AND BLOOMSBURG GENERAL ADVERTISER 4 LEVI L. TATE, EDITOR. "TO HOLD AND TRIM TUB TOUGH OF TRUTH AND WAV 13 IT O'Elt THE DARKENED EARTH." TERMS: 2 50 IN ADVANCE. V.OL. 19. NO. 4. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PENN'A., SATURDAY, MARCO 25, 18(35. VOLUME 29. J I je -i? liEOEIPi'S FOR FEI5RUA1.Y, j TO THE J COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT., so: T!ic following payments have been made to the- Columbia Dnnncrui, office, during , tliu montii of February, 1805: l.ewls fVhu) ler l'.'l $5 00 Josu h llreish. 9 W HorrtS A- l." , joini iiiyiit-r i,"i.; " vftrxsm.AT-cxAso'SAp.snK miiL'im Maxmui.maiM 'tAwsivjijjasrtijusismi n jwalli tsarymjc wiyjijaL'SRt vT3egTrm"Ata'av3ffggarrjgtmnT ituxw';Lji-aii.N.j.'rjufli.'ta' Select fJoclrn. M M Applemm i rcu. i.aniMt iii Pi ter Appleinnii, Joint J St III. Hlhn Mclleliry, I'. J McHenry Daniel i:dg-tr, H II VcitK", Jacob I., Carey, James Mclletiry, II) it I. Chapin, Judge Ivnotts, V. I'.li hart. iu. or mi n rcnicf John ('reviling, David Vost, 1'ctt.r Hvelultd, II. N. Amrriinin William .-Imgars, Joints Ulsner, (' lt'll-i, Datilil Kccfer, John Deitiolt, IVtLT lllllKllicl J,, hi' llllhintu, Lei I Wnsbts. Allioit .-curies, Aiigii'liis Wilson, .-.i.itnr Ituik.ihw, of fililrmi I'Mier David HlmtlVr, IVter Hi lv.l. Jacob tlllhellis J on nl li it li Pegg Jo.cph .Muttz, list J M l''rv. J ,-nydor, (Mllllin) Jim, Jolt. .son, Jnlin '1 humus, l'icil'k. Oi rr ' Patti'l. Hnyder, l!s I'1 Mclletiry, 1! '1 c ru. .MclI'Miry. JltllH'S Ihllilllt, Knlir VclU-nry, Lsq. a ..i I'.tut Klino. !l Win t.illur (lleut'k.) 1 I'll NujIi I 'riles, 1 3d n. of Dun 1 Wary, a no John l.'-iuy, 1 - I: nj iioiiiiiiiy, " im lo.uo .Miliriue, '- IS Lewis Hi krote, - uo ill Ji.Iiii M.iMnn, '-' I'll a no diaries (imviT, '-! 1") r ) JO Hicflir H. MiydiTi 7 in 1 4 50 Columbia Comity, SO 10 5 -lii John Le.icock, I I II 1 S 50 J. K. UriiiiliT, Hq. 2 II i j .- ?." l! of Jnlin tflmjlcy, 8 M ' '2 1)0 James I'niliui, '1 I'O 2 51) Joint lln.tnn. HO 4 ill Ahr.ini It, IMIilinc a a.i .1 U0 I'.n.ol Jncoli H 4 3) Jonfi'b Muuacr, 3 -0 8 31) A.ll.'irtnii. Uil. (Ill) :i 10 li Oil liiorgo Duiiin. V! "I) III CO AuiniKlus C. Itubli, 'J AO ! nil Vrlnr llullff, a 50 I HO Join. Mclli'iiry Jr, II 110 'J (in Amlri'iv l.nuliiick. i 00 5 (10 .M.-itltl.m A .Monro, 4 CO 7 Kl I'ov.i:iHv. Miirruy, 1 00 'J 30 l.ovi IVjlnr, 3 50 1 III l.iout (i. W.Ctt. II no li HO I j of Sim'l. AiUins, H "i) 1 -r Oliver I'.Viiim.lCtii ) 2 0,1 3 50 Jinlifi! Knoiu. - 0 4 im ' Win. Musti llur, U 50 8 III Silln'l fruit, l-M- " lH IN U'.Midi.n:IM'-i.K;iii mi .Mr? 'niy A. U i it ii , 1 10 ,. I), orricoii t p 4 no Mnllila tilll" rl, 5 00 1) II. llroitCiillHTy J.ui inl llwrr't Jcrei Wull ml Co, Qo til) .1. I,. Iliilil, I'.i'i ' 50 .lu, u Wclitlcr. I'.f. 10 HO tJt. l.unn nci" llotuli 0 50 to ml 7 nil a ii'i a rn 5 mi 4 no a OJ a no 2 50 i 51 2 51) HI a 30 i lit ii. Julinc. Uiiin, . 01 2 no 1 :i no 2 50 a .v) 50 1 M a no l no a no .Vl 3 (in 7 no li no h 50 7 no 4 no 15 nn l as Joint I'nlihvi'll. 1 : 'l- i:i um llijiiiiiiiinr, .l.ici.lj I,, (ill tun, (luoru Olil. Jumipll llur fl. J I'utiilii'rinit liiitiyitii (I, .Muiri.iin, .losi'lill .Mltiim-r, John II. Mttlcf, J.icoli CIllinL', A. I! f miiiii'rvlllOi Joy, Con & Co, It 1 1 .nn blitm, 6Sf A f.i i r return for the sbort month of February. Wc hopo lor more iu March. FrioiuU, wo expect remittances by mnil, and hope wi ill not bu ditjiippoi nt-d. GOLD PUNS from (Jnrrhnn'n Liberator. A Itutiipua in Tophot. NiiRiti tttnuKvaLt!, Ohio, Jim 27, 1 C3. tins. t). Mciiaiit: Sill I x r 1 1 1 y.m tlio followltiB lines f otii irl f 1 up; a leaf in lilitory wltlch I think flu never yot liii'ti p'llillsfn.'i!. fcltoii'il yo i think tlinin worthy it ilntt! In llu Crl'ls, yuil Millpldano glvn them nil In sertion : Cnnic g'ntle liitmo aid much a utraln, T III echo hack and jouml ngrtin ; On rceru'H ttmt nanicit ivo now iiiiih dwull, Ohon Old John llrown nrrlvoilln hell. When I'lttlo hearil John llrown was hiing Olil Tophot nlth hoannns rung! Tor well they knew the Ijlns thief, WotiM make lor them an Itonorcif chief. Drawn to rcc Ivt tltiy dhl prepare. All eitijer In the Joy to share ', Old Sntnti from his throne camo down, And left n scat for lirollur llrown. Not Ion? indeed, for him they wait, For ?oon ho thundered at tho satn: "Coiiin In'" said 1'lu'o, 'ipilckly route, Your weleniiie to our (lory home I" Three rhcers rolled furlh In accents b ic', To h.tll tho Abolition Uilit'; Old John rhlmM In, and thanked the fates Ilu'd eiili'ly iased the pearly gates. A Itlle Arnold held him bj the hand, l 1,1 Satan took the Speaker' sl.iuj "Silence I" tiled he, 'now till (it down, And hear mu welcome brother llrown: " ott'io wclcon.e Joint to your reward, You'vu cltoated linliila and tho Lord ! Though pearly gales wido open tlcw, '1 hey did not catch tuy servant true-. ' "As oft you've murdered, lied and stole, It did rijuico my bunting soul ; You've run jour iJiigth in oarth's career, And wc are pleased to n;o you here. 'You'll take our teat at my loft luind, Why Idoll'is oit'll understand; lie n I surprised when I tell yuit Old Abraham it cotn'ingtoo. Thereon my risUt Hint rncan: chair, Long since Tor lilm I did prepare! Ami toon I Vncw that ho will route His eailhly race is almost run. Joint nt my left, Abe at n y right, "K We II givnthe heavenly hosts a sight; A triune group no t lie n shall lie, Yes. three in one and one in three. "Abi's Cabinet, 'tis very true, Wil. fooii knoi k hero as loud m yotl 1 In i-hort. the iiegioizing, t Are iravulttig iteri) unto n iii.tii. "I shall profit mo,t long nitd loud, 'Oainst taking in th moti-ly crowd ; Tor will 1 know, Ihej'd me dtthroue, And swar Toplf t huh their own THE RHL ION Fins to Suit, the lloml, end Pikvs to Sid the PocLd.. Tho bet Gold Pens in tbe World ! On tee receipt of the following nuns, lie will send h mail, or n iliri-iie.I a Cold Pen or I'-in, m leilin; the nam Kccirding to the Uesiriptimt, namely : Cold Fens, in Silver Fluted ExtenMii Unsc. with Fcncils1. for !l Mo Kl pen : for ?l 25, No. pen : for SI 50 N'o 4 pen : for 5.' .No. 5 pen fur Si 25 No. i; p it These peif lire elamped Till! IMI'l.lll L Pl!, anil nte well lllllsllell and lino w llllllg do d PetH.ll lilt Son I arnlinii pi.n.n although th "j am nun .irrniiti-d, and iiinni I he fvehanied. WALlhAST!:!) GOLD PEXS. Our name (Amerii an Cold I'en Co . . Y..) ii stamp ed on nil our lin-l ipiality I', ns, and the point" are warianleil I'.i six n tin, mrept iig.'iiiil iin-ident- Our .eroiid quality 1'i na, am t.iniped I'lll! NATIUX A 1 UX. tilt the liiitijl. of our lirtii (A. .I'.lo , and nru cnreftilly made, luting thu siiinu point an out IUl mtalny I'eiH.llte ml) gnat i.ill'eriiiii biing n, ptnlll of lite Cold, Gold Fens, lit and 2d quality in Solid Silver Extension Oasci', with Fencils. l'or Si nil a No. I pen 11 quality, or a No 2 pen 'id qinil t'ur i 23 a Nn. 2 pen 1st quality, or a No 3 pen 'id qual Tor $1 '-'5 n No 3 I" n Ii'i quality, or a No 4 pen ad qutil l'or & l 51) a No 4 pen lrl qu.iltly, or a No 3 pi u ".'d qiial, IV r St 50 a n5 pen In qualilv.or a Noli pen 2d qual. fot 5 50 a ,o. li pen 1st qualtlj . Thu saino Gold Fens, in Solid Silver Gold Flaled'iLony Dok Holders and Morocco (Jascs. Tor $1 25 a No 3 pen .t qiia'ily, era N J pen 5.1 qual JarSi.iU a .mi 4 pen i-,i quality, ur a ,m.i pen -i t qtt.ii I or l'or pen ; nil lust quatny. Our Pens tank Ihroiishoiit the. country ns equal if jtot superior to any I'oiil -eiis tiiaiiufattiireit. ol only lor llnir wrltug qualm, s b I. ditrabiliiy and ihgtut tniuli I lie sreale-t enre it ued in their m.inul.iituru. ami initio arj mil 1 with the slightest imperfictioit whith skill can iletect. . I'.tt ties ill otduiing mu.t pe.iify tho ii.tme, nuntliet and quality in .ill instance and n Itclln'r tlilf or Inn bir, cour.e or tin). TO CLUBS.- A discount of 13 per cent, w ill be allow d on mi ms of $15. if -cm to one nddn-s', til oiu titiu ; 15 percent on :i5; -D per rent on gin. All retiiillances by I!"giilere,l, nre "t our risk To ail u ho im l".o an cents extra lor legUteung, we Circulars of all our new Vtyles, "iilli ilnsrnving-i of ' Others 0? his kind , willCO under affected exill l 'I.CH, ail.l teei. ai-iit op ui rt-cetpi oi mump, it desired. I'eus rp"iiled lor 50 cents, by lyail. rU'i'iotters and jciw-ler aro reqiiiste.l to coire&pond with us as wo can ofler litem great inducements, AilUre. j AMi:i:tcA;oi,i) pi;v co., Nn. -Ui'j llio.idway, New Vom. January 2S, i6(.3.-3:n. r Si .ill a .mi 4 pen t-,i ipiainy, or a nu,i pen -i t qtt.ii. r 4 20 a o 3 pen Ut qiinlity, or a No li pen 2 I, : ijl 00 a Nod put l,t qtulity l'or S" ,",J a No J. pen. l'or 8 , 75 t No r pen. l'or eli 00 a No. 1'. "l.Cl Mttlttter. '!' piieni nii.i ineir iiimi, Wlfii they on eartlt gin; up tho gho.l " "Unto alowe'hcll appear, Wn hic no room fortlieni up here. ' The cluriv too, I much do fear, Attraction's law will iliaw litem here; Their i nrthly te.chiujs, tliough I toll, Are doctiiiiu. long aini c preached in Hell. " I'liey too must hnd a luwer home, l'or hither .uro they sltull nol coins ; We're croMilc.1 now in every spot, Have here and there a i acanl In. "These I've resjrved through till the fights, l'or ihose ho have pre-eniptioii rights ; That corner lots for backbone Tod, A iciicgauc uccured uf Cod, "Tho Tiatlor Iteru from his own place, Can view the si-ciu's or Fortress Chase ; l.iuglt at tin: woes of bis old friends, Mill bis lurs'd life in horror ends. 1 There's other traitors I could toll Tlioy are too moan to come to hell ! Mo let ea h go mid hunt his hole., l'or greenbacks here Wont pay thu toll. "And now, O John. on eartli oppressed, You are with us a iveleomo guest , On earth you played your part full well, tiu now with its P'revor dwell I P. URIMCS. Losing Faith. Ilenrv Ward Bacchcr, who wiincsted tho difgraot ful scene in tho senate cbam 'bor at Washington, on the -1th inst., and interesting Sketcl), BROTHER TOM'S WIFE. uiDrtilieation, What U tho matter 'ih them, have they lost (altb ? Hut a littlo whilotigo these fanatics wero loud in do claring the administration at Washington, to ho'iho special iiietrunicnt of Providence. Abo Lincoln, tho smutty joder, has fro rjucntly been dcclargetl an instrument in the h ind of God. Has there been a change 3 1 ' -1 1 in tl-.-it rfiKncct? Nav. uav. (iont emcn. of In addition to mr mam business of I'hntograi hie ,,, i,ti. , . ,,,jf ilivji'i linrm dt4. Materuls, W' nre He.idquaiters lorihelollowtug, uz: tbe blaCK rottO, WO lUJC aiia8 UCOl) UIU- Si. & .M. T. Anlhony Uo., fllamifttcturcrs of J'liotusraiiliic flint ciials!, Wholesale & '.tlail. 501 BROADWAY, i Y, titercoscopi.t uwl SleieoHCOjuc I'tctcs, Of lll'so wo liaio a" iniinetn-e umii linei (, incltidiug War fcenes, Atneriean and foreign (.'tti.'s and l,n t,. e.'tpep. Croups, Matui ry. &0 , &c, A'so. Kevolving tite,eoseopes, for public or pnvatu exbibtllou . (i ir ("alalogmi ivill be m nt to any alilriss on receipt of flump. , . . , . s . .1 posed to tRKO you at your worn; aim we aro uot difgoscd to dispute it now. We havo a remarkeblo instance recorded in Scripture of the hand of Providence being seen writing "Mine, tckel, Upbnrsin," when Dclshazznr and bis friends wero rev- Ami nnrrnintv tin U'nii ..a ZTll" city of Washington has been the abode of win ue "in- - ,M.vt. , . , , . a.U urnn rnruea3 lone onoucn 10 iavor ! t'ic idea that tho aamo might occur agaiu, Photographic Albums. Wo worn tho brst t intrndtleu tlie.o lr to th i I'nited Slates, and we in unttJeliiro iniiiiuiisti qiianltties In nj., !,, ,Unnl.enc9S .vreal varieiy. laitetug in pneo from 50 euittj u 4,50 I OlllUg in UTUUl.r-UL3. tfjrhine .lliumt inmle to j(tfr,j) CARD PHOTOGRAPHS. Our Catalogue now einbraces overjiee ihounuiil dif ferent ubjects (I" wlnoli additions aro eoiiliuu.illy lieitig muile) uf Portraits ol lluinient Americans, Ace, VIA ' llt'Otll 111) Alajor-Ci'iieials, KOl lirij.'l.lliei'O'' 1(7., ColuueW, Hill Limit'. Colonels, 2VI Other linkers. 73 Xavv 1)1 leers. i.t i 1 1 "toiii, "i ii" ."i,t"i". 3.0011 COl'IIJ.I HI'' UOIiKri Ol' A KT, Including reproductions of inu nio.i t t-l, I rutml 1 . 1 1 graiings, r.iiiiuiigs, ;s c, i.,iiaiogues su'n receipt Ol punnn ninniot ii'iw.iu tt ft'-o ttti 550 S'llltututt'l), I30 Dailies, lil Ami or., 40 Aili.ts, li5 r-tno, 50 Proniiiient Women. tZF Dringhani Young, in a recent ser mon, paid ; ' Tho North prays that their hwnida may Ftriko into the hoart of overy Rebel, ami I say anion! and tho Mouth j rays that tho Ninth may bo out down on a thousand buttle-lilds, and again I say amen ! II Y r, 8. AUTIIUtl. 'If you' marry that girl brother Tom, I'll have nothing to do with her. I won't visit her, nor call her sister, nor speak to her!" And Lizzio Dawton put on as outraged and indignant an air as it was posible for her to assumo. 'What's the objection ?" asked Tom in bis cool way,Gxing bis largo calm oyos up on tho pretty face of bis sister, as she at uneasily swaying half around and back again on the pinna stool. 'Objection !" The young lady's cherry lip curled. 'Who is she '( What is she ?' 'A swcet-teinporcd, true-boarted young woman, who will make mo a good littlo wile Are you not answered, sister mine?' 'A sowing-girl !' raid Liziie, contempt uously. 'What ottr mother was, as I have been told .before her marriano,' answered broth cr Tom. 'And, if my eyes havo not de ceived me, sho has been a sewing woman since my recollection of her.' 'That's another thing,' said the sister. Mother was superior to her clas?, and has ricen abo7e it.' 'Suppose I answer your objections to Harriet, and say that she is superior to her class, and will rise above it? What then ! Jly father made a good matrimonial veu- tu'ro, and I may do the same.' 'Dut why, brother Tom,' urged the sis ter, 'don't -you choose a wifa from among those on your own levol?' What do you mean by those on your own level ? Let us underotand each other.' From among those who move in ourowu circle. From the educated. retined and ac- lomplisred.' 'Such as the Misses Wallons, for in stance' 'Yes, or the .Misses EdenB,' 'Whose father supports them iu idle ness, and expect thu young men who mar ry them to do the same. Now Lizzie,the fact of the business is, I like Mary Eden very well, and once canto so near falling in love with ber, that I was really fright ened. I did not go near ber nretty face ai;ain for tix months after I felt the lirts movement of the tender passion.' 'Dear Mary ! O, Tom '. why not marry her! I could love ber as my own tisUr.' 'Can't afford it, pretty, I'm but a pon, aud have only my talents and ludustry to help me forward in the world. Mary can't do anything berself.and would xpect me to put her iu an establishment but littlo less costly than the one ber fath er OIVD.1,' 'Oh, but, Tom there'll bj no necessity for going to housekeeping at first. And then, you kuow,her f.itlior is well off in the world, anil he'll give ber a house, aud furn ish it, no doubt, when shu is married.' Torn shook his head. 'Mary Eden's father may or may not bo rich,' he replied. 'My own private opiuion is, that bo is living up to, if not ,i liltlo beyond bis income. And as to the house and furniture which Mary 's husband is going to get, tint h tfoiiiothiug very line to feed a funoy upon. The real bricks and 'Oh but .Mr. Eden's rich Tom.' ' ho rich men of to-day aro our poor moa of to-morrow, Lizzie. I wouldn't give the snnp of a finger for a rich father-in-law as a dependence. I mean to trust in my-ielf, an honest purpose and a clear conscience. ,AuA as for a wife, I want a woman with life, purpose, industry and in dependence in her, not a groat bundlo of silks, laces, bonnets and curl-papers, with a pretty littlo helpless do-nothing doll,hid. den somewhero itiside of the crinoline cir cumvallation. And then, again, Lizzio, I am something of an independent young maiijwonderlully givon to tho work of tak caro of mysolf. I happen to he at tho bottom of tho ladder, aud if I ever get to tho lop my own strength will carry mo there. Now, a wifo on my back, instead of one of the rounds of a ladder, keeping step witli mo upwards, would bo a dead weight, aud koep uio at or near tho foot Don't j on know that n now society has bcon iormed among young men, and that tome of tho vary best 'catches' among them bavo signed a pledge not to marry any girl who is not willing to ooinmoncu mat- limonial life with two rooms and kitchen, and who dosen't know how to bake, conk -and sew, and to wash and iron into tho bar gain ( I am the President. ' 'Preposterous I exclaimed Lizzie. 'You'll cry boiiiu other word when you get on the old maids' list, and sec your place filled in the hi nic of foiuo man that is a man by a woman who wn not asham ed of useful i mploymcnt when she was a girl. I can tell you what, my dainty lit tle siiter, there s a reform at work, and men worth having aro beginning to oho''se between no marriage or marriage with cards produced, and tho players took ibeir Major appeared to study for a moment, then abruptly proposed a gamo of ''old sledge,'' or sevor-up, tho stake to be. bis daughter Fanny against tho crop of wheat. This of course tLo young man indignantly rcfuscdibecaupo ho could not bear the idea that tin band of her loved should be made tho subject of a bctj; or that ho should win a wife by gambling ".for her ; and perhaps because he knew the old man was hard to bent, and there was a strong prob ability of losing both wheat aud wifo. It was not until tho Mnjor, with bis ufual obttinaney, hnd sworn that unless ho won her ho should never have her,that the young man was forced reluctantly to conoiit to play. Tho tablo was p'acd, cauiilc3 lit, tho girln of plainer notiona and more useful accomplishments than arc posseted by tho butterflies who lounge on sofas all day knitting zephyr or reading novols. So mako up your mind to a reform or old maidiaui. And now, as in all probability you understand that I am in earnest about marrying Harriet Parker, I hopo you will reconsidered ycur hasty resolution ab.iut not t'peaking to your sister-in-law. Tho lo?j, let me toll you, will be all on your own eide.' Brother Tom understood his own posi tion entirely. IIu was uot a man to sto.ip below hinifclf iu marrying. He could not unite himself with one who was ignorant and unrefined againt that his generously cultivated soul would have re volted. Dut he wanted a real, not an ar tificial, woman one who could take her place bo tide him. as he said on tbe lowest, round of for'uue's ladder, and keep step with him upward, fuch a one he had found iu Harriet Parker, and he was independent enough to make her bis wife. Lizzie soon discovered , after her broth er Tom actually got inariied aud com menced bousckseping in two room, with his modest, cheerful, carueat-minded wife, that her now sister about ber something that insensibly won tho love, commanded the respect and almost extorted tbe admi ration of ail who were so fortunate as to mako her acquaintance. Marriage, they say, makes or uiarj a ; hi front our Catalogue will hi lllljd on lite roc. 1 1 -; wfgl.fO, umt sent by mall, I'nun. '.i ' ' xtogiaphi'is audotlteis ordering goods C, with pletnu ninit twenty live per coin of t.'u i w ith tin ir order. II tc II. T ANTHONY ti O l .Vt'l"ur.urrji e Viol 'graphic Mi'rr'i MX Ur -ninny. -w ' Tie- oncoi and quulny of our goods cm i toalt f) L!iui3'U!-oiii Gentlemen'a Hals. All tH" iaie-t stylos at I'll VUl.l'.ri OAltrORII ajNJ, l liinnumitl t'hiladelphu on f I , i. ! tSt' "I Think," said a farmer, "I should make a good Congressman, for I tuc tbo.r languago. I roceived two bills f'tii t!io oih r dav, with a request for immedi ate pajinent. Tho one I orderod to be laid on the table,' ho other to to read that dav six inoDtlu. forever. No, no, pretty, I cannot alTord one of your finished boarding-school mis scs for a wife the lusury is too expensive for mo. So I am going to marry a girl who knows something of real life a true, good, patient enduring, sclf-dcnyin,sweot darling littlo body, who is not ashamed to earn her living with tho needlo. And I oau tell you what, Dolly, I only wish you were liko Harriet Parkor j llioro would bo forty chanoes iu favor of your uinrryiug a man of sense to those you have now. man,' the brother overheard Lizzie once saying, in an undertone to a lady friend . 'But it will not mar the fortune of brother Tom. He's gat ju t the wifo to help him along in the world ; and one that will graca any position to which they may rite.' 'My own ' sentiments exactly, pretty,' spoko out brother Tom. 'Shas a jewel, aud worth a. thousand of your paste and tinsel woiiicu, I told you so. Bat you couldn't believe mo. Now, if you'll go aud apprentice yourself to a dress-maker or a milliner, or learn to do any useful woik not tinip!y uruamtntal I mean, I will recommend you to the now president of ibe society I told you about. I had to resign when I got married. Hi's a spltndid specimen, and will make a hus baud woithy of a queen.' -CI - - SVEN-UP FOR A WIFE ; on, Good an Wheat, seats with Fanny between thnin, to watch tho progress of the game. The cards were rrgulirly thufllod aud it fell to the Major's lot to deal, Tha fint hand was played, and Bob made gift to bis opponent's high, low came. Bob dealt : tho Miiior sie-niti made three to his opponent's one. Sl In " n,,l Mi.. 1.'.,. M. ."a .v, o.,,i.t nit-a junijuj, nuu ti sib' The Alttjir, r.a he dealt the cards wink ed knowingly and said : "I'm good for tho wheat, Ma-ter I5ob " Tbe old man turned up a trump it wi a a spade. Fanny glanced at her father's hand her heart sank ; ho held the tray , eight-spot, .mil the king, Sho then looked at Jioberfs band and lo, ho bad the, queen, dcuec, and jack, or knave. She whispered to Bob to beg he did so. "Tako it," raid thu Major. Kobert led lli9 dt?nco which the old man took with bis three spot ; and be then followed by Inyii'gtho kink, Bob putting his qtieon upou it, Tho Major, suppo-ing it to be the young man's last trump, lean ed over the table, and trapping tho last trick with hi finger, said : "That's good as wheat." "Ii it ? ' asked I!ob, na he displayed to tho astonished Major the aeo and jack yet in his hum's. "High, low; j-ack, and game," shouted UtlU. "Cut," ejaculated Fanny, "Ootid as wheat," added Bob, a3 he flung his aims arouud her neck and kissed her. In due time they were married, and over Vast Armies and their Move ments. There have been vast armies and grand movements in ancient times. Hero is a record of some tlicin : Sennacherib, tho Bible telh us, lost in a single night IS5,000 by the destroying angel. The city of Thebes bad a hundred gates, and could send out of each gate 10,000 fijbtitig men and 'JOO charriots ; in all, 1,000,000 men and 2,000 chariots. Tho army of Trornh, king of Ethiopia, oonsistcd of 1,000,000 mcu, aud ,300 chir ots of war. Se.sostri, king of Eypt, led against his enemies 000,000 men, '-M.000 cavalry, and 27 scythe-armed chariots ; 1-101 be fore Christ. llamilcar wetit from Oarlbago, and landed near Palermo. He had a fleet of 2,000-ships and 3,000 small vessels, aud n land forco of 300,000 men. At the battle in which ho was defeated, 150,000 were ."Iain. Ninas, the Assyriau king, about 2,200 yaars before Ohrist, led against tho Bac tiians au army of 1,700,000 foot, 1,700, 000 horses and 1G,000 ohau'ots armed with scythes, Soniiramis employed 2,000,000 men in building Babylon, She took 100,000 prisoners at -the Indus and sank, 1,000 boats. A short time after tho tuking of Baby lon, the forces of Cyrus consisted of 000,- flflll r... ioa enn , , ""u iuui, 1,111)1) uorse, aim ,uuu char iots, armed with scythes, Army of Cambyscs, 50,000 strong, wns buried iu iho desert sands of Africa by a south wind. When Ner.xes. arrived at Tbormopylic, his land aud sea forces amounted to 2,014, 510, exclusivo of servants, eunuchs, wo men, sutlers, etc , in all numbering 5,293, 220. So say Herodotus, Plutarch, and Isocratcj. The army of Artaxcrxcs boforo the battle of Canuxa a'mountcd to about 1, Andy Johns.on's Inaugural. The ppocial reporter of Nuw York Iter i.l'l glvoo a long and minute account of the proceedings at Washinton on inaugur ation day. Among other matters be men tions the Utbutui ''Ar-dy Johnson '' as Vice President. The Ucirld correspon dent says that Johnson" walkad unstoadi ly jnobii'ttj from rjcvilement," h tho Senate clumber, when tVioe President Hamlin had conoludcd his valedictory, Vice Pr si but elect, Mr. Johnson, com menced h a addros", beforo bo bad tak en tho oath of office, lie bad been talk ing about f;vo minutes when tho Presiilunt vntcred the door from the Senate lobby ,at ha right of the Olerk's desk, escorted by Senators Hendricks aud Foster, Mr. Lin coln taking his seat at tho end of thu Clerk's dok, noar the members of ltu; Cabinet, A Jokk Playkd on the Sisters. About ten o'clock on Tuesday night, m officer Bresnehan, of tbe first, ward, was going bis rounds, lie was called by one of the Sisters cf Charity, at the corner of Eitjbteeth street aud New York avenuo. She stated that the door bell of the insttv tutlon had been rung, and on going to thu door she found a basket on the steps, bli the person who placed it tbero was not t bo seen. Sho proceeded to esamioo th j caLtents of-the ba,l;etj supposing son.) destitute and depraved motbt1? bad be queathed to tho Institution a baby, flu careiuny uncovoreti the basfcet,. whei si , discovered a rag baby, with a nurr-ii bottle full of milk. A brick had ah i been placed in the barket, doubtlesa t . give weight to tho deception. Officer BrnJiichau took charge of the basket nni contents and conveyed them to the station house. Washington Union, Patience of God. How wonderful it is ! Think what he hoars and sees, and yet though immaculately holy, so that sin is infinitely offensive to him and infinitely powerful, so tbat be can punish it, how h Ton thousand horses and 100,000 foot I 'P3103 Take the oaths that are uttered. fell on tho fatal field of Isms, When Jerusalem was taken by Titus. 1,10U,000 perished in various ways. The army of Tamerlane is said to have amounted to 1,000,000, and that of bis after that, when anything occurred ol a autagouist,Biljaz3t. to 1, 100,000. 'Awn's pleasant nature to tho happy couple they Herald. would express their emphatic at probation of it by the phrnso, ''Good as wheat 1" Tit ronTAT. A certain Mr. Robert Thomas, residing somowhero in tb'o wes tern sectiion of this Stato, having adver tised his wife Rebecca as "leaving his bed r.ud board without just cause," cautioning the public, nt tho samo time, "not lo trast her on his account," Mrs. Thomas, eviden tly nol plcasco to bo ao scandalized, comes back at her spott'o as follov3 : "I must justify myself by tlating that I had good reasons for leaving, as he was President J. Q. Adajis on thi; 'Mor al or tub Tiiaoldy or Otuulio. When John Q. Adams was President, be was travelling incog, through New York State ; and never having seen Chancellor Kcut, concluded to give him a call. He reached his bouso quite late in the evening, and without eending up hi name was ushered into ihe library where the Chancellor was busily reading. Ho looked up from bw book and requested bis unknown visitor to i , , uo seateu, ana resumed reading After so cross that no one could do anything to I ,,ruuJU lor a ,cw juntos, tho Pres- uuuii-asuu mo unanceltor, ami tho following conversation ensu;d ; I SCC VOtl have .1 rront. mf.nv v - --.,.- tu it is j sV W In the Stato of Illinois there is a certain village boasting of a tavern, throo stort'3 and four groceries, whore from morning till night, and fiom night till o orniupr, a person entering the town may find iu tho tavern, stores aud groceries aforesaid one or inure groups of persons playing cards' gambling is reduced to a science tho bistcry of thu four kings is thorougly stadied, and from tho school boy to the gray headed vftorau, from the miss in lit-r teeii3 lo tho mother of a largo family,! bey aro intimated into tho mysteries of high low, jack, game, right and left l'owors,the honors and ilia odd tricks. Ono of tho beet players in tho village was Mnj. Smith, die tavern keeper ; or, as ho uxpi'C3"cd it, tho proprietor of the hotel a widower, who, liko "'Jeptba, Judgo of Israel, ' Had a daughter, passing fair.'' Fanny, tho daughter, was one of the prettiest girls in tho villug. Tho sweet heart of b'anny was a young farmer, re sidiug in thu neighborhood whom we shall designate by tho name of Bob, It "happened that ono day before harvest tho young man was detained in the village itud night found him as usual ut the hotel seato'd between the Major snd bis daugh ter. After a desultory oouvcrsation bo twcoti the two gentlemen on the stato of weather, tho prospeots of the approaching harvest, and important staplos of conver sation, the Major asked Bob how his wheat crop promised to yield. In r'ly ho was told that the young larmer expected to bavn at least five hundred bushpls, Thu please him. Ho turned us oot lo the in clemency of tho weather and raged and stormed .mil threatened until I was afraid he would kill mc. I bad to work out in tbe fialds for tho sako of keeping poaoe,and still could not, and rather than fight with him I left his bed and board. As for tho bed, it was my own4bcforc marrying him, and as for board it was poor grub ; but my boarding was all I got for work in doora aed out. Caution all per-ons from buying any household property from him as the most in bis bouso I took there. As for trusting me on bis account Idou'tthauk any one for so doing, for I always had gor.d eredit myself, I never lived such a life as I havo for tho last few months aud as I have decent relations to live among I thought I. would better mysolf than live with him, aud all this I can prove. Eo made his other wife be hustler, aud harrow aud go to mill with and old ox. and every thing of mens work, and I am too old for such work," A CAiil'KNTini who was always prognos ticating evil to himself, was ono day upon the roof of a fivo story building, up-n wbioh had fallen a rain. The roof being -dippcry, he lor-t his footing, and as be was descending towards tho cavos, he ex claimed : "Just as I told you !" Catching however, iu the tin spent, ho kicked oft' hi3 shoos and regained a plaoj of safety, from wbioh ho thus delivered himself ; "1 knowed it j tbore'a a pair of shoea gona to thundor," teZf A querulous wil'e.wbo was desirous of visiting Groouwood Come'ery, said to hor husbaud, "you hava novor taken mo to the cemetery ''No dear," Baid ho, that is a pleasuro I havo yet had only iu 'anticipation," a rreat many ucrc,- saiti ihe President. 'Yes.' 'I see you have Sbakspeare,' saitl ibo President, ' have you ever read it?' 'Yes.' 'Do you know tbe moral of Othello!' 'Certainly, every ono kuows tho moral of Othello,' said the Chancellor. 'What is it?' 'Why to beware of Jealousy, &o.' 'No sir, you are wroug.' "What is it then?' baid the Chanoel lor greatly surprised. 'The moral of Othello,' said tho Pmt ueui, is mat a wtnto woman must marry a black man.' At u doctrine so moral, and a moral so original, tho Chancellor conoluded that his visitor was nu cscapsd lunatic, bo bo ran to the door, calling 'William, Willaml' his son 'come up here j there is a crazy man iu my room.' As soon as John Q. Adams could sufficiently control his laugh tei to speak, he introduced himself, and tho Chancellor then had somo duubts as to his sanity. not TiiR following vorscs were written iu England in 1050. That was just 170 years ago, Thoy might' havo been writ ten in Araorioa yesterday. Unltappierage nboerer saw, When truth doth co for treasop, ; Bv'ry blockhead's Willis law, Amlvoiccmib's sense Is reaton, Religion's made the bawd of state, To servo llu primps and pandsis ; Our liberty a prison gate , Ami scoundrels are commanders, O how wretched is our fate l Whs.1 dingers do w runl Wo must tie wicktd to be sisal Aa-tlobo Just-uadoni lie hoars tncra all, anil tuey roar up m ono horrid chorus to tho skies. Tako tho cries which wrong and outrage extoil fiom the widows, orphans, and tho op pressed. Ho hears them all; and Abel's slaughtered corpse called from tho ground, must they pierce his ear and demand- vengenee 1 The blood which is un justly shed, drawn fromube veins of in nocence, bo sees it all, and is sufficient tu mako rivers. What a foul stench reek-. up from tho corrupt city dwellings, and hearts of depraved humanity.! And it all mounts to him. Yet bow he spares, keeps back the Struggling thunders ! How amazing his paiience ; ho is God and not man, and therefore his compassion fails not. Rev .. Brace. Something: to Think, or. An cmt nont statesman has said : ''Compromise is the first law of combi nations I bad si'id almoatof nature. Is is tho law of society all government all uuited action. Partners in business coin- promise members of church socities com promise members of political, charitable, useful societies compromise promise with each other they compro raise with tbeir subjecta or loc them1 Warr, end by compromise the family cir cle is a compromise Husbands- compic miso with their wivcs--latbcr3 compro mise with their disobedieut children aud if our religion is true, God Almighty com promised with man when he accepted in his behalf tho atonement of His Son, and shall wo refuse lo do what nature, reason, religion, and history all comtuaud." Cc3f there is now residing in the town of C.tlcdiiuia, Columbia county, Wiscon sin, a man named Joseph Crele, who is supposed to bo the oldest man in tho world. He wns born in Detroit, ol French pa rents, and tho record of his baptism shows that be is 139 ) ears old' Ho was first married iu Now Orleans, 100 yoras ago, ahd is now living with a daughter by hi third wifo, who is over 70 years ogo. Ho is still active ; is able to chop wood, and to walk several miles. The eagerness with vf-hloh men and women adopt tho sayings of Lincoln re minds us of tv disgusting picture, pu'iited by Galatou, which lopreseutcd Hounr vomiting preoiaus stouus, and tho other poets standing nrouud swallowing what camo out of his moulh. Now that Old Aba vomits precious &tm sj a, what ever be does throw up, tu d Loyal. i Leacuers swallow wb t n ,ta , hungry t . ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers