Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, April 08, 1865, Image 3

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Daturday Mornrng.Aprit 0, 1865.
jflfiyTiiE Draft, cojntuciiccd on Thursday
la?t, for this District.
fcST Mr. MilroN Oox, has takon tbo
Walnut Street" llotol, In Light Street. ,
-A -." r- -
8QT Mi(ftLKBciiL'u'8 Snr.Ec r School.
M Will bo Mill b3 bur card elsewhere in
this iourtinl. will cnmiiiniir-n nti Tnimlnv.
tbo ldth of April, in lJIoouisburg,
CST Mr. Gko. W Mauokr, bas put
(bo I'utks. Hotel ' into lull operation. Ho
bas bad considerable experience as a Ho
del Keeper. Seo bis Card in tbw Demo
crat. qimtr, April 1, 18(55.
Gen. Grant moat bavo had a good timo
Of it, thi l8t U'X U,onlll ruraliyitlf in
' b
U0,M rtl
Wo direct special attention to tbo Proa-
-i.,o t .... It .
Kwua ui Hit I .UlliUl A.lll UIUiNi Ullll
...,1 .... it.. !. . .1 ! i l I
tetl till tile lirst pngo Of tilts Democrat.
It is an rjcellont democratic jot.rnnl 1
fearless, trulbful and independent and
deserves well the? support of tbo Democracy
of I'ennsjlvatiia. It boars tbo endorse
ment of the Democratic Members of the
I k I a,....- t?. . I 1 P A l 1 1 1 f . t T" l r-nel Inn lutiv t n nrlA.ltlu
It WUc tile tiret tlllll! tbo JjIeUtCliailt- without ulJ of doctor or m.idltlno Bet 'S5! J''"l'li Hey. P.1 3 00 OnluniMa Loiihly
General bud been personally n.f,b tbo ar. --n. 'lylrP "J."-".'.-, "ri'r" mi wi?kh, I s tcinn,.'
niv .ii.i-ii I Ii,IiiI.i.i-.1'7 I'l, imli .'. Pi-l.. J. Unil.r.iv. ' SS.'iiiiMelNeyhnrl. lit 3 SO John A Fuliiton, Cq
"v - - ii)i-, II
1 moat re lalde aourcea In Ihe City nnd Country end ho j nf the Penre nud Con-talihia of the a.ild roiiuty uf Col- j
Wnl)'lh .Movrrl itnv mil fell at hla oiriie. The umlical faenlty am invited In 1 uiublii that th-'V be tluu and there in their proper per
uuhii uvt,iV uui moonip.iny their pntienla, ni he liaa no aeciet in lila 1 anna at 10 o'clm I; in tin- foieimi-ii of aald ilny with their !
"Geo; W
c tiled for."
buoli was the
home two week'n ago, ou the margin of a
returned " Columbia Democrat." Who
it is from, or whence it camo, wo are una
ble to dticrmmo. Pet Masters, would
grenily oblige Editors, iu returning un
lified Papirs bybiinplj writing upon them
tlio natiio and place of ibeir office.
e- .
The Judols Ohamih-us. linn, Wv.
Iii,WEM, our Prcidetit Judge, has estab
lished bis office, or place of business,
known as the "Judges Chambers," in tho
Drick Luildinz of Sir. Uuatigst, ti few
doors above Miller's Stnro, on Alain St.,
!oonishurg, where bo will be always
pleased to'SLO his friends ami those hav
ing legal business with him.
Tin: (-iiunihorgburp; Ilipontaru Col,
M'Olitro's pnper says of Hon. William
A. Wallace :
"Wallace of tho 'J:?d .district, will ho
re-elcctcd.-and, since a D unoerat must bo
elij)3en. wc shall not rcgrt his siiccchs.
lie is an able, fair and useful enaior."
TbU little nut will do for tho postal
orffan to esereie its roden'a and molars
upon the iuiervils oi ro.'eivm its u-ual
iiislalinciifi of l onos from llie Federal ta
ble, M'Cluro ovidttiily don't be
lieve much iu the postal organ's ft antic
cries of ltica?on."
- pEnni .r Good. Tin; German Dem
ocratic Central Club of .New York, have
Jieisortrf, That, as true D imoorats. ac-
kiiowlcd.'iiie' 'I hoinus
.lelii-r-on: r ir
gihi.t, a.-, tbo uulhor of the Declaration of
liidcii.iidtjiico and the Father of the Dun
icrutie Patty, wo propoe to celebrate tho
1,'lih nf Ap'ril as the birth day of Tbomas
.liiRT-iini, instead of the -lib of March as
the oiaugural day of Abraham Lincoln.
'S"' The following evening after the ar
rival of the Presidential party at General
Grant's bcat'ijuarters, a ball was teudered ,
them on l onrd tbo General's private boat,
the M.iry Martin. According to tho Phil
adcljihia Picss, it was a gay alTs-ir, and
not iu the least marred by iho bloody
tcenes close by. !
CGT Mr. Lincoln, in the exubcranco of
your joy consequent upon your ro-iuiugu-latioti
and the quulshing of the Rebellion,
do not f irget, that six worthy men and
good citizeus of Columbia county, aro il
legally and unrighteously inured, by your
petty sa raps, in a Military Dastile. Their
names aro Messrs. Kanu. Kline, Fell,
Colley, Lemon and Vansiekle. They are
ali good Union men. and unlike yoa, or
your Secretary of State, and Chief Jus- j
lioo, never advised tho people to ltnvolu-'
Jionizo ami throw off their form of Gov ,1
crnmen, or voted as they did, to favor th0 '
dissolution of the Union. j
6SS We desire treason and sympa ihizers
with it mads o odious that tho present
.generation nt least will neither desire nor
dare to repeat the experiment o( the pat
four years. "Them's our neiitiinents."
tsiiru Mm hint.
And wo desire everybody, who reads
the above patriotio sentiment, to rcmcirber
that its author
ni it . ..
litum'U Jiunn. IS a Hn-
, i j ... , . r .1. . Mi . . . .i. t
ttai lli'CCUlietll Ul tliu 1 orien Ol IHO HOVO-
lntimi. A,l,l,Hnnn1 nrinin mion Mm nn,l
AiLliHnnnl nrinin minn Mm nn,t
..v... . ...... ",v,
them would ho unmerciful. "Them's our
EST" It i very seldom that wo tako
nny notice of what appears in the machine
called tho Jiepub'icati. Wo depart from
, -ii--. v . . I ti't ,,.. o, .ciiiro loivoiiiin, voiiiiooin eoniii),
OUT Utial COUrfO IU tills instance, to remind deiensed, Iravu been gnutud by the Itegialnr of Col
.i i ,t . it -i if I nt i ' uinhin coiiury, to lite iiiidir-igned lull person, having
t!l0. iUdClline-iniin , that ll lllS "loyal pre- , claims nv-umst the l.slntu ot llie lUcodenl nrn replies-
j. .- ,, -, i.,- . ., , , 1 Mil to pre.ei.t them to the undersigned, residing iu
diction, (III relation to tllO capture Of S.-utllm.ualiip, wilhmitdelny, muloll persona iiideb-
n. , i i . t . r inn i
t,1, tn mi 1 1 t lina lin.nn llllsssl itio.f-i.-n-
lull li, wt, .. ,y ... -.., I. .lou I 1,1 I.
hli occurrence, wo mean for him to tell'
tbo truth, (bat we tukc pleasure in an
nouuoing tbo '.'fact to our roadors," Hut
Dear Doctor, how is it about that whop
per, nnd a thou-and other cimihr ones,
that you heralded to tlr world on tbo 8th
Nov. 1600, tbat if Lincoln w-)s elected
you would guarantee pcaco and prosperity
to tho onuntry, and every man a Ilonic
stoad, from tlio eiroumfercnco ol tho earth
up lo Ihe lu hciial blue
3 on
l no
1 to
13 (III
13 00
3 HI)
4 on
imii:i apples, a so
IIA.M8 . . M
II AV hv I lie Inn.
3 0(1
OIIIOKLNfl.pcr pair. 53
of wnrnlng nmlndvleo tntlin.o suffering with Seminal
W,. (Ipn.irnt llehltltv. np Ptniiuilure Ileciiv.frum
whiitevcrenuso produced. Read, nutnlcr. rfhd rolled 1
"VRlVmn-n, tarth.benefltorib. aflllet.
cd. Scut by return mull. Address.
,nl.ji v. V I,
420 Uroadway, New l ork.
April 8. 1BC;
WIIISKKllf 1 1 1 Thoo whhlnj a (Inn act of whlak.
ora. a nif" Hioualnihe. or n b-.-i it t i fn 1 IiimiI uf ulimy
Inilr. will plenac rend the curd nfTIIOS. F. Oil ATM AX
In anotlii'r putt of thli pnpr.
ituruaryu, iciu .nil.
WTtmiMMin i ntntcrnnoi i I
want Whl.kor or Mnintaehea 1 Our firrelnn
(omniiuiid will lurcu Ihciii to lirnw uu tliu r uiIihk!
face or thin, or linlr. on b.ild hernia. In Hlx Wteki
Price, ?l on. font by null nil) w hire, ilnsel) a''a eil,
J"" lWti!iKA .3,, nrooUlyn, X. V.
j P'-m-nary h. iens-y
!fiui,t,Y "n..l ...7.1 lT...
I V ill" liunuui wyummt u aiiiii
1 pntidom in iiolli rexer. J !roat an .i-rer hav nj
l i r--tr,-(t to heallli in n few d.ij., nltir uumy
iMVTiV'ur V.':
aiilcrini! fit
ririint of n
pn .Iptiid mtdruaeed envelope, a nuiy ol' tit foimittn nj
nru uinpliiyed. llireittn JOHN M. I ,(!VU,,.
IIoj Ir.l Pod Olhce. Ilinnkltn. . V.
Jan. n, ieui. i . ay iu, d4 I
l nyrJ, li4J
CltDl'tll ,
ut viuirill,, I
. liy Dr J. li.ACr, i
ydeu, Holland,) .No '
Deafness, Blindues &
Tieateil with the utuioat aucceas
Oculiat nnd Amiat. (foriuerly of l-iydeu, llolluud.) .No I
' SI'.I PI Ml Street. Phi adellihia. Tealiuinliiiila Iniin tin- i
,)IVr'lcl"'r' "lll ln" inHcriuu witn-mt pain,
"i ,o rnartte inane uir exaiiiinaiiun.
February II, leii.5. July3, ISiil, IJni.
A I ITTI.IJ 'F r.VlillYTIMVO relatlim to the hu
man ayem, iiiiiIi: nnd leiiiale ; the cauaes nnd
treatment ol iliaeas'-a ; the iaiarri.1 cu-toma of tliu
world; how to marry wi II und u Ihouaanil lliimja never
piibliahud befiiru rend the revised mid enpirsed edl
lion of "Mediiul I'onuiion Sena.-," :i curioua lunik for
fAtriuua people, and a good hunk fur every one. 400
pasea. Hill llluatriiiioua. Price t ..",(). Cnntenta table
sent fr-e to nny ntldreaa. Hmikn mnv be hid at 'ho
llonk torea, or w hi bo aeut bv mail, poat tiaid on re
ceipt of the pili e. F. 11. I'UO l'H. ,M. II.,
1130 llruailuty, New Vork.
February 1. IS'jS.-Cni.
.Viero Deirtoerat,
IIkar 8ia - With your penniaaimi t wl.h tn -ay tn
the readers nf your paper lh.,1 I will mail, to nil who
led It (free; ., Ilec,-iie.w ith full direttiona for iii.iklni;
mil u-ii 4 ;i .linple Vi petable llnlm that will eflVetunl
ly ri'n"Hi!, in ten ilnye, Piinple, lllehes Freck
ela. and nil iuipurinea of the Skin, leaving the giimu
anil, deal, muu'Uli and lleiintifiil.
1 will .': I so in .ill free to thoe hivine Paid Heads, or
Hare F.ieea, siiiiiile dlrci'tliuia nnd in loriiietion that
will enable Iheiu to Unit u full cro-th of Luxuriant
llnir. Whiak, x. or a Mou-lache, iu le.o l.lun tinny
il.i) a.
All application, nuaweinl by return mail without
c 1 1 a r t c .
I'e.pectfully your,
. THUS. F. CHAPAI.W, Chemiat,
S31 llro.idivay. New Vork.
February 3.5. IMS-Jin.
rpo CON'SFMPTIVi:s. -The iindcr'isued hiivins been
J. relorell to henlthin n few week, liy n very aiinple
rciiiedy , nlti r havine nillereil aeteral yearn, Willi a
aevero. Inn:: all-Tiion, nnd that ilri ml ilia ne Con-
Mllupllnn ia alixioiia to in. ike Know a to hla fellow nlf
fcrera the iiii-nns td'eiire.
'Po all w ho deMru it. ho w ill rend a copy of the pre
a ripliun of ch.irpe,) willi the direction,
for preparin:: ami tiaiiii; the aiuue, wliieh they w ill llud
a t-ii rr cute fur CoNau.Mi-noN, AaiiiM., IlKOMiiiii-i,
( I'l'uua, l ce, I tin onlv object ol Ihe adv
in sending Hie Cieseriplion la to lieneht Hie nlllirtml,
inn pr, an inii'rio-iinio i uii-o lie rniiLrivoa in lie in
Mi'u.ible ; no.l In- linp-a every auir,-rer will try hla,
r-- I) . us it w ill m.t them nothing, und may prnve u
b,''-',,"l!' . , , ., ,
Parlies wi-hing the pr-airlptlnn will please 'address
It, v. UlnVAKD A. ILSON, V illi.iuburg,
Kings l.-ouiity.
Ne w i ora.
February la. lsd.-3ui.
Uniformity efFrices ! A New Feature iu llusaiiiea
F.veryiuie Ins imn S.ili n! JONCS u ('(). of the
Creaentone Pi in- Clothing Store, No. 301 Marke tstroc
above Sixlli, Philadelphia,
In nd nil. m In having Hie largest, innt varied and
fa-liioiuihle stoik of Clotliiiig iu Piiil'i.lelphi.i niideex
pressly lor retail sales, liavo oiistiluted every om
nia own a-ili'inaii, hy having marked iu ligurea, on euoh
nrtiilent the verylnwest puce it can l-c sold fur mtliey
iniiHot possibly vary all must hu. iiiise.
Tin- goods lire well sponged and prepare-lamt great
paiostuken w ith the maKing so that allcauhuy with
the lull .T-siirauca ul gelling -i good article nt the ter)
lowest price. Also, a large stock of piece goods ou hum!
of the latest style and best qualities, w liii h w ill be innde
to order, iu the moat fashionable ami best manner, 3.1
percent, Ik tow credit prices.
Ilenieiiiber Ihe Crescent, in Market above Sixth street
ill 301. JO sl.S CO.
A moat valuable and wouderlul publication. A w
ol dii-i pages, nml.'lii colored viigrnviinia, DU.HCV
TLIi'S VADi: MLCDM, an niigiual nud populnr
lea on .Man nud Woman their Physiology, Finn tions.
and Sexual disorder ofevery kind Willi never failing
Remedies Inr their speedy cure. 'Ihu pactneofjlr
Hunter his long lifer, iiml still is, unbounded, but nl
tli's earnest solicitation of numerous persons he has
been iti.tnrf.-it to extend his medical usifulness through
Hi- medium of his -V MIL MLi:i' il ' It is n volume
1 1 1 a t -hould he iu Hie hands of every laiiiily in Hi" land
n-a preventive of secret vices, or as u guide lor the
nliei latino of i. m- of thu most uivful nn.l ilestrui t-ve
si ourgea eier i-iled man hi ml, Onu copy st cureTy en
veloped will he forwarded free ofpo-tnge to airy part
M tin: United Mates for j) runts iu P O stamps.
Address, post paid, Dr. Hunter. No. 3 Division
Street, Nuw Vork.
.Mny SI, Iff I -y.
a dministrator's wotice.
Estai e of .lAroii Uaiit.ell, J it , Dec'd.
F.TTC.RS of ndmini-tratloii, on the Latnto of Jnroh
i lla.i.i II. Jr , lute o .Miilliu lowii.hip, I nluiuliia
( mnt) , deeeused, have been granted hy tha Keglsler
, ' Ctdiiiiil.ia iiiiiiity, to the undersigned ; ttir per-oua
l'iv ing i laiiua aguinsl tlio INtule of thu ilecedeut aru
r, '(nested to piesent tliein to the undersigned, reai.l
I .g in said Ion nsl ip. w iihoul iii'lny, nud all person)
iotlc lili'd lo make pajiiieul lorilnviili.
.' unary 3S. lia.Ow. s:i
Administrator's Notice.
Kit ate of Daniel ll'tuy, ieeemcil.
Fetters of administration on the Estate
j of Daniel Wary, late of Locust towuship, I ol
limbia ci iiutv, ih ceased, have been granted by the
Regiater nf Columbia county, tn Ihe iiiiileraigned ; al
peraoiia having claims ngaiut Hie estate of tha dece
ileut me re-iuesteit In present Ihem lo Hie Adiiiinislr-'i
tnx in her lesideuie in said tnwn-hip without delay,
hurl ail persons indebted to malm pavineiit forihw Ih.
" catiIarini: waiiv.
February II, 1P05, Gw S3 Adiuleistrulrii.
Administrator's Notice.
I Esta TP. o;- John Sinqlly,' Dkckaskd.
I 1 F.'l 'li.UH of .i.iniinist ration, on the Fstate
of Jons
I-l SlML.tY , I'l.
f Heaver townsliut. Colnuiliiu
ueieiise.i. nave m
n grunted h) th Register of Col-
, umbla eouuty, t. Hie tiiiilursigueil ; all persuiia having
I claims against re hslnlo ol uie uereueni lire re'iues-
i ted to present them to the iiuitersiSned. residing in
"..1 lownsii.p. n .tnoui ii, lay, iiuu nil person leu
Mhl township, n .thout ih lay. uu,!
i to p)UKU p,tvmi-nt lorinw uu.
I). i. villi. SINTiLUV.
January 23. leUa.-Uiv.
Almicj-iU'.,oi,'.. Wol ic
Estate vj Vtlliuiti, lUi, Deceased,
ETTEHS of administration, with the
J will aniiexiiil. on llin Hstiilo nf WILLIAM
leu iu mane oaiiii-ui I 111! II ,T i in,
1 ' ............
lil.I HARI'.MAN. Mm'r.C. 7'.
Deconilier 31, IrXL-ow. 5'1 "0 '
ilihstiuislfnlor'M H'olicu.
Estate cf U'i'iam J'iatl, Lcceas'd.
I LT'I'LRS i'( iidniluisirullon on the Lsiutu of Wil.
Ll Iiiiiii Pi.itl. lull ol Pii u township, Col. co., i-c',.,
Iiatvilieiin, grunted ii tliu Register nfColumbia tu ti Hie
iiiidi-rsiguuil ; all nurs'ins having claims iigtii .
lalu of Hie ileiiidint nro ro'ptosteil loprese lu
Hit, undersigned, residing in said towii.lii mt
delay, ami all person i indebted tu niah i -nt
Pine ttt'p., Jan. St,. Iwa, bw S3 0t,
Ladies' Furs.
The laigeit. nimrlntrnt at I HARI Hfl OA i.
EO.NS, t outitiriilol Hotel, fin link Iphu n
WHEAT, perhuiliol.
ItVK. '
CORN, ' '
FLOUR per Mil.'.ni),
flax sunn
r rfi nrn tlnlit mi. I pvi iti a tirrl tit li. . LrWl ""1
rni, r11,,.! i,.,,n,.niu t... t.. . .1 .
tn tho (biimbin Democrat ofiico, during
i no montn or Alarm, iauo :
Jlluea Unit
Andrew Freni, Fao,
&1nJ tfun'l Freas
Julin llulatuy
linn I'.iul Loldy s
II II llnrtmnn
.Montour County
V N fiavngn
.Mr Anns. I' Miliar
Jniic. ti (lllr y
t J fliVjMrs Farnh Jory
1 SniPst nrilnrrltt Vonnt
4 li(i;Jacnh II nirton
4 .VI John Omul)
H 0(;i oltimbla Ins, Co
8 ill'llnn Jmi Koons
4 (UlThn J Vnndcrsllce,
I 3.i)Olcincnl fitarhart
I 7,'ijJncnli lillor
3 SlijJarnh (Jnho
3 (Hi, JullUSOU
i o-. I.......I. i, n-.1
9 0
3 (HI
3 35
I 33
0 00
1 00
SO Oil
.1 00
3 SO
13 00
mini ntunor
A M C.t.....t.ll
S (.0
A I; Sniuervllla 7 00 LatiifDiiilel Stikcr S 00 , 'I , r .
cci,.iiiiu f nmver 3 10 Montour school ni.. i oo , ," Dn
Charles Thninns 3 4n! A A iiiitiprinmi SO'i.s lllftnn 3 in John II Christian 3 50 1 i-AViNnv
in II I'nti'rninu, 3 ou;ll a Mnrr. I!i 3 oo
Jmqih M I'atlon 0 onjJar oh Jurnhy 7 AO
I'eti r Miller 3 iil!J ,M Mower 7 iO
rhlllp Miller. (Ml Pi) OOl'cler Jnroby 7 AO
Jn.pph Mnwry .' liiiH'jn fclVIIKuiba'y eu 15 00
nuiirr r ini or 'J iiiuenn Kiii.a
I'eler UrnsliT 3-SOiMnthlaa Ktlna
3 SO I
o oo
I'elcr 'Met H IHl J II I'rllK. PJal S (M)
Airij'ii H.iltli 3 no: Aaron 3 So
rirtilloihl a in 'J K llruelor. i:u 3 SO
3d 00
5 S'i
1 SO
ellrv timelKtnck 3 00 N 1' vmiro 4 3.i
llnu II I' Hnylierl II Oil' John tllrtnn 3 SO
Hit or Andrew IIIMIho H n: CU'inuel .Mcllenry I 00
p -'"le . . 3 Oo' IMiua llnuil 2 SO
J"hn Ih ltterick 3 .lUJo'iu hltinnyer 10 00
Ihivid Allller. S unllanlel l.rc, l.v Ilk)
COUVl P O ClCMl dtlOU ,
llHKItriA?. th- lint. Vtl.uM r.i.WEil..rri;alileiil
VV lnilcu of tin! t.'flurt of Over mid Terminer and (len
eul Jail Delivery, t'mirt ol (Itinrler Seaalnua of the
Pcii'i! nod Court nf Cniiiiiinii t'lnn nud ()riliiiu'a t.'nurt,
In tin.- ith Jiiiliiinl lll.triit. cniiiiioKeil ol tin.- coti'illea
of (.'iiltiiiiuin.HiiUiwin and V)iiuiiiiit, and thu Hon. John
.M'l!r)ii"lil".t c!trili.'ii ll.ilily.Aa.iiclnteJuillieaof t'oluui
hla cmiiity.havi; iasued tlicir precept. lienriiiRdnto Urn 10,
1 1 ii V uf 1'ih.. In Hi ) v.Mir of our Lord nui- tlioimaud eiht
huudreu unit aixly-live and In nioiliri'ited n-r lioldliiu ii
court of oyer niu1 Ti riuiner nnd tieuerai Juil deii, ry,
(leneral (lliarter rleaaililll of llie Pence, Ciilllllioil Plena
, orphim'a Court, in lllooiii.Liirir, in thu .oiinty uf
Clilinlilii, on the llr-l .Monday, jb-iliiB tha lit d.iyj or
.May next, tn eiuitiiiiii-one week. I
liuudrril nuii aixly- live ami In nioillri'ited for hotdiiii;n
.Mnv next, tn eiuitiiiin- ono week.
oltio la lierehv --Iveo. to tin- Coroner, the Jilflirea
reiord.. Inniilaltioiia und other reiueinbruneu tn do
thoae llllnra w llli h In their olheea uierllllo to beilnue.
Ami thoae that are hound by leeomiu.inie, to prnaeiutc u -t Hie prlaouera that aru or mnv be in the Jail of
a'lid county of Coluinliia to be theirnud there to proae
eutu them iis ahall hejuat. Jurors nru re-pieated to be
punctual in melt utiemiiiiice, ncreenwy loun ir nnucea
i l Dated at lllnniiialnitK, the 'JSlhd.iy of
L. S. sin the sear ef our Lonl one thoiiaaml elcht
( ) hundred and al.My-lmir. and in the eighty
ninth yenr of the Indepen.leuee of the United Statea
(if America, Oon ar.'iiii. 1 i
i.i, ,-ai'i.k, ciieriu.
Slierlira Ofilre, ninoi-.iahurijvAprll 1. leli-i.
List of -bitiisrs fur JI:iy i'enu ISG.
I P.lijah McMurtrlu llndora'cnf A iron Wolfvi Chiia
tluu Wolf
3 Jacob llnrrii vs Peter Jaeoby.
.1 ISie-el P Moker. v Win Ikeler.
4 lliivid Aehenliach vi Jehu Ward in.
5 Samuel U'illiama vs Cliarlea II. Iliotoricli nnd Ooo
A. Ilerriui!.
0 1 . 1 1 ii 1 1 McUeynnhla ct nl va Peter (lllphaul
7 Aiiiiia W Creamer va Looih Howell.
S Amoa V Creniner is Ihnich lloVMli.
SI John lleiaael et al va S, F. Ileudlv et al
111 (icnrgu V (i.irrlrou va Casper I 'I'hoiii.n.
II Itii li, ltd Morgan vs Samuel Hn.itjUiid.
U John itu.kli; va lleury 'P. Itileyiet al.
nenry uiiiuir, s aioore t ruvi.-iini;
11 John Keilfer adiiPr of Joseph (Jeurhirt, decoaicd 1
vs en ses .tiojer. .
15 (.corse Cnrr, endnraeo nf Jamei Carr ts Sylvester
J Fox ;i ml Jhoimia Creveling, jr. I
10 jiunis iieiini;er jr va i.m.iiiuei .-iiinion. ;
17 Aiigiistii.CilabU vs James h. H)er nnd Luke-Moji-r.
IS James Ca-r vs Henry T Uellv nnd David J Waller
P.) John Hiiekle va Henry lleily rial.
Grn:ui Jurors for May Term, ISO,").
nioom II. C. How er, Jeremiah Fahringer. Philip Ljer
lleiiton Isaac K. Krickluuui, liaorgu Keuler.
Ceutru Andrew Freas. Jacob Heller.
I'ialiiugcreek-Willlaui Slurker Iliram Hess,
(iroeiiw od Oenrgo (Jirtmi WiHiiiiu ltobbins
.In, ksiii, Ji-alio.'i Slit nr-,-.
l.ocusi John .Morris. i-lllan F.rv-iii
i .M.nlnon William (;rnliaiii
MlllllU -ll.'iv ill S llroWll
Orange-Wesley 'liowiiiai'i. .-.nuel Cvotllt
Montour-J rciuhli il. Herman
I -Mll' -Lli.i. llmvcll.
pjni.johii Loikarl
S.oit-J.icidi II. Wor'kheiier
, Sugiirl.iaf- Mnniel Ilea., Iia'vi I I.ewia.
'Irimc Junius illay Term, 18(55.
Ilciitmi Samuel II. Vnrks. Flias SUulU
Heaver .Moaea Sililulicr, Isaac Kliiigoriuan, James
lll'ioni- Jesau Sh union, Tho.. J, Mnrri..
lirl iri reek John nil m W. Fck, Jeremiah Jacoby.John
C.'ilaw iss i-Oeorge lluclirs. J.i.rph Claywcll. William
John. Daniel Krelgh,
Fi.liingcrrok .Muses .Mcllenry, Unangil.
Fiinihlin John llower.
Creeowoo.l A. S Kitchen, Clinton ltobbins.
Jucksiui -Josiph orka.
l.ocuat-Petnr. Miller, li. S. Ilelwig.
I .Maillaoii-Ja.nli Fliek, We. ley Heiuott.
j Milne lluiiry Ih.wui.iu. ("Inrles Fialu-r.
Milllin -filarial Kliugerniaii, Joliu lluflna;ie, II. H.
I Frens
. .Montour Joseph Mauser.
Mt Pleasa it Ainua Waniik pouat
I Pine Albeit Homer, Llijah "lioemaknr.
Roaringrreek-f lutles A.enach.
Sugarluaf-Christian l .Moore.
! l-'lli 11 A it t( I VA7. "
Spring and Summer,
fl IIP! iinderalgneil, grateful for patronage, respec
9 fully informs hlsiu--tniuers nud the puhlicgenernlly
that he iias just received from the Eastern cities, tho
Ingest and must select stock of
ft w v ym y y v w $y.
-M, A A.wA..
'I'hat hna yet been opened in Itlooiusburg, to whiili hn
Invites the attention nl his friends, noil assures them they me offered for sale nt great bargaius. Ills
Stock touiprises u largo assortment of
Cnnristing nl Pasiiionaiu.i: Hiuss Cos la, nt every ilea
criptmn; Pants, Vests, Shirts, frav.ils Smcka, Cotton
llanUkerchiefa, fJlovus. Suapenilcr. 4:0.
Hold Watohes and Jewelry.
Of every iteacriptluii, lino nnd clieap.
N. II. Reiueiiiber " Loiceiibrrx' Cheap Kmporium.'
cull nnd see. No ehargo for exainiug Oooita.
lllnninslnirg, April 1, Hdj. (June 185'J )
At Tort Fiaher. was scarcely a greater failure than Is
daily made hy most of the advertised hair dyes nor was
Moro complete, perfect and glorious, than tho cnnuoi
achieved bv
Over gray, red nud sandy heads if hair. The i knot
iuils hue is wiped out iu five mmiitcs, and n lu.iguifi
trill brown or hlack.glosay and natural, takes Its pla ro
.Manufactured by J. (JRISTADOHO, No. 0, A.tor Don an
New York. Sold by Druggists. Applied by oil Hair
April I, 1-fiS. lino.
A single Uos of lirandreth'fl Pills contains
"tu urc vrgtiiible xiraclivo matter than twenty
boxes of any pills ir. the world besides ; fifty-five hun
dred physician, use ilieu- iu their practice to the exclu
sion of other ilurgalivea. T he first letter of tlnir vain0
is jet scarcely appreciated, When they are letter
known sudden ileuth and continued sickness will bo
nf the pail Let those who know litem speak right out
iu llu-ir favor, It is n duty which will save lifu
Our race, nro subject to n redundancy of vit iateif bile
nt this seaaon nud It la m dangerous as it is prevalent ,
but Urandrcth's Pills nll'ord nil invaluable and efficient
protection, liy their occasional use wo provent Iho
' lollertion of those impilritiea, which.w'hcn ih sufficient
quantities, cause so much danger to the body's health'
'1 hey soon cure liver complaint, dyspepiia, inns nf ap
pi'tlto, pisln In Iho head, hearl-hurii, pain in tlie breast
bone, sudilcii faiulneis nud cotlivrness- Bald by
J. II. M0 YE It, Dloomsburg,
And all respedtablo dealers in medicines.
April 1, IH'.S.-lni.
Gentlemen's Hats.
All tho late.t aljlcs at CIIARI.LS OAKFORD
SONS, Cuniiuentiil, Pliiliidelihia,
Ladies and Children's Hats.
I.alott l lea at CIIARLUr) OAKTORI) i. SONS,
(.onlincutal Hotel, Phllarlilphla,
American WATCH
ia Tin: niMP
ll I mailc nn llio bi.t prlnclpl", tvlillo the f.irln
wnlfli l Kgiiprnlljr mmlii nti nit .r I tir I pic at nil. Thr
foreljn wn'rli I. mui'ly made l.y wmuhii, and knyi. nr
ll'nn tV'lillo their Inhor la c lif n i, thlr tvnrk It ilnnr
at nny ptlto. Kuril wnlihta nrp made without plan,
and told without f intniilic, l in y nrr Irrcnulnr la
fonilniclinn.aiiil iilt a Irrreulnr In iii'ivmncnl 'I'lioy i
aro ileslittifd only to ill. and tho hujcr la lh party
moat thornuithly Kild, Thotq who lu.v kpl 'nnrrca,'
"lrplna"aml "flwlia lovra" in prnfr.aed repair for a
fewyrara will apprfdalo tha truth of our alatumant.
InitonJ of hrlnt inailn nfirvaral liuudrcd lltllo pie
en. acrswi'd lo.lhr,th hody ortlo Anurltaii Watrh
ofiUlill) Pl.ATm. No Jur lutcrfcriia with tho hat
niony of It lvoikliiR, and mi tuddon ahock can throw '
ll machinery out of gtut, In rldlnr on any b-nlncii
puriult. II la all huld tniti'thrr a hrinly n n .Inula
incce di maiai u la Jim rial nil machinery iliuuld
H'o not only ierre rheapne.i liy our ly.lrm, but I
quality. Wn do not pretend that nnr ttalrli inn In)
boHght for le.a money tlun the fnrelsn ni.iko kollire., 1
hut that for Hi roal valuv It U aohl for ona-half the
(It'll POI'S WATfJII (named tVm. Htlary.l u
what ita name Indlfatea -Solid, Hnlnlantial, and al
' whyt Itellntilu-wnrrniiled to stand any amount of
marching, rlilliijor niijllnj;.
Our new hieher quillty of Watch (na i.ed P. U llnrl-'
lilt) 1 similar in lite n.-d ceneral appearance, but hai
more Jewell, and morn elalinriitu i
Our l.adio'i H'uti h, recently hroiiKhl nut, la pm up
In V'eat variety of patteitia.Hiany r.ftliu.n of rale hrnu
ly nud vtorkuiauahlp, la 'iiito, but wariuutod lu
keep tluie.
Out Vimns Rentleni.Hi'a Wa'ch la neat, not larje.and
juil tho t til hi; for thepoi ket uf Vuiiriii Anierirn.
Thaproolot Hie merita ol our Watih, may Im found
In tile tail that we now employ over aevun hundred
t workmen In our factoriea, and tlut wo aru atitl uuahlu
tn.uppl tho louitantiy lurreaainif deiiiuiid.
i Our three-quar c Pl.ite Valch U thinner nnd lln&tor !
.than ihu othira e have ileacr'bcil, Us fine clirono
ineK r balanci- la delicately udjiiatel to correct tho va
riation cnuaed bv rhatiea of temperaturo. Theia
wntcheinru the frnita of the latet etperiiuunta in
chroiioinctry, and aru made liy oir heat norkuien, Ih a
epurate ilrpnrliiient nf our factory Fur thu fino.l
limn kei'pini! qualltiei tliey ihallcnsu enmpariaon with
Hie host worka of the nia.t faiiioua Cngli ib and Swha
" ,
Agents for tuo American w u ten (Jompanv, 1
.. . ,p0j -lmo nnuAinvAY, a. l.
'! - ",
or Tilt!
Oil Companies, of Clarion River, i
Offico, No. 433 Walnut St.,
Capital SlOCK, Cttcll ?500,000.
' '
Shara in each. Par Value. $10.
lO. L. LAiMHElVI'ON, President.
I J. SIM FSON A FllIC A, Sec'ry li Treas.
The De Wit and Mill Creek Oil Compaiiiea e-r-
gaiii.i'd in tho inoiith of I), tuber. A It, lull.
. 'I liu properly of tlu-ac Companies ia ailuate on tho
Clarion Hlter. lu . Mill ( reek township, Clarion Co,
Peiuif) Ivniiia. ami ia known a the Workman Landi.
It c nai.ta of two huiidriid ami twenty-llvo arrt iu
fee aluiple. Iu eurh Company, with a trouta; on the
Clarion Uiv er, to each, 1 threu fourlha of otio mile i
'I he Clarion (liver has long l-een faiuou-i lor it. Oil
springs ami ilcpiails. It runs parallel with thu Upper
Alleghmv Itivvr , and h ,tli cron the w estern liuiila of
the same coal-basin itiirl the same stratification
I'hu Clariun llivel is a laro r,avlgi.ble stream for
tlatboata nnd rnlta. cnpahle nf carrying on each boat
one tnnuaana narrcia oi jii 10 mar HI.
Clarion County adjoins Venango County, and tbo Al
teghuli) Iliver makes n gnat sweep aruiind both coun
lies, leaving inem in me auape ol u pelilllsul t.
A dance nt thu man w ill sliuw. that a lino draws
from Ihu upper bend of ihe Allegheny liivtr. iu tho I
iciuitv of Oil treek, In the lower bend .if it. belon '
tliu mouth ol tho Clatiuii, will biacit the Oil reclju. of
the Clerion I'lvur. During the present aeasou, e-ipsri-iiiced
Oil men and geologiata have made n thorough
exploration of this river, ami havu lar?e iiivestnienta.
Already, the whole Itivur from i s mouth to itliiiotl
its sniirie. lias b.-en lea.eil and nurchased bv Oil men.
and wells are being sunk alnng its wliule length with
i great rapidity ami with Mattering prospicts of siiceuss
Abovu nnd opposite the De Will and Mill Creek Oil
Companies, some ten uthcr Cuoipa ,ies are huring with
tnginus, mi ii of Willi h struck the Hut vein of Oil at
' sixlv fe t, an-l niiutln r niimediately niljuiuliij .track
' it ut'lifl) right feel iu the ro, k.
! 'I'weuiy leara ago, ou the river below these Com
i pnii'a lands, -it thu mouth of Deer Creek, .Mr. Packer,
; w hen boring for salt, struck one of ihe largest rluw ing
i Oil wt-i'e known unite un louniry.
, 'J lua well has lung been famous an I has been ever
' since, and ia now. eu lung out n con, taut stream of
Oil and water. It la no,) being prep. red lor Oil pur
' ' poaea
Further below', at Alum Rock, Oil haa been obtained
but the well ha a not yet been with an engine.
aleasra. I)nu, Miarii i;oiupauy ol tliu sngo iron
Works, several miles hrlow these Companies, during
the past fall, stunk a lliwiug well. Il it nuw being
( fiianr"! nro found in tho Idnll'a. and sxland
arrnss Hiu river In lliis vicinit ) . frnm whicli gas is
emitted, nud Oil uses in largo glubiiles, winch burst
ou reaching the surface of the water and cover il with
Oil, This is considered iiis'isputibla proof of Oil
AUiiiiuance ni limner nnu roai is luuuu on tnu inim
for enciiiu and other purposes.
One well will he pm down immediately on each
property. A competent and energetic kuperiiitumleul
is una ou the ground, superintending the operations
uf both Companies.
Tho stock of the adj. lining Crtnii nniss havo already
adv. lined, by reason of Hie early success already at
tallied. A limited number of Shnrea in taoh Comnanv. for
the use of thi lau Jhol.ler, will bo uld al $t por
f ll.lfi'.
li.j. a.
Lackairaillia & IHooillSburg lUilroad.
Leave Northumberland.
" Danville,
" Slilrk.hiuny
S.0HA..M. .loop. M.
S.4D S 40
U.-.'-J ti.25
'.MIS (.3i
10 7.:u
11.10 Sli
11.15 P. M. ".li'
. 11.30
fi 0J A .M 4 31 P. M
7.UU i 3d
SM 7 3D
tUS 0,35
8 35 S.3
JO (III 11.15
10 40 IU04
1.30 P.M. L3J
3 05 10,35
5.41) 5 00
I" Mllgl'Ut.
Arrive nl rinnton,
" New York,
. Philndelphin,
! I, I. A V 11 HOI
Leave Pcraiit-n,
1 Kingston
" llerwick,
11 Rupert. - -
Arrive at Northumberland,
" Wasliiugion, . .
" Philadeluhla,
Tho shortest pud inoirt direct rouio to tho wostunil Iho
ml regain !'
if? 'Praiuaof tno Philadelphia and T.rie Railroad
leave Nurtliuinbeiland -iter) iiiornn-gl'r Lni, arriv -
ma there lliv aflcrnoi I Ihs same day lu connect
with trniua tor llull'Ho flevelaml, Chlciigo, with all
puiulfa wtrt, and i-iuineiliiig al Curry with all trams
oivthe Oil creek Huilrnad
i,.,rr"i. rbe"N."!:nr
nioru, ami Norlhuinlierlanil anil ruiiaueipiua.
H. A. FuNDA, Supl.
Kingitnn, January 11. IPOS.
WI'iClE !
THE undersigned being regularly liconed
!i IS IF 0 1 E S tfi n
Hereby offers Ills service as such tu all Win) may fool'
iii.noaeil to eivo linn a call. Ills lung exnon nee ii
Ihe business, will enable IniiiM rluder sati.factioft tn
his ciistuuiers,
A'irpersoiis deriving my services, nnl please inform
tne tu that effect before tnoy advertise.
lit AM DEltU,
roal. offico address : Rohrahiirg, Columbia county. r.
Jncksuii inwnsltip, Jan 7, IrM
The Berwick House,
Denei'-k, Columbia co., IV
iBrfIIB ntidersigned would resiritfully nnnoiiuro to
r9ir luiel"1" !,n'1 ""' P'lblie generally, that- ,
li.ivlng leiued '.hi. wcll-kunw ii house ho ho. given It '
ullHiuiugh rciinvtilion. Thu rooms have been ru-papci
cd jihIIIm' entiri eslabllsliineul elegantly reliiriiishcd.
llelng pleasantly and eligiliiy located, ami provided
wilh nil Iho ru.piisitu couvenieiiics, il oilers tn Ihe
public Ihu coiubiscd advantages uf
A First-Class Hotel.
HIS 'PA II LP. will nlwnya ho suyplied with thu best tho
markets nffonl, nud II ts IMP, with thu ihon-ust li
ilors. Travellers, drovera, ii nmsters. boardirs, -r.
acrutunindaled tugetieiul sni'isfaitioii, Cnriful nud ae
cmtimudatiiig Hustlers nlwnys in ntteiiilaiico. Slublin
Ike moil compli'to mid (xtinsivv In this seitlon.
Vay IS.IFfll.
Stationery anil BSIaiiUc9Sook'M
Qupplied to dealers and cash buyers at
tj low w noio. sic rates,
M.ncll I, l&ho, -.lut,
lilt and Ruio St. . Phils.
f $ $ $
Newton's Pills!
(ANl'l nlM.IUUB.)
NKWTON'fl Pfl.l.rl.
NF.WTON'S Pi 1.1,3, j
NMYTO.N'JI riLliti
Compomr) highly Contnliate4 Cat rati from
Of tha medical value, prepawl frnm tha
oriciual preairiptiun of tho celebrated llr.
Nonton, and uaed by hi ill with audi
reiuarkablo aucceia lor twenty
yean In all parts ol tho
United Slatei,
nro an in
fallible remedy In all
oa isr DtiiaeaMsaT or thi
They Cure
Hl.MtlilKi; ,
llYSL.N'l'tlK V,
The well known Dr. Warren, of Bos
ton sajs of these Pills, "They have the
finest effect upon the Liver and digettivc
orcttns of ODV UiedicillO in the World, and
. J
arc the most perfect purgative which has
ever yet been made by auybody. Their
effects havo abundantly fhown to the
community how much they excel the or
dinary medioinos in use. They aro safu
and pleasant to tako, but powerful to euro.
Their penetrating properties stimulate tbo
j vital activities of tbo body remove the ob
structions of its organs, purify tbo blood,
and fvnril disease. TllOV curtrc out tho
J . o-
' j.quj humors which breed aud prow (lis-
tempers, stimulate sluggish or disordered
organs into their natural action, and im
part a healthy tone with strength to the
whole system. Not only do they cure the
every day complaints of everybody, but
also formidable and dangerous diseases,
j While they produce powerful effects they
I aro at the same timo, in diminished doics,
' the safest and best pbyeic tbat can be cm
! ployed for children-, and being purely veg
etable arc free from any risk or harm.
Tbo most remarkable feature of tbeso
pilla is tho perfection with Which' ihpy act
j 0irciuer JUsIntilar chronic diteaSCS
1 ORirtiutij utshiniuar uiiroun, uitcasta
I 1 be SaiUO (IO'0S CUre DiarrllOB I Or DS
in either case restoring the organs
to a healthy and natural condition, whioh
cannot be aaid of auy other incdiciuc in
Thoy create puro blood and remove all
impurities from the syitem, honeo ore a
' positive CUTO fof
Hereditary Humors.
SSy Price One Dollar pel Hox. Trado pcrbttio. a? so the haifdor.n.ortwobottiei .f.yr
supplied, or sent by Mail, pott paid, to
' iii rupand onuofTonic for 87 7!:
any part of tho United States or Cana-
das on receipt of price by
H. S. HOWE it Co. Solo Agents.
43 Liberty Street. Now Yoik.
Agents for IJiooMsnunii
Kytr Mo;ertJofm, A'. Oirton, A, 'Ier
wlliger, ii A Lutz.
Marolt 25, 1860 fjnio.
IIIMOMMm lllll.WlllMIIHMlWWJWfmTrl iifcnmm in l.l
Sclieks Mandrake
Its SiMrroMs, CauhK aH CUrts,
f-j-HlS has received, iti name from a con
1 slant nauasa or slckiioas at Ihs stomach, which
attends tho pain in tho head. This hosdsebo II apt
to begin iu tb looming up T-rflMng from a tlocp slitp, '
and whan some Irregulgrity of ills, has bocn sommlt-
d on the day before, or iomtlmn fur stvsraldayi '
prtmuna. At flral thorn li a distressingly opprssatva
fo-llnj innho hond, wkkli gradually merges lain a so
vara heavy pain in tin lempliil frequently atton dod
by a soma nf fullnon aud tendtrnois In ono eye, and
extending irrors tho forshsad. There Is t clammy.
unpleasant t.ato Iu th, mouth, an oflonsivc breath.and
tho tungus envottd with i ynllnw Ith whito fur. Tho
suffiror desires to bs aluna In a dark room. As soon
Hllle or no pain, out ofiuaiiv hill ilred operated upomn
j Itosiou there haa been uu Imviug lust tin,
as tne patient fsili tho fullnen in the head and pain per f. it approbation of all w ho have su'iiiiniieil toll
1 AIPPIFICAL F.VLS. Will Insert nrtinilal F-yis elv
ing them the motion and expression of tin- natural
i They an- iuaerl, d with the least p.iiu.
iu tho templss, take a largo deie cifdchluk's Maudrnko HLMOKRIinlliS. (Piles,) This troublesome dues.
I ia readily lured. Those suffering from it 'w-illdowi.1
Mm .HI.
I i Dr Up DcGratr visits Wllkea llarre writt a view of
Pill ' anil In an huiir nr two they will feal a. well a. building up a permanent Institute tor lie, irealiuei.' f
ever. This has boon tried by thuusaads, audls always
sure to euro, and idalcud of thu sick aeadai lie coming
on every week or ten days, thty sri II not ks troubled
with it ouoe in I brim imiitln
Bchonk's .Mnndrako Pills aro corapoiod of a nurubrr
of root lies Idas Podophinln, or roncoatrntoj .Mandrake
all uf which tend lo relax thu aerretioas of tha liven
and act mnro pronift than UI us pills or mercury, and
w i'hniit lenving any dangsrous o ffstti. lnabiliiuus
persun thev will ibow by tho stools. They
will ixpel wormi. mucur, bite and all morbid matter
from the sy.ieia. In lick headache, If they aro taken
, "'""' "'"". (f"'i J".o.w thoy fcei u,
first symptoms ofil Dr. Bchenck will and hai dirsctcd
hla agonts in return Ihe money If thsy do not give por
feit satisfaction,
K a parion has been cdhapelltd lo itay out lata at
night, nr firing too much wine, by taking a doio at '
pillion going tu bed, next mhtning ho will foel f tUu'
antes. h fergsto to go
the had not drank a drop.
bid nt all,
Tncy only eo.t SJ tent, a box
Whnevcr take, aiom will never use ntty other. They
aro worth a dollar to'asick
man' for every cont Iho
rjtjn't forgsf tha namO-SCIIENCK'S, MANDATR
Sold wholosile anil retail at Ur- Schenek's Princtgay
Office, No. 15, NorlrHSlLlh Street, Peiladelplna; and by
Prugglits and Storekeepers generally,
Trleu for Pulninnlo Byrup, Scawood Ionic, sack SI 30
Dr. Sehenck will be at hi nflUe, No', J Nott h Pt.
Philadelphia, every Saturday to no patients. He
makes no charge for adtlce, but for a thorough exam
ination of His lung, with his Rr.piromttrr, h shargoj
lines dllan.
Match. 18 1-15
1 HfSjTi I Vf"
KichiKond liasFallcnf
I A Valuable Farm
The nndcrflgnctl desirous nf" niov rj
Wes. otreis to sell at private sale, M Farm sltist
ih .'leirtoii tow nshli, Columbia ti unty, I'n , iiitaiiiir-g
j 0X15 ll!!MMH: I) & FOIt'l r 'I iikki. An -r.
flfiout tne hiintlrpd acrpi nf winch in rliafcil Luf.l,
, llin iiuoil Timber Lniid, ulicromi U trtlml
with an irrtlenl wrli of watT ami Putnp nt thi (t
' a 11. 1 if.i ..!, tH III., x Jst4k.- a iAl i .... ii
uii'i ivilUTV4 i'tllfllk, rjjlirip UH IHU ) UIIIIHVB H'tP
31'ix.V) feet, and all other neccnafy Out burlitlncs
There are upon the premise., n iHrge applu sod
pencil orchard uf the thnic;. t fruit The h .il.llngi
nr.- nil good and Iho laud ia in a high atlW uf an ti.
fjr Th" ataivo properly lays within Iwo mile, o
New Culiiniliiia an I Cauiura
Fur further particulars ami rnndlti-iu. arplr to
JOHN lKEli!f I.
IJeiiton, ra:., Feb. 4, 1S03.
U P D'E G O F F's"
(On tho H'tuare, Three D"ors frnm Hteel'i llote I
HMIIS lNSl'UTlON is now opened and
J furnished In tho must cnally atyl. Itecsption
Priiateiilid Operating llooma aro large, convenient and
well adapted. The Surgical apartment enntnins th
finest collection ol Instruments iu tlils cuunlrv, su.t
thli his fttultlcs will enable him tn uiet any 'and all
emergencies iu practice Huwill uper.ile up.iu all tlie
vnriuiia fnrina of IILINDNnSS, Cninrart, Oi eluou of
tin- Pupil, (.'ross Lyes, Closure of the Tear Duct i, In
version of tlio i;)eilda, Pterygium, ftrf., -c. And sill I
treat all lurnis ol urua. Lye (irauuli-it Lids. Opaiefiea
of the Coriir a. nnd Scrofuloiia diae:iea of tin lye In
gither with nil the diseases to whiili Iha Lu is s ib
i DF.AFN'LSd Will Ireul all tho dleaae cniiiuun to
the oTgnn. Diarliarges from the Far, Noises iu th" r
Cittnrrh. (tiniLllllv of heariue.lolnl In- lo. mi'ii wlirrn
the Drum is destrayed. Will insert an nititielal una
iinawerlng nearly all the purposea ofjhe rhtiiriil.
Noieh,. ueaud"'""
OKNI'.ltAL SlIICr.F.P.Y .-lie will operate upon Club
feel, Hair Lip, Clelt Pallate.'I'uuiors, Uauc.ra, F.nlir
ged'l cncils. hc Plastic operations by hea'iht "w
lluah Into deformed parts, and (ieueral Surgery uf
wh ilever it nl.iv present.
IIIUIMA inr UUP'I Clll';.). He will perforw "I.abiua
operutiuu for Un r.iliral (complete i cure op Herim.
lllla la llOeili-aliOlliililv n,,-t mn. h.i.I hi UH Ss ith
i the, Far und (Jeueral Suruerv. The eioerisiiiu el'
more llian a .luart.-r ofn tentiir) in Hu.piUI and gen1 r
ill iiupea, will be -i suim-icni guaraiites Ij
those who may no disposed to emiiloy him. .
May 14, Irbl. It.
AG 11 IU U 1,T U UAL- C II K ,M 10 L
The Fc rliliicra prepared by the Agrleultunl Chnrnl.-nt
Co., (a Company chartered by tho Icgialat'ito o"Ciih
sylvania with a rapilal of S 'jo.uuu ; H im been pruv-i I
in prsctico to uo the cheapest. must proiiUWeemt he.!
lor the .Farmer, Hardener ni-d l-'ruit ot ull
conientrated iiianures now uinred in-auy uiarkst Th
Cumpauy's fist embraces the folluwiiig
PlTll Ipf i O '''3 FcrtiPxor is rom
m. (lUUIOllly, posed o'nieht .oil am! th.,
fettilixing clementa nf urine, iniubiiii-J ill, n-icany
and mechanically Willi other valuable f.rtilii u
gents and absorbents
It is reduced to a pulverulent condition , raady f..r
nnniediatu use, and without loss of 'Is highly ulli .
geuous lerlililtig properties.
Ws uinversul upplirnbilily to all crop- and mils, an I
its durability and aitive .pnlitiea aru well known l-
tm nil that agriculturists can de.lri.
Price $10 per Ton.
Thi rertihicr t lartrdy cnmptsl nf MHrtal wt
tcr ucli .'is meat, toiK', linli. U'fttht r , and wn..l
tnyrilier with chemicaU iiinl Diurenniu tri ill7r n.
whirti ilfonmpOM' the nvnt. unit rtitiiii titu luUni'Qn
cua r)i!iiitirtd.
It t a vi'ry valnuM' fyrtilufr fr ft l rrotm fsnet
ally, miU Hj.prciUlly fr ttulutuc, nhJ enn!' n jiurphj-.
ii exit'llLMit'iti.tlitie. ttroMirlh .ml i hoiijm tiM
uMt' it wry "pular with all who Imvu ujU iv.
Trice $10 jut Ton,
3E03S33iJlLp;3 T f iL 2 i3i
This hiclilv oh.istihatle fertllu r ia p.i. ti. uhriv s
p I adapted fir the itillivatiou of lie. a. trinls. lawnsitnl
in.nri,. 11 in .,'tiiu- ii ..... .- .... .
I growth of wuoil and fruit, "lid lirflxi i.n
inutility and perfect tlfmalirny "I tli f rui Par I t
I house and household planta and Ih-w'ers, it w 1M b
1 louml ail'usable article tn aerili their gteate i
I perfection. It will previ-nt'aml cure d'a used euiiei
I tiuu. of thu peach aud grape, aud ia , x.: -Ilenl fur gra,r
and lawns,
11 is composed of such clement' as nuke 11 adapts.)
tn tlie grow th of all- kiViil. of irops" iu all klu ! tit' -i1
The loriniila ur utstiiod or ciuuiutiiug it, conatiluoet
itilliug ingredients kave riceived th-- high -t nj.
froval of vmiiieiit .'t .el ntillc axiiculturi.t.
Price, $ 0 per Ton.
Thu Agricultural Cheunvat Cnminuy urautifuctut a
Phosphate of Lime in accordance with a q-iv ami tal
uublc luiinulivhy w ltteh a very Hupsrior nrtnlx H pr.w
iluced, so as to be alt'nrded at 4 tes. price tluu utli r
inaiiutacturers charge. Practical testa ha-ru ppur u
that its value, .1-a. lerliltzer, i. e'ual'to Ills beat I'll.,,
phale uf I. line in the innrket,
lice, c,i,u per luu.
I Terms Cash. All urdrr of a Ton cr
to moro, will la- dslivered at Ihe Rai'mml Slations aul
I the h.irvi-s of Shipment, tree of caitago. ('arises
' will be ilt.iiged un all orders ufil hirrela or'h'ia
t One ih-llarper 'Poll nllowaiice for ,ertag wi s.
m.iil'i oh nil .aha delivered at Hie Works of the (,.!
I pany. ou Canal Wharf
1 A I I'aNxi. Wiiii-r, os un. Dki . j
, Office. IKIi Arch St., Philadelphia, I'u.
1 R. II FPI-PS. t; -m rsl gent
i The Coinpoii) 's Pumpliltt Ciriulnr. emtiraritig tn'i
direition's fur using the abOvu F-rtilirsrs, isiit by
mat,, tree, when reipie.ted.
.March II, Ifii... - Siu. f.. . Con ('.
Nat ion ai Foundry.
HliOO.MSHUI,G,r0Linil5l. CO., PA.
1 IIP. subscriber preprntnr "ftlio above iiams.l ex.
J tsn.lve esuh isltllilllt. I. no,, prrparud t.irecere
rs fi-t
AH Kind;? of ilJarlittirry,
r (.Vleriea. Hint Furnacei. I'.iiginei. .Mills
lie is also pr-iiarcd to uiaku - tnv,--, nil sixes an I
f artertis. p'ow -irona. and iVerytliing usnullV nud, ir
fllit-llllsa I'llllllllries
Ilia I'lljnnve tacitliiea anil practical wnrkmsH .r
tnutt him in rec-iiiug the lurge-t comiaiti mi 13.
irt'i-l n-isoliubtn leriii.
J liralu of nil kindi will he taken iu eichans f".
119 This eatabliahiiuim is lr.ea.ed near Uu l.xrkuw.-
na X lllnninabiirg Railroad Depoi
lllnninabiirg. Sept. 13. IW..I.
THE fab.'crihor npi oi fully glviu rn.
Hum Die puWre that In has ul hi. .-al -s u
Main Mre.t. Dluuui.biirg, nuisiaiilly oh i:,,vi
. F.lthr III Ihv SlinLL nr h) the CAN to r t out
era Faiuilivs mud,.-.uppliec) by tbo tai i by U
liiirt upon .huit in tin- Hi al.p keeps even; ar-tly
hand , Al.i;, l)., i an-l )lineials. Glial-... .)
1'i'l'fiua utj, Vets ,