Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, April 01, 1865, Image 2

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    pm ii m ji tmw Mil uvi gMum wi mg
V " " 1? ' I". T - JT j
Our Oonitltutton gnard It evir 1
Oar clorloui Unionhold It dear I
Onr Starry riag forsake it never!
The proud Oancaiilan our only pttr!
Saturday Morning, April 1,1005.
( .FTKtl JANUARY 1st, ISttf. )
$3 00 per Year, or
2 50 if paid strictly in advance.
B3y The Oorro.-pondenoo between Mr.
Buckaiew and Oen. Couch, (to be found
upon our firstpago,) shows that before the
end of Soptcinbor last, full uotico was
given to tho General in Command uf the
Drpnrticont which included this oouiitj,
of the facts in relation to the alleged "in
surrection'' bore, and that u foimal appli
cation was then mado for the discharge of
our citizens who bad been unlawfully anil
unjustly arrested. The truth aa proved
alterwards upon the trials of Danikl Mc-
Henry, and Stott E. CoLLEY.and which
compelled the release of most of tlio ar
rested men after much suffering and ex
pense to thum as well us expenso to tbe
Government, was then given to tho Gen
eral in command from a responsible quarter.
The Correspondence "Isu recites sundry
faolB Blowing that whatever may have been
tho motives for sending troops here orig
initlly, tho proceeding degenerated into a
political raid of the most unjustifinble
rhttiacttr, involving intcrfeiencewith ffc
tiois us icell as oppression of individuals
And yet, up to tbo beginning ol April
1805, seven months after tho arrests were
mado, no less than six of our oitizuns have
languished in s "Lincoln Bastilc," upon
convictions procured by falsehood and in
open contempt ol the laws of the land 1
Case of Daniel McHcnry.
We publish on our first pngo the I'eti
tion and Papers in tho case of our worthy
County Treasurer, who was nno of the vic
tim! of the military raid upon this county
in 1301, and who, after prolonged impris
onraent and a mot vexatious and expen
sive trial, was honorably acquitted lupon
all the charges mado against him, Al
though tried under circumstauoes of great
disadvantage and inconvenience und be
fore a tribunal unknown to the law.", hi?
entire innocenco was mado so clear as to
extort his acquittal and discharge from the
gra'p of military power. '
But, complete as is tho vindication of
hie cbar.ictcr and goo 1 name by tho de
ciiion rendered, ihcro has been no amend?
made to him for tho gross outrage and
cruel injustice of his arrest and imprison
ment, nor repayment to him of the enor.
mo us expenses incurred in defending him
self against false and malignant charges
Nay, even the engagement made by the
Judge Advooato upon bis trial as to pay
ment.ofbis witnesses after a certain ad
jouinment,bas been violated-without shame
and without explanation.
It was only because ho possessed some
property, accumulated by honest indus
try, and had warm and earnest friend.
who oamc forward generously to assist bim
in his hour of soro trial, that ho was ena
bled to mako Fuoccssful defence and turn
book tbe tide of defaraalin and falsehood
wbioh threatened to overwhelm him. For
the desire to convict him was strong, anil
his trial was kept going on for two months
and a half, ono hundred miles from bis
home, and adjourned over and over agiin
by tbe prosecution when bo was ready for
trial, as if to harass and worry him into
submission or crmh bim under a mountain
of expense
Tho country Wis scoured for,
vSiiiadsai r n t n ct ?i J tn ft n (1 noiirv fTiirr . !!,. BM r.r, nr nP
is i ii i i in' i iiiWWtii i ii i i ' '
UIDUV ,111, I'lUlt-U w. j o a -..v 1
, .' i i. i)...tlkinir nroner care of themirlvQ V,..r
oommanu, 10 sectiro uia euuviuuou. iui
tho final result was most inglorious to the
prosecutiou. Two infamous lill-iis who
had been induced to contribute falsehood
to tbo causo of persecution, in tho capacity
of witnesses, were sent home utterly dis
graced. (0110 being impeaoiied and both
triumphantly oontrayicted ) and a com
plete acqu'utal of the defendant pronounced
by the very tribunal selected by tho au -
tiioritios who had arrested h;m.
The papers wo now print give the eaie
in part, and wo shall hereafter add to them
tho Evidenoo (or tho m an part of it) as
taken upon tho trial, in order to make upj
r 11. 1 rrnnr 1 inr imiirit rii irrrmn.
a full record for future referenco.
Goods at Reduced Prices.
Mr. L T. Sijarpi-ejs. our rntcrnrizinir1
young Merchant on Main Street below J aml 8'ven freedom to starve or turn thieves
Market, in Bloomsburg, ever activo as aor as'sin' 1' i' now found that in order
ihrt-wd business man, has taken advantage to "8op the stealing so prevalent in tho
of ti:o great fall in Gold.and has noording-1 C0UD,fy '' tho ""orities aro ebligsd to
ly mado another great rcduciion in tho foree the ncgfs work. This is only a
Price of his Goods. We cnolose his oir- j recapitulation of tbe e3crcrience in tbe Urit
cular iu this issue of our paper, exhibiting.' Uh Wert Iudia IslaQds' Tho negroe, ns
his scale of pricoi. Mr. Sharpie-, wo a race, will not work unless compelled to,
i,liv. thn bn.t and rhoanct (.MJ1nd tuoso of the Southern States are not
of any bouse in Bloomsburg and so hia
- U
uuttotners havo long since discovered.
t We wore in error in our last uum
ber, in stating upon what wo Supposed to
bo good authority, that Oapt. SuvER.had
been appointed Provost Marshal for this
( ongrenional District, in place of Ospt.
Manvllle, removed. No new appointment
bi jet Icco ifScially anuoonood.
We publi.1, below from Ih. HipubHcan
8taC,nl f '"IVDlLlp qqotM Under, tho
(MA lift ills .1 IIIa, A . !. 1 .1
r Ul,n,"l" Pu oown
j ot !)0 instead or 08 as first announced, and
..wu... K ,r ,cn Ironl mo j
township who have enlisted clscwhoro
.sinco tlie 3d of March, in puruanco oftbe
j law of that date, ho quota now asiignod j
jus will bo quite filled. Nothing could
show tnoro conclusively tho character 0r i
tho administration to wbiob tho pcoplo or
now subjtotcd than this subject of quotas
tn this Congressional district. Thore was
allotted to it quota ol over 2,300, wbioh
made tho tho Bloom quota 03. and it was
only by porststcnt efforts at Washington
that the rcatinjustioooftho nllotmont was
obviatod. The Committee scut on were
treated very oavalierly by Provost Marshal
Gcnoral Fry, and an appeal to tbo Presi
dent was also fruitless. Mr. Buckalow
thoti bad a section put upon a general mil
itary bill providing that drafts should bo
made upon any revised enrollment prior
to tbo actual drawing of names, instead of
the enrollment as it stood wlou tlio call
was made, and this just rulo will bo the
law hereafter. This legislation was not
proposed at the instance of our district
Committee, who knew nothing ubout it
until after the aciion af the Scnato, but it
was most acceptable and timely as well as
just. Subsequent to tbo adjournment of
Congress Mr Buckaiew and Mr Tracy re
mained at Washington and had
intorviews with General Fry, who bad the
law abovo mentioned referred to tho At
torney General by whom it was construed
to be protective. But under tbo pressure
of the fact of- Congressional intention in
the case added to the plain injjistico of tlio
assigned quota, Gen Fry finally had dis
tiict corrections mado up to January last,
reducing the enrollment from eleven thou
sand to fix thousand, and tho quota frorq
atOiit 12,300 to something uuder 1,400.
This left an element of iojustico as to cor
rections of cnrolliuont since December, in
asmuch, as they were not taken into ac
oount, but there was a substantial advance
toward fairness.
Statement of Quotas and Credits of Columbia
County to March lit, 1BG5.
The following is a statement of tbe quotas
of this county, as forwarded by tbo-Provost
Marshal :
lilixnn ,
Pishingcreeli ,..
0 ranee
Mt. Pleasunt
Benton ,-
C-ttnwissa ,
Brirlck has a surplus of 13,
Negro Freedom in Tennesee.
Headquarters, U. S. Force,
Columuia.Tenn., February, 2705 J
General Ouder3. No. 12.
I. Owing to the fact that thore are a
great number of negroes in the town and
vicinity who bavo no means of support,
und who must procuro eomatbing for
t bonne Ives aud families to subsist upon,
dcprtdaiioaa are being committed upon
tlio premises of citizens. To put down
this unlawful and unnecessary way of
procuring tbe necessaries of life for their
fauiiliee: It is hereby ordered, That every
negro.male or lcmale,who'urc able bodied,
must procure for themselves situations
where ihey can work
'I'llPV Will I.A mI
iowed t0 enter into contracts with their
' nmnlnrora tin A mllnf Inia
iberebT oivinff them ait anai.rln!: f
. r ,. ' 1
property. All negroes found in and around
ibis post after tbe fifteenth dav of March,
who-bavo no visible means of support, or
no place of employment, will bo sent to
tho contraband camp.
II In order to promote tho good of tho
community at largo, stop the stealing, ifeo ,
now so provalent in tho country, all per
soni who aro in need of hired lieln. am
respectfully requceted bo procuro it at
ion00' .
j AJ uiuti 01 Ui. VOL UAH lit UOV.
Commanding Post.
J. K OArpenrer, Lieut. & A. A. A. G.
The abovo says Col. Davis, of tho
''Tlnvlftatimn Opmnnrnl " !a nonital
meDtary of ftQeioJJAo abo
1 . . .
litionisia offer tbo pour nroroes of tho
South. They have been taken from their
raa"e wno provioea tor tnair every want.
niuch bettor able to take onro of thcmseWea
I., ., I f I 1
tuau mo duuu uuuiiior 01 uaoonns or
monknjs. A correspondent writes us
from Tenncssto, that whon a person goes
to oamp to hiro negroes, tho cry of tbe
"poor wrctrhes is, take mo buck to my old
master," Wlfy don't our abolitionists co
j to Columbia and administer to the wants
0f the wrctohed beings they have consigned
lo mUery t
Gems item the Old Guard.
epitaph ontiib TiiliiTY-EioiiTHOONatiESi
Hcrq ca defuncl n foosh kne .
' '
Whether most oof or Anaue nonx knr,w!
Old Ian who its spirit gave,
Receives Its names in hull bolow.
Andy Johnson, when ho took big scat
in tho otiair of tlio vice Prcttiduntt on the
'Ub of Man:h, tnado tho follawiug Urtliag
antiouuouinont: "I am going to toll tbo
:,rmu Uero 10 day lbo lrulh ' "ou "
ploi and from such a man, must have
,iecn astounuing. Mr. iiineoln Uas enjoy
cd the servico of a vast number of promi
nent liars i but none, not even Ben But
ler, have been a rnatob for Andy John
son. Tho eight of such a doublyporjurcd
wretch taking an oath' to support tbo Con
stitution, must bavo made tbe devil him
self grin with infernal delight. Wo bato
replied to two or throe of Johnson's cam
paign s uecbes, and we declare ihat never
beforo did wo meet .with suoh an offen
sive mas of ignoranoempudencc and falno
bood. Tho truth is not in him.
Tho 4th of Marcb(inauguration day,)
was tbo bleakest, tho wettest, and alto
gether tho most dUrgrccnblo day of tho
whole year. As if nature shuddered at
the calamity ol a second inauguration of
Abraham Lincoln ,tbo heavens above swept
and tbo earth beneath groaned under
depths of filth. For a short tiuio towards
noon, tbo clouds lifted a little, but, at the
precise' hour of the inauguration, thoy set
tled down again with a density and black
ness truly terrible. It would seem that
God's own baud bad drawu a wet pall
over tho face of tho land, and tho moment
when the perjured usupur was togo through
tho daring mockery of again taking an
oath to support a constitution ho is ttriv
ing to destroy.
Barnuui has delivered a lecture on
"The Art of Money-Getting." Tho funds
it was announced, wcro to bo expended in
printing tho leoture to send it to the sol
diers. Uf what use could a lecture on the
art of money getting bo to soldiers. If it
were on the art of getting Juir honest
dues ft oin the government, it might be ol
some service to tho poor Mlows. Or if
it is designed to bo up to the moral stan
dard of tbe Abolition war, it ought, to be
ontitlod ''the art of stealing snoons and
.. ,, . . . " r. ...
negroos." uut tnai-is a lecture thatetiould
be dolivercu by Ben Uutler, and not by
i r i
Uamum. We nover heard Barnum ac-
cmed of such business.
What is now called ''tho government" to
this country is a tight to behold.- Tbo
Prcsidcnt an obscoiic-j. iking uld rail-split-
tot. The Vice-President an ignoraut, in-
solent, drunken tot. Tho Chief Justice,
a man who is uu'thcr a lawyer nor a Chris-
lian. Congress,a cabal of faoatics.thitves,
and butobcrs. Negroes the favored guests
in the parlor of the Whito Hou-e. Whito
men more degraded than negroes, in all
the chief seats of office, Alas ! poor coun-
try !
A kind cotemporary wonders that ''tbo
editor of The Old Guard seems to be
perfectly indifferent to tbe heavy loads of
abuse heaped upon him by tbo Abolition
press." The reason is that wo know of
no way in which tbe rascals oou'd praise
us except by their abuse. Their approval
would bo offensive if not intolerable. We
are fortunate as old Athcngoras who ncv
or felt pain when stung by a scorpion.
American Manufacturers the
American Watch Co.
Our readsis, we aro sure, aro not gen -
crally aware of tho great impetus that has
been given to manufactures since tbo be-
ginning of the war. The high rates of
exchangn, and tbe necessities uf tho array,
have mado the Eaitem bills and vallevs
resound with tho hum of busy machinery,
and nowhere has machinery done more or
created a greater revolution in production
i "nd trad tbaU ln the mUufacturo
of tho
1 ,
1 watcu
What was once tho toilsome, slow!
and uucertain result of hand labor only,
is tbe swilt demonstration of unvarying
mcohanical forces. Tho same class of
genius that Invented the trlegraph and
the sewing machino invented tho delicate
aud wonderful mechanism that takes hold
of tho raw material the brass and 6teel,
jnd gold, and precious stone, aud under
competent direction turns out that daily
wonder and neccsMty a perfect time
keeper. That genius is essentially Amer
ican, and has been-fouud collected, asm mi
lated and mado productive by the Ameri
can Watch Co., at Waltham,Mass. Taking
the host fruits of several years experiments,
they established their factory, nearly ten
years ago, which they have been compell
ed to enlarge from year tn year until
thoy now employ seveu hundred workmen,
and turn out a product valued at a million
and a half dollars per annum or equal to
that of all oihor watches now sold in this
couutry. Tbo secret of this Company's
success is that thoy have done wha t they
promised that thoy havo furnished a first
rato substantial watch and a moderate
price and this is tho great differonco be
tween tlieir watches and the ordinary iui
portations Inim liurope Lxccpt certain
very high priced varieties, tho European
watoli is the result of cheap and unskilled
hand labor, tbat never goes well, and iu
a short timo "costs more than it comes to'
The American Watoh Co
give a guarantee for tho quality of all
' their produots, that is good with any deal.
er who tclii tbem, Exchange,
The Demoralization of Civil
When tho diff.'rcnt classes during tlaa
convulsions of a revolution aro brought
in rcsistint'.
In tho later rlagcs of suoh
. li i. i . . i n- 7. r .i
troublo it is cxtrsmely difficult for them'
... .1..:. i -t .1..
lu uiuir mcciiuuiiuyf uuiusn ino
are united and resolute it Is impossible.
In the shook of a battle irntleness and
humanity aro of little avail; audaoity and
.s avail: audaoitv and
courage arc tho dieisivc qualitios. In tbo
contest of faction, widom and moderation
bavo as little, influence. "It was early
tbo French Revolution, thef'tho
men with Che poinards would sooner or
later carry the day ngaiuit the men with
prinoiplcs." Wo are having a realizing
sense of tLo truth of the abovo in the scenes
that nra passing beforo our oyes to-day.
In tho convulsions uf the revolution that
have thrown tbo violent tud ambitious to
tho surfaco-tho men of real virtuo and
genuine principle hava been overwhelmed.
Tbo Utter failed to seo tbo opportuno time
for unity of action aud bold rcsi.Mancc ;
i ,1 i . i ii i
and the revolution has passed beyond tbo
stage where united action or antagonism
oan be of any use. Demoralization, from
the highest to the lowest, is characteristic
of the time, and war's fell passions and
excesses, and the rapid spread of corrup
tion bavo destroyed all vestige of human
ity in the nnblin tip art Mnn li.lon nnu-
n,,ih ,n,.ui ..i.,afi, ,i-.u
into collision, tho virtuous and prudent juave proved tbomsclres to bo, through tbo Tho following payments have boon mado f?f i, w'""". inn i""oT - ,
have no sort of a chanco with tho violent moulding influences of tho revolution. It; tn tho Columbia Democrats, during rA'r'- L'StX.
and ambitious, unless tho whole virtuous was so, doubtless, with M.ral , St. Just, tho month of M arrh, 180- s ,1,
member, of the community are roused to Coutbon, Herbet.tbo blood stained wretch- 'aZtU P., ti g MXVWW & .',, W.
a sense of their damzcr and manfull v unito es of tho Helen of Terror. Matt.'"' 4 SSliShS pm? . V&ZZlIb IX
u I
l --".Church, Mr. Clemobl R Woodi.v, of
which, a few yearsjigo.would have curdled erwiok. to Mi.s Mahv I.. Dicicermax ,
mo noou witii terror, anu awaKeueu a
stern and retributivo vengence. They
gaze with nn eye co'd aa a fish upon mili
tary executions, and read tho stories of
atrocities with a heart bard as adamant,
and that palsates with no sympathetic
throbs for tbe wretchedness and misery
that overwhelms tbe weak and defense
less, Ministers of tho Gospel, from their
pulpits., justify and applaud acts which
would make a Sioux Indian blush for tba
character of his tribe. It is sad, also, to
tliiuk that wo bavo not yet reaobed culmi
nation of this wickedness and this revolu
tion must go on as did the Frenoh, until
th period arrives when "tbo men of the
. , .. . .
poinara carry tnc day against luo men
... . . ,. ,
nrttll tiPinntnlna ' I hnti no I lift Ii
D ... ... . , , . -.
Revolotion, m the midst of he atoreities
, , , ' , f .
, 3, 7 J ... 7--" -
'will be borne with much travail, tho'reac-
tionary spirit that shall lead tho peoplo
back again to refljetion and to taking lear-
ful vengeanco upon tho blood-thirsty
wrttchos whose counsels and example have
been tho fruitful progenitors of all uur wick
cdncss and shame. To scourge each suo-
ccssive faction which attains tho bead of
affairs, another more h.ird1 then itself
arises, until the punishment has reached all
the guilty classos, and tho nation in sack-
cloth and abbes, has expiated its offenses.
The Frogress of Inhumanity.
"Of all tho lessons derived from the
history of hnman passions," says LaVa
letto, ''tho must important is tho utter
impossibiity whieh tbe best men will alwayj.
cxpericooo of stopping if they arc onco led
into me pain 01 error. it, a lew years
before tbey perpetrated, the crimes of tbr
Revolution could have been portrayed to
tiiose who afterward committed thcm,cven
1 Robespierre would have recoiled with bor
rur Men are seduced ,in tbe first instance
; by plausible theories ; they advance, un-
' consciously, from errors to faults.aod Iron,
faults 10 erimcs.till sen-ibility is destroyed
'b ibe pcctaclo of guilt, and the most
b3vaS trooiiies dignified by tho narao ol
, Sutc P0"" If' five 'ca" aS ""y ol
our generals bad been told of atrocitic,
,lieJ would commit on helpless women an':
1 . 1, ;i.i ,t... .!... ,.... 1.1
uiiiiuiuii iuu uunia iuuji iiuuiu pcipu
trate upon the civil rights of tho citizen,,
thoy would each have exclaimed, "is thy
servant a dog that he should do this thing?'
But familiarity bus bred contempt, anil
they go on, step by step, day by day, per
.... . . . .,
pp.iraimg wrong-i ana outrages mat aro a
stain upon our civilization without the
slightest remorse, and animated by tbo fa
natical idea ihat they aro doing the nation
some service. 1 ho laws of humanity are
to be regarded in cjvil war as well as iu
a war between, two strange nations ; the
rules ot tho international oode aply equally
to both. Tho relations of iho parties
ought to bo those of ordinary wir, which
humanity demands ; and yet we have seen
Federal generals giving up wholo town
to plunder and conflagration, the soldiers
under them bediming more marauders.
It is not to bo supposed that these men
wero not in possession of tho ordinary
traits of humanity ; but, in tbe progress of
iho devastation, brutal, -civil war, their
feelings have becomo naturally blunted,
until now tbey pcrpetrato aots at wbioh
the civilized world stands aghast. The
recent manly and defiant letter of Wade
Hampton to Sherman reveals a history of
outrage aud op rebsion-that finds its best
commentary iu tbo silence of tho Federal
general under it- reprouchos, aud his fail
ure to carry out tho threats that ho had
mado, That its statemcrts were true no
ono can doubt who has read tbo letters of
iho nress corresnondents attached to his
, . , , , I
irmy. It IS, however, tho pressure Of CX J
torual circumstances which ultimatlcy pro-
, , i -. , .
duces such inhumanity, as much as iuhu
,nl(- nrnA.,n.a itw, tmontlfo. nf nnlillJ
.....u.v j-.v-M-v- .mv.
laffin. Ercn Batlor and Turehin, at the
(outset of this wsr.wero oreditod with somo
U..,.-.'t....l... ...i.t.l . I....
j uiiut Minimum iyiiiuii hiu vuiiiuiuu tu u-j
I mmnlty little did they exprot to be' fash-
1 loncd I"0 tho .brutej and beasts they
bitter'instincls whloh aro common to hu
ey A Pans letter says : "uenral Mc-
ni.iu i..,-.i m. .!... in
. 1 . . J
j'aris lor tome weeks, autl thence go to
'Homo and Dresden, with the intention of
spending next summer in the South of
Franco, and reluming to America next
I nutumu."
u m a - jicoii iu uiu nousu too oiuer
T - I. .1.- rt.. .t.. -.1
day, Fernando Wood said that ho oalcu-
ft' hS,C,UnBh.,BnS,p,0''e0,,Va,.pttb,,.,
tluhf fit OMIl flllll.llnll nr imit-n hun thn
11 1 1 1.' en i ll-. i
ouibincd debts of Lngland, branoc, Rus-
sia, Austria, Spain and Purssia.
COT Mr. Lincoln was not worth 85000
.i,i . i tt ..
the day be was inaugurated. He now ;
nfes that he is worth 85,000.000. I
.Vtiiericmi Vulitnteer
IIo may have that amount of money , but
:wi11 be hauScd if "e worth it
Tho Thirty-eight Oorlgross is dead.
After a vagabond life of two years i
pirifd at Washington on tbo 4th of Ma
V ...
It was a great tyrant, a great lhief,a great
( liar, a great fool, and a graat seoimdnl.
; We cannot say "peauo to its aibcs," be-
, Cau,e it was an enemy to tho peace of tho
Ontlio Itov. Francis E.
ol llarlorUSusqufbauua county, I'a
In Montour township.Cnlumbia county,
on iho 24ih inst., Emas jou of John B.
aiid Eflio Dieterick,aged 2 years 7 months
and 2 days.
In Valley township, Montour county, on
bii 27th of March, 1805, John Wilson,
aged 02 years.
In Wilkes-flarre, on tho 20. Thomas
( Lunv, aged about 05 years.
At his residence, on Monday evening,
tho 27tb inst , Charles Bennett, E-q.,
Burgess of Wilkes-Barre, agod abaut 00
In Scran'on, on tho 15th inst., of con
sumption, Mr. Uunry Seaman, aged 2il
montns anil 10 clays.
I In Bloonisburg, on tho 20th of March,
I '., H-v ..v.f u,,,.,, t, t A
M 'Henr, son ol Henry & Mary C
: .gi, -s-u 1 year, o monias iu days
in lunktiannock, Wyoming county Fa.,
on Thursday last, iho 2!M or Mruch, Hon.
Aaron K. Peckh am, formerly IWidem
Judge of this Judicial District,, aged 48
rpiIE undcrig 0', desires to call the
1 attention of Iho Public tn his fnrilltlea for niitaln
Iiir ruiirlniiH, llountlra (Local anil fi..vrriimi.nt) tlnun
ly l.amla fo- tioliliera, Hack. pay. Setileiiicnt iifnlflcrr'a
i. . . icnuri:eii Mil net nr ineir neirs ran
Si-mi. ir 11111 nouniioii, Ihniich i-i-uerally they have onlv
receivcil part. No chnreii for iiilnrm.itinn, nor iinle-s
claim is s.-nireil. OiTii.n wni E, II. Mule, Esq., In
niiuu iraine uuuuiug below Kxiliunsn Hotel.
April I, iecj.-ly.
Eilati of D-iniel Stoker, Deceased,
LETTi:. t lY-flaiuontary on tha entnta of Iinnlel
frtokrr, I.Ve nrPisliiiigrrecktmvitahin, Columbia r,i..
ui-ce.neu, nave hei-n prni.led by tin. Register of Willr
" iivii:ih-ii ri-niiiinr In ini.l two,
-ill pcrnim bai-iin; iliiiim ncninsi the estate nf the
ileceile iit nrc reiuc.te.l to prt.-iiut them tn the num.
I 'ay 1 1 uj 1 1 1 "fo rlli ' "jt Ii " I'er"0"'' il"l,'l,le'1 10 "lake
, , ,u. CVRU8 KOniHNH.
April 1. IH0J.-CW3.1. Executor
Public Sale
Valuable Real Estate
tratrix. of JnhnTowmenil, Imc of Mailino.1 twp..
'-olumhia county, ilec'd., oHcr for a tic, on the preiu
iivt, I'll
Thursday, Jlpril the 13, 1805,
a certain nii8iua;e an l
ailji-inini! latul ofJo'eph Heller. Jolin.Reii.hanl. Ben
jamin Mi-ricle, llr. Win. II, .McKej nuld., anJ othcr-i,
containing about
mnstly clean-il, nil.l in a cnn.l , tuts nr cultivation, on
Hlnih i. i-ricte I a good ritA.tlU UOUiiU AND UANK
UAIIS'. VVAUO.V lloUSt:, ami other outbuil.ling
AI.U a
adjoining latnle ol Robert Jlil.rr, Join Chriitian, John
lleiiderihot, ane otliem cniitiJnliig
C7Ay infnrmatinn in regnru to the above properly
can be hail by applying tn the underpinned,
Madlion, IVbraarySJ, 18(-5, Mmyilitralrix.
Matiltoud : how Lost How Kcslond.
Juit publliihed, a new edition or Or. Oil.
verHCII'at e li-brated Kisay on the radii-al
cure (without tnedlcinn) of Siieruinlorrhiia,
Ol ne,uinal wi-akne.a. Iivntni,ir,.u
Loises, Impot.nry, Mental anil I'liyaieiil Incapacity,
luipcndliuciiti to inurriage. clc: al.o, Couamupiloii,
Epitep.y. amlPitj, induced by eir-indulgeiice or aex
iuI extravnganrn,
Tr i'rice, in u nealeil envelope, only iix cenn.
i'he celebrated author in tills admirable anny clearlv
ilciiionitratei, from ii thirty yuatK1 uccmf,i practice',
that Iho uUruiiiiif conequeiice of MSIf-nbu.u may be
radical cured withoutthe dangrroiia u.e ofiuternal
medii ino or the application or the knifd pointing out
a mode or inru ai once niuiplo. certain, and cifcciual,
by ineaiia of which every sutt-rer. no matter what hit
and ra.lkVl'ly Y bo'"luy ture ' lly, irivutely,
tG '1 lii Lecture tliouldbc in Ilia hands of every
youth and every 111.111 iu tint land.
oeut, iiiiur eal, in n nlain envelope, to aay addreia
Address thupulili.hcrs, 1 lu',""1'
1!T Broadway New York, I'ost uihce Uox i'.SEO.
April l.ieos
! K. T IS 1 A S '
IT cures Chtilera, whpn firtt liikHii. in a
fw Kouri j Djsentery in half an Uouri Toothacho
in five minutes, It ia perfectly innocent to take Inter
naliy, and ii recommended by the most eminent phy
liciansinlhc United States, Price, 40 and 6(1 cents,
TowAxnA, Pa,. August 0, leUD
Or. S I, Tobias, New York I Ilrarfllr : I have usod
i in A si J r. ir r ivo t. n .
your Venetian l.inimcnl with great success, bothaiun
lm malui veil a. an cxtrrnal. medicine
In cases of
Hi I i on u Colic and Cholera Morbus I regard it as sovcr-
es" r0inedy. Your Venetian Horse Linliucnt standi
unrivalled ai a hors liulincnt ouiongst farrleri and
boatmen on !!! canal,
wm. i.r.wis.
Sup't North Urancli Canal,
Bold by all Drugglsti. Offlca, N, ifl Cortlandt Hi
Apni Lists.-imoj t NawYeit
iu inc.
linn PjuI .tij
, Vcouft
I) II llnitinnn
Mnntnur Countf
a -.(I'M mi Jnu Konni
i w
4 iHi-Tliot i Vnniltrillce,
1 -2.'i'i'lciiicnt Gtatlnit
1 7,1,'Jncoh Idler
i SiijJacoh tioho
i nm irilintnn
20 nil
3 rl
,a f
18 ?'
l.nwrcnrcCfiin n
Stn Anna r Miitr
1 ssUiueph 0 l'tXr
7 O0(i:l of Uinlcl Sli ker
S lOjMoiitourtfclinol III..
9 Ml! A Auimnriimn
a nsoHinviiin
Z ....
i ,j
- SO
i i
. uiiton
3 SU'Jiihii II Cliilitla
I Win U I'rtcnnau, Hiq 3 Wljll Mrr,
! Jii.cnli l ration II mJJncph Jacob
' ....... tun.. o .'.n't M llinver
...; r-.T,, ,.: i.,h.
jniii'Mowry 5 liijwyn itiriiKeiba'ycui
o ()
!... v . M IKI.J II r rltZ. ha1
o nn
j no
o '
2 0
I 11 Smitil 8 Uli; tnron llcnUcrihot
! "u 3 511'j 1; iirusicr. Unq
I Joph ; nicy. c.q fSS&li'
' . . . . fa. at 1 U 1 nnnflifitt
saiimet Nin.rt. i:q a fioJphn a ruinton, niq i u
Henry ltineiMtock 3 mv N I" oora
nn p .y,et r. uoUnim uitmn s so
fr'" ""'"" au.UHon;"en,y 9 S
nt 1- hi j
John Dclttorlck
9 iiljo'in Whltmr.ycr
10 OU
1 01
Uanltl l.c. L,i1
I - ' ,
iTiiin B-Vf1itlfim til fin .
'lUUlllt JL I UVllllllUilVV IH
Ill tho 20th Juiicin )a ret, coinpnacu "i vn.-tuu.iwci
1 o" c, m.d wj-oii.niir. n;J JljJS'm
j biawu'n
in tho 20th Judiclnl Blairict. compo.01. o tne icoun
Jay of Feli.Miithjyt'urofourLor.lonuthuuiiri uiRiii .( .ivlir. fH-.t nml tn 111P illri'Ctf (1 lOI llOltlllll! A
i.k.ifu.u 1 I'l'.'l . . 1.
and Orphan'! Court, in lllooin.burg. In the county or
Columbia, on tho find .Monday, ibeing the ll day) or
Jlay nixt, tn ronlinuo one wei k.
Notice i. hereby given, to tlw Coroner, the Jntlce
of the Peace ami Conitablca of the taid county of Lol.
umbia that lli'y be then nnu mere in uieir proper ij
ions ut IU o'clock In (he forenoon of.ild day nltli tlirjr
rt-tord., lii.uiilloii! ami other reinnnbralice to do
those Ihliigs which to their olDci-n upperlaln to bi-douc,
And thoji! that nru hoiiiiil by leiugnlianie, to prosecute
ncaliut lh prlfunem ihat ar or may be in tli Jail of
ii .... m ... a.. I... n.l llina-it in tirflana
said county ofCiiluinbia to bo then nnd tlirrc tn pro.e.
ettto them as thnll b'jiial. Juiorf are re.U..Hteil to be
punctual ill men atti nuance, ngrcrauiy 10 uini iimnc.
a, ) Ihiti'd at lllooiiuburK, the '-'3th day of .Mar.
S. (in the year el our Lord one thousand elltht
( sv ) hundred and sixty-lour, and in the claliiy-
ninth yi-ur oftlie liidepen.lencoof the United Statei
of America. ( (iou abiii! CoMnoswtjLTH. )
riAMiim. r)NYDi:it. siicrltr.
ShcrllTi Olfice, lllooiinburgAiuil 1, ltUJ.
List ol latist'S fur Miy term ISOj. I
1 I'-liJah Mc.Murtrle Kndorica of Aaron Wolf vi Chrii
llun Wolf.
C Jucob llarriivs Peter .'acoby,
3 Uium-I 1' ainki-r, v Win Ikeler.
4 liavld Achi-iibiich Vi John Wardin,
u Samuel tviiiiaiuj vi LIKirlo. ll. liicicricll anu ueo,
A, lliirnng.
0 ,Mc Hoy not ilt rt nt v I'etir (lllpbant
7 Ainu W Croaiiicr V Ln.ah llowrll,
f Amos W Cri-timer va Ihioih llowcll.
0 John lleUsilct al vi H f. Ilea.lly ,-tnl
111 Ceorgu W CarrUon v Caliper 1 Thouiai,
It Kiih.ird .Morgan vs tf.iiniii-l lloaglaiid.
1.' John ilmMu vs Henry T Itih-y et al.
13 Henry Ciliiier, Mi.orut'reveliiic.
1 1 John Knitter uilm'r of Joseph (iearlnrt. deceased
v Mi sea .Mi yer.
IS C.-orge Cair, euilorso of Jinci Carr vi Sylvester
J fnx nnd 1 hiiniUH Crrvellug, Jr.
IS Jo.iaj lluiiulger Jr vs Huuuui-t Aahton,
17 iigustu-C Kabo vs Jutiios K Cyer and Luke
If Jumes ('air vs Henry T Reily andj David J Waller
I'J John Rucklots Henry Iteily elal.
Travtse Jmurs May Teriu, 1U65
liloom-II, r. llowerJi'tciulohFahringor, Philip Ujcr
lienton-lsaac K. Krickli.ium.iieorgo Keeler.
Cditru-Andr.iw I'rn-., Jacob Heller.
rishingcreek-Williaiu rituikr Hiram Hess.
Oroenw od d-orga Oirtou William. llobbun.
Jarkaoa Joih'in tavaee.
Luciikt- John Morris. William Krwin-
Madison William Uraluiu.
Miiine-ll.ivid a. Drown
Orange-Wesley llowmjn, aamuel Evir.t.
Moiiloiir-J reuiialt ii. Ilaruuu.
Mt I'leuiaiit -Ulia- Howell.
Pino John l.t.cknrt.
S. oit Jacob II. Worklioiser,
Hugarl.iaf- Hamiu-I Hess, llavil Lewis.
(Jra..d Jurors for Slay Term, 1865.
lifntoii-Smiuel II. Yorks. Llla. Shulli
Heaver Moses Si.hllcher, Isaac Klingarnian. James
lilnoin Ji-,,e fh innon, Tho.. J.Itorris.
ilritiri ri'i-k John ilhau W. 1'ck, Jcrtiniih Jacoby.John
Cntanits.i-Ci'orge lluehci, J.nep.h Ciaywtll. William Il.miel Kirii-It
rihiiici eek .Mn.i-s .Mclienry, Cinanau Cnantit,
FraiiMin-Jnliu llower.
Crouiiwoo.l A, S Kitc'jen, Cliutoii Rnbblui.
Jichsini -.los.ili Vorks
l.oiiist-l'otur Miller, I). S, llrlwig.
., rum, -.i.-y "."'
; T. ::z -&-,Vr '"hi.u'fl..... iii ...
.Montour Jnscpli Manser.
.'It I'luasmt-Amos Wanick
lirnngii Joliiintliiin l'oust
fine Albort HiiHier. Llijah Shoemaker.
Ronringr.r.-i k-rh.ules A.i-nsch.
-sugrloal'-Chrisiian I,. Moor i.
FRESH A lilt I V A 1.
Spring and Summer,
-i' on-
7 UT. undersigned, grnteful for part patronase, respic
fully informs hlsrii-tumers and tlie publicgenvrally
Hint hu has Just received from the Ka. tern cities, tlie
I ngest anil most selert etock of
That has vet been oneiii-d In llhioinsburp. tn whin, h.
inviti-s the alti-ntinn of his friends, and assures them
ihat they arr ollVr.'il fur sale at' great bargains, ills
Slock comprise a large of
i:nti.':.mi:n'8 wcakinr apparkl.
Consisting oi rAsiitoNABLic llabss Coats, oft-very del
crlptionj Pants, Vests, Shirts, Cravats fltock!, Cotton
tiauuKercuieis, uioc-s, buspcuuers, Ut.
Gold Watches anil Jowelrr.
Of every descrlpiion, nno and
i. ii. Heiiii-iiini-r i.otctiitirrj,' m urtfflf Emporiums
II and rec. No chargu for cxamiiig Ooods.
oaviu Lowr.Niir.nn
nioonuhitrs, April I, 1M3. (June If5!l
At Tort Tisher, wai scarcely a greater failure than is
daily made by moslofljii- advertised hair dyei nor woj
More complete, perfect anil glorious, than the ennucit
achieved by
Over gray, red anil sandy heads f hair. The tbnnx
iou! hue is wiped out in live minutes, and a magnifl.
icnl brown or black, glossy and natural, takes Its place
Manufactured by J, UltlsrADOUO; No. ti, A. tor Hon so
New York. Bold by Druggists. Applied by all Hair
April I, 1-03, imo.
A single Box of Branrlreth's Pills contains
luoro ve-getablK extractive matter twi-nty
linxei of any pilli ir. the wnrld besid-'i i flfty.rlvc hun-
sion ofothcr durgntivc. The first letter ofthnir vuliio
is )et icarcely appreciated, When thy aro belter
known sudden death nnd continued sickness will be
ofthepast Let those tvho know ihem speak right out
in lli.'ir favor. It is a duty which will tave life
Our race aro iiilijcct tn a redundancy ofvltiatod biln
at this leas.m and It Is nsdangerous ni it ii prevalent,
but llrandrctl-.'s 1'illa afford an invaluable and efficient
protection. Uy their occasional use we prevent the
collection of tiiose impurities, wliicli.when la sufficient
quantities, rnuso so niuch danger to the body's health,
They soon rure liver complaint, riyspcpia, loss of ap'
petite, pistil in the head, heart-burn, pain in the breast
bone, ludden fuinlneis und costlvi ncsi. Bold by
J. R MOYER, Bloomsburg,
And all respadtab.e dialers in incdicinrs.
April 1, lbl3,-lui.
Gentlemen's Hats.
All the latusl styles at .CIIARLKS OAKFORt)
EONH, Continental. 1'hiladelpliiu,
Ladles and Children'o Hats.
Lalsst styles al CHAIiLUrt OAKrOltD at SONS,
CoriHoental note), rhiladelphla.'As. thn llnu. William Eiweli, President balance imiicnii-iy n.iju.i--
. i.v ,.,.. ..(-,... ..,. -in. i 'r.,riiiiii,ip nn. I f!iii. r jlioii cauieu uv iiiancj 'ii i
' ti-' r..",... r.'r?Vi t. , h ,;.iv if uw tci.e. ma frui.9r u.
I. I :,. ' ' r t. n.nii in'. I'Hiirt. c lironiiiiietrv. anil oru uiailv by n
9 l? B"
JUL Mufr.AJfi-MA5R
American "WATCH
is the nrv'P.
I tt l mn.t on the bet nrlilil. w1m' v i.- ,.
which i efnrrmiy nimi" on no
Titn rt.Ay uf run amiiuiuax ivaich:
inatrad of h'lns mada of tDtefal liunJrcl llnu
ff. rril loi.lhT.tlni buJy oftNs A.n itlrnn WatM,
offOI.IO PI.ATG3. No Jar lntsff.iri'1 with ttic titr
ninny of III wnrklin, ami nci iifioei. can throw
llli uiatlilni-ry n"l "t J''nr. In f Mio ni nny biuhifn
pur.llll. II U nillic'u iiiji'ii,;r n nrmiy m a lll(h
j1"' of " ' miclilliary iUoald
iftT':uiiATC. so bimi'LC. sd.nrnor.u n
H'onot only tecure ch'apnm by nur iy.tein, bit
qnnl'ly. W ilo lml pretenJ that our naleh' can l,
bnuiiht for I-1 the rurclt'ii m iKt- br Il57e,
. ... r... 1. ..... ....I... I. I. .aI.I k.i .l
wui llhii lui 111 uai 'iiiuem "wi.t vt .-i.v-imu in.
Of It SOI niEirS WATCH (numo Wm. Ktlrry.) i,
what In nniiK liullcnlei- rlolld, Miibtiantlul, auj ai
a lU'llnlile-uiirrmitcil to turn! nny amount of
inarchliig, tilling or filmtluit.
Clur ii.-v lilclii-r quillly of Watih (na-nf.l I. B Unit.
loll) ' elmlliir In u..J Cftitral iii'puaiancit, but Imi
ni in- lewcU. nn. I inure ilaliumt i flii'li.
uur i.iuue t iniii. rt-.-i'iiiiy iiriuiKiH wiii1 n pip. up
in nccnt vurl.My of 13 tlci n .iiuniy nf,!lioui nf run- beta
ty mul H-i'tKiii.mjInp, i ignite mull , out nurraiiuju
keep time,
Oui Vniinjr cclilleni.'iii'j Wa'cli ll nent.nnt
juit uiu iiiiug lor iiic pncki 1 ui ouiir rtmcrica.
'l'li proulortln- Hunt. 01 our Watch, may lu fnuai
in the Inct that we now employ oner i-vrii hjn,lri
workmen In our fucliirien, anil we are .till jiu:,j
tomppW thi tnBt.mlly Inrrraatntt daiiiainl.
Oiirihiee-iunr e I'lJto WulihU thinntr and lljfbtn
than 1 ho When c imv iicucr'iicu. ittnii,, clirur.u.
I 10 correct tlie v. ure. Then
Inte.t cipi rliimiiti i,,
ir bcul ivurkiiun, In
. Pur, . - ; mi -.-
Hie beat work uf tlij mu.l fimoui Un;li 1I1 niiJbui,.
I, . Ill
UUulJliNa & AI'I'IjH IU.,
. i . . ti . '
' B ui wXTV'
April 1, 1305,-Itno.
S3 todttt &m e!3ll m&m
Oil Companies. 01 UlariOH KlTOr.
Offico, No. 433 Walnut St., Pbiln.
I . . .
.Lapitat &IOCK,
shares in t
tticA souo,oo'o. co.Ooo
Shares in each, I'ar Vulue, 810. .
10. L. LAMBERTON, President.
J. SIMPSON AFRICA, Sec'ry & Treas.
The Do Wit and Mill Creek Oil!! were ar
ganifed iu the mm. Hi of O.K. ber, A D, I t-U 1.
'I he property of these Companies Is situate on tb
Claiion Jllvrr, la Mill 1'rc. k tiiwn.blp, Clarion l.'.i ,
IViiii.) Ivauia, and Is known tr. thn Workman,
ll c- nsists of two hiindri'd and twenty-five acr. Iu
fee si i pie. ill ewch Cotnunny, with lrotita;e on thj
Clarion Rrvi-r. tn eacli, nhree fuiliths of ivic mile
I huClarlou Ilivrr hns lmi( .ii.n ramnus ' X it. Oil
srriucs and drpisits, Jt runs parallel with Uiu Upper
Alleghi n y River , and b ,th cross the western liuillr of
the .Jiue coal bnsln hnd tlie saiuo klrallfiiatinn
The Clarion Rirei Is a lsrx nat Igidilu stri-ain for
fitbor.K and rnHs. caiablu of rarryiugon each boat
one thutisand barrels of Oil to market.
CI irion County ailJoltisV i;aiiin C'oiinty, mid the Al.
legheii) lllver iiuike; n great sweep around coun
ties, leaving them in tlie slupe of a peiilusul i,
A alaiico at thu map will show, a I iui drawn
from the upue r bend of tho Allegheny Rlv-r iu thn
icinltv of Oil i.reek, to thn lower bjnd of i:-. t I m
the mouth of llie Claiion, will bisect the Oil of
tho (.III rion llivcr. During Hi i pre,-ul season. -l..-ii-coced
Oil men and geologist, luve ouJe t rtiorin.(.J
txplnrntion of this river, and luw larjv iovesiinri.ts.
Already, the wjiole tllver from i n louih t.. el-.. oil
its sourie, Iu- b.-en Iraicil slid pu i ,-.-d k ni -n,
and wills nro being sunk along it . . - lenut', '.h
great rapidity and lib fl itt.'rln; ... i of r,in .-s
Abovo and opposite tint He U ." c . i ..r-"l nl
Companies, some t-is other c' .- i aru b -rjr.g'i
engine-, one of wlilih struck tiii h--.i vii-i ..f o.i i
sixty fret, aud another imiuediite y a.uj--:..ln j si.-uek
it hi fifty ti:lit f. 'i in Hie ro- k.
'I'w. uily years ago, ou the river '..' i t n Com
pauy's lun.lsj. ul the inuuiii of liur - -y :- r,
hen boring fur sa'l Iiik(. .. i u: to - im.-st U w.i j
Oil wells known inthe On couiiti)
This well lias liurb'oii l.un.'u. n. h-s arr. r.
since, and I. now, go hiog out a t.-i-ti-t; .-rceut
Oil and water. It is no.v blijg ,,: i., r- j ! fjii i.
Further below, n Alum Rrr::. (. . '.s h't,. ' ii-unl
but the well has not yet U.-en t.-tf . ti:-i .m'.-i-i.
.Messrs. Lvmi, Hlurb A: C.i'ni. it..- ' . d,i.,i i.,m
Works, several miles liio'4 Ho-,.. .ij.ii .jgrim
Ilio pa.t f..ll, struck a iljwi.ig wel. it ii now bin
, Crest Aiiures tn tho h ' un I extend
'across I liu river Iu this vicinity, r'roi.. ninth gas is
on reaclilog the surficeof the wkterunJ cover it -.yilh
w'..ii-'.. 'i.t w.i uses in inr.i un.tits, nurst
O.I. 'Ihis is cun-iiJercd ilir.iiiuu!jlu oruof of Oil
Abuii lance of limber and coal is fouud on tba lanj
f.ii engine and oilier pirpis-.s
une nun win oi put Jowu luiineiiiitjly on each
propvriy a c.ini.i-tent and eiisig.liu superintendent
; v, ."ai- 'ws i..i.
'J'hs btock of tho adi.dnlnff t?mi .tlio. h-.A .tr.n.i.
advnnced, by reason uf the early succeis almai'y al
tallied. A liu.iied nunib.'r cf Shares in raoh Co.nptiny, for
the use of tho Inudliolder. will bs sold at 8s Hi
share r
January 15f3.-2ui.
Lackawanna Si Bloomsburg f:ailiontl.
eer two daily trains, sa
AND A FT I It HHO. crt nn. A.!rllrJ
t.tlO A. M.
S 00 P. t.
M 1'. M
" H.invillu,
" Itupert,
' I'.loouislnirg
" I'.erwick,
" Hhlc'i.liinny.
" Kington,
Arrive at Ucranton,
' New York.
10 'U
li.15 P. 'A.
14 Philadelphia
Leave Hcrantoii, . . COD A1
" Kingston . . 7.1KI
" Herwick, . . e 33
" K'oumsbirg a.13
" Uupert, . V S5
" Dauvilla, . . 1U.U0
Arrii alNortiiiuiberland, into
" Hurrisbirg, - l.aJP.M.
" Washington, . 9.03
" rtiiUiklphiu, S.4J
i :u
7 3H
in 33
The shnrte.t and most d ircct routa to Iho wost and lha
oil region I
tt Trains of Ino Philadelphia and Erli Uailriat
leavo Norlliuinh.-ilaiid vcry morning for Erie, arriv
ing thcro tin iifteriioon ul His .auw day to rounurl
will! trains for llullalo Clen-lninl, Chliiigii, with ail
points wist, and con ling al Corry with all
on Ihe Oil Creek RuHriud
New and elrguui Sleeping t ar' arcompany tho nijht
traini each way hctwecii Northumberland und Haiti
more, and Northumberland and Philadelphia.
, M. A. FONDA, Hunt.
Kingston, January H, I9C3.
THE undersigned being regultirly liccned
. Ih (0 IT (1 E 13 fig Hi
Hereby offers his icrvjco as such tn all who 'nay fsl
disposed to give him a call. Hi. lung expcri.nca it
Hie b islncs., will enable hlin to reudcr tull.fai.tion to
his customers.
All persons desirisg my scrtlesi, will plena inform
me to that vffxt before they advertise
lit AM DEUR.
Tost-office address i Rohrshurg. Columbia. county. Pa.
Juikmii towiikliip, Jan 7,11(05
The Berwick House
JJerui':, Columbia co.,
UL undersigncil wnuM rcupeitfully aiinaunr to
ins luieuus anil inn putillc geiiurullv, ill at
having leased '.his well-know n house -ho Ins given it
ainotougu rei nvuiion. "i lie room, nnvnlo-an ra-pniei
I'd and the entire eslublisliineut ei.-uuntlv r.-1'urin.lied.
Ueing pleasuiitly uud cligib1) li-cned, nn-l v vi cd
with all tho requisite cnuveuii-nrai, u o.Torj to tis
public the combUed advantages ot
A First-Clays Bote!
HIS TAHLRwillnlway
market! afford, on. I lilrt tn , , ,., ,n.
aVS llll KM ..ill. ' ..,!. I.n
i""". i, uiun-r., (i-ii, .t ti.iaMWiw e.
acroiiimodaiei tngenerul saiisfaai t;arfursfe: ie
comniodallngl o.tleri iiwii)ini,uei:dai.c sf&MiO
mo most loinplelo and txten,iv- i .u n
J. P. SlItBET.
SJittionet y ami EilaiA :u . t; n-
Quppliud to doiilers anu Vsn'i . xi "u s
low wholesale rate!,
S , V H"'
March I, IE,-Jm, (Hi ,.at, t, , jf.fia