Hinuij'iCriiu.xnutXiai-iiLliCai.11 main i.jmf:uniirii-ii i ir 11 nr i r .jii:.'iMt',T.J,'y,vi'' wWtsisu'OT NEW i Revised Fre Dill of the nif iiRtTii i uin r n A m I baltimojie look hospital MmOff .lY&l ihiiimoro, Mil. fluid extract buchu, Stove &TiiiVtirc Shop Ooluinbin &Monlor County i irr n rr lflr,r. . i?a'HA111.raifl.'TA . iii.-t?tti. t,t,! ApodtUn.lFpciaoKcmf.1yforrtlMMMoflh( BaiUruay mui-IUIimiUUJl j iuww. ...j u u, ivur uuii I'JWW HLddrr, Kidney, Clr-mcl ,1 Dropsical frilling,. QUAOKERY. Tlito Medletao .ftCfrtves tho powers nf rtigce!lorj,anl lt.fi nK ..r1ntln I I .nut lU l. 41.. It, id tut long Hit of nnv Advcr-; Thc Only Place ,rW a Cure can be ob. Si . ..., mm,-, j i?cmon,s' - i !!' . .. zzzx SSSSS 'PHE iintlpriiitn'-d informs t lie public in . I general tli.il ho has iMtc.'t n NEW TIN SHOP Ell) ML K-flSlllfiY JANUARY Iht, 1605 AS- Hon. John 1). Stiles, M 0. of '!' ,'ol,n,!," l'ns !1,5,rnvcrr,,n ,,,n, M wuu. i.wn , (Vrlnln, Speedy, and only Effectual Remedy In llii lit Libit.!) District, Mill IlCCCPt OUr thailKf Wnilil frr Weakness or thn Itorh nr Limbs, eitlcliirfii . s.v s. 1 I Airectloti. (if the Klilneva nnil Hlndiles. I it.otlititi, u or Dlllilic documents. , llilinrgc, linptiionr), (liiicr.il llclilllly, Nervous- ni'ii. Iivsiifnsln. l.niicunr. Low Milrlls. Cnnfii.loii nr " , , , ,ii I Ions, I iilpitallnn nf the limit, Timidity, 'I reuihllng, CfT hniillor lJUcKAI.r.V,linS OUt tliaulf.3 Untie., .d Sight or Oiililliio.s, DOimenf tlm llcnd . , , , . . it i-.i. rinnni. fine, or now eia nunc Termini iflorili'i-a lor n Ctpy ol Ibo ntrlnm( or UblC Ol tllO tiring Inuu Solitary Habits of Vuulh -necrrl nnil H 1 del I l.iry prnclircs inure Inlnl to their victims than the Fung ni ryrrns in im- .linn I he Ir mutt brilliant hnnca oSf Mr. Samiei. I'ahk ) a tottlicr from ''"""" e- Clt.atOrP Of tllO United States. Ping of r-yrfhstuthc ainr1ucr nf IJIi btlilitlng rorcokTiCssnrlltis from r.tcCMP, llJMtJ orill(ilr their mini iiriiiiani uniion nr nniiciiatliii, rendtrlng Hon, Fatly Indlrcrollon nttcndol trltb lli HELMDOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, Ilia following nrciii l hv I'. H, Mover, nno Prnrlillon I lleiiinrriit Olllre mi Alnln lirdlniiry Vlult In Town, tiller' hi' "III mnkii nil XI lulu or i'.arh mlillllnnal visit, Mm dny. In I'ln.iVnrii nn.l Hrnnlriim. in Burnt atll.i nn.l nn inmlnr, town ntn tirum. Harli mlilitlnii.tl ro In enmity. In nAOTSrdJf"1 M"'" '",1ll"t', fU" o'SlI't' oMt'of town wl.l.ln milieu in urucr. . n)10 tl) )t.a , ... (Sf" Country nroduon taKon nnd nublio ilnrii nii.ntinnnl mile orfmfiinii ofi I , it it i . . j mill!, ini tu ri iiiilep, vusiviii i uri v.i u 1 1 jf ouiiuiii ii i JACOIJ JIUTZ Jr lllnonMiurir. April W. ItMU -ly YOUiN(! MEN Byuiplonui indLpoilllon to ! ::citlon. Htigarloaf township, this county, recently ,. ,,, who ,, h,fonin ,,, vrtm, nf Pn : i.ot Memory. init'il nenr Pcterburir. Ya., ' li-n. mit urin.iini nmi uer-truiltve Imlilt whit iniiiiu.,, . , , spil.1. near 1 cici-uuij,, i a., (iJ ,.,.,, tonn iintlnnry (iriivuthonminilin.r jcmii , "orrorot l.ljoaw. died in thc lios Itroin ihcclTectB of wound. reecived in but V,'tlc. men of Hie. hin-t iMiltei! tnlentu nnd lirllllnnl liili llmt, no niiiinioinerHifp nnvc entinnred II tenlng Hon. n'e Willi 'lie thniiili rii or elo'iiicncc, nr iiki'il to cc ftiirytln: living Ijie, may call Hllli mil coiilldeiice. I o.sot Totter, l'l' ici.nyot I:rct1ilni, rirrrlllni:, V, i.;cfa!no9, r.iinlntliol'.nei, I I i!iia ! of lliu Ilody, Itrcp'.lanj or t'.:o 1'ttcc, 1'nllM Counlcniinec, ' a. c. rtoi.. , n. TiioMi'unx, V A U Ii Si Til 0 M l'SON. I ' j V10r,i:SAI.K fcggggg DKAIiEHB IN t 0 f 10. 'Ill JyO'lll If HUTCH, PHILADELPHIA. '. D2f Mr. MiciiAKt. llEirrMiutrr.n, of Ul.ol.r Inli.lv volunteered in' .''.'.'f:':: "."."ru 01 l'' .""' wenkne.., Uranlc du - j.ivuiii.'u . , ...... . uiiiij, iiriiirilllllii,, t 07 II IJTTIill, on r.tittu. Nnv, 1 1, '"i.'-li.'mo II A M 8, II c IHmn:nof Vision , Hot Hunch, ' j Diyncrsgf llicfkln, I t'nlvcrv.l I nltndo. M AlUtlAO 111, i ?I.MOr;Kploa:,lf tll3T.Citlo r."tn CMtlcii UiIi MoiU' v,i. i .... . , ., clno Invariably remove), r.oon rollow ninrrled pfrnn, nr yoiiti)! men fonlemplatliif man I rVTUITV I'l'Il VVW ft"? t r vi unncni (venKneta, oraiiic ill' , . , , r .... hii..iMIv nirt.,1. i 1 lonoof wlilth tlio tmtlont may crtdro. ..o can t$7 il. r ,li,.l n llnnnoko Llntid. and Hi; v,Iki pincn liimelt'iiudur tlio care of Or J. may thoy oro not Irciiuctiliy follov.cil by Uioso "direful ills- Hio Army, ut'Ci at iioonoio i mnu, .mu li;lu,,j. ,nUe , ,,,, lll)Mr , gem,.,,,,,,, UIIj cai08,.. Mas last Suiidny bur ed in I? oonieburg. -'""! riy upon iii. mii ... a ,,hy,iciair imiamti ash vnsi;y.moy? was ia ounuiij uu a ( OUtiAN'IO WHAKNKr'ei :any ttoorarc cf t'icciiioorili'lrturfcrlnj,tiutnano i . .-hi fc....t . ,.. ..,.... i - l,n,n?diiey i; .red nH,l full vlcnr ru.tnro.1. ' " '.' i ttlnH.. .V KI....I, nnnlt'u MM UMiri'it'l'iff ill! 't'll nil w MK'll IrMtl'Tr" lifi niU. I tninui)r iiu-u n u.. t j u. ijiiiuj ut r uupia wuuosa iw ..,a o - SEND YOUR ORDERS "170R HhANK 1JOOKS ii STATION X IHIV 'HI IV.. I'lillllY. Mnimf irliintu Vtntioner. ,ti artn I, itiu r w.U'nr, It Jt .fc K.iu. t'lill'.i lll.lni! nt nlclil and iircicrililnir Vl-lt nt night doiildo tho day vl.lt I ) rlt na ry raxpit ciT I'.irturltlori Jnktriimi.'tital cumii4, and sinll aire lulre Inrniii, lU'llverlni! 1'UccliH, . . . All alter atlimdance, nrrnnllng lu or ordinary ruten. per vlnll. ltt'duitiini ufr'rai turi'K f. I.u itiiini, nuijiir Aniputatlnri t,f l.eit or Arm Aiiijiii iitimi of ClMiier or Toe, tiierallun lnr llir"lli. I .UMnll of 'I'.in.lM Hmirpalion of Tiimom. Viiecinulliin ... Iiitri diutinii of Cntlieti r I'o-t limit rtiimln'n fur I'ntniier. t'oiiniilintloii ulthin elulit IiiIIik, llfinit Trorar in Acile, eiiiLuluiii Viigin.il Kxiimiiintio.i, Meiliiinc in nil rime extra. January 7. Ii5 SI ct. to SI.O 31,01) iO rcnlt, M rontit. 8I. 55 renin SLUM Sa,00 tisio i.l 00 to 8.(l WIII1AT, per liuthel. 00 HVi:. " " I 50 (,'UltN, " 1 00 imu;kvviii:at, 1 oo I'l.otm per i.hi, 10 ou :M)vr.ii.i:n, oo KI.AX Hllllll S 00 IIUCKWIIIiATHniir. 4 00 I miTri'.n. POTATOIW, 1)111 111) AI'i'LRrJ, IIAMH IIACSW, II A v hf mo Con. n TJ 2 SO 15 00 (JHICKHNB.pcr pair. 20 SPECIAL NOTIOE3. A I'AIU) TO INVALIDS A fieri! ym.in, ttlillo re.fldliif in Bout h Atncrlrn nn in mlMlnnnry, rllicovcrcil n ml'o and niinple renimly or the t'u rc nf Ni ivoih Wenlncii, llinly I'rjny, Ilii ene nf the l.'rlnary nnd Rrinlnnl Ordain, and the hole Ira In of dircirrlrra brmiRlii on dy hniuful nnd vleio'i lialilln. tlnnl tiunibera tinve liern nlrcady cured by tlil noble r rnivily, Vp inpled by a dmlrr to licni.fil Hie alii rlcd nnd uiiforluiinw, 1 a III rend t)i: SKMHi to JH.OO eait.tHt in an ik) i'.m to $Iii,iki Sin. ou til SJU.UU frlu .nn to 815 uu youra If .ylii.iiii to S'.'iAfi 8U" ! Illl In HA.II) S'iIi.uu to siurjiii 81,1m in jijiHi ein.ou e nn) rlpofor preparlnu nnd uain? Ibl. me,lrl,,e ApriltfS. 18115 3 o'oloc-k, P M aenled envelope, to any one wlin ncedt It, I I'.liN OK ... From Gcnnral Shcjinan. BURR ENDElToP JOIINiON'S ARMY The Terras thc wamc q' those; granted to Gen. Lee. aicppntch fYom CJcii. tirnnt. rr"liM.vi..l War Depabtmkxt, WahHinoion, )' Kt I i CliAltni:. iwnor ucnctal UlT'S I'li'imn mtlone. pom-1 aid envclofe, ddre,.P,i ln jcDr,t,.i, fri,m General Grunt, datfd' Addfiai, ii.i.. i. i,, 1. . ...ii . i. ! . . ... JOSK1 II T. INMAN, ' &n ' r m.. April - tiu, jmsi cintioii l). ihbie noun'. N. V. t ity ceivotl by ibis dopnrimcnt, statea that Aptii i.i i im -y "JoboaiiM sucrendcroil the forces in lu THE IJRIDAL PIIAMUER A note ,,,,.., ,. ofw1ii.,l.,L'.li,.lud.lwt1.lb,Kf .iiller.nr with Homlnal ' .... ....... uv. I Wcnkn (iiinrnl lleblllly. or rremature llcciy.lri'm CliattaLoOcllic.lO GcilCml .SllcflUnD Oil lliO niiati'vercaiuo proiiitccn, Head, poiiucr. una riri.'cu 1 lie wine in IMIK'. Hint I'll UK tunny nditrcrn fur the bfllieflt of tin) nlllicl Cr Sco noiieo for U'ection of OiTniors H of the Agricultural Society to bo held on " Satntday. ailtli of Msy. eialili) iiinl miirrl.iiju iinpinaibU 1 the penally paid 1 l,,t"' by Hi I. tlio. of linnr inor Induli-enres Vimim ! Tl.i uih nru tim npt liicnmmll iU'aai-a from not beini; ir-.l.tj tlm u'.l of mcdlcl S";, ''v: lV l',Z',Tt:Z' V'".' ,'r 1 i:.c..vr.o-n.wi.i.-i.nrxMi ,l., . . . ' Him 10 Invtrlali'.y dou. A ItUtuttl rnnvlnen Dm ninot . ce.cnll.l. ,., ..inn ui iirocri- inn n m I0l iiioiiit i,i : lin'i of Ih rmertlm 1.0 ConnU'.titlou, oaco directed by orRntilo reakneaa. of meillclur to ptrenxtlisa no i lr.vlgorr.:o : old'r ESTiiACTor nociiu t&T The person who .enl us- Lines on f iJiyHtoHic irnro'V. ' H,e death of "William Henry,' ' mailed at W.IIi....fpo,l, and having Withheld I.U Hln'eXK'oi'l'vai!, 'im'Ur'.ur'j i uniiui c nf,iriii,.i I ml wo tii'vt'l' nuLilSll ".,'l" l'ia. npuaiion ol in i Henri. In; n' lialllO, I 6 llllorilUO Cliai wo Ilivu puunoil tion, l-'onMllutinnal Debility, Wa.lim; nl tlm I'tani" anonymous eoiiiinuiiloatioua. CiniKli, roinunipilmi. I)itn mi l llo.ith Jill. JOII.V.iTOV, Jupplicd to dealers and cuhIi buyers at rS a.ii AiT'ii ni'.i' 1 O Inw whok-nli! ral", , U TRAINS WII.I. HUN .' vt ri;i;ui March 4, IPIlj, Um, 4 It. and lU-.e Kt. , LEATHER I LEATHER!! I,ack;nviiiin;i tV lilooinsbiirL' icailt oai! twjyii i'ii pl i u iLiuru in in. rei JAMESS . U I'LEK, 1U0 Droadway, Now York flo?" TWO DAILY TRAINS. -visa en. I'M. fArtBllNtlini AH I'Gl.t.OWrt' 1. 1! A V 'I NOKTIHV A It I), NortbimtlierbiMd. 'plll'.iinderHlsneil Hoiildnunoiinre.tli.il liulintnn half J al liln Hat and Can llmpurliim, nil llain Ht., lilnoni. I bur?, an iiortnn:iil of dlirorent kind (if leather, unili i j flue ealf rklnn, miiriiien (red iindhlacKJand llnlinfs nil . rl nhii.li lie will Hell i benper than can be hail "Ucwbeir I in thi market, Call and uxi'inliiu tliiin for vonreJvea, , . v. . .. I JllllM lllllIJ, Inmnnr alTecMons peenbar to romnlc,tbo rrTrufT ; lllniiiuFlmr:. May '.'I litl " , ., Member of tlio linyal L'ollejo ol Hnrgcnnn, Luinliiii. MllSSllS r.NT S tviOUE 0 atlliOUni'O lirn.lu.ilelroiu on i nf theiimM eminent l:iIIikmh iiih .. i .e n . . ...... -J I'nlluil Malm., and the iirealer put ol u bosu life !i.i lOllay, IUf arrival Ol iew opriug uuu I, .,. .pent in t e liopii,il, of l.nndon, I'.iri,, i'liila- Suimnei Goods Street. Their Fclrclions choice and fine. Persons waut iig ehiop.Gooda in dm locality, will do well to cull Boon and nee the new Fa-h- , l.'.v, o,nrn in I, mlif ib'lptila, and elHinvhuri', lias elfected ninii" ol the most , Ot l.tll S OlOro in l.lgllt ntnnl-liliiB cures th.it we.ru ever kiimvn j many Iron. n.nrtiiioiif in laruo und '"' "! '""i"1 hen a.ieep, assortment IS largo anu Alrnl nervmmne". being nlan 1 at sudncn amimlii. n.iiiiuiiirmi ..nn ircrpi'-m iiuiitniu', nttenili d nnuii. tlmea nilli der.insmenl or iniii.l, uuro cured immeili ali I) . ft ri:r I. une'iUjlod liy nny ether nmiody. and for oil cotnphlnts Incident tf) Iho if t, or lu tho DHCLHiH Oil CltANUK OK MIT, tlT Sf.r. SyarTOMS inovc. t?" Ko Fatally ohonld bo without It. I.eav u " lianvlllo, U u pert, l;luuiunliur)i Herkk, Hllli kslilnny " Mnuton, .Xtnve nl si tiininn, .New Vnrk, l'hilaib'lpliia. Leave CtH. Scnutarin Lcltulc - lion. Petkk Ent has liCki) appoiuted Senatorial Delegate taki: i'Ar.Tici;t..u NOTtn:- Iir J iidilreraes nil Ihnjenbo havo injured lh"m r.el Ii) inipri'iii r iinlulKenru nnd aolilury Imliits, biib ruin bulk bmly nnd mind, ti n Til ti lis them fur (iili. I bufine.ii, mid), nMclety, nr rn.imnui!. I'lne nrenoiui! of Hi' ia,l and melaiulinl y cirjtt pio'lnci il by inily n il.lt f i,utb, vli: iVakiicm of thell.Kk.in.ll ,t, I'lilna in Ihe Head, Iiinnps3 Si;ht. I.mr o .Mu-etil.ir 'owei, I'.ilpllatiuii of llu! Hi rant mi. Kluustuii llerv.Uk, ll'ijiiiiial.iirc; Itllpeil, I I.l I. F.TTIIU! of ndmlnlntrullii'i. debml nan, turn If I JUmnut Norl'iiinibutlnud, lfiirrinurir. Administ ator's Notice. Es'aic nf Ati'icw 1rsv. ilrrc iml. to the coming June Democratic S.ato Uon- , .; rVX, tcUtlon. lusa.oMiecI.ei.o,.. Weltave Tn,'ife!;,n,'i',.nec., .... ii ,r c, IiO doubl I hut bin liomilia'ioil Will tit' COIl- t"b . r.-.i 1 l.n ol' memurv. ConfUhimi of Idea, 1 . .. "' I tlon nl .-pirit. l:il riirliniliiun. ,vi r-ion to euried in bv t li c Democratic par'y ol Uii- Mm iy. s. ir ti6tr.i-t. i...v r s,i itu,i. 'i'imntiiv,fcc J ire kfiilin til till! nvi produced. SuIlUtOlial Distlie' ? ti"i-ii mis of pinvnn i,r nil asns ean now lintce v.b.11 w Hie c.iuse of ili .Jr d, rlinlns health. ,niui! tbirir .... , , . .j ,.i Ji'ir.h nuj uenlt pain, uervniH nn.l en aci,itvd, CQ5"' I'ftMCeilt dOIINt-ON, lias orOi retl ia nn.' a Min-ulnr iippe.nance about the eyus, cough .1 -.1 .1... M.lime.. hr CMIi .r, II I II' ' " amil'.iuil. Tnl-.ori ra'w-i, "crcury. or nif'mm nedlclno for aoplnisrit i.r.d ilamrerotis illroaci. l.iiiiiilivjijij'ii EinAtil iiliCiU vo f -r. a Gocrot Eiaoaaea In all ihilrrd a i 111 lo cspcr.so. Ilttln ot no ehangu of alji,nolacv)ne-.!e- - KO J.Xl'Ohrjlu:, i Pi I W :t -ry. v.; 'V, (lie release of tbij Military priHimiM in the vnlIV ' 1 '.F'-Vl 1 iOTD'8 '1 Old Capital Prison and from Forts War- ,.,..,.... .,,. ' ! E X T R A C T BUCHU ' - ...tI li.ll..ii. v 'l'lii is ii worn! be- HS ' i" 'hnn nlonu, ii li-il.it freu lenilv le.ir'no.l ir'nm I r"' nlTc-.lloi and dhensea of ttieje o' rhe.ttior l'"1""" ' " ' " eoiiii.iniiiiu.ornt rhnui, th.i ellVits of which nru , ;,,;n,.. Wi. Iinna ln will i-rinndllv order I'llihily leli oven hr-u al,iMi. auil. if ii it eureil run. ' h.""'"b" . ;i"i "yrucf iiupu. ,n,ie ami iiestruyii both min.l an I .' the release or Hie 1' ivo uoiumuin ouui ' I'liinfm from l'otl Mifll n. '4 Oi'KN roii P.usiness Tin Philndel "' plna .V Erie Railroad is "pen again lor M iu'incs, from Sunimry to Erie. The f'eat fl iod had done it a great deal ol ' ilaiiijjc. 'I'h'R road ii destined to become "M one or the most important lines in the f State. bony, vhiiulil apply imiu.-illjii.lv. " bat a pity lb u a yoiini; man. the hepe of our conn try. Hi., prim' ot In papum. .iiil i bj suatth". frnm nil proipei t and enjuyn tu of lib', by tliu come. pience of devlimuj Iruni ih.i path of natun; and in. ilulfiir,' in a ei naiu mret h.ibit. Such p tioiiib must, In f, ir tonteinplaiiui?. MARRIAGE, i rell 'it tint a found iiiiud and bo,v are t!i iiiikI ueceK. mi) reuuiMti i.i piouuite conuuluiil hapiinei.4 In. ihe, i. uIiImmi thesH the journey through life hecnmei. ui.ir pilirrmiau i the pro-perl hourlv d.irken lu n" view, Ihe mind bfcoinen ph.ulnHed with do. pair ami lllleil llh tho nielaili hull) ri ll ttllill t lt.it lb" !i n,. pined of auiither liecoines bliuhtuii wuh oar ou, Offiu,' South Iraliivl; Strut, lefl.li.ind side c'Iiiib friiiu ll.iltiinoro mreet, a few donrii r..iH Ihei.iiucr. l'.iu initio lii,irve name and iium leir. i'f No letters rnrcHcd rnlen pntpid and eon. 'I "rt'liahlp geiitleinati ' and the "intcllig'Mit ,,); .h.,ni,i rmie nst'iimi nviiiiiniriiiiii of ad verity- piiii(rhand" have entered into pirttier .i.n' r 0ii We learnfrom Washington that Fince the eating in of the rebellion, the i r I IJ tamtntti ciinu on the ejt tic of Andrew Hum, late ; nf Htmarluif tow u.hlp. Hid. Co., l ti-.i.-.I. hive baee i Rriinte I by llu KeUt.'r of (Jnliimhla cu.iniy In lau un i iln "iirned ; nil pi'tnun hivhiK cl.llun .le.un.l the e. I I ltd of til i d ir. l.'in ir r npi into I to p re eui th.nu t i .tlm under U'teil. rei lluu in and tnivunhlp, willruit ilt'lay.iiud nil pranu ludi btjj tu mtki p ly.n ul tortli with. ! RI HARD MESS, ! A ImluK iratnr. ! April t-M. 81 ! PH()IJERl'Y j AT i PRIVATE SALE. I 'I'll I', in li r"l7U -d ntf r to 'II at prhale f.ile. on 1 modem!.: ii ii.-.. th f.l ovMnir dnciib nl urticlCM, vb. : , I EXCELLENT MARE SIX YEARS 111,11, A VII HIMil.l'. II1!I!.S ; ONE TWO VEAIl 01,11 MAIli: lOl.T. A TWO IIOKSll rxMii.v w.vioi. (ii)oi) si'iiis'c: vi;. OX AMI A Nt:W I'AWlMl Mil, I, Apply nl Hum nibce, nr lu tlm ?.iiti. i ili.tr. Ii SnuAe tew n, n-jtl dour l.Jow iviuni 'n tlruteiy More. Illuouiii. Ii.iil!. JOEL GROSS. April .'i. I'M " icaisaa w.itiiBi nv.aTaiE"4!" TUT received ,t new apsortincni of good style of WALL PAPEIt, INCLUDING BOR DERING AND VEILING PAPEIt, and a i..ier.il ariet) of materi.ll in hU line ulu-b will be f' tiiul on ihe I HIST l'l.nolt iium. uliiir y . nut of l.ul.'s I'ru t3lue . in lee Unpen block, where all p, r-uin iv i - in :i i; irni l in hi. line will lie attsnil "d to in perfju at all Oiii.'m. fiatS" Paper Hanging executed to order and bent style, at short notice, E J. THORNTON. niuuiimbur". April 1?, lrbij - ly r'.OOA.AI. J 00 P.M. F.-tO S II) V.il C.'.'.1 P.:i5 , .:t in ej 7,i 1 1. in m 1J.I5 P. M. M I5 I5U I0.M I, Su . e.'ju ni w a no (HU) A ,M 4'M I'. M 7.0H 5 ad c :a 11.15 r,-:i Ii 'Jj , (Ua in im '..I5 III in In no I. 'ill P.M. I '-'5 V.U5 111 115 fl Id 5 01 basis agreed upon between Leu am! inyeell for the Army of Northern Virginia, j EDWIN M- STANTON, l Secrutarj of War- Gen. Grant and' Sherman's Ar . misticc. FoiiTitESs .Monhoe, April 'J7, ) , via JJai.ti.muhk, April 28. J A ateamcr arrived hero tbii morning : from Moroboad City, bringing advices from N't'wberne that Gen. Grant has effectually put an end to the armistice agreed upon WHISKERS! WHISKERS! Do ynu , between General Sherman am Genorul T T uani it iiuKeri. or .notniaenei. i tiur i.recian April tf, rG5.-3 in. WHISKnitr1 1 1 1 -Thoie wl.hini! alTmi act of hik rra. a nite moutiebr. or a beautiful head of vlns.r 1 ' hnlr. will pkasf r' ad the card ofTlluS K. Cll A I'M AN in Annthrr part of lhl paper, j l'i brujty V4 INiJ-Siii, , OLD EYES MADE MiW. rAMPIII.KT directing Imw In apecdlly t rei.tnro nlbt and cite un enrrtarli'. t w 1 1 It in t ni i of doctor ornniliilnc Sent by t until, tr-e. on rec "i nt of 10 centa. Ai'dreaa E II KOOTK, .M 1).. 1 13(1 llroitdnnr. N V. Kib I, li'M.-Cw. " Wej,lllletlill, riliUdelpllln. Tlm itlmrteat and most direct mule, to llu) went and th i oil rtxloii ! ' erj 'I rniiH of the Philadelphia and Eli' Uallroad It.ive Nurtliumlieiliin.l every inuriiini! fur Eri'i, arriv I iiij tln-r.. Ihv nflernuuli ol th same duV to rouutlll i tilth trains for llullalo ( b ttland, Chknitii. w ith nil been re.lored tu health In a few days alur many i polnti wi st. .im! iiiuiieiliuj at Corry won an iraiut years u iiii.iry, is ttiiiinu in it. ski his sun ring iti ; un llu 1)11 L'reek liailro id New and elecant Sleepinir cni aixompany the Plant 1 Ileitis ( (leli it .1) b' tttion Nurthuuibeiland mid ll ilti ! in,, re. i.ii.l Nurthuuibe.il.tiid an I I'hila.lulpblit. ( II. A. I'O.MlA. riupt j I'.lnfalon. Jatr.iary II. l-ii' l.'iiiupuiiinl will lurec them tu crow on the smoothest face or chin, nr b ilr, nn bitld hinds, in Sit Weeks I'rlte. Jl 1W, Sent by mail an) whore, iluael) sea ed, unreii-lpt ofpilee, Addruis, W MINER k t;o. llux 13. Uro'iklyn, V V IVIiriuiry 1. Ihii5-) I ' i'O the Nervous, Debilitated aud Dej- 1'nnilcut nf both sexes kA treat in J'.'rer having uli'ii re.iureu ui iieaiui in it lew years d iuicry, la iwlllnu to n.slsl low creatures hv sending ifree.) on the rmint or i i-ipain ii'ttiicssca i nvenipe, a copv oi it f ja'mtita o; mre. iiiilo)id. ilireittn J(I1I.M 1 AliV.M.I.. Hoi lea Post OiTire Hi ,n,klj u, V Jan. 14, 1-01. it) 1'J, 114 j Deafness, BUndaes & Citanli., T. enteil t Ith the utmost success, tiy Or J IrfAAI'S, i b p and gone into the oil bm-iiiep-i. D.vi' coaebmau" will act ui the busiiH'iip iiiiiuagcr ol tlif new firm , 0&' Mr Li.ovn T. Sii.mu'I.kss. the en III -01 ili'si lllullif svilrploni ihe l'ortor' Dipbmio bancs in liisoulcc. Etuloi iictntnt ol thc 'ran, The many thniHamls cured nt Ibis e.ialillnlnn. nt niiliiu Ihe hi tw.-nty yur , and the nuniernus im. I ori.nn Surgical opi ralious perfnruied, by Ilr. Julius tun, Hitnessed by the ripnrter. of Th" Sun nnd iniiiiy oilier pipets, iiotiies ol which Ii un appeared iiL-ain 1111,1 11171,111 1, C.r.t tlx, n, ,1.1,.. 1....;.!.. I.t I inrrirl-i is O U" All rchtllit on Main Sirei't , neiitlninau ot rlmr.ict'T ami repouilnliiy. is a'h'ulli. ' . tu ut guaranty to tlm alllictu. I. utist ol .MarKct Mrrel, uns j'l t uj'uu. .. . San Di.sfasa Spctrlhi luted. A'rti SJ IM5.-J). u Notice. ii not her Bsortnient ol Cheap olid Fa hion I. ble Spring aud Summer Good?. He i -Mill .selling at induced price aud is tie-' u rmini'd IIOl to 1)C undersold in B'OOUIS- HEIli: will 'be a mectinc of the fireei, Cnek IV icruiimu Hill lu uu .cuiu I iroleum I oinpanv, luld at Iluhrsburi;. Coluniliia lilirf ll '.'Oil but r-aw the droves ot Lu- comity, I'.i., on Saiurri.iy, enili iiihl., to electothceia iiiirg. 11 ,u" UU1 1 and intend toi.iher bu-iucss of oaMiiizins the Coin- dies who daily throng i.i Stoic you couldn t ' py- j.,:lm okhuaim) resist the nfraction. ) Fine i kai iikk. spring has fairly ret in, and wo hnvo bud i-oinc bijautifu! weather this week, Tho gardens mid holds urc already decked in green, and vatiegated with flowers. Rare-footed bov f !5akcr& Confccljoncr r.v:s-t?:'i iv vai.:: rrr.n i.r.ie"."-. "..co-ler,,i'.'ii5...n.l i nr.nil'crlio'.vlon'? H 'lvllni; J.'IfLjuC.i cf thco orb-nr. i r3 jUli j tba nldol a (Iljrctic. HELKBQLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU la tho Great Diuretic. Atj I It I rertnln t i havo tho desire 1 cUec: la til dlaoasca lor vvLlc'i 1. ij .'ec.inn.C' i'.i. 1. h BLOOD! BLOOD! 33I.COD! I-I o lmbol cls IlIOnLT COXCE1.TJ11.TEII CXJllTOrhD FLUID EXTRACT SAflSAPARILLA, Tor purifying tho Moorl, rornorlns ull chronic corotlta. tlonal rllfcairs arl.-lr.s from an lnpr.ro etale of tho l'lood. and tbo op.lv rcll.'.blo and olTsciual fcnovrn remedy for tho cnir of tcitfala, Ecald Head, Suit l'hcara, lVJns nnd he held ,u th ir otbee ,u Irotidale. n.i l I'.ll.v'I'.SI) V Swcllliss of tho Doses, HtcrpHona cf Ibo Throat tn,l U-ss. lllotclit-'.rtoplcs ou the race. Tetter, Erysipelas, end rll rc ily Ernptlons of ino Kkln, AXI) UKArTU'VIXOTElE CJIPrjXTOX'. not a i;i:w of tho worst dloordera that aClicl mankind arke fiom tho corruption Unit accumulates in Iho Llood. Of all tho dib I coveriea that havo occu made to pnrf c It ont, nor.o can ; eijual In cfieet HntucoLU's Cosn-nr.i Extkact or Sac- rurArdLLA. U cleanses and renovates I'm Blood, InsllllJ ILevIiorof health Into tlio s)am,aa't purjea out the I lmir.orj ivhkli make dUtcso. It bllmulatca the healthy fonctlous of tl.i; body, ami cxpcla tho llf or Jcra that cron' 1 and ranfclo In tho Wood. Bnch o remedy that couU t.o relied on has long been Bought forced now, for thc flrrt tlrao tho public have ono omtl'lch they can depend. Our epaco hero doca not njlmlt ot ccrtiacatcs lo Ehow Its efi'ccts, but the trial of n Einslo bottle will ,hoc to iho elek that It Lit Its vlrtncs aurparblng anythlnK they havo ever taken. Two tallc'rocnaful of the Extrr.et o. earsapaillla added to a pint of water 13 equal to tho Milio Tlct Drink, and ono bottlo is fully equul to n cation or tho yr jp or Earsi parllla, or iho decoction as ntually made. 13UTER' S FIACON, At I'urt I'i-h, r. was si.irrilv a trealcr lallurelhin Is t tleuli.l ami An ri st (lorui'rlv ofl,eydeii Holland.) No TEllltV AN i I'ul'lfaltr) li,"loin n al hi, oilier;, 'lb" mediial fae.dly are int ited to lor'. cuuiiil. le, peif. tt and cloriuus, lhan thi r-ii'iues , uriomp.iny their patients, in he has nn .ecii tin bis ,.,..., ' prartbe. A'tTiniT , I. E ES. Inserted wnliAiit pain. ui'lstadouo'S hair dye Over Cray, iril iiid sand) In nds i f hair. The t bnnx mus Itiii' is wiped out in live minutes, and a niagniul i ent bmtv u or black. tin, ) ami luitural lakes lt pl iru ,u charu'e nude lnr esamliiatmu l'tlraar) 11,1-15. July 'J, lsiil, 15u IF YOU WANT TO KNOW I lTTI.t: OK HVEttYTHIVO rt-lalinc tu the Johuson. Gen. Grant bad given Gen. Johti'on up to s'x o'clock yesterday (Wednesday) inoruiiig to surrender hia army. Tbo con ditions aro ouknonn. (jcneral Grant announced tfatot after that hour hostilities would at once be re sumed. To this Gen. Johnon U said to, hnvo replied that if Jefferson Davis and tho leading general otTiocrriol the confederacy were pardoned and permission givon them to leave ibo country, ho wou'd be author ized to accept the terms proposed hn A vii.,i,iri,i,ire,l bv J.OIlISI'AOOlt'i. No. 0. Atnr Home rl mail H.vsiein, i.iiuu mm lemaie ; tue causes iiinl , . . , . , ,i , treatment ol diseases ; ino tuarri-iKO en lums of th Oresvers Aptil I, I f..".. T FRESH A R I! IV A 1. Spring and Summer, If EW IMTlIti EVERYBODY 'IMIE unilei-Uned has alwnvs on hand nnd for sale, 1 I'lil.S . lllti.AI), (1AI.ES, PIES and French and Domestic Confections nnd chin bata arc already at large, and m Rie-t and spinniid vnri ty ; Nuts Kruits. nn.l every-' 1 , . thini; iimally timud in ii hist cl.is couti'tlioiieryrliire. rvery da we rspect tue utt urgau-grin-, ilcr to make hi itcbut into our town. Q I'fUnill i all rrinm.il uitt'iitioii to liiti iu-i Iv ru , iHV'iii stock nf PICKLED FRUIT AND JELLIES , HUH UiilDUiJ'IMIlU) 111 UlUU Ulinujwj j i vvv.m...- v SST At a Methodist Conference held at . Having recently lilted up a new aud denco of the most responsible and: enable character w: Gauton, Ohio, during the last mouth a o . . Bev. J. II White moved toe.xpol from the fiL L3tl2vl-?a feADsOl. ' on the first floor, two doors west nf I'.yer & Mover's 1e OonferenoC thc lll'V O JiOWISi a super- i Drill! stori', U is prepirud lu wait upon his inmi)'ru. luiuers tvnii urtt ciass ice t. ream us cueap as inn - . . rl ' i"M"i.-(B ,,ni ,,.B, l ...nn Ci- li-illll CIIL'II1 IIS tiiiuatcd preacher, lor the ornno ol tiuving : eiieapesi. lie win supply n.iiii, i'ain?s, and pie, 1 . . , ! i t t vvilh ice e'ream, Conlettioncry, &e., at if.'isoiiblc rt ihakeu bauds with the Hon. 0. 1.. al J a'j'OlliN 10 li biudicbam He bad not seeii.him shake IIICS rates. bands, but, be (-aid, he hail heard that he did shake hands with " allaudigbam Income Tax. IHnum-hurg. April Irli.'i, Male and Female Academy. T The assessors havo prepared a most re- .... , ,., .... 1 41 . The Spring Term of this Institution begins ' inatkable oath, which they requi" every jiQruY, APRIL 17, 180!), and con. Titian to make in giving in bin income state- ,jmlf,s ELEVEN WEEKS "mem. This oath is to the effect that the .teSfiS.S; .tft.rtatoinent shows the income "which he has , " i' f, r L' " . "I t:'.' i V.' ' f V ,. , K.., ,ho ii .-..ooivml. nnd lo wliiuh be is in ntlV lliall- i N" l i'luinbus, l.uz. mo county, I'.i. "W tier entitled, ' and also ''that be baa not' . 'jl received and is uol entitled to receive, nELI-IBOXiD'S BOSE WASH, An excellent lotion for diseases arising from liablla of dlsslp'.llon.ijserl in connection with tho E.trnct J P.ucbu nnd Sarsnparllu, In 3ncb diseases as i ccomiuonucj. i.v i- denco of the most responsible ana i ciiauic cn tractor in accompany the ineillclnca. Also cxplleft directions for nse,u(liA'iin'r:io thouwmli living wliuescs.mid up wards of C0,0i unsolicited certificates and recommenda tory letters, many of vt blch nro from tho highest eourccs, lncludlns eminent l'hysiclnns, ncrgymen, Statesmen, Ac. Tbo Proprietor has never icsortod lo their publication In tho newtpapersi ho docs not do this from the fact that Ids articles rani; nafclondnril Preparations, and do rot nce.1 to bo propped up by certificate!, Ibo f eicneo of Medicine, like the Picric rolucm, should stand blmplc, pure, majestic, having Tact for Its basis, Induction for Its pillar, and Truth alone for Its Capital. from any or all eourccs of income to it' , V gcther, any. other sum for the said year." This is sin ely a blunder on tho part of, F, home one in preparing this oath. Men; - i . ii nro not to pay taic on wiiat tucy arc en-, It 15V. A. J. FUKMAN, Principal. MRS M. H. FURMAN. Preceptress. A pill Im3. Im ... . . f .. i - i '...-.1 :. v -titled to reunite as ll tney uau rcmnm n. Wo can imagine that Ihe clause was dc- f rigued lo prevent frauds, but it goes a JOSI!? It XV S S" E 1 1 MASITACTTKHIt OK U M li 11 Ji L L A S S V N U .M 15 R E L LAS, , AND PARASOLS My EMract farr aparllla Is a rioodri'ilCcr i ray Extract Iluchii Is n Eluictle, and vvill act t. ruth in t'.l czza. Doth nro prcpaicd on purely (.clcutlCo prlnclplcs-fn rocuo oud ur tho mott active rrcaurej cf either that t an bo made. A ready und concluslv o teat will Lo u com p'Jlson of thele properties wllh lliosc set forth la tbo fed lovvlnj v.oil.31 fro JUipeLs-.V.ory of thnirnlted Fti -es Feo Viofcstor . tuLcn' voluublu '.- rUi on Ihe l'Tacllca of Ih;-le. fco rcaiarVsni'idebv the celebrated Dr. 1'rtTfio, 1'hlH. rco renuiks mi.do y I r. ri'iir...i i ?:..Iuwi.i.-,ii cclc braldl 1'hysiclun end .Vcmhcr cf tho Euyrl Collogoof CnrscorB.Iirloml.ind publi.heil lu lU '."rantsctloas ot lto El'.! nnd (.lean's Joe.mst. rco Medieo-rbli ur?lcal Ib iltw, published by Dr..vjN Tmvri-.f. T cllovv . r Iho I'.v :.l Colltcn of iiurgcone. Kcomoit of the l.itot-fn laid v.orUa on Medicine. Notice. U I'' A "tiunl Mptinr of the Stock "Id-r" ol' the Uluo'mabum Iron Cniupany. will ITtli M'tV. letii. fur llu: elclion nf odit:ers, .tnd nth'.' business. 0. R. PAXiMN, President. Illoninsburi;. April Jl IH15 -31 BARGAINS ! BAHGAINS! IF YOU WANT TO BUY SlIilNG AND SUM3IEII GO TO t'rr. sy's Slnrc, in Light .Slrect, Pa. Wiw Keep ull Kin Is of OALIGO, MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAM, FLANNELS. CARPETS, HOSlEltY. SHAWLS, Ready-made Clothing Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, coffee's, Teas, Fish, Salt, Bacon, Hams, Lard, Tobacco, egars, Hats, Boot,', Oups, Shoes, Drug, Oils, Paints, Sec, &o. 1 n adt'itinn lo our large stork of Dry floods, wo haw n I live and full ussorluient of Iteady .Made CNittiinp loi t en and llo wear which we no ileteriiiiiii d to sell cheaper Hi in call bo bought elsevv hero. Call and nt' nnd jHiljfn for yourselves if" Th"y also keep a Hue assortment of HlIJIl and MEUIOIN'ES, tu supply tlm nl.s n.-u ,,fa ri R ilar llrue Bmru in l.iijlit Sirei t. winch will be cir' lul'y emu piiiuulnil mi. I suitably d'r 'cted for tlm a i omu'lalion of their cutlouiers. U. W. CRKASY, tcCo. I Ishl Street, April li'iU. New Skirt for 885. the uui:T ivvevtiov ok the ari: 'tnv York Su,d by DriiKKisls. ApplK'd by ub Hair , world; hnvv to marry will and a thousand mini's never published before read the revl-ed und enlarj;eil eill- ttno i tiun or ".Meillcal imnnmn Sense, ' a curious book for i curiu'i" ieiitiii, ..un it huimi iiu'ik ior evi ry one. sim 1 pairns. IUI) lllustraiiuns. Price 31.50 Contents table ; sent free to any address. Honks may be had al the I Hook Stores, or w hi be, mutt bv mail, pnsl mild on re ctipt ol tbt price E U. KUOl'U. -M. I).. 113(1 llroadway, New Vork. Kebruary I, le'OA. -Cm. ' 1'ilttor of Democrat. Dlar Sin With your permission I vvlh to f.iv to the reudi rs nf your paper that 1 will in. ill, mull vthu , wish it (free) n Uecelpi.'. wllh fail directions fur making and nuns a simple Veceinble Halm Hint will elfi rtunl lv remove, inteii day-, I'nupies, iiintrhes Jan. rreck cls, and all Impurities of the Skin, leaving the s'line soft, clear, suiontli and lleiintifui. 1 will al.omail freu tu thine havine; Uald Heads, or Hare Kace, imnle diretliuus and in birinetinu that vvill enable them to start a tuil rrovlh of Luxuriant llnir. Whiskers, or a .Moust.iche, in less than thirty il.i) s. Ml upplitations answered by return mall without charge llesptct.'ully y"ttr THUS. 1 . i IIAPM N, Chsmltt. -'11 11. n ..!..-.... V ,..t I'll ii h,i yet been nieiied in llloumsliuti!, to vvtiiin ne IVbruur) '.'.". leiu-rm invites the atteiiliun ol Ins frli nils, ami a--ures tbeui I . hat th. y are f;'J'' ' unfM'1- " ; rpo CDVSCMI'TI VES.-'l be u,,,lers,i.'.,eil hat intbecn l.,ckuiinp.is'sal'irBiiassn,tnientof re.t.,r,-d to health in a few week-, by a very simple OENTI.E.MEN'S WEAItIM; API'ARI.I.. reined) , after bavin)! mllered evvr.il years. Willi u .niisiatiiie ol Kasii.ossbi.k Daiss Covts, ol every tie sovero laiitr alll cii and that dread di nr. Cnn. rtitioi' . l'.inis. v. sit, Mints. i,rav.u ctutivs, sumptlnu Kanxioii, tn makuknown to his rellow suf ,inilKerthi"l's, OloveS. Siifpenders, Ate. fercrs th" means of euro. (ioid Watches anil Jewelry. till', undersianed cralerul for past patrnnacc. resper fullv informs hl-cu'.tuuiei nud the pulillcseiiernlly bat lie iiasjuit received I'loui the lldstern cities, the I ireest and most selei I stuck ot W7 4." M i. SPR1N' & 6i fitlt'Oi '5t-!? V ifYii ii ..v,.rt ilerriotii'ii. tlue and cheap S. It.- Iteiui'iiiber ' l.oircHlern'j Chrap r.mperiwm' all and ce. No thaiL'e for examine (loods. DAVID LOWENIir.rtil llloouifbiiri;. Apiil I 115. (JuneleS'i) fii. &i Si. T. Aatluiity fc tUo., JltHitifiit'liircr.s of riiotugmpliic ilat r rials, H liiilesali! &: Ittlail. 501 liROAJ2WAYs tV. Y. lu nildiliou tn in r m ini business of Phntngrni hie tlnii rial". we are llemlquarlt r lor the lollow nig, vn SlefccoiK& n iv I Stereoscopic l'iews of these we have an luunen'.f assoilmei t. including W, ii Scenes, Aiiirriian and I'uretgn Cities audi., id- capes. (Iruups, St.itunry, tit.. &c. A so, llevolvini! !i,:reosi ope", ior piiiiuc nr private exiiiuitiuu iiur 'I'ii all who desire ll, he tv ill send a copv of the ore s riplion ii sed. (.free of charge,) with the directions for pn pariiiK ami usint' Ihe ame, which Ihey will find a sure cit in for Consomi'Iioi AsriiM, URoMiuns, Cormis, l.'ot.us, 4:c, Tile only object of ihe advertiser in sending Hi.' Prescription is to benefit tlm utllicted, ami -pre, ui information winch he tonceives lu be in valuable. ; and be bupes ever) sufferer will try his remedy, as it vvill cost them nothing, and may prove a bl ssing. Parties vv tilling the prescription will please address i Iti v. EI)V Alt!) A WILSON. Williamsburg, Kiit?s County. , New Vork. rrbruary 18. 18ij5-am An Appeal by the County Com missioners VOITC- is l.ercny mven that nnappeal vs. ill b- held It lit ih' rnumv Ciim.uissloncrs III Ihe sevurrU tntvusliiis. in Ih County uf Columbia, at tho places nun tunes spetiui'ii a louuws III ,M :wi -on tnwiKiiip. on Aioniiay um vim ni April, lust., al Ihe public House of K. A. S.milhs in Jerser town. In Oreenwood and Pine, nu Tues ay the V5th of April, ut the public house of John I.eggoit.at Join, In SugarloQf. Jackson and llenlon, on Wednesday and Thursday the .Mb and 27th of April, at the public house of Jobn J. Stiles, in llmiiou. lu Kl'liingcrurk, nn Friday the 'Jsth of April, at the public house if E Uuaiig.t at the Forks, lu Orange and Alt. I'lenaiiut. on Saturday Ilie'J'Jth of April, at the publin house of Samuel Everett, in Oraugcvillc. In Hemlock and Montoar. on '1 Inirsilav the 4ih o" iav.nl the public house of John llarlman in llu shorn lu Scott ami Centre.' on Friday tlm 5th of ay, at the public h lust uf John llr"vi r. in Centre, lu llrlarcreek and Ucr wick, on Saturday Hie bill nl May. at the public liousit of J. 1'. Sibb.t, in Hervviik. In .vlilBiu. on. Monday Ihe IFth ot May. at the public house of John Keller, in .Mitlliiiv ille. lu Maine ami Heaver, ou I'ucs.tiv the Uth of Ma), at the public house of Win. Shuinnu, iii Maini'ii'l". lu I.ucust aud Ituiiringcreek. on. Wednesday und Thui sdny tho lUlh ami llth of May, lit the publlr liuiise of John L. Hurst, in Slabtown. -In ('onynchnin. on Triday the lilh of May. ot the pub lue house ol Iteubiin Wajar. In Conyngliam In Cat. avviaan and Krnuklln, on Saturday the I'Jlh of Mny.nt the public house of J.ibut) II. Klsllur. iltCatatvissn twp in l:Ii"im. mi llnndriy tlie 15th of May, ut the Couiuiis sinners' Ollce, lit liloombitrjr. Also, at the same limes nnd places the Stale Militia, enrollment, .is made ill Novr uiber last, will be revi.s.d and examined by the Commissioner, and all persons having causes and claims for exemption will nlUin J if they Hi nk proper. 3y order ot the Commisgisncr. .. .. ,,,, mm j , , ic cj. l'uui i , uiorir. Ommiailuaers' Otrice, ) nioou.sburg. April 15, IS05. I Uniformity of Prices ! A New Feature in Uusrlncs Everyone his own Salesman ' JONES Ac CO. of the Cresent One l'rico Clothing Store, No. 'JU4 Mnrketilrer, above Sith, Philadelphia, In adJitiun to having the largest, most varied nnd fii-hi'iuabli' stock of Clothing in Philadelphia, madeex tiresslv for reiail sales, have lo istituieu everv one his ovtu suleinnn, by having marked in Ik u res, on each U. C 7-30 LOAN- lMlal"j!iitMMll lei si-lit to any a IuVsh on rectipt of Hrtirli at thf very I" went price il can lie uld ftsr fo they lamp. raiiHni pumiuiy vur un iiiuri nuy aime. . o ' '1 lie jrootiri are well pouxfit ana pruparf.( anj tireftl Jnnrnnhip Alhlimc: painntaki'ii with thy mukiuc bo Uiut nllcanbiiy with I UOtOgldpXllC illUUins. 'iVnilUwurnucniil enm!n Rood article nt U.h very We wrrf tlx1 ttrst tu introduce these ji to th United Imvctd price. A Iho, h inru stuck nf piccr goods on li'ind Stnti'f. and sve in inul'iLtnro iiiimetie fiu.tntilics in of the IkUm! atyle and bent qualttii'K, whir ti will be made treat varit'iy. 'auinim m pti' e from .V) cfitts to to urdur in tliu muit Oinhjonnblt and nect manner, 5 Cfh, our AMHJ.MS liuvu tliu rcpntatmiud Ih'ihl-yii- per tent, bflovv credit prices. periur in b 'amy and dtu.ibility m any titlnrs. They Uftneinber the Crtm.iit in Market above HiUll filr'Ji't Mil bu m nt liy in.'U. tree, on itccipt of price. ' U4. JOMT.tS t UU. !jrFiii4 Album vtiUf to Ordtr.Q - - - - - - CARD PHO O GRAPHS. , . MIIW . .V. . . i. , j.r A most valuable and vvonderlul publication. Aw ' . , . I "l4l,a ,U'VM "'Kravins. 1)11. HUN ereiit siil.jctts (tu t . iJ j' AV.,irii.. a ry VAI)K ":"t'M. mlslnnl and popular tient. ' el l"'0.iits ol hiuinciil AiiKr.cius. A.c . I . J)in nn( mcir I'hysioloiy.'Kniictions. and Sexual disorder of every Kind with never failing Kemcdios lor iheir speedy cure. The pacliceof l)r Dinner has long Pees, and still Is. unbounded, but at the earnest solicitation ol iiuiueioiis pcr-ntis he lm been induced In I'xiend.his medical usefulness through the medium of his "V .MIE MECUM ' It is a volume Ihat -houlil b" in Ih" hands of every lamlly in the land ns a pri'i entivu of xt-tri I vices, or as a guide for the alleviation of one of the most awful ami ilsstructive scourges ever vinted mankitul. One copy aicurely en. velnpi.d will be furwarded free ofportngi! lo any pari olthc t inted Stules for 50 cents in I'O siampi. Address, pott uald, Dr. Ilunltr. No. a Division Street, New Vork. .May '.'1, ISlH.-y. 5.50 Plate. men, Ell) Divines, I'M Autl ors, 111 Atlikts. -.'5 Suae. 50 Prominent Women. about lib) .Major Cen Tit's, :il I Hrig.-i.'Liiernls. 175 Coloiiels, IbU I. lent' folnlli'ls, ill) Oilier uilieers. 7.1 Wit V (Mlirers. 10U rilllllllll I oreisu lortrans. a.oti.) t'oPiiic wdkkb ok akt, i rc'mliiiK reprorliRtinns ot Iho most lekliraied En-jniving-. I'aiiiliiifs, St.itti.t-., kc. Caialugues se'C un receipt of Slump An ord"r for One 1) z-u l'ir , s from our (-'at ih'ituc will In lilted on llu rex i ' if SI.SO, and sent by mail Kbuk. i l'i ningrapliei.. ainiothiis ordering gnudt C. II. with please r inn twenl) live per rent of th i I nt Willi lb. ir order E. & II. T. ANI'IIOW Id .Mmufaclurert of Photisnphie Mntcr'i; rO"Th" puces anj quality of our guul cm; i lly tne autlvirity uf tl o Secretary of the 'fre'snry he ii ti 1( rsined has nssunail the General Subscription Agency for the Sab; of I'nited States Treasury Notes hearing seven and three tenths pel tent Interest, per nnnum, known as the SKVEN-TH1RTY LOAN. Thtse Notes aro issued undej dale ot Jun.' 15th Ifb aud ara payable three yrarf front that time, In currency, or arc csnrortible nt the option of hol der tula U- S. 5-20 Six per ccilL C: OLD- B F. A R I N G B 0 N D S Tli.se bonds are worth a premium tvnlch increasia tue actu tl pr'flt on the 7 20 losn, nnd lis rtrvniit from State and Municipal tnzaltiin,vleh add from ont to three per tent nisi, according to tin- rate levied on thc property, The inurest is payable in currency semi annually by coupons aluth-dlo ea' h note which mny be tut off and sold to any bank or banker The Interests rjmou,, ts is Ono cent per day on a 830 note. Two cents " " 8100 ' Ten ' " " 8500 " 20 " " " S1000 ' 81 ' ' " 85'IUO " Notes of all the denominations namcdw III bo prompt, ly furnished upon receipt of siib.criptiotis, nod tbi notes forwarded . ..... ..ie interest to IJtli June neit will be paid in adTaiice This is THE ONLY LOAN IN MARKET osatist). l)ec3'bl-oiu. fiisnraiiee Company, Wil.KKS-IIAP.lti:. I'lJNVA, CAi'IT.VL A XI) SPLtTs, - - $150, ! A Einglo Box of Btandroth's Pills coutain ( ' more vegetable extractive matn-r than twenty j nmy oiri.r(,d b). tllc ,ir)v,.rninont. nIll COIlMdently j.jjj UlllUI Ol llu ,'tiian. iu:,,"ii. iiimu,. , tti.y . i; drcd physicians use ilicir in their practice to the exclu sion of other durgalive. Th-' fi r.t letter of th-lr vulu I, )ct scarcely appreciated, When they ore belte I of the past Eel those who know "iliem speak right out i.iulh'lr fivor. It Is a ituty which will save lit'e I Our race are subject t-i a redundancy of viti lied bile ' at this season and it is ii dangerous n. it is prevalent expected that i.s superior advantages will make it the OKEIT I'OI'Kl.Alt LOAN OK THE PEOPLE Less than f Jon OtH) uou of ih- I.nair nuthorined by the last t'oiifress urn nuvv on the market This amount, at the rate nt which it is ieu absoibed, will all be siibrcriled fur within fair mouths. w hen Ihe nntea will undoubtedly command a pnn,i,,i.i. as has unifurmly ASSETS. i5rcat deal too far. h requires a return of N,'omij0rH o auJ t pourth Streclt PIIILAI) E IJMI1A. Marrh I. 1-ftJ -Im. everv bad debt which a man was entitled o receive and did uot receive, but which ft'll remain' due,and iu the cases of many mercantile houses would involve tho return ! of many thousands ol dollars. Nor do wo bee any way of correcting this error unless each per-on making tho return shall put Winto the Fchcdulo n ppecific statement of Window StintlrS, Oil ClolllS. Mills. ibo Bumsba was entitled to receive, but N(Ji aa NORTH SECOND STREET, did not recoive. In other words, annex a i'lili.Ain:r.riil.. 'sjylirt of his uncollected claims as part ol bis M.irrh i. leM.-iim. - rcbedulour detailed statement. Then 1... J)lA UKS,PHM'OGRAPII can rnn'rieiuioun) ishc inr oaui, uiu. mn s aiiuMn ai.iumi rin iiiiEs - rut,,. i filler vu BENJAMIN GREEN, SAipiiii'Ss, t it ' lot. iiis 's f .i rain M.ir hit IV I. I'P.lim s"t . h si o riuii fni.n iit am. Mtrooi'vrh K.nmnviirnn Address lellors for inforraailoa.tu confldcuce, lo II. T. H13LMBOLD, Chemist. PRINOIKAMIEPOTS Holmbolil's UniK nml Caotnieal Vrohou69, No. 501 J1K0ADWAY, MEW Y0BK, and Holrabolit'i Medical najiot, He. 101 U0UT1I TDNTHJT., PniLADEU'IJIA, LllJWAliK (JI ' C 'Ol INT1 'It I'lil'I S. ABK VOll UBIiHBO IiD'BI TilKK riO OTU13KI April 15, I6li5.l v. A. LOGAN GRIM, .'iitoniei tinti Cnuiicclor at Law, I.Aroitll, SI'l.l.lVAN o I'A 7- Munsr and olli'-i rlaiiui pinmptl) all a.1"d tn Of .iir n I t i l.v HOOP SKIIU'S J. W. Ilru'ley's New I'.itonl Dipb x '.Hii.ti : (or dou. Id") Spring Skirl. We.l.' llradlcy it Caiy. .Lit- J I t J (1, W'eit, 1 ! Sole Proprietors and inanufailuri rs, 117 Ch.iiube.s uud r.f.. ,T. T.i and M lieneY' Streets. New Vurl, UUI" "'f;', l'1"' This inviuitlon euusuts ol Duplex (or two)' El iptic 1 .V.- s o -.u nonus, Hleel Springs iiL-enluusly HrabbM 'Kiglitly and Firmly ' "'I ' " ' ' " " ' ne ther, edge to edge, making the toushesl.uiiisl ri.'X. 1 -U in- U V v 5,.? n-.mVlVil. in ... Ible Elastic snd Hur able Spring en r d. '1 hey sel- 1 5!i ' "l,,'s ' ,rM Hu1 '"' 1 ' lK. ,"t. . ..''."1.r,"" ii,.,,, llindor Hreak like Ih - Single Springs, and coil- 1 ' ' Hares net m.i '" "" , si.oiently IW rv) lln-ir perfect uuil ben'mrul shape Id i(.re v likes. I.arr.i Hrnlgo Stock. . ! Ivvlce as long as .inv utlur skirl. "' j1 .... the wnuderfiil llmbilny und great eninfurt an 1 Jtniitiiieni. - - pleasure in any lady .vo.iriug Ihe iliiplex E ipnc skirt ''' Agrnls and then, will be expeneiictd parlitulaily in nil ciowded , hanmm O'J';'' ' Asst'inblics. Operas, Curriages, liailro d Cirs. ('Iiuitli "s.iii) H'limitlJe, l'uvvs, Ann Chairs, fur I'lonn ua le ami llouso Dress Ey ft tEilv K 41 as the Skirt i.iu be tolded, when in use, lo occupy a ,, nni I i'u M'K I. I) KimruAKrit small place as easily as n silk or muslin dress f' tii v i r ti'ii itii 1 ' ' I i ivt A lady hav nig enjoyed tho pleasure comfort, and i l xtit M u'AI I AtH ( lil l l v i' rar;v .oiiiiAN-c'r, Wgmn, wards willingly dispjiisnvv Ith their use. Knr Children " vll . V'lKltCE O Jl I illllllt others. They are the best q lulity in every part, hnd unque. tlnnably llu Eighlesl, most desirable, i nmfortable.aiid rconoiulcal skin evr made. I'olt SALE in all ftri-t class stores in this City, und throughout Iho Cuited States, Cum, In. , Havana ile Cuba. Mexico, South America, und the West Indus. isauiiiE roi: Tin: duplex elliptic skiht. April 15, lnl',5. ibut Hrundreth's Pills allord ,in invaluable and ..lh,ienli ,,,, ra((1 on cU)fng , ,u,crlp, ,0 olne, prnli'Cti'in. lly tlisir occtisio'tnl ii-' we prevent ine UJ( III 11,1(1 '.'5 llilti ll.ll Hi (i,S) 5 uou 7,11(1 1 SMI 1 511 HU 7.411 LSI.' i collection of thne impurities, vvliich.when is iiiliirient nil ,i,M. e.-iosr h rt niiipli ilanie r In the body's bi'illtll- '1 bey soon rure iver cnuiplaiul. iiyspep.in. loss of up peine, piHii Hi Hie lieud, llearl hurn. pain in lliebP-.ist. tiimi), sudden raininess and coniviiess Sold by J. R MOYKR. Bloomoburg, ! And all rerpedtablc dealers in inodli lues April 1, If t'5. Im . i iriiAyEirAi7D" HAVING chanred Ins residence from Montrme, lo WEST FITl'SToV. Luterno county, would say In his palnms and all wishing his professional s-rvi c;s, th t Ihey can ndress hiiu ut the last named place. C?- AD mils in the vicinity of the Itjllmaa. alien, did to with promptness. April S, fti . "TlrksTlote i . ' LOCATED IN EAST BL00MSBUP.G. New Bakkbu Shop. THOS. D BROWN, Ruber, ' Hl.uoMSlli ID? i m, in, . 1 1 u , I'.i 1,1.11 ." ICI.I 0, M IIOI.I.KNIIACK, rrutdtnt. L. D. SIIOEMAKEll, Vie Vres'l. It. C, SMl'l'll, SerRxisKY, , I HltOWN, Agent, M.irrh SJ, IS"' nisburg, Pa. .10HN 0. Y EAGER, MAN1 KALTUltEU it WHOI ESALE DEALER IN ! I I A I i ' A I)V. all who may favor him with tht ircusloin, lo entire sat- II A. X O, Kjlx I k,, , i.f.o.0,.. n Bi STRAW GOODS, BONNETS AND for tlionVcoiutnodatliui of Travellers, Tcauuters. Or. . .,,,,,,,,, , , ,.,,,,,,,'!, vers kc. on moderate terms ARIIl'R-IAL I'LOWERS, , pubiicustoiu i "iinwd No lift? North Third Street Phih'd , HO W. MAPGER l ,'J fii'.' I I'looii' mi's Ipril IKuJi In order that citit 'ns of every town tnd scctlou f the rtninir) may be atrurded facilities for taking tSa loan, the National Hanks, State Hanks, and Priv'3 Hunkers tliroughout Un c(untr havo generally agrnft tu receive subscriptions at par. Subicilberi will sc ltd their own agents, In whom they have contlienc.. and w hn mil , are tn be responsible fur the delivery cf Ihe nuti t lor tthiih Ihey receive orders, JAY COOKE, Si a'cMprms Aor.sT, rhilttdelpita CV"Siibfi'ii'lon ill be leteived by the First Ns Initial Hank of Hlooinsburg April e. 1105 -am STAT Big I'lONTBO-rKIir MM and hUS tarktt Street, I'hiladelphu, rplllS ll-iltl i-located in tliu very entre of businris X aud linear the resnectuck plates of ainil.'m ml vvhiih make it particularly deslraldutn persons visiling Thc uiidersignod having taken the well-known Koras I'hiladelpliia ou business or pleasure ; nnd thc .Manager Hotel, respoclu illy announces tu Ins friends nnd Ihe hopes by ilo'e personal attention to the waniaofhu tiublic generally, that he is pieprrd tu accommodate hisgueitstu maVi it n cnuifnrlahlo houm fui much as l,. .. e..:..,. ,.l... .llh (l,,.ir rnylnm . filtir .nl. .. . With their tliltrulU.Cf . .1 R. HAVKiV iXMJiN', Prop'rs, JlitlN SIlni KLEV. CLkUg. i. r .'.I. I "ol -Ii i BLANKS! BLANKS! ' Of every desciipliop for aal- hi Mus offioe.