if i 4 COLUMBIA ""'"Vliai I Saturday Morning, Mdr.l 1,1065. rwnnMii.i..i ,,. - Wantrd, ono copy of No, 0, and . copies otno. ix, vol, lotu of tbo Got- , iiia Democrat, 1 tsv- Ar- ,'uj"if Ttr , . .EDr aVUS. UNT. WHO 01 HOD. I'otOC Eft, r,f f i-l.t i 1 .- ii el JjtgUt Htrcet, last wek ncc dcntlj fen and dislocated ler wrist. Improving. . Car Rev. J. P. Tustin, on Sabbath lait, inuiersed Idur young bclicvcrahotLc Fish'ingcrM', Wosl of Bloomsburg.f , . - j 'i'lin Township Elections for Col- uwuiii poumy, will iio beta on next inuay, Vlio 17th of Maroli. t, nowj t3" Mnj. S.VJIUEL Knoiui in the to the Army Sorviod, has been promoted position of Lieut. Colonel of his Reg't- incnt. BSF" Sergt. Jesse 0. Tatb, of fhc A: iny of thn I'otomao n turned yesterday to the field of bis duty.aftcr spending neck with us in BloombLurg. Recruiting Messrs. Jones &. Oi. :iOY, nro recruiting 70 men for Iho scn-J Tbcy report favorable A Bounty oi h offered. licmowl. Y. II. Little, Ef,i,bas removed his Law Ollioc, across tba way into the frame buildiug of Miss illocrio, on Main Street, South oftbo Exohacg", tSST Hopkin'u Hoop Skirts, fol.adies, oud Children, adv. In ibis issue call at 0'J8 Arch Street, Philadelphia, and tx nuiine assortment of goods, J JX-jr SlloATH are in groaUr dcmaiid.bere abouls, this spring, than wo havo cvr be foro known tbcm, uud arc commanding rices both fabulous and enormous, cay- Mr. 6. N. Savaqk, proprietor of the ''Danvillo Hold," is a most worthy man and keeps an excellent I'ublje House. Give him a call. His customers pod him and themselves always at htiino. fiST Wo need only call attentiinto (he Agiieultural Chcrnioal CVs. CIic.p Fcr tilizors, in this Journal, elsewhere, lo se cure the early orders of Farmers, Fruit Gioncis aud Gardener. EST Tho attcnlion of Milliners and Mercbtinls i invited to adv. of Biooks & Roscnheiui, No. -UJl Maiket Stnet, Phil udelphia, in this weeks issue of ths Col umbia Democrat. 83y Jj'omi: one having read something about "Old Abe's la.t" being "a big th'ujr," disircs to ki.ow bow big U is. -ludg'ng by ibe t'ts of hi-j bout, we should nay thu lust wa-t about vixtt'eii iColics. "TLc notion enter upon a new lea o of life to day." Abolition Ttegrapi, -lih of March. i Upon a ww case of d'-pnt sin would bave been much nearer iho truth of tbo cute. CSS1" Seventy permits confined in the I jail of iho Di-trict of Co'u.nbia buvo been told as substitutes. The olgccrj of tlio jail, all loyal men, pocketed (lie money obtained for these ciimiiials, and they are turned out to di.'gruco the army and rituru to tlair old practice. j EST During tbo past week wc hac re cuved large accessions to our! subjoi ip tion li;t. Our friends who havejso promt Jy responded to our a,.poal, vt 111 iccept our ibaulis for what thoy have already none, and wc hope they will fiuqtinut their exertions. Wc still havo room lur alveral hundred more good names. ' . 4 C ... 1, .. , , . I Cif- CUUAH iSSAlvINU tlOUOIICSS C0I11 nieuccd, in the maple localities, during the frosty nights and bunny days oJ lajl Sun day, Monday and Tuosday. T.is sta jilo, like all oilier articles of pr;odi.ce, will this spring command exorbitant prteas Lot it rifiti and com.,, f.ir wlio .Jl,l'n . .. . . , T I jiuj ui-ur mr mo luxury oi xuapid ! IBucar .... . , I uuu ,'iuiuaoio, Air. GEO. L JohNSTjV nf "Kiir,3u.ii, oi Orango township, in this oountyJa few nignts ago, nan ins nousc oruucu orjon and l'obbed of about 5500! It Is said, (h it Mr. Johnson board the thieves inj H' bouse, jut from prudential motives, did rot molest them. This is thu samb unfortuiato Mr, JohiiFou, who lost his wallc t trimn two months aL'O, containing abful, S250 in b 1 a " ' f" " lu crconbacks. f P " I 1 i -f" i erperiCDcn: too wuoio couniry is e:pericnciug tho loiriblo ctTt'cts of this oriislwar, in tho demoralization of tho rising generation. Look at tho young men of ourlnnd, upon 'whom should depend tho fultro hopo of our country, and OVerj wbeie, W0 And J ' J l ' " thorn, wuh few exceptions, running the; oun.cis ol idieucss anu UlSMjation. God j?avo our lanl from drudk"ttjs and do ;iioraliatio,u, s Attention, IIolll-Keepeil-.Prnlhnnntn.t T i t-roionota- TV CoLEMAN, has requested 3 to cill Mm 13 .' ' , i ' ,cail IU0 attention Of Hotel and bdluoi lrocnnrs n '.-,.,,.,. ) . uuepors, 10 Ip tlio fact, tliat UO law rt'nuilos all nor.'Ons r.!.i i r: . T -Q r- Trrv - w inu iutty Court, to hayo their Peti i Clod iu his office, at Jciist twenty one ;,s prjor to tbo meeling of tho Court-, iflr-.,'5r ,j,Bt tbcir application, miiy bayilf. I -gaf; pMblica uon. jaci mis renuismo i i,n i.n,i.i i - V MM Wl J in timo. as be is not boun,i ,,,.!. t i that period. Petition',, j0Hdl fo, 8;ll(J at crjc, of Jhe yVu Democrat, f;i-T.--' i-rmi, ticvuim niJTTMt.. . . so EOtlS , . ,311 POTATOES, 7S 1)1! IEI) APPLES, 3 SO IIAM8 . . SS IIACO.V, .SI II AY dy Iho tun, St 00 CHICKENS, per pair. S3 1 PKl'te ,J SS CI.OVF.ntflED, 5 51) fi'I.AA. UIT1II CI j HUCKtyuttATnour t su SPECIAL NOTIOE3. I WIIISIEUStll-Thoto wishing n film set of whisk- era. a nlu) inoustaihe, or ti boautlfril head cr glossy I l'lr, willleato trad the card orTlle,. r. CHAPMAN ' in aiiotm pan it nil. papr. IYbrutfy 83, ItfOi 3rn OLD EYES MADE NEW. AI'AMI'IIM'.T directing how to speedily u-storo slulit and. give up special If., ttilhoul nlJ of doctor or niedlilno. Kl-iiUiv mall, frog, on rcc'iptof 10 cunts. Address, K II FooTE, .M, D 113(1 Ilroadwny, X, 1 lUl 1 lOUUi Ut( WHISKERS I WHISKERS! Do you want Whlikem or .Mouilatheii I Our tircclmi i.oninnund will force them to crow on iho .,i,nn.., nmnnum! will fores them to lacu or c iin. or intr. nn ij.titi hair, on bald fiend. In H, WeeK.- I'lke. SI OH. Ht'lltbV mall ontulirirn. ,ln.,.l. on rciolpt of pilro. Aildrcn, , WAItNint k CO., llun.W, llrooklyn, fj, Y, Kclirimry 18, ltsOS-y, rVO the Nervous, Debilitutcd and 1M- I pondent of lioth sexes. A Mru.it hi. I". rcr li.ivlnn bi.cn tPjlnrcd tu lieulth in n fmv il.iy, nnr ,,mi yenrsnf inlrcry, l wlllliitt tnnmil lili nlerliiL' fol' low crcutiiroii hy dpiidlne (fri!e.) on iho rculpt ft n pn.lpnlil addri'iitod cnvFlopv, a copy of II i fmmul'i n cure employed. Dirciltn JOIIN' M. I AOVAI.I,. , .. ..... Uox It3 Port Offae. Hi ai.Hyii. , V. Jan. liU'Oi. f .,yiu, X4 Doafnossi i3lindnea & O.itanh,, Tccotcd with the uliiinm jiiccpi, Ny Or J. ISAAC!), V.'."!!." J1.'"1 Al"1t- (Inrnir-rly ofLeydcn, llidtiuid,) No. 5I'J PINK Blrr-cl.PhlladelpliJa. Tentliunniiilii I'rom Ilia iiiubi ru inuiu uurcp ill urn i ny nn.l Louniry can lm Bicn nt liU oiltr-... i t, ni t i.:..t..i ... nccnnipany tlirlr patients, as In ha Jm sped in hi mSL'Sb? e,Aa,nlauoS'.',,C'U'J ",""' IVbruary Il,liiu5. July 'J, tsill, I'.'m ! IF YOtl WAVTTfl I' VinV . r i-r-r-r 1- r.P nl.!!,, ,,.' , , A I irri.U or CVnilYTIIINO relating ii tint lm r mini ryftetn, male ami female; tho cnunea ninl trcaluifnt ol dlaeaios i the marrlasn riutninii nt' thtt worldj hnw to marry will and n tliuuiiu.l th,," , c;"? publithed biforu rend tlio revited ami i-nlargi-d d. Honor "Aleillinl Cnuiiinin Sense," n curiom book fur cgrjous people, ami n good hnok for every one. 4W panel, i Mil uiuttraiimiii. l'rlco SI. 3D. ;inliuta ial, tint free to joy ndilrcti. Hooka tn.iy bn li.id nt Mm Hook tjtores, or will bo tent by mail, pott uaid on ru eclpt of thu price. U U. I'uOl'U. .M. !., 1130 Uroadnoy, Now Yoik. l ebruary 1, 8GS.-C))i. I'Morof Dunocvat, Ukik Sin VrJTjPf&TKTl&rZt' the readers wish it (free) n lli-ceine.witli full din clinns fur mik in- nnd using n simple yi-gi-lnbln Halm l,t will ', t mil -ly ri-moip, Injon days, PJinples, Uloft hi s Tun. Frick- I els, mid all Impurities of thu Skin, Icvmj ; 1; j am! oft, cti-ai-. suioolli and lluuntiful. 1 will also mail frci-to those hating Had lleads, or Hare Faces, slinnle iliiections and luiVmi-ilim that ill enable Hiimii to stint n full gririh of Lujiiii int Hair. Whiskers, or a Muiisluihe, in li',s than thirty inyi. All application aiisworrd by return m.il without charge. Ilrspcctfolly your, Til OA 1'. UIAI'.UAV, rhi-nil.t, , 831 Hrniduny, Niiv k'oik. Fcliriinry -3, IHU-Snt. ' rfO CONSUMPTIVi:-.-Th.Miu,lcrsigm-,l haying bn.-n X restored to liealth in a feiv wcekr b(v .i vi-ry Kinipli: re-nii-ily. nfti r liaiing suffiri-d n-vir.il' v. ,irs. with a severe lung iill'rciioii, mid that ilirml d a-r. Con-sumptiiiu-isnuxioo to maknknonu tohufjllnw suf fer! rs ihiMuenus of cure. To all who desire il. he ill urn, I a enpv of tin oro a rlplinii ii ii'd, (free of cnargu,; .(!i tto iliririio-n fur preparing mid using the mine, w liiih limy u III Un-I a sum cut" fur CoNsUMrrioN, Amiimi, I e'M niiia, fi jjoih, Coeiis, kc. The only object of Hi ) a :v.-itlsi-r in sending thu Pr-criplio i is to h-n 'IU t tt s niHirtil, iulil.prc.nl lufuriuatioii nliirhlu i -iiic-iv,.-. to bo in-va'ual-te i nod he Inpes t-very fciiff-tr-'f will try lm rn.neily. its it will cost them nothing, auil miy prove .1 bl siu'. Parties Idling th,' pr,-krriitlnn will please adilrcfs Eiv. EUtVAUU A. Wll SON, H jlliaiii.bure, Kioge t'oti'y. Now Yoi. IVtfuary IH. ldU-3m. Unlforrallv ntrrices ! A New- t'l-atun- in lln-ni,- .Everyone his ou Salesiu.in! JONES M. CI), tifihe i.rrsetiiiine 1'ilie uiotiiing store, ro. Bol .Mjtki.tsiriie iibove- Sixth, I'hilnitt'lphiii, In ail litioii to having the large-t, itn-i varied aw 1 f.t-hioo.ilile stink of Clothing In l'hll.t.li f-Wa ni.nto-. artul raiiHot spun paiustikeii u-ith tho making so liiat all cm boy n-itu taefult ussuraura ol gi tniig u good artkJe at thr Mfv lowest prtre. Also, a large slock rTpiefi' goo-Is on l,;n; I of tho latest st) lo and hrst qualities, w iiich w i I bo oiado to onh r, in Iho most fashionable mid bon manner, i!i per cent, below creilii ,riae. Itoioeuibej Ujc Cfeceiit.ln Markctabnvi- Sixth sln-i-t ii-i eo. Jo.i;S Hi CO. i tta ii-i.i, isi;i.iri;rii,n-oi uni.ics i iru i ui; 1 niu.i.iuNi I A moM vnluable and woudcrful pulilliation. A w ol 400 pages. aud3u colored engtavin'. lilt HUN TEH'S YAOE .MI.CU.M, cu nilgioal aud popular Ural-ii-s mi .Man nud Woman tl'ilr Phystol'igy. f'ui luoir, andSi-jual iliMirder ofeyi-ry tllid with ne.ver failing liinieilies for thiif siieeily core. Tin- paiticeol Ilr Hunter lias long been and still Is, oujioiiodud, hot at tho earnest solicitation of numerous periui bo It s.-t been induced to i-xteud his medical usifniucrs lhrini!;i: I Iio medium of his "V Mill UEi.'U.tl Itisa vouiuu lJj.it Jjoulil be ill thu ban-Is of every ItiinjJy in th.i laml as pieve-ntive of secs-it f-iccs, or tui n guide for U.0 nllei iatioii of i, no of the met awful awd drtruelivo scourges over I iMted mankind. Oi;e coj' a. curely 1 veloped will be forwarded free of jio-esgn lo any part ol the United Stales Tor 30 cents in f o ri.iuips. Address, po.t paid, Us. Iluoicf, Nu, '4 llil'J.-io.-i , Hlrl-ft. Nciv York. I Slay ill, ICCJ.-y. Al'llJrOR'S tNOT.lli. Jittde of Wiilianx Brown, dtccuH. 1 S 1 1 f, ii iwl n ! n n ii .1 AiwIiliM n,imiiiili d I i VL J, , ' 1 . rutor of WilHam Hrowu, lain of llii.-ifcieoi. towu.hij. - --.IT-.-. t . : ' - i.niumnia county, necenseu, among inn persons i-nt. tied by law to receive the same, will attend to the du ties ot his nppi intr.ie.nl at hisoillec in lllnomsburg. oil Saturday, tho Ifth day of March, IPi'S, nt II) o'clock in tun forenoon, w hen and where a1! person, hiving claims against the i-suio of said decea.ed. rh.ijl ro sent Iho same before said Auditor, nr bo debarred irom e.ming in lor a snare ol sain turn . W. WlltT. Auiner. Uloomsburg, Feb. 18, ISGi-4wS3.30. .flmini8trator'a Koticc. ESTATE OF JACOH HaUTZCLL, Jll , Dec'p, I ETt'EKS of mlminl'tralioii, on iho Estate of Jae. Jj i I j llaruili. Jr., lato or nnmiu towosov. i-uihiuos ; enitmy, ileeeasc.1, h.ivo been grnnte.l ky Urn itegirler vf Coliiml la county, to tho uuilorsignci ; all p.-rsmia havigg chilins against Iho the "I ;.." i..,i,i..t,ni inn,i.,,io iliruito Use undesrifi.'-oe.il. -resid ing'i" lownsl r. wrlliout nelay. and all i-cisour , . . , . luko payment loriuwiiu. M. (Pr UCF' r' AdminiBtrat0J-''r5 Noiic3. Ebtatcof Daniel. Waxy, deecuset, ctters of administration on tho Kiiat-3 ' a I oruanlci wary, lato a l.oiutt lowiisiup, i in- umbiaciuiay. di-ceated, havo been graujod Juy mi Reelstcr of Columbia counlv. to tho utidorsJgurd : nl persons having claims against Iho e-.talo of tlia decj are requested to nreseot thetu tn the Adiuinlstra trix ather resldi-uiu in said township wttl t delay, uud all poraona indebted to niako payiucnt for th w lii. catiiauine wauy, February IMEG3.0W 83 Admirietraljix. Administrator's Notice. Estate of John SinqCiEY, Dkceaskd. r El rElla of adminl.trooou, on mo r.siate oi juuj claim ngal said township, without delay, and all persons ludih- ted to niako paymenl forthwitli. BaniE,: wNafctiV. January 23, I8G5.-CW. 53 Ad lit, i s Administrator' rVoiic-u. Eiluic oJ Willium Webb, Deceased, I ETTERS of administration, with the 1. "ill annexed, on tho Ettatn of WILLIAM wmKt latoofCenlro towu.hin, Columbia county, tceascd. havo been granted by tho lleglster of Col. U'a,fa eojniy.,0 tho undersigned ; all per.ons having claimt agalust.llio Esla.to oftiie dicodeul aro ruques. 10 ,re,iiiit tVeni, to tlm undersigned, residing In Bcntt township, wllliout delay, and all pencils ludtb- ted 10 uiano payiueui loiiuwiio. ELI II AIVI MAN. sUn'r.Q.T.Jl. Uecsmhjr 21, I88l,-'0w. 153 ou Estate of William Piatt, L'cceasnl. r i"ivTMna .f i.liiiinlt.trntinri nil thu ljttnto of Wit L llVm T.att, late of Pico township, Col co., ifsc'rf.. v.""'""." liavcbeongriinledbytlielleglslcroie.oiiiinoiacn.ioiue tlllllCf BIU1IIVU , UK Ul'.ll, IIHIIMII W"M"." por.oii. having cmi ns apaiusii c o Ul of V10 . "' ?'tt 'ei"esie ""Mff "l" tho iiuderslgne-i, residing in satu lowiiiuip, asi ;I.Uy. - I'orn, ludebied to make payment ,. Jan. l'n' WHEAT, -.rl.o.hrl. asn V. ressly lor ri tail r.iles, havo coiislltutu.i rvi ry one (,SA T ,Cv xK 0- flit' ft?' G rSi is own saleman, by h.-tvlug marked in CcHir s, mi i-h f-7 V 'V'JSB'.Xil M. .Ota .dtil .lur til 'SsS' eat tbe yeryjojvest prjee )iW l,r !,i fi-f sotin-y -euU ' U possibly , ar -all, ousUmyatil-e. JHWELUY, SILVER WARIS, &C. ? eoo.ls are well siiiiiiL't-il and nruoar."! .io en-at 1 ' USiaoitv, lato oi ccayer toivniuip, cotuniuia en., I.nt ami l)uV nr Houm. W it I MirfS deceased, havu been granted by tlio lleglster o e-oj- LY ".i..i. Bi,.nn f,,, t,. rim bnll.t-tfiVIH1 unibia roituty. tn Ilia uiiduisigucd i all persons liaving . '.V.... 'T. ."'it.," 'a?"?'',.' vi r ll!!ll U. . 7-30 LOAN. fly the authority of tl Sucrclary of the Tru'iury tho undersljnud hmiiriiiincd the flonprniautnirlpllon Agency for tho fnln of United Stntca Tremury Notct bonrlne icven and three ttnlhj psr efrit lnlcri.it, per 'niiuni, known it n Ii, o SI.VEN THIRTY LOAN. Tlietc Notoi are liturd under dato ol Augunt lilli lm, ami aru payable thrco yean from dial time, In currency, or ara cotivcttlMo at the opllon of tin hol der Inti) V. S, 5-20 Si p(r coul. 0 0 L D 11 K A 11 1 N QUO N I) S Th.a hondi nro now worth a premium of nine per ecnt., including god intmcM frum Nov., which ina'Kri, tile octml prortt on the 7-3U loan, a current ratei, in., eluding Inlfio.l, i,boul tin per cent, per nniiuiii.bj ildci iti trtmptlon from Stale ami rtunltlptl tatathn. n.,j. t ' '""rrrr crm more, according In mi- im icvieu mi rnc ptopcitv. The Interest ii pay. able icnil annually by cotipom attached to each unto which may hi tut offend old to any bank or banker The Intcrcita nmii:i,i t lo One cent per day on a 8')0 nolo. Two cents " " 100 ' Ten 1 ' gniio ,-' 20' " SIO00 " 81 ' . " ti 55,)(j0 ,t Notui of all the dclioiiiini.llotii named will be proippt, ly fiirnithcd upon receipt of niitucrliloii. 'ilil U TIIK ONLY LOAN IN MARKET ow oirered by the Oovcntiiicnt, an.lit Iri tonn.lenlly """' ''" ,U"ctl"r "Ill ,nak tho OKIJM' l'OPUI,Alt t,H.N OK TIIU PIJOPI.IJ. I'C" "'J" s!,")',wu-"ou ''"aln nnmild, which will probably be dinpolcd of wllhin the ncit CO or I'O d.,y,- , . ivlion tlio nc.tea will undniible-dly cominaul a pre.ul. . . . ""Kunnly been ll.o caie on doting the ubicrjptlnqi to other loaiu. . . nrui-r that ijtUsni of every town and tcctiou of tho country may be afforded ficil.tlca for Inking tho loan, the National Huliks, Siatu Hanks, and l'rlinlu Uauki-rt throughout llu ctuutry havu gcoarally ngri-ed to recclvu tubsirlptioiis at par. Subic Ikers will u let I their own li)cnts. in wlmiil Ihev havo coundence. h0 !",! "P' the diliv, ry of tlio notes for will ill lliey receive orders. JAY COOKE, Sen miprioN Aotsr, 1'hlladtlpkU. K7Subscrlpllons will be received by tlu First Nn lioiial Hank of I'-loonisburg. lVbroary 25, I81W 3iu. The Berwick House a lierwi'k. Culnttiliiu co., i'' Ml, I 1 I .. ..tJ .... l..tt., ................ JaVT,'"; ' .. . V ,' ' . "V J '..:." .i itinroo-'h renovation, Thu rooms have Inen ri-oanui llilVl"S -"VM ' ' " " 'a fci ' i " ed mid tho entire establishment i-li-gaittly refurnished. Hi-log pli-nsuutly and cljgji'y loc.iteil.mnl provided with all tlio requisite t-ouveifieurcs, it offers to the public thu combined ndvaulago. of A Firs(-CJass Hotel. II IS TAI1LE will nlivnys ha supplied ,vjth the best tho markels nffoid, and II IS I! I It with the ilioicest li quors. 'I'ravi-l'ers. ilrnver, ii-ntnsli-rs, boarders, Ac. in riiimntidati-fl toL'i-neiat salUfaitiou. ttriful and nc coniiiiiiilaliug Hustler nlwnys ill atti-udaucc. Stabliu tho most compKtc nod exteiisiv-j In this sot-tion. J. P. S1UBET. !H.ISM..May , . r w . , , A Kl) n i A ) IVi I KS O il V7 J U JJ a 1 U ill U U, DEALER IN ENur,tSU, StVlSt AND A.MEItlCAN CIB Muriel SUect. COniCf r.f DcculW 1 J 1 MILADUjl'H I A I'Mler in Atneri-.ti, nugjjsli aud S.s Walrho, in.iki.ig a specialty of Us- celeirat-d AmirIi-jx Watui, which lie wotitd rei omineiid to all wnHllug a g""' limi keep-tr, aa i will he sold i,t tin- lowest Jinces and are Ilia i hi-apest and test for Ilia piice. aiarui s, inixi.-iy. it 0 S E SC ?US S Sit TU t iiANiTAcrraEfi or U M B 13 l( ELLAS, isVH U M B K R I i L L A S , AKIs Ss nbcrS aud 1 North Fourth Street i' ii ii. , I) i:ij'Hi.. Mvch I, lcs. :im, BLOOMtBUIUi SKYLIGHT, Picture Gallery. Tli: undersigned Infertn. tin i-itiens of llloom. ai i n- i. tvxi e lornn. al t In- lAil-aosc I'Joiti, ctiiSeilUigssi-f Carney Slohnrr llirkefv. nml U,o F.oAwiive wliej-o lie has nut In a large Sk) light. It Is enly by Skylight that good ilc-! tares i mi be taken especially groips w here each person tan he taken just as well ns si-par.tlc. I lie has gone to i-onsideinbto expense to make his es i ...I.I..I ., - 0..., ..l......H OA III rel'firl- aolirit n ,(,,,,,, ,,., ,,e ,P1,able him. n.eonsianlly introdoco, , ,llni,rll .ninrovemenis of the art. I ; n-j- (-.,,,., v',ir,Uco taken in Exchange for plrturei " , - llENIiY UOSENSTOCU. UlooilMbors, Nov. 23, IPIil. fNov. A. C. I'SUL. a, b. TitoMrsor. PAUL & THOMPSON, WI10I,J;SAr,E fcgf&gg) DEALEltS IN I'lSaff S? R O V J S t O N S - & fi ,A ,7' 5 JSa. U Noiii WJmrvcs, PHILADELPHIA. 07" II U TT E It. CHEESE, No v. 1 1- lftslj2nio. 11 A M S, kc. .B PEN JAM IN GREEN, s?EALElt IN GAEFSTII'SS U'iiulow Shades, Oil Cloths. Mil's NO. S3 NORTH SECOND STREET, PlIir.ADELi'llIA, Mare.1i I. IEC5.-3nj. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALP. ' "i ' ' I W totliouudergned. II, P HOWEIt. Ilonsliur; lau'sary , lata, I J LANK BOOKS k S TATIONERY, .1 suonlid lo ISanli suppled In Hanks, Afertkauts mid County Officers of the lie, I uiali-rj il n uei uaii-ri it cirurrs uy man r-nnnnliv at lended tn. W, , 1'EUItV. .V.nrcll4. laJS. lb aud Jtaio rri-ets, t'Jill'a. l SEND YOUR ORDERS 17 OR BLANK BOOKS k. STATION JL, EltY ID .March I, 1603. W. (i, PEIIUY. Manufacturing Slammer. S, W. Cor 4lh& llaco, Phil'a. .Slalioiiei y ami DSIaitU HSook'w 1 Oupplicd to dealers and cash buyers at lor.' jWhole.nlo rates, w, a. ri:niiY, 4th and llaco ft. , Phila' Maid; i, isevs.-aiv. " T)OCKIiT DIA RIKS PHOTOQ It A P II i Al,nH.M3 k AI.BU.M PIC I'llHES, M-llIng at 4 ry low prices for carh. W. 11 j. PEiifey It ace, l b i Ianh 4, una. s, w cor. t hila. . Gentlemen's Hats. Alltbt latest )lct at CIIAIILES OAKF UTtD 4i h L onuaeniai (ic-ici ninaelnni. . ... . . . . JKM tay oi .ijirji, irti. i or icui anu poriiiuiars, -r IMI'OUTANT ANNOUNCEMKNT. H'AT' Hi:s,f II H,!)IA,U0 v niXfiS.&t' OMJ JIII.I.IO.V IIOI.I.AIIM tVOHTIII TO BE 1) JSI'OSK I) OF AT Id Villi', t iM'U U4 i H'A.K 11 W.lhou, grd Value. NU,C paid for until you ktoir what you are tnrw Ivofll Splendid List of Alleles' I All to bo sold for Ono Dollar J) teh III Sji) OenU' Oold hunllng-caa Walchm, SoO Ladiea' Hold mid Enamelled homing cacu Watch a. 00 (Inns' hunting lata Silver Wntchct. '.'Oil Diamond tlfngt. .'.nun llol.l Vctt mill Neck Chain IIMlll Hold Oval Hand Itracclctt. SlKIU JclnndUold llmnlll.. ... ,v 35 ' 3S M 5U " 4 4 ., 4 " TO IOU .'III 8 10 'JO 10 ti 0 -mi'j i.u:iieiaiiin(;iiiiu&.uuaril thai to" TiiU I Bolitniro and (lolil Hrooclina. 4 " SOUO I'nrul.Opiil k Emrrald Hrnnchi 4 4 " .liioO (lolil.L'iiuipofc 1'intl Ear llri p. 4 JUUO JlosulcJi-tl.avii.Si rir'miuo l;.ir Dropt, 4 i ".',00 t'ornl, Opal, fc Emirnhl llir lopa 4 " 4000 Ualiforni.i liiainnnd llreatt plna 2M .10110 Hold Kob and Vt Watch-keta i!30 " 40011 Fob ami Vest Itllibmi aliilea - 3 3W0 tela Polliarlo Sleevo-bulloni, Htilda. Ur. 3 3003 0(dd lhlmblot, Penclla. Sic. 4 " ioolK) Minaluru l.ockuta 2M " 40UO M..nliirn l.ncki-t., Magic Hptlnj Id " 3000 UoM Toolli piekt.Uroiae-i, be a ' -Vino Plain Hold Illng 4 '000 Chased Hold Klngi 4 lu'lhi violin tfrt mid HJgnit Rlnga 3.i0 IOII0O Clillfomi.-l lli.iiiniili' Idna t " JilO arts Ladies' Jom lry Jet ft Hold 5 IUU0 acts Ladies' Ji-wuliy Cuini-o, IVarl, Op.il and oilier sloni-a 4" '0000 Oold Pins, Silver extcnsinii liol ilrranml Pencils 4 " 10000 (InldPeiis iigold mounted Holders I) ' -,0U0 Oold P,'lis& gold i-Ill-lninii do 13" jUOH Ladles' Ollt ind Ji t lluckles S SU"ll I. aille'llllt&.Ji-tlljr liars tt Halls .1 " oOua Silver (l..bli is mid Urinklng Cups S 300U yvcr Contort 13 '"W BHver Hriit,car,l,& Cake basketa W) oOOO iioien ,ilierT.-a Spoons 10 " 100O0 doi-n Silvei T.ibla Spouua and I'orka. ?,) 8 I) 10 8 111 8 (i III 50 8 " III ' II " IU " III " 13 " 13 ' 10 " II) " '.'3 " IS " 111 " 3) Si) " SO '.'0 pdoz. 40 " AIIUAND.M.K fc CO., Manufacturers, AgeiiU. No. Hi? Hroadway. Now York. Urn-illume N'nw V...L ,,,,.,.,. ,r . .. .i. . .i'. "r " ...... ..-....-..,.u ,,iin i, , uuuvu ii., ijooos ivill no sold lor UnUMIar i-aclt. in lonsiqiani a of the great stagnation of trade In lite nninufaitoiiug districts of England, through Iho wnr having cut oirthn supplv of cniloo, n large qitnn. lity of Valuable Jewelry, originally Intcnfed for Ilia English market has heen suit oil' lor snle In this couit. n- a.H-i'iuri in, nui.u a i ti n.M.llll-tt;i, ijtiuir inisu iiicuniManris, All HA n HALE &. CO.. ailing ns agents fur the principal Euroin-an maniif.tr turt-rs, have resolved upon a IlKEA'P (11FT Dls'J'ltl iiu i in-,, suiijrii ionic loiiouing regtiiaiious ; Coitificutes of the unions articles aru Ural put into Cltv.li'pes, senlid up, nil I toitt-il ; ami when orileri-il, lire taki-ii out without ri-?ar,l to choice, itnil sent by mall, thus giving nil u fair chalice. On receipt or the -n nltmitu. )on will see whatoii nru In have, aud I Inn ' it is it yi nr tiplinn in send Iho dollar and take thu nr liclu or not. Purchasiirt may thus obtain n Gold Walcli. Diamond lling, or any Sjt of Jewelry on our list forote Uollnr. , SEND 125 GEN TS FOR CEIiriF IOATE lit all transactions by mall, wo shall chartre lot fr. warding tin- Ciitiliiatis, pajing postage ninl doing lhobosloi-ss. Ul leiils each, ivlith must ho Inclined ........ . IIIIH14IU , .via, mr. ivi-,,i-riii)cates will busi-otf.ir SI. eleven fur Ihlrty for $3, tiity ilvo l'1' Sin. nnd ii liundreil for 813. In every town aud county In Hie i omtl-y, uud thosu ailing at such w id bo allowed Hildas on ivory Cor- ! Ilticata or.lorMil fur limn, i,ri,..l.l...l II..... ....i;. i.va... am.-,, ,- .in if-t;iiiH in every regiment, and I ''I...-..W .'I-I.l II III! II I amounts t-iono oollar. Agent, will collect 'J3 cents hr .iii. ii.-iiiiii.iiii; j I vsoii ... IUBIIU AltnANDALH lt CO., Ib7 HroailMay, New York. February 23, 1803. I in PK1YATE SALE OF fW- --r . . . I Two Valuable Farms.1 we?,';r r'tr,' v-tLs '1 ho l'nrm on nhicli he uoiv resides. cootaiuiOL' about I iiu i;i riu on nlilcli Iio uow resides, coiiiiuuiiii; altuut tvttat 17 nmr mrrrA nriTifi I ell x x A W J ' some seventy Aries of w huh Is cb I. erected A F1U.MH TWO PT ared Land Whi-renn ptoiiy invi'.i.i.iN'i: llnlTL- i'riL.-.,i,,,Tui, ...it. .:..t.... .. :.i .. i.-uu.,, ,,w,x-..,ywi., ,.i,ij-i,,,i,k.i ui .ii iii-:r mid Pump, and a never-failing Spiiug ott tlio preiu - iscs, with water conveyed lo the door in I 'aileu-pipi-s, an I a running siream by tho door. Also, A Fit WE SVV'li'Jj IIAI.N. '.'Vl X tm feet, with Devanpott oiei- shoot attached with noma. Also,- .. I WO (s(IO(l ADIHH (il'CtlarUS. of (iral'teil Fruit, with all tho necessary improve jaeuts in u high state of cultivaljoii ALiSUj Another Farm and Plantation, located about one quniti-rof a uifle noitli-cart of the first taiu d Farm, coiKainiug FORTY FIVE ACRES, some tWiy-niiie ai res Qf which M cleared und under goon cuiiivation. Hy" For fcguditioits aud fuiiber particulars, apply WILLIAM APPLEMAN. Ueiuou, Jaaul ry i), I BIB. NEW OMNIBUS. 1 he under.-isncil, grateful for past pit- f.nVago. rcspo fully iof run tho Travelling Pu'.llc gvner,illy,ihair,ro hasjusl procured from Now York, n new, beauifni;anrt enpacioua Phoenix Company Coach, by a-hlitf mentis re is sow onable.t lo convoy Tat singers and llaggaeo, safely n'"' eoiurortiibly hctween i-ioomsiiurg ane i lure one tlio Severn, n1" '"-iu i-i,ii, i,i men elie Tinins. It w ill ' His study to accoinmndatc his i ustonicrs tn Uiiir saii.fartlou. Ho solicits Co public palronaso. J'ARIJ 33 CENTS. JACOil I. OIKTON. Bloomsburg, January 7, lies. Vational Foundry. U I .OO.MislJUIlG, COLUMBIA CO., PA ..... ' . . ' 'I HE sohcriber, proprietor of Iho above named ex J tensive cstah.ishmcnt, is noiv prepured to receive era for AH Kinds of Alacliliirry, i Collerli-s. Illast Furnaces. Stalionary Eugiiuss, .Mills TIII'ESIIINt; .MACHINES. A.C . 4it:. lie is also prepared to make Stoves, all sizes and 'iilleriw, p'ow-iroos, and everytliiug usually made in llKt.cUij!s i-'oyndries. Ills exlerislvc facilities and liiarjlcal ncr'imen. war- "" '" receiving tie l.ugen contracts on the ' '"."T." 1 1" tTK" i c... cntjw. tl' This esulljmet ia loca.ed Edr the Lnckawan na .t IH&ouJsbtirg Uailiuad Dejiot. I' JJ I nil UlLLMUYEll illaom.liurg, Sept. Ii. (SO. Farm for Rent. 1 rPIIR subso.ibcr olbirs to rent, for a I i term of years, ii r FAIt.M AND FLANTATJON, ' situate in Heinloi k tt wn.hip, Coitimliia io.uniy, about i thric htiles We-.t of Iluik Horn contajtijug about j ON 15 HUNDRED ACRF.S j of land, most of wjuich js ilea red jud in a lilgti stale I of cultivation. Sa)d properly is located on the main public mad leading to Wnstiingtouyillo, with good Hank Hum Ft. uuu House out-buildlngs, cxt'dlenl Orrhards, Wa ter. .Meadow, nud nil requisites for a profitable gri cultural business. Posset. ion givt'U upou thu first nf next April. ET For tcruia uud particulars, apply in Aug. C Ilabb, nt his rcsideueu In illuouisburg, on Saturday Iho -5llt nl February. UAltBAUA l)lCK.MII.LEIt. February IS, lt'05.-lm. 'OYSTERS mum SAlOON. rpiIE subscriber respectfully gives io - B lice to the iiublio thai lie bat at hit Saloon, au Miin Mreet, HJoeuisbvrg, jcouslanlly on haatl, FRESH OYSTpRS, Either In the SHELL or by tho CAN to suit custom, era. Families ran bo supplied Jiy tbo can or by tlio quart upun short notice. Ho alto keeps constantly ou hand XX AI.E, Cyder aud Minerals, (llvn lilm n cal B, STOIINEU. Uloomsburg. Nov. 20, IFfl. iT'iElTiiJ i o iv n oti; l. COilaud CUB Market Street, Pitiladelplila, rplllS Hotel Islncated in tho very rcntro nf bualnest Cn?TSir -jt - mm 1 and itnear tlio retpettncli, ti acet of ainuiemqiit Hereby otTera hit sen ice at such In all who may feel but send Twenty Flvu Cents In a letter lo Ilia proprie- o, T7' a. flAit "I i "B"i.i which inake it pitrtlcularlydeslrable to persons vlsiliug dupoted to givu him a call, lilt long cxpori.nco in 1 t"r, and you will get ilu-ui by le-tuiu of mall, po.t- gyjl 1-1 j 1 JS C I , Ji Philadelphia ou husincss or pleasure i and tho Manager tho b'tslncts, will i-nuble hlni to render suttsfactiun tu paid Address evSi JL.LX.lL-. K. 9 vi JL K. honca bv clofo iiertouul atteulloii to the wants of hi. Jiasguisli lu maku it a comfoiublo Iioiiio for lunch as it. With tl.elr patronago, J B. HAVBRi eVSOtV, rrop'rs. ioiin snoci:i,EY.cn. ' ' ' ,t,m, un .it i.j UP DE GRAFF'S EVE AND I.'AIt IM'I.MIIAKV, (On the Biinrt, Tlircu lloore from Blecle'i Hole I WILKESBARRE, PA. ! '1MIIS INSTUT10N is now opened andf jl iiiriiiinru in inn mini enmy nyie. nccrpiioil, Prlvatoand Operating Unmix are large, toifverllciil and I well adantcd. The Bureleal nn-in,nii( nnlnln. ll.n fhM'f J eincrgeiirlit In practlco He will operate upon all the J MX SWa r",,'rri W' "?!?W' h .' I iii-ii, iiiiiii. nitrtiF, r.yo urnoniru j.Kit. iipnceiict oftho Cumca, and Hcrojulout djtpase of the Cye In.' , gcthcr with nil lllu dftcatct to tvhlch Ihj E) la iub IJCfl. . DIIAI'NIJrO Will treat all tho illteatet common to Ihenraall. Ill.rhsrex. f,nni llin l!nr. N..I.,.. In till, I nr I Ontarili, dilMculty oflicarlng.toliil lln , I'nea even whero I , Iho llriim it diMroycil. Will iuti-rt an nillficlal ono uiiawvrini! nearly all tha piirpoi of the natural. i I UIPEAKIISOI' THU 'I IIIIOAT. All dltcaiot com. moo to llo- Throat and N'oje will be Itrntoil Or..EI!AI,8UltOi:itV.-lle will op.-r.ito upon Cluh I feet, Hair Lip, Clcrt Pallate.Tiiutors, Cancers, Enlar. gnd Tenuis. c Plastic operation! by hi-alihg new uesii inns uclornieil parts, ami tleueral Surgery or tf l:ll VI-r lll.lrfl,lvr II im iv n..n,,l I wh:il -ver ihaintvr H m.iv nn-.i-m I IILltNIA (or Itlll'TIIltl!.)- lie will perform ''Lablua I npcriitiou for the rvdiial (ci mplet") cum of Hernia, I Ihit is unqiieatlnnably a perfeit cure, and la m.no Willi llltlu or no pain. Out nfmany hm.dreil operutcd upoulu lloslou there h.n been no fnllurea.it having met llo perf, it approbation or all whnhavc lUUnilitcd lo it i , AHTIFIUAI, EYES. Will limert artificial Eyes glv. ' lug 'hein tho motion nnd rprcf Ion of thu natural.. , Tli.-ynro luseitiil with tho iensl pain. I llMOItltlltiliiH. rinn. . -ri,i: i.,.i.u.,o ,ii.r..n I readily cured. Thoso aull'sriug fruiu it will dowel' ' to tall, I. Df, Up DeOrarTvliItt Wilket-llarre with a vltw of iMilMIng up n permanent In.lltute fur Iho treatment of tho Lye, l.ar and (luni-rul Surgery. The eipetlenr.e of inore Ihan a quarter ofo cenliiiy In llopltol and gom-r. , ul practice.he liopes, will be u suinciont guarantee tn those w Iio may on di'posed lo employ him, .May II, lSli4.tr. XiHX QL''& Cheap Grocery Store. ., r !,- IHAT.S, CAPS Ai SHOUS, I 'I HE undersigned having ln,ugit out tho Hiocer) u I 1 I'aMd Siroun, has rtmovid Ids Hat aud Cap Store u- , olt.,Ul s 010 Iiailll. tt III re III ailUttlOU 10 U SUpC, "or assortment of r, r r A nr,, firr.rrniMi I ALL AND WINTER Pfats and Caps GONFECTIONAUIUS, ORACKERS, Mrtnu.. i3,, "ui'"i Coffee, Teas, Tobacco SuulT, Cijiars, Spices, Dried Fruit, Butter, Coal Oil. Druirs, Parlor and ITntul I.tittuis. BOOkS. W I'iting Papor 8Z Inks Hardware Mid Cednrwarc, V'-chcl Knives ) CoDilr. iI'C. e?-C . (t-C . Together with a variety of atticlot generally kept in n oin-. Also-A line lot of KIU", MORO' EO.-t and Lisisns to which ho Invites tho at i-nllon of Shoemakers and tho intone. JOIIN K GIUTON. UloomsbMrg. Oee- 3- 1SG3 OF Valuable Real Estate. rPHE subscriber, Afcnt for tho Imir-i of I I Andrew I (Idine, will offer f-r sale at Public Ven due, on tho premises on (Saturday. March II, lc-U3, SI UK 1 11,11 lL.il AlOi Tract of Laud. iiiiiiiiii U1.11U -'.in, inn-i .in hmssiiuI, ll UIUUI4 I r.!;rA,i!::soy,;,unzIh& l Eacoing'abo::,1 itU """"" " 'h ! .. . 0,B UUAUKEI) AX1) FIFIY ACRES, Our. hnlr.,r tiliirli l ilnrn.l n,l In n n...l ....... .r Cnlllvulinn. nint lh l.nl fltll-n well tl,,ihnp..a. !,, 1.... ,..,. . , "" . ... ST" 1 I WM . B I Wl I I I II O ItmiCfs I JLs )T tilllllg .Jt vlloltsj , , ,. , r"i., ... A good Irniuo nank Earn oO 33, H agon lions,! and i-llii-r out-bulldliigs, a good Orcliard, nud r-'pring of Lxcellunt Water. Tlio 'arm Ilea about nine miles from lllooinsburg. and about four from Oriingcville. I TERMS : Five htindrcd nollnrs on the dav of AhI,.. Ami tin, i''i:ve Possession piven. April I8H3; and a IJeu'd to bo'ile- i llvered on payment ot the purchase inoiiev. I TheSohscnlier will go over tho properly Willi any person desiring to examine the tame. Hi-Saloto coinmnncont I a'elock P .M. of said day. when allendance will bo given und conditions mado kuw-ti by AbltAM n. DILOlNE.cnt. February 18, IfW. Fa 1 uablc Real Estate FOR SAfsK. IT ANN AH TOWNSLND. AdminU- JLJ-tralrli, orjKin luwii-eni!, Into or .""'"" Columbia county, dee'd., uHitu foi a certain ' tuago aud . , TRACT OV LAND, ndjuiuing Jntjds r Jopti "ellcr. John IteK'tiard. lion Jatiiin Mei.clo, Jlr. m. II. .McKeynglds, and others, containing A",ut SIXTY-OMi ACRES. mopity cleared, aud jf a pooil nut- of cul Ii in ti on . nn which'is i ricfe l n good FKAME HOUSE AND HA?.'IC HA UN. VVAOON HOUSi:, sod other out buildings ALSO a I TRACT OF WOOD LAND, adjoining lauds ol Il'obt-rt Mil.cr. Join Christian, John llenueisJioi, nuc niJicja conti iuiug TWELVE ACRES. 0"Any Informatloii in ri'saru to the nbavn ironcrtv i an be had by applying to tlio uudi-rsJcued. HANNAH 'JOWNSENO. ,4JmiHtstrairtz, Madl.on, February 73, ISG3. Public Vendue. rpiIE snbfcriber will offer at public sale, I nt t)io IImc) tr.Ji.1ln Ketjur, in Jllfiliuville, tAol ymba County, Pa.. ' ' On Friday, ibe 17th day of March, 18G5, Tbo follovi jng described personal property, viz: 600 Weight of Pork, ONE GOOD MARE, sell of Harness, three Plows and II nun, three Corn Cultivnlors. two Corn Plows, one Uuffalu-ltobca, (mr sett double ail j awi'iglo treic PAIiLDit STOVE, one Crad'c, one ciglit-day Clock, t'upboaril, wood chest, u lot of Quecusware, together with other articles too numerous to mentiuu, UT bale to lomnieiice nl IU o'clock A, M.. of said day, when attendaiicu will be glved ami eonditlout bj kuowu, by AARON WOLF. J O. WINTEHSTEEN, Auctioneer. .March 4, I Sim. WILL be exposed tn public sale, at the late residence, nf .Michael Sleeker, In Hem lock tounilup, Columbia county, on Tuesday, 1JL'A of Match, 1805, ' The fillowing described persona) prperty, via; TM &SJtl!LGi" sy0 QNE,IEIFFEIt, ON'E TOP IIL'lJfJV'. SI.EJI.'II, TRUCU WACOM AND FANMNO MILL iSCA'S" EX: Win X Ot CHAIN AND POPATOES I1Y THE UUSHEL, S T 0 V E S A N D CAR 1' E T . Together with a variety of Household and Kitchen Furniture to numerous ju mciuiou. ALSO : A lot of I'aiuijuc utes.ils, goiierallc, nnt herein des. 1 'g21Ji; LTV S.ilo to comnienco at 10 o'clm-k. A M. on Maid day, when attendance will be given and cenditious bu node known by MOSES L. SI'ECICEU CIHEON STECKEU. jij ar'i, W. O, FWITSER, .Jsctlsasrr, February 23, 1C3. IVOTKCU ! THE undersigned being regularly liccncd a iu ir a ra e us si & liis ciitlnniers. All persona desiring my services, will pletse inform me to that effect before they advrtliso. I RAM DERR. rmt office nddtsss rmlittburg, Columbia county Pa Jackson township, Jan 7 H03, MOKE VALUABLE THAN GOLD.' JSw JPm tryt f'liiiUi OAPIVATIS. '"W' ",, " '" "'"-P- '"'' R . 1' It ISIIYAN S LlFE L'lLLS t. t.., .in. unnniiwi iiibwn.ii,i, or jiii, iur.. A Hire .inlliloto for tlcknett, and a refuge from SoriVlW. Fnill find DisnflSf!. I UU"U"I lmU U"U 'i'liey ire admlileil to be tbo Bost Familv Modicino I J lor gi-uetal use. Poiifyinr ths lilnod mid i learning .1.- ........ .11 ..I,., tl - 1 ...r ,;..rui III, lit oil , llllll I ,. , llltfj ENTIRKLY V KG STABLE, anil mild in their opfrallou. Head Whut Thry Will l)u : A gentle and effectual purgatiye. Ulloui derangement rcuiovid . C liaucr of the III nod and tystjin. Dibillty and Loss of power djspcllei'. jEncrp) uppliod lo the MutclosSc Ncivea. v emalo Irri gutarltiaa remoied. Ol luotny anticipations b.tniahod. Lleadacha entirely cared. Irfltalion of the Stomach removed, J auudice and Liver Complaint cured. rr Ividtiry diseases relipicd, ILosi of appetite and sick stomach removed. I iJclant'tio!y ai:d Ennui difpclled.' IV curalgij and Nervoqailest caied. j Opium and other Stimulants avoided. Pimjles and Eruptions removed. I IJulnsy and Sore throat healed. t r 1 1 lieumali tm toon alleviated. . Cleep produced Sweet and Sound. T I oolhachc aud Inflamed gtima relieved. LJrluary diacases benefitted Vllclny produced In the nervoua. Worms i.tyariably expelled. Xactly tho Medicine wanted fur Young and old can uso them. jv.'W S!aximu, Capitatit. Bryan's Life Pills. hac teen used by IhoyianJii vitli succeti. Hundreds of Certificate can bo Shown. Thry n cnlaln the Btomarh, Livrr mid Hillary Hpctc tioiu whic'i in Ih'M lilf 1' rflupf nf ul r vou-lu;- , Ofitd). i ct-s, niiiitiC'EC ol' Sit; lit, Headache, tick fcUuninch a tut (ithcr Klndrud coiiiplatuis. Thoje of a iiprwiua tciuprranient wtioeo ticknos utltU n Keener iiuqui" to thu ilU uf lift-'bocomu1 b I c (oil ilh a new exifletitp an.I their tears v aiifjiilsli uru changed tu sHtfU s of joy, by tiring thorn. THE POET in Implied with biillianl thojghts. THE ORATOR tt lilt m-w ideas words of fire. TUB SOLDIER vsHli lodoiuilalilc courage. IIIi: INVENTOR u llli bright conceptiono of tho future. THE MERCHANT " - with business tact and power THE MECHANIC i with uufailjng energy. THE AUTHOR with skill that entr ances. THE SINGER with a sweet melodious voice. THE MUSICIAN I with runturout emotion. I THE DISPIRITED becomes hopeful and TUU Uliat'AnUiNti, happy. Bryan's Life Pills I i Aro adapted for all Ages & Constitutions, . Tiny am composed of llii- nclive prinnpli-s of Herbs and Hoots called from our lit ids and forests. Thoy nro mild but ceit;iiu in their operation proJnring niilh-r crumps, griping pains nr sickness. They mnybu iolitu by all ages, so.ves or eotiditiou without mar. 'I'o cure din-ate w-rmo.it jo further than simply pur ge tlio bbwrls ; wc must use snrh reuuoies ns ail In harmony Willi the lawu of ualure, in, Ibe gentlest man nor, A cathartic inctcly prepares jjie way for oilier means hulls iudi.pcni.iblo in ,vory iiiany cases to cv.tctiatu the bowels of accumulated a,c id matter A disordered system conies on by slow iiegrei-s, and tha actinn of medicine niu.l ba in'likc uiauiior. ilisease, tJjuugli local ill its character, affects piorc or less tlio tt holo sy.ter.i ; and it is neceetaiy tn act Jn n similar in ti n iter . on the y mm by blood liccling and purifiing remcilies firsl. loiallv on ljib stomarli and bowels. . end then mi llu whole eystem' Tbe im-diciue, instead of all going through lire hodi should partially ri-maiti I in it until a change is a fleeted, so ns to incomplish t tke woik desigiird , iheri-fnTC. a simplo cuthirtie pill is not wuai nn- sy.ti-m wiiony re.qujri'. A medicine is necessary thai will not only oper-ua on tttu bow els, but have ae e-pbcial arlina- on the secretions of inu i.ivi-r. stomacii rvervrs. uiajieys ana iiimeniary t Canal aim finally on the HJomi. Sueli, then, is thn op ' eratlon of Hryau's Lite Pilltj consequently, lliey nru i luv.iloabln in all rases nf Dyspepsia, lleud.acho and ' Nervousness, nud will wxpcl all humors liom ijio I blood. Thoy net on allp.arta of thi. systeu-, nud In-I fluence a thangc in those organs that are deranged, ati.l can bo successfully used in any iliieato thai af fects the human f nine. They have healthful and life. giving properties, whiih, being taken up b iho many minute i ctsrls. enters thu bloun mid nsrl.ts nature to pel lor in lie fuuc ions. If mteulion it paid to lit i di get-live orsant and rceular evacuations of the tmlv. much ditea.n may lie prevented ; ami these pills are dor-lulled to e fleet th il end, as they not only act on the I Uili iry Seereiious by promoting dlgu.tluii, but carry off. tbrough Uio bowi-Js and kidneys, all irritating liu- ! mors. Nuturs exjiounda her laws, uud the practice , thai falls in harmony with them is mutt suciessl'ul. ' No ingilmiiu Mi-mid be taken that wenkei.s tlio sys. i Com, uud prevents the proper p rfurmaucu of the fuuc- ' lions ol the body ; tbe vast machinery of Iho human j fabric must be kept in order, nr tome pail bejomoa 1 intlueuced by undue excitement) tho whule system inu, I lm uourjshcil, cr it dies, so. by under tandfni; fully Hie laws upon v. Inch life and health ilepcint, tt'o can guide the syslem by the silent forces of ualure and 1 kei p all the functions in hartiiauiiius order- Such is ! Hie design of Uryan's Lifu Pills t ""V ulthoogli a lui'd lathatlic, llii-y neyer weaken the systoiu, t ut restore it to il natural equilibrium and this great prrniiplo ues ui iuo iiiunoaiion oi , very oisease, tuny act ou . fou MlMioiiuf disi-sse. 1 hey havo been I led by Hum. I sands wiih successful results, und they are no plaien before the people w ith Hi o grei.le.t touljdiuce. I . ,, , , A Box Of UUVAK S Lll'K VlLI.S Will COSt , . BUT TWENTY FIVE CENTS. They wiilaccoiupltdifuitlifully nil that is represented '1 hey aru elegantly put up by thu prnpriclur, who was the inventor of IIUVAN'S rUI.MONiO WAFERS a mod in no long uud favorably kunwu toilio American Nation. If von wish to liu v III! VAN'S LIFE PILLS und ran. not get them of your diuggi.t, dout lake any oilier. JJlt. el. JJUI.UN, Box S070, 70 Cedar Street, N. Y. Sol II IV DslOULla IllSIHilLY HE.MAfl.HAHNF.il 4. CO., fi. V. Wholesale Agrntt, , tiuaty I, IflJ.-yeoiv, MAXIMUM. ! an pans oi mo sysietn.anu uiiiueucu a ciiangein tuosa ' 1 'WJ'. liniie8lgnel, navinf pur fftViS omiu, are, derauged. Tito utuioct reliaucu may bo ,1,,,,, tl, lock of this well kimwn Ho. IrLU placed in thosu Pills i they wo tin result of deip. ,ci. (fllm.rlv knit bv Malor Putcrbauiih.i nl1 .oug il.lUiiy imaciiwrlence il the true anion if nut nj". Vaile, respeitfully soliiit tho natrtfaagu lure's remedies, directed to thu cause thai lies at t in 1 1 ' Capture of 10,000 Frlsoneru I "5HEIUDAN BA,S EARLt.'t" Such wan tho Loyal Ilutnbugf.jont over tbo oountry, on last Monday by tho lying Abolition Telegraph 'J'ho fools in Bfoonis burg, who b'l'IIeviid'oviT fotif years ao, that tho Rebellion would ha ernshed in three motith.i, mug the ( hdrblf Btilts, and fame as near' going ciaiy, as they did l,alSPri,s 0,1 1,10 "pont-d eapturu of UllilinHllld. 1 ho report whcil flfat tot .s... ,.. w. .. . , ., , , uai , ohij put It at i,uuu prisuncr. anu . ..- . . iiij loyai jiar-j nuutm nil ougltl, inaK rg a differanco of only 17,000(1) to tuai.u it ''big thing" ol if, an I now it turbs oui Iff bj JuH Lot' iog, or, ono of the' many wicked falsehood., which th(? goviriimoni nonts have been in the h'ab t'of. infJctiog up. in tha people and tho country, fiineu the comtnenccincnt cf'thia-cruel War. fgITlL'fS'.T???1'' 11 'itj-Jyxaeicmagargr-rj.xr m PROSPECTUS OF TIIO Oil Companies, of Clarion River. Oflloo, No. 4U3 Walnut St., Pbifa. BECONIJ FLOOR, Caj.i'al Slock, each S5U0,0Q0. 60.000 aiuirciin each. Par- Vulitc 510, 0. L. LAM BURTON, Pfcsidcnt. J. SWJPSOiN AFRICA, Sec'ry & Trea. The Do Wit and .Mill Creak'oil Coinpnniiit were or gnmzid in Iho month ol'tl. t.-b-ir. A 1) , l.-dl. 'I he property of th-'SB Companiis is tituato on tint nation lliver, in .Mill Creek township. Clarion Cir, I'euiis) Ivuuia, and Is known ns tho Workman Lands It c- ntins of two hurfdrRd and twenty-five ncre. in fee si.i pi.;, in cucli Coinpnny, with a frontage on ilia Cladnirlllv'er, tn each, orthree fourtht of ono mile 'I he Clarion lliver has long hcj-n famous for it. Oil springn and ilepislts. Il runs parallel with the Uppur Allcghiny Elver, and b ,tli cross tlio western limitt of the same coal-basin i.nd the same stratlflcatinn, Thn Clarion Ilivei is a lurgo. iiiivlgabla stream for natboata and rafts, capable of carrying on each boat one thousand barrels or Oil to market. CI itlon Coui-ly adjoins Venango County; and the A. legheuj lljver muktis n great tweep around both coun ties, leaving Ihem'iu (Tie shapo or a penlinol t. A glnnpe at tho niatS will show, that a Una drawn from the tipper bend of tha Allegheny River, in tho viciuitv of Oil Creek; to the lotver bend of It. below' tho mouth of (ho Chutotf, will bisect the Oil regions nf tho Cli rloii lliver. During the present season, exiieri' ettced Oil men and geidogislt havo made a thorough exploration of litis river, and have large Investments, Already, the whole liiver from i t mouth to almost Iti source, has been leased and purchased by Oil men. and wells are being sunk along its whole length with great rapidity and ith llallerlug prospects of suocess Above aiidopposltulho lje Witt and .Mill Creek Oil Companies, some ten other Companies are borin'witli engines one of which, struck tho first vein of till al tfxty rect, and .mother immediately adjoirrlng struck it attlfty eight feet in the ruik. Twenty years ago,' cm the river below1 (lietb Com pany's lands, at tho mouth of Deer Creek, Mr. Packer, when boring for salt; struck ono of tho largett Mowin Oil wells known iuiliu Oil couniry. This well has long been fatuous and has been ever since, and is now, gu-hing. out a conltani ttreatn of Oil and wato. Il is now being prepdred for Oil pur poses Further below, at Alum ITocV. Oil lias been obtained but the well has not yri b.on tested with an engine .Messrs; Lyon, Sharb & Cooipon'of the Sligo Iron Works, several miles below these Companies, during the pust rail, struck u llowlng well. It it now being tubed. Great fissures are found in the bluffs, and exltud ucrnsa tins rieer In this vicinity, from whkh gas It endued, and Oil lises in largo globules, which burst on reaclMiig tho stHfaee of the witter aud cuverltwith Oil. This is considered iniKnutablu proof of Oil territory. ALundanco of tlinber and coal la found cm the Ir3 for engine and other purposes. One well will bo put down Immediately on each properly, A'coinpeteut and energollo superintendent Is now on the ground, superintending the operations uf both Companies. The slock of the adjoining Comtaniri tjavo already gdvaoced, by reason of- tho uarly succes9alrcat'y at. tallied. , , A linriied BBinbcr of Shares in each Company, for tho uso of tlio lanuholderi will be sold ut $i per sliarn. .1 ..... . Jatiusry 2d. JEM. Sm; Lackawanna & Blounisburg Railroad. PfSr TWO DAILY TRAINS. tSS ON AND AF'I'I K HBO. SO, 1SIM. PASSENGER THA INS WILL EUrs AS FOLLOWS: 1. F. A V G NO IITH WARD. Leave NorthuinberlaMd, S.00A. .M. 5 MP. SI. 3 40 0.SS if.iK 7:3,1 S.IS 11.13 ItJ.v'S S.6U 0.30 ' Danville S.JU " Rupert, " Hloouwburg llerwjct, " Shirkshiuiiy " Eington, Arrivi at Scrautou, - 0.84 9.33 11) 3.V 11.10 1J.I3 P.'M! LSD ' New v ork " Philadelphia 1. r. A V r. BOUT WA11D, Lcay Scrantou, (1 00 AM 4 CO P, M " MngslOn " Ilefwick, " H'oouisburg " Rupert, " Daiivilla, Arrive at Northumberland, " Harrisburg. " Washington, " Philadelphia, 7.01) S.Zil H. 33 7 3d 'J..'5 S 23 H.3j 10.011 .15 HI 40 ,. Il) l0 I. S0 I''. Jjf. 1 .41 yj)3 io,33 5.4U S.0) The shortest and most direit route to tho west and tha oil region I tr$-, Trains or tnv Philadelphia and Erie ruilroad leave Nuilliumberlanil every iiiorniug for Erie, arriv ing tliijri tl;-- nfti-rnnou of Iho same dny tu runui-cl Willi trains for Hull'alo Cluielaud, Cliicngo, with all pointa.ivi-st, and conueaiiig at Corry v.-ltrr all i . n. outlie Oil Creek I'.ullroad, New aud.elcgiiai Sleeping cars nrcompmiy thu it trains earli nay between Northumbrrlund ant', i , mum, ailj Northumliorlaud and Philai'.elphla. IE A. FONDA, S upt. liihgjton. January 14; 1805: I8C5. I iiiladi'Iptiiii Si liric i 21, & X ft 'St 0 X IS This grt'nt line fiaversos the Northern and Noiih- .vest coantiesof I'eBiuyliania to tha city of El tu, ou l.okn Kr.o. It'has bnen leased by the Pennsylvania RallroaJ Company, and Is operated by lliem. lis entire Ic-ugtli wna- oHsired for paiscnger and freight hUbiiff-ss, Oilolur llth, lbbt. UMB it CASSkSOlR IRAlaS AT HOKTlIUS M;r MMi. Mail Traiii It-aves, Ea.t )t) ji, p M. Elmiri Express Train, II 27 P M Lock Haven Accommodation, low A.M. Williaiu.poit Aiconiiiiodalioii, 3 L'5 P. LEAVE WESTWARD. MailTmiit, . . . 4 24 A. M. I. Imira Impress Train, . 5 23 A.M. Lock Unveil Accommodation . 4 31P.M. William. port Accommodnlioii . 1133 P. in, Pass.. iiger Cart nui lliionah on Mail Train, xvmt- orrriuxui both ways between l'hilnjeliilila t)J J-'tlo, aud Ualtimore-nud Erfo. ElegHtil Sleeping Or on Elm.rc Erprfst Trattu both ways between Wrllllnispnrt ind llaliimoro. For inl'iirmatiim respeitllig i'jiiiteiiger business, ap ply ol tlio Cor, 3tlth and Market Sts. And for Freight busiuetsof the Company's Agents. H. ll..Krngstmt, Jr., C'or.l3lh aud Market Sis., Phil'a J, IV, Reynolds, Erio. J"..M. Drill. Agoni N. O. II; 15., Ualllmore, II. 11. Houston, (ien'J. Fiegijj At . fbHadelphU, It. W. Uwiniier, Oen'l.Ticket Agt. I'hiladelpliia. Joseph D. I'otts, Ueii'l. .Mauater.WiUiauupuit. Jan. 7, 18M. uxcaaArVfiiE fiao'tTUfia. fUBLiO &Qtf.lItF., WILKES U.iKHC, 'E.-A".f. of tha n ....i.ii. ' No pa)ut will lie spored In any of its department!, , enirl .ailsraclloii tu all goests. Tlio labls uud the j.ir il alffays bu supplied with the best tha mar kit allords. Cool ttubliug f,r horses, aud uilmilite Iw.iltrs. Also, Llvcry'atlacliod. 'IIh exihange it i-lilgibly situated on (hi Publiu fqiiaio, and Has tht-riToru peculiar alvaulagni to per sons ntteii'liug court or do Tig busiuusd u Hi: public offices. Charges moderato, N. tl. -Whenever you-come lo towu. plen.o rail. P. C, L W. EVKKOTlt Wilkes llurre, Fib, IS. Ufii. JOHN U. YEAQER, .MASl FACTUP.EP. &. WIIOLEBALtl DEALEll IN STRAW UUUUS. RUNiNliia AKI) ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, No 'J."7 North Third Street PUu,d Nov Wi . rs-illl, ... 1 , . ajHBMBLBtWBBMEitjiltiaiBt