Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, March 18, 1865, Image 2

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Senator (inJ'jnyio'l?,' f oftn 'oolyhopo that,
&i PMor denied his Lord and Mstcr, re-
punted, and -was forgirci), bo ,ia not tod
nlil viL. tibtxVitliitandins his noUliur.1 sins
oftho last few years, to rcpect'of thcni and
bo forgiven aW, I
But tho honorable Sonatfir Troih India
ana raises a poiiit'of order he assorts thai
itisnotin order Id hold an inqucit ovor
the dead body of' tho Democratic party
wbou tho coroner U not present. Sir, if
the Detuocratio pnrty is dead, what a g'r-
gantio corpse wo havo boforo in, Ouo
million seven hundrod anil fifty thousand
voters in this country ponstituto that cornto
if corpse it bo. Whoro is tho living man
that is to summon tbo ooronor to hold an
inquest on that dead body ! l)y your own connected, and of which ho fools so proud,
oonfession, and notwithstanding all tho ' a party adorend tn highly on' this floor
moans to which you rc3orled,you-had only and in ordor to revive tho Democratic par
soma two hundred or two liundrcd-and-fif- ,tv in our Stale thov nlaood boforo the nco-
ty thousand majority in the last prcslden
tial election ; and I now say horo, in tho
hearing of tho country.that'Jt Is my solemn
.1.1 I . t . 1..
conviction that had that eloctiou been
rightfully and legally determined, Gcorgo.that they wcrebcaton by more than thrco
13. McOlallan, in favor of whoso , nomina to'ono.
tion I ncvor was, would at this day bo tho1
dcdlarod Presidont-olact of tho. United
Why. do I' say so I Why, air, I, with
other Dcmocratio Senators, in .complianco
with tho law of tho land, in compliance
with our duty, went ovor a fow days ago
to witness tho most magniGuiont farce that
I ever saw exhibited at tho other end of
tho Capital ; and that was to hear the voto
for President of tho Unitod States dcolar
cd. I listened to it. It wont on ; and all
tho votes from tho land of steady habits'
and,with all respect for the honorable Sen
ator who sits before Mr. Wilton, tho
land which pot many years ago thought it
pious to burn old women for witches, and
which now thinks it equally pious to
whitewash a negro and mako him equal to
r a whito man 'wore recorded for tho pres
ent incumbent. It went on until it eamo
to the gallant Stato .represented by my
friend from New Jersoy, and then there
was musio in tho sound. That voto gave
out tho truo utterances of the voters of that
Slate. Then caino the vote of the small
est Stato now in tho Union in reputation ;
and let mo.corrcot history for ono moment.
It lias been said that Virginia is the
mother of States ; but, sir, I say then
came tho voice of tho mother of Stats, the
littlo Stato which I and my colcague rep
resent on fbis floor,the Stato which was the
first lo adopt the Constitution, and which
by the action of her sons, has showed her
?elf moro faithful than any other bo fur
heard f(om to tho compact of tho fathers,
by being the first promptly to reject the
unconstitutional proposed constitutional
.ameoment. Then, I say, came the voice
"hat Stato, and-though they were but
three voast,tl)al 60und brought joy to
the ear and glau....,, to ,h(J hoart
Mr. President, I saiu r.. in my juJgc.
ment had' that vote been legan, ,,
tained, Georgu B.
McClellan would have
been declared to be the President
of the
United States. I was not in favor of hi
nomination ; and foreseeing that ho would
be nominated, although a dolcgato to the
Convention, I would not atteud, because
ho had indentified himself with eertain
principles and; 1ml a record and a history
which w.cro antagonistic to tbo votes that
I-had given-in this body, and I did not de
sire to condemn my own aotion by an in
dorsemcnt of his record and yet when he
was presented by that Convention, wel
coming any breaze that would bring, hap
piness and prosperity, and in some mcas
nra restoro conititutionalliborty tothiscoin
try and get rid at once and forever of the
counsels of tho present inoumtont of the ex
ecutive chair and tho party that now con
trols the destinies of this oountry, I sup
polled him and I repeat my belief that
had that election boenrightfull) and legally
determined ho would havo been declared
the President-elect. Why do I eay so I
I havo said that I was called upon to wit
ccfs a farce in the counting of tho votci
iu the House of Representatives. What
were Eomo of tho evidences that it was a
farce? I heard the Stato of Maryland
annouueod as voting for Abraham Lin
coin. A number of tho counties of that
Stato border on the-county in whicb-Ilive.
I have travolod through-them j. and Ihavc
yet to find and evidence in favor of this
Administration among that class of poo
plo with whom I- becamo accquainted in
that portion pf the Stato. Will jou toll
me Maryland voted at a froot election for
tho presoot Exeeutivo oftho United States
when I know tho fact that the armed mili
tary were at the polls when I know that
when,notvithstandiog tho unconstitutional
act passed by a bogus Government in iho
Sto of Maryland) gentlemen against
whose character not a word oould bo said,
went forward and undertook to- take the
oath prejoribed in that Constituiion, they
wore driven from the polls, and not allow
ed to voto I
J hen came ,n M.ssour., for Ara-
nam uneoio. Who believes that tbo
, - " ,UD "-i"u,wouiu
vote an endorsement of his policy f I da
notrqerto noyoungatato called West-
Virgmiai Her Senators know moroof the
finntitiinnt nr lhn xn.iln,, r c.-..
, , V 1 ,Bl 01
Vlfaillln limn V A . T , . .
, u , uun-uave mei rep-
reaoniativos in the national counoil, even
from that nnrrimi nf V:,;.,;- ...t. t
; , K ' uo uavo
told mo thst if the opponent oftho Admin-
istration had had any fair ohanoo thoy
oould have carried th t State.
Mr. W1ELLY. The honorable Som.-
tor from Maryland
Mr. SAULSBUltV. I do not belong
to that provinco, Abraham lias not cot
our 8lt as a "provltico," crsotly
Mr. WILLHY: Well, sir, Irora tho
"provirnco 01 uciawaro
Mr. SAULSBUUY. No; bIt i
"Stato" of Delowaro
Ml. WILLHY. Well, then, tho Slate
of Dolowaro ; tiny thing to satisfy tho lion-
orabl'o Senator. I have tbo piodsufo .to
inform the Senator, and I liavo dj doubt
it will bo a pleasuro to him to loam, that
there was a reaularly nominated ticket
at the laic presidential' election in West'
Virginia of tho parly with which ho Isl
i -
plo fivo distinguished old lino Whigs, and
gavo them tho wholo voto of tho Domo
eratic party in tho young State of West
I . .
.Virginia ; that thoro was a fair voto : and
T , ,
I havo witnessed
in person somo of theso
"iair elections i
waoro more lias boci a regular JJoinooraf Cjy- We give up the first bago of this
io ticket running. I recollect that only a papcr lo an ntcreal!Dg dtbato tcc-M ,,ad
year ago last fall tho Democratic party injj,, ,ho Unitcd 6latcs A-cnal Qn lho
in my Plato nominated a candidate for ject of the several political panics of the
Oongrcfs, and tho Republican parly Our readers will find it tho
nated their candidate I rdcolleet that most ohiotj and 8p rca(3iD r 10
e ect.on day came, and that handb.lls wore da7 The record of ,ho od jjcmhooratio
thrown in the yards of farmers by armed partv u tbcro mado ,rf 'shin(, - hh luJtre
soldiers passing by, cautioning thorn in all the moro brilliant by tho contrast with
reference to the approaching election. - I tbo diJrk and bood ,list0 of ,ho k
recollec that they had tq,.uds of soldiers on maniai The Abolition party is truth
around ho voting plabes, and- that they ful,y allJ vigorou;ly dojCribPed b OD0 of
had certain oaths stuck up.thopaten.ty of its progenitors who says that its doors
which belongs to one renowned general, wcrc lbrow-n opctf ,0 bo b itM and
who is now a member f the other House, criminal3 of all partIca
who has shed his blood upon many ball lo. upoa ,bo threshold, but entered and took
fields, and illustrated the patriotism of his posscs6ion. To expect that any good can
country not by accepting civil position in como of a , B0 oonalltulod; g0 uKor,
j, .u
Hn w.i nnrn in nnmmnnrl nF iUn nliAAln
" ,
.ycj)anon;ui,aiiu ma iicuuquaners in niary
land, aud I bcliovo represents or raisrep-
resents, in part, tho Stato of Ohio. I
recollect that notwithstanding there was a
regular Demoeratio ticket iu tho field thero
were but fourteen Democratic votes oast ;
and why ! Wo had tho privilego of mak
ing a ticket ; but wo wero notified before
hand of pains and penalties to bo attaehod
to voting in a prrticular way. I presume
therefore, when tho Democrats of West
Virginia had the privilege of making out a
ticket they had some means of understand
ng that it was not exactly saio to oxercise
tthcir right to voto acoording to their own
judgement. .
Mr. WILLEY. Tho Senator's stippo
sition is ontirely unfounded. There wero
scarcely any troops in West Virginia,, and
no influenoo of tho kind brought to boar
upon the people. Thero was. a moro free
cr fair election in any Stato in tho Uuion
r n a in ri'minir r -
iur. OAUijJUj.t.i. I nnucrslaml u
On the ocoasion of tho election in my
Stato to i rofcr i did not approaob
iho polls. I t!.ouoH l kDew lbo ,orms
upon which I could voi. j ,iavo nQ
doubt thero. were Democrat! in Wt ytr.
ginia just as intelligent, and who under
stood the whole matter just as well as I
I havo mado these remarks in response
to tho playful point of ordor raised by the
honorable Senator from Indiana, to assure
him that if this Administration had an
pointed a ooronor to sit over the dead body
of the JJemocratic party wo would havo
found tho largest corpso over which an in
quest was ever held.
Ono remark moro, sir, and I shall con
oludo. Lot the Demoorats of the country
take heart. To thsm I say, though your
cnemie may charge yon with being disloy
al and in favor of disunion,with your glor-
ous Union record, with the vast numbers
who wont to the polls, notwithstanding tho
arbritary measures resorted to deprive you
oftho exorcise of tho highest functions of
tbo Amerioan citizen, when you soo that
you only fell some two hundred or two
hundred and fifty thousand votes behind in
a popular election in tho States now in tho
Union and said to bo loyal, tho record is
i,most encouraging; it gives hopes of tho
.future, lorsako not your nrincinlfs. lint
rally around tho same old standard under
which you were wont to fight. Remember
that in all your history and throughout
jour uiuiro aummistration of national af
airs no citizen ever complained that ho harl
.becB iilegelly arrested and placed in nl
uastiio. Jlemomber that you havo a rcc-
oru wuicu snows that under your ndminis- makes up His mind wo will have to stand
tion of the Federal Government no aan it.
was deprived of life, liberty, or property,1 Meanwhile, without malice, let us chur
except by due process of lw. Kecollcct ttnbly and firmly eontinuo to cut each
that throughout your cntiro history no other's throats taking oaro of suoh iin
press was forbidden to publish its viows fortunate people as may bo widowed and
to-the people oftho country ; that no ex-, orphaned ; in order that we may not in
ecutive hand was laid upon tho freedom of j"" or harm one another, but maintain
tho press. I say to the members of that just and lasting noaoe amour onr.nlc
f lurioua nanv. roan n. 11. nt n n .
whom you ever elevated to that 1,1,1, 1
sition ever dared to claim tho power of
suspenaiiig the bulwark of liberty tho writ
o habeas corpus, and thou coma hJ"
tho Congwss oMho United State, a.kimr'
to be roliovcd from tho conseouonces of
. l-uum
tno act. Kecolloct also that during il,n
.. . iuu
entire existence of your Dartv. inir r
dHmemborn.ent and distintecration them
... ... ... fa'w", vuero
wni noiuing nut tho addit on of Stato af-
ter State. Contrast that with tho ,L, 1 1
of this Ropublio.n na t ! . J
platlorm of principles upon whtoh you oan
safely go bofoto tho people of tho country,
if indeed, Abraham tho first Ilcpublioan
President is not to becomo Abraham tho
first cmporor, and you-tuay meet your po
litical foes, nod not by military force or a
resort to unconstitutional moans, but by
tho frco exercise 01 thai suffrage which is
secures to you by tho CohitItUliou,f odcral
, and State, achlovo a uoblo triumph in tho
" Oftr Constitution cuard It ever!
Onr glorious Union hold It dear
Our Starry Dag forsake It never I
The proud Gaucaaslan our only poor!
. Saturday Morning, Mar. 1 8,1865.
( ArTUrt JANUARY Irr, 18C5. )
' v3 00 per Year, or
i 2 50 if paid strictly in advance.
mill i.i r wmu'jnmMa
. rotten with corruption and debauched by
....... .
venality is to put faith in
Wo commotid kho debate in (lift nMrtninn
of our readers, and we should like to have
It plated in the hands of every Abolition-
ist in tho land.
Release Of" Mr. Meek.
P. GrtAr Meek, Fsq., the fearless Ed
itor of tho "Democratic" (Belltfontc)
Watchman t" was a week ago, as we then
Informed our readers, arrested by iho Ad
ministration spies and conveyed to liar-risburg-
After looking Mr ,Mekk in tho
face, and seeing, what they seldom see in
tuo abolition ranks, an honest face and
bravo man, they very wiselv conning,!
that as they could find no treason in him
they proffered hi-, an unconditional re!
lease, and heretu.ncd, home to Bcllcfonto.
This petty act. of political om-rcion. hv
tho pi.or miuiniM of the
Linciilti Despot
Should blast h,m to .he ,sl,adJs of
,al,.bliviuN.a..,l ,U.iat .Mr. Meek to
. .
tho liighest, pi a.-Je of fame and secure for
his noble 'Demoeratio Watchman," the
lnrrrPht mill miict lltinrnl n n tln ..T
largest aud most liberal circulation of any
country journal in all tho Common wealth.
Cold Comfort for Office Seokers.
. ,,r ,. ,
. -Washington-correspondent furuishes
mlormation-j, wm di j .
irmo oi oiuce-Beuue.XVU0 aro waiting for
a now deal of tho Fcdcru', . i
nnnh -1
rau'CIM" uu '""maio p.ona
friend, the President said nrettv np.irlr
.i j i- , , , '
ihcsi! Words, n fow invm slnnn . .T 1
. j -w.. j uh'.uwu. a. uavU
made up my mind to mako a very few
changes in tho offices in my gift for ray '
i . mi . e . . ...... ...
ouuuuu term, jluo laor, is, 1 tmulf. I will
not remove a fingle man, except for good'
and sufficient cause. It oreatcs a ercat
deal of dissatisfaction and tmirnhlinr, . 1
mako changes. To remove a man is very
Q a .
easy, but when I go to fill his place, thero
aro twenty applicants, and of these I must
make nineteen enemies ''
The Inaugural with the Bark off.
Pkllow Countuyman : I mado nn
inaugural address four years ago : thero
is no particular ocoasion for annothcr.
The public knows as much as I do
about the progress of our arms.
We havo great hopes but we make no
predictions. Seward's department.
Four years ago all tried to avert war.
Both parties hated tp fight. War came.
Tho slaves aro ono-cighth oftho popu
lation, and a "peculiar and powerful"
institution. ''Somehow" thov caused tli
All pray to tho same God. Ho dont
appear to bo on either side. When Ho
nmi nti,r
Thc Supreme Court of iHchigan,
' uug,,llu" concern, tias decided (he sol-
voting law in that Stste uneon.tilu-
lina1. Wo wonder If lho al abolition
Press W'H denounco thcm iw Conperhoads ?
"nru,y- " Vermont coufts, also " oy
- .. m ' J
a1' U8V0 aeciuea the same way. Wo
iDT',e nn aPinioD from tb'o demurrers of
,, ,
B "ootvara "u "us subjuct.
Bv-i ,
, Why cannot the men- who vole
b i,U,UOcJ lo to ib "
They can ond il, if thoy will.
tar Mr Ilr.NiiY 0. KKt,cliKn.havin(t
taken Petllo's Mill at Light Street, has
been running it tho past year, to general
satisfaction and has larccly increased its
gcrforal business. Ha Is. doing an .cxton-
sivo amount of Custom and Alcrohaut
woik Mr. K., is an excellent Miller and
a strictly honosl mau "tho noblest work
of God." .
A Jester and' a Drunkard.
in I .1. r .... i
u u roo,,,y o, a JM,cr -ucci -g o no
lll tf flMf I h n HIMIIIIiitiii At nrltilfiiil
m.iuuk iiiuuktiiugv ui ti uiuuiiutu iut
I'tiuu IU UIJ tVIl MliVUIIi OV bUlli
Lincoln's inaugurol address can bo dis
misicd frwiu tho public mind with a sigh,
In tokeh of tho .paiuful conviction that
(hero is ncilliar brain nor heart to guido
tho hands that hold tho reins of power
over this Republic But to know that
Andrew Johnson, tho inebriate, who not
oven in tho nrosenco of tho United States
Senate, in the presence cf tho Amotioan
pcoplo, in tho pr'esenco of tho world, with
millions roirardinjr his RRiion nll nimltln.
his utttrance, ould ruramon enough of
energy and sulf-donial to remain sober
until tho brief ordeal Was over, to know
that this debauched domagogue ii only
withheld by tho thread of a single life
from tho Presidential chair, is annnllinc
to every American citisoii who is not cn -
lirely carolesi of his country's honor and
Whenever any Domocratio member of
tho lato Con-rrcss has chanced to cxnress
himself indiscreetly duting an evening
session under the influence of a dinner
party conviviality, tho Administration
journals havo been relentless in their de
nunciation. What will they say in nom
niont upon tho conduct of their Vice
Pro-idont, who enters t lie Senate Ubaui
her to undergo the solemn ceremony of
his inauguration a cnmlitinn tlmt
would thame a rowdy at the threshold
of a tavern I Think of it Americans
i a Vice P.esidenlin such a beastly hUl0
of intoxication that he was uoablo cither
! t0 tak hU oalU o m:0 or admi,ii'"''-'''
lonln of offico lo S. nators over whose
dclibciaiKins he is to prcsido ! What ms-
Itago'will the Ministers of Foreign Powom,
'who listen wonderstruck to hii ravings
and muttcrings, convey to the haughly
emperors' and queens and king they rep
resent ? The despot of tho Old World
have mocked our sufferings for' iho past
four years j they will now point the finger
of soorir and ridicule at our disgrace.
A jufclcr at tho head of the Republic ; u
drunkard next in authority ! Such are
'a .me" o gtndtf us through tho
f"1,e S'rm ,0S!M our doo,wd Ml
rt0- Ouo day of suoli ituimatf.lnp,
e "" b.0.n TOUoh,.nfcl t0 t,s in
. I"'B00 W.0UW "vo U3 ,rom ,ho wrc0'i )
but now, when all is Couvulsidu and clmo,
wo uavo KIVLn theoontrol of our dusiiuies,
1 r'"",cnco. o-a ,,stcr and a
ftrtmlr nrrl
Sherman Retaliating for the Kill -
..n. - r T : , n
nig ui rua jc uragers xtepiy oi
the Confederate General Warle
Hampton. !
1 TT Z
of the Mississirrr, in tub Fh:i.d Feb
24. Lieut, Gen. U'wh tlamn'oa. a.m.
man"mS cavalry l-orces, U.
Gk.m:uai. : It is officially re
A". A,-
ur,1',wl, Xl a "uiciuuv rcnortea to
"- '""6 "" ru muroorcti ,
after capture and lablcd, "death to all
ne, n . . , . "I
"b" ' One instanen n a 1 n I I
v . . .. . unit
6even IDClJ' ,le'1f Cbo terfield, and another
0,' ,wo"ly "D('ar " "ivinej cigh'y rods from
the main" ntirml ...
-,w inC, ,,
T?.m.,n-..:ii.. T 1
V ' u ve oraerta "similar
numUcr cl P"oncra in oir hands to
WP" of in a like manner.
....... ., .
" uuum, uuu iuou.anu nrisoner
... 1 UIlt-r,M
C.lllllirl'll in vnl-inll. . . , I
- ... ...., j.,, uuu tii:i llMIU l
as long as you : but I hardly think these
murders arc committed with your knowl
edge ; and would suggest th3t you give
notice to tho people at largo that every
life taken by them limply remits in the
doath of ono of your Confederates.
Of oouree you cannot question my right
to forago on tho country. It is a war
right as old as history. The mann;r ol
exeroising it varies with circumstances, and
if tho civil authorities will supply my rcq
ui.i ions, I will forbid all foraging. Put I
find no civil authorities who can respond
to calls for forage or proyMons and there
fore must colleo: dirccly oftho people. I
have no doubt this is tho oecas'on of much
misbehavior on tho part or our men ; but
I oannot permit any enoray to judge or
punish with wbolcsalo murder.
Personally I rcgrot tho bitter feelings
engendered by this war : but thoy wero
to be expected, and I eimploy allege that
thoso who struck tho first blow and made
war Inovitablo ought not in a fairness to
rcproaoh us for the natural consequences.
I merely assort our war right to forago,
and my resolvo to pntect my foragors to
the extent of life for life, I am, with ro
spect, your obedient servant,
W. T. Sherman,
Msjor General, U. S. A.
IlEADaUAnrEns, IN the Field, Feb.
27, I805.-J1Or Genoral, W. T, Ster.
man. TT S- . .-n . v
mutuoatioii oftho
i ww.tisiijui j.uur mm.
27th inst , reached mo '
an it ou state dial it tias been
T ., ... .
ouiciaiiyroportwd thafyour foraging par-,
ties wero-"raurcereU" after canturo. nn,l
you co on to s&v that vaii UoA icAM(iA.A i
I ' "I mm 1
similar number of prisoner in vour
' --V, WM. V ui' tu l
i, ,i. ii, ,., '
to bo dt.poied of in liko manner," Thi
metioes the how Presidential term. Mr.!who lnay iatay hands
is to Bay, you have ordorcd a number of
Oonfctlcrnlo soldiers to bo "murdered."
You chnraolOrito your order In proper
terms, tor tho publio Voice,' aVon in your
own omlntry, whero it seldom dates to' ex-
press itself in vindication bf trdlh, honor
or justice, will surely agree with yod 'in
pronouncing you guilty df murder, if your
order Is carried out.
lWore dismissing this poiiion of your
letter, I bog to assuro you for cvory sol-
.1!nr nf inlnA .miir,1nrMl" ti vm, 1
' j ra
Inc. in all oases, nroforcnoo to anv officers
mjt II J
in relcrcncc to tho statement j ou mako
regarding iho death of your foragers, I
havo only to say that I know nothing of
!( tlinl. tin nrArra ntrnn litr inc. nlitlmrtlM
the killing of prisoners after capture, and
that I do not believe that my men killed
. , .
in which it was perfectly legitimato and
I .
, Pr0Pcr tllBy 8bo11 Wl ,,lem-
! At n part of tho system of the thieves
J'ou designalo as your foragers, to
the dwelling of those chitons whom
they have robbou.
To check this nnhum an Bjstem, which
U justly csccratod by every civilized na-1
tion, 1 Lavo directed my men to shoot)
down all of your men who are caught
buruin8 uouse3' Tuia or(lcr fll,ft!1 rc,nai
lin forco as lonE 03 J"5" d9firac0 lhc Pr0'
1 'e'8'0'1 of alm by allowing your men to
idt!tro" PrlVBl" tlwcllll,gs'
I You Bay lbal 1 oanDOt. of cc
ceurse, ques
tion your right to forage on the country.
''It is a right as old as hisiory." 1 do
not, sir, question this risht. But there is
a right older even than this, and one moro
inalienable 'tho right that every man has
to defend home and (o protcot those who
aro ilc',cudi tit upon Li I m ( aud from my
heart I wUh tlinl evciy old mah and boy
in uiy country who uan fire a gun, would
J !ll00t dW" ai 1,0 W0"ld wild b-ast, th
' n,ctJ wb a,c isolating their land, burn
i"g houses, and in-ulting their wo
lnu are particular iu denning and
loltlillltll,. U-.1- .1.rl,u m. i 1. ,r..
enumerate among them the right to liro
upon a defenseless city without notice, to
burn that city to the ground afier it had
t been sur'i ulluded by Iho authorities, who
I o'aimod, though in v.iin, that protection
which is always accorded lu civilizcil war
fare to non combatants j to Gro the dwel
ling hou'es of citizens uftcr robbing them
1 and to psipctrate even d.irker crimes thati
tin bo crimes too black to be mentioned.
You have permitted, if you have not or
dered, the commission of theso offenses
against humanity and tho rules of war.
You fired into lho city of Columbia with
out a word of warning. Af'er its surren
d, r by th i Mayor who dem iudcd proteo.
lion to privale property ,you laid, thovbolc
ilty in' iiihus, leaving amid its ruins thous
'a,jdi 0f qj ,'Ul
' ch Idro.i, ,vho
uieu and ho'plcsa women and
nn! likiflv I, of
1 va'ion aud cspoure. Your line of march
1 cau bu traect3 by tho light of burning
' I 1 ... .. . . .
i llui131-' nu iii more man one uouschuld
th a vo. 1.4 nn ntrnnv frit' mnm i
The Indian scalped his victim reg:ird-le-s
of sex cr ag.j. but with all his l.arbar
ity he always respected the persous of his
female ciptives. Your soldiers,iiiore sav
age than the Indian, insult theso who.o
natural protectors aro absent
. , .
'"conclusion,! nave on y to request
. . ' ' i
that wlcnxvcr you havo auy of your men
"dis;.osed of" or "murdored,"for the terms
appear to be syuonymons with you. you
I will let me hear of it, io ordor that I may
know what action to takr in llu- ITinltnr
' I 11 tlx. M,n,ti,l,t,iA 1 a1.11 I. -1.1 nr... r
... ..,-j..v.tuu . OUUII IJU1U UllV-SIX 01
yui ,i,eD as hostagoi for thoso whom you
i i . .
have ordered to bo leontpil
lu uu leeilicu.
I am jours, &c,
Wauu Hampton,
Licutifnant General.
Conference Appointments.
The M. E. Conference, in session
Danvillu last week, made the fo.lowing op-
liuintiiienis ior tins district :
John Guyer, Presiding Elder.
Williarasport,Pioo Street S. W. Price.
I. M..I1 r. . .
miiiuar Ol. .p.. J, (ray,
Montoursville A.M. OrcighlOIl.
M,m,.. II n.i , "
Muncy-I). Castlcman, W. Case.
Milton G, W. Cooper.
Milton Cirpnit J V If.,.,l . n
Lewisburg W. L. Spottswood.
MifHinburg-N. W. Uolburn.
Northumberland H. G. Diil,
Shamokin J. E. Potter.
Suubury li P. King.W. H. Norcross.
Cattawiiia F. Gearhart, ono to bo sup
plied. Ashland 13. F. Stephens,
Danvillo A. M. Parnitz.
liloorasburg It. E Wilson, ono to bo
Etpy and Light Street T. JI. lteote.
Jorioytown A Hartman.
Jeansvillo J Forrest, J 0 Hagcy.
Beaver Meadow E T Swartz
Whito Haven S Shannon.
Porwiok M P Croshwaito, 8 0 Swal-
Ploomingdale 0 Cleaver, ono to bo
Orangvillo-G II Day, Elias M Child,
Laporte J M Akcrs.
...W....V uuui,i uuuica iUUllin,
" 5 Ick I. T'rPi,l( w tt trni
ur', W lliiamsport Dickenson Seminary
meraoers 01 imiiuorry Street Ouarierlv
iuu uurrv rrrA, , n. a.
fl.ll n. . .'
1 r
j ...vw. .(uKttci,
Q1..0!r.r.iUc.e.' ',cma!l PonpylMnia
r if m
jjiuiu otiuiuiy, luemDor oi jjanvi o U
lerlv fl,.nf,. v v
tTiiTw niTi'lVo"
2d inst , by
f10( j( Morris, E'q,, Mr. William P
WltiTENiaiiTland Mis. Sai.UK Ann l'ox,
lotu ol ucmiooK townstitp, ooiuniuia uo, ,
1"' ... , ,tw.
'""'l "J 'T ,n"'0 ,7tr,' t"
0uar(Js nmi jlrs, j'Ahv J. WitiTfi-, of Blooiiisbifrg, Pa.
On tho ISth of March 1805 at the rcsi-
dencc of William McKi lvy.inlJIoomsburgi
im 1lni. iT. T Timlin. M r. Ii!'. B. YotlDY.
, Iint both of Blooms'
- . ,
On iho Oih Insli. 1V tho Rev. William
J. Eyer, Mr. Wit.t.tAM W. Hnt.wio, of
Ii0CU,, townfhin. to Miss Phances C.
GEltiiAtvr, of Poariogorcck township Col.
f 1 II ilin Kfl 111 Q (1 II V . llT til 0 8.11110, Mri
ReUi.e.n Sitlkb. of Ligl.latrect, td I Mlis
Sara" M .Olawcll of Oatawysa I'a.
lit lUO lOV. O I . KUS'IUI IU Jiu .inn
. ..
burg I'a, on mo ut . 01 luarcri iopu, , n
Hntswinif . nnil flll.s .MAHY ft J 1I0.MA9.
all of B.oomsburg Pa.
uy tho same, in Hloom-burg, on March
' the 10th 1805. Mr.PETUlt . Di WittiKllEIS.
, sa, of lUmoA , to Mis OmbA h. bn:r
- -
Ia ji,ighi Street on Tuesday last, Geo.
John. an eminent Christian aud most
nn a ipijo
estiraabl'i oitizon aged about 73 yoars.
., ...ii i, ., ,,,.i ... r 'I
At Millvillc, on the R'th Hist, David
Eves, aged about CO years
In Ccutro twp., on tho 10th init., Gen.
II. Kolchiicr, aged 41 ycar, C niooths and
S2J days. '
In Cattais.a on the 24th of February, '
li'ranois D -ane, aged about 75 years.
ILL bo rxpnsed to file,
Vi'il.lilo, nl tlio rril.lcnco ut tlio
by Publio
in Ulnoui.lliir, dti
SUitrctau, March tht'ZMi, 130")
The following described property, viz :
Two Horses,
One Truck U'agou. and Ltdders: 2 set of
Single Harness. One smooth biro llfle.
A Lot of Carpenter Tooli,; ('mpctJhairs,
Tables, Stoves, Si'tter-, &o Together with
a variety of houii'hold and Kitchen fur
niture too numerous to meiiiinu.
Sale to commence at lu o'clock,
ii , wbcu attendance wil bu give, by
M'irch 18, I80o.
S chenk4s Msuidrakc
Its, Cau?k and ( uke
HIS has received its mine from a enn-
slant naii-ca or pii-kucas at llh Mniiimli, uliltli
nil".' nils Mm pain in Ilin litnd. ,Tlr li'-a Inrli.i U npt
tn bocln in tlio morning ni wakiiij; frnnui ilocii leii,
andnli'ii mini irroj.ilgrlly nf die, Iin U.ii II tmmnil.
ted on Uic i!ay before, or ioinctiiir'4 fur ..vernlttnjs
previous. At flmt tlicru is a di.lri'ttsin;'ly ojipri-vsive
fu'-IiiiC in the licnil, wlikli Tly m-rjes inton 09
vore heavy pain In tlio toiliilce, frc uiitly niten tli-.l
by a sense of fullness and ten, lerncM in oneeye.nnd
extiii.ltns ncro.i. tlio fnr. lnnd. 'l'lDn: ii a rlnininy,
iiupien.iut t.istc lu t!i, inniith, nu i.riViislve brentli.nnil
the tongus covered with n yul'nu ihli bite fur. Tfla
sulfjrcr drslrus. In bis nliinci in 11 dnrk rinin. As soon
as I no pntienl fe -Is the fullness In Ihe head and pnin
in the temples, tAfcfc n lilrjc iloc ifVchlnk' SlniulraKo
I'll! , su.l in an hour or two they will f.-rl us viellns
erer. lliis lin been tried liy liioiis.iinli., nndis nlwnyj
sure to euro nn I idstend of the silk hendntho ctmiriL'
on cvety vtcek-or toil days, Ihey.'ni II not bo Iroublid
nilh it oiui 111 throe ln iutlis
Pchenk'n .Maiidritku Pills aro composed oft ii'iuibi-r
of root beside, Podnphiuiii, or roncntrated Mandrnke
nil of tend n ri lilx'tli'e sci n lions of the liver,
and net moro prompt thnn blue pills or inerriiry, and
wi'limit lem lug any ihuiucrous off, 1 Is. lu 3 liilliuus
person Ihuv will show thnuelvi- by tho siouls, They
nlll expel worms, iniicii , bile and all morbid innlter
fro nt tile fcyiiein. In Kirk lienJachi, if they are taken
as directed above, fa full doso -i ,i,m n. ilmc r,...! 'tin.
fust symptoms nfit l)r Scheiick will and liasdirected
his agents tn return the money if they dii nut give jur-
f.-cc satiifactioii.
If a p.on has been ro.npeUed ,0 stay , ,a,o n,
nijht, nml drinj too much wine, by Inkliis n doso of
pills on soing to bed, ne.l inoriiins ho willf-cl as thoi
theludnot drank a drop, unless ho for.'ets to go to
bed nt all.
They only eo.i 23 cents .1 box.
Whoever takosthciii willncxcr mo nny other They
are worth a dollar to"'a sick man for every centlhey
Don't forget the namn-SI.'IIUNCK'd SI AN DA'FC
Oflicc, No. 13. North Sixth Street, Pelladelphia, and'by
Drugslkts and Btorekcepers generally,
Bold viholesalo and retail nt Dr. Pchenck's Piinci.-al
Price for Pulmonic Syrup. Seaivnod ionic, eack SI SO
Ipcrbnttlc. SI SOthohHlfdi)7.oii,ortwoboltles il'syr
1 rup mn ono of Tonic for $7 73.
,,(.8d..nk wiiib, at hi, No. Nt.i,
! I'hllndelphh, every Faturday to sec patients, lie
m!,k! no cl""S f' advics, but fur n thorough eiam.
inatlon of tho lungs with his He rirom iter, lie charees
three dollars. ,
March IH. 13CS.
Vendue I
WILL ba cxpo-cd to Public Sale, at
tlio residence of the Hibscriber, In Mount'
' Pa., on
i Thursday, Mauh 23, 1605,
The i following dcscrllcd valuable personal property,
j mm GOAT;
I'luusau, iinviikiun. ncur i.iirric .-sirfft. ,'ninti,,.. .
onu nnnciliNo sow. ' Is&w
SEVn.V biioats, ninu siinnr.SaSSrJ
Two livo horso Wngous.onu two hntso Hprlnir Veoii
IIajr by tho Ton & Straw b thn "ndle,
llu;k.evo Reaper, Workbench and Tools. A lot
' "
klsSO :
Ifl, entire slodfof Houssliold and I'lifuiturc
comprising Ueds and lleddings. Chairs, Table, cu,'
loirds. Carpets, D .he., &c.iiicludi ig ' Cu'
""i", aipeis, uuiies, c. , including
Trn rnni,i
"inrei variety of oiheranieies too nUm5,ou.
iv . . .
iu- oan, io cnuiuiciice at U o'clock, n. m.. of said
rrji h,i ( .
a,, ! cu."""uo '"'' "y lo Cay. uuiil all Is sold.
........... .u nn, m siveii ami couu nuns ,,. i,.,i..
1'"wn' "
l UOPP.MAN, Autlioncci
March II, leOJ.
n ir s A- n rtSKN II U I'M
No. 451 Market' Slrecl, liiudi Mdo,l'liil:i:
liavo now opened their tM'a'l handsotnd
variety of lttbbont Bonnet Mute
tirials,St.raw Sc F.tno'y Bon.
nets, Ladies fe Misses'
rl.OiVnitd, lltJCIIiii.l.AOIIrl, un.l nlUtlicr nrti.'
rtei reqiircd by the ,
Dp Ions experience aridstrltt nttentlon tothiN brnnctl'
.f M.?,.,, w, , .5!.iv1.!!!l.r,
unilurnta iiilcn-imt cyerl liorn Ig bu fu,iii. 'I lul
aitt'iitliii Al I Mil Undri 1iil.l Mittliunfi. IS rtupkctftlly'
'""r "Artfiular tttJentlou pal I to (ihl g Or.lcrl.
JUnrch II, IHi.S,'3in.
.. :-... i i,i,.i. 1,1 t rtHi-lv. tlvlc. qim lly mill.
620. HOPKINS' G20;'
II 0O1' S K-l K-'IP
n ja Aildtl !
Strl-et, above Mi. VliVs
ftMlK lir.TAIL.
. .... .. .i
TIL-in .1 oiinll t' '?; J" I U '.MMii illy All
, .... , . . ::--i -unr,
In m... I i ilill H nrl nciaii
.1,.,. i7,,.,t un.l ,t . nulls In trail nml I'lnlH flklrH,
'...i i... .. .... ii.i.l .!.,. Iralil t Hi Vina.
f'V,V;',aJP:,r:Tr..'; r',,..i ti., I'.Vtumi mkt
,i Viiri umu .. ii....nrt7 '"M
tlont nil that nl. ttfj. l.'.lfr l lamiwJ "iillwkljj
iml, "lliMikl r l'i"M' d.itt Mii.,ul.ictory, No. lWArcll
Sttcct. l'lu. .i l.ii'li. i. mliirj w.ifriiiiu.l Iu 1'ive tali-
f"cr Asnt. f It l!i "J A A' Vi.iUUV." MUlttT III)
ni'i.t hlUMc llimp Ekirt, equal t, llrailloy
"Iliiiilet i:ilitlc" Hlilii, nml at much loner prl- ,
Al.ii, rmiBtuntt)- in ri-cnlt of u full amnrtuii'iit of
Bond i:..tern maJe HkltH, willed nru Miif ilil t
very loiv urlc'i". Kill p.nlileil and mrtnlie l.inteim.1 13 ,iini;i 91 l. M "I'rnis 1 13, 3D
tnrli.s. fit '25 and 4(1 tftirlilct 8 1 H. SklUt made t'
ii'i.n lit ifi. t nr bi'i nml nil cnmnrti.
nr.lcr. nltofcd mid ii'DjIred' 'IVrnii '.'mil -Oii,i Prki
Only. Tor Ciicuinf cantmnliiK umainyiio "l njiei,
ii,l,Vh.iiViiiiii.ivtrli.t.iiiittoMiiiJf.i i.y malt,
luciminp amuip ior ro.i.ii;.-,
Ilotikius Hoop Skirt Manufactory;
No. Ov!8 Arh S ro t, PLilad.lphia.
Mnrrh II, liCi.-Din.
WILL bo rxpocd to Silo, by Publ d
Vru.liiR. nt I lie rrilili'tico nf tlio timlr rignod;
in Uruenwuud town. hip, Columbia cnu'iilr. I'K .,un
Momay, Mttick ticHWt, 18(15,
'l'l! fo'liinlng diMciib.'il valualilu ii-ronal pfopi-rlt.
Two Head of Horses,
1 AND ONE OOli T ,
Qhree Milk Cows, one Heifier,-
V O (I It II ) H s,
(viz : one brood Sow and S good Shorn-)
r.itmt May Turk, Unir an I I'tt 1 1 .- - . Tli.'oi! SU-d..-COH.V
OATS. imUKU'llllAI' AND roTA'l'tHIS by
tli,i Ini.lh'l, (villi intlilr,li "f .iturn nrrr unir.ini'
In IIic rr'mii.l. Iluublii wl ut tu; 1 1 .t r u ati-l .loublu
irt nl' Carriage II. nirai. l'oiir id I talln-r Fiy
.Net.. Ati-rmv l.'urti t low, and lli vulnii1.' lakt. -I'ltnvi,
larrnn I'liltivaluri, lUk, , Turks, and Kami-,
lug ut, lulls siMicrally,
llnui'-liiilil mid Kllch-n fiirnlliirr j cnutiirl'lncllnbo
(inokiiig Hiiiv", I'lnlr. 'lablja, i;iiili',.iru, lleil-.tradi.'
VI'Hgar and rfmip by th i birr, I,
A lot of Smoked Meat, Lard bj the Can,
and a great . riety of anltlcj
ton uiiiiii'ruiu tu linn-'
ZT i.ilc In cniiiiii 'iici nt 0 n'clm k A .1! , cf t
ia-, I rii atluii .inc.- III lw iiv 11 .111 J 0:1 Mil m. knun 11, by
Jlnri.ll 1 , IMS
Vahmblc IVmnial Properly
rl MI K iindcr.-'i. nod. will expose 'o sale by
' X I'nlMir Vi'ii'lii'1. iijmi.i 1I13 prt'iiii.tia, 1.1 .Mont,, ir
tim n.nii. Ciilninlii.t r... inly, !.., 011
FiuUiij, the '-llUt. 1.17 0 .Mnrrh , I8IT),
'Jiu f' ll'juius ilc.i ril.i.d iicrini'.al irr--rty
'fK, 'illlllli! ilOSlSES,
i. t ''(via.: nrl llorn, n Vmn
LiKSnuiut; lion, an I it tuiiyc.r uU Cull. )
MILK cows,OL
u 'rwriiiy I'Ha lieu! of
hL siihep.
ihm Devon lh
A iiewU.;i(l;r.:i'hFeshinz.Iar,,,an.1 Trei.l Tower,
(.Mm Hull, K-dlcf, I'.t ,-itl rl filller. I'.i Mill
r.nd Corn Hli.-tl.-r. illtti f.njf ofsc Va!,,ii,,,ne to
li -rse W numi, tfprlng IVajoil nil.l riulky. I'l.nv-. Ilnr-
rims, . 11 11 1 .III Of. .11 'ffl (j ui J. lino Pal .lit i.i- P,.rl..
Ilo-pe 11 IM I
Ladders. Ilor.o llnkr. I.iu fliiins.iiiiiimr li,,n ,.,,,1
Til,, et ,.r iiiirii.... .,, 11...
rums other ankles of running iiton.ils, lo niiiu,.r,'U3
In lutiition,
ALS6 :
Thrw Red. mid ll.-il liu;, iviili n variety nf hmi.e h.ild
Kltc-" furuilure lint h -rein u niiiuer.ite.l,
kilutvii, l,y h r0uii,iins m.iue
J Sliclllinri, Aucli'inccr.
.M.inlt A; ism '
Neatly & Expeditiously printed'
.it tub nrriCB or the
WILL be rxpnsed to sale, by Public
i. i, . yunil"V'l residence of tho undersicued.
ill .Main township, Columbia county, Pa., on
Tucathy, March ai, 1805,
Th" following describoJ lalnalilo personal pr iperty,
r our Horses,
our Milk (Jow,sr
Orle larc Hoar, one llifee-llnrso Wagon, one low rami"
Wnsoir tno S Plows. Harrow,, Cultivator, -f-
sot o Harness, Thre.lrintj Maclllne. or,0 n,k Cut
liny llnx, Corn .MMller. ranmng Mill. Cl.aii,,. Porks,
un.l In great variety of Parming uieu,!!, Beerailv toir
liilificrons to lneiitloit, t-icinny, tnur
D.7" ale to coininenco at 10 o'clock, A. M. nf .a,-
w.OToVu"brni' "'" bti" conjirio" b
job. o rv ;.vti:ii.stj:i:n, Aunion, u
.March t, Uiii,
THE undersigned being regularly lieencd1
Hereby olfers his seriieo ns suclrto all who may feel'
disposed to glvu him n rail. His long uiperi nco li
UU c.uome,,..Wm "" ' rtMcr Mlj.ruiilS to
All person, desiring my sertlcss, will pleasu inform'
me (9 that effect before tlieyiidvrttije. 1
,. , , IK AM DElUt.
l oit-ollice address i Rnlitfhiirg, Columbia counly.Pai
Jackson township, Jaii 7, leili '
Ladies' Ftirn.
Pliulidtllli'a S0NH' t'ol'"l'l ""tel