ANJ) BLOOMSBURGr GENERAL ADVERTISER, -t -.- . . . "TO HOLD AND TIUM THIS TOitOII OF TRUTH AND W WE IT O'Htt THU DARKENED EARTH." LEVI L TATE, EDITOR i TERMS: $2 50 IN. ADVANCE, VOL. 19. NO. 2. BLOOMSBURGr COLUMBIA COUNTY, PENN'A,, SATURDAY, MARCH 11, 1865. VOLUME 29. t 1 Reading Rail-road. WINTER ARANGEMENT, November 7th 1801. rcat Trunk Lino from llin North find North U'eat fur I'll I t.i.l.' till (; . Now-Vorl;. IMnl inir. I'utini llle I ,t l d i ii , Allfiiimvii, i;.i.t,iti, nr.. ie. Trillin Ifii t c Miirrl'liiir!.' fur New-YorK, n fo'l'ius Al :i iiij and s. 1,1 A. SI. anil U.i I'. M iirrtviiij! nt Vurk lit 1(1 A J1 mill l.i) and III 110 I'. 1. The iilinvt' rlll'iiei 1 Willi h l ill I 111 r Tr.inii. mi llin P Mil sylvanla Kali l!,,a,l, and Hlei pini! Cats nit milium)' 'he llr-t ttvn Truin, lyilliuiit i i,'iii!i', lie, IV li tr I!) uliinr. I'uttnv llhi.TuineMda' Mliiel AIleHtmvn, himI I''liil In ul H. 5 A. At an, Miller-HI". r. At., f"' , I iil ni I,' l, men ami principal Slnilnu Way 'i'r.ii .a ..luppi nt nil point nt 7 I'i A I III I'. M II. inriiiiiu i.envo New Wirk ut ') A lliinll, .iiul 7 mi I' ,M I'llltadetpllla, III H A. Al' I' .Mi I'mi-mlli al H.iO A. .M.nml $M V. ,M 'I nlH.lliA M. nod'J.151'. M nml ItpnOiiiL' nt l'j li 7 :n nn.i, a. m i.:h and iiul i', y. . Uenilioi An mnodatimi Train i Leaver, ltitai 1 ;'ll A. .M ri luriiliii; fnim Philadelphia at I.3J 1' t.'uluinhia It .t 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 'J'r.i i i ,i leac Mending ut II A M. Inr liplirata, I, ill?., ('nlimibia. fcc. Dii rmiiilny., ; t.ri vo New-Vurl: at 7 L' .M., I' ' tihi.i :t.l5 I' M I'litlM-llli' "..HI A.JI , .Tjiu.i'iur. Jliirtlflmij f t.i A. M . and lijaillng nt N uii.l . unit i :w 1 1 1 n ,'ht, nml .del ..M, t,fnr I liirr jlii i if. i ( I'muiuutnlinu, Mll'1,11", H .yiiii. .fcLu'il, ami Ciriir -s inn Ticket ti and (ruin nil point a. at ledtmed half h . II.i'.m'!!' tliL'iki'il llimiili ; fit (iniinila all i'.'iiIi r.t-seii'ier. i , i, A. NH'OI.L. , , . .. tlkticrat StiptriHltm'!!. Hfitilvn. I'.i. Nnv 2il. Mi(. Revised Fee Bill of the Columbia & Montor Cdnnfy JANUAUY 1-t. lSfio ; resri Iptltiti, oidni.iry Vi-lt In Tii w ii, : ti h .iddllicuul ml, mm . timh, J'l it". I" 31.U'1 tl.ilil lay. . M fi'iili, 511 n iil. 31,'J." ,1'llta 3 1. nil J-i.liil J 1. 1 nn ?" (U) Hi i-'Ml l:.n Ii n lilillnii il ran- In lamilv In i.niititri "I inn n, Ordinal) i-it nut ul'tnun within , iini' mile, .... I; irli adiiiliiui.-iMnite. nr I'lai li.m nf n iniln, np In m mil,'!,, llli'in;; ,il nilil ,iml pr 'rMiini; l-ll al main ilmilili' Ih U.iy i Lit i ii!iiniy i ii' nl' I'.ului lliuii llwltilnl nt, it iiihij, anil otili ,m ru iniii' liirniii. Hi liv itiiik I'lar.'nt.i, .... .Ill alter alli-inlaiii '. mnmlin tn nr iimIiii i rv''i. p' r .t. lli'itutliuu ul I'i.h ttr" .'c I. ux iti iih, . iniijnr Aliiitltatlnii i.l l.c'J nr Arm Aml'i'l ali'iii nl li n i' r nr 'I'u', il,.T,i'l,,n jnr II ir, lip, t M Ulmi ill 'l'"il'i'' . rxtiri.itiiiii nr'riln,'ir. '.uriMaliiai Jntn ilni turn t'alln I I I'n t limit ' ninirn lor fiitiiiliT U II fit ll .it I ON M llllill I lllt nltli'n, Ufiim Tim'iir in A- ii'' .-pi i nlt'in V.tyiii'il lit. iiuin, inn i, .Mi iln inc in .'II aii'j i A I ra. .hiiii.iry 7 lci" eifllillii in. li I tn i ',H I'd n i sin.iiii Siii.di t,i flii.nii i itr, nn ein.lill tn ; ii.lill ? 1,011 '.nil 1 1 Vi.nn "n.nii'i' i. n.iiii " s-',ui) to i,7 nn -in.iiu ; il.tiu 'I'd, r.ii-p ufil.i. an an ihhv int'iiiimi, r,il, pilkl'll Ml FIV illll M-llt iiii-IIIh cinnhli(h-l. fntcil to (.tin i .in I pl.ini'li ', pni'lin i .-i j in i'X n I I nia"i'i nf H ctn t (iiinl, i aU 0 An ali.i, lin Ii ill ,ili n ",,"''p llyt'i'l"! I In v nf .1 ! .tiitll'.il ami il,ir.i!ii .t f.ilul fi.lil, .n, I nn" all 'fl."l at n,'- 'ii'lllll Hi i ,,.t. 'I i i .n Is I,, ail II lull ili'.IJlli'.I.H llil I'.i n, I an I -III , 1,1 I,, n mi,', w iih I', t -ii! I'iiIi I'm. an, I ruii.iv ,1 in in rut ljli' nl 1'if i. ih hi. il, mi lli'M lluiitii,;' l."vi'rs ami n t.-.tili ll ini'i-niui' an I ilctiatili, ami mi i-Xfn I an i hi ilmu i,f I'lllil, ,l III ill IV ,1 1 llimi. 'I'll" 111 IV -Ill l I ii .1 II 1 Imtilli il liy Iln' ut II kliniwi -I Jim, -i W'.iIIl'i I iu,pan n l.uii'p ,' ami ,ii n iipi'rlily il It i in,' wr'-i (alli'i... I.irti y i al ml lri I "-' 1. a liiiln!.' rce nLmr I'll 1 1 1 , 1 lial.nir, il. anil t lin inipniM'il inhy ii.jn I ,1 ;n ii,,i, nil l.i',' an, I hK, I, 'tun Ii in l, ,in,l Inn ,mt -il a Ciiml turn' k,'i per. 'I'll,"., ualrhr ai'Mlf:hr'i ititl r Hit '!. '. Ill ' -m.llli'l Ii ins! I 'l I. nil .,nnl in, 'all 11,11,11,1.' I ,1.13 A l .til. nl -it, will Im d,,. ,,' n, i, rApn i., nr alii no. A nnji i. 'lit In an ! ml Miiii.ini n "! I'm S.'.i 0,1 ; will r-.i. ill) i.HI lur iiini' tllin lll.'ll i t'fl V .11 1' lll- R"l'' .lyimt. I'itHii. -ilrli In Ih,' 1 I, it,', I HlaW, ami i M nn' rnitiiit uWili iln nm Ii ai nur Ti.i ii' M..rk. J DEVUCUitOo , mpwnrj. 15 iM.ii tic ii Jiiiio, Nv.v Vnrk. I'll., ii i ni. :tm CHAULKrt N SWAGli 1 ATI', nt I h 1uii I v ntiTA l!-mi ii 1 1t.t I I Ihf nltitvr wHI Ml n T.i 1 111 M.uhI, l.i'' H- )' , Ifil I Cut urt U. l'r'' .-, niiiiitf on Mrtkt-A tVrr i r'fM. in O-nn iH-. rn .1 ml In ri f u ri i-l l .m I r ,i 'p"t)fil il d'Y tin- uno'latl-Hi 1 1 t f t (iu')"r. 1'iit iitMiit' is illicit .itui 1 iii" 1 "'"t$i it ill i,it .iiinii- Ml.ll -.l.lllJlll-.' Il Ir- tli.l,l. . I il . il! Ill Ill Ml .'IH I J I'lt-tlnr-i-S Ii''"1 1 " ' ",,r" I '' , . Tit .ill hi in-ij t..-i Iiini unliili .r f.iiioii.'u'i- lw inn-mc-i u ulMii-tit I'll ri i u- ir ci nilmt. I'M'I .IfMir')- Ml 'III IMftllill 1 1" Ii.- Wllllt ik hi Iih ii.irt tn niiKu hi Ili'ii.i: III1 't'rav I 1'- Unm- It Kitutli'i-Oiniiilni-i runs t'linii lltiMiIt' m 11 1i 11. il linnet, to .iinl iMMit bnUi Itiill l.iml iloii.U ill , l V. iy )ith..l i ni,' J'mliiA. p' Id. In, jltliilt'I assii Lot For Null'. fF'llli undtr-igiicd, oll'tri to hale a' jiri- .1. iale ml.', Iih If 1 Hotel Properly 6c Lot of Ground, Plhl in M 1 I i.VII.I.I'.. (ir ellHimil low I kl, ; ' 1 1 1 1 1 il tll.l , .ittn l . '.' i Hid U'HV ordiipiml ail fl ll'iH- ii J'ulillc I, in, ri.ii, mi , nl. j ', ,, lliiiiai: l .u ateil nil Hie , rinTIoi 1l I'npnii li : .-'lie, N III M 1 1 1 V ill,'. I a 1.11 '.'Oil Mine I lililllu'. II .1,1 1'i'Ct. Willi "illl.ililii nut I, ml 1111(8 I -'il'd a. el'e t.ililn. null w.ilei at tliu tl'iiir. Iii-iienu1) I J . 1 1 . 1 i.i ill', ille, an, I llemu, a fry ,."ii ii'le fl.iii'l tnr a I'ulilii: IIuum,'. - r r" ''nr terul. and lullln't patlli nl.itr. arl1'" l-liii.i'rilier Hi III. IJjglu llnlul," III tin I irs, I "I iinilii.i imiiiiy. " j m. ntv Kl .41 I'ibiit.iiy II, IfiO.iiiio. 'I'S.3i C .,! fill' - l. v.,.,,, "7 r A-"J. '.. . V, V,, . 1 1 H Ul I'i UllUfrfipilU'il uitura m ii; 1 1 at ITI-,, B vatefH' 11 conn 1 ran "I ij.ini'i l.Ml. il , 11 Tie In ll"ii'.nn ami poiitaitoM Inwipliip f ,,,unl,,i in , I'.I., itIJuliilitS lamia nl" .In-lni l llrlng, (. , ll,iu,iu and juie fiiiiilgloil 1 1'nlollilas nlinotj I'dwr IJuudieU Aim, .1 1 .. ti'. All fliii(i if till lion i.imJ. win Mi'-rmi una i,ila 11 lllillhl iiay uiii iini ni will Im i-olil entltf ,r in parN of 'I'lie t.iid tui ..i-iyuiic Int. a, jy Im ilelred. .me lllio.ll.-d, r I" ' '.Injralf.tllleuH nait mil... ,- r ' 'erina eai-v "ii'i , roMi'tMll.i'i P'tnaol'-'' "'lUirp olfij ul'n;,vr at , , Ml , ce . ' "m Ink liiwn.hlp. ,,by ui-lrca, (H ou. ij, irui. BELL & ALLABACH.'jcy;,,.,, counuu or Till IIU STi) PKNJSSYlrAMA A V WASHINGTON. D, e CllOLSHirS l'Olt sit riubnrh f ninuien ial I.VII'Sj'j.'.uainp'i" ,, f iilll'lnli ll a , ,, ""''li, I r?'iinnili e.ish. Iiyllliifl'l'11 l ' '' ,l r n Hie alme fulleeo;, Yuit.14 liiuii . Am l , , , tliin ny api'ii ii't ..v.,., , ,, HAT E. 0. llAlUUSO.Vl yt' 70n.ll rci-pe''rilli ina tr I'.loo in - V no,. "'. V!" NactLe f , ,(, snlnita'a fhire'irpnl'll'T'iifi UiSf ' i.Krii- 00 Mam rtrii.i, llr.t lit-, ,u',H ilt. Cl)Urt llu-oac, iii'ii'ii""""!.- a 1 I'ebrit'.r) :i, l'.-ir 1 If- Ladies' J'lra I'lie lati'i t :,'''v ,, ' V .,.7. ' ''HT "iKl'tJHH f ill1 I ,11,11111 II".' ...... .'1.4 RECEIPTS FOR FEBRUARY, TO THE COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT, ci T!io following imynioiila liavo boon matlo to tho CohtmHn Jkmocrnt office, durinir tlio month of K'bruary, 180") r l.i Vi i Hi huliT S- Oil Jn.npli lri li, W Inrrli' H Cii, (I till Jiilni Snyder (I., ,M M Appll'IIHll 1! If l,Hl 'Il'Unte, 4 Oil Krt'il. I.anlnii li. '' on .'ill Jnhtl .Merdftll. 1 HO IVti r AppU'innii, Jiilni J hllien. !Sil,u .Mi lleiiiy, l'..l .Mclli iiry ll.inli'l lak'ar. H II V.,rk, 'Heidi I., I arey, Jiniii.'!, Mrlli'tiry, ll)er l.l'lliplll Jiidui' Kixniit, 2 no Cliiiiles (JrnviT, !! IS 1 411 FlierllT ti. fnyiler, 7 (ill t 50 (.'ntiiMibia Cnilllty. (ll till ,'i rt Jnliii l.oacra k, I no J AO .1. K, llruijti r, I:1. S (I) 5 7,i lis. or Jniii Hlujsley. noil !.' no J.uncn I'admi, !.' no 2 .ill Julln llllrtlill, ',' t0 4 .ill Aliriim II. IhMiiic ,i ':: ,i no J icnh llnrtnian H 'J.i V. llii'llliit, 4 50 Juenli .Maner, II 5il Iln. nl' IIII.n I'i'.iIit rl .ill A. Ilartnii, (Ill ) U no John t.'revellin! li (Ml (ItnrLM! Oman. s on IM.VI'l n,t, IVtur i:vi;lnnl II. N . Aiiieriuiiii VVIIIIiiiu Hti.i'uti', Jiiti.n HI'iier, "I ljelli'1. , li.tiili'l Kecfrr, .Inllll II 'limit, l'et,'r lllppvlltli'l Jnlin llilhliiie, Levi Ull;llti, Alliert .-earl,, Ill ID AiiEllsliH C. It.ititi, y .iu 2 .111 1 no Join, Meiienrv. Ir. II no l ll'l I'l'ter ll-lluil, wu .inircn i.aoiiiirii. i.f'j in . no , ,Mnnni, I w 7 -'l INiv.lJihv. .Mmrny, 1 mi 'J ill l.evl Kiisti.'r, 1! 5ii Oil Aiiilrow l.aiilnirk. ' nil no nil I I'd Lieut i!. W. tltt. ti no no t .i H.nii'l. Adainn, II 5o I '.'. Oliver lIv.illK.lCen ) !! Oil 'I ip .'mlfe Kimii-, 'J . o 4 no Win. AliiMeller. a .','1 B 10 l. i.tnit, Il-'i. 'J 00 M.natui lliiikal.-H'. In no IU or .Mil li.icl f'l"cki'Mi 00 ,.1'llllH ! lll"l , Kr nf riiilenii I 't -.Iiu r nil Mrs Mm y A. Winn, I III ll.irld r, filer II. J.icnti IiiiIii'.Im l'i-e( Jn.epli Marl, lli'l .1 .M fry, .1 .-ii.vdk'r, tMilHni i .Inn. Jnll-.nnll. Jllllll '1 Iniinis, rn d k. Il. rr, ii l H ' I Mi) def. I''l II. m l .Mi Henry. I'. t')rni .Mi Hi ut), .I'iiiii'i Ilmu, il. l UH S, .i.'ittlMi 4 HO . tin ,iaim,i i,iii)i:i i , no Z I'll 1 1. II. .Mniiti-.iiiue.-y !1 .in 4 no Annuid t.wru't mi ii nil Jiirnc. Well nil I'o. CO no a no j. i Unm. i;' i .in .VI .tullea Wilnti r, IV. 10 00 '-' ,'ll ft li n nii: llnlijl, II .ill -'.V) iii p. jiiiiii t:. i:in, a ,io '. ui .inilii oi.mi ii. i!.'. i 2 no i:i lli nniiiiier, - on I J oo J.nmli 1 1. cj noli, I nn - .ill (imirae 0'"l, 2 00 11,'lir Mi llvni i . I;.'l '-' 7,i J IVuiliertiiii I ' 1 1 1 1 an. 5 on '.' io j, Me ,n II u, I'.iul Kline. 'J no i; .v. li. .Mi.iriaiH, 7 OU Win Mill, r 'iliin'k) inn Juseph Maun'l-, 1J oo Xuili t'rtli '.' M Juliu II. Miller, li .ill Hi. nf I'.in I W.iM. nun J.i, nii munis, 7lio .lellll l.i'lnV. ' I J.i A. Il .'lllilllieilille, I (III lli'iij lUuniiiiy. 7 no Jut, ,'. ii fn. j oo .Mrllrl'ie, '.' .',i iilialil Klillu, 1 '.i tt" A fair icluni for tlio fliort iiihiiiIi ol Fabi uary. Wu liopc Ib'r :noru lu M.trcli.' I'l'iondd, wu t'xpect it'miltaucos by m.til, and Iiopo ill not liu il..ippo utcil. GOLD V !; N h FOR Til ID MIL ION ! Prns Irj Sinf i.'iv Ihnul. en I Pi ice lo Sii' ilir Puckc'. Tliu bet Gold runs iu tho Woild ! (In ll'i' rei eipt nf 'he fi.llnu inc miuni. we Mill i'Hil , I, mail, nr .in ilir' ttvl a (inld Ten ,,r l'm, ii''Urliiic tin f.iui" ai(.iriliiu tn the dcicripii'in, iriini ly : liold l'i'iii. in S lvce I'latud Eiti tuinn OawC-1, wi'b lVticilf. I'm SI N',i J p' n ' Im Mo. il pen fm ?l .10 Nn 1 p.'n ' Im 1 N'h. S pi n ' lur f 2 'ii .No. 0 pm ''I'in'h" pen. ai- rt.iuipe.i 'nn: nii'r.Ki i. ri;. ami 'lie u , II lliiHln il ami line i llin;' (in d I'i ii". illi gun 1 an, Inn, piuniK .Hlliouli lhy arn inns irr.iiitml, an-l laiimd Ii - en li.uwi',1. U ARhASTEl) GOLD PEA.S. Uiii naiiif in ii'iin I 'M l'i'U Cii., V. . K -t.imp ii.i till 'tin Nrd jti.iltt iiini tlc p'lintt Mi- ,iriniit'il i ii i muiiihs. i tiM-pi n j .1 1 1 1 I .'Ktiikht unr 1 iiini inliiv IViw urn tuiiiii,tl TM I'. Tlu.V A V I L.N . Iih tlii inniil.tii nur lirm - . I. ( n riih) .-ir' f nr full) ui.iiU', ii.iviu tli -.iini: jHt:it us nur lir 1 m1' lt v I'.mi-. thi iul pirai CitUrt-ncc hejnj; in ID.iMl) I ttie C il I. (j tld I'on-, l.-t mv q'lalit) in Solw! Silvt r I'ixictiion ()aso, with Pcncih. fur ? mi N'o. I pi-ii Ut 'imltty or n Xu jifii "il rT :J tf.i ,1 tu, y J1M1 r in:iliiy, ni n .V vn 'M qtinl 1'nr li Nii :t ii p -qtjulity, or;i Sit 4 p'i) -l ''i:il Km; " .Mi n Nn hji lt 'iialny. r,r a o ,'i p-11 id jtnl. It t 1 () a ii5 M'li Id ii.ilily, i-r a tift pt.11 i 'pint. Tui fei o'l 1 n. fi pm M 'iu.tlil. The ."nine (Jold Pens, in Solid Silver Gold Plutcd Kbouy Berk Holders and Moiucco Casos. rT -J -" n N'h 3 pen l-t iiiu'lty, urn N I un I nal 1 1 1 .Iu n -1 pi ti Ut 'pi.ihty, it a n5 iu -hi I'ni V!0 -t Nn .1 prii fU)itilj , ur .1 No ft pi'li V1 1 ', li IM a N'dd pen Ifl 'polity I'm $5 .') a t 7 ptn. I'iir 3'i 7. J Nn h pm. Fm Hi OU a o, II P i ; All lirt 'i'i 'lily, nm I't im tlirnnylimit I hi rnuiilry an opinl If im t 111,1 inn I" .'my ulit prim ni.iiiiit'.ii tiircit. .Not mil) lur il ir wtU qu.tlitijK let. iluraltilily Bint t Irg.-tnt fiitinh f It .'i itiV'l f-.iH' ' ii'-il i thi'ir iiinniilaLiur''. ,iinl mmiii r m.IiI uitl) tliu r liyhtf it linpi'lUclinn till II llil M 'll'ti . I'.iiiliM in nrli turn iiuiHt rfpecify tin uaim. numbrir .itiil pi.tliiy 111 .ill iiil.iiHi-j nod lifllitr ttill nr Inn lur, uniri "r (i.t. TO OLUHS. dl.rmtnt nr 15 p 'r 1 "in. will b.i allii1"! d nn to: nm "I .1 1 r ( tit'lu nm ,'ulilri R., nl iiuu ttii'.Q ; IS per r em 1, v',i ; '.'0 p'T lent nn $1''. , t ii uiill.uii ej hv nihil. I! ei: i sirred, are at iiu' 'ik I'n llll Hllllll.l lilSU '.'0 I elltH iiu lur tvinfit'ig. wn fin ran lee ttn' i1 (i deli very nHli e -.ioiI. fnciil us ii' all mir new nijles, ilt llnsraviaci. nr exail Uk. 1,11,1 pili'.'H, (.elll ur"" rccuipt nf slump, it denied, l'min rcpmiilia! lur .ill unU, by mall. .t.i luiiiTK ,uid I i-Ir "re ri"'leleil tn cnrrtnipnild mill Ui n Hu titn nllut llleill steal illdmullaill'', A llllura AMI'.KU-'AN I'HV I'O , Nn. iUU llr'i.ldway. NeV Villk. J.iiiii iry 1J, iHi,3. 3m. Ai SB. T. Anllioeny A; Co., .Mitniil'iicliinTS of riiomgrnjiliic illni eiials, hnlfaalo Si luinil. -a i nn ny a v N. Y. 1(1 JL I'ma W H a 1 j . - . III Add llmi to airmail! bunneai or I'litiloarni lur Maiei m'i.ik are lluainjuaitei tor inv 101 i"U my, 11 lr ticoj)ti and Stereoscopic I'lcus. ill i'n .cm have ,111 nuiiieiije Imei t, iiiclinlini; n.ii .l.eiiea. ailil 1 i fijiu fitlei and I,., nl- A'au, itevoi'vioki .-l, 1 ie"-"l". I'"r pnMic m private inhibition Our uinii ta, ri.iim i) , cce , w-i.. i 'ai.ilniiiii- ill be rem to any a lrtrin.a uu rixiipt or I m.iiii. 1 ' ' Photogl'aphic Albums. T -i ..1 vti'-iy I'V1- 1,, intrnilllre tiled 1 lll.l United iiiur.iriiirn iiiiiui n.e 'Hi.inlities 111 .iii'jiiia 111 price, from .'.Utent. lo $.".(1 '"''' ,'"i,iv "Ud durability I" miy nihera. They '" ' ti, v ii.'l rcf' 'I" "f I"'1'"' "III I .'I,.. aieu'c (v Utdcr.Ji CARD PHOTOGRAPHS. m d, ) .l i'oritaili ol Umlnotit Annrl.atn. ... a. ,t-t: ,.,e. t n renu .1 inn ni uu L' 1 , JlM .Mti"r'fienerala, 'jtl.l llllj -Cmerula. n;.-i 1,'iilitllf IJ, , Illll l.liMl' f"!""' 1J Jill Olh'T l)ll' .. .,1,1111 1 3jU ?i.iteiiien, I'lU llivinea, i:.i A, ill oti, III Ailikta. ."j SlillJH, 1,1 .!) .... ,...'. l,,i,:,,l 50 rumtinciu wumun. ;,IIM nil'lli!" l "''"" WT'lXi w"i n 'ffoVoi.u II. wu t'KI a t'f .rl.J" V.. . 1 1 1 illle.l mi tho rcei 1 1 t , fin unr i.iiMi'i'i, I.Mi. and 1. tn by I ii'- r , Lrnil, , . I'I ill' r.'il lel .Illll 'nii'- "' " " . .... . mill nl.'li"-' temit iweiuy "V- 1- ei't l III) II' Willi HUH nr let. & ,j, jVNi'lllV I ,rk, inc. I .,ualltyof 0.., " ,f3!rl,,1lIn,.s", til siilnl)- LtulioB' Furs. riiViin:" ulroilo'll ons k. .'mi . r ,lv up ei-Ullll.' nn- ' ' I'hlUdvlplli Sdcct Jjjocttn. Mako Homo Boaxitiful. More than bu I tdl u jr ilinwy iiutmlnmi, More than lUvrr and One array, iMntu than ilniuei and lofty .lerptri, Mnro tlinn ttalloti, power, ntnl vny, .Make ymir home both neat and t.vterjl, llrighl ntnl ploasatil always fair, Wlmro each heart uliall rot contiMited, Uratrful fur each beauty tlnrD. .Mnrfl than lofty, ittclllnu linen, .Morn than fa.hloii'. glnrc. Vote than iiinininnn'i silded hnnor, More than t lion 3 In eti well compir.", Fo that homo in made attractive, Hy fitrroiindlns pure and bright Treeii arrayed will, tnilo and order i l'loncra, with all Uielr awed delight Peeft to make your linine tiKut Invely ; I.ft It be n anillln'i! ap'nt, Where, in awcet ruiitsiitin'cnt reatlni; Cam and sorrow are forgot, W'lure the floncm and trceM arc navlni;, Ilinla will aln; their ttvrt'tcal aonj ; Where the pu'rem timughta will llnijer, L'ontlileiifc and luvi belnnja. llako your home a .ten id Hden ; latitat" lier 111111111; bow era ; I. i't ii naat a nimplu r.nttije , rJtainl aiiininj lirinht IrceB nod flnwrta ; There what frajrancc and what bright . Will each blnuiulns rote display ! Here a .ingle, vlii' .elail arbor, llriglilciia tlirii'igh each auiumer day. 'i'licro earl! heart will rimteniituiituil. Seliloio w lihing far to rnatn; Or, ir rnami g ulill Hj rlierlsli .Meiuorien of that fleajanl Imine, filch a home niak'js tun h the bettur, I'ure and la-tin-,' Hi cniitrnl , Hume with pore mid bin-hl iirrnuniliiiga. Leaves it. iniprej. oil tho until. T I " II II II III 11 1. IJ . . ! t.U Wl. The Execution of Mary Queen Of Scots. The groat hall of Eotbcringha- was hung with black ; in tho midst was a eeaf. old covered with .sage, and surrounded by a low railing. Around this gloomy object uigh two hundred persons were assembled among them were the (Jrineipal con tl cmon of the couuty, who obeyed the suniulom of the sheriff, iu total ignorance ol the object for which ihcy were tequired to be pros- nt. Dohind tho block slob'd the cxt'CU tioner anil his asfchtaut clad in suits of sa blc velvet, tlio last holding tho use behind him in such a position that it was conceal ed from tho eyes of .Marv, A-s the sheriff nf Northamton and bis officers entered the hall there was a profound tilence, triafa'y a breatl. was painfully drawn ; but when tho Queen hcr.-elf appeared, the most manly cyor, more moistened. Never had Mary appeared to better adv.iutage ; ttho walked firmly, scarcely leaning on two noblemen by whom she wa supported ; hur drc8 whii h was thatol Queeu Dowager of Era nee adding to the dignity to her deportment Her pointed coif, edged with bono lace, shaded her wasted featured, and around her nrck she wore a gold urotH, and from her arrtin was futpended a piir ol bead,; a falling collar completed a cottumu at once regal aud becoming. As is ho gazed arouud nmther abashed by the uumerou.'i spectator:;, nor .shrinking from tho death droppings befor her, a murmur ofadmira tiou and pity wa-i with difficulty aupprc"' ed. llcr attendants followed htr to the catTold, which w Braised ab'Ut two feet from thogiound, imt before asoruding she oxelaimod Ij Mjlvlllb '(in'Jo moru farwell.good Andrew j pray i'ur thy mi.itres.-i uud (Jueen. Tbou shall now -sco tho cud of Mary rflUnii's trial-,'' 'Thauk-i, tiir,'1 tic! continued to Paulet, who offered Lis arm with rather a penitent expression of ouuutunance, "It in the Ut tioublr you will espericnto tit my bauds." On the scaffold was a piuall woodon a'ool and a cushion, and no sooner had Mary's foot touched tho 1:1 lal plauko than iho exccutioior kuei beforo bt riprayt'd her to forgive him for the offioo ho wa about to perform ; but at this moment her eye fell on tho azc and she tsclr.inied quickly "Ah ! 1 would rattiCr have my head ta- ki-u off by a sword as they do in Erancc.'' "lslamii 1110 not, madam," answered tho functionary. "1 nut forded to disregard your Majesty's wifbes; I was not remind ed to bring a sword, uud am, perforce, obliged to use tho pso, wbieb I found hero. That will not, 1 trust, induco you to withhold your pardon.'1 J '1 do pardon you, my friend," said Maty, giving her hand to Ids-, "Strango !" she murmured, that your ov, Queon, wben she expected a fitnilar fate fioin Ibo liands of all offended sister, to dreaded tho axo that sho lohl Oiitlcnau sibciutcnded to disiro an cxoculioncr should bo sent from Franco, skillful iu tho usa of the sword." Mary now pealed horaclf and, with tho assistants grouped around her prepared to lido-) to the warrant, which wa- read aliud by 15jale. At this moineut llttlo Bsiiuiu (,i favorite dog) contrived to mako his way noislessly through the prosnd, trembling aud shaking iu every limb.eou. , ocalod himself, aa usual, iu tho folds of the Queen's robe, without being porceived. Mary paid slight attention to the read ing, but when tho sonorous vnico of lioalo pronouneod tho concluding ''God Bavo Queen Uli'zabeth," sho roused herself from hor rcveir and graoofully rising, pre pared to address tho assembly. Her countenance won slightly fluihed,and Bur goino,who had kndwn her lougeit, remark ed, "it wore tho look of happier dayg." Her voice was oloar and ringing, as she oallcd all present to witness that she, a Soverign Princess ii no way subject to tho laws of Parliament of England was ubout to suffer tho victim of violence aud iujustieo. Sho spoko of her imprisonment and tho wrougs the had cudurcd at tho hands of Iho Queen's oounoillors,protcsiod hor innocence of all tho charges brought against her, thanked God for thus publio ly allowing her to confess her faith, and prayed that her enemies mi'ht bo forgiv on. "Madam," intordptcd Dr Flctobar, tho Dean of Peterborough, "my honored mis trosj has commanded " "Sir," exclaimed Mary, ''tvilli you 1 have nothing to do, I will not hear you, aud I command you to retire." Dr. Fietcher by no means approved this iudiflVrcucc to his own oloijucucc ; ho therefore pertinaciously continued, ''Mad am, you have but a few minutes to livo ; change your opinions, abjure your orrori, in order that you may be saved. " "It is uelcss,ausworcd the Queen, ''you waste yo'tlr time J lcavo to die in peace. " Then turning hersell arouud on tho -stool she began to pray ; but the D an, makiug the circuit of the ecaffold, again" addreaicd her. 'Troublo me bo farther" repratcd lila- ry, returning to her former position; but hero tho Earl of Shrewsbury, heartily ashamed of the scene, interposed, to the no small mortification of the zualo'u di vine. Mary thed falling oh her knees, recited a portion ol the Psalms aloud in Latin, together with bet attendants, concluding with a prayer in French, and holding the crucifix between her clasped hand.s. ' Madam,1' iutorupted the Earl of Kent unable longer to contaiu himself'cast aside these Popish trumpcrie?." liut Mary continued her devotions, fer vently escl liming, ''Lord ! Lord I rocoive me into your extended arm, and pardon mo my muf." As she reseated hcrsclf,thc Earl of Ktnt roughly inquired if aho were done. "For if so, Madam, bo concluded1 'prepare.' Tho cxccutiou'T now approached, but the Queen gently repulsed him. I " not used," she said, with a fin smile, ''to undress boforo so numou a company ,or to bo served by s"eb groonn." Then calling her attendants, she assis ted KHprth to tako tho pins iroui her bead dress, the girl being almost useless from tho tnlericp of hnr sobs. 'Do not weep," said tho Queen in French, "l havo answered for you." She then kiD.'dd them both, and desired her other attendants to pray for her, giving them her blessing. " Wear tbif for my sake, Jane,'' sho s. iid, taking the cross from her neck. Then tsrniug to the eiecitioner, she said, "My friend, 1 Kuow that all I have on earth is yours by right ; let me, hoVcvt-T bostow this on my aiteudaut.imd you shall leceivo twice its valdoin ntouoy ; but the fel!ow,brutally snatching it from her hsnd growled, "it Is my righi." Mary quietly continued to lay aside her outer girmeutf, and then seated her self that Jauo inhjht bandrtge her eyes. Unacquainted with the Engli-h mode of Execution- tho Queen e'ontiuued sealed, holding hor hedd stiff and creol, to render the headsmen's tusk more easy ; but ho stood axo-in hand, not kiiowiuL' what to do, until drawing her forward forced her upon her knees. Meekly she laid her head on tho bloek, and clasping bcr bands un der her chin, one holding the crucifix, the olbor her book of "hours," sho continued her prayer. Unwilling lo maim her hands, tile Uisi.stant drew them away, and as tho words, ' Aauus tuas JJominc" yet lingered on ber lips, the asc dooended awkwardly and heavily. The weapon was blunl , and the man unnerved, Ho aimed too high, inflicting a deep wound in tho skull) and ktruek from tho cxlendod hands tho crucifix and book. Stunuod by tho blow Mary romainod ra itiojlo 8,but the exccuiioiwr trumbled so violently that tho head was not detachod until the third stroke. When bo hold it up abeordiug to thu emlom,tbo foatures wore horribly con vulsed, ''God bavo Queen Elizabeth," he cried us usual. ''So perish all her (neiiB',,, subjoined the Dean of Peterborough. "Amen P'rcspondcd tho fanatical Harl of Kent, Every other voice was FUffuca ted by tears and so'bf, Mary's eyes were open, her hair was blanched by grief, and the French writers affirm the lips continued ncrvnua for more than a quarter of nn hour, Not content with their spoil, the exccii tionors proceeded to remove iho shoes and stockings of their victim, when they dis covered tho poor littlo Animal, nestling under tho mistress's peticoat. Ho was dragged forth by force, ami by no gentle hand, but with a faint yell bo extricated himself, and crouching down belwron the shoulders ol the Q iccnand the head that bad been laid near the trunk ; tin faithful dog in a few moments expired. Mrs. 01 gun Meck's l'Forlunvy$ Forth ill.'1 The Romance of War. I'roin tliuO-'avclatid leader, t'obruary 13 Tho dull, heavy routine of the Provos Marshal's office hero was interrupted aud enlivened, last Saturday, by an incident which had several novel and comical fea tures and which is based ori ,a inysteiy which the authorities have by no means fathomed, and may not be able to falhom for some time to come. Application was made, Friday, to the Sanitary Commission, htro b, two young women socmingly not over nineteen years of ago, for transportation to Washington. In explanation of the usual request, they Pttitcd that ihey h"d bron in the Union service as privates, two years, when their sex beiug diseovuicd, they wero discharged. As their money was o'l expended, they derireJ transportation from this point to Washington In tho recital of their ex perience to tho ladies of the Commiision, thote was something either iti the manner or the matter of tho statement which ex cited their suspicions and the young wo men pdt off until tho ucxkday. The Pro vost Marshal was immediately notified of the case, and tho parties were arrested Saturday afternoon, by bis order. They gave their names as Charlotta Anderson and Emily Wood. It seems that suspicion was directed only to Iho former, but only one or two of tho authorities of the Provost Marshal's office and Hoard cf Enrolment entertained suspiciou in her ease, the ma jority being convinced, and claiming tliat crinoline, jaunty hat and fcn'";r feminine voico, figure and gait, and othor palpable femalo "attri'-mci," e mid not pos-ibly wrap "lout and sustain any illusion. Nov ertheloss an examination was ordered, asd several respectable ladies were delegated to ascertain if Charlotte was Charlotte. Alas, poor Charlotte ! For tho "eommis donors" returned a semi -hysterical report of strongly reinloroed fuipiciou of latent manhood. To jcc the seat of absolute certainty upon what was now in all minds a settled, confident oj iniou, tho cxamiuing surgeon of the Hoard of Enrollment was directed to examino tho prisoner us ho was now thought to bo a rebel spy which feat was finally accomplished, aftir a two hodrs' parley, which exhausted tho re sources of statesmanship, palver and threats ended in the u o cf a sufficient amount' of forco to tedt the legality of tho fair prison onoi's titlo to the natiie of Charlotto. The end justified tho menns, and tho examina tion demonstrated that the prisoner was an irresponsible young man. It Was ascertained that this twain had been stopping at the Burnett House. An officer was sent there, who brought their baggage, consistibg of iwo sitoheli1. In one of them was'lound three fuits of clothes ono olt:zen'i suit, another was military, bearing a lieutenant's Insignia, and tho third wtis female apparel. Tho officers then proceeded to divc6t him of ids water proof cloak, with hood, alapaoa dress, jaunty hat and leather, ele'e'tra cf tho ar cann df feminine a'tiro, and invest him in his military suit, and then they lodged him in jail. Wo may say hero that iho illusion was oompletc, He bad the voice, smooth faco, dclicato nook and loaturcB, form and gait of a femalo, and counterfeited tho charm of presonce of a maid of sweet seventeen. His accomplice, who seems still young or,wa taken by Commissioner Ivilpitrick to bis home and put under tho oyes of bis family. She scorns thoroughly innocent, from first to last, and advibed Charlotta again and again, during her parley, lo al low tbotn to proceed with tho esatuiuatiou ; that it was hard to bear ; but then she was in a tigbt place, and her virtao would come bright out of the fiery ordeal. She afterward stated, in explanation of hor boing in company with Lsttio Audor son, as she persisted iu calling him thai tho first timo she saw "bcr" was in tiiis city, about two weeks ago They had been boarding and lodging together the lart few dajs. She insisted that Lottie was Lot tie, and not Charlie at all. If flic was not innocout, if she was acting that difficult or, it must bo owned sho did it with oon summatc tact aud the utmost nouchalcncc. We learn that on Thursday night ol la.t week they went to iho Burnett House and engaged lodging, saying, wl en'at Ihcy wautod no supper. They broke their fajt in tho morning, and left thoir hand bafketa as pawns iu tho hands of the landlord, whilo they hhould bring tip their satchels from the depot, when they re turned. They then engaged board for that day, rind at night learning the price of iho luxury of having a firo in their room, had one built. Their bills were all paid but by ilic bona file dams'ol. The rest of their baggngb hand-baskets and portfolios, were taken possession of yesterday by the offieors. Dr. Beardeloy nays papers were found from which Ihcy learn certain facts relative to thoso parties former whereabouts and operation., and that information bau bo derived from Col umbus which will throv much light upon this mystery, if it does not solve it. Our readers may rest assured that when tho facts are arrived at wo shall haston to by them in full dUail before their oyos. Honesty and Trust: Tlio following pleasant anecdote is from Glances atld Gli mpsts," a book by Har riot H. Hunt, who was once a teacher in Boiion : "A cousin ofminoin Charleston having passed away, it became proper that I should attend her fuaoral. It was school afternoon and I did not diflmhs the schol ars. As they did not liko a monitor,! hit upon the following plan of leaving them : I placed in tho chair the laige, old-fash ioned slate, (which had been my father's) wrote upon it tho names of the schol ars iu tho order in which tbey sat, and arranged the needlu work and reading for 1 always had homo interesting work read aloud by some older pupil every day and then said: "Now children, vucn the clock stiikes five, ledvo yer seals or derly, and place bv jcn 'our names a unit for good behavior and a cro.-s for bnd. VIiu i return I shall anxiously look at tho slate, and in the morning when you are assembled I Will read the list aloud, that every thing may bo confirmed. JJut I trust you. On my return I visited the sohool-roo'm and found but one cross upon the slato, and that whore I least expected it, ap pended to the name of a beautiful, open, bright, bravo child who then promised much to the world, tho foot of her having tick paronts" belug her greatest drawback. She was the last child iu the school that 1 would havo thought capable of any mis oonduol. The morning came, anil the list was read; it proved truthful; but whon I camo to 1 1 ti 3 name, I said : "My dear child, you nwt explain why is this ! What did you do ?" Looking up to mo with those soulful eyos,and spcakiug with soulful tone, which ever mado her an object ofsicrcd interest, hc replied : '1 laughed aloud; I laughed more than onee 1 couldn't h'.'lp it became a slate was keeping school.' A Sad CasC. Tho Contralia Srntiwl tays that on Friday evening last, whon tho train from Cairo stopped at that placo, four refuses were taken off tlio cars dead 1 They wero apparently all of ono family, and consisted of a woman, between tho age of forty and fifty years, a young woman, pnbably eighteen or twenty, and two ehildreu respectively aged about ton and two yearn. There was nothing to iudicdlc their ndties and lormcr abode ribout them. They were among a large number of tefugpos,who wero being iraus ported North, to bo taken charge of aud f-iipportcd by tho human residents of Ill inois. Like thousands of others who havo gone before, it is reported that thoy bad been expoetI some thirty six hours, to the c6ld and wind, in coming from Cairo, and in their famished condition unable to en dure it. Tiuly this is a sad and deplora ble case, Drivou from their homes, or what answerod to them as such, by tho relcntlc-s hand of war, to bo taken at tho public expense, or the oourtcsy of tra.ts poitatiou companies, far nway into the land of straugers, whore, although mr rouuded on every side by an abundance, ihoy perish Irom starvation aud cold ! A modest inuu seldom fails to gain the good will of those bo oonvescs with, for nobody mvies a man who does not appear to be aatiulicd with Ihe Fall of Charleston Policy of Gen. Lee. fl'iom tlio !'roa of Tuesday J In the midst of tho general exultation which tlio fall of Chai joston will produce, thcro is one thought which phould npt bo forgotten. Thoso gentlemen of tho South arc not quietly abandoning tho ganio of rebellion. Thoy do, not mean to throiv down the sword and run liko tho bedevil ed swine into the Gulf of Mexico. Wo must also remember that Boaureg&rdis marching north, and at the samo tiiiio the robel ai nut's hcroloforo occupying Louis anna, Texas and Alabama, nro now mov ing upwards to ltichuiond. This is cer tainly tho policy of tho new Generalissimo, Leo. Ho is busy reorganizing an'd con centrating the armies ol tho South. Wo remember that after the baltlo of tho Seven Pines, whon Lee was placed in command of ibo Southern Army of Virginia, after ho wounding of Johnston, ho pursued, on a small Foilt'.p.reoifely tho policy beseems to be pursuing with thu armies of tho whole Southern Confederacy. He recalled tho armies from tho upper Shcuaudoah, Western Virginia, and tho neighborhood ol Suffolk united, dt'oipiinei nerved his soldiers, and fiually throw th"tr. upon Mo Clellan with fatal effect This is what Lee it attempting lo do now. These scat tered armies of the South have fought with consummate bravery, and Lno has cer tainly shown himself to bo a consummate commander. If by this concentration Leo can make a successful and enterprising march into iho North j if by any deperato resource and bo is now driven to desper ation bo crfn in any way turn tlid tido of battle, the rdbellion may oven yet induce the recognition of its government by the European Powers, and thus indefinitely prolong the war. We'do not wish to say anything fh'ot in this hour of general Joy may b'o regarded as an effort to douipcu tho enthusiasm of tho people. But victories nre useless aud extravagant unless wo profit by them. The more shedding of blood is the least achievement- In war every victory is on ly another stop towards tho general con summation. The last quarter of an hour and tho last rcgiuiont deoided tho battle the last battle deoides the riampaigh. Tho North and South, in many roepeets, nro evenly matched. 1 1 is evident that thoy aro both determined upon war, and whilo the policy looks only to the sword, let it be determined by tlio sword. Therefore; we oati best profit by tliesb many victories by making an earnest effort to fo recruit our dribics that we may carry on thoso ucccsses to tho end, Tho tiiile is swifilv t , coming when this groat strugglo is to bo determined on tnc issue of a single Cold Leo sees thi?,and is preparing for it. Let us be ready to rcccivo bis blow, or, better still, to tttike tho first. Then wo mat ring bells, and repeat tho thundering joy of cannon. But till thon wo must strive with even moro dilligeuco than iu tbo past. from tho I'reea of WodticaJay. Tho lourtecn thousand rebel troops which garrisoned Charleston have, in obe dience to the rebel policy of concentration, fallen back to the northward. Thoso who believed that tho evacuation of Charleston indicates tho despair of tho rebel leaders, are in great error. This evacuation of the coa,t is "mtehtng mclccho ;",it moans mis- cUict. It moan3 that batt o !h In b""" to Sherman ; that all the soattered forces of the enemy are to bo drawn together, to offer stubborn and bloody resistance to Grsnt. Though the capture of Charleston will bo of incalcuablc value to us in tho future, at present it in more irlorious than ucful, We aro but on the threshold nf great events, and if, iu tho coming buttles, we aro not victorious, ino-e miuor triumphs will be all eclipicd. To decisively con tend against the concentration of tho rebel ormics, wo must put every man Into tho field. Now is tho timo for v.'!u:.ters. Now is tho moment for the drift From the Plaiur,. Tho St. Joseph Gazette barns from a gcntloman iccoutly arrived ii-mi tho Pluitia that all tho statio son (hi road between Julesburg and Denver b'avi l".u visited by tho lndians,who haw left tl.j.-.j totally or partially destroyed. I'- rq-psents, also, that tho force now u tue I Jaii j s altogether inadequate to the tail- wnioli tho Government has upt u h ,' ... 'j. Ono train which ho met bad j eMail piece of nttillcry, with which thoy occasionally threw a shell iuto. tho Indian camp, but which, after it had struck, thoy would pick up wilh abioluto rcoklossness and burl back toward the train in defiance. Thty fiequently prescut themselves in mouae'iDg numbers in sight of trains, and, doubtless,wcro it not fur tho heavy escort, would rob and plunder without Hint, and totally annihilate all hopo ol western tradu aud communication. When sbout I (50 miles out from St. Joseph, they met a gov . riitiKUt train and fi()0 r-oldiers bound for tho 'ocality of Uioso troubles