Farmer's Dejpartffiorit. SH,OFUIiA).'! Boyg and Far ma. The limo was whon boys wcro consid crod of but trifling nocount upon tbo farm. Thoy answered to tun of errands and to do tbo light ''oboros" about the liouso and barn. To keop tbom out of michiof, when not attending school, thoy possibly did some sorvioo attrido tbo horso to murk out tho eorn ground, and cultivate tho corn and potatoos. Cut if ambitious to join tho men in tho field or olsowhoro tbo they equipped with tbo most wortbloss oasttisida tools, suoh as rusty booi, dull worn out sojthos,old fashioned forks,uscd up sboTols, dull axos, battered bammors, unfiled saws,and so on through the wholo oatalouguo of farm implements. Thoy grow weary using them and so would men bavo dono aocomnUshin? only tho same mount of labor. It would not bo strango it suoh treatment first planted disalisfao tion in tho heart or many farmer's boy, whioh finally riponod into utter disgust, tho seeking of employment bohind the counter of tlio villago store, or porhaps, in something less honorable, which in tbo end resulted in iniquity or ruin But now, boys upon farms arc equal to oo men .of those days. By the aid of tho sow class of implements thoy aro equiva lent to soveral men with tho best of the old implements. Boys havo indeed won derfully increased in importance in these last few years, and nothing is too good for the bravo, willing, ambitious little fellows, And thoy most riohly doscrvo their newly sained imnortanoe. Two and ono half millions of men taken from tho industrial parsuits of lifo for tho purpaso of war moro than ono half thoso direct from tho farming population, and an increased number of aorcs in cultivation, and an in oroas'ed yield in agricultural productions sava whero the vicissitudes of seasons or tho ravages of insects havo interfered. How could th'13 bavn been accomplished without the aid of tho noblo boys who havo remainod at homo ? Their work has been soaroely loss creditable or important than that of older ''boys in bluc,"who have labored in thoso othor fields where tho harvest has been tho harvest of death. We havo faith in tho farm boys of this day and generation. The nation owos them its sincere gratitude. Thoy are de serving of all tho bonefits that shall result from the Indus tral schools that aro about fcoing established. Their early lifo is a preparatory school that will teaoh them to appreciate the benefits and blessings that the agricultural colleges arc intended to dieponso, Honor, cnoourago, and care for tho boys of tbo farm. Some Rules for Pruning. Wherever any part of a tree does not grow freely, pruing of suoh weak growth will generally induco it to push more free lynext year, All scars made by tho pru ning of large branches should ba painted or tarred ovor, to keep out r.ain. Many fruit trees become hollow or fall into pre mature deoay from tho Tain penetrating tbr6uBh'bld saw cuts mado in pruaiiig.' Also, the branohes should bo out olose to the trunk, so that no dead stumps Bhall be produced on tho tree, and tho bark will readily grow over. Many persona cut off branches of trees in mid-snmmcr,in order that the retorning sap may speedily clotho any wound with bark, but tho loss of much foliage in summer injures tho tree, and besides, painting the scar removes all danger of rotting at the wound. Some judgemont is required in pruning flowering shrubs, roses, etc., although it is usual to act as if it wcro ono of the most eommon plaoe operation?. Ono of the most clumsy of the hands is common ly sent with tho sheers, and ho goes through the wholo place clipping off every thing indiscriminately. Distinction should bo made botwoon thoso flowering shrubs that mako a vigorous growth, and those which grow weakly and betweon thoio which flower on tho old wood of last year and thoso which flowor on tho bow growth of tho next soason, as tho effsot of prun ing forco a etrong. and vigorous growth. Those specimens that already grow too strong-to flower well,should only bo light It pruned : and in tho same manner, tbo weakest shoots should bo out' in more so vorely'than tho stronger ones; Some wings, uowcr on cue wooa ot last year to' prune thoso muoh now, thorcfore, de otroys tho flowering ; while such as al theas, which flowor on tho young wood, cannot be too scvorcly out in, looking to that operation alone. An Experiment with Potatoes. Isaao Hicks, Long Island, writes follows : "A neighbor last spring cut as all tho cyoa but tho strongest one.and planted tho potatoos in a row, giving thorn tho same chance na others planted in tho us ual way. When dug, these potatoesonoh Blows, yield a weight double the quantity oi ine eamo variety growing adjoining them xaoy were also ol largor eizo. liis tho ory is that one good shoot, taking its sup nort frnm a lanrn nnfntn ivlmn if. Iifminn In l -r. - -1) - . crow, will nroduoo much moro than when I tho subBtanoe, on food, is divided among several snoots, or even ono shoot with but a small picco of potato to oommonco its growth with. As this was tho fact, will it not bo a good plan (or other lo try tho ftfporiment ?" m:i. w.-wiiiLS' MIERlCkN COMPOUND For THE BLOOD. THIS old established, thoroughly tried Remedy, recommeded by some of the most mhwil Physician) has attained a cckbri y in most parts 0 the country, in curing SCROFULA OR A7A GS EVIL Scrofulous Sores, neseor Erysipelas. Scaled Head- nnil Mng Worm, Tetter or Salt RhenmaeitUr or Swell ed Neck, (so common wltliTwr American Female)."1, rablc Cancers and Cancerous Sores, Mains or Dolls, Chronic Ulcerated Sore. mw thlua, Mouth and Throat, Syphilis In nil Its forms, By Noallie or mcrcerrlal Sore mouth, and throat, chronic ptceration of the Lungs, Stomach and Kidneys, rim Dlos, rostuucB, and Hlotchcs. Khoumatlim, Female Weakness. Lercorrhao, (arising from internal tilcora on) Dropsy, Goncnal Debility, Emaciation and all dls sates of th: BLOOD In oasea of Costivencss or Constipation it NEVER FAILS. Its mild in its action, just sufficient to regulate tho bowels and keep them regular. Us unlike all prepa rations for tho Blood, having the laxative properties combined, As it contains Wild Clicrry, Mandrake and Dandelion prepared in a scientific manner it works wonderfully in cas. is of chronic affections of the LUNGS Liver & BOWELS. Chronic FILES, and permanently cured by the Altf r native and Laxative affect ono great feature In it, produces an APPLETTE-. from the commencement in short it is a very lino Ton- Its palatablo and can bo taken by the most del icate remalc or Child, It being purely vegetable thcro will be no harm done in taking It, if there i no benefit derived. Prepared by Dp. E, W, Wells', Practical Physician WILKES.BARRE, PA. OFFICE over L. 0. Pains Storo, Makkbt Street. For Sale by all Druggists throughout t hcountry. P.8. Every agent is authorized to refund the money whero tho compound falls to relieve. Full Directions accomtniny eachbottlo In English, Trench and Gcr man. N. B. No Carthctio medicine is re , quired. In treating FlVO thousand CaSOS, ' I havo never known a case to requiro I 1 . T I I Physio, or uuvu i uvur uuovru u to iau in thoroughly rompving tho disoascs. As I devoto all my time at tho study and treat ment of Disoascs OF THE BLOOD I am propared to givo advico (gratis) by ap plying to my office or by lettor, aocom- pnnied by a Stamp E. W. tVELLS, M. D. Wholesale, SI Cortland Street Now York. Hold by W II. Creasy & Co. Light Sirul - Dmjsun. lltrwick, Ta. J'Be'iS.iBOI.-l'iru Sohciik's Mandrake PI1ULS. FOR Sick AD A CHS, Its BrMrroMS, Oaube and Cuiie, ,II1S lias received its namo from a con stant nausea or sickness nt the stomach, which attends tho pain In the head. This headacho Is apt to begin In tlic morning on waking from a deep sleep, andulion somo irregulgrlty of die, has been oomuilt- cd o n llis day before, or sometimes for several days previous. At first there is n distressingly oppressive feeling in the head, which gradually merges lino a so vere heavy pain in the temples, frciucntly alien ded by a sense of fullness nnd tendcrnesa in one eye, nnd extending ncross the forehead. There Is a clammy, unpleasant tasto In tho mouth, an offensive breath.and the tongue covered with a yollowlBU white fur. The sufferer desires to bo alone In a dark room. As soon nstne patient foils the fullness In the head and rain In tho temples, tako a large dsse of Schlnk's nndrnko rills' and in an hour or two they will feel as well as ever. This has been tried by thousands, and is always sure to cure, and Idsteud of the sick headache coming on every week or ten dnjs, they will not be troubled with it onco in three months Schcnk's Mandrake rills aro composed of a number of root bcsldcj rodophinin, or concentrated Mandrake all of which tend to relax tho secretions of the liver and act moro prompt than blue pills or mercury, and without leaving nny dangerous effects. Inabillious person thev will show themselves by tho stools. They will expel worms, mucus, bile and all morbid matter from the system. In sick headache, if as directfd above, (afull dose as soon as they feel the first symptoms nflt Dr. Schcnck will and has directed his agonts to return the money If they do not give per fecc satisfaction, If a person has been compelled to stay out late al night, or dring toomuch wine, by laklngn dose ef pills on going to bed, next morning he will feel ns tho' the had not drank a drop, unless he forgets to go to bed nt all. They only cost 25 cents a box. Whoever takas them will never use nny other. They aro worth a dollar to a sick cost, man for every cent the j Don't forget the name-SCIIENCK'S .MANDATE ni.Ls. Hotj uholosnln nnd .emu n, n. a.i 1, i, i 1 iwiml andretoil at Dr.Schcnck'aPrincigay I OS&ce, No. IS, North Sixth Street, rclladclphia, and by Druggists and Storekeepers generally, Trico for Pulmonic Byrup, Seawood Tonic, sack 81 Su per bottle. 87 50 the half dozen, or two bottles ofsyr rup and onu of Tonic, for $7 75. Dr. Schcnck will bo nt his ofiiie, No, IS North St, Philadelphia, every Saturday to aeo patients, Ho makes no charge for advico, but for a thorough exam ination of the lungs with hie Rciplrometcr, lie charges three dollars. Maicli 1,I:W Keep Your Eye ON THIS PLACE, SECOND ARRIVAL OF NEW GOUDS. HAD enlarged nnd greatly Improved his storo Room and stocked It with n largo nt I interior Stock of H.W.L nnd WINTER 0001)8, uliiili will bo sold as low as nl nny oilier establishment in the country. Calicos at 10, 18, VJO and !i5 cents, Muslins, lilcachcd und Brown al 20, 28, up to 48 cents. DREM OOOIIS or every shade, quality andprlci'i n full lino of Domestic Goods, viz ! Checks, Stripes, Ticks, Llnncn and Cotton Table Diaper, Olnghams, Nankeens, Ac , &c. A good supply of Ladies Shoes and Gaiters New stock or Hats aud Caps. All Wool Ingrain and Collage Carpels, a splendid article just opened nnd for tale, A fresh supply of Groceries and Spices, a new lot or CADAR AND WILLOW WARR. MACKERAL by tho quarter, half nnd whole barrel Nos. 1 and S, medium and large. Also, a large und splendid assortment or new designs. Also, n now lot of TRUNKS and Oil Cloth Satchels, Having bought these goods before tho late rise, I nni prepared to sell low, cheap as the cheapest fur cash or country produce. wc study to rr.cAau. liloomsburg, Jan. 7, 1X5. Keeling lil-ivad. WINTER ARA.NG EIViENT, November 7th. iHlil. rircat Trunk Lino from tho No.lli ik1 PhltniiO nhln. N'ow-Yai . It, .!. A North -Wckt for riillnde phia, Now-Yoi , lug, Pottsvllle. Lebanon, Alluntnwn, li.lstou, r, Ur. Trnlns leave Ilarrislmrg fur Nuw-York, u follows . Al 3 01) and t. IS A. M. nnd I.M P. M., arriving .it New i Vork nt III A M aud 'JAj and 111 110 P. H. Tin: abnvu connect with Trains on III IVnu . svlvnnla Hail Road, and &1imoiiz Curs ncconio it v tt,,i flrst IwoTrulns, without rliaon I Leave fur Uendlnjr, Pottsvllle.Tumaqua, Mini ;sillo. Allcntnwn.aiid Phlladc nhia at CIS A. M. an 1 1.45 P. M slopping at Lebanon nnd principal Station' only. I ti ny i rains, slopping ni mi poinis, ni t i il,nnil, 4.40 P.M. Ilfturniug; Leave New-York at !l V M., 15 noon, and 7.00 P. M. Philadelphia ntMA.M aud 3.M I P. M ; Pottsvlllo at 8 50 A. M. nnd MJ P. M i faina'pia ataiOA. M. nnil'.M5I'. M.nnd Rending nt 18 .iildnlglit, 7.a.5 and 10.13 A. M 1.3d and liuj P. M. 1 Rending Accomodation Train; Leaves Reading nt (I 30 A. Al. returning lrom Philadelphia nt 4.3 P.M. 1 Columbia Railroad Trains leavo ReadiiM at ti. Ill and Jl A M. lor Kplirnin, Litis, Uuiumaia, &c ' On Sundays j Leavo New-York nt 7 P AI Philadel phia 3.15 P. M., ruttt.vlllo7.30 A.M., Tn.uaqu.i 7 A. M , llarrisbiirg H 12 A. M., aud Ueuding at IS midnight, for llarrlsburg. Cominutatinn, Mileage, Season, g.,oo1, and excur sion Tickets to and from all points, at reduced Kates. llaggage checked through ; CO pounds allowed each Passenger. O. A. NICOI.I.S, -'twrrtii Stijicrintnulwt Rbiiunii, Pa. Nov. 20, It-CI JACOB LADOMUS, DEALER IN Enolish, Swiss and American JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, &a. 018 Marlet Strcit, corner of Diculur, Philadelphia. Dealer in American, English and Swiss Wntrheo, making a speciality uf th" celebrated " Watch, which he would recommend to all winning a good lime keeper, ana will bo sold ut (he lowest price aud arc the cheapest and best fur the price. March 4, IWii.-ly, The Berwick House Jlcrwich, Columbia co., Pi' f HE undersigned would respeitfully announce to ins iiiicnus ami mo )uuiic generally, tnai- having lensed this well-known house ho has given il athorougu leiiovation, i lie rooms navunicii re-pupui ed and the entire establlsliuieiil elegantly refurnished lleing pleaBanlly and eligibly located, and provided with all the requisite conveniences, it offers to the public the combiMed advantages of A -First-Class Hotel. HIS TARLB will always be supplied with the besUhe markets afford, nnd HIS ll.Mt with the choicest li quors. Travellers, drovers, teamsters. Iin.irderw A. r accommodated to general sati.factioii. Careful and nr conimodating Hostlers always in altendanco. Stablin I the most complete and extensive In this section. J. P. S1HBE T. MayS8,ieoi. . TINWARE & STOVE SHOP. qillE undersigned respectfully informs his old friend X nnd customers, that he has purchased his hrmhers merest in the abovo establishment, and tho concern wits iiereuuer no cunuucieu Dy llllllscll exclusively. He has lust received nnd offers for safe, the Inrn. ale, est and most extensive assortment of FANCY dj uvuo ever introduced into una market. His stuck consists of n coionlete assortment nf lie tlCbt Coukilli; and Iturlor Rtnvec In tlin mnrbnt l.-trr,.,!,. cr with Stove Fixtures of every description, Ovon'hnd ' I Box Stoves, Radiators, Cylindar Slovcs, Cast Iron Air thov are t.,ken Tishl 8toves- Cannon Stoves, tic, &c. Btovepipu and , ,u c" Tinware constantly on hand and manufactured to order. I All kinds of repairing done, as usual, on short notice. I The nntronagt) of old friends .in, I new riiBtnmur. re. pectfully solicited. A. RUPERT. ' uioomsuurg, novrmoerad ihco. tr. fllauljOOd . IlOW LOSt llOW RCSlonUl. Just published, n new edition of Dr. Cut I verwell'sl elcbrnlcil Ets.iy on the radical cure (without medicine) of fticriuatorrhrra. oi seminal wrakuess. Involuntary Losses, Impotuucy, Aleutel und Physical Incapacity, Impeiidimcnts to marriage, ci,: also, Consumption, Epilepsy, ami Fits, induced by telf-indulgence or sex ual uxtravaganru, SET" Price, in a sealed envelope, only six cents. The celebrated author in this admirable essay clearly demonstrates, from a thirty yeals' successful practice, that tho uluruiiiig consequences of self abuso may be radically cured wiihnutthu dangerous use of internal medii ino or the application of the knife pointing out a mode or cure at once simple, certain, and effectual, by meuns of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may euro himself cheaply, privately, nud radically. CD" 'Ihis Lecture should bn in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, postpaid,. ut receipt of six cents, or two post stains, Address Ihe publishers, Oil AS. J. C. KLINE JtLV, 1J7 Broadwuv New York. Post (Jtlico llox 4.511. April I,lb(i5 628. HOPKINS' 628. ! II O V g K I R T MANUFACTORY, ' No. 028 ARCH Street, above Oth., Phil'a WHOLESALE .J- RETAIL. The most compleio assortment and bent quality un-l et)les of Ladies', Alisses' and Children's Hoop Skirls, in Iho city. Thusu of "Our Otvn Alake," aro gotten up expresely to meet tho wants of First Class Retail Trade, embracing all the new and desirable styles, sizes, lengths and size walls, in trail and plain Skirts, from I'J to St) springs, from 33 to 11 inches lung, and 3 .31, '.'1,3,31, 3), nnd 31 yards round the bottom ; ikak- i Ing more than a hundred varieties for Ladies ; in Mis scr' and Children's Skirts wo nro beyond all competi I lion , nu mat aro inauo ny us uavu stamped on thu Kid j pad, .illopkin's Hoop Bkfrt Manufactory, No.2d Arch i Street. Phltadelnhla. and urn wnrrntitnil in p,v s.nttfl. tion ; nu that aro inauo by us havo slumped on thu kid gun, -'iiupKin s iioup oRiri mnnuiuciory, wo, una Arch trcct, Philadelphia, and are warranted lo give satis faction. Ci-Agents for tho "NEW I'LEXIIILE" SKIRT, the ii)il pliable Hoop Skirts made, equal to llradley's "Duplex Eliptlc" Sklit, and at much lower prices Also, constantly in receipt of u full assortment of good Eastern madu Skirts, which aro being sold ut very low prices. Kid padded and mctallc fastened 15 springs SS cents, SO springs 31 uo, 23 springs 91 15, 30 springs 81 S3 and 40 springs 8150, Skirts made to order, altcrod and repaired' Terms Cash, One Price Only. For Ciicuinr containing Catalogue of stylus, lengths, sixes and Prices, call at or address by mail, inclosing Stamp for Postngo, IIopkinB' Hoop Skirt Manufactory, No. 028 Arch Stroct, Philadelphia. arch II, IfttM, 3m. CLAIM AGENCY. ''PHE undersigned, desires to call tho JL attention of tlio Public lo his facilities for obtain ing Pensions, Ilountlcs (Local nnd novcrnmenl) llnun. tv Lands for Soldiers, Hack. puy. Settlement ofolllccr's Accounts. Ut. Discharged Soldiers nr their hot: s can get their full Uountles, ihough generally they havo onlv received part. No charges for information, nor unless claim is secured, Ollirowitli E. II, Little, l!s'., in tviiuu iiuurj uii.j'ii,, iiuiuw j.Jirimiigu noiei. 0 li BUOCKWAY Muill lvM.-Jy TO ALL INVALIDS IRON IN TPHE BLOOD. It Is well known totho medical profession that IRON Is tho Vital l'rlnflpln or Life Element of tho blood This la derived tnicuy trom mo ioou wo cni i uui in foodls not nrohcrly digested, orlffromnnycnuso what ever, tho nccossnry quantity of Iron Is not taken Into tho Circulation, 0V becomes reduced, the wholo system suuers. 1IIU IKltl 'IIUUII Will ITriLIIIU uiu in in., Clog up tho lungs, will obstruct thn liver and will send Itsdiscnso-producliig elements to nil parts or tho sys tem, and every onu will suiter In whatever organ may be predisposed to illsenic. Tho great value of IKON AS A MEDICINE Is well known and acknowledged by all incdicrd men The diinciilty has been to obtain such n preparation o it as will onlcr tho circulation and assimilate at onco with tin Illonil. This point, says Ur. Hayes, Massach usetts Statu Chemist, has bcennttnlneil In tho 1'eruvi an Uyrup, by combination in a way before unknown. THE PERUVIAN SYRUP . a Protected solution of tho Protoxide of Iron a New Discovery In Medicine that Strikes at tho Knot of Dis ease by supplying the blood with its Vital Principle or j,lfe Element Irun, THE PERUVIAN SYRUP Cures Ut spppila, I.lvcr Complaint, l)ropy rcVer.itul Ague, I. oas uf Lncrygy, Low Spirits, THE PERVl'IAN SYIWP Infuses xlri iiglli, vigor and new life Into the systeiii,nml builds up nil "Iron Constitution. 77 A' I'ERUVUN SYllVl Cures Chronic o :i. tVri'l'nl.l, IIiiIId, Scurvy, Loss of t.'m.tlitiitMiiiul Vigor. THE I ER V VIA iX YR UP Cures NurVniis .iTi rllon, tVnnlo Complaints, and all ilisrusi'M of tho Kiduiys iiil.l llluilder. Til li I'E R Ul'JA NVR UP ,.r(ir. r,,rull dlii-s originating In a bad state r i ... .. i .,.., i.u n..i,iiu..n. ,. i n... .i. of the System. Systeu Pampbli t.i containing cenitlcatus of cures and rccom. ineiiilatiiius friiiu souiu of the uintl eiulneut i'llyslclaui i'.h'fji iniM,, and others, 111 be sent I'ret- In nny address We select u few of the mimes to tdinw the character of Ihu ti'rtliiioii.iN. jdiin r. williams,, Prcsldoiit of Hid All Irupiiiitnn llnnk, New York. Ri;v. AIIIIL ttTI.V'UN'H. Late lMilor Chrintaln Advonitc nnd Jnnrnal. Rev. I' CHURCH. IMiturNew York Chrnnirle Rev John Pierpnut, Lewis Johnson. AT D. Rev Warren ISiirtou, Rev Arihur II Fuller, Rev tiiirdoii Robliiiis, Rev SyUniiusl'ulib, Itev. T. Slarr King. Rev I'phruim Nine, Jr., Rev Joseph II (,'liuch, Kev. Henry Ulili.nn, Rev P O lleaillev. UOsnctl Kinney Al II,, S IC Kendall At D. W R ChMiolm, M D. Francis Dana, Al I). Jeremiah Stnho, Al, D Jose Anto. tianche. Al D Abraham WcmMI Al D. A A Hayes, Al I). J R Chilton, M D. Rev John W OlinesLind, II, E. Kinney, Al I). Prelilirud v N I, CLARK ii CO exclusively for J. F.lllNSAlOltil, No l!i llroadway New York. Sold by nil Druggists, No r.miily Should be Without it, Only S3 cents a box fOR SM.H UY P DINSJIORE Nni'JI llroadway, New York. J.W FOWLK & CO No. i Treinont it Dillon b And by all Druggirts and Country Strockcepcrs. RERDINtiS'S RUSSIA SALVE FORTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE. ln fully established tho s ilpe.lorily of RED DING'S RUSSIA SALVE, Over all other healing prcpa.-ations. It cures all kinds of So-es, Cuts, Br ,ldB, Hums, HoiU leers, Salt Rheum, E yslpeiu Sites Plies, Corns. Sore Hps Soro eyes, J.C., reiroving the pain at oncu, and Reducing the most angry I ookiug Swellings and inllaination as if by magic. Only 25 cents a box. 01 tMLK Ui J P HINSAIOI'.E, No.4!H llroadway. New York, d W LOU LE At CO., N i, IdTreini it-st, Hnston, And by all Drugglfls, Mnj 7, lrr,4-li!ui, nPIIE ntiilernlpt..iM nfm nxteaslvelv enrrnsr.t 111 Jl Undcrtakinir Uniintii. and keeps constantly on hand nd for sale nt his Warerooms, a largo assortment of FINISHED COFFINS, Ily which he is enabled to fill orders on presentation n good Horse and Hearse, and will at nl times be ready to attend Funercls. SIAION C. SHIVU. nionnitber;, January B9, lrJSU J. p. tven. L K. HOVE New Drug Store. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL THE undersigned would inform their friends nnd the public genurally.that they have taken the stand for merly occupied by (Sen. Al. Ilagenbiich, lu tho Exchange lluilirjng, on Main Btreet, in llloonisbtirg, whero he has Justrei civeu n full supply of Drug,, Uletliciiies, Paints, Oils, fjamps, &c, Which will bn sold on moderate terms for ready pay, ! Also, NOTIONS generally, of every variety, sort and size. i Physicians prescriptions carefully compounded, nt all times and on short notice. I Cr Confectioneiy of tho best selections, ond Soda Water In season, C?" A share of tho public custom is respectfully su iriied. EYER li JIOYER. nioonisbiirg, Aprf II, IP03. ISAAC K. STAUFFEFt, W ii.lL, it 1Y1 AilJilC AND No. M8 North Second St., cor. of Quarry, PHILADELPHIA. An assortment of Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Waro constantly on hand. tEf Repairing of Watches and Jewelry promptly at tended to, ' ' 1 ' January 4, 1803, ly. OENTISTKY. HOWE R, SUHGEON DENTIST, H. C. lUHPECTFULLY ofTcrs his profess ional services totho ladies and gentle men of liloonisburir and vicinity, He is op-ra.lon. in tl o uV of hii'nd I, pMed .11 will bo Inserted on gold, platinn, Oliver and rubber blto ,in, ' 'e"l1l"on, (!' Upniummion and llrourhial athc tojowull as the imtuial teeth. 'ueucruaso 0 is has been intended witti great success.- 1 , 0 , 0, ! nrJ.".'1 1'""0 "T1 b,ock. manufactured and all S.L ', 00 ri!i r,x k ".'"i1'"' ns'1'-""" "" sir KiAtBikia fflsviiiT" BELL fit ALLABAOH, Propriaors. CORNER. Or THIRD ST,y PENESYLVANIA A V WASHINOXOH, D, Oi IMPORTANT TO LADIES. TUB riliVATE MlilrlML ADVISER, An InvaliiaMo treatise of CI pog'Siby published fur tho benefit of tho sex. I On receipt ofTBN OENTS. It will bp sent postpaid, I .! H P?'!!!?.t! ""SI Tit, h'a'nl.cnse. ,,0- ciar to females, together with means of cure, and i treats ef Conception, Pregnancy, iiiitcnrringe,oi.-n,n, u...!.) AI.H.H. I'.uinnBMi lltfirl. l'oninlo Weakness 1..,. jt, nn.l ntnrl, nlltnr vntlinblo Informa- 10n not published In nny other wo 8,onld procuro n copy without delay. rnnr-.n ltritnnvu. Amino. EA0I1. luvo nlrcady liccn published nnd distributed tills year Harvey's Female Pills, tho most Infallible nnd popular remedy ever known for nil diseases of the femalo sex They have been used in many thousand cases with unfailing success-and .,i l.o rullm! no In nvervrrtMn Cor whirl tilllV nru ru toinniclided, and particularly in all cases arising from Obstruction, or Stoppage of Nature, no mailer from what cnujii It arises. They are effuc tu itl In restoring to health all who aro suffering from Weakness nnd Debility, Uterine Discharges, Nervous ness &c.i&c, and they ACT LIKE A OH ARM 1 , In strengthening nnd restoring thu system. Thousands of ladles Wha have suffered for years and tried various other remudics In vuln. owe a renewal of their health nnd strength wholly to eiheacy of Dlt. HARVEY1 FEMALE PILL. ' They nro not n now discovery but alon, tried remedy, thu celebrated DR. JOHN IIAKVEY, one nf tho inon eminent physicians, prescribed tr.'m for many years In lilt privalu prncll:!.', and no phys, ci.iu was moru truly populur or widely known than 111 in in I h 'J treatment ol I FEMALE DIFFICULTIES. All ho have used Dr. Harvey's Female Pills recom mend them to others Nursu recommend them -Drug (l-uniul Dealer recommend them in p-elVrenco to oilier iiR'dli liii!!", becniUe of thulr merits. No l i ly ob jects lu lake th in fur they are elegantly Prepared by an experienced Oiicnii-t. They are perfeitly li.irmtuts on the nylnm, may be taken ut any limn Willi poifert safety i but during the early slagus of Pregnancy they kIioiiIiI hut be taken, ur uiuIj airl.igii may bo taken, ur a miscarriagu may be Urn result. They never came any sickness pain ur distress. Kachbux contains sixty pll.s ami full dlr ictiuiis lor ute. ; PRICE ONE DOLLAR. , rC?" Cut this nolico out If you desirn Dr. Harvey's I Pills or Rook, and II you uiiinnt procure tloini uf yon r drucgi-t, do not lake any oilier, for some, dealers w ho nru unprincipled will rcrommeiiil other l'em'lu I'll is, tin y ran iiiaki! a larger prulit on but euclosu the money and send illicit to Dr. J. Bit RAN. Gunural Accnt. lloXJUi '. 1,V !, . iV,,i .;,i, I Who will take all risk If properly directed; and Jou iN 1 Mill IIIUH, flfS. I'll,,,, BV.UIklj OVUK.t. ..v.-. - - servnliuu, by return iiinll. SOLD llY DRUUIJISTS GIINCRALLY. DEAIASUARNl'.S 4cC0.. Ntw Youk. Whn'psnlu Agents. Third Edition, Jlfty Thousand, Do ;wgcs, cloih covets, BY H013T. E HELL, M. D., Atnmher of tint Royal Colleiru of Purgenns. London, iidilrrsscd to youth, thu married, and those CONTEMPLATING MAHKIAGE. S-nl by mail, post paid, on receipt n' TEN CENTS. A careful perusal ol this small bok has been a LOON TO THE AFFLICTED ! I nnd has saved thousands from a life of miner) and nu I UNTIMELY Git VE. , it treats on the evils of Youthful Indi-rri Hon. Silf I Abuse, Seminal Weakness, Emission. iVmiiiI I eases, (leuiliil Hi billly, Loss of Power. Ncn dihiiusj, Preniaturo Decay, Impotence, &r. .l;c, whlrli unlit , the biillerer frmu lullilling Ihu OlIl.ia.lTlOXS OF .VJIU1MC1K, and illustrate thu meant, of curu by the ti" "f HKLL'S PEG IF10 P1LI.S, and oilier Irtaliiienl nece'-ary In suiiio raui. and Which Ntver fails tn Cure t ami am In iclird on. They do not naueato thn stumaeh or rcinler lie: breaih oifeiisivo, nud 'hey can bu USED WITHOUT Dl'.TI'!" TlON. They do not Interfere with business pitruils, and are ppccdv in nrtiou. NOtllANOEOF DIET Ir) NKCESSUtV. They are IVanauleit in all aw. to be i llectual in remmiug and curing the di.ease, 1 Upwards of two thi'it'iind cases are on record I HAVE WEEN CURED ibyiiiimr IIELId SPECIFIC PILLS, nnd c. rtiflcates I can bu shown lrom many that lone used them NOCABi; OF FAILURE EVER OCI'l'Rr!. Upwards of a Hundred Pisiuans o. tin ni ..xtmi I sivel) in Ihtir wi.ile prat tlee, and the) cunuot eil'ei I cures viu:oiii mem. HELL'S PE01PIO PILLS Are Hie original and only gennlne Specific Pill There are a liu;t uf imilators-IIEWAIIE OFTI1E.M. TIIKE A HE WAltREXl'E I) Tin y are adapted for mala or female, old or yourg, .iit,i arc ine ouiy rename remedy known lor Ihu cue oi an diseases arising lrom Y O UTUFUL JND1SCR E TION, In nil Sexual Diseases, aw nononhe.i. Slrltturo lilect, ami in all Urinary nud Kidney complaints, Ihc ' ACT LIKE A CHARM ! Relief is experienced by taking a single box; ami lrom lour m si notes feneraily ctleel a cure. SOLU ll Y DiluniilrSTS GENERALLY, in l,ea containing -y pills, price 81, or six boxes, $3; also in largo boxen, containing found' the silnnl, prices'). n juuiiLvuiiit-Muuitui Mill 1 ill-., cill Ulll IIIIS Hill er ti-eineiit for reference, nnd If vou cannot nrucuro ihem of your -rusgint, do uol bu imposed on by any other reiueiiy, uui euciusu uiu money in a letter in tlio pro prktor, IU. J. JRRYAN, Box .1070, 4 12 llroadway, N. Y. who will take all risk if propel ly directed, nnd will semi i ne nils, secured observation, by return man, i osi I'aiu. 8CI.U HY DRUOOISTSnENCRAI.LY. DEM AS UARNES ft CO., New York, Wholesale Agents. TO THE AFFLICTED ! FROM DR. J BRYAN, CONSULTING PHYSICIAN. No. -llii li roadway. New Fork. Medical treatment, to be turcnskful, must bn ndapted I" Kin, l"iinvinu, lUHU, III, i Hie lILlUai COIIIIIUOU 111 tllC patient al tho lime, and regulated from timn to time. as Uiu uxisonciea or tho casu rviiiro. Aludjiino acis moro potently on 6nino persons than on others, and it shoitlu bo uiliniiiiflered Willi a view to neil nature and nut In lortu it All who arc afflicted with Chronic Difficulties nf any kind, and have fulled to ol tain permanent ben elit from the treatment uf their family physician, aro solicited to give me a statement nr their cnuditjou, aud I will advio them, ireu nf charge, what treatment is necessary lo ensure recovery! tho time required, and the expense. 1 Iduhiret'i prescribe nr givo mUico only in such complicated and clnunlc cises ns have bullied the skill of othur physicians. To ul I Bin hi will pay speedy attention, and givo ; every case my serious consideration. Advice without medicine Is seldom foro. when addressing me, enclose one dollar in vour letter, for which I will give my candid opinion and odvice. and such medicine as I can airurd lor thu same by return or mall i and uill also stale upon what terms I will undertake the casu .My professional attention is given limn paitlculnriy t the following diseases, which I inaku 'special is oriny prilession ; ami I can treat them as' well "," distance as if called upon personally. All Chronic aud Complicated AiTeolions of the Systora, (and all diseases peculi ar to to Females ) Dyspepsia and Liver Coiiiplaiun, Chronic Headacha u Rr .,f ,i7. I'n- . .tfuu Buncnu IH-llll- Ilainatorv Disease of the Eye's wiTum Cnlarririe i n,, V J'l'J)tccc, Urethral and Vaginal lli. charges, Sexual ami Urinary Diseases generally. i.-.mks, viinuiifB uihi 1 UlllOrrii Consumption, Bronchitis, and Lung Did casos gonornlly. .,.'l,trca,l,l!oonlllls,8Ul''cc, i'lu.trntiug the various .f"!,!,0 " "0' l-P'''i " reVeipV of a pi, -.... ...,M m.iauiiiiai mode or treatment, will 1,. ins, i iai nayo riein given over by other Physic niu as ' BV nI,5 Hr'oi,hva5U'7l'''e Write jour natiiuplaiii'aUo tu'wiV. coui'ily an.iV'1'm," 11111I .1 nply will ho mailed ai r,,nU oi,ib " Hbr.uirylllIM5.,,9w jTlic I.cltigli (inttitJ1 Potvdcr IS warranted to lft Hie most nwtl (til agent for tho stnin. nrh and blood of Cattle, Bwinn, nr Sboop, In pro Hiding illgcslliin.cteans Ing thu system mid Iran C tho purl lied nil Imnl fluid lu flesh, fat. milk, butler nndMrcnmli nnd vstnbliililng health ami vigor. duyoy's iioiisn & MUI.i: roWDCR Is the only medicines legally latenicu in i rnnco, and, Swlttcrlnnd and Holland, and duly ad ...!...! I... , . lioiiorcd with iirlzo moil nls. nnd Invented by Mr. Duvoy, Professor of the Ini nerlal Collcgo for Anrlculturo nt Paris, nnd Jiuw man ufaciured by C. O., Dr' of ., and ., Allen town, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania. All diseases of tho Stomach, lllnod. Lungs mid How els, speedily nnd certainly cured. Healthy slock will bo brought Into tho very highest stnto ol porfcclion nnd ono or IwalablcspooiifUl a week. Is ofgreatvalui to hard working horses, breeding slofk nnd colts, ani saved thousands ol valuable horses from contagions diseases, as well at Ihc narn-ynrd as In tho army. ' thu Lr.maii woiiaI confuct onb cffectuallvovcrcomo oil tho obstacles which usunll prevent the expelling of worms, are pleasant to take iiud nlso onn of the most agreeable purgatives loi children, So confident is Urn Inventor of the succo cl his laborious studies, In Iho pathological couipu.l lion of this prepnintlon.that lie furiilsbes every gi .d tinted phylrlnn, with' n written prescription, as n xi. u era in malerla mcdlrn. ..... ,,.,. , TUB UNION ROACH. RAT. MICn ANI) ANT E. TERMINATOR, ' Is a pnwder for Hie sure extermination of nil crmln wlll licvcr change with ngo and illmatu, and mile preferable to the old Phosphorous Paste, which hard- ens In a short time, making It worthiest. I'or direc tion nnd p.irllculars see tho small bills in the boxes. tCT" One hundred nnd thlrtf-seveii premiums have been awarded tu these celebrated preparations, up to I October !i. ibill. ... , RoYAt. K RoyilH. are the nhulesnle Agent. InPhil'a 1 I'nr sale by all respcrtnblo Drug and caiiuiry stuies, ' November 111, IHil l.'ni. the ctitiiVi' U'biit.ii's i-Aiit i:MiiiiITion iiui; IN LONDON vr,l. TMOS. W. A1ATTB0N Wns awarded the Prize Med al for his superiority overall competition in thu United Slates for hli improvements in Tl'slVCllilig TrllBKS, .0 lie uring uiu iiivuiuor linn 4JftJSj4 "(Jlij" ,1ltllllll,l.,il "I -Iiwru. Spring solid Sole Lenlheraud solid Riveted Iron Frame Travelling Trunks., Hal IJuses. Carpel lings. Leather ll.igs. Umbrellas and Hobby Ilnrse... Hoys' Clgs, Propellers, Wheclbcrrows, tic. which h is prepared to sell nt Iho lowest innuufni turini price. The most exttoislvu Trunk and Carpet Hag Maiiufactiir er in l'liilndelihla. lU'J Al AltKLT STRIILT, one door nbeve I'ourtli, South side, PHILADELPHIA. tty"Sale room on tho first lloor. 07"Triinks neaiiy npairen or exi Hansen inr new ones. Call and see, as wo sell very rheap for uisli. , (,Vl , mi:i I'.'inu IViES'B'BOlSiVt EIOTsEBj Nos. 9, 11,13, 15, 17 Couitlandt Gtreet NEAR HROADWAY. NEW YORK CITY This old-established and favorite resort nf the Huh uess Community has been recently refitted, nud is com plete in everything that can mlnimer In the cumrurls of is patrons Ladies and families arc specially and tare fully providid for. It i centrally located in Ihu hu'iness part of Iho city, and is contiguous tu Iho principal linos c,f steiiiiilioau cars, omniliusse-i ferries, &c. In cunseqiienco uf the pressure caused by the Rebel Hon, prices hate been reducud to One Dollar m d Fifty Cents per Day, 'the table is amply Fiippned with all the limine r, Ihe seaxni, and is i-iuul to that m any other hulel in tin country. , , Ample ai roiiiiiioil.ilions aro otlered for upward nf .!( gue -it-.. Do not liellen iiiniiers.nackmeii, nud otliers who may .-.iy '11111 WH'rii Hotel 11 full." D. D. WINCHESTER, Proprietor. TlltH. II. WlNCIII'.Hl'ER Feb. l.l, .t,'J. i' t Ti "1 v v. ' iv .x.x 1M1F, I'roptn tnrnftlils well know 11 nud cenlrnlly Inra . ted lliuise. III" DM iumik llotft,, mi M,,,, troot. 111 liloouifliuri:, iniiueiiiiilely 3',i.oiie t.c Coliun bin Coiiuiy Cimrl Home, rcpcctfuliv iiil'iirms hU Irienda ami thu public in general, that lilt IIuumi is nuv. in or tier lorill" receii'l'in uiioenieriiiinuieill Ol l ravelers 111 may feel disputed In rai'orit with llieir 1 ifloin. He has spared no rxpuisu 111 prep.iiiuu lliu E.rn imii-, t',,r ih enti'ilaiiiiuent nf his giiests, neitli T sh'ill Iherc bu mn thing wmiling (on hi, part) to minister to tin 11 i,erson,i comfort. Hi huueo is spacious and enjoy 1111 uxcelki. bu-iiiOMi on anon. "'i iinihuseit run nt all times between the Ex , Hotel and arioiH Kail Depots, l,y which 1 ';c iers vm pi, nenniiy cnuvuyeii to anil from tu t spt cl,e rfilloiid in ilia tiuui to meet the I irt NEW OMNIliUS. I ho undorfignc'd, gvalcful for past. put. rJirige, lespecifully inf rms the Travelling Pu',1, liu Insjust prticuroil from New York iicv,, henuirul nmi capacious Phoenix Company Coach, by w hi h means he is now- enabled lo nuney Pr, sengers and ll.iggacu snfely and comfortably Jmtwei 11 iiiomsbure 1 Ihe several Kail Road Depots, 10 me 1 li'i' IiaiiH. ll will be his study lu accommodate hi. cu-tomers In thulr sau,lurtlou. Ill solicits tto publn patronage. . CO FARE MCESTS. ,,, , , JACOI1 L (JIRTO.V Uloomsbiirg, January T, IPiH, New Grocery 8 lore. MORE PRESII tiOODS. (Fornurlt Enttmas' old Sianrl) on Main Sired, liloumsburg, rPHE undersigned has jut received a JL good stock of FALL A XI) WliiTVM 1)11 V GOODS, of nil kinds, Men's Heavy A Fresh Lot of Groceries. of all Mile's, surh as Alolasses, I Tottf, I Ricn, I Fish, -'ugars, I Colloo, j Spices, ' Salt, JSats and Caps, Tobacco, Sizars, Candiop, Razens, Lani. FEED AND PROVISIONS ... , HENRY GIGER. Iliouni-burg, Dec. 111. leill. NEW STORE it CHEAP GOODS, 'QUI K SALES ANI) SMALL PROFITS. ' TIP , u"(,crsiS"cd) having inkon tlio s,HM 1 P "I'il by James K.' Eyer, on Main S ' '"uu,sburg,J,,rd0s,,c,K,;'i erailv1",h',',"!!if !',"", hU frlum, a,ul Vc g. n nubl receive a il nru or Ihe puoiii patronage, and trusts hat he ran render ucnei il sntisfuitiun by selling them thn best 'lualiiy of .iiaiaaciBAKwiasu, on fair terms nud at satisniciory prices. His stock consists, in part, of IJIIV (JOODH, 'i.' CltOCEItlKS, Plrtn, (IUEEN8WARE, WOODEN WAUC, IIOOTH, SHOES, and especially uitli a splendid variety t'Ala' A'? LADIES DRES8 GOODS, Teally (,ay.U " M '"" lhV' f' ' giioTl:0"r"r' ,""ll,rc' een'-ratly taken in exchange f- in i , ANDUEW lllooiiulnrg, Jin. 7, lrtOJ-y, TEltWILI.ICER National Foundry. IW.OOMSHCRG,COLUMWACO.,PA '1 'JeiiIi,'teP,'0,rl'.','.,r "n,la nl"lve ""'"O'1 H a tensile estiililishnieiit, is nuw preiiurcd toreceiv nlvr for til tl.. .1 n ,ul 'IUS 01 i'l.'U Jl HCI'V. wSw""' "r " Wni '"' U';t" '" vul ? '"I'lblislnueni h Inca.ud uear tho LackawaU' na 1,1 "'"''Urgltailroad Depot, i-acsanau VlPEJI BIM.MKVt&