Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, May 06, 1865, Image 1

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'Pin n Hid . an r.r l M i iir tn.i
luniUO. $Z OU J l ill V AIN bili.
4VOL. 19. NO. 10.
'Yfl.n Pa.tll.I.. nfi.irn.l )! tllO Affrlnilfll.ll l.'ll mil-til
fl'n , (11 fuuipmi) 1 hurt rcil li y 1 1 1 It p nl.'tlii ru o'i'enti
""lyivittila uilh 11 tdpltil uf S'aO.Untl.) hale belli provvil
.in p'niiirti in mi hid tnvnpe'iiiuuai ptniiiiii.ieauu beat,
lr Urn I'liruior, Manteiier mil Frult-gruwer. of nil
. linicuntrnteil m.t rt r c-1 huh uU'erei! In any itimktl 'I'lin
lyuiufiau'. ijii tlnbr.icia tlif follunitiz .
(llUIUI ll, .,, f ,., ,. n,l ihe
Trrlillzlnv eliinr'tilii ni' mine, luiublnetl iliuhicully
Villi null u llitr aluilLle f-r t i 1 1 il 11 j
I tenia mm niimtiii'ina
II In ii'. I rin it iiiiU.Ktiilciit inmlttlon : rrmly fur
Iliiinii.'illaU' u.e, nml withiiui losa 'f ! Iiiglily nitro-
(.'Miuuh leitlil.ini: iriicrii.'i-
I ItB IIIPVI I fill 1. 1' III 1 1 aUl 1 1 1 III Utl CP'P' llllil "".."i 1
Mi ilimilillity nml utiltr iiualllK' uru well known to
i, 1 1 1,11 Unit u:tiiiillii i.Uiiiii ili.lir.
4 l'r fcu 8 H) per Toil.
- 't'lila IVitHltcr UJarsety rotnpn.cil nf nntniHl mat
tiT. micIi lla lui'iit. lihio., li'i.tliit. liair nml wool,
ms-'tliur wllh ihiMiilc.itii mil iiiurcuhic I u r t il izc r n.
which ili'ciniiuu lllo niiirS, llinl uuln llic uitri'eii
tun flCllll'lltS.
It lit 11 very v.iluiiUu foriiliz.T for lii'lil crop geiicr
nil), mul enpiciiilly fur pnUilne., nul gitrtli 11 purposes.
Us excellent iVi tiitlci, rtruiisth uu'l tlieapiuaa, have
tnoile it wry pon'tlar wllil .ill v.llo have, 11. uJ it,
I'rice Sill i.t 'I'm,
Tiiii- lustily ph.11 phalic lortiliajr la p.iitirularly nj
n.lnpti'il f'.r HIJ uilllvatimi nl Iii.'.m, liiiiln, lawiiiiniiil
t, i!n a cr. It will iirumiiti! 11 tlgiirmlii 11 nil heultliv
' Mruwtli uf win),! nml fruit, liiul l.iH'''l' lii.-K - Hi"
iiu.-inliiy umi pi rfci I ill - tnal iril,' nl lllufrui.. 1'nr hut
' . liiniMMiiiil liiiMBi'lilil l!iwer, it lll lu
, rfmiii.l mi I111II1 pi'iimlili' urtii i tn necu e thi ir gri iitc!
In'rl'i'ilii n. It iill pri'Viiit mill inrc il ii-iiml euiiili
linn' nl the ptuch iin I gnipn, nnii iii cxc-tlenl fur grnga
. 1 mi law n.
If , n I ..a...l. ..I.. ....... I. n. ...V.i II
In liia giijMtli ufall kiiitl. nf iniH in nil Mnil nl ml. 1
'I Ii fiirniulj nr inr tlnil n' ci inliininj it. contitaenl 1
ttilizin' mgri'illi nU iv.' r.rvivc.. tlu hluh t .ip '
Ir ivnl nl 1'iniiii'iil ihi'nii.ti A- tui mid. nti':iitturi t. '
riicu, s 11 .er 'i'lm 1
PllflRI'IIA'Pli' III
Hie AcrlenltHMl ChiMnli al Cniiip.Hiy niiiriiil.ii Iftn;..-.
.tiwiuiiii.ifivvi jilt! jji 1
i,l'liiitiihita nl l.iuie in 1 w itli a new nml
riiililu Cnunnla by whn.h a viry ttxpurfnr itrtirlu la pro.
ii'ici'iK mi an to bo .id'unie. at a lis- prieii than other
i"aniii:n tnrcra cliare. rraclKal lehH niin pr-ve
Unit it x al ii'. if a uilili. t. tn nil tn thu liett Hun- !
pnai i.f in tit iuai'.v 1,
iT I'u
I'i id', (jI) per tun.
Tl u.MS C. ii All urilrr, n( a Ton or
I linili', III h I' It i'i I il ill til' M.'ltluila anil
LI It irvi' nl Hltipin' nl, Irer mii nrlag". I'.ula.'
h . ill b i li..lg Ml mi all time rt nl ii barrel nr li'.t
I I., 'H I l.i r p-'r Tun nllow rnire t'nr i-: 1 1 a . will h.-
I it .i.ii i"i nil ali ili'iivi'tt'U at ill, iVurK-, ! li.i Coin
.ii) . i'u anal Wh .il'.
."tliu i. run ti. i.iii;jii i.i iimimm n um;i.i
, r t'stt, Wit ittr. ti in liiAWAr.i-
li..ieu. IKI; -I , rhil'iil. ipliij. I'a.
II. 1. Ill V l.i in Asent.
The 1'i'i.ipnm 't-'i I'irciil.K. I'lirln.i' Mi: hill
1 1 ir i Huh hu ii-itik' lin' aliuve J i iili.'.irj. n.-nt bv
Ljii i.. free w he i r '.i l -.1.
1 1. I '...i .1 a i J. ... i'u i i'u
U r D ijR'AFF'o
I.VE AM) I.A-, 1 'I.:it AiiV,
Jl) tllfi S'l r.iT , Tit' i i i 'MH - 1 1 niii If I
J'lllvS JN.S I UTit'N !.- m ojn iieil mid iiperatiii! i;.K..iif me i.i n , iiiiveniiiii ami
...rl..j .... in l i.. in..., .1. .IK' .1.. . II..
kii....',tf,.i. iiin. i ..i in.-!, I.,., in. in tin, f..iinin. an, I
ii I 'l.i i ' ' i. ii r i"i ii "iirtai'iii t nni. nil. til" i
M i If 111 - t " 'illt t .Mi1 I'lialiu' nun tn liiei 1 nn mill .ill
ifhieii. 1 - In prp.i in i' II 'Will i'i. rate upon all the
Marlim-I riit.ii. I t IMIMIHA. L'.-il.irm t. lli'el'iun nl
I it In, .11. i H.t-. I'll. tin, in in" Tetr liiiit.-i. Hi I
Mr 'at a I Infills ii -ri-i i'.v' itiiiiinli'il t ipafeiiea
ri .ii nl ill.' Hi i ti iu, IN rMiiiiin. i.r , . l. tnl will
i I the i '. ner .mil r!i'ii.!iiliiiiM ilir-i.-.'. nl Hie l.yeiu I
If.-lli. r ai'.n nil thu tlin'iiu. r to Inth til. l.)u i. .ub- j
.... '
lll.VlAl.M' Will Ileal all till ill.l.laei inlllllloll in ,
Hie ii'S'tii. . Ili-t It irrre- fnon ilw I ar. Nuin.-ii in III.' i nr '
-I'.ita. ill. ililliuiln uf li.'arn." t' lal II liu-. een w beri i
til.' Ilrani i ileMiuvi'i! Will nuerl mi ailllj. lal nlle I
.-I'lilwerllll.' t'i'.l H nil Hie l"li"..j ul ill.- M.itill.ll. 1
uisi'Ai-ii.ii I I'lii; iiiiio.yr.-Aii ,ineae. cnn.
i liioi' ti, Ibe I hrii.M mill Vuae will b" Ireateil
iiHMiiiAi. si (tn t;ti v He wni opirati! iipm i:iub i
ill-el llnlr lip CI tl Piitl.itii, I nni'ii-i. r.-ine.-r'. Ilnlar
nil lenctla. .e 1'la-tic r .lii.ti- In hiaihu new '
v -u
into ilt'l'iirnii'ii n..rt ami tJi'ii.'ial SnrL'erv nl .
'I iiai ' vi r i-n. n n t r n in i v
; iii:i!M. i.ii i;i p'l i "rtt:
i i o r .1 1 i ii tin Hi' r.iln al ti
Me wi I pi rl'irtil "l.aliiiH
inpiit i Hire f iiemi.t i
i iln. la iiii'iiit'Kliniiiilili ,i tii'tf.'! t eere ami I- nr w nil
I litile or no pitin. nni ninia n Inn ilieil nperaleil iipouni i
I ii-lan lle're lia. h.'tii no III. irea II liaiiiii.' ni'l il'e I
' "'M; t nf ill i hnlnv Httttim it.-il it
.Ml I'll I' .il. i,i:h l i. Iiiim ituriilii'iiil !')'. ulr
ii'li'lieni III " iii'iiinii I'vprLiciun of tin natuial
iii yareii ertr tl wT n 11 e t"ul lialll. t
iii:iiui:i iioit).-. fi'i . 'I'lin.iriMihie.nnie iiie..- .
, la ni.nlilj 1 ruil. 'I lnii.e. u .if rin fiunil u ill ilu n 1 1 ;
, mil. i
lir ft, he tli ill . ihiu IVilbMi.ti.irpi. u nh a view of 1
, !..iil.'n,i! nn a n. rin. ,iituie for the lieatniou
Hie i:e, I m .iii.l 1; u. tis,ircerv. 'I'll- experi'iii.e "I
...ire thin a uti.titir l'.t enliiri 11, ami lien, r
..-ay n. i.i-.u. 1
kI.03 I h'l.'Hlflt.lliil A 18(55.
X A I X4 '- jT O A 15
n aww-n-fHrn
I MIa ''leal hue trnti-raea the Xtnt ier i mill Norl 1
f-.v.'at Hiniiti... uf ivi.ii)i.,iiia to in.: tiiy of line, on !
, i.riH,' i.ii''.
It baa h.'t'tt lea. i'iI In Hi" I'.'uuiilvauia Uailrnail
, i.'oiupmiy, mill '. In 1 1 ! 1 1 1
Ireipht bu'-iiiei.' lltlot. r Lib. li"iil
la inure lenjta .u op. nen ur pioenirer ami
mil- oi eiat.saiii ai suit iiit'Kiti'ftL.iti
MntlTr iearc. i: .-! in In I'.
Klioir.i lltpn'm Train, II -JT I'. M.
.l.nrk II. til II AiLOIillliOiltilt in. lit 'J7 A. 1
M'liiiiniap.ot Aiioiuiiio.i.iii.iii 3 S3 I'. M.
i.i:avi: im:m m:ii. .
M nl 'I rai l. . ! 'I V M
I lililra I' III . 3 Ml A. M
1 I. k ll'iveo Alihiiiiii nl. IP ll I ail'. V
v 11 li.i iii All .'in mi. il iliort I 55 I". m
-J I ...cniK-i. mi. inn tlin iwh nn Mail '1'riiin, vmiii
jt..'1'l niAtiui both wn)h hitwecn 1'liilaJeipllia ami line,
niil Haltluioreiiml Urie.
Llegnut Meeplug I ar. nn 1:1 mire Kiprci. I rani,
linili way. hctwceii William. port umi Ualliumre.
I nr inttiriiiaiiiui reaperung raaaenjer liutim a., ap
ply at the i.'nr. .'Wth anil .Market tin.
yvmilor l ii-iniii uiiaiiitsaiii I lie i;tn.ipany a Auiiut..
IS. II. Kingati.ti. Jr., l-'nr.l.l'li ami .Market .Ms., 1'lnt'a
J. A . lieviiohla, Krlu
J..M. Drill. Aiieul N.U. It. II., lialllnnire.
II. II. II.misIuii. II "ii'l. rreltilil Aut . I'liil.nlelphia,
II. W. Ilu tuner. (J.'H'l.'1'n.ket Am I'liilailtlplna.
Jn.epb II. I'iitt.,i:eii'l. .Manager, Williaiuapurt.
Jan. ?, Inii3.
M B H 0 O K S A K O K N II E I M
No. -X Ii I Market Street, north r-idu,l'liila, '
Ilavo now openeil their tnual handsome I
variety of Itihlioiij, Bonnet Mate.
ti r.iils,)iri!v k. I' ancy Hju
in ts, Ladies & Misses'
n.OlVI'.llri. Itl'l'lli; ;. I.Ai'lif. and nil other artl
f. ten llreil b) tile
1 l l i y j: it
t n a u i-:
ll v time i nn ni'iic .iri'Ltrii l ntlpntlmi tnlhi. brunch
frf tni-liiea. eilii.iv. ly llaller nun. Ivua Illative
Sin oiler niiliic'tii'iuia, in vni'.ly. H)l"'. I'lUliI) ttti.l
I lerute pitcea-not evi r) In".' to be fuulnl. The
jutfntitui ii. .Mil hitum una Mi reliant i. I. n .pei Ifnlly
Lllll. I . .Ill
if .t' I'm tinilnr utt. nlioii pal I to lilll ig Or br.
b. 5""''1 '' r''i' ''"'
SniOLAStlU'ri FOK. MliK.
I'ltl.hillgll I'l.Ulln.! Ci.lleg"
lhii;htiuipliu "
CriitiMirlell'a ' rilllH'liilphl.
w titration-in yam's'
fi. r
I Tu'wlii h"" ShHi!
, bywl'vij' "' Glr:MB, DOiocr..t
Select Poctni.
nv Mita. Clark tmvu
hilc In (hit wilJciiiOit 1 Hay,
'I'll I nml weary laml,
Whrtt light ahnll gulilu my erring ivuy, .
VVlmt stnll attpport my hand I
Lul tiireugh the mlnt.or rin, I hoc
A r.iliil ami IteMe light,
V, I, U my CiiJ I it point, in thee.
"i'will leaJ my .tup. might,
Oh. mny hy luve my hand mstaln,
Ami bear my weight Willi uhh,
TIM t thu Inuieuly inaiiiluua enlu,
Anil dwell In perfet.1 pi'aco I
Thou .hall Ihu light tvlljae falntcat gleam
I followed fan mill Tar.
i:iTalgunt (hiiie with glnry'n beam,
'1 lie bright an J morning
A n J oil I the Ion: that una iny nay,
My .lull", iny ftreiigtli'iiing ruJ,
Tlio ginning tun uf enillr. day,
.11 r.iih'ir nml my Had I
There vfd oiniy a wiso Emprror who
umi' 0 a luiv, ilmt 10 cvorj airaogor who
i'uiiiu to his uourl, a I'riutl ti h nliould hu
Bcriuil. 'J'iie ?rrv:iut.4 wuro direcicd to uo
In!-' it, wlK'U :i alrniliiul' had mite 1 1 ilia fiiu
t HitJ liiMlij till llllil Mile, III) tUltlid II OWT
. . . . .
oey;m o tliu t'lhiT sitlo. It lie did,
j he iva to'ba iimiii'diiiti'ly soiz.-d and on
. . .
1 1 "in u Udj, inufUUIlur 110 Was 10 DO put
10 death, hut by a iTtat aretch of im-
p rial L'km., tluiculpiu wits permitted
1., , . 1 1 t- - ,: 1. 1. .1 i 1. . 1...
.v u... ..0 n u tal-. usy, nmcu iuu ror pludg.-d IimuocU lo grant, pru- !
viiiiug it .wis i.ot to r-puic his lilo-
hail .ilri aily puiulad in cuii-ujuulco oi
' Uii.i id ft. when, 0ee day, a e.iuut and his
. young sou pro.ieuti.'d lb j Jiseltfiia at court.
; Tin.- lih was ,-ii'vi'il as usual, and wtion
i t.ic I'out.t lid J reiitovtil iho liili from one
, nidi", hu tuiiml it over, and w.ii about tu
e in. tiit'iii:,' on the oilier when In was seiz
. t..l .iiiil itiio.tii lulu priso.i, and w.ib lold of
lii lipjii oeh iIojiii.
.-'o.iiW trieken, this eouiit young sou
! tjonouhi i he Kiiiprrur lo allow him to die
in ill.- iojiii of hi
lather ; a favor w h uh
t r iiiiiiuii'li ww plea.ii d to accord hi 111
... ,. t , , ,
i no f.ouii wan aeeoruiniy leieasua irom
bi.d ltii-houua.1 thrown into his
. ... i . . . i , . ., , i
u"' ui sicdu. us totiu Ui nils nail
i j i ;t..i . .t
u"u u""u' ll,u i'"l '"au sain to U1U Jill-
, 1 ... I , , ., ,;,. . .
. ..... ,'..
tllrtt rl i ii.l.nrl l.i-t'nri' T rlii, ! on ttnil tnll
- ' fo"
1 .
en p roi to send me his daughter and
prii-st to marry us." The first demand
W1, ,,( ,um., t0 ,lu emperor's ta.itn.ncv-
1 1
Krtheless he lelt bound to keep word, and
le I HTl'loro t'OIHD led With the rffilinst. In
I u 11 lull thu tiritife.sM htid tin riliiii'iinn. '1'lt'n
r 1
' J
ooi'unt'U in t me. wiirn Knit's kept their
iii'ttf-urcH in a cave, or iD a tower bet
ppart fur thf purpose, like the Emperor of
M ,w in these days ; aud on tbo second
l . i . .1
uu ol In. 1 ui pr isou 111 u u t the vount'iuan
, , , .
iituiuui4i.u iuc aiufjeinr a iruasuius.
, . 1 - , , ...
" His IUSI UCIIiauU WUS a bold OHP, tile
Ci, ,1 ,. . 1 .....:,t .... i. 1
"-'''' una tu , mill nil liiiiucrrir
" -'"od, and having made the
piouiise, Le nas furctd to keep it j and
!.lD0 lrtlihu" 01 '"vor were
laced ut tuo uiiposxt of tho prisoner. On
i getting poBal'Hiioil of tiiem, he iliatnbtitod
;lll(,IU fu,B, u:nond tLo uourtiur and
1 J '
toon ti c had made a bust of frit bv his
The emprfir hogan now to fejl exceed
ingly uncomfortable. Unable to sleep, hu
rone early on the third morning aud went
with in ii ii heart to the tni&on to hear
wlou tlu third wish was lo be
''Now, ' said ho to his prisoner, ' tiil mo
what your third duiuud is, that it may bu
granted at ouce, and that uu may hj out
o haud, (or I am tirod of your demands, "
''ciir," unswurtd the prisoner, ''I have
but one more lavor to icqucst of your
majo ty, which when you have granted 1
thall d.o content. It its merely that you
will eauso tho ejus of lluno who saw my
father turn the fish over lo be put out."
"Very good,'' rupliid tho emperor,
'your demaud is but natural and springs
from a good bean. Let tho ohambcrlaiu
be seized,'1 1 u continued, turning to his
"I .-it!'' cried the chamberlain ; "1
did not sco auyihiug it was the stt-w-
But the steward protested with tears in
his c(cs, that ho had not wituegscd any.
thing of what had been reported, and said
il was the built r.
The builei tl. dared that ho had teen
nothing of tho m ittci' aud tint it musi
hmr.hccu our .jl tho valets,
But tlitj protested that liny wcro utter
ly iguoiair uf what bad been charged
ngauiit the count , in short il turned out
thai nobody could bo fouud who badjit'eu
the court commit n, off.u v, upon nhiuh
1th ptiuc tssatd
'I appeal to juu my fatfior, an to ono-1 her. How it riled mo ! Hut I was bouud
ther Solomcil, If nobody saw the offense to ecc it through, bo 1 moved a littlo near
wouitiiitled, the count oaouot be guilty, and er to get better view, and down I 'went,
my hushund is inuocent." j korchuDk, and landing between Dill and
Tho cmperiir frownud -and forthwith tho . Naney. Bill thought for otco that old
courtiers began to murmur; then, 'lc ( Nick had oouie, and streaked it out of
smiled and immediately tin ir visages bo ' door.-t ; and as for Nancy, she gave ono
came radiaut. ' look and thou covered up hor face with
1 Let it be so," .aid hia m.ijosty j "let her apron. 1 atarted .out uf the kitchen as
him live, though 1 have put many a man ' quick as you could say s-eoot and as I was
to death for a lighter ofluuto than his. 1
But he is not hung, he is married. Jus.
lice is done,'
Stove Conant'a Courtship.
I once, culled on my friend 3tove Con
aui.uud while there tilt! ccmvnr.'iiitinn (n ti I
ud on courtship : and at request, the old
gcntluin'tu told mo an incident in his own
lovo iiffaiis, which 1 give ill his own
words ;
"Wall.sceiug its you, 1 don't mind tell
ing about a boiapu that happened to me
when I was Nuticv here. That
is something I novel toll anybody'. Bat
you shall hear it 1
"No don't.Stevu," broke iu the old wo-'
man. '
'"I iLouUl think ym wou'd be ashamed j
of yourself, telling low scrapes to every-
' If you can't bear to hear it you may
go outdoors so hrre goes ! wheu I was
nigh about twenty -juo I oa t e up here and
built me a cabin. I hadn't a neighbor
ueart!r lua" '"''"i 80 i"" s01' 1 tlld""t
lr,urrul Ull":" i u"1 " grew 10 ue winter
i got uiuuur loueome, .ami begun to tninK
that 1 ought to huve a woman t'i krp me
cuinp.inyj so one morning I. .iiarted down
to Iit.tivv.iy, to uke a leok at ihe girls, to
nee il 1 cniiiil ('nni iue to biiit inc. A hew
I nuidown to the butilt'itient; 1 asked u
young chap il he knew of .t giil that'wnti
ltd tu get niari'ind, and he t.ild me he
guessed that N moy iviox did and if I wan
red u wife, 1 had better try and hitch oti
lo lur ; aud he said lLat il it w.ts ngneu
ble, he would go tn D .icou Kuux s and
make me acq tainted with Nuuey ; and lie
wai as good as hi-i word, and 't vvasn't an
hour belurc Nancy nml I was on the bcit
of tortus. Afore night I hired out wiih
tho Dtiaeiiu for tun dollars u month, hull
pay to be tukeu iu produce, aud tho re-t
in clear cash aud 1 was to wxk all win
ter. ''Wall, for two months I felt as a
mouse in new cheese. 1 eourted Nancy
every Sunday night, and was determined
before auother week to pop the ij'iosiiou,
and I hadn't a bit of doubt bu wuai Nauoy
would be overjoyed at becoming my bosom
companion, Wall, about this time there
come a fellow from one of thu lowertowns
to keep .ichool and he hadn't beeu there
m uru than a week aforo I fouud he had a
hankering for Nancy and worst ol all, the
old Deacon, who iceined p'eascd at the
thought of my courting his gal begun to
cool off, as if he would liko the echool
tnaater. Uettcr for a soti iu law, and ii made
me feel kinder down iu the lip, I cau tell
"Wall on ouo Sunday night, hi 1 Smith,
for that itus the pesky oiitter's uameainu
iujust at duik, aud when tin clock struck
nine he didu't seem to go. Old .Mrs Knox
and thu young ones all went to bed, and
there were none left but thu old Djacou
Bill, Nancy Jud I, and 1 kept 'specting
every minute that he would show Bill to
bed but ho did uo such thing j butju.t as
the Clock struck Un he ris up,
and says
Stove, let's go to bid,for wo must be up
bright and early to have them ero logs to
the river."
"Wasn't that u hint, eh ! 1 looked" at
Nancy, but she turned away her head, and
at this I was up the ladder to bed. I was
boiling over nud with all crcatiou Bill,
Nancy and the old Deacon in particular.
I gut into bed mid kivercd inyelf up. but
I felt so bad I couldn't go to sleep. Like
I aj not iho stliuo mas. cr was hugg ng and'
kissing Nancy down in tho kitchen, and I
couldn't shut my eyes for the life of mo.
Wall, all at once itoccurcd to me there
wero some bigcrackiiu thu floor over the
! kitchen, and I euuld watch and toe all
that was goiiij.' on below ; so out of bed I
got, aud crawled along on all fours, cud
finding a bit! ctack,l looked down through.
Hill und Nanoy wero sitting abouf. two feet reqiires an effoit to stand for tho light at
upait, though every now nud then Bill limes, hut, il it is tmccetsfully done, the
would hlioh hi" chair a littlo nearer to her. ! road to honor and truth is easy to travel
How I could h i choked that man! I ' and by his example are induced to walk
watohed them lor about a quarter of an j iu it. This kiud of bravery gives overy
hour, and by, that time I was mar about boy a consciencii that utampsio hold char
froze, as it was an awful uold uight, and aetera, purity ol thought, highness of pur
I hadu't a rag on exoupttuv two shirts. noso ami integrity of heart, upon his opuu
' hy and by Hill hitched hit. tihair a littlo
closn, and I could tec that ho had made
J op hu uiiuO. jtrl waa yvt (joins lo Uiesmginu was a buc Iny
going up the Udder 1 heard old Mrs Knox
holler ;
"Nancy, ecoot that cut down, or she'll
bleak every dish on the dressor !'
"The wist uiomitig, when she went out
to milk, I popped tho question to Nancy,
aud she said nho would have ma, for tho
didn't care a euut for Bill Smith, and we
have been married forty years cum next
Breach of Marriage Contract
Heavy Damages.
'ue Tipton (!ud.) Union gives the fol
lowing report of a suit for a breach of
'"'Triage contract which canio off nt the
late term (if the Circuit Court in thatcouu-
Tnu largest verdict, to wit, S9,000,over
""i uu in this court, was lately obtained by
Eliziihi'th M. G.tlbroth.iu her su't against
CJeorge Y. Atkinson, for brtach of iniir
tiage contrai't. The ablest alli rncys of
the State were enitloyod upon either aide
The jury was addressed by Ilotidriuk
and Lewis, for the defendant ; Moss aud
Overman, for tho plaintiff. Farmers quit
th.iir fields, merchants their stores, and
mechanics their sliops,to witness its pro
gression. 'The plaint'!-!', by her te.-tnno-ny,
which elicited the heliel of all preseut,
disoloied a crime on the part of the de
fendant of as great magnitude as was ever
coiicived by lu-t nud ctiuninj;, mid per
p MtutuI u; on an iuuoecut qdiI hclpli:3
She wa- the da ugh or of a ro r widowed
mother, tukeu ut a tender age into the
family ol Mr. Atkinson, a youug man of
wealth aud position, who designedly wou
bur confidence by a f.ithorly earcaud at
tention. In the course of a few ycais,. Mr.
Atkiusou applied for and obtained a di
voice from his wife Then making lovo
to -Miss Galbroth, who had grown lo be a
woman of extraordinary beauty and intel
ligence, loved for her engaging manners
and affable disposition, he succeeded iu
winning her. Society is relentleas in its
condemnations. Our Saviour said upon
a Minilar occasion, "Sister, go thy way
and sin no more," biit society crushes with
eib the frail tnusgressor.
Although the jury seemed to be very lib-!
cral witli thu plaintiff, she did nut get her
desert. Thy possessions of Criesus would
not compensate a pour, erring, uusu-peot-iug
g'rl for the loss ol her honor and her
pride. Nor is the cull of a doomed felon
punishment 0"very enough lor the vile lib
ertine who would thus deceive and betray
confiding iimoocuce.
The Home of Tastk. How easy it
is to bu neat, to be clean. How easy it is
to arrange rooms with the most graceful
How ciify it is to invest our houses with
the truest elegancy. Elegancy resides not
with the uphuidi-rrr or draper j it is nut
in the mossaics, the carpeting", the rose
wood, tho mahogauy, the oaodelabra, or
the marble ornauicUs; it exists in the
spirit presiding over tbo chamber of tho
' dwelling. Coutenttneut must always be
j moat graecfil ; it glows soreiuly over the
) sceuo of its abode ; it transforms a vrasto
j into a garden. The c vines lighted by theso
intimations of a noble and brighter life
may be wanting in much which tho diS'
contented desire ; but to its iuhabitauts it
will be a palace fur outvicwing the orjuu
i tal iu brilliancy aud glory.
The Buavi: Bov The jouth that has
the moral euurugo to day I will nut do it,
because it is wroug, is bravo enough for a
' general. If wo cau, even though fauutcd,
I rebuke his fellows for evil aois, huts truly
brave. Such a character Mway s moulds
thu elements of mind around him, carry
ing almost uulimitcd sway and U respect
ed by even the worst of his playmutes, It
, bruw. Ouo of tbo world's renowned, ono I
whom we love and ehtrish. CeorSo Wush-
Provost Marshal' Attention. J
A Boston jury ha3 rendered u verdict I
of damages to tho amount of thirty-two
thousand' five hundred dollars iu favor of
Leonard Sturtcvatit against A II. Allen
for illegal arreit aud imprisonment.
Mr. Siurlcvanl, at tho outbreak of hos
tilities, was transacting business iu New
Orleans. Ho removed to Bostou 1 and
was arrested oud imprisoned upou charges
of dijloyilty preferred by Mr. Allcu. The
sequel is as wo have above stated , but it
may be well to relic ct that, in such eases
o failure to satisfy the damages subjects
tho defendant to imprisonment.
Wo Welcome this sign of return to tho
legitimate channels of justice iu the com
munities of the North. Tho omen is the
more au.-piciou bccauc it is made visible
through the fog of fanaticism that envel
ops thu great citadel of Black Republican
ism. Wheu M issaohujcits loads ihe wiy
in pronouuein equitable judgments upan
persecution, there is good prospect that
the example will ho followed eUowhcre.
Let the petty tyrants, informers aud
tradticers, that luvu plied their infamous
vocations with impunity throughout the
past fuur yean, prepare themselves to un
dergo the ordeal of legal iuvestigation and
punishment. False imprisonment, it teems,
is again to bo recognized as a tran-jics-iou
of the law There is a bioad field
for justice to be bu-V iu, iu that direction .
There are hundreds of honorable and pa
triotic citizens jn tho North, who have
been snbjuotod to outrages similar to that
for which .Mr. Sturtevaut has recovered
damages. There are men, guiltless of
crime, w ho have languiibcd fur months
i ii dungeons, their business iiiiorrupud ,
their minds enfeebled, their healths im
paired, their prospects iu life blasted by
long and protracted incareei'.iti u.
From the damp and dismal vaults
where thuse viwtiuis of arbitrary power
und of false accusation have been immured,
soma have been dismissed only to be
transferred to luttalio asylums. They
have gonu mad under tho tortures of con
finement, harsh treiitmeut and suspense.
Others have perished miserably in their
prisons. Othars huve contracted diseases
in the dark and noissoice solitudes uf their
cells. Womeu, delicately reared and
keeuly miceptiblc to the shauio and pri
vations of imprisonment, have been torn
from their homes and families, and locked
up beyond tho reach of trial; all for the
expression of political opiuiou,o r, in many
cases, at the mere in tigttion of person ul
enemies All thin demands retribution.
We are glad to see tho first ."-top taken.
We are not dissatisfied to too that Bo.ton
leads the way. X. J'. Uallij News.
Cey It is said thai the elegant Mrs
Hush wife of our Minister to Englnud
manyycais sinco purchased a splendid
shawl iu the Strand. As she wended her
way homeward, pooplu Mopped, turned
aud gazed at her figure as sho passed.
Not a little ptuzlcd was she at tho painful
uotorioty attending her homeward walk
until r-lie reached her parlor and threw off
her cashmere shawl, Sho thou discovered
tbo salesman had forgotten to romove the
ticket piuned on tho article, and which
read in large capitals, "Very chaste and
cheap at .Call.
&)' An Irishman had just finished a
' j"l of ditchieg for a Mr. Stout, aneighbor
of ours, In the scttloiuenl he gave Stout
some impuduiicc, who thereupon struoh
him. Pat look to his heels, (Stout aftor
him,) and didn't pull on till ho reached
our house, half a milo away, blowing liko
a porpuisc.
..i,,i . .i . in . i i
i nai s me n.atier i criou my uucic
"Mr. Stout aud inyidfhaila diffikilty,"
says rat, "aim oa janers 1 mauo iMisior
Stout run hut it was af.ermo, so it was ! '
WsSf The Commissioner ol Internal Rev
enue has decided that Government vouch
crs aro to bo treated us eccuritics, and any
pei son who makes it a business dealing
iu thorn, must take a licence as n broker.
caJlou. Andrew Jnhnsou. the new
President of the United Slates, voted fur
tho Crittenden Compromise in 1801, us a
satisfactory adjustment of thu difficulty
between the North and the South.
OkT A German writer says a young girl
is a fishing-rod tho eyes are tho hook, tho
suiilu the bail, tho lover tho gudgeon, and
marria'c the butter iu which ho is fried.
1ST The true mau walks oalmly amid
tho wickedness and cruelty of tho woild
like Dan'ul aiu"ti'; liom.
, " , , T i i i
A guard lu been placed unm d
, the rinidtucs "f Chief Ju.tuo Chine.
Quick Work.
Some sii weeks oince wo woro visited
by otic of the'moat diiastrodi floods ever
known to have occurred iu this suction.
Tho Wyoming Oannl, from ono end to tho
other, was injured to such au "cstcut that
many persons thought the grcator partol
the reason would bo consumed in making
the necessary repairs, in ordjr to place it
iu navigable order. The damage was
great but il did uot in tho least dishear
ten the C'.mpany. Thoy immediately set
their employees to work. Tho Supervi
sors upou thu d fferent sections were in
structed to put on all tho forco they co'd
conveniently employ. The highest wa
ges were offered, and somu four hundred
hands wero employed with the under
standing that they were expected to re
main until the works wcro completed.
Thu repairs progressed finely-, and now
Mr. lludsou Oweti, of this plaoe, who
assumed n general superintendence of thu
works, inforniB us that by the 1st ol May
ihe Wyoming (Jaual, from Northumber
land to Wilkes-barre, will bo iu navigablo
order, at a cost of less tbau S5l),00U.
Had the other Companies displayed the
same amount of energy, tho whole line,
from one end to the other, could have
beeu made ready by tho middle of May,
ut the latest. Present appcarauces make
it very djubtful whether ii will be ready
for boating before thu season has half cx
pited. We may here remark that the Compa
ny i s indebted to Mr. Owen, iu a great
measure, for the energy with which tho
work has been pushed fin ward to comple
tion. He is uudoubtedly one of thu best
officsrs of iho construction corps on the
line has clearer conceptions of tho need
ed repairs, and tho inventive genius to
carry it out iu all ita details, than auy
other Supervisor or official iu the employ
of (he Company t His services arc invalu
able to thu Company aud are properly
appreciated. llcrwkk Gazette.
Di:SiJKU'l'IOW 01' 'HIE I'itBSlDE.NT's
Cori'iN. The eoffi.i is of mahogany, lined
with lead and covered with cloth of the
richest quality. There arc upou the outer
sides drapery, festoons of silver tacks, in
each fold of whioh is n silver star, and
the outer edges are adorucd with silver
braid, with five tassels, five inches iu
length, each side having four massive han
dles upon it, and at tho head aud foot
thcie are stars.
Upou the top there are a row of silver
tacks, extending the entire length on both
sides about two inches from tho edge; upon
the centre is a silver phle, encircled by a
shield, formed also of silver tacks ; and
thu face lid and top are uuited with afive
silver stars.
The inside of thu face lid is raised with
white stitiu, the counter piece being trim
med with white and black silk braid, fas
tened at each corner with four silver stars,
The lemaiudcr of the insido of tho coffin
is lined with box-plated satin, the pillow
aud lo ivcr surface being of fiuo white silk,
and the whole being ouoirclcd with olu
ncille as iu fringe.
C2r Kiugslcy thus declares : "There
is no pleasure that I have experienced like
a child's midsummer holiday thu timu, I
mean, when two or three of us Used to
go away to the brook, and take our din
ners with us, aud conio homo at night
tired, dirty, happy, scratched boyond re
cognition, witli a greasy uosegay, threo
littlo trout, and olio 6hoe, the other having
beuii us a boat till it hud gone down
with all hands out ol soundings. Depend
upou it, u man never experiences sticn
pleasuro or grief after four tecu as hedocs
! bcori) mjUs!1 h) SQm0 ca6Ca( , firjt
( ,ovo makingj whcn ,he 8.D3atl0U h IlLw l0
i.:-. "
A QuKsno.N. Why was it necessary
for Secretary Stanton, through Gen. Hal
lock, to issue au order to all tho Gcucrals
of tho Southwest to hereafter obey uo com
mands emanating from Oen. Sherman
tho order duitig scut forth ihruu or four
davs uftcr Gen Grant hud arrived ut
' Slieniiun'H headquarters ? .Was not Gen .
j - Ornnt' presence there tuflieiont to n.-io.e
the proper status of affaiia ! Or djes Mr.
Stauton entertain misgivings as to Grant's
ability 7
bfTho family of the late John 0
Itivcs havu placed sl ,00tl in the bauds o'l
Jay Cooke & Co., as a tribute to the fam
ily of President Liuooln. It is suggested
those (iovcrumeiit bankers be made the
respository of the proposed S1UO,OOU of
gl subscriptions,
rj? '1 he i umber ol gun-' captured in
.... n,b,. ouif .Arv.i ' SjlJ .
hnvi. becu UI&,
Tho "End at Last.
With the surrender of Johnston vto
havo tho oloso of tho war, and tho davrii
of peace. There are uo more rebel armies
to couqucr, aud no more Mrongbolda tcr
beSipgc. Davis is fleeing from tho wrath
to cotnc,taking with him a Vast quantity of
specie, and escorted by u force of tcu
thousand picket cavalry. Ho is doubtless
steering for Texas, where it is not irnprob.
able he contemplates uniting moll strag
gling forces as ho can lor a grand sorlio
on Alaximilliao. By a uuition of his re
maining troops with the army of anti Em
pire parly, Davis may gel up u fide show
of some considerable strength.
Let ui all rejoice that tho curtain is
falling upon die last scene of the most ter
rible conflict the historian will ever havo
to record. Let us rejoice that freeing our
selves from the huavy burdens of wur we
can ouoo more resume the pursuits of
peace, and as ooo Government nud a per
fect union, become thu leader among tbo
natious of the earth iu civilization, art,
science and oommerc.
The Duty of the Government.
'J here is but ono curse iu referenoo to
thu treatment of thu accomplices of Booth
iu the ossaisiualioii of President Liueolu.
That is to give them a lair trial, and let
them suffer the extrcmest penalty' ol tba
law death ou thu gibbit one aud all.
No matter bow indirect may havo been
their connection with it, so long as it bo
proied that ibuy sympathizjd by tholeast
uct or have had iu auy manner collusion
with or a knowledge of the proceedings of
tho conspirators let the punishment bo
such that il may prove entirely effectual
in preventing a recurrence of such crimes.
I But lot nuthiug be done rashly.
; Not Like Oiiieii Folks. In iho
j wcotcrn part of tho State there lives a
queer slick by the name of Starkcy, who
work? fur trie farmers round about-, wheu
ho works at all. Upon one occasion ho
hired to an Eulisbnian, who usually kept
one or two hired men. Starkcy mads hia
appearance in duo season for breakfast,
and the Englishman as usual brought up
from the cellar tho morning's rations of
whiskey in a mug, what ho supposed suffi
cient for all hands. Iu consideration of
Starkcy being the "new hand" he handed
him the mug first. Starkcy, nothing loth,
drained it without stopping to take breath.
Tho Engli.-huieu, amazed at thu fellow's
'.oopaeity" batd ironically. "Havo some
more, Mr. Staikey !' "Oh, no,'1 said
Starkcy, innocently, "1 never take big
drams, like sonic folks 1"
Moh Law Revived. A mob ol cow
ardly ruffians destroyed tho Slate and
Union office, at Portsmouth, N. 11 , on
Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Fostor, the edi
tor, had a plain way of talking Demo
cratic truth that the Administration lack
eys didn't liko, and a gang ol bullies wore
obtained to silence a man whom thoy
could not answer by logic and argument.
Wo trust that this lawless vngabondtem
will bo checked at once by the proper au
thorities, and that tho rights of a freo
press, under legal restrictions, will be
guarantied in New Hampshire The
0'eueral Government cannot afford, at this
time, particularly, to suffer men an out
rage to pass by unnoticed and unpunished,
y Gcu, Grant made a statement oa
his way up tho river which will rcjoioo
overy patriot next to his victories. He
said ho should demonstrate to tho Presi
dent aud Secretary of War that our ruih
Ury expenses may bu reduced 81,000,000
per day without iu fringiug all necessary
y Death in the liberator of him whom
freedom canuut teleaso ; thu physician of
him whom medicine cannot euro ; aud the
comforter of bitn whom iimo cannot oon-
t&- Au old ciitiiiiial was once asked
what was the first step thai lud to his ruiD,
is hi ii l,u hum ered :
The ft.'st .iep w is cheating tho prititer
out oi two yvis eubsciiptiou.'1
ii2r A Dutc'umau being called upon to
givp a tost, said : "Here is to do heroes
which Ut, bled aud died at tins battle of
Bull Run of which I am oue."
Howull Cobb, foimuily Secretary
of tho Treasury, and General Uustavus
Smith, eie captured ut Mocnii, Ga., by
Gun. Wilson
rtS" In a little Mieoeh. Seeretiirv St u-
ton declared Abraham L:" ' ' wmt
I., lh aven snd was now r-K at tho riht
' hand f liud t'kr it u lift- a yn-
; Y.ltt) l-ox '