gijgciiri.'m3rjnttn COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT.! OTiVTmoS, Elected at the various election Districts,in Columbia county t upon Fridayjhe lth of. March, 1805. llloom. Justices, Tho.nas J Morris, Johu M Cliembcrlin i Supervisors, M K Apiuiiiati, Douglas Hugos, Juss6 Stian non ; Constables, Jnoob S Mvans, James ;KHyor; Assessor, Thotnan J Morns; ! Judgo, Uuuj V llartman j School Direo- 'tors, I W Hartmaii, Jacob K Edgar I Poor Overseen. Gordon 11 Ooff, Jesso SfttuWla Morning, Mar.25,1065. Slaannou i Inspectors, Aaron Ifanderthot. Eli' Barton; Auditor, Jacob K Edgr Iknton. Justices, Isaac K Krickbautn; S D Colo i Supervisors, Lltas EDITED BY LEVI K TATE, PROrHIETOtl. HZ? - " OHr Oonatltntlon guard It ever! Out glorious Unionhold, II dm I Our tflarrr Dag foraakn It never I Th proud Caucasian our only paert BLOOM SB UR.G TERMS OF THIS PAPERt ao nn v I Constable. 2 50 ff paid strictly inadvdnc. .MoHcnry.S'air.ticl York ; l'oor Overseers , ' Jao .b Woolovor, A A Kline ; Sebool Di- m- Wu propose to publish in our next i rectors, J J Stiles, 3 yrs, J 0 Wonner, nnrrfber, the P elition ami PapcrB In the ! 3 V" A A Kline, 1 year; Inspectors, oa.o Of Daniel McIIenry, Eq , as pre. j Elias Shultz, William Apploman ; A-sess- settled to tho U. S. SoutiXe, jut before the Pr oamuB1 11085 AU,mori 1 Ultr usc lute adjournment of Congress. They will iTrd inform ntloti both instructive and interesting- upon the "Columbia County Invasion" of 1801, and tha subsfqucnl persecution and oppression of innocent and worthy citizens-, all resulting from the folly and malice of Weak and bare men among us. lu tho meantime we may mention, that the statements of tho Harrisburg Tile graph and Columbia County Republican, that Mr. Mellenry's petition wus laid on tho table on motion of Mr., and that the petition was rejected or its author rebuked by tho Seuatc, are absolutely and entirely faUo, In regard, to Mr. Cowan wo recollect a most indignant denuncia tion by him of the Columbia County ar rosti, published in the Globe a month or two since, and" wo learn also that" ho mado no motion whatever in this case nor was there any hostile action by tho .S'en'atc. The subject simply went over for' want of timo. Judge, J 11 Davis. Beaver. Constable, John Hintorlitor ; Judgc,Isaao Klingman ; Supervisors', Na than Urcdbonner Houbon Hon; Inspectors, S a then Lehr.O Rredbcnner ; Poor Ovcr- sccrs,Cbarlc3 Miehael,Jacob Keller.bchool Directors, Edmond Scholl, John lry; Auditor, G P Dricsbach. Briar Creek. Justice, John G Jacoby; Judge, John N Smith ; Assessor, David, Miller : Constable, Levi Sidlcr ; Poor fig? Our .quota, is still 08 men. Tho Draft from this District, it is thought, can not be taken for some weeks h'oneo, in oonjcqaanoo of tho machine not being in readiness and the impossibility of getting tho men to Troy,owiug to the destruction ol Rail-Road'communication. Perhaps its necessity may bo' entirely obviated. 53" Tub Flood, which has jut over whelmed the country, has been ono of unprecedented severity and very destruc tive. Bloomburg csoaped Injury. But tho farm and property below,in the point of Fisbingcreek and the Susquohannali, wero generally submerged and suffered muob loss. The families residing on the low-lands. bad to move out aud with great difficulty saved their lives and their stock Most of tho Bridges on the -West Branch ore gone, Riil-lloads muob injured. Com lunication has been generally sus pended. In a word it was a terrible flood. The loss of property is immeuso. Many lives woro also lost. CSTNext Democratic State Convention. The State Central their Lite meeting in Harrisburg, settled upon Wed nesdey, the 21st day of Juno nest, as the day lor holding stlio Democratic State Convention, and tho Hall of the House of Representatives in HarrLburg as tho place. The meeting of the Committee, wo learn, was a full one, and the proceedings har monious. Candidates for Auditor General and Surveyor General aro to bo cleoted nest October, Ounrjeera. Samuel Kelebncr, Jeremiah 1 Jacoby ; Supervisors, John Kisu:r. Jcre 0 Smith : School Directors, Isaao B-iwcr, Jeremiah Jacoby i Auditor, Win Lamon; Inspectors, Geo M.Lockard,Dan tol Kelebncr. Catatoiss. Constable, May berry G Hufhc9 : Poor Overseers, Levi Kciler o ' Abel Thomas; School Directors, Solomon D Hinard, Clinton Ellis; Supervisors Moses llartman, Wm Sharploss; Judge Samuel ii Dieuicr ; Inspectors, Nelson P John, Solomon Holwig ; Assessor Cliu- ton Ellis ; Auditor, 0 W McKeivy. Uonynghaiii. J.usticc. John llowcls ; Constables, James Barry; Poor Over seers, Sylvester Hoffman,. William l'ifer ; Supervisors, ltaubon Wasser, Patrick Don eliy ;Sohool Dircctors,Frederick Flcetinan John Bjdford ; Assessor, William Stettcr; Judge, Stephen Monahen ; Inspectors, Wm iI tloagland, Uermon Fohringcr ; Iroas McCullum, Johu A Funston ; 6'ohool Di-I rcrtors, James Kisnor, David Kisnor ; Inspectors, 0 P Itunyan. A1 P Dsmott ; Auditor, Jaoob A AVishor ; Town Clerk, John Dollmau, Mifjln, Constable, Peter J I.antz ; In spectors, Henry Miller, A'amucl abwopp cuhctscr ; Assessor, J icob Yoho, Super visors, Iiaao Andreas, Peter Michael) Poor Overseers, L'awis Eckrolh, Jo lift B Yoho ;' School Dircct.ira' I K iSohwepp- onh'clsor, M B Iloitlor ; Auditor, D H Montgomery ; Judgo, iS'tepheu Diottorich Mountpliasanl, Justices, Jacob Ship man, Thomas J Wellivor ; Constable, John Ahipman ; Poor Overseers A'amuel John ion, 6'amuol Oman; Supervisors, William J Ikelor, William Howell; Inspectors, Joshua Harticl, Daniel MeOarty ; Asses sor, 6'amuel Jacoby 6'chool Directors, Peter Ilipnensteel, A J Ikeler ; Judge, D U Appleinan ; Auditor, George Kra mer. Montour. Constable, tsaao 13 Yost ; Supervisors. Johu Dietterioh, Lewis Boat; Inspectors, Evan Wellivor Jsaac Mowcry ; Assessor, Absalom Fry ; Poor Overseers, Absalom Fry, John Laiby ; School Di reotors, John B Weaver, Lewis Boat ; Judge, Julin Digtterich ; Auditor, John G Quick. Orange. Justico, Jamos B Haruian ; Inspectors, Samu'.'l Zimmerman, William Schylcr ; Coostable, Michaol 0 Keller ; Assessor, John Snyder; Supervisors, Mi ohael Iligenbuob, (Jeorge Svvigart; Poor Overseers, Peter BjIIcs, Dauiel Kicff-ii ; School Directors, Samuel Everett, Thom as McIIenry ; Judge, William Bellas; Auditor, Hiram It Kline ; Town Clerk, A B Stewart. Piie. Justice, John P Lore J Consta ble, Adam Bobb ; Poor Overseers, John F Fowler, Albert Hunter; School Direc- la Andy Johnson Vico rroai- 1 dent ? In connection with tho rccoat beastly exhibition of Andrew Johnson in the U. H, Seuato, tho Manchostof (N. H ) Union well sajs t In this connection, it may bo proper to say that JohnsonJ has "now no color of right to tho position ho occupies, for Cot)' gross rofuod to rVoognizo tho etat of Tennessee as being in tho Union. Hint stato voted for President aud Vico Prcsi idont, to be suro, but tho olcotoral votu was thrown out, and tho State loft m tho same category as South Carolina, If it i in tho Union, its votes should have been received ; if out, JoIiihou has uo light to tho position he holds. General Scott on P'eacc. The followiug lettct was addressed by the veteran Gcnural Scon to the Com mittec of Invitation to tho Now York ecl ebration on tho 4th inst. New Your, March 3. Hon. C. P. Daly, Chairman. &c. Dkak Sir, 1 regret, on accouut of debility, I cannot take part in the graud celebration of tomorrow, as I sincerely rcjoieo in our vietqries over rebels, which, with others impending, cannot lail soon to bring back into the Uniou, on terms of perjeti equality in rights an I duties, tho outstanding States. Jlcoiprocal respect 'Tun!;; ..her reading the account of the fl gSjS'j ScllCIlli'S iY&iUllmk6 nil of ' ' .....Ub... . r Johuson, says; This certainly must bo tho; A t. Ill ., M 1 i age o rum, ana n so, it wm tcry. iiuciy ... . ' T&ThWW Pf I JNowloirs fins jrJLJUJiUj end in a ruimige, ' - IST Hon Strange N. Palmer, a wol I known and highly respected citizen of J'ottsville, died in that hornugh on the Oth Hist., in the 07th year ofhisase, Ho was formerly nu Assooiato Judgo of tho Schuylkill County Courts, and editor of the PotlsvUte Emporium CUV.1 n.'AJUumxB&sftrea&x (ANTI BILUOUS.) NciudDerltsementSi FOR Sick- tors, Henry Bichie, John F Fowler; Si porvisors, James Masters, Jacob Christian; Assessor, John Bruncr : Inspectors, J B Cornclison, John Bruner ; Judgo, Benja miu Winterstton ; Auditor, John W Hun ter. Roaring Qrceh. Constable, Ames Kei for; Supervisors, Gcoigo Craig, Samuel Houek; Inspectors, Daniel Gearhart, Ohas Eek ; School Directors Philip Cool, Dun- I. iel llarig; Assessor, James Keiffor ; Poor urer. Josenh B Knittle : Town Clerk. S E Overseers, William Driosuacli, Uenjamin Van Burcn; Auditor, Daniol Lsnihan. ; ;" Judge, Phinoas Thomas; Audi Centre Constable, Charles II Diotcr- j tor, William Rhoadi, N. Dricsbaoh-tio ich i Supervisors, Hbiiry DeLoiig, William voto. Hoffman ; Poor Overseers, Jo.cph Pohe, , .S'Hg-.0''.--ConstabIe fJornolim Girton; Samael Bower, Judge, H'jnry Hess ; lu ' Supervisor, Wm. J Hess, David Lewis ; spectors, John W HofTman, Joseph E Poor Overseers, Jacob II Fritz, John W Frederick ; Assessor, Samuel II Hutch-, Kile; Inspectors, Philip Hess, Itichard inson; Auditor, Levi A Hutchinson. jllcss; Sohool Dircotors, John Liwis, Ahi Fishing Cm.. Constable, Eli Hob- jab Fritz, Assosor, Josso Frilz; Judgo, . VENDUE ! Valuable Personal Property. WILL be exposed to sale, by Public VomiIiic. nt the rntJoncc of th imJenl?ueJ In Hiolt luwiulilp, L'ohinibla count)-, Pi., on TIlUltSDAV, APRIL 13, 1805, Tlio follonlnj detcrlbeil pcrional', vli : A I'AHlOPYOUiXG AJULES sis vum nouses. SEIEHAL GOOD JrJlLCH I.Oll'S, Ono Durham Bull, ' A LOT OF SHEEP AND LAMBS, TWO UrOnri SOW. Tiff ftnrl Rhnnt. UVinnni. Pa-riarrt and admiration havo already, by tho dint ! "jw- ff" "'''!. 1,1,,7,M,'ob-s1Ilcl1' 0 '"" ,r"isn. ,, , , . , .ii i ii. . i 1 lmv'' li"trnw, Cultivators . llarunJi, Ituzzy Rtapcr. ol bald fighting, liCCU CStabllSUUU between ; Throlunu .Marliltii, llurie R,,k0l Panulng All'l, iiltli ,, . . r.l . ..l.. !..- I Xarilll llff tltntlKlU U(hHrnllv 'nnil i in (f.i nnr. vnriinint ni ii n onno'.iiiiT urinit:s. i - " " b rr - o and this noble bcutiment gives tho hope : that it may c'onquor the miserable hatred so general between combatants Si-ceisi-1 onists aud Unionists. Thisjndeod, would be tho great conq icsl of tho day. , I reicalu, with high respect yours truly, WisI'ield Scot!1. Here arc woids of wisdom and patriot ism. Gen. Scott wants to sco no subju gated provinces in tho restored Union, but tile outstanding States brought back "on terms of peifoet equality.'' And it is "tl e mis'erablo hatred between iloocombatants" tho poliiici ihs on either side who origi nally precipitated the country into civil - .t ... . .. , . -r war mai pruvuui-3 tuu icsiuuuuu i Peace aud Union. Entrust General Seott ' f g or General Grant, on our side, and Gen- cial Leo, on the sido of the rebellion, with j NE MILCH COW, the powers of Peace Commissioners, and !TlliPly-Five Hcflll ol JSll CCD. .1.-1.1 I.. . V.,.,1, 1 1 ... , ' uiu uiuuuy cunuuvuiaj uunucu nunii uuu ; Two licai two i;orsf Wajons, Truck Wagon. Sprln C... . ...... 1.1 l.n . n .JH.In .."... siuiau ii.uiiu.s, NEWTON'S PILLS. NEWTON S PILLS. NEWTON'S PILLS. TSi'IU'e'II,iBA0II NEWTON'S l'lt-LS. j f(KWTON'3 TILLS. KCWTOS'S FILLS, j NUWTON'S PILL. ' ComponJ f Ulshlr Cuneun'tratsJ Extiacti rtoni ROOTS and HERBS. it8 SSHTOMi, CAUiiK -AND ClJUH, WI1UAT, COIl.V AND OATS BY THE BUSHEL, ALSO : IIotifMinlil una Kitchen furniture, contNiinj in part of Cook Stoves, VVooJ Sliivi-, Urge Iron Kvtllt, Hinokeil Meat, JSarrels, un:l Tobacco iy tha puiiiiil, trgetlier Willi ii vnrlty of oilier nrlicli'i too tmliouf to mention. C:ia to commence nt 1) n'c'ock. A. M... on rtlil Uny. win-n attendance villi be siren and condition j b ruaj. kiionn by JOHN RO1ION. March SJ, IBM. u. IKA.M Uliiill. Auct'i. Ofths Jr'let moitlcnl ratuo, prcpatJil from th n.i.inni nrj.crlntlon of tha colebrnteJ Dr. Newton, ami uasJ by him with BUch roinarkablo iuccoh for twenty yean In all parti of lh UnileJ Hutu, are Mi in fallible rtincily In alt DISEASE OF TUG LIVER, SI lift DKHAItUKMtltT OT TU P'ULLICVENDUE! Yaluablo Porsonul Property in Buck liorn, Culuiiibla county Tb ES DA V, MA ft Cll 38 , 1805. I Tiie following described pnrtonal property, vli! iffige j ue c.TpOiied (o sale, lv l'ulilio 'rmlui', nt tlm rraiili'iiee ol tiie undcrilcneil Vn.. on bins ; Supervisors, Joseph Coleman,Thos. Laudabach; School Directors, Benjamin McIIenry, 2 years, Daniel Wonner; Poor Overseers, Jacob Stoker, William Ikeler ; Auditor, 'A J Kline; Assessor, IlUjjh McBride ; Judgo, Jacob Weuuer; In spectors, Jackson Ale, David Savage ; Town Clerk, John Sullen. Franklin. Inspectors, James Redder, Joshua Mendenball ; Constablo, Thomas Hower ; Supervisors Seth Hartman, Keu- The yicc president to be Remov ben Kuittcr; Poor Overseers, Hamilton, r. ni..i. ir. .1. t oi i r: 1- Viaiii, i u&uiiiiuii i uii , ouuuui ivucu- i Andrew Hess ; Auditor, Win B Fcterman ScoU. Justice, II G Creveling; Poor Ovorseers. IL-nry Trembly, Win Higec buoh; Iuspfctor1, Wm- M Ent, William Chriatman ; Countable, A C Ncwhart ; Assessor, .oseph liilloy; School Directors, GW Creveling, Johu Neihart; .udgc, James-Lake; Ahdjtor, A P Fouler, El llartman tin voto ; Supervisors, lleuben Culp, P D Keller.' tors, Michael Mensoh, 2 years, Hiram J Tho N. Y. Tribune, having tried' in C- Capt. C. M. ManviMjE, Deputy Provost"hal for the Thirteenth Con-gre.-Bionul District, has boon removed from office, by orders from Head Quarters. Capt. William Silvers, Deputy Pro vost Marshal, at Bloomsburg, has been appointed his successor, in ofuco. We might iiavo a worso man in the position than Capt. Silvers- tleedcr; Assessor, James Header ; Audi- to Lidl3 tb disgraceful "enc .at the tor, JobnS McWilliam.; Judge, Dauiel '"""Sanou y -ouu.u.., oy l Knittle, 30 votes, David Zorr, 30 voles. fcervinS tht 6',lo,,cc ' rc8aad to ,ho OrrenuwI-JnMc,. Wilson M Eves. maU,:r for alm0S' a woek- Ca,Ue 0Ut J"" f P Smilh, flonstnhle. KoV.ert Masorovo: terdV with tl,C follwinB bathing article. Jud2e, John Stalev. Supervisors, Aaron Sa's t'0 vinuously indignant Greely Itoece, William Boat ; Assessor, Jacob F AsD" Hon, John P. Hale, ex-Senator from New Hampshire, ha-i been appointed and confirmed as Minister to Spain. This nomination has taken by surprise some nf the particular personal friends of .Mr. Lincoln, who have been systematically prcsentrd by Mr. Hale for two years past. Tbey say the surest way to the President's favor is to oppoiie his policy and abuse his friends. Dieterich ; Inspectors, Dauiel Shannon, 'Samuel Bogart; Poor Overseers, ElUha layman, Humphrey Parker ; School Di rectors, John LQggott,U years, P Young I year. Auditor, ,7 II Ikelor. Hemlock. Justico, Thomas J Vander slice ; Constable, Daniel Neihart ; Assess or, Hugh D McBride; Jmige, Daniel Yo cum ; Inspectors, llrjuben T Foulk, David Armstrong; Supervisors, Thomas J Van; dcrslico, Peter Workbeiser, Sr.; Po r Overseors, James Boat, lleuben Bogart , School Directors, John iMoBejnolds, Ma thias A Girton ; Auditor, Amos B llartman. Jackson. Justleos, niram Baker.Fred- ten days, on terms satisfactory to nine- tcen-twenticths of the people of both sec tions. Vice President Johnson. t'rotu the Pittsburg U.iutic, Republican. Wo have hitherto refrained from com menting upon the fact that the Vice Presi dent di'graeed himself and tha nation by appearing iu a state ol intoxication at the timo of his induction into office and inflict- U'llgnil, lcil, isleiull THftESHING MACHINE: GRAIN DRILL, Hay Hake, r.inninjr Siill, Trl(-rib i3dtt Cutter l'luu t. Harrows. Cultivators, ic, Willi n treat varie ly of luriuini; iitmHil,. ton ttdinus to mention. H.ilo t. cninim-iiceat 10 o'llnck, A. M., on said day uiien riitaiiiiasee will be civen and comlitiona mailo know u by Mlirili -.!. ISM. .11. 0 8 II O CM A K U II. Notice in Partition. Dt Minna: i, DI.UIRHfUA. iiiAiiuiiu: , Dl.MtlUUUA, They Cure nYiPRFalA, IJV-l'Ul'rilA. liVdl'l'.l'SlA. UVSI'KPjU, bviUNTHRV liVHSN TUUV DViLiNTLUV DViiU.VTl'.UV HcnorULA, dUKiirilLA, SUitDl'ULA', tiUttOr'Ul.A, f HIS has received its name from a con- ilant nauica or licknesi nt llie itouiacli, whlib nn.iousNCtis. iin.iooaMJtis. UILIUUriSe4. Estate of S.tmuel Smith, deceased. "tMr. Andrew JoUnson, our new vice President, is said to have been demented by liquor when sworn into officj, and to havo made a senseless and discreditable harangue in conaequence. And it is re ported ho has fallen into habits which disqualify him for tho high position to which he has been chosen. Wo fervently hope that at least the lat ter and woree half of this scandal will prove untrue ; for, if it should not, the country will bo subjected to the pain and scaudal and Mr. Johnson to tho mortifi cation insparable from hi czpulsion from office, If ha has become a drunkark,and does not promptly and thoroughly reform, he certainly canuot remain Vice President of tho United States ; and, if he has any At aiiOrp.han' Court. held at ol'aiu'l SluUll. I count v of Columbia, on '1 huri decenicil, J day, February Oth, On motion of M. I J.ickim, Kt .Hie Court grant a rule dlri-cti-d to I'lilums tiiiiitli, 1 a.ic Sinilli. Jacob Uinllh, Henry Smitn, Aaron timilh liilbut H. 1'anli-r anul'.irli rum lii ifu, Ule Catnarine Smith, ilaui;h Iim of baid decedent, John iVaukeBsnr arid hlenora. Inn ile. l ite Kleuora Smllli. iluii;hler of the raid ilo ci'ilcni. Andrew t'roll an 1 i.Hi.ibi ili, In. wire, lata Illlzdhelli tfiiiilli d.uishtrr i.f in,, ili-cclcnl. Joiiah lleiiiii-tl anil riiuriiut. Uii wife, 'i.lo Cliarlolt'- bniilli, l.-iiiRlttur of tlio ileci-ileiit and Sainul H, fc'rnitii, all children of said detedei t, and (lilberi 11. fowler, fun rilian of V, ltiuln-r miiiiIi, u niiuur ou nnd only iliild of Abr.'ilKim tiniilh deci'ased. who nn n ton ol Ihu decrdi-ni. Iii-lrn and k-jjl reprntfiilativei ol" tho aforeaiii Samuel Smllli. deceased. Vou and en Ii of you,ar hereby requireil toboand ap. pear, nt tiie next tc-riu uf our said l.'ouil to be held at llloimubiirti. on the first .Monday of .May next and ac ci'pl or r.- u" tin! Ileal Hit iw of said iln.eilcm at the ap rai-ed valuation put upon it by the Inquest duly returned, or show cause hy the should not be sold. Witnes Hi.- linn. Willam Hindi, President Judge ol iKir said Uiphnn's Court, at Ulnomibiuf, the Uth day of Tebrtwry A. 11. ItM. JbtiSU UOI.UMAlV, Clurk O fi. The parti -s inurcstel will take notice of the above Hill.-. SAMUEL SNVDUR, .Mnrth ','o .16l"5. biuRirr. iv;i-. n ... i.i a l 1 ni onim 11110 5 uu...u. ur..Bu.iBnningieBreBl iotiluatQ friod, he will be so ilsacsftui, nuiiiiua iviiuuu How Siioddv is Favohed On tho 18th of February, when the amended rev enue bill was beforo tho Houo of ltepre scntatives, the du'y on diamonds and jew elry, was rediicrdjio Cvo per ennr. ad vol orem. There are shoddy luxuries, and are thercfoVo favored, whilo the duty on printing paper is kept at snob a high fig uro that none Is imported. Tho rich can havo cheap diamonds and jewelry but the , , Jacob j Jobn g d r.nn 1 M nftHA 1. lf!in hllAJ fl II fl 11 11 C JWW. V, MW. " ' " 1 " " ' " " . r. . I r. . I TT tl iienry Judgo poor papers1 . c..., :.. , UU!C V15UI 0, Hugh Shultz, Elisha Robbinj ; Inspectors Mathias Bhone, Geo W Farver ; School Directors, Absalom McIIenry, Asa Yorks ; Poor Overseers, Iram Dorr, Hsnry Wag ner ; Judgo, Abraham Manning 5 Auditor, John Savage ; Town Olork, Silas W Mo Heury. Locust. Justice, Beubcn Fabringer ; Constablo, Solomon Fetterman ; Super visors, John Kline, Daniol Leiby; Poor Overseers, Daniel Stine, Daniel Beiler; er ' School .Directors, Gora Ilower, Helwi," ; Assessor, Gora Ilower ; assured fiirtwith. The People may pity as well as mourn his fall; but they cannot In the mattrr of llicl .. t.- i.... . .ii- I. i. 1 partition 01 inn iteai i i.hiouihiiii rs, 1 is nnu lor tin ... ufvi. ,110 uu.wio uiuuii.ti, 1 111 uiii.uu l.tlale speech, not because we hoped thereby to hide the unpleasant fact upon our readers, or shiiuk from condemning the grievous fault committed, but because we hoped that a little delay would bring us some mitigation of tho report, aud render the transaction less disgraceful than was at first stated. We have waited, however,in vain; uud now that tho facts are beyond dieputOjWe join with the Bepublican press of 1I10 country iu telling the Vice President that having utterly di-graced liimsclf,ub jected his party to the keenest inortiDea tion, and made his country a laughing stock iu the eyes of tho world, tho least reparation ho can make is to resign. Af ter the exibition of himself, ho cannot occupy that pluco any longer with honor or credit. His good name is lost, and he caunot regain it by holding on to a place he has disgraced. If ho attempts to hold on to it he wi 11 thereby show himself in sensible to shame, and tlerefnre all the. runro unfitted fur that high position. But what if ho does uot resign? Then lot him be impeached, or rcaohud is some other way by the action of the Senato. --- An Editor Drafted. Morgan K. Wilis, Efq , ono of tho Ed itors of the ''Herald atvl luce I'reis awl Republican,'' is qmong tho drafted of this borough. What change thoro will be mado in tho conduct of our eontomporary on this account wo have not heard. Y'hc Herald and Republican is among the su- LlVr.i: f'OMPL uyr, i.ivbr', L.VKll COMPLAIN I'. LIVLlt U'Ml'LAi.V I', attend., tha pain In Hie head. This headaclu U apt to begin In tbo morning on waking from a doep sleep, and when soma Irrcgulflty of die, has bicii commit- cd en the Jay beforo, or sotuutims for several dajs previous . At first there is a distressingly oppresslvn ferlln: In the I'aadi which jraltii'ly nurjei Into a n ts:i heavy patu lu tho teuiplea, frequently uttuu dod by a isu.e of fullness aud leuderncss In ononyo.aud' exleudini; ucroi-s the fonh.'ad. There Is a clammy, uupieaiint tmt'i offctnlvobroatb.ini! thj tontrue covered with a yollowish whilu fur. Th siilfercdrsirus to bj toU9 in a dark rootu. As suua. as lue pnticat fells the fullncsi in the luad und paiu in l!io templet, take a laro doiu ofdehiuk's .Muudraku por ''loyal" of iho devotoes of Father A braham, and its drafted editor will not think of applying for exemption or putting in a aubtituto II j wi'l. as a ivntter of r, nt ni 11 i . 'Jonas Fabringer; Auditor, David Yoa Bfaf Gea McCltllan is in Piritf, stop- 0 ping at tho Hotol do I'Fmpiro, but is soon &0T' . to leave lor Home, He breakfasted at' M'ine. -3 aWiWm T Shu.nan ; Ciaremont, whilo in England, with tho Constablo, Rudolph Shunian; Suporvis- entire Louis Phillippo family, consisting ' Jo11" M Nusa' JosoPh ostcllerj of twencytwo persons, and was also iovit 5cU0l Directors.John T 5hcman,3 years, cd to the house of tho Prince of Wales.- Jo!CPh GeiRer. 8 ears' Assessor, none At Pari, his time was oouniod in sMit. returned. Poor Overseers.Harman G John t 1 t ... .. .I "i rtt MoOLEttAN, who is in JJ'niei iuss; nuuuor, ueorgo oouman; Judge, Daniel iMsuor ; inspectors, Damol Shuman, Joseph Hartsell. U. 8. Senator. John P. Stockton, Madison. Judg0) Wesly Demott A. was eleotcil United Slates Senator by the lessor, D A Watson ', Constablo, William Jjf-iitslaturo or New Jersey ,on Wednesday MoNinob Supervisors, Isaao Wagner, 1 rP . Tl r . 1 tlOUU ittauicr, 1 nor wvercucri, xiugu eetiug with Mrs Eutopo lor tbo first lime. "gallant brigade" and go with the stately step of tho warier to help to put down this ''accursed rebellion." Nonisloivn abide a drunkark in his presonthigh posi j cd'X, we fay, don the tun blue of the ! tion." --- .i. 1 ,., tiST" The rress grows indignant because three negro men wero ejected from tho Walnut street passonger oars, a fowdays ago. In a grand philippic, the event calls forth; wo find these sentences : "The inoonsistenoy of the Republic has been from its beg'iuning tho derision of the world." That's downright "disloyalty, "to speak ill of the Republic Again: 'Colored men must have their rights,or white men must Buffer from tho wrongs they inflict." This threatens a negro rebellion, and savors of a servile war in tho future Put MARRIAGES. On Thursday, the 2Ud of Maroh, 1805, by the Rev, J. W. Lecher, at tho House of the bride's Father, in Bnekhnrn, Mr, NniiEMiAU Reeck and Miss. Maiitiia SiioEMAicch, all uf Hemlock township, Columbia co Oil the llth inst., by tho Rev, William J. Eyer, Mr. GnonaB l' Flinkinger, of Bouvcr Miss. lltniECOA MiLLim 8L.O0MS&UA6 (Skylight Picture Gallery. 'PHE undersigned respectfully informs B the ntiii'iis of Uloonuburi; and Hie nublii- erne. rally. Hut he has suereeded .Mr.iiosenstnrk in Hie Pliu loyinph and'un buslnciis, at the well known Sky-Lieut Stan '. iu ihu bxchaiijre niockovcrc!t(.linrr's Sioru, to whRli linhaa mliL-d a full Cauirra and iin. proved nmtorlul. by which ho promises to uti tile ulus perieLt LIFE-LIKE PICTURES, ic-aleil or ctanilili;. that have yet been produced in lliix section of Country. This Iving th- oniv esublishiuent or tlm kind In lllu'iiushurg uuu llaviuit been tilled up at heavy cx peusi. it may I e considered a first clas LIKU.N'Urtd SH.oilV, Groups or 11 fin j 1 picture t.ik-n at any time Iin solicits the public custom and trusts lie will be able to rnidi-r rruiieral fall. faction. i- ALIIU.M8 AMI 1'II.TI 11C I'ltAMES, of al kinds, coust iiilty on hand and lor sain cheap. CLEMENT GEAltllAIlT. llloom.buif, .Marches 1J05 Pill.' and in an hour or two they Bill fool as wallas WYOMJNfi Insurance Company, WILKES-tlAttllE. TENNA. CAPITAL AXI) SlTiTrLlFs, - - $159,000 ASSETS. Plod; not called in, jvi.OOO Hilla recflvublB, ..... 49.UUU U. f. S--0 llniids, 85 000 Tempornrv and call loans, . ; ri.uot) 11,3 cbire Wjoiiiiiii; lUnk Stork, i,l-0 i shines 1'irst National Hank st IVilks-Harrr, 5.000 ;n fliiucs Si'cond .National iiaukat IVilkcs-Uarre. 7,iun 4ii shares llkes-llarre Umlce Stock, . . it 580 Iti-al Estate ,S1'J Juilciii.-nt., . ioi Iim- Ironi .;-nti and others, . 7, ill Cash In hand and in liank J.tlJ fi. M. UOLLKNIIACIv, JOHN llEIl'II.MIU. SA.MI'EI. IVAIIIIAMS, l.'H.Mll.l.S IltiltKANCK. 11 11 I.M OK. diElVARl' I'lEllCi:, L. D. RIIOEM AKER. II. M HOYT, I). .'ULLINil, Wm. S. ItOHS, CIMHI.EJA MINER, O Al IIAI'.DI.Vn. , M IIOLI.KM1AI K. I'rcsldmt. L. I). SHOEMAKER, Vies Pres'l. t. C. SMITH, Set r.tTARt. , F. IlltliWN, Ae nt, March S3, 1FC5. Ulonuibburil, Pa, The well known Dr. Warren, of Una ton sas of these Pills, "They have tho Guest effect Upon the Liver and digeativu organs of any ihcdibitio in the world, and aro the most perfvet purgative which has ever yet been made by anybody, Their effects have abundantly fhowu to the community how much they ex,:ol the Or dinary modiciuos in Use. They are safe and pleasant to take, bdt powerful to cure. Their penetrating properties stimulate the vital activities of tho body remove the ob structions of its organs, purify the blood, aud expel diseaee. Thuy purge out tho foul humors which breed aud grow dis tempers, stimulate eltiggMi or disordered organs into their natural action, and im part a healthy tone with strength to the whole system. Not only do they oure the overy day complaints of everybody, but also formidable and dangerous diseases Whilo they produoe powerful effects they aro at the same timo, iu diminished do.-es, the safest and best physic that can be em ployed for cbildreu, aud being purely veg etable are freo from auy risk or harm. The most remarkable feature of these pills is tho perfection with which they act in oxtreuielj dissimilar ehronio diieases. The samo doses euro Diarrhoo 1 or Dys pepsia, in cither cao restoring tho organs to a-healthy and natural condition, which cannot be iaid of any other mediciue in existence." They create pure blood and temove all impurities' from the system, houoo aro a positive ouro for FEVEItS, HEADACHE, PILES, I MERCURIAL DISEASES, ' ever. This haa bueu tried by thouiands, audi, nlwny. sure to cure, nn l idstenl of tho sick ujadache coining on overy week or ten days, thoy will not be troubled with it ouse in throe mmlbs Bcheuk's .Mandrake Pills aro composed oft numb-r of root besides Podopliinin, or concentrated .Mandrake. all of which tend to relax thj sec rations of till Href and act moro prompt than blua pills or mercury, ami wi'hout Iciving any dari;erous offsets. In a billions I Fa limbic Keal Estate ITANNAH TOWNSEND, Adminis of Mainvillo, Pa. 0,1 1 ,, ., . . A I. trains-) 01 jnnn lown.inn, lata nr .Yiamsnn II the saum UayJJy tllO Samo Mr. ADAM; Columbia county, dee'd., offers fur tie, a certain Alensob, ql l.neiiat Towiifhip, to Miss, ""f "na bAUAIl 11.LIZAHETII LlA'A.V. o llotirintr tiug arms into tho hands of tho negroes is ; towuship Col. Co., done, no doubt to enable mem to lUmanu "tlleif rights, aud iuflict tbo "wrongs" parson tliev will show tuemsjlyus by tho stools. Tiny will expel worms, mucur, bile and ull morbid niattff from the system. In sick ruiilache, if they are taken' as direetcJ nbovn, (a full dose as soon as they foci Hi a first symptoms nfu Dr Schenck will and has dicetoil his agents to nturn the in oncy if iby da nut jlvu per free satisfaction. If a person has Lean compellod to Hay nut late at night, nr drlnj too much wine, by taking a dose uf pills on gol'm to bed, nsxt inornin; hj will faa as lli.i' tho liadnbt Ularik n drop, unless ha forgots to go to bi d at all. They only cost !.! cents a bo; Whoevortakosthem wlllnovcr use any otbf, Thoy ate wortltadeilar to asick cost, man for every contih'i which "whith men will suffor." In the hour of madness tho Press has let the Cat out of tho bag. If the negro ii DEATHS. tralrlr of JnhnTmvrutn,,, lata of Mailiaon twp., .n.nif ,Uaii ..rrr r.i. .i f.. J .VI mm niUfl TH ACT OF LAND. adjoininz lands of Joseph Ilcllrt-. John Reich'arct. Den. jamln .MclteynolJs, aud othen, containing about SIXTY-OiNE ACRES, mostly cleared, nn l in a com! state of cultivation, mi whlih is i-ri'cto l a good 1'UAnE ir0Url'. AND HANK DARN. U'AUO.V HOUdu, aud other outbuildings ALSO a niAcr of wood land, In 6'ugarloaf township, Columbia coun ty, ou the 10th of Fohuary, 1805. Mr. U'n.rriii Tr it v n,.,l f.t r. 1.. adlolnlnir lands ol Robi-rt MILrr Jnh-i Christian. John nnl rinnnnrUrl rtiinl WI, ,U ,Un " ' J-J '', ana other, cnutiln nu ..J, (a,.B , .,.,. ... ,,., a! men ue win ugut lor tnom. xuis is tiie' plain English of the matter. Ihylestown Democrat, In Fishingcreek ou the 10 h inst., Da vid iSTUCKim, aired 50 vtti 4 monlhs I nnd 10 days, TWELVE ACRES. E7"Aay infnrniailou iu to the above property an bo ha A by applying lu Iho undersigned, HANNAH '10WNSEND. .UMUIt Irslrlt, Psbrvary U, l$AS. , Hereditary Humors. tSf Prioo One Dollar p.-i Rex, Trado supplied, or sent by Mail, pot paid, to oy part of tho United States or Oana- das ou reooipt of price by II. S. It O'A'K & Co Sola Agents. 43 Liberty Street. New Yoik. Agents rim Ri.onM8Biinn Eyer Moijer,John, A', Girton, A, 'ler. w liger, E, I. Luis. March SB, 1605 0 wo, IJun'l forget tin nanu-SCHENCK'3 .MANDATE i'lLLS. i Bnld wholesale and retail at Dr.achen'ek'sPrinelgay Office, No. 15. North Uth Street, reiladclphla, and by Prucglsts and Btorekocpcra generally, Price for Pulmonic Hyrup, t'cawood Toalc. lack 81 S! per buttle. $7 SO the half do ten, or tivo-lotilcs tfiyr. t rup and one of Tonic (nr 17 75, Dr. Uchorick willt'i at bis offim, No. 13 North Fx. riiiladelphh, every fat unlay to sc patients. Do makes no charge for advice, but for t thorough ejaiu. inatiun of tho lungs with his Co plromder. hochiifgi-a three dollars, Mjrvh IH, HlJ, tii-iifriiuw - '