmporuri nnd cull loans C.uuu 103 shdrea W.ioining llank Block, , C, UU S(i shares First Nationnl llnuR nt U'llka-Dirre, i.WO 10 shares Becond National liHiikat S likes Uarro. 7,l 4U shares VMIkes-llnrro Bridge Block, '- . a.iriu Rral Estate, Judgments, 11)1 Due Irom Ageuta and othors, . 7,411 Cash In hand nnd In lljnk i.bjj O. M. IIOI.I.ENIIACK, JOHN ItCICIIARO. B K.MUEl. VVADIIAMS. CHARl.l'.B nOURANCE, R D I, M OP. B.EWART PIERCE, I. . I). iSIIOEMAKEU. II. M. IIDVT. O. Ol.f.lM, Wm.8. ROSS, t II A R I. IU A Ml Mi II, ti M IIAIiDINO. oaimon, Ueceasetl J James. William, John sent free to any nddrese. liooka may bo had nt the Sarah Ann Clinton, Pbebo Jones, nnd cint uf tho tirlr.1'. Hoaglati'l, V Buren Conytig'm 11 do do do do Hook Btorcs, or w ill bo sent by mull, post oald on ro con i ui iuu once. 1. 11. miii i i:. .m. ii .Maicarei, name of husband unknown. ' . ino uroadway, Now York i'i, e n . . . rcoruary icoi. om. obiltlreu of George Salmon, deceased. Residnnon nf nil din nl.i 1,1 ,., . Editor of Democrat, tr.,:. . J ii . . .. Dkar Bir i With your permission I wish to sav m n, V,,rm-n n.t't An Heirs aud legal rcprssi'ntativat of Mar. the renders of your paper that t wiiimiii, toaii who Da". Wertman, ag t tlo cart't Salmon ute of Scnrt tnttrimliir. f'n wish it (free) n lleceipe.with full directions for niaklng C P Smith do giut i ouuuan, lUlt OI OCOH lOWHSUip, UO- nl usg ,po Vegetablo llalm that will tmetual- ,. i l I'iUlllUHJf i, D 1' Mclviernan do J W Bedford & oo W P Ryon &- co J B Knittle Win Snyder lumbia county, dccasod Take Notice, That an inquest will be held at the Into dwelling house of .Mnrgnrel H.ilmon. deceased, in Light Street, ticult township, Columbia County, Pcnnjlvaiila, on Siitiirtm.lir fust dnif of July. A.D. 1805, nt two o'clock in tho afternoon of that ilav. for tho pur pose of making purlitjim of tho real ostntu of the said deceased tn nnd among her Heirs ami lecnl rcpresen tntive. if the same can lie done wiihout prijudico to or spoiling ihu whole j iilhertvitu to value nnd no- praiso the same according to law i nt whic'li time nnd BhenlTn Omce, llonmsburg .May 13. leTO.-div Sheriff. C C 7-30 LOA.1. The sale ef the first scries of 8300,000 .0'O of the 7 30 Loin H.ii completed on tho 31st of March, 18115. LThe sale of tho sucond series of Three Hundred Mil. lions, payable lhre yeartfrora the ISth iln4of June, IST3, ten kfjin on the 1st of April. In tho short space of thirty days, over One Hundred .Millions of this series have been sold leaving this day less than Two Hundred .Millions to he disposed of. The in terest ,s payable semi annually in currency on tho ISth of December b nd; 1 Jill of June by Coupons lit tachel to each note, which or: roa,lily cashed any where. It amounts to One cent per day on a 50 noto. Two cents " " S100 ' Ten ' " 11 S500 20 " " 1000 81 " " " " 5000 " f Every one buljeot to this moit odioue, inquisitorial aud despotic tax, will say a hearty A men to tho hope expressed in te gard to it, by the Philadelphia Jlullctin ol the Otb : 'Wo earnestly hopi that tbo Goven.- inout will beforu long Ond it possible to "remit this tux, which i perhaps one of the 'very wornt forms of taxation ever devised, rand excusable by nothing but absolute necessity We shall briefly etuto our reasons for this opiuion. ' I. Ii tends to lower the moral standing r-of tho people by offering an immense temptation to deception These deceptions '-'aro of a uaturo that in tho vast unj irity of cases they cannot be discovered ; there fore tho inducement to practice them k- proporiioiitcly greater. ,K 2. It falls most heavily on tho honeit iirnl straightforward, aud lightest on those who aet unoonscientioiisly ; the ponaltios -full exceptionally and do uot alter thif general eifeet. !). It is inquisitorial and, to many, cx eecdiugly repul.-ivo. 11 4, It imposes on many a long and trou blesome labor to make tbo necessary esti mates and calculations. Many who keep impcrfcot accounts cannot possibly do oth erwise than guess, aud hero tho honest and honorable make up for the deficiencies of those who are otherwise. 9 0. It requires very expensive machinery for its collection. 2 For tliuso all-Jiifficiont reasons wo hope that other modes of taxation will bo found Jto lake tbo place of this, which, moreover, is essentially discordant with the oharacter " of our people." Tho Reading G azettc, says : "There it no present prospect that tbo liullclin's . hope will be realized. Instead of a miti gation of tho must odious features of this tax, they have been aggravated ten-fold by tbo legislation of tho late Congress. mA etrics ol interrogataries has just been issued, from the Internal Revenue office, which outstrips everything in tho shapo of 'inquisitorial despotism that was over at" . tempted by any Government, either re pub , lican or absolute These questions aro of such a nature that not one in a hundred f.nM nnuer lYinm AArrnntlv in rlntnil itntl I . j j! w , . . , ' loan, the National Hanks, State Banks, and Privato sot one iu a thousand will answer, ox- ... . . . , ,. , , ' e ., Bankers throughout the ctuntr) have generally agreed cept under compulsion, from fear of the r ,.. .., t i -. i , to receive subscriptions at par, Bubsoribera will so- Bovcrn penalties with which it has been ..... ' ' t t .1 f . .1 m. . led thsir own agents, n whom they have coufldence. foutid necessary to enforco thorn, laxes . , . ... . -Til i ii- i i and who only nre to be responsible for the del very of that aro equitably assessed, nnd levied , . ..... . .i . i -.i the notes for whith they receive orders. U'.'u uo.wtt.1,1 suu. ubbuiua mm tuucJlill, ' of our institutions ana tlio onaraetur of our , and using n simplo Vegetablo llalm that will ellietual ly remote, In te li days, Pimples, Hlotrhes Tun, I'reck els, nnd all inipurilies of the Skin, leaving tho same soil, clear, soiooih nnd lleui'tiful. 1 will nleoihait free to those having llnld Heads, or Hare Faces, simple directions nnd in formetion that wiil enable them to start a full g'ro'tlh of Luxuriant Hair, Whiskers, or o Moustache, in less than thirty days. All applications answered by return mall without charge. Rcspeilfully yours, TIIOB. I'. CIIAP.MAV, Chemist, S31 lirundwuy, Ivew York. rcoruary -j, icoj jm. Jacob l'eager Locust WasbiiiKton Ycigcr do Mark Williams do Abraham liico do J B Dormer (!o J Chiirringlon Roaringcreek 14 Fiank L tShiiuian' Beaver 14 do 8 12 12 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 id 12 .10 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 15 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 12 00 15 01) 30 00 10 00 15 00 ao oo 12 50 12 50 O. .M IIOLI.ENHACK. R. C. S.M1TII, ScnTRt. I'HOWN, Agsnt, .March2J, Hu' insburg Pa. Jacub Barnburner i,l.. i..... ... ..... ....... ai.... ... . am.,,,., ,,'ni r L' J '1 a . i . . . . r- juaj .i.iaiiiMi in iii.a-oii ii you tuillK proper. I'U l.u.,DIJ,ni i a i, i uc uimcrillKill'U Ililvllie llCPn , I r t SA .MfT Ml. H Willi' I -1 rettnred toheulthiii n few week-, by n very riiumIr OCUWt'penlieiser tv I'O.MaiUO Oil.UULili fl.M 1 Uhli. i remedy, after having .ulTered M'veral yenrs, uiih n li V .1 ....... n. l,ini. lall.ilii.ll. noil Hun .Ira.n.l ,11. i,.. l'... simvii iv rinn.1 ' sumption is noxious to mnkekuuttii to Ills' fellow Euf fcrers the nienna of cure. To nil who desire it. he will send n copy of the pro s ripliou ii .ed, (free of charge,) with thu directions for preparing and using them which they will I'm, I n sure cure for Cossujiimio.i, Asthma. Iluosiiuiis, Couoiis, Colds, &c. The only object of the ndvertiscr iu sending the Prescription Is to benefit th uilhrted, nnd spread Information winch he couceive-i to be iu valuable i nod he hopes every siitferer will try his remedy, ns it will cost them nothing, mid may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription will please aildrrss Rev. El) IV A III) A. Wll.BON. Williamsburg, Kings County, New York. February 18, ieG5-3m. Bowman & Owen Alirah itn Miller Juck.iou & Woodin Juck-on & Boweia A Miller & oo J B Dodsou, at! cut Jaek-ou & Woodin J Sccsholtz & Craig 0 D Fowler G II Fowler Jacob Spoiisler BLCIlETd FORTH1- 'M & L LorV AW OH Hes ct co (ieo II Frcas A Fuliner More and More Desirable. The Rebellion is s upprstsed. an 1 tho Government has already adopted m centres to reduce expenditures ns rapidly as possible to n peaco footing, thus with' drawing from market ns borrower nnd purchaser. This is the ONLC LOAN IN MARKE r nowoflcrod by tho Government, tnd, constitute? tho GREAT POPULAR LOAN OF THE PEOPLE, The Bovcu Thirty Notes aro convertible on their maturity, at lbs option of the holder. Into U. S. 5-20 Six per cent. GOLD-BEARING BONDS Which are always worth a premium. FREE FROM TAXATION. The 7.S0 Notos cannot lu taxed by Towns, Cities, Counties or States, and tho interest is not taxed un less on a surplus of thu owner's income exceeding six hundred dollars n year. This fact increases their value from one to three per cent, per annum, accord ing to tho rato levied on other property, SUBSCRIBE QUICKLY. Less than $J0O,000,OCX) of tho Loan authorinod by the last Congress aro now on the market. This amount, at tho rate nt which it is being absorbed, will all be subscribed for within four monllis, when the notes will undoubtedly command n premium, as has uniformly been tlio case on closing the subscriptions to other loans. It now eccus ritoaiDLit tiliT no cokiidxradlz JaMOCIaT DEI-OND Tat rHEJL.IT SERIKS WILL DC OK7LRED TO TUB ruuLtc, In order that cititens of every town and sectiou of tbo country may bo afforded facilities for taking the ri Kit i. IDLE DISCLOSURES 1 MILLION I A most valuable and wnnderliil publication ul 4IM pages, iiniinu colored engravings. HR. III.'N llpnrv I.nlitiiaii TER'S VADF. MECU.M. un oiiulnul and ti..i. " 1,1 les on .Man nnd Womnn their Physiology, Finn Hons, JesSO Hicks mid Sexual disorder of every kind with never failing .,., ,1 Ititi i.rtnri Remedies for their speedy curs'. The pacticeof Dr. a',mul 1 lvlt.lil.TlCU 1 Hunter has long been and still is, unbounded, but nt Abraill Diettcrich t tue enrnest soiiciiauoii ui numerous persons no lias been induced to extend his medical usefulness through ' the medium of his "VADE. MECU.M 1 It is a voium! . Ill It .hnlll.l I... Iti fliaa ta.n,llvr l tl... I I ' ns a preventive of secret vices, or as n guide for the John Kclt'llllCr nllevintion of one of thu most awful nnd destructive ?rri. i scourges ever visited mankind. One copy securely en- duBOU Liuriia i veloped will be forwarded free of postage to any pnrt OhurlfS Nt'V'llftrt goitue unueii ruuies lor ou cents in r u stamps. e n , i. i I Address, post Daid. Dr. Hunter. No. 3 Division M tt 11 DhoellinMT at) i " May airi8M.-y. ' WcKelvoy ct Appleiuttn c-tate 14 it v iiowman en. co urauiju io D K Sloun do A B Stewart do . . A Coleman do 'I'm. linucrigneii nas mwayi on nana ana ror sale. Berwick do tlo do do do do do do Centra do do tlo do do do do do do do Hemlock do 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 15 20 00 20 00 12 50 7 00 7 00 Agricultural Society. rBMIH regular annual meeting of llio B Columbia county Agricultural lloriiriiliurnl, nnd Mi chsnical Assocl ition for tho election of mlrcers will be held nt the Court House, in llloouubutg, on SAIURDAY. MAY ViAU. lSiii. at 3 u'tlock, P M. JOHNSON II. IKELER, Prtsulett. L B RUPERT, Secy. PUBLIC SALE OF Va uablc Heal Estate. IN pursuance of order of tho Orphans' Court uf Columbia county on Saturday, the 10th day of June next, ' nt 10 o'clock in the forenoon, James K. llruglor, nnd Peter Hruder. Adminiat mors of the goods and chnt tela, rights nnd erudils whiili we'e nf John Hruglcr Into of bloom lowusniii, in said countv, deceased, will expose to sale by Public Vendue, un tbo promises, u certain trait or PIE-'E OF LAND. bounded on the North by land of t-iiiiiuel Hruglcr nnd others, on the East by land of James Emniei and oih . era, on the Boiitn by other lauds belonjin,. to the es. tato uf said John Hruglcr. derenscd. and on the West by land of Malhlas A. Uirton and others, eoiil.ilnliii! TWO HUNDRED 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ! 00 00 00 00 j oo (10 , nnd n good ll.i:.k I1AR.V nnd other improvements with (til ' ",ani,i,i-. i.iiv iri.i i.imic oi .mil n,'c,:ue,i. snuato ou I in tbu tuwiisliiu of Ilemlocs. uud eonniv r.,r.,a., i. JESSE COLEMAN, Clerk . Blounnburg, .Muy llh, U05. Administrator's Notice. Estate of David Vandine, Dcceatstl. ETTERS of administration on the I Estate of David Vnndine, late of Madison twp., Columbia county, deconsed, have been g-ir!d by the Register nf Columbia county to tho iindersignec ; all pr-oiis havlhg claims against the estnto of thede ceilout lire re'iuested tu present them tu the updnr sitricd, residing In said township, without delay, aud all persons indebted to make payment forthwith JOHN A. FUNSTON, yltriitwijraor. i May 0, 18.-. -w $3 00 Administrator's Notice. I Estate of Abraham Keifcr, Dtctaxd ETTERS of administration on tho J Estate of Ahinhan, Kelfer. Into of Orango two., , t-iduinbia cnun y, deceased, bnvo been granted by the Register of Columbia cn to the undersisned ; all per son, having claims ngninl the cslnto of the decedent ate requested to present thein to the A dnilnistrntor ol his residence in lllonuisburg, without deliy. nnd all persons Indebted to make payment forthwith. MICHAEL F. EYERLY, Admiitistialar, ' May 6, I MI -Cw $3 FRESH arITiva l Spring and Summer, EVERYBODY In I lei Iniildiog f ar uetly otmpieJ hy P. fl. Moyer, nu door Mow the Columbia Democrat OlHw. oi Mai Btrse. Hloouuburg, wtv he Mill make all kinds Tin. Wars and Itofsltlhg, in (tl style ad oa muds, stet.ruis. 8TOVE8 of rl kinds and itliiies for ss'e or fur irlshed to otttt, JTtirCouDfry prodooe Taken inA politic custom respectfully solioifrd. JACDB MKTZ.Jr. Iltootnsburr, April ti. Mi.-j i.siii.iiisvssssw.kliatisl.iiiICTil )i Hi nu iihiHHjl Is i HI Mi Wll IWITif ' llltnrftiMWi l Ifj; " NEW G004S i L" ' . L 1 8tov(5 &TinVrarb hhop QllEA TJlM)UL!ilOKMPnlCi:s.vnVi minA U)fori( ,bo pubio at gesierai. mat ne nas ofssosn NEW AKKlTL OF NEW TIN SHOP Summer Goods AT PETER KNT'S 8TOIIK, A" CIMIT BTItKKr, COLVMDtA CU VttTY, PA, HAS J nit received (torn Philadelphia, nnd Is no' onsnlnir at the odd stand litt'rooctlliiod br Mara at Enl, a splendid assortment of MERCHANDIZE which will be sold cheap (or CASH Oil COUNTRY PRODUCE. Ills stockconslsta of Ladles Dims Quods diolcsl styla and latest fashions Caliooa, Mucins, Ginghams, Flannels, Carpels, Shftwlf, Hosiory, Silks, READY MADE CLOTHINO. Cassimircs, Satinets, Cottonadca, Kcntuoky Jeans, Thread, &c. Groceries, Quoonsware, Cedarvraro, Hardwaro, Modioines, Drugs, Oils, Paints, &o BOOTS & SHOES. HATS k CAPS. In short -.very thing usually kept in a errantry store. The patronage of old friends, and tho public genera ly. Is respectfully solicited. The hlgho.t market price paid for country produce PIITBll KNT. Light Street, May 0. 18CJ. . rsot.. t. a. tuwuvos PAUL & THOMPSON," WHOLiWALK f UKALKttd IH riSK, ROVIJiKSfiS, litis PHILADELPHIA, I7-RUTTF.K. "t!ltKHBB""ni A'Vt B, kt UJ, Ha f. U '-l-Uiiio SEND YOUR OBDERSf T70R BLANK BOOKS &. STATION JL ERY 10 March 4, 1865 LEATHER I LEATHER! 1 rpill! undersigned would announce, thnthehnsoo hsB x amis Mat nnd Lap Kmporiuiu, on main at., Hloou onrg, an assortment or diuereni Kind or leather, such at One ralf skins, inorocco.(red nndhlscJtJand linings dl W PERRY. Mannfacturing tatlnnsr. B. Vf, Cor, ttb Sl Rag. Phil's athls HatnndCno Kmpnrluiu.on Main Bt.. Illoom bnrg, an assortment or dltferent kind or leather, such i One ralf skins, inorocco.fred and Mac) and llnlns. i cf which he will sell cheaper than enn bb bad else wh'is lo this market. Call nudoiemlne Ihrm foiycurlvea. itniNKTfeinTOH. Kloosnsburg.May 84. tH AdminiBti ator's Notice- Estate of Andrew Hiss, deceased. rirrTKRB of administration, Ubni fun, turn tM 4 tammto anno, on the estate of Andrew Iliss, Inta of Bugailuaf township, Col. co., deceased, have, been granted by the Register nf Columbia county to Ins un In signed; nil persons having claims against the tatn of the dufeilxut nro requested to present them to llio undersigned, residing in said township, vrltbosl delay, ond all parsons indebted to make payment forth RICHARD HESS, Administrator. AprllW im.-tnt AND 17 ACHES. F1UMK HOUSE find fnur perclifs AtiJ tha usual allowanctB, ttiiercnii are oiucti'd n two story TERMS OF SALE. Tenner rent, en tl.l. .1 ...... i in n,i 1 sale one-third of purchase mone ! snld ten per O insisting m Fasiiionbli! Dress Coats, of every des io iw cent, when ihe sale shall hu conllriiicd absilutel), the eriptinn; Pants, Vests, Shirts, Crnvnts Blocks, Cottoi 14 14 ID 15 14 14 14 11 14 14 12 14 14 14 14 13 7 7 10 unianc! in one year there Iter, with interest, and uu seenruu uy nonu ami mortgage. i lh". I li'lf UU 1 11 I l.'IJ ' a. . ua. iriluuilUO, 1 .. , 00 i .fas I. iiimi,!t t.M) t Au in rs. 00 JAS. K BRUULER Jlay 0, ixiu, 7 00 ! I H Lackawanna A: Bloomsburg Knllio.nT ' " ear two daily trains, -a 7 oo 1 vJ 1 12 50 i Baker & Confectioner B Amincrman Fiahingcreek Howell & Pcnuinatoii do Solomon Buss , tlo Jamea N Jonos do D & iM MoIIcnry tlo Mrs H A Colo Benton Samuel Ileacuck do Hiram F Everett do lluclles it Calentler do FREBii HRI.AD, GAKEB, PIES and French and Domestic Confec tions in grett nnd splendid variety ; Nuts. Fruits, and every thing usually found iu a Am class confectionery store. Ho would lull especial attention to his new ly re ceived slock nf PIUKLED FRUIT AND JELLIES. Having recently fitted up a new and elegant 1CI3 CBlaEAiTl SALOON, on the first floor, two doors west of Eyer & Moyer's lla.m etalr.a tan I. nrnn.rail ,11 wntl llnnil hid m.... tomers with first ciass Ice Cream ns cheap ns the Schuyler & Black cheapest. He will supply Uall', Parties, ami Picnics ri iit . c. -will, Ice Cream. ConleLtionerv. Ac., nt teasoable rules. "4 "en tv LU B. H. STOIIIVElt. Joseph Sands Bloomsburg, April 23, IHW. GetirgO VailO'J Conrad Kreomcr Ti Flick Al Bro Ma 1ft ftru IPftmtllft Annrlftinv John H lletler J Stephen II 14 13 14 14 7 7 7 7 10 7 10 7 0 17 7 Johu Leggoit DtfcW Masters Cornelius Preston Greenwood 14 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 COLtillBUS The Spring Term of this Institution begins MONDAY, APRIL 17, 1805, and con tinues ELEVEN WEEKS. do do do do Mt Pleasant do Madison do Mifflin do du phen II Swank Croasy & Brown J K Sclitreppeuhciscr do W A Brown do TUITION ranees from SltoS7. HOARD from SJ JaCOD 1000 flO tn SJ5U. Rooms furnished at moderate rates for thoso Wnslii nrrlnii Parr Krnnlflin wishing tn board themselves. J, o . ,. -PraUKllU mr ror particu'ars, address iron. Jotin Koons.or tho Lr O lUOWIIIiatB3 110 f, people, aro paid as a matter of duty, and tvithout thought of tho ponalties uttaohed ' to default. But tho inomo tax, as now attomptcd to bo enforocd, is bo repugnant ito every oltizon's natural senso of right .and freedom, that few, if auy, will pay it, except lo avoid the fines and forfeitures to Tfhiob an evasion of it would expose, tbem. Under existing laws, tho incnuo tax . f'mu6t be paid yearly until IS70 siryfars longer. Hut, may wo not, with tho Hut' JAY COOKE, Pi-vritirTioif Aoist, rklMelpkit. ttT'dubscriptions will be received by the First .Va lional Hank of Uloomiburg. May 13, IiU.-3in rrincipul at New Columbus, Luzerne county, I'j. REV. A. J. FURMAN, Principal. MRS. M. U. FURMAN, Preceptress. April ti, lH'i.V-Ini NEW ARRIVAL. S3?XIH& AH SlllrsfMIlIB At A. J. Evans' C Mendenhall John ( Jacobv ' Lovi SummcrTillo . 1 J Thomas P M Tratigh Reuben Miller Wi Hani Frcas ! Jeremiah Jacoby do Briarorcek tlo do do do do do II 14 K 13 14 14 13 14 1 1 14 14 14 10 11 14 14 11 14 14 13 14 14 13 14 00 00 00 00 00 00 (III 00 00 00 00 00 05 00, oo ; 00 00 00, 00 00 10 00 I 7 110' 15 00 : ill 00 7 00 7 00 AND AFTER DEC. id. lifil. PASSENGER TRAINS WILL RUN AS FALLOWS: 1. F. AVE NORTH WARD. Leave riuriiiuniiicriaHd, g.niiA,.M, " Duuville, " Rupert, liloomsburg llerwick, " Hlilr ksli'iniiy " Kiuglun, Arrive at Brrnntnn, " Now Ymk, Philadelphia 1. I. A V E Leave Bcrunt.u, " Kingston a " Herwick, " llinoiiisburg " Rupert, 11 D.iiimIIk, Arrive at Nnrl'iumherlnnd, " Il.irriburg. " Wl'.slllllL'tOII. Philadelphia, t!.4U 9.J1 11.35 10. 'J.', 11.10 iJ.i:, P. Iiu SOUTH W A It U 0U A M T.on s.:h U'iS 10.UU in tn l.'.'t) P.M. 0.(13 3.10 son P. M. 3 40 U.S3 MM 7.30 5.15 0.13 10.23 6.3U 0.30 4 28 P. 3.30 7 3U S.-Ji 8.3a D.I,-, III HO I. 'ii 10,33 3.110 M The shortest ntnl most direct mule tu the west uud the oil region I ir Trains of the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad leave Nurthiimbeil.ind every morning for Erie nrriv inn there tin afternoon nt the same day lo conniict with Ir-iiiis lor lluir.ilo Cleveland. Chicago, witli nil points west, and roiiiierling at Curry with all trains i on the OH Creek Now mid clegttui .Sleeping cars accompany the night I trains each i ay hi ttveen Northumberland nnd Balti more, and Northumberland and Philadelphia. II. A. FUiNDA, Bupt. Kingston, January 14, 18i','. PROPERTY PRIVATE SALE. THE nnderslgned otfers to, sell, at private Mle, rait muderatb terms, tho following described articles, 1 EXCELLENT MARE SIX YEARS OLD. AND SINGLE IHRNE3H . ONE TWO YEAR OLD MARF. COLT, A TWCrIOIi(i FAMILY WAGON.aooDSPKINll VTAQ ON AND A NEW FANNING MILL. Apply at this oflice, or to the subscriber, In Bnu-kn tpwn, next dour selow Kliein 'sdrocery Btore, Ulouius bU,S' JOEL GROSS.. April 79. I'll. JUST received a new assortment of good styles of WALL PAPER, INCLUDING BOR DERING AND UEILING PAPER, and a gener&l variety of material In his lino, which wilt be funrnl on the F1HBT FLOOR linmedlate y cast of Lou's Drug Bturi. In the Rupert Block, where all persons wishing goods in his I luo will be attended tu In person at ull limes, t&T" Paper HaDging executed to order and best stylo, at abort notice. E J. THORNTON., Rloomsbarg, April W. lcXU.-ly Notice, 3 HE undersigned, grutcful for past patronage, reapec fj-irrr,' Annnrtl Arpptinrr nt tho Kind i fully informs his custumers and the publicgene rally t 9 Alt' Annual .Ueeting 01 tne OtOCB that he haejust received from the Eastern cities, the ' J holders of the Bloomsburg Iron Company, will largest anil most select stocK ol S PR i N G &S UiM E R That has yet been opened III Hhioinsburg, to whlcnbo I invites the attention of his friends, aud assures them that they nre oirered for sale at great bargains. Ills I Block comprises n large assortment of GENTLEMEN'S WEARING APPAREL. Cotton hiefs. GloveB, Suspenders. &c (iold Watches and Jewelry. Of every description, fine and chesp. N. H. -Remember " Lottmberg't CliMp EmpoHta.' ' e ill uud see. No charge for cxaming Goods. ; D.WID LOWENDERO Bloomsburg. April I. 13(13. (June 1810.) J Notice. ( the midn-r oj the t uttaicissa Lamlund liuilding Company. To all whnm it may concern: Tnke notlie. that J. K Sharpless. Isaiah Joho, Walter Srott, William J. Eyer. Snmuell Koslenbailer. James B.'McNiuch, John Jameson, Jacob l.'rensy, George Long, Jacob U. Yi ttor. nnd Bolomon lleiwig, being i ilitfens of tho Blate of Pennsylvania, nnd desirous of acquiring and enjoylog the immunities of n llody Corporate, have exhibited nnd presented to the Court of Common Pleas of Co lumbia County, an instrument in writing, purporting tu be the proposed charter of the "Cuttnwissa Laud and Building Company," to be located in the township uf I'nii.iwiss.i. in said Countv of Coluuibu. hnvintr fur it. object the purchasing of town lots and Innds, building nouses for sale and root, which ure more fully specilicd and set out in the said application fur incorporation. And the satd Court perused and examined the said instrument and found the objects and conditions, there to set forth and contained to tra lawful and not inju rious to community i have directed said writings to be filed in the Prothnnotary's office ol eaiJ county and notice to be given according to law. That application litis nee i, uiaui; iu inciu w, u b" bum, ....i.mi and that if no sultuient reason bu shown to the con trary, by the 27th day of .May inst., at un adjourned ennui thev will decree hu, I declare the persons so associated tn become and be a corporation or body politic ill Law. nnd in fact, according to tho said arti cles nu I conditions, and to have rontlnuance by the name, style and title iu said instrument lucii.ioiied. JEe?SE COLEMAN, Proihouotniy. Ulnomsburg, .May li. I6i3. be held nt their "Mice at Irondale, on WEDNESDAY 17th May, let, fur the election or officers, and otb businessa 0. R. PAXTON, President'.. Dlnomsburg, April '."J, 180531 BTALSt BARGAINS! IF YOU WANT TO BUY Spring and Summer tr NEW GOODS ATj G. Krcamcr's Store, TT t f B 1 . r 4 T0 dtillSlliIiUHllI, UUJjUiUIJIA. IO, rlAl, OAlfeii ... - - JOHN C. YE AGE R, aMANt FACTURER St WHOLESALE DEALER IN I 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 10 10 7 10 7 00 00 00 00 00 ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, No. 257 North Third Street Phila'd. Nov -.II ISIW F. u. HARRISON, M D. 7 OL'LD rcspeilfully inform theiilisiens ofHIooiiis. 00 VV burg.and viciniiv, he ciMiiniueatho practise of rwi .iir.mcj.vK ji.yd tUH(i:nv, . nd solicits n share of public patronage. 00 Omi B. nu .Mam Street, first house below the Court IIoomi, lilooiiisliurg. February 3. IfaS tf 00 00 oo : oo ' oo oo oo oo oo Restaurants and Hating Houses. in 1J.1U I'J BLOOMSBURG, PENN LATEST SYLEB OAEAP GOODS BENJAMIN GREEN, DEALER IN Frcdoriok Fox B Stohner W II Koons II 0 Christman S Kostonbaudor i : i.:i- I fPHB undersigned respectfully infoima Ins friends I i 1 and tho public generally, that he has Just received lYllltUUl Stcttcr from the Eastern cities, a largo assortment of being the beat nssortment ever offered in thla market, rt M VlVnn rnWMV ri 4Tt rtlsoa coinpieieassoriiiient oi iioys uiomiug. In fact SI A Xf Oil' 1 1 T TriT 1 ' ? everything in the Cloihing.Llno For those who prefer Tfi r! Tl 1 ill (f if fII I'lP li to leave their measures, a perfect fit giiarautieil, and JR AitVAllA iH RtMA di Myi I . othlng but the best workmanship allowed at tills es. ,, . .,, . .... I, . Jt ta liahmcnt. Mo also keeps ouhandalargc assort- Indow Shades, Oil Cloths. Mnts. mei -of ...?. ; V ... . - tvi ...i vTii'Pti tjunnwii tiii'i.ti UUUl&JliMJ bUU&i, sfKIClin, nope trial lue uOVCmment Will DO IU iW. .wivxn uwv "inum, ATfl vnd CAPH. together with a variety of notions mn com i it to ri to relinvo tic neonln o so puir.ADRr.viiiA. c-' "'' Aru BbB luuKfKi.r-... 7 Kirali u kiieiLin Iasi. Imfnr,, tlinei ?'l n .. ... . tia. ttia-aa.rt.l,iir i lia.UK -,,IVI, ,'u UllV.I. ,'l. I, , ",, ,r"HI.V,, (ll.-,,w. A. J EV.U1B Edward Haffey John Chapman Thomas O'Oonuer Richard Kealuy Henry Hoekman Michael Keller Ihewciicn and Distilleries, Mon Pimmons Finbingerock 0 Bloom do do do Cattawissk do Conyngham do do tlo do Ben, ick Oraugo Flunk Edgar do 12 00 12 00 10 10 10 00 10 (K! 5 00 j 10 00 5 00 1 10 00 1 5 00 5 00 10 00 5 00 25 00 12 60 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Esiatt of Daniel Stoker, Deceased. LElTEi ' Testamentary on the cstntn of Dnnifjl Btuker. la'u of Fishinscreek township. Columbia cu deceased, have been granted by tho Register of IV 1 1 If? Ate,, tu thu un lersigned residing in said lwp ull persons having il iiuis ngain.t tho estate of the decedent are requested to present them to the Gxeru. tor without delay and all person, indented to make payment loriuwiiu. ' CYRUS KOmilNfl, April 1. lSt"5.-6w83. Executor. JOSE Fir trski:.! MA.Nl'FAC'ITRER OF U M B R ELLAS, SON UMBRELLAS, AND . ?ABAS0LS Notnbers 2 and 4 North Fourth' Street! p ii i l vi)i;i,riii ,. .Mnich I, 1663, 3m, GOODS AT REUUCEU PRICES. rpiIE subforiber has just returcd from J Philadelphia, uilhn largo and select assortment ol New Goods, purchased at the lowest cash prices. Ills stock consists of Ladles' Dress Goods, Alpacas, Cloakint,'. Fancy articles, Cullcoes, Ginghams, Flan nels, fhanls. Silks. Cloths, Cassiuiers, Satiuelts, Cot touades, Kentucky Jeans, Threads, .Muslins, 1 icklug, Blurting Groceries, Queensware, Hard ware, Cedarware, llroouis, Medicines, Drugs. Oils. Fish, Bait, Ntlls, Cun'dies, Tobacco, Begars, HOU'Pd AND BilUES, HATS AND CAPS, in short, every thing asuallytkcpt in a country store. Thankful for past pntrnnngo, old friends and the pnblic generally, ure invited to call ami see for them selves, I will sell goods at a s low rates ns any other house ill the country. 1 will nut bo undersold by Jew urOenlilu. Come friends, roll up, bring your Pro. dure bring !your cash, yuur. Liimb, r ur anything you hate to sell. 1 will nay us much, uud sell as low. as any house this side uf Philadelphia ; so come one and all, tiring your trade, out uoii i usk lor trust. Poor Ttust is dead, bad debts killed him. LANK BOOKS tt STATIONERY. lltuiipledtn Ranks, Merchants and County Office r of the nest mnUrinl Orders by mill promptly at tended In, v G. PHRRY Much I Iffo tb tnd Kar.a ririeti, IbB a WANTED, 200,000 Shingles, and 500.000 feet Pino and Hemlock Timber, for which tho high est market price will bu paid. Gram, Flour and Meat kept ou huud for sale nt my store. 0. KREA.MER. Jersey-town, .May II, Iriti3 Select School. The Hprinp Session of this School will open nn Tues day, the Irili lust., iu the Uasemunt nfthe German Re formed Church All the blanches of n, liberal English Kduration f. ill be taut lit. Prices will range from $3 tc $ii per nuartcr nf Eleven weeks. Instructions will be given in any of the fancy branch ts. and also on the Forte Piano or Melod'on, P.I.EUNUKA I LEeVIIKR. I'lonoul"!'; Apill S Utij. GO TO Treasy's Store, iu Light Street, Pa. Who Keep all of CALICO, MUSLINS,. SILKS, GINGHAM, FLANNELS, CARPETS, HOSIER?, SHAWL8, Ready-made (Jlothin, cougars, Molasses, Syrups, coffees, Teas, Fit!, Salt, Bacon, Hams, Lard, Tobacco, sgartf, Hats, Boot-, (Japs, Shoes, Drugs, Oila, Paints, &o., fio, la addition to our large stock ur Dry Goods, we hav a Imge and full assortment of Ready MHido' Clothing tin Men and Roys wear which we ire determined tn sell cheaper th in enn be bought elsewhere. Call' and see. and jadge for yuurselves QT7 They ulso keep a flno assortment of DRUG4 sod MEDICINES, to supply the absence of a reffefcw Dstig Btore in l.irht Street, which will' be carefuliv Voui. pounded and suitably directed for the sreoumdatloo-uf their customers. n. W. CREASY, & Co. Light Street, April W. IB63. PUBLIC SALE oy Valuable Real Estate, IN pursuance of an order of tho Orphan Court of Columbia county, ott Saturday, June lMh r0;. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, Peter K. Ilerbein. and .Mary George, Administrators of Jackson Gaorge.late of Locust tiiwtiship, iu said county, decease.!, will eipnsu to sale by Public Vendue, on the premises, it certain .Messuage and TRACT OF LAND, situate In Locust township. Columbia county, adjrdn. mg land of John lliue, uu the En.1, Daniel Ko.lrn bader. on thu West, George Roup, uu the Bouth, 4 Adam Marls, un thu North, contninrug EIGHTY ACRES, mot or Imnt principally improv 63 tamli, kJ v&eriv uu ufo orectud u inn iory FRAME HOUSE, And a good Frame Bank Ham, Lata the Estate ol said deceased, aituMo fa Ui tuwnshlp vf Locust, and cou my .foresaid. dlSBSE COLEMAN, Clerk, n'oouisburi, tday 6th, lrV.3, TERMS OF BALE; Ten per cent, on one-fourth of purchase money tot paid lutho Administrator nn-day of sale. Oae.foorib of purchase money Uss ten per cent to ue paid oa thu confirmation Nisti of the sale. The remainder of the piiichase money to bo paid in one year from confirms, lion wilh interest Irmn the confirmation. The Uraia growing uu tbo ptcinses nt time nf sale ia reserved The purchaser to pay fur Conveyance anil Kereau tuuips. PETER K. HERBEiy, . . , MARY GEORGE, - A(Jwr r Jls) l leva