Farmer's Department. 53 DRIVING' HOME THE COWS. Out cf ihe clover and blue-eyed grass, lie tinned ihrm Into Ihtf rivcilaHe . Ono 5 flft another hn lot tlicm pass, Titen faitcncd the meadow bars ngattt UnJirthe wHows;mdovcr tlio hill He patiently followed their olict fata Tha merry uhlnle for onci) was itill, And tomethlng shadowed tha a'limy (a' . Only s Imy I and till father hid tall Ho never could let hit you 11 gelt gu! tfwn tilready wsro lying di'nd, Undir tlio feet of the trampling foo. ' llut after the evening work tvni done, And tbu Ircgi wctu loud In tha meadow iwituir, Over hie ihoulder ha slung ill gun. And itcallhlly followed tha foot-path damp. Aeroee the elovtr and through-list wheat, ' With rosoluta heart and putpusq. grim, 1 Though cold wan the dew on hie harrying feet, 'And th 1 blind tuti flitting aiarllcd ht.n. Tnrlr.a since then had the tanas been white, And the orcharoV sweet with .Tpplo bloom 1 Aid now, when the cons ennia back at night) The feeble father drove them homo. ' For new had come to th" lonely Tann Thai thtoc were lying where two h 1 1 lain 1 1 And tha old mm's tremulous, palsied aria Could novcr lean 011 11 son's again. j Tha eummcr day grew cool and lata ; j lie went for the cows when his work wan done ' Out down the lane, ns lin oienod the gate, ' lie aaw them coning, oiu by one. 1 Bridle, Ebiny, SpickU and Hess, Shaking their hornrf In tha evening wind, Cropping the buttercup out of thcrnsj Dot who was it following cloic behind I Looiely iwnng in the idle air The empty sIpovu of army blu , And worn and pale, from the crisping hair, Looked out a face that tha father knew. I'or'tfouthern prisons will sometimes yawn, And yllild their dea I unto life again ; And the day that coinca with a cloudy dawn In golden glory ul last may wane, 1 The great tear (prang to their meeting eyes ; i'ui thd heart must speak when tha lips are dumb Anil, under the silent evening' skies, TugclMcrhey followed the cattle home. Age of Sheep for Mutton. A lato English writer says : "A sliccp to bo in high order for tho palato of tho epicure should not bo killed earlier than five years old, at which ago the mutton will bo rich and tucoulent, of a dark color and full of the richest gravj ; whereas, if onlj two ycara old, it is flabby, pale and flavorless." This id doubtless true, but when aball wo -have wcll-fatiod'fivc ycara old mutton in tbo United States? Mutton hero is .coming into favor moro and moro every ear, and there in every inducement, from tho high piiccs that a choico article com mands, to meet this growing demand, Wo ato some Kentucky mutton lately that was really fine tender, juicy and hfgh flavored ; but such mutton cannot be ob tained every day at any price. With as fine country as any in the world for sheep railing, we are lamentably behind tho oge in developing its capacities, and obliged to conticuo eating mutton of third rate quality. A Couple of Hints; . To PllESERVE EOCU FltESH. Tako n box two feet long, one and a half feet wide and six inches deep. Placo a layer ol dried wheat'bran on iho bottom, and on this layer of eggs, small cud down, and thus on till the box is full, alternately. Tho conieiils will remain perfectly fresL for a year. Try it. Calves witu Sheep. i'our yoarlinira. especially if weakly or diseased, cau be furnished with no hotter lodgiug place during the severe weather of winter, than tho sheep cote. Allow them, to ruo with theflock,and thoy will rapidly gain strength and health, and bo exempt from tho per petual onuoyanccs they expericuco when hcrdiDg ivith the stronger and moro bel ligerent of their own species, Lice on Cattle, I believe generally come from neglect or txpoctirc. I had a raso of it not long biuco, that camo from tamo other cause. I procured a quarter of a pound of rappee snuff, mixed with hog's lard, to make a Ealvc ; this I rubh ed on the affected parts at two' different times, and with the aid of tho curry-comb (an implement which 1 ihiuk good for well cows,) 1 soon had the cow as clean as the rest of the flock. ,. S6sT" Wo would not advisu tlo praning cf cvcrgrccus after tay the 10th of April. From tbo 10th of July to August 11) is an excellent time for .this operation,or any time in Marsh or brgintiing of April. Evorgrcens can be pruned to any extent desired. If. an arbor vilac has every branch cut from it up to tho slock, it will branch' forth readily aud make a more at tractive ireo than before J ith! Cf Strawberries will do well Tery little moisturo until, tho fruit ic form ing, when they can scarcely havo too much, A copium watering oucoa'day1 will bo of treat aervicj in ncrfcctiuc and L C3 I D , .... ... mcreasing mc bizc oi too ucrry Nee3 f, work on punctuation that n p.ivato in the army, who oont a letter to. his ijirl at homo, closing with tho follow ing: "May Heaven cherish' and keep you from yours .truly John Smithr" KiT What do cala liavo( whioli no othor ; uiinal has Kittens. lMlsatWMMNWI eyVlnn a cat like a lea-pot? When your Ica's-in it, pB ". c mi im m I'dr the tongue nnd the Ir att art only gcficnk's Mandrake FOR, Sick HI AD ACHE hs 5tmi'j.omV, CAUsi and Cuius. HIS lias teooivoil its tlaina from n, con- etaul nauita or sickness at the sloinath, which" i attends tba pain in the. head. This headache, Is- opt to brglVin llui morning on waiting fmma doep sleep, and whin some irrrgulgtlly of die, has been commit- ed en tha day before, or sometimes fur sovoratdays piewous. At first there is a distressingly oppressive' feeling in tlio head, which gradually merges into a se vcro heavy pain in tho lempltj, freiuenlly atlon ded byi a siua of fullness and tondernsss In one eye, and extending across Ihe forehead. There Is a clammy, unpleasant taste in tha mouth, an cifenslvu brcath.and the tongue covered nith a yollowith white fur. The sufferer desires to be alone in a dark room. As aoon as tnepatioat fcls the fullness In the head and pain in the temples, take a large desc of tkhlnk's audralio Pills' and in an hour or two they will feel as well as ever. This has been tried by thousands, and Is alwajv sure to cure, and idstend of tha sick headache coming on every week or ten da)s, thoy Mill not bo troubled with it once in Ihreu months Bchcnk's Mandrake Pills are compsscd ofi number of roet besidej Podophinlii, or concentrated Mandrake liver all of which tend to relax the sor'retlons of the and act moro prompt than blue pills or mercury, and m'hout leaving any dangerous elTjcts. lnabillious porton thev'will show themsjlves by the stools. They will expel worms, inucur, bile and all morbid matter from Ihe system, lu sisk headache, if they are taken as dirtctcd above, (a full dojeassooi as llicj feel Ihe I pad, "llopkin's lloopriklrl Manufactory, No li-.MArch blrcet, l'liiidjclpliia, and are warranted to give aula first sj mplouu nfn Dr. Edicnck will and has directed taction. ET Ag-nt. fur tho "NEW Pl.P.Xlir.P. SKIi.T tho . ino.-l pliable Hoop skirts niuilc, iqiui la Bradley's his agents to return the money If limy da nut give y.-r fece salisfaction. If u p'irson has bleu coiupelled to stay out lato at i night, or dring too much nine, by takmg.a dose of pills on going lo bed, next nwrning he will feel as iho' I , the had not drunk a drcp, unless ha furgcts to go to btd at all. They only co.l 25 cents a bet. I , Whoever tikjsthtni will uever use any other. 'Ihey i ' are worth dollar to a tick man for crery cent the I cost. I Don't pn,i.a. forget ths naine-SL'IIENcK'd MANDATE Bold wholesale and retail at" Driiichcnck'sPrlnclg'jy Office. Nu, 15, Noith "ilh Street, Pelludclphia, aud by Uriilitiand Storekeepers generally,' IViecifor Tiilmonle Hyrup, Biawood Tonic, -jack 31 50 pcrbi.tllo. 7 59 the half doxen.or twobuttlca cftyr- 1 rup and oueuf Tonic for $775. I Dr. Schcnck will be al his office, No. 13 No it ,Y El, Philadelphia, every Saturday (o etc patients, lie makes no cluige for advice, but for a tborojgh ciam- nation cf the lungs with his Re riiomcter, he charges Hires dollar- MOKE M13N WANTED I REVOLUTION IN JUGI1 PRICES,, I LJIltat: ARRIVAL OF FALL & WINTER I AT PETER ENT'S STORE, .V LIGHT STREW, COlVMtllA covuty, PA, HAS Just received from rhlladclphlu, nud la now opening at the old stand lately occupied by Marti U. I'm, u splendid assortment of MERCHANDIZE which will be sold cheap tor ! CASH Oil COUNTRY PRODUCE. Ills slockroiislstsof Ladles Dices (jouds choicest stylei and latest fashions Calicos, , i Muslins, Ginghams, Flannels, Carpets, Shawls), Hosiery, 'Silks, READY MADE CLOTHING. Cassimercs, Satinet.,. Cottoundcs, Kentucky Jeauu, Thread, &o. ! G robotics, Quccnswitrc, Codarwarcp , ' Hardware, ! Mcdiciues, Drug, 1 Oils, I , Paints, ! HOOTS k SHOES. IIATS& CAl'S. I In short .cry (Is I ri at usuntiy kept in n iimiitry store. 1 The patronage of old friends, nnd the public general ly. I lesuerlfullv mi kited. The highest market price pond for country pro lure PBTEIt EN T Light Street,. Vuv. ill, letil. New Grocery $tvre MOM FRESH iOODS. (Formcrlij Euomas' old Siam) on Main Strut, Bloomslur. rpilK undersigned has just received a 1 good slock of FALL AM) mm DRY MODS, of all kinds, Men's Heavy GALF AD l P BOOTS the best in tin! market ; a (.nod Assortment of 1, 1 lies aud Children' rlhoes of all kinds. A Fresh Lot of Groceries, of all kinds, such as Molasses, I Teas', I Rich, I Fish, Sugars, I Coffee, j Spices, ' Salt, Mats and Gaps, Tohacco, Sfgars, Candiep, Razcns, Lard, i IV C, IVU., IV 0 FEED AND PROVISIONS. Together with a great ariely of notiousaud rtcetc ins too numerous to ine.rioo. lliilter. Eggs, Met and produee generally taken i 1 exchange fur goods, IIPJNRY G1GER. Ilioom-burg, Dec. 10, 1601. NEW STORE & CHEAP GOODS. ''Oil K SAWS AM)S3IALIs I'llOFI'I S. ri HE undersirtied, havini; lakon the t Store lately oeeupied by James K. Eyrr, on Main Ptrett. above Iron Street, m llloomsburg, and stocked itwitli every variety of Rcrpcctfully informs Ids friends and he public gen erally, that he w ill bu happy In reieive .1 share of Ihe public patronage, an, I trin-ls that he inn render eulicr ul by selling I lie in Ihe best ipiality uf on fair ternM and at satisfactory prices His t.toek couits, in pait, of DRY iOUI).-s, GKOCERirs, PISH, ULEENdlVARE, WOOllENWARI'.. nooiu, t- ii'ii;c. HATS. CArri, and especially with a splendid variety of LADIES DRESS GOODS, y.MVr AUTICLKS fc which ho ujll sell as cheap as the ih ready nay. tip-st. for cash or US-Country produce, generally taken in exchange for goods. ANDREW TEIUVII.IJGER. llloomibarg, Jan. 7, l"G5-y. G28. HO f KINS' 628. flfl O E g K I E 'EL' MANUFACTORY, No. 03 AR0II Street, aboie (ith Phil'a WHOLESALE RETAIL. The most complete ass irtiucut and li tt quality an 4 steles uf Ladies', illisees' and Children',. Iln mHklrtn. 1 in Ihe city Those of "Our Own Make," nr gotten up I etpiessl) to uieel the wauls of 'irt i inj ltelail I Trade emtiracing all the new and desirable slyles. sizes, leugt lis uud t'tzi walls, in tr.u. .cud piain rikuts from 10 to 50 springs, from .13 to 41 imhes long, and '.'J 21, '.'1,3,31, 3j. and :ij yards rouii.l til hntt.nii ; mak ing more than a hundred nrielies for L.i.iles : in Mis ei' and Chilureu's Skirts wo uru bey.uiu .ill compel,, tiuu'i all thai are made by us li.iva stuuiped cm the kid "uuuiejc i.npiie nKics anil ai nun u lower pri . s Aim, constantly In receipt of u I..II a-s otioeiil of good E'tern made Hkirls. which ..r. I. ij ,-U at very low prices. Kid padded and met,, lie i.,-, u,..l 15 tpilllgsrS cents, 'JO springs $1 III, -pun;- 51 IS, 30 springs $1 'J5 nud 40 springs Sl."e. ,-i.n ;o to order, altered aud rep nreil' Terms I u-u uue Price Only, lor Lieunr iiniiaiuiug l'alal"tne of ftilef, lengths, and I'lires, call at or -ul,u... n, inclosing ctaiup for Poitagu, Hopkins Hoop Skirt M -i i, -.. Jm-io y, ISo. UUS Arch Strott, 1' iladtlukia. arch II, liii3. - 3ui. Cheap Gro jeiy Store. .'1LSO IHA'lj CAPS AXB SHHSj ri HE undersigned having bughi out the Grocery o I 1 David mroup, has ri muv td his llut and Cap flora up to i-iroup's old slum! whare in addition to a supe rior assortment of I FALL AND WINTER Hats and Caps Jpl? CON EECTION ARIES, CRACKERS, Molasses, Suar, Coffeo, Teas, Tobacco SuulT, Cigara, Spices, Dried Fruit, Rulter, Coal Oil, Drugs, 1'arlor and Hand Lamps, Books. "Writing Paper & Iuk. Hardware and Cedarware, , Delect Knives, Comix, iJ'C, it'C , if-C , Together with a variety of articles generally kept in u I Also-A fine lut of KIDS, MOIIOi P.O.S and Limnnslo , whii hhe invites the aleiitiuu of Shoemakers and the i public. J"HN K. GIRTON, llluoinsbiirg, Dec. 5. 1 66.) National Foundry., III. OOMSRUKG, COLUMBIA CO., PA. 'I HE subscriber, proprittor of Iho nbovo named c. J lensitu eslalilisliment, Is noiv prepared to receive lirs lor All Kinds of Machinery, rCollerles, lllnst I'urnaees, Ptnlinnnry Engines, .Mills THI'EHIIINO MACIII.NES. &0 &0. lie is uUo prepared tu make rltuvcs, all sizes and .'interns, p'ow irons, and ever) tiling usually made in nist'cluss Pouiidrles. Ilia esuiisivo facilities and practical workmen, war's inutt him in receiving tlio largest contracts on the in ist rPaM'iiuhlu turms. 0 t.i.iin uf all kinds will be taken lji ctcliatikF for rastii'gs-, . i 'Phis establishment i liva.ed I'.ear Ilia Eackauau llloomsburg r.ailruad Depot , I'ETEIt KlDLMEyL'R DWomikurj 6crt is, J63 Keep Your Eye ON THIS HACK - SECOND ARRIVAL OF NEW GU )US. ! t Ll AO enlarged and greatly tmprovrd In- Store tlnom I JTI mid stocked It with a Inrgu and - 11" rlnr Htock of II A 1,1, and WINTER (JO0D9, whl.h ivill be sold as low as at any other establishment iniulry. . Calicos at 10, 18, ao and i't coils, ftlttslhu, Hi aclirit amt Urown at 25, 118, up to -IS cents ' linEH.1 (l0U!).nf every shndo,iu illty ' and price . n full Hun of Donn-nlli; (Jo"d, I viz .' Checks, stripes, Ticks, l.luucn and Cotton Table Diaper, Olngli.iins, Nankeens, tec . &.c. A I good supply of I, miles Hh ies and Ualtura 1 New stock (if Hats aud Caps. AIIU'ool Ingrain and roltapo Carpets. a splendid urtlrlo lust opened and for sule, 1 A fresh tup ply of Groceries and Spices, a new lot of CAUAlt AND WILLOW WARR. MACKEllAl, by the uartur, half and u hole barrel Nos, I uud i, medium ami lingo. Also, a large and splendid assortment of Ekftss mi mm&wm new designs. Also, u new lotof'i'UltNKd uud Oil Cloth tiatchtls. llavlmi bought these goods bi'Tore the late rise, I inn prepared tn sell low, cheap us the cheapest for tash or country produci', m:,bti;i)V to n, lllooinsburg, Jnu. 7, l-li5. miStS Jl ARRIVAL OF Pall & Winter Goods A T Miller's Store rpilP. subscriber has Just returned from the Cities J. uilh another large ami select nssurtiuel of FALL AND WIN'J Eli GUUDtS. purtJiased nt Philadelphia, at the loivcu ngure, and whiih they are deterniiueil to sell on as moderate terms as ran be procured elsewhere in llloomsburg. His stork comprise LADIES' ...s aoons, of choicest styles nnd latest fashion, DRY GOODS. AM) OtlOCy.llF.S, inHinriiiK ) uk r.."' war k, CtiUAR ll'AIU:. HOLLOW H'ARR mux. iwoTf siiohs hats ,y an, a-c, He , $., In short e erytliinir usually kept In country Stores to whit h heiuWte the publle gpuerally. The Highcslprke iiald fur lounlry pruduic. S II. MILLER. Uluouisburg, Nov ID. 1HUI. Ilu cli iiir Jiail-road. i WINTER AR ANG & IW ENT, November 7th 1804. -'.ipat Trunk Line from the No th and VJT North -Wiist for I'hilaile phi.i, Nuw-Yok, Read- ' lllfr l.illu. III., 1.1,1,111m, A I li. n ,1 l'. n ... ...i..-i?.,.,, ,.,,.,,,,..,, ..I... .11. i,,r,,,i,, ,,, i;. 1 rains leave llurrisburg for Neu-Yoil;, as fullnns At It 110 nnd t. 1.1 A M. nud 1 15 P. M., arriving at .Vow Yoik ul 10 A uud '.'.4.') unit 111 03 P. II. Tho above ronuect with similar Train on th Penn KYtianla Rail Roud. and rjli-enlne Cars aecuiiip sv iln AM two Trains, withnut cIi.iiihii I Leave Tor Rending, Potlsville.Tainaiua, Mini 'swtle. 1 Alleutou n, and Philadelphia at H.l.'i A. M. an I I 45 P. !.. stopping at Lib mull and principal Elation only. 1 Way Trains, stopping at all points, at 7 SI A M. nnd 4.40 P. ,M, ttLturning- Leave lcw-Ynrk at D V M., 12 ! noon, and 7.WI P. M. Philadelphia lit ri A. M nud 3.110 I P. M ; Pottsvillaat r50 A. .M.and -J.1I5 P. .11 ; ramuiiua 1 at e.10 A. M aud2.l5 P. M. and Rending nt It! .nldiiight, 7.M and 10.45 A. M ., 1.3 j and II Uj P. M. I Reudiug Accomodation Train; Leaves It' adlng at 0 30 A, Al. returning Irom Philadelphia ut 4.3 P, ,M. 1 Columbia ltuilrnud Trains le.'ne lleadiii ut U.40 and II A Al.for Ephrata, l.itiz, Ciiluiubia. &c On Sundays 1 Leake ,Vuw-York nl7P .!., Philadel phia 3.15 P .M Poitsville 7.3tl A.J1 , Ta naipla 7 A. M , llariisburg 8 IS A, M., and Reading at ".' midnight, or HarrisburL'. Lommutation, Mileage, Season, Sr ,onl, and Excur sion Tickets to and Iron, all points at reduced Rates llaggagu ohecked through ; to pi uuds alluuedeach Passenger, (J. A. Ninoi.i.s, t titcral &upt.rmttvd)iU, Pa. Nov. id. 1804 STATSiS SJftlON OOTflJIi. I'Odand 0113 .Market tftretl, Philadelphia, 'PHIS Hotel is located in the erv renin) of h.isiiip. X and is near the respeetai le pl.iees of aiiiux-m nit which make it particularly desirable tn pursoin viritiug I'liiladclphia on business or pleasure ; and tho ,M,in:ieer hopes by eloe person il attention to tho uautsufhis his guests to maku it u eonilortable houie fo, juucli us .s with tl. elr patronage. .1. . uai;, iisox, I'jop'rs. joiin siiocKi.i:Y,CLkuu. S V 114 -li fl JACOB L ADO MUS,! DEALER IN Enolish, Swiss and American JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, fix. 018 Market Street, comer of Decatur, ' Philadelphia. Dealer in American, English and Swi.s Watches, 1 making u speciality of th celebrated Amfiuvam H'atcii, which he would ret onimeiid to all wanting a good Huh keeper, una will be sold ut the luvwst prices hud aru the cheapest and bjst for the price. , -March I, 1JC5. -ly. The Berwick Oouse Benvi.c, Columbia co.y l'f 'Pt HI' undersigned would r. spettfully anuotinre to 'fi;J h' tuiciids and the puolic geiarullv, that havlug leased '.his well-know u house -In has given il u thornii.'ii tt novation The rooms have been r'"pupoi i.d antUliu entire establishment elegantly r luriiili ',l. Ileiug ple.tsniilly nud iligibly loealed. nnd provided with all the ruimiril" eotiveun mos, it oilers tu the public the I'ombuud aricuituge, uf A First-Class Ootcl. IMS TAUI.i; will always lie sni,,.lie,l tviin n, i,ai ih,i uiarki'is niloid, nud lllrj It 11 with the rlimcesi Ii luurs. Travellers, drovers, (i iiiiist. rs, hoarders, le, accommodalHil to general satlU'.tetioii. Caretul and ac cominudaling llo-llers always in nlleudauet.. btabliu themu.t complete and vitunsH'j in this .ection. . J. 1'. BIURET. MaySS.liBI. TINWARE k STOrESHOI ! qlli: undeisigned respeitliiiiy luiorms his old friend X und rusonur that he has purchased his brothers merest in tho above establishment, and Hum niiccrn tiilj hereafter be conducted by iiiincll i velusively. . lie has jut reccivi'd and oilers for sale, the lurir J2t est uud most exieiishu assortmciit of PAN'OV tfSnl ST) v ''Ver introduced into this market. J3 "is stock consists of a complete assortment of he In t Cooking nnd parlor stoves in tin- m irkel, togcih- er with S'.ove PiJtures of every description. Oven a id HoxrUutes, Uadtatnrs, Cyliudar ritoves, Oust Iron Air lil,hi stun s, Cannon Stoves, sic, ice. Huncpipe and Tinwuri tonstanlly no h.nin and iiiaiiulactured lo order. All kliuls "f repairing done, ns usual, mi short nntite. Hie p,.iinage of old friends and new customer re peellull) .idiLiled. A. HUPEIIT. IJIooinsbiirg, November ad leb'O. tf, - .lliiHlinoil : Iiom' Lost Iiimv Rcsloi-ptl. Just published, ii new edition of Dr. t'ul lerwell'si elebrutcd Essay on thu radical raSS curu (wiihout luedkinal uf AVeruiaiurrhoii. ol seolin.l ccpllkni'Si. Ii .,h,nt-w Losses, Impiitoiicy, Menial uud Phtsiei.l liicupaeity, Illllielldilllelllk to iiinrrlrr. ,.t,- - l.,, I'tnu Spilepsy, and Pits, induced by self-indulgence or ei- u.i uAir.ivujj.liii o. !Lr-" Price, in u sealed envelope, only six cents. ti'v I he celebiated authur in Ihin iiilini,i,lI.uak m . ,...!.. t . . : . , I iieioousiraies, trom ntnirly yeats' suruissful praeiice. i thai the alarming cuuaequences uf self-niusu may be radical y cured without iho dangerous use of internal I uiediiiiiu or the application nf tha kuifu pointing out il mode op cure el once siuip'o, ccilaln, nud utretlual, ! by uieuus of whiih every sutferer, no matter whul his conditioii may be, may euro hiiuselfdieaply, irivutly, ' and radically " 07" 'I his Lecture should be n tho hands of every ynuih ami every man in tho land, Bent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, post paid. mi rjceipt of six i iuls, or two post stjms, Address the publishers, . Oil AS. J.O. KLINE Sc. Co., IS7 llrondway New York. Post Olllce llox 4,546. April I, Itjti5 BELL cx ALLABAOH, Proprietors, COIISEK OP TUIR D ST- PENES YL VANIA A V WASHIHQTOII, D. C Wistar's Balsam ' OF wild cherry: 'one up Ttin and most iiemaiiei: KCMEtlllM IN THE WORLD FOU olds, Whooping Cough, Broil- I cli iVt's, Difficulty of Uieatiing, Ailh- i ma, Hoarseness, Sore Throaty C ovp, and every affection OFTI1C Til UO AT, LUNG k Oil EST, : INCt.UOINU EVEN j H N S 11 iTfi 1 T 10 NT. 1 Wlstor's Balsam of Wild Cherry Sogentral Ins tliiuioof this remedy becnino, and so popular . it every were, that it is unnecessary tu rccniint i's litues. Its works speak f-r It, and line iitteninci' In the nlinndalit and voluntary testimony of the miiiiy lin Ironi long sutrerlug uud sellled ills case have by Its mm1 been restored to pristine vigor and health Weiau present 11 mass ef evIJence In proof ol our assi'ttioin, that I CANNOT HE OtsnillDtTED. ! The Rev. Jacob Scchler. 1 I Will knnrtii nud much respected among the Ceim.iii population in Hits country nukes the foilimiug tlatu ; melit l"r tlu bjiKlll of tin aillUted. j llAMivi.a Pa., Teh. Ill, IrSU. Dear Air -Hiivlug re.'illsed In my family impurtaut 'honitln t'Kiin tlio use of your valuable preparation, I Wisilr's i' of W11.11I nt.n it V it allordsnie pleas ' lire to lei I'liimeiid It to the public Inline light .irs 1 ngu one ot ni .111 n.liters seemed to he in .1 decline. and , hopes nfli r r inf. ry were entertained. 1 then pro cured 11 I,,, tile ol your (..uclliiil li.ilMim.aiiu in ton: sir.' had taken tin nliutaufthn eotitintsof tho bottle In my iiisii- Hindu Irequeiil use of your valuable medlciue, and h,iu alnaysbeen beiulHed by it JAtOllriECIILEK. From Jnt'e bniUh, Esq , President of the iY!oni! Crjii dij tt-ink, Morristown New Jtrsey "ll,n .og ui il Mr Wistar's Hatsam of wild Chrry for alum till, en jnii, and having reali.ed In n, tidal re,tult In l.i) la'iuily, itall'ords me great pleasuru in rciuuiii'iiiilng 't t'1 the pub lens a valuable remedy In canes ul ccank lungs, eolds, coughs. &c., and a rt,mcoy uhicli 1 iniiriner lobe entirely iiiuuceiil, and may be taken with poifcct salety by the must delicate health, From lion. John f-J. Smith, a ChUi uWih'd Luwyc s in Westmin ittir, ilii. I trive on si vi rat occasions used Dr. Wi'tar's Hatsam of Wild ' li "ry fir sjvere eulds, and nln s with de cided ben, lit. I knuw ol no prep. iruiion lint i mure etliiaeiutis or more deserving ol general use, Tl' I'nW'ioi li'H -ilso been used w ilh excellent ctrecl by J, II J.I 1 1 ut , Merchant, Hall's Cms ltoads. Md.- ll'illitr's Buhaill'iJ U'ild CltniJ. on the None genuine wiapptr. unless signed ' 1 I'.t'TTV FOR SALE RY lSMU..'E. No. I'.ll llioailway, Nw Yolk t Ut, Li. L'o.. Propr iters, lloslon. And ay all Drug. UIk.'s nissn salve FURTV YEARS' EXRERIENCE lias fully established tha sitpe lority of RE DOING'S RUSSIA SALVE, Over al other 1 jaling prepa.ulioiis. r.-,11 liV,,. t I?ta. Uri P.nltw. f.,.,1 Ic. r. uil i, Ileum, E )sipelas riiies tiles, Coins I Son !i'. t'tes, ,Ve , ren oving tHup.iiunlj nice, and It. doeiiie tho uiost angiy ' unking Htvtlliugs I and iatlaii,.,uoii as it by ntigie. tlul v' -5 cents a bo. 1 van sale nv J 11 IN. Mil' E, No. 1.1 1 llrondway New York, tt II l.cj LE M'O,, N i, lr-Trami H it. Huston, Ami by all Druggnis, ! .tint i, t.-i 1- l-.'in. I V-TJF i. '. r 'II S oti 'er.ii',.,ris aiso cutunslvety enjaged lu t"e .1 Uiuiumt, and keeps ioi.tantlv oil hund lid lor sale at his Warcrooms u Jitrt-'i' astititiiit'iu oi COFFINS, FINISHED II) w hlch'lH in Aim K' ' I's 'i till! S tl "' !'.' till orders on presentation ood Horn: and He irsu, nnd will al al ' attend Puuerels. sil.UUN' O. SHIVE. I iiiuury '.ti. l'i'J Ill '- ... , i J. I'. rVtll. I. X- KOVK h L D il U U & T O il L. V, MOIjUSALE and RE 1 ail 11! 'led teotild inform their In 'inl an, I the ililie eliei.ill) .Hint lliey i t ikell Hit stand lor- nii i oct upii-,1 ny t o. M. IllletlUUell, lUllle l,t ll.lllgfl Iln, I ' i im. on 1 nu slrcei, t ,c.,i-b.i,i . u !i -re he has Ju-t r 'iv . a lull Mipp.y oi 1J i tsss, .tft'riiciiieK, E'ainls, nils, EiliSlkJlrs, &C. Which will be sold on uiodeiaic terms for ready pay. Also, NUl'IOXri generally, of every variety, Jutland kite. Physicians' prescriptions carefully compounded, at all limes and on shurl u.'llce. ft." Cnuleitiuiiety if lite best fccleclious, and r-'oda Water in season. l.7 A share of the public cunutn is respectfully so iciied. EVER i. -MOVEll. riloouisbiirg, Apr.' II, I ISAAC k"ST A UypTrTT W A I CHM AKERAND w No. 118 North Seeond St., Quany, ! P II I L A D E L 1 II 1 A . An assortment of Watcher Jewolry, r-ilver and Flatcd Waro constantly on hand. tt" Hepiirihg ol tl atches and Jewelry promptly at tended lo. January I, Ie'tiS. ly. II 0 W E R. SUHGEON DBNTIST, lil '8PIHTnJI.LV off rs his profess Itmul services to tha ludies au, gentle, men uf Ul 'iiiusbiiri: and vicinity . He is nrcnareil in ntieml tn ..II il,,, r-.4J.rti' npiratioiis in tho line of his profession, and is provided wiihthelaicsilinprnved I"jKCKLAI. TKKTI; whith w II 1'dlii.erteil on gold, plaliiin, silver. Hid rubber baso to loo'. W' II as thu natmal teeth lll'icr il plato nud bli ck teeih inaniifaettired and all o en liriis on teeth, caiefuily uud properly ullcndeil In. I.i'sii'enco ntnl oihu-a few doors above Hie Court ll.iii.e, same side. ill lO.usburg, June li Ir'lin CLAIM AGENCY. r"MIE undorWguod, ties res to call tlio I nttentioii of iho Publle in Ins facilities for obtain ing Pensions., Il.iuutici (l ocal nnd (fovernmenti Houn. ty Lauds fo- Soldiers,, rjetilemont of linker's Accounts, Ur Discharged Hoi Hers or Iheir In !: ran get their full Homilies, though generally thuy havu onlv received part. No charges for inloriiralion, uor unless tlalm is secured. Ollieo with E. II. 1 1 1 lie. Ei-., lu ,. ...v ,w,iiig uviuts f,scuaiigo uoiei. II c mm moke valuable than bold 19 sAi 'j NO, MAXIMUS, CAl'lVATIS, The laws that regulate hcnlth.are of Importance toall, Bryan's Life Pills THE GREATEST MEIlUMNE 01' 1 IIP, AOE. A sure antidote for sickness, nnd n refuge from Sorrow, lain and Disease. IflhO 1 1.1 lit 'l.lry are nd.lillt'eil to be the . . In BrV I'lirlnln II"' '"""d and clcnsnliig tne sysiciii irom it" iiiipun'i mi ENTIRE L Y V EG ETA RLE , nnt mild In tlnir operation, fn What Thnj Will Do: t gentle and clfiitual pargntire. Bilous tlcran3omciit remuvecl, I J 0 leaner of thu Blood and sjstuiu, 1) iMIItj and t.o of power dispellct'. Energy supplied to the Muscles & Nerves. A. eiualu linguiaritlcs removed. Gloomy anticipations banished. Headache entirely cured, Irritation of Ihe Slomach le.'.iov J J, '' aundlce and l.lvcr ('umpluluti cured, Kidney diseases relieved. Xjciss uf appetite and sick etom.uh rem it e d. iIelancholy and Ennui dispelled, Wcuralgia aud Nervousness cared. Opium nnd other stimulants avoided, limples and Eruptions removed, Cuiitsy and Sore throat healed, l'v lieuiouti sin soon alleviated. Sleep produced Sweet anJ Sound. I 'P j I oothacho hud iiitlaliied gums relieved ' Urinary diseases benefitted I Vitality produced In the nenous, onus 1 ivaiijbly eipelled. J actly the Medlrine wanted f r oung aud old i ,-n uu Iheiir. je'iu Niaxiino-, C pitatis Bkyas's Life F l!s. hat, been uttdb) H.ousanJb with sic, liutidrrdu of Ci'iti&oute can he SI li'lVU 'I'll y rr'-'u1 ilc 'onia1 li I.ivrr atnl llili.irj i-trc ' tlm lin 'i n the i hh-l i an nf uuw ti-iifHi. Uiilili Iiic-m, IHintiCHi uf rfihl, Hi a latin.', .'itk t'tiinun ii ,nitl dlli r KiinlnMl 1'imipl mi s. i Iioko nt" a ntTvusu t in run'Mil hiii t Uuusa' I ail'. a Kttii'ur a n jU i t.. tm: illf ul in In-ttitii- hint l si i .will a im: L-xU'iilt' i'M thru train i-f ai'iuisli an cli.Ui;v.l tu hinil 4 uf JO, , Ij Uit.ij Unrj,i, THE l'OET 1,1 itisni .-d with b.illi.'ini thoughts. THE ORATOR I with 1,1 w ideas " iurdi of fire. jTHE SOLDIER I uivh iiiilMinilabk- Li'traiie. I I UT. INVENTOR 1 with brixl.l louccpln us o( the future. THE MERC11 tN r ! - h itli lm!iii' tact nuit now fir '.THE MEf'IlANIO 1 w ith uufjili.ig , nergy. (the author 1 uah i-ki 1 that ciiu.nicud I'l.'IK SINGER 1 Willi a sweet wilod inns Miice j THE MUSICIAN ' with r iHtiirous emoiioiis. 'THE DISI'IllITED I bfcnmutf hutu r.i. anil THE PESRAIRINti. happv. vairs I Are adopted for all Aijcs ct Constitutions. 1 hey nre e oinp' '"d of the and boots cu. d from n :ieive prmeipli's cf llerli ' In Ids and toicsts. The) heir I l,,.r:il .no i,r, I.. mil,! tint e . t .s its tu iieiih' r envop-. gnpni), i .tins or rickuess Th. t I'lii) be t.,ki ii bj nil iigt', sejes or en million wtiiiou'i i.e. I lo cum dls.ase we must go further than simply pur t f ' 'he L iwel- , j niiiji it,, Mieh rem. ok's ns net in h ii moil v ilh Hi,; law s ol :i tture, in Hi xehllei inc. A i athartie ineicly p,i pares Ihe way fu, othei li mis bin i i, ,,i-p..iini). in ory iiiuiiy tun.. , i , nio, He the bowels of ac'.uioulaleil uc id si L- r . A tli-ui,ere I s) -i lii cnii'.s on l,v slow degrees, ,',n,i lite a. lion vC in. dirin must h" in like inaiiner. I)i.eai'.i I I . a cli luinl in tu tuaiai'. i, ail'.cls u.uru or less Ho whole sy tl. in i ami it is in-, ,-omn u ,n ; In u ,,uil,tr " ner. on thn sy teui by to I. healing and p,,riUiug . ui.'..ies -llrst. loeally -m in . .,,,n.(,, lm, (,', Ih, . i i to , '., Mi w lil y -l.-in '.!i iiHdielii.t. m-i-iij ,'l nil j..iii; iliioueh Ihe h Ht slmuld initially rs. in.i i ii i lit it il ul il a change is nil do,.. ., i.. iu in tne wink desijii,,! , tlierefoi, , oh. .pie citliiila pill , is not whit ihe nt,io whom icuid. A.iu.diciu,' is uet'es.ary Hint will not oper.tu on tun b.. els, but hate an pi ii.,i jtiion on thu s. ci, u,,n ot the Liter li Nerve. Kidn iy .tu I AIi.ii, uury taiiui an , lluallj ,,n the iiloon. S ieh, l.ieu, i too p- iii,u,i,ih i ins, ronsa'iui inly, in. y ,ne i iiiv.ilitiibln lu nil Ltisos ol Dyspepsia, ILa-aiito und M rtousoess. and will .ipel all humors l,u,n Iln lilood. 1 hay uci on a I pails o iha sl,i,i . ,i, Hi. Iiueuce it t hangu in lh,,.i urgin. llut are der.iimi'd, and tan be stiicis. lully use, in ,t,iy uea,e that al i leets the human f nine. 'I lt. y h-ve lualthful and life I giung p,o(.,iiits. which, b. iogtheii up by ihe many minutu icsstls. enlers 111. hluo.i and assi ts nature to ! , .cjtuiiu ,c luy.t ions. 1 f aileiilioii is pnid tn thu ill ' geitite organs and regular I'Vaetiatious of the budy I much dua.i may be piuvented ; and these pills are iii'slgneil l.i etii'Lt Hi ii cud, us they notoniy nei on Ihe 1 Hilary Mc, reuuii. by pronating dlgc.tioii, Inn carry oil. Hirnush Hie botvt-U uud ki.luei,, ail irriPUiii" hu-1 ii.ors N"lurs expounds her liirt.. and the practice I that lulls in .virinony Willi them is most sucessful. Nu iiieil iiuu should be taken that weakens llu sv n.',1.'.'."'! .i1"?''."1 V1" I""'1' r I' rfofmam o ufihe fuilc. ions ol tha body ; vast machinery ul thu human ' utirie niiisi be kein in tinier, or some pa, I bunnies' inllueueed by unuV n, mwst , in,, i i,..i.,- .......... iniisl lie nourished, or n dies; so. by under tandiii lu l Iholuws upon which lite nud Health depend, we i N, ,.V,'','i 'V b) '!"' "l' 'itl'u'cesl inltureaud mi p ull Urn ruiieiioiis iii hariiijuiotis or ler Such is ' mi,' ',:!"".:" Ur""'" '"f-IJ'I' ; 'r ttlthuneh " '.?, tu hurtle, ti.ey never weaken ihe ststein. mi re.lor to a naiural cpitl, ,,,,,,1-and ,,i, erenl , A ,l"'"ul'll'" "f very disease They aei on ull pails o ,u system, and nillueiiie a change in those 1' u filn, '''"le'n"' reliaurt 'ay, e ioM ,"U lHV" ",0 ll" f"'"l "f deep- t i g it stiiily ,, ,.,, ,.,.,.,, in ,,, ,ruo I lure s riiueilies, direne.l lo Um cause thai I,,.. n ,i. J. .'1.'.!."," u '""''.'' They h;nu ,ecn t led by Iho! - sands win, ,tacl,f results, u,i theyro Vlaeen bclua tl... people with Hi e grenle.l wuHde.iee ' greiilesl coutldeiiee. a n r ii . T OI JJllYA.S' S Lir&VlLW Will COat RUT TWENTY FIVE CENTS. They wiilncromplM, faithfully nil that is represented 'I hey are elegantly put up by tho proprietor who was . inventor nl lilt VAN'S PULMON u WAPEItS !i"!oi!!',IU UvutM k" .micu.i If you wish to buy IlKVAN'S LIPE PILLS nnd r ,, UOt Let ll 1 1' 111 Ot VIHIr ,1 but s-cd Twenty i'eitl. , l ',V'V .. ,1 TtrtiprJI panl DR. J. BRIAN, 70 Cedar Street, N. Y Hox C071), The 1. 1 liigli Cntllc I'ovnlcr 1 S warranted to ' " ll-rinosl pons,, till nseut fur t in mil nnd blond nf llatiii: Hwlne, i;r H oip, In p, , lulling dlgcslimi.rleaii, Ing tlm systeiiinnd Iran sfering the pilri !.! Imnl lluld In H, f,,i milk, butter ntnl trr-nsti nnd ctabllshlng iiealtii and vigor. nitvovri iitmsi: a. mi'i.e l'ownr.u i only medicines letally patoulcil In Pruiiru, r.n... laud, HwiU.'rititnl nn llollaliil, nud duly n, inliieii ny itii'tr t-'ouit, honored llh ptlr.,, 1111.4 Allentowm nls. nnd Inveuti'ii uy "r. iruvuj, iim me nu "rl I Collejn lor Agriculture at Piirls, nud now in,,,, ton. Lehigh t'ounty. Pennsylvania. All diseases of the rUninach, I'''og nnd llow rls. siieodllyanilci italulyi iired, lleiilthy stock wil ,,,,, ,,e X(.,y hlghtst statu of perfrrll.m nnd one nr two tnblespoonful 11 week. Is nfgreat vnlm ..,i.., 1 ii. Ulno horses, breeding "tin k una ciiik, mi, ' ibniisands ol valuablu horses from mntagluu ' 1 .i.i.r,,.i ,, ,11 1 ill, n 1 1, it iirecluallvovetiniiio all the olnlailus whlth iisunll i-retenl the etpel ling ( Mi-tnis. ure pleasnut tu tak, uud ol Hie most ,ngrei .ible piirmitlvs f thildren. l?ii ennndent . the Inventor nf l ie utiti ,i his Inbnrimn sludliu in the li.ittmliiglcal i pu,, Hon of Ibis pri'painlioii.thiit In' furnishes every gi.w tinted phj.iel.iu, with a wiltuii a inn i ra in inuli'ri.i medlia. ,... t Till! U.MoMlO Mill, RA I, MH'I! AND AM' l. Ti:illl VIMII. , a pMider for the sure I'XIeriulii.itiiiU nf all i riioi, will neVer'ililing,! lih am- rin.l illinale, nnd tun, ureleraule to the old l'liiphoroiis Paste, which li.ti ns In a skorl time, niakliii! I' wii.-lhless. for dire, linns nud p.iiliculars see the m ill bills lu the bote tine liiiii'lri d Hint'Veii nii'iiiltims b h been awarded to Ihe.e celebrated pr- p.iralloiis, up t ijrioher l.i. lenl- , , KoVai.S. Idirni are the wholesale Agents In Phi, , I'M nle b) all ifpec'iible Hiug uud iiiuntrj stor November IH, Iflil IJm- THE UllEAT WURI.II'-1 i MR IN I.IIMMI.N EXIIlliri ION III i i If. 11. TI10S. W Was awarded the Pride Med al for lil nipermril) wu a. I t'Muiii'tilion in tin- I mt-'d Mates lor hn Iniprineiiieiits lu rr.iVrlUus 'I Hi litis, He being tin Inveiiloriid , Mnnnr.ii Hirer of IXl-tle .'lee I spring f" Id S"le I.I niliernlnl solid Riveted Iron Cncc,, Travelling Trunks. Vulivs I. ad e Hal Ihisos Cr,. i Rags. Leather lltm. I'lu'itilln- and llohbc I lor" -1 iiovs' fllgs, Propellers, Wheelberrotv s. Kt , wbiinti. is pri p.iri'd to sell al tl"- liw'.t inuiiiifniliiiiue pu , , 'J'iie mo. I Htti'iMivi' 'I'ruiU and t'arpet Itag Maiiul.ui ,r er in t'liiludi Iphia. I 4IJ MARK1.T STREET, ou door nb.n- t'uiiriii . Soiiili -i,le. fit 1 i . lllLl.l'in t I UySales room on Ihe liinl lloor. (L'"Triiiiks neoil) r, paired or t-xi hinged lor n . mes. I'all and see. ns we sel: O'lj i heap t,, f.ul, , r ov . 1 1. ifi',:t-t'.'ino iso t s:Es, Oouitlaiitlt St Nos.,!), it, If', 1" t'l'i , NE.Ml IIROAHWAY, M'.W MHIIv i II ! This old est'ibli'h ,1 nnd fa urltr ri'-otl of Ihe l,u , lless I'lilillliUliltJ has been nwlltlj rellltrd. ami is , m plcte in ever) thing thai i mi TTiini't, r to the con,(,t. . its patrons Ladles and I am i lies are sp, i lull) aim en I fully prini.led lor. j il 1- uulrall) loi.tti'd in the Imi i pari ol the . uj alld l coutienolis to the print ipal lines I I sl.'.lloleijM ears, ouinilois'.i's leiri s. . lu ciiiseipo ute nt th pres-ure laiisedb) the Rile I lion, price have been reihireil to One Dollar u tl fiji pet Dm, 'I ne table is auipl) siipp,i,'ii w ilh all Hie luY.ire -. Ihe season, anil is i"pial to lu.'ii ol ail) "thor hoUl in , ' couiilry. ) Aoipte a 'conimodalions ure tillered ii,r ujuMirii oi I glie- ts. ajp- Ho not believe .iiiim rs u.u kmeii, aud otlu , . lll.t sa) "Ilia WoMcni III, I I Is foil." 1) II. WINCHESTER. Proprieini 'P'HO.S. II. WINCIIErfTER. I l'ih. 13. IM.-J i M r ji ii n y 7 run n t '1 IIEPropti tor of 'us will kunw u and contrail) linn I i ted Home, till! I. VI IIAMIh HlllLI., ellilatu on Mm j Street, in l,.u,aisbur, immediately 'pnn,itc the L'olmu 1 bia('nuut) ' ourl House, ripeLltully intorms his fnciui., I nud the puioie lu gi oerul. that Ins iltnisu is now in or ' der for th i i fptioii ml li-iitertiiiiiiiieut of travelers ut.e 1 mi,) feel .!i-in-cd 10 i.ivor it with their t iistuiii, He I, , spnreit no i iii-e 10 prepaiiiiL' the Em 11 cmik, tin tie ' eutirl.ilii it uf hi" euests. ntitlt, r sh-tll llieri- be a- lliiug wanti'i.- (on hi pnrti to uiiiiintt.r lo their peri'ii comfofl III nouse is spacious and eojo) an eiell, t, btisiue- I ', .linn,. i" 1 1 nuoni-i'ii run al 'ill tilHi". belweeii ihe E v Hitellli in t.irioo li III Road Depots, hull 1 t clers will I, pi, :tf. i.illy cone o) ed to ana Irom th , sp, 1 tit m.i 1 Mns 111 .me lime lo meet Hie Cam. 'VM M 1 A I'l'. V REASONS WHY THE Ammo,;!. WATC8I Irt I'M P. I1EST It is 1 on Hie liet prnuipl,', while t li- f. .r wat,li l- e nerally load,- on no pi Im'lple at all 1 ', I'tireigti c.i ' ,1 Is -ii. I v made liy wnuc'ii, nod b,,'. . ii-.m liiie Iheir hil.,,r is t In up. their ttur, i- ; i lit no) im futh wiit, lies are made without il nud s, 1,1 viihout eu'tiaiiiee. thi-v urn irngiil.t i iiin-lrni i ni and pnm .is irregular in movement. I b are ilesi :n i only t-, sell, tttul itie bay er is the n , liii'sl lIlMl'niKhll -old. Thus,-w ho h:.t ki-pl 'ami " I, pint s ' .ml "r-w l s led rs" lu prnle-isi'd repair t i few year- will npp elate the truth of our 't.iMin it THE I'l.A.n UP IHE A.Ml.lllt.'AV.U'AH.'ll lutt a ' ,,t lo'iiia in.i, le of several h iiulr 'd liitt.. ,, i's sen" el toe-tli bode oftlieAut riian l'i i ifrOl.lli PI.AI'E.-. X jar iuterfer s Willi III, Im ii.oity to nr winkii'j and no sudden shocu can tin,, its imii Inn r out "I ir nr lit rniiutf on ,uiy Im-hi, ,; pur, till, it is all h '.1 ingullier a- nrmly n a rinei, piece of metal liJsju-twhat all maeliiuery shun.. I hi 1st. .icvHitvn; -m simple. :i,;no n. EUUNOMH'AI.. We not only seeute i hi'iipn,'.'. by nor system Ii ipntlily. Ww do ii, t pr, tend that our milch ran i Inuighl tor less iiiiuii y th in the fureiiru nuke beliees lut th,,l t r Us re.i, lulu.-it is sold for oae h.ili t prite, i Dili SO. Ilil'.llS WA'I'CII ('inioed Win Ptlery., w It. it its iiiimo noil' ni, s- Solid, Hobs'iiullal, an I ul ttas Iteli.ilile -wri allied lu sun i any uiuu nil i uiarthing, riiliugor liliili i;. liur new Inelo r ipi Oily IVatclnn.i ed P K It.nt I ''It ) is similar in si.e 11..1I t'em-ritl .ip,'ar.tiice, but h m.,r. Jewel ami 10,, re ct.ib,,r,i,- Im h UUI's IV.tlih reel inly binilalll o ,1 t-pi.' 111 a a t nt-.i it ol patterns, umny ofjih.-m ,,f i.,i, , ,. i) and w, il,,,,,. tsh.p is ipuie siiitt I bu w.iriaiileil ! keep ll.llv' out t,ii g-itil, ,.ii,' VV.t di is licit not large... jtl.l the II, in;' l'r tlx potb, t if Young Auii'iicll The pr,"-l ol the leeiitsul our Wateh, iu.iv be fn i . in Hie l.ut tii-.i tv,- now t inploy over seven huuUr. . workmen i, our fa lornis. and tlui wo nre still nu''. to supp to I'li-t.nitiy iner. using deo, ind Our iln , ' i s I'litte Wiilch is lliinin r and litM . Iltti. lie .', ,! h.tvu tlesei 'l,e,i. Inline clir-m. "iu erb 1 1.,.., is di In aU'ly adjiiste I (o i ,,r,et I t ,e . , rialiou c, ,si'l b ,hidic','s ol I -inpi-riiliiii- Tli w.iuhes are Hi" t . 1 1 a of iho lui.--,l i vperimui.i- i iironot'.. tij uii.l i,r.: niaile by oir bei workmen in : sepuraie tli'i aiiiueiit of our factory I'r the n . iiiik keeping , mllties Hi 'y ehali"ii.',i i .1 mp u ta,n, w i -Hie In .1 works .,1 ih.' ii o t laniojs English au-JHwi luakus. ROR1HNS & AIM'I.E I'O.V, Agonis lor tin Auii rici'j Wnitili tlo'tnp my, l.-t UKOAUIVAV. . I April 1 liPJ. Imu f.7I .7U NKW o.MNfRUS. I bu tiinli-r-ijf ni'il , gmiiiful for pist iv- r.ui.ige respi.fti,,,!) ,f ,,, u,,. 'j'r.i vulluia l',i Ii '"' lo hasjust pruture,. from New Vuik a, uew,beaui,r,1,ill,1lul,.uio;i Phoenix Company Coach, ny will' Ii uieuus he is now mauled lo conv-y '., senders and llaggami safely and lomforlably betwn n u iio u.l,,,,,, ,hu p,.vi.rill I,.,, !Mj . , ,; ,. ii!,?'"'. '! bo his stud) li. nceoiniiioiUe In. pair.Tttt" "ulMl" """ ,u ul"'114 -'' J"1'11'1 tO- i'Alii: 33 CENT.S. -m.b,g.J,lllc1().T. H,,.J'"" '' '''T' BLOOWlSBUfie Skjiiglit Picture Galleiv. I1TII' i il """L'li'ii.'iicii respeotrullv infoimi Av ''" c'li"'' of lllootn.burg and thu public gt I Buy . light tftiin... 1 tls.t Exeh.tnge llloek overi-ndiner s sniru. tu which hehas aililnl a full IJnnier i in ,1 no 1Zt'iUl' "y M"K" llu !''"'''"' 't-U in LIFE-LIKE PICTURES', HH.'H'C.foit'o'r&iVy01 "atU tl '1""""'!J " II ii.Iici'is iZPL??,? P''re Mkei, ai any tin. ill,, . , ' ,""'lic i"i"ni and tiusl. Ut will e able to rim er general sail. faction. A1ATTS0N a spec apart ,Jati( ie, , t C R RROOKiVAY ,a 1,1l''1py Druouists fiisntrtiv. r"i I tfiS5 J)'