saBssrs iCROffi'UIiA. DUE. W. WILLS JJ AMERICAN COMPOUND Ibr THE l I BLLOOD. I 1 THIS old established, thoroughly tried Rimed y, rtcommalcd by some of the most jninent Physicians, his attained a celebri ty in most parts of the country, in curing SCROFULA Oil KLXGS EVIL Scrofulous Soree, Rose or Erysipelas, Scaled Head and Ring Worm, Tetter or Salt Rheum Quitter or Sv. di ed Neck, (bo common with onr American Fomnles) cu rable Cancers and Cancerous Sores, Mains or Uoll, Chronic Ulcerated Sore, mm JO! A a? tlllue, Mouth and Throat, Syphilis In all its forms, Sy NhsIIic or merccrrial Bore mouth, and throat, chronic itoininn nfihn I.unes. Stomach and Kidneys, I'lm- U. rostune,, nnd iiiotches. RheumatiMu, Female ' . , , , . , . i i Weakness. I-crcorrhao, (arising from Internal ulcera-, on) Dropsy. Ccnenal Debility, liinacinnon nn-i an ir oses of the 9 In cases of Cottivciiess or Constipation it NEYER FAILS- lis mild In its action. Just sufficient to regulate the bowels nnd keep them regular. Us unlike all prcpa rations for thn Dlopd. having the laxative properties combined, As it contains Wild Cherry, Mandrahc and Dandelion prepared in a scientific-manner it works wonderfully in ens. is' of chronic affections of the 9 Chronic PILES, and permanently cured by the Alt r native and Laxative affect one great feature in It, produccsan APPLETTE, from tho commencement-in short it is a very fine Tonic- Its palataolo and can be taken by the mostdcl icate Tcmalc or Child. It being purely vegetable there will be noharm done In taking it, if there is no benefit derived. Prepared by ' DivB. W. Wells' Pi actical Physician W.ILKES-BARHE, PA. OFFICE over L. 0. i'ains Store, Mauke.1' Stheet. For-Sale by all Druggists throughout the Country. T.B. Kvery agent is authorized to refund the money where the compound falls to rcliete. Full Directions accompany cuclibidllc in English, French uud Uer man. N. B. No Oartlietie ineiliciuc is ro- quired. Id trotting Fivo thomaud cases, I havo nover known a rase to require Physio, or have I over unown it to fail in ! thoroughly romoving the diseases. As I devote nil my tiino at the study and treat ment of Diseases OF THE BLOOD- am propared to jrivo advice (gratis) Ly ap plying to my office or by lettor, aocom panied by o-Stamp. B. W. 1VELLS, M. D WhntessU. S4 Cortland Fired New York Eild by W II Cieja)' i. Co. light Pltset r Orison, Iterwtsk Pa use 'Jileb4. - IJiu I MORE MEN WANTED I REVOLUTION Jt"V HIGH PRICES, Lilian ARRIVAL OF FALL & WINTER' GOODS. AT PETER ENT'S STOllE, ix iianr sTnr.r.r, columdia covatv, m, 1.1 AS just received (torn Philadelphia, and la now J. J npiinlng nt the old stand lately occupied by Slatti . i. ni, a splendid assortment of MERCHANDIZE wliicli will be sold cheap tut OAStI Oil COUNTRY PRODUCE. lilt stockconslstsnf Ladies Drees Coodt choicest stylet and latest fashions Calicos, Muslins, Ginghams, , Flautiols, Carpets, Shawls, Hosiery, Silks, HEADY MADE CLOTHING. I Cassitncrcs, i Satinets, i Cottonados, Kentucky Juang, I Thread, &c. Groceries, Quecnswaro, Ccdarware, Hardware, Mcdicinssi Drugs, Oils, Paints, &o. BOOTS & SHOES. HATS & CATS. In shnn rcry llilng tiMmliy kept in n country store. I The patronaeo ofold friends, and the public general' ly, l respectfully solicited. The highest market price paid forconntry produce PETER ENT ! Light Plrrct.Nov lO, IBill. New Grocery Store. MORE FRESH 'cOODS. ( Formerly Etasmas'old Siantt) on Main Street. Bloomsburn, un(jor&ig,n0(j haB ju & jl goou biock oi FALL AM) WINTER DRY GOODS, of nil kinds, .Men's Heavy CALF A K P IBOOTSi tho best in the market ; a flood Assortment of Ladies uud Children' c-hoes nf all kinds. A Fresh Lot of GrocerieSi of all kirn's, t nth aa Molasses, I Toat, I Rico, I Fish, Sugars, CofTeo, Sjiiecs, ' Salt, Mats and Caps, Tobacco, Srpnrs, Candiep, llazcns, Lard, Sic, tt-e., ito. FEED AND PROVISIONS. Together with n great tariety of notlonsand etcete-in-i, too iiiimcrniis to iueiiion. 0.7 llilttcr. I'rirs. Alo.t Jlld nrodliee ennnrnllv tnbnn i i exchange fur goods HENRY GIGER. Itloom-biirg, Doc. 10. 1601. NEW STORE & CHEAP GOODS. ''QIJIi K SALES AND SMALL PROFI I S.' 'J'lIE undersigned, having laksn the 6 Store lately occupied by James K. Kyer. on .Main Street, above Iron Klrett, in liloomsbiirg, uud stocked it with u ery vuriety of !tw; mm0 Respectfully Inform Ids friends and ho public gen erally, that he will he huppy in receive a share of the public patronage, and Hunts that ho tan render gencr ill sattefacliou by selling thuiu llw best quality of ilIBJElCMAKaDlIZai, on fair terms and nl satisr.iciory prices. His stock consists, ill part, of DRV COUIIrf, aitOCHItlUH, FIII, ClULUNriWAI!!:. WOODKMVARC, Boors.simns, IIATU, OAP3, nnd especially wilh a splcndU variety of LADIES DRESS GOODS, which he will sell as cheap ns tho cheapest, for cash or ready pay. Ej-Lounlry produce, generally taken in exchangu for goodi, ANDULW TLM'.WlLLlGUIt. , 1305-y, filooinburg Jan 628. HO KINS' 628. Ifi OP fit a U5 T MANUFACTORY, 'No. 028 ARCH Street, above Oth Pbil'a WHOLES A LB ,J- 11 E TA 1L. The most complete ass irtmeiit anil best quality nn4 styles of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Hoop tikiili, in ihe city Those of "Our Onn iMitko," nm gottt-n up cxpiessly to meet the w.iutii of First I hiss Ilclnll Trude. embracing all the new uud desirable styles, sizes, leugt lis uud slzi walls, in trail and plain Skirt lrom ID to 3r. springs, from 33 to 44 inches long, and i!J 9, SJ, 3, 3 i. HJ. and 111 yunls round the bottom ; mak ing morn lli.'in a li indrod vurlellcs for Ladies ; in .Mis ser'and Childriu'd Hkirts we nro beyond till competi tion ; all are loailo by us havo stamped on tho kid pad, "Hopkiu's Hoop Skirt .Manufactory, No i.vld Arch Street, l'hiiadclphia, nnd are warranted to (jive sals taction. Uf Agents fur the "NEW FLF.X1I1LE" SKIRT tho most pliable Hoop Skirl made, equal tu llrndley's "Duplex F.llptic" smi', uud ut much loner prices Also, constantly in receipt of u full ussortmriit of good F.'stern made HkirU, which are being Sold at very low prie s. Kid padded uud nietalie fastened 15 spriugsKi cents, 2U springs $1 UJ, S3 springs SI 15, 30 springs SI -5 uud 40 springs SI 511. Milrla made to order, allcrcd and repaired' Terms Cash One Price Only. For Citcuinr containing Catalogue nf stiles, lengths, sizes and I'rires, call al or uddresi by mail, inclosing Stamp lor I'osiage, Hopkins Hoop Skirt Manufactory, No. 023 Arch Slrcet, Philadelphia. nrcU I', Hi), - 3ni. Cheap Grocery Store. ALSO BITS, CAB.Jri AND SBSOIES, II HE undersigned having butightniil the Grocery o j ' 1 Dm nl Stroup, has lemoyed his Hat nud Cap Store up to Stroup's old stand, whtre In addition tn u supe rior assortment of i FALL AND WINTER ' LI ts and Caps pif C ON FECT ION A R I ES, CRACKERS, Molasses, Sugar, ! CoiTee, Teas, i Tobacco Snuff, ; Cigar, Spices, Dried Fruit, Buitor, j Coal Oil, Biugii, Parlor and Hand Lamps, i Books. "Writing Paper & Ink, Hardware and Cedaruwe, j Pckct Knives, Comb:,, iJ'C, t)'C , d-c , Together wilh a variety of articles generally kept in a Store. - Also-A fine lot of UIDJ. MOUOi'EO.S and I.inikosIo tilth he invites (lie ut ention of Shoemakers and the public, flloointbiirg, Dee. 5. lff.3 JOHN K. GIRTON. SI'IIOI.ASIIII'8 FOR SALE. Pittsburgh Commercial College. Iliiighduiptin " " Crllleiuleii's ' rhlladolphia, Stralion.Hryaut & Co., 11 " Thcs Scrips, are in amounts of $15 and 451 and ar n c i.tiipli eriuli. I.v llio slliidelit nn en I r Ilu, el I hep r.i I li above College. Young men desiring toohtain a 11 n I ill ed l olleeiatn Educnlioii, will here iludaiiood iDccula tiou by upplviugut the nltice nftlio Mir l- lrC COLI'JIHIA DEMOOHAT Biro iaAaiLisa ekditisil DELL & ALLABACH, Proprietors. CORNEU OF rtrmn e'i C I) r.'A' P cv r ir i rr a ait THIRD S Li)' PLPihb YL I ANA A V WASUIHGTON, D, 0, Keep Youn Eye ! ON THIS PLACE. SECOND ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS. nnd storked It with n Ifime and suncrlor Stock of HALL mid WINTER OOOilS, which willbosoldas low as nl any other establishment in the country, Calicos nt 10, 18, 20 and 25 coils. j Muslins, Rltarhcdand Vrown at 20, 28, up to 48 cents. DRESS noons of every shade, quality nnd price ; a full linn nf Domestic floods, v H 'hecks, t-trlpes. Ticlts.Llnncii and Cotton Table Diaper, flingliniiis. Nankeens, fcc &c. A good supply nf l.ndles Slides and Cattorn New stock of Hats ami Caps. AH Wool Ingrain and I'oU.-ige ni pels, n splendid aitlele Just oponcll and for tale, A fresh supply of Groceries and Spices, a new lot or CADAR AND WILLOW WARR. MACKCRAL by the quarter, half and whnlo barrel Nos. I uud 1, Medium nnd large. Also, a large and splendid assortment of Mm MJ!D IDiSE'illOTl&GS new designs. Also, n new lot of TRUNKS and 07 Cloth Satchels. Having bought these goods before the. late rise, t nm prepared to sell low, cheap as thu cheapest for cash or country produce. UT. STUDY TO N.EASE. Clonmrburg, Jnn. 7, lfuS. BARGAINS S BARGAINS! IE YOU WANT TO BUY GO TO (rrasy's Store, in Light Street, Pa. Who Ki-tps all Kinds of CALICO, MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAM, FLANNELS, CARPETS, HOSIERY, SHAWLS, Ready-made Clothing Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, coffees, Teas, Fish, Salt, Bacon, Hams, Lard, Tobacco, spars, Hats, Boot", Caps, Shoes, Drugs, Oils, Paints, &C, &c. In addition to our large stock of Pry Goods, wo have n luge and full assortment oflleady .Mndo Clothing tin ieu nnd llns wmr which we ire determined to sell cheaper th in tan be bought elsewhere, Call nnd sen, and Judge for joursolves . W.CItCASV Jc CO. Light Street, October 2D, 1 NEW ARRIVAL. At A. J. Evcins' fL01!ILU WORIil!' I5LOOMSBURG, PENN. LATEST SYLES OAEAP GOODS fJ'IIE iiiidersiiriird respectfully inforius hi friends .1 uud the public generally, Ihul he has just received from the Eastern cities, a Urge assortment of M.E.W GLOTffiING, being the best assortment ever offered in this market. Also it complete assortment of Hoys Clothing. In fact evcrj thing in thu Clothing Line For those who prefer to lenvo their measures, a perfect lit guaranteed, nnd othing but the best woikuiaiiship allowed at this es tu lishmeiil. He ulso keeps nu hand it large ns,ort mei 'of liOO'IS AND SHOES. II ATS VND CAPS, together with a variety or notions. (C7- AI.L AND SLE FOR YOURSELF. CQ A. J. EVANS. Ulnnmsburg, April. S3, liG4, FRESH ARRIVAL OF Fall & Winter Goods Miller's Store fPNn i ettbs'rilifr 'in j u t rrturnpd from the 7itic9 j. wiui unotiier large ami ncicct aforimci ui FALL AND WIN'JER GOODS. purchased nt Philadelphia, nt tho lowest ugure, and whirl! they aro determined to sell on as moderate terms as tan be procured elsewhere in lilooiusburg. Ills stork inmprisCH ofclmir-st rtylesand lntest fashion. niw aoons, way; aiioCKians. n niuirutK (tuy.f.Y-n-.nti:. CF.Jhin WARE, IHI1.LOIV IIMJB (OA", JVftS, HOOTS SIIOF.S uats sj- airs, a.c, c, c. In shurt einryUiingiisually kept in country Stores to whli Ii hu invite the nubile generally. The Ilighcslpricc paid for country produce. S H. MILLER. Illoomsburg. Nov 19, IPO I. Reding WINTER ARANGEIYiNT, Novuuber 7l!i 18U4. rent Trunk Lino from tlio No: th and Of North -West for I'hllado phin, New-Yor't, Read U)L', Poltsiilln. Lebanon, Allentow o. Faiston, ' r Sec, Trains leave llarrlsburg for New-York, us follows Al II IH) nud f. 15 A. Jl. and 1.45 P. SL, arriving at New Vork at III A JL, and '.'.43 and 10 DO P. M. Tin- above connect wilh similar Train on th Pcnn sylvuula Rail Road, and Sleeping Cars uecoinp.ny the flrs-t two Trains, without change Leave for Reudiug, I'otisvillu.Tainaqiin, Mini ullle. Allentnwn, and Philadelphia nt S.13 A. .M. an 1 1 45 P. JL, stopping ut Li In nan nnd principal Statinur only. Way Trains, stopping al all points, nt T t!3 A Jl.and 4. lu P. .11. Hemming' l.cuve New-Ynrk at II V M IS noon, nnd 7.11 P. Jl. Philadelphia nt S A. Jl mid 3.:iO P. M ; PollsvillHMl8 30 A. Jl and '.':I3 P Jl ; I'um.i'pia ul Kill A .VI. nnd'J.I3P. M.und Reading ut IV. .iiidnight, 7 o-i uiiii in. 1.5 A. .11., a 1 1 I no.) i-. m. Reudiug Ictomodalinn Train: Leaves IP tiding utO 30 A. Jl. returning lrom Philadelphia ut 4.3 P. Jl. Columbia Railroad Trams leuvo llejiliu . ut 0.40 and 11 A Jl. for Lphrutn, I.UU. Columbia. &c On Suiidit! Leave New-York ut 7 P VI., rhiladel phia 3.1J P Al 1'otlsville 7.30 A. JL, Tn uanuu 7 A, Jl , llarrisburg 8 13 A. JL. and Reading nt "J uiiduighl.for llarrlsburg. Commutation, .Mileage, Season, Sc nnl, and exclu sion Ticket tu and lrom all points. at reduced Rules llagguge checked through ; bl) pounds allowed each Passenger. i O. A. N1COLI.S, Piticral Suiicrwttiidtnt. RructNC, fa. Nov. SC. If 0-1 I0d and COd Market Street, Philadelphia, rpillS Hotel Is located In thn very centre nf business X nud Is near t lie respeclacle places of iuiiisemint which make it particularly desirable, tn persons visiting I'hiladc Iphla on business or pleasure laud the Jlnuager hopes by cloro personal utlenliou tu the wiiuis of ills Ins guests to niuke It a rniiifortalila home foi much as ! "' . . . vilh their patronage. J. I). IIAUiN fcSO.V, I'ron'rs. JOHN SIIOCKLEY, Cubic. r VI. Hdl.-U r. j LEATHER 1 LEATHER! ! THE undersigned would announce, that he has on hand athis llntand Cap Emporium, nn Main St., Illoomi I Diirg, an assortment ni Ullterent mndoricniner, such at, , flue calf skins, morocco.frcd andbtactOand llnlntrs cf which he wll sd c heoperlhaacanbo had esewhew i Ihis market. Call and Ijemlus tlicm for youryjvej, JOIIN K, OfRTuN ' Cloomiburg, Mtf 21, 1191 jilts n svwmTj& THE TO ALL INVALIDS 1 IRON IN THE BLOOb. It l well known totho medical nrofestlnn that IRON 'Is tho Vital rrlncipln or Life Element of the blood. I This Is derived chiefly from the fond wo eat; but if tho ' fnodls not preperly digested, or If fromanycauso what ever, the necessary quantity of Iron Is not taken into tho circulation, or becomes reduced, tho whnlo system jsuMcr. The bad Mnnd will Irritate the heart, wll dug up the lungs, will obstruct the liver am! will scud its discnso-proJucliig elements to all parts of the sys tem, and every one will sudor In whatever organ may be predisposed to mscuse. lh0 valuo uf lllOrf AS A MEDICINE Is well known and acknowledged by all medical men The ill Hi i tally hns been to obtain such n preparation o It ax will enter tin- circulation and nsiiniitate nt once with Ilia Blond. This point, says Dr. Hayes, Slnsach usetts Sluto Chemist, lias been nttalncd In tho Peruvi an S)rup, by cnrublnatlon In a way before unknown, THE PEHEVIAN SY 11111 . a Protected solution of the Protoxide of Iron nNrw tllnverv III Medicine that Strikes at the llnnt of Ills ease by supplying the blooj with Its Vital l'rlnclplo or IIC fcjIVIlUJIIV IiJtts THE PE II I) VI AN SYIICP j Cures Dyspepjla, I.lver Complaint, Dropsy Fever nd Ague, loss oi uucr)gy. low epirus. THE PER U J'IA N SYRUP lufusas stiength.vlgor and new life Into the system.nnd uuiiits up an "iron uonstuuiioii. THE PERUVIAN SYRUP Cures Chronic Dlsrrl'o-.i, Hcrnfula, Rolls, Jcurvy, Loss of Constitutional Vigor. THE TER U VIA N YJl UP Cures Kervous Airectlons. Female Complaints, nnd all diseases nf the Kidneys and llhulder. TUB PER Ul'lA Nl'RUP Is a specific, for all dls"ascs originating in a bad unto of.bu hloiiil, or accompanied by Debility ur a Lun'Blute of Ihe tiyttcm. Pamphlets containing certificates of cur"s nnd recom mendations from some of the most eminent Physicians Clergymen, nnd others.will be sent Free to any address Vu select n few of the names to show tho character of Ihe JOHN F. WILLIAMS, nSO... Presldnnt of tho Metropolitan Hank, New Vork. llcv. A II LI, Sl'I.VF.NS. Late Lililor Christnln Advocate and Journal. Uev. I' ciiinicn, Uditor New Vork Chronicle Rev John Plernoiit, Lewis Johnson. M D. Rev Warren Lurtnn, Rev Arthur II Fuller, Rev Ciirdou Ridibins, Rev Sylvnnusl'obb, llev.T Slarr King, Rev t-'phralm Nutc, Jr., Rev Joseph II Clinch, Rev. Henry, Rev P C llcadley. Rev John W Olmest.Md, ROsivell Kinney. M D S K Kendull M II. W R ChlsholiH, M D, Frnnti Dana, .M D. Jeremiah Stone, M. D Joc Auto Sanches .M D Abraham Wcndtll Al D. A A Hayes, M D. J R I billon, M D. II, E. Kinney, .M u. Prepared bv N L CLARK k CO exclusively for J. I'.DINS.MOKE, No 491 llrondnay New York. So.d by all Drugeists. No Family Should be Without It, Only 25 cents a box FOR SM.K iiy P DINSMORE. No 491 llroadway, New Vork. J.W FOWLE U CO No. 13 Treinont it lloston 8 And by all Druggistsand Country Struekeepors. ItEDlHSGS'S RUSSIA SALVE FORTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE. Fas fully established the supclority of RED DING'S RUSSIA SALVE, Over all other hialing preparations, cures nil kinds ofSores, Cuts, Sc .Lis. Hums, f.oils r leers, Salt llheiim, E jslpelas Sues Piles, Coins Son lips loro eyes, &c., reir.niug luep.iiuui once, anil Reducing thn most angry I ooking Smiling and inllamation as if by uagie. Onl,' 23 cents a box. run sn e av J P IilN..MOI!i:, No. 4111 Hroadwny New Vork. S IV LOW LE 4iCO., N i. IrtTreiui it-st, Huston, And by all Druggists, May 7, 18C1 JSiu. 1Miniinderslgeirlsntso extensively engaged In tn i UndtrtMne Duslnitt, and keeps constantly on hand nd for sale at his Wurcrooiue, a large assortment of, FINISHED COFFINS, j lly which ho is enabled tu nil orders on presentation i Aio - Keeps a cood Horse and Hearse, unci time, be ready to attend Funerels. Illoomsburg, January 29, IP3B New Drug Store. ' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ! rpilE undersigned would Inform their friends and the i 1 public ge'neriilly.thut they have laken the stand fur i lucrly occupied by Geo. Jl. Ilugenbiirh, iu Hie Exchnnge Jhulding, on Main street, in Hluonicburg. where he has just received a full supply of Bimi'm, illfriiciiics, E'iiiiils. Oils, lanis, &c , Which will be sold on moderate terms for ready pay. Also, NOTIONS generally, of every variety, sortand size, i'liyslclnns' prescriptions carefully compounded, nt ail limes aim on sunn nonce. Bp" Confettioneiy sf the best selections, and Soda Wuler ill sea sou. t7 A sharu of the public custom, is respectfully so idled. EYER U JIOYER. nioninsluirg, Aprf 11, 1P.3. ;oAC K. STAUFFE , WATCHMAKERAND No, 118 North Second St., ror. of Quarry, P II 1 L A 1) E L P II I A . An assortment of Watches, Jewelry, Silvor and Plated Ware constantly on hand. ' Repilrihg of Watches and Jewelry promptly at tended to, Januury 4, 16C3. ly. IJiiNTBSTBSY. II. C. II 0 W E R, SUKtJEON DBNTIST, lirsPECTFULLY offers his orofess loual services to the Indies and gentle men of HLiumiburg and vicinity, Ho is prepared to atit-ud to all the vnrlnu opiralions iiitlioliiie of Ills profession, and i provided willil'ie Idlest Improved P'JKCKLsllJi TUKTJl; which w ll lj i oi-rleil on void, platiuu, silver and rubber base to I no W' II us tlio iTatuinl teeth Ml ier.ll plate and block teeth manufactured and all o I'rnlli ns on teeth, carefully unit properly attended to. Resilience and o Hi t o u few doors above the Court II ni. e, same side, III jo.mlnirg, June G 1303 F. 0. HARRISON, M. D. WOULD respectfully inform the citizens ofnioouis. burg, and vicinity, that he CMtiiiuesthu practise of all' . mluiual iUIiUMtr, '"' "T p-"iv pan .Omrr, on Main Street, rlrst liosie below IheCoutl House, uiooruitiurg, February 3, leii-tf IMPORTANT TO LADIES, PRIVATE MEDICAL ADVISER,1 An Invaluable treatise of CI pages, by published for the benefit of the sex. On receipt of TEN GENTS, It will he sent postpaid, In n sealed envelope, to all who apply for It It gives a concise description or all tho diseases pe culiar to females, together with means of cure, and treats f Conception. 1'rrgnancy, Sllicarrlage, sterility Soxunl Abuses, I'tolapsus Uteri, l'cnialc Weakness Consumption, e and much other valuable Informa tmn not published In any other work, Uvcry lady should procure a copy without delay. THREE EDITIONS. 40,000 EACH, liavo already been published nnd distributed this year Harvey's Female Pills, : tbo most Infallible and popular remedy ever known for i all diseases of the female sex They have been used in tnnnv thousand cases with unfnllinil success nl"' j mny lie reneu on in every enso iuj which u"-j -- t- coiuiiicmiiu, nnu particularly mini chbib umshib Obstruction, or Stoppage of Nature, no mailer rmiu what cause It arises. They are effec tual in restoring in heullh nil who are suil'urlng from Weakness and Debility, Ulcrluo Discharges, Kervous uess &c, &c., and they ACT 1,1KB A CHARM 1 In strcngtViiliig and restoring the syslem. Thousands of ladlis .nvo luirered for j ears and tried various other rciiieJics In v n. one n rciiownl of their health nnd strength wliully toti.i ?llluucy of jjj HARVEY' FE.'.IALK PILL. They nro not a new discovery but a Ion. rled remedy ino ccicurniou DR. JOHN HARVEY, one of the most eminent physicians, prescribed t.'.'m for mnny years in his private practise, and no phys, clan wits morj truly popular or widely known than ' hi in In Hits treatment of j FEMALE DIFFICULTIES. 1 All who have used Dr. Harvey's Female rills recom. meiiil them to others. NurscK reconiiuiin iimu-mux ll-tsnnd Dealers recommend thuin in p'elercnce to 1 other medicines, hecanso of Ihelr incrlls. Joels tu lake llicm for they lire elegantly No lady ob- ; Propand by an esperici.ced Chcmiat it tlioiis lor use. I P1UCE ONE DOItiiAR- ! nnliin nut If vml desire Dr. llnrvev h rills or llooit, mid If nu cannot procure tlieni of you r ilrucci-t, do not tuku nny oilier, f.irsoine dealers who . are uiiurincipleu will recoiniiienu inner ruin-m Fills, they tan make a larger protit on but enclose the nioiiey and send uneci to Dr. J. BRYAN, General ArciH. Ix507D. 442 I'.rnadivay. N Y. Who will take nil rUk if properly directed i and you will receive them post paid, securely Bealed from ob servatlon, by return mail. SOLD liV DRUC10I3TS GENERALLY. DEMAS BARNES J.CO., New Yonit. Who'csalo Agents. jUArViaOOfi, Third Edilionjlfty Thousand, Oli w&cs, cloth covets, BYROBT. E BELL, M. D., Member of tha Royal Cnllegc of Surircons. London, addressed to youth, the married, nud those CONTEMPLATING MARRIAGE. Sent by niail, post paid, on receipt ' TEN CENTS. A carelui perusal ol this small imek has '.icon u BOON TO THE AFFLICTED 1 and lias saved thousands fioni a life if misery and an UNTIMKLY GRAVE. It treats on the evils or Youthful Indiscretion, Self Abuse, Seminal Wi-ukuc. Eiiilsions. Sexual Dis eases, Cenitnl Debility. Los of Power. Nervousness Premature Decay, Impotence, fcc. Sic, which unlit the sufferer from lultilling thu ODl.l(!.1TI0.S OF MltliUClt:, and Illustrates thu means of cure by the nso of BELL'S PEC IFIC PILLS, and other treatment necesary In some coses, and IIVjjVA AVivr ftilts In fare ami can OC II IllCIl l.Vier JUUSW urc, unit t cc lelir.d on They do not nauseate thn stomach, or render the breath nireiisive, and 'hey can be USED WITHOUT DETECTION. They do not Interfere n till business pursuits, nnd are speedy in nrtinu. NO LHANOE OF DIET 13 NECCSS UY. 2hcif cue WananteU in all cis, tn he effectual in removing nnd curing the di-ense. Upwards of two thousand cases uro on record that HAVE BEEN CURED by using HELL'S SPECIFIC PILLS, and c rtlficatcs can be shown fioni many that have used tlieni NO CASE OF FAILURE EVER OCCURS. rn.i-rir.lii nf n Miitiilreil Pliv&ilinn Use. them extell- i I sivel) ill their private practice, and they c.iuiiut tffuct , I cures uiiuoui uieiii. BELL'S PECIF10 PILLS j Are the original nnd only genninc Specific Pill There j areuhottorimitators-IIEtVAHE OFTIIEil. I THEE ARE WARRENTED. They are adapted for male or female, old or young, mid are the only reliable reined) known for the of all diseases arising from YO UTIIFUL INI) I SCR E 270 A'. In all Sexual Diseases, as Conorrlica. Striiturc, Gleet, anil in all Urinary nun Kidney complaints, tlics; ACT LIKE A CHARM ! Relief is experienced by taking a single box; nnd from four to six boxes generally etfect u cure. SOLD UY DRUGGISTS GENERALLY, ill boxes containing sixty pills, price SL or six boxes, 3; also in largo boxes, containing fourofthe sum I, price $1. If jou need ttic Hook or the Pills, cut out this adver tiseuieiit for reference, and if you cannot procura them of your druggist, do not bo imposed on by any other remedy, but enclose tile iiianey in a letter tu the pro pritlor, HHfi. J. BRY N, Riix .1079, 44211ro.idivay, N. V. who will take all risk if propeily 'directed, and will scud the Pills, secured Iru.u observation, by return mall, Post Paid. St-LO HY DRUGGISTS GENERALLY. DEMAS IIARNE3 U CO. New York, Wholesale Agents, TO THE AFFLICT'!.)! F O M D 23 . J . Ef Y g N CONSULTING PHYSICIAN. No. 44'i Broadway, icw Fork, Medical treatment, tebe surcesifiil. must be adapted tu each particular case, and the a' tunl cundition nf the patient nt Ihe time, and regulated from lime to time. j as the exigencies of the cuse require. Medicine aus , more potently nn some persons than on others, nud it ' should be ndmiiiiitercd wilh n view to assist nature and not to force it j All who aro afflicted with Chronio DiUieultits i nf ony kind, nud have failed to ol tain permanent ben. tfil from thu treatment of their family physician, nre solii ited to give men statement ol their condition, uud 1 will advise Ilium. freu uf charge, what treatment is necessary to ensure recovery i the lima required, and the expense. I desire to prescribo or give advice only in such complicated and chronic rises as have balllcd thu skill of oilier physician Tn all Butli 1 will pay speedy attention, and give every case my serious consideration. Advice without inedltinu Is seldom sufficient; there fore when addressing me, enclose one dollar in your letter, for which I will give my cm. lid opinion and advice, and such medicine as I can ullord lur Ihe same by return of mail; and will alsu statu upuu what terms 1 will undertake tho ruse My professional attention is given luor particularly tn Hie following diseases, which I make specialities of my pr ifesslon ; and I cull treat them as well at it distance as it called upon peisonally All Chronio and Complicated AlTcolinns of tho System, (and all diseases peculi ar to to Females ) Dysprpsla and Liver Cumplniiits, Chronic Headache Piles uud Fistula, i lirouic und Iiitlamiualory Rheuma tism. Neuralgia, nnd Nervous Diseases general llebil. ity, Scrofula, iii,icers uud Tumor, Chronic und In. ll.unaiorrf Diicnae of the Eyes uud Ears, Catarrh, Sem inal Weakness, Impotence, Urethral uud Vaginal Dis charges, Sexual and Urinary Diseases gen-rally. Consumption, Bronchitis, and Lung Dis cases generally. A treatise nn this subject, illustrating tho various stages und most rational mode of treatment, will bo sent to uuy one, ust-paid, on tho receipt of a postage stamp. Jl treatment for Consumption nnd nronchial uffec Hons lias been attended with grunt success. 1 do not follow Hie beaten truck .of Hie putt ages, but attack the disease upon principles that have a sound sciintilic basis ; uud 1 have restored thousands by simple reme dies, that have been given over by other physicians as incurable, Under the ordinary treatment liiu patients ulwu)i die, under my trentiuent Ihero is some hope, Aliliclcd, givo me a consultation, 1 use no remedies thut urn hurtlul, in any case. Sly motto is; -'Nature has provided, lorovery disease, remedies in 'lie plants of the fields and trees of the forest j" uud I use no minerals under any circumstances, My address is as follows i "J.11RVAN, SI. D Boi S07-J, No, 41.1 Broadway, New York.Ji Yv rile your namo plain, alio town, county and Stute and a reply will be mailed ai.ioou as possible, I efcinsiy II , IfOJ-yeow, They are perfectly ; harm ess on the system. may . " - , Atim&VP taken at any nine wuii pei met mm tj j uui ,i.u...k ...v 4 WTV-"-wa Icirlvstaiinsnf I'regiiuiiiy they "huuld not be taken, In n'Pit'ktU ur it mis in i mil-' "v.., - m- i tttt.iiiin .....'. .'i.iL,i.w,Tni'.vj.f.:. i The liuliiga Catde lowdcr IS warranted to be Iho'moM power lul agent for the tlbin acli nnd blond of Cattle, Bwlne, or Sheep, In prd mdlng dlgestlon.clrans In; the system nnd Iran sfer:n the nuilfled an imal fluid In flesh, fat, 1 Utt .allk. butter nnd nrentth in II k. muter nnd rtrengtn nnd establishing health anu vigor. m'vovfl nortsri w1 MUM. roWDI'.ll Is tho i only medlbines locnlly t.ntnnleil In t'rflnre. linn- land, riwitzcriund and i Holland, and duly ad. niltt'Ml by their Courts. ' honored with prize mod uli iu Invented by r-ii voy- in"""1 Serial Co ego lo Agriculture nt I'aris. and how iiinii lurnctudbyC.O.inilNKIl.Drof Z. and A.. Allen- town. I.ehlgh County, Pennsylvania, Alldlreaies of tho'ftnmacfi, lllood. t.nngs nn.l n.iw ... 'I.,;.,!ilv and rettalnlv rtircd. Ileulthy stock will iio brought Into the very highest Until ot Perfection nn.l one or two Inhlespoonlul a week. Is ofgreiil value ....l.lnn lirtraf.. Iirnf.i InffKttl' R una cons, nun .i.... n.i.r. i vnliiiibln horses from coula :rr..:, , ',.;. w, minacious save" """""", - . , . .. Ef ntasl WOllAl CONICTiuNB errefliinllvoverroiiin all the obstacle which usually nrivf iU Hie cipelllng of worms, are pleasant to take. Slid a so one of the most Hgri-nil.lo piiruiitlv. for ? I I dren. Soconfldent l the Inventor of the success ,. Ii s I iboHous st es, lu the pathological compo. tlu of Ibis prepaYntlon, that ho furiilshe. every gia.l uatcd phy'lii'iii. with a wrlltcn prescrlption.ns a new t rn In materia niedjca. ..,,. AMn act rv, Til K UNION no.M I. UA I. MCL AND ANT T.X. . TURMinA roii, ! Is n powder for the sure extermination of oil " "; !..i,i',.. t,r,nu tilt t nee and illiiiute, and murh . . .. ...!. n1.l IMinanlinrntls I'nstc. ,i, ...... v........ :-7 ..I.lh l.nnl. 1.. . ,.u.i iimn. nmkli e U wo.-thless. For ilirec 1 tieus and parllrtilars sec the small bills In the boles. ' " , ..I i ..,i,..,i nn.l lb rir.suven premiums have bocii nworded lo ll'icso cclebruled preparations, up to October tfli. 1HI1I. . , , , . . it.,.ii.. IIovsr. nro the wholesale Agents nil nil a. For sale by nil respectable Drug nnd country stores November 19. 180-1 IKiu. TI1K OUUAT WOULD'.- FAIR nXlltlllTlON IIBI.U IN LONDON IMI. THOS XV. MATTSON Wnm nuankil the Prl7.e. Med al for his superiority over nil . . . j. . ..,...,.. ,ii,i nlvctedlron Fr.ilut Travelling Trunks, Valises, Lad es Hat U.iscs, Carpet lines. Lean er ii.ins, uiniireii.ts nim tinii'jy .i-m1 !m.' nip. Pronellers. Wbeelberrow. Ate. which ho is prepared to sell nl the lowest manufacturing price. The most extensive Trunk and Carpet Hag .Munufnctiir er in Philadelphia. 4UJ .MARKET STREET, one door abeve Fourth, South side, PHILADELPHIA. CySalcs room nn the first floor. B-Trunks neatly repaired or exchanged for new I (dies. Call and see. us wc eel! very (heap lor casu, r ov. 14, iei,3 lumo CEO'S BCii, Nos. 0,11,13, 15, 17 Couitlandt Streot NEAR HROADWAY, NI'.W YORK CITY ) This old-established and favorite reort uf the llusi . tin ('nniiiiuuit v has been lecelilt refitted, nild is colli i plete in excrylhlhg Unit can minister to the comforts of ! its patruus Ladies and families are specially and care fully provided lor. It i centrally located in the bn iness part of the cilj I and Is contiguous, totho principal lines r.f steamboats I cars, omiiiluisscs ferries, c. In consequence of the pressure caused by the Hebe I lion, prices have been reduced tu One Dollar a d HJty Cents per Day I The table. Is amply supplied with all Ihe luxuries c I tliesensoii.andisuqual to that of any oilier hotel in 111 ) '"ai'i'ipc accommodations nre oilercd for upward of 401 I trili.trt. Do not believe iiiiiiii rs.iiackiiien, and others whe may say "the Western Hotel u full." 1). D. WINCHESTER, Proprietor. TI10S. D. WINCHESTER. Feb. 13, leb "mghmss mm riMIE Proprietor of this well-known nml centrally Iocs 1 led House, the Excimnoe Hiitii., situate nu Mni, Street, in lilooiusburg, immediately --piiositi-1 lie Coliiiu bi.,.n,vcourt llouse,rcsni.ctfiilly informs his friends nml the i, nt, lie iii ec ncrul. that his House Is now in or iter fortlie reception nude ntcrtiiiiiuietit of travelers wha m:i feel disposed to favor it w itli their custom. Ilu has u It, in. the I'v. ii. will.' l.,r ll. entertainment uf his guests, neither shall there he any thing wanliiij (on Ills parti tn minister to their persona' coiiil'orl. His house is spacious and enjoys an exccllen. busineslniation, y Oiuiiiliuscii run nt all times between the Ex iv Hotel and the wirious R ill Road Depots, by whirh ,g elers will be pleasantly com ejed in nnd from th' speitiio Stations in due time tn meet the Cars. vJvL-"Kflf'N A FEW REASONS WHY THE American WATCH 13 THE REST. It Is irnde on Ihe bet principle, while the furelirn wnti h is generally inadii nu no principle at nil. The fort igu wn'eh is iHOsly made by women, nud boy, iiy ii-sn H'lino uieir lunar is cuenp. ineir wors is near nt any price Suth wntihc lire Hindu without plan. and sold without guarantee. They nre irregular in construction. nud quite a irregular in movem-nt '1 hey are tlesiiriied only tn sell, nud the buyer i Ihe pnrty most thoroughly sold. Thnc who huve kept -itncres,' lepiiies"nud "Swiss levers" lu prolessed repair for it f..wenrs will appreciate tiie truth of our sttteiiwnt, THE PLAN OF THE AMERICAN WAICI1. Instead of being made nf several hundred liltle pie ces, scrui-ed losnlher.the body ofthe Aiii.ric.'iii Watrli offOLID PLATES. No jar interfere Willi the har mony of its working, and no sudden shock cm throw it machinery out of gear. In riding on nny biisimiH pursuit, it I all neui ingntner at ttriniy us a single iicco oi metal it is just wii.ti an inaciiiuery snouiu 1st. UVURVrC. 2d SIMPLE. 3d. STRONG, Jib. EUONOJ1ICAL. We not only secure cheapness Iiy our system, but quality. We do not pretend tlmt oar wnlrh inn bo bought for less money th in the foreign make helieves. hut that fir its real value it is sold for one half the priic. OCR SOI DIER'S WATCH (named Win. Ftlery.) is what its name indicates- Snljd, Substantial, and al ways Heliablu warranted to stand nuy amount of inarching, ruling or lihgting. Our new liieher qmlity of Wntcii (na tied P. S llart letl) is similar in sizu n..d general appearance, but has more Jewels. and more elaborate finish. Our Ludie's Wulili, recently brought out, is pit up in a g-eut variety of patterns, many of rnro beau ty and workmaushlp. is quite small . but warranted to keep time. Oui Young gentleman's W.Vch is licit, nnl large, an I Justtlic tiling for thepocki t of Vouug Auierlcn. The proof ol the merits of uur Watch, may he found in the tail that we now employ over seven hundred 1 workmen in oiirfactorius, uud tliat we nre still unable I tu supply the tonstaiitjy increasing demand. j Our thrce-qtinr es I'l an; Wntthis thinner and lighter, iiiu nuii-rs o ii tve iii-sii 'uuii. usual! curonn - bdlumc is delicalely ndjusle I to correct the va- rlatiou caused by rhnbges of temperature, Tliesn watches are the fruits of the lulct experiments in . l.rf.iii.inelrv. .mil are tnnde bv liar li,hl tvitr1 lu . sepurulu depailmeut of our factory Fur the lineal lima keeping qualities lliey chain uga compiirisiiii with Hie best works if tliuir.o.l famous Eugli sh and Swiis makers. ROIJIJINS & APPLE I ON, Agents for the American W.itcli Company, Ui HKO.VDIVAY, N, . April 1, 1BC5, lino. NWOMNIKUS. I ho undersigned, grateful for past pt. rJiiago, respeflfUy nf rms thu Travelling Public generaliy.ihat m hmjiut. procured frmu Now York, a new, beautiful, and capacious Phoenix Company Coach, by whirh means lie Is now enabled to coursy Pas. sengers and ll.igg.ige safely and conifortably between lilooinsliiirg nnd the several lls.ll Road ll.-pois, to meet the J iniiis, It will be his study lu accommodate his customers to their satisfai lion. Il solicits lie public pnlriiungii, r FA BE 33 CENTS, , . JACOH L GIRTOX. Illoomsburg, January 7, IRiiS, Skylight Picture Gallery. 1" HE undersigned respcotfullv inforniB the rllizeni of Illoomsburg and Ihe public gene rnlly, that lie has succeeded .Mr.Rosenslock in tlio I'lio. lograph and Daguerrean business, at Ihe will known Sky-Light Stand, In tlio Exchange (thick overStoliner's Sloro, to which helias added n full Camera und iui proved material, by which he promises lo tks the mos'. perfect LIFE-LIKE PICTURES, j seated or standing, that have yet been produced in ' this section of Country. .'"'1' .''"'"e "ie "nlv establishment of the kind in Hlooiuiburg, and having been lilted up at henvy ex. S'.'mh ,li",?y'"! considered a first class LIKENESS SALOON.Oroups or a single picture taken al anytime liu solicit! tho public custom and trusts lie will be able to ri-nder gencrnl satisfaction, i D- ALHUJIH AND PICTURE FRAMES, of a kinds, constantly on hand and for sale cheap. , . .. , . CLEMENT GEARIIART. I IHooiiisburc, March S5, UU5 I l M 1 if s 1 Al I s-iiTnVJtTP mm LTS-SSi -J LEiSs SSV W wmSSi wifjij it; GOLD PENS FOR THE MILLION ! Pais to Suit the Hand, and Prices to Suit' the Pocket. Tho host Gold Pens in tho Yorltl i.. .rnA. ;ilHMlnt sin ma. wilt KPfiti . ' '"""5 J J VoVj n o t selecting Hie sain.i ucc"ruiii c Gold Pent, in Sllvor Plnted Estcnsiou CufcH, with' Pencil. for 81 No. 8 pen t for SI 25, po-lV, 4 pen I for $1 No. S pen for 61 25 No. 0 pi n. These pi,ns are stamped TI1IJ lirr.ltl l. VIIJ. "nd are veil InlsWd nnd n.iowrillngflud l-en-.w 111 go. n nrlduii olnts. nithous'ftluy ore unwuriaiitcd, and cannot be cichnneJ, WARRANTED GOLD PENS'. Our name (American tlidd Ten (.'o.pN. V".,) I 'tamp ed on nil our first quality IVns, nnd tli'e imlrttn are I warrantudlorsliiiioiiths, ejccpl ngairsi nrciueni Our sernnd quality Pens, are itiiniped 1111. NA IIO.V 1 AN I UN. Willi thu Initial ul our firm (A, ..I. to,, mm to rnr "iiy i vue. ?' .. " .v.v.. : :.v;; first quality 1 ' vus.iua ouly greul tlifiareiicu being If nuallly i'f thet luUuld. Oold Pons, ltt nnd 2d quality in Solid' Silver Exicnsioii Oase, with Pencils.- For SI on n No. 1 pen 1st quality orn Nn 2 pen 2d qual For 9! W ii No. pen 1st quality, or a No ll pun Sdqual For Si "!i a N a pen I hi quality, oru Nn 4 pen 2d quul. For SI M n Nu 4 p n 1st quality, or n Nu5pi-ii2d qual, For S) 30 a Nui pell 1st a Not) pen 2d qual. For Si 3d a No. 0 pen 1st qualit). The saino Gold Pons, in Solid Silvor Gold-' Plated Ebony Desk Holders and Morocco (Jasu8. For f2 23 a No 3 pen 1ft quality, or n N i 4 pen 2d qual For Si 50 n No I pen 1st quality, r it Nii5pi-n 2d qual. ForS 4 211 ii N"3 pen lt quiillty.tiru Noll pen 5d qual, ... s t. - f I t . I S .....itlltr LaaS- Ckfsfl Ss N. (1 For sl (M n Noll inn 1st quality. Fur S3 AD it Nn pen. For 3ti 73 Nu. t" pen. For $l-s UO a Nu. 12 pun ; all first quality. Our Pen rank throughout the country ns equil If nut superior to nny gold pens inniiiifiiilur d. Not only for Iheir wrllng qualities bit. durability mid elegant Hiiish I he gri nlcst care Is used In their iii.'iiiiilaeture, nud none nrj sold with the slightest Imperfection whlth skill can detecl. , Pintles In urderiug must specify Ihe nam?, number niidqunllty in all instances and wlutliur still' ur liiri ber, course ur fine. TO CLUBS. A discount of 12 per cent, will ln nllov, d nn su mi of $13, If 'cut to one nddrrs, nt one time j 13 pur cent on 823, '.ii per lent on 511. All rellllliauces ny man. iit-uiBirrru, lire ni tisn. To all who cnclosu 20 cents etna for reglterlng, wn gtiarnntee th s f delivery onhe g.iods. Circulars of all our new styles, with Eneravings of exact Izes, mid price, sent upon receipt of stamp. If desired, Pens repomted fur 50 cents, by mail. Stailuliers and Jeweler are requested In correspond with us ns we c.iu oiler them great Indiiceine'nls. Address AMERICAN GOLD PF.V CO., No, 2U0 liruii.lw.ty, New York, January SS, if 03. 3in. 13. ik II. T. AiitliHBiy & 4Jo., Manufacturers of MitiHigr;iiliic fll;ii eiinls, H10l1sale & Rit.iil. 501 HROADWAY, Y, " i.ti In addition to mr main busines of l'lioii;rn hn AliileriaN, we are llc.t Iqiinrtern lor the Lillmiing, iz Slcrcihcopts and Stetcoscopic Ficws Of these we have an imnieiie nssn luiet t. ineliiiliu Win Sci nes, American nud Foreign ('Hies and L." n. scares. iJriiupH, Mutui.ry. Ate.. &c. A so. Revolviuir Stereoscopes, fir public or private exhibition (nir Catalogue will lu sent tu any a Idress oil reel ipt of rump. Photographic Ibums. Wo were the lirsl tn intro luce th se Ii to th L'nlted Suites, uud we 111 11111f.11 luro iiiiuieii-e pi.intities 111 vnri- ty. luuaiiig in price from 3(1 cent- tn VI ei ch, Our ALIIL'MS have lln- reputation nf heme su perior inb-nityand durability in any other. They will bj sent by null, free, ,111 ion ipt of price. ilJlne Atbumn vi'ttte to Unlet. CARD PHO'rOGR PHS. ''jttalniriiP i"W fiiiliructM Mrcf tht,unnd ilif , rent rttiljc ts (to uln. ti nttililimit nn mntnm 1 1 liviiij: ni.nJt') f r'frtr.tits ul Utninviit Am'-rnuut., rVt. , VIZ it nun i 101 M.ilorGenernls, StatC'lliell, 1311 Dltiue. I.'i Autl or-., I'l At l leti. I.'i Stage, 201 llni.'.-i:cu..rnl, 273 Colonels, Hal Lieut' Coloni l... 2ill Oilier t Hikers. 3 Nuvv (Jllieer. 3d Prominent Women. l.i l rrouuui i oreigu rnrirau. 3.H0U Cill'll'.i i'" IMJRKS UF ART. including reproduttioii. ot the niu.t t el brated araiiug-. Fainting. Statu :-, -e. sun' receiptor Stamp An or. I -r fir On.- D ?. -u t'n i Iran our Cut.iloim will b lillud oa the (: , SI.HU. and sent by mail. I'iiie. I'l ntograplier an. I uthuis ordering r. with ph ase n mil tw. ut live pur c-nt nl tlu i Willi th. ir order. E & II. T. ANI'llnVY .V C I .Mttlttfiittartti fif I'liot prilfflttc Mi'tr', .iul Hr ladway, Nutv I'll- ii. nt P7"The price and quality of nnr goods c.u 'i fail llecU'til-oin. 1SG5. I liilalclilifa fc Erie 18!53. K. A t is - H O A. n This great line trnverses the .Vortherii nml North- A'el conniiestif Pennsylvania lo Ihe nl) ol l.ip-.ou I. axe i;rie. it has h-en leased by 111,- Pennsylvania Railroad Company, nud is operated by them Its entire length was opened for passenger uud fieight business, Oitolicr Kill, IM TIME I1K I'ISEN1KII 'IRilhS Al hoR rill M DtiK I. AS n .Mail '1 nun li-uves. East l'.lmir.i Expres Train, Lot k Haven Atcoiniiiudaliin, Williams port Atcoiiiiuo.lHtioii, LEAVE WESTWARD. Mail Train Elmiru Eipres Train, Haven Aci-onimodulion Witliamspnrl Acciiiiiiuodalinn - lu In ii -j; p. jl p. M. A. M P. Al. 4 '4 A. Jl. 3 'Jl A. M. 4 34 P. Jl. II 33 I'. Ill i .issugers i urs run iiimugh on .Mail Tram, wtiit- our tiumn both tvnjs between Philadelphia and Elie .inn iiaiuiunre nnu i.rie. Elegant Sleeping Car on Elmlrc E(ires Trains Loth ways between Williaiuport uud ii.iltimoru. For information respecting Passenger business, ap ply ut the Cor. 301li and .Market Sts. And for Freight businessuf tho Company's Agents. S, II. Kingston, Jr., Cor.l3th and Jlurkel'Sta., Plnl'a J, IV. Remolds, Eriu. J.M. Drill, Agent N. C. it: R., Ilaltiiimro. II. II. Hniistuu, Gun'l. Freight Agt . I'liil.i.lelpliia, II. W. Gwnuier. lien'l.'I'icket Agl I'liil.idi Iplua. Joseph I), Polls, Geii'l. .Manager, Williauisport. . Jan. 7, Ico.'i. M3LL!B GOODS. g BROOKS & R 0 E N II E I ,t 1 v Fi" I . WHOLESALE DEALER, 131 Market Street, ninth title, Pliila. Havo now opened their usual I'lindsoma variety of Ribboni.JJounei Mniu. terials, Straw it F.iney Hon. nits, Ladies & Miasc' HATS. FLOWERS, RllClin-, LACES, and nil other nrll cles req'iired by the 1 L LI N E R T RAD El lty long experience audstrii t attention tn thi branch (if businuss exclusively, we (latter ourselves that we ' nn tiller inducements, in vuriily. sljles, quality and i iiiodi-ratu prices not ever J here to bo fuiiud. The j attention ui .Mil liners and .Merchant, is respectfully 1 solicited. iir Particular ntlentinn pni I to lilli lg Orders. Jlarcp II, lM'3, 'Jul, A. LOGAN GRIM, Attorney and Councillor at Law, LAPOR'I E, SULLIVAN l,'0,, pA. K7" Military and other claims promptly attended to, October 13, Irru. Insurance Company, WILKES-RAIUtE. PEN NA. CAl'ITAL AXI) SURPLUS, - - $150, ass lira , Stock not culled In, I Hills receivable, I U. S.S-'JD llonds, Temporury and call loans, $'i0,00li 4U.IIUII tf3.uut) II.UUll 0 iMll juj snares wjoinlng Hank Stock, SH shares First National Hank i.l Wllks-llarre, 3,tmi) in sanres Beconu national ti.'iuKnt Wilkes-llarre ollarre, 7,unj 4(1 ilitires U llkes-lliirrv llri.lgu Stock, MM' 1,51'J lui. 7,114 l.BU ui-ni t.state, . . Judgments, . Duo lrom Agents and others, Cash in hand and in Hunk, HiteiEtyjroKs. G. M. IIOLLENHACK, JOHN REICH ARD. SAMUEL WADIIAM8. CIIAIU.LS 1101(11 ANCE, R I) LAI OE. L. D. SHOEMAKER. II. Jl IIOYT, O. .'OLLIVil. Wn. S, ROSS. CIIARLE.4 A MINER, SI EWART PIERCE, II. ., " SI HARDING, SI IIOLLENHACK, VntldM D. SHOEMAKER, Vies PrriV. I It. C. SMITH, SacniTsgT Marcti S3, Vi' F. IIHOWN, Agent, 1 1- lusbiirg, Pa. I
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