60 Farmer's Department. , 1 Advice to tt Voung Fariitbi'. , T, W. II., a young and iiicxperionood former of llnltimoro County, Md wishes ndvico on n numbor of subjects, Whioli wo givo briefly below : 1. As to tho propriety of purcbaiiug raoro laud adjoiMiui. Wo iufor that ibo acres dow oouupicd aro imperfectly oultivdtod, and need uuder-dirtinicg, on- rfcbing,&c. It would bo bcitor to improve tbo present farm, as fifty acres cultivated ib tbo best runnnor arc moro ptoQitablo than 300 badly niauagcd. 2. Heavy clay, whioli bolda watori be comes gradually lighter after underlain hig. Tlio 8 olid Bubdoil is ponctratod in a bliort time with ecnind and ciacks, which allow tbo wator to nass off this, in tbo courso of tiino, will effect much improve ment. For fear tbcro may be some po ouliarity in tbo soil mentioned, it may bo tot to try tbo experiment first on a limit cd scale, but it should bo dono very com plotcly and thoroughly as far as it goes. .3. Wo cannot advise our correspondent to borrow monoy until wo know his abili-1 ty in managing. Poor managers would lin'i all they borrow, whilo men of moro skill and energy would soon bo able to repay all. 4, Tho amount of tinio required to feed cattle by soilhig, will depend on the num bcr of animals, and also upon tho facilities at hand. For a small herd, hand mowing will answor ; but if tho field is at any dis Taneo.from tbo stable, a one-horso wagon, .tyith a rack, should bo used for drawing For largo hoards, a one-horse, or oven a two-hotse mower should bo used.) Ono day's wilting in the shade will not injure tho value of fresh out grass, but animals disli&o it after it has remained loDg. 5. Tho foot that tbo ground mentioned is -too wot for wheat, shows tiio great im portance of thorough draining. After the land is thus drainod, and has bcoomo mcl ' low, severe draughts will not affect the crops, insload of destroying them us at jJresont. Country Gentleman. Raising Grapes. 1Vo have received dried specimens of the ''Walter grapo," a new variety raised by Ferris & Caywood of Pougbkcopsio, N. Y., a seeding of tho Delaware. The grapes were left aooidontly in a drawer until lately found in this condition. They . ko a respectable raisin, but not equal to tHo imported, being lcs3 sweet, and with a latltor tWokor skin. Wo havo not tcsled thorn with oUtor dried spcoimons of the Delaware and other aWcut varieties. As tho grapo crop will probaUy Woome a largo ono in a few years, experiracnir, 0l tnis Hind may bo valuable, and a large amount of a good homo manufactured rai- sin would and largo consumption in this Country, About Chickens. "Early Chickens," says a correspondent, lay in winter, whtu oiu hens do not, because fowls will not la) whilo the new feathers are growiDg aftei moulting and with old birds this often ex tends into tho winter. Therefore look om for a stock of carlcy pullets, to furnish eggs next Christmas and New Years time. Sucun oan bo manufactured from sor ghum with complete success, according to tho St. Louis Republican, which says : After experimenting for five years, Mr Robort Moore, of Rloomington, Illinois, lias diecovercd a method of crystallization by which tho syrup from imphee and Chi' ncso sugar oaue can bo advantageous reduced to sugar. During tho pjist ycaj Mr. Mooro has inado about COO pound of sugar, and sarupless sect to us show it isf very good quality. While all kinds of cane syrup can bo reduced to sugar ii is now agreed that the imphoo variety is tlio most profitable on account of the puri ty of its juieo and the superior rich nc6s of its saocharino matter. Mr. Moore states that lie can produce sugar in large quanitica as quickly as it u obtained from the ordinary sugar cano and at prices far more satisfactory to consumers tboso now prevailing. , Tho estimates aro based on ouo gallon of syrup yielding about five pounds of sugar, loaving an excellent ar ticlo of mcjasics, EaT Sheei' Raisino, is getting to bo profitablo in Ohio. Last season several heavy sales wero raadej one two-year old buolt was sold for ?;.'500 ; ono half inter est in a yearling brought 1000 ; oiio buck ffvo years sold for $5000 ; ono buok lamb 81000, and, another, S700 ; whilo another yearling brought 82000 j another, S2r00, ond another, 1000, not omitting 81500 that was puiiT for a single cw. . Dahlias aro likn dm . i"-unim wo. men without intellectuality thev strike you with astonishment by their eslerior BIUt-BUOr, DUt at0 lllisorably dostitulo of iL.. .. ... .: - properties Wtjion dlstinsmsh and rondor ogrcoable less imposing ffowori, nan nature given the fragrance of lho ro.o or the lilly tJ the dahlia, it would havo been tho moit magnificent gem oftho gar ilon j but, wanting ceiil. it is like a Hue fJmi'in witfiont min i , MOKE MEN WANTED! REVOLUTION IN HIGH PRICES. i i i ii LJ111GK ARRIVAL OF , FALL & WINTER AT PETER ENT'S STORE, IX t.lOllT STHKKT, COI.VMIilA COIWJT. I'A, UAH Just rvecived from Philadelphia, rind it now opening nl llm old slitnil lutoly occupied lf Mailt & lint, n niilcliillil assortment tir MERCHANDIZE which will bo rnhl cheap (ttt OASI1 Oil COUNTllY PRODUCE ftockc(mit..uuf i.ahu8 ims atmu tiioui if ics ffliam iuusnna. n!....t....n Ulllliauio, Flannels, Oarpots, Shawls, Hosiery, Silks, HEADY MADE CLOTHING. Cassinicrcs, Satiucts, Cottouadcs, Kontueky Jeans, Thread, ks. Groceries, Qucotiswaro, Ccdarwarc, Hardwaro, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, Paints, Sec. BOOTS & SHOES. HATS & GAPS. in sliort ovcry tlilnir ii-tmtiy kept in a country tlrttc. Thcpatrnmiso or old friends, and the public general ft, Ii reipcctfully solicited, The hlslicut market price piild for co'!!j.r.J'iri0j!1'r Mjlit Btrcct.Nov. i9, ISCi. A NEW STORE IN OEANGEVILLE Cheap G oils nnd Groat Bargains, IP HE Subscriber respectfully informs mils and the generous public, that Ke B his friends lias just opened n NEW STORE. In the tfrell.knnwn dand of the Into Win. Frit!!. E"t. on Mmn Street, in Orniiccvlllc, Columbia county, l'a. which has been wen-line. I with nil Kinus 01 Choice New Goods fresh from the Eastern Markets, which he Intend selling as cheap as the cheapest for ready pay and country proiiuso. Ilii stoCK consists in pari 01 inc louowiiig nrucics Cloths, Cassiincrs, Sntlinetts, Bilks. Cnmbricks. De Laincs, Cnllicoes, Muslins, Shawls, Linens, Altpackat .Millinery ami uress uoous, c. Ten, Collie, Sutrars, Mollascs. Spices, Clicesc, I'isli Kaisins.falt, Tobabco, Scgars.SnuiT, nnd otlur nrticle ill this Hue, usually kept In Countiy Stores. ALSO : QUEENS WAKE & EARTHENWARE, Hals and Caps, Boots and Shoes, And all notion generally in trade. IC5 Hraiu. nulter. KiHr. Meat, and country nro. iluco taken in excliauco fur Goods. CORNELIUS DULLES. Orangcvlllo. Doc. 17, ISCl.-ly. F RE 8 11 ARRIVA L jfall axb iDinier mmm EVERY 80I5Y 7 lin undersigned, gruteful for past vnlmnnio, respec fully informs lilsLiistumers nml the imMlcueuctully Hint ho hnsJiiEt received from the llasterno cltlee, ulv! argcbtaiid most select stock of FaJI and Winter Sf;? That has yet been opened In Dlnoinshurg, to which he invites tlie attention of his friends, and assurer them that they aro offered for sate nt ere. -it bargains. His .Stock comprises a largu assortment of OKNTLEMfifi'g WriAUING ArPAMCL. Confuting ol Fasuiosaiilk Dress Coats, of every des -rilion; Pants, Vests', Shirts, Cravats Stocks, Cotton llrtiidkerchiefs. Cloves, Susiiendersi 4.C. Gold Watches and Jewelry. )f every description, flucmnl clieap. 1. II. Keiiiembcr " .oiecnberg' Cheap F.wporiiln, :ull and seo. No charge for cxainliig (loo,l. DAVID LOWliNllEtiri Illonmsburg, Nov. 10, J3f,i. (June lgj'.i I New Grocery Store, MORE FRESH GOODS. (Formerly Eas)iias' old Siand) on Main Street, Bloomsburg THE undersigned has just received a good stock of FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS, of all kinds, Men's Heavy 'CALF km KJP BOOTS the best in tho market I a duod Assortment of Ladies and Cliihlrens' Shoes uf all kinds. A Fresh Lot of Groceries, of nil kiln's, kucll (is Molasses, Sugars, Teas, Coffuo, Rico, Spices, Fish, Salt, I &ATS AND U APS, Tobacco, Segars, Candie?, Razens, Lard, SiC, &CM etc, FEED AND PROVISIONS. Together will! n great inrlety of notions and ctcete. las.toii iilinieroos to lue.i'lon. ltntter, ,i:ggs, Mo it and produec generally taken I I exchango fur goods, HENRY GIGER. Illoom.burg. Dec. 10, mat. NEW STORE it CHEAP GOODS. ''QliN K SALES AND SMALL PROFITS.'' 'I'l Hl'j uudcrsicned, liavintr taken tlio Storu lately orcuiliod bv Jiimut K. Dver. mi Mmn Street, above Iron Street, ill llloonnllurg, uild stocked mw mmm mm, Jlerpectfully inform Ids fi lends and', ho public gen. orally, that hu will be happy to receive u Hharu of (lie. public patronage, mid trusts that lie run render geuer ill tiali.ractioii by tiling Ihem tliu best iuulily of on fair terms ami at satlsfiiciory priceii, His htock consists, in pari, of MIY OOODH, OUOCUItlUS. FISH, auuuNiivvAitr, I iiuuui.iiivni,i,i I noors, sunns",- HATS, CAPS 1 3ri11 "i'"'""'' wi" " "piendid variety or LAD1ES D1U"'SS U00DS' w'nclihuwillsollastlieiipnstheiheiiicst, forcaslror re.idyiuiy. CVCountry produce, generally taken iii exchange for gofid. ANHUKtV TJlltWILLlGEll. i!lvMHU-irg, J.in 7, I30J-y, AT TOU KEY AT, LAW. iif.00MSDVlit, r.1. tlirioo In Court Aly, formerly occupied by Clurlns , lliick.ilu.lv, '' mlli.bilri,' Dee 4, HV) Keep Your ON Eye THIS PLACE. I ! SECOND All RIVAL OF NEW GOODS. 8 jj,2tO'WJS3i, nAR I'lilnrRod nnd Rrently Iniftovnd hl ftorc Itnom nnd utockod It with n Inrso and miprrlor Hlork of IMt.lt nnd WlNTl'.ll OOOII9, wliTch will lio eoliUm low an nt any other emlalillnliincnt In tlm country. Calicos at 10, 18, 20 and '25 cents. Ilus tins, R hacked and Vrown at 20,28, i) to 48 cents. I)lti:s3 ROODrtnf every nhadc, quality nhilprlto; a filll linn of Douieitli; tiooils, VU . L'hcck, Flrlpes.Tlcks.I.lnncii nnd Cotton Tablo Diaper, Olnghnini, Nankeen, He , Ui. A good riipply of l.ndlet Shoes nnd (lallctn TVr.lv .tni.k nf lints mid Cant. iVIl Wool Ingrain and Collage I'nrpcls, n ipirnuiu nrticia jitii opencu anu lur e.uc, A frckh supply of Groceries and Spices, a new lot or CADAE AND WILLOW WARE. MAOKIIUAI. by tlio quarter, half nnd whole barrel Nbi. 1 uml 2, medium nml large. Aljo, a largo and epicniiiu ntioriuicni oi new ileslgnf. Alo, n new lotor iiiu.MitJ nnu Oil Cloth Satcluls. llnvltift liniiiiblllin.il pondu liehirn Ilic Into riftc. t mil prepared to nell low, cheap as the cheapest for tali or country prouiicc. lijuv iu ri.Liiiai.. fJloomsburg, Inn. 7, ISOS. BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! IF YOU WANT TO BUY ffA&ft ASS "WXM'fi$'& GO TO I'rcasf's. Store, in Light Street, Pa. Who Keeps all Kinds of CALICO, MUSLINS, ! SILKS, GINGHAM, FLANNELS, CARPETS, HOSIERY, SHAWLS, Ready-made Clothing Sugars',' Molasses, Syrups, coffees, Teas, Fish, . Salt, liaoon., Hams, Lard, Tobacco, sgrtrs, Hats, 1 Boot", Caps, Shoes, Drugs, Oils, Paints, &c, &c. In addition to our largo stork of Dry floods, wo have n l.i, re nnd full n.snrtiucnt ofltimdy Made Clothing lor .Men nnd llo s wear which wo ire determined to soil cheaper tlnn can bo bought elsewhere, tall nnd seo, nnd Judge for yourselves. II. W. CREASY ic CO. Light Street, October 21, 1?04. GET THE BEST. ll'tbster's Unnbrit'gei! Dictionary. NEW ILLUSTRATED EDITION, Thoroughly Devised and much Enlarged. Over 3000 Fine Engravings. Ill ram WOllDS and MLAMNGSnot found In oilier Illetioi'orie., Over thirty able American and Iluropean scholars cm v.oyeo upon tins rerision, anu tinny years or lanor e,,cu upon ii. Scivcrnt tables of Brent v.iluo.m,u;,f ,he!mof fifty .junrin pag.-, l.xplaiialnry an I I'riioiinclnR, f iiauies in fiction of persons and places, pi.eudoi.yma. t.c fcc as Abaddon, Acndia, Albany ltegency, Mnvlivr'iJnrv iMasnn nnd Dixon's line, Mr. .Micawher, &c. Containing one-fifth or oue-fourtli more matter ih.m tiny foriucr editions. From sew electrotype plates nnd the Jliversldo Prcs and Itindery, I.VONi: VOL. OF i.HO IIOYAL aHAIlTO PAODS. "OK7 rut: i.iTKsr." Tin: mjxt." -aw mwsrr.n:' Tubllshed by R. k C. .MCUIUA.M, Springfield, Mass. S .r.n BY ALL UOOKSKLLEHS. January 7, ISttf-lm. SEW ARRIVAL. At A. J. Evans fLOIIIIl BLOOMSBURG, PENN. LATEST SYLE6 CAEAP GOOD'S j ''I'lli: undersigned respectfully informs ins friends 1 mid lho public generally, tliut he has Just received from the I'.,iletn cities, a largo nssortiuent of I being the best nssortiuent ever offered in tills markel. Also n ichhplelc assdltmept of lloys Clothing. In fart everything in tlio Clothing Line For those who prefer to leave their measures, n perfect fit guaranteed, mid . olhiiig but t!ie best wurkinnusliip allowed nl this es la lishmeut. Ho also keeps on ha ml u large sisort met of BOOTS AND SHOES. WATS Nt) CATS, together with n variety of notions, E7- -SALL AND SLD I'OU YOUIISHLF. A. J. UVANS. Uloouisbiirg. April. S3, 1661. FRESH MR RIVAL or Fall & Winter Goods Milicr's' Store. rplli: subscriber lia Just returned from the Cilles X ilh uuuther largu mid select nssoftmcl of FALL AND WIN'JER GOODS. purchased at Philadelphia, nl tho lowest figure, and which tlioy aro determined to sell on ns moderate terms as can he procured elsewhere in Uloomsburg, Ills stork comprises LADUA' DlthZS (iOOf)S, of choicest styles and latest fashion. vnr noons. jixj auocEiuEa, ii mim'JinK qUr.EJfzirjiHts, CKMJt U'.mi:, HOLLOW H'ARK mow, mils, nuora tr suotx HATS H- CATS, fcc 4 e yt III short everything usually kept In country Stores in w iiu ii jie iuviiu tiio niiuiic geuerjuy. Tliu Highest price paid for country produce. H. II. MILLER. lllooinsburg.Nov IU, IPC I. TINWARE & STOVE SHOP. rplIT, undersigned respectfully informs his old friend anu ciisiuincrs, uini in uus purcuascu his brothers merest in uiu hoovo OMHOiisiiineui.auUtlto inncorii wilt liercafler bu conducted by himself ec)miyely. iiv im. jii.i receniMi u-.ui iiiiurs ior sine, mo larct est and most eilcnsivo assortment of FANCY BTOVUri over intrnd.rced intosthls iiinrket, IfiS stock Consisfs of a cmntitele nsknrliitpnl nt liu best Cooking nnd parlor stoves iu tho market, tngelh. er Willi Btnvo Fixture of every description-, Uron nnd llox Stoves, ltadiators, Cjliudar Stoves, Cast Iriirr Air. ,,r.i.,wi , piu,v, at,, Kr. muvuj.ipe anu Tinware conslaiilly oirlunil mid iiiAuuOictiired to order All kind nl repairing done, us usual, on .hurt iimim, The palriiiiugu of old friends and new cuttouirs re- peclfully solititi'd, A,M, UUl'LItT HlooiM.liurg, Nnrember Jd ItMl, If, AmoiiE iho colinlioratora nio Dr. Mohan, nf ISerlin, 1 rofossors four-,. Dam, Whlnicy, lladly, Lyman, I'l.i'in'"1 'tk'rtfhtr, Cunt. Oraighill. of West Point Military Ara,t,v, :,), j. c pcrkin. Pro fesserSllles. A. L. HoIIbv i- , t. Tt Al.fi THE INVALIDS IRON IN THE BLOOD. It l Weil kriiiwn to (tin medical profession Hint IRON ) n tlio Vltnl I'rilirlpln nr 1.1 fo l'.toiiu.'nl of the blond. Tills Is derived chiefly from tlio fund 0, Ml I lull If till food Is not properly digested, nt If from nny tnusn what- ever, the necessary quantity of linulmint taken Into the. tltculntlon, or becomes reduced, lho whole nyrtom ' utrvr. Tlio bad '.Inoi! will Irrltiito tliu henrl, wn I ci 02 up i ne in cr, win uuFirui i ine vcr nun i in " "i 1 ii.Vi,. ..r.nliiMna nlninriii . u. mi :,,!. f.rihn vr teni, nnd every one will miller in whatever nruilii may be pliMll. pnncd to illfeillc. 'I ho greut value of IKON AS A illEiUHNE Is noil known ami n ktiowteilced by nil medirrd men The dlfllriilty lins hti il to nbtniii siil.li a prepatnlinu n It as will enter tho circulation nnd nsslinltnle nt oilco with th T lllnnd. This point, says Dr. Ilacs, Massach ikcIIs Slate Clii'iulst, has been attained In tlio I'erllvl ml Syrup, by combination In n wny before unknown. THE PEIUiVIAN fiVHUP j 11 1'rotetlcd solution of the Protoxide of lion nN'rw Disrovery in .Medicine that Strikes lit thu Hoot Of Hit. nse by supplying uie nionu wiiu its vital rrniiipie ,ife I'.kiueiit lrun. , THE PERUVIAN SfllUP Curcn t)yfpcti jln, Mver Uomptalnt, Dropsy fever utul AgtlC, I.OB 8 UI LillUT) CpiriiB run FERvriAN syrup Infuse' strength, vigor ami new life Into the system, and minus up mi "I run lonstiiutioii, TUli PERUVIAN SYRUP Cures Chronic Dirirrlurn. Scrofula, Holts, Scurvy, Lois of Constitutional Vigor. THE PERUVIAN SfJtUP Cures Nervous Airections, I'eiriiile Compliilnts, and all discuses of the Kidneys and llludder. THE PER UI'lAN SYRUP ti n specifle. for nil diseases originating in a bad slnto of ,bc blond, or accompanied by Debility or n Low Slnto of the System. Pamphlets, containing certificates of cures nnd recom mendations from stum! of the mojt eminent t'liysicinns Clergymen, and otherit.ulll be Sent Free lo any .address Wo kolcct a few of lho iirfirins o 1,i'ow 1 tic ili.if.u ter of tlio testlmouals. JOIIX I'. WILLIAMS, MriU . rrcsldont of thu Mi trnpuiilan Hank, New York. liev. aiii:I.hti:vi;ns. Late l'.dilor Chrihtuin Advocate audJoMrnal. llev. I' ClllJIiCII, I'ditur New York Chronicle llev J oil ti Picrnont, Lew is Joiinsnn. M II. I!ev Wnrreu Kurton, Itcv .rtliur II fuller, Itev (; union Itubbins, llev Hy I van il 3 Cobb, llev. T. Starr King. Rev l.phraim Note, Jr.. liev Joseph II Clinch, llev. Henry Uph.im, llev I' C lleadlev. llllswcll K ey M D S K Kemlatl M I). W II Chl-holm, M 1). rraiiiis Dana, M I). Jeremiah Stone, M, D Jose Auto S.iuclie. M D Abraham Wendell M II. A A Dales, M D. J It i hiltiin, M D. llev Joliii W Oliuct-ad, II, i:. Kinney, M D. Prepared by N I.CLAUK & CO exclusively fur J. I'.DINSMOlti:, No Jill llroailway New York. Sold by nil DrogL'Irts. No Family Should be Without it. UiilytU cents n box roit S.I.E I1Y P DINSMOltU Nollll llroadway. New York. J.W I'OWl.i: & CON". ISTrvmout 't IIohIuh 8 And by all Druggists mid Country Slrockeepera. ltEl)l)IXGS'S KtSSi.V SALVE. FORTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE. Has fully established Hie supclority of RED DING'S RUSSIA SALVE, Over n'l older h .'allilj (iepa.-atloiis. It cures nil kinds nfSo.es, Cuts, PcldJ, llfiiiis, Molls leers. Salt liheuni, 11 jsipelus flies Piles, Corns w . ... ... , ,t... .),,, ....... '...i iio.Im. iT,,, i,n ,n., .., ...Hm,, Mw..iili.,.. and iullaiiiation as II by magic. Only 'Jo cuius n imiv lot; sai k i;v J P I'lVVMOiJi:, No.'PJl llro.niway New York. S W LOW LI! &CO N'i, IS Tronic It-M, Uu.luii, And by all Dtuggl.ls, Ma; 7, IPCI lim. mil r. it!literfiir,i.irtN nrsn cctenstvetv enirafed in th JL Uiidtrtitkine IltHlnOt, and keeps constantly on liatid lid for sale at his Wurerooms, a largo assortment of FINISHED jsJ COFFINS, lly which he is enabled to nil orders on presentation Ai.su Keeps n good Horse nnd llc.irsc, and will at nl limes bu ready to attend Funcrels. . . SIMON C. SIliV'B. Illooinsbprg, January 2','. IB30 j, r. ..T.K. L N, MOYP. New Drug vStorl. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL rpllll iindersigneil would Inform their friends nnd (he JL publie. generally. that they havo taken the stand for merly ;ceupied by Ceo, M. IliiKenbuch, iu the Kxrliuuge lliiililiug, on .Main street, iu llluom.buri', where lie lias Just reteiveil n lull supply oi Bivu qm, jiji t vibucT) a. nulls, nna.l, Which will he sold on moderate terms for ready pay. Also, NOTIONS generally, of every variety, sort and size. Physicians' prescriptions carefully compounded mi limes anu on suuri iioiico. Ep- Coiifectioueiy of tliu best eeletllons, and Soda Water lu sctteon uscueon. ij A sliare of Hie public custom Is respectfully so icited, uyi:u k .moyi:k. rHoonisburg, April 11, ier,3. ISAAC K. STAUFFER, WiVrMmAKKU AND No. 118 North Second St., t-or. of Quarry, P II 1 L A D B L P II I A . Jin assortment of Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Waro constantly im liahd.- V3r ltcpalrihg of Watches and Jewelry promptly nt- tended lo. January i, le'fS.-Jy. II. c. II 0 W E R, SUHGEON DBNTIST, Ill'SPIk'lTHM.Y oilers his nrnfcisa iouiil services tu'ihu ladles nnd geullu. k men of lilnniutburg ami vicinity, Hu is . nreliared in ulleii,! lo nil tlm vn.!,,,,. up iralinns in the line ul his profession, ami is provided with thu latest iinpriivud I'OltCKMfA TKF.TII; which will I'uiilJoMcil cm gold, platiiia, alitor and rubbef base loloo'twi II us Ihu natiiiiil teeth .Ml lenl platu unci block leclh manufatliircd nnd all oturi'lieiis on teeth, curelully and pri.perly nltetidinl to. HoWdence and otirc).a lew doors abort! the Court II in.e, siiiiie M), lil.io.usburg, Juueil ltd ESPYMHQTEL. .I'lli! undersigned, having taken Hiu Fispy llotrl, , i.ueiy scii 117 ,ir. r. iiiiwcii, woiiiu ru.pecll 'i lifornt Ills frl'iids imillhe mibllr 111 eeueral. linn i i.ueiy Kepi ut ,)ir. l'. iiuwcii, won HI ru.necl In v i pains will be spared fur he siiisf.n lory entertainment of all who may luvor lilm wall llicjr rutuuu. . JOJ D M taOilUA.NK- Lspy. April J.I Jiil IMPORTANT TO LADIES. privati: niEnirAi, adviser, An Invaluable treatise of CI pages, by fltlbll.tlcd for tlio benefit of Hie. rr.x. Oil receipt of 1 liN OUNTS, It w III lio font post paid, In n scnlcd envelope, tn nil wliu npply fur it It gives n ciincl.odcsr.ripllr.il of rll tlm illencs pet-mint to females, together whll mcritis of mri'. and treats f Conception, Pregnancy, MlHiirrlngo.sicrllity Sexual Abuses, 1'tnlnpsiis fieri, Female Ucnkuess Cninumptlnn, fcc nml milch other vnliiuble Itiforni'i lion not piilillilnil In any other .vinrk. livery lady stimuli procure n copy wiciiuui uc-iuy . . r r . . V, m , i i. i ,1.1- have nlreiidy been pllbllsllCll nnd ilisiributed HUH cat Harrcy'H Female rills, the mot infallible nnd popular remedy over known for nil diseases oftho femnlu sex They have been used in many thousand cases with unfailing suciess-imd may bo relied on in every enso for wlilili fliey nre re. tominended, and particularly In nil crles arising from Obstruction, or Stoppage of Nature, no maiti t from what cause It nrlios. They nre elf.ic tual In restoring In health nil who nre suffering from Weakness nnd Debility, Uterine Disrharges, N'er ous , ncss &c , be, and they ACT LIKE A CHARM I ! In strengthening nnd restoring the system. Thousands . 1 of ladles wlio have sullered for years mid tried various. 1 oilier ri'ineilles 111 vain, mvon reliowal of tlitlr Keailh nnd strength wholly to the clllency of DR llAKVEY'S FEMALE PILLS. I'lliollliencss.nllhoua It does net represent hlmnny JJU. UVIM Iti O i. l.MilUi I lltjio. i tlllll!,k,.nsl)a, , , al ,, w, yelit Is III Tliey nro net a new discovery Put nle'ifg tried .remedy ifng conlrast w Ith the h.ilo mid vlgnrim looks "f tho thu lelebr.'ited . I'nrtrnlt below, which Isthelriie likeness nf liimat Ihe I till TfHTXr IMM'1,'V present lime, Tho rnutrnl between Iheso twopof JLUW il UIUI llAKli'jl) irnlts Is so grentlh.it many would not belli'vn tli'iii to one ortho mot ciiiluent phvsicians, prescribed them bo tho same person. Yet then! are liuudrcils j( per fur many jet In hi, private praillse, mid no pbysi sons, In mid around PhllacWphia, w ho will reeog ule I riau was umru truly popular or widely known than both poriralls lobo trim representations. lieu the 1 him In Hie treatment of i tlrst was taken ho wrishod III, pounds ,nt the pres-nt '.' M A I V irrvinTlT ''rr.'c I J' Jl IJ IJ 1 J l X t 1 L U J. I.J t I All who have used Dr. Harvey's I'cmiile I'llls reconi. Kieud tliem to others. Nurses reroiuiuend tlium Drug 'lifts and Dealer recommend thorn in pefrrence to oilier medicines, because nf their merits. No lady ob jects to take Ihem for they aru elegantly Prepared by an cxperiot.ccd Chemist. They are perfectly hiirmleis on the system, may b taken at any llmu Willi peifect safety ; but during thu early stages of Pregnancy they -liould not bo taken, or a inis.nrrlago may be taken, or u nilstnrri.igu nia' bo llm result. They never causil any siikuess pala nr .ii.iti,... I'.nchb contains si xtv n'l.s and full dir 1 1 ctloiis lor uie. PRICE ONE DOLLAR. o"7 f'tii 11,1. tititirn out If vnu desire tir. Ilarvev' Pills or Hook, and if you cannot procure them of yei5t I druggi-t, no not tiiKu any inner, lorsnuie nenirrs ihi are iiiipililclplcd w III rer.d'ininend other Peni,'le I'lHn, they can make n t.-tror profit on but tncl"su llm money mid send dilect to Dr. J. BRYAN, General Atjent. Ilrfit 5U7U. 7li Ced.ir Si reef, N Y. Who will take nil risk if properly directed ; nml o.t will reieivo them post p.inl, securely seJled fro'iif ob surv.ition, by rUurn mail. MUiai ii v uuui.i.iM n ui..m.i,.i.i. . DUMAS IMRNKS k.H. Nnw Yi.K. Who'es.Ilo Agents. 7rf Edition Jljhj Thousand, Ob pii;cs., cloth tnvcts. I BY ROBT. E HELL, M 1)., I Mmnlur of rlu itiiyrii College of Surgeons. Lnndetlt nddrrsKedto youth, the married, and those CONTEMPLATING MA 111! I AG R. S-nt by mall, post paid, on receipt nr TUN CKSTft A inrelui .icnu'il ot this email bonk has been n BOON TO THE AFFLICTED! I and has b.'ivi i' thousands from a life of miser; uli.l an I UNTIMELY GRAVE. I It treats on tin; evils of Youthful Indiscretion, Self Abuse, Seminal Weakness, lliiiisslinis. f'ejii.nl Dii eases, l.i.llllul llclulliy. I.oss ol rower, ij r"u!"" ' I Preinnture Decay, Impotence, fie. which 111UU. the mir.'rer Irom inlhlllng thu on i.ia jiTiom oh' MJiuitiAcn:, aid illuiif.iles the lueaiK of euro try the use of UELIS SPECIFIC IMLl.b', and oilier Irentmcnt nercsary In smnu raieS, nu'rl Which Ni vcr fails lo -Jure, and can ha iclied on. They do not nauseate Hie stomal Ii, or render the lireatfc ifivi'itivo, nml 'bey can be USED WITHOUT DETECTION- 'i'licy do nut interfere with business pur'nilt, iiud are speedv in nrlio'J, 'NO LIIANCC 01' DII7I' IS NIXT.SS l! V. 'Ihci we Wurantcd in all ones, ',,(,, rife, tn:il in rcmovlm: and riiriug Ilia irV-ense, Uifwards nl two tliou'.iu.l cases nr on lee.nrd tlr.it Have Been cured by using HULL'S SI'LOIl'IO PILLS, nnd i. rlilir.a cuu be shown troiu iiuny that have used lliein NOCASLOI' I'AILUItLl HVIlll OCCUIiS. I'nn nnls ol ii Hundred Physirlnn use ilein ejt sivcly in their private practice mid tliey rami, it It, -Pt L.iresi w ilhoiit lliein. DEI.ii'S SPECIFIC PILLS Are the original and only genuine are a liutt of Imitators IHIVVAIII fperilti! Pill OF THUtl. 'there THESE ARE WAu'RENTJlD. They are adapted fur main of female, old nr y and arc- the only reliable icmcd) known lor Ihe uuZt c'r of .if 1 diseases iciistug Irom YOUTHFUL IN DISC ll R 770 A' lit all Sexual Di.ea-es, a" (iniinrrliea, Striitiire, Cleet, n ii d in all Urinary anu Ki.lie-) loiuplaluts, lbt' ACT LIKE A CUAUM ! Relief is experienced by taking a single bov ; nnj from four to boxes "eueraUy etfoii a cum. 1 S'JLD ll V IHlL'liClSTS (iCKIllt il.l.Y, iu boxes cootaiiitng six pills, prieu SI, or ut boii ,).! also I in largo boxes, containim: lour of lho piu.i I, price tf.l. I It ) mi need thu Hook or the Pills, cut out this mlvcr tiscmcol lor reference, and if)ou cannot procure tlieut nf vuur druggist, do not be imposed on by any other remedy, but enclose the iimncy iu a letter to tin; pro- i piiitiir. I 70 Cedar Street, N. Y. I whn-xvill take till risk if properly directed, and will I ed the Pills, secured flo.ii oliserraliuu, by return man, vK, p.a, ut.i.1) ii y DiiuccisTS i:i:ni ually. DUMAS DAItNHS Sc CO. Nrw Voiln, V hub.'srilo Agents. TO THE AFFLU'TEt) FROM DR. J. BR.Y CONSULTIXC I'll SIC1 AN. A N No 70 ledar Stietl. Ncw l'ork. Jlcdlctil treatment, to bo succesifiil. must l.u adapted in eac rlicul tr case, and Hie a-tual condition ol tlpj patient ut the lime, and regulated from li to time, ns llie exigencies of lliu case rvmiiro. Medicine nets mure potently on tomu persons than on others, and it slioold tie mliniiiittored will) mid not in force il All who are nfilicted wjtli Cbronio Difiiciiltits nf any kind, mid have failed to id tutu permanent ben efit I mm lho treatment of their limlly physn iau, aru sollriled to givo mu ii slatttmout of their eouilitjou, and 1 will advisu lliein, Irco of rharge.wliul trealiueiit is necessary lo ensure recovery i the ti uio re'piirud, and the uxiicn.e. n, I desire to prescribe or give ndvico only in null t cuiiiiiiciiiuil uiiu colonic cjscs as nave uuiueu mu SKljl luy cl a us. , mini suui t win iiuy speeuy uueii nun. ami eive every case my serious consideration. I Advice without itiediciuu is seldom sufficient; there j fore, when addressing me. ouclo.su one dollar in your letter, for which 1 will give my candid opinion ami i advieo. uml such medkiiiu as I tnn afford lor Uiu same i by return of mall; and will also s,tatu upon what , terms I will undertake tho casu al)- professional attention is given inoro pattirularly to the following ilic.nci, which I make specialities 't'CltUi liCS well nt ii Itllina i)f .. ui my pr 'icssiuu ; auu i can ireat litem as ilitlancu (is il culled upon personally. All Chronic and Complicated Affections the System, .(and ull diseases pccult ar to to females ; DyrpepsiilRlnl Liver Complaints. Chronic llc.nlac.ho I'lles mid Fistula, chronic mid Inlt.numatuiy llheiinia lisiu, Neuralgia, and Nervous Diseases general Dchll, lly. Scrofula, Caacers and Tiiumrs, Chronlo and lit ll.imniorv Disenu uf the Lyes and liars, Catarrh, Sem inal Weakui ss. Impotence, Urethral mid Vaginal Dis charges, Sexual nml Urinary Diseases gercrally. fniitniMiilInn ll rnn n Ii i lit, nn,l 111. WSHUWIU I.IUU) ,,,VUSIII,I1 Ulll, iOIUII X'lO ' ,, eases generally. ,i . ,, , , . ., . . , A treatlni on this sulnecl. Ill ilslrnt nir tho v.iliini. ., .....j i ,., .,i;,...i ...A i . , .. ..,,.., .... :.7iii 77 seiil to any one, oii-paid, on the receipt of u posiago ......b. .., axw.k ,,.u,, ,l,.,l,,l , .( c,o,S.,l,, ...I, OU Vl 'irea.ioent f..r I'n .ii .-,,,,1 MtoncliI ,. rf.,s. Hons has been alliiiiled with greal success. I do not follow Ihu beaten track of thu nasi aecs. bututtark llm uiscaso upon puncipies in.u navu oasis; it ii ii i ii.ivo resioreu llinii dii s, that have been given over liicifrnblu. Under the ordiuurv always die. under iny ireiilmcnl Alillcled, givu me a coiisululion, I use mi remudies in .. ,. i Nil , u uie es In 'lie Ida il ill aii si, auu i usu "u ,,,,4 stV;..:r v... a-.,.i that an: liintfiil. In tiuv case. Alt- lias provided, forotory disease, remedies of the fields nml trees ol Tho forest inlnerlils under any l irciim.tances. My address is us fallows. "J. IIUVAN. M. D liox 507H, No. Til Cedar Sireel. New Ymk Wnle your iiaiiiu plain, also town, county and Sutc and a reply will be mailed ui souu atpottible, lelinniiyll,lcJ-ycow t or nn, H"iiEMoirs own pare, I WIWiJ. I.AHOniNCi UNTlKIl roNStlJ'TlON, Jliul how his Pulmonic Sirup, au:cctl TiiinV. and Mam rant rius ay. on the Ststem n curing hat (l case, nitd flic OUR AT SUCCESS ATTENDIN IT 1 To above l a correct likeness of llr Srhenrk taken many vonts ngo. nit r he had retoveied from Cniisumf linn f,v n eoiir.n of Ills "Si IlKNrK's I'lILMnMKi SvnflV limeini weigut is pounns New YORK, Widnes lay, .Mardi Ml, ICtil. io 7 he vmu Tbitly years ago I was in lite last stages of Puimnii nryCou'sumptinu, nnd giv.n up lo c'.le, I resi.ied in Philadelphia mid l)r, .1 soph Parrish then oflhis 1 lly. orio ednielo Morestnwn, N. J,,, a dl'tanrc nf uiu" , n'llles, w hd Ii took me two dJi s to get there. On my ar- j rival I was put In b'ed, nffd tln-ru laid lof many eki. I This.wiis li'iy nalfve plan-, w n-re all. my fYriu'ify.llVeil and linldted of (!nnsnmpoii llr. 'rh'u'iuliin. wlio al tended my father in his l.tst illness, was called, and ' gave loe one week lo lit up my nlf.ilrs. Hi; bail s 'en all my family go Iliat way. uml thouiiht I n tiigu.i,,,, 'I huu 1 heard uf the remedies I now nlfer to the pule lie. which cured me. It s 'cnied Iu me t tint I lould feel 1 them pern Dating my w hole system. I The, soon ripened lho matter mi my lun;s, and I would spil olfniore Ih. in 11 pint of nir.'nsive yellitw 11, al ter every morning. As mnu us Dial le-itan to subside, my 1 iiugn. lever, pain, iiigui sweats all neg.in to tea e me. and my appetite Ii,m ame n areat I lint it wan with dlliiruliy I ciiulil keep frimi eatlux to" mm Ii. I simu gained my stfent'th. and I Iriv-e been grnwrug in ll,h ever siiici-. I'm many jeais I have 1 iijuyeil urliuff r iifpled gnod health, keepiu:; tie, liver and sliim.iih beallhv w lih the Seaweed Tnnienuit .Mundrake Pills, as I am of a btlioii. (eiifgierniueut, .My weight H two linn dred and twenty pounds. On toy n covery peuple w mild 1 rriifiil ff me, far arid near, to see if their eases were like mine. For this purpose I pay proles. innal isils in Hie large 1 Hies. 'I lie mil uiuplives wish to seethe line that uiak.-i these niedn lues, an, I who was c ured of rtiiisumplion h) them. Tn msko utw lunirsls liupnssi. 1,1 j hul cavities in III, lung, and chronic ulcer itiiius nf tlit bronchial lube, can be healed Mich cti.es are dying liouilv under tbo ordinary treatmeiil of diyi. clan., an 1 Just sui h nro 111.nl by the proper use of Si lien, k's I'lilmniiic Syrup. Seaweed Tonic, nnd Mali drake Pills. 1 am 11 own hrnlllty men, will' a large ravily in lie. middle ti.lui of the nullt lung. tlio lower lube very mm h hepnll.cd and complete mlln'sion of the pleura. The lel'l Iiiiij; . sound, nnd the upper lobe ot the rlelit lung i. in a lolerably beaitby emu IInn. 'I'be great iiason why phsii luns do noi enre ronsutiiplion i the, try tu do 100 nun ti ; they eive medicines to stop ihei migh, to slop chill, to stop tiiitbt sweats, bei lit fev,-r. mid, by su iloiui:, they tl, -range 11. u whole digestive powers, luck itii! up the secieliuus. mid eventually the patient sinks auilitie.. .Mier 1 m.iue a e.irelul examiuaiieti 01 in, patient w ith the Itesuiromcter, and find lungs ennuith leA to run:. I din ct the palnut how In uselhu three reuiedi k lletuovi the cause niiiltliey will all slnpof their ovmi at c-otd. Noon, rati I e 1 ured of rousump. lien, Href e uiplaliil, ilysp, psi.i, i.ilutih. c. inker, nl ceinled'Dirnat. utiles. Ihe liver and stomach are made he.dihy. In New Hugl.iiiit lins cauvvr, , hrmili calarih, ulceiale I thrnnl, elnitgatiuu of uvula, is more prnc.i. lent llrlu 111 anyol'o r sei Hun of the luinitry. This 14 fri ipienllyciiuseil b ., wnil stuuiai h. nn v ay born it nut with 1, luetic t,,ite and iiii.iiu. tnnl all they Ml gel Is lellipiil.'il V l Ii, I I itrr.'i I Ihe ttolii.ich anil livei, an, I lie y i ill heal up ihenisel ,e. llooil mil itiuti is the 1, nieity. if, mi have any iIih ease in any part of Ihe I, .etc, 11 mil reiuafnllier'e and deca 11101, an,! ifture itmil )nu --an reel tire stutn.i, ,'t 111 the s tiful ! If, .11 to dige.t fnn.l. find inako new bl mil 1,1 lake Ihe pi n e of diseased iii.itler. Tbi is the only way1!! he.il e,i ilhi t,i III., Iiiiics and ulieruteil I11O11 1 hl.il tulu s. t'lirrecl Ihe .tit't.icllord 11 rr, and nature will ,lo Ihe healing. M.tit) pisons have an idea that celt. till niudlLllir ,111 gie.ll puiiliers of Ihe bli-iid W'iletl bin -d I 1 mi: itlseietl ,1 ctillllolbu punlieil ; a is diseased the ,-unic us Uiu dis, used mailer in the ' system , l.i.t ctei Ihe apti, 1 o , in nrder, ihe liver nu,l I sliimaih, and ulvo it. plenie nl nourishing fund, it cwll , , make u. w blood, win, Ii will UK. ihe pl.ee ol that W lti ll in lIlM-ilriud I Si hetick's I'll 1 iiifin i r sj ritji is mi . of ihe b -st prep-i tali, im-ol 1. on in use, it 1 aoiiliil tunic ol il. ell. , and when the S.jn.ec,d Tunic dissolves the tuuitis in 1 tho stum nh. and 11 is carried nil b, the aid of the Man 1 tlrnko Pills, tin. Pulmonic Strup is nude info I, foe, I. , This is lho 0111'y way 10 curu consumption, ll I c.in ; mil gel agnoil ,ip, elite uiul fnoil ,,,es mil digust, I tan lint cure Ihe pntijnl Never uiiiid the coueh ; lumove t In: mix. mid it will slop nf itsi If, 'Hits Is Hit 1110, t , 1 trouble I have with toy patient, at my rooms I'hey ' i say, "Doctor, I feel tsrniiger ; I can 'cat my night j f.vtaM are belter, nnd I fuel better every way : lej' my , cniiglr is so Incd yet nnd tluty am as'.tuus-:,! It. h sir ' . inn say that does lint mutter ; remove thu z.i ise an I I it will atop itself. Schunck s Seaw, e.l rii nles- a con,l ! "nnetiie milium! itinoilaVs. when llieie is 111 , tti 11,- ,l.s. 1 i',,-"" 1 v,jr,' oimue.ied .hat til." Mam ' ' ''i '," V1"""' l"Jw k ll,R' 1:1 "if "a" 'dndder , .' '. ' ''f ''-I'aco of tiuie. In or.lu-! allow thu stale . , ,V,mu tliere 1'' iu',r """ """I " V' ' 1", ' ,, J,"-lJ,'r "' ';'!'"mP'lo" or truy , gaitfiiro hei.lihy. Those thai ,,. utlious, low spirited ..,.,,, r,,, ., , i iu,Coe, poor uppetiti', I nervoiib, stoniliih lull of wind, uVcrytiifug that is en(- , I rn lies In uvy Iciss of in, ' in i r v , iry us h.iula of , SCllHNCK'ri SHAW f.V.ii TON'iC, en. I on. ,, S IliiNCK'S MANDltAKi; PILLS. It Is only n c. , f. one dollar and twenty-five ejus, W illi full ilirei linns This is tiillicient, lu man) cases, to sntbly what tlio ' inediriiins are'. Frequently ouo bottle makes u great , ibanguinllii. systeiu. Am perron Unit enjoys ordina i ly health, by usijig the Hcaiyved Tnuioand JMundtaku ( I'llls occasionally, iiitist get tin1 c'.i.'i'itive organs its sucji u heallhy condition I hut they becri"'." IK'shy I' can produce a number of niy old consumptive ptiliuiU' ' now enjoying good health, weighing ncarlyilUU pounds i . I will cimiludu by relating three cures I have) Hindu In New York, mid which arm!! dillerciit, and wish nny ' ono wlio Itcls any interest iu thu mailer to visit tlium ' First is Mrs. Fallow, residing Iheit at Nn. 107 Houston ' street. Ilur husband t-ti 1 1 -il upuu mu nl lily room. :i.' Ilond street, and wish, d uiu to rail nnd see her. He' saisl 1 could do no gucnl ; Una hu had all Hie best ineill. vu, uv, ,.,, r.ui, was ino iiir crone v it i - .- , -."s ,,, ,,,r koiii! v rT.Oi.OOlliltoli to lit, I'll,,,, 1.,,, .,1,.. .....I I ., r . --.-- , e, .,.,, ,o.u0 "I SUOin LU,:.a 1 ""t'lo. -'" hv detired lo gratify In r , wishes. 1 allvd, mid iouti 1 1, ' l) mi! conllued lo U't I.,'" '.'H u?: Sta3,W or' iiilij-,1 coitsiiiiipllou, ntid without doubt luiltt have died n,,,ii, I eAuniinoil her I 1 11 lll'S. I Ol, 11,1 lloll, l.l.Ol, l.e.t ,,,(. .. , I. .. .1 ...... .. I luiins.louiid both bioiicbial lul.s vuryluueu nfier.ti.'U , uui no cuiues .mu lurim.u. Her cough cvus verysevere, Hie spii box wajliulf full i,r Hiick pus. l'ulso III), legs ! I swollen very mucin mid wnrs0 tli.ni till, the hud cliro, 1 Illc ili.irrhu:.-. Her liowls hail been moved ileveu Hue s i thill day, 1 lolil liur she had lungs enough lobe i ured I hut (hat Ihis dinrrlnca had been long slaiilng. nnd liur ! Hiuuiicliwu. Iu such mi ulcuiateil condition thai 1 was 1 nlranliiolhini! could bu done. Silo iuslstud I should try nnd do wlrat I mold for her, observing Hint she ' .would not last long in Hiu coinllimu khownsin. ' i, ilo.o ol in v'M nolri.W,, I'llli I,,.'.......'?. , 'i. '. unci 1 iouiil nut uiiiKo lvr nny worsu, I gavu her llr t 1 . ' .,., ,,,,, l"llv 1,11', vl I'l I' -tfrii'ly. I hat was oti Tuesilay, iiui,y ihe iieilSiiiid, v Uiu dlarrhu-a wus curried silf, Yteran lUitcl i liadretur iclfl ' and tlie cuulil sil uti lu bed and cut herdiuiivr. H'leis ' .. .. . .'" lu.".V i".'?'" ".'." "lu u long ceriitlcuie, cerillled lo ',,, turl,uomw,b3' Wet Forly-fifih street can,., ' l.u ,(, t.l V llr ,, ,. ' '"I 1 " tmor oil iter liver. Wis was low, spirited, tkin siilluw. loii"Ue l.o.in .l. LmutI ilu .... uppctile, mill lits.t siuking lulu Uiu giavc, Tliu said 'U. '! "V' ! i7ut"""' ,vory,e...ivo micMer, unci ,1 "X"' ' bu"ru- Kim kept gradi.. ullyjiiijir.ning, and lit iiboui iwo i.ioinbs lio'cauu. to . ,y rooms veryiuuclilriahlciic'd.s.iiiug Ihallliu luiuor had iieulv snipped riiiniiiur. uml was healing up, and I Ihnt uveiy doitiir Had told her Unit If it ever lieule.l It xvouldc.iuse lierdealh. 1 lold hei Hint liu disease had .in icihivi )i, in ami n.iiiir WOIIIU Ileal uiu llll er up, I Iiuy .no now liealud aliillun been lor about a )e.n .Hid slieisni; beany .uui i4niit ,i noui,iiiii )ouwil( liml in d daynvalk Sle I gl,nl for any uuf? in cull uii n souii.l (.clcntillo ,er Svr Tonic and Fills, ami tola ,, i mil, .V.:.... lllllior nail oeeu ri lhll.ir uver loiirli'i-it vi.n.a I byoUu'r iniyilci-H.-u- J";lu ,,1IJ V'"",' elo ..i..led. lyierame In, k o XXZZ '"'l!7l .""!'1.V.'" V. "vo weeks, suineu hat , llieru is soinohuiie. 7VTV;. i! , ' ! iV .' Vy" " """"'. , ie,id take, great pnlnM isn.r. nnv n. ...... kc.i.i nnjtlilnu like, ha tut nnd tHe, To T HiiliintJ'm' a ml n.e. Tlm net! tV I. mi,. u?,V f,r ll fmlh Ptnmford. Conn, M r, "in r, ," Sm'tv lot In- ,nfntnfMiR., nil, Mm Ins turn ever ,7 m ?. rR n e,n rime, mv ill, n ili.t ...... .-i. ' - tl, me I une ... fir iror.n m i I n , i,;V , . . '"V HIV tirin,,.. r . 1 tfpu I "'t eljeiiiiul, i nnmrngeiiieiil. thnught , wool. 'I'",;,'"' loiiiNflonlsbmintthe I ! onlrSy,, ,7, p,m ed 1 nil It i. and Mandrake I'llls nil seeie,l ,1,1,1 own, k, the lung is nil li.nled over, lenv g cnyil' m'?" nsugnu.n egg i nond nm.eilte. ''W": hVVi rn"" '1 ,n."'" "drly-nve pn,,, Ihtnkvylll leavi. her belure Ji,(.. I sho,il,l ,,,k R "f."1 . i, i1" 1,1 oiuo IMipreJiidlred phy. ilHi lojl'lllhesr. rase,, particularly Miss Sh.iWj, t n i or t Is -in w bo have been i ured by mv liitdlrlnes i,).,r.onuineri.us In New York, but thu nbuvo tureo nil,! r rroin i-nrh other . nml if my midii iri. s are d. Imp '!t,,1,,,'llrn,?'!',,!l"'v1"ri'' ""' "Imuldhave toe rte;,l slid lho nHllcled knoiV lie,,, and hw n,eV mav l"' o , I . t ' II. 'CllllN't'K, M'. II. , lr I II. Prhetuk canbefnuiiilnt his ptlu. iul ,,iTiee. ffo. North I'll; Street, Mill.idclplila, every iilur.laj'-.V (km' (V I"1'" l- tn tivii ndvlro. r,. e U . , iliar.' .''t'l f"r n llimouah eramltntloii' h, ,i,.,rtt,.. lire' l"lt'' 1 rlre iifthn I'uininulr Sjr'T m Hei . WPCi,H u'c 'nih SI'.'., per Jio'tle. tir il tlm Ii ,1 ,oi 'i.l Matt mi rius -.'.i reins per imv, and for sale by nl. Drue ," a"11 I'cmers. I jif II. IT.l.-l Y. IKPORTAMTto FSWALfiS BOTH MAKRIED AND SINGLE. Oldest Kogulator for Pomnlcs im cnnr.snMANs imimali: 'ILLS Will I'lllli dlalel) relievo. Wllhoill liain. nil .tl.lnrl. ,,,. 'inn dlalel) relievo, without pain, res nf IU" peiludlr ,isilnr'e, whether arlsliw Irom ie laxntmii or sttppfo'slori 'I'hey tut likn a charm in is innviu.'lli" I'liins Ihal niioimianvdiHir.ini or h I,,4,. I ale ii'ii'ttuatiou, and ore ll nh ,,ale nml r.-li.iM rone il fur I'luslies, Sick Head i, he.l'nln. in iln, t.,.,,,. Hack nl Side., 1'alpl .itii.n nftbe Heart, Nerums Tie. niors,llsleiies, Spasms llroken Sleep, and olhur im plens and ilaugerotis nth it. of an umntiiral cmidi linn il I'm si xiial fiiiic'i'ius. 1 1 1 Ihe woisi case, of Fluoi .Witts, or Whites, they eil.-i i u sp'-vdy , ore. ' a. i'hi;i:si:man's ri'.MAi.r. i'illm. I'uvi 'i ti used mer a (tuarter of n Ceiituiy. They arevj'li'ir'.''l n the only . ifi; means nf reiiewi'ui! inter r,tic I'.enstrualinii, luil La lies i.ni't hear in mind that, linn' Is one eonilltlmi ol Ihe female system in w bici me riii. 1 aiitint he l inen without producing i I penulili result Tho ( n million rcl'.'irud to is rteen.ilicy ' -III. ' -nil. Mi i.iirlage. Smli i Ihe irreristible ten- dent) " Ihe meilii iue to re. toro lho sexual fu url i"i s I lo ti n mil I1 mlilluii. that even the reprudui live p"iv. icrofi Hire laiinol resist It. Tit cniuvl di'liann iu nnf tjtl-r way. i nn. ri i:i:sr,M.N's fiimali: pills. Arc.,tl, only Medicine tbat njilried Mini Single Ladies havr I ai d upon f,,r man) year,,ir i an re'y upon mur. , lb war of IiiiiIiiiIoiis 1 These lris lorni He- FiHirt Prepti.ituiu ever pui forward, with iniuieiliain nml 'Pertifttit success. DON'T III; II;'I. Villi. T.ikn Ihis-!! iii rliseineiil In your llrnsti.t. ,mi lell him t Im I ynilTw ol the best and iiiosl rell.ilile I'eiiuil,. Meiliumi in tlo' old. wtiiih isi iirlsed id ,4 It. fllHI'.SMAN-s IT.U.!l.r. I'lLL-"!' 'flieniice n-eefv.-d, mid are now rcr.-ivufg the ri.iri riiiitfi' tP l'in-f eruiieut l'h)si bins in Auieinn. t'.p1 ll'IT DfllLCI ItiNrl lib eiiell llnr, - the pr;, (Inelli.l .il per llm. iimlaiuinu fi'mu .Ml to lUM'ills. I'ill -"tit bt mall promptly, b) retuittine the pitic in tin1 1'nipri inrs. or tin aulhiiri.i'd Agent, iu curi.iu liitids -''IM bv liriitfitihlx generally. HI.'I'lll.NliS ,t llll, I. Villi Proprietor,, g HI fi dar Sir, c I, New York. P"- add in I.I ,iiiuiiing, by Lyei II .Mo)i-r, and F. i en. iei.1, y S w'lirratitfil lo 1 III Ilii' IllDsl I.ntn.r. lul ajtelit f . ,,i,,. Ill h nil I I. loo, I of Cntlle, rlivin i, or Sheep, in pMl. lie Hue iiiesliil rlenti.. HI.' Hie ,),iijn, I-,,, l r i B IV punfi. I im nn.il li i, in ., t, mill- h'lller and .liengPI "nil 'I'laldisliiug iieuiiii and i,or. DI'YfiYS MORfll: U MI I.I' I'OWHHIt is llm only iiM-diciues le-iully' piit.-uted lu France, r.ut: t.tiul. Sw'tUrrland and Holland, mid duly tid luiMetl he their Courls, llonoreil u Ilh lirir.e meil- ills, nf "iv 'liled b) Mr DmoJ I'roli n"ir ot tlielm retl,iwilleee (or erii u'lure at Pariii, and now meri ur.iclli idyC.li lllltMMt, Dr-ol . r.hA A, Allen tmvtij I, lil.'ll fount). Pennsylvania. All llli'uses of III ' ,-'l-mi cli. lilorel. Lulu's rind le'W els, hJi.-,!iIv anil i ert'iinlv 1 ured. Healthy sio, k w ill be brjii:,t into Ho ,ry bii'hesl stnt" i f perlccllou. and oil r two I'lMesjeiolllul il week . Is ol erellt ,il,'le lo h,i,i noikitu htl. i 's I Ming -., k mi t mil. mid tin i ft ll iiiaiols ol valuable horses Irom i oniaj'iuus ilise.isi - a. Hi'il-ii iln- o mi a nl ti s t n the urn.) a ll I; I. :.-.(; I iiuii.ti i nxfi;i;Tiusri ellec tun i onreoine all Hie i b-t o les vchiill umi orevslil it,,, eioi I lint! . uorlus are lileas.int to ami al- "t the inn-! nuieialile purn.itiv s f,,( ioMfin So col. 11 lent I till luv, tilor of the success Ol ll li IC, ti I, Ml- si ii lies iu Ihe outlinlotMcl iiiiupo-f ti Iln. tir, p.ii.illoo . tli.il be Inrulslies ovi'rV irl-ot d l.li, . j, 1. 1 u u ilh a e. i men pros' i iptiou, as a m w I iiiIiiii en i no ilie.i. TK M.. S U'l I II. It . 1 UT AN II AXT l:X I -et'i: . I w i-r iu i- i r-iiil, r for Hie sure c-xieiunu ition ef nil Vi rtidn., hi'i'- Willi atre an l iirnolie eiut n pi I to III ofa rio'splliiiou I';, . e.ilrli ti.,1'1 or' tnoe, maklae i' cc.to'. I oi due. I'V In ili'lp-lliii llhirs see III ' .tu'i!' I i' "t Hi- boxes iei- liiliotren ami luiri., s .i.i.us o ,c be I lli',le,l lo these I elebr .1-d pi , ' US op t.l i,-j,l !', INU. I llnviil are the w ho', il, ',.,1 lol'lnl'i ill- b) .ill It spuclahhl III. ig ,11- . cuoll) sloies. idler IP If'l.) --Ililll. I!, i K. . TIU iii:at WIHILI ' I' Mil I 'IIIU'l'HiN IIL. II I.N LONDON I 'HI OS V. iM VTJ'.iN t W:u tv.ir.leil Hie I'riT.e Me, I. lis Hllieriollly ol '-I rill .. fit, V-t- III I pi C-Hlihn 'lU'iils III Hie I'm. led Stalls lur Ills lulplnt ,'lliellt'i in TfaVflliKg TrUKK", $rf Ill lelii; lire mveiiioi rod ;..' -fo Sfiijiigto. Sole l.e.uhei-.iuil fulid lllreted Ironi rainrt Tr.i'ulliti! 'I'ritnks. Valises. Lad us Hal liases, Carpel ll.igi. I.eiith, r llaen, l.'inhrolln nnd Hobby Horses, lloyi' iligt, I'ropelleia, Wlieelbi'rrows, Air., which ho IS nri'iain to sell al Hie luu ot.inanill'.ii tiiiine price. Thuni istexti nive Tfiitikli'itd Carpet Hag Mrfatifa'iiiir tr il I'uil.ilclpMa Pit MAIIKHT STHHIM'. one door abeve IVutrlh. So, ilh side, I'll 1 1, AHUI, I'll I A, C7' "rij'-i. room on the first Hour. !l7"'l'ri'itks ne.niy repaired nr exrlianseil for nuiv i lies (.'nil autl seo, as we eel! very i heap for cash. r-0). M.JHi'1 -I'.'mo - VtlWa'Sifii,. fc20'B'2.Ei, Not, 0, 11, la, 0, 17 Com tlaitilt Street NI'.AiUllHAinVAY, NIIW YOP.lv CITY Thi jKiil esUbli-li'd and favorite re'ort of tbo llusl uess ivuiimmty b-is been receiily refilled, aiidisioui. olele ii cvei) thine Hi.it c an minister I" the comforts nl its patrl'lit Ladies mid families uiu specially mrd tafii' fully pf''ld( d fin1. II i- milrai.'; Im .Hod iu the list iuess part nflhecitj and Is ilmiiguous I'M,,. oiiin.'lj'.'il liuus c,f sl,.,imboatt, cars, Kif a bu-si's ferries, a-c. in coiiHii,.,re of tlm prussiiro caused by Ihu lie be I Ilon, price. Inuc liceii reduced to One fJUlur a d I'll Hi C cuts per Day. nil , - --.-it ' --- .1 in... , 1, I. ...I ...1,1. I , I......I... ' I I1C! IKbl IS UIU'I) U1"CU , (" u IIIII'II'IK f. ' llieseasilii uud iscnii.il to that of any oilier hotel in UH Coiilitry.t ' Ample iitcoiumo.liilioiis are odcrec! for upward of 1 gnosis. V J r. . .. . , I'. j ' Do im I.,,!,,,,,, .iniier..oackineli. and others who uiaj nu) hiuWt-teru Hotel Is lull." D. D. WINCH W1H5, l'toprietor. TIIOS. n.tVI.NCIIKSl'Llt. I'd.. 15. lira ' III'. Propifetorof lids well know u and contrally Iu3?' J led lluu.o. ttij FtiiiAHUK Horn., sitiie'e o'f Mm', Stria t. ill llllnii. Jure. Immediately '"1111111,' Hit Collllll' I ... . . . . .r . X .' I 1 ...,. m.i l-ouiit) Cum ouhi:,rcspetiriiliy Inloruis his lileudif I"'1 tlln l""1!11 l-'eneriil, Ihal Ills lluuse is now in or ivt '"' "'"'li'lou aiidciilerlaiiiinenl ol tr.iveleis hIio m.iu r , i.. .i ... e....... i, ,,.,n, ,i,.,i ,, He lo,- . . -. . - ,",.,., .. .: .-., . spared no i xt' iisu in orel.aiiii" the i xi iiavol-, lor tile entertiiluiiieiiitf his guests neither sk ill there He unj".- 1 1, 1 ,,,, i. ,,,,(,. I, ,., ,.. tl,..ip iii,r.iii,nl thin" w jiiUiiilnu is part) In mini. tor to tln-ir personal roiulorl. Illtlwueu is spacious uild tujoye no exc'ellLii bUSlllVSilUl.ltKlll. tlj-OinuibiMcitruniit nil tim'i l"'teen lho Fa . Hotel nnd Ihnvurioiis Itml llo.id Ifcpols, by which ,tv elers will bo plcnsniiU) L,uneye,lto and from IU rc peiine Slutiuis in nmu to nrecl Uiu Cars. 'V.M. II. KOON Illounisburg.July 7, ttl ' LEAl1 , HHl 'IMIHuiidersini nfhMlaf.oul burg, an assotti, hm' imf skin., i, VtIIER! L HATH Kit 1 ! lerslgiied would iimii'unee, tllni liehasonhin I. if. Hull ,. I'Mii.orinlil. oil iXlllll Sl 1 1 1 conn iiiiissniiiicnt of iiiif.ireiil kind of lenlh"r. such n I'Ulf ikllla.ii,,,, I,, ...I uud lilacs. Mllld Inline, all ciAubirli hu wli beitiiuuiiier tbmiipn be bad vlseivlo.ie in this miitkel. Cull ritidii.'iiii;i nielli nr ,eiis,-t''s, JOIItVU, OIKH ON r i.uiz Al rMTrx'liiTr1 IU "intlntrg. aliy .1 1 nl
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers