4 Far mcr'.s Department. -j.-1 SMOKE FOR THK CURE WOUNDS.. ! A correspondent of t Ik- Cuunfy Gen. tlcman rromtnends s ' oko lor wound-i in tuoti and auiinolj. H sav "1 out tn y foot wnli an aso. Tho lady of(ihe house, seizing the foot while it was yet blooding frriy, hold it over a pan containing smoking tag lock. In n few motnonts Iho bleeding stopped, tho smoke was removed ,tiiul a bandngo applied to pro tect it aeniiut accidental blows. Tho wound never suppurated, and consequent ; ly never pained mo. I have seen it tried in livinj similar cases, and always with' tho saino results. Let tho reader bear in mind that no liuiinent or salvo, drawing or hrolinjf, should be applied. You bavo merely to smoke the wound well, and Na turo will do the rest. I upposu the smoke of burning wood would produce tho same results, but it would not bo so manageable. Tliero is a principle in tho suioko of burn ing wool, that, when applied to tho llo.h, congulatcs the albuman, thus rendering it unsusceptible ol putrefaction. Tho same prinoiplo ttops bleeding, b'y coagulating the blood. It promotes healing, and may bo applied with decided benefit to all ul cers, wounds and cutaneous diseases." IS THERE PROFIT IK FARMING ? A few years ago a nnart, intelligent young man, Mr. Geo. W. Woodwcll, pur chased a email farm in the lower part of Newburyport, and commenced the growing of onions, putting more and more of ids land to the cultivation, till last car bo had sis acres. Tho crop was small.owii-g to tho extreme drouth at the very tmiu when rain wa3 most needed for their growth, still ho obtained two thousand bushels, which sojd at Gl 70 to rising 3 psr bushel, aud gavo him clear porlit of about two thousand dollars, which covered the original cost of his place, sis acres of land, dwelling bouse, barns, &o. That would seem satisfcatory for one year, but at the same time he had only about half a , crop for a good season. On portions of the same land he had grown sis hundred bushels to tho arce, and eight and nine blind red bushels bavo bsen grown to the aero in this vicinity. A full crop would have crocked him eight thousand dollars instead ol two, with very little additional coat. Heretic. The Ant Trap. As tho season is now at hand for these pests, the ants, house wives and others who are troubled with them may probably use the following trap to advantage. Procure a large epongo, wash it well and press it dry, which will leave the cells quite open; then sprinkle over il some fine wbito sugar, and placo it near whore the ants are troublesome They will soon collect oa tho spongo aud take up their itbodo in tho cells. It is only necessary to dip tho sponpo in scalding water, which Will wash them out doad by the tens of thousands. Put on moro sugar and set tho trap for a new haul. This - process will soon clear the house of every ant. Washing Fluid. Ono gill spirits of j turpcutiun,onc gallon softtoap, two quarts j 6oft water, one quarter lb. Bal soda ,- boil together fivo minutes. By tho use ol which ! nearly the entire labor attending tho wash- 'Dg of clothes is dispensed with. It ja 1 manufactured at an expense not exceeding lhat of ordinary soft 'oan. Tho iuuredi- , eats can be had at .1 itnre or drug shot, , it can bo made in a few M'outcs, and its use will not injuro the finest fabric. No housokeeper would grudge quo dollar for its receipt alone. To Rojiovulsn Spots from Linens. inn spots can 00 rcmoveu v iiituratms them with lemon juieo aud rubbing on salt, and then putting them where tho sun will Bhine on them hotly for several hours. As fast as it dries put on moro lemon-juice and dalt. Whon the lemon caunot bo ob tained, citrio aoid is a good substitute. Iron mould may bo removed in the same, Cough Syuu Put 1 quart boarhouud for 2 quart water and boil it down to a pint; add 2 or 3 sticks licorico aud a table tpoonlul of essence Icinou. Take a tablo spoonful of tlio Syrup three time3 u day, or as often as tho' cough may bo trouble some. 'The above receipt liasbcen sold for SI Oil. Several firms arc mukiug muoh money by its manufacture. Hair Spi.iTTi.sa. "I am willing to split hair wiili mv opponent all day, if Le iusitts on it," said a very distinguished lawyer at the bar. ''Split that then," suid his oppunont, pulling anpecinicn from Ins own nosiil auu extending it "Jlay it pleaso the court, I didn't say bristles,' InfTjAmatouy 1?hkumati6m A sure remedy. 'J'nko one ounce, of pulvorized saltpetre, and pm it into a pint ol swoot oil. Bathe the parts affected, and a sound euro will epecdily bo iiiatlo. Tested. W1WIHI.HIIIMMII &r Light inlantry movement, Agitat ing a cradlo with 6 baby in it, DR. II W, WELLS' AMERICAN COMPOUND For THE BIjOOI THIS oil ntubtiifictl, thoroughly rial Rimedy, recommulcd by some of the most viincnt Phyticians, his attained u celebri ty in most parts of tht country, in curing SCROFULA OR A'lAGS EVIL Scrofulous gores, Host) or Erysipslns, Scaled Head, anil King Worm, Tetter nr Suit Hkeim Ooktor or 8u di ed Neck, (so common with otir Aincrirnn t'cmnlei) cu rable Cancers niul Cancerous gorea, Malm or noils, Chronic Ulcerated Sore, If 3 thltie, Mouth and Throat, Fj ptillls In nil its forms, By-1 Xosilic or mcrcerrinl Sore mouth, nn.l throat, chronic I plcerntion of tho Lungs, Stomach and Kidneys, l'lni. I pics, Postiincs, anil Ulotches. Ithomnntl'iii, Female i 1 .i Weakness, I.ercorrhao, (nrislng from internal ulcera-, on'; Dropsy, Gcnonal Debility, emaciation and nil ills-1 jases of the ' In cases of Costiveuess or Constipation it NEVER FAI'-S. Its mild In its action, just suflicicnt lit resulato thu bowels and keep them regular, tts unlike nil prepa rations for thn lilood, having tho'Unallvu prnperlicH combined, As it contains Wild, Cherry, Mandrake and Dandelion prepared in a scientific manner it toot hs wonderfully in cas es of chronic affections of the Ciirmiic Iiir,i:.a, nn.l pprmnncntly cured hy the Altrr "a"vo aBl1 itativoairt oso great feature in it, is.u produce an APPLETTE. from iho commencement-in short it is n very fine Tonic- Its palatable and can bo taken by Iho most del icato Female or Child. It being p'tiri ly vogctablo there will bo noliarni done in taking it, if there ii no benefit dctlvod. Freparc'a by Bi E. W. Wells' Practical Physician WILKKS.IUJU'.K, PA. OFFICIO over L. C. Pains Sloro, ! Mauki-.t Stueet, For Sale by all DrugpUts through out the Country, I'.a. livery agent is auihorlnuj to tefund the money ttluro thB compound fulls to relievo. I'uil Jiirecllwis. areeinpsny taclibf-tllo in l!iigltIi, 1'rcncli and tier man, N B. No Oarthetic mcdicino is re- quired. T , .... -,., .1 . in uujuug i ivu uiuusauu cae,' . Tl , ' , . I nave never known u case to renuiro j ruysio, or UaVO 1 CVOr llllOWIl It to tail IU thoroughly removing tho diseases, As I ' devcto all uiy time at the Mudy and treat uiont of Diseases OF THE DLOOD' I am prepared lo givo advico (gratis) by ap plying to my office or by letter, uoooui pauied by a Stamp. B. W. WELLS. M. D Wholesale. 21 Cortland Btrcet N'ewYotk Bold by W 11. Creasy 4c Co. Light iitrvct-Mr t Pwliou. IUiwlckla, una lil.ltiill.-llr.i MO 1113 MEN WANTED 1 REVOLUTION IN HIGH PRICES, LWWi ARRIVAL OF FALL & WINTER AT PETER ENT'S STORE, .v t.iarir stiikkt, colvawia cw.stv, r.i, HAH Jn.t rvrcived from Philadelphia, mi. I is unit npohitii at tin! olil stand lito'y occupied by Marti & Hut, n splendid assortment of MERCHANDIZE which xv 1 1 1 bo sold ihonp for CASH Oil OOUNTRV PRODUCE. Ills tockcotislits of Ladle tlross Roods choicest styles and latest fashions Calicos, Muslins, Ginghams, Flannels, -Carpets, Shawl?, Hosiery, Silks, HEADY MADE CLOTHING. Cassimeros, Satinets, Cottonades, Kontueky JeaiiB, Thread, ko. Groceries, Quccnswaro, Cedar ware, Ilardwavo, Medicines, Drug, Oils, Paints, BOOTS & SHOES. HATS Jfc CAPS.' In short epcry thins usuM.y kept in a country store. The imtronaL'c of old friends, and tho publlcgencral ly. Is respectfully solicited. Tho highest market price paid for country product) I'UTKK i:xt, Light Street, Xnv. tt. 18fil. A NEW STOKE IN ORANGEY! LLE. Cheap 0 "(Is and Great R.U gains. TIE Subsr-riVr rcspfftfa1.! y informs K-iicroiis public, that he t1 his friends nnil the has Just opined n NEW STQEJjl. In the well known s'and of Iho lato Win. I'riU. nq., iMi ti in sir-el, iu Or.ingevlil Columbia county, i'a., which Inn bci.n welMillo.l with nil Muds of Ciiojcr New Goods. 1'resli from the nn-frn Maikrts, which he irfrnds . Iltn'4 as cli ap as Iho cheapett for ready pay and country produce. Hi -tuck consists Inpartofihc following articles : Cloilis, Cns-inn r-', Pntliiietti, Pilks. Cambricks, Do. L.iinei, Callii'oes. Mu.llns, Sliawls.l.inciu, Alloackas Millinery unit Iliess Roods, s;c. Tea, Coftee, Pillar". Mollases. Spicea. Clicese, I'ili. I! ni ins. -alt, Tobiiiico, Segnrs.Pnuu", and nth.r article s ii this line, usually kept in Cuuutiy Stores. ALSO OURRTSWA IM3 Sr. 1! A ItTHKM VA UTil "' tiais aiui its, lioois ana miocs, tnd all lioti mis. generally in trade. UTT" fir.iln, Ilutter, I'ega, Meat, nnd country pro. dace taken in exchange for floods. CUKN'KLIUS BELLES. Orangcti'Io. Il.-c. 17, Icjtil.-ly, FRESH A R II IV A L fall dnb tDintcr. ' wzv) xW'if p.T2 Sot; ?s i w tm iy pt- sa: a j EVERYBODY- 7 liri undersigned, grateful for past patronage, respec fully inform ItlsciMumcrs aud t lie publii L', 'uirally that he has just received from the Druturne cities, the arrest anil oio.t select (.tock of Fall and Wijilcr 1 1 iiji inis-j i;. ot-un iipunt'ii 111 iiiiiiiiosioiri:, 10 tt llici. lie j Invites the attention of bis friends, nnd nsures them that they nn- oifered for sale nt great bargains, lilt . tUotk ciiii.i.ises 11 large assortment of I OIIXTI.'JMUX'S WIlAlllVfi PP.Mini ('onsting ol rAiuioN ni.n Dncus Cora's, of every des rriptinn; Pants. Vesia, Whirls, Cravats Stocks, Colton Haiidkercliiefs, (.loves, urpchders, r, (ioid Watches aud Jewelry. Of every description, line nml eiieap. X. II. Iti'liieuiber " Ijfwcnbcrg's Vhrap llmporium call iindsec. Xo charge for et.nuiiig C.001K david i.owiivnEnn lllnoiiihburg, Xuv. 10, llflt. (June lHS'l . I New Grocery tore. j MOllK FHICSII WOODS. ' (Fonncrlij Enigmas' old Stand) on Main , Stmt, Bloumsburg, npHE undersigned has just received a S good stock of FALL A XI) H'KTKR DRY GOODS, of all kinds, Men's Heavy CALF D & V B00TSs tho hot in tho market ; n (loud Apartment of 1, ulios and Uhililreiis' Shoes of all kinds, A Fresh Lot of Groccrios. of all kiu''s, mill us MolilS9l'S, I Suars, Teas, Coffoe, Kicn, Fish, Salt, Spit-cs, 1 Mats AN! iJ APS, Tobacco, St cars, Caudic., Razens, Lard, j &C, ll!., 40 j FEED AND PROVISIONS. Together Willi n great Wiriety of notions and etcele ins too numerous to loe I'ioiu ll f ' 11 liter. l.aiTK. .tie .1 and nroiluee i',.i,, mil.. ,Li, i I I'Xthi.uge fur gomlo, HENRY GIGER. II iioin lung, )rc. 10, IPHI. NEW STORE iv. CHEAP GOODS. K .SILKS AM) S.1IALL PRIHTi'S.'' 'S III' unilcr?ijjniMl, liaving talcen the I Store lati It-oeeuoiud hv Janu s K. I!v,.r uwi'tii every variety ul- Plri'il, ubmu linn titpM t, in lluuiah'jrL'. and utacked . ' UiKli i II'lilU- illlVirnitJ LU rrimi.ld ( lm .mi l:.. lhifp 'itlully Inlorms Ids frlumls and. ho public gen emu), Hl.ifc in- V1U lie nappy 10 reei'lt'0 ll Sharu III the 1 public piiiri'ii.ige, uud trusts that Iu i nn rendor gener ! u' atif.uii.u by selling them timix-st iuiiiuv of I on fair terms and at sntisf.icioryi.rir.eo. His stock consists, in pan, of lll.V l,. HIS UltuCLItlKH. PISH. UUUUXriW.t 1111, WUUIIKWVAIiri, hoops, tmor.Et. 1 1 A'i'ti, O.VP3, and especially with a splendid variety of LADIES DRESS GOODS, I'MVV .IhTJC.KS tic , ,Ve.. which ho will sell as cheap as tlio cheapest, for cash or ready pay. trl'Couiilry produce, generally taken iu cxclianco fur goods. AXnilEW TJlllWU.LIGlHt. Illoomsliurg, Jan-7, lf-Ol-y. ' LKATIIKlt I LEA'THER 1 1 ntliniiiiderslgned tvoiildniinounci-, that he has on liana 1 athisllatiindCnii L'inpuriiiin nu Main Kt lllootnt burg, nuassorliuentof illilercnt kind nf leuther such at Hue ruif skins, morocco, (red undhi.icK.aiid linings tu9 cf ithirh ho will sellihcapHrllntririiiibu hud i lieu hero ill tills market. Call and vxuniluo tli-in for yoursc-lvvf, ' JOIINK.UIUVON. UoonuburCi May fii, 1J JI Keep Your Eye ON THIS PLACE. SECOND ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS. nA3 enlarged and greatly Improved his Store Room nml storked it with n largo nml npi rinr Flock of ll.M.t, and WIS'Tllll OOOHfi, which trill tin sold 111 Ipw as nt nny other estahli-lnueiit in the country. Calicos at 10. 18, '20 and a.r cutis. Muslins, Hkachnlnnd Urown at 25, i!8, up tn 43 cents MUM ntlODH of rvery sliadn, quality mid price ; a full Him' of lloinite tlooils, viz : Checks, t'lrlpes, Tliks,l,inueii mid Cotton Tahlo Dinper, (llnchaiiK, Nntikee in, ftp , Aic, A good supply of l.ndies eli tes and (i.iilurs New stotk of lints and (,'nps. All Wool ltirniu ant) Collage CnrpctSj a splendid nitlflo just opened and for title, A fresh supply of Groceries and Spices, a new lot or CADAR AND WILLOW WARR. MACK Ult Ah by tho quarter, half and tt hole barrel ' Srs, 1 und medium and Imge. Also, n large nnd splemlid ussortnicnt of new designs. Also, a new lotofTRUNKd and Oil Cloth Sutctcs, Having boiiijht tbeso conds beforo the late rise, I nm prepared to sell low,ch.'ap as the cheapest for cash or country produce. vi: sTi:nv to ri.iiAsu. Illooiiisbiirg, Jan. 7, JdO.1. BARGAINS IF YOU WANT TO 11UY GO TO Ciff.sy's Store, in Light Street, I'a. J I ho Keeps ull Kinds of CALICO, MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAM, FLANNHLS, CARPETS, HOSIERY, SHAWLS, Ready-made Clothing Sugars-, Molasses, Syrups, coffees, Teas, ' Fish, Salt, liacon, Hams, Laid, . Tobacco, sgars, Hats, Boot", Caps, Shoes, Drugs, Oils, Paints, Sec, fcc. In addition tn our large stock of hry floods, we have n iiiiRe nnd lull assortment of Heady Mado l.'lolliin" loi tii'iyiml I'.ojs wear wbicli we tro determined to sell ehi alter 111 ill Clin bn lioiieht I'lsew her.;, t.'nll niul seo. and Indao for yourselvon . W. CI113ASV & CO. Lifflit Street, Cktuber 29, 1 NEV AHKIYaV At A. J. Evans' L0lii:!i lillFOililjl m BLOOMSIJUllCr, PUNN. LATEST SYLES CAK P (JOODS 'J'llll iiiiderslgiied re-peitfnlly informs his Irieuds I nnd ihe public generally, that In Ii. is just received from the Kaetcrn titles, u large assortment nf HEW GI.OT H.IMG, being the liestossortiuent ever otleren in this market. AUo n eonipli le assortment of (os ctntliiug. In f.-u-t every thing in the Clnihiug l.ino Tor those who prefer In leave their measures, a perf. ct lit gu ir.ant ami olliing hut Hie best tvurkuian-hip iillmved nt this es. ta lishiti(.nt. Ko also keeps on hand u largo assort mei ' of I! 00 'IS AND SHOES. HATS VXD CAPS, tngeiher with a variety of notions. E7- "AM. AX1) sSt-U I'OK YOUIiSlll.r. a. j. iiv.tria. Itlor.m-.burg, April. 23, lPfil. FRESH ARRIVAL OP Fall & Winter Goods A T Miller's Store rPIIi; Rtili3' riltfr lins just rcttirnrd from iho Cities ' X wnli anothi'r lare .mil ftulect assort met nf FALL A IS! I) WIN'JEli GOODS. purchased nt Philadelphia, at tl.o lotvett uguro, nnd which tln-y are itLteriniiieu to st 11 otitis moderulu tonus as can be procured elsowheru in llluouiiburg, His stork couiirMes Lnuir.v uitt-.ss aoons, of clmici-st tyles and latest fashion. j)itr anoiis, ,ikd nttuvKitins, niiiiirini: Jc7-:ka"kiw(K, CF.lf.1lt IV. IKK, IIU.LUir ILiltli BO.V, .Y.tll.s, HOOTS A- SI10R8 ir.rm jj- c.n:s. &.c , .yc, ;., Ill short everything usually kep In country Stores tn whiih he iiitile the puldli: generally. The llighcit price pjiil lor country produce. a U. iHIJjJjEU. Illnomsbiirg, Nov If. IWH. TINWARE k STOVE SHOP. 'Villi undersigned respettfully inrnrms his o,l friend J and customers, thai he has piirrh.i'ed his brothers Merest in tint tibovu -tnlliliiiu-iit,iiiiiltliu loncerii ttils hen ufler be conducted by hiii.Mlt exclusively. I'" lias ju.l received and oilers tor sale, the Inrg. .323 out und most extein-ivo asMirtmi'iit of 1'AXUY giS s 'I' ' Y ll H eter iiilrodiiceit nun this market. His stock coiisi.th of n complete assortment of ho bel t'oiikmg nml parlor tnvi- in Ihe marki I. togeth er wnli Stnt e I'lttun h of every description, Oicii and P.ov Stoves, Uadiators, 1'ytiiiil.u Sioves, 1'it Iron Air Tight i.tuves, t'nu.ioii Stuves, fti- ii-, stovepipe nn.l Tiotvare coiiPtaully on hand ami m.iuufui lured to outer. rtli Minis in repairing ilnno, ,i usual, on short notice. Th patronage ol old friends aud uuvv cin-timuns re. p.-iilully toliciled. A. .M. llt'PUIlT. Iiliiiill.l.lllg, Xi.Vc-Illberltd lFllll. If. He ( WINTER l lli-road. ARANGFIYiNT, Novimber 7th 1801. I "1 rrat Trnillt T.inn frnm tint XJn lli nnil Jf Xorth -West for l-'hilailn phia, N'etvYoft. Itoad. Itig. l ollstillo, Lelianoii, Alii mow u. (!i"lon, p fic. 'I'riilns lenvo HarrUbiirg lor Xetv.Vuil;, as follims Al 11 mi and 15 A. M. and 1 r. P. M., arnvigg at Xi tv Yoik nt III A Al.. niul '.Mi and 10 OU P. )l. i Till, . lit, ,.11 (, II. lll, I . 'I'p.i . ,, u .X, , I. II...... stltnuia Hail Hoad, uud Hlei'iuug Curs uccoiup ny ll.o flrst two 'I'ruiim. without ibange Leave for Itemliui.' P iitst llle.Tnuiaqua, Mini 'sville, Alleutow ii, mid Philadelphia nt !-.!." A. ,M. an 1 1 -13 P. M slopping nt I., b inon and principal Station only. Way Trains, slopping at all points, at T '.' A .M. anil 1.111 P. tl, Kunming Leave New. York at !l V M., IS iiooii.iindT.mil' M. l't. I .wl t-1 til. i :t at H A. M nml :i.:ui i I'. .M ! Puitsvlllont H50 A. M and tf.M P. M ; I'riuia'.ua '(UH.IUA .ti anil .'.15 1' M.uudlteailiiigalPJ.iiidnlgbt, , 7.3J ami 10.13 A. M., I lis and liW P. M. Heading tccoiuoibitlou 'Pruin; Leaves It' ading at 0. 1 11U A. .tl. ri iiirmng Irnm Philadelphia ut I J P. M. I Columbia i'ailrnad Trams leave Ucndiii. ut 0. IU and 1 11 A M.l'or Hphral.'i, l.itlx. Columbia, kc (Iu rJmuluysi Leave Xew-York at 7 P .11., Phllnilel nhia 11.15 I' AL, Pnttsville i:M A. M , Tn nii'iua 7 A. M , llarn.l.urg d 13 A. .M.. and Reading ut 'J midnight, lor lliirrisl.ii rg. Cummulutlou, Mileage, Heusou, 8r ,nol, nut! tlxoiir Sinn 'Pickets to uud from all points., a reduced Hates llaggagu clit'ikod llirmijli ; cu H',iuds allotted cucli russuiigcr. G. A. XlCOI.LS, fiitcral SuptrlHlnutcnt. P.EiDiNij, Pa. X'ov 2d, IrOI , Gentlemen's Hats. ! All the latest styles ut ClIAPLCd OAKFOIID U Hu.N, Continental Hold riilladclfUia. i ?n. nrhk Wistau's Hals am or WILD CHERRY. !0NK Of Tit II OMl'.9T NI) MOST 11111.1 AM.!! uintniiiiM in Tin: woni.nron Cough, Colds, Wlwopin, Cott"h. HrOII" ' chilis, Difficulty of Hicathing, Asth ma ) Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Cioup, and every affection j OF THE THK OAT, LUNG & CHEST, tNCI.UDINO IIVIIN 43 49 IV S V i!R 1 T I 0 RJ . Wistor's Balsam of Wild Chorry So general lias tlio un qf this remedy become, nnd so popular Is It orerytvere, th it It is iiniicce-snry to reroiiiit Us tirlues. lis t ork speuk f r it, and II it a littcruiiri! Ill the nlmudnnt and voluiilnry t'-stliiiony of the iniiny ttlin Iroin long snlleriiig nun semen ins eae h ive by Us use been restored tn pristine vigor and health U'u can present a mass of utiJenro ill pruof of our assertion?, th.it CANXOT CU l)I8Cljr.DlTi:D. The Rev. Jacob Scchlcx. Well known ami in'icli respected nmnng tho (lermnn population in this country umkes tlio foiluHing statu muni for tli,: heiu lit of tho nillUted. llAMiVF.n l't.. I'eh. If., IMO. ritnr Sir Having realised in my lamily iinportnnt tip.it 11 1- from the iico of your vnliialdu iireiiaratlon. Wisicn's IIalsam or Wii.iit'nuitiiY- Iti.lioriis mo pleas ure to recommend It to tho public fomo cmht tears ago ono of my daughters seemed to be in a ilc. line.und hopes of her recovery were entertained. I then pro cured a bottle of your t.Xrclliut llalti.ui.anil before sho had taken III" win. la of the cnntenisof (lie bottle ill my individual casi'. made fre'iuent use of your valuably medicine, and have alwuj s been beiiellted by it JAlOlltilX'III.UK. From Jessie Umih, Esq , President of the Alorris County Bank, Morrislown New Jtrscy, "Having ii'ed llr Wistar's Halsniu of tvilJ- Cherry for nboiit lifleeu years, and tint lug reali.ed hem tlual result in my laiiiily, itiitl'ords me great pleaiirn In rcommcndiiig it to the pub iens a vnliiaide remi dy in c.ios of weak lungs, cold", cougtis. &c . nnd a r'lini oy which I rnt.liler to lie r-ulirely iunoriiit, .mil niiiy tm taken tt itli perfect safety by Ihe mott ilelicatu liealth, rFrom lion. John D, Smith, tt CisHn iuish(d L'twyos in Westmin ister, MU. I hate on m vera I occasions used Pr. Wihtar'a IIalsam ' of Wild t'lierry fur s.'teru colds, und nltt-iita ttltil de I cided b.'iietit. 1 kiii.wornoprep.iratioii li.it is moro itlii acioiM or more deserving of g.-imral ui-, i 'J'tn' IIalsam has uNit bui-u u"cil uithi'Vi.i Itetit eirct by J. II Dlllolt, .tlerih.int, Hall's Cross ltn.ids, Mil. Whtar's Baham oj Wild Cherry. Xnno t'ouuluc unless signed 1 nUTTS," on tho FOR SALE BY J. P. niWMORI.. Xn. 4.11 lima In ay. New York, fi. W. 1 im'I.C .V i.'o.. 1'ropr i l"rs, lloston, , And by ull Unii'Litts. ' RKDRIXGS'S RliSSnA SALVE FORTY YEARS' EXPE1UEX0K. Has fully established the supe lorily of HEDDIXG'S RUSSIA SALVE, Over a!l otlier Pealing preparations. It cures nil kinds ofSnios, Cuts, Sc Ids, Hums, Moils leers, Salt Uheiiiu," 11 tpela Sties I'tlen, t?orus. Si,te lips Sore e.tes, c, reiiotillL' the p.llll tit once, end lliduciim the uost itiigcy in.,nig rim lliugs and intluinatinu as ifby uagie. Uulv '.'Jceuts a boi. ion sti f nv J P tllSW.MOIir., Xo.:il Uroadituy New York, a IV l.OU l.i: .tl.-O.. X ., InTmuu li st, Huston, And hy all DruggiUs, .May 7, ISCI-l Jiu, IT IIP. utiderslgtieiri at3n exteaslvriy enj:ePil Hi l1,f UmlrittiMtiti liitiinas. and keens coiisl.nitlv ou hand i Hi) for sale ut his Wareroouis, a large u..snrtmoul of i FINISHED j) COFFINS, . ny tvhicli he is einl.leil tu nil orders on protenlation Also Keeps n good Horse und llearso, and will at al times bo ready to attend I'uuerels. SIMUN C. SIIIVU. llloonifbi'rg, January CO. tM'J 'New Drug S WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Til It undersigned tt ould inforii1 their friends and the public geiieiull .that they have taken the stand for merly on upieil by I! ii. Al. Iln.'eiitiui Ii. iu the llxrhniigc lliiilding, ou M ii i ii street, in lilooiusbiiri'i'ttlicrc lie has jiii-t rei civeu a full supply of Which t ill be sold mi inoduratu terms for ready pny. ! Also, XOTIUXri generally, of every variety, sort and size, Physician.' prescriptions carefully compounded, nt all times mid on short u nice, -i rJ roufeetioiieiy ii the best selections, und Soda Water in season. A share of the public custom Is reepertfully so- ii'Kod. I1YUH ic JIOYl'.U. Illnomsbiirg. .tpr.' II. IMia. ISAAC K. STAUFFER, y VVA t UHfilAKERAND No, 118 North Second Si., cor. of Quarry, 1' 11 i L A I) E h V II I A A . r t j., ., .... u.u,,iiivii, wi .vaicc-B, .iwcin', riivcr aim Plated Ware constautlv un hand. l,-,.,,l Tr "i p iinhg of Watches and Jewelry pfomptly at tended to. I JuuiMiy -I, Idii.1. ly. I II. C. II 0 W E R, SUriGEON DDNTIST, P.I'3Pi:t Tri LI.Y Hirers hiBprofens ion.il M-rvices tnlho ladies and gentle, men nf III onbuig and vicinity, He is nretiared inntteniltn nil tin, vn.lmi. opariiHons in the Hue of his prole, mini, ami is provided ivilht'ioluiostJinprovc'd l'Oltcr.l..1l. TKl'.TIl ; which mil luinierteil on gold, plutinu, silt er and rubber baio lalnokw II at the natuialleiHi Ml mil plule ami block teeth luanufarliired and all o eri tu us ou teeth, carefully and properly ultendeil to. Ite.ii'ence and olllioa few doors nbovu (he Court II m.e. saino side. III jn.nsburg, Juno (i 1-C3 F. 0. HARRISON, M D. WOULD respectfully infuriu the cllleiu of Pdooius. burg.and tiiiuity.thatho cwitiiiuesilie practise of nd solicits a share of public patronage, Ormu un .MaiiiBtrett, llrtt bouse below tbe Court llnuao. Illoiiiusburg. I'ebruary II, Ir33 tf Ladles' Furs. The largcit aisorlmont at CIIAItLHd OAKl'OllD & SONS, Coutlneuul llolitl, riiilndclpliiii. "i ';..--Ti'-'ifA..',V.V'-ij'-.' --.I ;ii-.ptru?'.y , .-;lr 'VII;.Vi''ilfe-;i'J:''ivV IMPORTANT TO LADIES. THE PHIVVTB MIHH'M, AHVISICK, i An InvalunMo Ircallsti tif (11 pages, by published for the benefit ol the t?x. On receipt o( 'I I'.V 01 Nl'r". It will be sent postpaid, In a a tiled n v .-1 (-, to all ttliu apply for it It gives n cniulsoilcM riptio.i ol' ell til u illcne pej M,iii.,r tn d.in.it,.. inffetbi.r with im-nns of rure, und treats f I'onceptlon, I'regnaiicy, .Miiciirtlnge.MerllHy tJoiual Abuses, frolnpsns Uteri, l'ciunln UeaUniss Coiiniinpllon, Jic niul iiiiicii other vaiiiuum niiorio.i tion not piibti,liud 111 any other work, livery lady should procure a copy tt itliout ditny. TllltlllJ r.DITKlXH, 011,1100 I'.AOII, h.ivo already been published and distributed Hill tear Hai'vey's Fcmnlc Pillo, thn inntt Infallible and popular remedy ever knnwnfor tin iiisetises 01 me lenriiu sex 1 ney nnvo iicm. u- in uiaiiy llioiisaiid inses ttitli unfailing succes? nnd may bf relie.l ou iu overt cuso for which tlu-y ert enso for w . r . t lev tire ro- tuiiiiiii inlcil, nnd p.irtleutarly In all caos nrlsln; from Obst nation, or Soppniic of Nature, no nmlti r from what c.iiii! it arises. They tire I'lfiic' tiuil In restoring In In allli all who are suileriiig fnuii teiiknes und Ibbllity, Ulcrinu Discharges, .Nervous ness iti: , be, mid t hey ACT I. IKK A CHARM! In streiigt'ii'iili.g nnd minting tin- system. Thousands nf Indies Wii. .1 ivu siiU'eied foryenrs and tried tnrioiis otlier r dies In v 1 uttu a reiiowi.l i f their Ilea til nnd strength wholly to tut -Hlicncy of UH. UAltYEY' FIv.lALE PILL. They ,1 'o not n now discovery but alon 'rlcd reiuudy, the tikbrnleil I Ull. JOHN II A It YE Y, ono of the most eminent nhysiclans, prescribed ti.'ni lor many years in nts private i.nnii. tiuu m. iuj '""''" '.'r"'"!". FLMAIjI-j DIFI' JL uL , All who have used l)r. Harvey's lVinalo Tills reconi. mend them to others N irsu recommend them-llrug ll'tsiiud Il.-iilers recommend them in p'cfcrcucu to itlier ineilii lues, because of their merits. Nu la ly ob jeils to take Ih 111 for they arc elegantly Prcpand by mi expericLced Chcini.t, They nro pi-rfettly hirmless on the system, may bit takiu at any lima Willi pel feet surety i hut during the early stagas of Pregnancy they should not bo taken, or amis .image may be liken, or a inlmnrriago may be thu result. Tlu-y never causo any sickness pun ordlrttiss. nucli box cuntiilus sixt) pil.s and full dir 1 ctiuiis lor use. PRICE ONE DOLLAR. I 07" Cut this notice out If you ilesiro Dr. Harvey's 1 I'ills or Hook, und If ou tauniit procure tln-ui of you r druggi-t, do nut take any olhcr, for "nine dealers w ho ore unprincipled Witt recommend other I'dhpIo I'll s, they cm in.iko a larger prollt 011-hut enclosu tho money and sen I diitct to Dr. J. BRYaN, Geuoral Aeent. Ilox Sili'). 71". Cedar Street, N Y. Who will take till risk If prnpeily directed ; and you will tectlv llii-iu pi'il paid, securely scaled Iroin ub servatluu. by return mail. fcUl.ll UV Ill.UI.I.IMa Ui,.I.ll.ll.l.l , im.MASIiAUXI'.a UC.n., Nkw Yon K . Who'os.ile Agents. 7 bird Edition Jlfltj Thousand, 90 piges, cloth covets, BY ROUT. E 1SELL, 31. D. , Jtemberof tlio lioyal College of burgeons. London, addressed to youth, the' married, and llion- OONTEMPLA'I ING 31ARRIAGE. !35i. t by mail, iost i. i Id, on receipt of TI'.N t'UXTS. A rurelui lerusal ul tins suitill l.-mk has been a ROON TO THE AFFLICTED 1 ; and has sav. d Ihousaiids fiom a life cf miser,, and nu , UNTIMELY GRAVH. It treat" on lb et lis if Yo.iibi'ul Ii.dl-crction. Pclf Abiiso, semni.il Weakness, Emissions. Sexual Ills eaes, lleiuial lieluliiy, Loss of Power. Xervoiisn-ss Premature II i ay, Impotence, fee, which until the sutrerer tnmi liillllliug thi oiii.m.iTw.xn or .vjiitnunv., nnd illustrates the means of cute liy thu use of HULL'S PHO 1F1C PILLS , and oilier trentiuent ueceary In sumo cases, and Which Nicer fads tn Cure, and can bi , trlied on. They do not nau-eale Hi" stomach, or rcmler the breath idl'ensiti', and hey tan bu USED WITHOUT DETE'TION. They do not Imerfero tt illi bu.liiess puisuils, nnd are Sl.eede ill .11 tlutl. xo liia.xoh np iiirp id xp.oUftSMiv. Ihci, arc Wat ranted lit all CiSrs, to b- 1 tCeclunl in remotiiig and Upwards ol ttto Hi, mi.-, mil cib.-s curing the ilicctisc, r.i on lecord that HAVE 15EEN CURED byit-ing HULL'S SPECIFIC PILLS, and r rtificatcB can be shnvtn from many tliat have useil liieiu, xu cask op i'aii uii p. nvr.it occciih. Upwards ot 11 Hundred Phvsicinrs use tb-m i.ten pivi'l) hi Iheir pnt.ilL prailice, and they cannot ilfect cures v. illiout iheiu. HELL'S PECIF10 PILLS Arc Ihe original and only L-etinine Spiriflr Pill There are a host of initiators-- IIIAVAItl; ill' Till. 1). 'Til EE ARE WARRENTED. Tlioy llr adfiptpil for imili nr (Villain, nl.I or youns;, n nil nrc tin- mi ri'l).tLl- n,iriL,i! known t'ur Ihu c&rc t ol' nil ilifat'uti's arinit from j YOUTHFUL INDISCRETION. In all rJexuat His eases, as fSnnnrrhea, Slrlrture, I Uleet, and 111 nil L unary ami Knluey ruiupl.iiuts, ihef ACT LIKE A OIIAIOI ! j He'iif is experienced by takins n single lax ; and Iromfoiirto nt botes generally 1 ll'erl a nire. 1 S'H.II 1! V Illll'Clil-'I'tt llLMlIt M.I.V, 111 boxes, containing six pills, price $1, or six botes, $i; also 1 in largi boxec, eoni. iniiny lour of Uje sma t, price :t. j If tun iieod the I'liii-k ur Ihe Puts, cut out this aifvcr ti-eiii'iit lor reference, nnd il'you cannot procure Ihein uf your druggiit, tin not bo iiupocd 011 by any nlher' remeily, but 1 ucb.se the money in a letter to the pm- i privtor. I "ii t.'ed.ir Street, X. Y. 1 who will take all risk IT properly directed, and will send the Pills, secured liu.u obsert atiou, by return 111.111, l'o.-t Paid. tit- Ll! I1Y Dltl'CtJISTS tlUXI'UALI.Y. DUMAS. HAliNl'.S c CO , New York, W liolesalo Agents, TO THE M D Ft AFFLMTKR ! , J . BRYAN F O coxsuim'c PiivsiciA.v. 7(5 ( edar Sued, New Fork. Medical treatment, teb - Micccsful. nnisi be nilnpted to each purticul ir case, nqd the a- tual cond.liou ol Hu patient nt thu lime, und leguluted frnm lime In time, as the exigencies of the casu rvipnrc. Mciliuuo ails more potently ou some persons than on others, nod it sho'ilit bo .ntiiiiiiLtcred with a view to uMt nature uud nut to forte it All who bio ajllicted with Cbronio Dilliciiltit'3 nf nny kind, nnd have failed to 1 1 lain permanent ben eGl fiom Hie Ireatmi'iit of Iheir fiiiulv diy, i,m. a'ru solii ited to give men statement of tin ir . o.lililion, uud 1 will ndvisu them. Iruo of charge, what treatment is necessary to onsiiro recovery ; the time rc-mired. nml tile etpi-IIM'. 1 dfsire to prescribe or givo advice only In such coiupli.nt.'iiand chronic cues us have bullied thu skill of nth, r ph all inns To all sin lit will pay speedy intention, and gite cvry ca.e my si noils consideration. Adt'iCU ttltllOllt loeililim. Is hetilnli. k.trninnt l,..rn. fore when addre"siiig me. em In.e line dollar ill tnur b Iter, lor which 1 will give icy c.inilid upiiijou and 1 udi Ice. nnd null inodiiiu,) as I can all'ord or tlio same I by mum of mail-, uud will also Hale upon itluti terms I will iiinlertaUc Iho ensd .My professional attention is given iiior-j particularly to thu Inlloiting ilis.asiis, which 1 make specialilius of my pr 'tesMon ; and I can treat them ns well ut a uiiiaiice ns it called upon personally, ' A 11 I'i, ri I: .i in-...,.. uu.uuiu mm iiutim ituiL'u jxiipnitnns nt ..... . I.. .. the Syteiii, (and all diseases peculi .. ... i.'. ' ill iu iu l UIIIlllCS ) Dyspepsia and Liver Complaints. CUrnnie Ilradiuho Piles aud I'l.tula, I lirouic an I lullaiuiiuinry Itljeuiiia tism, Xturalgi.i. and Xeivnus lli,'n,. general llebil il), Ijcrofula, I ,'iiicers anil luinnrs, Chronic mill In. Il.iinaior Hiseiise oflhe Lyes ami Lars, Catarrh, Sem inal Weakniss, linputence, Urithraland Vaginal Dis charges, ftciual an J Urjnury Dlsees gecvrally. Connumption, llronchilis, and Lung Dis eases goiiurally. A treatlso on this subject, illiiftrallng tlio various stagiisuiiduHnlralioii.il modo of treatment, will be scut iu any one, ost-paid, on the receipt of u pusiu-e nuinp. JI, ireatiuciit for Consumption and llrnnclijnl nfTec Hons lias been nlli ndeil m ill, great success. I do not follow lliu beat ii track of the past uges, bin ultucl: tho ilise.i.e upon principles (hat huvo u sound ecjeutilic ill. a. tlialluve been civ, n over bv nihi-r i,h,..ii... ' "' """ nave I'lsi'.ren iiiouiamis uy stin in rc-mu. liieinnbls. IT, r . i. .., ,i . ... . .'. .'.,' .7 '. .... ' j - ,ii i i.'iiii) iniiiuiii ii. e p. menu . .. . 1 ' " 1111111 ui lucre is some nope. , Altlicteu. g ya mu a consult .llc.u, 1 u,e no remeilies hat are huitliil. in nny ,asc .My iimtio is -Xaturo 1 l'r!,'V" fui -iveryillseuso remedies iu Hie. plant. I mineral a under any i lrciiui.tuuces, .My address is us liillmvs "J. UK VAN, JI. II., IIOX307!., , ,. Xu, 7fl Cedar irc t, Xciv York, Vt rite vour naino plain, also town, cuunty and Btaio, and a rt'iily will be mailed as soon uj noietblo. lcbjuaryll,lt)03.)cotv. 1 important I A 11 a S3 1 It NTS CtfiS V HOTII MA llll IE I) AND SINGLE OldOSt RoglllatOl' for Fomalcs nn. cnniittiiMAN's t'CMAi.n rit.t.s Will Imuiedlntely relievo, without pain, nil dlstii'lmi ces "f thn piriodlc ('isiliargo, whether nrl-lng Irnm tn laxntlnn or uppre'slnn. 'I'hey net likn n charm In ri . moving tnu pains tnni nrtoiupaoj uniiu'in "i lite nintistriiiillnu, nnd lire tho only safe am remedy for riuihes, riitk llcndich. -.rains in 1 llaik and Hides, l'lilpi atlon nf III- Heart, Nei moving tnu pains tnni nrcouipanj' tunicm "i n.,.i.-. in ihti l.oiu k. rvnils Tre. 1,1,1,.. Ilt.ietlrs. Honsuis. Ilroken Slei p. .111 1 ' i'i r on- pleasniit nnd il.iugeroiis oll'ects of an iiHiialHn.l run :i lion nfll sov.inl func'lniis. In thn wor-i cwi ul I'liioi .Minis, or Whites, they rlV-ct a speed . lire. 1)11. CIII'.CdllMAN'M PI1MAI.I1 PIM.rt. Have boon used over a Quarter of 11 Century. They are oir.rcd as the only safe means of ion .wing inter r.iptcd ineiisiriialinii, but l.ali-s must bear 111 infil l lli.it, there Is olio coiidilion of th,' feui.ilu system in vthli h the I'llls iniiuot bo taken tvltliunt .to.urini: n 1,. rullar result Tlio coiidilion ri feired In Is rregnnnry th- result Mi. carriage, Such is the irresistible leu. deuct f tin. niedictno to lestore Ihe sexual functions to a not 11, 11 condition, that oven Ihe ri'prn lucllvo putt'. tT ,.,. .n,ini,t resist it. ,'1'lic) ciiuiiot doliarin lit Itt"y imra. i,r.r. --MAN-3 it.mali: pn.i.a. Arft (,e only .Medicine .! ,t .. airled nnd Single Ladies hnmi ri lled 11 nun fur many Viu or can n 'y upon now. Ilettare of linitatlons I These I'.. - 'nun the I'luest rrei.aratlon over put fornpril. with nun. Int..; and Persistent success. DON'T III) IIIICIII VI'.H. 'Inso , mis advertisement tn your Druggist, nnd tell hint tin you tvinil tlio bet nml most reliable I'munlc Mediuuo , In thuwotld. which iscoinprised in 1 lilt. Clir.KSMAN'rt IT.MAI.r, PILI.Slll ! They have received, and arc now receiving 111" san ction ofll.o iiinrt Linineiit I'liysicians in Auierlin. UXt'l.H.'IT IIIUIIOI IOXH with each Lot, the prii" . One Drlltir per llnv, coutniliing from M t I'iIIl I Pills sent In' ninll, proinptly. by remitting tin- i ! tn tlio Proprietors, or tin tiulhoriAed Agi ul, in 1 111 run 1 funds. Sold bv Druggists gem r illy. I IIUTIUMid & llllil.YCi: Proprlijots. I fl Cellar ir.el, ,ew York. try Sold in Illooni'shiirg, by lit' r & MoJ.r, and I! I,nt2. t ell. Mi. 1-til. ly. Powder S vfirrnnttd to be the loost I, Oil , r. lilt eg-ni f.-r 111" ioin 111 h and blood of rait'.-. Swill-' or SIlei'M, ill pi n- itx ling ilmi lol. rl.-ii 11-. Iii'i II .vi..ni!ii. tra" ft r.ng the porilleil en until llitlil in 1 1 1 1 . milk le. iter ami m-ngHi mil 1 iiliibllsbiug liM.-iiin and vigor. IH VOY'S TIOPPIl 'i Ml'Ll- PJfl)t:il i tin only medicines legally p.it-ntcil Iu I'r.iuc!-, tin t,l !iuit. rn,..l .,,.1 Cfgl li.iiiaiul, nml duly ad. , oini'-o n.v iii'-.r 1 nuns. "l-LENTOVJNt - lionori it with pri... uieil. ills, and inv. nleil bv 'r. Duvoy. I'mf s ir ol Hie In, peri . I Coin ge (or i criciillur at Paris, nml not" tn in ul'actiireil ii I1 C I UtXI'.It, Or nt .. ami A, Allen tow 11, le high County, Peiitisvlvinia. All di'i-an's of Ihe -tom'icii, I'd a) I. Linrts and 11 itv els. speedily niul ci r la i n ly 1 11 red, II" ililiy stoi k will lie biouglil 111I0 Ihe very hrjhest Hal' nt perl'i ciiou. and one or tun t'lldepoonful a wei U is 1 fgri-ni valuo to bar t workim. liorses, brei ding. -to' k und colu. inut saved ihou-niids ul valuable lmr-i s from inniigioua diseiisi.i p. w e.l at Ihe naro-J ar.l n in Hie army- VII 1. l.lV.ilfJll Woit.M t'ON'I'nCTI.iN'rl ellVrllllllv ofi ri nine till the nbllu I' s tthnll tisil.ilty prevent Hu 1 n I ling of i.run nn- pleasant ; t ike, unit alo mi' ol Ihe inn"! iigri'i aide pore-iiiv for (lnlilri'ii. So 1 ontlduit I-tin- Inventor of tin- suce. ss 1 ol hi" lab irioiin "Hi lies, in Hie altiologictl uuii-i Hon of llos pri paiatiuii, Hi it ho furnishes 1 terv giad Hated ,-ti) - ii-ian. t 1U1 a tt rill en prcx riiitinu, as u in tv 1 i'i iu 1.1 111-N.1 o.i'ilii-.t. 1 TIIK U.VKiX lit) toil. KA'I, MICH AXI) A XT LX '1T.IIMIX Yl'illt, i n powder for Hie sure i-Meiiiilmilinn nf nil Veruiiii-, 'will lever ihatige wllli .n.ro uud clnu'it', .ind m 1 ti 1 ll eferaulc to the old Plni.lloroiis P.ute. w im Ii li.ir.l , ens 111 a stiort time, making i wo.-thi.ss. 1'or d.rei linns and particulars n:e the small bill" 111 lb bote". IL" Due hundred and tlnrij .et 1 n I1'.' niinnis tiavu I I.e.-.. nn irded to these celebrated pr par. .11 u.c to in-ioi.i r -.1. imij. I!n.tr..l llnrsr.. are tl.o uhnlenle Agent, in PJiil'a. Por sale by nil npi-c'.ihle Drug unit country slori s. Xovember IP, Icol --lgiu. TIIBfiltCAT WOltLP'S ,'Alll IIXIIIIHTIOX I1IU.1) IX I.OV1IOX 1.-.l. THOS. W. MATTSON Was awauded the Pri.e Med. al for his superiority over all cuipi titions 111 the Ln.leil j Siat.'s lor bis imprntciucuts 1 i'i I Travt'lliiis; s rinis:?, lie being tho inventor and '!;'! Manufacturer ni'diirticsli-cl " " Sirmg so ld Hole Leaiherunil solid llivrted Iron Frame 'Piavelliug Triiolis, ValLes, Lid es Hat Uuses. (Jirpet Hags. Leather Hags, Umbrellas mid Hobby lli.r"es, Hots' liigs, Propellers, Wlieelberrmvs, .e., which liu is prepared tn sell at the- loxeft iHaiiiifarturiii; iru e. Tin- iunstexieu"ive Trunk and Carpet ll.ig .Maiiufaclur er 111 Philadelphia. Mi .MAI1KLT BTULI'.T. one ilonr nbrve rninilt, ,, Soulh side, PIIILAIIKI.PIllA, K7"alcs room on the liri lluor, C7"Pruiiks nenily ri paired "r exi hang"d for new ones. Call and see, 11s we sell t cry 1 heap .iri,ii.h. ov. 14, lr'l',.1 PJmo S2U-2 BiSi, Couitlandt Street Nos. 0, 11, is, 10, 1; XT..M1 IHtOADWAY, Nl'AY VOIlK CITV This old-Ohtahli-li'd nml favorite resort of the llu-i- ness Coimuiinily lias been recent! r-lltti-l, nnd isiou.. jilele iu eterylhing Hi n tan uuiiiai-i to the i foru of its i.atrons Ladies ami luunlics are si ,'ii.illy ,uul uu-o. full iirovidcd lor. Ill- centrally located ju tile buiness part oflhe city, mid is conliguous to Ihe principal I in, i.i eleaud.nuK cars, oiunibusses ferries, ,vu. In c.n.e'pience of Ihe pressure caused by the Itelnfl lion, priies ..ivu been reduced to- One Dollar tn d 1'ijty Cents per Dai 'Ihe table is amply supplied tt itli all thu luxuries 'o the season, indiseiutil to that ofany oth,.r hotel in liu country. Amplo accoininodations are ottered for upward of JVO guests. L Do not I.elievL . miners. iiackmen, and others w ho may say-'lhu Western Hotel i full." I. H. H'lXCIillSrijIt, Propri.tor. TIIOS. I). WIXCIIUSTLIi. s I'eh. 15, li-li'2. 'i III! ProirHtorof this tvell-kiio-vn und centrally loci t ted llotibe, the UxciuMib llorLc, nituate on tlm, Slreet, ill llloouisburg, imineili.ili ly site Ihe Coloui bia County Court lluiiu,ri'iu uttu II; i'nioims Ihb frieuda and the pulilic ill L'eueral, Hint ln lion... i, now in or der for the receutioii niidcuti-rlnifimi-iii . i i,-,n , ,.t- H may feel disputed to favor It Willi Hi, ir i in hno. lie has spared no expense iu prepanu.' til" ) a, ii m,e, I'm ibu ul' rlaiiiuienl of 1,1s guests, neither sli ,11 ill, re be uuy. Hung ttantiiig (ou his part) tu lnim.-i, , i n lr pt ,hl,u:i couifort. Ili house is Bpacious ami eiijiiy uu eicilcnl business location. Sy Oinnibui.cn run at all tiiuo between the V. iv Hot, I uud the tanoiis lliil llo.ul 11, potr, by which tm" elers will bo pleasantly coiiteye, to un, from tb ra speclive ritatinus Hi due tune lo meet Hie Cars. V )l 'jKn(lX ISotel mid iol For a it;. Illooinsbiirg, July 7, leCO r?HIE undersigned, ofTera'to sale at nri- jt. tile sale, his 1 Hotel Property & Lot of Ground, i u.,,, i.. on i i-n t , I - " Oree.iivoo.t li,,i-l,i,. f..i bia c"iniy. Pa,, mil now occupied as u hou.e ol Public! I. ni ,l,iiiiiiieill. 'Pile House is located on the ccrger nfthe two orin 1 cipal riireuts in MiHville, is a large Prame bull Ini" i i" w uu H.iiiauic oui'l.tlililiugs, good lled mid I i iiiui' uiaij.e, will! Winer III Hill lluor. It is tlio m.lv itoiei in HI v ill , ai.d Hence, a very ! for ii Public lluuse. ila.iral.iu stami i fCi'i'"r luri"'1 "'id .further i.irliriil.ira. npply lu tin. ni l " i.ujiu num., in l.olir.nnrf, toiv J. 31. FRY. IVbruary 11, Ic'fu. 9mo. SniOUSHIi'S FOR hAI.IJ. 1 Pittsburgli Coiiimcrtial Coliegp. Iliiighan.pliu " " CrilteiMeu's ' Phllailnlphi,,, Htrutioii, llryant it Co.. " Tlieso Strips, ore inaiuounts of,$Snni" S3ll nnd are I v soiniKli c'liih. byihiirstmii.nt einritigciiher of Iho : .. .! . i"ii"ui''n uesiriiig loolilnin a must. Lollegiuto Lduc.itioii, will hure Uud niruml sneeohi ' H"" by UI'I'I VI tig ut the ulBre ol'thn ' COLH.MIH imiooi! VP air liiirJii'iia mvi-. l BELL fit ALLABACH, ropnitors, couxua or THIRD S'2'iJ- P L'NES YL VANIA A V WASJUNCtTON, d. c. I ;TIc S.thitth I