SETS COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. 'WItBAT, per bushel, i IS V H. " " I CORN, Saturday Morning, Mar.2G,10GG. ; i'.i'l'lT,'. tar Mr. Huokalow has Tobacco seed from the Agricultural Department, Wash ington, for grittihous distribution. v JO 1 (.0 1 S3 1 00 n mi, 13 on ri,A. hi:i:d c 1IUCK Will! AT Flour. 4 10 nt'Truiu. ROdS . . ruTATOKS. duif.o Ai'i'i.r.d, II A Ma IIACO.V. IIAV by Iho ton, . SO jo 75 2 SO . 5S . SO 24 00 Vendue ! r ILL bo exposed-to unlet by Publio II Vendue. at tin residence- of tin) MORE vALUADLE THAN GOLD 1:' U. C. 7-30 1,0AM- CIIICKI'.Nr), per pair. SO SPECIAL NOTICES. Iiulr. will please rrnd Hie tard ofTUOS. T, C1I . COT Wanted, one copy of No, 0, and 2 copies of No. 18, vol. 18tli of the Cot- 1 VVyPM? ifos-imT"' umota JJemocrot, In Dlooinsburg, on (Saturday, March thc'25th, 1805, I Tho fallnwinrr drEpritind tirnnertvl vt ! ! JLNOt ... a ,,. j , . Two Horses, in OAPIVATIS, ONE COW, FOUR SHOAT? tv-tiiatfi'liij 1 I 1 'I'l.fii. ml b I n a n Mm si-t r,f vc little. . . . . ' l...,r..t ... .. I r rn ... I. ill- l t 1 1 , ft . , .r era. a like inousinchu, or n ueaoinai ,'"" , udu atuck. uncoil, auu jjuuuorsi a set 01 ; .11,11 HIM (I. ill. V.. T!- CSS"" Scnntor Huokaikw, nrrived at noun on last Sunday, Laving been detain ed several dayss owing to tbo h'gh-w&tcr between Dluomsbnrg and Washington! t - " . s.z. i 2QT Spring was hero iu nil its mildness and loveliness on Monday and Tuesday tast, but tho scene and atmosphere sadly changed on Wednesday. The winds blow as in winter. We must yet wait for Spring. ( tSSr Mr. CiiE.MKN'r GkAkhaut, tho new proprietor o! iho Uloomsburg Photo graph Gallery, publishes his Oard in this issue of the Columbia Democrat. lie is a j;ood artist and an experienced Itaguorean. Giro him a call and test bis Genius. OLD EYES MADE NEW. ArAMI'IIMlT directing how to apcei'lly gga. 'rcitnro sluhlnnd glvu up spr tin li,.fibJ,SSi without iil.l nf iluctur or nwcllrlno Kent by C null, free, mi rcc'ipt of 10 cents. Address 11 ,. I) II FOOTi-, M. I) 1130 llrondway, N. V. 1'cb. 4, loOO. livv. tsS Mr. Aliicut i Yost, of this plate, has become associated with Dr. John, as one of the Proprietors of tho Republican, which this week enters upon its, ninth year. Mr. Yost is a worthy young man and good practical Printer Here's our Cviy. A tSs" John Poycr, Esq , a well known ritien ol Norri'town , and for tunny years President of tho 13 ink of Muutgcmery County, died on Sunday last, aged about 75 yotrs. OSr The End of Gen. Iimlcr A Wa.-hingto.i correspondent of the Spring field (Macs) Republican says : 'General Sutler's commissiou as Major General ex pired in a short time, and ho will then 'probably bo q liet'y mustered out of tho hervicu." C-2" The adJrer-i of Viro-Presidiint Joliusou, delivered on the '1th of March, appears in to day' Ulthc. Inrjitirir, J rid ay Slh March. Thatis simply afnUfltood, The Drunk ti sp'ech, delivered by Andy Johnson, on tho 4th of March has been published long apo, to the eternal "di'gracc of the Notion. 'I he speech, r ubli.-liud in lust Friday's nn.i -prrao mionHii" I a' ; r,i"l li" imp i l - l. . ;-i ' . viuuu, is a lorpcry. 'E2P' Our State I.egislBtiiro adjourned on Yesterday (Friday) sine ilie. Hon. Wm. II. Jacooy, our Member has return ed to his Inme iri"Kloonii.bui-T. Wo be liev, and thus belio'.i'i. take pleasure in saving, that Mr. JAOOi:v,ha made a cred itable M- niber of the II. of H., and dn eliargi'd hii duty to prttly general atis fuctioti. l&? Mr. Jacoh L. (iniTos, ihe popu lar proprietor of the Omui'.ius Line and Mi'il Cairier, between 15looinbura and llupcrt, im last S iturday , when the en-j tiro low-lAiidn along tho the point of Fish-1 ingcreek and th't Suqueh inna was coin pletely Jubm'jrged witli water, rcudcring travel almost impracticable, wound hi way through the Duel; Horn Valley, down to the Itiiport Station and succeeded in hr'i.iging up the Philadelphia Mail. For the performance of this dangerous and dif ficult 'feat, Mr. Girton has tho thanks o! the poople of Ulooinsburg. Mr G. aims to accommodate 'lid deserves public sup port. Duunkkk Mkn in Puumc Ln'n. II is a time to fpua!: The aeaudal uf tliii 'coimtry is drunken un'ti in publio life 'Tho'disfrrace makes cur checks tingle, 'mukes us hiusii.niakes h:irg our head and 'sicken at heart. A drunken man on the Mieet is a humiliating spectacle. 'J he .) o ol the lca-t M'mitivo self respect tin lis jiv.ay in dicgust from it. Lut a drunken man in public life is a public humiliiiiou a humiliation that involves a naiini. It travel? to the end of thcViics. Every ce evetywhere is a wituira of the fh iiue. Wo are pillnried by it for the tcornful gaze of all the pooil, ol n the world. Chicago (Irj) yjouuiul. Does our Kepublicau coteinporary of Chicago refer to sober Andy Johnson, Evor3bbdy, on reading tbo above, will in continently think of tho Drunken we mean the l'iiwohc.-':ni Vice President'' Alas ! poor Andy. WIIISKEUS! WHISKERS! Do you wiilil Whlikcm or Mouttariit1 t Our Compiiunil will nurn Ilium to row on the nioolhit rnco or rilu, or Imlr, on bnlJ liiiaili. In fix W'ucki I'rlce, ?l et. lli'iit by nisll nniwlien!, clusclj lin ed, mi toii'ipt f prlru. Aililton, , V.l',i:il fc tO Uox 133, Urootriyn. K. V. Tcbrunry 18, leuS-y 0 the Nervous, Debilitated and Dos- nntnlciit or both sexi-K. A crent to Jrcr liiivlnB be en ruKlnrcil to licnlili In a Tew it.iy. nfh r ninny yenri f.f mlncry. I IMInc to a.flut bl illerln? fol low erratum by ncihlin? rruii,) mi tho tin ipt nf n po-lpnlil adilrenaeil puvrlnpi'i ncniiy (if ll 6 fonnula o; cure eniployeil, Direct t JtlllV M. I AUMAI.I.. llox ItU lot Ollico. Ill auklyu, N. V. Jan. 14, leOi. .iy 10, 'C4. "Peafues!-? Blinclaos C.itarih,, Tir'a'lril ultji the nlniont -.ucrpuc. by l( J. ISAACS, Oculist ami Ail list, (formr'rly nf l.rjilrn. Ilntlnml,) No. SIU 11 Ml firrct.rhihhli lphia, 'IVstliinuiiuls I'rolu tlio most ru nuurciii in Um l ily ami Uuuntry can be nwrii at oilier, 'lie.' inciliia'l faculty are Invitoil to acconfiiiny tin lr pulcniK, n h." Ii no scciet In hli praitlrr. AltTII'll-'I l IIS llrt.liiiieiteil ttilliout pain, No (linran made lor examination. i Kobrunfy ll, 1hi5. July 2, 1801, ISiu IF YOU WANT TO KNOW . I 1TTL.I! IlVRIIVI'lltVO relating tn thn lm- man n'tlntn iii.ue ami lein.iir , me catuen nno trrirtnrnt ol illBoas" i lie) u arrianc ni-l,nm of 111) unrUi Imw to marry ' II ami u ilrni.auii tliiiir never publlkliml In fore read the revl-cil anil eii.arfril mil. tlon of " Meilirnt Cnunnou Sente,' a iiiriouii hook for , curioim pi'iipli'. ami a tfnoil imok lW evi ry ono. 400 pairc.. Price iI.SU. ( iinteiila taliln , vent free to ctiv ndtlri'S'i. I ln,ts , tuny be 'hail at Ilia Uni'k Stores, or u fit bo seat by null, iinst uaitl on ru ctipt of the price. 11 II PoOI'll. .M l., 1130 Uroai!ay, Njw York, l'tbruary 4, IS03.-fiin. Hdilorcf Dunocrat, l"kK Sir .-Willi yniir pormlaiion t Hl.h to say to th( rrnili't of vorr paper Ih .t I u ill in ill. to all wlm i?li It (friv) ii'llfcrli".ilb fail ilireitimu lor in.ikinx nn J iii.ii a simple VcpeMbb' nalni ill " II' i tual Iy reuiiiN ... in te n ilay. flniplc. Illolilies Tan, Trick ill. anil all Inipuriliu' f the tfUii, Icavmj tho oaiue Kofi. deal, tiuonlh ami lluiietifiti. 1 will aim mall free to tho." luvlua llal.l lleailn. or llarr race, simple dliectiimi nml in (urim lion lhat will i liable them In slait a full urnolli ol' Luxuriant Hair. Whisker?, or a Moiutacbe, In les than tbiity dnv. ., , , All applications answered by leturn mail without charge. I!rprrtrully your. TIIO.-. I . cllAl'MAV, rlirmist, t31 Uroaday, New Yorlt. February S3. ISt'S-Jm rr'O COStnirTIVi:. 'l'h'jun.lernl!.'iieil li nine been J ri't-tiiri il to healili in a few week-, by a very simple ! remedy afti r liavnm mill ird M'veral years, with a tewre Inim ntb c ion, and that dri ail ill- u'e l'"n sumption iAUXinor to make knoxi n lohisf-llow buf-fer'-r- lh" lll"aus id run To all who i 'fin- il he will sen. I n cpv or the ere I! ripli.'U ll .i-il. 'fioo of i.ia't'i.j wllh tin- direilioiH for pri-parine. and iiiiiis ihe i-aine. Mini n they mil tlml a sure tnii' f"r l-'usji snuios .ni!u, I.Romiiiiih, fiuoiM. L'oi n. A-c. The only object of lh" advertiser iu ii'-iidius Ihe rrorrip!lorl ll to luu-lll the lilllnteil, mo WUlrune I'Mli'i'lvi-. in uu ui- ion- evi-rv viiiiurer win iry iim remedy, as it will -just ihi-ui noinins. ami may jiruvc a lil. msjiik. 1'arti s wMiin? Ilie'tir'n riptimi will plea.e addresa K v. I"0 Altl) A. Wll.rUIN, U illi.iiiibii r, Uiii;s County. New York. rvbr'euy 13.IS .-3m. tlnilcrmily ntPricos ! A New l'e'.ture in llulnr livery )'iie Ins ow u Salesman I JOXI);' 4i CO. oflhe llie.-i-i.t One I'lif l.'loilnuL' ritoro, No. HU4 Mr rketslreo nbin" rfivlh, riiiltnlelphia, In I'd .iliioi 1o -fnniui! 1'ie larie-t. mn varied and i-i-iiii i "i I'luiiiit in i ii" . 'I"".. iiiuuui-A- pressl) lor retail noes, cuinnnm-M eery one ins own sali-inaii, by having marked iu litiurej, on enoh iitin the eiy biwent pure it can br sold fur totlay rniiaol (1'i.sibly vniy all must hu alue. 'll.e -ru- well pllllaMl auu piepar"'' and freat on,.. taken w -lh ibi ikiin.'so that allcaubiiv with I the lull asiurmua ol r, Ui'iir a iond article at the very loW"sl til ii o. .Mo, il larire stm-K "i i..-i'i- i;inini on ii.uih Single Harness. Ouo smooth bora Rific. U A Y li V THE TON, A Lot of Carpen.ler. Tools; Carpet, Chairs, Tables, Stoves, Settee, &o Together with a variety of household and Kitchen fur niture too numerous to uiuuijon. C3f" Sale to commence at 10 o'olock, a. m , whon attendance will be given by . ELI JONES. March 18, 1805. A Valuable Farm AT - PRIVATE SATE.1 a MAXIM US, Tlio laws lhat rcgufitt I,' allli, mi of Importance to all, Uryan's Lip e Fills TUB OIltlATEST MKDICINK Of 1111! AOU. A Hire- antldoto for sliki.esi, and a refute from Sorrow, lain and Disease. They arc admitted to bo tho Best Family Medicine lor (enoral use, 1'iirlf) In tlio lllond and cleainlng the system trout all impurity, tlmy aio ENTIRELY VEGETABLE, and mild In tliclr opcratloa. Read What Thru Will Do't 1 Tho undersigned desirous of moving Vcs oifers to se II at private sale, Ills farm situate In .V nl im township. I.'oluinbla county, l'a , coiilalnlni; , OXE IIIIMMM'I) & FORTY '1 iiREE Acn s, j iitioul nn-? hundred nrrrn nf which t clrnrcil l.nnJ, ' Ihu I-jilaiirt! (ifimt Tilnbir Lfiinl, uhuroon in i-rrrtcil a T U 0 STORY mil 'K DWELLING ! HOUSE, Willi nn excellent well of water and pump nt tho I'oor. and two never falling Mprhus on tin premises. Also. A FRAME B A UN, Kcntlo and effectual purgative.. lJlloui Jorangeincnl removed, , i Cleaner of th lllood and syalem, ID iklllty and I.o of power dlspolled. .llinerf) supplied to the MuicUa Ncrvej. Fcmalo I ri ei i ur 1 1 ic removod, Gloomy anticipations Lanlebji!, I'leadadie onllrcty cutod. Ily tno nutliorllyof tla Hucrctary of tlio Tle'iury tlio undersigned liai astuuicd the Ocneral Bubactlptlon Agency for tl'o Palo bf Unllod Htatet Trensury Notes bearing seven and three tenths per tent, iularest, per annum, known nt tbo SEVEN THIRTY LOAN. These Notes aro Issued under data ol Align. t ISlli 1601, nndaro payable three jcari from that time, In currency, or aro convettlMo nt the option of thi liol dtr Into U. S. 5-20 Six fr colli. ( I'. A RING HO N D S Thtaa bonds aril now uorlh a pretnlumnf nine per cent., Including gold inletesl from Nov,, whirls manes toe actual profit on tlio 7-30 loan, n current rales, In cluding Interest, about tin per cent, per annum, bj tides lis ttmplhn frcin Aale nnd nuuicljul tatalion, ukUhcdili fron one to thr't ptr ttnt more, according to the rate levied on the property, 'flic Interest is pay able Fcmf annually by coupons o'tlacle'd ti each note which may be cut on" and told to any bauk or banker Tho Interest!, anion., ti to One cent per day Two cents " " it Ten 20 SI it it ii ii (i on a 330 ' 8100 " SullO " $1000 " 55100 note, it it ii 31x50 feet, and all oilpr neces-nry out liuildlngs. There aro upon the premises, a largo apple and peach on hard of the tlioieest fruit 'Die buildings are all good and 111 u laud Is in a high statu uf cultiva noil. ILJ-The abo c properly lays within two miles u, T . New t'liliimliiiri and I'aiuura -1 rritntinn of the Stoluacli removed I or tuitlier particulars and conillti oiH apply to JOHN 1KULE11. Kenton, Pa Teb. 4, ldiii. UP DE GRAFF'S I'VE AM) KAIl IMMMliAllY, (On the Souart. Three lloors from Ktecle's llotc I ; WILKESBARRE, PA. ! MI1S INSl'UTION is now opened and fiirulslied In the mo.t rnstly style. Receiiliou, Private and Operating llooui" are mrpi',, convenient nod wrdt adapt'-il. The Hilrglral aiarttmiul contains the finest rolleclioii of 1nsl,-ii.-iriits in this country, and tliu In h uliirs will enable linn to meet any and all einrrgeiiiii-i 10 prai-tiro lie will operate upon all the arinus fumi- of lll,l'l)Nirf, .I'atarart, llceluon of the Pupil. I'rosa Dyes, Closure of iloi Tear llnrta, In version of the lli'iiiU, 1'lerygium, Aic. -e. And will treat ad forms of Sore. 11)1: (.ranuled Lid. Opac-ties of tlio t'ornea, and S'-rolulous ilisea-es of the lle to. gelher with all tho diseases to which lbs Lyo is sub J.jit. 1)11 M'NESS - Will trcet all the dUcrses common tp tre organ. Oisehnrt.'''s tioiu tlio I nr, Noises In the Lar Catarrh, dillicollj of lieami!,t"lal lie fnoss ijvcii where the Druin is destroyed. Will liiert an aillfn lal one auswrrliu.' all the pnrno-.-s of ,he ualiirat. niSt'ArilS IU' Til!! "I IIIIoAT. All ilisrases com iiion to the 'i'hroat and Nose will he Heated (II'.MIIIAI. til lliiUIIY --lie wnl operate upon flub feet. Hair Lip, CI -It I'nllate.Tiiinnr-', Cnnivrs. Ilolar-gi-d Ti iirils, Plaslic operations by lu-a'ihg new fleli into deformed p. iris, and (leiieul siuigeiy of wh itever'i- it m iy present. UllliVIA (or III P'I'I'I'.IIO- He will perforin "Labius operniion for Ihu rvdli til (ci'iniileti-) ari of llernl i, Ihis Is uii'iuestiouubly a perfect nire.nnd is m in- Willi little or no p.un. uut ol'in my Inn dred oieratcd upouin ltovl"ii there h i" b.-eu m, having met the perl'-i t ai probaiinn of all w holnve sulouiiti-d 'o it All TU'l' AL LYUS -U lllln-ertartltlclal l'.yes giv ing Mii'iu tie- motion an I e.iresion of llii liutuial Tlieyure ineitrd with the least pain. lUHlDllllilOInt!, (Piles,) This trouble.ninr diseae is readily cured. Tiiosa sullVriug from it will dowel to call. I)r Up lie draft" visits Wilkes-ll.-irre with a view of building up u permanent In-iituto for the treatment of the Lye, Lar and General Surgery. The experience of more III. in a quarter of a centuiy in llnspjt.ij and gener al" hopes, III be a ulliilent guarautl" 1 those who ma) oo disposed to employ him, Way 14, lbul.--tr. Jaundice and Liver Complaints cured. I.idney diseases relicvod, i Loss of appetite and slrk stomach remived. aucholy and L'niiul dispelled, Neuralgia and Nervousness cured. Oplnrh raid other Stlninlants avoidsd. Limples and Ilrupllnns removod. Cuinsy and Sure throat healed. jl brumati sm soon alleviated. Sleep produced riweel and bound. T I ootliachc and Inflamed gunia relieved Urinary diseases benefitted itallty produced in the nerto'ia. onus iavarlably expelled. oVactly the Medicine wanted for i ouug and old ceu use tticin. cno Maximui, Capitatis. Bryan's Life Pilis. Notes of all the dcnoniii.atlnna named will bo prompt, Iy furnished upon receipt of subscription. 'I hi Is THE ONLY LOAN IN MARKET now olfercd by the Coviriiment. and it la confidently expected that I a suparlor ndt .Ullages will make it til-- OIUIAT l'Ol'IM.AU LOAN Ol' Till'. I'l'.Ol'I.H. Less than j:00.(W0,00J reninln unsold, wlikli will probably bedlsioc,'d of within the next 00 or P0 days' hen til o notes w 111 undoubtedly eoumian.l a pren.l urn, as has uniformly hren tno case on dosing the subscriptions to other loans. In order that :llU"ii of every toivn and section of the country may bo nlTprrieil facilities for luklhg the loan, the National Hanks, Slate Hanks, and l'rhata Uankcrs th'oiighout thi ctuutry have generally agreed to receive subscriptions nt par. SubsctlS "rs will se lect their own agents. In whorl Ihey liuvu coul'ideiico, and who oulj are to bo responsible tor the delivery of ilic notes for wlikf. they receive orders. JAY COOKE, Hon ttUrrinN AutNT,' rhilnltljMa. C3"3ubscrlptlons will be received by thi I'lrst N'a liotial Hank of llloomsbaig. l'tbruary Si, 1-05 -Uai. PlllVATE SALE 0E Two Vu limbic Farni'. Tin: nndcrigucd, de-wont of tnovini; West, fitf.-r-lo sen at prl. aio tie. hi Tl O I'AirHS, sltunle to llenlnn Ion nsblp. Ci iiimbia rouoly, I n I 'I lie i'nr.'i on wlikli lie now resiilss. lontaimng about NINiVTY-TlVO ACHES, toiuo seventy Aries nf whn-li Is rletn-d Land wlirrrnn I. in. tod HtAVi: TWO r'TtlRY IIWIH.LINU HOUrtl'. LWlK-IIOUBi: . adjoining Willi w I of walr anil I'liint). and n iirver fiilllng epnng on llm pri-in-lues, wltli wntar conveyed to Iho dour In 1 -nden iiipes, miH a running sirenui by llu door. Osu.-A I'll VI. r!WI8 UAliN, 30 x do f-et, with lltvanpuit uvoi-j shoot nltaihed Willi I lows Alto - TWo CHwil Ajil! Ji'Chitr!', ofOiolled l'rult. with no thfi'ssory Improve iiieuts In a hlgli stale of cultivation A IjU Another Farln and Plantation, Incalrd uuout ouo iuuiturol ii mile nt tliu first nam d I'arni, iiuil.'iiulng FtJR I Y FIVI' ACHHS. some Hilrtv-iiliiii acres of whiih H clesrud and under good colli v illml . . HV" I'or conditions and further pirtlrulare. app y to WILLIAM AI'PLIJMA. Kenton, l'a.. Janu. iy 2. ISi-S. NWOJINIBUS.' The. iindcr.-iirned , grateful for past itt- rinage. rcspe .fully Inf rms tint Travelling I'.i'dlc rvii'-rnll v.tlsiit " h- lias Just procured from Now York, a new, beuuMfol. and inpiriiius Phoenix Company Coach, by will h means he is now enabled to convey Pas M-ng.-rs mid ll.iggaee ( ly nn-t eonifurlabl . between Hlonnisl'iirg ane thn several Hail Unail D'-ieils, to nuet tlir T inns It w ill be his ,to.i ti m commi dutc his i iistoini-rs to their satisl.n tlai. 1 1 -i solicits tUu public pal ruling'-. S I'AUl! 33 CCXM. JACOll t. (JIKTOX. 11 Innrnsb'iri, Jan jarv T, l?r."i, National Foil dry. !I.OO.MSIIbTlG,(JOLUMDIA CO., PA. IIILsiibsciiber prrpiletor of Hid above named ex tuivc i slab isliuicul, is no,, tin iiared to rec ivo cr for All Kinds of Mnriiincry, i Co'lerlrs. Ula.t Piirmnes. "taiiniMiy Uiiginis, Mills TIII'l.i5IIIMi MAUIIIM.b. . &i . He U also pp pared to make Sioves, all sizes and , iitteios, p'uw'-iroiis, and u i.ry thin,.' usually In fil-t-class i''oiiiidri'-s His exl.'iisive lacilili -s and iraitical workmen, war lantt lit'u iu n-ctiwiig the largest cunliacls on the ol ist reasonable l rms. JV I'rain id' all kinds will be taken in exchange lor castings, til Tills estaldishmci t in loi-a.ed near the LarkawuD i.a ,' llloouisburg Depot. i'UII'.l'. IIILL.VJYUIt lllvnmsbiirg. Kept. 1'.'. l-(',:i. The BcrwtCEi Jhmi-l! I House AG It ICULT U R A L C H 10 MICA L C 11 EA f FKK TJ LIZ Ell S. Cob, Til.) PYrlilifers piepareil by the Agrirultuat Cheniii-nl Co , (a I'liniiianv chariered liy 'I'.- legislature (."i'eiiu c. ..... , ,. .,rc -.11 n.'i.i ...... , i ui un. n) iu nun I..--, a""' . in i aeiiee in ue ing eiieai.'s.uiosi pnniial eauil best nt. boli.w iredn prlies l!emruiber the L'p-sccnl.ln Market above Sixth street i VOL JUvlliS ii CO. i r,a .niLi: iiisci.o--i'Rr.H rircitcTd roitTiin I MILLUiM' A ino.i valuable and won liTlul.pi'.blicallon. A w ol 4o0 pages an,i:lo colored uugrav mi's. I)U. lll'.V Till! ri V villi M i.Cilvl, mi nod popular Heat-i.-s mi Man and Woman U'eir l'liysiology. I'uni lions, ainlSi-x nil disnrili-r ot'i very kind v. nil never failing Ri iiKill.- lm their spieily nire. '1 he parti f 1" Hunter has long In ok .mil mill is, unbounded. Out at Iho cam. -t biilieit.iiioti of nuuiero'is per-mis he has been iniluee.l to extend Ills medical usefulness through ill.- me.-nun of Ins --V lihl MLi.U il ' It is a volume lint -liould be'in Iho hands of every lannly in the laud as a pieveulivo of si-irrt vices, or as a guide i'or too al'ev laliini of i. ne of lli r most iiwful and ilustrui-live si-.eiig 's rvr visile, I uiankiiid. lino copy s.-ciiri-b en-vi'lop.-d will h.-liiiw.irdi-il irre ofposl.igu to any pari d Ihe lioili-d Slates for Su inns Iu I" u stumps. Address, pott eaid, Dr. Uuuter, No. :i Division Htn et, New York. May ei, !eb4.-y. i dminislrator's JNotice. E.tatb of Jacoh Haut.ell, .In. , Dec'd. I I'.'ITLIIS of a.linini tratloii, on the IMato of Jac .b I . Ilarti' ll- Jr . lain of Millliu tnwuship, t'ohnolna toiiiii, deeease I. have been granted by th Itegisli r of C'lloinl la coiiniy, to lh , nod rsiii'i' .1 ; all per.oiis Jiaving l.iluis ngain.t Ihu Lstnte of the il-cmlem are .lequosieil to p'i-s,-iii Ihein In ihe uiidersigui d, resid ing ,u sai l lovvnsi ip. without e -lav, and all p'-riom indebted lo make p i) iiieui foilhwiih. J()ll' 11. Adut'r. J.'il.aary CS, leC5,-vv. .$.! Administrator's Noiicn. Estate of Daniel ll'my, tcciaiel. ettors of adiiiinisiratioii on tho Estate J ofllaiiirl War, late of Lorust low uslilp, t o. unibia c unty, (I (rased, have ln-i -i granted by the ftrjister of I'nl'uuibi.i rn'miv, to ilie undeisisnrd ; al persons having claims ngtniist lh i-siai.- of ilia dero iloni ,ne n-iuesi;'il to ir -sent tl.em to lie- Viliiiiiu-lra Irix ai her rrsiip-iuu in said lowu-hip w delay, nml a I narsous iii.lebli'd lo m i',i payim-nt fnrilnv lh. . . CATIlAlilNi: WAIIV. February II, '1-03, fiw 611 Ailuin-islratrix. for Hie limner, Gardener aid Fruit-grower, uf all co.iueiitraleiL manures now ollVred in any market The Cu!uputi)'s dst embraces the I'ulluvviug . Fall nt if1 This Fertilizer is com " Ul 1V llv. 'pogcj c: uiht soil and the fertilizing elements of urine, cimbined ilirmirally yiid inn luinkally Willi oilier v.iluablu feitlliziug a reuls u Hit ulisorbelits II is reiluieil to a pulverulent condition; ready for iiniin'diale us", and wilhooi loss of 'Is highly Nitro genous ii-iiiliziug piopi-rlies. Ls niiiv i isul npplii abiiuy to all crop' and soils, an 1 Its dinnbility and ui-iive 'inalilms aro well I'.uowu to be all that agiiculliirutsiau Uesliv. I'nco 4.10 per Ton. This Feitiiizer is largely cnmposeil of aniunil mat ter, si'uli as meat. Lone, fish, lexther , hair ami wool, together wnli i-hi'ioicals and inoiL'anic fi.rtilizrrs, wlin ti (Irrnmpce Ilia mass, and rwlaiu tile uitropeu ens el 'mi-iits It I- a very valuable fertilizer for field crop, gener ally, and oi-peri illy for put. Hues, ami garden puiposes. lis i xi elleut u,oiilities, strength and heapm-ss, have made il very popular Willi all who have ueud it, Price 410 per 'toe. have been used by thousands with success, Hundreds of CertiGcate can be Shown. Tliey regulate the Stninarh, Liver and Hillary pecrg limu w Inch I- lh" liii-l raue of uervnuMiess , (iiddi urns. Illumes, of Sil'Iii, Headache, cick tinuacli and other Kiii'trtd coin,. lain s. Those nf a m-rvous teinnrrament whoso sickness ndiU a keener aii'iuise lo the ills of life, bi-cntu', hies ted .villi a new evi.ienlr aim Ihen tears of an 'push aio changed lo suiiles of Joy, by using THE POET 1 in inspiied with brilliant thoughts. I THE ORATOR I wil'i new ideas , words of flic, THE SOLDIER wiili 'indomitable courage. .'IHE INVENTOR with bright conception!: of the future. THE MERCHANT ' with Lusiness tact and power THE MECHANIC , Willi unfailing energy. j THE AUTHOR 1 willi skill that cntr ances. 1 THE SINGER ' with a meet melodious voice. THE MUSICIAN 1 w-itli rapturous emotions. THE DISPIRITED becomes hopeful and THE DESPAIRING, happy. Bryan's Life Pills f'tdiiiiiliia ro.. P v v gill: undersiuir.'d wieiH resi-ri 'fully iiniionmr (o , 'svjf "llu.nls mid lh" pulilie g uenillv, lllal- having lea-ed ".his well know n house- he has givi n il nlhiiroimb n urn ,ili"o. I In r.emis havet. on r -p ipei ed nnd the inlirr i-sialdishini'iii el -. nnlly ri'luniKbed llelni! plrasanilv and rligib lo- ..led, and provided Willi all Ihe n-iuisit" i-uuvi-iiieiieus, it oflers to Hie1 public tile coniblsed lldvatillloes uf j A First-Glass Botel. IMS TAIHsll will alwtiys iV riupplifit with tin1 hcfel I In1 I inurUtU ailocl. and 11 LS II V It with tliu Iiilm4 h , luors. Tr.ivcl crn. ilrnvi-r", ifMtugtf rs, b'l.irtlcr-, A.r. ' ucrontnmdntcil to ircnfral nill'-r.tttPMt. Carrful nuj ur j rfuuniotlfiti iii; Tlo.-vtt'rti nlnitjb in ntttT.ilaiir-j. t'lnL.iti the most iniuiiktc diid il:t)lv' in tin M-rtitin. 1. P. S1IJIJET. . SJ, ISO I.May SAlOON. 'i'lIE Eubcn!tcr rei-peotfully gives no il lid- lo tin. public that he has at I. is Miluou, on .Main street, lllooiusburg, 'i.ud.tntiy on hunt, FUEiSH UYSPrRS, IIHIht ill thf SUKLl. or bv tW ' AV tn huH ciittoni i'r I'iiiiiiIm's an fitppli.'d t y t r o cm or uy lh. quart umiii h ti t nntici'. lie also ki'p cu'ii-tantly on .i.uiu XX ALU, l' .Ur auJ jliii r.tls. iliv hnu a Lal U SfOUNER. lllnouirLu". Nov.W ISi'l. ' . JACOB LAD.0MUS, DEALER IN English, Swiss and Amliiican TeWELUY, SILVElt WARE, &c. 018 Marhct. Street, come of JJccutut, PuiLADFI.t'lIIA'. Denier in American, llucllili and Swiss Watches, making a specia ity of Hi" celelnated Amluioas Watch, wIiIlIi he would rri oulmeinl to all wauling a good lima keeper, an. i will be snld at the lowest price? no. I are the cheapest and test for lire in ice. March 4, Inij. ly. : TJ'.S liJIO? IstttTfiJIi. j COii mid C05 Market Slrret. 1'hilad. l.iii, rpillS ll itel Islncated iu Hi" very leutri of business i 1. mid isniar the re.peetat It. places ot uinusm-nt i w Ii 1 1 h make il partirttl.trlv ileslralib to pels nis v nlting . l'tiila'lelplna on huini-ss or p'i asuio ; .mil Hie Manager t hopes bj elo-e personal alii to the vvant-of Ins his guests to make it a romlottalil.! home lot luueli as . nn, . e uh ll.elr imlronage. 1 .J i). ii , s'roji'ra. ioiin aiK)t'KL':v, I'LisK. . r it. Hl'J -'-J i iKkt General U. E. L t isnsid to bu hi uomiuantl at Qoldiboru, Mul Ocnerti)') Jotjintoii n I Uniegorrl ut lliebmond, when the uev negro troops are in tho rutiki for the ilefencu of the o ty. This is lojiorioil from Newhsru. A I fl...iA. HS Lt. lk f.l.t ( III IVIIJSivil, '13 I . IUI le-e, uj suu j,s;,.u ' rnls, tho'r loss was two thoUMiid and tha . ol tho cnitny three tboutaud. tisf' G'jiural eS'heiuiair, as .ha-i btfen ro toried ot iVwlietn, ixptcled to occupy ', (iiiliUboro on the iweiiiietb instant. Firirg was hiard there on the llltcunth instant. j PROSPECTUS ' OF TUB M MTff im B23L1 SJi'2fij5 Oil Corapaiiics, of Clarion River. onivii', No. r-y. vinui ml, Pi.ii.i. bK 'oNI FLonfl. Cupi'al :;to:k, each f OUO, 000. AO 000 Share in can't. Par Valtir., G10. 0. L. LAMUER I'ON, Pretideni. J. SIMPSON AFRICA, Sec'r; & Tteas. 'Itio Do Wit am! Mill Crwk'OiLIVmipaitlcs worn or. ganizd in th onih of ii tniji-r, A I) , 1-01. I hi-pr"p-riy of tlii' Compsmrs Is situati on the Clatlon liivcr, in Mill I'reek township. Clarion Co., IV.nnsJ Ivaula nncl is knewr w the Workman Lands. lie usistsit two liuuiirril nnd twcnt riv acres tit fee si i pie, Iu cueh ConiMiliy, vvjt'i n Iroulnge on (ha Clan 'ii Illvrr. In rai Ii. -I three fnurlhs of ouj mile I he Oilmen liivcr iius long lien famous lor its OH Si-rings nod depisits. Il runs parallel with Ihu Opper AI e-g In nv Ulver . uitd b It: Him. the wi si m liuillr of the same real luism ,nd the sam stratification The t'hiriou Itlvei is u lurjo str-am for liatbonts ami rails, capable of carryingou each bout one thousand b.trri Is of nil to iu ir hot Cliii'io Coiiotv ailjoiiis Vei.augo Ci.tintv. and the A! leglmuv liner imikeB a gr"ul sweep nroiiud both coun ties. I 'living Ihi'in in Ihu shape of i peoinsill i. A glance at the map w ill enow, thai a liti-i driw-n from the tipp.i i b -ml of Iho Allegb iiy liiver in ilia v iclliltv of Oil i reek lo tin lower belnl of it. let.nv tin- iiniiith ol tho i lamm, will bisect the oil legions of the I 'Ii linn liu-ar. Daring th 'present season, exp-rl. ciicrd (111 lorn ..lid'iiisls h ive made a thorough exp oration of tin ilvrr. and have l.irga iiive-simeins Mieady, Hie w hole liivcr iroui i s inoiilh to .-ilino.t Its sourie. h i. Ii -mi lia.ed and purchased by OH m- ii, tiii.l wells are b -In.' sunk along it. w bole Irngth with great rapidity and Willi flattering prospetls of sin-iess Mnive and opposite Hi- lie Win a id t i j 1 1 ('reek Oil Coiiipauii's, some i mi other t'O'iipaiiic-s nrvt hiring with , riigiii , mi' iil iilnib struck the 11 .1 vein of Oil at siMy feet, and an itlu r liumeuialely adj.iinlu. struck ll it 1,1'iy i i.'Iit l.-.-t in Hie i-'i k. Twenty ,ers ngo, on the river below thi-sr Com ! pnuy's iu i. ts. el Hie niouih of Dier ( reek. Mr. Parser, 1 when boring for sa t. struck one ol Ihe largest "owiug Oil wet's kn.iw it in t!i ! UI eotl'llry Ibis well ins long b -en famous an i has been ever , eluie. and u uo.v . go lung oui a cu. islam stream uf Oil and vvai.r. It is now being yrop.rsd for Oil pur poses . Fuither V-low. si Alum Cork. Oil has be-n obtained bat the well tins m.i j el b. . n tsie.l w i III an engine. tiessrs. Lyon. Siinrli i Cnuipany ef fie Siai l.oa I Works, nines belnvv Huso Companies, duri ig I the past fill, struck a tlawitig well. It ll now bsing jtuti d. ! (ireot fusiires nr" found in Idulls, an I oxiend i across tnu river Iu ibis vicinitv, frum vvlneli gas is eniitteil. run Oil uses in lage globules, which burt on rcnrli'iig the surf n ,. of Hie wate and rover it w nil Oil This is considered Inuspuublo proof of Oil teintory. I Abundance of timber and coal is found on tho land . for engine and t ther purpotes One well will b- pui J,mn immedlati'ly nn each I properly A coi..,,eti:nt and eiurge-tic superintendent : is n i mi lm-groin,!, supviiaU'iiditig ilie operations i jf boiti Coui aui-s Tim sloek i f the adj doing Coni allies Invi alr'a-y advanced, by leas, n ol tliu Lnily success already at tained. A limited number of bharcs iu each Coinpiny, lor mi u ui ma i"iiuuoiiier. win oe om at shire. I January 2S. IC5. B-n. por Revised Fee Bill of the Cohimbit'i k Moiitor Gounty ! JANUARY 1st, 1800 Lack.v.v;miia & Cloomshurg Railroad. ft-ai" IWU l-'Allil 'i'llAUNti. -uia AND AIT' II line. 20 I JUL PArfdUNGLR, At.Vri WILL I1UN A3 rtlLLOVVS: 1. 1'. A V I..NO UT II W AIM). 'rYtifiVIWlWPf'T. toliMTT ni,fl?.'!?,Tu . w 1 , ' . .s . . s ' n v c. n .:...i! This liiiihlyphniphatic feitiiizer is p iitkularly ad-, ivinpicu lor nil ixges ev vjuuaniuiiuus, adapted 1 t ilm ciiliivalni'i of tre.-. hulls, lawns mid1 lloivers. II vnl pri'iii'ito u vigoroiu? end lieal'hv Thry are ronipned of Hie nrtlvr principles tirm, ,11 ,'l no I inn. ir'.n, ),'. I...I.. I. iiuivimi tiiii lu'iutiiy and t'crfei I the mat iniy of Hie frill., i'or hut Administrator's Notice. " I Jil-S 1 A l 1. HI i)OIM CII.Milil.l. 1JI.I lulUiai. JT I Lllrt rf . I in i ii i t ration, on iho i'.slalu I rl,MI. L.V, uf Jonv I. lie i I I envi r low natllp. (.'olulllbl.l ro.. I ri' ceased, llaveb. grouted bj the Register ' I (-ol- uinbia i niiuii to Hi iioitinsigiieii ; nn iiereous having m- i cluillis llgam-l he fjsllitu nf Hie rieicdi-nt lire, eq les- We leartl that the priticfptl-part of "''' '"Pres.nt th-m t" Uk- undei.iui-U res,ug in ' l l s.n i towns no. without it. iy, mid ul Persons indeb- OverflilWt'd On FridiVV ' Ul1 10 "lake payment forthwith - ii , 1 ii. i, ni .1,1,1.1 . I) AM I.I. rj.l.l.i V, JR. January 2-, IFi'.'i -Civ i'i' Adiu rs ' Villiauisport hj lost as fur back as tho railroad, ami tlio ' 'boats were used in 3d street iu front of j the Court Home. The dauunngu to goods j :, iu cellars was largo Tho old bridge there) was entirely swept away, and threo spans ' of'thc Pwi loud Uridyl?. ', One spun of tho railroad bridge below Montgomery was taken off on Friday" night, and We have been informed that there is not a bridgo aauding entire, Ih twecn here and Norlhumberland. Tho' ' '.lereov Shoic Uridgo is also s iid to havo ' - ifiiared ll.o fate of thoso bolow. ' We havo nothing from Lock Haven ox 1'pt soino reports not very reliable. Wo fear, however, the pluco has suffered tor ,,'riblv. It is Baid thai houses, and b.trns, hiid dead animals in considerable num- i)art, come down the river and aro lodged on the Ijlands b'.'twcen this place uud 'Villiainpoif llf.sidi the loss in Dridgcs wo learn tho track of the Philadelphia & Erie Ituilroud was ovorfluw'd ut many points up, uud down the liver,, ami considerably dam nged, Travel will doubtless bo interrupt ed for fOtne timt, Muncy Ljiviapry. AjltujiuilriitJor's 14' i ice. i4c.e oj Willi no, Webb, Deviated. ?I'.T'I'ERS of admiiiisiriitiou, .with the I will inn Mil, on Hie Ctato of , WILLIAM I ll II 11, latent I'entro tnwuhli, (olumbia enmity, dereased, have been granted by Hie Register of Col umbia lounly. to tbu undersigned ; .ill persons having i l ium ugaiu.t the. itu ol'lh') dscedeul aro ra'l'ies. tad lo present lh -in. to the undersigned, residing in rVuli inwiisiiip. vvitlioul delay, and all person indeb ted in luiiKu payment fortlnvilh HI. I II All I MAN, .lln'r.O. T. .1. Ilec.iiib r 21, ltliL-ow 1 "0 house and household plains and Hewers, il will Ii -l.'iinil an iiiilisn-nsiible artii le lo s"cue their gir.ite-t i iierl'eitiou. ll will prevent and Hire d s '.uu'd coudi lions of Ihu penih and gr.iii, uud is cxcvllcul foi glass and law us, It is composed of surh elements as main.- it adapted to the giowth of all kind- of crops in all l.lnil- ofsi'ils. 'flu- fi.riuuli or iin-tl.o I o c.'iutihiiug its conMilueut erlill.iog nigiedi"iits Isavo received Hit hiuhr.t up lrov.ll ol eionii'iii rliL'iuists k scieiitilic agncullur i--'.s. I'liei., 5 0 .u r Ton. IMlOSI'IIATiToF LIME, The. Agricultural Chemical Company niauufirlure a Phosphate of I, nn - in'laiirt with ii new uud val uable toiiiiula by wlni-h a very saperiur arlieh: is pro. doe-.-d. so us to im aifonU-.l ul a less price than other inuuufni t-irers charge. 1'racliinl tests hive proved that lis value, as u i rliti.-r, is e'i'ial lo XUs best I'hos phale of Hiiiie in Hi.' market, Price, $ 0 per toil. . Terms ('ami. All orders of a Ton or nioro, will bj di liveied in Iho Railroad ril.itiiius and the h.iries of Shipment, tree of inrlage. ('arlage will be eh.. rged on all orders of ii birruls or Ins Ouo il'diar per Ton allowance for lanugo will ho ,imiilo on all nh s deiiveicd al Iho Works of ihu Com 'p.ioy on r.inal Wharf. AOItli LLTUISU. i IILMIi'ALCOMI'ANY'fl WORKri , I CsN.VI. Wllsltr. OS lilt lltl, AWAKE Oilice, 4l3i Arch !l., I'hil nleiiiia, l'a 11. II t'l ITr. (Jenerol Ageul. Tho Com paiij 'j. I'auipliti't Circular, eiobrui'ing lull directions lm using the nbovo Fertilizers, sent by 10,11,. fiee, wli n requested. Mil l ill II. 1115.-L1,!!. (Joy, Coo & Co.) MA.N'Ul'ACTTHCR OF U M B E K IS L LAS, S U N U M B E HELLAS, AND Nombcrs 2 and 4 Nnrlh Fourth Street V ii 1 1 1) E L r !1 1 X . March 4, I6i. 3m. a. c. PAUL. PAUL WHOLESALE ct a. n iiuiMP-in.i. T II O M PSO N, di:alf.i;s in 028. HO f KINS' 628. MANUFACTORY, No. C'23 AllClI Street, iibove 0th., Phil'it WHOLESALE cj; RETAIL. The most eompl. to ass rtui oit an I h -st 'onlny nn-t styles of I.a H 's .Misses' an I Children's Hoop .-skins, in the i ity Those nt "iinr O.v u Make," nr goii.-n nn expi'-ssl) In nieel th'i vvniiis ol i'list (lass Retail Tiade- cmbrncia'. alt Hi" new ami desiralile si) ins, sizes, I'-ugi lis ami ni walls, in trail anil plain Skirls from 10 to il springs from :u to 11 iinhe long, ami -Ji .'i, --t . '.I, 3,', fli, nod :H yards I -"ill I Hi bottom ; to ik- hiivolieen era .led hv Ihe ll'L'Istl'r ol Coliioililii i n I Ilie HiK mole lllall ,1 liuuur. u winellos lor l.ailles III .HIS i, i. ....... .a usi' and Chi Iron's a ilrls we aril Lev oiia ul i-ooitieti. HUH' l-liiiji.'li 'i'i I'virvw" .i,,..B ,,.,ii. iiiiiii.i.i oiu ,1, . - ..... . . , . .i , , , late of i he tlrieiienl urn reouesled Kiiiresi-ui iiieoiii.i Hon ; ull thai are I'l ido by us havo slumped on the kid Hie uudi-ri-igtic-l, residing in said towu.liiii, without , P-t". ." '. '.Vt' K ".' ' I11"!" il. lay, and ull persons iudebted lo lunku piiyineiit forlh Wltli- ITiMBI'IlTOV rtATT. Adin'r. I'i no Hv"p , Jan SI. Iri.S.-iivv Si Uo. A(!3tvii3i?5l8';'s; Notice. 7i's'f "J' Wit'iam I'iatt, Leccavt. I LTI'lillS n ailniiiil.trnlinu on Hie Lstaio of WM- j tl.liil Piall, lull "I I lie lOWIIslllll, Col, m Jic'J., JOHN C. YEAGER, MAN I 1' VLTURUIt i. WIlOl IISALC DKALUIl IN ' t V 1 I 1 SIRAW GOODS, DONNE IS AND AR'I IFICIAL FLOWERS, No 2 North Third Street, Phila'd. Nov ill. ISO) Ladies' Furs. Ihnlargert nisortmi-nt at CHARLES OAKTORD k 6ON0, CentiHEtiit Hotel, FUI ludvlfhU. Ildnkln's 11 41.. li Skirt .Miniuf.iclorv . N'o liVrl Arcll Street. I'liiiii'li'lpln I, and are vv arrautecl in give sals, fjitiou. , ( for tin '-NF.W rLRXIUMI" iiKIliT tlio nio.t pliable Hoop Skirts uiade, eiual to lliadley's "Duplex Lliplic" .Vilit. nml al much lower prices Al.o, couslanlly iu receipt uf u full u.sorlnient of good L'.sli-ru in, oli Kkirls. winch are lieiug sold ul very low pru , Kid i.idd. d and metalic lait.-ued IS spriugsei cents, 20 .priiigs 41 ui. 23 springs Jl 13, 30 springs l 23 unit 4d springs SI 3u, Skirls ma lo to onrer. altmcd and irp ure.l' Terms Cush Una I'm") Only. For (niiiar c niitaiuiug Catalogue nf styles, lengths sit-is and in et. call al or address by mail, inclosing aiamp lar I'o.tage, II opki ist, Hoop bKirl .Mnniifacioiy, No (i'JSAr ti birect, Puilad lphia. March II, lcuS,.tiu, 15LANK SI 1ILANKS! I Of every deicrijition, for salt ut this office. of Herbs and Hoots called Ipn ir In Ids and forests. Tlmy are mild lull certain in thi'ir cp'-ratiou irodiirmg neither cramps, griping pains or sickness Tlu-y nn v be taken by all ages, sexes oi condition without tear. To cure disease we must go fuithertlian simply pur ge the bowels ; we must u-e surh rc-iu.oii's as art iu harmony with tin laws of nature, iu the gentlest man hit. A catharlir ini'-ely nri-pares the way for other melius but is niilirpeusilile iu very many cases in ovarii. ito Iho bowels of urriimulatrii ne. id matter. A dlsoidert'd systi ni mines on by slow ilegrres, .nnl Ihe action of medicine niu-t be in 'ike manner. Diseasi', though local lo its c-iiiiiactrr, all'ects more or less the i whole svitem ; nml il is nereesaiy to act ni a similar manner, no 'he sy tern by Id I liealnig and puril'viug r'-i.i"ilies-first, loeally on tho stomirh and bowels. ami tin a on tli wholu svsleoi The mi-dieine, insteint nf all going Hi l "ii ill the bodi should partially remain iu H u u 1 1 1 a i huiiu i I - allerted so us lo iiri'ouiplish the vvoik derigued , tie r,-ore, a simple cathartic ,,ill is not what tin- sv'sl' i.i w holly. reipiires. A medicine Is ui-i-i-ss.iry Dial will iiol only ojic-r.uj on tun bow. ! c-ls. bul hav o an e tu-i lal arlioii on I tin serretious of ' the l.ivcr. Stum ii-h Nerves. Kidneys and Alimentary i aim 'lually mi the llloo.i. S.n-li, tpen, is Ihu op 1-r.illon ol Hr.vuu's l.ilu Pills ; rims, rim-inly, they aio iuv aluuble iu all ( uses ot Dystn-psia, lliiul-neho ami Nervousui'ss, and will esjiel all huii'ors tioiu ilia lllond. The-y nil eti ml p-irls ol th ss1hh, and iu. t lliieuce a ili.'iiige in those ori'-ins that aro deranged, j nn.i ran be siiu-issf.illy useil in any disease al l'ects the human f time. 'I'll -y have healthful and life, giv nig propi'ities. w tin h, being I ike-u ti p. by ill? many , iniiiiitn vos4 Is, enters the bliiou ami as.) Is nature to pejfoiiu be (urn- if intention is paid to the di ! gestiv e organs uud regular evai uatiuus of the body, inui h oiseas'i ma) be prevented; and these pills are designed to elleut th il end, us the) not mil) act on tho i l-ili'ir) Secri'iioiiB by moulding digu-ilon. bul carry , olf. through the bovvi 1. ami kidney s, all irritating lm- ' mors N.ilurs expounds In-r laws, and the praittce thai falls iu harmony with Hiein is mo.t siicies.fiil. No ineiliiiiiu shoiilii lie taken that weakens the sys tem, anil prevents 111-, prnn r p rformaiico of Hi lu'ue inius ol the body ; Hie v usl iu, irliiuery ul the human, f'ltnic must bo kept iu ordei, or some pail bisomes iiilliieiiecd by uiiduu exiitemeul; the wholo syilem in ii s-t bo nouiish"il, or it ities ; so, by under lauding lolly Hie laws Uiou w Inch tile ami health ilgjic-ml, wo inn tunic the ?)ii ni b) the sib ul furies of nature and kri n all the finii'tioiis iu li.irin.mious or'b'r. Such is tin design ol llry, ni's Life Pills ; fur although a mi'il inlhuilic, they never weaken the system. 1 ul restoiii Ii in a uuiuroi cpnir r in in nn .1 this great primipiu il'-s nt th louiiiUtion uf i ver) disease. They act on ull putts oflhe system, nml intlm-iice- n change-in iho.e organs are deranged. The utmost feliamu may bo pl.iie.t in llie.e Pills ; they are tin result of di c-p-sought study an I experience iu the true ailtou i f na ture's ri uieiiies. iliiLili'il tn the cauro thai lies at the lou minium ol din asc. They havo been t led by lliou s.iiid. with successful results, and tpey uro now placed before Iho puoplu with the grenlest confidence, ! A Uox of Bny.vN's Lite Pills will cos't UUT TWENTY FIVE CENTS. , They will ai-comjillf Ii faithfiilly all that is represented. 'I hoy are elegantly put up by tho proprietor, who was tin: inventor ul lilt VAN'S, FUI.MONIU WAFUtlct a inediclnc long and favorably known to Hie American Natinu If vouwisli In buy Illl VAN'S I, Hi: PILLS and ran. not gel He in of your druggist, dunt tnko nuy other, hut scud Twenty Fivo Cents In a letter tn tlio proprie tor, uud you will get lb. mi by return of mall, post paid Address DR. J. DRY AN, Uox 5070. 7(5 Cedar Street, N. Y. Hoi.o ay Dauanisrs Gehcrallt. IIMDAH ll A II NUH Ac CO.. N Y Wholesale Agrnli Fibiuaiy 4, leej.-ycow iVo. 43 AWt IS'harvcn, PRILADE1.PHIA ay- i: i'TTi;i!. Nov. Id- lAsJ-i: C II CHS U. Ill o II A M S, is c. Prsi-ripllon 'Ordinary Visit In Town, Lai h additional visit, same day. ill ! town, L'arh additional cise In family. In Country or town, .... Ordinary visit uut oftunii within one mile, .... Kacli additional mil", or fraction of a tuilr, op to six mile., ' Rising al ingl.t and prescribing irii at night double til- gay visit. Ordiuar) (ases of Parlurtlioii -Instrumental cases, and such as rc- O-nre iiiruing, D-livering I'laeenla, .... Al. afler nlteiidauco, nri-orditij Iu ororilinarv rules, p-ir visit, i Itedui tiim of Fractures & . Minions, major Aiiipiitatieu of Leg or Arm Aiiipinauou of Finger or Tos, Operatioi. lor llar"-lip, - . 1 xcisioo of 'PoiisMs . llxnrpaiion ofTuuiors, 'ai ciuation . . . . . Intii duclion of Caihtler I'n-t uiorl eiannn'u fur Corolisr. Consultation within eight utiles, . 1 Using '1'rorar iu At lies, eperuleiii Vaginal lli-nuiiiatlu.i, Medicine in all rases exua. January , l;t.3. Leave NorthuuibetlaMd, coil A. M. 6001', M " Danville, . . t.-lO 3-10 Uui'er'i . . U.2 t, 23 l.'uoiiHburg '.'.SI C.'S Lerwick, -103 T.M " rihlrksliiuny .W s 1 " Kingion. . . U.l j p. M u.Ii Arrive at ecrantoii, - IJd I0 2.'i N ew York i 3j ' riiiladelphia u.3d Lr,.VU SOUTHWARD Leave Scriinton. . . OOdAAl -1 2i) P M ' Kingston TOO 3 3d " Uerw lck, . . H.lli 7 30 " ll'ooillsburg 9 13 t),25 Unpen, . 0 23 e.3.i " Danville, . 10.00 w.L, Arriva at Norfiui'iberlnnd, UM0 Itiwi Ilarrisb.irg, '1 20 P.M. i 'i'i " Washington, . S.C5 lo ,u " rinladeliliia. 3 -10 .i.uu 10 els. to 81,01 tjLO'J ! 30 C'-llts. 30 cents. S1.23 i S3 cents l, ml , 83,00 J 513 00 uo to ss.ou i i The shortest and most direct route to tho we-taud i'i SIO.0,1 tn S25.0J oil region! t?:iu. U.i to i.10 no 'f Trains of in" I'hila lelphia nnl Gri Uallroi t $r no lo $10,00 I'-ave Noithuiubi i Ian 1 '-vi r) m-i-.'tgt r Fii-, n.iiv 8 10,00 to gtikoi Hie there lo. alleriioou ol the sum- 0 ,y lo nmn.ct SIO.iiO to $ IS 110 wait Hams for llutl.ilo Clivelant, I'hn-iigo. won i ilu.UI to fji.uo points w, st and Louuerliiig at Coiry Willi .u, 1,00 on in- nil rioek Railroad S2M to ia.t'O New- and elegant Sleeping ears accompany ths in. lit S"o I'O to S" 0.0" trains rarh nin h ivvm n Xortt'un.beitanu and Haiti to.U.I tu ! 13 I'll more, and Noriliumbcrlaud and Pint i ii-IiiIim. SIO.iiO , II A F 'MM. Mipl tJ.OO I Kingston, January li, lrt'5. BENJAMIN GREEN, D KALE It IN GMPSTIB1&S Winilmv Shades, (lil Clollts. Mil's. NO. tt-i NORTH "SECOND STREET, I'lULADKLI'IIIA. Mareh I. 'si. -Iim, HOUSE AND LOT POR SAL'-:. A Lot and Dowlling Houo, with Harden, Stable, Fruit 'frees. Out build lues A.c . situate on t hir.l Sin et, below Har, ml and near Hie Academy. Possession given upim Iho llrsl day or April,, Itu.i 1 or tc-riu. and pailicui.irs, app'y la Hiu undersigned. liloosburg l.uiu.iry 7, 1P15 A E C: A a A. W A. 3? C E nil LICK'tiit Auvplly in aiclics. The rases of this are on entirely new invention, con posed cif six dnf rent metals combined, rolled to- ! g' Iber and iilauished, producing mi exalt I illation oft 1H lan t gonl. railed Annua, whirh will ulna-, keep its color I In v arc as beautiful au.l durable as snliil gold, and aro aifirded at uni'-eighth the con , The case , is In aulifully designed, with Puu 1 and shield foi name. , with Patent Posh Pin. and euxraved in His exail style of tin celebrated (.'.-Id Hunting Levers and are really handsome and ilr-irabie. and so exact ,-iu imitation of gold, as to dety drlrciion. 'Pho mov''iu"iit is inanti 1 faeturi'd by (lie well known et Jnner Vatch Company j of I uiope, nnd lire supciblv tiinsheil. hiving engraved p ill.-ts, fancy carved bii igrs, a Ijostiug reuulalnr with : gold lull. meed, and thn uuprovi , rub) Jewel ed ai noi: ! wnli lieeoial and skeleton hands, auu iv warrniit d a eoi it lime keeper. These w strhc-s lire ol ihreo differ rot sir.'s, ilia smillest tiring l'r ladies, an I lira all Hunting ( A raie of sit. will be sei.t hv mail or I'.xpress, for Sl-'o 0). A siugio onv irnt in an eli'gant Mi iocccj ase for J.'3 00 ; will leadily .fell licr Hireo times their cost. We are the solo agents (or this watrh III ilia Hint' .1 Slaw, and roue are genuine winch oo 1805 lb&5 1 liliatltliilila eV Erie II. C llOWLR. I not bear uur Tra-.e Murk. 1 ) L SNK X Slippll ROOKS et STATIONERY. nledto Hanks, Merihauts and County Olliiers of ihe ii.-sl uiaiirul Orders by mail I'iriiu-iily n. tcuiied to. , w, il rumtv. .MaicliL ISO,'!. Ith and Race nn cis, rhil'n. Feb. Address. DEV."; UG il k Co 15 Maiden Lauo. M 11. IK3.-3m. , i.'iporteri, ow York. SEND YOUR OKDEI1S A NIC ROOKS .t STATION- W. O, PLRUV. Mnnuf.iclurio,' riiaiioiior. March -I, let;.i. S, W Cer Ills As. Ituce. I'liiPa oa;s Chtiup Grocieiy Store. 17 or ul: A. DRY "ID HATS ,'ILSO CAPS A.'S? This great line traverses Hiu Nonhern an i th '.vest counties of I'eensylv a'.na lo the c'll) of Fri , ta l.ake l)rin. It has been leased by tho Pennsylvania Railroad Conip.iny, and is npi'i.ited by th"iu. lis entire P-nglh 'vas ohciioiI for passcngsr an I freight -b isinoss, Dctob r liih. IML UMli OY I'ASSii.NOVIt IKAlNS at aoiiTiti'Masw t vsn Mail Tram leaves. Hat lu In I" M Llmiru F.vpress Tiitin, II J? P V. Lm k Uuvi'ii Acc'ouiui'i liuion, 10 27 -V M Wllllallisport Atrouiino'lation. 3 23 I' 31 i.lavi: wi' Mail T rain. . s 1 A.M. l-lmlrn Itxprrss Train, - - . 4 si A M I is'k Haven An oiiimodsiiiin t .1-1 1' 31 Wlltiumspnrl ArC'iiniuoiialioii . . i .14 t . m I'uessiigers I'ais run ihrinigli on Mall Train. w,in out i iiano. boili wuv s b- l-.rccl) riiiladu'iflna and l,ne ami llalti'imre aud l.ue. Lieg.iui Meipiog I'ifs en 111 m i r e- Repress TrJius both av s b Iwein Wi!iamii"rt and It.illiui r For nii.iriiiation lespoeiiug Puiseiignr iuisiui ss xp ply aithu I nr. ami .Uark. t -'Is. And lor 1'ieigiit blisinessnr the Company's Agent. S. ll. Kingston, Jr.. Cur, RIlli and Market ls.. Piul'ix J. t . tl-yiioliis. line J. 11. Drill. Age..l C. It- II. , ll.-illimnr.-. II. II. Iloitsiou, lleu'l. I'roiglll Agt , I'lnladelp ,1a, II. W. l.wimier. ('l.Tief.ei Agt I'hna 1 Ip .ia Joseph D. PottssOeu'l .Manager, Wil)iauisiort Jau 7, iS'io, nr. undersigned having n uirin oui uie urernry u . 1 Daviil Slrouti, has n moved Ins I ul anil cap Sloro wlnio in auuitioti to a tope- (:itioueii; :tttl DSIastU E5oo!;'x Qupplied to de.ilrrs aud cosh buyers al low wliolesaii l.ites, March 4, Itr3,-3m. W. Q I'F.RRY. III! and R:u o "'is , Plnla- poc JL Al. Ki'.T DIRll',S. PHOTOGRAPH HUMS prices a nh I. Im3. very low prlcra fur cash. it ii Ac Al.lll M I'lCI'i RFS, W. (.'. I'I". H. W. cor. ii I. ne i llin" r ill v. llnU. SOTJCIE ! THE undersigned being rcgulurlv liccced A (U S IT Q (D fill & E lli Hereby offers his service as such to all who nisy frrl disposed to give him a call, Mis long expert urn I'i Iho business, will enable hnu to render satisfaction to his customers. Ail persons derlrirg ui) srrvlcss. w ill plcaso inform me to lhat elf.-ct bcfoio tlicy advertlsu 1RAM DJ3 R R . t'nit-nifice nddrns Kohrsbiirg. Coluiubia county Pa Jackson township, Jan 7 ISi'i3 Ladles' Furs. Purchaser isay rely upon grtllug the li"sl furl at CIIAIII.I.S 0AK1OKD A. SONri. Coiitln mat ll"tJ thiltiltlvhit up to Mroop's idd eland nor asjuirtiiu ut oi FALL A ir.V''iill j3 I-Juis ami Caps CON FECTION AR 1 BS, .0 RACK ER8, Molasses, Snuar. CofiVo, Tens, Toliaeeo Snntf. Cigars. Spices, Dried, Ikiifer, Coal Oil. DniL's. i . ...i rr .j t . iiiw.O'ms iiidiic'innii'. .. in varietv l-C.IIOI Ulltl li.iliu ia.tmp3, ;1;;4,,)S1'U' ,,,, i;iver)lvli"io tn bo found ihe BOOlCSi Writing Piipor & Inks lalltntioou.Minineisan.l Mrtrhaun. is lespeitful'y Hnrdlt'ure and Ct (iarwure , , I '"'Ji'Vairlictslarattentimi pal' to filing Orders J' ektt Knives, Canting "" r. - .re, r , v " 15 H O .' K S k it O E N H E I M WHOLESALE DEALER, No 'I'll Market S.rct't, iiorv!) eiJi , P.. il.. Hava ti"' (ipened their uuiil l'3i.usomi variei of RilH'orn, Itounut M tie l. r a! Snow Sc V 'ti"y Ibn n ts, Lid'.es ii Mi,.e II 1 S. ?. KUCIli: i, LA1 IL'J, and all oth-r ar. "H ur d ly th 1 ;, .Y E Jl TR A DE! Ily l-viij i-xnerr uca unditri. t nit -ntlon to thn b-.vich of business i xrliisuc-ly we llatisr (missives mil wo ll) u s. quail!) iin.i I r! Together with a variety of nitirlcs generally kept Iu a P'l,ll.'- a fl I.. i ,' ICllia. MOOOl l'O-s .nnl t.ixisins In ' Whirh hr i ii v ites the ul eniion of .-hoeinshsri alul the j1,U""C' JOHN U O.RTON lllootnsbiirg Dec 3. Ipf3 A LOGAN GRIM, J'ttO'ii'i a (t Couleelor nt .if, I a i" mil: si Li.iv w ' p i ' Mi'Ha'y an'1 (th r c'ni is , r ' y i. i i . I Ir' i ) t. Lfdion' Fura. I'lirhairrs tnsv r tyiip-ng I'tnj lh- KH 1 1 1 A K 1 I'ft OAKFORO k t'JNS Cnili"P" I tihesla o K'rerl Vh"' dphltt Tura i ' (left , L"dieB" and Children'- r 'M" i ii-1 i- '. it tttttMiaem-:2ssa 'niWMWft' jrjr .. -.n... .'.,.. .mml -avt-isi... -r. w m'f'"M- 'i nm (iMjHAjssJt 9sjVEH94tjPB siBsssiittoTssJssLsHpB JttltfllltfKUttttK MljJj jSjasMrsasMSMex)J'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers