Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, March 18, 1865, Image 1

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- " -jifi-'T-T -TOcrtrcs: . : rkrcair u1. -i ,r ,-
VOL. 19. NO. 3.
1 11 n 1 n I I ii. ,11
Winter arangemnt,
November 7lli, 1804.
G J. rent Trunk Lino from the No th and
I North .XX'ot for I'hllade'plnn, N'ew-Yon, Head.
Im.'. I'ottsvllle, Lebanon, Allentnwu, llastnn, r.. tic,
Trains It-nve llnrrlshurg fur New -York, in follows
Al anon rid H. j A. ill. and 1.4.1 I'. M., nrrlvln; nt New
Yurk nt II) A M nml J.I1 mill 10 0(1 P. )l,
Tho nli'ivi" rmiuect with similar Train on til IVnii
sylvnnlu liiill, nml Wei-ping I'nra ncromp ny the
first tun Trains, without (lianiri'
Leave for ItiMilltie, littsvllle,T.tinnpin, Mint -ml lie.
Alleiitnwn, nml Philadelphia nt H.I.I A. Al. nn I I Ml'.
.Mm ti'iliis nt lirliiiinn nml principal Htatinn. only,
Wny 'l'r.iinp. stopping ut nil point', nt 7 'Al A Al.un.l
4. WW Al. tli-li-rnuur. l.nnvo Ncw.'ork at ti X 1 I'J
noon, mill ", .lift P .M. Philadelphia at8A.AI nml 11.311
I'.AI . I'ot'Fiill.'.'i H.lll A. M.nml a.:i.l P. M j rnmaqiin
nlKlllA M imiiI'J.MI' M. nml Itendlngnt I'J midnight,
7:11 nml hi l.i . Al.. 1.3-1 nml 110.1 P. M.
Itomllii - trcoiiiiiilntlnn I'm In; Leaves lt ndingntu
30 A. .11 i. lurrlnu Irnm Philadelphia nt 4.11 I'. Al.
L'nltiuibi.i It.-iilro.iil Tr.llus lenvn llcmlin. ut 0.40 nml
II A Al.for llplirntn. l.i tlx. t'ohimlil.i. tec
On Sundays i l.r&VM Now.X'ork ntTP .M., I'll llntlr-1
phlii 3.1.1 P Al., Poll. villi- 7.30 A. Al., Tn unqila 7 A. Al ,
iluriislnitg 8 13 A. Al.. a ml If.-ading nt 'il midnight, lor
I.'iiimmilnlinn, Mileage, B.'nnn. Hi-,nnl, nml rixcur
slnn Ticket, tn.inil Irnm nil points, ut reduced Kates.
ILigcagn checked through ; HO pmimls ulluwcil each
T tncral Superintendent.
Ili-.ArKMi, Ji. Nov'. M. Mill t
Revised Fro Bill of the
Col u in bin k Mon tor County
1'ioji rlptroti, VUll in TnttN.
K.irli nililllioiul riait, nulls .ilny. til
K.irh rjiHC In Ininily, in
1'oniilrv or lown, ...
t)rilnar)'liil out .U'lnwii uilliill
om- uiilis ....
Hull lulilltionnl mill', or fr.ltlloii of.i
llilli', tip til fix llllll't. '
UmMim uicht nml pn ecMliluz '
Vi'lt nt uliiliiilllullli: I ll,i ilny vllt.
irilin:,fy i-.ivi-fl ,,r t'.irliln'lii.ii I 1
I iilriiiin'iit.-il rncu, ainl toirli n4 rc.
0 cts,
tn SI.0'1
S3 t cuts.
Slf rcnti.
SI, 53
' 55 rrnti
Si, no
5 -MM
Sl.l no
S3 00 to S-J.ui)
ll.-llvi flilu I'lncoi'di.
Tillro liirniutf,
All nlli r niti'mlillac, ncconlliiz
JU'ijui lion oT ri.iiluri's i. i.nt illmU,
iiuijor - , . i
Ainpjitjjllon i f l.m or Ann .
.iiipii itfon of Kiuyrr or Tni',
(ipi-riltion (or lliro-lip,
I r i ..J nn ot Timi a i 'k , .
I' of 'runior, -
Y.n ciiiation. . . . . .
liitn iliRiloh of ('.Kin tr .
I'o t inort I'X.'iinin'u for ('oroimr.
l'OII, ill:, 11,111 Witlilll.tllll MlllfS, .
I'iOiir Trnrar in A-ili'.,.
iipi'f ili-in i tl lit itiiluili'i i.
or nrillo rv r.ili nrl vf-ll.
Sio.nii tn ,;.i,na
g'lil.CII tn ,-,n nil
S.,110 to 510.00
Sin.Oii to $10,011
8ll).(in tn SIS ou
$10,00 to -Ji.OO
S-'.i'O In 8VHI
g.lli 00 to S il 0,0,1
$-,llll li, .SI.". I'll
.;io on
.1 (10
Ali-ilirillc In all i.tsi'rt i-xll.l,
J'liitiaFyT, l-'S
An liluR nt iovt'.!.y iu Unfrlu.
rtUp en -H of llii. nn' fin flit i ri v ni-UJ jnv i f ri,
hm. (, ( ii f i x nil) tent nn i tMiiliiiM'il, rnlt. 1 to
p th.T ;inl tl.iiN'li -', prt tun i ;iu i n i i ijtnt ii nf
11 rnn t L'nht, i nMrit 4r(niiH, iiii h will ;itny Kt't-p
i rnliir. I I'l'V .ire l I'liiftil . tt I iinr .i Mthtl
-li), nml Jirr "rr-f i . Isl nt it- ltf!h ill t it. Tit c.ijn;
i- h nut liulljt'il--i-'ii' y, (III i'.iii I ;ui I liil I for ".hih'.
illi l':it ii: lt i li I'ifi. nn. I iiipttcd i i tn -i n t
m" id. i .'Ii I r.itnt i id l in ttiv l,e r- .iiid rr,' r ;illy
h uii'f-iMii ' mi I i!fli.i!rlf. ;t u I rx:n t ;in imii ii m i f
ti ll, .1 III .l IV ih l ( Mini I'lli' in iv. in -nt i lit I TIM
I. u uircit li 1 1 1 M'lt kunn n t .htni-r U'mr'i i"mn-.iuy
(I i urt'p nml .ir.- .iiirli! il lj i .u ''Ui'r.ivr
l;tlli in, I'iih y i.irvnl Itii Hiijufijni r 'ul-ifr w ill)
ilitUl Hn l.i ini ti, Mill ii inlj'f-Mtvit n.f uil nlm-iliM
i idi 1 1 pi' i' i .1 Jin I k li tii'i lmit!, ihi i u ;irr;nll i n
t'n. il timr U rpiT. Tlii'' wall lii-j nr.-ill Im v illll. r
i .il rt. ili! Mm ilt t Ii'Hul' ( t l.nli, mi I an nil
Muni I nt; ' ';i. 'ti A ; I i v , Will Iip I dy tu.til nr
V.xpri'v, f'r tfl ' U'i. A finlp mi tctil-ni ihi rli yam
Atiiiticco ii in fuf ()) ; mil riMilily jcII I'nr liirci
linn-it llinir ant. V arc lli i itp uypm I'nr tliM notch
nt Hi'- U.inlnl S'.it''. an I I Hif arc t;ciiuitiu ulijcli do
not 'xir Tr.t'li .Mnrlf .
DEN'i'bcM&Cn , Importers.
l'" Ma dim hmio, Now York.
t'cli, II. IrfS.-.lm.
, K E - 0P E N E D.
TA'I'r, nl DM IViuis) I vania llmnc, Ina purrli:ifil
j the tilxivp r KiiiiMii Tnvprn Slatut, l.ilrly nn-np
IpiI I y Di'ii'cn ' , i'rf .'-', t-ilmilp in rkt t At T rry
iri'i'M, In II.iii1IIp. Pa., nii'l li-- r- furitixhcil ami r-
ttiMM. it fur Hip ncrnniii'litli ( , unlt'in.
'VUu lltiii.-iH tit lar?p and cnnii.i'i 't-- iu;l a ntititi
tt iut htahliMK. It H pIPiMinlly u ' I n) thp rrutral
ami liiuiiiPiiH jmrt of tt' llo'iMmli
'I'n nil wliu n ny faur linn with ihrir ptitrntnjf, Iip
pri'niiHi" hi nl ni'.t i lli.rt tn i roiiii.ip tlv lr cmutnrt.
nml iiitsiiri'K th 'in ill it tint hi it:: hill U. wanting on hU
part t't in iku hU Ilousu Hip Tra vi1p i V IIoiup.
ciiAUiJirf . tAy;n.
Suiitir Oiiimliiis run troiii Ihu nbuvi nifii
liM'it llinifii'. In nml Irtmi butli lioad itt'i)trt at
I'Viry ;iirial uf Hie Trahin. Dul . 10, Iriil.
ffiolclasnl BiOl Vitv Nalr,
pri!' untltTignc(l oilor.-i to salu at pri
JL vatu hpIp, 111 a
Hotel Property cc lot of Ground,
Fit' -ilf iu Ml 1,1. llihl,, Crrriiwnnii lowtn-lun, cniinii
Ma "tin.), i'a iiitl uiHV uccupU'il a a homn nl i'ulitic
Lin.-, i jii n nt,
!:' li fa i lucatpil nn ihu ccrncr nf tho.tnn urin
ripat Mfppt in MilUilli', a lartiu I'raiiic hyliljnif,
40 . V ii'i I. With -uitallo mil Imiltiin j , hiipiI nun
J. nrtfp Stable, w ilh wati-r at tint iliior. it N the only
llnlpl in i IH iIIp, ami lluiic!,, it very i.-Hr.ibtu flam
fur ii Piililir Muiup.
Y7" Vur tiTiiii ami furllit-r paHcuIars. apply Iu tin;
iiincriDcr at in "i.i'" huiui, r rt uuurnjtir, i.ui
timliia cu.inty,
J M. FRV. II, l?M.-2tiii.
Timber .:uid t'ov Sak
Plll'j undorsipnod offerR to sell at I'rl-
1 V.iliJ Sale, n soo.l Trncl of TIAIIII'.H I.AM), it
u.ii,' In lli-iiton iiiil Hujarlo-if liiwn.hina, l.'oluuilii.i cn
i'a n-ljoiuni lamW of Joblnri llrliij, Oen, llnilsou mill
1,,... .' nii.l nil .'.till nitill-f lilitlllt '
i'utir Uuuilivil Acres.
All of nhi'li i till.ililo laml, well natcrcil ami sui
...nlihln of l-.-l.V I ultl lati.iu.
Tim mill trui I ; will l fo'il cntira or In parti of
nun hiimlri'il. or in tmyiiuc nun, n may un u,-irt'ii.
IC?-'iVinu i'.ii,y with libi'rul tiino ou part nftho
1'or furtthi'i parllmliirK fiinulro of the tulucrllicr nt
hiii ri'iiilencu III lltiinlnck township, or liy aililrunii irt
Puck llorir tijoaiab J. VANUt;i(ai,ii;i;,
, on. 13, Ir'Ut.
BELL &. ALLABACH, Proprietors
Til 1 110 S'ly PEKESYL VAN A A V
Pitlr-lnircli ('niniui'rrlnl Collogc.
Illughmiipllii " "
Crilti'iiili-n'ii " " PhllailolpM.t.
hltri,lioti. Hri-ant Sc. Co.. 11 '
Thc 'crln, itru iiiaiuounU ( 513 ami S-1Q ami are
moiunili ciuh, hythi'rllmli'nt on entriiiKi'itlier ofihu
nl,, iv i, 'iiIIi'uck. You m;' ii ii-n ili'inui;tuolituiii n llnnh
til Collemati) lolnrntliui, will ih'IC nnungoou ipecuin
linn ny apiiiyiniial tliu ir' hi inn
Ally I Inll. COLIIMIIIA lll'.AIOdltAT
XT7 0lri.Il rrincclfullv Inform (lie cltlzrna ofllloouif,
V hurj.aml vlilnity.thnt Im conlliiuethii prattUu of
i ml rcllcllit a 1.11110 of mil, lie natrimne.
OrriiK.nn Al'iln Blri'it'. Ilrsl lu.u.c- below tho Court
limine, l!ouniliiri;,
rVlnniiry 3. I Ml - If
Ladles' Furn.
The larscit munrtm-nt t ril.Mll.I'.rf OAKTOUl) ic
BONH, Cunttni'iiUl lintel, I'hiUilclphia,
;auni.ii nuti-i v m.
The following payments have been mado
to the. LvliiviiHit JJcmocrm oflicc, during
the. month of February, 1805:
.ewls frhnyler Iliil 81 Oil Joseidi llrclsh. 4 no
W lnrrl fe Cn II 00 John floyder (Lnc'tj 2 50
Al ,M Appli'inin M Lewis ifckrolo, tf, 0,1
ri d. I.anliach.
it r Antili-mnn.
.hi jonn Al.inlnii, ii 00
2 no Clmrlrii llrnyi-r, a IS
1 4o Hicriir H. .-inj-ilor, 7 on
4.10 l.'iiliiiuliin Uniinty, MHO
.1 -JH John l.cncock, , I (HI
J .V. .1. K. Ilmslrr, Ml. -J O'l
o i.i Hi. of Jolui Hinjli-y, H (in
!J (ii) Jnfiipi Pailnn, 2 lio
U AO John lloiton, 2 IX)
4 .VI Ahram II. Dililino, .1 2.
.1 00 Kf.of Jncnh llnrtniaii H 2j
John J ,-!lil.'.
Hiln- Millniiy,
J Ali:lli-nry
Danii l I'.ilnr,
H II Vork.
Jaroh I,, Cnrry;
Jnincii Alcllciiry,
nyi-r i.i napin
JtlillfO Knum,
4 .V) JoihmiIi .Mniiacr, 3 '.'0
. of l'.lla lVnlnr HAD A.llartnli, Ci. (III.) 3(H)
o in i revi'linu.
0 ,i t.inrgK iiinnn. v ut)
II) (ill Augiiaum I). Itnhli, "'.' .10
' no l'i )i-r llelli-i, 5 .li)
1 00 John Alcllnnry. Jr. li 00
iiaviu 1 oat,
L'tcr Lvolnml,
II. ,V. Atnuinun
Wlllinm Plinsnr.
2 (111
.1 (III
7 Kl
2 AO
1 no
2 IK)
1 23
3 AO
4 III)
.7 Oil
2 (II)
2 (JO
.1 do
4 on
2 on
2 oil
2 30
2 .10
2 .10
7 O'l
X 1,11
3 in
2 .10
2 .10
2 1.1
Amlrew l.autiack, V. i 00
Malhian A Monro, I (HI
I'ev. tiilw. Aluiray, -I uo
Levi Foster, 2 AO
l.leut ti. W.Utt. (I no
I . of s?am'l. A, lain., 3 .10
Oliyi r Cvana.fCuii.) 2 IK)
Jmlgc ICnouii, 2 0
Win. Almti'ller, 2 Al)
Kaui'l. Craft, t. 2 bo
i: of Allclpiel r'trtkertl (HI
.11 r 'ary A. Wnu, I In
K. Scolttwp,. 4 00
Alntia l.'illit.rl, 3 no
I). I. .Mimj?,inicry 2 SO
nmuel Kyernit r
Jercv Well Oil fa. 50(10
J, Ii. Ilichl, I'.n'l 3 AO
Jnnnii Mni'r,
i; iii iiPH.
Il.-mlil Kcofor,
O Ml lli'llll'tt.
i-tor 1 1 1 ii tx-iiKitci
oim liiiiiiun.',
i-vl WHsM",
Alliort rriirli'ii.
lllltliM W 1 1
(Hi'iintur llucknK'w
nt (.iilr-ou ri.h
Dnviil Mhatri-r,
IVt.-r lkliiL'.
Jntnli lliilx-ilin
Inunth.iii Pi-L'tf
IMI'llll Aluitx, I.
i rrr,
SiiyiltT. (Mllllln)
J,,lli-p Wi'llnp-r, I'. JU (10
John 'J liuiii.itf,
t . I.aii ri-iici!
i: lintel, n pn
iu it. j.iiinc. i:ni.
rciPk, 11,-rt
John I'alilui'll. I'i'l-
i:ii:i! n t-1 1 1 . i i . m r,
J.leoh I.. (.1 null,
lleorue (Jul
1 2.1
2 no
1 on
2 oo
atn'rsuyili.'r, Hii'i
II. ml .Mi: 1 1, :nry, U ,
i-yroii Aiciicuty.
JUII.'H Klltlliil.
Joneph 1 1 ii r ie
iohr Vclli'iiry, l.s-
J Pitnitir-ilnii Itonyrln, 5 mi
1) li, Mi-rri.un, 7 00
Jiini-pli Alan.t'r. i on
Jnliii II. Miller, li 30
J.IColl CIHillL', 7 00
A. I! ruiiiii. rvilloj I (JO
Joy, Cnn S. CM. .l (111
lliraiii Klinu, I '.'.')
Win villi, ,r (Hi'iu'k ) I no
nui imiiiii
ll.lll I riU', i .in
. of Dan I Wary, 3 no
ihu l.'.-loy, I
Hi . Iliiiolioy, 7 00
!.;i.n: Ai:lrCloi
cy?" A t'.tir rciUrti for tho short mnntli
of February. U'o linjiu for moio in Murcli.
1 rioiidj, wu (3(!Ct remittances by mail,
nud hope vi' will not bu tlisa)lldi filed.
FOR TUB 31 1 L ION !
Pais in Unit Ihr Ifaml, nil I P iccs l.o Sui'
ilif Pocl.c'..
1'lie be-t Gold Funs in the World!
On Ihu ri'ci-ipt of IN,- fnllriwiu-! eiium, wo will srml
mail, or nn illri r'.' il a Hoi, I IVu ,r I'.iu. milecliiif
III .l u - necnriliiiL' in the .It-.i-ntilhul, uaim-ly:
(in d 1'i'iK, in Silver I'l.itL'd Hxti'Hion
Oiin'- will) 1'ii'cil'.
I'or .?l N'n 2 pin . for SI 2.1. n. I) hen : for SI AO Nn
4 pi-n : lur i4 iNu. .1 p.-u - Inr 3 i 2.1 No, li pen
Tin-in n an- it-imneil Till: lMPIllil XI. PilY. ami
are well l! --li-li il ami lin,' w liliu;' Co il PeiM,w a I tl KnnH
iniiltiiu pniiit nlthouli til ty nru unw arrauleil, ami
iiunol lie l-tLl.'.IIUI'tl.
Our ni.nK" . mnili an Col, I Pen Cn., N. V ..) i tauip.
I ou nil our fir. I uunlitv I'fiii. nml Hit, nuiut am
wariiiutcil 1 r ki: months, exrept acaiiiiit aiinti-nt-
in, ernii. imiliiy IVua, are tamneil I II I. N TH)".
XV I l!V with II of our linn (A. .P.toA
ami are rnri fully mail,'. h.i my die aiuu points ai our
ni i 'pi.nny ivu. . lire i my guut uillurtliii. tiring in
piainy , lite lini I,
Gold FoiiH, lrt and ad quality in Solid
oilvi r bxiuiision tJnse-, with reneils.
for SJ (in -i N'n. I pi u lt 'pinlily or a Nn 2 pn?,l
or v.i a ro. s pi u mi .piainy, or a o 3 iin -.",1 '
'or J -.'.1 a .n 3 lieu In uuiilny, ora ,'n I nen 2il qual
Kor I So a No I p u I.i qu.ilny. or n No A p n -.M qual,
Cur SI ."ill ii .N'nS imii III qunliiy.i.r n Noli pen 2,1 uual.
''ur &1 3 J a .Vu, ii pL-u l.i qualiu.
l'hu Mime Uo'.il Pons, in Solid Silver Gold-
Fluted Kbony l)j.-l; lloldem and
Morocro Oases.
I'or S3 2.1 a No 3 pen I t qua'ily, or a i 4 pen Jil unal
',i r 30 a No 4 pen Ut 'pinlily, or a N'nS pen 2,1 qual.
or .-y 20 ,t Nojp.'ti 11 quality , or a Nn G pen 2 1 qunl
or al 00 a Noli in-n Irt quality t'ur $3 30 a No ,
pro. i'ur SO 7.1 a Nn n pen, for $12 OU a Nn. li
pi.n ; all liril quulily.
Our I'i im rank iliroii"huiit tliu rnuntry a equal If
no i .iiperi-ir in any uiu pen luauuiai luri-ri. iNuinniy
Inr Ih ir m i , ni; qnalili lei. iluraliilily nml clrg-iut
htii.h he vr-ale.l tan, in u.c.l iu iheir maiiuf.iciure,
ami 'I,jiii ur - i.l I with the iliglit-sl iiupeil'L-ttion
w nun fi.ui i-i.i ,1,-n-i i.
I'.uiiei. in orileriiii: iniHt iiperiiy th,1 nninp. unmlier
ami qual n y in all ni'l inci- uu,l whether tilf or I i in
her, Lourk,' or timi,
A linrount of 12 per cent, will h,' nllovi ,1 nn mi mi
nl .l.if i-nt to one nililro., nt one tlitiu : 13 percent
?-'. ; vu p'-r teni ou i".
All remittami-M hy mail, lleeiitereil, nra nt our riiik
I'n nil w hu c-uilohii 2d ceiitu i-Xtr.'l for rcm-tlerim;. we
uunrautee th s f ileli verv nf Oin i;, toils.
I'lnul'iri o' all our new lyle, with Mncrnvingx nf
cait i a-h, ail, I print., fi"iit upon receipt of nt.iiop, if
tii-.ii-eii, rem repuinit-ii lor rerun, oy innii.
Ht.r Innerti wml Jt woler are reu'i-'titeil to r.urre.nonj
Willi us an iu inn uiier iiieui great imiucuiueiKa.
A XI lilt CAN (301.1) PBV CO.,
Nn, 2('0 llroailway. New York.
January 21. i83. .'Im.
13. & il. T. Anthony & Co,
illninifacliirors of I'liul ('graphic flint
crlals, n liolcsalo iv lU tall.
In ,1 il inn tn inr main huiinea. of Pholnsrni hie
.Material", wo am llouilqunrlf r lor the IoIIuh lug, tic:
Sterct sennis unit Stereoscopic 1'ietcn,
Oftheseweluveiin iinmen.o n.soittne, t, lurludin-
W.11 tcenes, ami t urciau M ". ai,,l lj, in-
arm, .'A. llroutiA. Maltli.rv. fite.. fee. A in. lEevolvltie
Catiiluiiuu will b.' sent In
lereoM'i s, 1 r piiuuc ur privnu i-xuiuiiioi. uur
my altlress on recupt of
Photographic Albums.
XXV it-i n lliii liril tn iittroililro Ihese irto til . United
flutes, and we in inilfiictnrii iiuiueii.u quantities In
Ureal variiiy, inuiiiiii! In pneu from ,10 cents tn $.10
i-i-rh, our ALI1UA1S have ihu reputation of helm; an-
pi'ri'ir III lii'auiy ami Oliraiuitiy in any outers mry
will Jjj tent hy iiii'il, frre. oil receipt of pi jet).
"J-'lrtS Album triads fu OrJer.Q
Our Catiilneuu now einbraces oversea thuuiani dif
fi rent sulijrrts (tn wliioh ndditlous aru contiiiunlly
lieiug untie) uf I'oriruiu ol Ihnincnt Americans, ,!tc.
viz - II 11,111 1
IIIU Alnjor-dcnernls,
201 UrUJ-liciierals,
275 (.'nlnuels,
Illll Lieut- Colnni Ii
210 Oilier Olliet ra.
T.X Nnvv nilir.eri.
510 Blatcimcn,
1.10 Divines,
123 Anil nr.,
10 AilillJ,
135 Hhlge,
pu rroiDineni xvointn.
uu r, mu i in i I'luiijii i niiraiis.
3.(100 CUl'lUS l' XVUItKS OI' ART.
i ii cJii'll li tJ reprndueliniia of ihu most I'f lcurati-,1 t'.n
yravmea, I'ainliniis, tJl.ilius, Uu Catalouues sen' on
receipt of Stamp An order for l)u IL'Wii Pifl s
froiii our Citalniiu will bo lllled on lha roa 1 1 if
81.1-1), mid sent by mall, I'BKr.
I'l i.tographers and olheia ordering goods Li ' I),
wiih ileaso remit twenty live per cent of tho 1 1 ut
wfih tlicir order. . . ..
Meufacturcr of I'haVtgmjMe MattrUi i
.101 Dru.idway, Nuw t.
(C-Tlia prices nnd quiilltyof our goo Is can')' fall
losatiif). l)ccJ'U4-
T.ntlioa' Purs.
rnrrliars may rely upon cflting the best furs at
CIIAIll.Ln DAM uuii ifi).o,
Clitaltiut Htreet, Philadelphia,
Continental Hotel,
Select poclin.
Ho Voted for the Draft.
"Good people vole for Abo,
The Union to restore,
To lllicrnto tho ncsro,
Anil end tills criitl war.
We'll have no morn rn ntrrlptlon,"
Raid Iho Lincoln men and hi-iglieil ;
"flu vote fur Atirahmn,
If you'd avoid the tl r n fW 1
"As soon as rilicMnm
f hall hear llio (jlorloiis news, ; ,
Of Ahrahnnrs elntinn ,
They'll treuiltlf In their slitto, '
They'll llirownwny their arms,",
K.i I, I (lie Lincoln mill and laughed;
"foxote for I'nthcr Ahrah.vii
If you'd avoid Iho draft."
Jeff. Davis nnd Hub l.eo
Will bo to .Mexico,
And llcaurcnrd and II end nilthlilo '
I heinsclvcs in lloriieo.
Thoy'll Siva us Ihelr plnnlitinni,"
Bald tho Lincoln men and laughed ;
"Su.vcitu for hither Abraham,
If Joil'd avpld the draft "
I took llicm nt their word,
t voted for their man.
And sat up all eUrtlnn nlclii,
To Ip'nr Ipiw ran.
T0 telejraplt did llt-k,
The Lincoln in.'ii all laughed,
And said "Ihe Copperheads nruslck,
Tli-jre'll ho nn.itlier ilfaft."
No Copperhead am I,
Hut still 1 felt quite skk,
Tnlhitiktlic llt.irt should follow
My vote for Abo so quick.
I nikod the Ueiunrrats,
llnw- is this I nud (hey I.ntslicd,
And said. "How nfe jritil ronscf'pt,
you votui) kou tiiij pit.xm.
John ', link on t'le Abolition P.Dt;
lie Denounces ils Voriuiions .cna
tor Saul slurry in Reply Zxnutor
Dooliutc un the ,1'itiquity of the llem.b
I kan Party.
A splrjy and interesting debate trans
pired in the United States Senate on Fri
day, tho 17ih of February, on tho navy
approprialion bill, when Mr. HaLi; dwell
ing at length upon thf astounding eorrup
lions of the ffay Department, jnid hi
parting eompliiiients to the ve uctrtblo Sec
retary Wellks. Wc dopy from The Daily
(llobc,tho pithy point.-) in tho di'-cussinn on
the political parlies of the day and tlicir
Mr. II A MS said i
Let me tay a word now about cur Re
publican parly or our Union partv. 1 know
that tho chairman of the Committee on
Finance growing .1 littlo itnpationt, but
1 beg bis pardon while 1 continue a little
longer. Mr. President, the his-tory of that
party which Inn controlled tliu country re
ceutly, I do not say it controls it now, but
the history nf that party which made the
great revolution iu politics is a very curious
and a very instiuctivo one. We bt'gan
when xvo were but a handl'u1. I recognize
around me now but every fexv fanei that
were familiar iu those early conflicts aud
struggles i not we xvenlon, We wcro uc-
CD '
featcd : we exnected to bs. and wo went
. 1
to xv oik and prepared to bo du'eatcd again
the next yoar. Wo exr-'cted and wo 0t
it : wo xv ere not disappointed, Wc wen:
not a "healthy political organization," as
was said on this Moor. Uy and by, bow
ever, we began to increase liitlo by littli,
but still wc only Increased to be defeated.
The party xvith xvhich I acted at that time
wanted a candidate for the PrcMdefloy.
They wanted a man who xvas ready to be
abused, vilified, denounc'd, sneered at.
They vrautcd a man who should be a
a butt for tho ridicule of Whigs and Demo
oraU. I thank my friends that they did me
honor to soject mo for that placo. I siood
up at tbo tlmo xthen ignomy and reproach
was all that was xvithin my pousib!
,-nnnlt. fftill wo inrtrnn.nrl. In tlifi first
. , t . ,M. i4J. iQr,.-i
pi"C0 IVU uuni mu . ing imitt iu .u.,-,u.
... T ,,nnsillrrn,1(, nnrt toward t
, "w '"- " -"j r
n,, -,. Mniimihsf. Mr. a I'OlltarK lliat Mr.
Hunter, n( Virginia, made ou this floor7
Thcro xvas no Whig in the United States
ivho deplored the destruction of tho Whig
patty mora than Mr. R M. T. Hunter,of
Virginia ,f' r, said hc,and it did great cred
it to his sagiuity, "if ycu put down tho
Whig party, the proba'.ii ity is that you
will get auothcr party in it- placo that it
will not bo easy to beat."
Mr. DAVIS. I will ask tbo honorable
Senator if Mr. Iluntor's expression was
not in this forin.that If thay put down the
Whig party tboy would get another patty
in iti place that xvoud have no such Inm
ost principles purposes as iho Whig party.
Mr. II I liavo no doubt that U
the way tbo Senator from Kmilueky would
havo exprcsseil it if be had been ta'kjng
about it ot that timo, laughter. but that
is not tho xvay I understand it; that is not
according to my recollection. Hoxvevor,
Blf, WO COUtinaod to incrCSSO, aud by
. .. . i v if ,
would at length, nt sott'd timd. have th'o
loaves and fishes' of ofli'cc to di'sponfic. .
then it seemed as it a nexv political Pan
Icoosl came on tbo land. Converts came
faster than wo could discipfhao them.
Iho doors of ttio party wcro wide open
liko tbo sanotuary of Ood 16' all oiTend'er?,
and the thief and the bypocrtto did not'
siuiiibld 6h it's threshold-, but in t'n'oy dame;
and th'o p'r'ofligato in life, tho venal in pol
itics, the maglignant a't h6art,and th'o bru
tal in manner, all and tho honest and tlm
disintorettod and tho Patriolio. Hut. tir.
xvhon the apostles went fishing' and throw
out their nets nnd mada a' great haul.tlyoy
caught fish of every kind. So all these
peoplo canio in and wo XToro a gruat party.
It happened to u just as it has happened
to a greit many hefnto, and will happen a
great maty times again! the converts that
were the most recent and from, tho most
bitlcr of o'tr opponents wcro tho most noi
.y in profcsion of zeal for their newfound
faith. I ooufess,Mr. President, that I was
astouithed beyond measure when I found
out aftrr xvo actually came into power that
all iho ofiicors at tho other end of the
tvenuo, in the Treasury, tho Post Office,
tho War, aud all the other Departments,
had always been Republicans, and the
great trial of thoir life had boon to smoth
er their deep couvictious upon the subject
of anti slavery, and thoir ijrcat joy was
that iu the providuuee of God a time had
come when there .was no obligation on them
to bs hypoptitos any longcr.but xvhen they
could act trith tho parly xvith which (hey
had always sympathised, f Laughter
That has been our csporienco. Well,
sir, these new men got in, and thoy began
to say to tile older, though certainly not
the butter soldiers "Vou have perform
ed your rttistiou the Opposition was 3
good place for you j you xvcro Capital for
denouncing the Democrats, and you put
them down j but xvo do not think uporl the
whole that you ufo quite so good to run
this machine as xve." Very good, sir s vro
acceded to the propriety of tho proportion
and the history of the country is dutnon-s-trating
the truth that hi.M0ry.ba3 demon
strated a ihouiaud limes before it is tho
history of polities, it is the history of hu
mauity, it is the history of tho w'rld.
Mr. CO.N'NESS. A law of nature.
Mr. HALE. Yes, it is with sotno na
tures. That is a fact, it Is a law of na
ture. I do not mention these things to find
fault xvith tlie.u l am perfectly content that
things shall bo as they are. I believe that
we arc not governed entirely by accident,
but that thcro 'u a Providence in theso
matters, that Providence shape? our ends
and guides the means by xrhich they a" ,0
be broilght about. "
Mr. SAULSDURY, r- President, I
do not know how 'lU 'peech of the hon
orable Suu,or fro,u ew Hampshire Mr.
tlali-j has impressed others, but ono thing
l know, that 1 havo beon very much de
lighted at it. Sir, I recollect that xyhen
this party came into power, aud xvhcu it
xras smuggling for power, the good ojd
glorious Demodratio parly and its repre
sentatives told the people of tho couutry
not to listou to its siren song. Wo told
the pooplc then that tho Republican par
ty was trying to get posession of the Gov
ernment .of this country by falses preten
ses, 'l'hu llepubl.Cati politicians wcro
telling tho peoplo that the Administration
of Mr. Buchanan had cott S00,0U0,U0U in
a Mtiglo year ; that there xvere great cor
ruptions in tho Democratic part) and they
therefore appealed to the peoplo in their
indignation to rife up nnd turn the cor
rupt Democratic parly otlt of power. Wc
told them that if l hey listened to theso po
litical udvcnturers.and they got control of
tbo Government ol this Country, fraud and
corruption would bo their stock in trade.
And noxv, sir, wo havo becu delighted to
day in hearing ono of th'o earliot champi
ons of that party ariso on the floor of tho
Sooato of tbo United States, and in .Mcth-
odistid love-feast make confession of tho
sins of himself and his wholo party
Mrs President, tho honorable Senator
from Nexv Hampshire faid that ho xvps iu
the po-ition of the Methodist who had ro
lio ved his mind. Let mo tell him that
bis enorcb reminds mo ol a acono that 1
have been informed onco ocourred in
Methodist love-feast ) and xvo all knoxv
who tho Methodists are. I think they nro
among tho best peoplo in tho xvorld, Wo
kuoxv that they havo a habit of having
olass-mectings and love-foasts,and in my
Stato on one occr.j'ion they met in a littlo
sohool houso aud held their class. Tho
leader came along and asked brother A
hoxv ho xvas progressing in spiritual life
Brother A roso nnd said that he must con
fess that bo xvas a poor intugniGoant croa
turo ; that from Ihi orown of his boad to
the soles of his feet ho was naught but
wounds, and jbruif cs,nnd' putrefying soresr1
and down ho sat. A cruel ptoture he had
of himself. There was tin gone sunt;, but
the loader passed on in' mournful mood to
tho, next brother nnd asked him to give an
account of lis piritual life, and ho rose
and said, ''As to myself, brother ieadcr
I have nothing to S9y,butl can bear M'ost
willing testimony that everything that
brother A has said in reference to himself
is literally and" strictly t'rn'c." L'ltigh
tcr. So, sir, on this occasion I have
nothing to say my sell further than that
every word that brother liale has said in
regard lt' this pa'rly in judgement! is" liter
ally and strictly true, Iaught'or.
Now,'sir,I wUh tb'o country to takonote,
of this. We gayo thcta, ftrll xvnrning four'
years n'go that if tho flow dominant party
dominant in po'Wor, hiil nqt tnoro numer
ous in numbers, as would fi'ax'6 been th'own
if thcro had beon a fair expression of tho
popular will at the late election obtained
the reins of power, instci'd of some sixty,
or seventy, or ninety millions of dollars'
being spent in a year, tho amount would
reach hundreds of millions. And wo said
more I mean no personal offence ; but
tho honorablo Senator said that however
unpopular it xras ho must speak tho truth,
and I am now simply Hpcaking the truth
xvo told the people then that if this party
ever got into power they xvould ulcal more
ta ono year from the public Trcatury than
any Democratic Administration had ex
pended during its continuance. And let
mc say hero that the thanks of tho coun
try arc duo to' a distinguished member ol
the other House from Massachusetts who
admitted the fact that in the fimt vcar of
this Repnbljpan Administration moro had
been stolon from the public Treasury than
had been expended during tho whole of
Mr. Buchanap's Administration.
Mr. President, let 1110 say to-day, in
my placo in the Senate of the United Slates
iu the prosoncc of tho country, that such
expositions as the honorablo Senator from
Now Hamsllirr ljas mado of his party ihh
day oaUscd mc to be glad and to rejoice
that I was horn ill the good old Democrat-
id party, that puro and glorious parly that
b'driihicnb'cri Shtldst xvith the birth of the
country and nev'er tica'ecd to exist until its
country died. I have sat here day after
day and from year to year, and heard the
party whosa portrait tho hdtiorable Sen
tor from New Hampshiro h3" I
drawn represented ds th" i;r:a' UQ'on
ty of the countr-. "ml 1 l,avo ueard tho
party to v'"'0'1 ecry ancestor I over had
(,;,.. tho biith of parties in this oountry
belonged, the good old Democratic party.
into which 1 was born nnd in connection
with xvhich I mean to dio, denounced as a
disloyal and a disunion party. Sir, I say
again, looking at tho photograph presented
to the Senate by tbo groat artut from New
Hampshiro, that I and every other Demo
crat have cause (his day to rejoico that xvc
belong to that good, noble party, Cor thank
God 1 though its counsels cannot now be
heeded, the history of the country having
shown that it and it aloiio is ablo to guide
tho ship of State trough the tempestuous
billoxvs into havens of safctv, it shall yet
riao nnd rejoicing thousauds shall say to
it when again it ahull hunch forth on the
broad ocean :
"fiail on, sail oil, nil! shipofS'ato,
Sail on. oh I pa'ity strong nnd great j
Humanity with all its fears,
W illi all its hopes of future year j
Is hanging brealhelss oil thy fate,
XVn know what masters laid thy keel,
XV hat workman wrought thy ribs of steel.
Who made each matt, ami sail, and ropa.
Win, I nrivils rung, what hammers beat,
In what a forge and what ahead
Were shaped tlio anchors qf thy hope.
Fear not each auddcri sound nidi shWH,
'Tia of tho wave and not the rock;
Til but the fijppiug cftho sail,
And not a rent made hy the gale.
In rpito of rock and tempest's roar.
In spite of falu lights ou the shore,
Bill on, nor fear to breast tho sea,
Our henrts, our hopes nro all with theu ;
Our hearts, our hopes, our prayers, our tears,
Our hopes triumphant o'er our fears,
Afo all Willi thee, nro all with thee,"
Tho name party shall again, sir, in tho
providence of God, if he has not eatiroly
forsaken this people, bo restored fo poxv-
er, and its oounnels yet shall be the ooun
aids of the nation ; for a grateful peoplo,
after being idotruoted by nflliotions,buniil
iated by suffering8,will recollect that when
that pariy assumed tho holiriof power wc
numbered not fivo million peoplo, and wo
numbered only nbout fifteen States, but iu
tho brief period of sixty years wo inc'rea;ed
to thirty million people and to thirty-four
States. Aud, &lr, let me'tell you ih'atthc
history of the republican party is xvrittcn
in tho words disu'icmborniunt and destruc
tion, nud that of tho Demooratio poirty
was written in union, in strength, in tho
addition of star to star to our national ga
laxy. Am I wrong, sir ? That same old Dcin
; iiiiiiiniwiiiMiislsasaii.iissiiiissilsaisi n
ocrtitto parly took tho bannor of your
Union .and planted it upom tho territory
of Florida, and it was annexed to tho
Federal Union. That samo Detndoratie
party took tho samo good old bnnncr ot
Union and rlautcd it 011 the virgin mill 6
Louisano, nn caipiro in itself,aud that xvas
annexed to tlio national domain. Texas,
n' vast! empire, xvas added. Westxvard tho star, of empire took its way, and,
tru'o to its great mission of nationcl dovel
opmont and national glory, todklhat same
n'oblo Sag of tho Union and platted it up
on tho I'jcifio shore, and California, Utah
a'tVd Now Mexico' aib yours forever, un
less hy your own unwise eounsols ynu de
prive yourselves of them. Every foot of
national territory that has ever bderrnddail
to. tbo Amcrioan domain has been under
the counsels and guideanco of tile samo
good old Democratic party ; nnd noxv
that yon bafo succeeded in displacing it
and! you have ina'u'gratod a now party
boisterom and loud in its professions of re
tronclunont and reform, xvo havo the spec
tacle, of efno qf its enrliost champions ris
ing upon the floor of tlic Pen.ito and con-
fjtBing for it that it is naught', from tho
crown of its o'oad to' tho solo of its feet.but
xvounds.and bruises, nnd, putrefying 60'res.
It is just what xve said of your party before
it came into power ;, it is ,jut what tho
judgment of future ages will say.
Mr, iJUUJjlTTJ'j. Mr. President. I
had intended to make some remarks in
reply to the honorablo Senator from New
Hampshire, confiuiog myself entirely to
those matters of investigation xvhich when
entered .upon hy tho cninmitteo of tbo Son
ate of which ho was chairman aod I xvas a
number; but the speech, .of tho Senator
for Delaware for a niomont challenges my
attention, and a few facts briefly and very
concisely stated will show that the whqlo
speoch of that gentleman is founded upon
nothing ; it is mere declamation, sound,
without any foundation in truth.
Now, ! say to my honorablo friend from
Dclaxvarc, for personally theso are our
relations, that tho Democratio party hy
name is a party of very moderate orgin.
I remember long beforo it was born ; I
xvas present at its christening. I pro'poso
in a moment to strip off this yf: ,VDI0"
covers what are claimed -"elimcs o bo
tho glorious antp"JL'nts of the Ereat Dcm
ocratio r-''1 What is tho fact, Mr.
j,.eidcnt I In 1798 tho Republican party
originated, and Jefferson and Madison and
Monroe npd the great statesmen of that
period xvcro its founders In 1800 tho
Republican party elected JolTorson Pres
ident lor four years. In 1904 the Repub
lican party elected Jefferson again for four
years moro. In 1808 It was tho Repub
lican party which elected Mr. Madison ns
President of the United States. In 1812
the Republican party ulcctcd Madison a
second timo President of the United States,
in 1 8i G tho Republican party elected Mon
roe as president, arid again in 18211 clcotcd
him xvithout any opposition whatever;1
The party opposed to tho Ucptlblicon par
ty during all that period from 1800' to
1SI20 xvas the Federal party as stieh yield
cd up ils existcnce,and in 182-1 there xvere
four candidates for tho Prosidoncy, every
0110 of them running as Republicans, not
as Dom -crats. Mr. CrawforJ, xvas tho
nominee of the regular causus in 182-1 ;"
Oct). Jackson ran as an independent Re
publican candidate from Tennessee ;' Mr,
Clay as an independent Republican candi
date from Kentucky ; and Mr. Adams as
an i dependent Republican candidato from
Nexv Unglaud, for ho at that time had
in his adhersion to tho Republican party.
In 1821 thiro xvas no ohoico for President
bylhepooplo; it xvent to tho Houso of
Roprtsuutativos, nnd Mr. Adams was oho
sen as President. Iu 1828,Qen. Jackon,
nominated by tho peoplo, not as a Demo
Cfrtic candidate bu( ns (h'e people's candf
d tie and as a Republican, xvas elected
President uf tho United States ; and in
1832, for the Qrst time in tho hietory Cf
the country, was (he assumption given to
tho Keptiblid.ui party, or that branch of it
xvhioh supported Qonoral Jaoksoil, of the
Democratio Hrpublioan party. It was ti
contmaucc of Mr. Vntiburan to secure,
uot tho nomination of General Jackson,
biit hs own nomination as Vioo Picpidcnt
under him. It was when tho firat national
convention that xvas over held in tho Uiii
ted States, oallcd also nt tho ioMigation of
Mr. VanDuren and Ids friends, nnd then
for tho first time that brnuolt of tho Repub,
lican party which supported Gcu. Jaok
Son assumed tho namo of Democratio Re
publicans. In lStitt, it assumed tho same ;
in 1810 tho samo; and from that period
gradually it begun to drop tho namo of
Olepublioan" and it xvas called tho Dem
ocratic party. Rut, sir, a tlio Whig par.
ty, iu 1850, by thu issuca of that tiny, xvns
di solved and buried in'tfjo tomb of Web
ster nnd Clny,(ts great oliampions nnd rep
resentatives, no' tho Demooratio party ,wtion'
It drew that fatal knifo xvhich ' severed tho
silver dbrd and brolid th'o golden boxvl of
pcaeo, when it'dror luat 'fatal' knifo which''
destroyed the Missouri compromise, dis
solved also and went into fragment's, and
upon tho ruins of all those partioif sprang
in,,acxTsf,'cnco xvith tho newness of life tlio
Republican party based upon tho ideas of
the old Republican patty of Joffirson and'
Madison, and to those ideas', it' stands
pledged and has from tho beginning; nnd
I tell my friend from Dclawaro that tho
truo, real Republjcau pbrtyj based upon
truth as its foundation, in tno riatiiro ot
Ihinga ffever diss, and it rj'e vor will. And , '
sir, if xvo who represent Ihiif party this day
in tho administration of affairs aro but truo
to the principles upon which it ro-ofgan'-
izdd 'itself in 1864, and ngaityin' ISOdjantl'
triumpted 'in lc?fio', it 'is to hold tho Con
trol of tho destinies of this country for a
generation to como; but if if i 'also to
those principles we shall ' pas's away i',10
fals6 reprosentat'ivrs of' tho truth, gor '-ne
Republican party, ay, sir, the rca Demo
cratic party of this country1, as it is this'
day, 'its 'true representative and champion.
Mr. SAUIiSBURY. It wa tny pur
pose, Mr. President, to Eubulit a few re
marks in. reply to that pbrtidn' of thd I 3
orablo Senator from Wisconsin whV'i re
ferred to the remarks I beforo subraittd
to the Senate ; but since that"b6 hes gone'
off on a very cold scent, and the contro
versy has lo3t to mo most of ils interests.
I cordiallj ogreo with tha honorablo Sena
tor in his statement that odr relations aro'
those of personal kindness,- nnd therefore' I
am sura he will tako 110 personal exception
to what I am nbout to say. The courso ho
has pursued on this occasion only verifies
a romnrk made hy the photographer of
tho Republican party', the honorable Sen
ator from Now Hampshiro. That honbr
nblo Sonator, in tho coutsc of tho-lUars
in whidh he deliniatcd bo "Uthfully and
so beautifully tho."urncc?' of tno Reptto
lican part- that ho was ne of Us
p.jj3 champions, and' now' ho found that
tho navf converts to th'o fiarly, and es
pecially that portion of th'cm' wlio' canio'
from tho Democratio party,wb'cm its most
zealous do'endcrs.
Tho liba'brable Senator from Wiscon
sin, in tbo remarks which ho intended to
be disparaging to tlic Democratic party,
denidd that the history ol that party" xvas
as old, that its record xvas as bonorablb,an
I had avowed it to bo beforo the Sonatci
How many yoarB had it been eipce that
honorable yonator xvns a high-priest' in
Democratio councils I Sir, he has not tar
tied at tho political Jerico of tho Repub
lican party sufficiently long for his Beard
to attain full groxvtb. If T mistako not,
ho bore honorable commission to tho na
tional councils of ihe Democratic pnr'ty.
If I thistako no, ho was one of its fiercest
champions, and ho bofo aloft iis banner in
his own Stato at ono time. Sir, I have
never known it to' fail, xv'kcri a member of
tho Democratic party has left th'o party,
that ho liat not said that ho did notlcavo
the party, but that the party!, left him.
Mr. DOOhTTTLE.' Tho honorable
genllouirtn is mistaken. Tho real Demo
orutio party did not leavo mo ; thoy came
right iilou'g with tho and helped to mako
tho Rcpublioan party; and they arc almost
all in.
Mr. SAULSBURt. My only reply
to that is that tho old Republican' p!rty (ti
which the Senator alludes had everything
in tho head und not "nigger on'ihc brain,"
aud tho Republican party of tKo pfcsenl
day I mean no personal offonso had
notbiug except "nigger on' thd' brain."
Mr. LNE, of Indiana'. I do not tvish
to inforruptthis interesting disousslo1. ; but
I will at this period mRke n print of ordc
My point is this that it is out nt nrdar, it
is illegal to hold auinquet ov 1 . corpsfl
of tho Doraocratio party xx"im) n.j cjronar
is uot prosont. Diiightcr.
Mr. SAULSBUUY. I wi.l a- swr th
Senator in th'o oo'urso of 1 lio ri'fy fexv re
marks xvhich I propnro to submit,
Sir, wc havo had a beautitnl tx"'Uioa
here to day. An Uonor.iWc , lietso
effusions, or rather vVIiojo pn.ii jc i jb'e,'
and thrilling" elo'tjuonco in the other llouio
as the ohampion of tho Deiuncrutio cause
read wheu 1 xvns a school boy, rices and
exposes tho crimiuality ol his new associ
ates, whilo still professing to belong to tlm
party in power xvhich hts auooeoded th.Q
Pemooratic partj. Another diatuiguiMiod
Senator, xvho but very recently xvas bap
tired in this fountain of RtpublioanUm,
comes forth as ils champion, Mr. Pres
ident, with those kind loellngi that I knoxv
exist personally bctwi'vn 0