' "JMtifU All Jsj V IS COLUMBIA AND BLOOMS BURG GENERAL ADVERTISER ILEVi L TATE, EDITOR. "TO HOLD AND TRIM TIIK TORCH OF TRUTH AND WAVE) IT O'ER TUB DARKENED EARTH." TERMS: 2 50" J N ADVANCE. VOL. 19 1VQ. a BLOOMS BURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PENN'A., -SATURDAY, APRIL 22, 18G5. VOLUME 29. wiiuiijCijiMstMsijiWtf DEMOCRAT, a? GOLD PUNS FOR THE MILLION ! Pens to Suit the nnd, and Piccs to Sitit the Pocket. The boot Gold Pons in the Wcirld On tic rccrlpt oftlip following sunn, uc will send, b mall, or nil dlrcrsed, n OoM ln or l'ns, (electing j,I1ib uni i according in Ihii description, tiaiiiply : ,, Gold Pens, ill Silver Plated Extension 4 Cases with Pencils. ' I'ot 81 Nn 2 pen : for 81 2.5, Nn. 3 p-n ! for 51 50 No. 4p'."in fin SV Nn. 5 poll for Si 25 Nn.Upiti These pen? nrr stamped THE IMI'Kltt L PEN', nnd ore well finished and flue wrlilngOud t'ens.with good nriduui point' although they are unwarranted, und cannot tin exchanged. WAltkANTED GOLD PENS. Our name (American Onlil Pen Co., V. V) In stamp ed on nil our flrrt quality Pens, ami the point are warranted for clx mouths, except ngulnst ai ciilint - )ur second quality Pun, lire stamped TIIK S ITIU.S. AS I EN. wllh tlita Initial of our firm (A. .P. to,) And lire enri fully iiuido, having the mine pnjntsns imr tlr-t quality IVn? the ouly eat uiflereiicv being iu M iallly i.f tlm Gold. Gold Peti', l.t :ind 2d quality iu Solid Silver Extension Ouse, with Pencil. Tor S J on n Nn. 1 pen tut quality or Nti S pi n 2d qual I or 8 J 25 a Ft 11. pen Id quiilliy, or a No a pen '.'dqual Fur it -.5 a Null pen In qu.ilily, or a No 4 pen 2dqunl. rorC iU a No 1 11 IM quality, or a N5 p. 11 Jd qual, I'or SI ou a No 4 p.n 11 q ialily. or a Noll pen 2d qual, for UI 5UaNo. ti pen lit quallt). The Miiuo Gold Pens, in Solid Silver Gold Plated Ehouy Desk Holders and Morocco Cuses. For ? 2.1 No 3 pioi I I qun'lty. orn V 1 4 pen 5d qual 1' ir 3 "') a No 4 pi 11 l-i quality or a n5p"ii 2.1 qual. I'oi .( 2,1 u nifi 11 1. 1 quiilliv. or 11 Now p '11 2 1 qual, 4 I'or ? I IU n No 0 pi n 1st quality I'or S5oiln No 7. v pi n. For 9o 73 p No. b pen. For Sit t)d a No. 12 pen ; nil llrtt qu.ilitv, Our Pun rnnk throiirlinut the country ai equal If to t superior to any eolo pens iiianufaituri'd. Nnl only . f. r III 'ir w riling .finliti b i. durability ami elegant , t n li I ho gri ale! citrrt id nse.l iu their uianur.iciure, 1 n . 'lone arj foil with the sllghto.i Imncrfuttiun v h ch r k i 1 1 can den rt. ' 1'nlie? 111 iirJoriiia iiiiiKt tperlfy (tie nam", number nihlquility in all i ii'Luicl s and whether .titror llin tier, to-irse or Hue. TO CLUIJS. A rll.-o.iui of 12 per cent will bt allowi it on sums of IS if tut to nun a.ldrrs-i, at nuu tunc , 15 p.-rceni ou $25 -.(I per eeiii on $4.1. All ri ioittiiucr liy mail. Itcelit-red. are at our rink T.i nil w hu em I se 20 n-nts extra lor reentering, we tuar.iiit 'e th i f 1 0"I v.iry of ilio K"Oitii. ; t.tri'Ulirs of tilt our iii'A tyl u ith tfngravini. of cxurl iz t, 1111. 1 prieiM. 5 111 up 01 r.'ciyt of utauip, If j U'"irni IVos r (! 11 t.-t for Su r"iit. Uv mall. 'ifi tU iu i'tr a'i'i leivoler- aro reqii 1hiI to correspond ' A Ml 1 in a we cm oiler them gp at iiidurenieuts, AdilreM f?, AMUKII'AN tiill.I) I'EV CO., ' f .No. 2U0 Uroaiivay, N'mv York, January 2d, lSOS. 3m. U. & 13. T. Asiihruy & Co., BJau.H'.ciiiu r.- oi ! li.il-nr.tiiliic ,Hat ciiitl:., (ilik'x.lc & tUiail. 501 1 4 HO !)WAV, '. Y. Ill aililltl'oi In ,11 r 10, in lioi.'aJ nf I'liOtnirrai lilo Material, io iir ilea iquurt r. 101 to tuliowiug, viz : I Of tlofe vii liavo 3.1 noui"iwi. i.iicit, lurtodii; V,ii .cni"p. Aoieiltiiii 'n'l I'oi iyii I'ttji'd ntol 1,1 . fca (irooi, ,-uitui ry, i.e. fie Am Revnlvini: Mi reotfopi'ii for p loic or privut exhibition Our , r.it.d igue iMIl be . ut to .my a idrio on rectipt of Maiup Photojraphic Albums. We were llm hrt m iiilro.luce Uieai ii to th 1 Unlied H'litee. nml we 111 uitif.iUiiri! ltiiincne qiianlitieif In (.rent vaii-ty. 'ilium 1,1 prien from iiJecnts to Jill itch. O'tr AMIUMH have ih.i rev nation of beinp su perior In b mii ty anil durability 10 any others. They will b.i lent liy in.(i, free, on receipt of price. ILjVic Albums wade to Ordtr.mft CARD lk5"lGrRAFHS. Our "atalo.'U" now I'mhrucci iv;t fict thoutand dlf. d rent eiilijnti (to win. Ii ti.lililinua are coutluu.iliy t.'iou huHl') uf Portrait! 01 Kiuintiui Ainericuus, Sec , ix ' aliout , IUI M.iJor.Ccil'ral', State men, Ml Knu.-lieiiurald, I Uu rii1iiea, 2io OolmieN, I2 Autl orb, lim l.i ul t'lilnin U, 40 ilin, Ejil Oth -i 'tS.-.er, I :S tflnur, 75 .Vivy oiHcri. I IM I'riunincnt Women. Ion Proniiut Foreign Portrailo. S.U'I'I t.'Ul'li:- '' vMHtKrj OF ART, 1 nc'ii.llnc ropniiiii(.lioP. llhe iont tel. braled Dn. . fr.iviii, Puiuttuitd. cH.itu t, 'c. I'a.nioyaes nen un r ci-ipt of M.diip An ord.'r for One I) zm I'in from .nir I'm il uur will b- lilled on th.' rer. 1 f 3l.rll, au l k.miI by in. ill PI otoyrapliers .1 lid oth mm ordering gnoiU (7, P. ilhT'le ie r uilt tvv. nty live per cent of thi 1 m with th. Ir or.ier 1:. n 11 t. an mow & c'i .TT:a(fiii.urrc " Pholernphie MiUrli. .iul Hroi.lway, Xuw '1 t. V" The prue, an I quality ot our goods c.m'1' fail firatisf). Ueui'O-0111. 1SU5 t WladWiiliia & I'i'ic m. r. ai 1. s oaIi Till? grcnt line traverse? the Northern and North. Weft counties of l'enns)lvania to the city of Erie, on Lake llrie. It has been leaed by thn Tennsylvania Kailroad L'oinpany, and Is operated by them. It? entire length was opened for pasicnger and freight biiiiuer, Ortober Kill, Irli4 TIME 01' etSMlEH TK.MNJ AT hOIUIIUMBERLiSD. Mini Traiii leave?, East IU In V. M. Eliuira Exprei? Train, II 27 V. M, l.or.k Haven AecoiiiniodHtinn, IU 27 A.M. Williumnport ArcoiiiiilmlaOoii. 3 25 1'. M. LEAVE WES-nVAKD.e Mil Train 4 '.'4 A, M, Fiinlta fiipre?? Train, . 5 2'JA. .M. I.ih'K Haven Accomiiiod jtlcn 4 tit P.M. Vllliiiint.port Accoiunindatioil 1 1 5.4 I. 111 - 1'nfM.iigem Cnra run Ihroui'li on Mail Train, umi (.jtciiano I101I1 aya between Philadelphia and Erie, mid ll.illiiiiiiri'iiml Erie. Elegant r-leeping l.'.ir on Eliutre Express Train? ,1 liolh way? b.'lvM'i'ii Williatiiiporl and ILittiuioru. 1 for iiiloriiialion reupcctnig I'.iHuenger biitiuess, ap ily at the for. IMth and .Market tils. Ami for Freight tiGtmcsiiot the Company's Agents. ' H. 11, Kingston, Jr., I'or. I lull ami .Market fits., l'lill'a J. IV. Ituviiolds, Erie. J..M. Hull. Agi ut S.V. It' It., Il.illiuinre. II Ii. Iloiisloii, tlen'l. Freight Ast . I'liiladclpliia, II tV liuium r. lieii'l.Tiikel Ai I'liil.iditptitu. Joueph I). I'uttn, Reu'l. .Manager, Williaiiupou. Jan. , leoi. U 11 O (IKS Si RO E N II E I M WIIOhKS LH deaLlir, ffNo. i.'V Maiki't Street, north Hdc.Pliila. flave now opened their uual liaudtioiutf variety of KihbotH, IJoiuii'l Mate. it riala.Siraw iV lMtioy lion in t, L'ldiei & MieV HATS. Ft.OWr.US, ItUCIIES.I.At Eri, and all other arti ties requited by ttio V . LINE Ii TRA DEI n .. t I a, r . , t nllanllnnlfi ihl, l..n..l. SI llj imii; cpi:(ieni." nii'ieui. , .. .... uiuimi 'of biKlnu?? exrliiHvily wo Hatter ourselves lli.it we . on odor inducement?, in Xiriely, stjles, quality anil ' nndrrnto pikes -not over jwheru to bo found. TI10 alleutiuu 01 .Milliners ilild 3lertliuut. Is respectfully solicited. . , ne l ai titular attention pal I to filling Orders. Jlarili II, IM 5, :iio. SoilOLASlllis F'OR SALE? Pittsburgh Commercial College, , lllnghamptln " " ' Crilteiuleii's " riilladolphia. Btriilton, llrymit It Co.. " ( Tlicso f'criHi nro in nmouuls of $15 nnd $5(1 and are x so much cash, by tlin Hliuleiit on enlriiig cither nl'ihe above I'nlli'gcs, nuag men desiring tnobtain a finish rd ilollegiuti Ediieiition, will here Hilda good specula linn bv applvln. ut llm ofuci ol'tlin May I Iftil. l.dr.UMUIA DEMOCRAT Select Poctrn. Nearer lidnid. One ?wet solemn thought Ceines to me. o'er and o'er ! I'm nearer to my home to day, Than I've ever bsen brfsre. Nearer to my father's house, Whie many inanlens lis Nearer th great white throne, Nearer thtjasper sea. Nearer the bogpd of life . Whsre we lay our buHeiu dorva I Nearer leaving my crest, Nearer wearing my crown; Gut lying darkly between, Winding down ihn night, I? th.it dim and unknmvn stream Which leads at last to light, Father I perfect my trust, Strengthen uly feebla filth j Let me feci ns If I tiod 'J he shore of the river death. I'ttf even now ray feet May staiH upon its brink j I may be nesrer to u y home, Nearer now than I think. For the Ooluuilda Democrat. Kitty Wello. BY SOLDIER BOY. Vmi a?k what makes thli darkey weep, VMille lie li.e others am not away I What cauied His tear it nv down my check From cariy cto till dawn of day I My story, Darkles, you shill hear, For In my memory fresh it dwells, It will cuuio you all to drop a tear On the grave uf sweet KUty Weill. Chorus- Whilc tlie.lilfdi n, r'sng (nthe mnrnfng, h'jn the myrtle nd the Ivv were In bloom, And the sue nu tile hill top win dawning, It was then w laid her in the tomb. t never shall forget the ilayj Tint w together rung the bells. I kic;ed her iheok and blesssd the day That 1 would mar y Kitty We'l But Death came up 10 her Cabin donr And stolu frum 1:10 my jo) aiirl pride, And when I found she was no more 1 laid my baiUudowu uii.l crl.J I oft times wivh.id that I was d.-ad And laid besi lc her 111 til 1 I una. '1 he sorrow th it hoiva down my heR'i Lies silent III (lie mlllllijllt ilr'uiil Th spring tmio h.n no ch iron for m. The fl.wers ur' nloo'inng in Ihii dil... That "ueet form I ne 1 "lillU'c -Tlu lor n ol ,u) frteelKilly Wti... Armi. April I, lii. A Ghost Siopy. By .E Landon. To t!ioc wl.o rend thi -tory, I would a -y, that hotvev r bully Mid it ill iy be, it it th- truth i a itnpie s'utoiiieiii ol' fact.", unaided by lino) or imagination. I was never calu.or, m re eallcctvil, or w d. r awake in my hf i than when the occurrence I am about to relate took plane ; oDd al tiioucb it terrifed aud appalled uie.I fancy tlut it would have produced that effect upon persons with stronger nerves that ttiino. A few words by way of explana tion will bo iiccessury Previous to my marriage, which took placo nearly thrte years ago, I was much annoyed by the periiistent attentions of Robert Lisle. He was a violent, ielf willed, headstrong boy, whose msny good and generous qualitio'wero obscured by Ungovernable passions. The only child ol a rich widower, he had becu indulged un til any oppoition to his wishes made him perfectly furious. Had I accepted bis suite, he Would most probably have tired of me; but my n j ction, aud the kmwl edge that I was betrothed to aiiothpr, en raged him, and made him more detcrmin fd in his purpose. 1 was poor, and hereforo his father had not approved of the match, although he would have cci Hentcd lo it, to pleasa lib von ; but altho' mortified, lie was scarcely riioiocd at my rel'uja1, and, esertiug Lis authority for once, linully r-ucceeded iu sending Robeit away greatly to my relief. Not long afirrward I was married, and, with my hunb&nd, went on a visit to his relatives, who roiidcd at s-oaio distance. We were gono three month. On my reiurii, onu of the Cm persons whom I recognized was nobert Lisle. He wa reeling down thu street, iuioxieatcd aud half senseless, in the uniform of a pri valo soldier. Ho had r turned home a (ew days previous to ray return, and, hear ing of my marriage in a fit of rago ai.d intoxication he had enlisted. He had been intoxicated ever since, resisting all the at tempts of his father to bring him to rea son. With oliaraoteribtio obstinauoy, he persisted the moro strongly in his purpose tho more ho wai opposed in it, aud tho utruost hi father oould do, was to obtain a lieutenancy for him and let him go to war. He went, leaving tho poor old man nearly broken hearlod, ir myeolf,I was both glad and giieved at his departure ; glad t be rclievud from his presence, for I dreaded him, and grieved to have been tho oause of so much trouble A jear fn.ssed away , a year of quiet, uneventful iiappincsn to me ; of what tor riblu auipense, agony and di pair to thou nnds of others, lei llio-u tell whose bfimm and hearts have been lcft dessoUto by llii-t horrible war. At tho end ol tho year a cbango came, a great joy and a great nar row, My baby, my precious little coin forter, wiU born ; and a few weeks after wards my husband, a young suigcou stitib' gling upwatds iu his profeesinn, received a highly advantageous offer from the mil itary authorities, which ho felt that he had no right lo decline, although it involved our Gcpurution for a lime, as ho oould not take me with him. So when I had entire ly rcoovercd my strength, he went away, and I was left alone with uiy baby and my sorrow. It is trua ho was in Oo actual danger, b it it was our Orst separalion,and it was hard to bear. I did not go boinci although he proposed it, thinking I should feel less IoloI y. I preferred to remain in the little cottage on tho outskirts of the town, which wo had occupied since our marriage. Some time afier my husbaud's depart ure, Hubert Lisle came home on a futloiigh his first will homo since his enlistment. llo was much changed. Thu storu dis cipline of a soldier's lifo seemed to have tamed even his wild spirit. IL was quiet in mat)uer,tievur drank, and iudeed,-eem d so tady in every respect, that bin fa ther's delight wus only tq-ialled by his sorrow at losing him again so soon. Il' madi! no utteu.pt to renew his acquain tance with rac, further than by a quiet bow bkU we met, as We did, once or twice, (n the stre.'t. llo wa- a captain having been promoted, it is but j ut lo say, I'or b'S gal lant uomlijet m soiik' tug tg"meiii, ami no trmn Any iiflience ol til lii lid". II nmaiiii-il at Immu but a few wci ki. au i then ri-joiutd his ritiiut.ii'.j rcuieivLcrt i Vi'g'tiii. And f coi'.icn phrt of my stnry which, m nro it not liro.nl tnii.l. y acd ; ci'" ;?" .r.; v.u. lar I rh.i i ii not have nu va eu ub :o write, ljr tii r cl tclio i ol it s ekens me with terror. I w.is the niolit of ihi" uitilb of Augu-t Iloboit L'sle bud hei'U y i e sortie week-, ami I bail entirely lorg itiuu him ; al U-.j-t lb" iho''i;ht of him never once crossud m) mind on th tt cvetiif. 1 hail ftn nr l-a by t) sirup, and laid her in the bid j anil then, not being sleepy mysell.I weut back i ito the sitting-room, and sat down iu the moonlight by the open window. I sat there uulil I was startled from my revalry by hearing the town clock strike ten. 1 arose, lowered and fastened the window, aud taking u lamp went through the house to sec if all the djOM and windows w rc properly fastened, as had been my ha'iit ever since my hu-band's departure. Thcte was no danger, I suppose, but as then was only myself and a servant girl in the house, il was more eatiifactory lo know that everything was secure. Having com pleted my survey, I returned to the sitting room and fastened the door of that, which led into the hall ;theu I went into the bed room aud place! the lamp on a small table by the bed. I had commenced to uudress, by looscing and couibing out my hair, when the thought struck ino that 1 had not woand up a clock which stood on tho man tei in the sitliDg-room, and I returned for the purpose of doing so. 1 passed ihroogh thu door a cold shudder ran over me, and I was seUed with a vague terror, which I was angry with myself for feel iug. 1 went to the tuantal and begun to wind up tho clock, when th cold bhudder shook me a;ain .-o strongly that tho key of tho clock dripped from my hand. In voluntarily I looked backward, over my shoulder, and thero, great God ! between mo aud tfcu open door, the light of the lamp stream. ng full upou mo, stood Rob ert Lisle ! Even iu the Uiomeut of wild titrror tuy uiiud seemed lo grasp, how, I know not, every dttuil of his appearance. He wore a tlurk blue uniform eott, much soiled and tlifordered. His head was bare his hair looked as if blown buck by tho wind. His faco was ghastly pile, and seemed to wear a look of ming ed rage and di Ii an i'o. lie did not move, and, for an iu-t'iut, I did not stir from my place; I stood pwrfcotly paralized. Then, shiiek ing wildly for help, I sprang to tho door, which I sought with franiio ha.to to un fastcu. Doing this. I east a terrified glance backwards, and, to my utter aston ishment, perceived that ho was gone, I thought of my oluld, and, seized with a now fear, rushed wildly into the bedroom Lisle was not there ; nuthiog was dis turbed. My baby was awake, however, iiwakoned by my screan s, prolmbly. Tho sight of her innocent face seemed to givo ,, O'vnga CaUbiug hor ut ,and hastily wrapping her in a shawl, i fled from tho house s fast m my tremblings could oar- ry mo My mother lived not far away, and fortunately I reached her house with out meeting any one. My knocks soon broUght her to the door, terrified half out of her senses at my appearand j but when I told my story, sbo laughed at me, and declared that t had been dreaming j n theory in which sho porsited, in cpitu of all I oould say to tho contrary. Now, although I knew Iliad not dream ed it, I never doubted but that it was the living Robert Lisle that I had seen, until, about ten days later, a letter from my huBbaiul filled me with a new horror, and rnv mother with dismay. I givo tho part relating to my story in his own words. "I am sorry to say that Robert Lislo is killedk Hu was not killed iu aclion, but after the battle, through his own recklessness and Want of solf-coutrol. You liavo probably read in tho papers how dreadfully our m-n, especially Crawford's Urigade, to which ho belonged, wore cut up and scat tered. After the last charge of that gul I ant and ill -late J brigade, perceiving that the rout was hopeless, Lisle aud about 15 ol his company , who wore all tb.it ro iiuined tooctder. took refuge in a paich of wooJ, intending to wait a favorable mo ment to joiu Pope's division, which was momentarily expected on the. field. This they found it impossible to do, and buttl al tho nil; lit had closed in, would iuuvitably liavo been lakeu prisoners. As it was, ibiy kfpt hitided in tho woods, lisiening to the tiradual'y increasing sounds of thu batile. which toased ut la.-t, but lelt them no better chanee of c.-eapo, for Humorous parties ol t!,e enemy wero moving about ih" fii Id lijptwceu them and our lines' At length, about len o'clock, lohurt's impa ticuce coul I no lonjjnr by restrained, nnd c.il'ing to his men to follow bun he made i dash aurora the open spac.' towar s our .iiie-, the camp fire, of which 1 1 . i-y could . f in tie di-iauee. 'I here was clear, li'iiliui.t in dip igor, uid i hey hail notg'in. r w'cti .ley- were si u by a mourned p cjj'l tt: ec, whi da-lied ifur them, culling upon them in surrender The rest wou'd hiv.i doi.o so for it was lolly lo re si-t. but U 'bert s blond was up, and lor nply, ho turned and dischargid bis pistol it the ..?'.'l?r. Tho next moment he fell, -hot dead The re t of the uum were t.i kon prisoners, ess -pting two, who oou ttivdc to mrkc their cscups in the confu sion. I have these particulars from them ' 1 hii battle was fought ou the Oth of August, shortly alter ten o'clock, Roberi wis lulled. I tan rc the reader to make such explanation as he or slip pleases. Por myself, if I did not know that it was no dream, I wou'd most gladly persuade my se.f ihat it was one. An Artie Story. Wo take from an o'd publication the following extraordinary narrative of an adventure, in tho Polar Seas. The cir cumstances are c rtainly within thft range of possibility, sino" no utn.'faaiiiin would take place whilst ibe bodies of the stiff-rers wire in tho tempeiaitire of a vessel "on cased iu tbiek-ribbed ice." In the spring of the year 1S40, a whal ing vessel sailed from tho port of Loudon upon a voyage, to thu Polar Sua. Noth ing material is said to have occurred un til iheir arrival in those solitary regions, when it became the duly of the crew to keep a perpetual Lokout upon tho hori zon, in search of fish Whilst thus oc cupied, it was fancied by one of the sea men tbot a sail was disceruable, as far to tho northward as the uye oould roach j as the course of the whaler was toward thu supposed vessel, a mast became gradually distirigut-hiiblo amidst the mountains ot ice, which appeared iu that quarter to bouud the sea. It was now eiimmnr ud tho Efiemoon uuu-ually calm, whil t the whaler gradu ally uear'd the o'ject in view, thu supn sition being thut it was a vessel engaged in operating upon tho blubber, in u bay wbteh would upon to tho view upon ap pro ching nearer to tho ice. Upon ar riving, however, at the spot, it became clear that thu vessel was a wieck embed ded in the ic'i, and it oould only bo ap proached by a boat This having been loweied, the captain and several of the seamon landed upon tho ice, and pro ceeded to tho vestel, which proved to be a brig. The sails were furled, very little appeared upo i tho deck, and all tho ar riiugeiuents were tho-o of a vessel laid up (or a long period of tiuiu. Descending to tho cabin, the first objtot that was scon was a large Newloundland dog coiled up on n mat, and apparently asleep' Upon touching the animal it was found to ho dead, arid the body frozen to the hardness of stono, Entering tho oabio was next seen a young lady seated at a table ; her oyes v7ro open, and gazing with a mild and steadfast expression opon the new eoinors to that solit'iry spot' Sho was a corpse ! and in that apparently resigned and religion's attitude had1 bcon frozen to tlcath. Reside tier was a yoitnc man, who. it appeared, was tho brother of the lady and commander of tho brig, lie, too, was dead, but sitting at ttie tdblo, and before him lay a sheet of paper, upon which was written tho following words S ,lOur cook ha3 endeavored sineu yesterday morning to strike a light, but in vain; all is now over.' At the other side of the cibin stood the cook, with a Hint and steel in his hand, ffozen to a statute, in the vain en doavor to procuro that fire which alone could save him and his companions from the cold arms of death. The superstitious terrors of the seamen now burrivd the cnpuiu away from the wreck, the log-book ulono being brought uway and from this it appeared that, tho ill fated vcsel was a brig, which had be longed to the port of Loudon, and hud titled for the Aitio region moro that four ecu yo-irs agj. fFrom tho Delkfonto Watchman Five Days in the Service. For the past three years We have, with out reserve, expro-sed our opinion of ar bitrary arrests and the treatment of po litical prisoners. These opinions, our readers well know, wero anything but complimcntar) to the "loyal" pay triois that now hold the reins of power. The 'government' feeling and knowing the un bounded influence of our paper, aud hop ing 'o eoiiviuco us that we had been labor lug under a grievous error, ou tin; 2d inst,, kind y scut us an invitation to vi-lt the military prisons ut Hurrisburg. The iu citation was no formal, halfhearted, care less one, but u real, warm, beany iu faei pressing on? so iressbi, iudeed, that we did not feel like declining it, lc.-t the governments' feelings, or our own, might ho liuit by such a course. In order that we might not miss the place wo were ie quested to call at, und that our vide might not be iuteiferetl with by those jealous of the distinguished honors paid us an arm ed escort was geuerou-ly furnished to piotect us from all annoyances, pay our fare, furnish subsistence, and bear iho ex pet). us gcnerully. Kiud and considerate, wasn't it ! We appreciated the kindness who wouldn't f and to the beat of onr ability, notwithstanding our excesci.e modesty, drilled the squad of men uiiibr our command rouud town until the time for our departure, to thu evident satisfdc tiou of the miscegcn-, who huped our vHt would prove euicrtaiuiug enough to keep U-. iu tho set vice ten years, und to thu great delight of tho progeny of both nig gers aud ubolitiouiMS which iu this place are exceedingly difficult to distinguish one from the other. Is it any wonder we felt proud of the positiou wo occupied ? hadu't we, like a majority of the shoulucr strap ped gen Icmcn of thu day, got a command uoioie we enlisted f What mattered it to us if a few dirty fingered lojalisti did point at us and laugh as we passed lln i. places of bus'iue-s. We hadn't to bowl war for three years, sod pay half we were worth to get our commission, as many of them would be ilJiur' to do ! We didn't march behind our meu when on duty as I heir kiud does when there is danger ahead I We can forgive them. They felt euvious.aud would have taken our place had it led them to (iutiada or out of tie drafi, It didn't, however, and we went ou, while they remained at heme lorejo ee over the unexpected honors heaped upou a fellow-townsman by their six foot gov ernment. In time we reached Hurrisburg, the ciiy where ju-tlcu sits enthioued iu tho Statu Capitol aud vutuu and sobriety decorate the streets (J) not however, w.thout hav 'ng numerous ojinpliineiits paid us b) loyal Iriends (f) who declared there was no one moro deserving euch n mark ol distinctiou than our humble self. Not wiuing to keep tho agents of our frieud the 'government1 in stispcu'c, and hiving a desire to relievo our escort from tho ar duous duties of atteuiliug to nur wants, we proceeded forthwith lo tho office pf the provot marshal to afoortain what we could do for our country and suffering Im munity. That prnteotor of the puople's liberty not heing present, ionic onu that was anting in his stead amiably r ui irk. d that we could take a positiou in a corner and await his coming, Wo did so, while ho prooecded immediately to station our tsoort between us and the door, in order ai wo suppoio, to protect us from tho fury of Bny ooemy that might have bcon lurk- iug without. CousideratCi wasn't It ? Wo thought so at lcact. Well, wo waited for a c'onsldorublo length of timo for the dis penser of our rights to maku his appear ance; ho didn't appear, however, but quite a number of individuals honored iu the sumo way wo wero, with an invitation and an o-cort did, among them an old veterun whom we shall remember a" long a memory la-ts, in const quiMirc of thu smell ho brought with him aud the degreo to which he was overcome by gratitude or whiskey. Alter waiting a while longer, wo conoluded that, if the government wan ted us to get au insight into its military prisons, Rastites, &o., for the benefit of tho human ruce, it had bettor bo bringing them along, and was about telling our amiable friend behind the desk that such was our conclusion, when ho politely in vited us to lake i new escort that was in readjueesund proceed immediately to the quarters prepared for our reception. We did so. in company with several ethers and the veteran aforesaid, and in due time reched our destination, into which we weru usherttl by a file of soldiers, the ba)oie-u of wh"so guns protected our r. ar from flank uttacks from any quarter. The door wa closed behind us, and two rugged looking sons of Mars stationed on either side thereof. There we wero ; and there, too, were scores of other recipients of thu blf'sdugo of this great frco country men of all classes, colors and condi tions, from the aged frther, wbo6o gray hairs plead piteously for him, to tho youth scarcely out of his teens, niggers and white, drunken men and sober men, nil tumbled in proud. cuouly, numbering up wards of an hundred. Afier satisfying the curiosity of our new associates as far a- possible by answering the many questi 'iis put to us, we set about making un i samiuaiiun of the habitation of which wu had so lately become an in mat'!- Tho main room, termed !d military pariaucs, "guard house," is about fifty leet long by twenty broad, built of plank, about twelve feet high. There are three windows, with lattice work of iron ncros them, which answers as a checkerboard for those who desire to play checkers with their nose, nnd also for light and ventila tion 'I he floor, which was laid flit ou the earth, in order to save tho ''govern ment'' the expense ol sleepers or joints is made to auwer a triple purpose floor, .-cats and bed. (Wo do uot wish it to be understood that per-ous there are com pelled to sleep upon the fl lor iu order lo atone lor off. ueo given to some of the agents of the "government." Not at all it is entirely owing to iho desire of those in power to bo economical habits that the) have contracted since taking posses sion of the public treasury.) In older that everything may ho haudy, aud that the boarders may not bo tioubled going out when tne weather is damp, or when it is not, to attend to the calls of nature, a trough is lised up iu one end of the apart inci.t, which serves admirably for the pur pose, aud also as a water and wash stand Thu odor that arises from this is accep ted as a substitute for the roses and flow ers of .-pi ing, and saves the "government'' the vxpiii-uol lurnishing boquets aud vu ses ol l iwjrs to perfume tbu air. lgu nioiis. aiu'l it I Eiouumical, very ! This trougth, together with a bucket, wash j an and Etovu, constitute tho furniture and utensils of the room. Hunting "graybacks" which aro as plenty as abolitionists will bo in the re gions of Pluio hereafter, is tho priticipal occupation and mini emcut of persons iu this branch of tho Government service, andlrsiig lo keep clear of theso little 'pets ' that "st.ek closer th ui a brother," lurni-hes atiy uuiouut of exercise. Wo had about Uui-hcd making nn rx annual on. when tho oider came to pre pare fur dinner, and along with the rest, niggers, drunks and all, wu inaivh" d forth to Kueivea piece uf xlty bread, and a tin cup liill of something thut was called bean soup" we couldu't seo the brans ; but luurued uftcrwards from uue that hud been iu the service several months, that for the purpose of economizing still fur- thor, the "government" had ordered iheni to bo cooked in u bog aud kept over for the next days rntious. Didn't we feel thauklul that wo wero a citizen of the if utest government devi-cd by mau f Ddu't wo sing "Hail Columbia" und ' Long live the King," as wo sut on the dirt) floor, supping "bean soup" and eat- ing "dry Dreau i man t we shout ' ivr ..i i t it ... 1 Abraham, as wo watcht tl tbo regiments of "gray baok" soek ng for a fiieud whom thuy might "devour with kindi.e?- Didn't we turn "loyal' and dennunco "oopporbeads and dii)orat ) e sceutcd the sweet perfume of ou't reaidfnee and chewed at the dry end of a bar t crust! Didn't wo sweet nrlitrnry at roll.. ' wero 'right ? Didn't wo oonrludo that Pro vost Marshals, spies and detectives wero an honor to a Republic ? Didn't' wo oi n aider that Hastiles, gu'.ird houses and po litical prisons wero institutions for Irec iiun to boast of I lUiknpi tec ti'tn t J Let that be as it May, nftcr rciiuininr, two days and a half in the guard bouse, for fear we would liraome too "loyal,'1 iho.-o in charge invited us to other quar ters, known as the Hold tie BntUr, that stands just opposite. Here, although "gray backs" uro not furnished in such profusion, other mat'ers are a little moru pleutilul. A few rough bercbej.and hunks, without bedding, decorated the room There were at tho time about forty occu pants, mostly citizens of Ulearfit-ld and Oumbria couuiies. Somo of whom bad been serving their country three moiithe. iti-the various forts, hastiles, ic., iu can tequenco of di-aguoing with the ''govern tueut" on the "African" question. Per haps tho kiudno s (.') shown them by tl -powers that ho," will cause them to n pant and become "lojal," Peihups l won't. Of thii p'aee and tho friend- ke rnel thero w-! slialljaavc more to say Ui . alter. The "government" after permitti'ij m to subsist on its bouuty, for th-j spac oi two days and a half more tensib'y vu" eluded, that we had seeu enough L.- pre cut, and without the trouble oi' : n inoig into our fj'iuijictitioiis to v t our own iiviUin, generously disiin-- a m from the service, lor whicli act bi abolition friends (j) vferc not prj ouua y grateful, 'J'EiiHiur.t; Ftnu at Ssa. Ov. ii 5uC Lives Lost I ho Uuitcd S at' - a j trasport 'Ueii. Sedgwick,' arrived : N w lro:k, on Sunday tioou last, with y nine perione saved from the wftes u' the transport steamer'Gen. Lyon ' Ibu - t.Ji.ii LycJu' left Wilmington for Fortress M,n roo on Wednesday morning of la-t v.c.I. , with from five to sis hundred sass oi. boird and jvhen off Gape Hatteia-, took fire through the tireless luudlinr of i light uo.ir a barrel of kerosone,-.i d t urn ed to the water's edgo. Twetity-nu e persons were picked up by the G"U S.-'J-wick-'all the others are su,ip.j..ei to uivo perished. Tho sen vq ruuning s i b h ut the time th'it on'y oae bot succ.'Ldt-d in reachitig tr.e Geu. Sedgwick. Tuepa seugois of the ill-!4ted rteamtsr. co is s eJ ot paroled und disch irg i soldei-, i. t refugees, among who.n bjih tb-ir. t'. . v women and twuiuy-firo .mail chi. '. i. Ouiuaoeous I'lscttiMiN.mow. h. iu-' can be more m i.ul ai;J o..'.- i vus ! than that clause iu the ttico.ne Tas l.uv.' I which exempt from tasat'ou u .d r :t those who are in the evil and military er ! vice of the United y.aies. Lu ot'iei v r'.i thu office-holders aru oicate.: a : iu. J class. The member uf Oongrcss, 'i.lilij salary of $3,1)01); tho Posimasi r-, i their salaries of from 8' ,000 to 4( ) aod tho Collector of Customs, with hu sa - y of S10.000, and tho President of ,ri United States with his salary of $:?) ooj are topuv no income Us. ; but cvry m borer, evtrymechanic, and ev.ry clerk, who has u pittuicu over 'iddti, i tis u upon it. The luittr not m ly piv t ei own taxes, but have to bear tho la . o! tho exempt ola-j. A webht is iid o prop. it for iho benefit of tj ri- i an powerful. Is there tiny one t..o . .,. & defvnd this diseriiniiiaiion ? ; t i J . One Mom: Reuei. In hu Washington on Moduy,lJ tl.l I'l.j. lor sud : ''In the future lie u oar liberties can ootuo only rm : . baioiM of tho-o in tho ir '. coii'pire again-t the life f '.-' Does Hen Htitler refer t buns. ? tho only ofheer in cur hiiiiv guidv subordination ; und had' he hclnti.r auy other army ,1)0 wou d bsvc Ih u . iiiarlialed und .-ImI fn i.ih mutin.'us ungue at Lowell. :V )' Iktvi.i. -. - TiieNi.w U. s. vSi'amp Eir i- t i r-r-1 i I v 1S0.J Messr,. T. 15. IV r-oo H""' Chestnut street, P t1 k'V'-' jut issued a new euid, e .i.talul ctal li-t of tho ''N.'W Stiui;i pu posed by iho act ol ''j ss of M; 1805. This caul w!l b" .ouud i ful for all biisUis-M r . n as If- s,.,w glauce tbu muoui.t -l' rUinp ilu-y 'm tax uuij to be p ud on ei ttluvg in . nusiue.-s fiiee, m uem, a to., , , i ,-a' eopi.s fur ce ts ot ijl per j i .) l''l,Ei HON' AT 'I'ki f.llj It is mint iriiL i "I . . the ci,y f Iri-htou, by an tncieaud nit, Dnuocr 'Mc n t v 'ik MiSiiiri - v- -tit y -,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers