Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, April 22, 1865, Image 3

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i.. mi iii i. Henry II fir ringer Morton Dawes
Saturday IYTornlng,Apr 22,1065., Tbomas Millar Stephen Mlrhaol
f DiHiiol Monsingor
jl6y y A 3 kc j ....
0,Hilmotid Ncutll
appointment of "Post Master al RIoomBburtr TJriali MoAffcc
a t , Wnslilnglon Ilcrringllcnry inti'iiiter
Stounbi., have just?N i-nw,,. bDi(oiel Suoarhart
in Johnson Houry Lchr
Henry Miller James Largo
Jacob Rnumbcrger William J.uKor
1. , ,-. I
a jmniei ucarnart
fj Samuel Yeaesr
.101111 u uvtinti
Alem Foitner
Lovl Ash
(lonrt.n Hlniilal
Michael IU ttonhouBO 2 Peter HCtnipbell
Jno 8 Maun i llerton W Former
Uriah MoAfleo
8lri8. & Mr.
feooWod fresh Goods and Cnnfeotionarica , Morton Johtmon
m will bo seen by their Card in our ool
B6S- Wanted, one oonv of No. 0. and
2oopics of No. 12, vol. 18th of tho Col
Hmlii t Democrat. Who will send us thoso
numbers, j
Jno Singley (Uorj-c Dricctbach
FranUin township.
Jno S Mentcb
Jno Itibbeo
George Owlnn
Ames Uergor
Wm IVr
Jiicod Zimmerman
'iba Ilnriirfi
Joseph Marls
Jackson townsiip,
tVnnk Roberts Hlijah Yoeum
Itohr Muiienry Jeso ltlinno
Philip Knuuie Juslnh Hobb'uu
Jno Roller .no Young
Jonas Hess Isrcaf Heath
lloavingcretk tntenship.
7-3 LOAN.!
Wellinan Clmk
S William Mciisch
S Joirph 1! Richer
Llrorte 'orr
'.'Chrlstloii Artloy
Jacob kuittle
John Cjooer
Jiihii S MuWilltnmi
George Harimau
David W KoltTer
Shnlisi liniitlo
William ltiirriny;er
tor E. II LirTLU, Esq , publishes in
our paper uotieo for the meeting of tho ilnjnminlinmermnnWHahinittiin Purr
flol.,ml,i Hnimtif 1 IPmnrrntin SlanilinirJ-IUlin ArlleV SiimUCl xrttlll
WW,..". " V " jll., IMrion. R.nn. U..I.II.P
i Hiram ) Herder Datid llubur
Hemlock tmcnsMp
Pator S Itrugler
(Stlvestor Richards
John Rari
Jrtftftnli Hurtle
g Kilns Rutin
(lenren Illoss
John llntnpton
Juoub LoiiRcnberRer
hiii.if.uul Iv Case
Miohael Kuittle
&3r Tho stockholders of tbo Milton 1
ilridpo Company bare resolved to robaild 3l,n 'ur
tlioir bridge, at the old locatio'i.
rl'urcetnl Folk
Thomas Woaver
IMniol itnioti
Pnilip Hess
Pe-lor HriiRler
Ar.imn Wiiitonuht
John 8 Shooinakur
.In in cc Rnunsley
Charles Green
Hugh A Unrtman
Party Whiteniuht
Absentees from Lee's Army AflkUcubon rorkhol(er jHIna D Vwf!l
Thos McCormiok
William Lees
Patrick F.ucen
WA'ni.NOroN, April 10. Information
from Richmond states that an order has
boon itsuod by Gen. Oril, as follows :
All officer and soldiers of tho Army of,
Northern Vircinia who wcro not prcsent(,5JfR8.M,;iN,)il
..i i i A .SMIclmel Ourey
Ml iiik Burreuucr oi m.u ui my uy "lawillium (Irant
Robert E. Lcc. at AnDOmottox Court! riiomns Ileladd
if . i. . n.i. .. t : I ionr
iiouso, on mo uin i-i niii, iou, " S.Jno S Kline
Iitreby informed that tho terms of oapttu-Georie W Divis
l.tlnn ,ra li.iriK .inrl I'll In lllplll. itllllll rilOmnS AlllllOr
, .i .i i iJnmes Oennincl
that they o m at one avail themselves of J, ur
tbo tame by eoiniitz within the linos ofBertnn lironnon
rue Unitod States loreo at or near Hiolf
inond, laying down their arms and receiv
iiiC their parole.
The gentlemen who communicated the
ubovo itiloriii' tion say that Gen. did
not. after tho surrender, repair to North
Catolms, but has broil remaining at Ap
pomattox Court House 10 o.irry out the
terms of the capitulation. It is sup
j ood tbat ho is hy this tim in Kiub
ffWm P Widv Willits Pursol
John tlnrtinan HarriH ltnrtman
Matliias AVhitonlght (lidcon Siockner
.lUuben Ituuch Miolinvl Onber
Julin flouns (J'lurire W Fuust
llcurv Somers A illiam 11 nhoemaker
Conyngh'tm townnhip.
Kol.t Fruit
.loci Mater
(leurco Ilnicci)
l'.lltlm II llnrtmnn
Kriicl Kvus
Ailion CuJcraion
WiKlilnstun IV'elllver
Hit Wnitner
Juroph Mulit
JnouU .ciiloft
C'linrinl Krnuicr
Willlnm iMotlollcr
I Jiitiiitlmn Hi-si;
Joaenu G fctnilh
Danlol Wolllvor
John Hiinn
It CUy Milli
Jno Deaibtt
Phlnea Thomas
Jonas Kline
J din llluss
Samuel Leibv
l'nter Stnmitor
Jubn 0 Hiwcr
'Jcorue Krolsclior
Jncjnb Krwln
Madison Tawnxhip.
William Kttctiin
Jno Mnstcllor
tillns W IUrtir
A H .Smith
Wttlcj Uctnott
Cjrus It Jolinjun
AIox Carr
Lemuel Klmer
Jnmc KniJIln
John D K.lck
Will lu ui Orntinm
Alirnm Hwlihor
tlrloli Wclllver
Jno Shultt
John Kramer
Henry Willi"
Wiluu J Mttiter
Denton tovnthip
Jno W.Fullmer Audrow Stlua
f A kkwell ADnrtr.g or OEN. t.SC TO H18I
The following is Genera! Lao's addres
to the Army ot Northeru Virginia :
Viroima, April 10, 18 OS ii'ciiaral or
der No. 9 : After four yean "f arduou
ccrvicc, raaiked by unt-urpasscd eourugi
and fortitude, the Army of Northorn Vir
ginia has been eomol,lrd to yield ti ovot'
whclmin! numbers and resources. I neeil
. not tell the mrvivor.H of so iniii) hftn
fouzht batlles, who have roinaitied stead
fart to the last, , thai I bavn Ciinscnlcd t'
this result from no dUtrust of them, bu
leeling that valor and devotion could ar
. romplinh nothing that ojuld com peiifcat
tor tho loss that wonld havo attended ill
rnntiimation of the oontu-t, I have deter
mined to avoid tho uiuli'.s nacritico ol
ihosc whose pt services have onle.jred
them to their rountry men. My the term
. of agreement, officars and men uan returr
to their homu.1 aud remain thetc until ez
Vou will iak with yon the ati.factiot
that proeredf from tho coo'cioumflss ol
duty fiithfully perlormd, and I earnetlj
pray that n merciful God will extoud ir
..yon hii blahsing ami protection. With aii
incealnj admiration of ynur constancy
and devotion to your country, aud a grate
ful reniombrance of your kind and gener
, ou consideration of myself, I bid you sn
I effeotiouato farewell.
' R. E. LEU, General.
Jno Tbnmos
riiotnas ltaiton
Putrick McDuiiell
Olniton DeWitt
Hnbort Qtinel
Daniel Junes
lnbn S LimcMnn
P.itriok l)e Mott
Peter Lanbau
Patrick MiGinley
li'irney Mc(uinn
I no Mull, jr
Stephen 'J'liomas
Sylvester Hoffman
Patrick Kennedy
Peter Supert
Thus Killonll
Joseph D Long
.Mnucs Lone
Hugh Munday
John Laris
Jno .Mover
Hinry besher
):ivid lilack
J N Friek
Jno McD innell
lMtriuk llorran
NieholnH Lungbsein
Kho Jones
Jno 3hlomer .
Joseph Steel
Josrvh Sayder
Prttrick ,Luuhfvn
Frank I) Long
Joo Shilling
Martin Neuss
William Kuto
Jnlui Mt'ixiri!er
lliiaa IS irriiiKer
Kllis Vrllentino
Mnrtii iiriiinun
J teob Sot
Jiimjs MeCnl'nm
Jiniel Kriiium
lHorgw Ht-i'dy
Clias Angls
Jnu W Smith
Stonuel M Wilson
Scrtimus IIojs
Samuel -ShuUi
Wm llartuiaii
Nmlian A Tubbs
Jnu Hunti
l.muuucl Lauzhbach
SIIhi llonjaiuin
bIIh I- harm
Itlcbard Htlles
Jnoub M Itljhllno
Kll Mellcnr;
Th II Cole
Ocorgo Miller
Kmnnuol KlrkendMI
Tlios llurlmnn s
Jno P Ikclor
Ilavbl Yocuin
Jnuatlinu SteoU
I'elor II Shultt
Olnrk Culenil&r
.V'titH hiiciiship
Lewii" Felkcr WiHinm F.rwin
I J J Campbell
I'lms Plensants
Joeinh Flemming
Jor LoDgenberaor
(J J CuDjpboll
Inhn A Slinruan
lienj Ilnukne
Duvid It Gilliuc
Nathaniel HW Brown,
G M Longeiibernar
Mlchnel Britten
l'rijotn E Ilombo
Veilr Mack
l'ulitskl Mellick
Jiu'ksoj (larrijon
Theoduro Mclluwel
llnniel Hamlin
Jnu II Vunliurn
Soft toieifhip.
Isaac Oulp
(laljricl Everett
Philip Miller
John II Vanderxllce
Andrew J McCirly
Aaruu Kcster
jj ltussel Appleman
E Jno W Kramur
Wm Bears
13 Fetter Hippeufteel
IF A tl . I . I.
nuiui, i jii'ucut'K
James Lemon
John Johnson
John H Mordan
I.utt Johnauu
XJuvid P Oman
Mulch! Hueklo
HonJ Kester
ilirum Thoiun."
Mifflin township.
.er.ekiah Kelebner John J Hnrtzll
'nils ft linns
limuel K Smith
.Villium Kilebnugh
i icoh Snider
A illinin FrartK
Hiram Lunrtr
Klii.ilf l'ttetmnu
;, l.lijdh Uua
I (ieor'o Caee
Petier Mosteller
t-unmul Hubert
J no tv Kline
Joseph K Uarp
Cllntuu Colu
'f ho3 Merrrll
llarid Whitmler
ClenrKc Kensdorioaker
Lianiel Snjiler
Aaron Nuiik
Wm E Hower
Allred P Fonler
Oeorge Ruckle
Mi Pleaiixnt townihip.
Jno tlurni
Daniel Musgrare
Heury Mellick
Eraauucl Ullbcrt
Clinton Mellick
William W Klino
Alfred Miller
isainuel Jacoby
Chan Johniou
Philip Stroup
Joseph II Kitchen
Itlram Kramer
Chri.'tlno Eek
Joshua llartiol
Hubert Howell
tleorgo Htlncmlller
Lev i Tli i on as
Millard Ij Thorn ai
Mathias Gilbert
Sugarloa f toienship.
Jeremiah Ziniourman
Thus W Uutebinun
Victor Itonald j
(ifnrge HoU"nbolt
Diiiiel Hono
vbrithan, M MostellprS enhen 11-jttar E Jno Shulta
A'hilney ll,-.s K . S 'hwepnenheiser h 1. H Mendenhall
iilliairj tiltiing o dill Hint K Jieitrj t-eKtioi
V Ilium K,,lhtiPr Airr,.i ILiai K M ordecal Hicks
v .o, .;.,-,.,' i;ni,ootv......i..,. n:..i,..;.w t! '
Imcph U Miller Lev; it. Cra'y
Grttnwttod tnwimhip.
f FrsnVlin Derr
fuseph 0 P.irksr
auiuel PiittFron
'ct.olon Shuliz
In a Heeee
Villiam P Ikeler
t'lhert Muagrove
iVillimn Duvis
iVter Ssiher
sracl W Oirton
fojpph W I)?
iylvener A 1) rinn
Viigmlns Vi w-im
'or m Kves
Ti-fse ll.'ncock
fakiinu Hummel
ViUiiii Thomas
il It Shullt
fuhn 'i'bomas
Uirum Trivelpeice
Jiooh (layman
'uhn Slatduti
tlporeo Kjfes
Jno Ttiiiuia'.
Jno M. lore Kres
lUrri-ou H.'iiterick
C niton K itibins
Willlnm V Pnrker
WilliHin I; Pmterson
Will mu J S.inds
J iuies I). Witt
lloorge Derr
Win U Mutlur
P.'rrj I) IFiick
GMurgo H Washburn
(roorya Hencooc
Divid Marterti
Abraham Ti man
1 iiouim Wil oi, Mu."S"Iinan
Hiclinrd J Kvcs
J.imea L Preaton
Jim 0 Lemons
.evi L'rniLEev
1 llrnstus V Uiker
' lleiekia lioonn
5 Henry K Hemley
I Chas H Iluone
U Jesse 1J ickrt
p Elijah llurman
ui W ebo
(Jporo W Dodsoa
Iltiniamin Pcterraan
Iliehard Hos
Ahijah IIcs9 g
Juit miah Van Bl'ikU
Amos Frlti
Michael liisllne
t'yru Larish
Hcuhon Qetterly
Hlias Uoldon
C(ntre tmenship
r..,vl Heldley
Henry J Knorr
Theudnra MD Prl
Samuel Reluard
Joseph Wels
Philip Cain
Snmuel Iluono
(loorge P Stluor
Thos W Fry
Ueorge Hldley
Elit Down
Chas Zimiuermaa
Alfred Bowt.r
Jacob Miller
y urangt tnvnihtp
S Froderlfk Mufler Jeruuu Kisnor
R I'rederuk Padn
n Lemuel White
E Chas Conner
P t)8'jrcc L Johnron
i .1,.,. Ki.K.,,
P Heury W Kisner
t Joshua Trumbore
.inn r, ciiiiuune
Milton Trumbore
Alex Mulleurv
Oscar A)enbaeh
Emanuel Appleman
Henry Btowart
Jeremiah Hess
Matheir I) I'attenoo
Abraham Whito
Inaac K Uildlne
MartiD Kline
Miles DuLoug
Arohiduld Patterson
Fisliinger't!; tcuimhip.
Pine township.
JnMh f'kriitlan Wesley. Long
Juo I. ore Pemhertou Plat
Frederick Wagner Jacob Gordon
Abijah li Qirtun Cleiuuel Muiienry
Samuul Slackhousa Itac Ircns
l! Jno It Eves Mathlas Crocley
Benjamin Lore
List of Drafted in Columbia Co.
- JJ om T.icnx'iip
William Morgan Henj 11 Vaunatta
Allen Cadwallader Oliver A Jacoby
Robert Rhono Clinton W Nal
Hernard II StohnerDavid W Fisher
haao 3Kuhn (Jhas P Sloan
1 IIT,;. t, Tr. ...
luiooaoi nnmoyor..ionn j kouuios
!amnl Shires
pacob IS llishllni
ieorae M llowel
Philip Itellas
teubiii lied
Jcorge (Jilbort
amn J Camphell
lEllaha K Robllna
Ilirum Mcllenry
ILtTi Winner
.brain W Patterson
I rbo M Sutteu
V C Sutliff
Alex Jackson
Slot Mclleniy
Perry Iluckalow
llmjaruiii Holder
Mouiervillo Mclltnry
Leuni Kline
I'yms R I'ox
Jaiues MoMichaol
Jacob Kliuo
William Erans
Reuben Appleman
Clark M Brown
t II Clay Hartman
' Jaoob Ghiiiat
John Rinkcr
Jocob Delhi
R E Wilson
Mills Chomberlin
Win G Imora
Julius Greunhanm
'(' J Thorton
John Bdaghan
Samuel Garringar
,Jobn Hinard
'Lucas N
!: B Yordv
Uavid Lowenbertr
William Shoemaker
Jaoob V Fox
John W Shannon
James Mcltridu
William Edgar
William Howell
Watson Furman
John Morris
Puloman John
Sam'l Hugbos
ivobt I ' bruit
Locutt tntenship.
Franklin Harig William Wyr.n
Andrew 11 OathcartUavid Winnor
Hiram Heaoock Joseph Morris
Wellington Ruoklo'I'hlueas Welsh
Samuel J Kelohuer .lames H MoKelvy
Jaoob Stiner Henry Wanioh
Daniel Iugold Henry Garriaon
Henry Seager Jonah Towmcnd
iam II HsrmauPeter D )wns
John Wesley John Cadman
Androw Madison Samuel Prent'ns
Solomon Heist Hunry Artwino
Beaver township,
David ninlerlightorJohn fluntiinger
John. HofTman
Peter Knict
'""Peter Shollhouie
John Maun
John Fry
' Peter Fisher
. Gsnrgo Shuraan
Henry Sherman
iffndrow 8buman
John Harriug
Joseph Keister
"John Holtz
Geo V Hock
Samuel Mooro
Jacob Clingman
Elias Barringer
Jno Shermnu
Houry Hostler
Juo Huntsingor
Nathan Hons
Israel Ousbaok
Potor Slicker
Aaron Johnson
John lloats.jr
Junutlmn lieaver
Juaoli Iluok
Joseph Sanders
I naii C Mears
Henry Hoffman
J din I.indermute
Joropli Breuk
S Sobealor
Win Campbell
Adam M J ibneon
Kllirt fie'iirgo
Simon Carroll
Jacob Liudeomuto
Israel Warry
John Miner
Hrino Hongberer
Pavid IV-ttorman
doiee John
Duvid Rhodes
Daniel Lvun
Lloyd P Fox
Solomon Siraussr
Jacob P Kesliner
Jno C W.tlier
AmauiliiH Hdlcy
IMter Ueaviir
Win Smith
Wm II Heinbuld
(i ibel Warry
Daniel P Swan
Weslev Perry
Wm A'lunis
Ahriim Uiee
Wm Fetterman
Joo Artlv
Solomon Yeager
Nathan K laioubader
It linos II Fox
talcs of the respective itecrdcnU and minora. Hint the
nr ilia suthnrlty of tl Hecrotary ' the Trsriury
Iho underflned lian assumed the (JeScrnlDukactlpllonJ
Agency for the Snlo of lliiltnl stales Treasury Notes
beatlnf sercn and threa trntks per irnt Ihterust, per
"nnum, known as the
Thrae Net's are Issund under dale nt innaJI.Mhi
1665. and art payable three rears from. Ilial lime, in
currency, or are ranreitllile at On option of thi tml
dtrlnl ,
C. S. 5-20 Six prr cent.
Tniae nnuiis aro worth a premium wnlch increasesadcciatcil.
tiio aciuii prnflt on tbo 7 ?o loan, ami its tttmptUnn 4 First and final aconiint of Uriah K,
from Matt and nntlilnl tulUn. vhUkatUt fttm oaK""'rur and ItltliaM Mlciioii a;lmr' nr lleury Klienun
KlktnorfIro.niL.,.1,1 tiutf niluii lUid.unl
MMrrspff-tMi Wnfs.,roofllin.nihr rat- i.i.d . Account ol II iam
nc piuiit'iir in-- ininrcM ii nnjtioie in curr nr r llatr a'. Vnunt. Inlf nf 1'itiri iwii.. i eitdhJ.
saa - - w ----
semiannually uy cnupoiis niuro-oio eaili note wbkliH (j ACCOUIII Ol J aillUa lUlirilllV. niliUT.
may lie rut olfaud sold lu an Imuk or hauler Kiamuel It. Ax J, hit i ol Ma 11 kmi tw., dencated.
Register's Notices, t iDOiiHB(uiBjs fflftiaiKiav. I
- p vyiikat, rwr iusvi.
N'OTICK is hereby given lo all legatees, corn,
rredltorn and other persons Interr'ttd fnth'e'ea. UVHRJ
COtlH .
II A v sy llic lin,
1 .VI
IJ uo!
ClllrKUNrt, Hr pal' 0
I no
i on
nucKWiir.AT. i m
rt.otm per hbl. IU oir
foilowlnit AdialnlMrallon and IliUr, ian aecoimla tit. oiJVI.r.Hl.j .11, u Otl
heoii nieil in mo nnce oi uie uecisirr oi i.oimni co, -
land villi lm preinited for eimririoalloii and allowance I lluK III.A1 Flwir. 4 Oft
III ttin tlrplinii x.d'iil, in mi noiu in iioomeuri!. in me
county arnresaiu. on vcinc,iay,ine jn oi .n7 icn,,
at t o'clock, In the afternoon of auiil day.
I Aojount of Poter M. Trnush, guar-
'dlan nfltachol ShalTer, Mlno child of Luult TraugNi
'title ef Uervtick llorough, deceased.
a Account of William and Thomas Aten
admr'a ol'lhoiuas Aten, late of .Mlllliii tewnslilp, du
!l First and final nCCOnilt of John H.Lhole train of disorders lrnup,li on by baniful and"
Smith P.sccutor o John Mndonlate of Drlarcraek twp.tvlcloua habits, (,'nat ininibcra linvo Iiihii already'
curud by this nrjlo r enicdy. I'rui.pti'd by a derlie to!
Iienitit the alll tied and unfortunate, I Mill send thoi
ferine fur preparing and using Ibis medicine, In
g sealed envelope, lo aay one vtiia ntcili It, IKt'.HUI'l
Please MkIosc n pot paid rrivelopr, adJn-d lo;
yoursilf AhlriHS,
Tijaru TrDvTrinrr
A Clerg yrain, while rrslilfiit In HMiih America at
a inlrsionnry, discovered a safa mid simple rrmely
Two cents " "
Teu " " "
20 " '
81 '
The'lnleresls amnii,, t la
One cout per day on a f 50 nolo.
" $100 "
8500 11
" 85000
Notes of all the denominations named will bo prompt,
I)' furnished upon receipt nf subscriptions, and the
notes forwardeJ n.., e interest to I it I, June
next will be paid In advance, Hits is
now onVrcd by llie.Oovi rnnienl. and il i confidently
expected II, Hi i s superior advantages will mako It 111.)
OKBAT l'lli'lll.Att MIAN' OP TUB i'CnPl.K,
Lets than $Hs),ooO,noi of 111- Loan authorirod by
thclast Cuiijrress are now on Ui" mark 't This amount,
al tli" rate at which It is In iup absorbed, will all be
subscribed for within four uionlbs.wlien tbo notes will
undoubtedly loiiouind n preu.lum, as hat uniformly
ben tna rase nil losing Hi'-' subscriptions to other
In order that citil-ns of every town and sertlou of
the rountry may be uflorded facilities for taking
loan, the National Hanks, Slate Itaukt, and I'm ale
Hankers throughout the cnititrj have generally agreed
to receive subscriptions at par. dubseiihcrs will se
lucl their own agents, in whom they have confidence
and who otilj are to be responsible for Ihe delivery of
the notes for which they receive orders.
fica'caimos Aoskt, PKiladilfUa.
ET-Subscriptions will be received by thi First Na
lioual llonk of uToouitburg.
April e", -3m.
Public Notice for Licenses.
VtOTICU is hereby given ihat the following persons
I In Columbia c 'Uiity have filed their pelitious in
the Court of Uuarter Missions of the s.ild Co.iuly, for
TAVCItN ami SI'illtK I.IUUNaHS.S, in tlioir respitire
tcTwnships, which said petitions will be presented to
the n.iiil Court on Monday, Ilia fiisl day of .May, Iroo,
of wliich allperou iuiereteil wilt uue notice, mid
I the i.ireoe will be granle4 on vVeUnes'lay. the 3d
day of .May next, al : o'clock, p. in
Afplicam rr. Tnwssiitrs
William II. Koons, Tavern, II, oo
John I.eacoik do do
(Jeor je W Manger, do do
tillver A.J.icoby do do
,. II .Menilriiliall, Hlore, do
Frank I Cliuioati, Taturn, neuvur.
Cliarles F Uli.i, di Ho
J. II Pilib't. do Ilerwick.
Jotin J Elites, dn lleulon.
John Urover, do Centre
JessJ Hicko, Hloru, ,lo
Kicliard II irr. Tuiem, Caiuwi-sa.
. uoiuel Kostenbader. do do
Jacob Klsllrr. - do do
Peter lloiver. do Conynghain,
It, nlion, do ,tn
John L. Kline, do do
Samuel l.eiliy, ilo do
A. W. d do
lleruiird .M' Uc ity. oo t.n
A. VV Kreauo r, Hloi, ilo
Ii.d. I'liangs1 k Co Tavarn, , risbiogercok,
Ileiijuiiiiii .Mcllenry, do do
W. A. Kline. do Oreruwood.
Williiou IMgur do do
C. II Parker, d do
Jnlin do lleialoek.
loshua Woiaer, do i..ust.
I.uilwig i hiel, do v.
John I.. Hurst, lo dn
I aac Hhnads, do do
John K Iter. di Mi tin.
Haiuiiel Hiioby, do l.ioison.
K. Smith, to ,l
Knunuel Voooej, dt Mtnilour
'I'Iimuiu Jones, do Mt, Pleasant
John A Shuniuii. dv Maine.
Isaac Vttler, do du
si.uuuel Kvt'ielt, do Orange.
Jacob (iojd, do do
Cornelius Marlz, ,do Itoaringrreek.
Robert d. Howell. do S-oti-
J. I). .Marcbbauk, dn do
I'pilip LI. Keller. tn do
Aliltuii 11. I'm, do ,lo
7 First and Gnat nucouut ol Johti Ashel-
& in o li , adiur. of Daniel A ill -I mail, late of lleulon town.
tslilp, Ueceaseil.
8 Account of Gcorcc and John b . Coo
Brier, lUeculou of riioom Connor, lite of Cintru twp
Mcecas id,
0 Account of Samuel Kelcbnor and"
jfleorgo II, Kelehnor, Kiocutors of Oeorge helchner,
IBle 01 l.ellire lowusilio, lieceas.iu , as mei; oy cam ivi
Kelchner, sarviviug uxerulir.
10 AcoountofE H. Drown, guardian of
iPernlua llioivu.onn of the heirs of Matthew llrowa,
hate of; Milllln township, deceased
1 1 First ami final account of Charles
Toole, admr. of 1'alrlck Tuol,lal of Centre township,
12 Final account of John Sharpless,
iadmr. de bonis lion with tha will annexed , of John .'.
liaVIs, late orvatawisn twp decasml.
13 First and final account of llohr Mo-
lllcnry. a.linr of ll.iniel d. Mcllenry. lata of Jatkson
iinwnshlp, deceased.
14 Aecouiit of Samuel llafpmbuuh, at)
inlnistrator of Charlie Ooudiuan, late of Centre tup..
15 Account ol William and Dmi I Sny-
der. aduirs, of Daniel (Snydor. lata of idonm towdsbip,
10 Account of John Trimhley, guardian
of James Trump, minor child or Henry. I iuni,i. hoc . I
17 Account ol John Trimbluy, cuardian
of CliarlesTruuip, mlnorchlld ofll'inry Trump, dse'd
18 Account of William Patterson, admr
of Lewis tfchuyler. of Croon wood twp., decerned.
10 Account of William Naal, Executor
of Wesley Itoit, late nf Hemlock township decease I
11) Aoootint of William Neal and Robert
Onthcart, linculors of Alfred M'Clure, lata of liluoiu
township, dtcciucd.
21 Account of Huh D. McRrido, admr.j
of Franklin M'llrlde. late of Hemlock township, doe'd'
22 Account of J'hoodore W. Smith, ad-
ini'ilurator nf Fliz.ibelli M l'lyoir torn, late of Jack. on
lowu&hip, deceahud.
2!i Account of Jnsiah Thomas, guardiau
of Frances Ann Mendenhall, minor child of.Ma-cC.
21 Fir?t ami final account of William
Patterson, admr of Lewis liuvler. Jr., lateuf Rreun
woo 1 townsuip ,eceas,d.
25 Fust and final account of Samuel
Hower. admr of . hil.tUn uf Centre twp.
,lt ceased.
2(i First and final account of Daniel
Htev ns. Uxecutorof Martini Lee, lute ol Locust tw p.,
27 Account of Johu Kt.-iff r, admr. with
thnwill ainiuxed, of Philip Wall, lata of .Mnlllii twp,.
28 Account qf William .Millard, Ex?cu
tor uf William .Millard, late of Locust twp,, decease,,
20 John Shumao. Guaidian uf Elia
Hhumau, minor.
30 Johu bhuman, Guardian of Mile?
Ill John Shim an. Guardian of Silas
.huiiia, minor ch I, Iron of Daniel Shu, .-mi, late of I
Oain tuiviMlnp, deu,:asid.
32 Account of Ilirim II Kline, admr
Bof 'I llamas Lunger, late of Fislilugcreek twp. decM
.W Jjo wis .1 eiier, admr, ol the citato ol
Jacob II; er. lutu of Catavvissu townnlilp. decea I ,
HI Lewis letter, admr. ot the e-talo ol
Jesse Evans, lata of Locust township, decea.ed .
:t5 Account ol Iluijh D MrBfibe, admr
ofJ..iues Mcllridc. Iita of Hemlock twp,, decoased .
l(i First account of Charles H. Dietter
ich. and Photbe Joliiiou, F.xceuiors ofUcargcW.
Park, lalaol Siott twp., defeased
37 First and final account of Leonard
Adams, Mid M a) bcry r. mluir. of tjamuel Ad
uui.. lale of Lotus I township, deceased.
.Sherman and Johnson
nrlhe Cn it ' of Ntrto.,. Wrnbir... Htcay. I)l.5pr0ba?jl0 Acceptance by OcIlCrar
eases of the Urinary and Seminal Organs, and Ihca tnlmolnn nfil, T'
W'Afiiti.voTti.v, Apii! 17.
Inormntion lint I ren received by lbs
govtrntnrtit fiom Gt'iicral Slipnuaii that
ho whs in ootnmunicotioii with Gaii Johu
son, with n view to the urendir nf thj
General Sherman would offer iho Main'
terms that Oi'Doral Grant did to Ovurrali
Lro, and it i supposed they would bene
Notice in Partition.
Hit ult of Stmuel Smith, rficcaln.
In Hi' raattrr if thel At anOrphan's Court held ss.
!p.niilioii ot tbn lel . IHimiiKliurS in aad for ths
L, tats of jio'I fiullh, f counlv of roliiinbls. u Ihiirs.
,licuacd. J day, F bruary 9th, U( J.
(In motion of M F Ja, k.ou. Ki . Ihe i:,mri ,.!
rule directed to Phiuins Hiuith, l-oic Hmiltl. Jrot
iHioith, II, nry Cmith. Aaron ri.nllh Oillisit II. Kf
Band rath rinehl wife, lute I'atnarln,! fnuth, diugh
Mier of said d , uEdvnt. John .Vanaetser nnJ Ulenort,
ML .ti," ia,u i.iuii", f-,un u, fini, Kilter ,,i ine SS14 UI.
cedent. Anlriw C'mll an J Ulisabith, bis wife, lale
Kllxabeth Smith daughter of the doredent, Joslah
llennett nml Chaflotu his wife, lale Charlotte Hmlth,
daughter iiflliu itecdont and tfinnol K. sinlti,, all
c hi ll ri li of .-.Id di cedent, nod Clilliert II. FnwLr,
suardiau of VV llii!hlr !inllh. a minor son mil
thild of Abraham aimith duce.tst'd. Ico as a mui ,u
the di'iedi'iil. heirs and leiyil repr'seutatlves of ths
aforesaid raiii.n I riiolh. deceased.
Vou and ea'ti of ou. ar hereby required to be and ap
pear, at til u uext term of our said Court lo lis held nl
lllnoui.barg, on the first .Monday nf May neat and e
cent or ro use the Real Ksliteor said deeedent ni iu
apirniod viduatlon put upon il by the luqueat duly
ir,,iii,i, wi ,,, t .qui, nil mu saute suouiu not be
Witnrs the Hon. Willam Clwell, President Judge
our '.aid Orphan's Court, at LUooinsMirg. the Wh sis
ol Fcbraury A il. lets. , JtUiJi; coi.L.MAit.
I.LkRlC U U.
f.'n uartie .ulerestc I will take notice ol tlm sl.,r.
r'herln's Office slooiokhurg '
March '.'J liH HMsmr
Htallou D, lllblu lloure.'.V, V.I It)'
April IS, ltsiS - r
'of warning iindndvlee lo those suffenag wllh Hernlnall
vvenmiiss.ueneiai iiehiiii). or rreinature oicay.'rm
whatevt r cause Head, noiider, and ttlltcl'l
iue wise in iiiuu.
HhlKKLt:toi address for Ihe benefit ofth nfflici.
cd. riant Ly relilrn until. Address,
420 Rroadway, New York.
April;, 14.-3 m.
WlllSKnUP-tll-Tlinse wishing a fine set of whisk -1
era. a nice moustache, or a beiiutiful head of floovl
lialr, will please rend the curd ofTIIUH I. CHAI'.MASI
in anotner part or mis papsr.
t i-uruur) irxi jm.
A t'AMPIILCT directing how to spcedllv
i restore slant ano eivu i n tnrrtacieft.
! without alii of doctor or no diiiue Ment by
mall, tree, on recont of IU cents. Address
i; n niOTL, .M l) nan lirnadway, , V,
Fib 4, l0C Cw
want Ulilskcrs or .Moiistaehes I Our Ureciati
'touipouud will force them to grow on the smootheptl
lace or chin, or lialr. on tiatd ueaii.. in I'll weeks -;i'ricc,
SI no, Heiilby mall anwherc. closelj sea'ed,
uu reuii oi price, mmress,
vv u.,i;ii n CO.. nox I3i, nrooxiyn, w. V
February Id, leui-y
j '0 tho Nervous Dehilitated and Des-J
been restored to health in a lew diys arier many
years m mi.rry, is w iinng in assist ins ssuerluc lei
iow creature by sendins ifree.i on the recilnl of n
po Itmiil arfdrssed envelope, a copy ot tl r. fomula pj
i uru euipiuyeu. inriilio juii ,11. i ,m;ai.i,.
roa it-J rosi timcc. uinnkiyn, . Y
Jan. U, 130), ( .y IU, r,l
Deafness, Blindnes &. Catanli,.
Tieated Willi the utmost success, by llr. J. ISAACS,
Oculirt anil Aurist ilormerlv of l.evilen. Iloriiind.) No
SI'.i I'l l'. rlreel.l'hiboleliihia, Testimonials Iromthe!
iiinrt re ial.le sourci a in tile City and l.ointry can be
veil at h! oilice. The inedirnl faculty are invited to
ntcomiany their patients, as he ha, no seciet in his
practice. ATI'II It.'I .1. K.VKS inserted without pain.
No rnarzn made lor examination.
February II, 1HIS5. Julys. 1854, ian.
I ITT LI! OF r.VF.IlYTIIIS'0 rclatlnu to thn lm
man sy.tem. mule and female ; the causes nnd
treatment oi di.ensos ; the u.arriaze cilouis of the
world; how to marry will and a thousand tilings never
published liefore read the retised and entarircd edi
lion of "Medical Common Sense." a curious book for
curious penpto and a good book for every oue. 400
pages, iuu illustrations l'ricc i onlenu lame
sent free lo any address, itooks may be had al the
hook mores, nr win be sent dv man, post nam on re
celpt of the price. K II. FilOJ'K. .M. II.,
n.iu nroauway. ,ew vork.
Fubruary 4, H(i5.-6ia.
FMtorof Demotrfit.
Court Proclamation.
4 1 HFTlLAr1. th
Judee ofthe Lourt ol ()y
eral Jail Delivery Court of uuarter Ses.0ns of the
Hoi. Wllu.M VIlw ilt. rrenldrnl
Judge of ihe Lourt of Oyer and Ttrmiiier nnd l.'tu
pflVace and Court of Coiuinon Pleas and Orihan's Court.
in tne ,m juuici.ii murirt coio.nueo oi ine conallss
nf Columbia, bullit an and w ycoiuiit', and Ihe lion Jolis
M Reynolds iciJIeplitoi Italdy.AssuciiteJu luesof Coliim
hia county ,liave issued their prec, pt, bearing dale the IV,
uuy ot icu in in' , enr oi our i.oru oue iiioii.aiia eigui
hundred aiu sixty- live snd to me directed for holding a
Court of Ojer and Terminer and General Jail delivery,
General Ouarter Se.sions nf the Pi at e, Common Pie t
and uriiluiirs l ourt. in lilooini'iurg, In tin lounty-f
Columbpi. on tha lirsl Monday. ,t). mc tin 1st iluy; of
.viay next, to ciuuinue one weea.
Notice i. hercliy given, to the Coroner, the Justices
of the Peace nnd t'ou-.tttliles nf the said county uf Col
uiuoia tuai inej oe unit nnu mere in ineir proper par
sons at IU o'clock in the forenoon of said davwllh th'lr
blrecordt, iu'iuUitious ond ilher rtuieinbrance lo du.
those things winch to their unices appertain to be done.
Iisar Sir With your permission t wish to say toRAiid those that are hound by itcoguiiniite, to prosecute
readers of your paper Hut I will ui ill, lo all whoSjagainst the prisoners that are or ma, be in the Jail tf
Ofllre, n'oomsburg
April I. I
iei ister.
New Skirt for 1855.
J. W. nraiMey's New Patent llaplux Fdlipti; (or don,
bl) Sprlnir-Skirt.
Wests' llradley & Cary, (late J. I, Jc J. O. West,)
rail,. rroprietor nun manoiiiiiurers, :ir Liiaiiiac.a and
7'Janddl Ilea 'e directs. New Vork
Thi. irvenlion consists n( Dunlct for two) Ft intia
C Pteel Springs Itgeniously nrnided Tightly ami Firmly
r togeiner, eocc lo euge. ui.iKjug too toujiHsi.moit n ,
k ible l.lastic and Durable Soiini; ever used. They sel
k dom lleud or lire, tk like th Single Springs, and cou
f se'iuently Pres, rvo tlicir perfect and beautiful sbapu
in ire as iool' as anv oilier sain
' Ihe wonderful flsxilulity mid great cnmfnrl and
K pleasure to any lady wearing Hie duplex H. ipticskiri
win nc expericiie-n particularly in an ciowiicu
Asseiublic,, Op ras, Carriages, Itailro d firs Church
Pews, Ann Chairs, mr From, ua le and House Hress
at the Skirt can hu folded, when il, use. to orrupy a
email plato a,, easily as a silk or muslin dress
A lioly hating enjoyed the pleasure comfort, and
gna com eiiieneo if wearing the "Iluplox lilt i lit ts.
Metl Rpriug Skirt ' for u single day, will never after.
ft Mlasvs. and Vnurg Ladies, thoy are Superior to all
Th"y am the best 'I'lallty in every pari, hud unqurs.
tiouilil) Ihe l.lclit"t. most desirable, i ooilorUbK'.niol
rrnnouiicnl skirl cvr made.
FOR SALIC in all first class ttnret in Ibis City, and
throughout the I'niteU Status, Canailii. Havana do
Cuba .Mexico, Seuth America, and the West Indus,
April Ij. 1HU.1
Georce liittener
Michnel Hongborpor tinri;e Warry
Chas Hsllier . Hanrv V st
ai .... . - .. .
al William li I'nayler
B Jior.b Loni:
n in Irwin
rdam Mensch
Wm Isjiirmiin
Win Goodman
Jno Yost
U Ooorca Isonbsch
H vf... ii.i....
11 ui s ... II us .
Isaac J Fisher
Uavid Ilelwig
Uavid HecUer
(Jiitairiiiii o,n7,i,7
K - "V
B .Samuel .1 Frederick Theodore Sehmiit
l'eter S ltilcr
S ilotntm Knlrr
Wellinntou II tier
Wm I'arlter
Peter Rhodes
Wm S hull i
Richard K Watkiiu
Darid LiehiK
Duvid Lan(
Androw Scott
Adam Marks
Samuel Miller
jr.S3K COM; VIA V, Prnthnnmsry
Prothonotary's Othcc, I
B 'onbdrg, April la. )
CoiTce! Oofleo! Coilee!'
154 Reado StreeUihrcc doors from Green
witch Street') N V.oall universal atten-'
tion to their
Kin's East India ('ofrr lias nil the1
flavor of old Government Java, and is but half the1
price ; and aln ill it
I lie Christian Commission.
tfolke to Evcrylwfy.
Two Weeks for tho Sick and
Wounded Soldiers.
During the furtingbt lomincnciug April lid, tve will
devote lij percent ol all Hie retail sales al our couu
ler, of
Albums. Stncosconic Viftcs. nml
Alo ReinittmtcC'i l-y Mail for Ihe siiuiu, wh"n sol
'spcciQed, to tile
Relief of our Sick and Wounded Soldiers
ihe readers of vour oane
w ish it (free) a b'eceiue.with full directions fur makinz
land usiiign simple Viitetablo Malm that will effectual
Iiy remote, linen unys, nitipies. uioirues iuu, i reca.
els, and all Impurities of Hie Skin, leaving tha same,
soft, clear, smooth and lleuotiful.
1 will also mail free to thoie having llald Heads, or
I Hare Faces, Minnie, directions ctol inlormetion that
wijl enable them to start a full growth of Luxuriuiit
Hair. Whl.kcrs, or a Moustache, in l''.s tliuu thirl)
All appneailous answanu uy reiurn taau niutoui
nespeciiuiiy your..
THUS. I . I IIAl'M V. rhemlst,
eJI Uroadway. JSew Vork.
February 13, teftV. 3m.
TO COVSIJMl'TIVi:.-.. The undersigned hating been?
1 restored to healllrin a fjw week, by a very simple I
icinedy, alter nation ktiuereu several years, won n
severe, lunu iiiieciou, aim inai urt an ins use, i;on
'Uiuptiou uuuxii'iis to uiakc known to his fallow suf
ferers the means of cur'.
To ull who deslro it. he w ill send a conv of ihe pre
ri nt Li.ii u,i.d,.frcc of charge,) with the direction.
for preparing and using the .ante, wliirli they will find
a sure cure for CoNsunriiua, Asihvia, Uronciiiiis,.
Cofom. t', Stc, Th'i only object of the adtertivcr!
in eiidiu!! llie l'rescrititiou . to huiehi ilm atllieied.
and .oread lulonualion wtuclilie conceives lo be no
vaMiauic , aou ne uopes every .uuTer win try ins,
remidy. ns it will cot Iheui nothing, and may prove a.
blxsing. j
Partes wi.hing the prescription will plea.e address
Hi v r.OWAItll A t 1 l.nON, IVIIIIauisburg,
Kings County.
.New Vork.
February IS fSHA-Am
snd county of Columbia tu he then and Ihere to urose-
'eule them as shall lotjust. Jurors are re'iuested to b
punctual in ini li allciuluucc, ngretaoiy tniheir nniice.
i listen m iiiooiiisoiirg. oe vjin oay oi asar.
lS. Sin the year of our Lord one thousand eight
-v Vhuudreil and sixty-four, and in th eighty'
ninth rear of lliu Independence of the United Slat's
ofAmerua. ( Uod sstinHK ( otaowfiALTn. 1
SAMl.El. SNYIU'.K, Sheriff
Hbcritr. Office. l!loomsburgApiil I, Idii.
i,iM o! t aiises lur May'I trm 1363
F.lijah McVJurt la r:-Wcrtse of Aaron Wvlf 1 1 Cad.
tian Wolf
vi Jacob Harris vs Peter Jacoby.
3 Russel r Stoker. v Win Ikeler.
4 David Acheiibach vs Ji tin VVanlln
5 Saioiiel Williams va Charles II. DisWrioh and
A. Herring
f, Hugh McUvypulda rt al vs Peter Olieksul
7 Aiuos W Cteainer vs Cnoch Howell,
c Amos W Creuner vs Knnrh lloweli.
9 John llei.sel et al vs S F lleadlretal
III lieorge W Oarrliou vs Casper 1 Thoaii.
Ii.uiciuru .tiorguu vs ciiumci noagiand.
1 John lluikle vs lleury T Riley el al.
13 Henry liilinir, vs Moore rretelini:,
14 Jnhn Keitfer adm'r of Jobepli Uearhirt, deceaia.J
v s Mi ses .Meyer.
19 lieorge fair, endorsee of Jjines Carr vs Sylv,r
J I'ox and 1 houias c'revcling, jr.
15 Jonas Henniger Jr vs C.inuurl Aahlnn.
17 Augii.tu-c ifabh vs James K Uyer und Lukt
May er.
Ii Juiiies Carr vs Henry T Keilv andj David J Waller
ll John Kniklu vt Henry Hcity et nl.
i alure in l.usslnes 9
OM'.S (a I'll, of luvS
(ii'a.itl Jurors (or .ily Term, Isttf.
Kent's lSl I'liia Coffrr inn tirfcc 'P through tha io.trinnentnlity of tin Christian CommN-
streni-th of Java, or any ciner C"tr u whauver and"
wherever use,-! byur first class hotels and steam, j Orders by mail for this object, bearing dile any lime.
boats, and stewards say there is a saving of ii) per cent J previous to '-)' l.l, will be received ami the va per
Killt's East Iwli't C(tr is the nmli 'l'huncnowledgfno!iit of the T'reasurcr of ihe Chris
heallhv beverage known, ana is very nutritions The -i f nan Lomioi.vioii will be sem wneii re pureu.
weak and infirm may o.e ji nt ail times with iiupunl- B 'Jhe unuds will ae sold at oar usual priuKd cata-
tv 't'hs wife of Hie Rev. Laves, local minister uf B louue prices.
ihe.M F, Church, Jersey City, who h.-u nut been able S JJ, & l '1'. ANTHONY it C'),,
louse any couee ioi .1,... , .!, u u. n 5rj, radlvayi Uliw yolk,
Jieni i PUSr JIIUKI l.l)' e liree limes (ll fluce unors iromM. .-cnoias noiei.
Un.lormitv uiFrlcis ! A New Y
tlverv one Ins own Salemnan' JOM
CresetilOi.e Price Clothing Store, No. 201 .Market, tret
lhove rttxtll r liladellilllll.
1 n ltd i it urn to hum; the largest, most varied and
nf hinnolile ,lock , f i lothing ill rlilladelphia inadecx.
ore..,), for retail sales, have i-oiistituteu every one
ills ow u full-man. hy hat mg unrked in figures, on eaoh
rrticu at the veiy iowe.1 pries it can oc sold Inr so they
annul possibly vary all must uuy anae.
The run Is uru well stunmed ami prepared and greal
naiiialakeu w ilh the making so all ran buy with
the lull assurunra ol getting a good uitnle lit the vi ry It, in -Llia Howell
low esi puce Also, a luige sioikm pur.' goons on inn JB Pine - John Lorkart.
of the latest style and best iialilie. wlin I, w nl be madeKbioit Jacob II. o'kher ser
to order, in Hie uio.t fashionable and best manner. MSSugarlo f Sainu I He.s HavilIn-,1.
per crut, below credit pruis. -
iieineinuer on; in ti nsel annve rum rircei Tnire.u i-
Kll'.elilnn -Stniuel ll.Vorks. I:iias Sbotn
KR.I11LF DISCLO'l'lll'S SITIILTS FOR T" l'K -noses Hchlnher. Isaac Klingerinan,
lilooiii -Jesse Shannon
llloom- II. C How er. Jeremiah Ft hrimrer. Philla P.,..
Itenton-l.auc K ,orgj Kveler
ll'eiitr. -Amir tv Frvas, Jacoh II, tier.
I i.hiugcreek - William Slucker ilirum Mess
l.renw o,t l.eorge t.iilou IVlllluiu Rubblhs
Jarksntt Joshua Savage.
Locust- J"hu Morris, William Etwin
.Msili.on WiOiaui lira ham
Maine - David S. Drown
Orange Wesley How man, Samuel Krerttl
.viotitoiir- J reiniiin tl. Harutau
JO vl.S A. to.
-.Hay TiriF, 1803.
Androw HnntiingerFrcdoriok Sherman
Juo Dalrvisoii Enos Ritlouliouse
Samuel Hinterliter Jnol Swank
'Stephen Lebr Jno Hawk
CiMirsd B(cdbo'la Krtemn lbtiinat
Jaoob S Ciesev
Ralph .M Lishell
Nuthan Krumm
Genriia W Clurk
Lewis Keifer
l'drcival Rhodes
William G Yettor
William John
Wil.iam II Orance
Nathan Creasev
Auuatus Frsn's
William Meriino
Chas Hartman
Jacob Melt
aVmbroso II Sharpless
Valentino Mets
Jncob lironk
Jamas P Right
Divid Hnmer
Majbdrry Q Hucbes llenrv Jones
Thomas Oetltiu Theodore Ktoich
Daniel Zarr
Mich6l Resi
M it in M Hi
Hamilton Fisher
W'piamm f Im l u
Wn, lis
An Appeal by the County Com
VOTIC! is liereny given that anappeal will be held I
is ui tile i mini v coiuio.ssion-r. in in- scte
low iismps, in th I'ouniy of Columbia, ut the places
and limes specllicd as lollnws .
lu .Madi.uu lownship, on Monday the villi of April. I
nisi., ai iue puniic House oi i. .t diiiiiu, in jersey I
tctvn. In (.reeiiwood und l ine on Ttics ay the Wthl
uf April, nt the public house of John Lrggntt, at lolu.
In Sugailnaf. Jackson ami iienlon, on Wednesday null
Thursday the jilh and STlh of April, ut the public!
Iiousu oi jouu j. cities, in iteiinui. in i isuiligrreeK.I
nit Fiiduy th llcth of April, at Ihe public house i f K I
L'uaiigrl. at Ihe Forks. In Orange ami Alt. Pleasuiit.l
on Saturday the V'Jlh nf April, at Ihe publie house of i
Samuel F.vereit, in Oraimet llle. In Hemlock anil!
Monloar. on Thursday the Ilh n' iay. at the public
liou.u of Joliu llarlmaii. in llu' shoru. In Scult audi
Centre, on Friday lliu Slh of ay. at the public hiussj
oi joint t,r"ver. in centre, in nriarcreeK uiiu ucr I
wick, on Saturday lliu bth of .May. at the public house
of J. 1', Sibb.l. lu Ilerwick, In Mifflin, on Monday
the Iclli of , May, at Ihe public house of John Keller.)
in Mlflliuville. lu Maine ami Heaver, on l uetd l(J
Iho Dili of Mat, al iho i ublic house of Wm. rhuin.m.!
IB in Alaineville. lu Locust and Roaringcrcek,
Wednisdav and Thuisdav the Oth and lllllof Mav,
al the public house of John I,. Ilur.t. in Sldbtown.
In Conyughani, on Friday the of May, at the pub
bic huusH of Reuben Wassar. ill Conyiigham In Cat,
awissn and Franklin, on Salurdav the I Jill nf iMav.atl
the public bouse ufjabnh II, Kliller, in Catawissa twp.l
in 1)10,00, on .vioiiupy me iuu oi .vay, at iue uoniuni
.loner.' Office, in llloomib'lre.
Also, at the same liiucs and places tho Slate Militia
enrollment, as made in .Vovi niber last, will be revised
ami examined hv lha Commissioners, and all persons
having causes and claims for exemption willattsn,,!
li tuey in ns proper.
Hy uMnr of tin Cntr.iciissltn'rs,
R 0. I'RIMT, Oerk.
f"i"siiiiHM,' Oihr I
I'l-iii r g pril lA i
day without injury, it luiug entirely free from those
pioperlies ilial produce uerv ,us excitement.
I r. James lloylw of loll i.'h.nnb "rs Sueet, says. "I
have never known any Collee so healthful, nutritious
and free from ull injurious lUalilii'i ns
Kent's lidi' .India. Cop.e,
Indvnc my pati'Ms t drink il universally even those
to whom I huvn hiiherto prohihiled the ue nf Colfeu
The I'riueipal ol tne ew v orK lullrmary. say s
I direct all Hie patients of our In. motion to use ex
Kent's Ens' India C"e,
and wcuH not be wiihout it on any account. "
The llev. c, 1. 1 u v. an eiiiini iu riergyman ol tne,
,M. C I'hurrh, now slatinueil at llilscy Slrmt, New.
ark, bays of
Kent's East India Coffee,
"I have used it nearly a year in my family, and And
it uruduces no ache of the head or iiervou irrit iliou,
as in the case of all oilier Coffees II Is exceedingly
plcismit, ami I tordially rci oiiiinend it tu ull clergy
men and thur families'"
Kent s Eui. India Coffee
is used dally by the families of lliitiop Ames, llishnp
II ker. liishop Jumes and uuny of tt.e most distlu
guished i lergymcn and profestiuuul men inlheeouuiry
Ut'warc of Counterfeits 1
nnd he sure Ihat the packages are labeled
15-1 Reatle Street, New York,
as ' hern are numerous counterfeits under III
iiamt) nf "lienuiue Hast India Cotfje." 'Original Has
India Colfeu, " ele . put forth by luiposters lo deceive
Ihe unwary.
in J lb pacaages, ami in nnxet or .10. oil, and Itin
lbs., fuf Crocera aud large, Sold by tiro
cers generally
Ordeis from Country (Iroccrs olin,. ., towhuma
very liberal discount will be made.
Wltoicsalt AL'niita : I nen sh U Moan, and W.J
lleiss k. Ilro., Philadelphia; Francis II. Perrv Pruv i
deuce i A. L, Wane 4c Co., Ilo. ton , I'ynchun & Leu
Springfield. Mass i S. .V. Callcnder, HurTaln, (iordnu
M-Miliiau li. Co., Cincinnati ; J. at J. w lliinn, Spring
field, III. ; II. II. Shields, Corydon, Iud. ; uud C. 1'
l.urher, Chicago,
rne Am au. Ag'. 3sn uroadway, N y, flus, Dep't
Funs Alt ord. Cor. Dsd'I I'liwlcr & Wells. Are an.
Ihorized to receive orders for Kent's Fast India Cotfsu
April 8, Wi. 3m
BELL 4c ALLABACH, rojmctovs,
I THIR f) STj- f'ESUS YL VA $h A V
April S, L-t'5. ai
X mrw. nt,,..l.1.. ,.,..1 ...... I ..l,1iA.,i,,n A u
I... j.u, ..n.iio r.i..,,.i ......... i. lilt li, -w 13 nrtur. re, k
'I l'II' V INI- MI'ITIltl n n.Uln.,1 .iii.l onnolnr t.,.ut H KlSuer
,.,. tin,, ,.,,,1 ti-.,,,,n ,i,..i."oi,i.,ia,. r,,,,.. Nl'Mawissa Ctorge Huch,
L.,w ., , .- i...., :.... ... :tS John, ll.miel K r.i el,
ni,,,iuM,-ueiO'I.IOl ni,, i, i,,rin .
r.imedli- for their spiedy cure. The pnriicruf Dr s-'l''i .lluscs Mcllenry
Hue, in. in . .,,1.1 .t,n t ,inin,,ii.d i.,, , s, S ' raiiMin John lloiver.
!the earnest solicitation of nuinerotis per-ons he ha. '.'" nwoou-A S Kitchen. Lliulnu Hubbins
been induced to exleiid Ins medical usefulness through (J" 1 -Josvph J orks.
i in uieittuiii or his "V I)K VHi'.'l'.M It is a v.iiuuii "- vter .iiiii r. i. c. neiwig.
ry tamilj in the land S'"J -Ja- on i ilea, ncvloy linnoti.
i', .. "-"i.. .'"..iiiiiu. (.tiaries risaur,
I'hos J. Morris.
Join, uhaiiW Lrk J.-remuh ihn
. Joseph Claywe II Wililua
Linandus Untog.t.
filial .hould be in tho hands of eve
5as u jireveiilivo of .ecret vie s, or as a guide lor its x
'Ilh undcr-iRiioir desires to call tho
intention nl tne I'ublie to hit facilities Tor ouiai u-
ine Pi nsiuns, llountii'd f Local and 7,,i eminent'! Iloun
ty i. amis fo' Soldiers. Hack. pay, Settleiuelit of oilicei'i
SAcfouuls. t&r tii.ciiari;ed ol liers or their hut a ran
'eel their full Homilies, lhou!ii neneraliy limy have only
iieruivvd part No charges for inloriii iliuH. uur uulei-s
claim Is ururuil. Olhee with II. II l.illlo. Le".. iuV
vi hue frame building below Lxchangc Hotel.
April I. 150.) ly.
al'eviaiion of one of the luosl awful and il,rtrucltvo
scourges ev, r viit, il mankind, one ropy securely en. i
Inpcdwill be forwar.lfii tree orpo tace to any nartt
ol the I. ml, d States fur SU rents in P O stamps. t
Audress post paid. llr. Hunter, No. :i Division-
Street. New vork
.May il, tvi.-y.
E'tatt of Dmicl Stoker, Deueascd,
r F.TTF.. I Testainentarv on Hie estate nf liii.,i
Lj Stoker. la'e ofFisliiiigcreektowiisiiip.Coiutnbin m. i
oei,',, il.,. --r,i ,,iiii,- ii) ,,, ui'pisit'r Of V Ills
&C, to Ihe unlrrslBiied residing in tald twp.
all persons havine ilaims against the n tale nf the
decedent are requested to present them to the Riu.
or without delay and all persons nidi bled lo make
payment loriiiwiiu.
April I. ISd5 -CwJ3. Hxecutor
HiThIkkiiI : liow Lost how RfNlornl,
... Just publisliod, a new edition of Dr. Oil-
,airfi terwell'sl clebrnted lUuty on the radical
WTy cure (without medicine; of Speruialorrhuit.
Jtir'- oi aoiuinu wrakness, Involunlary Seniinnt
Losses, liopntenry, Mental and l'li)sicnl Incapacity.
Iinpenilimeiits to marriage, etc, also, f.'onsumpt,uii
Lpilrpsy, ami Fits, induced hy self iiidulgcuce or .ex
ual etlrnvagance.
I'rico. in a sealed envelope, only sir cents
The celebrated author in tins admirable no.... , i,.i.u.
lemnnitrales. from a thi rt V veats' suiraasful iirr,ri,, e
Ihat lliu iilarmliig conseuuenres of si'lf abutii miv hn
radical V cured wlthuuithe. daueerous use of loi,...i
.ncdli ine or the application of the knife pointing gut
I mode or cure at mire simple, certain, and i tfottual,
ay means of which every sufferer, no matter what his
.oiiniiinn may oe, may euro inniseii rneapiy, privately
ind radically
Hy" 'this Lecture should be in tha hands of every
ynuili and every man in the land. '
S, nl. under seal, in a plain envelnne. to asv m!,lr..
;tost pld ..n r 'ceipt of x rents, or iwn post sum.,
l.MO,, ,1IU I'llUI isiicr.
117 Uroadway .New York. I on oihto lloi 4,5Sfl,
Aptlll, IBoS
suppled to Hanks. Merchanlsand Countv Officsn
iri iue tu-.i niai risi ..ruers ny man nronirillv at
iioiviei in, ty r, runny
fTAVlNG rhanced Ills residence fiom Moutrosc. to
11 IVHST l'ITi S I ON Luzerne county would say
in ins pauons aim an vwsuiug ins proies.iohai s rvi
c '8. ill il they can ad tress In ut nt the list named place
L- All rails in the vicinity of llic Kulruun. ntten
led to with promptness.
April H InivS
llATci, CAP.,
No. 257 North Third Street Phila'd.
Nov -."l. IPIi'J
Select School.
The Snrlnr Session of Ibis School will open on Toes.
day, Ihe Irth iu.t.. in the ilasemciil of toe Ceiman Ite-j
fornieu l.liuiin "nine tiiitioiies ni a ituerai l.ogllslll
Kdiiration willh" taucht. I'rices w
,11 ?iiper 'planer ol timven wees.s.
I n. motions will he given in any ofthe fancy branch
rs, anj also on iuu roue i iauour .neioueou
i;i,i.oiunA i i.r.pi'iit;u
Itloointburg, April S, Ibtl.y,
Mii.lin-1 harlcs Kliugeruiao. John llufloumla il s
Montour Joseph Mnucr
Mt PI a.ail Amos Wanick
Orange Jhnatli-in Poj.t
Vine- Albert lluater. Lhjah shaamaksr.
lioaringererk-Charles ,v,en.,h
rugiirioaf-Chrisiian L. Moore
S it. T B5 i A S'
'A' E N E T 1 A N L I N IHE N T .
T curt Chnlera, whin fii-t ij,knu, in e,
hems Djaenftry in hlf m hour! TonthaeJio
fin live iniuoi, s. It p , fruity innocent In lake Inter.
Inally and Is r coiniiiHiidcd by the most eminent phy.
,sicians m the United States. Price. 4(1 and cu cents.
Tw.ius.r. A.igu.tC. 1J)'
Dr S 1. Tobias. Vcw 'ork DearSir . - i hvveu., 4
tour Vein tin., Liniment w nil great ,u ,ess, both as u
lint as v ell as an est. mat uituirinr. In iat :s r
I ft 1 1 , u - i olic and ( loners .Morloi. I , . u as aorsr
ielgu remedy. Your en, mu .u,rse Liniment stands
uuiuallsil as a hnrae lihiui'iit aiu mg.t I irrp'rs aaa
bout m, n on this inusl.
Pip't North II uiuli t'siial.
Snldhy ah Driic'tists ndiec. No. a-i 'oilaKdt St
April I let'S. In. o J Ksva Vck
The Forks Hotel.
The utidersianed hating taken the well.kuowu Forks
Hotel, reinciiu illv lo hlslrienda and th.
Innblic eenrralli. thai lie Is prepare, I in accommodate
i all wuo may lavur fiiui who mrir oonini, to voure sal-
lie is provided wlin ainpit MSbinif and protiioirr
for inn nrrouimuiiauoii oi iraviueft. ream. ler., uru.
vers, k' on moderate, terms.
tJ 1'uMici.u.ioui is soil. It'll
HI mm bur; ' ? ,t i )
WO COUNTV OK1IKRS, one No. 9, iljts.l Mtrch
id. L-l'3. I'.ivable to Jesse Coleuull.for Sll.j.'. an 1
lee n Iter No. II'J, dated March 70, iM.j, pavable to L
L, Tale, lor fin.ou Ihe Under will hn suitably re
warded ,y d, livering them in thn undersigned. At
payment has been .topped, tlawy can be of nu use l
any but th owner.
I'donmsb irg. April 13 LW.
1. FRY 'In W.. PFRIIV.
..laiiuiacturine Si.tuoner,
March) s3 S W Co,, nh 4 ta, p,ip,
A Lot
nnd Dewllitif' Uouul with
OarrJen Si tine, nun Trees (Jul hull
hotf.i.c slliiale on UHO Street, it l,.w
utaiid near iue tcuueiuy I osve.sion glviri upon il.
lllisl dav of April. leiS Foi
Ispp y 1 1 the uudei.iJ.iied
In'iu aaa parti, al its.
ii t nmi u,
Urh4 iss.l Slh siv Ri.r t ! i hit a
I in; Knuar ft,,,