COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. fc'SMSla.wfck...lSS.SSlMi1S:iSSSi smtaMustetostfrirssn. iriSBsniLi.ijiusisMs:fiiu"ai" lnMfflBtaSA3H " Our CoiinfliitfonmarJ It ever ' liar clorloun Unionhold II dear 1 n... Hlitrv Tlacr..fn.ft..Vf4 It never I d CancassUn our only peer' The prom EDIT I'D BY LttVl I tate. rnorniETon. The Future. into a Hold of now questions, whero our Meeting of the Democratic Coun- nmiMA in In tin nuldod lit tttc decision and 1 tV Committed Wo have received many communications a(jopton of ru0 0f notion- which havo not f , , , on tho question which now scorns to prc -j , v h tlloughl f llu , tl A mooting was held ,j tho Demo- most, lummy no jiuunu dncuuou, iu ty i w Tho Union men of tho South havo .!, .nmn .,.,.... Mol.,.. in ,,.. Uomtyy in purauanoe to a e.ll issued by List of Dealers of Columbia I Reuben Miller l-narcrcck 4 40 oo riniitit.v. I Hour I'lOilcniv iirmoii v 111 I 1l TOIt Ihii yfnt one. thousand eight hundred nml si- U person who may Irol npRrlCVfa' ' ..rllniiili. IVnrpa. Mi rr innrillr. PstlllCIS.' . I . ... . . 7" ,,;.. n..uuni .id B.iln,iioM,.Kr.P.M. with by tlu above clairitioatlon " initio Counter Columbia, rrtiirnf.l an.l tinMiiie.i in opportunity of appaalwg by calling i upon accordance wlilr Hie ovrralncti of Aiseinbly, by the J10 undrrslgucd .at Ills plEoo II) Dloonii' mutters. As rapidly ns tho government shall permit tiro oxcrobo of t!io privileges tho Chairman, in D'oomsbur.'.on Monday tho 1st of May, 1805, lor tin' purposo of BLOOMSBUR.G': Baturday Morning, May 6, 1'86Jj. TERMS OF THIS'PAPERs ( AFTER JANUARY lsr. IBfS ) $3 00 per Year, or 2 50 if paid strictly in advance. the treatment.' which tho rebels and their leaders art? to roccive from the gov ernment, This question has curiously (noifah becu more fully treated in the nul- f I.- ...... t.. ' oppoinung Dlcgatort to ll,.' Stato Con w - VI yiy UIU3U HW" Ml IUIUI V 111 , I I Ml till IT 1 pit than anywhc.c else, and the clergy rebelion, jusl f0 rapid,y tLcso um w, vcnt.on, which will be held ... llarr.sbutg, have rushed into the fluid in advance bccomc intorc.rcd in questions relating to on tiio 31st 0 Juno next, tv. thc politician, diseasing the high oborac natioMa wl0M dI(ICU8I1,on and do. lJ ,T' f 1., .rf.nnnt.i,tnn. ii.n ir ' . . . . i Columbia count y , be and 1. hereby ap- .w.-.j......,.u.. .h ... ... cisioa will bo most potent in restoring poilltot) Senatorial Dclegat--. as llioolioico idout and their hearers of what they think pcacC. a,,,d ooruniunily 0r.ntCrest'and feoU of said o.iunty, to tl.u D .cra'.io Stato th"c religious duty of the hour. The press , r to a) t)jt, coan(ry. Thcso aro to be Convention, which will u - mblo in liar- NEW GOODS ! ! OR EA T R El) UC'R ION IN PRIORS NEW AltlUVAL OF has spoken for tho roost part only in gen- tucb q(,cstioD, a9 t10,c 0r fbrcian relations dsburg, on tl.u 2l,t of Juno, i ::z "rsr wv;;: J or 4 .- " "'m" -- lfisz& , .';rr.':v- 1 auy aucmpi 10 uraw a miff uliwccii 1110 ror.ov and tar.ff. which we arc now to tnr , unt'nr (ti.llf.rnl nml mnaf. fn i7iMocAiv.nm.iiiiiciit "not toko npVHe.i. corrupt' , classes who are to bo madu recipients of facc aMl scttlc. In these we see the fu- npuctttill) ask the eoLoiirrencc of the other ed or comiirotiiued bn.oncf.. ii c.moro merry and those uho aro to Buffur the turo Interests of the country most drcnlv counties in this tseintorial District in his XZ Penalties of outraged law. It .. to us mqM Tlicse wc' InustJ look t() sppoin.mrnt. Ubor .tnd property, it i tho fcuiimt-nt ofirccdnm. of that it c;ui do very Utile good to discuss . b ,. n(i tho tomnorarv ours-1 '5' ,m, V.Vx u e n i ,-iuai rirlit.. of cnimi 6bnBiiou9 ho of nature ,mesliou or l0 altctl)I)t ,0 draw m, 1 ,c"0,or " ' i0D" 1,10 'on porary q ics , jfaoivi Tliat the Democracy of Col-pcivadingthaiawortiMUmi-A.tM tns queatioii or to aitctnpt io uraw ims tionB 0f Bottling tlio fato of leaders ol the t,mbia county concur in Hit. person select- inci7cminxvraQcraKiiT7?cvMai?c7 , line. Aud as it is one of tiic matters robejia, 0r determining how far mercy ctl by Montour county .n Diilrgatu from Andrew JohnfXon. ' is tsPrcS3'y committed to the decis. g jjfl oslondc(j this Ifoprcsftitative Distiict to the Domo The new l'rosidout of tho Uuited States J ion of the President lihoself, it is probably Tho condition of tho South, and of tho crrt!io Stato 0(me"1 011 10 J held t'.e 21s' t .,,:,;., r ; end' in Ins hnnd.i. It is nnt likeiv thai at . ... .. ... oi uuhu ui-i. uua mr jiuaiw.w.. v. ri.-1 - people oi tijO ooutti, will rapiuiy adjust u inence before tho people. As United this hour any public dircussinu of it will c,f m) ,18 priDcip0 ot seif irjterest Wj States Senator, tho honesty, iutegriiy, and change his views or afflict ! in decision.- Jo J)0l Mnn ,Q . . trcatmcnl ability Willi wbicti no aiscnargo ine uu- ' u" "b-- ia not a nll(,s. nn of va. mnQrtnnce. On . . . 1 .!.. .1 1 I.. I- " nccnruillici' n nil nil' suitiaiuvn v, iBv , UU limn ISIuvm . jsuw" . AppmUcrof McrcHniiicr.iioiuf tata cunty W t,urc. l'a., at any liino on or befora tho C ii fy m O' P' (t fl O (1 A low., to u. 'Mayo June,-A I): 1805, after which I a " 1,1 111 U I w u w Vcmhrsi Tnis, Uiu .iiente. tl0 anpcal will l-Ueard. AT PBTKll KNT'S STOHR, On luoiiuti the meeting adjourned. E. II LirTJiH, Chuinmm. V. lv. ll EititriN, .S'e iy. tics of his station, havewon for him the re- cu possossing tlio power and nlit to sped and admiration' of the wbolt; oun I decide Its own course, and tlclet nunc tlio try. Ho was bom in Italeigh, orth lino ol demarcation hctwefii thoso among Carolina, on tho 20th of December, 1808, tlio rebels who aro to bo punished' and and is therefore one year older than his ' those who arc to be pardoned. lie is lamcn'rd predcocssor in offico . Like surroundod by counselors whose advico ho many of our greatest men his parents j will take, and follow or reject as to him wero in indigent circumft.aneos. j seems proper. A portion of the prc$s VI... I.. .1 Mj l.nll, ..n- tl.o 1 I l :l :.!.. . 1... .1...:.! ,,...u u.. . u . .. aou puopie, wuuti waitiug .or u uucmuu, , j j , Qn made i0vora .i . .r ll.. fAMila KnnvtnAn InmnAl l.irl lnm i . . i ! .. T . 1 .1 I . " ,W,B l"u '"""'J' """""" """r1"' " . ' !scc"' 10 "'"'P"'0 I'mewm-uun Ul1in,rlli,ln rnrla..HntinnS nf .ot.n.1 onnsti. the contrary, the importance of the prin -' ciplcs to bo adopted in what is called ''re constiuciion" oannot be too highly esti mated. Hut on this subject we understand I'rcddcnt Johnson to have laid down.his views already, in tcrmi which must be highly satis factory to every loyal and pa triotic American citizen. Iu his t-pcech S II Miller Uloom, A .1 Sloan do McKulvcy.Neal co do II 0 I V Ilarlman do J J Urowcr Monnibnrg Iron Co I! Mcndcnhall I T Sharpies i John John It Moyn Rycr it Mo cr E V V Kat.h .1 K Oirtnn A Tunvilltgt'r Henry C'grr t) A J icnby Uuiir) K rim .1 V lleiiiler.Oint Andrew Ittipcrt J Sharpies I'' Hillmovrr A .1 Kv.nn David Lowenherg S (! Shivoa B Stohucr V Fox A Solider D L Mendrtih ill IX'OII to be apprenticed to a tailor ,at which trade hig tho policy to bo peraucd. Tliis is Uyi he worked until he reached his seven-' Do mcaus necessary, and it may seem more tutional doctrine, He said : "The gov ernment i composed of parts, each essen tial to the whole, and the whole essential The Auditor General. lMcrriog some days ago, to tho slate inunt mado by a Il.trrisburg correspondent of tlio Franklin Repository, that the Hon. Isaac Slenker, Auditor (irueral of Penn sylvanii, would retire on account of age and infirm health, at the close of his pres ent term, took occasion to remark that according to tho information at our com mand, ther- was nothing in his ago or the; ,j j yiiarplcHs state of his health at this ti.uc to prevent Cream & John him from being a camlidata again. S D Hinard Ili.tfi.W.rT Irt L-.inu wliptl.r Mi- W Jollll do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Moiii"iir do l.loyd P Jat K K er 15 Conner Wm ISutUr Probst it Marker do J S MeN'uich it co J S Prob-t J Shariilevi &. co (. Hughes it Sou 1.1 in 8 11 13 8 i;j ia 1 1 14 14 II 14 1 1 14 14 14 11 14 14 14 li 14 1 I 1 1 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 r .. .... Art... II. k ! a- i. jjnvii;ivt rt i , Mercantile Appra'mr. .May 0, 1805. Liccnsea Granted. On Weklnoddny' laSl IIcmic linn giant. d to llie fol. 10 00 Iciilnd pc fon to keep publln hounci nml nrll malt. 10 00 tin-wed, vinous :ind plrlluou iq lork, In Iho Count)- or coiumbli, Tlio tnnjiirity or ine nppnciini arc p. prli'lorn of old tm.iln l-Viv. If sny, M-rn lli-cnncd hut wlml ivi'ro iibiulutly iii'tvanry to iii-.mi uio.lrito. Hi piililli-. . 10 00 10 00 .to oo 15 oo 10 00 III) 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 no ou 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ii tcenth year. He novcr attended anv wia on the part ol the President to deter school, but acquired, however, u good , mjnC for himself, in each individual case common school education by studying that may come before him, whether his alone. Having removod to Tennessee, lie . prerogativo of pardon shall be exorcised fiuallv settled at Greenville, of. which nr nnt W.i mnv Hifrnfnrn Inave the mat. . . ... ' , -m. ti ...... , . " ben we come to understand our sys- , , , ! V A H irion .t co rtlnf... I. A WD nln.rnit Innl-nr in I HiUl HP .... ! 1.!.. 1. ... I, n l,n !... .... .J .1,11. Mm ..tiL-n. nl mnnr n r-n ! ' llll(ll IV IU ,r..,v,i,..u,.j. -- w, iu uuuuo, uw i.... uuvu ((1) q government, though it be complcs, """ -" - I D.irid U'hitmirc served his terra with ability, rnd Lis con- placed it. While his decision will be of we se how beautifully one part nets in liar nomination now, as he ueither sought uorj,-.' (jrt.viiig .fc co Btituents in 1835 sent him as their repsen-1 great importance with reference to tho Iu- mony with another Then we tec our desired the nomination when il was con-i Peter Rut tative to the Stato legislature. After ture of the country, still that future ia now government is to he a perpetuity, thcro fured upon him in 1503, yet he will not : II II Cicasy it co uuiig u p-.ov I'tuu . .. pa...... , uuu,...u decline u .f BhouIt, b( teIdcrL.(j ,0 him ; u 8. Kowu-r J iy 1 Urrvcling tlo:tirlnnH f Itllrfin Mr. SIcnkcr has just passed through a'j wBjdiord k co . M - l ,t... mnniil mm tiMtlrl tint rtliiilt hiu tin tin I i nn I to each part." And in elucidation of tho " , 4 a. u , , Win Qiango doctrine of State and Federal unit, he before our nt Stale Convont.o.i.wo havo U FlWgbd lr . made inquiry in a quarter likely to be C S ! jwhr ,. " , , . , u oil informed, and have heeti assured that, Sam'l A Wurman jis hands, whero the laws have ,, f ti,,,i it i,n nnmni..v whilst Mr. Slenker does not seek a ro several re-elections he was chosen State less dependent oo ihis question than on "Dg no piovuiun inr pu.itiiB wu,...0 1 1 . Union being its vitalizing power, impart- Senator lie fore the conclusion of his term ho was chosen to represent his district in the othcM, and tho-e other questions may bo : lifo to ,0 wllQi0 of ti.e States, that bv 1,10 Democratic Convention more prontably comtdcrtd by tbe public, move around it like planets round the sun, I'he people havo their share of work to receiving thence light, and heat, and mo- protracted and severe spc'l of sickness,! V P llyon it co National Congress, serving from 1643 to ,lo in re,torinc frjCndlv relations and on. Upon this idea of dsstroying Slates fla t on f d n.:a ' j lj Kilitilo 1853, having given such, satisfaction by . frlcnd, fcoli bctWeoii tho North and .ELr unfavorable termination. Thoj JJ' Snjdcr his ability and devotion to their interest, Sout,u TL-,3 WQr,; progreJj i? t,ffl0 wu.iind I see n,,( cause to angit , D. v .. as io morn ine compumeui oi ru-eii.ii.uu , aD(1 i(g rapi,iity w5 bc determined by the ' on the present occasion. Some are satis, is now nearly rc csiablHied, and that he t n f r 1 . 1 . . . uve succcssc terms. us was coo- pcopl(J themsdveB XoMtg will more en, after an exciting Gubernatorial contest sure,y ,cnd Q h than the rencwnl of bui. to the High post of Executive of the Com-1 ness and ma, lutercours0) whfoh niU monwealth. In 3857 ho was chosen' by ! dollbtIess commence us soon as the au las Legislature, Jnited Stales Senator.- j tborities oan saf(,,y pcrmit ,t rpbe i)ter He served during his Congiessional term ohaDgo ol-Beiltimeut will develop mutual on the Committees on Public Lands and ilUerestSi and rcstoro tbat bond of natiou. District of Columbia. He exhibited won-1 n, UD;on wbicb -s dopeudcnt 0D trade and derful business abilities, and also disi.n- comJaQtcc and whicb commcrca n,WByg gwhed himself as an orator. sustains. The people of tbe North will His famous speech in favor of tho Uni-. , . . ,, , , , , , , , , , ., soon begin to talk to i tics people of tho on, made shortly before tiie adjournment r ' . . . n . South by letters, by newspapers, and in ef the Tlurty-6ixth Congress, is one of the : ' ... , ' ' . Oed with the idea that States are to be lot in territorial and other divisions are to lose their character as States. Pnt will in a short time be able lo rc.-ume the performance of his official duties at .i.o:. i;r i i,u.UnnAJ...nniiil 'risbun;. The State contains no betur audit is a high constitutional obligation citizen, nor has she ever had a public of we havo to secure each of these States in ficcr more worthy of rcpect and cou thc possession and enjoyment of a ropub- donco, lican (orm of novernmrnt. A State may . bo in tho government with a peculiar in- The Burial Place of President jacub j unburncr stitution, and by the operation of rebollion le?o that feature. .Put it was a state wben it went into rebellion, and when it comes' nut without the institution it is still a State. ; He concluded that speech by the follow. ; most able, eloqaent.and elaborate orations rf ing emphatic announcement : In nnnrrieomnni frtrifHj I In t h f CnPOfl. I 1 I ti Arn. ... a . .' in IU VUUglWfliuul S,WUID eion of bis State, ho resigned ihe position at... n...i will be renewed and made stronger than , ever. The churches which have been i ,,- ,llir in:!ri n il.n nti,r I , e mai lt) (yposed to consolidation or tic ccntrail- of power in iic lianas of a Jixo. tzatio i These principles are plainly and clear Iy enunciated, and if these bc the guiding principles of Mr. Johnson's administration in tho work of construction, we havo no doubt that the influences of oommcrcial intercourse, and tho establishment of sound principles of national policy ou tho great questions of political eebnomy tvhioli con trol commerce aud industry, and thuj af fect every man in almost every) relation of life, will bo all that is needed to pacify the of Senator, to acedpt'the p'ost of Military! ' , .,, , , . m , ,. i severed will hecin to thiuk of coining to- Governor of Tennessee. In his new po- . " , , . ..,.,.,, , i cether iiaain. baoh and every influence sition difficulties of the gravest character q wj be Qf constantlv beset htm, yet his shinty and e . .. , J , , , . forming once more that community of feel- tact ever proved equal to this occasion. '. ... , , - f n ' , ,.. ., 1 ing which it is the intent and desiro of all In 1S54 he was elected ico President ... . . , ,. , . ,, , patriotic men to re-establish in all the and in conscqucncs'of the ossassioatic-rj' ' j.idj Mr Lincoln, is now President of the, be most ilnportant que9lionJ wlicb United States. 1 aro now before tho nation,, involving tho Abolition AJcunncss. Mr. "Viamas most extended interests, and on which our Dunn," tho miserable creature who runs future most seriously depends, aro no Ion . the "Smut Machine,"' a week ago, in tho ' ger questions of war. In tho election of hcighth of the excitement on the late 3Ir' Lincoln, and Mr Johnsou last fall, Presidcn't Assassination, put forth an vc accepted the decision of all questions South and restore tho Stitjs to health and incendiary article against tho Editor of relating to the objects aud conduct of the reason. We may well eupposo that Pres- this Journal, in thd hope that it would war, end declined any longer to discuss ident Johnson has chosen his marked incite insurrection in this community aud them. The nation has during tho five course, and that it will not he long before re-organizo violence. We shall hero wasto years passed rapidly through what might j the whole subject of the trcatnicut of the neither time or paper, to enter into a dis- be called a succession of eras- Hcfore j South will bo, like the other objects eon- oussion, with either a decendeni of the the war it was fitting and proper to dis-1 nccted with tho war, and which have Tories, or a creature who whon his coun cuss tho causes which wore leading lo it, j heretofore been discussed, a question ol hictoric past. It is of paramount importance now to look to tho future course of the Aikninis tiation on the curronoy of the country, on tho questions of high tariff or free trade, ou tho methods of raising revenuo, on the relations we arc lo sustain to foreign na tioDS, and on u'jjools f this general kind. These aro the political subjects into tho Lincoln. Washington, April 10 Governor Oglesby to day received the following despatch : SriUNOFiELD,' III., ;pril 18, 1805. A national monument fund is ou foot, and a plot of ground, six acres in extent in tho heart ol the city, bas been selected as tho burial place ol our late lamented President. Sharon Tvndai.e, S;crcta-y of Stuto. 15 MePterty D I' McKicrnan ' Jacob Yeager Washington Ycagcr .Mark Williams Abraham Hice J 1$ Dormer J Chrrringion Hoaringcrrck 14 I' rank L hhuman H.iaviT do do 1 1 15 00 i do 11 15 00 ' do 117 00 i do 12 12 50 1 do 12 12 50 ! do II 7 lit) ' dii 14 7 00 do 14 7 00 do 11 7 00 i .Scott 14 7 00 do 11 15 05 do 14 7 00 do 14 7 00' do 117 00 ' do 14 7 00 ; do 12 12 00 ' do 11 15 Oil! do 8 3o 00 do 13 10 00 Cony tig' in 11 15 00 do 8 30 00 do 12 12 fill, do 12 12 :.o do 14 7 00 I do 11 7 00 do 14 7 00 do 117 00 do 14 7 00 Locust It 7 00 do 14 7 00 1 do 117 00 do 14 7 00 do 117 00 ArriK'isTr. William II, Koom, John I uck ti itl W Mnuiret. Ulvi'i A. J.-icnliy I.. II .Memli'iiliiill, 1'rtitik I., e I . ... 1 1. . Cluirii' I' A1.ii.ii. J. II SibliM, J ti J Hull'., John (.rovi-r, Jl'MI lltcki. Illchiird llirr. ciimtii-l KiLti'iiliail.-r. Jucoli K latter. I'tler lloiwr. I!i nbi.'ii Wur-.-ir, Join. ll. Kit lit. .".Ulllll'l l.i lliy, A. V. I.ovo Horii.iril .Mrllretty. A. W. KrenmiTi l.d. tiliniipji k Co llinjiiiMiii Mrllctir) , W. A. Klini-. WIHImii llik'lr C. II r.irkrr, John ll.' JiMliun Wnim-r, l.uiinii I lni'l, Julio I., MurHt, I " llhiiitiU, J nli ii K lli r, Suimiii'I ltiliihy, A K. Ii . Kin.niui-t '.'.tiini-ti 'J'hoiiii.i. Joint A KIiiiiii.ui, l.iac liter, iSam.K'l tlveri'tl. J.icnti llujil, (.'nr. ii llu M.nlr. Itoliert H. Iliniell. J, ll. llnrrhlxiiik, I'nlllp . Keller. Allltun U. t'ox, 'I in em. do do du flure, T.iierii, In do ill. ' do Store, T.i.'rn, do du do do do J.I ll I du .-"lore, Tavern, do do do il. du do do du do d . On !u do do . ilu d.i ilu do do do .In On do tlllllllU, do do do do Ik-aver, do llerttlik, llenliMi, I'rotre. do , I,', lll.ui Hun do do Con) njliin. do do do do d do Kirhtiiff-feck do llreenepiMiil, do do 1 1 el itnik Ji'n Hit. d do Mllllil. M.nllon lo Montour rl Asi'icultural f-'ociclv. Sflli! rni.lllnr .nnnn.l .tionllnrr nf llio I count v AL' llortlrtilturiil. anil AxKiii-iatiiMi lor (h elei lion of odicern will lie lield .it the I'uurt llmic in lllnomiliurK, on IS.VTt'llllAV. .MAV atltli. I.-IkS . nt 3 'rlck, 1' ,M. JOHNSO.N 11. IKELKK. yvfitViW. L U UilPHItT, Seev. May 0, Isiw. Ill PUIJLIC SALE ' 01' VVuable Real Estate. JJs purminnct1 of an order of the OrphanHf Courl ef CuhH'ilnii rnunly ur. Utititr'fatf, the IU' tiny of J itnr vcxt n! II) n'cInrJv nt the fnronno:!. J wii.m K Itnul'f. nini IVl.r UriiJcr, .ilniiniitt atnr ot th i:mii14 anil rhul ids, ilji'it mitl Ti'iliH wlic-h uct nt Jnlm UrticliT, init' of Itto.'iu iMwiifiup, tti t.ii(l rmint. tt'ji9"il, til' l.t nl lt Public Von Iu i. 'ii thij prMUit'i, rctlui ii truct or l'lH' K 01' I, AM). in. in led mi the Vol til liy land nf f'aminl Itrns'er and ollieni mi the I'. t Ii) lain I ol J lliin lliiinii I mid olh or. tm till- Soutli ll) oilier l.llldii hiliilisl.ia to tin' e. txtn ..f . ild Jnlm Ilr.i2l.-r. fle. ea.ed, and on the Wmt by liiiol tlmliiu. A. Uirlmi and mli'-r., conlalinnij TWO HUNUlilM AND 17 ACltHS, Seliwi'pi'tilicisor it c.o.Maiuc l!r iwn it Fisher do liouman it Owen Pel wick tro called for men, was too cowardly to aud thcro was broad room for a difierenee enter tho field with us iu its defense. Wo of opinion, and a possibility that discussion hid Mr. Dunn and all his disloyal co- might throw light, and do good. THis era closed, and when the war became a adjutors in "infidelity and- disunion," including the drunken pukes of the Telo graphio operation who sent over the coun- MARRIAGES. 0 utii(T22ii u 1 1 ,by Kbv S pjunington, Mr. Davir Knousi:, to Miss Sarah Dow i:it, both of Priarcrpek twp., Uol. oj. DEATHS. In Pentoa. ou tho 10th of April, ISfifi, Lourzv MclIhNUV, daughter of J. 11 A Utroline .Melleiiry, aged 1 year, and 10 months. In Henton, on the 10th of April, 1805, HusuiUTTA, daughter of J. K it (J.iro liue .Mcllenry,aged 4 yrars.a mouths.aud 10 days. In Wilkesbarro, ou the 2Ut ult., War hen SoIjO.mon. sou of.Mifliin and Matilda Uanuum,agcd 10ycar;,4 months, and VI days, lie was a son of the editor of the lM' AolleD l.i.-rnrnii i.inn '....... J M i b 11 A Oo'o .cm v. . ' Srtinucl lleacock fill CilntlfrilSfmrni Hiram F i:verct. fixed and terrible fact, it was useless any longer to discuss causes ; for they were try upon tho Wires "fifteen copperheads matters of history, and neither they nor huDg in Easton, New York," &o., Btorn ' tho fact of war could be changed. U,thon defianco in the revival of mob law, aud became the duty of citizens to discuss tho ihall be ready to meet them in anyway, methods of conducting and closing tbe discussion of which the people are to pass, time or place. war, the end to ho reached, and tho means' and on tho decision of these will depcud lo 77-- of reaching those ends. There wasa wido I a vast extent tho prosperity of the nation Commerce in JerSeytOwn. difference of opiuiou ou theso suhjpcts.and' and tho reunify of the inforosts of allpco 0. Kkkamer, Esq,, tho enterprising those differences were finally brought to ' pie. North and Soutli. It oonccrns us at Jerseytown ;Mercbant, announces ins late isauo in tbe clcct'nn of 1861. Tho result once to establish on a firm basis tho bu- aj ii x i . t-t i- 'John Lioit Grernwood Administrator's Notice. i, lUV Meters do Estate ol Davit Van due, Deccuud. (Joiuulius Pruslou do f ETTICHS of adiiiini-tration on the Sohuylertt Plack do- 13 hves it co do A'irah iu Miller do .lacki-ou ii Woodin do Jackson it Bowel ts d' A M Her it co do J B Dodson, agent do Jaakson .t Woodin do J Seesholiz it Craig do U D I'owLg do 0 H Fowler Centre Jacob' Spou-ler do EWM.tLLnv do (J il Ilc-s it. co do Henry Lihman do Jesse Hicks do Samuel Dirlierioh lo Ahratn Dietterich do (!eo 11 Frcas do A Fultin-r do John Kelchiicr do J icob llarri-s Hemlock l.harlrs Neyhart do Al it W 11 Shoe makr do McKi Ivcy it Appleman fstaie 14 It W Bowman it. co Ornigo IU D K Sloan do 14 A li Stewart do II) A Uoleman do 14 B Aniinermin Fi.ihiiiL'creek l t 14 1 1 14 11 14 14 14 It 14 1 1 14 14 14 11 14 1 1 10 10 12 14 1 1 i;i 1 4 14 i;t 15 14 14 14 14 1 1 14 12 14 14 14 14 7 (10 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 15 00 2(1 00 20 00 12 50' 7 00 7 00 Ten per c.Mit, oi. mie-lhir.l nt pur' h,ie on day of 10 (ill i".'!! 1 third nt i.tit r li shi oinii'i, iii- k ii.i leu pur 7 r .li. ' III.' I I.' II It I. I -i ! I I,' I! 1 VI null. i , , ! Ail in r.s UlvljlV ) i.s' iiidiiT sTinxr. coi.UMitl.1 cot.v- )', r.1. HA! Ju.t rvcelved troiii I'hitailelphls, and l nn (ipenlliu al the nl.l Mainl l ite y (iicui'led by Marit ti Unt, a .plcndiil axnitiin'iit ol JMERCII AJNDIZE nhicliill be mild iheu lor CASH OH- COUN'l'UY IMIODUCK, III.. MockconiiliitiMif l.adifl llffll t.'oodi tlioiclltyl' nnd lale.t I'uililorT. ' Calicos, I Muslins, (Jinghami', J ' Flannels,- Carpets, Shawls, I Honiery,. 1 Silks-,, i ltr.ADY MADliI i LOTHINO. J C'lHsiinetos,, j Satinets, 1 (Jottotiadcs, Kentucky Jcauu, Thread, Ac. Groceries, I Qufcnsware, . iVdiirwarc, I ' Hardware, ' Modicines. Druga, OiN. i ' ' Paints, .to, POOTS it SIIOI'.S. II ATS St CAPS, in nhnri ey thine u. unlay kept in a country nturr ' The Datrounile ol'olil t'rn-ii tie. un.l tho nubile ueueral Montour. ly, In renpeitrully in icited. Ml l'lea.nlll Tim M.tlie.t market nnce nald for country iiroilnr.. Maine, I I'l'.TP.It KNT do l.lclil Hlreel. Mai B. IHf.S. Orange. ..... . ; CAUTION IT.ilM Till; ! AMHIUOAN WAT(;iI,CO.MPANY IT having come to our knowledge that iiiilli.lioni. of the Aiiiericnu Walib have bfen put upon Uiu mantel in great nuuiher,! by Iht.r . lit t. r MorthleiKiiet to injure the reiulnlinn of .mr eciiuiuc pfod let., In prntert our own intereiti. and tin public from imposition, -wo nc.aio publi-h th i irailn mark, hy hli li our wnlche niny lnvnri ibly b3 kiion n Wo manufacture, four tyl"a of W.iti-lie. 'I he Kiral ln tho mine "American Watch Co , H'j llliain. Mm.,," unsr ivi',! on the in.ide lilato. '1'hf Becoiul Iu. llie name .Appleton, Tracy A. Co., NN'nlttiarii. Mm engrav rd on the luiide pli.tif, Till! Tluril th" nani "I". U lliirllett, Waltluin. Ma." .." enrned Hi-1 in.iile plate. All the abve ityle have the name ui"r.Mii Wtti1 Co. iainted on the tint. hiiiI arc warranted iu ev tv re.peit. The fourth hi" the name Win. Kllery, lloiluu. lai .' iniavej i.u th-in ride plate, and i. net iiame.l un Ihe dial. All the above, described niitchee are mida of tar. oia pik und are .ohl in enld or li'ver r4.c, nn mat b ) rc'iuired. It I hardly p.iiiiblu ui In nccirato' ile.c.S. the ntiiueroiii. wu li ive ull el .d, 'I b-y ate ti. .ally lo-i rtaed ,tti ua-ii'i o na rly up proarbmtr our on-n ui. to earape th- oli.ervalinii (f th' nna'.u inn. -d hayer Hoiu are r 'pre oil ti u. mat by the - Cuim. Witch Co . of llo.ion, Mai. 'ii . mo li compuiiy exiKtini;. .-uin are nanied the --Hillier'. W.itili." to be ani l nn our I'oirrth or Win Gllury.tyle UMiially known a. the ri!1iijr'. Witch" Otlu-r. do Itmi rinc rrrk H-ol,' do lo do nod lour p. rrhe ,'iu.l lb..- jloancc, hereon an iui Illm" Appl Him War h Co other. Ihi "f urn eiecl -il a two nt'iry : FKAMK HOUSE and ii Blind 11 a .R HA UN' .rid nth r i.npi-oi mi -nt. llh uul Idlusi, I lie til i.euie of .aid .1 -ei-it'ed. iillu.ite iu III low ll. Ilip "f ll'-l ll-'e .10 I eiiliut) afur-'lJld. .IHSSIO i;oi, K.MAN, Olerk Ulooiiiibur;, May llh l-ti... TERMS (Jl SALE. i n-iit wltiii (In. :. hhtll I10 run ll r iiiimI ulis..iltL'l . the 00'iuci Hi mil y'Hr UtTrt It r. Willi ititLTtft, uiij In In- HfCHri'.t hy IkjiiiI nml mnrlci5(i PK I Elt IllilHi A'll. .J.Vfi. K BIllJl; M-iy n. letw 10 00 7 00 7 Oil 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 1 7 00' 12 50, 7 01)' 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 111 llll i (.,..Ln,. orlll'l" t'nlicne.. Oincham.. 11,111 7 0(1. "ll, Mi. ' fllke I l'i ll' I'.li.l.iierd. S.llioutls. Cot H. HnitLH" inn.ud of our I' IS, Marllettj" bitide. many erielie. oa'-n-d in -.i h a nitiiii ir a li. con., y the ilea that tlteyare tbi veritable priidnctiou. ofth Aiiii'rlc.u Watrh Cniiip.iiy. We il.o iliiili.Mi Hie (ujlilii . and p.-iiticulurly l dn-r.. ai;iiiu.t btiyius C'-rUio .trti.l-p cited ivat-he. .11 lively .le-jltii.tMlcd ua ''.irmr Waich. .." "Dili r-' Watili.e," ' Ataxic Time (Iba. i vjr." Ariuna Witt. her," .t-c . the price, of nhub lire klatedjo he from tieveu to niile o duller,. A gmiJ Hatch, 111 th -ao ll men, cannot be Htlorded for uny iui. liieney, A little alt nti'tn m Oil pari of buyer' will prute i tlh-iii tr'iio yrnni. iinpniitiuu. BOBBINS it APPLE I ON, Agruis fur the Aineric tii'ch Oompmiy, Ifj MKOAllWAV. .N. i May I'.. I -T..-.. linn KF.iJF.IPrS FOB A Pit 11., TO TltK MisW (iUODS At' V. Krcamcr's Store, COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. dliUSEVTOWN, (JOLUMBLA Co. n;i;rf:i AttltlVM. li:' S-Ri; A'l) SL'MMKIt liuoDS at itr.iiucnu ruiccs :o: The following pnyments have been mjilo to the Columhia Demon al office, during the month of April, 18fi.i: HF sub-cribrr 1ih- ju-t rrtured fiom II W I'ren.y kCn '810 fK) , r,.l ot jonti viuiuey iai Am Ailv Aernry ji uu jnui I' Iplii i. nh n lurro and .elect anrtme,,t ','din Hi tteri h i: M , Win .-. huykr 'uf Veil (iooiii, ouri I..H-.1 ,11 Uni InH.-fl c.ifh price. lit Mi.e K iinieiri, nt i.auitis Hre.g (.noli.. Aieecae, I ,.l..d Kenliii-'.e JH..I1. 0 00 ) Bhntiii: Thru.idi., .lldsliiu. I it king. Hurd- llowcll it Ponuiu-itoii do SolOl'HUl B is do Jllllll-e N Jou8 do do Per.ion do do llij''lii-e it Calender do 17 oo Groceries. Queenaware, ' ware, Gedarware, ' Urnome, Medicluvi.. Ilrugi. Dili I'l.h, Salt, N.ns, 7 Ofi C.iudii-9, Toliacc.i, eSi fc-ire, HOUTfT AND tiilUEH, . 7 00; HA IS AND CAPS, 7 00 1 in .hurt. y 'hlni; uimlly ko pi iu a cotit.lry .lore 7 00 Peter Hell H.-lh .Shoemaker Mm A II Webb I apt lohu U Vohe Weiley Volte Win M Hut Jacob 'IV rviilliger Jnlm l.eacork linn Win I'.Iwell llliain He,, (leo We.ivi-r I'fT Joseph l Patlon J icoh Ihetfenbarh V in lin 'I hoe J W. lllu-r .I.'.l :t Yj :i 0.1 Hon II I At S "0 , Hubert I- llii'.ell v in I OU , l:nati-of A W Kline ti OS 3 00 Jc,.o Coleman. IN n, 1 in) :t 111 l'.t of Andrew Ilu,. a on 00 00 00 00 S J folate of David Vaiidlne. Lite of Madison two. . Columbia county, deceabed, have been cr.iile I by the Kcfftetur of Coluiubi.t county lo tin: unitermi-iied , all perin.-ie havlhs claime .m.iliikt tho citatc of the de cedent rtre reiiuusted lo prevent them to Ihn under fl-ned. renidin; in t-alii tnw iihlnp, without deluy.and till persom indebted lo luako pjyuieni fortli.iith JOHN A. FUNSTON, Administrator, Ma) (1, I?u3. -w l 00 arrival of New Goods, elsewhere in the 0f that election was tho adoption' of tho Columbia Domocrat. Wo arc told that , noliov laid down in tho Paltimoro Plat- siness interests of all tho people Tho pacifying powor and influences ol- com Mr. K. has just received tho largest as- form and marked out by Mr. Lincoln, and , mcrco and prosperous trado cannot bu sortment of Merchandize ever landed in . tuat closed discusion jthat village, aud that he is selling them Tho course which wo then pursued, ro off like hot cakes, at i('cace i'riccs." ; garding those questions as definitely set- over estimatod. This alone will invigor ate tho iudustry of tho wholo country, and give tho poonlc overywhore opportunity to KnowiDg tint Mr. Kroanior is an honora- tied beyond possibility ol cbango, was in cultivate tlio arts of peace, so that thov hie gentleman, and having long since rs-, our opinton the duty of tho oitizon, and may forgot tho employments aud passions liblisbed tlio reputation o a very lair . nuusrqueni events niny jasuueu tuo wis- 0f war. dealer, wo aUvuo our tricnds to oall early uom aiia propriety oi tuat ouurso. ah economy resume their primary iraportn-ioe and get good bargains. . questions renting to the objeot and con-; ow a tue oyes of wiso citizons. For fr ., ,duct of tho war wore scllcd by tlutoleo ourselves wo confess freely that 'wo havo a n?w MSo; i;.n' ' f mr i0trUSl i!' kD WiDg Wh31 V andcr 12!) South :id Street Philadelphia. i "1i;u310D' iho war 1)38 beeu conducted itiCBt Johnson's views on tho tariff qucs- No a U handsomely ombelishod. The 'arly to its close under the direction and , mi Qn naoDa, ba,)k than whM b,( contents aro varied and interesting. Of tho policy ol Mr. Lincoln, Ihen re-elected. wou,(1 do witlj Jcffi Davij fttd W(J fu course a goodly fharo is devoted to an- J The nuostiona now coniini- befora tho pco , , ., . rodntcs and !iimrlfini nf l,n w-.r irbirh . 1 . . , - e ' firlllI ()f 0P''on that thcso questions are ro. mcs ana inci lents nt the, wh pu p 0 aro, wo havo rn d, questionB of peace ..','., 1 at this lime w bo ntercsl ngto a . ' he r , , r -i- .1 .1 1 ,. tho more important terms arc two dollars per annum. n,,,, uo1 of war 1 0 thvm ,bo n"u,,8 ' - . , men must be soon directed. It is no Ion- Scran ton Jlrgiilcr. E. S, M. Hill, US? Tho Willamsport Democrat office gCr to bo considered what armies shall bo l''sq . has enlarged tho Lackawanna Peg- was completely ; submerged by tho recent; rajBeil or how ih) thM b0 raisej. ster, and changed its namo to that of nooa on tbe cot Brunch. Sorry for you , Heranlon Kogistor. It is tho Jargcst aud Charley 1 Hadn't belter looa'' on higher ' h s manifest enough to all oyes that wa handsomest' paper m.tho North. A auuiid R'"ouDd?i ar now entering 011 b new era, passing Dssjioerat. Administrator's Notice. Estate of Abraham h'cifer, Deceased SETTEBS of administraiiou on t lip J U.tat.i of Abinhaii, Keifer. lale of Oranifo two.. Columbia coiin:y, deceaaed, have been granted by the lti'dUier uf (...lumliiu to,, to the iindersicned I all per. tout having claimi a;aimt Ihe etlnto of the decedent ate requeued lo preccul theui lo iho Administrator at hie renidencn In lllivimjliure. wilhout deliy, and all peitoui iudelited to muke payment forthwith, MICHAEL F. EYERLV, A.lminhti atar. May 6, 1885 -6v .$3 p. RnciissiiAcii, Tho old questions of political Jus'icc of the Peace, Licensed Convcyan- w, Senvcner fyc OFFICE BE AVKlt VALLEY, PA. Will attend to taking Ackunnledcincnia, Write liecus, mortgagi-ii, i.ea.n, iionaa, notes kc. DC" Clnmee noderatc. May G, If.iJ.- 3ui Joseph Sands Mt Pleasant Guorge Vaucj do Conrad Crenncr Madison i D Flick it Pro do John II lletlcr Mifflin ..Stephen H Swank do ! Croasy ct Prown do i.l K Schweppcuheiscr do W A Brown do Jacob "folio do Washington Parr Franklin G S McWilliams do C Meudenhall do John (! Jacobv Priarcrcck KtiSlSTAIt'CK AT AiV EXOl (real tiewi of bri lliant.nclilcvimcnt:i.arrlvli'n from every quarter Heads thai most fmiously rebel against tho laws of beauty, wh niter they be white, gruy.tnnd) or daring red arc everywhere STRIKIWG THEIR COLORS, And assunilng.the loveliest blown nr tlio inoit luiltou. and perfect black, under tho swift operation nf (JRISTADOIIO'S II'AIll DYE, Wltlrlt transfljiires them in a few moments Mj.iu fsrttittd hy J POtt No, fi Astnr llomcNew Vnrk foH by PruggiHiapplud by ill (fair Drcimi Msy s, l.V 1 in Lovi Summervillo do J Thomas do P M Trough do Uruben Miller do Willia'ii Froas do lorciniah Jacoby do lit 13 1 I 14 1.1 14 14 14 14 1 1 10 1 1 14 14 1 t 14 14 1.1 14 1 1 13 14 10 00 7 00 in oo 10 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 Thankful for put patron aee, old frieuiL unit the phlillc Kcnernlly. are invited I o call and see for tlirui. selves. 1 wilt .ell itnods m it. lot. rule, n.any oilier lion,,, in the country. 1 will nnt bo tin.ler'.old by Jew or i;eutilo. Come friends, roll ult, l.riiiic your Pro dure bring your cash your Lumln r or rio' have to sell, I will p.i) ts much, nod sell as low, a, any lMnie ibii. side ol I'luladf Ipltlu , .o couie one aud all. bring )our trade, but ilou't aak for lru.1. 1'uor Tnisi is tlcuUy buil iiibn kilkd him. 8 00 'Jacob Penile- '.' .) John li It. .Won. A U I I n Ks 5 HO ' Keubeu l irkheuer -J 50 r l.nse lira. 2 00 Joel (ro., . 60 I llmtll I.iilvenherr 1 1 uu Jllil Mdievuolds 3 ,'OlJni h Kelcliiiir. .Sr Hemlock ptl i und. a (W Ham. ll.-mlur k I "tin 11 Shiiltz 3 Oil) ,M L' Woodward Samuel llelz p' , riannii-l John, tun Mrs C Shoemaker I On 'Jnlm Mor.lau WniT Hitler 4 0:1 ' Peter Jones Amos llartnnn 'i -.'A Lewis Cirtnri It" J W lei-iher 0 Isaac Whipple Kit.iteof Win lolo i! UO 'llun C 1, Wnnl II P Cro.hy S! uO ,. H.iliiler Ceo Hess V -Jo , Can w Maimer John Lewis 1 Ilnnib.iv Henry llcss(iu;ionf)2 AO J, r t Hhiinian ' id 00 00 00 00 00 00 O'j 00 00 00 00 WAN I'l-D. 200,000 Sbiugloi, and 500 000 feet Pino aud Hemlock Timber, for whirl) ihe lugh- est inirket pilcr will bu paid, tiraln, Tlour and Alehl kept mi It uid tor sale at my store. C K HE A. ME 11. Jersey ton n M ty li. 'S 'A Notice. Will J He., Samuel '. (iilbert Hess Jo.eph O Hi s, Jo, him tlav iA (lallii'l K.iiuliac'l fol HiiupCHecu Isaac Ikeler Juhn Pllis. Cul Jolin il.rre.ze (.eo W Mi.uger John Keifer, 00 ClemeOt Cearheiirl 3 37 Jncoli Drie.baU' li 4 00 i Kitiheu Si Si. iiiimni 1 .17 , I'rederiik Dotty '1 -il Oeo W tiriesbach 2 AO ; , 1 1 a , llictteri h '-' AO , J ..i u (Jigers 'i AO B'liuuel Keuiley 17 00 , IX hi llort.l 'J 7A f,mr(. tttp i C II Morris V .JO r 4 on V I'll tj n't I o-J 1 .et e a-. 11 On A IM il 0. VI Si no V AO J Si Ai e let 5 (SI V 30 J O't 4 III v! An :t ii . 2 O'l 3 no 1 IS) J ..'I A Id S A t 1 -."I i II) Fund 'J () 9 0.1 ; 8Sy Our friends at hnnio havo don" , very well the past month and we now i . . .... ... In the hi er of the Cattawissa Land and e . ,ri4ul' "'slant stiuscriucrs ia .. .... ,,' ! remit hy mail. Ilud'luiu Company. ... Restaurants and Eating Houses. I'rcderiok Fox Dloom fl B Stoliucr do 0 W B Koona do 7 H 0 Christman do 7 S Kostenbaud'or Cattawissa 7 Lovi Keilor do 8 William Stettcr Conyngham 7 Hdward Hdffey . do 8 John Chapmati do 7 Thomas 0 Conner do 8 Richard Koalcy do 8 Henry Hockman Berwick 7 Michael Keller Orange 8 Iliewciics and Distilleries. Moses Simmons Fiahiugorcck 0 Fiauk do 8 To all whim it muy concern. Take -lotp e, that J. K. sMiurpless. Isaiah John, Waller William J llyer . Haniuoll Kosienliailer, James S. 'McNimli, John James. iu, Jacob Creasy, Ueorge Long, Jacub il. V. lltyr. and Solomon lleiwig, being . iluens of thu Slate ui' Pennsylvania, und desirous of ucquiring and enjoying Ihe i.iimuuilies of a llody Coitiorule, havo cihibitc.1 und preseu led to the Court of Comnion Pleas of Co luuibi.t County, nn instruuicnl in writing, purporting to be the proposed chillier of th ultuwiss.i I.iind and lluliding Company." to bu Incited in thu lowuthip uf Cali.iw issa. in s.nd County of t;olumbia, having for it. object the purcha. lug of town luts nud lauds, building nouses for enlo and runt, which are nmrc fully spiiitied and set nut io the said application fur ini-oriioralioii. And llie said Court perused aud examined Ihe said t instrument ami nuinu ine onji cl auu cuiiilitious.there. iu set lutlli anil coutaiueii to lu luwtul and no'. jnji. ti ins to community ; have ilir.ilid said wriUngs to be liled in the Prolhoiiotury's ollice o sin I county ami n ..I Ice io bu given uciording lo law. Tlialiippliraiiuu has beeu uiiiilu to Hie sal J Court lo gram such charier, mid that if no suiiineut reason b. ehowu to the con trary, by Ihe 27th duy of Ala) lust., ul an adjourned (.'niirt r lliee .till jle, riu, iiii.I i!,.rl:ir. . I .......... . ... IU UU ussouuu-d to becouiu and bo a corporation or body r. nil politic Iu Law, und ill fuel, uccordlug In ill j said urn- uO Lt,'8 an I rniiililinu.. nml tn have . ..... Iiiiimir... I.u l.u n line, .lylunnd title in said iii.truiucnt lueu.ioued. JUfcJi: COLUUAN, Prothuiiotary lilooiusburg. May 0. It.'A 7 00 10 00 10 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 12 00 12 00 10 10 10 00 10 00 5 00 10 00 5 00 5 00 10 00 S 00 2o 00 12 OO Select School. 1 In. Hprinr Session of this Hclioo! w i open on Toes .lay, the Ifth iu.t , iu llie llaseiueiii ol'tlie (ieruian He. Church "II Hie hiumhc, of u liberal Lugll.h rdiiealion will bu l.iusht. Prices will range from S3 Il 3d per 'lu.irtur nf Eleven weeks, Instructions ill bu given iu any of ths funty branch es 4iid also ou the l orte Plain) or Mr-lodeou i:i.i;i).Noit i LP.iiriiLit Plonmsli'iig pnln 1st... CAMM to tho residence of tlio suhsrri ber, in Centre tnwiiihip, on or about ihe Clh "f April, ISUA a WHITE SOW, weighing nboiit two hundred Ihs. 'the owner is" 'lucst jd to prove property, pal charges, und take h nwiy, or she will Inj disposed of a cording to law ISAAC Ulit-S. Aprll-20, lefii 3w F. O.'ll AlUtIs"0N M b W tM'I.D respectfully mrorni IhecltO-.rnnofillooiur burg.iind vicinity, that he costlniieuhe practise u' . .VF.IIIC1XK ,1X1) HUMHUtr, nd solicits a share in public palrouago. """" ;,oii .Muin Mtreel, llrst house below the L.u' House, lllooin.biirg. IVIiruary 3, IrAJ- tf IiXEUUTOR'S NOTICE. Elati of D.tnicl Stoker, Deueascd. r,li7iB.' ,4,'re;l1?ni1,.",!,r' "" l'0 r,me of " i-l Mokir, la't- ofr'ishiusireek lownship, ;oimt.ia c deceased, have- been granted ,y ,. (ef lcr r Wi. tc to tlio iiiiler.igued residing said imp all persons huviug ilaiiu. against tho estate of id. . nl "'" ''WvlKl i" pruseut them to the Kii i-,,.,.!."r" ! el".y, ""'I"" person, imli bted tu iiuki payment ruttliulili, April 1, Ir&s.-Cwejs. Kxecutor BLANK BOOKS Sc STATIONERY. m suppled to Hanks, Merchants and Countr Orticen of the best r l-ii'le d tn Alsrrhl I4t., niateiiil Orders by mail I'lnmulf vv. o. raanv Slh sn4 Rce tr el.,, ilnl's
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers