Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, March 04, 1865, Image 2

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    nniiiMRiA rfmarrat.
U U hi VI I ) I i I UblTIUUlin I
" Our Constllutlon suard It ever I
Our clorlolls Union hold It dear I
Our Ptarry flag forsake It never!
Tli a proud Caicaslan---our only pser!
Saturday Morning, Mar. 4. 1065.
( AT TLH JANUARY lsr, 1EC5. )
$3 00 per Year, or
2 50 if paid strictly in advance.
fsSr The members of tho Democratic
State Central Committee will meet a. tho
Ducliler llouso,in 2 o'clock,
V M.j on Monday, tho Oib day of March,
-f i t T Pl.t. (!.
Chairman Detn, Stato Committee.
IlAimiaiiuna, Feb. 25th, 1805,
Annual Circular.
Eicihtkcn years of our Editorial la
bors in Dloomsburg, terminated last week,
and to-day wo enter upon tho publication
of the Nineteenth Volume of the Columbia
Demochat. We aro glad to be able to
say, that tho establishment was never in a
higher stato of thrift, and that it is not on
ly prospering, but is going on to greater
prosperity. Tho labors of au editor and
publisher aro arduous and unceasing, but
tho years havo passed pleasantly, and we
havo tb r consciousness of retaining, in au
unusual decree, tho favor and confideuco
of the frii uds of tho establishment, whilo
our subscriptinu list and patronage stead
ily increased, and aro now, as they always
havo beta, the largest of any paper in the
couutry, A thousand kindly thoughts to
wards our many friends claim utteranoo,
and wo beg them to be assured that incli
nation concurs with interestiu tho indctvor
to retain their good opinion.
Many years after tho establishment
passed into our hands, under the wiso and
boneficent dispensations of Democratic
statesmen, tho country was peaceful, pros
porous and happy. Now, under tho dos
picablo and imbecile rule of Black llcpub
Huanism, it is clad in the habiliments of
woo and mourning. By thousands tho
hejt and bravest of our country's sons
have boon slaughtered, and thoeo who
mourn tnera "go about tuc streets,' wniio
the demon of radicalism still cries for
more. L.ou only Knows what is m tutaro
lor oui p.ovea country ,if the present par-
.j . ,n r.0Wfr anotuor lour
, i JU am"3 ine Vvki riso in their
-.feu., .. ,y aVe mig.-u ,n tho bal-
tors o( the Constitution TL
.nmnrnnt, ll,t nrn RMdn th'n " . ,
.. in. -00
if the nation tho proud old American
Eagle may spread her pinions for another
zmo where liberty may again bless a free
,1-opl. Wo are no, without hope that tho
-irnrt a nrr tint irl nrnntrnrl fn H .t 1
V V i"'-"-"
'uo iccioi ui;aioiia powcr-tuc imercies tuoy
have so loDg enjoyed, and that they will
yot hurl the usurpers from the throne
at Washington, and place at tho head of
Government men who will bring peace and
Union to our distracted country,
lb the future as in tho past wo shall do
our duty to the Democratic party yea,
to tho Union itself, and it behooves tho
party to bo a uuit in sentiment and ao
tion. Wo ehall fearlessly continuo to ex
poso the corruptions. peculations and profli
gacies of men in official potition, and to
urge upon tho people tho masses who
pay tho taxes and fight tho battles of tho
country, tho necessities of a ohangc of
Administration and the adoption of ano
ther and a wiser policy than tho ono pur
sued at present, if the rc-cstablishmont of
the authority of the organio law and tho
rcconstr,-",tioD'of the Union iipi-u a i?ura- j
ble Lasis be desirable. Entirely deitato
of Government patronage, tho continuaneo ,
and usefulness of ournancr donends wholv
xtpon tho amount of cnoourageinent tho
public tstend to us. Upon tl cm we solely
rely. Wo aro battling- for their rights and
A i
interests against tho encroachments of ar-1 billty. , 0Clwec" l" 0 'nay nuu mcmseivei
bitrary power-we arc ttriving fearlessly, I - . in tbe cmy of Uno, Sam Xor n T00'1'
with euoh abi.ity as we possess, for the ! f 0. C. Bachmax, Eq., has retired , Ccd number of months.
restoration of tho old constitutional Gov i from tho Northumberland Democrat, hav- j m
ernment and Union and for the Success of inS "Id his interest in tha his lato j Our Job Offiob.-Wc have jut pro-,-Demooratio
pr.oeiplos and men-nnd in partner Hon. T. II. Poudv. The Sun- " (1 additional facility, and a lot of
tMs holy warfare, from which no threat bury Democrat, Is one of the ablest nD,l beautiful baney aesortcd Colored Paper,
or oppression of power can induce us to bcsl 00Dllu,-,te1 PaPer in ronnsylwnle, and and aro now,preparfid to execute, all kinds
,l,rinlr nwnrvn wo hnvr. . -.t
tho DemooretH people of the county, who
loro liberty and-their countrv above nar.
ty, to lend us their countenance and 8up -
port. Wo not Fay to thosi who havo ta-
f , . , . .
i-i- " a -
years, inai our course -i ueiunso oi tue
, '., , . , r .
Constitution, and tho rights of Amoncan
. .. .,.,, , .
citizens under it, will bo bold that power
. , L. , . , r
cannot terrify us from tho faithful per
formanoo of duty in this crisis.big with tho
, ; i , .
fato of our oountry and rational human
freedom. That thev know alrcadv and
opon this knowledge of theirs wo found
our appeal: Wo desiro to mako tho "Cor..
tiMMA Democrat-" a People e paper. Wo
debiro to placo ourselves upon a founda-
t high onough and solid enough to do-
y malice and persecution and powcr.whero
cv (i rnnv fincak tha truth in nnr-nrilv nnil
j " j " vt-ui.u .iic-iuuu. w. ...u .v'iD.miu c, iv. un
safely frown upon corruption and dishon- 0Cpt our anks for spcoiul attentions when
jsty That foundation is the people's oon- on a recent visit to Ilarritburg.
fiJonoo anil support. When Eccuro of
theso wc shall look no farther, but maroh
straight onward in tho piftli of duty.
Ilaviug thus frcoly unbosomed ourselves,
we appeal to all who havo tho interests of
Democracy (which aro the inlorcsts of tho 1
wholo pooplo) at hoiirt to bestir themselves
to swell our subscription list to tho uttnoBt
possible extent.
--Onour part wcrproraiso to do our wholo
duiyf to mako tho Demociiat worth more
than wo nsk for it, anil to labor unceas
ingly to promoto tho success of the Demoo
racy and the overthrew of tho present rot-
ten and despotic administration.
In conclusion, let us express tho hope
that tho day of Democratic triumph may
not be far off, and that fanatical madness
may cca3C to rulo the hour. Thon, with
all good men banded together to rcscuo
the country from despotism and anarchy,
tho union may bo saved, and this land of
ours, now tho mockery of tho world, will
rise from tho dust of its abasement and
Tun infamy of Abolitionism is tinmcas
ureablo. Tho mo3t "nhining lights" of
that devilish mischief prccding party aro
at best barbarians regarding nothing
that is decent, civil , genorous or cvon hu
man. A good man or a truo gontloman
would bo a ram avis among that rnotloy
gang. They have no regard for the rights
of the living, nor any respoct for tho laws
with wkioh civilized society protects tho
memories of the dead. If the reader should
desiro to behold a most despicable picture
of Abolition dcoonoy, let him pcruso tho
Sonato proceedings on Thursday, upon
tho proposition to place a bust of tho lata
Chief Justico Taney in tho room of tho
Supromo Court of tho United States.
Upon that occasion Wilson, Sumner and
Wado sought to rival each other in slan
dering tho dead, and in proving to tho
world how low they aro in tho sealo of I
civilization, and how littlo capablo Abolit
iotiism is of raising its votaiies to tho dig
nity of manhood- Following in tho wako
of theso dciuagoguca, Abolition editors
tako up and rehash their Blunders. It is
shameful; Why do not these fanatical
hyenas at onoo tear up tho tomb of the
lata Chief Justice, tako his bones and burn
them, and after scatcring tho ashes to tho
four winds, decree that it shall be a penal
offence tho negro John Itock being pros
ent to mention the name of Taney in the
Supremo Court, except to curse his memo
ry. What is Due our Soldiers.
Mr. Wilson, February 120, stated in tho
Senate that thcro arc now duo tho soldiers
S136.000.000. This is a most astonish-
hog fact hen wo consider tho activity
lhh wIlich tho peopie hav0 poured thoir
mcney jnto the National Treasury duiing
tho pasfc three or four m0nths, but such is
tb? ,GT"n
mCI,t 6CCmS UDnbI t0 nlCCt ,U0 obligation
Atthesamo time, a number of members
, , , '
ThadX"' , V ' 'l
;r no verTo in,?0 " dmS 1 'D
. uu UIUl,li
joying the comforts of homo
Upon VAoral I
salaries, never considering the necessities
of tuc families of those who aro periling
their lives for Hxteen dollars a month.
Heaven save tho country from
fjch Congresi as the present.
country from; another
On returning from Philadelphia,
on last Saturday.we full in company with
Co.N-nAU IIoaN, Esq., tf Hazloton, Lu-i
zemo oounty , who was jiist returning from
j 15 months confinement in Fort Miillin.
I Ho was arrested in November, I8G3, nnd (
I alter a shcra trial, sentencod to 18
months imprisonment1, and now.oiHho end
i ot 10 months has been pardoned by Old
Abe. And so also have been all the
other Carbon County Prisoners.
EST Hon. DAvm 13. Montgomery, nnr
excellent State Senator, now upon the 2nd
session of his Legislative Term, commands
tho universal respoct of all honest men
who enjoy tho honor of his acquaintance,
Senator M.. is tlm mnn enr tim ;
adherent of all that is honest and the re-
' pudiator of every species of rascality. Ho
has never yot dodSed democratic rcsponai-
I -mm ava bw U4uu rUV
' a" Pr0'en a eomplcto suoccss. Wo wUh
o oontinuing and the retiring Editors,
P0n09 and PsPcr"y.
' jBring the aat ffoeU we ha70 .
. , , , ....
ceived larsp aoeeasions to our subsorintion
ligt, Our friends who havo
so promptly
responded to our appeal, vtll accept our.
., , , , , ,, , , , , I
thanks for what tlicy have already done,
, .. , . 1
and we hops they Will continuo theirex.
hope they
nrlinm Wn Bltll linn rnnm fni.
, , , ,
hundred moro good names,
.. m.. n n r.-. .(nt n.i.i
pbia) adve.tiscs in this journal, his degant
and oxcoUant Book storo and Stationery
iIoua0) t0 wbioh .wo invite praticular.ttcn-
. ... .
Hon. Wm II. Jacoiiv, our Demo-
Ar. r ,l. r.:oi.i..n .:n -
Tho Iusult to Chief Justice Tan
ey's Memory.
Hdgcr B. Tattoy is in his grave, pow
erless to resent insult or to answor dctrao
This offleo of protecting liia ashes cd
from outrngo deoonda to all Just mon who
rccpcct tho memory of the illustrious tlcau.
An offended Proviilcnco may withhold
awhilo from his calumniators tho oliastiso-1
ttmtil it dun In thnit inatlntiPA nnil
1 1 1 1 U V J i W 1 Lj U U V '"Wll ajs'vawuww
sacrilccotbiitbvtboiuloofoarthly jut-
tico that demands swift punishmont for j
crime, nonular oninion'should fix at onco
tho brand of infamy upon thoje who have ,
nubliolv ttatod their wolfich appetites upon!
the moldciing tenant of au honored tomb,
Whero did this unhallowed assault of tho
living upon tho dead occur ? Americans,
blush to know that it was in tho Scnato
Chamber of tho United States. Within i
an assomblnffo that was onoo tho prido nnd
boast of our political system, that was
onco supposed to rcprosent tho wisdom
and dignity of our country, a soono has
been enacted that would havo been dis-
gracolul at the orgies of brothel bnohanals. j
A Senator, a man of letters, tho rcprcsen-
tativoof a sovereign State, might bo ex-!
pectcd whilo standing beforo tho world as
a legislator, to repress tho vindiotivo pas-
.... ., . , . . .i .t.
sions tnai impoiicu nim to uisiuru mo
buried dust of a political opponent. Not
.. .. ... i -rr ........
go. l'rom tuo uerco uatreas oi lanniiomu.
tho grave is not a sanctuary. Not the
respect duo to his own position, not tho
...... . .i
piescnco ot his tellow ijenators, not 1110 j -
inevitable censure of all Christendom, n 11)0 Second 353. Twioo this nenibcr
before which tho record of all that day's wa9 drawn n,ak'1DS in the First.and
shamo will bo paraded, not tho rcbuko 00 in the Second, or about two regiments
that comes from tho silonco of tho ccmo -' of conscripts in all, Thoro were many
tcry where his antagonist, disarmed by heart-rending scenes at tho diaft rendcz
death, sleeps unconscious of the indignity, 'lls- One little boy, upon hearing his
could restrain Charles Sumner irom fliDg. Other's namo called, fell into tears and
in- M. nniSn mnnm nnon consecrated cxcloimod, "Oh my God, what will be-
The occasion that called forth this out
burst of fanaticism wa, not of a kind to
provoke even discussion. Mr. Trumbull
asked leave to tako up tho bill to provide a
marblo bust of tho late Chief Justico Tan-
ey. The passage of tho bill involved " ,
pUlll.Cul EUUllUiU.JI., uui .v w.vm
special compliment to tho departed jurist.
Custom has accorded tho same tribute to
all who, having held tho exalted position
ot Justico of tho Supremo Court, have
passed from their spboro of earthly ac
tion. During moro than a quarter centuary
Chief Justice Taney fulfilled, with rare
ability, tho duties of his high station; per
haps tho highest, most rcsponsiblo, and
most honorable that an American citieen
can attain. As a man, bis character was
beyond reproach; as a lawyer, 'his talonts
wero unquestionably ol tho highest order;
as an illustrious, patient and faithful
servant of tho people, his official record .3
not surpassed; as a patriot, let tho I'uturo
decide between him and hii tradticers.
But b t it bo aisutiiud that ha erred in his
in!- rprclatioii of thu law. Is that a reason
why he should bo insulttd in his grave I
Upon whoso urn shall bo inscribed the
language of affection or respect if infalli
bility is tho attribute that claims the offer
ing I
1J!I, - x.,mnr, in Ilia nnlitical BCnt'l-
j metbcl)icf Justioo Tanoy was a pvire,
good lnan. n0 was a high official, and
, l,, prIi . .... r m.
countrr. It is not to tun r.U8 of the
! doad that wo build monuments; but to their
virtues. Truo manhood dots not hesitate
! tQ staml uncovcrC(1 bo,i(c the grave, nven
Qt an onCaiy.
I Ihe Coming Draft.
It ;a Etated tuat it haB been determined
not lo.ttMish the names of iho lucky in
dividuala who draw prizes in tho corn'mg
jiaft, and tho first intimation thoy will ro
cej70 0f their eood fortune will bo e. wsit
from the Provost Guard. This course., .it
is argued, will prevent 'frkedaddling,' and
havo tho effect of filling the ranks of the
army muoh sooner. We do not know
whether any eucS order has cmanatod
from Provost Ivlarshal Gen. Fry, and only
ffivo tho rumor for what it is worth.
Should it turn out to bo true, ihoso who
, . a , r, 1 .1
C0,ucmPlatcu nigraiing to -anaua m ino
event of being drafted will bo at a loss
T C0""0 10 PU.rSU' and ,,Blt!nB
' oi. Work, Willi neatness onu ucspatou
Friends give us a call. Wo aro turning,
out tho handsomest and most attractive I
Hills, and moro of tbom.lhan any dthor
office in tho County of Columbia. J
, , . , '
tar Up to Friday morning, wo havo
had no intelligence from tho Uomnntlco
. . , , , ... e T ,
appomUd by tha citizens of Uloomsburg,
' . . ., n t
to act m conjunction with Committees from
junction with Committees from
tho othor eountisa of this (draft) district,
to boo tho Washington authorities, and
fleouro. it possiblo, a reduction of tho un -
. . . - ,, . .
iut and unmerciful quotas of this oounty,
' 1 '
CST Wo aoknowlcdgo tho receipt of tho
February and March Nos. of that excel-
i . in n r .i
lout western uougicus iuagazine.eniiuca.
irni T . !!. Al V H ft
ino j.auies mo; noposiiary,
A3f Soo our new Advertisements. ,
Thce is something of interest to cvory
body tVthcra.
OAiinos County PiuSonkrs. Says
tho Carbon Dcmocart :
"Ills Majesty at Wahingtou has at
ln-it caused tho dungeon's doors to bo open-
which confined tho citizens of this ooun-
ty, arrested without authority or law, lor
no offbnoo except tho crlmo of being Deui-
ocrats, nml tried by a novy oi snouiuor-
strapped hirolings of the Abolition despot.
'ism iii a manner unknown to tho laws of
tho land. When Mr. Lincoln saw that
ho could mako no capital out of tho inattor,
ho caused tho prison doors to be thrown
open and tho prisoners to bo released,
without tolling why they woro imprisoned
lor why set froo. This act ol tho so called
President iiiimuiits to an acknowledgement
that these sufferers under his tyranny wore
innocent, nnd that the Court Martial
which dtsgrasoed our Court Houso was no
legal tribunal, but the nioro croatures of
his will, sent to mako an appcaranco of
law for tho mere purposo of removing Irom
this county a few Democrats who would
bo in tho way at olcction."
" J- p hla.
iUC i-" yjqe o. i-nuay m
,Baa 5
UB eooscnpuo.i commeucou ... uur iV
Vftntonlnr. in ftm Kirst. nnd Hi'P.iiliil Dis.
.. ..
lri0,9 '" w oniinuou until ail tne
wards in these districts have been visited.
- " . . ,. ,
mo urawtng was uono ny niinu mon wuo
woro ongagacd for that purpose. Tho
flrfininnnv !n Mm Viral ivnril will 774 nnil
drcn?" Many other touching incidonts
occurred. The drawing proceeded quietly.
Monr, Loyal Thieves. Tho Wash
ington correspondent of the I'oston Trans-
Committco of l?innneo. of tThiah Senator
Sherman, of Ohio, is chairman, who were
directed by a resolution of iho Scnato to
Snvrtcfirrntn nml rinnrt. wtint nf nnhtii
... , , ,i re r.i
securities have oocurrcd in the office of tho
Register of the Treasury during tha last
yoar,havc already dUcovcrcd two losses of
U. S. Dondsfrom that office ono of S30,-
OOOjand the other of upward of SI 200,000.
Theso arc in addition to tho defalcation of
cwin nnn . l :,, A nn.in1 11
vlu 'u7 -uu ... " "--r" , on the 4th inst., at tho residence of the
of tho I rcasury to Congress last Decern- brides f.ither, by tho llov. W. Ooodri.-li,
ember. Tho coraiuittco aro still pursuing MrJriin IF. lieisldine, to Miss Sarah E
thoir investigation. Hess, both of Fuhingcreok twp, Cjlumbiu
oo., Pa.
Stamps on Deeds -Tho Supremo, 0n tho 1 Ith inst by tho same, at the
Court of this Stato on Wodncsnay of last Parsonage in Orangvillo, Mr Levi IFcn
weck decided that unless there is a positive tr, ol Fishingcreek twp. to .Miss Uosu
stipulation between the parties to tho con- Moss, of Huntington, Luzerne co. ,
trary, the party soiling a properly aud" By the same, Air Gto. Row, of Phila
furnishing the deed must likewise pay tho uclpbia, to Mies Caili. S.ll, of Bioom!.burg.
stamp duty imposed by Aot of Congress On tho 20 of Feb., 1803, by J K
upon the sarao.
CSylt is proposed, in the new Po?t Bill
before Congresi, to increase letter postago
from three to five cents. What a nice job
the country made out of it when tho abo
lition parly was installed in power at
President Linoolu will ho inaunu -
ratod for his pecond term to-day, the 4th
e -w i it i i
of March. Four years moro daiknoss and
terror to bo eudurod by a suffering people,
Vioth north and south, without a gleam of
SUDj-u ' b
l '
B3T Tho U. S. Sennto has been called
bv nrnnliinmlinn nl'tl.n PrPM.lont tn mo,
. . ., .., r ,
in extra foss-ion on tho l;h of March, nt
12 o'clock, M., ltlo reoeive and act upon
snoh communications as may be made to
nt Dy tuc executive.
tS Capt. S. N. Uradtord, Provost
Marshal for tho District coinposod of the
eounties of Luzerne and Sujuchannah,
Iras remgned his commission. A Colonel
Pool is his successor..
tOT A correfpondent comes to tho con
clusion that tho -"last call" for mon has
not yet been made. This is clear, if tho
road to Pcaco ia through War. Pleasant
to think about, isn't it 1
tSr During tho last month Picrro
Soule, formerly U, S. Senator from Lou
isiana, loft Ilavanua for Mexioo, whore ho
has purchased ,an estate and intends to
Major General Ord has been per-
,"',ut""- "
KJ oftbo Jamcs antl thc ' DPtmont
of Virginia, as sueccssot to Gen. Butler,
Substltutco lordrafted' ...en in
Heading, on Friday of last week, tho day
f . f nnmmamlnil !1S ,,,,,' Rl nnn
.1.. : .i .. . l
. o" '
c Fred. Douglas is now traveling to
onlighten his white brethren preaching
tho equality of tho white and blaok raooa.
. ,,T "T . "". . "...
C? lvobcrt Lincoln received tho ap-
. . . , , . ..... . 1 ,
.pointmont ofAtsistant Adjutaut General
with tLo rank of 0aPtain o( Gcnoral Graul'6
. i&. A Dcmi9t , t sUrllDg in business,
advertises that ho "spares no pains" to
ondorhis opperations satisfactory.
- ' Hogor A. Pryor has been sent to
Oity Point to bo exchanged.
There has been no news received from
Sherman's army, sinco ho loft Columbia,
S. 0., or from b'ohofield sinco the pursuit
of tho enemy from Wilmington.
Doscrtors coming into our lines, in front
of Petersburg, Va., Btato that several brig
ades of Kill's corps havo gono South to
roin force Beauregard, and tho wholo of
Leo's army is under marohing orders,
It is known that a largo portion of Loo's
wnn nrilnrnil In Tirnnnrn fnur ilnva
cooked provision, and havo a considerable
quantity of ammunition to carry on their '
persons. 1
A great battle is expected.
EST" Drafted men
can put in onrolcd
notwithstanding wo '
men as substitutes
notice that many of our cotcftipprarics aro'
creating the impression that tho law docs
not provide for such proceedings. Hut n
careful perusal of tho act of Congress of
February 2.1th, 1801, establishes tho fact ;
clearly that a conscript can bo substitued '
by an enroled man. A correct kuowlcdgc ,
ol tins lact, ut this tune, 10
portant. Ilarrhburg jwjicr.
"Tear down the flaunting lio !"
Horace C techy.
Ycs.yes! now that Dixis cloo by Grcc
ley, in Nov York, wbst is tho reason ho
doss not "shoot It ni on tho dpot "
Persons who havo been two years ""JACOB L A D 0 M U S
service aro cscmpt. The fact of having! ,,,, '
i .1 i , .... DEALMl IN
so served must bo proven by tho cxhibi. I
tion of a discharge or other satisfactory I English, Swiss and Ameiucan
proof- ig m&Mm
CS Mosoby, on laBt sunday, captured j TeWELIIY, SILVIill WARE, &c.
sixty out of ono hundred and tweuty five 018 Marlet Stieil, conic of Decatur,
Federal cavalry who were on a icoutinc i Puii.adki.piiia.
expedition, I
J3Sf" It is announced that all the cotton
in Wilmington was burned befoic the Fed
eral iroops entered the city.
t& It is at length itnuouiici'd that all
tho cotton in Wilmingtcu was burned be
fore tho Federal troops entered the jity.
Wk love ourselves notwithstanding our
faults, and wc ought to love our friends iu
Q aiauuer
nQf Gold is quoted at and below
th tt figuro.
, S5tMmH,!??fl:
Kriekbaum J, P., Mr.
to Miss (Wun Ann Colenitin.hoiU ofFisb
ingcreek twp, Columbia County, Po.
Ou the 38th ult, by the llov. Willi.nn
J.Eyer, Mr Martin N. Auss, to JIis
Mary E. Fisher, both of Main township,
Columbia county Pa.'
On tha 12th instant, in Bradford town-
S'P) Clearfield co , of heart diseasa,i?tt
thew L'orcee, ancd 08 years 0 moutliU aud
f,Q (j . ' b J "
' O" tho 1 3th of February, in Clonrfiold
co., Mr Daniel Barrett, Father olJudgc
' Barrett, aged about 78 years.
About D.-combcr Ut, 1801 in Fah-bury
military piltOU, IM. C.,
military piltOU, i. O. , lrcact:!i Jl0inm,i-uatuwtus,rv:sA v.ilu ililu pemonul prnporly ,
of Lairinount, Luzornc oo inty, c-'ed 30
TTp trnq ft rn lli.A !r T..l.
army in Auguit.joinud ilii' H, SOtlj rent.,
, was taken prnoiitr on the Vtt of October.
nuile on a Murmisli, and earned u
bury, N C
! to the
The .following payments have beon made
to tho Columbia Democrat office, during
the month of February, 18(35:
IXrwii Br&uylcr Ki 5 DO Jonep!. Ilroifh. i 00
W Morrm u uo , nun joiin euyui'r ii.oci)
S 50
' 5n
a io
M M Amilcmin
U 4ri .,iwIb Uckrotu,
,t' re ii. ..miuiicii,
l'etcr Anplenian, 2 IK)
Julm J Stile., 1 JO
Hil.n .McIIemy, 4 M
V. 1 Mcllenry 5 'J8
Daniel Kilgur, S 0
S 11 York, 5 75
Jaculi I,. Carey, '1 ni)
Jaino .Mcllenry. '1 U
John M.irilan.
Charlm nrnvr,
i-horill' S. Hpyiler,
(.'olumhia County,
John l.ciicock,
J. K. Uri.irt.T. I'.'l.
i'.t, John ainglcy,
J u in c a I'ailnn,
a no
7 DO
su oo
i uo
a oi
8 00
a uo
a co
John llntton.
Dyer 1. t'liapln
Jildcc ICooim,
V, Uicliart,
,V.: of Ullai Pcali-c
Jotin l-'rovellng,
David Vnft,
IV tor Kvetanil,
Jl. N . Aiiiurman
William Hlmgari,
Jniiae Hiincr,
U licllCH.
Daniel Kcofer,
John Dcinotl,
l'etcr lliiii!iistiel
John llilliiinii,
Levi Vii:liu.
Albct eurlci,
Ausmlua Wiliion,
Koimtnr llnckaleii',
4 50 Abram I). Dllillne
5 UO lXnf Jacoh llnrthian Hi
A 50 Jo.epli iMuuicr, 3 '.'0
8 50 A. Ilartnn, (Ill ) 3 III)
C 00 Ccnriic Dinaii. a 00
10 110 AuguitUH C. ltabli, a 50
a UO l'etcr Holies, 5 50
1 UO John Mcllenry, Jr. GOO
a 00 Amlreiv Lntibuck, i'.f 2 00
5 00 Maltiias A Moore, 4 00
7 frU Hcv. Uilw. Murruy, 100
8 50 Levi Fn.tnr, 3 50
1 00 Lieut tl.W.Utt. (1 uo
a 00 I s.ofSnm'l, Ailanu, 3
135 Oliver i:vaii8,(C!cn ) 3
3 50 Judge Iwions, a
4 UO Win. Mojtellcr, a
8 U) Suni'l. Craft, Utq. 3
10 III) i:a of .Michael ttcckcrl)
Hi. nf O.ilpai. I'ietior, 7 (10
.Mrs. Slarr A. Winn. 1 10
Daviil lmllVr,
l'etcr ItrluiK.
Jacnli llriliullij
Jonullian I'cgg
Joiciil. .MurU, i;sq
J M 1'ry,
J Hnyilur, (Minim)
Jno, Jolin.un,
John Tlmina,
Vred. Dorr
Ran.'l. Hnyilcr, K1
Dan'l Mcllenry, Ul
(Jyrua Mcllenry.
JnineK Ummit.
a Oil IS. I), nf Hroltlwn,. 4 00
3 110 , Muthla. tiilhert, 5 00
5 UO I). II. .Montgomery 3 50
4 UO Hninuel llvrdt H)
3 00 Jersey Well Oil Co, SO UO
3 00 J. I.. Hichl. I.1 5 50
3 50 Joues Webster, Un. 10 00
9 50 Kl. Lawrence Hotel, 0 50
3 50 , Men. JuJiiKM'.llu, 3 50
7 00 John Caldwell, Liu.. 1 35
3 UO L'lias Uci.iiiugcr, 3 00
3 00 I Jacob L, Uiriou, 1 uo
3 50 , (ieorgu Ohl, S UO
S 50 ! Joseph liar sel
Uohr Mcllenry. Usq. a 75
J. reinbertnu ltupyan, S UO
I'nul Kllno, S W
Win Miller, (llum'k.) 1 OU
Noah Crllus, 'i 51)
K. of Dan'l Wary, a ou
John I.eiby, 1 '.'5
llei.J . Ilouibqy, 7 00
I(uc Mcllndo, S '.'5
.1 A, ... ll.rr nn, 7 Oil
Joseph Mauser, l'i
Jacob iliilinit, 7 ... mil cr. n
A. L Houinierville.
4 til)
IS 0(1
1 25
Joy, Coo k Co.
II I ran. Kllno,
C A fair return for ibo sbort month
of February. Wo hope for woro in Maroli.
L'rionda, wo expect romiitauoes by mail,
and hope wo will not bo disuppointcd.
-- - - " . ... . .
Stationery and Illnnli Booli's
Supplied to dealers ond cosh buyers at
i!. whoicaie rate, ' .On
W. fl. PERRY,
Mareh 4, 1803, 3ni, 4tli And Unco t?t , I'lillr
136"dki'rwAiii?s,i4f6T0oKAlm.Wu oi i ork.
JL Ai.niiMs h Ai.tiUM iMcnmi:s,-.eiiiiig u ONE 0001) MAKE.
very low price fur cnili.
!. IV, cor. A; Itncc, I'lill.i, so
W II. I'. Mill V. I
Jj"ppiedin Hank, Merchant nmi cnumy onicer
of Ilia
liv inn I urntii
lonlcil to.
,.,,,... ,ur,',.
W , I'lilllll .
Hi nml Hues Unrein, I'lill'n.
IMIV 'III IV. O. '!'. II IV.
Mnnur.icliirliic Stationer.
MirclH, IMS. M, V Or 4tli llnco, 1'lill'a.
lIKAt.Ktt IN
Window Shades, Oil Cloths, Mats.
rim.ADKr.j.'iitA. 4. 1665.-3.11,
if o u jem x u s szi't. t
MANiirAurrncu or
U M P JD 11 B L LAS,
SIINU M B K 11 E L L A S ,
Nonibcrs a and 4 North Fourth Street
i' ii i L a i) i; L r 11 1 .v .
Jflnrcli I, It-'W. Hm,
ticnlrr in Anwricnii, linpIWi nnd Hwl-s Wnlrhci,
In.ikliiK i. rpuciilily of lit- telbrnlcil
W'vfiii, liu ubulil rri ntiiiiii'ii.l tu nil wanting n
l!i.nd I i ni', kucpnr, nun will hu h'iI.I ut III..- Intvi'it
priccii nml nrr lliu ( In'iipUKt and bsal (ot ti.u piici..
Jlnrtlj 4, IfM.-ly.
Auction !
UJ'j tmuer.iglicii, win himi at i iiouc
. 1 'II II 11. .1.1!- I
chi'cl. timiiril.ip, Unliiiutij n.uniy. I'.i., im
Anrtimi in nin binru nmi'u in r.vnuttyiiiiMx inr
cdnexilay, lMuich
'2''' l'-Oo
His entire slock of
Store Goods,
Consisting in I'art nf tlu ftfjlnwi"! dPBcrl'jud urlirJua
nf Mcrchaudln'. vtt
Dry llin'iln, Oriicriei, lliir.lw.iru, llni'cnswiiro.
lints and Ciio, and Shoes,
Anil n sri'al vnrivtv of nll.or nrtiilf., usually kopl in
..niiniry Murwj. mil not ncri'in t'niiiiii:riu(;ii,
Tonus tnailu known on day of falo.
Ty- t-nlu tn commune nt llln'iloc't. A. M .. im mid
day, ami cunlinui; linm day l day, until iJt in .nidi
Irani Derr, Aiuttonvir.
Ilriaxcrccl:. March I, lCi.
Vend uk
ILL bo rxpospil lo silo, by Public
Wnilin'.iit Un- r'riili'.irp of ilo UJiiluiii:ucd,
in Main tnwnnbip, C'oliiiulija nuirty. l'a.. 011
Tucsihy, Murcli 21, 180 5,
Thu follow lug dmcriliuil tnluablo personal jir.pi'rtr,
our Oorscs,
Four Milk (Jow.v
Unn largi; Itnar. nnn thrr'ej.ors.' U'.urou, oiif low Pcrni I
Waiioii. hvn li'iN, I'lowii. llM.row, I'liliivntori,, :i
.el of llarni'f., Tbn'.uinx Xa.tiiue, llnrn Uik". Uut-
lini; I'.ox, Ooru i-Ui'llrr. r.iiiiiiut; Mill. h.uns. i'urif,
nml ut'ri'at varict of raruiiu uion t Ik gt'iicrnlly, too
uuuiuroii. tu tui'iitKiii. I
Iir hiilu In coniiiii ui " at 10 o'clock, A. M.. of .nid ;
day.whru atl.'Uilauco wjll bgivr-n un.l comliliuuti bu '
mailt, knimn, by
.7 AUO 15 tin jjUNU.
JOrt. O tVINri'.llSTnUN. AuiUouo r,
March i. 1Wi5.
Vendue !
ILL bo cxpii'cd to Public Sale,
- . . .
Ibo rc.iili'cct' of Hu" puliiCiril'cr, In li iuilnA
tnwit.liip. Ooluml'.ia county, I'n . on
F,ilav. the lOtt of, 180.J.
'?, UT 'tt
Ca1 U.
Two twit'linrna WnRoiin, on i Hprln;.' Wkkiiii, One
llugcy, one f leigli, one ranning Mill, four iloublr rcl
nf llnruesK. onu (juglo r: ut IJarnpsi, una gon.l l.fe.-.l -tu;,
Hoiv, Six con.l Hhrrp, l'lmv., tlarruwa, (.'iiaiiij
box. uhnvei.. Knks, l-'orUii, A.C , t'lnvcr anil Vinioiliy
tfefil ty ii." HiiiIii'Ik. Ilou'i liol.l i. .liilchcn .Furnilim',
Totothuriviii, 5 v.iriuty of other articles tiro n'mur
uu. tu ineiilioii.
C7" Sale to rn.nirtiifo (iHO fi'ilnrlt A SI., nf saiil
ilay w hen atti-iuleuco will Ua given ami cond.j.uus be
uiaile Kuunu, by
March 1, lff5.
Valuable Porsoual Property
T.IICundorsigned, will osposoto sale by
I'uhllr. Vcmlun, upnn tho prciunes, In Montour
township, Columbia oounty , l'a o-
Friday, the 2 Uk day of Mutch, 18P5,
The following described valimblo njronM property
vis :
riiiiEE iii.
taaXiikeXa lion, niul atwoj-uarolil Unit, )
(vlr. .-.A wrirl. Ilora... n Vnmin
i 0
Twenty Five head of
One Devon BuSI,
A new lleaper, ThrPuhing Marlilroaiid Trca.l Towrr,
(.'rain Drill, llullor, rnlont Pml Culler, r.-iiinlng Jlill
and Corn BhPllrt. Ono fnuHmrso Wagnu, one mo
horso Wagon, Hpring Wiijoji and Kulky. Plows,
rows, Cultivators anil Hleils. Ono ralont Ilay I'orlc,
lloio and l'ully. Twotet of lliiroe.s, nnu nmr Hay
Ludilers, llorso Hake, Log Chains, linner lloll.uud va
nous nll.or articles of Tanning uteu.jls, too nuiuorpua
io . ..
rhrno lleds ami Iledilins, will, n variety of homo hold
ami Million furiiiturx r.ntl.crein uuuiiicratod.
(l!.8alo to couiiueneii at 1) nVlnrlr A. M ...r.niH.u..
dUaW'U SWUM t,
J Slidllliurt, Auctioneer,
Marcp'4, ism,
' l
Public Vendue.
"I'liJ'j pvccriuor will ollor at nubiusalo.
,0 Met JoU K.u.r, m Miin" vilu-. coi-
LridaV, Uiu 17tli day of Marob, 1805,
.),- fMiln ilc.rtll.n.l
KT I r ai .
it of llr'i tlure l'low nml llrniii, tlirrc r.
Cnlllvnlnr..l'" ''"' l'low., ono UurtjIolUbtu. i!
.ett douMsM'V 0 .""e
1 AuiAM( SI 01(13,
...... r-rn.tln. .110 ol lllll'llfl V Click, t III tilidfl , .1 . VI r.A.I . ... .
ii lot of Ulirfnmvnrc, tnisi-tliir with .ullitr n r 1 1 c I u i"
nuiiicrim. tonifiillon. ; ,
ir- Hnto liriHiimencrt nt I) o'clock A, M.. or m&
day, wlicn nvjnilaiicu will bl eIvciI and conilliiom i?
J O. WINTKnarnilN, Auctuiiorr.
I Murcli 1, !"
Valuable Real Esia(ct
rpilE .uWribcr, A 'lit frir llic hem l
Anilri'ii I H'llii w III t ( t inl'i lit I' Vn.
dm!, mi (lr ii'. iiiIm'H mi il.iv. Mar. !, II, IpGj,
M.I. 'MIA I' r.UTM,
Tract os Land,
i ivi.,i.i,l,,l i.i!i;lii M Mint
I'l.'tint low.iilihi, iV.ilnnilm
rminlyt I'.t . mljol "i landflf lliMirc iilcm.iii,i
ilio Sniiili .nrn.i Mui!rive
llm Xorlli lliinlrl Mt
' tJ.rly, on lli "", '""
, , iimtfiiiil'ij! uliirit
1 ONB lll!Mii:i AX
Oho liniruf wlii'l' " '' "
' Ciiltlvnlion. mil lli'J Ii.iUiii,
ni' l..iit". Dllilin.; un tu
n l in ii M do ,,
ill tliiilisreA. TI.j I III
l)rovui!iilar-!i t' Jlmy
BwcHina Ooascm
A good frntnn I'nnk ll.irn 5ll 5.H, Wnjoii I Ion .a mil
i.lli.T nnHnill ling, n Snod lirclnird, liu.l f i.tliill i
I I'.icHlunt Wnl'r. 1
Tlia 1'arm Un nlmnt iiliuiiiili'ii Irmu Uloonuliui p
end ubout four from Drnnsovc.
' rivohunilred liotl.nrg on ll!nl:iy of Pli. And tl.u
h il.uicciif the turcU.i.u ni.iiicv n iliu Cirnt ilny nT Auil
. mi-nun iiii.ti'm irmu hip i) iinjrii. ,i-n, ifn.,
l' cni'ii, April ninl n lioml tu In t
livreil mi i,'ivinciit of the purn mu iimney,
Tlii'SiiliMriljci will (n nvrrll.n property with nif
per. un di'Hirlutu oxiiiniHf the nn 1,13.
H"Cnlctii cnnitmnruiit 1 o'duk I' .M. of mid dny,
Hlian nlti'iiihiiicu will lio eivo ninl cuiiilitlont 111 11. In
known liy i
AIIIIAI 11. DIl.UlNi:, .Igcnl.
rchri.nry 19. IfCS. i
Faluablc ilkx Estate
trnlflt, nf Jidin 'I own.eili Inti; nl Minli.ini lp.
Coin mliii. ri'iinty
i , iicc'u., iijicrni iir ius, n ctrmin mcs-
vuao nnn
ndj ilnin laiidt nfJn.i'pli I fell
, Jiilm Ucicli'inl. ILn
Itcynultlip, nml ittiir,
jamin liirlclr. nr. v .... ...
containing ulniul
i sixty-om:
jnnMlv tli'iirnl, nml in u I ,
Lti- nf rtilli viitimt. it.
wliili it i riTtfl ii cimd l'KAlil IIIJUSI! AM) ham:
i n.uv. w Ai:o uourii:. ktni ,,ti,.r iiiitiitiiiiiinijt
TH VP t' Oli1 WnllM T Vn
A..MJ i
----. - -
nlJmninE luiiilmil Uubi-tt Mil.i- Jnlri C'liiiiti.m
lliiiu'i'.thiil. mm i.lh.m ciinltinh's
rCAtiy inrnrnmUiiu in tcgarMmlir iiImud propcil,
tn ti had by upplyiut; tn tl.u uillrrMiiiieil.
Mil 'Iron, l'i lirunry ej, IHW.
E'UJSSilYi; VE-JRSl'fl.
f 1 LL bo txposrd to public sale at
V til" ri'sii'cncn of .Mnl. n I riti ikir. l'i Ilnm
lock tow njliip, OJunliia co'iin) , ou
Tucs lny, th ' 3l,t,ch, 1HC5,
Tim fill.iwins ili'Fcriii'J I
r-on d jirnpi'ity 1 -
i nvi: ili-l 111". II. I VI Till' ill i:i:v ji.i u:n tiiiiim.-
W.UiO.V AND TAN'MNll .Mil, ,
UllMN AM) I'O ATJi:s HV T III IIL.'.lim..
S I t) V Ii M A N I) 0 A It I )i T .
I Tusrt'iw willm XilHf of 1 1 1 ii . hold und Kitchen
Vuriiilun- to i uuiiK'ro!. tn mi'iilioii .
A lot i f r.mnlng lUmiilj.Benct.illv, not liurfin del-
I iirT""'1' I" roinmcin nt 10 n'r'ntk. M. on ,m
. Uny . !i"n nllrnia.iccu ill lie glu n '.nil loiulitiiiiia In
f iuj ilc kiiovi ii by
I i Musi's i.. hi i:i'i;i:u
i.IUUON' tlTl'.CKl.l..
I f Jldmr's.
W y iTM'.n.Uitienctr.
I P.'lir nry '1',. I i .1. t
Two Valuable Farms.
Tin: iini'r-iiP'I, do irnis of moving
Vi-nt. utTr lo fHI al irinte i.l.-. hip 'VW O PAKMH.
FMiinti' jti ni on l(i HLiiji, rniiiiiitcn nmniy, I n.
'Mhj Turn nit wlnrh Ii inv icm',- mm .i u i t'(j abtmt
.onif Fi'inmy Arri's of . t, i rli i-- rli'nn'it Lainl vln r''on
i.i-ri'crp,l I'll VMK rtVD T)ll' MUT.'.I.IMi
IIOIJHi:, I'OMkllDUSl . mljin e with well of I
unit I'ninii, nml n nrvi r.iiliiH' h.itini. mi f I i- pn'tit
innp, ivitli v. iIit rnnv'-it tn lln' .lour in 1 miIpii I'lin-.
nnM .i ruiiniD Htri'ain I" Iho AUo,- A I'll V I'
nt'WHS iiai.n, :ki x i ivei, mtii iie.iiii.t uvc.
. 1 1 1 1 1 nllm I, ...I l.illi nir,. It...
Two Sr'-iod'Ap.pic Qi'tcSsai-d--,
nf (irnfti'il I'm. I. ulll nil Hi,. ni'i'..Hnry iniprun.
inenU jn u lu;h .tal i u ultiviil. in
Another Farm and Plantation,
loc.ili il ahiiit nnc quail. -nl n mile n'lilli-ca.t uf llic
hrnl luui'il I nnn, i-oivvnuutr
I'Dl'.'I'Y J I - M ACK13S,
souw tliirl) uric arrun cfivhitli h clunp:U tni-1
C7" Vat cur atii ffmhrr parti ciilai p. nn'
Benton, l'.i., Jauu iryl IIT5.
A Valuaijle Farm"
'I'lio undurMirnc'il d.iroiis of moving
Wei.', nllers tu r II11I4V ate sal '. his Tiirni ntuate
to ilentou .1,1111, lup, l.'nli ulna count) , l'.i , cmilair.i.'g
OXB 11) & rORTV 'J lllii:i: Acres.
about nne J.lim'ri. I acres f' whirl. i rha.eil I, nml,
the balance p mi Timber 1 anil, whereon J urcrtnl
two sfour m i'K dwelling
HOI 81J,
will, an e xc$ well of v iter pi:n'P at liio A."r.
nnil two nevufailini: Hpriifs on Ihu prciinr. A,;o.
3H50 feet, am all other Hucmary out b.nlil.u(..
There nro liinn tho prciunes, u larco apple am)
peach on hardof iho chnnem fmit 'Ihe InnlJiui!.
lire all t'oml aij Hie land Un. 11 hifc'li stat-s of cuiltivn
t.on. T
Tho nbon property hys within two miiW
Now Colu.uliiiiiinil Caniora ""V
Tor rucll.ur.iii.iiculnrn cnndilinus applj.l'
Hu.iton, T.1., Km I, IPCS.
Farm fo; Eeiit,
rEIII3 subrc.ibor qITts to rent, ior a
i termor yean. I. r I'AIM AND PLANT U'luV.
ntuate in I lemlcr I, lc wnshii, Columbia rnumy, about
three miles Wet,ci Duck (lo,i. abmit
of land, most of ihich Is cltrtd and in a l(li itatn
of culliwitlnn. I
fald properly . localed n Iho main puWir roid,
leading lo Wnsliuijtnnvllli wji). unoi 1,111k liarn .
Triimu llouio. out buildinj,njf.eit tlrrlianlt, Hi
tcr, Meadow, and all reniises f()r a pruiii d'ie u;.i
cullural business. I
I'.nsosilon clvm tpou I Vl rt of ncit Apnl.
K7 Tnr anJ pailicari, aiply to W1" '"
Kubh, nt Ms lul liii.usburs, on t'mir "
Iho 'Jill, of Tcbruary. I
IIAHAKA l)fi;II,l.;:!
renruary l", itw -Ini.
II0R1 .lti BILLS !
Neatly 6c Ejieditiously prJn1
. TT,. ,rr,n, n
... . (hf . ., I, i 4 ,.