Farmer's Department. Hungarian Grans. ' Last jear w cxpre6ed tlio opinion thnt Hungarian grait had beonme a standard crop in tho West. We eo no remon for a change in that opinion. It ii now sown wo bcllovo, more extensively than tho oom raon millet, though it has boon introduced hero but a fow joars. Many of tho ox travngant ideas in regard to its yield and value have, of course exploded, but every ono who has tried it upon good ground, con oortify that it is a moat profitable oron. Daring tho winter, wo heard scarcely a j complaint, that it was injurioui to horses ! or other stock, as was formerly oontended ; dj many, i'crhaps farmers have learned to food it more judiciously, For sheep, vro havo muoh cvidonco that it is a most oxoellent feed. Wo shall bo pleased to hear further reports upon its merits or Bub. ecribors. Tho time for sowing it ic now approaching and any now light upon tho eubjaot will be of value. No soil can bo better adapted to its growth than ours of tho west. It is a rank grower, and by many considered exhaustive, but we havo no evidenco that it is more so than any other crop thatyicldg as large a quantity of forago. Prepare tho ground, tho samo as for wheat, oats and barley ,by thoroughly har rowing before sowing, then harrow and roll. It will be ready to harvest in abont three months, and may tberforo bo sown anj time from now until tho uiiddlo of June, in this latitude. When sown for hay, we would not put on less than three fourths bushel per acre, but if for sed half tho amount will do. Prairie Farmer 5S -!H Diarrhoea in Calvea. Diarrrhooa is a very prevalent disease monc calves. The Bneklinn naif ii to be the subject of this afreetion,whenever trio general health of tho parentis impair oa. in suoh oases tho mother is to be treated instead of tho calf; eho, probably, is iue soDjeoi 01 u deranged condition of the digestive organs, whioh oan easily bo remedied by tho administration of a few doses of the following : Pulverized Oharooal j Carbonate of Soda, equa parts. PalviTiaed Ginger, ) Dose Two ouncoa, daily, to he incor porated with tho food, or it oan ba given as a drench, by adding a pint of scalded milk. The discapo ocoasionallv occurs in enn ... WWH icquenco of weaning the calf (in view of -uuaoanaing tns cow s milk,) and feeding the juvenile on improper food. This kind of diarrheaa must bo treated as followa: let tho calf havo two ounces of porphate .of limo,two drachms of oarbonato of soda, and a quart of soalded milk ; mix tho same administer by means of a drenohiog horn, or bottle. It may be divided into "bio ken" dofes, or may be given at onoe, as a single duso, If the above remidies fail in arresting th. diarrhooa, I should give three drachms of unciurc oi matico, every four hours, until the patient showed some signs of improve ment. Mr. Dadd,. Use of Ice. To drinK ico-cold liquid at meals're tardu digestion, chills the body, and has been known to induce the most dangerous internal congestions. On the other hand, ice itself may be taken as freely as pos. -aible, Dot only without injury, but with the most striking' advantage in dangerous forms of disease If broke in sizes of a pea or bean, and swallowed as freely as praoticablojwithout much chewing or crush ing between, it will often bo efficiant in cheoking various kinds of diorrhm.i rA has cured violent oases of Asiatio cholera.' A kind of cushion of powderod ioe kept to the enliro soalp, has allayed inflamraa- j tion of tho brain, and arrested fearful con-1 vuldions,induoed by too moch blood there. I Water as cold ns iia im : it. i ' freely to the throat, neok and ohest, with a sponge or cloth, very often affords mir aculous relief, and if this be followed by drinking copiously of tho aaine olement the wetted parts wined dry. an tho .:m' be wrapped up well in bed-olothes, it falls into a delightful and life-giving slumber. : ''I want to tell you about my jumping ineep, anu now 1 broke them. I got themiao pen built sufEcientlv hMi rn1 bold them : I then caught tho rincloadern oneata.i;,,andmad8ea small Vol. fa TnArZ 1 th,D,1 a, " 6'riDS and run throuch tho ho ea n thn P.r. then drew the ears together close enough to keep tbcm from working tho ears, I Ihon let them out and thoy are as quiet as any sheep." Oouk for Rheumatism. Baiho tho parts affected with water in whioh pota. toes have been boiled, ai hot as can bo borne just beforo going to bed by tho next lnorniog the pain will be mueh re lieved, if not removed, firm nnnll,U of this simple romedy bos ourod the moil oVatiuate rLeumafio pajos, biwiuhiiimih Schenk's Mandrake PILLS. FOR Sick I BtMPtONB, CAUaB AND Cum, r 1118 has reoolved its name from a eon- X et&nl nausea or ilekntn it the stomach, whlth attends the ptln in the head. This beadaeba Is apt to begin la the morning on waking from a deep ''"P. and when some Irrtfurjtitj or die, hat been commit, edenthe dajr before, of sometimes for eaveraldaye pr.vions. At Crit there It a diitreeilnljr oppressive ftfUng la the head, which gradually merges Into a ee rare heavy pain In the templet, frtnmaily atUa dad by a tenia ! fullaate and tenderness la oae eye, and extending aeroia the ftrehead. There le a clammy, unpleasant taste in the mouth, an offensive breatb.and the tongue covered with a yollowiih white fur. The sufferer desiree to b alone In a dark room. Aa eoon ai tne patient feile the fallneit in the head and pain In the temple., take a larie deit of Schlnk'e andreke PHI a" and Unnbovir r two tkey trill feel ae well at ever. Thle hae bees tried by thoutaade, andii always aura to cure, and lditend of the tick headache eomlng on ayary week or ten dayt, they wl II not be t roubled with it oute in three monibe Bchenk'a Mandrake Pille are aompaied of a nuralnr of roatbeeldet Fodophtnln.or coneaatrated Mandrako all of whlth tend to relax the aerretioat of tho liver and act raaro prompt than blue pilla or mercury, and without leaving Bny dangeroue affuctt. Innbllliout perton thev will ehow tbemielTct by the etoolt. They will expel worms, raueur, bile and all morbid matter from the eyitea. Is eiek headache, if they are taken aa directed above, (afull doteattooa ai they feel the i 4 flreteyinptoeie fit Dr. Bebenck will and bat directed bit agente to return the meney if they dt not give .ir face eatiifactlon. Ifapnionbii bee eorapelled lo ttay out lata at ini,h'' or itiBf l0OB,uch inga d..r ,HI,0"OIt8k,, ntlt rniaghe witifeei ai ua' ,hll"lno, d,tBk "",lc" h ('ff to go to d at t'.i. They oaly eett U eentt a ksi. Whoever takes them Hillnever utt any ether. They rrorthadoll.r to a.ick man for every eeat tbe ,0"' Don't forget the name DCIIENCK'Hr f AN DAT 15 tills. Bold nholetalt and retail at Dr.Schenek'e Trlncigay 0fl"'K-- r.u.drh.., ..d by Dru"",,"d ny. Trice for Pulmonic Syrup, Biweod Tonic, eack 81 K per buttle. 7 0 Hie Italf doien, or two botUee tfiyr ntpand oaeofTonie, for JT 7J. Dr.Sehenek will be at hit offl.e, No.IJ fforlh Ft. rbHadelphla, cyery Saturday to tee patleate. lie rnakemo charge for advice, but Cor a thonngh tian. Initr of the Wage wilh tile Berpironeur. ke sharps ,hrM Mi(tM1,,jM MOKE MEN WANTED I REVOLUTION IN JUQJ1 PltlVES. LAI1GV ARRIVAL OF FALL & WINTER GOODS. AT PETER ENT'S STORE, J.Y UO NT STREET, 'COLOMBIA CO V.ST T, PA, HAS Just received from Philadelphia, and la no opening at the old stand lately occupied by Marti cm, a spienuia assortment oi MERCHANDIZE which will be eold cheap for CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. Ilia etockconaletaof Ladles Dress Ooodi choiceelslyles ndlateatfaihtona Calicos, Muslins, Ginghams, Flannels, Carpets, Shawls, Hosiery, Silks, READY MADE CLOTHING. Oassimcres, Satineti, Cottonados, Kontucky Jeans, Thread, &o. Groceriee, Qucenswaro, Ccda'rwaro, Hardwaro, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, Paints, BOOTS & SHOES. HATS & CAPS.' In ehon cry thine usnnliy kopt in a country stare. The patronage of old friends, and the public general ly, 1 respectfully snicitcd. The JiJuliUHt market price paid fdf country pro. Into PETER ENT. Light Street. Nov i!), 1604. New Grocery Store. MORE FRESH WOODS. (Formerly Ei awias' old Stand) on Main Street, Bloomsburg, THE undersigned has just received a good atock of FALL AM) WINTER DRY GOODS, of all kinds, Men's Heavy CALF Mt) KiP BOOTS the bent in the mnrket ; a Good Aesortment ofkidlee and Chililrene' rilioca of all kinds. A Fresh Lot of Grocerios. of all klndr, ruth at Molasses, I Teas', I Rico, I Fish, Sugars, I Coffoo, Spices, ' Salt, Mats and Caps, Tobacco, Srgars, Candicf, Razens, Lard, &C, ltd., &0. FEED AND PROVISIONS. Together with a great nriety of notions and eto-tc-las, ton numerous to mctition. 117" H itter, Ilggs, Men mid produce generally taken i i exchange for goods, HENRY GIGER. Bloom. burg, Dec. 10, I8CI NEW STORE & CHEAP GOODS. ''QBK K SALES AND SMALL PROFITS." HjHE undersigned, having taken tho R. Store lately occupied by James K. Eyer, on Main Ptreet, above Iron street, m Uloomsburg, ami stocked it with every variety of EOT (BitilDQSS Sj netpcclfully Informs hla friends and he public gen. erally, that lie will be happy to receive a aliare of the public. patronage, and triuts that he ran render gener al eatiifaction by telling tllem the beet quality of IT1ERCIIAIDIZ, on fair terms and at eatuniciory pricct. Hie etor.k consisls, in part, of DIIY OOOUS, GHOCI'.ltins. FIBII, aunnrfswAitB, WOOIIE.WVARE, BOOTS, 81I0C8, hats, CArs, and especially with a splendid variety of LADIES DRESS GOODS, t'jt.VOr ARTICLES S;c . IfC, which ho will sell as cheap aa the cheapest, for cash or ready pjy, 1 US-Country produce, generally taken in exchange for goods. ANDREW TERWII.LIGER. Illoonnburg, Jan. 7, IS6J-y. 628. HOPKINS' 628. MOOl' gKIKT MANUFACTORY, No. 628 ARCH Street, abovo 6th., Phil'a WHOLESALE $ RETAIL. Tho most cntnplcto assortment and best quality and styles of Ladies', Miaeea' and Children's Hoop Skirts, in me ciiy j nose oi "uur Oivn Make," arn gotteH up i expressly to meet tlio wants of First fin. a Itetail Trade.-ciubrncing nil the new and desirable styles, I sited, lengt lis and size walls, in tr.iil and plain Skirts. from 10 to 50 springs, from 33 to M inches long, and 91 t 91, 2,3,3, 3J, and 31 yards round the bottom mak ing mum mini a niiNiireu varieties lor Iulles ; in M in ser' and Children's i1 kirts wo are beyond all competi tion i all are made by us have stamped on the kid pad, "HopMirs Hoop Skirt .Mumif.ictnry, No. liiSArcli Htreet, riiiiadelphia, and are warranted to give sals faction. US' Agente for the "NEW FLEXIBLE" SKIRT, the most pliable Hoop Skirts made, equal M lirndley'a "Duplex Ellptic" Skin, and at mucli lower prices Alu, constantly in receipt of u full assortment of good h'.storn made Sauts, which are beinu sold at very low prices. Kid padded and metalic laslencd 15 springs 5 cents, Su springs SI UJ, S3 springs 51 15, 30 springs l '.'5 and 40 spring 3150, skirts mado to order, altered and repaired' Terms Cash -One Price Only, tor Cijcuiar continuing Catalogue of styleB, lencths. SIZIS and I'rirea. mil nt rtf lul.lraj hv t.tnil. I inclosing Sump for l'ot.igu, Hopkins Hoop Skirt Manufactory, V a... i. u. m.:i...i i i arch Ii, Ijuj,- 3io. Cheap Grocery Store. ALSO HATS, CAPS AND SHOES, 'I HE imderilgned having bought out the (Irncery o J David Btrnun. lias ri ninvpil hi. lint and Call Store up to (Group's old stand rlor aetoitineiit of umre in auaitinn to a eupe- FALL AND WINTER Hats and Caps IB? CONFECTION A HIES, CRACKERS, Molasses, Sugar, Coffee, Teas, Tobacco Snuff, Cigars, Spices, Drird Fruit, Butter, Coal Oil, Drug, Parlor and Hand Lamps, Books, "Writing Papor & Ink. Hardware and Cedarware, Pi'cket Knives, Comfa, J-c, tj-c, (-c , Together with a variety of articles generally kept In a tstore, 1 Also-A fine lot of KIDS, MOROCKOd and Lininos to wWch he Invites the at cntion of Shoemakers and the '"i.'lho'u.tburg.Dec.S. 16C3 Sm K' 0lRT0 National Foundry. BI.OOMSI1URG, COLUMBIA CO., PA. n in .... .is... . .. . ' 1 J-"' .'ni?imr oi me anove named ex. tensive enablishment. is no prepared to receive w let" lor All Kinds of lUaclifnerv, r niast Furnaces. Stallnnary Eiurine. Mill. TIlREsiilVfi m aniiiMi-ii" ,", . 1 ,nl" He I. also prepared ,o mkV p.rirriie. and Hl.'exlenjlve facilities and nrarllrnl nv.,.. jautthlni in recuiving tho largest contracts on the must reusonablD tenns. 07" tlrain of all kinds will b taken in exchange for cartings. litr This establishment is tors ed iiasv .v. i..a.u. i ns A Dlnomsborg Railroad Depot ' Hleontsbur, .p, mjlUUilrm i ON THIS PLACE SECOND A 11 U IV A L OF NEW GOODS. TTAB enlarged anil grenlly Imnrovod his Store Room Li and storked It with n large and superior Htock of HALL and WINTER GOODS, which will be sold as iow as at any inner csiauiieumeni in inc country. Calicos at 10, 18, 20 und 25 cents. Muslins, Bleached and Drown at 25, 28, up to 48 rents, DRE3fl GOODS of every thadc, quality and price ; n full line of Domestic Goods, via i Checks, r-'trlpes, Ticks.Linncn nnd Cotton Table Diaper, Ginghams, Nnnkeene, Ac . &.c, A good supply of Ladies Shoes and Galtert New stock of Hats aud Caps. All Wool Iiigr.Hu ant) Co I (ago Carpel a splendid artlrlo lust opened and for (ale, A fresh supply nf Groceries and Spices, a new lot of OADAIl AND WILLOW WARR. MACKERAL by the rjuartPr, half nnd whole barrel Nos. t and 3, medium nnd large. Also, a large and splendid assortment of new designs. Also, a new lot of TRUNKS aud Oil Cloth Satchels, Keep Youii Eye Having bought these goods before the Into rise, I am country produce. WE STUDY TO PLEASE Cloomsburg, Jan. 7, IMS. NEW ARRIVAL. SsPRXHS ARJJ; StJSHSSislB At A. J. Evans ilPOlUUM! BLOOMSUUHO, PKNN. LATEST SYLES CAEAP GOODS O'llE undersigned respectfully Informs his friends .1 Tind the public generally, that lie Has Just received from the Eastern cities, a large assortment of being tho bcstnssorlincnt cer offered in this market. Also n complete assortment of llovs Clothing. In fact 1 m.nrljf hint. In ...a rl..,l.... U.. 'l... ...I r.- B in .111. uiuiiiing nine . tuusi flu UrL'iLT to leave their measures, a perfect tit guaranteed, and . othing but the best workmanship allowed at this es ta lishment. He elsa k'e:ps en hand a large assort mei ' of BOOTS AND SHOES. HATS ND CArs. together with n variety of notions. tCT 'ALL AND BEE TOR YOURSELF. rn A. J. EVANS. Dlooinsburg, April. 33, lSGd. FllESH ARRIVAL OP Fa!l & Winter Goods Miller's Store e) THE subscriber has Just returned from the Cities with another large and select nssorlinet of FALL AND WIN'JElt GOODS. purchased at Philadelphia, at tho lowed iieuro. nn.t whiili they nre determined to sell on as moderate terms as ran he procured elsewhere in Eloouisburg, His stork comprises ladies' mth's noons, of clioin st styles and latest fashion. DM' GOODS, AXO aitOCEMES, H.iltnn'ARK QUE EA'i WAKE. CEDAR WARE. HOLLOW WARE IROff, XA1I.S, ROOTS S; SHOES HATS S CAPS, &c, e., yc. In short everything usually kept In country Stores to which he invite the public, generally. The Highestprice paid for country produce. S H. MILLER. Bloomsburg, Nov 19, lfiit. Reding Kail-road. WINTER ARANGEMENT, November 7th. 1804. O.roat Trunk Lino from the Noith antl X North -West for Philadelphia, New-York, Read inj, Potlsville, Lebanon, Allentown. Enslori, . c. he. Trains leave llnrrisburg for New-York, as follows At a-txi nnd P. 15 A. SI. nnd 1.4.1 P. M arriving at New York at 10 A M and 'J.d? and 10 00 P. 11, The above connect with similar Trains on th Pcnn sylvanla Hull Road, and Sleeping Cars aicomp.ny the first two Trains, w ithout change Leave for Rending, I'ottsvllle.T.unaiun, Minr.-svlllc. Allentown, and Philadelphia nt 0.15 A. M. an 1 1 45 P. M.. slopping at Lebanon and principal Station- only. Way Trams, stopping at all pomtn, nt " 25 A Jl.and ! 1.40 P.M. Ketnruing' Leave New-York at i) V M., IS! nimri nnrl 7 on l 1 PI.IU.Inl...U ... U A . ..inn..! ..... . iiimtii,.,.. mill J ,,u P. Rl ; 1'ottBl 8 50 A. M. ami 8.M P. M ; Pamaqua at 8.10 A. M. nnds.151'. Jl.and llenilingat 14 .nldniEht. 7.35 and 10.45 A: SI.. 1.33 nfd 0 05 P. J1 Rending Accomodation Train; Leaves Rrndlngnt6 30 A. AI, returning from Philadelphia at l.'J P. .M. Columbia Railroad 'Prams leave Keailint at'0.40 and II A M.fur Ephrnta, Litir., Columbia. &c On Sundays J Leave New-York' nt'7 1' .!., Philadel phia 3.15 P. SI., Potlsville 7.3U A.M., Tn.iinqda 7 A, ,M , llnrrisburg 6 15 A. M.. and Reading at i! uiidnlglit.for llarriaburg. Coniiiiutntion, Mileage, Season, Se.ionl, and Excur sion Tickets to und from all points, at reduced Rules. llagguga checked through ; 60 pounds allowed each Passenger. 0. A. N1COLLS, Pcncral Stttcrtnttniini RifimNo, Pa. Nov. 28. 1SB4 STATUS EJNION iaO'ffiEE.. COG and 608 JIarket Street, Philadelphia, THIS Hotel is located in the very centre nf business und is near tlio rcspetlaclu places of uinu& which make it parlicularlydeslr.ible to persons visiting Philadelphia on business or pleasure ; und the Manager hopes by close personal attention to the wunwofhis Ins guests to make it a comfortable home for much as .. s with their patronage. , J I). IIAUft a: M);v, I'rojVrs. i JOHN BHOCKLEY, CiiVBE. V 23, IriU -)i i'u JACOB L A DOMUS, DEALER IN Enoi.isii, Swiss and American JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, &c. 018 Market Street, comer of Decatur, Philadelphia, Dealer in American, English nnd Swiss Watches, making a speciality of Hi" celebrated American W ati ii, which lie would reioinnicnd to all wanting a good timekeeper, mvi will be sold ut the lowest prices and are the cheapest gild best for the price. .March 4, li-iii.-ly. The Berwick fflonse, Bcncick, Columbia co., Pf pvyfllE undersigned would rf speitfully announce to '"" f",el",, n,l ,llu public generally, llial huving liosed :hi. well-known house lie has given it alhnruugu rcuoMitiou. The rnnmi have been re-pnpet ed und the entire establishment elegantly refurnished. Heing pleasantly and eligibly located and protlded Willi all the requisite conveniences, u olfers tn the public the enmhuod advuulages of i A tlrst-lJIass Hotel quors. I rnvc Ders. rirovjirs, lenmsiers, hoarders, fcc. Jnm nT. il?."'' i'"?,"""1.1 ti'f-iction. Creful and ac coininodutiiig llo.tler. .ilwnys in attendance. Stablin tkemo.t coiiiph to and exteusiv-j in this section. J. P. bJURET. Mey V J664, TINWARE & STOVE ftllOP. T"munlVoVnSe,l!;'1,n"ipfcul,y m fried .c;-''nicrs. that hu has purchased his brothers n; uouvo estau s imcnt, and! he tonccrn wils , h""-""" be conducted by himself eiclusiv. ly j "a hus Just received aud oilers for sale, the larg- hHlo'vii'S'' ,I"'1'vo, ortn.ent r fancy ' 3 Ills .n.H'i.T?1' .i,!,rorfucu'1 " ''" 'rket, CTT-. J"? ."",ck consists of a complete assortment nf "r H Tight stoves, Cannon Stuves, ecc, sec, li!''! nrui maVufaclurVd VrVorder Th i..i,.. ",a , : n't.. ..... " v" ." "ii w sin'v The patronage of old friends and new custoinnrs re-1 fiSfi-"' csiled e A, RUPERT. ""'i i.iisriiiiior Ja IOWJ, ir, ,T7 . : BLANKS! BLANKS! Of every rleioriptton, for isle at tbii ofliio. Having bought these goods before the Into rise, lam. . " t . . . , . L" ""rv"'"" prepared to sell low.chfnp as the cheapest for tash or ! te',(,,n'' lr"m,V tir,v..yir...?J1i lo.f arDtla.n' countrv nrnihirp 1 Wis I tR s llAtAM or ild LHEhRv - it nll.irds me plea. j MinAmmaii'ii mm a i res i km jmumub aiuisa. fji Wistau's Balsam OF WILD CHERRY. ONE OF THE OLDEST AND MOST RELIABLE REMEDIES INTIJF. WOULD FOR Cough, olds, Whooping Cough, Ihon chilis, Difficulty of Breathing, Asth ma, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Ooup, and every affc.tion nt? Ttl P 'PITH n A T T I1MH , V1 lm' "IWAJ. , JjUjNU iCHEST, INCLUDING EVEN CONSUMPTION Wistor's Balsam of Wild Cherry Oogcneral his theme of thU remedy become, and so popular is it everywere, it is unneco'sary to recount us virtues. Ha works speak fr it, and fine utterance In the Abundant ami voluntary testimony of the muny ului fruui long suffering and settled dis ease have by Its use been restored to pristine vlfur and health Wu can present a mass of evUence In proof of our assertion, that CANNOT RE DISCREDITED, Tho Rev. Jacob Sechlor. Well known nnd much respected among the German population in this country, makes the foiloning state ment for the bene (It of tho allllited. lUsovm Pa Teh. HI, 1650. Dear Sir Having realized in my family important urc to recommend It to Hie public. Homo eight car. ago one of my daiii liters seemed to he In a decline, and linpes of her recovery were entertained. I theu pro cured n hotlle i.f your excellent Uiilsani.nnd bi fore tte li.ul taken the whole of the contents of the bottle In my individual nude frequent use of your valuable medicine, and hava nlnn)sbeeii benente.l bv u JACOIISECHLER. From Jessie Smith, Esq , President of the Atoms County B ink, Morristown New Jtrscy "Having used Dr Wlstar's Halsnmof nlld'cherrv for about fifteen ints, nnd having reullzed b?n. rcfsuils in my tainlly, ii aiT'Tds me great plraur in rcomuif iiding it to the pub icne n valuable remedy In cases of weak lungs, .-ulds. couch. &c . aud a renieoy vliich 1 consider to be entirely innocent, and may be taken with perfect siftty by the most dtlicato bialth. From Hon. John E. Smith, a Cwf!?j. guuhed Luwycis in Watiiin islrr, Md. t have on several occasions used Dr Wlstar's Balsam of Wild Ch"rry for sovero colds, anil always w ith de cided benefit. I know of no preparation .hut i more elhcaciouB or more deserving of gem-ral use, Tle llalsaiu has alo been used ilh excellent eflcct by J. 11, Elliott, Merchant, Hall's CrosiKoade. Md, Jl'istur's Balaam oj Wild Cherry. None genuine unless signed "1 RUTTfl," on the wrapper. FOR SALE BY P . MS8MORE, No. 491 Broadway, New York. W. FOWLE Ac Co., Propr etors, Uostun. And by all Druggists. Ri:ui)ixc3's ntjssi.i salve FORTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE. Has fully established the supe.lorlty of RED DING'S RUSSIA SALVE. Over a'l other r-jaling preparations. It cures all kinds of Sores, Cuts, Se .Ids, num., Coils leers, Salt Kheuin, E yslpi'la Sites Piles, Corns, (tore lips Sera eyes, iic., reir.ivlng the pain at once, nnd Reducing tho most nngry' ooking Swellings .indinflamation aa if by magic. OnW 25 cents a box. rok saik ov J P I'lN3MORE, No.4'JI llrnadway New York. S W bOV LE kCO., N ., ISTrcnu it-st, Uoston, And by all Druggists, Mnj 7, 1864-12111, .fril afcKKi't J'!',, rr..'-s .Kilinp'.jiT.i '.'-"JviSfSftasB' J.fcjFirJ!. rritEm.derSm,earso exteas.velv eneatted lu l'" J Vvdntdkina Jlutinns. and keeps constantly on hand nd for sale at his Warerooms, a large ussorttnent uf FINISHED fiJS) OOFFINS, lly which he is enabled tu nil orders os presentation Acso Keeps a good Horse nnd Hearse, and will at al times be ready to attend t'uuerets. SIMON 0. SHIVE. Rlnoinsbnrg. January SU. ie50 J. I', sver. l . Muvs 3ew Drug-Store. WHOLESALE AND KETAIL THE undersigned would iuforip their friends mid the 1 1 1 1 I i c generally, that they have inki u the stand for merly occupied hy On. ,t. iliigi'iibiii Ii, iii the Exchange Iliiililiug, mi Mini street, In lllcoi.isburf, where he lias just reieivcu a f.ill supp y of Whiih w ill be sold on umh-rate terms for ready pay. Also, NOTION'S generally, of every variety, sortuud size. Physician.1 prescriptions carefully compounded, at all times and on short notice. V- Confectionciy it the best selections, and Sodn aler in season, C?" A share of the public custom Is respectfully o- EVER & SIOYER. r.ronnsburg, Apr; 11, 1 803. ISAAC K. S f A U FP E R No. 1 18 ISorth Supnnd St., cor. of Qaar;y, P I 1 L A 1) E L P fl 1 A An assortment of Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware constantly on hand. IT-Itepalribg of Watches and Juwelry promptly at- tended to' January 4, IrkiS. y. MlENTISS'fl'rlSy. n. 110 W E R, &UHCJEOM DEKTIST. RlSl'ECTl'ULLY offers his prof, ss louul scrviceu In thn i,n.u n.f , I.. VA. moil of HI lonifburg and vicinity, Ife it nretiared wi ulinml tn mi h, ...,.i...... ! HrT LV.1 ? . 1 n. ! " uf"' Profession, and i.proWded wi h the latest Improved I'OHCELAIA TEETlt whiel i , 1 ':a'"?"e' K"1'1' i',1""1"'. silveraud rubber ba." 1 tulonkw. II as the nntuial teeth .... r,,i ,,iaic ami uiock teetn manuructiired nnd all UlAO.nsburg.JunnO 1SC3 .hi n-rii puie anil block teeth inanufuctiired nnd all CLAIM AGENCY. desires to Call the , J:"-; iM oftml i . .anus ni' noiuicr.,, Accounts. Air ni,ri,.v..u.. Lnl. ... ...ii n...;,: : v"".""-' c" v.l V v ....,u,hi.i ruoim,, ur ii.i'ir uu s can Se,,h,'l'1 Bounties, though tencrally tiny havo onlv "coivcdpart, No charge, for inforuiJlionf nor miles. I i.wi . umr.R tin li, II, l,t , iJ,M, "b" frame building below Eielunge Hotel, 0. B. BR0CKWY i "" 1 r 'mm y ' II. I MORE VALUABLE THAN OQLD KKNO. MAXIMU9. CAPIVATIS ' The laws that rtgulato health, are of Importance to all, Bryan's Life Pills THE GREATEST MEDKJlVE OF HIR AGE. A sure antidote for ilckncie, nnd a refuge frotrl Sorrow, Fain and Disease. They are admitted to be tin ' an. i -r r 1 Rnct F'ntYlllV lOnin.llll J"t ""V lor tcnoral use. Tnrlfyln the Cload and draining the eysteni from all impurity they tie ENTIRELY VEGETABLE, and mild In their operation. Head What They mil Dot .A gentle and purgative, out derangement rcraotsJ. Clcaner of the Ploc-i and iytm, D tbilliy nnd Lou of puwer dlrpellev'. 1 Jjnttf) supplied to the Muicles . Nerves. "t) . 1 l Irregularitlee reams! Gloomy anticipations banishnj. 1'Ieadache entirely cured. Irritation of the Stomach mnOT.J Jaundlce and Liver Coaipl&inu cured. Kidney diseases relieved. Ijoci of appetite aud sick stouiacK reraised. Melancholy aud Ennui dispelled. Neuralgia and Nervousness cured. Opium and other iltltnulant. avoided. , Pimples and Eruption, removed. Quinsy and Sore throat hraled. Hliumati sin soon alleviated. Sleep produced 8iel and riiunl. T I ootharhe and gunif rcllised Urinary diseases benefitted Vitr.Hly produced In the nersoas. w onus i.ivarlably ttp.llrd. X-aclly the Medicine wanted tor " oung and old can use tlirro" jeno Msilrau., Cnpiiatis Bryan's Life Piils. have been used by thousands with success, Hit ml reds of Certificate can le Shown They regulate the Stomach, I ivcr and Hillary Seero. lions which is the rhiel cause of n. rvou.nesi , Uiddl ness, Dimness of Sight, Headache, rick Stomach and other Kindred complaints '1 hnse of n iitvooj temperament nbose jlcknes adds l kerrer anq tisi' lo the ills of iif, become. Hit sed .'.lib a new existenlc an.i tents f auquuti are changed to sruilrs of Joy, by using tnnr.. THE POET in Inspiied rrilb brilliant lliou.-bts. THE ORATOR now Idfui frcrils cf rtr. THE SOLDIER with in JojiitaLIc courase. rnE INVENTOR with bright conceptions of the future. THE MERCHANT with business tact aud power THE MEOHANIU wilh unfailing energy. THE AUTHOR with skill that entrances. THE SINGER with a sweet mModlous voice THE MUSICIAN with rapturous emotions. PTTC nro iiTTmi.n becomes hopeful and THE DESPAIRINO, bapnv. Bryan's Life Pill: A - f,. .ii i r. n ","l,,tu lui a" a They are enmpn-ed of the active principles rf Herbs mm nouis cr.iieo irom our ni Ms an. i uresis. rtiey are mild but certain in their operation -producing ! neither rrnmps, griping pains or sickness. Tliej I may be taken by all ages, sexes or condition without fenr. I To cure disi-.iso we must go further than simply pur I ge the bowels ; we must u.e such renwuius as act in I harmony with the laws of nature, in the gentlest man ncr. A cathartic meiely prepares the wuy for other means tut is IndispeiHilile in very many cases to 1 evacuate the bowels of accumulate.! acid mailer. A disiirdercil system comes uu by slow degrees, and the action of lni-dicinu must be in like manner. Disease,! inoiigu inrat in its character, nllects more or less the I whole system sand it is neceesary to act in a similar on ine sy-ieiu ny Dioou iieannganil purirung ri.ilio.i eausen bv rhahpas ..I tiMnner.iliire. Tiles ."il7h"!.r;flr.V,,u.'',l y'"1 lhe '"' l,ntl". ! watches are tho frtms of the latc.i exneri -.lentV " end hen on the whole system The medicine, instead chrnnoinitry. und are made by our be.l w. rki en, lJ a of nil go ng through the bi.dv should .arllall) rcnniu I s, pj,atc drnnrtinent of uur factory Vm - he r,..t in it until acliauite is alfectcd so ns in actoniplisli , !! ivotK ilesignrd , therefore, a simple c.illurlic pill v nn. mm mi- -vsirni noun, ru'imrts. j mtiiieiue 1 is necessary that will not only operuie on the bow- cis, out nave an e penal action on tne si'creliont .u . the Liver. Htnuurli Cfvs. Kidneys ami .Ulimul..ry Cuual anil filially on Hie Ui.U. Such, then, is Him (p- i er.ition of Hryan's Lile I'llls j fiiisaquenily, they are ' invaluable in rH eases of Dyspepsia, Head. ache and . .Nervuusness, and will mpel nil hiiu!0r3 'mm tl.e ' . t.Ionil, 'I'hoy act on a'l parts or tllv' ystntr. Ud in-1 i tluento a change in thui,e oigans that am deraujeil, , , and can be successfully used in any disea? that al ; feels the human f nine. Tin y luvc healthtul ana i.'I'e ElUIll! ninm rliea nil. . I...1. i ..I milium vessels, enters the Moon ami ussi ts nature tb pej orm he lunc n,n. If .ntenllon is paid to the Hi gist ve iirgamaiidrcgulnrevneuatlniu of the body much ili.tas-i may be prevented ; nnd these pills tire s'""i '" etT,m "nl t'lu. not only net on the Hilary Secretions by promeling digestion, but carry oil. Iliroiich the bow. Is and kiiliievs. all irritating hu-!','"8.- .,N".,US "P0l" Is li.-r laws, and the pr.utice ' that lalls in ,,ariiiony with (hem Is most suc.esel'ul -. No iiiedicine Simula ,e taken that vveak.-ns the svs. ' rn-vi-i"" proper l riornmncu of lh. tune ; , f r J ' "!e va"1 machinery ol th huiiuu ",'ie tnu.t he kept In order, or biunu nail beoiimes ; u y ljus eiciteincnl ; the wlude sy.teni V . ', ''""risJie-il, i.r it iln s; ,o, hy under tcndi mill Iholawa imon wlnrli l,i, ,) i ,. i i . !S md i Ju",i!,',',J!,,ll"ik'111 silent forces of lulureana Kei p nil lhe functions in harm juious order Such is r . 1 " t Mis i lor ttltlioiigh a t:u!d ' u , "V, ' '-ever weaken the system. ( ill restore ... . .,,, i, c'i.iir,rium anu tin. L'reat nriminlr. ' 0,li,'i',,.t!l.1!."1,le "yeiiLHiia iullii.-ncti n changein those placed in the, a Pills i they are Hi. result of deeti. .ought study nn ,1 experience in lhe true a. no,, of no ,.t"":d llretlt'' Hie cuu.c that lies at the " 1 """"f" results, and they are now placcu bi-foro tlio people with Hi e grealist cunlldcncv. ui in- iiiiiuiiatiiiii or A IL. e i . "...L A ".. .V ..l IV1" OKN l'S. si.ry wiiinccompinnraiihfullyall thsl is repreeented itiey arc elegantly put up by the proprietor, who was the Inventor oriillVAN'S P U I , M ON 1 0 W A V IRS Nation!1"0 1 fjv"",bl K,IUH" tothe Amcrkan It yon wish to buy DP.YAN'S I.H'E I'll.Lfl nnd run. u Imc-Vt.Vthe' nil ij, '-. - - ui man, P"1 Address P'"- Box 6079, 70 fVdar Street. N. V Bold ST DaooatsTS fiinxiLtT . EMIlAB.nAliNEJi.X).. N Y WbonLle rsk.u.ry , W..rvs CftltFo Powder IS warranted to lm the most powet. Jul agent for (he Mom. acn ana Mooitor nattle, tiwine, cr fllaep, In pro rnillng dlgestionxlcans Ing the system and trnn sferlng the puilflud an imal fluid In flsli, fat, milk, baiter nnd strength nnd nstnbllehlng lieallti and vigor. DUVOY'3 nORRR id MULE POWDER Is tha only inedlclnct Irani I y patented in nance, t:ng' land, Hwllxrriand and Holland, and ijuly ad tril 1 1 j .1 hv thilf ff,ilrt. All eniTOWHr '', lionored wllh prltn med. . .. i ....I i,v i r. riuinv. Professor of the lm Berlnl Oollege lor Agrlcnllute nl Paris, and nwv rnpn iSfacluVe.ll.yC.O.HIKNER,I r-of Z. and A.. Allio. town. Loh it I County, reiinsvivaui. Aildiiei e of the i stoiiiicli. Illood, Lungt and l)w. ..AllSlvnmlVertalnly cured. Healthy .lock wilt bebroialTi f Int.. the very lilghcit MMe of perfection nnd one or two lablCHponnlUl a week ue, to hard worKing norsi!., un;u...B ... ...... saved thousand. d vnlnablo horsei from contagloui ' eirectuallvoverromo all the obstacles which lliua l lirevrnt t-tie eliellln(t of -orus. tiro pleasant to take , and n su"na of the most agreeable purgntlvjs for cbilclren. So confident i the Inventor of the succee- oi hi. laborious studies, In the pathological compos tin infill!, prei.atntloii.that he furnishes every grad uataJ 1 pliy'ltian, v.llh a written pre.crlptloii.n. a new srn In m.ilrrin medlra, ... . .TIIEUNluN KOAl l!,,R''l;Tfj'C N Is a pow der for the sure e.'lermlna'tion cf all Vermin. I ft III iieicr tlinngo Willi ago and tlli.nntc. and much I preferable to the old I'liosplinmut I'oslc, which hard , ens In a skort time, making l worthless For dlroo . Hons and particulars see the siimII bills In the botes. I One liuudred nnd llilrty seven prtmlnms hava ' been awarded to these celebrated preparations, up U ' Oclobrr iw. li-dl. .... , ' Rout. A Rovtn. ate the wholesale Agents inl'hll'a. I for sale by .ill repecmbl Drug and country ttvret. November 1'.', I4ni, TIIEOREAT WORLIIM r A I R EXHIMTION HELD IN LONDON IPJI. T110S. W. MATTSON i Was awarded tho Prixo.Meii. , al fur hi superiority overall csiinpctitinns in the United Mates for il luiprovements io Ho being the Inventor and '''g$j&W&?f&C' Maniifactnrer of Elastic steel B Spring sdld Side Leather and solid Riveted Iron Frame I Travelling Trunks, Valises, Lad es Hat U sea. Carpet Rags. Leather Rags, 1'inlmllns and Hobby Hones, llo)s' Olgs, Propellers, Wherlberrnws. .c , which ha Is prepared t sell nt iho lowest inniiiifuctuiing ricu. The most cxtcniva Trunk and Carpet Hag Munufactur 1 or in l'hilndclpbi.i. I 4U2 MAI1KLT STREET, one door ab'Vi' Fourth, Soutli side, PIIll.ADEI.PItIA, IT-Falts root" on thn first door. ' ri7Truhk. neatly repaired or exehanged for no.. I rnes. Cnll and ste. as we sell very cheap fur cash. I I ov. II. fm-l2mo j Nod. , 1 1, 13, 10, 17 Oourtlnmlt Stioei ( NER IIROADWAY, NEW YORK C1TV I This otd-tsUblKhcd nnd favorite resort of )it Rust I best Community h-cn recently re.Htted, and is com I plete In ever) thing that can inlnist'-r tu the coinforts of . Its patrons Ladios and Umiliej are specially and isr--1 filly prnvl.led fur It i" c( ntially located in the hu'ln.'m pert of the city , and is contiguous to the principal lines cl stcaiuuoat.1 cats, oninili'isies ferries. A.c. In consi q.l-ncc of the pressure caused by the RnUe ' Hon. price, have b''-n reduced to ' One Dollar w d Fifty ( t its ptr Day i 'I he tnble Is amply supplied with ell the luxuries c the season, and is lo that uf any other hotel in tin i tuimtry. 1 Ample accommodations are oH 'ted for upward of iW guests. X7 Do n d believe lUntKrs.nacknien, and others wtiv ! nibs siy "the Western Hotel is full," I D. D. WINCHESTER, Tropcl-U ' TIIO-. D. WINCHESTER, i I'eb. 15, IW2 sxchmss mm 'lHE I'tnptietorof this welTknownand centrally lw X ted House, the Extiuxoa Horn, situate on .Vial, Street, in Dloouisburi:. iuiuu'd lately 'niosili- the Cnlcin 1 bin County Court House, respectfully Informs his friends and the public in general, that his (louse is now in or der lor the reception nndenterlHiuiiicnt of travelers wh may feel disposed to favor it with their custom. He line spared no expense, in preparing the Ixciuncie, for tje riiterte.niiiirilt of Ms t'dgsls. neither skill there be auy thing wanting (on his part) lo minister to their perser.,ti I coiiiloit His house 11 spacious am! enjuys an eici lit lit j business locution. I IT Omnibiiseii run ut, ill tlrunj between the Ex iv I lintel nnd the- various Hail Road Depots, by which ki.g I elers will hi pleasantly convened tu and from th' r ; spertivo Hihuoiis in due time to meet Hie Cars , 'VM Ji Krifi.S A FEW REASON'S WHY T!iJ3 American YTATCT is the iirst It Is in.!. onthe liet principle, while the f.iralsn watch Is centrally made on no prinriplp at all Tne i foreign wa i mosMy mado by wom-'n, and bny.. at 1 h-nd While their Ubor Is cln ap. their w.irk is dsnr , at any price. Such w atches are .ade without pin , l aud sold without .ui a.iue. 1 hy are irreeular is construction and quite ns irregular in mnv.'ii.rnti Tbr I nre designed only to sen. and the buyer is tho u. niost thnroughly mid Tlioie who hre kept a icres,' liqiius"iiiiil "Swiss levers" in pro essed ,.nlrfr I few years will .ippr-eiate the irutli of ou nutoraont. j THE PLAN Oi' I DE AMERICAN WAICII instead of biiig made of several hundred little pi I es. scrow.d tog.tli"r.t.'ie body of the Anuricarf Watrt I cftOI.ID PLAIT.-.. Nil Jar interferes willf the bar i mi.n of its, and no sudden shock can throw its umchinerj out cfg.iir In riding on any business pursuit, it is an nei.i io;!rr ni nrmly as a singM P"'" of metal bo IttsjUftwhst all machinery uko-ul 1 1st. CCHRTE E 'ONOMIfAL. d SIMPLE 3d.STr.ONO 4C W. not only secure cheapness by our system bit quality. We du nut pretend that our watch can hi bought for lc lummy tlt iu tlio foreign make kelioves hut tint f. r its real vulue it is sold for ono hilf tii price, OL'tt SOI DIER'S WATCH (named Wm. Etiiry.) is what Us name indicates Solid, Substantial and al w.ivs Reliable -warranted to stand any amount ( marching, riding or nhittiug. uiir new hiehi-r qu ility of Watch (nn i.ed P, S Hart lelt) is similar in siite nnd general nppearunce, but Ins uiyrr Jewels.and morn elabnrnto finish Our Ladle's Waiili. re.ently brought ojt. isp'i Ui. in ag'eai variety of pHllein,many ofithen. of rare ba'i ly and workjiauslnp, is quite sniail. but warranted to keep time. Oui Young gentleman's Wa'ch is ncat.nol large.aal Just the thine for Hie porket nf Young America. Tbeprmilot the merits ol ,ir Watch, may be fnunJ in the Met th it we now employ over seven hundred workmen in our factories, anil that we nrn still uuardn to supply tho lonst.inliy increasing demand Ourthree-quar es Plate Watch is thinner and lighter meter balance is didicnlily ailjusto I to rorielt the v?. Haw ping qujlms t l,t-v chalieneo cnniuaiison w itb Urn l.i'.t works of the no it tjiuuls English ctilUvw, tinkers. ROR1UNS ee- APPLE I ON, Agcmafcfr tbc American Watch Company, . ,. , , l MUOADWAY, .i ' April 1 lSC3,-lino, -tu I V x 1 O O . J tie uiKlurfisned, prntoful for nnst v- ttlTiiJWTl!a'V ',"f ,m Travelling Pi l.i. new h s'VVt.. ,la liasJ'ist prncttred from New Voik Ti ' 1 cpncious Phoenix Company Coach which means he Is now enabled ; iir,"'"' 'IVIy and coiufiirtabiy bet w eii' t u Trains'' I'lf hBt'V"r!" 1U Knad pou. "i mV.1 custo . :";..'. V1' b.P-19 .,u,,iv 10 "cuuuucdato his,, to n.Mir sutittartlc'ii 11 'i solicits thu public ttPAUE 35 CENTS. llloom,.rg, January 7, ISlii JICOB L OIUTOV Skylight Picture Galley . 'J'llE unclarsioncd rc 1 " B IBH rcsnCCttll IV liffirnil S'lgluSi.iHi'.h xch h" " Sinr.. ... .7 1 .. .. .. . . f i.iocK overrJtotinct . ,,,, m.tii;! ai ucit a lull l;,tmprjt nnd lis !nosVr'.!ecerij1' "y Wl'U" talM " k Sh. LIFE-LIKE PICTURE 9, ;,"o,l,?f,l:,uiii,,r,;.?, "av" yct becn p- ,.rM ,L,'i" Hl "nlv eslabli.hmer.1 snh.llns i. Zl' . "ia.u''.," '"Vim been lilted un at heav ei ' ibuVd' u S'Jif '-,?..!?' i" i. a ALUl MS jj riLTUKK I'll A J1EU of si Uni'' c.tanUy , hand and tlr'sale cheap f pUmbu(i vu(tii CLEMENT UEaRiIART The' I.cMgh