Farmer's Department. COST OF PLOWING BY STEAM. Wo observe, acoording to llio statement of English papor. that the cost of plowing by (ho mo of Fowlor's steam plow on strong Iand,has been found to be as below stated. Tho expense of plow and engino complete is XI ,000, but the ongins being used for other purposoa when not plow ing, It ia thought fair to cstimato the vvholo cost at jC 00, The following is a oorrcct statement of ono year's itonn : Interest on 100,5 per cent, Annual ware, 10 per cent, Repairs of brookngo, Coal, oil and tallow, Wanes, Water-cart, X'J08 The abovo eslimalo is based on an al lowanco of a hundred days actual scrvico caoli year,whioh would bo over 3 or Slo daily or over 30 at the present value of currency in this country. Tho daily j average nurubsr of acres plowed has been' eight, and tho cost thoroforo in our pros-' cnt curronoy would bo about 51 por acre, j or S2 in gold, j It would bo a question for our farmers to answor, wheathcr this work could bo more cheaply accomplished by horses, if it wero not for tho fact that iron work, coal and wages are all cheaper in England than rinrr,. At Min anmn limn il,e, ln1tnN f horses is dearer. Tho satno authority T'lr, aoro h ,owcsl , ii.o mak ljiuwiul unu uu uuuu uu strong soils with horses in England which would' ba S3 iu cold, or over SO at tho nresont' timo in American currency. This being' u wu j uwub no case, steam-plowing is practicable and more profitablo in England. Probably wua an mo urawuaoKs ot niguor prices horo and rougher land, added to tho want of eacperienoo, it could not ho executed at the present time for loss than seven or eight dollars por aero, if the preceding figures arc reliable. It appear that tho first year of ihcso experiments thero were many breakages and interruptions. But nOW,after tho lapse of three years, through mora skill in mnn.momont I liavo ueoouie Dur, iew, ana mo expense oinse quontly greatly lessened. It is for the end of these thrco years that theno estimates were made and not for tho first. Wo havo never been sangine thattteain. plowing would be soon introduced inlo this country ,and havo no doubt that it has been retarded by unsuccessful experiments, made through a mistaken view of its easy accomplishment. Wo sco no prospect at prssent of its introduction, except on the broad plains of tho West, where tho sea sonable performance of plowing ovtr'lhou snds of acres by means of machinery, for the purpose of timely planting, may V more important than tho saving of uxpenre in the operation, Country Gentleman. DENT CORN IN WESTERN NEW YORK. We havo noticed in former years the remarkable lucecss of Joseph Wright, of Waterloo, in tho cultivation of tho large Dent 00m suoh as is raiscil in ce: trai and southcin Ohio. His laud for this crop was remarkable for its warmth, lightness and fertility enabling it with early plant ing to mature before autumnal frosts We havo measured, in one of his Golds, a stnlk which lacked only two iochos of being fifteen feet high, and tho upper car was too far abovo the rcaoh of a six foot mat' ta reach up and hang his hat on. Presi dent Lincoln could not have dono it had ho been there. This corn generally yield ed nearly a hundred bushels per acro,aml in somo instances considerably exceeded this amount. S. Williams, of Waterloo, furnishes tho Genesee Furmtr with a statement of tho crop for the past season covering eighteen acres. Uu never had a larger yield ono hundred bushels of cars, or over, per acre. The cob of this variety is so small that three bushels of cars give two of shelled corn. This variety of corn WJuld at all answer for ordinary manage ment in Westom New York but it shows tho coinplotc control in cultivation, which those farmers possess, who, by undor draiuhig, manuring and other good man ajcmoi.t, make tho season a month longer, as will as obtain ft larger growth from ever thing they cultivato. Country (icn tkman. HITCHING HORSES TO TREES. SHAPE Tl, !. a ..I Ki t 1.1 , 10 TO lf no act, not abfOltltcly Criminal, ... bly oaielossor blame. worthy than that of tying horses to gliatlo trees on tho streets of the borough. These trees arc highly ornamental, and exceedingly desirable for tho shado they afford tho inmates 0 tho houses and tho passers along the, streets. They arc only obtained, however, after a great expentlituro of pay and care on tho part of their owners, and thorcforo should not bo lightly esteemed by any. Persons, doubtlesn, often tio their horses to tho trees along our strrots, thoughtlessly, and without tho slightest idea of tho injury thoy oto liablo to infliot. But when injury is tho retultof this thoughtlessness tho party wiju uui iiju miHcuiet aim not tlio ono Who Buffers it, ought to pay tho ponalty to ,b eUeut of tho duuiaB0 done. MOltE MEN WANTED I REVOLUTION lN HIGH PRICES. . LJ1RGK ARRIVAL OF FALL & WINTER AT PETER ENT'S STORE, .V LlailT STIIF.I'.T, COt.U.MIIIA cov.vtt, r.f, HAH Just received (mm Philadelphia, ntid Is nnn opening nt tho nlil stand lately oicuplcd by Mattl c I'.nl, n splendid assortment of MERCHANDIZE which wilt bo mill cheap lor CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. Ill stockconslstsnf Ladles litres (Inodi choicest sty lot ami latest minions Calicos, Muslins, Qinghams, Flannels, Carpets, Shawls, Hosiery, Silks, . READY MADE CLOTHING. Cassimcrcs, Satinets, Cottonadcs, Kentucky Jeans, Thread, &o. Groceries, Quccnswaro, Ccdnrwarc, llardworo, Medicines, r L" "B-'M Oils, Paints. fco. BOOTS & SHOES. HATS & CAPS. In shnrx nvery thing tisiintiy kept in n ramitry store. The patronage of old friends, nnd the public general ly. In respectfully solicited. The highest market price palil for connlry proilure i rivriiu i;nt. Light Street, Nov. 10, 18(1 1. A i-VV blUKL. 1 IN OR ANGEVI LLE. . Clioap G oris and Great Bargains, T?JBr sbscr.lbr respectfully informs q i, friends nnd the generous public, that lie h" just opened a NEW STONE, In Iho well-known of tho into Win. Fritz, IN r on Mnm Street, in OrangcvlHe, Columbia county, I' which has been svcll-Hllcd with all k i nil of Choice New Goods. Fresh from the Eastern Markets, selling n chonp 119 tho cheapen which he Inti-nd for rcaily pay and j Tlffli,,, in part of the following articles ' riSC, Mf, -iieV-. -Sit St 56 Si ' Clotln, Uossimcrs, Satlinetts, Silks, Canihrirks, lie, W' alllcnus Muslins, SUa Is, Linens, Allpackas 1 Millinery ami Dress Corals, &c I mm Tea, Coffee, Sugars, Mnllascs, Spices, Cheese, Fish. Kaisius.Salt, Tobnhcn, Scgars.Snutf, anil oihvr article s in this line, usually kept In Country Stores. ALSO t QUEENSWAKE & EARTHENWARE, Hats and laps, Bouts and Sliors, Ami all notions generally i-i trade. 1C7 drain, Mutter, list's. Moat, anil country pro. ihico tnken In exchange fur Goods. CORNELIUS BELLES. Orangcvillo. Dec 17, 1804.-ly. FJIESI ARR1VA L Sail anil iDtntcr EVERYBODY 7 IIP. undersigned, grateful for pat patronage, rcspoc fully informs hi customers anil the pui'ttcgcnurnlly that he has jiiKt received from the Custerue liiix, tie iirgcstaud niof t sulci t stock of Pall and Winter 1 06 " M9 it That has yet lieen opened in lUnnmidiurg, tn which lie iuviti-s the attention nf his friends, and assures them that they ant nlfered for sale at great bargains. His Slock comprises a largo assortment of (JUNTl.EMEN'B WUAKINR ArPAIUU,. (J'tiiMsting nt Kashionadle Dni:ss Coats, of every des cripliou; Pants, Vests, Shirts, Cravats Stocks, Cotton ilauubcrchiejs, t.iovus, Buspcnncrs, &c. (..old Watches and Jewelry. Of every description, fine and chejp. N. It. Iteniember ' Ijtvtnhtrg'i Vhfitp Emporium. call and sue. No chargu for cxamlng Quod. n.vviD l.ownNitcrtn ninom.biirg, Nov. I!), J3d. (June 1831) ) New Grocery Store. MORE FRESH t.'OODS. (Formcrli Kinsman' old SianifJ on Main Sired, BhoMsburg. THE undersigned has just received a good stock of FALL AND WINTER DRV GOODS, of all kinds, Men's Heavy GALF AND K V BOOTS s the best in the market : a flood Assortment ofl.idiuj and Children' Shoes of all kinds. A Fresh Lot of Groceries of all kirn's, such ns Molasses, I Toas, Rico, I Fish, Sugars, Coffee, Spices, ' Salt, Hats and Caps, Tobacco, Srgars, Candior, Ravens, Lard, t'C, &0. FEED AND PROVISIONS. Together with a great tarlety of ctcele. las too iiuuieroiis to mc.iiioti, 11 "It liter, Ilsgs, .Me .t and produce generally taken I I escjuinge for goods, HENRY GIGER. It ftnui burg, Dec. 10, Igiil, NEW STORE it CHEAP GOODS. "Ql'H K SAIiUS AND SMALL 1'ROF ITS.'' 'I 1115 undersigned, having taken tho l.,1 'nrw lately occupied by James K. llyer, on Main Wru-t. nhuvo Iron Hlrrrl, in llloomkburg, and stocked I, Willi RVUlV l Jiri(!Il m ncipcrtfully infurms Ids fi lends and- he public. g-u. erally, that ho will he happy In receive a h;iru nf mo public patrnuage, and trusts that ho can render gener ol satisfattiun hy relliug them tint best quality of 7.1ERCB!lAIflZIS, on fair terms and at salisf.icinry prices, llis stock coiiii.n u pari, of DIIV COUII.-J, (Jiioui:itii:s, I'isii, UUUUNtiWAIlU. WOODI'.MVAUi:. BOOTH, SIIDKH. HATH, CAPB, dud especially Willi a splendid variety of LADIES DRESS GOODS, J-VfA-CF AliTICLKS He . &. which he will sell as cheap as the theapeit, for cash or reauy nay. t-i, :,.., . .. i.. .., l.. t i , goodi .i. ' " ' vv,.k., NDP,KW TEUWILLIUIUl. ffloonisbiirg, Jan iff. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office in Court Ally, formerly oc'cupl.d by Chills. cioom.b,,,: Dec, i. i''' Keep Youu Eye ON (THIS PLACE. SECOND Alt RIVAL OF NEW GOODS. HAB enloigeil and greatly Improved his Btnrc Ilnnm and storked it with a large and superior Block of It A 1,1, and WINTKIl HOODS, which will he sold as low ns at any other establishment In (Ko country. Calicos at 10, 18, 80 and 25 cents. Muslins, Bleached and Vrown at "25, 28, up to 48 mh. nnr.Sri ClOOIWctr every shade, quality and price ; n full linn of Domestic (ioods, vli : Checks, Ptrlpcs, Tiiks.I.lnncn and Cotton Table Diaper, ningliains, Nankeens, e . A.c. A good supply of i.ndles Brines and Guilds New stock of Hals olid Cant. All Wool Ingrain and Collage Carpels, a splendid article just nponen nnu tor laic, . A fresh nini lv of v f-4 s Groceries and Spices, a new lot of CADAR AND WILLOW WARE. MACKIIItAI, by tho quarter, half nnd whole Ittrri'l Nos. 1 and 2, medium and large. Also, a large Ulld splendid assortment nt ILASS Ml EllStSKlSWlBiB new designs. Also, a now lotnr THU.Mvb ami Oil Cloth Satchels. Having bnuehtthesn roods before the latn rise. I nui prepareiltn sell low, cheap ns the cheapest fur until country produce. vi, mijiiv iu ri,i..tai-j. l11oomhurg, Jan. T, 1M3. BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! IF YOU WANT TO DUY XA.& A.1333) WJHWJsE CiOOJ. GO TO n tnsy's Sloro , in Light StrccI, Pa. Who Keeps all Kinds of CALICO, MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAM, FLANNELS, CARPETS, HOSIERY, SHAWLS,. Rcady-.nadc Clothing Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, coffees, Teas, Fish, Salt, . Dacon, "llama, Lard, .Tobacco, spars, Hats, Root", Caps, Shoes, Drugs, Oils, J'amts, iVO., ive. In addition to our largo stock of Dry OooiIh, we have n luigo am) full nHsortment of Ready .Mude Clothing loi iMun and lto)s wear which we ire determined In sell cheaper than can be bought elsen hero. Cull and sou, and judge for yourselves. ii. t co. Light Street, October 20, lft) I. GET THE BEST. Wtbsler's Unabrh'ged Dictionary. NEW ILLUSTRATED EDITION, Thoroughly Devised and much Unlarged. Over 3000 Fine Engravings. 10 mil) WORDS and .MLAMNGSmu found iu other Dictionaries. Over thirty able American nnd Ihiropean scholars em ployed upon tills revision, and thirty years of Uhns expended upon it. Anions, tho collaborators aie Dr. Mnhan. of llerlin, Professoi. Pnrier, Dana, Whitney, lludly, l.ymnii, ''!'"'"', and -viatclier. Capt. Crolghill, of We.t Point Military Academy, Jndgi J. C. Perkins, Pro fessor Stiles, A l. Ilollcj. i;eq , tr., Jj-c Several tables nf great value.onc ufihcm of fifty quarto pages, riplanalory an I PronnniiLxig, of names in fiction of persons and places, pseudonyms, fee., kr., ns Abaddon, Acadia. Albany Regency, Molhn t;(lry Mason and Dixon's line, Mr. Micanber, Ice. Containing nno-nnii or one-foiirlh more matter ihau any former editions. From new electrotype plates and tho Riverside Press nnd Hinder, in oni: voi of iPin royai, paiiis. "am Tin: liti-sit." oev tiik uixr." "(3KT ll'KPSTKH. ' Pub!slied hy O. & C. .Ml'.KIUAM, Springfidd, JIass. S i.H IIY ILL HOOKSELI.HIS. January 7, !(.- in. NE VirilI VAlT At A. J. Evans' nriiMivfi mi) IiLOOMSUURG, PENN. LATEST SYLEB CAEAP GOODS "l" UU undertigiied respectfully informs Iiih frJi-Hds .1 uinl the public generally, that he h.n Just received from the KaMeiu cities, a large assortment of SEW &OXH:l&Ga being the best assortment ever oftt reil in this market. Also a compli re assnrlmeut of llovs Clothing. In fart everything in the Clolhiug Mue 'For those uho prefer to leave their measures, a pert'LCl lit guaranteed, and . mjiing but the best workinnnthlp allowed at this ta lithmuut. Ho also keeps nu'iiuiid alargc asor. mei of BOOTS AND SHOES. HATS ND CAPS, together with a variety of notions. C7- 'A LI, AND Ui: FOR YOUIISIII.I'. UJ A. J. KVANS. lllnnmsburK, April. S3, li'M. . FRESH J1R RIVAL op Fall & Winter Goods " Miller's Store. rMIH i uburribi-r has jnl retMriKil frmn Ihe Cities .1 wild aunt ho r luryc and nutoct a snort met nf FALL AND WlN'IEIl GOODS. purchased at Philadelphia, at the lowest figure, and which tiicy are determined tn sell on as moderate terms as ran bo procured elsewhere in illaotusuurg. llis llork comprises laujk$' Dithss aoons, of choicest styles nml latest fnihlon. nitr auoDs, .avj ghocmufjs. II llinirjtll K Q UK OA'S IMKK, CKOAIt II'.WK. HOLLOW WAKE UIOX. A'AILS, HOOTS SI10F.3 HATS if CAI'S, fte., ft,, IftJ, lu.linii everything usually kept In country Stores tn whirli lie iniite the public generally. The lljflicslprlre paidfor country produce. S. H . MILLER. Hlnounburg, Nov 10, 1?CI. TINWARE & STOVE SHOP. Till', undersigned respectfully mrnrini his old friend t and riikloniitrs. l ilt lin In. nn,.l,.... V '..I ' I ,i,i .,..... .i.; i.v v.-.'....': ::.."."'." ""'". 7. 1 1, . I,n n l.n..'.. .. I 1 1 . I. V".' . . . 'tMMtl W eVeafle r bocond " " " cc"' . . "r . . . .iri.uuer ou couiiucieii ny u insr I exc usivi-lv. ,., ,..,, ..,,. ,.., n,r.a (-, ,,f ,i, ,.. ,-i nun nii'ii rsieiisive nssnrimeni of I'AXCY BTOVDS ever Introduced Imn ihl,L..i Ills stork riin.Ut, t.f n .A..,..luin nun.i.....l. A he best Cooking and parlor stoves in the market, tngctli. er with Stove r inures, of every .Inscription, Oven and Unx stoves, Kadiators, Cyllndnr Htnyei, Cait Iron Air. ? !'" Nvei, Cannon Stoves, tic, tVc. Btovcnino and Tinware constantly ou hand nml miinnrneiiis'i All kinds nf repairing done, as usual, on short notice. Ihe pattnngnf old friends and new cu.lnnmrs re perlfully snlitlted, A, j uupijn'. Blooniiburq, Novsinber Id IBb0.-tC, .Tili: TO ALL INVALIDS IRON IN THE BLOOD. It Is well known to the meiHcal profession that IRON Is the Vital I'rinrlple or Life r.iemcnt of tho Mood. This Is derived chiefly from tho food wc eat I but if the fund Is not properly illgrsti d, or if front any cnu w hat ever, tho necessary quantity of Iron Is not taken Into the circulation, or becomes reduced, I lie wliolo system sutlers, Tho Imd Mood Tvlll irritato the heart, uill clog up the lungs, will obstruct the liver ntid will send its disease-producing elements In all parts of the sys tem, and every one will sutler 111 Whatever organ may ue preuisposeu in iiiseurc, Tho great value of ! HiON AS A IllEillClM: Is well kniinii ami a ktnitt lodged by all medicsl men 1 The dlinciilly has been to idiluln such n prt'purallnn n I it ns will enter the circulation and nsslmitulu at mice with tin lllnnd. This point, says Dr. tln)i'i, Massach usetts Htato Chemist, has been nttalni'd in the Peruvi an B) rup, by combination In a way before unknown. tiiu nmviAN sviiur , a Protected solution of the Protoxide of Iron a New ,ICIIUTy ill ,1111, ruint'i ii, ,,,, ,i, , WEiJeKiSn1.1" blt,"d wl,"l,sV"", '"-'i"""' THE PERUVIAN SYR DP I Cures Pyspepala, l.lver Complnlnt, Drnpay I'cvcr ,mil Ague, I.nss of llnerygy, Low fplrlls. TJIH PERUVIAN SYRUP Infuses slrcnedCvlgnr and new llfolntnt'hc system, a'i'i'd builds up no "Iron Constitution. Till: PERUVIAN SYRUP Cures l.'lironlc Dl;,rr' .ra, Hi rofula, lloiN, Scurvy, of Constitutional Vigor, THE PERUVIAN SYRUP Curt'B N'crvitMq Afler tiont, Kcntalf (Vmtplnfnfji, p mcusL8 the Kldaeys nnd Illamkr. THE PER UV1AN SYRUP Is a speililc for all diseases origlnnling In u bad stnt6 nf , ho blood, or accompanied by Debility or u Low Htnic ofllwriysteui, I amp nets containing certificates of cures and recom- mendatioiig from some of the st eminent Physicians Clergymci., and others.nlll be sent Kree to any address We select a few nf the names to show the ch.iracti r of the testimniinls. JOIINP. WIM.IAMrt, HHti , Prcsldont of the Mi tropoiitan Hank, New York. Ilev. Alllll, HTUVIlXa. I.ate IMitor Chrlstain Adioiute and Jonrnal. Itev. I' CIHIP.CII. IMitor New Vork Chronicle Rev John Pjernoiit. Levi s Jnhnsou, M D, Kcv Warren liurlon, Kcv .riliur II I'uller, Rev (.iirdon llobbius, Rev Hyli nuns Cnlih, Itev, T. Starr King, Rev I phrnipi Nute, Jr., Rev Joseph II Climb, Rev. Henry Uphnui, Rev P O llcndiev. Rllsivcll K ev .M II,, S K Kendall M' D W R fhl-holiN, M II. 1'rnncis Dana, M I). Jeremiah Stone, M, D insu Auto .niches .M I) Abraham Wendell M II. A A Hayes, M D. J K I hilt M D. Rev John V Oliuest.'ml, II, i:. Kinney, .11 D. Prepared by N I.Cl.AIIK & CO ejtlucively for J. I. DI.NaMORIl, No nil llroady.ny Now York. fo.'il hy all DruL'girts. No Family Should be Without it, tlnly2jccnti a hot son b.i.k nv P DINSMOUK No4Ul llrindivny, Ver York. J.W FOWI.K k CO No. .i Trcniimt St Huston tf And by all Druggists and Country Utrockeepors. KEDDIXGS'S RtSl.V SALVE FORTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE. Has fully established tin) supc.iorlly nf RE I) DING'S RUSSIA HALVE, Over a'l other I oallnj preparations, ll cures all kinds of Sirei, Culs, He ,1.1b. Hums, Roils leers, Salt KheiiuL, Cslpelas Sites Piles, t.'orns lips Sore eies, It He., rcn,iing the pain nt inre, nod Reducing thu inosl angry ookiug Stvi llings .ind iiillamntion ns ifhy -tingle. Only '.'. cents a box, ion s.m k m J V I'lVVMORi:, Nn.4!il Hroatiwny New Vork, S W l-.OW I.F. &fl).. N . IHTri'ini it-sl, tluslmi, And hy nil Drngglits, Mn 7, Ipr.t-lita, TUP, iinderslgneirts ntsn extensively engagen Iu h 1 J Undcrtakins iiu'incss, and kcepscoustnully nn hand udforulcat his Yarerooms, a largo assortment of . FINISHED COFFINS, Hy whiih he is enabled tu flit orders on presentation Also Keeps a gnod Horse and lluarsu, and will at al limes be ready to attend Funcrels. SIMON C. SIUYJJ. i'rr, January 2!l. IP5U New Drug Store, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Till', undersigned would Inform their friends and the public geuornlly.that they have taken the stand for merly occupied by Ceo. .M. Hagenbiich, iulhe Hxchnuge Huildjng, on Main street, iu Uluoiuxburf, where hu has j ii s-t reieiveil a full supply of Drug's, illt'tliciiacs, I'aints, lilis, Jiamps, Arc, Which lll be sold on moderate terms for ready pay. 1 Also, NOTIONS generally, of every variety, sort ami size. I Physicians' prescriptions carefully compounded, at all times and on short notice. tO Confectioiiciy of the beet selections, and Soda Wnlcr in season, CJ" A sliaru of tho public custom Is respettfully so- iciled, , CYKB & MOYUrt. 1 nioomsliiirg. Apr" 11, ISnrt. I ISAAC K. STAUFFER, WATHMAKE AND No. 118 North Sccontl St., per. of Quarty, PHILADELPHIA. An assortment of Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware constantly on hand. ' tt5" Kepalrihj of Watches and Jewrlry prnmptly at tended tn. ' ' ' ' January 4, IfCi. ly, 1 KIVTBSTRY. II. C II 0 W E R, SURGEON DENTIST, llFaPF.CTFUI.I.YnlTers his profess ' tonal services lo the Indies and gentle. ! men of I'l.iomshurg nnd vicinity, He is tirennred In .llletnl In Ml ihn op -rations in the Hue of his profession, and is provided with the latest Improved ri)UCKI1l. TKKTII; which will I'jjuierie.l on goldipliiiina, silver nud rubber bate InlniejwiH as the natuiul teeth -i icrii piuio aim Ml ler il plum and hlnk teeth manufactured nnd all Ol tWlll'lll Oil llUth. Ciiri'fUllV Illld O r O III' S I V A 1 17 II, I ,, ,1 I . "oWdenco and othrc a few doors a b o v e the Co 11 r t It ii,c, rnino Pdlo. Ul io,nnhur3, JuihhI ESP YM HOTEL 'PIIF, undersigned, having taken Ihe Hsnv Hn Hotel, X lately kent hr Mr. ll llou'eii. iv,mi.i ...v.,A,r..ii.: i nr.... i.i -V.I... I '. . .. .- ' - -Muiijr ,..,,,,,,. ,,,r, 111. ,i,ni uu, iiiuiic in general, tnal nn i pains will he spared for thr satisfactory entertainment of all who may favor him with their rurtmn, ' Uspy, Aprtl2.l3ht AD1ES, PRIVATE niKMCAL ADVISER, An Invaluable ttcnllioof 01 pages, by huhllilicd for the benefit of (he let. Oil receipt of TI'.V CUNTS, It will bo sent postpaid, In n sen 1 cnled ehttlbpe, to all who apply for it It gives n eonclio description or nil the diseases pe culiar to fntnalcs, tugether wltll menus of (lire, iiild treats f Conception, Pregnancy, Mltcarrlage,tterlllty Hiiiual Abuses, Prolapsus Uteri, I'cinale U'enkness Cniisumptlnn, sir,, and much other valuable Informa tion not published In any oilier . wntk. livery lady should plot urn n copy without delay, TllltKi: P.DITIONr?, JO.WW llACII, have nlrcady been published and distributed this year , Harvcy'a Female Pills, the niort Infallible and popular remedy ever known for nil diseases of the female set They lime been used in many thousand cases with unfailing success-ond tuny be relied on In every caso for which Ihey are re commended, and particularly In all cases arising from Obstruction, or Stoppage 0 Nature, no matter from what causo It arises. They are effve tunl In roitorliig to health nil who arc siidetlng from Weakness and Debility, Uterine Discharges, Nervous ness Ate , Ut nnd they 1 ACT I.IKE A CHARM 1 in strengthening and reitnrlng thu system. Thousands of Indies sr.!. ,r' e mirercd for years and tried various other remedies In v. 1 owe a renewal of their health nnd strength wholly to t "hlcacy of DR. HARVEY'S FEMALE PILLS. 'i hey iir HMrt nr discovery hut alor, thu celebrated rled remedy, DR. JOHN HARVEY, one nf the most eminent physicians, prescribed t, 'm for many yrjrs In h private prnitise, nnd no phys. cl.iu was uiorj truly pop ular or widely knoMii than htm in the treatment ol FEMALE DIFFICULTIES. Al ho have Used Dr. Harvey's female rills recom mend them In olli'irn. Nurses reinmuieiid Uiimii Drug IMPORTANT TO 1 lIsaiid ueaiers reconimeini lneoi in p-eiereucu ii. olhcr inedirlues, beciuso nf their merits. No la ly ob jects to take them for they nro elegantly j Prcpand by mi cxpcrieiced ChcmM. Iocs 'Ihey afe, pefcclly h.irniless nn tlio system, may tin taken at any lima llh pel feci safety ; hot during tho t farly stag's of Pregnancy they hoiiid not be taken, or a mis nrriage may ho taken, or a miscarriage may ' bo tin result. They never cause liny slikuoss pain or iiinirt'SH. r.iiilibox cniilnius si t tv nil.i and full dir 1 i Cttolil lor me. nrfadi PRICE ONE DOLLAR 1 07- Crrt this nolicn out If you desire Dr. Harvey,' ' Pill's or Hook, and if you cannot procure them of yont - drupglti do not take any olhert for son-ie rh-alers w hn are unprincipled v, ill recoiuiuend other l'i;ui"lu Pills, thev caff make a larger itrotlt nnhul euclonn the money and send dliect to TJr;. J, BRYANi General AcCIlt. t ,,, ' 7il Cedar street, N V. i vv'h.i ffllt Alt rlfc ff A'rViAVrlv illri-rt(-d ; and loll i ... ,,... ,,,,, ,, .. . ' H..aled tMH W . ' ,,m, i'J : ,: .' "i I D I' V 1 ' eiurn man. wti ;;ist.s Gr.M'.R.ii.i.r. li'..MASI!AltNl'.!3 iC'l.. Nmv Yoak. Wlio'esule .Agents. Vltird Edition Jlfly Thousand, 00 pigct, cloth covets. ' RY RORT. E HELL, M. D., Monilti-ror tlio Ktiyal C'uIIii;m of Pilims, I"Hi1l3, tnlilrctfuil tn yu'ilti. thf in.irrifil, iiml tliose j CONTEMPLATING MARRIAGE. tfsiu hy mail, wnl puiil. on rpecipt o" TKN CIlN'l ' A ratt'dn ;nru8;.. of ttiiu eiitait UjJt tia lieen a J ROON TO THE AFFLICTED 1 j and has saved thousands from a life of misery and ail 1 UNTIMELY GRAVE. 1 It treats on the evils of Youthful Indiscretion, Self Abuse, Seminal Weakness, F.uilssioiis. Sesual Dls- 1 rnjfs, t'.cnilal Debility, I.oss of Power, N'ervoune, j'reniiiture Decay, Impotence, &c. ic which unfit the siinVrer from tullllliu; thu ont.iaATioMs of MAiutttai:, and illustrate the meant of cure by the nse of HELL'S SPECIFIC PILLS, nfld oilier treatment necessary In some cues, nnd Which Ntver fails to 'Jure, and can be telied on. Thef do not nauseate the slonmcli, or render the breath llfiiilve. nnd 'he, rim be USED WITHOUT DF.TE' TlON. TM-'V do tx't interfere Ilh Luincj-.i purnilta, nut) are fhcetlv In urttotj. NO (-HANOI) OF 11 HIT Ifl XHCCHS VI! Y. Thetj arc Wat rant cU in all cuscst lo lt i 'f.'ctuwl in rctnnving nm curing tfic itt'cifi I IIAVB MKKX CUHK!) ' Uy uums HIIM.'S SPUUII'lt I'IIjLS. t, rlrOealen can he s)tnvrn frmn many tint iLivc tlsol iImiiit. no ok PAii.uitn bvi: orcrus. ' Vn ardK of n llundrcil I'h yeir ianai iin- tln-m extcti , r-ivel) in llif ir liriw.t.' .traUico. iiml Uvy f;iut tllVct I tupe w itlmut iheni, 1 HELL'S SPECIFiO PILLS Are tho original am) only gennine Specific 1'llt 'I hero are ii Host ol luiiiators uitv,iii; ill I ill; ll. i THESE ARE WAKRENTED. TlifJ art ndsipli'il fur innti' or ffinalc, ft or )otinf, 1 nnd tire tin- nn'y rJ i ,ible reint'dy kntiwn for tltu cri! if nil dUa'a nriiti' Inun i YOUTHFUL INDISCRETION. Iii nil St-inal Disrate), a (lojio.-rlifa, Htrirtnri't (ileut, and In nil Urinary nnu Kiiln.-y muiplurnti, U ACT LIKE A 0I1AUM ! I Relief i" experienced by taking a single box: nnd from lour to six boxes generally eMVct n SOLD It Y DIIIItiCISTS CI'.N'llIt M.I.Y. in Luxe containing nix pills, price SI, or n boxes, $j; also iu large boxes, containing lour of thu, price S't. 1 If t u need thu Hook or the Pills, cut out this ndver. tiicmeut for reference, mul ifjon cannot prnsurn I Nino of your druggist, do not be imposed on by any oilier remedy, Uut enclose the money in a letter to the pro prietor. JM&. .7. JtltV V l, IE ox .7070, Tii Cedar Street, N. Y. wljo will take all risk if properly directed, ami "III vvun iitu . ins, secureu iru.u ooscrvaiiun, uy rciurii mail, Post Paid, at. 1.1) II V Dltl'.IJClSTfl (ir.NI HAI.I.Y. DUMAS ll.o.NUd U CO, Nmv York. holesale Agi-nH, TO THE AFFLIITKI) ! FJ M DR. .J. BRYAN, CONSULTINt: PHYSICIAN, No 70 Cedar StrcU. New Fork. Medical treatment, tebn surcesiful, must be adapted to each purlieu! ir case, an-l Ihe con. In ion of the patient at the lime, and regulated from timo tn tune, ns thu exigencies of the casu rcpiirn. Medicine nils more potently on snuift persons than ou others, and it should Im-nilmlnileied Willi a view to assist nature, and not to forie it All who am afflicted with Chroiiij Difficulties nfnny kind, and have failed to illalu permanent hen. ifit fruui Hut treatment of their family jij;yiii urn solicited in give mea statement ofthiir condlljon, and I will advimj Hiein, freu of charge, w hat treatment is necessary lo ensure rconcryi the lime, reinilrid, ami tho e.xpeiii.e. ' 1 desire to prescribe or give ndiicn only in such ' cnuipJicntednnd chronic cises as have ballled the skll! of other phyiiriaiis. To all sin III will pay speedy attention, and give fiery case my scriuiis coiisidcrmion. Advice without itie.llrine i fore when adilreisiiig me, enclose one dollar in your letter, for which I will give my .candid Qpjiou 'on, ; "M--i ".---iimnu us i can nuoru lor inn same by return of mail; nml will also statu upon what If rim I will undertake tho case My professional attention Is yiven mori particularly to the following diseases, winch I mako specialities of my pr'lcssioui and I can treat them ns well at a dtriance as if called upon personally. All Chronic and Complicated Affections of the Sytcm( (and all diseases peculi ar to to Females ) Dyspepsia anil Liver Complaints, Chronic lleadacho I'll 11 11,1 It.llll', I'll. .,', In ...... -. ... -- ' ,i. unit jiiii.iiuiuaiiiry itueuma Consumption, IJroncltitis, and Lung Dis cases gonorally. A treatise on this subject, illustrating thu various stages and most rational of treatment, w ill bu It-snip0 0"U' 1 011 ,l,u 'ccclut of a posug. My Jreatinent for Consumption and llrnnchinl niTec. Hons has been attended with great success, I do noi follow Ihe beaten track uf th.i pan ages, but attack thu I1''?" pon principles that have a sound scientnic bails i and I havo restored thousands hy slnii In reme. ill. s, that have bed given oyer hy other phy.lci.ins 's incurable. Under the ordinary treatment the patients always die, under my treatment tncro is soiiiu hope. Atlllcted, trlvp me a consultation. u- no remedies that nro hur fill, in any case. My im.ttn is: '-Nali rii "!?fi.,,r!iV 'u'(,'fuf ""' disease, remedies in Um plant, or ihe fields mid trees of l, fot ;" and I ule, , 0 minerals under nny circumstances. My address is as follows: "J.HHYAN. M. l) Hoi 5071.. ,,, . eSo, TO Cedar Bireft, New- York. W rite your name plain, m,n town, cmniy and Statu, and a reply will he mailed as louu is pos.ible. f ternary 1 1, lew .yrow ' l""'' charge, Sexual ami Urinary IJI.easergemally. I would no? las! long , lmS oi DR. PCHENOK B OW.v UAHE, WlltfcF. l.AllOtUNO UNDKIl CONSUMPTION, Md how lih Pulmonic Si rup t Seateced Tonic, and Mandrake. Pills act on the System n curing hat dis ease, uie .mmM,,Tvi trn i GREAT SUCCESS ATTENDING IT 1 U1WJ41.J. ui i 'wsr -p ,Un t. n rnrreet likeness of Dr Schfnck tnkeu ninny years ago, after he had recovered from Cniisump. , tion: hy ncoursc of his "Hi iiturK's Pulmonic Sr hit." . I ho likeness, ullho.ig it do"8 not represent liliii nnv thing like nsbad ns he was at Ihn worst, V' l It l In strong contrast withlhelialo nnd vigorous h'oksol I ho Porlrnlt below, which Isthetrue likeness of lilmnl tho 1 Moment II mi-. Tim contrnn between these, two por- , I traits Is so great that ninny would not believe Ih'in to he thnsnine person. Yet there are hundreds of per- . sons, in and around Philadelphia, who will reci,jnle 'nth portraits tube true representalioiH. h"li the ti t was taken he weighed HIT pounds ! it the pres-nt , 1 1 nu 'lis weight isS-.ll poiitws. fStH YonK, Witlnesday, March Si), ItJlil, to Ike vmuG Thirty yenrs ago I was in the laf stages of I'nimoii- nryConsiimptloii, and glvui up to ille, I resided iu Pritadelphln and Dr, J seph Pnrrish, then ol thls city. of. ceil fVre to nri-lmvii. ti. J a illftance of nine MnWconi;!;::pVi,uV"' r,, rn.Mii.,,m.wt in.- f., t,.,,.tA i 'I him I heard of th'o r6rn'cdfe I uo.V ofR-r Iti the i'ittt. lie, Willi Ii cured me, It seemed to me that I could feel , tliniii neiirtrntiiia my whole system, Tln-y soon ripened the matter on my lungs, and I would spit nfTinort- than a pint of o(Pnsive yiilo- mat ter every morning, As soon us that logmi to vlhshp. mylongh, fever, pain, night sweats all began to' leadl ine, and my uppetitn becamo .i. ureal tint it was wU diflit uliy 1 could keep from eating tun mot It. I soon gained my elrenglh. mid I have been grf.SVr'ne in tto.h eversinio. Foi many ) ears I have enjoyed unfiiler, rupted good health, keeping the liv r and stomnth healthy w ilh the Seaweod Tonic mid Mandrake Pills, as I am of a bilious leiuierameiit. My weight is two till ii dred mid twenty pounds. On my r eovery people would semi for me, far unit near, to see If lln-ir cii'-ei were like mine. For this purpose pny prolessiouat xjsits in the large cities. 'Iheeoll lllllplives vlll to see Ho one that makes these i lit iues.mnt uhnwn cured of consumption bytheni, To nnikcum Inugsis liuposst lilc ; but i:n ities iu Hi- lungs nml ihrouic ulreratioiis of tlw broui-hial lubes imi In- h -nlnl Suili caes nn il) iog hourly under the ordiiinr treatmi ut of ph).i. cians. and jiut suili are cured byihe proper Uco of Silieni-k's t'omoiii S rup. Senvn ed 'I'milc, and Man. dfnke Pills. I nin non u llrnliJiy m,in, wilt-a large cavity in the miililln loln nf Ihe light lung. Hie louer lobe very mm Ii hepali.ed mid Cfiffplctii adhesion of the pleura. The li ft lung is sound, nml the upprrlt-he nf the right lung 1 iu n tolerably healthy Loneitroir, Tin-great reason w hy ph sii imis do not cure con-uiupHon is they try to .!' ion mm ) : tliry give inoiljrino in flop thernigh, to flop thill, to sioil night sweats, hei lie fever. mid. hv so doing, they derange Ihe vtliile iliyr.tlri' pnWets, lock ing up the oi retions. nnd eventually ihe patient sinks g-ff.-lillo. fter I tiinke a i-arelnl examination ol the ptlftent u illi the Hespirometer. mid liud lungs eunuch left (o core, I dir.'tt the p.tlii-ut how to usetl-e three reiiif'dl-s llemove the riii-i1 iin.l t'u-y will all stopof their ou u m i ofd. No dtw can ho i urj;il of i-onPuiop- fieri, liver c, uiplujul. djsp, psi. lurrli. innkir. til - 1 eefled'lhroiil, unless the liver and nmaill are mitde heallhy. In New KngMuil this i anker, i ironic ciitn'rlf, ulierate I throat, elongation of uvula, H more freva leiil than hi anyolher setiiou of the Louutry. Tis Is freipieotly raused try a fowl iloiituch. You u ay burn it out with cnu.tic time Klul mid all Hn-y nlil get is temporary rtln f I'orr-'tt (he sdimnih aud liver, nnd lliry ix ill heal iipthemsi-cs. fiood rintiitinn is thu remedy. Ifynu have nny ills ' ease in any put d t.fn Wdy, it )l remain lher"e and decay iimn nml more Until you cuir get t)A- stomai h iu the coudilion todigeit food, iinl make new Muni l,, Hike Die place-of diseased maffi I. This is tint only wnyii) heal cavities Ih the lungs and ulcerated (iron ihlnl tiini-s. Correct the itomach mul liver, mid nature ' will do thu honlm. Many persons have mi idea Ihnt certain inedicincs are great purniers of ip- l ixxl. I When blood is once diseased it rnmmf tn rnirihi-il : it 1 is uisi.-iseti up! eamu as inn oise.iseii mailer iu (Is syti;ni ; hut get (Ire nr'paratui in order, Hu-liver aWt I 1 toi h, nnd give il plenty of invurrsliing fond, n n Iff i milk -w blood, Uu h will take the jilai e of that "slhenck'pXonic i. r., rrilionri ui iron hiiipc, it ih ji nuwiTliu lunlc tf iitvtf, ' r: . . s n. rn the iiiiiens in me viiiuiacii, his i.irr.'ii ou uy inu npi o the Man. drnko I'llls.llo. Piilmooic S)rup i mule ii'tu Mood This is Ihe only way to cure consumption. If not gel a gnod uppelile nml I'ood does not digest, I inn. not cure the puiient Never mind the cough i remove tht'iuiisi- and it w ill stop of itself, -j In. i.H, . i,,nft trouble I have with my patients ul my rouius They say, "Doit or, 1 feel sroii''cr i I can 'eni my -ngin sweats are hi tier, and I let-1 better every way . Imi my cough is so bail yet ;" mid they nre .'istouii -d lo Ii ,-ir mo sny that doe not mailer , remove thu c,i ise mid it will stop itself, Schenik's Seaweed rre.itei a jood opptllte iu about nine days, when tlmie is no lung dis ease, unless the liver i iicni,gusii that 111- Man drake Pills camiot unlock the dm Is i:i -,h gall blnitder ' hi that shortspaec of lime, hi mile- I" allow tho stale ' tiile tiinass oir Keep tlw liver mid Iho stomaih healthy and tyr;ejs less .Linger id c.iiu.iinntinn or any . other disease. Jt is hard to take iuM when ihosu or riiiis nro huilthy. Those that me bilious, low spirited, I dreary, feeling tJoiOd, pouted tousue. poor nppitm, nervous, stomach full of w ind, cm r thing Kent on lies heavy- loss of ineuiory. Ir, on- l,.,llle m' SCIIF.NCK'S SUAWIiUI) 'i-o.NJu, mid ono box of H IIHNI'K'S MAMIKA Kll PJI.I.S, t ,s only n m.i'of one dollar and twentj -llvi- ce(, Willi full ilireilion. I this is sulhcicut. In ninii) cases, to satisfy w tho niediriues are. l're.iicutly one bulHe makes a gnat .-...,.,..,, .j. .,, pritim lllilf IVIUli J olljll-l- ry health, by using the Seaw I. Tonic nnU .Mandrake Pills occasionally t gi t the tligt-.iive organs iu such a healthy coudilion Hint they hi-eome ll.-.hy 1 can produce u number of my old cnnsiimpllyepaiieiits now enjoying good health, weighing nearly -.'il.l pound's I will conclude by relating three cures I havo made iti r.iw yorK.ond wiikii uroull diilerent, and wish nny one who Jecls any interest Hi Hi,, matle'r to I isitHieni , First is Mn. Fnrlow. residing then at No. U7 lloi'sto, ii,,n.-i.... ureei. ner nusuanii rnneii 11,1011 me at mv room. :ii Hond street, nud wished mo to call nnil .' her Ho said I could do uo good ; that he had all thu hot medi cal tiltendniicr, and nil said she w a loo far "onu with Consumption tu f.u (Ured ; but she hud heurd of some great cures I had made, and ho desired tn gratify h, r wishes. 1 called, uud found her lying cunlflied to Inr be. in thu last stago of bromhlal toiisuinptiun, nud without doubl must have 1 led m lungs, found both bronchial tubts very muih atleiteu, but nntoyjtlus had fori I, hercoiigh was leryseyere' thcspit-bnxwashairiullol lhickpus. Pulse III), leg, swollen very inuclij am ivurso than all she had eh,o. lilc dinrrhuia. Her bow Is had hoeii moved elewn ii ... 1 Hint ,11- i.m ... . .. ,..0 . : "-v. . I...S .1; . rov 1 .111 mugs euoiigii tone cured and I could not make her any worse. I gave her tir-t lose ol my Maiiilrakn PiilJ. and in., innir i freely. That was, on Tuesday. n.U bVhe lie " Su day' 1 Si?l' L i,"'i'7.1.,.:V;,". ' irL. 'f ' "!r "' retur,,ed ce v. 't hai win. nn -i'iii..,iuv .... .u. . ..... .. . '' I ftlrs.llartholomew.KI Wen Forly.nnh street canto to my rooin, with a tumnr on her liver. She wnslow. spirited, skin sallow, tonguu coated, bowels cosliye, no appetite, nnd fait .inking into ,iu Krau,, .,-,, ;,,, tumor had been rum. rg oyer fourteen years. I gay her Syrup, Tonic and Pills, ami told her to takothem just as thu directions were printed, She came back In iny rooms, M llnml street iu two weeks, somewhat heller j her tongue had begun to clean a little around Iho edges, her skin whiter nnd her escs brighter, and i- .'i'V'.',',",',1; I1'?'11;'"''1" very oll-eu.lyn matter, mm I fatter than t (ind ever doim hciure. She kept gradu. ullyiinprosiiig, and in about tsvi. moulhs shu caino tn I "'y.'0""' vM''ll''il!1t'nc,l.a,i,lg that Ihn tumnr ad nearly slopped riiuiilng. and was healing up, in,, 'atev'-'ry docto, hud told her Ihnt if it eser hei. led I would came her death. I mid her that the disease had all left her system, and niiuro would heal ihe ulier up, Ihey are now healed, and hase been ur annul a year and sheisaa hcjiityand rolnist a woman a, ion win rtiidln adayjw-alk. She isCMd for my oud tucalloa (jlsjlJ LLssLLBv9lirsssuBssssssS I hcf,nJtakei great palnssi He, nny ono his Ihn kenrs has anvtblns like sia loll and tries to gu them tnrome and ec me. The next caso Is .Miss Pel neld.rrom Stamford. Conn, Mrs. Ilartholomcw got Iv-i, down tn see me, and she has bsen evet since nt hot lnnte, When she first tame tn my rooms, she wn much oinac Inted Willi a distressing cough, spitting large mianUtlcs. qf blond., examined her lungs with th replrometer,nnd In Ml my prnttlte never foutnl mm with one lung so far gone and the tither lung so sound I could not tlvcinuih encourngenieiit. I thniight sho .. ,IU hill 'n mil nalmiltlilneilt the I'ulinOII cHVrUP, jienweed Tonic, and Mundrnke Pills nil seeined In go rlghl to work, the lung is all healed over. Icavi l' .tiU n.nKoose ,-gg s good appeiite sfiifits. and fins gullied somo thlrtv-nviM"""'J Ming Is an ncaicu over, lun.iim r i,i;.i, i, ni pniinds m C'llXII 3 belore 1 nt.i think will leave her I shniild think ll VtoiiM bo of great Interest tn some n imrrl ti il lent nliv pnrllcnlarly .Nllss Scotlelil, Clfiail lO "U IlieSI" ll", P, 'l,l,l.,iinil i,nr v.... ... t these any or tliem wiin liavo neen cureu oy mv moiiiciin i- . I. hi-... n.L- I.ial .l.n nl..,(... I tl ,,. I hr v nrc numerous In New Vork , but the nbovi- tiireo nil dllTir, rroni eath other and If my inedlilnes nrc do lngwhttl I represent thev lire, Ihey should have tun creilli and the nflllctcd know uln rc anil how Ihey may be cured. J. II, fCMUNCK, M, D. Dr. J. II. Prlienck can be found lit his principal office, Nn, 3! North Cth Street. Milladeliiii, v ery Halnrdny, fromS A. M lihlll 5 P. ,M,. t'1 c'vo advice, freo o (harge! but rut a thn'mtgh e.anlnfttliin he charcea tl tee Hollars 1'Jlce of the Pnlmniilc riyrup mid Hon. ueedTnnlc earh $12.'. per bottle, or $d the hn r oen Mandrake Pills '.'.Irriits per hot, nnd for sale by nil Druggists and Dealers. I June II, ffil.-l v. IMPORTANT FEMALES wsm 0v rr. rri t. itv rt n r.'n ! "if 11 Tl 'iM . IT 111 lil 21 IUJ if A ... rHSiflsi n a i t) I tafj HA A!IBvS ! ROTII MARRIED AND SINGLE. Oldost Rogulator for Females. Dll Clltliyi'.HAN S FI'.M Al.l". PI .I.S Will Immediately relieve, nillimit pain, all tlirtuil.iil ces "f the periodic I'ischarre, u hi ther arising Irnin re lasalloii or suppressjnu. They ntt like a clnirui in re moving the pains Hint iirinuip,tnyilliui''ilt or luiimiden ate menstruation! nnd are the only sale nml rcHaMi! reincily for I'lu.hes, Slrk ne.nlachi-.l'.ilns in the l.nin-. Hack nnd Sides, P.ilpl ntimi of the Heart, Nervous 'Prl n;8, l ntc-rien, Spasms, Hroken Sleep, nnd oilier nn Jili-n'j.Vi'l fiiol ilangeroiis olleits of rm unnatural coudi lion of the ki-tunl func'foii's. In the ivo'st rii of Fluor Albus, or Whites, they ellei t a speedy . lire. d:i. ciif.f..-i:ma's fCmam: pii.i.s. Have been used over n Quarter of n I'entury. They are offered ns the only .afe means of renewing inter- i rupted meuii ru at ion, lutt I. a lies must hear in iniitS that, there Is nnu cnmlitlon of tin; female system in I whlih the Pills cannot be tikeu without producing a' p -niL-ir result The condition refeired tn is f regniincy -Ills result Ml, carriage, Such i the irresistible ten dency f the ineilicimi to restoru thu setual functions tn n nor ll. 'I ininlilloll, that even the repri.illlctli; pow . erofunturt -nuiiot resist it. They e.iuuot doliariii in' any other way, dii. ci nr.fUM 's fiimam: pii.i.s. Are the only .Medirine iut nrried nml Siuele li.-idiea1 have relied upon for ninny y,-. can re'y upon now-. Ili'tvare of Imitations 1 Tkeso p.. ''ii-in the Finest re6a!ratiou ever put fopM rd, with imu, 'ale iml .I. t',.1,1 niriKK. DIIV'T III'. tll!l!i:t Villi. 'Iiihs ,,,, ailn ill-'-ineot In your Druggist, nml toll liim Urn you want tin-bent nod mot reliable IVuial.t Medicine f ,,e orld, nhicli iscoinprl.eil in i .. iiimiiuuivu FF.t I I riTI-JMI to I he 1'roprietnrs, or nu agciii, in cut, alt fu'iuis Hold by Hrill'gists generally. lit: 1 11 trails n. n l l.l.l l.ll. i-roprietnra HI t'l-lllir 'r.'t. Wow orlc C7- !. I.uiz. hi ill Hloomvbiirg. by Fyer ,t Mny r mid U Feb. '.'7, lr,4. ly. the Cattle 5'OsVit;': I H vfarrniJnl to i le 11 nnil ,K,i,,r fill ligent f r III" Mom nrh mid 1,1. id of O.itlln. Swine. r,r S'let-p. iii pro lie ting dlgf.tjon ill-ins lug Ih sti-ii. :tlnl trim if' r.og l ie purilie I Ml mill Ihlnl in ll-.r. lat, null, li itti-r nod -Ir' tlgt'-1 n. I o-lul'lmhiug lii-nllti -iu I l. 'or. DI YOY-S HORSi: MFI.I rOlVDF.II is ihn iTJ&Lr y? ) iiii-'in tos i , i: r. , , y YfTyL. fat u'ed in Frunce, Fug iStSi l.liid. HnitKcr'niid nod Et0s lloli.iiiil. and ilulv ml- ii'uii'r with pri7. ined nls. and invented by ttr, Duiny. Pnf' ssor o the I pi perialt'oHege tor grirtiliure nl Paris, nml now utn.i iif.ii-iure.lby r (!. IIIIIVFIt, Dr-of '.. and A, Allen town liehi'.-h rounty. Pi uns) Iv iiiin, ,Mldlea s nf the Mom tell. Illool, f. tings nnd 1'. nv .Is, speedily and certainly i ured. Healthy stock will bu brought into ihn very highest elate of perfection, and one or lno itililes,oontiil a weik is ot great v tin. to hard workiu; horses, breed jug .lie k nod colls, nod slvetl llinosaiiiti, ol intualile horses frmn iiiiilagi'tus tlMCiises, us well at the uniu-vnrd alu the urlii). THi: I.I'..-. If! I Wil'I.M ()N'ri'.l"l'.lrt eHrrluallt overrome all ih.- ih. tatter whii-h usually pre vent the eipel ling of worms, are plensmil to Like, nnd nUn one ol ihe iiiu-t ugreeabh- purgnliv for irildren. iu cooi lent i Ihe Inventor of the surcess of Iffs laborious -lit-lies i. Ihe palholiigical iiiinii.f lion of tin k prt p-natioo , Unit In i'uriiii-hes exerv glad iiiited phyiriau, with a written pren riptinn, as a new ra fir rr.iteri,'i inedic.i. Tlll(JNI.N ItOH'll. lilt Vlt'i; and ANf n.'- TFItillN T-llt. is a rViwder for if.'e sure exterminalinu of nil Vermin, will never i hangi-h Ilh' ago ;in, ilimale, nnd nn-ili prefi-riible to ih" old I'hoi-pfiorous Pasi,.. whnh Innl ens in a skorl (fine, making i" uo.llil. si. For direr, liens and particulars see the small hills in Ho- boxes 11" line hundred mid thirly - n il pr. Illinois h.ive ooeu nwarueii tn tnese leieiir.'itei op p.-ir.iiions, nil t-. October J.. It-lit, ltor AiH l!r.V . ! ide w lioles.iii, ,,,.i,t . iii ri.ii-1 For safe by all rehpciablu Drug ami country Hores. I'-l. lelil l.'lll. -- - Till'. (JR'lA'r tVlJBM'V.-.'.it F.AniHtTff Mi. v i v i v i-r.'i IS LONDON lu.Vi TIIOS.- W. AIATTSON Was awardctl the Pri." Med- ',rr'aJ!"eci?-!Ji nl for his superiority nverull f ttf'3't5if..,3i cMiupetilroo'i M' ti'e fu'ifed J f rt V-,5 SIB'ti fof lfs fiiipi'ovi'nient, A'f'i,iy;.;',v-"? TMVclliKg TrlimcSf lie being the inyenlor and Wj'jfeSi Mm111r.11 tui.-r of Clastic, i.-,-l ".vri W!" tiller n i;iaslesliel "--ig solid Soto I.i all,'erand sol'ni n.,1 ir,, r,... Spring solid t.t.) I.i all,'erand solid liivi led Iron rraniR 1 1 11 riling el ing'lriinks, Valises, r.nd eKllal Fases, fr.irpei . Leather Hags, Hmhrellas and llohhy llnrse. f.lgs, Propellers, Wheclborrow s, which ho Lags. Hill rt' Im iireiei re,l ti, .oil nl (I... I n .. , ... , . ........ ... ,, ,, . ,, ,, in.iuiii.iriuriiig prii.-. I he inost exteiis ve 'I rimk nud Carpel ll.i8 MauiilaCfui1 er in Phil.idrlphi.i. HI-.' MAIIKF.T STHF.F.T, one door nlicve Ton'rlfi. .,. . H"""1 l''e. PHIItDi:i,P.V, I lt7"Sales room on the llrst floor. C7Trunks neatly n paired or eieh inged for new ones, ('.ill mid sec, na we seJ very 1 hciip for ny. II. IM'il -VJinn Nos. II, 11, 111, 15, 17 Courtlanilt Street Nl'.AP. IIHOADWAY, NF.W VOItK CITY This .ii.etnhllsh:d nnd Ln orite resort of thn Hiul . ness t.oininuuity has been recently relitted, and is com- Jfjcje In cier) thing that can minuter tu Ihe comforts nf its patrons Ladles ami families nre spicjally and iare. fully prot idcil for. It i untrally located In tho Imi iness part of Ihe 111 and is contiguous to the principal lines i.f steamboalt. curs iiijhvsci ferries, e. In conseipienco of the pressure caused by the Uebel lion, prues have been reduced tn One Dollar at d l'ijty Cents per Dai 'I he table is amply supplied with nil the luxuries C tlii- seusoii, and iac-piul to that of any other hotel iu tho country, Ample aceomn.ioilntinni nre ottered fur upward of lot, guests. IL?- Do not l.elii , iners.nackioen. nud others w ha . "'!1' '"' Wnsteru lintel is full." , D. II. WINCIlIiS'ITXt, Proprir J 1 ()S' D' wINCIIi:.STi:it. tor. Feb, li, letl'J. iru iiuiiiji'. ii u i:r.i iniil' iii.ili .tt.s.j 1 n .!'"' ' .u.u,f' """"--dtalc y -ipoB..o tl,. CiJin-v . ffih " Sblk ,', ' dJr for tho recepli . wu ..'".e. res leciiuuy in onu ll.S tiiettdj in general, mat Ills House plioii undintettaliimeut of geiu-rm, uiui ills House i ii v ill or oil midl-lltettnliiiueiit ,,-. , I, , j i. may feci disposed u favor it with their em 1 He i,..j spared no expense jn jirepaiiug tlio ny, for I'm enlert.-Mliuieol o.fjiis gueits, millu r ch'ill lln re he any. thing wangpg (on hit pari) lo mininer t th ir iwr.niul Ciimfoit, IJJsliuusy J, smicioiu mid i-ulo- an eiculleul -business oi(i;i.un. ' ' ' Vj Oiuiiibuseii run at nil times bilw e- n the l!i igi Hotel am lie wiriinis r.-iii ii,, i.i i .... ... ...... . i. elera ulll l. ..I-, i. ".. .' .','' " - .- . i". ...,n,,,j i ,u.,',eti ' -nil i in tilt, specllve rialiona In duu ti.,1.1 tu nu, 1 : . nioonuburg.July-. IHji LEATHER! LICA'I II Mil ! ! Tliniuiilerxigiieil would ininoiinre. th In- hi, on hm 1 athl.llatandCnp limp,,,, , '",, 'J 1 , 1 ' line cnirskitis rf "huh he w , :,,i. ',... "","1" ' ".s'lrnn nu uan elsewhoia n this ma.kit Call and e,ri 'iV.,,,, Ifl, ,i,. HlooinsbiitL- ....! ix.i s"iiniv cirtiON I cluis a -. vi