Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, March 04, 1865, Image 3

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I, nnd,
A 1-0.
ft nivil
ir a
, liliout
I statu
; road,
llarn ,
i. Vu
Saturday Morning, Mar. 4,1005..
rev- Mr. .lAemi Mivr. nf f'i,,irlsa.
proposes opening a New Tin Shop, on
tho first of April, in Bloomsburg.
L3' I hero is it rumor in town (iiat Oil
I , ,, , ' ! . ' .
ins been discovered tin Crock, in Golutn-
(in county.
. 1. .
, CGT Mr. Tt;uM'i.Liai:u, is running liis
New Store, up town, rapidly nuil success.,
p ' ' I I J ,
juiiy. inuiictry must prosper, ouccrte to
our friend Andrew.
., ft . .
T EST- I llO JJaL'gllgO Our of tllO OataWISSft
i ii i i m i i i . l'..
Hull Bond Irani, took GrO on last J 1CS-
.1., .,.,!,. I,. I. ... n.i. .,,,1 ii .io
day night Itut, near Odtawiasa, aim v,.is
' .
consumed The bnggago was saved.
E6T It is expected thut tho Conscrip
tion wheel, will bo tumid by lliu Drafting
board at Troy, for lliis dis'riet, tho liltrr
part of itCNt week. i
SStV Mn. II KNitv Uiunn, keeps (viry
vnnoly of Good', nt his Grocery Mid Var
iety Stoio. JIu in progressing. Mr. Wm.
Krinruus runs the uuiolilnc
C' We liavc been requested lo ati
nounco that the rilo of Baptism vill bo
idmi'iisterod lo several persons at the,
J.eek, below liloomsburg, to-mnrrow after-
... .i .1. i.. i.... i t
u iU,i, ... u uniia, i.y niy. o, l . iujhh,
Siukj't. Jksm: C. Tati:,
P tt
01 1 tic
owi.l. 1?...:...... I) r .i i .. r
it I'lll KegllllCllt I . V., in tllC Army OT
tlw. Inin...nn t ,.. i 1 1... I.
till' 1 OlOtliao, 18 DOW at home, Ol) furlOU?!'.
Tho Snrtronn 1nn1f .n11 ,wl .H.r lifn
O- ..v.., ...u
uppi'ur It) .igreo UittJr Willi DIUi tltntl
picking typo. Ho leaves for his regiment
11) a It'W days. Suci'C-S to hilll.
E A New poa office is cstrJduhc.l at
fjentrila, Columbia county, I'onna, and
Jonalliau J. IIo;lai)il nnpoillleil nnstlUUS-
11 '
ter. J his ofheo on the routo No. 271),
A-hland, Pa , to C:itawisa. It will no
, ....
rlinwil 'itiA n lnrrrn Itu.iiinia inlimnBl ir, llm
" ,.u kv-,IJIJO IUIUII.OI ii, muii
nction of country.
CfeiY" Stoic Removal. Mr. John K
Oiiiton, has removed his Store r. few
e .. rl. ,, . , , ...
UOOM bDUlh ot his old f-taild, dllWIl twain
i:.. ,t .! o .1 ii .
otreet, on tiles oouth Jvast corner of mini
and lion Struct. Mr. K.
. ,
Ii till noucst
in on !.. . 1 ij, ,i ,ii. ,
man, keep-, c jrno'I htorc and hells ru.non -
alllr Pn-i in frii.Nilj nml '"-io,-. llm
HUIT. J O,) in, IltLMIUS, ailU See IIIO latest
flST Mi'sjrt. Est i: Sons, of Light
Sirci't,have put thri- it Furnaeo :igain
an operation and are d ;i..'-n promi-i g'"U:
nefS. They traiifpoit their Ore from
1."liailO!l V.iiii'li it is B-iid in A-na llm vnrv
...iiaiioii, i.m. II li i s.iiu, nij,0S UK. VCIJ
ljo.t Iron in Maiki't. The . Messrs. JJvt,
tile cseull'-iit business men; ruliallt! geu-
ili'iiion, and
must eoumnud succe".
ZZT (hem AwAwn JSa-'rs Mr. A. E
Sl)M MEP V I l.l.i: n'Vi'M tn till nl Pnlilin '
'llr' ' " 11 nl 1 UU1,C,
Auction, u Ins toic House, n Evans- , 1 - ul' '"'V ,r" , ,
, w... 1 Ki nii'inJi"r Hi-t'ri'si 1 nt. in MuikL'tabfivu Sixth i-Veel
ville, in liii--Ciuiity, on tin- U-U instant, j " ' -ul' Joi.r t co.
hiscjittif. .Siucl: of (loons and Mkuchun' ' ' 'Jfj',",,,,1 C!li;TS l'0BT,,u
DIZS. We aro told tho Slock i.S ltir" and 1 A valo.ibli' ami .,ii l.-rtul iiiiblicallnn. A w
ti "" 111 41.1t 1'iig. .uid ;i 1 col ired engrai my. 1)11. HUN'
COIIl! bliluaillS lliilV 1)0 t'SPCCtud. Sec his ''l,;ll''s ' ini: Ml fUM. nu ml'lnal mid popular Heat
a ,", I ""ion Man an. I Woman their riiyainlogy, Finn noun,
lulls and lid VI 1 liacmeut , ill this Jourutil, '"df'' lii .i"r 1 om-iv Kind with uevr filling
I lii'iiii'iiit' li,r tli-tr pu-iiy cure. Tlio pnrlirt'nl Dr
whero Mill be louiid m'tny otliT important 1 l"""l'r 'i-1" long i.mi .nn is, unbouiui.-.i, i.m m
. J 1 1 llii rn r in-si sol; 1 it .11 ion of uiiiiiitimis I'er'iim he htii
UOllUOUlIOU.-1. I l"''u nn need tn i .Mi-11,1 Iim tn i-ii ic tl usifiilin'i-t! tliri'ifjli
III" mi'iliu f hu '-V Mil! Ml'.rl'M ' It la .1 vinuiin:
j "lioulti b- ill lit-i'N uf every tautily in the land
Cgj- A serious acoidrnt ocenrod iu the T" )'rtv'-11V, ni""-erit vies, or as a guide fur th"
n i, 1 iitiiui ui 1. iii. . r ii, fit.inl i.ii.i .(.,.,, 111 11 li,
Illlllt'S, a few llillo.s north of B Oorotbui',
,,-i ,
Oil JIlUIMiuy 01 last Week. Jlr. Uns'lty
Ciia7,i:( was applsing fire to tho fuse
wliilti PTiirnopil in lilnstinrr litiril urn u-l.n,,
O C o '
Rome r-parks tiecidcintally blow into the!
powder, which raued an explosion and
resulted in culling nnd bruiMiip Mr. C
b ; u
in fueh a manner, that he diediu a
time afterwards T 1 1 ,
lUSt'y Ct tUC do-
ceased live in E'
T 1 . , , ,
Jj iSt iSabblh the
Hot on Sttitt'ay
C utt llcue iU'll v.'as rung
Meeting called iu our Siratts
t nt
VIIU a war
It W.1S to,
know whether so 11c Cfiy of our oiluens,
-.vhohail ctilistod untier r. Cipt. Jones,
would p-oto War on .Moud ty or Wedue.s
.In., ,..l 1.,...,!.,. !.. .1..
...jrju.,.. iciitiiiu nm ..uui.1 iitjv ill iuu
on'd they voted to .,'n 011 Monday and
itartwd for Nirrisl'urg. It vr.i as litllo
as they cjuld Iri.vo dono lo wait a few
days and iveu tho prefereaeo Bloom
fiST" We see that iu many otbei dis
tricts, Ihe thrco years' men furnished to
fill ilio call for man of last year taken
into the calculation, and eoti-equenlly tho
quotas of s
riwlnnnil r,f.n-,lit,r.lT7
are rcUUCtll r.CCOrtllOglV.
lo this diBtriet no difference ii made.ihreo
years' men being counted no more than,
one years' men- Now, what is tho law?,
.Do thnto who made and pacacd it know?
.Iloo-t Provoat Morsbal General Fry, or
,nuy Of 113 Sllbordllliltes know? II not,
J '
till",' had better learn It.eO as to do ''('dual
DBll faOt jllttico tO all, US tho CodSlitU-
J '
tiou irquires.
CSS1" Mit. L. T. SiiAm-LESs, is selling
)is eiuiro stock of Merehandi.o at greatly
rcuuceti prices, ins hock coiuhts ot a
coticral assortment of staplo ami fanov
1 '
ROOds, Groceries, &C. People from lllO
u . , .11,
COUIllV, TfllO liavo uuiiii inuuceu OV Air,
, , j..
r,, , t I r i
Sharnlsss numerous moues of aiivortisinc,
' ..
vjjlj givo his storo a call, uovcr go away
.dissatisfied, but on tlio contrary, visit Itini
regularly thcrecficr. Calicoes, tho best
manufactured, ho &ellr. for somo thirty cX
per yard ; muslim .1. : r.sponding prices
Boots aud Shop.., "t ! u lower prices
thun a iboerockor acu. ii making them,
Give him a call friends, and see if you
fi8d thing its reprefeu,'.d.
nriTKii. . . . m
FOtlrt . . t .10
DIMlil) APPMIi", 2 50
II A.MS . S3
II.UH.N, . . -i'l
II AY liy tho Ion, 51 01
UlltCKI'.NB, per puir. SO
chun, ii i jij
?.i!o8b lU;,'. ,J !!?,
' i;i'vr.iini)i; ), 3 so
. FI.AX BI'.P.n . a.-
1 Hl"-'KWlli:AT Firm. 4 so
' WIIIPKIlUfM'l-Tliosa wishing n lino tet nl'whl.k-
'",' n "l10 inoustnche, or a beautiful head or eh,y
"lf. will please rend the enrd of THUS. 1 Cll AI'.MAN
i another pan or this pnpat.
I 1 brunry k'3, lbfi3-3m.
I - - -
A '''!',";'V1r, '','7f.V,"ct mv ,n 'let',,l'v 7W"i,
withtuittiid inductor or medicine s..nt iiy'S
mnll, free, un recti nt of 10 cents. Address," -
I! II FOOTi:, M. I) 1130 llrnadway, N. V.
t7T7.IISin.MJH I WliTBlflMlcl n
'J 'JlJ ii iiiuuiiiiuj j.u ynel
M want Whi.kcrs or Moustaches 1 Ourtlrccinn
oinpnunu win lorco mom to prow on tho smoothest
raco or chin, or hair, on bald hinds, In Plx Wccki.-
1'tlt.e. SI OH. Bcntby mnll nn) where, closely scn'cd,
0n rcioiot or prhp, AddrcM,
lV'.ll;VL'll I. lUt II... 143 S, 1
February '1, lt(w-y
rVO the Ncrvoni, Debilitated and Drs-
J. pondent of hnin sexci, A pri'nt cu Trcr linvjng
liceii rci-lorid lo hi'nlili In n tciv it.iys, nftir luimy
yrnrj ofi'iLury, In vvllllnB tn iiinliit liii mfcrln? 01
low cri'iituri'. hy on,ljiir (froi'i) mi tho ticlpl of n
p'l-lpnlil nJilrrmril rlii'i'nM', riijiy i,f tie fotmtila )
euro ciiinloycd. liirett in
I'.ox II-:i l'ost Oillci'. Iliniiklyu, N. V.
Jan. H, i y J9, 'C-l J '
DcafucsE, ElindtiG854 Calanli,. ;
Timtcd Willi liio uluin.l hiiccpki. by llr .1. ISA.lir?,
OfUllHl iiinl Aurmt. (Iiirilwrly ori.t')dcii, linllniiil,) No.
fllli PI Si: Hiri'ci.riilladi'lphh, jVsllnionialii Iroin thn
iiiot if i ildo niiirri in Hip City an'1 l.nuiilry can bo
nni at hl. oinrn. 'ill'.- mcilical faculty aro lnvllcil in
accompany tli Ir patknH, n ho has m) .""cut In hit
prartiro. A rfl ll'lt'l ii, l; i:9.lnncrted t itliu'il jmiu.
.N" clnrs" mad" I'nr uipinlnalion. ,
iiiirunry ii.j.-Tj. Julys, 1PBI, Urn 1 I
A I ITTI.i: i' i:Vi:itYfIH(l rcliillni m tholm.
; a man yrtem, male and female; tin: auici mid
i treatment nl ills-ns's i Iho marrhiju cukIdius nf Ihu
Wt irlil" lln... ... .......... ... 1 1 .. h.1 .. tl .....I
' '" "' ""i'l .. 1 1 i.iiu n iiT'iiinni i iinias ii v'-r
pulillilicd Infiirn ri'iid Ihn ri'vlvd and onlarji'd cdl
'""'"I "iluillrsi i;iiiuiiiini Huno," n curlnm Inmk fi.r
curi"U p.-npli-, and nK.l hmik for every mm. -IU'I
I paili'i.. Hill llliistralioMii. I'ricu 51.50. t-'initonts tal'l.i
bciiI froi- to anyinlilri'.i. Ilouka may In; h id at thn
I " e 'l I iimII. pot. al.l m ro
.' 'i UIU priL-i'. Li II. I UUTI., .11. II.,
lull llrnailnay, Ni'w Vork.
rVbrmry 4, l-',3.-Cm
mtoro nmetrai,
. ,,1:AI1 Bin: With your ierinlsinn I Mi to my to
the renili'r." of y.uir pnp'-r I will mall, tn all who it (free) ii lli.'ceiii-,ih full illrectinnn for making
1 .''.M 7,7 ZXr:
'Ir;'"','1 "" '"'I'uriiif-oriin! skin, leaving the namu
i elenr, niiuxitu ami ttetiiitirul.
,, 1 "I1,1 "I'ooi.ill frw tu thno InHns n.ild llenda, or
i Ham 1 ari', rnmilu iliri'Ctinm nnd in lnrim'tlmi that
1 ""l,lr "' " f"" unMih "f i.uxnn .nt
'i "'llr. U lilrl.ur. or a Moas'athu, In lin tlmu tliirly
i ni'pln-.ition? ansnercd by return mall without
M t
TllllA I'. I IIAl'MAS, Clioini.!,
8.)t llroailway, .Now Vcrk.
1 I'oriicr) 55, IrTu-Sin
' i-.-vi i nil,' , Mind,
I 'ro ro.vsi'Ui'Tlvi:-!.
-Th'. unilersiznrd iiaviuz been
,' 1 J rcHtnr'i! in health in a fi'w wi'i'k. bv a verc lnmi
, leiiii ily . iili.r liaima mnoriil n',ral vinrs, uiili a
X'vi'io. Inns .-.U clnn, nml that iln ml ill. imr fun.
' "Uinpllmi. irmiMiMi. In inaknhnonn tnliis fallnw inf-
itnr.tii'im ihhui mm
,1 1'" nil w bo i'i'lri. it. he will end n ennv of the rr
i ft nntjoii un'il.tfri-.' nf niarire.) wuli iln ilin'riinm
1 f'T pMp.irina mid u-ing tin runic, whiclitlley will llud
ii i.uru uih fur t:,.-,-jMi'ims. a.iuma, iin,.Mitm,
' f1"1'""'1, l-'"1I1''.&r' 'PI'" only nhji-rt nf tin-nilvi'itiirr
,,.,,,1,,,;, n,,. ',Prripiiiin i tn lin-(lt llm nlllirti'il.
ami -priiiil I '.m Hhn-hh'' rnncHlvm to liu in
.Tn ild,! ; anil Ii.' Imp . uv.'ry Hull'jrer will try hi"
i (I'liii'dy. as it will out thi'in untbing. nnd may prme a
' bl limit.
1'urtii'n wlhlng Hie prcn'rlptinn will pluim .nMrci'i
UliWAI(l) A. II HON. illi.imdiurg,
Kings County.
New Vork.
I cbruny 1? Ifi!.vnm.
Uniformltv iiirriccs ' A Now IValnti! in lliiklhes I
. '''r ,rt' ' ''"""-in 1 JO.S'i:.-' i; I'd. oflUe
,.r, t o no I'ricu Onl'iug tt'iru, No. SU I .M.n Lutrtret j
n'?,V!, fj.V,"- , , '
I fiirliinn.iL'o i-ti'ekofl Inlhiiig in I''lphia uiailui'."-
I'l I'hhI v tor -rrtail i-all-s, luivi! f-nr, ct ll ( t r-,1 i'vitv mm
, Ilia ii u i ti-ii ii. ii . by b-iviiig marki'il in Cuuri's, nn oanli
i nrtirl-ut tt,i. vi't limi'nt pri-i' It ran bi nilii fur "liny
' i-.iiii"-l "'Ml,h- ,ir) rll iinir.1 biiy ttln-o.
'I-L'1 ..niu. nro w i-il -piin.'i-d ami pn-parerf mii.1 crT.t
i ,i, ii." i, '' ii viiii i: i hi ii r n aiu-uu nuy wim
1 IIm'I.iH ,i4kiiiuii,-,l uf ''i-'Ljii'j h good aitirli' nt tin- iiy
lovvi't-i pi ii ... aImi, i, largi' ilni'k m pjr-ri.g.iod.1 nu h n.d
1 "tl-nnd best qiLililii's. whirli will bo nude
to order, in th,. nni.t (..hiMiiabk. and ben manner, W
sni'irg.'M'V.'r n-ifd mankinil. i.tiii copy s.'i ur.'ly en-1
veliii.'d will lie fuiwrnli'il ifii.' nfpi)iiigu tn any pan :
i "'thu Uuiic.l'.-i fur .in n-nis 111 1' 11 tatii.i,
Aihlri'i-a. tiut-t llalil. Dr. Hunter. Nu. a Divitiou
. I'lleet. N 'W Vnrk. j
1 1 Al.11 -M 1, 1.1
B.wn K-nvt
- I
Est ite nf Witiiam Brown, thceasc-L
rsnn- 1 1 , v. . j
rMUb tiniliT.-icnt'd, Auditor appointed
by tke Oiiiliatt'i, fniirt of fi.luiiilda county, 10
..... l-.i .11., .,).., nn. ..r it,.. r.,,,,i hi m.. ii-..i. .., it... i1..
oriitor of Willi 1111 Up w n, laii! ul llri.ircreitk tiiwn.hi,!,
I t.'iiliimbia fo'iin y, ib-e. aseil, 11 11:011 s thit pcrxon-. i-nti
' tied by law ti r -i-.'ivo III" s'inii' will attend to tint du
. .lea i.t tn app'i'iiri 'in .it Lis i i!'ie. i.i ltt.iiimil,tirg. un
Hitiiiilay, Un- lelh d.iv i'f Uari li, I. i'.'i, at 10 o'i lm I;
in the luri'immi h. 11 and wJt'Ti' n'l por-ou IriMtig
I'laiui-i ag.ti.ihi in ei in ur sai'i ueri n-eii. sinii re
sent its - nu 1 sail Aiidilnr, or be dc'iarrcd
fr-iiu e-inlug i'i tir a tlnirtf uf i-aid Intnl.
W. WHIT, Auditor.
1 Uloomsliurg. ' . ti. irf. 1 .-xSl.SO.
i' dministralor's HVoticc.
Etatc or Jacoi: llAitT;:i:r,i., Jit . Dco'u.
I UTTr.llss rr a imioi-trniio,:
Si! H.nto nf Jaei b
1 , Hart.tll. Jr., I
tin ol .MiiMti tuwushiM, t'nluiiilila
tnutitv, ili'i'e.ici' I. tl ive haen irantcil l.y tin Itegltli r
of (.'.dtlinl 1:1 c'Htn'y. t.i tn utul rs-igni'il ; all p"rnea .
Ii.tving 1 Ir.'ms.-a.iin-! liu i:lnlu nf tha rieeeili'iit aro'
rj lui'stL'il tn'r"''"1 "ie iiinli-rsigiii'il, rend, i
iug iu .aid lev ' '",' with. ml iiel.ty, and nil person '
lit. I. tt.:. I !ci in.iku I'.iyuteiu loiihwiili. i
.'UIIS' ll. HKTl.Ult. Adiu'r.
January l3ti3. B'.v. ?l
Administrator's PJoticc.
Ihtatcof Ihtuicl Winy, deccahC'l, i
f. cttors ol iiilinininliattiin on tlio I'.sialc
f Daniel Wary, late of locust tow nshlp, I o).
1111. bin c. uiitv. il 1 MS. 'd, have buo.'i gr-iuted by tl
Itegister nf Colin. iliia coiiniy, tn the nuderslgiieil j ul
tiersous having again'! Ihe e.l.ito uf tiu decu
dent nie requested lu present th"iu In tlio Ailiniiiiatrn
, .. ,,.cn,n in said limn.tiip without delay,
" P"r"B "",c",,!" ,::viMauTi: waiiv
rebmaiy 11, ifC3, cw i Adiuinisirattix
Administrator's Notice.
.,tati: or John, Dkciiaskd.
deeiused, htneln.ou grante-l by lie ' O'KIMcr ;! tol
itmlii a 1 nil illy tn ll'" uiidurslgiied ; all persons havin
tlaimi nganisi he l.taluol tlio uereui'iit.
ti d 10 preteul llieui In tlni iindersigiiud.
said luwnsliii. willmut ib-:y, nud nil pei
led lu inul:.' payment fi-ti' with.
nro re'l'ies.
reslilnu iu
persons indeb-
D wicr. sivni.uv.
DAMIII. Sl.S'lil.UV, Jr.
January U, IPu3.-Ci:
n . I I . . 1 . .... 4 ....t.. "!'..:....
' ' ll Tvk nltl
Y hTTEKS of administration, with the
''""e-'d, nn tho i-'tato of wii.i.iam
WCIIII, late of Centre township. Columbia county,
deceaso.l, have been granted by Hie P.i'gWtor nf Cu.
iniiiii.t cnuiily. t ' ihe uu'ler.igned ; nil pet.ons having
clanm ats-niin in niuii'i ei m ii""iii i r-"i
ted in present tin in lo thu underslgneil, residni
ten to iircsi in i ii ui " ''' !.'.""" "'
seuit inwusiiip, wiiimui iiei.iy, and mi persons iniion-1
....I ... ii.nlr.i i,n. nl l.irl h.i llh. !
i.ii.i.. in
l.l.i ii nic i diiiit. ,?u'it r . c. i .
l)i cumber 31, ieil,-Un . St
Adtiiuisti"toi'( Notice. ,
Estate of William Piatt, Ecccasnl,
Ir.TTiniS f ( ailmiuistrullnu nn the llslato uf Wil
j iiain Piall, liilt of I'il'C loun.hip, Col. co drt'd.,
Iiavobei'ii granted bj the lligister ofColuinlna cn.,to the
lindersigned; all persons having rlaiiuingainstlhu is
talc of the ileiedi-nt .ire roquesled toiresuut lliemlu
'i1,"' uiiih'r'signed. residing in said 'tow iP, wuimui
ga' ,uMu ,u"'a"u ,'a,"'u"1
, pinc Jin W? M''-
1 . W.!,.l'"vr' P't bushel. 0 50
I 11VI'.. II II tin
U. S. 7-30 LOAN.
ny ino autliorliy of tla Secretary of tho Tformiry
tlio undcriljncil lia afsuinarl tho (icnernl Subgr tlptlon
Acency for tl'o Palo of United Btntc Trcniury Notcii
hcnrlnB ncvcn nnd thrco tenths pir cent Intert-ft. per
"iinuin, known nn tho
Theso Notes nrn lucd under delo 'ol Angim 15th
18Ct, nnd nro pnjnldo thrco yoan from that time, In
turrency, or arc tonvcitlWn at the option of tlio liol.
1 dir Into
V. S. f-20 Six pfr CCIU.
Thfsn lmnd nro now worth n proniliim of nine por
cent., Including jold Inlercut fiiiin Nov iihitli lirnnoa
, liio nctuil profit on tho 7.H) loan, n ciirrnil taten, In
eluding Intercn, nliout ten per cent, per annum, he
ldc Its exemption from Stale and vmrttlpal taxation,
vhieli atlJt from one to tlirte per cent more, according to
the rnto levied cm the prppcily. Tho Intercut ii pay-
' aide dctnl annually by cpuponi atinchd lo men unto
which may bo cut oirnndaotd to any bank or hanker
Tim Intercut ninou,, ti to
One cent per day on a 8"0 nolo.
" sntio
" siooo
N'o'.ee of all tho denomination!) named will bo prompt,
ly furulKhod upon rci-ulpt nf piiIlt rlptioiu. '1 hl Ih
now offered by tho flovcriinieut. and jt it confidently
ojpuctnil that I's juperlnr ndvantngoii will niaky it thj
OP.KAT POI'in-AP. LOAN' or Tin: riioi'i.r..
Un than r:0D,O0O.O0l) remain un-iold, whitH will
i:roli.i!dy bo dlriponcd of ulthn tho noil CO or 'JO il.iyf
when Iho notes will undoubtedly eoniniand n pron.l
u in , ns ha" Hnilnrinly been tho caso on clorlng the
sulucription!. 'a olliorlo.ini
in order that clt7''' "f every timn and tcctlnu rf
tlin rountry inny be r.ti.r.',od focilitlps for Inkmg thu
loan, tha National IJaiiku, $nU! Hank?, and l'rliato
lljiikert throughout the c.untry liavo generally agreed
to receivo tuincrlptlom nt par. 3.i.',c'iliern will so
lect their uwn sgrnt-i, in wliiuu thi-y li.t, connjonco.
nnd who on 1 j- are to Lu rouponiiible for thu delivery of
ihe notej for which they receive qntcri.
Svn-tnipTioN AoLur, J'Ai..,.Vin.
IPubiifrlpliocri will l e received by Ui,, J-'Jfjt jfn
liiiual Hank orniooninburj.
Ki'hruary 53, 1;C.j 3m.
Mffl mU
oi.i) i:sr.vm.iB
No. 718 Arch St., above 7tb
V II I I, A I) E L 1' II I A. I
l have now In store nf my own Im
poriallon and Mnnuf.irturo. one of tho I AllflKST nnd
most IlllAUl H'UI, .ejection or
Fancy Furs,
for t.AIUn-V nnd Cil I I.IIKIIS'.S WIIAR in tlio city.
A1o. a tlui' nrrortmi'iitiif UoHt'B J'ur tjlnvni .tfnliari..
An my r-'iirn w ir" all iurt h,icd win n Hold was nt a
nuuli low or premium than ul prrimmit, 1 am I'tialiled
tn i.!ipni.i' ol llii'lu l't lory ri'iiMiuullc tiriei's. nnil I
thHri'fnrci solicit a call from my trio lido nf Country nnd
l! Hcinember tho Xante, Xiiiuber and Street I
7)3 AROlI Street, abovu 7th., outh Fido,
C7 ( liavo no Pnrlner, nor lonncctiou with any
eiMier ftmo in riiiladelphidl
Hep. Ill, lcl.l,-lm.
Iscrwick PJouse
Jlmvi':!:, Columbia ro., F-v
"jr III: underi-igupil wnulH renpii-tfully annruitiee tn
Jj, lm fiiieuds 1111. 1 tho public generally , that
having leaned ihi. well-known lions' he linsgiveu It
ailjnri'uyli rinnwaiun. Tlio room hav.'ln ou ri'-pnpei
d und tl'e i iilirc c-ol.'.hlihliiii.'t.l Irgaully r-1 " nil" ln-.l.
lli'ing p'eninntly and tligili'y Ineati-d. and proi I. led
Willi nil tl.o roq'iiilo oflera tu tho
tu'b'ic the r.inibt.eil a.l iiul.igo. of
4 fla;.-tW f,
uss Hold
Fltll TAlil.r. will always bo supplied with the best tho
I'larkiia aP'.inl, nn.l HIS IMIt Willi the i Imiri'-t li
quors. Travelers, drnvni, teainti-ra, linarilerK. r,
m i niiiinii.lnleil tug.-neial i-ativf.u tion. Careful nnd no
ei'iiiiniiil.iiiin; lliilli rs alunysin;:
tiu mo.t imupletc- nnd c.tuiiM ., in this m timi.
J. P. SlliBET.
Pic-lure Gallery. '
rpihl-: iiinlerslgneil iufiiriii. Hi" ritireiii nf lllouni.
.! an.' ui ii!lili"rliui, I, unit In- h is t:ik 11 Hie large ruiuii
nt tin r.xchiiiige l!l..ik, LMi'iidni'.' over Larney Htobner
linkery, nud tlio noii'i.ton: whero he lias put in
n large akj light. It is only by Skylight that g I pic-'
tares i.-iii iii-t.ikeii espeii.illy gnmps whero each iersim
c mi be taken (list as well as ji'c, .
lie lias guiie lo 1 i;'il.l.' 1 xpi'iHc tn ninke bi ej.
t ihli-liiii.-nt n lirsl class on. , nml he th"r.'fnre nnlidts a '
li' iiatron ig.- iin'iinbli him, inconstantly inliuiluei'
ltieuiu.l"tu iinirovi'i'ijuts ul the art.
t-i"ii.tjy jtrfeduce taken in r.xchangc for pl-turco
iii:xi:y iiorit:Nr.T.irK.
lUoiim.burg. Nor. 2.1. IRCi . Nov.
r. i'AUI..
A. U. lIIUVI'jiltN.
C"HllTTIUt, OllUiJ;!
.N'n V. 14. J.-Hi-I13.ini
II A MS, &c. cn
John 0. Veager,
ma.m FAcrui:i:it & vruoi i:n i.i: ih;ai,!t. is
V JLiXi-Jl k, f, J l J- I 'I
No. 7 NoriU Third Street, Phila'd,
r.'uv S.-.I. mi.'
A Lot and DewHing IIou?o, with if:??
Pniden, '-IHI,'. rmll Trees, Oulluild .Viii , aitu.ilo nil I Inrd Siiect, beluw Mar- li&'JL
art nn.l near H10 Academy, l'liasi'ssiou giviu upon the
111 at il.iy of April, lei 3. l'ur tirms anil prrln ul.irs,
app!y to the iiudeis'gncd.
II. C I10WC."..
i!iiotbuig lanuary, ISM.
nillll undcra'gnt'd annnunrei to his friends ,ho
X pubi'lie. H111I lm has bec'iuui tho I'roprn lor oftfco
New Contrevillc Hotel,
l.ort.ted 111 fi'inrei ;lle. in Innnship. I'ounty, where lm is rr'p.irid to'-
thu travelling public, und all who may luvi.r him
wilh tlmir r'mlmn, lo ceneral satisfictiim ,
Cv" lii iiieuiber 111.: Union llt lcl.
a. w. 1 ovi:
(.'cntri'tillu, Aug. '.'0, Iflil.-ly.
Ol'I.D re.pecifull) infnriu the i lil.ens of I'.Ioaiiis-
blllg.lill.l llllllity. that Ih! COlllillUeslllu lilJcll.O Of -lA-ii siii'iii.'1v
. nd solicits a sham of nublic nnlronu
Oran nu Main Client, first liuiisu below IheCuurl
House, liloninsbiirg.
l'ebruaty :i, Ie35-lf
105, WOUTII Tliuil) STUKBT
I'lvc donrsboluw Hgr
Gentlemen's Hats.
Ail the liitesl stjles nt CHAIM.US OAKTOUD k
H- .N, Contiiienlal Hotel PiuUdcliiij.
Gentlemen's Hats.
AH tho latest styles at Cll AKl.lib OAKl'ORt) li
flOXd, Cfciilinuuul. Phlladclpdia.
Two cents " "
Ten " " "
JO (i .1 ti
?1 t (i t
w ati ii i-:s ,r ii t s ( ii i a m o v i Kiiis,&c
Without rgKrd to ynlun I Nnltnh iald for iinlll you
l-.cnw whet you ate to I re volt
Splendid List of Aitioloa ! I All to
sold for Ono Dollar E tub 1 1 1 fli-iiU' rlnlJ liiinllnfi.rn.n
CJO to Sl'Oencli
S30 I.nilici' Oold ii'id r.nainelled
hunting rasn Wntch .
SCO (li'iitx' hunting tn-o Hllver
(0 liiamond King",
iotio ttnld Vcft nm I Nock fhalnt
itlKH) liold oval llnnd llrici lcts.
MiOO Jet and Hold llracleta.
'.'inn Clmti'lalnoCI'i'lilii'kllunril ch-l
5(1 "
4 "
t "
I "
5 "
4 "
4 "
iinul Hnlltnlru and Hold llru,irhe.
SOIKI Ciiriil,0inl h Cmerald llroochi'
:unO Hold, Cnn-en At I'enrl Car Drum 4 ''
SWO JMonlc,Jet l,ava.trir'ntino I. r
Drnpii, 4 "
".'CO Cornl, Opnl.fc llnnrald Harllropi 4 "
41HIU California niaiuoiid llreant iimS5il '
3000 tlnld fob anil Veel Wntch-ke) n Sill "
ll'ijll 1'nb and Veat Ulliliou tlldeii i "
CW!0 nets Bolitaric Mleet o-buttona,
Htllttrl. Ur, 3 "
loos Hold '1 Mini I. Inn, I'unclla, he. 4 "
lUMKI Mlnaluru l.nckola UJI) "
4000 Ml-murc l.ocketi, Magic Spring id "
.'lOUO Unlil Toi'lh iic.k9,Cro9ccj(, be S "
.'.ono I'inlu Hold RIiiim 4 "
MOO fhaaed (inld Kings 4 "
loi'uu r-tone rt and Blgm-tUlnja S.5U "
lutillO Cnllforni.-i niaiiiniui llinga 3 "
Will) ei la l.nillea Junelry-Jel & Hold 5 "
0000 acta l.adlca' Jewelry Cameo,
Pearl, dpnl and other alunea 4"
I0IW0 t;old I'eua. Silver txtenalon hol
der and Pencils 4 "
lOUIIO l.'.il.l iVtm U gold t'inui'.teil lloldera C "
'.nuil Hul.l l''teiia!on do 13"
5'JOu liinMo,' (,'iit mil Ji t liuiklea i"
Iixhi l.aitlea' (!lltltJelll.ilrli.iri ft Hall 5 "
jtluo Silver lli.blitaiiud Drinking Cuin 3 "
3mni fiUerCuMora IS"
'Jnuo Silver llruit.card.&Cakobnakota Ul '
MM rMlvorTeii Hpnniu 10 "
lUUUO dozen HllverT.iblo ripootn and
t-'nrki, ii
8 "
11 "
10 '
8 "
10 "
8 '
ti "
In "
SO "
B "
10 "
11 "
1.1 "
)3 "
S3 "
15 "
10 "
.10 "
50 "
20 pdlll.
40 "
AUltAn.!,r. fi CO., MahiifMturera, AJeti'i,
N'n. Hi? Ilroadwny, Now York. '
Anno'inco that nil uf tlio abovo list of gocda "HI ho
nld for VneUullar each.
in coni'iULui'o nf Die groat Magnatlin of trade In
the mauiif.i.turliii! distriiti of Kuglat'd, llirough thn
war hnvlng cut ml' the nupply of cotton, a laigo quan
tity of V.iluablo Jcweliy. originally intendeil fur tho
Kngllsh maiki't liaa been a:nt nfl for caln In Ihii conn.
try, AND iMLT Illi ritll.l) AT AV BACItiriUi: ' -Under
llir.e glrcuui;taiti.eri AIIKANDAt.i: fc CO.,
ucting ns ngi.'iita for the principal Dnropeau mniiunie
turers, lulu rcmlveil upon n l.ltl'.AT (itl'T UISTHl
IIUTltlN. subject totlic following ri gulalioua ;
Cottillcatea of the various urtictea cro firht put into
cuvwlopc., aealed up, and inixrd ; nml wiieu ordered,
nto taken out without regard to choice, ami sent by
mall, thn giving nil n lair chance. On receipt of Iho
certificate, ou will reo what you nro tn have, nud then
it is .at yuirnptinu to send the dollar and take the nr
tirlo or not, l'urcliaiiera may thus obtain a Gold
Watch, Diamond King, or anyriel of Jewelry on our
' .
il 'Ti l.l. a. I S b'nn nt II VTI, In ATI,?
Iii nl.' traPKUCtloua by mail, wo shall charge lor for-
wardinf I''" .'-f'tlHcates, pa ing ioslago und tl g
tli.!lii,iiic. '.'-I.c'iiti each, which mint bo intlo.i'd
yii'ii tha ri-rtll..'-no ' aent ror. 1 Ue Certificalei will
hesi SI.elevn.i r"'r S-.. "il'ly for sixty fit d
tor 510. and u hiindien lor 9''1'
AUBN'Iri.-lVc wmit as".-1" in every regiment, nnu
in emry low 11 and c ty lit ilia (nuniry, ami iiiinu
acting its surl: w id bo nllowd.' (Oc.'ius nn vvery LVr
lificaiii ordr"d for them, proiiu'ed .'heir remittance
amounts tonue miliar. Agents will cnli'ict'JSceiiU by
i: vry U'crtifitaii!. remit 13 cnnt to .''3. either in
cas. 1 orpo.ljgu stamps,
AnrtAN'DAt.n & t:o.
1D7 llmadway, Now Vork.
I'cbruary 03. 1803 lm.
XrtflVi'ZTt -
lfV i
1 1 ho und ruiccd, grateful for past pat-
r.mago,! respeftfn y infirm' tl.o Travelling Pu'illc
geiti-rally.iliat he ha-jus' proenred trom Nov; York, u
new, beaiiiifnl, nnd capacious
Phoenix Company Coach,
. by whirh menus he is now enabled to convey Pas
sengcrs and lliiggacu safely nud comfortably between
nioiiinsbiirg ami the several Kail l'.nad I).-iiols, tn meet
tlie Tinins. it will be hii sitiily lei iiccnmuiodato his
eiistouu'ra to their aatisfartliui. It J eoliclta lLa public
jia! ruling..
liy- r.i:i: 35 uk.vtsI.
inoniiisburg, January 7, IE03,
The undersigned having connected him
relf with ifiablished Agenoics in Wash
ington and l'hiliidflphia is prepared to
cltcntl to tho i.'olleotion of B-tok pay, Boun
ties, Tensions, and all other equitablo
claims ugaiiint tho Govcrnmont. His ex
perience and business connections enable
Jiim to attend to them with the least pos.
siblo delay. No charges made unless the
claims nro Beoured. Offico wilh E. II,
Little E-q., Court House Alley, Blooms
burg Pa. C. B. BROCK WAY.
Blootnsburg.Doe. 10, 1601.
Lalgoiiiil Foundry.
rl II i: sub.crilu'r, proprietor of the nbovo named ox.
J tensile cst.ib.istimeiit, js now jircpared to receive
-era for
All Kinds d' Marlslnrry,
1 io'leri"'. Illaat rurnmes, Ftnlioiriry Kngiues, Mill,
If e is also prt'ii.iied to nnko Siuvt", all and
riilloiiis, p'nw -irntia, and everything usually made it.
fir -t-cliib-i i-'niindi lea.
Ilia C'i -usivi' t.ieilili"" and practiral wor'tnicn, war
nn tt lii in 111 rii-.iiiiig tiu largest coniraLt. on ihi
1.1 i-.t r" isun ti-row.
1!"" i.'raiiiuf nil kinds will to taken in exchange fni
r,0 'I hi- i'lablil.incnt Is loea.e.l tear thu l.ackawnu
11 a ,1 llluotiisbtirg Knllrna.l Depot.
pi: nut iiii.!,Mi:vi:ii.
lllsiiinsbnrg. Sept. Id l-ns.
rJ",IIE Fuhforihor rcf-pcotfully gives no-
i tico In the public Hint ho has nt his i-nlouu, nn
.Main Mre't, niiMiiibui, enu.litulty ou haad,
Hith-r in ihi? jjlllsLIi 01 by itio i'A to t,uit cimtoni
ori, rfumlit-H 1 un Ini MippUi'il hy (hit cm or hy tlio
"tiart i4)'OM aboil tiotico. Utt ano kivpa ruiislfiiitly un ,
L.tinl ALK, I'jtltr u n I .Mi.n-iati. Iiiv linn a t;tl
L'lnniitibitr?, ov.5ti .!1.
THE undersigned being regularlv liccncd
& iu ir a m E s iri 0 .
Hereby nifers his service as such tn all who :nay frcl
ilispn.ed tn give him a call. His long ux per unco in
Hie business-, will enable linn to render uutlsfactiuu to
his Liistniuers,
All persons desiring 1111 services, will plcaso inform
mo to that tired before they ndvertise.
roMcflifC fitlilrns : Hut n-Iur, Ci-liimliiu county.rn
JacKkun ltiM)liip, Jan 7, IdOj.
rffs" 8JliBXTij':JL
Cor, and 08 .Market Htrcet, riiiladelplua,
'PHIS Hotel isloi-atud in tho very icntro of biislnesa
1 nud is near the respeilaclu places of Qinuannoul
w hich make it particularly desirable tu persons visiting
I'l.i! ,.l..llil,. .. I.n.lii... ... . .....I .1.
i Imnra In' .lu.n i In' II,,. ...ili.'rhl.
it. . " ..--'....-
i ins Liiecia iu mane n n en i lorinu u nn iih lor mur i na
wilh their patronnse.
J. 1), HU M ii SUA . Proii'rs.
joiin siiii:hi,i:y,ci.sbu-,
1 T'.'.l, l.'o
Pittsburgh Contiiierrial College.
lilllgllUUipllll " ,
t.'ritteniien's " Philndnlpltia,
htrallun. Ilryant fi Co.. " "
TliesH Scrips, nre inamnunts nf 815 and $50 and nro
i su much lush, by Uiu Sliideut un i titringeilliir oflhe
almvo I'olh'gos. Young men ilosiring tuublnin a finish
cil Collegium education, will here find a good specula
Hon by applviugiit the nltico ollhn
Ladies' Furs.
Pilirlliiscr may isly upon g. IHng thn best furs nl
f HAill.t.S OAKFOItU 6i bONS, Hotel
(On the Biuarc, Tlitcu llootn from Ptecle'i llote I
npiIIS INSTUT10N is now oprnctl and
JL fiirnlnlicd In tha moit coitly ntyle. Itoceptloii,
I rrlvntonml Onprating llnom-i nre largo, convenient nnu
I well ndaitcd. Tlio Hurglcal Kpartiniitit ronlalin tho
flnom collection of initriiin-nt-i Ih thn country, audi
' thus 111 k lacultio will I'linble lilmtn meet nny nnd all
I ,.nif,.rri.lipli, In I'mr-IIM, fin u II! ....r.'lL. lllintl n tllC .
i vnrlom fnrniKor Ul.l.NIIMJBd, Cniarnct. Onlunii of.
I the Pupil, Crosn Hyeii, Clnfurn of iho Tea. Durta, In-1
vcrnlmi nrtho i:yelld, I'lcrypluni, fee., kc. Anil will ,
trent nil I'ormi of Hnrm, 1!) o Ornnuled Mdi. Op;eitie t
i in too uorncn, nnn ncrniuinuii iiipenei nf tli l.y
getltcr Willi nil til-: dlren-en tn which thu liya Ii itk'-
DI'.At'NUSa Will treat all tl q iIIumihoh common tn
tho organ. DlKcliargon frnin tho I'nr, KniK't ill the t nr
t.'atnrrlii illfflciiUy of lii'nrlng.totnl Do.ifrrr" even where
tho litum It iliiKtrnyed, Will lniiert an nrllRrlal oim
niuwi'tlng nenrly nil tins puiponr-, nf (In-natural.
IHPUAflit Ol' Till: "I llltilAT. All dleaes com.
tuon tn tin' Throat and None w ill ho tr.'ated
i;.M:tt.l, HlIltflUIlY.-llc will opcratn upon Cliio
feet, Hair 1.1 i, Clull Pnllate, Tumor., Canei r. I'.nlnr
gml Tiiiiellr, c PlnMIc nieratlon by hcallhg new I
lleuli into dcforiued partii, nnd tlenetnl Hutgury of
Whali'vrr charartir It inny pr.'.ont.
III.IIN1A (or KIJl'TUIli:.)- He will perform -l.alilui i
iiperiuiun ior nil! rvuttni icmopiei-; rum hi iieruia,
tli 1 n U unqurntiounljly n perfect rurn. and Is iiono w illi
nine nr un pniu, nut oiinauy limiilri'il nperiiieii upouin
lloston tliero ha been no rnllum.H having met tho
perl'" t npprobntlon of all whohavo mibmiitcil In It
AHTIHOAl, IJVKH. Will Inrcrt artltlclal Kyc plv
ing them thn inntloii nnd cxprexinn of the iiuturul.
'i'lii'Varo Intertill Willi thu iensl palu. i
imtlOUIlllOlliH. (I'lle,)-Thl troublefome dlFca.o
Ii ti'.iiilly curod. 'J'inno uir..ring fromlt will dnwih i
to i nil, I
llr Up llotlralVvliiIti Wilkc.-ltarre with a view of
bulliliuz un n neimatieut limlltutn fur Hie trentiueut nf
tho llye, Cnrnml tionoral Hurgery. Tin!
t'xpeiienen nf
I inoro than a quarter nfn ci'itiury In llinpltai ami goner.
. i'int(i.-i--,iiu nopi'., win noil Huiiicicui guaran'. ' i"
those who may mj (llpojcd to employ Mm,
A'ny M, im.-l.--tr.
K. fc .US. 'JL Anflniiiy & 0.,
IHfttllifiictutcrs oi' I'hotpcianlilr. rtlnl-
crfals, HIioIcstIc .V, lU-iall. I
In nddition tn our main hu.ineMi nr pitniA,.ri 1.1-
j Mnterlnli, wo aro lleadquartcra lor the Minn lug, iz j
I tStcrevwojies und tSlcicoscojik I'icws,
Of these wo havo an Immetiiu nixnitinci t, iiirlinllng
, War ScenoH, Am-rirn, and Kureigii Cllii-s nnd I,, ni
scapes. Uroupi, Ht ilm iy, fir., fcc. A'su, Itevolvlng '
riten-iisropoa, fur miblic or nrii-.itu n 1 l.l I, it I,,,, 11,,.
t.'nlali'guu will be aunt to any aidresa ou recupt of
ftanip. '
1 , Photographic Albumc.
! We were tho first to littroduee thiso irtn th United
'States, nud wo in inu'ai.tnro imiuuii'U quanlltlen in
' gri-at vnrlety, rtniMng in price from 50 cents 10 $30
each, Our AI.lttJ.Mt5 havo the reputation of lining an
pcrior in beauty and durability in anv otliera. They
will bo scut by mall, free, on reieipt nf pricn.
Uriac iuoumi mailt lo vrdcr ,Ji
Our Untalosuu now embracei ivoree thoutantl dif.
ferent subjects (to which additions lira continually
being inaite) of I'orlr.iils ol Lmluuut Au nrlcaus, Ait
v r. noon
'no r,J -ilViicruls
JT5 Culo'iieli,
lm ,ieuf Colnnelf,
ivjy other Officera.
; ?5 Navy Ollicera.
Sill Plntc'inci,
i:tn liiviues,
I1-. Autl or,
40 Artlstr,
I. '3 Stage,
.0 i'roiuiiien. Wonion.
l.ln I'romint Pori-jen 1'oriraita,
3,000 COI'lUS HI' WOllKrt UI' AI'.T,
nc'itdliig reprntlucliona nfiliu most relp'-.-itcd tin
l.r.'.Vllllia. 1'. 1 1 Illi III.. Sl.-llll... A.-I- I '.nl liinl, , - b.hi.
receiptor Slamp An ordor fur Ono D. ."ii t'ni a'
frnm our Catilouc will In filled on tho rc-)il
SI. HI, an. I sent by mail, Krev.
PI otograpbers and otbeia ordering goods
ivilh please remit twenty five per tnt of thi 1
with their order,
i:. fc II. T. AXTIIOXY tt C.f)
MiAvfactnren of l'liotigrnikic Mater U. I
501 ilro.idway, Now "t
K7Tho prices and qualltyof our goo. la can'it
C 1
tuvatisfi. Dec3'ti4 inn
Cheap Gro3ery Store, i
lin underslkTued linving noiiglil 0111 1110 i.rocery o t
1 llai id Summ." ri inovi'il his lint nnd Cap Store
up to Struiin's nld s-.aud. iu ailditiQti to a supe
riur assortment of
Hats and (JaptS
asses, Sugar,
Coffee, Teas,
Tobacco Snuff,
Cigars, Spices,
Dried Fruit, Bui ter,
Coal Oil, Drugs,
Parlor and Hand Lumps,
Eook'S. "Writing Taper & Ink.
Uarchcarc und Cnlqrwnrc,
Fnckit Knives. Comfa,
Together with a vuri ty ol atllc.-s gfiier.illy kept in a
Also A fine lot of KlP?. .M0nOi.t!03 and I.iiiNnsto
W'hieh ho invites tho at ml "fl" of Slincmikers .iml the
,n"',ic- JOHN K. air. WN.
Illnninsliurg, Dec. 5. 1803
skawim itnllioail.
and Arrnu Dili;, si, i-'Oi. J'A
LII A V ! NO UTII W A It I), . ,,
I.eavo Xuiiliuioberl.iHd, f.UO A. .M. a.OlP.-'1'
Danville, 8.JU 5 40 .
' Uupert, U.'Ji O.'Jj I
' niitomiburg '.1.33 fi.:!.'. t
Derwick, - . 10 S3 7.30
tlblrksliinny It. Ill 8.15 '
" Kington, - I-J.13 I'. .M. U.I3 i
Arrive at SertiuUui, - 1.50 Hl.MS
" New York, .... 5.50 !
" Philadelphia, 0.30
i. i:avi: bo-jtiiwaih),
I.eavo Scraiitou, . . si III) A M -I SO P. M
" Kingston . 7.00 5 3 1
" llerwick, . s.aj 7 3n
" IHoomsbtirg U.I 5 8.-J5 i
" Kuperl, lies m.3.1
" DailMlle, - ID.00 '.1.15
Arnvo nt Xnrttiuiiiberl.iuil, 104') Jlt.tU
" llarrisbiiig, 1.S0P.M. I.'JS
" Wnshlllgti'il, 11.03 10.33
" l'hiladilphi.i, 5.40 5.CD
Tho shortest and must ilircit route tu the westnud Iho
oil region I ,
ITT Trains nf tho Philadelphia and Pr!e Iiallmad
leavn "very morning fur llriu, arriv
ing there, tlw ufternoou ct the s.tni.i day tu cunnec..
Willi tian.s lor liullalu. I Icielniiil, Lhfcago, with ull
liiiints wist, and counertini; at Uurrv with all trains
uu ihe ull Creok Uiiilruail
iSov and ulegaut Slncinng ears arconinniv the msht
nun., u.u ..) ... ...iu ..'I i.i'ii.tu.i ,.,111 nnu J.Ul.i-
uiure, nnd .S'n.'thuml'erlaiid nnd I'liilndt lphl.i.
II. A. roXD.V. Supt.
Kiugstnn, January 11, IS. 5.
I liilailci'jtliiiT & Erie !JC5
3S. fh t 'i.. :n O A M m
HIT rat
Hi Eir
This great lino trnvcrsea the XuiHicru and Nnrlli
-.vest counties of l'c-nn.) Ivania tu Iho fit) of Krie, oil
Lake P.rie.
it has h. en leased by th.' lV-n'isylvauia'roail
Company, nud Is operated by tlu'iu.
Its culiro Itngtli was opened for passenger nnd
freight business, October lTlii, lr-04.
TIMi: Ol 1'AHSI.NOtK TRAINS AT J1011 1 HgUIIKr. r A!1D
Mnll Tram leaves, I'.a.t
III 10 P. M.
r.lmira llxpritfs Trniu,
l.ork Haven Accnuiini-.latiin,
luavi: wnsTWAr.n.
.Mall Train
nimira lUprcsa Train,
l.iu k Haven Arcunuuodallnn
Wllliamsiiott AiCoinmoi'iiU.'ii
I'.-issiiL'ers Cars run lhrou.:ll on Mnll
II 'J7 P. M.
10 '.7 A. M.
5 '.'3 P. ,M.
4 '.'! A. M.
3 S'l A. .M.
4 34 P. .M.
1 1 35 P. in.
Train, wmi-
OCT HIANI.S both wnvs between Phtladelpliia and Uriu,
nun iiainuiore nnu i.rr.'.
i:iegnnt Sleeiing Cnn on I'.liniro I'.xpress Trains
bolli ways between Williaiusport und ilaliimore.
For respei tiiig Passenger business, ap
ply at tlio l 'ur. HUth and M irk. l Su.
And tor l'reight luif Inessnf tlie Compnny's Agent.
. II. Kingjtnu, Jr., Cor.lliih and .Market tUa., i'lnl'.i
J. l . Ueync'lds, Urie.
J.M. Drill. Agent N. C. II. It., Haiti more.
II. , II. Houston, lleii'l. Freight Agt . Philadelphia,
II. V. (Jniuner, Ueii'l.'l'irket Agt Philadelphia,.
Joseph D. Pulls, Uuii'l. .Muuagor, Williamspuit.
Jan. 7, 1MJ5,
rwiuo uiu.iitr., iriLUKSii.ntiiF., rtw.v
NlllW limlm eirvlinil litlvinn niu A-!P?'
Ml inaFon un sioets oi tins we i suowu iio.iix
tel. 'foi iiierly kepi by .Major Putcrhnug i.) of
II. J. Yaplo, ruspecltully sulici: Ihe p.-Mronao of thn
No pains w ill bo spare! in any flf its ilcpartrrer.ta,
in render satisfaction In all guests. Tho labw and thn
bar wilt alwnys bu suppiicii Willi uiu best Ihu mar
set nnoriis. i.oii naming i r nurses, nua atlenliv
hostlers. Also, l.ivery atlachod.
'Ihe exchange is eliigibly situated on tha l',,t,n
Squaio. and has thcrcl'uru peculiar ndvantaget tu ner.
sous aticnuing cnuri ur uu ng business in tlig iniblir
nlficcs. I.'harges modrratn
N. II. Whenever you come to town, plensu rail,
P. li ii. W. UCKKOTII
vi'.n,. It,... p.s la lent """""l
Tho lawn that rcgulato health, ntr of Importanco tnnll.
JjiiYANrs Life Fills
tiii: (innATHST aicmirini: or 1111: Atu:.
A sure nnlldcto for alekneaj, nnd a rcfugo from
Sorrow, I'ftin and DiBcasc.
Jliey nro ndinlt'.ed to be tl'O
Bcsi Family Medicine
lor renernl urr. I'.tfl.M"? '' , nn'' f'o'iln!
8 "tl" apti'ii! from ""M'uO'y. they n,o
.. in win i tn 1.1
1 ENHIIP.JjI huiiiHi'i-.i
nnd mild in tV'lr pperatliiii.
' ?! What Thru Will Do:
I A Bonllo and i-ITectua) i'trrgliv.
3lloui derangement rnunreil.
1 C leaner of tin.' Illnod and ayatcni.
j X) iblllly and I.o of power ilispellet'.
t linerg) supplied to the Muiclei 4i Netvei.
imalc Irregularilies tcmoved.
loomy anticlpaliuus banlf l,e..
Iltndaihc entirely cured.
Irril.itKin of the tSlouiaih removed.
tTaundico and l.iver Uoniplnint-. rurod.
ICldiiey diseases relieved.
.Lois of nppetilo and sick stomach reinuni!.
lVIclniirholy and Humi! di'liellcd.
Wcuralgla and Nervousness cured.
Opium and other HtimuMiilH avoided.
Piuijlr and Hruptlnna remnvoil.
Quinsy and Sore throat healed.
Vhi'Umatum snott ollevlaled.
Cleep produced Sweet and Hound.
if V
l I oothnche and InfiHuiod gums relieved
n. 1 r
"' 1 tJrluary diaeases li inffi'.tiji!
Vitality producod In the nervous
onus hvnrla'ily cipclled.
Xnctly the Medicine wanted fur
Yotinj nnd old can use llioin.
jenn .Maxlnius, Capitatir.
Bryan's Life Pi Sis.
have been u&cil by tliousnnile ih success,
Hundreds of CcrtiQcatc can be Shown.
They rrpulnte tIo Ptmnarh, LiVroml llilhiry Hrcro
lluru w jiicli ii tin! rliict mime lu-rvrnlvirrei t Rtdili
! iiL-fs, DimiR's oI'Hicht, ItcadarJ :, cjc!: tuiuath and
i kIIit Kitulrtjil couinlauiu.
I 'Thosf nf a nrrvinis tciupfrainoiU whost! sickness
, Liulet a Kt-eryr ati'tiiu- to thu ilia of lift1, tiecnin, Itlcs
; Ht'd iiliaiiuu wilontc mil! their tcain of aiiqnult
.nro cliangcil to smilrs ul' Joy. by tittlng tlcni.
in inepiicd with brilliant thouglits.
with new ideas, vrards of;.r.
wiih indoiiiitnblc ecurajje.
wilh bright conceptions oftlnj futu;,!.
s Ul litu'inces tuctaml power
with uiifaP'n- energy.
, Willi rklll that cntr nncca.
w illi u tnvect taloti iuus sntcc.
wilh rapturous emotions.
becomes hopeful and
Aryan's Life Fills
Aro iidnjiie'' for all Ages & Constitutions,
Thrv are eomp.iscd uf the active principle nf Herbs
nnd Itnots caiiei! from nur fii.ldi ami furesls. They
are mild but certain in th"ir nporatinn- irudiiring
in-ith'T i rnuipri, griping p.nns nr sickness. They
un) bo taken bv ull ages, soxes or condition without
Tu euro itisease we must go further than simply pur
g the (olive.1 1 wo uuifiliiso such rHtm.'uies as ait in
bnriiionv witn' Iho laws of nam o, in tiiegeullest 111:111.
I nur. A l aibiirl ,c meiely nreparoa the uay for other
j ineiini buns iui.','l,eiisible in very nuiiiy eases 10
' OVIIC.I.lla lilt' llOWe e " ici-uui'iuii:i .ill ri.iui.-r. .1
1 disordered aj Hem e, "lues nu hy slnw degrees, and tin-
, actum of uii'ilicino niUr"' no m 'ik-o iiianuei. unease,
1 Ihoueh local In ils ilmrat""!'. atlccla inure nr job the
I whidu syrtein ; nml il is iicc"saiy toact 111 a similar
I manner, on tho nysteiu by blooi.Mienling nud purifying
reniediea lirst, locally on Ihe etamai li and bowels,
Itllil ,tli-li nu thn i cvsl, Ul, 'I'llG tncdiCIIIO. illSlf'.-ll
I ,,r n ,.. 11, 1. h... i.nrf. alimilil 11:1 rtl.ill sr r. 1111,..
, jn it until a clianga is n-lHicted. an 111 tu accomplish
m.. k ,i,..,,,-,i . ii..fn. .-. nuuln ...'t
is not what Ih" svsteiu iihully requires. A inediciui'
is necessary that will nut only opt raio ou the buw
els, but havo an o.poi ial union un tho secretion ,
! tl'o l.iver. Stomach, Ntrva, Kidneys and Alimentary
I Canal nnu dually en iho I lloud. Sueh, then, is ihe up
I ' r.illon uf Hrynu's I.ifu I'i lis ; cuiisaqui nily, tin y are
invaluable lu nil cases of Jlyspcpsia, llral-ache c;il
crtnusu ss, und will wjpel ail hiiitjors froni t e
'ilood. '1'li.iy ni t nu n'l par ts of Ho system, nnd in
, fhic-uco a change iu tlioa organs Hint aro ilei.mged,
I and i an ba succissfully me il in any disease thai nf
t feels lite human I time. Tie y have heallliful and life
. giving propi'tiies. wlilili, b Hngt.iki n up by ihe many
i iiiinule vcssrls, enters Ihe Isinon and assists nature tn
; peiloiiu ho fiinriiuiis. If ai leiiHun is paid tu iho di
gesiive "rgana ami regular oi'aiualiuns of iho body,
iniich disi'.i.! may ho prevent ml ; nn.l those pills nru
di-signcil lu etl.'ii thu end, as Ihey not uniy act ou the
Uili-irv Hi'cieiiiiu by pinnictiiiK iligcsinm, but r,, try
ni', thi..ii;h the lunvcls and kiJ nev s, nil imlutin" hu
inuri X.nun i-Xiuun.s In-r la:s, ami the prueticc
that mill iu k.iriuony wilh them is mutt siiei essful
No jne.liciiiu shoiilil bu taken that weakens tho svs
.em, and prevents tho proper p. ifjrmani-o uf Hu func
tions ot the body ; the vast inaelupury or Iho human
fabric must bo kepi in order, ,,r Ionic pail b.aouies
In'liicijted by undiiu I'xciteinou' ; tho whole system
itiiiKt be iiniinsheil, or it iln s , rf, by under tiinding
lully thelaws upon winch hlo i -d health ileiieinl, wo
can BUide lhe s)6iein by the sijent-fcirces of nulure and
kei i. nil thu fum-iions in hrriiioii'uun order. Such is
Ihe design ul llr) mi's I.ifn P'lla , fur ullhoogh ,i im'd
intl'aitic, liny uev.-r wuatii'. Ilia .ysieiu, t ut restore
1 10 ii equililirium-and this great principle
-ii :.i-..7 "" v ' 'nse-,ii). in.j- acl on
parts nrihu sysletu, and inlluoiieu a chance ,n ilmsi.
urgans are deranged, 'l'hu utmost uiianio mav i.e
I'liire.l In these Pillr-; they n-0 Uu yosnlt ut ilnii
' tnnglil stihly nud eperlei'.m rn Iho t-'io nilloii of na
i lure-1 ireuii dies, ilirec'.ed 'u the tans j that lies at Um
fuiiuiliiiion ul disease. Tiny l.a.o bevii t.ieil by Uiimi-
siiiiiis wnu succes results, and tl eynro now plareit
belure Um peoplo with III c greulest eunlidcueu.
A Box of Bryan's Life Pills will cost
They w ill acrompllrli faithfully all that is represented.
'1 hey nre elegantly put up hy the pri'prii.tnr. iv-isr,
w.u the iiiveiitur il Ull VAN'S FUI..MOMO WAI'HfcS
n meiliciuu loin and luvnru'ily kuiv.n to I m Anicrican
ll you wish tnhtiv llftVA".i i.iri: I'll l p ... ,
' not get the,,, of, nur druggi u il'T, ,aVo anir''
"f but send Twenty I'lv.. V.inu III alclter tn t " X -""'r'
!,aUd -v""l!f !!'. '"' ntturV.'r mlirTos.:
Box 5070,
70 Cedar Street, N
uiii Ut I'RL'noUTB liLhritAltV
l)P.MAS.UAI;Ni:s.CO. X V. Who le.ale Ag.m.
Hbruary I, icb5 - ,eovv k 11
War News.
Wo ltavo lmtliing of impoitanff from
tho Army sinco tho evacuation til Oolniti
Jjia, Wit lUlllgtOll , nud CliaflestOtl,!lltllOtlgll
nil oarlv battlo U certain, Sherman ban
been checked, and it is bfliovcd is re
'troating. Colunibia i.s npnin po.cMiil by
I - - -
j ts Rev A R. Hutav, has bron ro
i leased Ironi Fort M llliti, nnd Ins returned
Jionic. John Hantu and Samuij Ki.ini:,
a.rq in Iho Hopil:il, tind, imirly dead nl-
! IU0Sl LoIl,lcSSl
Hoar, 0 1 Abn.liniii !
. Kontucky and the, Amendment
j Both Hoiifcs of ihe Krutucky Lcgislti
I turc hare , rejected (hp Constitutional
jAmondmont. .It. was to form l!if basii of,
j tho oriftiing poliiioal camp.ii; lelwcei,
I the Radicals nnd Consorvalivi...
' or Ttin
Oil Companies, of Clarion River.
Offico, fto. ?:) .Walnut St., Phihi.
EM" l'J.OOt. ,
r '
Capital Stod; each 5000,000, 00,000
Shares in cjivIi, For Value, CIO.
0. L. LA.MBERTON, President.
J. SIMPSON AFRICA, See'ry & Treas
Tim Do Wit nnd Mill Crcek'Oil roninntiies iut: or
gnnltcd in the oro,iuh r. A D , tflil.
rue properly oi m.'se i;ouiiiniea I. situate nn tli,
f.'l irlini lllvir, in .Mill Creek township, flarlou In
,f. 1 1 ii s. 1 1 an I.i, nud la known in Iho tYurkniaii l.ituds
ll c iislsts nf two hit n ill il nud tweiltj-fivu aires In
fev simple, in i.-iih Uumpany, w illi u Irnnlnge un the
(,'lnnnn i'.iver. tn each, - I three fniiitlis uf nun mil.!
"Hio l.'lnrii'ii Itivcr has long In i u liiniuiis lor jta Olt
spriugn nml depisits. It runs iarallel wl)rthe i"pier
Allegin ny Itli i r , und b.ith cross the u.l.ri limits of
the same nml bi.-in tiiid Iho same stratlT:i-atiuti
Tho Ularion llivei is a largo tuivlgablo; clrenm fur
flatboati ami rafls, capable of nirryingr.n each bu.i
one b irrela of Oil to mar Let.
Cliii.m Uotiiit; ailjiniis VenaiiKo Uounty.' nml tho Al
leghonj llivur linker ,i great sweep nruuiid bulh cnpii
tiea, leaving them In the shape of a peninsi'l-i.
A glance at the map will show, thai n lino drawn
finm Iho upper beiiil of iho Allegheny Kiter lu tha
vieinllv or Uil I reek. In Ihe lower h.ind of jt, b"lu,v
Ihe niuuth of Iho I 'l.nlnii. will bisect the Oil regl.ius of
tin: riou lliver. During Ilia present season, eximri
'need Oil men and geulogMia h.ivu mtide a Hiurnugh
exp'orntlon of tlni river, and h.ivo largo invi'SliiM'iiis
Already, tho whole liivur IVoiu i s ihoiiiIi tu nlninit
its source, h is- b.'cn leased and purchased l,v,()il iifmi,
and wells nro h iii sunk alnit its whole Ir'ni'li with
great rapidity ami with ll itiurlng prospects of auctess
Above and oppusit-the no Wiitand Mill frock Oil
Coutiauica, sniuu ti n other l.'mupunk's aru bdring with
engines, una nf wliub struck thn flisl vein nf oil at
sixty feet, and nuotln.r immediately ndjniulng struck
it in fifty light fu.-t lu Urn ruik.
Twenty years ngn, nu thu river below these Clin
jinuy'a Itiii'ls, at the inutilh of Deer Creek. .Mr. Packer
n hen boring for salt, struck one of thu largest Sow inr
Oil well known inthu oil cnmiify.
'fills well his lung been fauiui. t an.l has b-en ever
since, and is now. gu lung iml u cnuaUnt strnaiu ul
Oil and water. It is now being prep ired for Oil tiur
puses. '
I'urlher below, r.i Alum r.nrk, Oil been obtained
but the well has nut yet b.-en lesled with an eii"ine
Messrs. l.yon, Sharb t. t,'ouiiany of tin, rjii",i Iron
Uorks, miles beluw thesu Uniup.iiin.'., iluriug
the past rail, struck a Honing well. It it n,iw belli"
tubed. "
Oreat fissures are found in h Mun, and extnnd
across Uio liver iu this viciniti', finjn whirh g,ik i
euiiiicil ami Oil .mi in largo .rliiluici, w Inch burst
on reaching the surficuof the w sTer.-md cover ll with
Oil. 'Ihis is considered iniis-j jLIu ptou, uf on
Abundance of timber and real li found oi thu land
Inr engine and other purposes. '
Ono well will be put ,iuwu lininedia: ly ou rich
properly. A competent and energetic hiiuxtnt.-inlcu"
is now on the ground, sup'trtnii-niliug thu nperati nic
.if bolh Comp.!lit...a. -.- ' '
'l'hu alnck of tho uiljuiulos Ooipf anies liavo air U1'
ildianced, by icasou ul' the er.rl success alrt.u'y at
A limited number of Shares ii: csh Coinpaiiy, f,,r
tne usu ui iuu wiiii.-iuiticr win i,u so a e
January ill, m. 'Jul.
Fins lo Suit the Hand, awl Ficev lo Suit
the Fvc;v'..
Tho best Gold Pons in tho World 1
On Uio receipt or the following sinus, we w !! ie.7il
b mail, ur as din ciud. u I'm, iir p ,11. select (nr
111" ..111. I li . ..! li.n ,.. . I... ..... . -
.... ........ ,,, ,llu u,-M-r,, Iiailll.l .
Cold Plus, in Silvjr Plntctl
Er 'elision
Caftos, wilh Pencil".
For tl Xn 'J pen for SI 23,
3 pan fur f I 50 tin.
t-f "5 No. 0 0..-II
s pen . fur 32 No. 5 pen
Tr.esc pens arc stamped 'I'll I". IMPCPI M. Pl.s rn"
nre well llnisli. d and fine w riling flu d i'.o- Hi "uf,,'
ariiluin" pom's, nl'ltongh ll; -y aru itu-.i . ,." i
iciiuu, uo e.ici:mi;eu.
our nnme rAntetnan Oopl Pe n ('.... ,v V
en ou an our ilrsi ipialiiy IVtts, int., ih
wnriauted fur si niiinths, eici pt ni'.in,t
Our seronil quality Pi ns, are kI.i vi-'- - Tn .
AV I CN.wuli tlni initial, uf (nn lm,.
and are tari fully niaili-. having th,- ,orL
Iir. I quality Pen.. the inly great tillc-ui.
qualliy of tlie Hold.
S i I I- IN
, - I' Lis,,
'it as riir
e being in
Gold Pens, l?t and lid
Silver Extension Case
q'fli'v in Solid
lorfJJO.IaNo 1 pi n 1st quality nr a '
lor JJJS.WI Nn. tip, ll 1st qil.lllt), ur ,i ,,
1 ur SJ v.. a No :t pun 1st qualliy, ur a ,
tor I 51) a Nu i pi n l.l qu.ilnv, cr ,i N.
1 or I 50 u Nn 5 pen in qu.-.liiy. i.r -iur
$3 50a No. t, lieu Jsi qualili.
qua I
The same Gold Co'lid S'.lyor Gold
Plttled Ebony De.-k Holders and
.Morocco Caeg.
For S'.' Si n Xu 3 ni.i, 1.1 ,,,.i.i.. ..... v . i ...
For IJ-15U a No I pen i.j qi,i,i.', r',i i, ,
! ti ,, " I " 'iu amy, or n Nun p-u j ti i.
1 n Nofi pi n 1st qualtt, l'ur 5'. ,nl .
pen. For S'j 5 i. Nu t- ji.'n. i'nr 91- un n "
ptu ; all lirst qtrilny.
Our Pens raitJuJ'Tn-.'-'i-ut the r.'nnt.y ii ',.., .('
nn: sitjieiior ti any (.uiu pi i.i Minn! ,, iirnt. r... my
l'ur I I'tf-r w riling .uiiliti. s lm. .1 1. ,i, mj ,n, i i,.j,i,i
ll..:. I I In- r. i-,il"si earn is nsou in Hi. ir "i uiulaciiire
"'"' "" n.M "'Hi Ihe slight '.t iiuiieiie'eiiuii
winch sMIl can ileuii. '
Puiin a in i .di'riiig i.uiit specify Hie nam . nniul...
and quality in all in-lances unJ whether slid ur lun
ber, t'luwc ur hue
A discount or 12 p-r c,ni., will hi .tl! 3i", , m, ,,,,,
ol oIj, if -ent lu wie nd Iri'n, at ouu liuiu , la .erceiit
uu SV3; '.'0 ier lvit on s)u.
All reuilttHiicrs by mail. (!cgisteri"l. are- ai our risk
lu nil wlioeuekise i'U ci nis e-.Un fur regi.lenn- w
guiraniee Hi sife ili'liverv ol'iheguiiiis
t In ul irs i if r'J our nun stylo. wn :,ijrav m-i ol
exact sii.'s, ai d pilces. soul upon r.Tiiipt of nan; lr
deslreil, lVi.s rcpniul.'il fur j ,, ,y ami Juwi'leis lire r "plesteil lo i.irrc - cnU
wilh us .is we enn oiler llieui great inducement
I' PA i i
J,'n. WO llrntidtvay. New iori-
Jnti'ii'.ry ? '. i9ii3 ?
An ElC(5:iit Kovclty in U.iiclics.
I he cas-a ire r i i nr. ly new munition
ecu posed of six il.f. rrtil mi'I.ils i .niiliineil, roll.., "!.,
i:ether ned -la .1.4,1, tiruduring an ex ut i inaiwi. ,,i
18 ran', jid i .illeil Anana. win, li will aln l,.,. .
r, 'l'h''y.are as b.auuiiil ami ,tur.-,M0 ,
gold, ami are Mlurded at one . ishlli the cm' 'pn ,.
is beauiilully dc'.i'.iu',l,H illi l.-.n.- a, rf , ,,, for "
!'f nc c-.!i.-t.r...t;.i t:..r.i iiu.,.,r.c' 'ir"liViZci;
gold, as to d. I'y ilc'tec'ruil. 'i h-
. . -- ".--. ... ,i i .nt i
'IU illlll.ltlun i.l
faciured by tlie v, ei' ..nuwii Si Jmier W ? 1
'f r.ump . end nre superbl- fi , . ''""'Pnuy
wllfts. .'amy,cu i,r, , . ,;'i'"''f,eugr.ive4
"S'"l I. ln.inu
mitcu ,ri i,...,. ,ii, ;..:.,:.
s' uu ituiaiircit,
no tmprnveil rub) Juwel ed iii liuu
Willi Utjo ", , , ... v . ' '., "-' "
pu-.i nnu- ' .... ; '" ' " "urrniii'tu is
..i.t Accpur. Tliusc waii hes nre of ilireo iIihV
111 .it's, ihe stiijllest being Inr ladle., an rc a
lluiillng l ines A iaso of six. will bo sent by ni.iil
I'.xpros., fur 91 5 nn. single mi? nt , ,.
.Moiocrn i a" lot 4.'3 nt) ,- will r.'nilny sell t-r 'ir .i
times tlmir iu,t. n. arc ilia .uio ageni, u,,ti s unlil.
in thu Unlto'l States, ami i uu, aiu genu, ouhirli.i .
Hut bear nur' .M.rk. '
Aildl ess.
DEVUCIKS; Co , mtrlas
1.) Mindt li Latin. iV V ill,
1 ! 1 1 I tu. nt 1