Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, April 01, 1865, Image 3

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Saturday Morning.April l.l.OGG.
JvodiI our New Advertisements, .
' " Wllllnm(pott hag boon Iiworpora.
tod as a City.
Kay Siason Blitz, tlio ronouned Ven
triloquist, is performing In Wilko3barro,
tSS" Wanted, ono copy of No, fl, nnd
o fM. ,o m Va,x. f oa.
fcmtta Democrat.
1ST Mr. Or.onoi: MAUOn,of Cnnyng.
ham, to-dny takc3 possession of the Forks
Hotel, in liloorastiurp.
BST Hon. David Flemino Abolition
fif Dauphin hits been elected Speaker
tf the Senate, durlnif tlio interim.
BS3 Mr Jon. Lynn, has succeeded W.
II. Hibbs, E'iq.,.in llie pulilioatioo 6f lllO
' Carbon Dtmocrat." j
ttST Mr. Wm. 0 Quick, on Friday
t . I. "ST.. f t J . . -
last wceiit at aur. itiausers vi-uuiic, , j
Monlour townb'p, this county, paid $64 '
Mflctn, for a Cow,soon expected to be Ircali.
S'are Changed- jfrTl). K. Sloan, late
of Fowlenville, lias purchased tlio Stoto
and Hoods of Mr. 0. Bellel in Orange-'
villo, and having added a largo Stock of
Merchandize,' is soiling at great bargains.
IQT Jtidgo Er.WELL, has moved to his
now roideiico formerly the property of
Mim. McOltire, on West Third Sircct.
It cost the Judge S2,000. Ho will have a
plcastnt boaic.
- .
K$y- Pkuao.ns intending to apply for
Tavern License, at tlio May Court,
letter do so immediately. It will soon bo
too late. Hands and .icntsrt, for sale at
this office.
) Oipt. C. 0. Jackson, of tbo 84th
Ilegt. P. V , after having been released
tenia ilio Libby Prison in lliohinond, has
ri'tunied to vitit bis glad friend in Ber
wick. EST" Agiin, wo ask our subscrlbors,who
may change their places of rcsidcuco (to
day) to be prompt in notifying us of such '
cbang", in order that wo may properly
?ireot tho "Columbia Democrat."
81,000o- 11 weeks ! -Tho Stato Leg
islators beforo adjourning on last Friday,
v ted themselves 8300, in addition to the
uiual G700, which make their pay ono
thou. and dollais for e'even weeks ser
tcol Pence The Washington Chronicle
New Yurlf Tribune, both intensley loyal
sheds. are bold in tbiir utterance of a
ctsirc for an early honorable Peace.
God grant its speed. Thcm'ti our scnti
firs'. Sn inn ArrtvU. Mr. D
kuru, our enterprising Merchant
ha. iu-t rniurouil from New York, with
.uje.b anortuicDt ot Foahbnuble Spring ! community how much they excel tho or
Ciulhing, new ?tyles of Cloth anil Vests, 1 dinary inedioincs in use. They are safe
Jewelry and NiHion generally, which can jd Iea3at tQ ak
be had cheap at tho Bloomsburg Clothing
Euinorium. 1 Their penetrating properties stimulate the
, tsSF Wo arc now five wesks in our new
)rars publication, and many of our here
tolorc advance t littvi;
not yet lified their IWeipts ftr the Nine
teenth Volume of the ltCoLUMui. Diimo
CHAT." 'lerm-i, only $'l 50, yearly, it
paitl in advance. Friends, wo will be
( glad to meet you in ourSano'um,and arm
you with legal Kcceipt.
EC?" Jay Cook & Co , aro introducing
the ?-30'n into the South rapidly. 11 ch
niJiid can take some as .-oon a wo oapture
it, which will bo in a week or two.
Smut .Machine.
k 1 Dr. thai ti another of your short Notes.
A week or two for the c tpturo of Rich
mondwill bring u, at tho farthest, to
tho 15th of April. Wo aik our readers to
niake'a note of this loyal prediction.
Bs3 Our democratic friends in Centre
township, at tho lata cle-ciion, totally an
nihilated the abolition patty and elected a
full Hoard of Democratic Officers. On
viewing their (ortiGcations, the poor Abs.,
concluded it unsafe to attack their "for
' midable dofeuccs.-" The sweep was olesn
' as will bo seen by the entire list of Dem-
ocraU :
v Centre. Conftable, Charles II. Dirter
ich ; Snpcrvisors.llenry DeLung, William
HoCTman ; Poor Overseers, Joseph ,
1 I Sdintu l Bower, Judgo, Henry Hess : In-
ft . t, ur n f -r
i pectors, John W. Hoffman, Joseph E.
Fredcr ck ; Assessor, Samuel II, Hutch-'
i.ou ; Auditor, Levi A. Hutchiton.
Pennsylvania State LnarsLATunE.
Almost all tho news journals of Philadel
phia, without reference to party ,ftate that
their prosent State Legisl&luro is one of
;h e it oet corrupt bodies of men tlrat ever
:iscaiblcd together at ,IIarrisburg,to make
jtnd unmake laws. They havo become bo
callous to shame, that they do not attempt
o cover up their track a of yore,but face
the music and with threats enduavor to
browbwat all who intcifero with their ras
ca'itiea. Tlrero arc tfve rul good and lioo-
ke.t men in both brau"hc,who would rath
er die than have their honors taruished,
"lint their p'lwur is of uo accouut when j
confronted with the greedy vultures who
would betray their master lor postal our j
iixoy, the meanest hind of ru"iiny. Sev
eral ol thtVharpics bid fair to lealiza a seat'
in the Eaitcru Penitentiary ere they are
rP'clcoted to auoihvr neat in tho Lrgisla
4lw ebmnbrr "f Peiiunylvama.
IVeekfy ComtiUithwil Union
Newton's Pills!
NEWTON'S riLl.a. riLi.s,
Campod ttf highly GonMntrated Extract! from
or (ha greatetl value, prepared from the
original prescription nf the. calibrated Ur.
Ntwtnii, nml used by 111 in with such
, rgmnrkablo success fur twonty .
yean In oil parti ol tho
United Btntet,
are an In
fallible remedy In all
They Curo
Ill ARttlUK .
MVEU COiiei.AINl',
Tho well known Dr. Warren, of Hos-
j ton sas of these PilN, "They havo the
finest effect upon tho Liver and digestive
j organs of any nicdicino in the world, and
! arc the most perfect purgative which ha
j ever 3 ct been made by anybody. Their
1 i-ff.'Cts have abundantly bhown to
vital activities of the body remove the ob
structions of its organs, purify the blood,
and espcl disease. They purge out the
foul humors which breed aud grow dis
tempers, stimulate sluggish or disordered
oigaus into their natural action, aud im
part a healthy tono with strength to the
whole system. Not only do they cure the
ovcry day complaints of everybody, but
also formidable and dangerous diseases
While they produce powerful effeots they
aro tt the same time, in diminished doses,
tlio safest and best physic that can be em
ployed for children, and being purely veg
etable are freejrom any risk or harm.
Tho most remarkablo feature of those
pills is. tbo perfection with which they act
in extremely dissimilar chronic dueascs.
Tho same doses cure Diarrheal or Dys
pepsia, in either caio restoring tho organs
to a Wealthy end natural condition, which
catiiwt bo said of any other medicine in
They creato pure blood and remove all
impurities from tho system, henoo are a
positive curo for
Hereditary Humors.
Eg?- Prico One Dollar par Box, Trade
supplied, or sent by Mail, post paid, to
any part of tho United States or Cana.
das on reoeipt of price by . j
H. S. ROWE & Co. Solo Agents.
4a Liberty Street, New York.
Eycr 4 Moyer John, K. Girton, A, 7er
wlliger, E, P. Lutz.
March 28, IS05 Bmr
Schenk's Mandrake
Its Stmptom8, Caubh and Cdub.
y- HIS lias recolved Its namo front a cnn
1 itant or aleknea at tho atomach, which
attend the pain In the head. Thla headacho It apt
lo brglH In tha morning on waking ftoma doop aleap,
and when aomo Irregulgrlty of die, haa been ooinmlt
ri en the day before, or eometimea for eoreraldnya
previoua. At fir it there 11 a dialreailngly oppreaalve
faallng In the head, which gradually mergca Into a ae
vera heavy pain in lha tempi, frequently alien dad
by a i-nie of fullneaa and tcndornen In one eye, and
extandiog aero tha forehead. There it a clammy,
unp'catant taite in the mouth, an ofTenalve breath, and
the tongue covered with a yollowlih white fur. The
mlTarrr dcilrui to ua alone In a dark room. Aa aoon
at tne patleft full the fulrncaainlha head and pain
in the tmpl. take a larie da.a of Schink't Maudraka
rill,' and in an hour or iwo they will fuel aa wella
ever. Thla bat been tried by tbouiauds, and la always
auroto-curo.and Idetcnd of tbo aick headache coining
on every week or ten daya, they will not be troubled
with It one in three montha-
BchenU't Mandrake l'illa are cotcpoiod of eumcr
nf root beaidej Podophluin, or concentrated .Mandrake
all of which tend to relax tha ur retlona of the liver
and act moro prompt than bluo pill u or merrury, and
wl'hnufleaving ay dangcroua e irvcta. In a&illioua
parion thev will ahow themaolrca by the atoolt. Thoy
will eipcl worm, mucur, Mle and all morbid matter
from the ayitem. In tick hciJachc, if they arc taken
aa directed above, (a full dote aa toon aa tboy feci thr
llrit ryniptoma "fit Dr. Bchonck will and haa directed
Ma aganta lo return lha money If they da not give f t
tect aatlifaction.
If a perion haa been compellad to ttay nut late at
night, or dri too much wlna, by taking a dote f
pillt nn going to bed, nail morning he will fret aa tha'
the had not drank a drop, unlcti ha forgota lo ge In
bed at all.
They only eoit 13 rmti a loi.
Whoever takat them will never me any other. Tkey
are worth a dollar to a tick
man for every cant the
Don't forget tha nama-ECHEVCK'a MANDATE
Held wholmla and retail at Dr.flchenck't Prlncigay
Office, No. IS, North Sixth Street, retladelrble, and by
Druggittt and Btorekeepcr generally,
I Trice for Pulmonic Syrup, Eeawoed Tonic, aek at 50
p.Tdultle, 97 50 the half dozen, ortwobottlet (ftyr-
rup and onu of Tonic for a
Dr. Schonik will be al hit ofllte, No. 15 North Hi.
Philadelphia, crery Saturday to tie patient. He
make no charge for adtlct, but for a thorough (lam
ination of the luogswlth bit Ueiplroraeler, be ehargea
thr) dplUrs.
Ifttrh Vi, ItU,
mi.mi.ui mmirani inww
WHEAT, per bushel, on
BVK. " " I M
CORN, " " I 40
flour pr Mil. nun
tlUCKWIIHAT Flour. 4 W
ntjr i Kit.
nnii:i) Art'LRd,
S 5(1
II AY hy lha ton.
SI Oil
UHICIWINH, per pair. 0
WIIISKHBCItl-Thoiawlililnir a fin., act of Hlilik
era. a nltp inouttachr, or a beautiful hear! ut lnjf
linlr, will plenar rrnd thacaril ufTIIOH.l'. OIIAI'MA.V
In another pari or tlila paper.
Fibruary 'a, lKU-3ui,
A I'AMI'III.I'.T clircitini! Iimr In aprarlllr
l tolnro alaht anil B'vu up aprrtatlra,
wltlioul .l of iluclur or in-'ilicliio Hciitbr
uinll, free, on rcciut of ID crnta. Aihlrcaa.
V. II I'uOTi:, M. I) 1 1 JJ llrnailnar.
rb.4, nscoow.
iTTiiiRKnnai whiskkuh! nnn
want Uhlikcn or Moiiiiiiohaa t Our lircclan I
.(.ninp'iumi will rnrcn thi'ln ti vrow on tho finoolhc.t
, face ur chin, or linlr, on bnlj hi ndg. In tlx Wceka.
j i rim. 9t vn. Di-iii iiiuii niy w ncrr, ciusci) araeu,
VVAUNIlll fe CO.. Ilux W. Ilrouklvn. S. Y.
Prbrunry IB, IHtS-y
I rVO tho Nervous, Dcbilitutid and
I J ponilcnl of both irioj. A prcat an T'riT li.ivlii
bi en rualnri'il In lirallh In n tow Any nfli'r many
i yc.iraof mlery, la wllllnu tn axlut hla tinning rj I
, low cruuturua by ai'inliiie (free) on the icoipt "(
pnip:ilil nlitreaicil i-nvcluur. a cony of t o foimula 01
cure vmpluycd. Dirrit to JOIIN M. I .MJNAI.I,.
l:ul tt'J l'oit Ollico. Ilipi.klyii, N. Y,
Jan. 14, 1601. uy Jtt, 'UI.J
Doafnese, Blindnes & Citanh,,
Ticated with the iitmnat auccia, by Mr J. ISAACS,
Ocull.t and Ail ti at . (I'oniiPrly ori.i'yden. Holland,) Mi.
SI'J I'l 1! rtlrict.Phlliiildidiia. Teat I Inula from the
limit re iable anurci a in tin- City mid 1,'onnlry run be
' avnii at Ilia ollir.o. '1 he uiedital fuCuity ure invited lo
nccnmpiiliy tin ir paticnH, n hi- l.,n no arniet in hla
practice. AllTll'ICI ll. l.i CS interled witluut pain,
Nn diargn made for examination.
February II, lets. July'.', 1854, 12m.
A I ITTLU IIP nVnilYTIIINO relating to thn Int.
r man aytcnr, niulii nod female ; the cauiea unit I
Irentmcnt ol iliaonaia . the n.arriag'J cu.toiH of tlm
world; how to marry will and iithouaun.l Hung, never 1
publialiud be fore rend thu revLed and enlarged mil.
lion of "Aleilicnl Common rVnxc," a curiuua book for
curiuua iiennlu. and neood book for every imp. 4liii I
p.iu'e. lUU I Must rnt iixi 9. Print $1.51), Contml tabln
aeut trcp tn any aunreaa. nookt may ba had nt 'ho I
llonK ftorea, or hu tent hy null, poat n.iid on re
ceipt ol thu ptice. li II. I'UO I'li. M I)..
1130 llroadwiiy, New York.
February 4, ISO.1!. Cm.
Editor ff Democrat.
lltAR Sir: With your pcrmlaslni I with to aay to
the renders of our pnpr lh.,t 1 will iinil, to all who
with it (free) a lleceipe.nilh full directions lur making
nnd liking n simple Vegetabh' Halm that will Ti-rtu al
ly remove, lute 11 duya, rimptet, Itinlrhes Tun, Freck
elt. and all Impuritieii of the SUn, leaving tho tame
loll, clear, tmootli ami lleui'tlfiii.
1 will iiltomail freo to those hiving ll.lld llenda, or
Hare Fuce, nininlo directions and in forinellnii that
will ennble tliem lo start a full grn'Mh of l.uiuriuul
II 11 i r. Wliinker.-, or a Moustache, in lest than thirty
All application! answered by return mail without
rtCFpeclfiilly yniir.
TIIOA P. i.NAl'.M.W, Chcmlit,
831 llroadway, New Yurk.
February 25. ISC5-3ni.
fiO CONPIlMI'TIVI'.f-'. The undersicned Imvingbecn
X restored to hcullh in a few week, by n very aimplc
remedy, alter having aullered reveral years, with a
severe lung atfic'loii, nnd that dread dis ate Con.
sumption is Miiloti" to make known to hla fellow tuf
feri rs the means of cure.
To nil who i!f tlru it, hu w ill send a copy of the. pro
a riplion 11 ed, (froa of charge,) with the directions
for preparing nml using the eiime, which they will llnd
a sure cure for CohM'Mfrios. Asiiima, Iikhnciii is,
Cuuuiis, Coins, kc. The only object of Iho mlveitUrr
in sending Ihu I'rescrintinu i to li:n"lit the alllieled.
and -prend inforuialiim which he conceives to he in
valuable i nnd he hope,, every sullerer will try his
remedy, as it wilt cost them nothing, and may orove a
bl using.
Parties nishing the prescription will please aililresa
Urv.UUtYAUU A. WILSON, U illiaunbutg.
Kiuss County.
New York.
February 18, lUSS-Hm.
Uniformity nlPrlces ! A New reaturn in lluslnes
Every-mo- hi" own ri ile.m in ! JONES ts. CO. ol'the
Creaent One I'rice Clotliiug Store, No. -J4 .Marketitrec
above tfulh, I'hil.iilelphia,
Iu ail litlon to liauug tne iarec.1, most varteu anu
faliionnblu slock of Clothing In Philadelphia made ex-
pressly for retail sales, have coiiblitiiteu every one
liirt own g.ilc man. bv haviui; marked in figures, on enoh
urttcleul the very lowest price it can be sold for solhey
eaiiHut possibly vur) all must liuyulinc.
Hie goods are nen spoutreo ami prepares .inn greai
pains taken w ith the niakine so tli.u all can boy with
IhefulUtsMiranca ol getting u good article ut the very j
iowesl price. Also, a large stork of piece goods on hand
of the latest style nnd best qualities, which will be made
to order, in the most f.ithiouable and best manner, 25 .
per ccutt-belnw credit price. i
Remember the Crescent, in llorkct above Sixth street
in 201. JO'lErJ Si CO.
crEllllllLE DH5Cr.O.imr.H-SECRETS FORTIin
I 31I1.I.10NI
A most valuable and Wonjcttul publication. A w
oMUl) pages, audau colored tngravims. Dlt.llL'.V
TER'S V'AIIE MIX'UM, an ni and popular Heat
lea on .ian and Woman their Physiology, Ftiut-tions,
and Sexual disorder nf every kind Willi never tailing
Itetnedies lor their speedy i ure. Tho pnetice of Ur.
Hunter Ills long bceN nnd still N. uubnunded, but at
tin; curlier snliciiniion of numerous per-ous lie has
been induced to oUend tils iiieilt:,! usefulues llitoiigh
lh medium nf Ins --VADIJ MlVOl ' ll is n voiumi! -lioul.l he iu thu h.inds ofvery lamily in the land
ns a preventive of secret vices, or as u guide for the
alleviation of one of lha most awful mid distrudive
scourges ever tlsiled mankind. One copy securely en
veloped will be fui warded free ofpnslugu to uny part
ol the l ulled States for it) cents in 1' u ianiis.
Address po-l paid, Dr. Hunter, No. 3 Division
.-'met r w York.
.May ai, leC4.-y.
.Administrator's .Notice.
Estate of Jacoh Haiitzeli., Jrt , Deo'd.
I ETTEE3 of iiiliiiini-trnlinn, on the Estate
of Jac-ib
I.. HnrUell. Jr., late ol .Uilnin tow nship,
louiitv, ileeease.l.
have been trained by tin lleeister
of Collin
umt. la county, to (lio uuder.igaed ; H persons
having lalins against tlio Estate of the decedent nru
rcquchted to piesent Iheiu to the undersigned, resid
ing in said townsl ip. w ithoul eelay, mid nil peraons
indebted lo maku payment fnithwilh.
January Si, 16C5. Cw. $1
Administrator's NotiGe.
Estate of Dumel I fury, decern fl.
ctters ol administration on t lie hslnlc
I ofUauiel Wary, lale of I.oruat tnwu.hip. t ol-
iimbia o limy, d ceased, havo been granted by Ihu
Register of Columbia county, to the undersigned j at
persons hii ing cl.ims against the estate of tlu dece
dent are retocstcd lo present them to thu Adiuiuistr.t'
trie nl her residence iu said township without delay,
and all person indebted to make pi ment forthw lh.
February II, IfctiS, 6w $1 Administratrix.
Administrator's Notice.
Estate of John Sinolcy, Dkceased.
LETTERS of ,uiiunist ration, on the Estate of John
SiiuiLY, Into of leaver low nship, Columbia co.,
deceased, have been grained by the Register of Col
vmlisa roomy, to the uuduisigned i all persons having
claims against he Estate nf thu decedent lire reques
ted in .present-Ilium to the umlcraigiied. refilling in
said township, without delay, and all persona indeb
ted o make novnicut forthwith.
January 2), IPC5.-
6w. S3
Atlininisti'ntor'M IVolic .
Estate oj William Webb, Deceased,
TiVl'TERS of administration, with the
J will annexed, on thu Estate of WILLIAM
" U III!, late nf Ceulre tow nship. Columbia county,
deceased, have been granted tiy the Resistor of Col
umbia county, lo the tinilersigued ; all person having
claim against the Lstutu utthe d. cedent are reques
ted tn present t hem to the undersigned, tesidiog in
rtcotl township, without delay, and all persons indeb
ted to ii'iaau payment foitliwith
LLl II Alt I MAN, .iim'r.a.T.A,
Decsmbcr 21, lo04,-iiw. t)J "u
Ailiiiiiiilrntor'N RTolice.
Estate, of Wil'iam I'iatt, L'cceus'd,
IE'rTERSnfadinliilstratinnon the IMnto uf Wil
J ll.liil Piatt, late of I'n u tuwnsliip, Col. co., drc'J.,
lime been grunted hy Hie Register nf Columbia cu,,to the
undersigned; all persons having tlniiiisaguiusithu ea
tale of the decedent are requested lo present them lo
the uude riiguu-l, reiiding iu said luwnship, wilhnul
delay, und all persons indebted to maku payiue.ut
Pine Ivt'p., Jan. Jl, IcoS, tiw S3 (k),
mi-IATd, CAP8,
No. 257 North Third Street, Phila'd.
. Nov 23, IB62
Ladles' Furs.
Tnelgrgait aaiortmf at at CHARLES OAKFOXD 4t
MNB, Coannental HMel, rhl It1;hr.
. N. V.
U. S. 7-30 LOAN.
By tna authority of it t Steretary of the Tra'aury
lha endarilxned haiatiumod tha Ocnaral flnbacrlpllon
Agency for tl' gala of United malaa Treasury Nutea
baarlng aoren ami Ibree Irntha por cant. Intersil, per
"nnuru, known ai tr,g
Thcae Note a aro laauad under date of Auguit 13th
1804, and are payable Hire yean from that time, In
currency, or are convertible at the option of Ilia hoi.
dtr into
U. S. Six prr cent.
Tluae bond are now worth a premium nf nine per
cent.. Including Hold Intuical from Nov., which make
Iho nctuil profit on the 7-30 loan, iTrurrcnt rate, In
cluding liitrrrrt, about tti per cent, per anuuin,ba-
aidea 111 timrttcn mm Hi nit and mrititlpat (atatfoa,
rhtihatlji rata aa lo thru ptr cal wor, according to
Ihc rato levied on tho property. The Intercut la pay
able arml annually by coupona atlathad In each note
which may be cut o IT and aold to any bank or banker
The latereita aniuu,, ti to
One cent per day on a 550 noto.
Two cents " . ' " $100 '
Ten ' " " " SfiOO
20 " 11 " $1000
81 " ' " 85000 "
Notes nf all the denomlaatlona named will be prompt.
) funil.hcd uoou
rertlpt of tubscriptions. This It
now offered by the government, and It la confidently
expected that I'a superior advantages will inaku it tha
cheat ronn.Aii loan or the people.
Leia than $:00,0i.U0U remain unsold, which will
probakly bediipoted of v. 1 1 1 1 i 1 I h 0 next CO or VO days'
when the noiea will undoubtedly command a prci..i
um.ashat Nniformly been tha r.aae on doting the
subscriptions to other loang.
In order that citizens of every town and aectlou of
thn country
may be afforded facilities for taking the
loan, the National Hanks, Slate Hanks, nnd Private
Hankers throughout the ctuutr) have generally agreed
to receivo subscriptions at par. duhscrlkcra will ae
lect their own agents. In whom tiny have coufldeuca,
aud who only are In be responsible for the delivery of
the notes for which they recelvo orders.
Sca'CRtrTioi AotxT. Pkilad$lpia,
t7"3ubtcrlptions will be received by tht 1'lrst Na
lionul Hank of llloonisburg.
'February 25, -3m.
Insurance Company,
('AI'ITAL AND SIIIMM.IIS, - - $150,000
Ftock not called in, ..... iSl.nOU
Hills receivable, ..... 41.IIUU
U. f.5 -2U llnndl, 2.V0UII
Tenipornr, and call loans 0,000
1(13 shires U'tnmilig Hunk Stock, (i.lfU
5i shares First National IU11K at Wilks-llarrc, 5.U0O
u shares beinnu national mink nt ilkes Uarre.
4d shares U llket.iiarre llrldge Stock,
tteai r.stnie, ...
lln-lroni A'-nnand others,
Cash in hand nml iu Hank,
J ll i
7. 114
O. M. 1101,1. ESIIACK,
ni i:VAUT riEiici:.
I. . I). SIIOEM,
II. .OM.I.ViI,
Wm.S ROrfd,
O .M IIAlilllN'C.
IIOI.I.EVitACK. Prnldejtl.
C. .M
I.. II stlOCMAKEi:, Vies 1'rrs'.
r. nnow.v, Ag-nt,
March 25, I '5. iiloomsburg, Pa,
. Skylight Picture Gallery.
THE undersi.ned respectfully informs
the citizens of l!looiubiirg nnd the public gene
rally, thai he hat succeeded .Mr.ltusenstnck in the I'iin
to'iraph and D.uiierrean bu-iuess. ut the well known
Sky-Light Stun.', m thu Cxchnnge ttlock nverStohner's
Store, to which In.-has adilcd a full Camera mid im
proved maleriul, by which lie promises to t.kv the
mos. perfect
seated nn standing, that have yet been produced
tins section ut l ouniry.
Tins lienig thi onlv establishment nf tho kind in
Iiloomsburg ami liavin: been lilted up ut heavy ex
pense, it may le considered u first cla-s I.IKI'.N'I'SH
S M.I 10 , f; roups or u single picture t.ik'-n nt any time
He solicits the public custom and trusts lie will be
able to rdider general satisfaction.
XT" Al.lll'MS AMI eil.Tt RE FRAMES, of n!
kinds, constantly on hand nnd lor sal.- cheap.
nioumabu'g, March 2, litis
Notice in Partition.
Estate of Samuel Smith, deceased.
In the matter nf the At nil Orphan's Court held at
paitition of tliu Real ( llloonubiirg, in and for ihu
C.tate of Sam'l c-iuilh, f oonnlv of Columbia, on 'I hurs- i
ilecea-ed. J day, February i)t!i, lit5. j
"On motion of M. F. Jackson. Eq . tin Court grant a
rule directed to 1'hinias Smith, Ir-aac Smith, Jacob'
SJiiitli. Henry Smith. Aaron Smith, (lillurt II. I'owler
and t.'.irli iriue In. wife, late Catliariu i Suiilh, dausli. ,
ter of said decedent, John Nuukesser nnd I'lenorA, I
his wife, late Elenor.i .Smith, dauuliler of the said
reilent. Andrew ('roll and l.liz.ilietli, Ilis wrle, lale '
Mlzihclh Smiili dumliter nf the decedent, Josiah
lleiinett nml i hurioite ins w lie, Uite Charlnltit Smith,
daughter of Iho decedent ami Samiit-I E. Mnitt., ull
ehiluren of said deeedei t, and (lilbert II. t'owler,
guardian of W. Itighlcr Smilli, a minor son and only
child of Abraham rimilii deceased, it ho was a son oi
thu decedeni. Iielra mid legal reprrsentalivea of tho
aforesaid Suiuoe! Smllh. deceased.
You rind eu' li of )u,urs hereby required to ba and ap
pear, tit the net term of our said t.'ouil to be held t
lllooin.htirg. on the firt .M on, I ay of .Mny next and ne.
cept or ru iimi Hit II.Ul. of raid decedent at the
iiprr li-ed valuation put upon it bv the Inquest duly
returned, or show cause why the should not be
Witncs tha Hon. Willam El well, President Judge ot
our aid Orphan's Court, ut lllouiusluirg, the bill ,ay
of February A. 1). IM'.5. . JhSSi: COI.EMA.V,
Ci.irk O C.
The parties iutereite I will take notice of the above
Rule. SA.Ml'El. oNYDEIt,
sheriff's Oificn 'iloom.burg.
March 25 lei's . Biirrtirr.
Valuable Personal Property.
WILL be exposed to salrt, by Publ'o
Vendue, nt the residence of th" uudcrsignrd
ill fecrtt ton nslnp. Columbia county, 'a., ua
The following described personal urnparty, vil
SE1EKAL HOOD jini.t ll (Oll'S,
One Durham Bull,
a tht nu KiiiiM.'n avm t.amiiq
. . .
lluggy, Sled and Ihu. Kob-Sled. two.horsu Me,gh,
flows. Harrows, Cu In valors , llurunss, llurtv Reaper.
I' ircthina.Mach tie. oriu Itake. Fanuluc Mil . with
firming utcniils generally, nnd
llousehtdd and Kitchen furniture, ron'liting in pirt of
Cook Stotes, Wnnd Stove, largo Iron Kettle, Smoked
Ment, llirrels, nu t Tobacco hy the pound, logeiher
with a vnrixty of other articles loo tediouato mention.
Sale tn romiiience ut fl o'c'oek. A, .M.. nu laid ilny
when attendance will be gircit nnd conditions be mail
kuoivu by
March 25, 1605. t. IRA.M DESR. Aucl'r.
JL ALIIUMd it ALRUM. PICrURES, -if Ring al
vry low prices tor casn, tv, t, i i.kkt.
March t, 1)5. H. W. cor. k Usee, I'biU.
Two Valuable Farms.
Tub undcrslpued, donirous of moving
Weal, rtfer. lo acll at prUate .ale. hi TtVO' PARMS,
aituate m Gentnii lownabip. Columbia county, I n.
Hie I'atni nn which he now reilde. containing about
i aoma auventy Arrra uf which la cleared Land whrrenn
i. t-'ttiMii rrvvi w'l'iiitv hivui.i.i vu
IIOUSU, COOK-IIOUHtl , adjoining with wel of water
anu rump, ana a neveriiiiinir rpunn on inc pretu.
lac, n llh water conveyed tn the door In I adenjiipaa, '
and J running airnnm ly Hie door. Alio, A I'll MU 1
HWIHS IIAI.N, 3U x W feut, with Devanport uret
ahout attached with mows Alto, -
Two (slaoil Apple tirchunlH,
of (1 ratted Fruit, with all the noe-eaisry Improve
nrauti In a high state of cultivation
Another Farm and Plantation!
located about ono quaiter nf a mile nortll-ca-l nf the
first uaui'd Farm, containing
i.'nii-i'V piuij Anll.'ci
CUlk X L L IS iiWltllOt )
aome thlrty-nliio arras of nhlrh it cleared and Mailer
goodcultlvatluu, '
U' Kor condition and further particular, apply
Uentoa, r.i Janu'iry 21. ItCS.
Tho under.ignctl, grateful for past pt-
r.nage, respe fuilv Inf rim the Travelling rj'-lle
generally.lhar'lio liasjust prucored from New York, a
new, beaufifuljaud capacious
Phoenix Company Coach,
by which meant ha Is now enabled lo convey Pas
engers and Haggate safely nnd comfortably between
llloomsbiirg ane the Severn, Hail Knad D--pols, to ultel
the Trains. It will b his study lo nccnminudate his
customers to their aatlitartinu. Il aollclttllu public
j.con l. omroN.
Illnom'burg, Januarv 7, ieH5,
National Foundry.
ni rvnuoiiiTun rnt ttvnri nn
'I HE subscriber, lironrl'tnr of the
above named ex-1
J tensive cttkbdshiiieut, is hum prepared tJ receive
.era fur
All Kinds of Machinery,
r CoMeries, ltlat Fiirnacet, Stationary Engines
tiii'usiiim; iM.i;m,vi.n, tu . a.i;.
lie It alto prepared to make Htnve', all sixes and
iiiltcrur, p'nw-lrniit, and everything usually made In
hist! lass foundries.
Ills extjnsive lacilities and practical workmen, nar
mult him in recivlug the largest contracts on the
in t reitouable terms.
CT" Cruiu of all kinds will be taken in exchankp for
c rutin..
C J This establishment It near tht l.ackawan
ua S, lilnomaburg lUilroad Depot.
t'lil LK iiiLt.Mi;y UK
lllaomtburg, Sept. 12, IP03.
Emm &m mm&im
THE subscriber respeoifully gives no
tice to the public that liuhutnt his .'aloou, on
Aihiii Mrcit, llloouotburg, constantly on naiu,
Either in the HIIELL or by the CAV to suit custotn
cm rjioilics 'an b-supplied by the can or by the
quart upon rhort notice, lie also keeps constantly on
hand XX AI.E, Cyder und .Minerals. (51 vn him a cal
Illoomaburg. Nov.2H. 1PC4.
CO.'. and CUJ .Market Street, Philadelphia,
rpHIH Hotel is located In the very centre of business
X and is near the respeitHclh places of iimosrin-mt
which make ll purticularlydesirable to p-rsons visiting
Philadelphia on busiiii or pleasure , and the Manager
hopes by clo-c person il attention In the waulsofhis
iiisgucslsto mako it a comfortable home fui much as
nil, . with ll.clr patronage.
J. I). I1A1U a;soa, rrop'rs.
joiin snru:i:i,i:Y, ct.caic.
r 2.1. I-liJ -t i '
Revised Fee Bill of the
C o umbi & !tf :it ) O oun ty
JANUARY 1st, 1805.
PreFerlptlnn, ....
irdin.iry Visit in Town.
:s tt.
to a 1, 01
Eai h additional visit, same day, in
Each additional euso In family, in
Country nr town, ....
Ordinary vim out of town within
one mile, ....
Each additional mile, or fraction of a.
.mile, up to six mile
III. ing nl night ami preseriMnr
V i -i t nt nielli double th Uny visit.
Ordiuaryenes of parturition . cases, una such as re
quire turning,
Delivering I'lieenta. ....
Ali after attendance, according lo
orordiiiirv rate., p-r viit.
Ueduction uf Fractures li l.ui iti ini,
Amputation cf Leg or Arm
Amjoi Hiion of Fmi'eror Tot,
Operation Inr Hare-lip, . -
I xctsiou of T'onsi's . ...
F.xiiriiatioii of'J'uiuors,
Inln diietion of Catheter
S3 cent!
20 cent. '
tJ cents '
$15 00
;s uo to tjj.oa to s:5.03
M.W) to J-.';0 UU
0i.U0 to SRI.W)
Siu.on to s ui.od to SI5 00
ilu.W to S21.00
S2.00 tn 5i,H0
$ 'iii. to to 3 1 1 o.oo
ti.W to $15 la)
Pot mint t'Xamin'n for Cornner.
Consultation within eii-ht miles,
l'siug Troenr in Ascites,
t-peculeui Vaginal Ex iminatio.i,
Meiliciue iu all cases extra.
January 7, lsii5.
.Cheap Grocery Store.
j ' ALSO
I 'i HE initlerslane,! havina bi.uebt out the Grocery i
ug ht out the Grocery o
14 Da-vid Stroun, has rnnoved his Hat and Cap Store
up to Stroup's old ttiind, whirc in addition to u tupe
rior attomncnt of
'XI ts and Caps
j Mo!ascs, Sunar,
j Coffeo, Teag,
Tobacco Snuff,
Cigars, Spices,
Dried Fruit, Butter,
Coal Oil, Drugg,
Parlor and Hand Lamps,
Books. "Writing Paper & Inki
llardwan und Cednrware,
P ckci A'mccs, Combi,
4-c, tjrc , tj-c ,
Together with a variety of arllclca generally kept In a
.i.. . t.,nr if l ua onnn I'nj i n ..
ni.H.A lllllw.M i.ii.-i ..wt.w. null 1,1,11.11, I
which he invilca the at rntion of Shneiuakera and the
Eloomtburg, Dec. 5. ISC3
628. HOPKINS' 620.
Efl O V H K 8 66 T
No. CJ3 ARCH Street, above 0th , Phil' a
The most complete ass 'rtmeiit and best quality an4
Ujles of Ladies', Misses' nil 1 1'hllilren's Hoop Skirls,
in ihn eitv Thosu of --Our Own Mnke." iim ntteH un
expiessly to meet thu waul i f First I last Retail
I raue - eiuuiiiciug un tun new ami uosirauie siyicsi
. , .1,. unii. i,, ,...ii..i nt.indb...
I.f.U.t loi,. ... ...... I faU, ,11 ...I,, Hllil I'.UII. IJ-tll-
I""' 'VS 'Prl''if"'"' l" j"' !' I0". and 2J
i 31, l -3.3J. 3J, and M yardt round the botioul I link,
'"K ",or,u ' '"V l!"''V" ,"rl!llt' fnr Ladle, j 111 Mis.
i ' ul" .l-"'" " "re ;'" v
on the kid
pad'-llopkiu's Hoop Bkirt Mutiufiitory, No.
112s Arch
Street, Philadelphia, and are warranted to give tula.i
O" Agenu for Iho "NEW FLEXtllEE" SKIRT the '
ino.l pliable Hoop skirls r.ia.le, equal tn llradley't
Duplex Eliptie Skill, and at much lower pritea .
Also, fonstunlly in receipt of u full assortment of
gnnd E '..tern mado Skirls, which nru being sold at
very low pric s, Kid padded uud mctallc lasleiie.r IS I
ipriitgH5 ciiiisi 20 springs $1 u I, 25 springs $1 15, 30 1
springs SI 25 and 4U springs SI 511, Skint male to
order, altered aud iepiire.1- Terma Cash -Ouo Prici j
only, ror i miliar couininiug i;aiaingue ni styles,
lengths, tuet uud I'ricet, call al or uddreii by mail
iucluslng Slump for Postage,
Hopkins Hoop ISkirt Manufactory,
No. 028 ArcbrStrc-t, PUladtlpUia,
Marrh II, W3, 3u,
News of tho War
In his report ol the engagement n tho
HOtli nl Maroh, heloro Ptriburg- Gen
era) Leo nay, Tho Confcdeintes ununited
, . , , , , l .
the Federal work's ntlll CaptUrilU DII1U gUllf
. , i i . . ., 1
eliiht mortars, nnd between (ivo and
Jhundroil prisoners. We retook tho guna
' and mortars. The prisoners wore ssnt to
! Richmond.
Sherman and Johnon fnught at Ar-
rry-boro', Nnrth Cirnllna' Jur lots is
reported ut 490 1 At Bontonvillo our loi
s elated at 1,000 killed aud wounded.atid
-0 caplurctl.
Tho Illclh Con federate, lays : "that
in tho lost two wecl:?,tbo co operating nr.
mioi of Sherman, have sustained a loss of
lull j tun thouatid men."
A Valuable Farm
I he undersiunetl deirnus of movmij
Wea1, otfjia to sell t private til", hit Farm s.tuats
in Kenton township, Columbia county, Pa containing.
XE IIU.M1CI.1 & V iUi.EE hrrt.
about one hundred aer-a of w Inch it rleareJ land,
the balauce KOod Timbjr Land, wliir'on Is irucrdu
with an eieelle nl well of water and pump at tha r'nnr.
and two never falling tiprltms on In premises. 'lw
31x20 feel, anJ all olhT nccea-ary outbuildings.
There are upon the prrmisea. n largt apple anl
tiwfti nr. h.r.! nl' (li. rhnlfp.t fruit Tile bill it.JS
"'' k'oud and tiki laud is iu a high atale of cultiva
The above prop'tly lays wltblo two !li o
Now Columliua and Camura
For further particulars nnd conditi on apply to
Bonton, Pa., Tib. 4. 1S3J.
(On tie Bquura, Three Doors from Blcelc'a Hote I
'1MI1S INS I UTION i.- now opened nnd
I furnished In the most cnstlr .lylo. Receptinu,
Private and Operating Rooms nrc large, convenient slid
well adapted, The Suriticul tipartuisiit contains the
finest collection ot iust.-umcnta in this country, had
thus Ills (acuities w ill enable him to meet any and
emergencies in practice lie will operate upon all the
various for ins. if tlLlNDKKSiS, Cataract. Oceluu;! nf
the Pupil, Cross Eyes, Closure of Hie Tear Docta. In
version of the Eulidi, Pterygium, te., -c. And will
treat ail forms of Birt.t. Eye Crauulud Lids. Opacutn
of the Cornea, and Scrotuloua tlisea-es uf ths Cyc in
gether with all the diseases to which ths Eye U sob
lect. DE FNES3 Will treat all Hie diseasts common tn
the organ. Dt-chames from the Car. Noises in th ar
Catarrh, dilhculty of liearii'g.iotnl lie fnets even nli -ti
the Drum is deslru)ed. Will ius.rt an nitlQclal -.
uuswerliii: nearly ull the of the natural.
DISEASES tip THE 'I IlltO AT. All useasa cot
mm. to the Throat and Nose iU b lr. at-J
GENERAL SURtiLllY - He wi.l operate upon CI "'
feet, Hair Lip, Clsft I'hll.ite.'t'um.Ms, Ca icers. E
geil Teiicils, c Plastic operations be neaillij. u
llcsh into deformi'it parts, no a General Sjrgery I
whatever chara t-r it m iy present.
HERNIA (or RUPTURi:.)- He wi l r-rdrn "I.siblui
operation for the rv.lical (r mp! V ) cure of Hernia,
this is unquestionably a perfect c re. tuol Is m ne wnh
little or uu ptiiu. nut ofuunv licit dreU operateo upcni-
lloston there h i-b-en t-o ures it having met lb.
perfe, t apprnloition of all tthoh.ive submitted to 11
AHTlFl- AL t:YE Ui'llusurtiirllSsial Eyes glr
lug -hem lh innlion and expression of tit-, uaturcl.
They are inserti d Willi thu least pain
HEMiiRRilOIi'S. (Piles.) This troablemme distse
is readily cured. Thine sun" ring truriit will do ".r,.
to call.
Dr Cp Dcfirttrvislts Wilkes-Rarro with a view
building up u permanent Institute for lha ircntuijril of
th t Eye, Lnr and General Surgery. The experieiiei .(
more than a quarter of a century in Hospital and gem r
al practice, he hopes, will Iu a suIfHent guaraiis to
those who may ne- disposed to employ hiu.
May 11, lM. If.
Therertllizjrs nrerared bv the Airl:ultul
Co , (a Company chartered by the Ugitlaiura u'I'suu
I sj Ivania with a caplt il of $ 5D.0OJ.) tnve bJen prove !
"' P'nctice to i' the cheapest most pro;itaieauu nisi,
for the Farmer, Gardener aid I ruit-grower. ot all
concentrated manures now off'red in any market Thi
Cuiupaii's ist embraces the following .
i O.Tv.. !. This Furtil;ier in com-
itlJUICllC. pojM U'ijht soil andthi
fcrtlliximr element of urine, combined iliiiMcally
anu mechanically with other valuable f.rttlixirn u
gents and absorbents ,, , ,
It is reduced tt a pulverulent cnnJitlon: ranly Tor
imiiiedi.ite use. and without loss of t highly nitn
genoiis properties.
Ks universal applicability to all crop' and soils, and
lis iiii.aoiiii .inn aciivi: .,111111." ......
bo nil Hint ucriculiuri-ta can dcslro.
Price $J0 per Tou.
This Fertilizer it largely composed of animal mil.
ter. Midi as meat. Lone lih. leather . hair and wool,
together with chemical nnd inou-nnic lirtilit rs,
which decompose lh: iiuk. and ivtai.i the uitroyau
ens elements.
It 1 a very vatunbta fertiliir for S-I.l cropi pener
ally, aud espeti ill v far poUitos-, an I f srd n purposss.
Us excellent qualities strength aud cheapness, bai
made it very popular .Mill all wholn.'n u.cJ it,
Prite S1U per loa,
This hmhlv nlui nliatic lorlilir tr is paitimlarly a i-
I adapted f.r Hie oultivattouot tie-.s. Iruifs lawnsaal
fl.iAers. It will promote it vigorous and h.-alluv
J growth of Woou.aud I'tUit, and la-geiv iiur.ase H"
I q nt tit il v ami oerfet t ill mat irity nfiii frui.. For fat
1 hou.i! Liid housthoi.i plant. uid ll-rt,-rs, it will hi
li'UIHI llll lUJltpcnr mm - in - .... .n.i
perfection. It will prevent und euro ih ased cuidi
lions of thu peach and grnpa, uud is xe. Ilent fur gras
aud lawns,
ll is compn.ed of such eleuieuts as make it adapted
In the grnnlh of all kind, of crops in ali kiml ol soilt.
The for mull or utrtlio I of combining its constituent
k'rtiluiug ingredient ave rec. iveil the highrit up.
Irnval ul emiueut cluiiiists i. scuuiiu.
Price, $ U per Tun,
Tha Acricultural Phciuw-al Conipkny inamaeture a
I Phosphate ot Liuit iu accordance with u u.w and val
uable formula by wbn-li a very a ip-rlor article Is pro-
uucet, so as to oe aiMrueit at a let. price tusu utner
manufacturer charge. I'riclicul t"t' have yr .vud
that lis value, a. a lertilix r. is ci'tal to tha bust PLui
pintle of l.iuic in tin miik.-t,
Price, S -U per ton.
Terms Cash. All orders of a Too or
more, will be delnered at thu Itai'rimil Htiliont and
the lurtes of Shipment, tree of cartage. Cartage
will be charged on ull orders of h barrels or leu
One dollar per Ton allowance for cartage will be
made oh all uli a delivered at the IVork. ol ths Ciu.
imiiv. on t :i 11 u 1 Wh.irf.
At Csvsl tviuar, o nu ini.'iita
Office. 4131 Arch St., I'hila lelphia, I'a
It. II I UTS. Gemr&l Agent.
The Cmnpnii)' Pamphlet Circular, embracing lull
directions Mr using Ihu above Fcrlilizrt, t.-nl by
mil,, free, hIihi reque.ted.
Mar' ll 1 1 . 15.- 3m. (ley, fna Si Co.)
An Elcpinl Aovdl) in V.'.ticlis.
The ras cf this, are an ti nr-ly tisw jnvintiou,
con poti 'l i'f fit oill f nl ui' UI. c.. .Hoed, r (,,.
gether au'l pi. I. prmluiir.z sn exact i ,nt f of
1H carr t gold, calico nri-uiia woi it oil airt.L-.p
its color I Itev ara us tieatitiio' .tini leins s s ,a
sold, and are an irde.l Kt one
I is In anlifully da.igji. d.w nil I'm
1 1 shi .ti J f ,r n
no i -n -..n i- -
t li 1
n llle L.ilebiuliil t.olil nut lie; L ters a u sr. r .
Innesonii and 'Icsiralne. an I .o lx-iiI '. i
golit. a. to defy deteclion. The mnveiut it s i
factured b) Hie well known -t .' Wot, i .
of t'.uinpe, and are suparbl) finish -d Itatiug.ii'
piillels. fancy earn il bn g' s s i) isimg ie; . , .
gillil halltlit'ed. Slid 111 ' lili lOeeil tnnv jewel ,
with line ilisl anu ik -t i hioj. ano is w ,tr i .r
good lime keeper. 'I'll-.' wunlies ai-oi ., - ,.r
tut rilfls, th i .it ill it btmg t ir jadi-s, nn . , , easj of tn, will b4 ei-i i.i ,.
Expie.., for $.'. "i. A kin; ut,. i an i m an -Mom
cm ase lot :5 OJ ,' will n adiU' aril f ,
lliiic. llinir cor WV are the role gnl I ( t i
ute ;uuu.3 -a,.,
not bear our Tra m .Muri.
Addrcst,'cG. . i.
15 Matdt n Luti, Ni. Yni:,
Ftb, II, lE65,-3ru.
wr iu.i at tins
jOCifry desert 'I i