.3Bite-WtJi 1 i -.rtTi IILI parihuPsifcptiHrncnt. - Sheep Hospital. Of nil tho (loiuetio auimaU llirro is nono so suljcct to disease as tho sheep, or among which oamjiliiinU that aro coiitng-1 ious niiikc more fatal progrsss. Tho foot' rot, tho oal, and a multitude of other?, with which inattentive wool ijrewora are unfortunately loo well acquainted, utiles j arretted on their Grrt appearance, aud tho j infected beat oxeludtd from the fiock.will j raj idly spread in most cases, and so true is this, thut tho fact of onosoabhy sWp , infecting a great number has passed into a proverb. Every ahoep owner, then,1 should havo some place cotuCirtablr-, airy, , add well ventilated, in whicli individuals ot tho flock, difooveved to le ailing, may , at oneo bo plaeed,iintil tho tnturo of their ' complaint is known, Sheep aro always I disposed to huddle together in largo mas ses, and as their wool and bodies aro al ways covered with an unclious matter, it furnishes the best nucleus for tho propaa- tion of disease, by the breath, or by con- tact. This department maybe always usrful c von when thoro are no discaed animals lor its occupation. Tuero aro few flocks, especially in tho fpiing moi.ths, in i bid e there aro not more or loss sheep, which, either from old age, or perhaps injury, weakness is I induced, andwhich require ex'ra euro to ; preserve their condition, and pcrhsp3 their life. Such sheep must ho tnkrn iiom the flock. With the Ftionir and e.etive, tlicir j ohauco is small ; but alone, and with a little more care, aud better feed, such she, p frequently como around safely, roar good j lambs, and give good fleece. In no case, , is it advantageous to keep largo numbers of sheep together ; to da thia during tho I winter will most assuredly be fatal many. to Making Soap. It is well known to many housekeeper, that failure ofton results in tho nnnufac- ture of common soap, oven after the ley is j provod to bo of sufficient Btrcngth, by moans of tho common family hydrometer, the egg. This fjilurc is. in conscqucuco of tho solu ion of the potash (or the ley) ' not being sufficiently caustic which is I caused by its combination with carbonic acid from the air while it existed in the , form of ashes. This may be strikingly j shown by its powerful effervescence when ' subjected to the action of one of the stronger acids. This difficulty may he easily removed by the use of lime, whicli ! has a stronger affinity than potash for ! carbonic aeid, and which consequently' abstracts it from the potash, leaving the latter nearly pure and coiifequcntly in a , caustic state. It is accomplished either by placing unpacked lime in the bottom of the leach, or subsequently in tho tub ol Icy. i Care of Farming Toole. i Wc belcive it may Eafely bo asertcd,j that the farmer in a course of years sus j tains as much los, or ii put to as much i espenso in procuring too's, by their decay . in conscquonco of needless cxposuro, as from their actual wear on tho farm. How , many arc the instances in which the farm-, pg implements, tho plows, harrows, roll, cr, itc.r instead of bi-iug carefully liouctl when their use for tho year is over, aro left in tho fields, cr prad'cnturo drawn up in battle array in front of the house, occupying a goodly portion of lbs road, and when covered with snoworining tnofct convenient placea for broakinp horses lega, tearnig off thoes, &0. &c. Perhaps, in additon to'thesc, arc sundry wagons, carts, hay-racks,and other necessary tilings liko tho former, esposcd to decay which must remit from cxposuro to tho r.ins, tho freezings, thaws and snows of winter , Now, ono such nca.-cn of exposure does ' more to waketi iho wood of these imple ments, promote decay, and render new ptircheses needful, than their ordinary wear on tho farm, '.tiih cartful tiagc and protfciiunfro!!i the weather. As a gen-', crA rule, it may be remarked thst no i.n-1 plemenls,' tool or carringu of any kind should be expoced whtu act in ue. Thoi'o not wanted in the winter should be Kour- ed from tho weather during that tune; and bo with thoae not required duritig tho sum mer seasoDj a9 blrighn, slcih, &o. Tho tliillful, thrifty (armor in known by hi attention to the minor points of agricu'ture, by his caro to save, as well a to aequiroi and he who neglects the lessor tilings can- not (ail to find tho drawbuck on hid profits jargo and constant. CUUH 10U TIIK K'IDN'EY Woujt Tho following recipe, ha. in no instance fail ed to 'euro liogi of a dienfo vory" gan-. orally fatal, tho kidney Worm. I linvo' had them bo bad that they would draer their loins for a week, ami wi-h nil the ox-j jiu' luitiiii s. uuuiu try uio' wnuii; uic, Thrco npplioatiou8 of from a half to a tea' fpoonful of rats-b ma given in an applu rr a potaloe. 'ai tjr e dti hai .dwaya cfi'olcd n cur" ?' ' r"' ' "o chejl.l La good, and I fay ith eonfidtuor, thcr" ia i iniurv 'o bo Euataiueu irom its ujo to " "11 J -LI. $HMfU Id A. Ml E. W. "WELLS' .M Zfff 7CA-A' COMVO UNI) For THE HE 7775 old established, thoroughly tried Remedy, ncom medal by some of the most minml Physicians , has attained a eclcbri- ty in most parts of tin couutry in curing j SCROFULA Oil h'lUGS EVIL J Scrofulous gores, Itose or llryslptlns, gcalml Head- j"ml Ri"S Worm, Tetter or SaUlthemnaoieloritt Hucll- j ccl Xei:,' ( common with our American females) cu- rahtc Cancer ruul Cancerous fc'ores, Wains or HoIls, Chronic Ulcerated Sore. 3? thine, Month and Throat, FypAllis in all its funis, Sy. .Vohllic or incrcerrlal Sore mouth, on.l throat, chronic plcerntion of tho I.ungs, Stunnch and lCulneys, I'ini pies, roBtunes, and llloldies. Uhcumatl'iii, t'enialo Wcnknos. I.crcorrhao, (arising from internal iilccra on; Ilrupsy, nencml Debility, Ihoacintion and all dif ,inea oi'tlic In cases of Costivcncss or Constipation it NEVER FAILS. Its mild in its action, just sufhcienl to regulate tho bowels and keep Iheni regular. Its unlike all prepa rations for llio lllood, having t lie laxative properties combined, As it contains Wild Cherry, Mandrake and Dandelion p rparcd in a scientific manner ii works wonderfully in ccts cs of chronic affections oj the Chronic rtl.ll?, and prrmaneiHIy cured by tho Alt' r native and Laxative affect ono great feature in It, ls.il produces an APPLETTE, from tho commencement-in tliort it la a very fine, Ton ic Its palataolo and can bo taken by tho most del icate, I'emalo or Child. It being purely vegetable there will be no harm donu In taking It, if there is liobeneflt derived. Preparea by Or, E. W. Wol!sr Pi act tea I Ptysicia n WILKES. I5A11HE, PA. Ol-l'ICE over L. C. Cain? Store, Mauk&t Stueet. Far Sale by ull Druggists throughout (f,e Country. r.S, livery agent Is authorized to refund tho money where Vila compound falls In relievo. I'ull Directions accompany cnibbotllo in Iliiglikli, I'roncti ami Ger man. N 15 No Oatthctio mcdioino 'u ro quired, ll! treating Fivo thousand cases, I have never kuowu u caao to requiro Pit j sic, or have I ever Ktiown it to fail in thoroughly removing tho disoases. As I devote all my timo at tho study aud treat mcnt nf DUcaseJ OF THE IJLOOD- I am pr0J,ard ,ogivo vko (,rntis) hy Rp plying to my office or by letter, tiocom- I auiul by a Fttmp. E. W. WEILS, AI. I) Wholesale a4 Corlland Strati Now Yolk. Bold by W II. Creasy II Co. llsbt Elrcet-Mr ' . l: 3I0RE MEN' WANTED! REVOLUTION IN HIGH PRICES, L.I 11(1': ARRIVAL OF FALL & WINTER MTNtfvH AT PETER ENT'S STORE, I l.V .lailT Win KV, CoWMIJiA C't.VT, M, UAH Jim received Irnm Philadelphia, nnil is now 'ionl n n t llio old stnnd lito'y occupied by Mailt . fc Hut, n splendid assortment ot MERCHANDIZE i vv liii.1i will be until chcai tor ( CASH Oil COUNTRY PRODUCE. Ills stockcniislslsof t, miles Dress Goods choicest s(vlos anil lutoel fnihloiis Calieoa, Muslins, Ginghams, Flannels,. Carpets, Shawls, Hosiery, Silks, READY MADE CLOTHING. Cassimcrcs, Satinets, Cotton ados, Kentucky Jeans, Thread, Sio. Groceries, Queens ware, Cedarwavo, Hardware, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, Paints, Sec. BOOTS & SHOES. IIATS& OAT'S. i In short nf ery ttilnr nstmliy kept in a country store. Tho iatrntinj.'o of old friends, nnil llio pit bl Ic ' ner.i I Iv. is rosnrctfullv so'leitcd. Tile highest market price paid for country piodnro l'tiTiut uvr. Light Street, N'ov. i9, 180 1. A-NEW STORE IN ; OR ANGEVI LLE. Cheap oils and (jircal Kaigain?, ryUE Subserihcr P hl friends and tho hat jul op, 'lied a rcspoetfully informs g'tierous public, that ho NEW STONE. In (lie well Known piand of tho lalo Win. I'riU, r.i on Vnin Street, in Orangi'Vllle, Columbia county, I'i.., which has been well-filled Willi all kinds of Choice New Goods. Fresh from Hie Cattern Marl;,.ts, uhlih lin Inlrnds selling as cheap as tho cheapest for ready pay and cniinlry produce, lis Mi" Is coujista in part of llio following articles : Cloihs, Casfiiners, Pattlnetts. Silks, Camliricks, Do, Lnines, Cnllicoes, Muslins, Sihawls, Linens, Allpackaa Millinery nnd Dress Coods, tie. T a, Coffee, Sugar", Jlollases, Spices. Cheee, I'ish. Kaisinsalt, Tobabcn, fc:egars,Snulf, n:iilotin.r artiilus n this line, usually kept in Couutiy Mores. ALSO : QUEENSWARE & EARTHENWARE, iliils nnd Caps, Hoots ntitl Shoes, And all notions generally in trade. C7 fjrain, Hotter, Hggs. .Meat, nnd country pro. duce takui i:i eMhanire l.ir (loud. CORN'KLJUd JJKLLE3. OranjcviHo. Dec. Ii, 1-M. - ly. FRESH A 11 R IV A L fnll IIIii'f-MIMil -rou- EVERYBODY II n undcrf IciiPil, prntt'ful for past patron.1!;r,, trppoc i fully infnrui' lilscu-minern and tlif pnhhrsciionitly thnl In- h.iDjiiht ri'cdvptl frnm tlia Hastcrno cities, the arfsttiuil most select stock of Fall and Wint yi SitW. J-ri. it.VJ . Tint has vi I been oiiened In lllnoinsburz.tr, which he Invites the nltenlloii of his filcmls, and assures Iheni that they are oirered for pile nt great bargains. Ills r-'toek comprises a largo assortment of (ii:nti.':mi:n'a wiiAitiNti AiTAitr.r,. Co'ifitiing hi f AbiiinNAnr.E Dr.rs Coais, of i vory lies rriplion; I'unts V, , K'.uls, Cratnts StiHks, Culton llanilkerehi.'l's, (Hove-, Suslicnders, &s. (old Wutches and Jewelry. Of every ditseription, fine and elie.ip. N. lt.lteluember " Late t'nh erg's Cheap Emporium? cull and seo. No charge for , xaming HooiN. David Luwn.vnnrtn llloomsliurg, Xov. I?, Hill. (June l?5'l I Neiv Grocery &iore, . MORE FRESH 'iJOODS. (Formerly Ei almas' old Stand) on Main street, Jiloomsbiirg, undor.'ip-ned has iut received a rrulE , i good nock ef . FALL AM) H'XKTKR DRY GOODS, j of nil kinds, Men's Heavy I DA-Lf AMD l 'P SO0TS6 the hen ill Hie mnrkel n flood Aasortiueut of l.adics and Child reus' Klines of all kinds, A Fresh Lot of Groceries. ' of all kirn's, such as Molasses, Tea, Colfcc, Rico, Spices, Fish, Salt, I ATS AN!) Caps, Tobacco, Sigftrs, Candier, Piazens, Lard, tte., &c, tto. FEED AND PROVISIONS. TogeHier Willi a great larlcty of notions and etceto ins loo numerous In meii'ion. d " I! ilier, Hg,.'s, .Me, taint produeo gonernlly taken I I exchange fur guuds, I1ENKY GIG EU. Itloonuburg, Dec. 10. iSOir NEW STORE St CHEAP GOODS. "QCHK SALES AMI) SMALL PROFITS.' ''PIIE undoiiipned, having tahsti the 1 Hloro lately occupied by Jnines K. llyer, on Maui Flrcit. above Iron rilreet, III liloumsburg, nnil clocked it with every vnrieiy of IIOFpeclfully I n I'' ir uu Ids fueuds and. he public gen orally, that he will be happy In receive a sharu of Hie puoiic paironane, nun iriuis llini lin inn reuiier gener al sali.l'attl in by selling tlieui the best quality of ""'tock 'i'n pctVoyrp i uuy ijiiuua. I DltV IlllOIW. nitociiittcr1, i'ish, IIUIIIINUIVAIIU. WOUDIlNWAUn, HOUI'ri, rjOlli3, hats. cAra. and etrwcialiy with a splendid variety of LADIES DRESS GOODS, j'MW .ii1tjc.i:s ,Vc . which lui will ull as clioap as llio theapest, for cash or ready, pay, E Country produeo, generally taken in cxihanen for i. AN'DltUW Tr.UWll.I.IGUII. Ill i niii'i.irj;. Jnn 7. "0S-y. LEA i HER! LEATHER I! rr i'I;it-t is'e inouldnnnoiint'i thaihehntonliani J .1. rthlsll taa I ( n i 1' .ir rjum, on Main Ht lllnoms , I Ii "m anas- -i n i di 'r tit kind of Ifalhi r. such l fine ralf skins, more en, -r ul aadHlack'and linliifs all1 rf wlil Ii hn wl sell cheaper than ran bu had tltewhuU , in ihu mark l Cull tuu exeoiliro thsin for yourselvlU. ;OIINK.(.'IUTO,V mix U UM&l&glisJy Youu Eye THIS PLACE.: SECOND ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS. HAtl enlamed nv ' urenlly Improved his Ptore ItnOM mid slocked ii with n largu nnd superior (Stock of IMI.t, and WIV'l .It (100IM, ulilch will l, sold as low as m any oil? . establishment in the country". Cniioa n' ,(), id, an and VJ5 cents. Muslins, lilta hrd and Urown at Vi5 , 28, vp to -18 cents. DltF.?!? flOODH of every shide, quality and price j a full linn of Doinestli: llonds, vlr. : Checks, Mrlpcs, Tlcks,l, Itincti and Cotlnn Table Diaper, (llnghnms, Nnnkectis, fcr . fc. A good supply of I. aides Klines ami (iailem evstoikof Hats and Cups. 'ill U'ool ltior;iln titiil Coll.-igi! CnrpctSj n f pli iidid nttlcii Jut opened and for sale, A frukli supply of Groceries and Spices, n new oi of OADAll AND WILLOW WARE. MACUHItAli by I ho quardr, half nnd u hole barrel Nus. 1 and 'i, mediiiin and lnic'. Aim, a largo and splendid assortment of now designs. Also, a new lot of TltUXKrf and Oil Cloth Hatchets, Having bought Ihcan goods before the late rise, I am prep-ireiHo sell Imv.che.ip us theiheapesl for lash or country prodiire. vt: stcdvto ri.UASi:. Illoomsbiirg, Jan. T, l.-i .1. B A R GAINST BARGAINS! if you want to uuy GO TO ... , .it. i , . . it t rPfiSy'S blOJ'f, It! Ligllt tSlICCt, I il. II;(o Keeps ull Kinds of CALICO, MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAM, FLANNELS, CARPETS, HOSIERY, SHAWLS, Ready-made Clothing Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, coffees, Tons, Fish, Salt, Racon, Hams, Lard, Tobacco, spars, Hats, Root", Caps, Shoes, Drugs, Oils, Paints, &C., Sic. In addition to our lar?e stork of Pry flood , we have a I. nee and full assortment of Heady Madu Clothing lui Veil aud Ilo) s wear which we are di tertniued to sell cheaper th -ii can be boiitiht elsew here. Call and seJ, and Jmlee for yourselves. ii. v. ci;i:asy u co. Light Street. OctnlicrSO. leiil. NEW AIlljlVAL. A.t A. J Evtiis' C!1)!IIL(! IlilllOM! I3L0OMSRLRG, PENN. LATEST SYLES CAfiAP GOODS rIMlIl iiuilcr!.i;neil repeafully informs his friends 1 and llio public cenerally, (lint hi has jut received I from llie Ilastern lilies, a lar?o assortiuuiii of being t lie best assortment ei-er ofleren In this market. Also a complete nSMirtment of liojs I'liuliin". In fad everythiiiS'in Ihu Clulhiug Line I'or llinise who prefer lo leave iheir measures, a perfect fit cu iraiiteeil, uud . othiiig but the best workiunnhlp allowed at this i s ta lishiueitl. He also keeps on hand a large assort mei ' of UOOIS AND SHOES. HATS VXD CAP?, toseiher with a variety of notions. E7- WI.I, AND ai.ll I'OH YOUIttiUl.r. A. J. UVAlt'lJ. nioomsbiirg, April. Sit, ISO I. FRESH ARRIVAL OF Fail & Winter Goods A T Miller's Store rpiltl subs, riber has Just returned from the Cities i X with aoolher large aud select a. sorliut-t of , FA I. L A ND I VIN'J Ell G' OODS. purchased at Philadelphia, at tl,o loucbt ngore, nn.i which 1 1 1 ; y are determined to sell on as moderate terms ns tan be proi ured elsev. he.ru in Jiloouuburg. His stoi k comprises liuwa' mth.ss ewons, of choicest styles and latest fashion. nur aouos, .urn ouoci:hiks, i miiDiviiiK iUr:t:.vu:iitK. ' cr.DJin ir.wH. nu.Loir ivahk mew, .v.iils, hoots .y snobs i n.rrs v CJirs, ite., .yc, .ye., lu short everything usually kept in country Stores to will, h he ii vi lu the piiblie generally. Tho llihcalpniu paid for country produce. II. MILLER. llloonisburg, Nov ID, lPOI. TINWARE St STOVE SHOP. ""pill", uiiilerslgned respectfully informs his old friend JL nml customers, that ho has purchased his brothers merest in Hie abotu establishment. and the concern w lis hereafter he conducted by himself exclusively. . . He has Just received and oilers for sale, the larg sS&Hl est aud most extensive assortment of r A N C Y B'J'tl V 1!H over iutrodiiced iiiln Iliis market. -St! His slock consists of a complete assortment of he I, est Cooking and parlor stoves in Hie market, togetli. er with Kioto l'ixtures of every .lescriplion, Oven and Hos fjtoves, Itndiutors, Cylindar Stoves, Cast Iron Air Tiplit stoves, Camion ritoves, tec. &c. Stovepipe unci Tinware constantly on hand a!ul iii.iuufaitiired 1,1 outer. All kinds of repairing done, ns u.ual, on short notice. Th patronage of old Irieuds and new cu.lomnrs re Pfclfully solicited. A. M. UUl'llllT. liloonisbiirg, Nnvmnbcr 3d ISCO. If. Heading liail-ivad. WINTER ARANG-J1.IV1.ENT, Novt tuber 7th. 1 601. I GJjeat Trunk Lino from tho Noith and i Norlli-Wesl for Philadelphia, Nuw-Yorl, Head tug, Potlstillo. Lebanon, Alleulown, llaslou, ' r.. fee. , Trains leave Harrisbiirg for New-Vurk, as fullows Al 3 UU nnd t. 13 A. ,M. and 1 1.1 P. M.. arrlvlug at Xew York at 10 A AL. and -.'.II nml III 110 P. II. The above connect with similar Train, on Hi Pen 11 , tylvani.i Itail Itoad, ami Sleeping Cars aceniup 11 y llio , llrt two 'Plains, without change Leave for Iteailing, Putlsvillo.Tamaqua, .Mini sville. Allentowii, and Philadelphia al t-.IS A. .M. an I I 4.1 P. .11.. stopping at Lebanon mid principal Hlalmns only. Way Trams, Hopping at all points, at 7 ii A .M.aml 1.10 P. M, llcttiruing Leave iNew-York at 'J V HI., l-j noun, and 7.(1(1 P. .M. I'lnludelphi-i at H A ,M and It III) P. M ; Pottsvllleat r) 3U A. M and '.'.r P. .M 'i,maU.i at 8. HI A. M. nnd '.'.!. IP M. ami Kcniliiig at I'j .iiidnlglit, 7.3.1 and 10.13 A. .11.. 1.1H and U 0.1 P. Jl. Iteailing Accomodation Train ; Loaves I!' ailing at 0. 30 A, M. returning Irom Philadelphia al I', .11. Columbia Kail road Trains leave lleaduu at 0.10 and II A .11. for llphruta, l.iliz, Culiiadm. ie On Sundays j l.oavo Now-Yuri; utP .M., Phlladel-' phiaa.15 I'. .11., I'oHsvillo 7.30 A. .11 , Tn ua'ua7A, .11 , ' llarrisburg S 13 A. .11.. and Heading al "2 midnight, (or liurrisburg. 1 Commutation, Milengo, Season, Elc ,onl, and excur sion Tickets to and from all points .it reduced Hates, llaggago checksd through , tU pounds allowed eaili I'usieuser, (i A 'ICOLLr, ( i.iism ivpirinlrin'iiil ItmniKa, Ta, Nov- 28. If! Gentlemen's Hats. All tho latest Kile at rilARI.riH OAUFUF.D It. Wistali's Balsam 1 OP wild cherrf. ONR 01' TIII3 Ol.Iir.ST AND MOST UCI.IAIIt.K miMr.Dins in Tim would fou Cough, Colds, Whooping Cough, roii chitis, Difficulty of Breathing, Asth' met, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Cioup, a7td every affo.tion & CHEST, 1 OE THE THROAT, LUNG including i:vi:n O Hi S V ill i T I 0 K Wistor'a Balsam of Wild Chorry So general his llimisoof thl remedy become, nnd so popuWir is It ever) wi re, that It Is iiniiccu'Siiry to P'rnuut lis i IrtiK'i). 'lis works speak f 'r It, nnd fine, utttiiunce III the abundant anil voluntary testimony of llio many who from long snll'erliig and si tiled ills i ase Ii ie by Its use been retnreil to pristine vijur aud lii-nll Ii Wo eon present a mass of evidence In proot of our asseriioni, lint CANNOT Hi: DIS -UCDITIU). The Rev. Jacob Sechlcr. i Will knnwn nnd much respected among the Cerm.ni populalioii In this country, unkes tho following state ment fur the boiiefit of tho nllliited. IIakovmi l'A Teh. Ill, IP.V.I. I Drir ilr. Having realized in my family Important ben, Ms from tlm uso of your valuable preparation. Wisilr's IIalsam or WI.I I iikiihv-It aliords me pleas lire to lecniiimenil Ittolli! public HoiiU) tight M.irs ago one of my ilaugluers seemed to In in a di'ttiue.ainl linpes of her recovery were enliTlaiued. I (Inn pro cured n bolllo efyour excellent lliils.'iiii.and In lure sho had taken llio whole uftbe eiintenlsiif the boitle In my individual easo. nude frciUcnt use of your valuablo loedicine, anil have i,hni)s been b.-oellted by It JACOllSIX'IIMIIt. 2'Vou Jcisic Smith, Ev., President of the Alonis County 13rtnk, fllorrislown j New Jtrsnj. "Having liked Dr. Wlstar's Unlsniu of wild Cherry for nlioiit lilli i n ji ,ir, anil liaiing realised bem tleial 1 rotsulls in my lamily, llnlfurds mo great pkaure in I rromiurni nie ll n, llie lm , ic as a va llini, e remeiiv u fi it i. j ill' -n,i !. I il ,, r . n il .1 1 i nil i,l, J -C f . n (I r, riillll-i iV ' w uu ii I niisiiier lo nt-rill ,r( l v iimioi-ui,i, a,,,, ni.iy uu lakcn Willi pern it safety hy the most ileliealo heallh, wnieiii i ousiiier lo i,e eiiiireiy n-iioeeni, anu may i,u Fiom Eon. John K, Smith, a Cis'.in gltish'd E'twycis in Westmin ister, M.U. I have on si veral ocrnsions utctl Dr. WUlar's I'alsam of Wild Cherry for set ere iidds, aud always wit,i ile. elded belli fit. I know ol no prepar.'ilioii hat U more elfti.acioiis or more desert iuy of ireiieral use. '1 In- Hal- on has -il.u been used with etrellent effjet liy J. II llllloll, .Mereluiit, Hall's Cross Uu ids, Mil, Jl'istur's Balsamoj Wild Chtrry. Voue genuine unless signed ''1 MITTS," on the wrapper. FOR SALE. I'.Y . f. IHKSMCmn, No. 111! Ilrouilway, i-tv Yolk, 0. V. l'Ot 1,11 & Co., I'ropr i tors, lloslon, And by nil HrusifU. IIKDHiriGS'S IIIIPSIA SALVE FORTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE. I'as fully established the supe lorlty of REDDTNG'S RUSSIA SALVE, Over a I other I jalln" preparations, Il eniesnll Muds ofSifi-s, Cuts, He .Ids, Burns. Moils leers, L:nlt lilieiiui, llslpelas .-'lies Piles, Coins r'oie lips roro etes, & -., .c , ren.tting thep.iiual inee. and lieducing the uiot angry linking fuellings nnd lullainatioii as if by uagir. Out v -J. cents a box. ifii: sti e sv J P I'iVV.IIOia:, No. 4111 llroadwuy New York. H U 1.011 1,11 &.CO.. N 1, lel'i'renii 11-ht, lloslon, And by all Dru;gits, .Mai 7, IER1 ISiii, 1 T'lir. nnderolsn,'iri also exu-aslveiy c 11 sage 1 tn t1" I .1 Uiiilertnlini; Huttna. and keepscoustantly on htittd I nd for sale al his W'-irerooins, a lurito asorliiient uf FINISHED rtsSSXi. COFFINS, lly w hicli lie is enabled to nil orders on presentation I Ai.o Keeps a ood Horse aud llearso, ami will at al j times be ready to attend 1'uaerels. ' HI.1ION c. stttvi:. I ' n'oouisborj, January in, IPj'J New Drug vStoul. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL rT'Iill undor-li'iicd would i iit""rn" tin ir friends aud llio public :ener,'il .thai Ihey have laken ihu slaud for merly oci upicd by Ceo. .M. Haseiihui 11, iu the Uxrliaiine lli.ililiii;'. on Main Direct, ,n llloomsliuri', where lie lias. Just reeeiven a full supply of SSi'iiiVu, itSt (.ifisacs, E':ii;;ts iiiln, LllDIIPi, &c, Which will be sold rm mod, rate terms for ready pay. Also, NOTIONH gonoiMlly, uf every variety, sort and bizo, Physlrians' prescriptions carefully compounded, at all limes and on short notice. B." Cunl'.'i tioueiy of Hie best selections, and Soda Water in season. L- A sliaro of Hie public custom is respectfully so iciied, i;vi:ii .t .iiovuit. Illooiushiirir. Aprf II, isnn. ISAAC K. STAUFFER, rr V TITTTIT A TfV A IVTT-t trfix IS No. 1 18 North Second St., por. of Quart v, P II ILAD E L P II I A . An assortment of Watches, Jewelry, Pilvcr and, Plated Waro constantly on hand, ITS' r.ep iiiin,. uf Walches and Jewelry proniptly at tended (o. 1 ' January 1, leui, ly. II. C. II 0 W E R, SURGEON DENTIST, tll'fiPtlOTlJLLV oir. rs his iirnfe.. ional services to th Indies and senile. ( men of ni , i burg ami vicinity, Ho is oretiared in alteml tu al) tlm vnrioittf opiralions in tliu Iniu of ,iis prufessiou. and ispruvided tvilhl'ieliiiestiiuprovcd lJHCl'J-1l. TI'.RTIl; whicli will luimerled on pold. pi ulna, silver and rubber base tului'W, II ki Hie naiuial teeth 111 lenl plate and bl tk leelli manufactured mid all o eri lii'iis on tin-Hi, raiefuily unit properly alleuded In. Ite.ii'eiice and oiliioa few doors above tho Court II iihi, same side. - ' III leuisbiiri', June I) 18(13 , V. 0. HARRISON, 31. D. ' WOULD reincrtfully Inforni theiltlznns oflllooius. hurt and viclnitv. that ho otpjiiiucstho practlso of Mroici.vi.ixj ainan:iiy, ml solicits a sliaro of public, palronn.'u. O.rn r on Main Street lint liuuiu b'low Hm Court House, Plooiiutmr? I'tbruary a. MS If Ladles Furo. Thi Isreeil assortmsnt at I ll AIlUli OAKi'OKU & IMPORTANT TO LADIES. 1'KlVVTIi It! ED) CAli iHlVISER, TUB An Invalunhlo Ircatlso of 01 jiagei.by publlihc.l for tho benefit of tho sex. n. ,,,. r,f IV.S OKSTfi. It will be tent posipam In a s-'aled'enwlope, to all ul.o apply It gives a cmuM'iiescripiimi ui t ',.," , d CliaVti. smiles, ' N ! IH J V !.,!.B IH?"?' T uM: remaloAVeakiies; tfcxuni All uses, i-r .,r i,l,ln Infolnn- I COIIHIUipilOII. C,i mill llliili" ... I.,,ly i lion not pobll.hed III nny other work. Liiry limy should proi urn n copy without iklay. I Tllltl'.D HDITIONr1. JO.OilO r.AOll, ! have already been published and ilulributcd thti yenf j Harvey's Female Pilla, j ttie mo., ,fallblc and popular remedy ever known for j all i ca,es in imu nil,.,,,, . l,i. ,nd rni-S Willi llllflllllllg SUCCl SS -UUU maybe relid on In everi ease for whlili they aro re toniinendtd, and parlieularly In ull uses arising from Obslnution, or Stoppage oj Nature, in mailir rrnin what ruiise It arl'cs. They are elTnc dial In restoring to lu alih nil who are nitreting ftooi Wt-jkiiess and D bit It)', Uterlnu Dlsthnrgcs, .Nervous ness ttc , .c nod lhy ,,, . ACT LIKE A OtlAllMt In ftreiipt'ii-iillig and reftorlng the system. Tl'nUsands of ladles iTd- ' sutl'i rLiI for Ji ars and tried varluus other reii.e.ii'B in v. i owe a reimwul id their ntn in Mid strei.gih wholly In in -fiieaiy of DR. 11ARVHV' FLJALK lMIJi . They a-e notti now discovery but a Ion. 'tied remedy, tin; uMeurnled Dll, JOIIX-IIAIIVEY, one of the most eminent physicians, prescilbed t. 'in fur ninny years In lilt pritnle prnttle, and no pbys. r i .in wan innrrf truly popular or widely known Ihan him In Ihu treatnu'iilof FILM A LE niFFJCUL TIES. All who have used Dr. Ilnrvey's Tomato Tills recom mend Iheni In others Nuro recommend tli"iii-Dnu li-tsnnd D.-alers recoinoiend Ihiiu In p elerenco to oilier niMifliies. because of Iheir merils. No l.uly ob jetls to take Iheni for they nrij elegantly Preparid by an espcrietccd Chcmit. They die prf,utly lnrmless on Hie system, may ho (akin at any U'ue ith l"'i fett fiirety j but during the e.itly stages of Pregnancy Ihey 'lioulil not be taken, i r a mis nrriage in iy be taken, or a iiilsmrrlagu may be the result. They nevur ciuso any silliness pain nr distress. I'.aeh box contains sixty pil.s and full ilir i ilioiis for me. PRICE ONE DOLLAR. ty Cot this noliee out If you desiro Dr. Harvey's 1 fills or llooifi and if you cannot procure them of )iu ilrng"i-t. do not lnko any nlher, fir some dealers w ho rm ni.lUMII iMljll H III r I' CI III 1 1 1 0 1 1 ll lltll'T IVllHU 1'll'S, Hi ..y (an make a larger prulit mi but encloso money mid sen I on en in Yiy J BRVftN, General Aceilt ' . . n -,iifi ,11 Cedar plreet, e. x. Vhiiill Hike nil risk If properly directed; iiiid)ot! will reeeivelirui post paid, securely scaled Irom ub servalion. bv rertirn mail. .-Ul.'DHV DliUClMriTrf (IIIMIUAI.I.V. lill.M.tfi:.i:Nll3 &CH. N'i:w Youk. W'ho'OMlle Agents. 'I bird Eddion, Jl ft y Thousand, Ol) pigcs, cloth rovcis, 1JY RORr. I'I HELL, M. D., Member of llio I'.oyal Cidlejie of Sureeiins. London, nddr .'ssoil to yo ith, the married, ami those. (JONTKM PLA'I ING MAUIltAO E. P-nl by mail, post pild, on receipt ,i' TUN (TlNTt?. A larelui virtual ol Iliis Mini 1 1 luuk has been a liOON TO THE AFl'LLC I' ED I and has saved Ihnusauds from a life of m.-er and an UNT1MHLY GRAY H. it tre.KJ on llie evils of Youthful Iili-crotlon, nelf- Al.use, Heiiilual Wi akin-ss. Ilinitsi"H nal His- eases, lieuilul in oilliy. l.oss 01 rower. ..ro, .. n Premalure ll,eay, Impnt'-iicu, A-e. -c, whicli unlit tl"- suul rer Iron, lullilling tho ,n ,,r,iii ni.' "ifliinav OIll.in.llWM Of and lllu-lriiie' llio iueau of emu hy the nsa of lll.'l r "tj 1 M,1 i It'll I'll I '-J lil'.Jjlj O 1 11 IV; 1 IJjI.O, mil oilier treatment necessary in some cases, and HVd'tj Niver Jails to Cure, . 7. ichfd on. Tliry do not nauseate the stoaiuch, or render the breath llensite, anil 'he tali be USED WITHOUT DETECTION. They do not Interfere Willi hiisiit -ss purtuits, and are speetlv 111 ni Hon 'no tu.t.Nit: or Diiri' if vncrss it v . Ihci) ate Wdiranlcl in all css. lo be 1 ll'e.'toal in rcinovlin an I curins Hie i'1-easi. L'lnt ards ot two thousand eases - on rec.nr.1 that HAVE UEENMJUREI) by nim; lllll.l.'rl SPIICII'IC PILLS, nnd r rlilkates can be shown froin many tli.it have used thorn. NO CAHL 01' 1'AILUIIU LVIlIt OCCl'ltS. llpwards of a Hundred I'll t e 1 - i .1 r-s use Iheni exten- ivt) i" Iheir prit ate practice, and they ruuiiut tlfeit cures without tlieui. HELL'S PECIF10 PILLS Aro the nrlslnal ami iinly ceniilne Sin cific Pill 'I here 1 are a hotl of iimlaiors-itlltV All II Of 1'IIIHI. ! THEE ARE ' WAUREN'TED. j Tliry nri' tulnptet. fur iimh "r fl'iiiiili', oH or jonnj. ' inn! uro nit (li' r Uttnio ri'inmi) Known iur tlm Lru 1 ot all tijbfiiM'8 arihiiisj 1'iuiti ' I YOUTHFUL NDSCRKTIOiW , In all Ri'xnal Plucutfit, n f!nnnrrlirn, ltriitnrc. j j ACT LIKE A CHARM ! Ui'if I'.xpfrlriicoil by taki'i? .t inglc tjox ; and , ' ('1 n 1 1 1 ftnir tn n huxt' uditrully tlWt a curi. 1 I S UY Ultt'tiOlSi'rf (WMlItAM.V, 111 Imxcsj . cout.iiiiins t-lx (Mil--, priL'i-' 1, nr ix brm:, ; nUn in inrg.' bxin( iiPiii.iiiiinu luur i Jij unn I, nnre ? I. i 1 If 'iii immmI tliu Hock or tliu I'i 1 1 1. cut out tins atUcr I i ti iMi if ul tor n 1'. r lieu, u ml if you c iiuirt pun. nru the in ut'v Mir 'rt;'isl. ilo niit be impoMul on by any nlhi-r n-naaly, bill 'iiUttc lUu iii"ia'y in u ktU-r t lliu r j , pnuur, I 70 Cedar direct, N. V. 1 who will take all risk if properly directed, ami will ' scud llie Pills, secured lio.u observtliou, by return mall, Port Pal I. ri'. I. II I1Y DUl'OliltfTS (iP.NCKALLY. DUMAS 1IAI!NL5 c CO , N'p.w Ycutu, M hlilosulil Aeols TO TUi: AFFLICTED ! M DR.. J. BRYAN I IF J CONSHLTINO PIIVStClAN, No 7(i ( edar Stieit. New l'ork. Medical Irealmeiit. tube successful must be adapted to each partlrul ir case, an. I the a lualcoiidiliou ol'the paiieiit at Hie lime, and n "iilal,;il from lime lo lime, as the exiueueich rf the case rtipure. .Modiiiue acts more poleully on some peisoti's than on olheis uud it h Hil'l be .iilmiiiiti.ied w ith u ticw la nssisi nature, anil not to fort-i il All who arc afflicted with Cbrotiio Difiictiltits n f liny kind, ami Into failed to el lain permanent ben efll from llio Ireutiiient of their family physi i.iu, uro snliut'il loeive inea slutenieiil of lin ir cnudllioii, and I will advise them, Ireu of tharne. what treatment is iieecfsari lo ensuro recotcry i thu lime required, and llie ctpellso. 1 deslie lo prescribe er jlvo ndvico only in such cninplicated nod chruuic cisea as liavo ballled tho skill o iitlirr pbysiei.ius J To all so, hi will pay speedy nltculion, and eivii etiry case my serious coiisitleralloii. .tuvieu wiiiinut ini'diciuu id seldom tuuieicnt; there fore when uililressini; me. uuclosu nun dollar in your ,' i-t t.nitii i tt in iiivn toy c.iutiiu iipintnti and mliiie.and such luediOiiu ns I can uHonUnr Hie samo by r, Uu ii of mall; and will also statu upon what lerius I will undertake tho case My professional attention is uvea inor i particularly in tliu follow in; diseases, which I u alio speciali lies of my pr -1,'tsiiui ; and 1 can treat them lis well at a illrianco ns if called upon personally. All Clirotiio anil Complicated Aileoiiorjs of the System, (and all diseasta penult" ... i.t i ar to to Females ) Dyipepsla and Liver Complaints. Chronic Head tcha Piles and 1'nlul.i, i lironiu and lull iiiiinuiory llluoiuu Usui. Xeiiraljia, and Nervous Diseases uenurnl Debil lly. Scrofula, i.u.icers ami 'I'mnors, Chronic and lu ll imalorv Disease of the llyes and llirs. Catarrh, Nom inal Wenkiirss, luiiioicnie, Urethral and Vaginal Ills- , ..lumiiiii uii, i uiuiiiry uieuies generally fi.n.1,1ii ll,....l,:.! ,i i it- Consumption, Uroiicliitis, and Lung DlS eases yoiierally, A IriiiH'o on this niljecl, tlliisirutini; tho various' ttaijes and most rutional mode of tn alnient, will bo' sent to uuy sitio. 1 osl-paid, 011 ihu receipt of a posta"u stauip " ' .11 treatment for Consumption and llronohial alli r linns has been am nded wjth treat success. I do no- ! follow lip' beaten track of Hie past aues, I 'it aitai k Hi" illse.no upon prioiiples tli.lt have a souud siisulinc basis ; and 1 lui v 11 rci..r.,,l Ihoii-uinl . in snu l rem. dii s, lliat have been siven over hv oilier 1 lit ncinos as incurable. I'udur the ordinary lieatmeui in,- i.am ,,ia always die, under my in aimiiit Hit rx 1 POuit li'.pi AlllicP'il. elvo 1,10a couseltiliou I 11 , ,, i, , Hut am huilfiil, in any case .Mymoti,i, tar has provided fur avery ilis.-aso, remmlit m plan, of thulli'lds nml trees uf tho loru-ti'unu 1 1111 110 iniiierals under nny tlrcuinitances My addr -ss is as fullows . "J. Pit VAN, .11. D lid 3UT'.i, ... ,. Np.ll) C-ilur Bin-I, N tv Yoik Wiite your nam plain, also luwn, e iuuly a.m t'm and a icply will bo msiles' us soon sa pontbie, IMPORTANTf" FEMALES rV! p II (PIS lli Aliil A'JJtQlflo TO TEHU LAM3')S ! ROTH JIAlUUEu asu miui,is, QldCSt Ro gUlatOr lOr ii OttialeS. Dlt Cllt'lWHMAM'H FHMAU: CII.t.8 Will Immediately relievo, without pain, all illstiirhtn ccs of the periodic I'ischarr r, whether arlslnn from rs la'alloii or suiipri-sion. Theyact liko a ch.irui In r 1 living the pains that accompany dlitiiult or nimmler. ,1c ninu-lrontloii, and are (tin only sule and relinld.i remedy for riiirhos, Hkk llenilache.l'alus In Ihu l.o ii , lialk Hl.tos. I'll I pi atloii "f tho Heart, .Nervous lir r), Hi'fleiies, ypasius. Ilrok n r-IVep; mid utle r uu, i p, .i-nni aim dung' ro,n oll'-'Cls of nil Tt n n.t niil c .ltdi tlouofili n xioil fuiie loos In the worst tassi uf TliiOi Allri- or Int. s. Hi y ell' I a speedy tuie. ; IKI. ( llin'.riHMAS'H t'llMAI.Ii I'lT.l.f. 1 tiavc liu' ii used over a (litaner of n Century. Tiny ' are e' red as the only safe mums of r uewlni! lul r runted inenitiiiullon, but I a lies must bmr in iiilnfl ' Hi it, there Is one rondlllon of the lein.ilo sysl m -( , whii Ii Hie Tills inliuol he taken without prodiii ing a ' t -ull.it result The coiiillll'Ui ref -ired In is .r g.iai. y ti,. result. Ml-iiirrlage. f in h is Hie irr uls'ililo I u 1 ileucy ! the nieilli lue to restore Hie s, inl ('jml, uu to a iiom. ! condition, that even llio roprn lin tlv p m. er oroatiirt .Miunt leslst It. They c.innol do harm In I any other way. I Hit. CI i:r.J"MAN'rf IT.MAU: I'll.l H I Are tile only Mcdklne ,it ami d anil Mingle I adln, 1 ii tvu relied "I'on fur many yi '.or can rely upon n Ib-wnreoflinllalioiul Theso I',. r tin I'ln t I'reoaratlon ever put forwerd, Willi itn'i. kte -in,( Vrslstent snc:ess. DON'T 111! DHCI I VUD 'la-., Iliis advertisement to your Druggist, and tell him tin I you want the host and must reliable 1'eiiul Jledicim In llio world, whirl! iscnuiprlsed in ! Dlt. Clir.lMA'rt niMAI.I'. I'ltM'" I 'I'lir-, hate received, mid nrri now receiv nig th. snn Ulinn of the mot eminent I'll) slclaui hi iii riia I'.XI'l.l.'IT Dllii:CritlS with each lo t M ru line Htllar ner lint, coutiilniug from ill lo 1,0 I'uli, Pills sent hv mail, promplly. h rnoiilliig Hi pure lo Ihu l'iopnelor, or an iiulhorii'eil Ag ill, lu curratt funds. Sold by Druggists generally. IICTIIINtia & llll.l.YIMt I'roprlet w fl Ceilnr r-lreel V tv V rV. ITT- Sold ill llloomshurg, by liter & M. y r nml n l.uw. Tib, ','T I lil. - jy itUe CO'sVUf!' I S warranted to bo the mpst i,nu -r lot neeni f. ,r the t ,i,j. m h and blood of Cattle, tiwiiie. or rfhi ep. n pro. i no tins ,11 'tiiuu.rlrniiB Jus Hie vsleui and Iran ' r.u2 I'ih purified an t ioial lluld in lb sh. fat, ,v iiiim. miner anil ir nillu ,t .ml establishing In ltli J and tl.-i r. III Vi'Yr? HOP PP. & J Ml I.I I'OU Dl.lt is Ihn 7yl I'.lti Uted ill 1'rancc AVi- Z4rMi, Stt IV. ruiud nod Ilollan I lin I duly ad nulled lit tin ir Courts, linn, "red Willi prir.i ined- n1. and invi oled bv Vr. Dut'o.v. Pr u ssor ot tin I l-ernil College lor turiciillurn at P.in. noil imft 111.111 ulacinredhyC. C.Hll.'VllIt, Dr of . (no A , All, 11 low 11. I. high ('iiuuty, Pennylvniila All diseases of the Mom irli, Illoo,!. t llll"s and II v els, speedily nnd i ertalnlv 1 ured. Il.-,uhy stork wilt bo brought into llie very hiiilnst Hiii' of perf u 0111, Mid one or two table siinoiilul a week is liferent value to hard workloe horses, lireediug btir k and colti ao.l riiv jiim - - " ....... diseases, as well 111 Hi, oarii-tard 10 ihe army TI!M I.I1I1IOII Willi l COM'I ll-,.rt 1 1 ire, luallv ov, rioui" nil Hie obslai !r tv'm-li usu lly 'prevent llie etpel ling 1 f worm 11 r- ,1 mailt to take, I and nl-n one in Hie uwl sgreral.ie pur. ,1 v s for ! thlldre'l. So eol'lident . llie lutelllor of Uu- success I ol bin lul.oii.il.s --in lie., hi Ihu pillliu al 1 n.ipi 1 lion of this , in paralion, lli.it he tiinx -h etcrv glad utit'i put - hi 111, v 111, u ,iii, 1 on pri ti It. Ol Ml, ,11 il 11, i r.l 111 lo.i'eriu mediea. 1 TIIU L'NIjS IIUM'II. KT, .1'K i: 1NII ANT 11 , TIlIIMINIT'lil, i a pw ih r for Hie sure i M-ri,iito,:t, n ,.f nM V m ,n, ;wnl m ver , h niee w III. aire and ilmuii,- nml in rlt , pief raiih! to llu old Phosplioioiis I'- I.- v Ii b r ens in a sberl tim?, ntakiii" i vt n.-, ii i. I'tr direr. lions and p.uiii tilers see Hie small im', ni (In Ii -tes I ilV" One buiidi i il and thirl J -s, t u or1 nnnms htv 'be o awarded to these celebrated pr p. ruiims. up to , OrloVr J.i ImiI. PoY.tl. ft, llovi ll. lire llie whoh ',! ' J- ul le Pbil i I'or i.tl - by all re-,.ee':iMe Drue ami ciuolry st'-,i i . Noveo.bel I'J, IM, l.'ill. Tllll (illllAT WKltl.l'S r-AIfl r.XIIIIH'I ION Hill II IN LONDON lrtl. T1IOS. W. .MATTSUN Was awarded the I'rljti .Med al fur hi- superiority oiernll (M.llpellllons in Hie Colled Kiales for his improvements , V.r, i tli.. ts.. i rr.ivtllii!f; TriniK?. f?;v-- I He bellie the illt elltnr nnd .Manuf.ii lurei i f Illasiicsteel HprniK so id Sole Le.iiherand rolid lliveted run Franis 1 Travclllni! Triinka. Valises, Lad cs Hat t ases Cn'pi t Hans. Leather H.iss, I'mbri lias nd II hhj Horses, , Puis' Oius, Propellers, Wile, lbeitew, Ac which lu is prepared to sell til the It, tsest iMiKotartU'iui.' oriee, The most eitensivo Trunk and Carpul Hue Mmiulnclur r in PhiUihlphia. .ti.tuitLl rii l.lll.l , one ihrnr nbeve l ourHt , , Souih -de, PIIII, t)i:i. Pill . r7"Miles room on llie lir-t floor. 0 "Trunks neaily ri paired or eichanped f,-r new cue.. Call and see, as wt sell ti ry ilieap for eaili t nv. II, M,:i-P.'mri Nos. 0, II, IH, 15, 17 Cou-t!aaU Street NIlAll llllOADWAY, VI VV V"I(,C (irv This old'Cst.iblishril and favonti. resoiinf ibu llusl- ui'ss Ciiiuiouuity has been r, eeur . i i, d anois,om plcle in everjtliinir lb.it i.an ioiiii-i, r t lue c amort of lis patrons Ladius-iid famili ar- spi ca ,y una taie. fully provhli'il for. It is centrally located in Hie lui in , p., i cthr-cy and is cuuHbuuiis to the priiitip il 1, n, I si a uu, i.is i ars, omniliiisses f, rro-s, i.e. In coise,uenci: ofjh pressiiro caused by tho It'-be' lion iriies have been reuueed In One Dollar w d I'ijty ( ri.ls per Pi The table is nmp'.y nupplied with all t, . luvuries r. Hi" seat-m.uud isuipial to that ul .my m , n,,, , ,o u,i ton o try, Ainplo accoiiimo.lations are oil ri d i,.r upward or ,f SUIstS. U7" Do not believi. .uiiners.nai km, o, and uiliers who may say "tho Western lint. I is lu'l." D. D WlNI IIIUVnilt Prop,,, tor. TIKIS. D. WINCIlllSTllit. t'eli. I.,, ltlli. ' 'I II II Projirieior 01 itns wi U-kno 11 and r uril'y im.T 1 I ted ilouse, Hit, Hmiunuk Uoiki., siio.it', uu lll.ii, 1 Ctrret. ill lllooui'-buri;, imiiieillali ly ;, ,siin he CoP ui bia Cniinly I'ouil lions", resp, tiiuii l',i.,rms I113 friends ! and the public 111 genu il, tliu I his Hons is u - 111 or der lorthe reception nuileiiterlainnn-iit of 1 at- Ii rs tvhu ' may feel disposed to favor .t Willi tin ,r asiom I. en ' spared no eipenso 111 prepaiin.- the ;'t. lusoi. fur too eon riaiumeiii 01 111s nuesla, ne:l"er sli ,,i Hi, t be 110'yA I t 111 UK waninis' (011 lui pnitl lo ii.ioisi, 1 1,. tlieir pursoui 1 comfort. His house is ..i, lLiou.. ami I,.,,. . err. , (11 1 business loiatiun, I IQ" Oiuiiibukea run ntnll times b. tween Uu, I'i , Hotel ami tliu tano'is Itail Itoad Depots, l.y wuic 1 s.k I elera will he pleasaiiil) touteyedto ami from , lie rt j spi livt: dtulioim in due timo to meet tin 1'a a " C fiSolel and Lot lov li lllooinsbur!. July 7, Ifi.ii rI',IIE unili'rsigncd, offori to salo at .-'- imu r.ii iij , Hotel Property &, Lot of Ground, ' Situate in .1111,1, V 11,1,1:, (in-cuwooil unviiship, ( oiue bla eoiiuiy, Pu,. 1 11,1 now occupied as a House ul Pubin , l.ut 'riainiueiii. I The I loom . lor-iti-d nn the corner of the (tt o p 1 1 f'l'jj Siri-L-u in .Mlllville, is a lai, 1 raiue ouiliho ,' i lil feet, will, .uit itdo Olltdilllluinji -iod shrj 1 1 Lame liable, wnh w. Her at thu dor Ii 1 -u. u 1 llulel lu illville, ami llunco, a t -ry do nam si lor a Public Hons,,. I I'or lerins and farther pnitliul rs. apply o 1 subscriber, at tw "Hsgiu llulel, 111 i.uiirsu.ir 1 iimlua ciMinly, 1 J 31. Fill February II, Mi'3.-2mn. sntoi,sms iaui s,,ii.is. PillshiirRli Coiuiiier, ml College. lUiiChiiuiptiil Crllteudell' I'lulildi lllll ,11. Hirntlon, Hijant k Co.. " Them 1 rips, aru iiiaiunjiuts of J,i. ,d ' 1 and nssninuili cash, by the siudent on e. 1 1, uier "f h sbote i tdleiiHs. Y011M1! ii,-ii de ,- .1..111II111 ud Colldfc'iatn llduei.lliui, Hill Ii 1 , i, j ,, ,o, lit - a lion by applying i,t Ihu olliie ofilie II ty ' IH'I riil.lllllii t 111 MOCIl 'i 'ljj BELL&ALLABACH, Projru' COUVIIIt Of THIRD STtyPRNEtYLVANlA A 1 M I i,...,.-.uPf ' ii.Lt.rj uu'-' fiii! M' i, lima unit, iia. WASMINaTOII, D. t'l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers