Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, April 22, 1865, Image 2

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mi ..iaW iwrrw rm
" Our Conillttitlbn mard II aver !
iJur tlorloul Unionhold It dear I
Our Starry ring forsake It never I
Tht proud Cancaaalanonr only pr!
Saturday Morning, Apr. 22,1065.
( AFTER JANUARY lT, lets. )
$3 00 per Year, or
2 50 if paid strictly in advance.
HiHOduir, a lentlmculnot to be appalled, corrupt
nl or eniiiproinlted It know no baiens, It cower.
to no danger, it opprca.ea no weakneaa. D.-ttrucllrc
nitty ofdetpotltm It la the solo conaervator of liberty,
labor and property. It l the aentlment of freedom, of
'lal rlfliti, or equal obligation iho law or nature
r-frvodlnp the law or the land-Aurs.
Columbia County Democratic
'"PHE membera of the Drmoctatle County Coramltte
i win meet at the URice 01 me ciiairinan u. n
Mttto in lllooin.burg. on Monday, the l.t day or .May
next, between the hour, of I and 2 o'clock, p. m., for
the purpnte or making arrangement, to elect Delegate
to the Slate Contention tn June next. III. important
tint theio bo u full attendance.
E. II. LITTLE, Chairman.
Mottnsburg, Afrrll 23 1P01.
SSf A largo part of our spaoc to-day
is taken up with a drsoiiption of tho
great National- Tragedy and matters ro
utine thereto, which our readers no
doubt will consider of more absorbing tm
portancO'' starring and norrowful as they
are than tho ordinary events ofthe news
Death of th& President.
now rapidly important events arc
crowded upon us ; and Jbow sudden is the
transition from joy to sadness. A' week
ago we publishod the surrender of Lee's
army and the crushing of the rebellion,
which caused general rejoicing and thauka
giving throughout tho country. To-day
it is our painful duty to announco the
death of the Presidontrwho fell by tho
hand of. an assassin on Friday evoniog
last, whilo at Ford'e theatre, and tho na
tion is plunged in gloom and mourning
No such sad event has over before oc-
currcd in our history. On two occasions
our Presidents have died of disoute, but
this is tho first instanoe where any public
men uf noto, since tbo establishment of
our Government, has been removed by
violence. The oojutry is shocked at tho
enormity of tho offence, and all specula
tion as to tho motives ot tlie parties en-
gaged in- this terrible outrage fails of so
During the last four yeats wo have metll'amo gentleman'a influence in procuring a
with many misfortunes, but nono to be
compared with this. Tho death of Mr.
Lincoln at this timo we consider a great
national calamity. His reoent action
promUed so much hopo for the early
pacification of the country, and healing
of th'e wounds of the rebellion, that there
is great distrust of a ohange of polioy,
Wo hope, however, the now President
will bo governed by moderate councils
and carry out tno conciliatory policy so
recently begun.
This sad-event carries with it its ownry Seward's condition this morning.
moral. How forcibly it brings to our
mind the uncertainty of-the pomp, tbel0s aS Dot Pencd h,a 0'M 81000
power, and tho glory of this life, In-al-
moat tne twinkling o an eye no wno was
ioutiu.-af.amui i. iuaw UUu.uu amu.i.ui. j
could desire, is cut down, and with htnytuas improved siooo morning and hop
, and with
porish the worldly expectations and hoposVrc now entertained of bis recovery.
of his family and friends;
When the news reached Bloomsburg,
every one wore a sad countenanoo, and a
stranger to have witnessed tho general ex
prcssion' of deep regret would have sup
posed our community entertained no dif
ference of politioal sentiment. Boyond
the politioal significance tho death of the
President has, tho manner of it shocked
tire heart of .everyone. In our columns
will be found an account of tho assassioa
tion-of tbo President, and tho assault on
iur. ocwaru nuout iuu 6 a uiu nine, jl luis
time it is not knorfn that more than the
parties actually engaged' in tho bloody
r a . .t.- .? . .
work, were concerned in it, and tho mis
oreants arc still at largo. May they be
speedily punished'.
8- Samuel- Xlib, one of tho Fort
Mifflin Prisoners, who wss, by tho illegal
military commission, ncDtenoed to two
years imprisonment', was relea-sed without
f-onditions or stipulations of any kind ;
nnd returned to bis homo and1 family on
I hursday bit.
Mr. Klino was among the forty-six' who
wero arrested last September in tho mill
tary raid into this oounly. Mr. John
Ranis, Valontine Fell, John Lemons,
Joseph V insiokle, and Benjamin F. Col
ley are yet suffering in the Fort.
Death or Hon. Jas, T. Hale Wo
regret to learn that tho Hon. James T.
Ilali', late member of Congress from Ly.
mming district, died suddenly at his rrn
. Urn in BelWonle, on the tfih int.
Post Mantel of Bloomsburg.
An interesting little fight bus been In J
progress for somo time on this subject. 1
w (utioiiiLU IIIUI 0 nil 1111 Ug WU1IU 1
tho olairas of ilia two applicants werofl
pending, lor tho game reason that the wifol
did not Inicrforo in the fiVht W
,lcar and ber bu-band. But now, that thol
inattor is settled, and the lltv, D. A. Beck-
Joy la announced as Post M tstor, we will 1
bo allowed to uiaks a noto of it. I
Bo it understood that tbo applicants I
were John B. Purscll.a of this nlaoo
r . ... .
from his boyhood and Mr. Beoklcy, a
traveling school-toaoher. The contestants
entered tho ring iu Gno stylo and good
Ubting trim Furaell being backed by
Robert F. Clark, E.quiro ; and Beokloy
by Dr. John,Tri'aJ Thomas Dunn. After
a contost lasting for some weeks, Dr. John
announcod Mr. B. tho viotor.
We ounfoss soma surpriso at tbo result.
The backer of Mr. Pursell, to wit Mr.
Clark, had a position in the party, indeed
was its acknowledged head in this county,
betoro the Doctor had oven boon hoard of
hero, and wo strongly suspect before he
had been heard of any where else. Ho
had consented, for tho benefit of tho par
ty, to bo mado a victim in thn on-.
- - " " vvuuvvu ill
miniit l.o nnrtr.M t,. ...j
O-- w j"-.v uuiujviijr uuuwriiliu BUG
cess, he dsolmed to be a candidate last fall.
Ilideed, we understood at tbo timo ofthe
nomination of Judgo Mereur, that Mon
tour county and Wyoming county wera
U-.l. ..., .
uiumnsirucica tor candidates other than
Mereur; and that Mr. Clark, who pre-
smeu at too Uonference, had influence
enough with tho conferees from those
counties, to induoo them to disregard their
instructions, and give an unanimous vote
tor J udgo Mrour. If wo are mistaken in
this, Mr.Beckley'a backer will please cor
reot us.
ft is said, (we assert nothing on our
own responsibility,) that the friends of Mr.
Pursell are somewhat indignant st the re
sult. Wo
J ,u uuicuivcs, UllUK II IS wnn-
r. ,..l .1.;..,. .
out reason. Thev have' acted wirl, rho
party too long not to know that tho men
who do the dirty work are tho mon that
aro not paid.
Wo recollect to havo seen most fialtcriiic
f a? xm , . ... w
nonces oi iUr uiorls's speeobos in bobalf ol
Judgo Mereur, last fall in Wyomine and
Bradford, and we porsonally heard a
speech on tho same subject hero, which we
thought did him no credit, but which re
oeived the applauso of his party friends.
ni ne excuse us if wo inquire how ho
likes the pay for bis services ? Considor
ing that Judgo Morour was moro indebted
to Mr. Clark for the unanimous nomina
tion whioh resulted in his election, than to
any other person ; and that Mr. Beokley
was probably saved some months incar
ceration in the jail of the county, by tho
paraon alter conviction ; wo cannot for
bear an expression of sympathy for Mr.
Republios are al'waya ungrateful Pdi-
ticiam never. Will the editor of the lie
publican hazard the expression of an
opinion, as to how Mercur's vote in this
county, two years henot-, will compare
with bis vote last fall f We pause for a
r : i : c . t
vuuu'"uu ui .secretary steward
auu ilia oon.
ashi.noton, April 104 ; lu A. M -
mt . it . . . Ja
i ne nurgeon spoaUs tavorably of Secrota
Frederick Seward still lemains uneon -
' Friday night.
JNEW 10KK. Ann Ifi. A nrivnln .11.
tch from a meinber of Mf Scward,s
feiamuy, read tms (Sunday) afternoon.states
i,IIU laD condition ol lTederick Seward
htm-tuas improved siooo morning and hopes
m. vaavyjr lUC Ol leW fr6l-
dent. i
W.HII IK'n TOM. ,Unl I K T)..,Mi'
slonal election of 1802, and that tbercrvery y ,C
- - . - - . ... X IVOlUCUl
r ' ""u"'" ,ll-m "1L'r ursi
f. I .,.. r. .A.
.uiurn, wwws uusoiternoon.attbe Treas.g
JohllSnn nn'lt Lie nil, inn, l.l.l .l..f.. ...Iknnb nf Ilia linml
p-gury Department, in the room of Secretary
if.M'Oulloch. President Johnson in
venation with a distinguished gentleman?!
.to-day presont he saw no necessity'mg Pro-idcnt is too sad for description.
Iforan extra session of Congro6s,and furth-
er that he would not commit himself to a
'policy which would prevent visiting con
dign punishmont on traitors. Ho had
been fighting rebels hero and in Tennessee,
and bis previous course might bo regard'.
!ed as an indication of his futuro
upon this subjeoti-
Released from the Draft.
Orders wero received on last Monday ,by
Capt Silver, the Deputy Provost Marshal,
announcing that all men Drafted under
the oall ofthe Presidont, in tho 10th day
ui j-n.L-uuiui.-r, icui, auu vrno'uati not re
P TV, t , on , .1 , .
ported, aro Released. Also, ordered, not
to servo notices upon tho men jnst Drafted
asthoy will not bo wanted. This glor
iotis news indicates the end' of tho War.
Johnson has surrendered to General
iSr Mr.-E. J. 'J'hoi Wro.N haa removed
his Paper Hanging Store, into tbo roon
formerly occupied by Mr. Bernard Ru.
pert, as a Tailor Shop, two doors below
bis old stand aad has a fine assortment ol
Fanoy Wall Paper, on hand and will be
4old cheap or put up to order.
tZ&- Mr. Jacob Metz, hat opned a
New Tin Shop, on the corner of Court
Hotrno Alley.
National Calamity
the search for the asbabsin.
Tnnuvumtln,, of Vir,.nt'l.t .lnh,n
1 - - J
us President.
WAsnisoTON, April 14 Prosidont
Linooln and his wife, together with other
friends, this evening visited Ford's thea
tro, on Tenth street, for tho purpose of;crt Lincoln, to an adjoining room.
witnessing tho porformanco of the ''Amor-S 2.30 Tho President is very quiet.
nn "
It was announced in tho papors that!
Gen Grant would also be present but that I
gentleman instead took the late train of
cari for Now Jcrsoy. 1
Tho thoatro was densoly crowded and I
delighted with thoj
fscene uoiore tnem
During tho third act, aud whilo tbore?ing.
was a tempornry pauso for ono of the ao-3 0. Pulso failing, rospiration 28.
tors to enter, tho sharp report of a pistol 0.30. Still failing and labored breath
was heard, whioh merely attracted attending.
lion, but suggested nothing scribas until a
man rushed to the front of tho President's
box waving a long dagger in- bis right
band, and
rmmiit !.
the box
exclaiming-, "Sec Semper 'u-oren o'clock this morning the Prcsident?,,10 nlinf,D Kotm, n.mnnr.ti.. ho v W United States.
. ' immniiiftrniu. inniin rrnm . nronrnori ma iniir nin.ini. i,,a .v.a n. im. . . . , . , ,
.. , . ... . f . ..a" d 1 , ...
, whioh was of tho second tier, to, tailing to sleep, aud his eountonanoe aa-SLot SUCCccd in his business, and civinK it' Con.titutiou of
tbo stago beneath and ran across to thesuming an-expression of period Berenity.
opposite sido, thus making his cscapo,amid
tho bewilderment of tho audience, from!
the rear ot tho theatre, and mounting aj
horse, fled. Tbo screams of Mrs. Lin-?
first disclosed tho faot to tbo audieueeYork Avenuo Presbyterian ohurch, im
the President had been shot then mediately on its being ascertained thai
all present roso to their feet, rushing
ward tho stage, mauy exclaiming, "Hang
him ! Hang him 1"
Tho excitement was ono of the wildest!
possible description', and of courso theroj
was an abrupt termination of the theatri -
oal performance.
There was a rush towards the Presi-vagain
dential box, when cries were heard i
'Stand back I Give him air I Has any)
ono stimulants ?"
On a hasty examination, it Was" found
tbat the President had been shot throughfnison, M. G. Field, Assistant-Secretary ofBjamlary) jg49) ne offered a eohemo for
tho head, abnvo and back of tbo temporal
bone, and that some of the brains was'
oozing out.
He was removed to a private house op
posito the theatre, and the Surgeon Gen
eral of tbo army and other surgeons Were
sent for to attend to his coudition.
On an exmination of the private box,
blood was discovered on the back of the;
cushioned rocking chair on which the Pres'
ident had been sitting ; also, on the par
tition and on the floor. A common single
barreled pocket pistol was found on the
A military guard was plaood in front ofiroom in whiob the"corpse lay. Secrcta-
the nrivate residence to which the Presi-5'rtes
dent bad'been conveyed.
An imniLTiSP. crowd imUmrprl in frnni nfi.
':t, all deeply anxious to learn the
rtion Qf ,h0 prebidcntt It bad boen
viomly announced that tho
wound was
mortal, but all hoped otherwise
The shock to iho community was lerri-
1 At midnight tbo Cabinet, with Messrs.
Sumner, Colfax and Farnsworth, Judgelhearao, and wrapt in the American flag.
Oarhar P.n.nrnnr n..luKn On MnloK
Coli n., nd a few 30Da, fricnd with?famry( General Auger and other military
Surgeon General Barnes and his mcdicalfoffioers followineon foot.
lassoc ates. were around his bedside. ThE
was in a dying oonditioo at mid-
Tho President was in a state of syncope,
,, . ., , , , .. . .
totauy insensmio anu ureatning siowiy,s.poraoual friends of the deoeased' to enter
tlifi lilnnd nny'mir frnm tlin urnnnrl at ili' ,L
! . . . - - - v . w
.... -w .
m . .... .
' no surgeons wero exnamimg every
oon-luoP wa
of medical skill, but all
was "one,
The parting of his family with the dy-
Ibe President and Mrs. Lincoln did
not start 10 tne tuoatre tut ntieen minutes
after eight o'olock. Speaker Colfax was flower8 l,avc been placed upon tho pillow
jat the White House at the time, and tlioLnd over tbe breasti The corpse of the
president stated to him that ho was go-
'ihg, although Mrs. Lincoln had not been?rooin of Tueaday. in ordar to ciVo the
conductiwel'i because the papers bad advertised:
that Gen. Grant and they were to bo pres
ent, and as Gon. Grant had gouo North,
he did not wish the audienco to ho disap
pointed He went with apparent rcluo-1
tanee, and urged Mr. Colfax to go with
him, but that gentleman had made other
engagements, and with Mr. Ashmuo, oli
Massachusetts, bid him good-bye,
Washington, April 16, Storctary
M'Culloob remained with the President
until five o'clock A M.. and Chief Justioe
Chase, after several hours attendance dur
ing the night, returned again' early this
Tho following minutes, taken by Dr
Abbott, show tbo condition of the Presi
dent throughout tho night.
11 p. in, PuUe 44;
11.05 p. m. Pulse -46,
11.10 p.
11.10 p.
11 20 p
m. Pulse 45.
tn, Pulse 42.
m --Pulso 46
Respiration 27
to 10
11. SO p. m. Pulso 42.
11.32 p. m. Pulse 48 and full.
11.40 Pulso 46.
11 45 Pulso 40. Rosplrotlon 23i
12.08 a. in. Respiration 22.
12.10 a', nt. Respiration 21
"ecs in b&lh eyes.
12.30 a. m. Pulso 04.
12 32' Pulso 00. .
12.30. Pulso 60.
12.40. Piitsn no ? rtrrlit -n mtinK
swollen nnd eohmosos.
, .c .. . - - .
a. m. Pulso 70: rospiration 2?.top ofthe oaf will bo dcooratcd with plu-
. . i k . ...... z.1
ix, oo l'Ulic ou ; struggling motion ot
arms. f
(Morning of tho 16th.) U
VI I n n A. I
n 00 ? respiration ju.
.o .ui.uisc ,i j .jpoani-g
1.46 a. in. Pulso 80; very quiet j
rttian linn irvnitllln t Xfaa T .IkaaI ri n pas J"
respiration irregular; Mrs. Lincoln.prcs
2 10, Mrs. Lincoln retired, with Rob
1'lllflfl fid. T i!ini ration VH. . p,
2.62 a. m. Pulse 48, respiration 30.
9 a. m. Visited again by Mrs. Lin
3.25 Respiration 24 and regular.
4. Respiration 20 and regular.
4 15. Pulse 00, respiration 26.
0 60. Respiration 2d and regular sleep
7. symptoms onmmcdiatodissolution.gcaplain of 8 company. Returning, after
7,'l'i a, ra. Death. E
There was no indication of pain, and
it was not known that be was dead until
the gradually decreasing respiration closed
altogether. The Rev. Dr. Insley, of Now
to-slife was extinot,
knelt at tho bedsido, audi
goffered an impressivo prayer, which was
Bre'spondod to by all present.
Dr. Gurloy then proocedod to the front
parlors where Mrs. Lincoln. Capt. Robert
Lincoln, Mr. John Hay, the privato Sea-
Krelary, and others, were waiting, whero ho.
offered for the consolation of'
Kthe family.
Surrounding the death bed wero Sec-
'retaries Stanton, Welles, Usher, Attorney i
General Speed, Postmaster General Den-
tho Treasury, Judgo Oito, Assistant See-
retary of Interior, and Gun6ral Hallcck.
Gen. Meigs, Senator Sumner, F. B.
iAndrcws, of New York, Gen. Todd, of;
IDacotdh, John Hay, Privule .Secretary,!
Gov. Oglesby, of Illinois, General Farna
.worth, Mrs. and Miss Kenni'dy,Miss Har
ris, Capt. Robert Lincoln, son ofthe Pres.
ident,and Dr. E. W. Abbott, IV. It. Stone,
C. D- Gatch, Neal Halt and Liiber-
A special cabinet meeting was called
imiuedi. tely after the President's death,;
by Secretary Stanton, and held in the!
r .
Stanton, Usher and Welles, J'ost-
fmaster Genoral Dennison,and Attorney
General Speed were prescut. The results
J At precisely twenty-two minutes pastjl(,d for ,t.e LPBj8iatiiro bv the Whies: but? fully txcoulo
j .-r- , ,6 "gieated. He tnon opened a store, out uiu 'uij,
condi.sof tue con erenoo were not made Known.
The President's body was removed from!
tho private residence, opposite Ford's;
theatre, to the Executive Mansion ibis
morning at half-past nine o'clock, iu a!
T. .... .J I .A -f I..
A' ilsm. nrnml thn
A dense crowd accompanied tho ro
mains to the Whito House, whero a mili
f tary guard excluded the orowd, allowing'
' nono but persons of tho household and
i r
t. ... .. .
, 1 J UiumiBQ.,
K WasHiNoTOM. Anril 0. The eornse
V . - r - I
of ,he ,atB Prosiden, ba8 becn lald out in
tbe room kuown as guest's room,
kwpst whip of tie whilo Jiouso. it is
dressed , 6uit of btack ciotbe8 norn b..
I bim at b;a iafl inauguration. A placid
mi)o rest9 lipon tbo f(.aturcfl ami lbe ,e
pr,.,B.i Beem9 t0 be in calm sleeD Whil
prcsid(,nt will bo laid out in Stato in east
publican bpportunity to see the features
him onoe more.
The cataffalque upon which the body
will rest, is to ba placed in tbo Fouth part'
of East room, and is somewhat similar in
style to that used on the occasion of thel
doath of Prosidont Harris Steps will bo
placed' at tbo side to cnablo tho publio to
mount to a position to get a perfect view
of the face. The eatatTalquo will bo lined
with flutid white satin, and on tho outsido
it will bu covered with hlavk oloth and
kirk velvet It is understood tl at the fu
neraloi President Linooln will tako place
next Thursday. Rev. D. V. Gurloy,
New ork Aveuuo Presbyterian Church,
whero tho Prosidont and family have beenSretary, who was lying in a bed in the
accustomed to worship, will doubtless
officiating clergymen. Tho remains will
be temporarily deposited in tho vault ofiterios.
Coogrossional Cemetery, and hereafter! Tho assassin th,en rushed down stairs,
taken to Mr. Lincoln's home at Spring-fraounted his borso at the door, and rode
Gold, Illinois.
Tho funeral ear 'which it being prepar
ed fur th oeturion, ii to br msjnitleent
affair. Ills tb bo built oh a hearse body,
t Tim vor
' illlll IIIO UAlfCIIJU IUIItU lUUltl'lu ivii
t,.i r ii.n n. .ill t,n nnrBA mild li AnkTflillod at Secretary awards nouau to w
cloth, from which will hang large fistoonil
of cloth on th'o tides and ends1.- L'aihered
and fastened by largo rosotts of white and
b ack velvet. The bed of the car on
which tho coffin will rest, will be right
foot from tho ground, in order to givo full
view of the coffin, and over this will rise
a canonv. the sunnorts of which will bo
draped with black oloth and velvet, lue
iucrs, car win uo umwu uj bia
rn. I.- -I L .!
r . . . . ....
oigiit norses, each lea oy a groom.
ntoonAP'nr or irtr.siD'ENT linrolk.
IIc WM borI) in n pftrt of ,Iardirj 00UDty J( n()w jnoIudtd JjHrQo COUIlty
Fobruiry l2, 180D, io that his age was
fifty-six years.
His father, who was a farmer, moved to
Indiana in 1810, whore Abraham worked
uron th(J farllj goit)g , school
3..I. At ihr. nrG nf ninotccn I
at Intor
At the ago uf nineteen he mado a
trip as a hired hand on a flat-boat to Now
Orleans. In 1830 ho moved with his
fiiilior to Macon, Illinois, and assisted in
tbuilding the log cabin which beoamo their
s lioino, and in making rails for tho farm
Ucnecs. In the tho following year noas-
Esisted in building a flat-boat and went in
hit again to New Orlcanc Hi turning, ho
Kwas employed as a clerk of a storo and
P Ml . k, (1.1 111!
mm at iew oaicm, miuon.
In 1832 Mr. Lincoln volunteored for
I. a 11 f a TTn nr L it no nnrl run J lit nf nil
blue ui m iw la i i rv ) ui. it ii vv vi vvtwu
rilirnn ttmntliO tiO trnq unminfl
up, he was appointed postmaster in New
Salem, He then began to study law, Gentlemen .I must be permitted to soy
borrowing books for tho purpose from at,at j)aTC bei.n ai,B06t overwhelmed by
1.1 : I TT.. .1.. t..4tArl .-' . ... . .
uLigiiuoriug inwvi'i. iicanuoiuuiau ui-
veying, and obtained somo employment in
that business. f
in 1834 be was elected to the Legi.-U-
iuii;,iiuu uiicinaiua ku .uiuu cuuuuaai.u
terms. In 18J0 he began tho praUiee ot.
tbo law at bpringiicld, in partnership with
Major John E. Stewart. Ho ro-e rapidly
to distinction in his profession, but did not'
abandon politics, and soon heoame one ol
the most prominent leaders ol ibe Whig?
party, several times being on their elec
toral ticket.
In 1840 he wa elcoted to Congress, and
at once took side in favor of all tbo uiovo
ments of the thon "Free Soil" party. In
abolishing slavery in the District of Col
umhia, by compensating the slave owucrs
In 186S ho wai tho Republican candi
date for United States Senator, against
Judge Douglas, the campaign bciug one of
the moat spirited ever known iu Illinois.
Judge Djuglas obtained a majority of the
members of iho Legislature, and was re
eloi-ted United Stales St-nator.
On the I Gib of M:iy, I860, Mr.. Lincoln!
was nominated for President by tho Re
publican National Convention at Chicago,
aud elected iu November, 1S0U He was
again nominated by the same party on the
7th of June, 1804, at Baltimore, re-elect
ed ot tho 8lh of November, 1804,and died,'
hy the hands of an assassin, on the 10th o1
April, 1906.
The attemht to assassinate Secretin Sew
r( I ne istc.rd'iry Ins son vruletinu
and an attendant murtuliy woun le'l.
Washington, April 14. When the ex
eitement at tho theatre, where the Presi
dent was shot, was at its wildc.-t height,
reports were circulated ihat Seoretary
Seward "had also been assassinated.
On reaching this gentleman's residence
a crowd and a military iruard was loond
at the door, and on entering it was asjcr
tained that the reports were based' upon!
truth, livorybody there was oxeited that
scarcely an intelligent' aeoount onuld be
gathered, but the factraro substantially asl
About ten o'clock a man rang th'o bell
and the call having been answered by
colored servant, bo said he had oouielrom
Dr. Verdii Secretary Seward's family phy
sician, with a prescription, at the sami
time holding in his-hand a small piece of,
folded pspcr, and saying, in answer to
refusal, that ho mutt seo the -Secretary, at
ho was entrusted with a particular dircc
tion oonsccmiDL' Iho medacine.
Ho still' insisted' on going up, although!)
o ft,
repeatedly informed that no one oould en 1
ter the chamber. Tho man pushed ttu
oflservant aside and walked quickly to tbi
jSocrctary's room, and was there mot b)
Mr. Froderiok W, Seward, of whom he
fdemaiidcd to see tho Secretary, making
jtbe same representation whioh ho did to
the servant.
What further passed in tho way of col
jloquy is not known, but the man struck
! hi i on the head with a billy, severely in
juring the skull , and felling him almost
senseless, J ho aiaassin then rushed intuu
tbo chamber and attacked Major Seward B
paymaterin tho United Slates army, and
Mr. Hanscll, a messenger of tho Stato do
ofpartmoiit, and two male nurees, disablinp
athom all. He then rushed upon tho Seo
bofsamo room, and inflicted thrco stabs in
(the ncok, but severing, it is hoped, no ar-
off before an alarm oould bo sounded, and
;in tbe imo manner as the aisun of thn
Secretaries Stanton and Wtsliit, and oth
prominent officers of tho Government,
nrnminetit officers
I I 4
qulrointo his uonditlon, and' thcro hoard
ot the ajsassination of the J'rnsldcnt.
They proceeded to thrr House whero he
was laying, exhibiting; of cour.u, intense
anxiety and rolicitude,
l'ho entire city to night prrfont n
soenc of wild excitement, accompanied by 1
violent expressions of indignation, and tho J
nrofanudest sorrow. Monv t.hed tears, ff
r - - f
The cnmlil'mn ot Strrttaru Seward and , Ulnrliargr. Impulenc) , General Debility, Neriuu.
jne conauian oj ciicreiury ockwiu f ii.m, li)pipln, I.ancuor, Lok' Fplrll,, Confuilnn of
llU ton. Men. Pnlpltntlou ofthe Heart, Timidity, 1 miiMlnrt,
r Uliiine.r of Sight or (IMdinev, Pluaie of the Head
W ASniNOTNN. Anril 15. - Suoretary . Throat, Nms, or llawiU-tlioie Terrible liiordora'
tiAauinuiHa, prii u'11 fH,i,nt from SMItary Ilnl.ltn of Yoiill.-.rcret o&d'
Seward Was ill a moro COmlortnhle coll 2 .ulltnry iiracllcei more fatal tu IUlr rlctlou (han Ih
. 8 .oiiir of fyreim t. thi-Mariner! uf Ulei, l'llhtln.
dltioll early this moruini;. l-ri-duriok Jlheir nmrt brilliant hopi'r antlelpatloni, roudffing
' , J Dinrrlaje, kc., Inipoiiible,
Seward s skull is fraelurou in two picees, YOUNG MEN
besides A Severe C lt Upon the hoad, Tho'K.peclnlly, who have become thn rlollini ft Solitary
. . . ..., ii l... t . i
BttendaUtS Is Still altVO UUt UOpelCS
, . a l, ..-.I,..., .l...
Major BOWard S WOUnUl aro not danger-
fice'Pics'tdent Johnson sworn in its
wr. oonnson rcqiiesicu tuai inu UKi-i
mnnv alinnlil tnlfr. nlnno nt hi TOOmS at '
mnny 8IIOUIU lane ptace Ol nis Uk,
tho Kirkwood Hou.'O in this city, at ton!
Mr. Johnson requested that the oere-
f ImmfdUtely C'irtd nd full vigor re.iored,
o cIook In the morning. -jhi iii.triiK aireetina wnich imjoi. ur.iu..
Hon. Salmon P. Chase, Chief Justice ofSX '?Z't f
the Supreme Curt of tho United States,' :;Vre"07VE. .11:::','
was notified ofthe fact and desired to l.o ZnXi
in attendance to administer iho" oath of.fty.Vt'
offlco. At tho sborc named hour the J JS'tfViff'i "TiSS'A'-tr.l'VK'Mjrf'.ftS:
gentlemen assembled in tbo Vice Pri-;;-,rM,or,r,.i;1;r:l,;v yot.Klr'i;?.!
dent's room to participate In tho ccrcmo-i.w.M
ny. Tho Chef Justice then ad
the following oath to Mr. Johnson :
41 1 do solemnly swear that I will faith-
tha office of President of the
and will, to the best of my
preserve, protect and tlett-ntl Hie
the United States,''
Speech oj Ptesident Johnson.
ti, announocmeiit ol tbo pad event wnteii
ba3 80 recently oo-uncd. I feel incom
petont to perform duties so important and
rcaponsible as those which have been so
UUOXpeOtedly tlllOWU Upon me
A, , a iR(ioatioo of any policy which
moy bo DUrsucd by me ;D ibo administra-
tio of tbe Government, I havo to say that
lbat must bt. cft for development as the!
adminis'ration progrcasos. Tho message
or declaration must he mado by tho acts
as they trnnpiro. Tho only assurance
that I oan give of tho future, is reference
to' the past. The course whioh I have
taken iu thf pat in connection with this!
rebelliou, must be regarded as a guaran
teed of the future, My pabt publio life,
whioh has been long and laborou. ha
been found, as 1 ih good cousoisnoe hn.
lieve, ujon a great principle of right
wliioh lies at ihe basis of all thiugi. Tb
best energies of my lifo havo been spent ii
endeavoring. to emabliah and porpetuati
the principles of fteo Government, bii
I believe that the Government, in passim
through its present perils, will settle dowi
upon principles consonant with populs
rights more permanent and enduring thai
heretofore. I must be permitted to say, i1
I understand tho feelings of my owii heart
that I h:ivo long labored to niuoliot nlo anil
elevate the condition of tho great nines ol
the American people, Toil mid an lion
cbt advocacy .of the gri-at principles of fi c
Government, have been my lot llutio
have boen mine, consequencos are God'r.
This has ben tbe foundation of toy po
litical creed, and I' feel that'll! the end I In
Government will triumph i nd tbm tiicat
great principles will bu permanently oe
tablished. In conclusion, geutletueu, lei
me say that I want your encoursgemeiil
and countenance. I shall atk and rely
upon you aud others in oarryiug the Gov
cromeu't'th;roub its present perils, I feel
iu making this request that it will b
heartily repondcd'to by you and all other
patriots' and lovers of tho rights and inter
ests of a free people.
At the conoliirion of tha above remarks
tho President received tbo kind wubos ol
friunds by whom he was surrounded, and
a few minutes weie dovotod to convorsa
tion. All were deeply impressed with the
solemnity of tho occasion, and' tho recent
sad occurrancc that caused tbe necessity
for the speedy inauguration of tho Prnsi
dent was gravely discussed.
On tho 1 Oth lust. , at the residoncc of I
tho Brido's father, near Bloomsburc, by t
ethu Rev. W. Goodrioh, Alonzo JacodyI
of Catawissa, to Mary K Fihiier, oil
On thn 8th of Fib. 1605, by M. Cole,!
bia county and Miss Manda Hunter, of a
Sullivan co. Pa.
on the lsih of April, 1 805 by theJMalo and Female Academy.
same Mr Emanuel linoAR. of Columh a8 J
oounty, Pa., and Miss Martha McIIe.n-'
n y, of Seneca, county, Ohio.
On the Oth instby tho Rev. J. F. Por
ter, R. M. Wilson, of Valley twp , Mon-
tour county, to Mary K. Hill, of Sba-
In Berwick, nn Tuesday last, John
LEVA?PonT, aged' about 13 years.
In Danville, on tho 11th inst., Emily,
daughter of John and Julia Ann Boyku,
agod 'J years, 4 mooing aud 23 days
Stationery nnd Itlnii; Jtooli's'
Suppliod to dealers ,ond caih buyers at;
law whole. ale rate, J
March 4, lCS3,-Jm,
V. c rp.nav.
Iih and Kara Hu , Phil a
Sniiinaii i mjAfiir); i
Of every description for salt at 'liu offi.
1, i' a vt ar (1 . ,,v . .
TVTsirn Ol htlirf icrmntir
KW -ttUUll lUlUUUlUV
Baltimore, Md
7? Only J'uu uurv n Curt am It d--
Mr- Jlibnaoii hni dt'eovcrrd iho niivtt
(Vtlnln, BJieedT, and only ElTclual tlemeily In tW
World for WVakneii ; (,f the llaikor l.lmbf, Btrlrtar.
Aflectlon. uf the Kidney and liliciuer. invnlunlarr
-A , ie, urn, ui' mnui oimi HV-IIUI.IITU tmuii nniiir
. mi, ure. p.tnnn unlliacly ravt thou. ami f youn
? tn-n of tlie,iint ctalled talent, and brilliant Intellect.
1W,0 inlgluMlmrwI.e bare entranced II tiolng iu.
ra'n with 'hi' thundrrt nf cloiuaco, nr , m.u tocc
I. .tacy the lUIni lyre, mr tall nllh full court .tone-.
Marrlnd p.rtoiu. or young men cuntempla tln nlat
line", bring nwate uf ili).ical weaklier., ur ganlo ti
billty, deforimlle-. .ueedilr curuil.
,, MU l;Hlior ,h0 caro b, Vt t mtf
" "S1."""' ''' h"U"r n a Kentlaru m. uj
coiifld.mly rely upun hi. .kill a. a .by.luni
ohuaniu wkak.nkso
Cough, CiiniUHipllon, Decay and Death.
Member of the loyal Culltge ol Bargena., LinJ.n,
tirailuile from one of the mo, I eminent Cllg lu tk.i
Unltml fitale., and the greater part of nhn.e life ha.
been .pent in t c huapltal of Londuu, l'arit, riiiln.
dclphlo, and ilauwhere, ha. tirctc.l iwit ul Ibe moil
a.tuui.hlng cure, that were rr known; many trci.
' bled with ringing In the head mid mra nheu aileep.
greai nervvuane... blug uiarmen nt .uJoen und..
bathfulneaa. with friqiiuiit bluahlng, uttundid aoin--time
with d.rangmtut of uiiuJ, were Lured luiueul.
Mr. J. all thoaewho hare Injured Ihiui
telrea by inipropi-r indulgence and tilitur jr hablla,
ulilch ruin bulk budy nnd mini, nnUuiug th.ui (ft
tllhrr!, lud). ciclcty, or raarriage.
I'heie arvaonia of thi nd end uu'lar.ihelly elfeati
product d by tarly liablta of youth, vii; U'mknua uf
t lie Ilsckaad I.iinba, I'aliu lu ihe Mead, nimna.a of
Sulit. l.o. nf Alu'cular iowei. I'alnilRtlun of Ilia
! limit lit tpevaia, Nervoua Irratalulity, Diranicmnut
of tho nine'ilvr Function., Uneial Debility, (Syuii.
;tom. nf t.'onaurnptlun, &c.
siisTti.r. 1 ne rouriui on iho mind aro luutti
tn b ilrradud Lo.a nf infernory. Confuaiwii of IWeu.
Dcpnaalun of uplrlla, Krll f'o'bodlnj, Arerilun tu
Butlrly. BelMilatru.l, Love of So ItuJ", Timliiltf ,fcc
ne ionic of the rrl a produced,
'llioiiinnd. of poraoim of all age. fun now Judgt
what I. Ihe cauao ofihir dccllnlai hsallh, lii.lng tk.i:
rlgiir, becoming weak. pale, ncrrau.
having a lingular appearance abuul lb y.. oiijri
an. I aymptuuia of Cuuaittnptiun.
who hare ielured thi ruaclve. br a certain DraMliw..ln
dulaed 111 when alone, a habit ffei ,nllv Unrn.l trtiiAi
evil companion., or at uhoui, the vitrei, of frhicli ar .
uigniiy Kit, even when aalr ep, and, if nut cured ran
dir. marriage luipo.aible and dcalroy. bulti luiinl aad
body, .bould apply iuimdially.
hav a pity ihat a young mm, the licp" nf bur eoaa.
try, Ihu pri'le of hi. parent., annul.) be .r.aUbM trom
an pru.pi'cia anu enjoy menia or llle, uj 111 coa.e
lueiRui'f detlatiiig from Ihe path ef naluru. aud lu
Uulglng in a cerinlu accr.t tiubit. Suib pnr.JU. aii.l.
btfre conleuiplaling
reflect that a louad mind nil J body are the moat sites..
oij esuiMic. i.i pruuiinc ciinuubial napplno .,.
iii.u.ii iiieac ine journey inrougn life oeco ui,
.1 Wi-ur.V pllKrinikK ; lh orualierl In. mil- ,l,kn. i .
Ih vie,,, Die mind beroulr all.ijnw,,,! nllh .In.n.i,
md fllliu wun the lunluncbMlly rtflntlon that the u.
piniaa uf aauth.r btiiume bliihted nliU our own.
Vffi'.e, 7 SotrV. htdtiick Strut.
left-hand aide guiug from Baltloiore .trcut, a fow doer.
rnu ,uv curner t an oi to ou.trvi nuie and naut.
7 No letter, recelred I'nlea poilpniil and eon..
.lining a iRiim tu be llafid on tbn mil,
'iitlug .liouli', 1 at.' etc aud acud iiortii.ii ui .oim..
ntiit L'tai aymptum
Tbo I'uttnr'a Dlploui. bong, in bit cCIm.
Endorsement of the frets.
The rnatir (hnuaniid. ruitd at thi. eit.i
tvituiu the la,t twinly j'Uf. nuU the iiuiueruu. iui
purlanl Hurxlenl ounatiun. lierlur iied bv llr. JuIuk
ton, mlne.aed by the l.poHer' ,'f TI Bun ami many
other, papeie, nntliea o wlileh Im.e apu.-arad again
land ngain t Hire Ui- public, li.nlc hi. .Uniting n. u
: g'-iitleiiiaii uf iharnct'r an.l reap inalbilltr.-ia a and),
cimiI guurnnly tu thr Mtlicted
Skin Diseases Specuilt ( ural,
April ii irj.iy
rnnan wll I V n 'mee ting of the Ornen Cr.ek
truluia I'oniDanv. hrM nt Rnhr.LH.i r?..imiMU
county, l'u.,on t-alurday, SIHh mil, in rlect offleir
nnd am nd toother butin)., of orjanlilnj Ihi Com.
l,nn' ... i VL.OU UOUIiAUD.
.iprn leoj.
Baker & Confectioiier
PUB undo.igned haa olwny. on hand ar.d for tala.
French and Domestic Confec
tions in rjre-.t and .plrnilid riruty ; Sutt. FrulL.and ererr
thing u.uilly found In a nr.t clan confection, ty .Iur'.).
-e would call enpecial atleuilun tu hi. n.wly !
ccir'ed aloik of
Having refrtuily fitted up a new nuJ.i
slegant ,
Ion the rirtt floor, lo doom weat of EjnrA.- Moyer'.
.,vlt, rrpircu i u i,Hii upon nt many cu
toiiKi. Hitli llr.l cu.a Ice L'rtiiiu na cheap a. lbs
theapeal. He will .upply Hull a. t'vrtlr. ami I'lenii.
with Ice Lream, Lonieitiooery, c, at ien.oabla rate.
Bloonuhurg, April 2S, IM1.1.
THK undersigned being regularly licen'
& HI V 0 53 e m
lierrrir oiTera hi. .ervjeo a auch to all who na, f.,1
diaputed to give him a tail, III. long ciprl. nee U
ihe b-i.lne.k, nill enable hiiu tu ruder aati.factien u.
hi. cnatumere.
All perann. dctiritg rny lertlce', will pleaaa lnfra
nr tn that iT:ct before they adv.rtiae
Toit-ornre addreaa Itohr.burg, Columbia county fi
Jackaen tuwn.hip.Jan 7, Isoi
The PptlngTerm nf ll.l. Inttitutlai) brgint
MONDAY, APRIL 17. 1805, and con
TL'ITION' rangra from 8lto7, BO ART) frnm tft'
to 81 Si). Hrinni. fiirniahed at moderate rate, for tlim
wi.liiug tu board ibeni.i-lvet,
US" I'or particulart, a ldrc.a Hon. Jhlin Knana.or Ik.
rriiicipil ul New Culuuilma, l,iuirna county, -,
RKV. A. J. FUitM AN, Principal.
MRS. M. H. FURMAN. Prreeptros.
April 6, lrMi.-lin
U M B E II Jfi L L A S t.
Avn .
?AA8CLS- ,:
Nombcrs 2 and I Ncrlh Fourth' Pt'rrei
Ift5 3m,