Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, April 01, 1865, Image 1

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    ' ' i ill a Til "it ih"t nir i n i rinrrr' 11 in n i n i ri m i n ' mi nr iiti t i i tit rr irr ir rn i 'in n i m nrnf i i iw i i iiin n ir n n iini mm in i i wnwn n n mm mini in n mn
VOL. 19. NO. 5.
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llllC lit
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1 l'ulitio
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lie J no.
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Pens to Suit the Hand, awl Prices to Suit
the Pocket.
Tho host Gold Pons in tho World
'On the receipt orthn followine. miuii, wc will semi,
in innll, or .'id directed, n (.old I'cn nr Puns, aclectlng
tho rnm i according In llio ilcscrlplinn, iinmi-ly:
Gold Pens, in Silver Plntcd Extension
Onsen, with Peticili.
Tor SI No. a pun fur SI 2.1, No. a pen : for SI .in No.
I pen : fur FU No. S pen fr $i st.i Mo. II p-n
Tlies'i p"im nrc flumped Tlin IVilTP.IAl, I'KV, ami
nro wi'll lliiishod mill lino writing (iu tl I'ens.witli good
uiiiliiiii point, although tlioy ato unwarranted, anil
cannot liu exclianit'd,
Our name (American Gold Ton Co., N. Y.,) It tnnip.
Pit on nil our 11 rst quality Puns, nml Hie point, nro
warrunind for l mouths, oxupi njialiifl incident
Mr mi oiul quality Pi ns, aro tumped TIIF. NATION
AN! I i:x. Itli tliu of our Mriu (A. . P. In,)
nml ure ran fully made, liming tliu sa point, in our
lir i quality I, n. .tliu mil) gnat iiiirpreiiie being iu
quality "i thclluld.
Gold Pons, 1st and 2d quality in Solid
Silver Extension Oases, with Pencils.
Tor 52 Oil a No. 1 pen 1st quality or a No 5 peirid qunl
1 or 91 '.'.i i No .' poii 1,1 quality, or a Null pen '2d qual
l or SJ -' n No ;i pen M quality, orn No 4 pun !!d qual.
lof si flu a No I pin M quality, or a No.'i pi u .M .mat,
1 or .l .ill n No i poll 11 qnality.or a NoU iivii d qual.
I oi 5j .ij a No. i, pun ibi quality.
Tho same Gold Puns, in Solid Silver Gold
Plated Hbouy Holders aud
Aloiocco Oases.
Tor S-' -' t No a pen 1-t rnnlity, ora V i I pen Cd qual
i'.n jil a No 4 pen t quuliiv, or a n."i pen -.M
for a No pon l.i .piuht), ora Noll peiijMqual,
Vut 41 uo i Noli . ii l.t qmlny Tor .Sj.MI a No 7.
poll. 1 1 r SO 7.5 ,i Nu. e pui. 1'or 81J UU a No. IJ
ptn ; nil tirsl .piuliiy,
Our Pons rank ihrniigliniit the rnuntry as equal J.f
not tuporiur to nnj folil pros nianiiriniuri d. Not only
tor lliu-ir nrliili qualilios liu. ihir.ilulity .mil tlogant
lluirli 'I liu grunt tl caro la moil in ilioir inanuliiiiuro,
mot uonu nr.- n,l.l v. ItA thu ellj.iti:iii jmuiijuLtiun
lilih vl.ill can .loii Ll.
I'aitiu. in oi.lonnij nmut specify lliu n.iini. nunilicr
anil III ir ..II in.t.iiitos unil ulmlliur elilfor lim
tn.r, courso or Ii.. ..
A illiiroiint of 12 p"r coin, will ln allm"i il on s ii ms
of 8 It' ''in to oiio a.lilri'ss, at one tiiuu : 15 purii'iit
on S-'.l ; p' r rout on S I11.
All ri'inlltaiic's hj moil. I'l'matprnt, arc at our riFk
To all ho orn liisu 'J'.l r. nts rN'.ra lor r.:sUtcnuc, no
HU ini'it' o tin s fo di-livcry of tin- ?..iols.
i;irnilar. of all our new rl ltse. w tjli llunr.ivinj. of
i'lirt Ii' ., anil prions, s' in up.,11 u- .lump, if I'i ns r. p.uutr.i for .'o o. i,;., by mnll.
rta iuuor nu ( loivoli'i . me roq.i, 4ioi t iDi ri'f I'oinl
Willi in i up tan otlur them iii.liicL'iio iits.
No. Sau liro.utw.i) , Now Vork.
J.itiU'iry 'J', Dili.
Ill wimfac divers til" i"!nnigrailiic itliit
ciinls, ::::(vs;';! & Kitail.
.501 iRO.iAV A Y5 ir,
Ill uililition to mr iii.iiii liusini'.. of I'IioIotiii lnr
.Miilorial", ho .irj 1 1 'i.i .fi :i ri"r Mr tin- lotion ine, j. ,
,Vf eM!0:i a unil StKOSivpic 1'irun
(If tlo'Si; wo lun all illlliU'li-p a-.-" I, iurluililii;
W.ii Sooni's, yiinrriiaii ainl l'oroi;n rnjo ninl ,. ,,.
cipos. firoups. m.iiu irJ, jt. , A so. It.'voh'ioi.'
r!t,.TPOM-oppf. f"r pulilicor .rn -ito xliilnti.ui Our
i-.iiiio?iiu v. ill be s. in to any t. Iiireaa on reei nit of
r-t.iuip. '
PhoiograpJiic Albums.
Wo wi ro llio tirr. to iiitroiliii p llioso ii to tb . I'nitpil
Hliitik. anil imi in nntfiii ion! minion. u q'u.iniitn k m
pri'iit imi"ty. ni'ii'iiiu in prn-o I'miu 511 cout to ..-,:)
ii oil, our AI.I'.I'Ms) li.ivp llio roputal of bi-iiii! su.
porlor in bfai t nu-1 .lurability to any oihors. Tliey
will bo soul liy in.' il. frro, on r.i iPipt of pncp.
il5 i'lae .,ruis imoif tu Orucf.T)
Our I'.itulo.'U" now Pinlirapo. 'ivoroe thuttsmitl ilif.
fori'iit milijcrl. (lo nhu'li a.lililioiis nro n u n u:i 1 1 v
lu'iii . noiiji. ,it 1'iirlr.iit s ol I tiihiotir lu.n. - ....
Illiolll ' '
HI) .Mnj'ir.r.piiorals,
5i(l Slatpellll'JI,
1 - A. ill un,
I'I AitisU,
I'-'' ftnai-.
u i oil ;.-.ii'iioi.ii3,
t.'olo.irlk, '
1110 l.i.-ut- I'olnlli'U,
&VI Uihur uffieors,
T V.l I lllit.itr j
il rroniiiipiit Women.
ion I'rouiini i ori iii I'o'.trnjls.
:i.(inu I'Dl'lli-i HI'" uiiisks ul' MIT,
lo m!u Jin ; ri'proiiuclioii. ol llio init ci . brateil Mu
ura iiii.. Pit i ul i uija, St.itii'', mi', i .it iiiiuos sunt oi
locoipt of ,i,iiup All or I t fur Oii'i i) .oi I'ni t
tmn our (.'at ilo;in will b.j lilluil ua tlu rjo. 1 )
Jl.rO, ninl si lit Uj' mall. I'kh..
I'I ntoai.iplior- nml othoi orilorin gonil. (;, " )
Willi ilo.ii: r. nfit twoiit livo por i-oui of tli j 1 11
W illi i.rilor.
.I'. & II. 'I' N'TIIO'V .V C'l
.Vjai'iirliii-CAi i l'mlgriijiliic .Mter In 1
.ill! i,rn.lil iv. IP. Yntv ''f ;
tCTlio pri.'PS anil quality of our fooilii e.111 1
1 1 1 I' :
I 1803.
t hiLnIi'lHliia & Hrin 185)3.
E -A X r. k at OAS,
,i Tills urpiil lino llavriti'a tlio Norlliprn nml N'ortli.
Wist couiitios of I'luuikjlv.iiii.i to lliu lit) of trm.oii
unnn i.,,.-.
It lii'pn lonsPil by tliu IVniuylviuiia Kailroad
('oinpriuy, ami is opor-itoil by llioui.
It. Putin- Ii ncili w..j op-in .1 for passenger and
froielit biiHiiiMi, i inoiior Utli, l.-ol.
T. linn III l'l6KSOI.r. IRAIhd AT hollTIH.'MDUHt.ANP.
Mini Train 1. .ivps, i;.it 10 In i'. .VI,
Kliinr.i llpn f.i 'I'raiu, a; p. i,
J.or.U llinoil Atrouiino.lalinn, III '.'7 A.M.
- W 1 1 1 i.n ut- jji ir t ,i i oiniini l.iiiun. & S3 J", jj
Mail Traill. . . . . 4 '.'4 A.M.
l.iuiira r.iri'ss Train, . . !S.iA, Jl,
l in k l:i on Apcoiiiiiiuilailon 4 :'4 P. M.
U llliainpori Aixonininitalinn . .', in
t I'.i-s.oeirs i nr run through on Mail Train, wirn
Tnui' uumh. b ad wins between riiilailolpliiunua Krio,
iiol llaliiiiinro ami l!ri i,
j i:fi(!'int MippniK (.'ar on Cliniro KxprPii, Train.
.JJioth mi) Ii 'inotii Willi.iin.port ami lliiltliuoro.
i l or liiloriuaii in rcjici 11114 I'.is.pup'r IiiisIiip.i, p
ply at tliu Cor. With ami Muriel Si.
rtinl lor f 1' isui isiupssol tliu I'ninpinv's Apcnti,
r). II. Kingston, Jr., i.'or.MIt and .Markut'sts., VUiV
1. . IIi'Miolils, i:riu.
J..H. Drill. As- nt N.;. It: Ii., llaltiiiiore.
II. II. Iloimioii, C u'l.ri.'ivlit A;t . I'liil.-iJiilpIiia,
Jl. W. (IwiniiiT, ii. u l, Tn Hut Ant I'
Jn.pph ll. I'otta.fiurl, .M.inaser.U'llliauuiiuirt,
Jan. T, lei;.").
jf II 0 O K S k R 0 13 N II E I M
s'o. 431 Market Struct, mirth bjilo.Phila.
lna now opened their ui" .1 handsome
variety of Jlibhons, J$ontu.i Muto.
tirialSjStraw & Paney Hon.
nt tn. Jjtiilios it Miai-es'
Arr,OWi:RS, Urflirji, L.U Kti. ami nit otter
.den rc'l ilrnl by tliu
T MILL! N i: li T RAD E!
1Hrjy Inngrxporirnce ninl strut attention to lhi brnnrh
Torjniilnesa ojtiiiMVLly wo flatter ouinHvc. UmI ira
jin offi r iniliicpin.iita, iu vanity, t)les, quality ami
'jiTTTJoruto irlip-not ovi'r) wlii'ro to bo found. Tl'o
jitteiiliuu oi.MHIineie ami Merclunti. ii rrtpcclfally
Kt Particular ntlrnllon pal I to lllllig Onleri.
tlanli 11. Jni'5, Uui.
Jitlo'nei and Couvccllor at Laic,
Military anil other eUiwi promptly ilttrntil t,
.Ortobir 13, ISW,
Saturday Mominrj, April 1,1065.
The Columbia Co. Invasion.
Cnsc oi' Daniel I?Ec33csry.
Li the Senate of the United Stales,
Mu,ch lid, IS05, Mr. Buoknlew presented
thu PiMition (with iiccoiupanying papers,)
of Daniol McIIonry of l'cnn'ti, prajing
that the casu ol his nrrcst may ho iuvrsti
gated ; that those causiuoj it may he ox
posed and punished, aed that tho expenses
iiiL'iirrcd by him in his defenoo before a
Military Commission, bo piid hy tho Uni
ted htat-s. Upon motion of .Mr. Huoka-
low thu Petition and Pap-rs wrro laid upon
thu ftt'lo. They arc aj IuH jw - :
To the ITonoiablc the Scuaran TlSiise
of Prpr. sentattves of the Cnitid States:
The Pil'aiov of Janlel M lr-,n), ' reas
itrrr of the 0oy o Cui.mtiia, in the
Sinttof Pcmt:,jluiiniu,'re-pertjulhi ihuw
ih :
That he resides in Fishing f'ici'k twp ,
in said County; (hut- he is u merchant
and farmer, and thirty-seven years of age.
That he wits arrested at his home by a
srjii'id of soldiers, on the 'Slit day of
August ln-t, and taken to Fort Millhn in
tlioDelowaro River, the day following,
and held in fonliutnient thcte until a tew
days before the St, to clu'-tiori in Di'tolu-r '
Hi- as then taken to .II a" rifbury and In Id
thorc in charge of tho military nuthoritii'K
until DycctubiT .'JOtlt.
Thai a copy of the eharirou agaiiist him
was iuruifhed him two orilir.'u days aft. r
hi' anivul at ll.iirisbiirjr, and In; was no
tified that hU trial would uo no on in n
fuw Ilnys, but it was duli.yud. Fmallv.
his etiMS was calh.'d tin bclore a military
eoinuiis-ion on the Ir-t of Ni viwiiber or
theioatiouts liu utitercd a written pli-a
lo the jurt-dirt mi of the count) s-ion whieh
was ovciruhd. lie thi n etitorcl a p'oa of
no'guiltv" and the oau w is ooniii.ued at
the iiMauec of the prostculion. Ho had a
iiuuiber of witnesses in ntti'iidattet;, who
went home iu cousequenee of the adjourn
ment. Upon a fecond occasion he was'hrotiht
biioio the connuis-inn and one witness ex
amined for the proKiuiion, when the case
was again adjourned beyond vlio Jay 0f
the Preaideutinl ckctiou without his con
sent and hii witnesses over twemy in num
ber, again Fviit loirni unexamined. Tho
cac afterwards eamc up on the 10th of
November or about that day, whon in
consequence of the faot, that tho Presi
dent of the commission had been relioved
from further tervica upo i it, aud ; n ' h r
officer detailed in his tead lit entered a
plea of lormer acquittal, winch vaa ms
taitied by the commisiion pud their decis
ion reported to tho Gcueril in command
of tho Department. Uo is informed that
this decision of the comiai siou was re
ferred to the Judge Advoi'.ito General for
his opinion nud was hob) by him lo be
errouoous, A new trial was ordered and
yuur petitioner was again arraigned, and
plead as before The capo was again part
ly heard, and then adjourned tum a Fri
day tn the Tu"Sday following. At the
time S'ij.l, t!ic easo was resumed and con
'i'lin uitu ui'S for the defeueo were
brought oiio hundred wiles; hou. nf them
in nituwlanoo four tiniDs and mo: t ol them
threu limes j and their repeat 'd attendance
vva- cau cd Jiid ruudered. nuoossary by the
euniinuaiiees on the pari of the prn-eouiion
Tin- Petitioner was ui vays :' i.y and de
eitous ot trial und ' rought . !y fneh wit
ncas'.s a he was instructed and beli V"d
were necessary and propci' for his defence.
Tho holo expense of their attendance
was borno by hitn.
Filially, upon tbo whole caso being hoard,
the commission promptly aud justly found
hitn Hnot guilty" upun all the charges a
gain t liim,and t'-oir Qnding hoing approve I
by tho General in command of tho Dcp rt
inent, tho case came to a conclusion, and
your Petitioner was permitted to proofed
under guard, to report himself to th'
Doard of Knrollmeut ol bis district, as
ho had been drafted during thu liuio of
his iniprininrucnt
Your PelitioDcr n&vieit.i, that nhcro wat
no just reason whatever for his arrest, im
prisonment aud trial j that tho charts
against him wcro wholly falto and ground
less, and that his prolonged imprisouniont
and tho procot'dinga upon his trial, wero
both unlawful and oppressive,
Though wholly innooent of tiDy offonco,
I Ii has boon auljoelod to an iinprisonmcnt. particulars,) were qiiito ground'ess and
of four nwrHln and to expense? exoeedimi false Gen. Cadwallader'a rcacaichca up
, 8'J.OOO, brnidc losses and expenses in lU i on the U per watsrsof Fishing Creek and
llltalnnila l TT.. I 1 ..-! , . . I . tl t . . f . ..
u"oic. oi iioiiiii. nu uuui'Hi) uuauiu to un me noun mountain i neiiovo wcro
dichargo his duties ono of tho officers ' thorough, and should bo held as satisfac
of his nativo county, and hn had inflict- j tory by tho publio authorities. To tho
fd upon him whatever of suffering aud President Judo of this "distriet and to
digr.icc can jcsult from an unlawful, ar. mo, ho characterized tho alledged' erection
bitrary, unjuet, iiuf.udent and oppiesive . of work oi rcsistanoe and tho assembling
persecution of a citiztu. j of men iu anna to resist the Government,
Your Petitioner prays, that tho circum- i a3 "a fare.'1 Hut tho arrests in question
stances of his arrest may be investigated, were ordered and actually undo beforo
and tho party or partjes instigating or ' llio North Mountain was soalcd andheforo
causing it, duly exposed and punished s , tho imposture which had mi-led men
and that the expenses incurred by hint in abroad, was fully exploded. Had the
bij defence again.-t ui.ju.kt ehaa-e'i, in an truth been known in the outset, I coneludo
illegal proceeding, ba repaid hi m by tlic' I would have been fpnud the composition
United S-iares. And he will ever pray ifcc. , of this letter aud yoi .u. tronble. of perus
DANIEL McIIKNIlY. , iue it.
January 13, 1S05.
Statement or Counsel,
The Unitel Suitci,
Daniel Akflenry, )
'I he above slaletl erne, was trying ho
foro a Military Commission, sit ting at Ilar
li.burg in November lal, compo-ed of
Co'. Picvct, Col. J'rink uud Oapl. Le ;
and Capt. WosslIs was acting as Jude
Advocate. The Court heard -one or more
witnesses lor the prosecution, but did not
conclude iho tiial of the case; a new or
another Commission having subsequently
been or.auizod for that purpose. The
above stated Honorable Commission during
their session, were asked tn mike an order
for payment of tbo defendant's witnesses
Theinitler was subicq tent I y tilkod over
betore the Court, consisting of Col. Frink
and 0 ipt. Lee, when according to the be.-t
of our recollection, the Judge Advocito
slated in suhitauca, that the deleu l.tut'-i
eaio woiild he tried, and ihu cist of tho
defendant's witnrs-osjwhi) miyht he wanted
ou the re-heat wg of the case, should be
paid by tho boiled State- ; ibat he would
have an ol der made to that put port. Sub
sequently Jiidgo Advocate W'essels wa
relieved. When the c-i-e was called for
a tecotid hearing, Cipt. Johnson was
acting as Judge Advocate. From tlio re
.inarUs mode as staltd by Judge Advocate
Wessels, we wi re tinder the impression
tbr costs of tho defeudant's'wi.nessos would
be piid ly iho Uuited S'.ite?, where they
were called on the hist tnal.
A. ,1. II hlllR,
Ilarrisburg, Pa., Jan. 17th. 1800.
.. ' CoKUESl'O.N'UfcXlj:.
SciiiUir Ihtckalcw to General Couch.
lU.ooMhiiuiui, Sept. 20, ISO!
Major Gen. D. AT. (Mich,
Chinibersbiirg, Pa.
Di:au Sin: I hive refrained from
writing you on the subject of the arrest
of citizens of this county, in the confident
expectation that they, or the greater part
of them, wouid bo discharged and per
mitted to tettiru to their homes. Mojt ol
these peraous aro men of fair character
and uspectabla position , sumo of them
aro age'd mon aceu-toinod to active em
ployments upon whom impris .ninent is
peculiarly severo, and as to all of them,
thoir families and business sufi' r by their
absenco. And suroly tho offoncea with
which they aro charged eau bu neither
rrrnon rwir ilo riimrntiu itilion rim.- nv,. nf
ov,w""i J """
announced or recognize' 1 in thHonmuiuuity
from which they arc taken. Only' con-
joeturo or suspiciou can bo excreised upon
their cases even by thoso least fiiendly to
them. I do not doubt that the charges
upon which tho tirrestsvcro ordered arose
in some degree Irom a disordeicd Uato or
condition of mind in their accusers, who
wcro carried away by an imprc-siou of
combiuatic n ?nd armod resistance to tho
laws iu the Fishing Greek townships. Up
un inquiry made by me bincc'my return
from Washingion in July, ami particularly
"iuco our interview iu August, I have ob-
taincd information which enables mo to ulIir falsehoods already mentioned and
speak couGdetitly upon this subject. And J which havo been fully exposed. With
I havo to say, that there ba3 not been a , their ertposuro tho reason for' an armed
timo during the proscn year whan r. Shcr- j force of occupation wholly failed and n
riff, Marshal, or other jVxtcutivo ofiieor, ! part of that foroo has been withdrawn. I
could not havo csccutcd pcactnbly any ehull hope you wt.l find employment else
w irraiit or wiit whatever iu th's onunty ; wherj for the remainder, snd if not that
tint tbero havo benii no foi f. fleations or JOu will give tlio oflicsrs in caminaiid
military positions prepared or occupied by etriugent orders, against interfering wiih
insurgcuu, nor any u.tentien of establish- , olIV clei-tions and Darticularly against
ing them ; that there ha? hcon no largo
number of men assembled in arms to nt
cist tho conscription, as was rojoricd ;
that no oannon or other arms wcro ob
tained for a position on iho North Moun
tain ; that neither tlesorters from abroad
nor rol'iigeos from Canada camo
to the assistance of tho so-called
''insurgents," and, in short, tint tbo re
ports sent ahroid of insurrection in this 2ud. That there bad beon a mnall night
county, fntid proh-bly also tho statement offray iu which a young man named Hob
cent to Washington ri to tho forogoing inson wtts woundjd. J. havo to obioryo
Uut while (ho imposturo of ''tho Fishing
j Urcek rebellion" remained undetected
. beforo the advance of Oeu. t'adwallader
upon tho forests of Sullivan forty-four ol
our citizens wcro taken into cu-tody and
I transported to Fort Mifflin, where forty
three yet leinain. With a tingle pm-siblo
I exception, none of them wero deserters or
drafted ineu. They wero farmers and
business men, having no conncation with
the military eetvico of tho United States
j and many of ihetn above the ago of forty
! Qvc years. Nuthcr they nor their friends
! were diiiiuctly informed of tho charges
against thutii, nor ba? tho privilege of giv
i ing bail for th ir uppoir.ttiuu to answer,
been pei milled them And their accusers
j are btill unknown, as well as the authority
I by which they wire arrested, I hear it
'aid recently, that Ibeir arrest was under
an order from tho Provost Marshal Gen
eral at Wasiiitiijto i, in which cae you are
not responsible for the ordei hut only fur
is elocution.
Tlie.-e nuii, tliu? arrested", have been
confined in prison nearly oic month, in an
imperleo ly veniilated bomb-proof of a
Government Fort, subjected lo vermin aud
other hardships, and even if it cau 'tie
shown that ;h-y liavu been guilty, to tonic
extent, of imprudent or criminal speech or
action, they h.tvo undergone enough to
satisfy the demands not only ol justice but
of vengeance. Desides, two ol them are
officers of the county (thu one a Oummis
rioticr and thu other I rcasuror) whose at
tention nt hoiiiu tu public biisitiiss is ncc
cisafy. I thercfoie now make applica
tion for their discharge without further
proceedings or delay, as a measure of jus
tice and humanity, warranted by the facts,
and demanded by public opinion iu this
I shall not, General, submit to you
any observations upon the illegality of
theso arrest3. nor upon tho propiit-ty of
turning theso men over for trial (U they
are to be tried at a'l) lo the proper court
of tho United State.- which bolus) regular
tcrnu iu an adjoining county (at William
spoil.) " It i tufticiout for my present
purpose to say, that the arrests were uii
ucccsaary ; that no ciich formidable cum
liinatinu ol men to resist tha laws us wai
alledged, had any existence; and that
theso men have undergone already tcvero
aud prolonged imprisonment. I suppose
no advocate ol military ai rests of citizens
iu States untouched by actual war, will
nretend they should be made excont in
casaj ol utlm,st policy, nor that punish
j UILllt uohcase should degoucrato into
j persecution.
I must add somo remarks upon the
subject of keeping truops bore. Tbi conn-
j ty has u population of 00,000 and no nioro
i peaceful,la w-abiding district is to bo found
, in the United States. For many years
the quarterly term of our County Courts
have not had .in average duration of four
days ! Tho introduction of a largo aimed
force hero was not thoreforo provoked by
tho goncral character of our pcoplo, but
must have been occasioned by '.he partic
placing troops at the places of election in
contempt of an auciuut statute of lliU com
It remains only to notice in thio com
munieation, tho two facts which remain
alter fteeiug the ease of "the Fishing Creek
insurrection" Irom falsehood, Thoy aro :
ht, That here, as elsewhere, somo draft
ed men had failed lo report for duty ; and
upon lhco points (to which tho enso as
originally tatcd has dwindled,) that for
tho arreft of tho offender in tho affray, n
single officer, or at most a Constabulary
force, was adequate ; and that as to tho
drafted men though thoy wero probably
impertinent aud bojstful they wcro not
numerous nor formidable. I believe tint
in all military movements thero should bo
an employment of force clearly sufficient
to accomplish the purpose in view, but in
the case of thao men who had failed to
report, tho advance of a single company of
troops would have had tho same (ffeet .n
the advanoe of r.n army, to wit, their dis
persion or submission.
The men whoso folly or malignity was
exercised iu creating tho spectre of the in
surrection, and who have caused an un
necessary and largo outlay by the Gov
ernment (perhaps iu all a quarter of a
million of dollars,) aro those upon whom
the indigualion of authority should fall,
rather than the men now in custody. Iu
a piopcr place and in duo time, I shall
probably conceive it to bo my duty
tist upon an investigation of this whole
transaction, to the end that tho truth shall
become known and just lesponsibility be
placed whore it belongr,.
I am, General, respectfully
Your obd't serv't,
Head nJuautehs,
Dr.r'r or r:u: SuicmunNXA ;
Chimbersburg, I'a , 8ep't'.il', ISGl
Hon. C. Ii. UccKAT.r.w,
Uuited States Senator,
Isioomsburg, I'a :
Dn.Vit Silt : I have the hoe or to ac
knowledge receipt this day of your nolo
of the 2 flih iust. in refeieuce to the Citi
zen Prisoners arrestod in Columbia Co.
Siit. ic.
Tbo commi5ion for ihoir trial has been
ordered and I had' hoped it would Iiatvs
been ready to take up their cases beforo
this, but there havo been delays beyond
my control, still everything is being done
that can bo to expedite mattera.
1 went to tho Fort on Saturday last for
tho purpose of seeing tnjsclf how tho
prisonous fared, inspect their quarters and
if necessary order them to bu removed to
amoro comfortable plaeo ;f confinement
there seemed to bo no cause for complaint
and hence no change was niado.
, I fully agree with you that no for'ifi
cations won; erected by the "insurgents,''
but General Cadw.ilader who made a close
examination of the country is satisfied that
they had ono, and prob ibly two pieces of
artillery, that thero was an organization
to lesist the Draft, the members of which
wero armed, and I have other information
to the same effect.
The nun arrested arc charged in gene
ral terms with resisting tho Draft, which
covers the casu of those who advised re
sistance, procared arms, kuowiug they
were for ibat purpose, or sold arms for the
same object.
Tho arrests were not, to my knowledge,
made by direction of the Provost Mar
shal General, nor are the prisoners held to
satisfy vengeance, but to determine wheth
er they are guilty of the great crime of
which they are charged, or not.
As regards the troops iuterfcring with
tho elcctious, you and your friends may
rest assured that there will bo no just
causo for complaint.
When assigned to tho command of this
Depaituient, I was instructed by the
cecretary of War, not to interfere with
politics, which butng in uccordauco with
my natural inclinations, has been scru
pulously earned out.
I cannot for ono moment think that
you believe troops arc retained in Colum
bia Co. lo control tho elections.
I was very glad to receive your letter
recollecting with pleasuro our interview
in August last, and tho asssistauco you
extended mo at that time.
Tho subject has received my careful
consideration and I hopo to be ahlo to so
conduct matters, that none but tho guilty
bhall suffer, ami so soon as 1 oau tati-fy
myself that any of tho suspeoted parties
are only sligluly involved iu this trcauoua
blc movement, it will be consistent with
my duty to ihe Government to order their
conditional relsasc.
I em Sir, very Hespcclfully,
Ycurotd't Servant
Jloj General Coradg Dep't.
Second li tier to Gen, Couch,
Uloomaburg, Oct, 11, 1P0-1,
Tuesday Evoning,
Gen, D. N. Couch,
Donr Sir: I received in duo courto'ol
tn&il your letter of 'JOlh Septcniber,and am
duly sensiblo of your politeness in giving
0 prompt an answer to my communication,
I notice with satisfaction your statement
that you vuitctl "Fort" and gave
attention to the treatment of our cit'uens
confined there, as tho fact provos your pos
session of thoso feelings of humanity
which do honor to our common nature.
I read also with satisfaction and approvr.l
your observations upon non-interlerenco
with our elections by troops under your
command or control, and particularly
your assurance to mo and my friends (as
yo't expressed yourself) that wo should
havo no cause for complaint in that par
ticular. These wcro good word-t and I
hive no disposition to think ihcm or to
represent them as insinoero Bit, unfor
tunately, tho proceedings of your subor
dinates have not been cousistant with
Col Albright,who camo up to this coun
ty lo ccdlect, cvidonco preparatory to the
trial of our citizens nt Ilarrisburg, did not
confine himself to that business. Me went
upon the stump in Bloomsburg with the
Piepublican candidate for congress, and
mado the first Political speech ofthc cam
paign here. As represented to me it was
a very inflammatory Gppeeh and gavo a
most exaggerated and unfair representa
tion of the difficulties in this county. Ho
profefl ,d ;o speak from the official docu
ments in his possession, aud ud his posi
tion to inflame public pinion against the
men who were to bo tried and to lender
their prosecution useful for party purpo
ses. But I proceed to mention events more
recent which dc erve, as I thiukjour par
ticular attention. Somo days sinco sol
diers were sent south of the river. I do
not know what thoy have dono there but
a prisoner was forwarded here yesterday
from Main township aud is still kept here.
His case is as follows : His name is the
same at his father's except a middle initial
letter. His father's name was drawn iutho
draft : The father was notified, appeared
before the hoard of enrolment, and wa
exempted for legal cause. His now .Mid.
or pretended, that the sou was .eally meant
and ho, without any notice wlntevcr, is
seized and taken away from bin di-ttict,
the day bforc the election and held her"
in spite of lull explanation! No one can
doubt the motive, and the effuct is precise
ly what was desired the deduction of
ono vote from the poll of Main township.
In Fishingereek township, soldiers were
stationed for the day on the main road
near the polls, obviously to watch the elec
tion. Iu Bjnton township one ofthc election
officers was arrested this morning ju-t be
fore the polls wore to open, aud carried
off; tho others had beon previously dis
posed of and the people found uo officers to
act for them Last night several men were
! .. .1. .. -.11 , , .
urresiuii in sun iicigiioornoou anil Kept
away from their places of voting. I bu
lievc no one arrested was a drafted man
They were ciiizens,and had been openly at
their homes before.
Seven mounted men wero met going
toward the Sugarloaf po'Is early in the day
uud they, or another squad, were reported
later in the day watching vhe road of ap
proach beyond.
When the returns come in it will doubt
less bo found trhc that light elections have
been held in several districts, becauso many
citizens havo been intimidated and do'or
red ftom attondirg tho polio, iudcpcideut
ot those who wero taken away by actual
arrest. No cause for tho arrests is known
and no man can fed safe in attending the
election. Of course ho intcn lcd iff ct i, as
certain as tho moans of securing it arc
unscrupulous and disgraceful.
At the election here in Bloomsburg a
man was arrested in going to vote ; sol
diers appearing at tho polls in violation
of tbo State law to which I referred yon
in my former letter. Ho was kept in hand
dining the day, permitted to o Lome for
hit -tiiinir but not to the j)olli' His ease
was onoofdoubiful derebctmnfuudar a for
mer cuiistmeut whieh has expired, lie h is
since been enrolled aud drafted under tho
U. S. laws, and I saw to day his certifi
cate of having paid commutation money.
Uo has beeu living Leio optaly a year or
more without question until now.
Two other men living cpauly in the
neichborhood for two years past and vo
ters in tho adjoining township of llomloek
were arrestod and putiu jail here ono ou
last Saturday night aud tiic otlur yester
day. They wero not liable to arrest and
have not been drawn under eithor ono ol
tho U. S drafts' One of them was prom-
Led a loariu'j yesterday aud aaiu this
morning, but it was not given. Of couro
uone was intended until the election
-t 1.1 -I.. - t l . .. n.
Hiioniu ciosu. i saiu to tno sticrut woo
had them in cutody,this aft6inoon,that ho
would be perfectly justified in conveying
them to their eloction district to votc,tak
ing care to prevent their escape and hold"
ing thom ready for any requisition upon
him, lie took an assistant, conveyed them
to thoir district, and had returned with
them almost homo when he catl his assis
tant', were arrested by order of the Assis
tant Provost Marshal, Ho had been ab
sent less than two hours, but in that timo
incalculable mischief had beeu done
Two of the four men who were to bo dis
franchised by being kept here in confine-
meut, had given true and lawful votes
under thu Constitution and laws of this
Commonwealth : And theso votes will
stand good, and the deprivation of right
ful suffrage here bs narrowed to tho two
other cases beforo mentioned.
General, in tho war of 1812 the state of
Massachusetts refused the use of her pris
ons to the United States for tho detention
of capiivos ito. Immediately afterwards
Simon Snyder, Governor of this State, ad
dressed a patriotic message to our Legifl.
lature denouncing tho conduct of Massa
chusetts, and at his instanco the Legisla
ture passed tho act of 3d March, 1814,
oponing wide our prisons for the admission
ol hostages nud prisoners of war of the
United States aud charging upon our Sher
iffs and jailors the duties of their custody.
The prior act of 6th December, 1789, had
authorized tho admission of prisoners of
the United States "committed by virtue of
legal process," obviously meaning in some
judicial proceeding. I know of no statute
of ibis Commonwealth charging upon our
Sheriffs and prison-kecpers tho duty of
holding citizens indraft proceedings under
tho authority or the United States. But
even if such statute existed, tho duty the
Sheriff would owe to tbo United State?
wou'd be simply the safe custody of tho
persons committed and the rendering of
them up on proper demaod. Aud while
they were in his custody he would havo
complete control over them, subject to the
regulation of our own laws, and would
share his pownri with co other official
Observe, General, I d.s nolobiectto the
use of cur prisons by the United Stales ia
tho fullest manner, and to invoking the
principle of comity fjr that purpose whoro provision may be wanting. But
the purposes of the United States being
mbierved, no officer of that government,
has reason to concern himself further aDd
to determino who nhall bo permitted to
vote under the State laws.
Tho arrests which I bave described wero
mado by the use of soldiers rubject to your
command, and their occurrence justifies
my appeal made to you iu a former let
ter for the withdr. wal cf troops from our
e.ounty, or,in caso they were not withdrawn,
that stringent orders should bo issued
against their interfering with our eleotions
and particularly against their presence at
our places of elcciion in violation of ex
press law.
Iu conclusion, I rati3t oxpruss my opinion
that some signal condemnation of tho
wrongs and outrages already committed
in this county is duo to our people from
the public authorities, end that some effec
tual provision should be mado ngaiust tbo
repetition of such occurrences in future.
1 cm, General, very truly
Yoar obd't serv't
General Couch to Seintor Bwkahw,
HllAU Qu'sDei-'t or THE SrSiiUEIIA.fNA,
Penn'a October 18, ISO J.
Mr. Senatou,
Bloomsburg, Pa.
Dear Sir: I beg to inform you that
the Board of . ffioers which wero ordered,
as you were notified, to examine and seo
how many of tho Columbia county pris
oners could be safely released, have rec
ommended (21) twenty one to be set at
liberty under csrtain conditions. Tho
nature of tho evidence is such that no
more can be safely released at present,
l am, Sir, very l'epectfully,
Moj. Geueral,
Epigram on tho United States,
O full of w oo., ami moral llaw,
Of broken faith and ruined laws,
O factious folks, and noisy fools,
Of despotiini' gtilll) tooljj
Of secret crnues ami p'iblic tintei.
Of i very ilgn of mulling sitatea ;
0 (his' my lOiinlry, dear, of Hum '
O tliee'-uolougir cr',al. tij lo g r freol
Se.vsijile. Subsoribo fur the "Co'mn-
j bin Democrat."
I A A Ir