m 4. am II '1 Farmer's Department Early Potatoes. Every fBrnily in tbo country nt least should havo thctn plentifully by tho Grst of Augint, and by taking come pains mav begin to use them by the Fourth of July. Tbe first thing to be considered is tho soil. It ehould boa' comparatively dry and andy soil, rather than a wet, black loam. 1 A fiesh or now soil is greatly prcfcrahlo odo rocently covered with gra63, or what 1 still bettor, scrub oaks, sweet fern, blaebborry nnd huckleberry bushes. ' Such a aoil, when well ploughed and bar-1 rowed, will be light, and will abound with ( mo aisaites nnu aiKaituo earttis tuat tnej potatoo requires. Th situation selected should bo an open but a warm one along tbe sido of an old fenoc or wall, whero bushes have been growing for a century, or loss, and exposed to the morning sun. On such a soil and in such a situation tho plants will start early and come to matur ity rapidly ; and if tho variety planted bo a good one, the tubers grown will have a . sweet and agreeable flavor. If tho ground waa not prepared last fall, it should be made ready as soon as the frost is out, so that it can bo ploughed six inchos deep, and tbo potatoes planted. In oidcr to facilitate the crop somo per rons pot a barrel of seed by the kitchen ftovo about tho middle of March, where they remain until sprouts have started halt an inch in length. In this case the top of the- potatoes must bo covered with , loam or a cloth to keep out tho light Utlicrs lay a uusnoi or two oi seed upon graiB ground, in some warm spot, and cov cr them with horso manuro sufficiently deep to keep them warm. Thoy will sprout readily in this condition if they are kept moist and waam, and can be got nt to plant more easily than from a barrel. Others still, who only require a few, start them in hot beds. Planting should take place just as soon as the soil is dry enough to admit of work ing it. Plant, if thero is a dry surface sufficient to cover with, even if tho frost is a foot deep below, lieforo planting pre pare liberal holes and fill them with a shovelful of horso-stablc manuro. Cover this with a sprinkling of fresh, damp mould, and place tlie 'set1 or seed oil this and cover three inched deep. Mr.' J. Knight says that if the 'sets' arc placed with their leading buds upward, a few and very strong early Btems will be produced ; but if the position bo reversed, many weak and later shoots will arise, and not only the earliness,but tbo quality of tho produ:e, b depreciated. How to Repair a Road. j The first requisite is to have a dry. bed for the road. Without this, tho super structure of whatever matorial it may be composed, will soon become rough and un even. Some soils arc naturally drained and the gravelly subsoil thrown upon the surface and rounded a little,makos as good a path ai need be. Others need draining, and no amount of gravel upon tho surfno0 will rnnko a good bod without il. Wo frequently find b&d places upon a hill-side wbero tlip water is always bursting out in rainy seasons. A three inch tile drain four feet deep juat abovo thoso wet places would make them dry up permanently,and save a large expenditure every year. It tiles are not available, stonca or wood should bo ufed. There is no help for these mud holes but in draining tho bed. A single dollor spent at the bottom is worth ten at the top in gravel. Roads are go constantly iu uso nud tho prosperity of tho farmer so much depends upon them, that no pains should be spared to have them of easy grade and as smooth as pos sible, All classes in the community arc benefitted by good roads, but tho farmer roost. All his surplus corps must go over the read tn market, and it makes a differ ence with him in the course of tho year, whether he be ablo to tako a ton and a half at a load, or only half that nuaotitv. I Good roads add to tho value ofoveryaore ho owns and of every tliiog that he pro duces, to say nothing of their influence upon his manhood, They aro a mark of the progress of civilization, and a pretty good index of the moral culturo of a poo plo, A team etuck iu the-mud, the snap ping of vfhifiktrees aod braces, the cursing and had bad temper of the driver show that 'thero ib something rotton iu Den mark.' The mud botes iu tho highway nndo tho work of ti.o schoo'.house and tho churoli. There is an intimate connexion between tho highways and tho moral ways of a people. In mending either it is a very eafo maxim xo'oegin at tne bottom; Am Agriculturist. How to Make an Omelet. The propor way to raako nn aruolet is to take threo spoonsful of milk for eaoh egg, and a pinoh of talt to each ono also. Heat the eggs lightly for three or four minutes, and pour tnem into a not pan in winch a piece of butter tho size of a walnut hai been melted a moment before The mass vill beirin tobubbVt! rnd riso in flakes im. txedia'tts4hD bottor?.- must be lifted itccssantly nitb a clean knilt, so that tho sler pans run in, An omeleUhould ba coked about three or fpur minutes, and tvtie In tMi woe K-ll I mull !n il,o v Rae in ion nay win men in Ilio mouth.V Xfieitlirts A,:.- .1 DR. E. W. AMERICA?! COMPOUND For lSLOOi. 7775 ?W established, thoroughly tried Rlmcdy, recommeded by some of the most eminent Physicians, has attained a cekbri tij in most part of tht country, in curing SCROFULA 'OR KhGS iTi Bcrofuloui Borca, llose or Eryslpeloe, Bailed Head and Ring Worm, Tetter or Sail Ilkiun deleter or Si, di ed Neck, (no common with onr Amerlt an females) cu rable Canccrannd Canccroua Borea, Blaine or Doili, Cbronlc Ulcrr&tcd Bsro, thluc, Mouth nnd Throat, Syphilis In nil its forms, By Nosilic or mercerrial Bore mouth, nnd throat, chronic plcoralion of the Lungs, Stomach nud Kidneys, t'lin. pies, roitunes, nnd Blotches. Rheumatism, Female Weakness. Lercorrhao, (arising from Internal ulcera. on) Dropsy, Genenal Debility, Emaciation and all dli daies of the BLOOD. In cases of Coslivenjcss or Constipation it NEVER FAILS. Its mild In its action. Just sufficient to regulate the bowels and keep them regular. Its unlike all prepa. rations for tha Ulood, having the laxative properties combined, As it contains Wild Cherry, Mandrake and Dandelion prepared in a scientific manner it works wonderfully in cas ts of chronic affections of the Uvea BOWELS. Chronic FILES, and permanently cured b tho Alter nativo nnd Laxative affect oaa great fnature In (t, is.it produces an APPLETTE. fiom thecomniencciaent-in short it is a very fine Ton ic Its palatable and can be taken by the most del icate Female or Child. It being purely vegetable there will bo no harm dono in taking it, if there ii no benefit derived. Prtparca by Or I! W' Wnl lc' Practical Physician WILKES.BARRE, PA. OFFICE over L. C. Pains Store, Mahkt Stiiekt. For Sale by all Druggists throughou; the Country, I'.S. Every agent 1s authorized to refund the money where the compound falls to relieve. Full Directions accompany eachkottle in IifMiFji, French nnd Ger mun, N. li. No Carthelic medicine is rc nUircd In treating Fivo thousand cases, I havo never known a case to require Physio, or havo I cvor known it to fail in thoroughly removing tho diseases. As I devote all my titno at the study and treat- . n.m nv , 1u.nnn. r 111. U A.VMHVM W J U X am prepared to givo advico (gratis) by ftp- plying to my office or by lcttor, panied by a Stamp. uccom- E, yf, VELL8, M. D Wholil.M Cortland Street NwYorV. soidbyw. il, c,my & Co. Liw iirMi-Mr - uooion. iisrwisn r( 'un si.wji i MRS, EYES,! MORE MEN WANTED I REVOLUTION JN 1I1G1 PRICES, LARGK ARRIVAL OF FALL & WINTER AT PETER ENT'S STORE, .v LKiiir srnimr, columiha eotwrr, r.4, HAa Jim received from Philadelphia, nnd is now micninir nt tho nld Mind laid occupied by Marti & Ent, n splendid (imminent of . . MERCHANDIZE nhlcl'vvlll be told chenp lor CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. lilt stoekconsltts of Ladlos Dress floods eholccitslylei and latest faihlona Ualioos, Muslins, Qinghnms, Flannels, Carpets, Shawls, Hosiery, Silks, READY MADE CLOTHING. Cassimcrcs, Satinets, Cottonadcs, Kentucky Jeans, Thread, &c. Groceries, Quecnswnrc, Ccdarwnre, Ilardwaro, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, Paints, &c. ROOTS & SHOES. HATS & CAPS. In -short nrery thing nstmliy kept irra country (tore. The patronage of old friends, and the public general ly, Is respectfully solicited. The highest market price paid for country produce. l'DTEll ENT. Light Street, Nov. i0, ieoi. A NEW STORE IN ORANGEVILLE. Cheap G oils nud Great Rargalns, THE Subscriber respectfully inlorms his friends and tho gunerous public, that he has Just opened n NEW STORE In the well-known s'nnd of the Into Wm. I'ritz, Esq., on Mmn Street, In DruiiguvlUi'. Columbia county, l'a., which liafl been well-lilled with all kinds ef Choice New Goods. Fresh from tho Ea.lnrn Markets, hich ho intends selling ns cheap as Ilia cheapest for ready pay and cuuntry produce. His .Slock consists In part of the following articles ; uliiir siiSisii Cloths, Cassimers, Snttinctts, Silks, Cambricks, De, Laiiien, Calllcoos, Muslins, Shawls, Linens, Allpackas .Millinery nnd Dress C'ooJs, itc. Ten, Coffee, Sugars, Mollases, Spices, Cheese, Tlsh It a i slnp.S.'tlt, Tobabco, Sejrars, Snuff, nnd oilur articles in this line, usually kept in Countiy Stores. ALSO : QUEENSWAliE & EARTHENWARE, Hats and Caps, Hoots and Shoes, And all notions generally in trade. OCT" Grain, Duller, Eggs. Meat, and Country pro. ducc taken in exchange for Goods. CORNELIUS BELLES. Oranjcville. Djc. 1", lS(ii.-ly. FRESI A 11R IV A I. Jail- auii tOinicr -ron HE undersigned, grateful for past patronage, tespec I fullv itifiirms lilscUDtnuicrs and the nublicecncrullv that he haB just received from the Eabterne cities, the argett and most select etock of Fall and Winter That has ycl been opened in Illooinsbilrg, to which he invites tho attention of his friends, and assures them that they nre oll'ered for salu at grenl bargains, Ills Htocll comprises a Urge assortment uf OENTLE.MEN'S WEAUING AITAUEL. Consisting ol Fashionable Dress Coais, of every des criptionj rants, Vests, Shirts, Cravats Hwcks, Cotton llanclkcrcliicfsTlilnves, Suspenders, &c. Gold Watches and Jewelry, Of every description, fine and clieap. N. II. Itemember " Lotrtnbtrg'i Cheap Emporium,' call and ece. No charge for exumiug (ioods. DAVID LOWENIIEtin nioonisburg, Nov. 19, (June 185!) I New Grocery Store. MORE FRESH GOODS. (.Formerlij Erasmus' old Stand) on Main oircci, Uloomsburu, THE undersigned has just received a good slock of FALL AND WIMEU DRV GOODS, of all kinds, Men's Heavy galf km mv boots the best iu the miirkct ; a flood Assortment of Ladies and Cluldrcns' boot's of all kinds. A Fresh Lot of Graccriosi of all kinds, i-uch as Molasses, I Teas, I Rico, I Fiah, Sugars, I Coffee, Spices, ' Salt, Mats and Caps, Tobacco, Srgars, CaudicF, Razens, Lard, iVC, iVC, iVC. FEED AND PROVISIONS. Together with n great tnikly ofiiotionsand elcete las, too numerous to meiiiioii. K7"llirttor, V.n, Me.it and produco generally taken I I UAlllUUgC lOI JUUUk, HENRY G1QER. IlioomtAurg, Dec. 1-9, 1EGL NEW STORE & CHEAP GOODS. ''QllU'K SAIiES AND SMALL PROFITS. PHE undersigned, haviDc takau tho it titorc lately occupied by lames IC. Eyer, on Main Street, above Iron Street, in lllooiiulurg, and stocked ll w iui ever vtirii.-!) Ol I neinectfully informs his friends nnd tha nubhc pen trolly, that he will lie happy In receive a share .of the I puuuc paironuge, unu iiubis inai no ran reiiuor goner ul suliifaition by Kolling Ihem tliu best quality of iHUICClBANDIZi.:, on fair terms und ot sotisfaciory prices, Ills stock cousins, iu part, of DRV 0001)3. . GivOCEiur.s.risii, 1 uueenhwaue, wooden ware. hoots, biioer, V HATS, CAPS, and cejicclally with a splendid vnrioty uf LADIES DRESS GOODS, ' FJKCr JUTICI.KS Sft , tit,, which he will sell as cltciip ns the cheapett, Tor cash or rcaay ny. O-Country produce, generally taken iu exchange for ; goout, ANDREW TERWILLIGER. nioomtburg, Jan. 7, 13C5-y, ! kTk. SCc XWW Sk Sft , ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, jiLOOMsnuita, va. Olfice in Court Ally, formerly occupied by L'bsrlti lluckiltw, i IHpcmibuiJ, De 4, 1155 Keep If our Eye ON THIS PLACE. SECOND ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS HAB enlarged nnd grently Improved his Bloro ltoorn nnd nocked it with n lnri;u nnd superior Block bf 11ALL nnd WINTHtt (1001)9, which will be sold nt low as ut any mu.'r establishment In the country, Calicos at 10, 18, 20 and 1!5 cents, Muslins, Bleached and Brown at 25, 28, up to 48 cents, DRESS OOODrl of every shado, quality nnd price ; a full line nf Domestic Hoods, viz , Checks, l-'trlpos, Ticks, l.lnnen nnd Cotton Tnblo Dinper, Olnghams, Nnnkeens, tic A.C. A good supply of I, allies Shoes nnd Galium New stock of Hats nnd L'nne. All Wool Ingrain anil Collage ('r.rpclsi, a spicnuia articio just opinion ami tor sale, A fresh supply of Groceries and Spices, a now lot of CADAR AND WILLOW WARE. MAUKHHAL by the qunrtcr, half nnd whole barrel Nuo. I uinl B, medium nnd large. Also, n large und splendid assortment or uow designs. Also, n new lotof TUUSK8 and Oil Cloth Satchels. Having bought these goods before the lain rise, 1 mil prepared to sell low, cheap ns thcchonpcsl lor tinh or country produce. vn study to please. g Mooniiburg, Jnn, 7, lilii". BARGAINS IF YOU WANT TO BUY OOB8. GO TO t'reasy's Store, lit Light Street, l'a. Who Keeps all Kinds of CALICO, MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAM, FLANNELS, CARPETS, HOSIERY, SHAWLS, Ready-made Clothing Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, coffees, Teas, Fish, Salt, Bacon, . Hams, Lard, Tobacco, Epitrs, Hats, Boot", Caps, Shoes, Driics, Oils. Paints, &c, &c. In ndditlou to our Inree slock of Dry (loods. wo have n laige anil full asserlluent nfr.eady Made Clothing loi .mpii ana no) wear which we ire uciermineii to sell cheaper than can be bought elsewhere, Call and ten, and Jndge for yourselves. II. W. CUEASV U CO. Light Street, October 2'J, 1SIII. RE-OPE NED. -0- THE DATOLLE HOTEL. charlesn7sa vage, LATE of the Pennsylvania llou.c, lias purchase d iho above well known Tavern Stand, hitely occup ied by George U Freeze, siluato on Mcrkct k. Ferry streets, in Dalivillo, l'a., and has re. furnished and re opened it for the accomodation ol the public. The Uouso is large and commodious, and h.is abun dant stabling. It is pleasantly located iu Hie central and busiuesd pnrt of tliu HnraugU. To all who may favor him with their patronage, he promises liia uluint ellorts to promote their comfort, and nssurea them that nothing shall bo wanting on his purt to make his House the Traveler's Home. CIIAULES N. HA VAGE. N. II. Smith s Omnibus runs from the above men- tioncd House, to and Ironi both Hall llond depots at every arrival of the Trains. Dec . 10. Jelil. Ladies' Furs. j Purchaser nvav rely upon getting tho best furs at CHARLES OAKFOltD A; SONS, t.'oittiinntnl Hotel I Philadelphia. , j Administrator's Notice. Estate of Jacoh Haiit.ell, Jr , Deo'd. r ETTEU3 of admiiii.trntinn, on Iho E.lnte of Jacob Lj llarlzcll. Jr., lute of Rlilllin low nshin, Columbia count), deceased, have been framed by th'i Register oi coiumiiia county, to mo uiiucrii;neu ; all persons having claims against the Estate of the decedent are requested to pieeent them to the undersigned, resid ing in said township, without delay, and all persons indebted lo make payment forthwith. juii.v ii. lii.ii.i.ii, .-vniu'r-January S3, lfli5. Gw. S'l NEW ARRIVAL SWfSmm At A. J. Evans' CLO HUNG EMPORIUM ! BLOOMSBURG, PENN. LATEST SYLE6 CAEAP GOODS cp II II undersigned respectfully informs hu friends L nnd tho public geia-rully. that he has Jui-t received from the Eastern cities, u large assortment of m ew gi. p x:h;xhqs bulng the hen nssnrtmcnt ever offered in this market. Also n complete nssortmeiU of Hoys Clothing, Iu fact everything 111 the Clothing Line For thobo who prefer to leave their measures', a perfect fit guaranteed, nnd , olhing but tlie best workmanship allowed nl litis es in lishmcul, lie ulo keeps on hand al.trfe tsvurt met '-of BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS ND CAPS, togelher with n variety of notions. ICF- 1ALL AND rJElI FOR youilHEI.F. C0 A. J. EVANS. Illoomtburg, April. 23,1601. FRESH ARRIVAL OP Fall & Winter Goods A T Milieus Store, ; "TtJIE suhsrriber hns Just returned from Iho Citlca X v ilJt another large nnd select iissortmct nf FALL AND WIN'Elt GOODS. purchased at Philadelphia, at the lowest figure, nnJ which they tire determined Jo sell on cs moderate terms ns ran be procured elsewhere In llloomsburg. His stork comprises LHU1EV OlthUS GOODE, of choicest styles and I r.tcut fashion. vnr aoons, .ixj ohockhiks. II IHDiyjIH K Q UKKJmMIlK, CKIMH HVJd-.', 1I0UMH' IV)IK JJlOJf, .VAILS, hoots MIOKS II A Tt L- VJiVS. lit., (:e fre In short everything usuiuliy kept In country Stores in which Iiu invllu the public generally, Tho Highest prico paid fur country produce. ' S. II. MILLER. Iltooineburg, Nov 10. 1BU4. TINWARE & 8T0VE SHOP. THE undersigned respectfully inJorius his old friend nnd customers, that ho hns purchased his brothers merest In tha,cbovu estublikliiEetiMitdthu concern will hereafter ho conducted by himtclfcxclusivelv, lie lias just received unu oners lor sale, iue inrg est mid innti t-itei ive nss'irltneut of FANO'Vi STOVES ever introduced into this market, I ills stuck coiui.it of a comnlete nssortment of. I.a tiut f lonkliif. ii nil inirlnr t loves ill ilio lliurkut. toirelll. 1 or with Stove Futures of every description, Oven nud liox Biovrs, iiuuiuiurs, vjiinuur cinves, Jum iii, Tipht stoves. Cuiiium Stoves. Uc... &c. Htovenina and Tinwaro constantly on hand und manufactured tn order. All kinds of repairing done, ns usual, on short iintlce. R Tim patronage of old friends and new customers re , lustfully solicited, A M. KUl'CKT, I UloomsVuriNaTimtiei3dlHO.-4f. $&m ARE Wistau's Balsam OF I WILD CHERRY J ! ONE OF THE OLDEST AND MOST RELIABLE REMEDIES IN THE WOULD FOR Cough, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bron chitis, Difficulty of Breathing, Asth ma, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, C;oup, and every affection OF THE TIIItOAT, LUNGS & CHEST, INCLUDING EVEN c o rv s v m p v i 0 t . 1 Wistor's Balsam of Wild Cliony 1 So general Ills tho use of this remedy become, nnd , ?o popular is It every were, th.it it is tinnccenry to 1 recount its virtue. Ub works sponk fr it, nml line iittcruiico in the nbiiiuliiiil and voluntary testimony of the niiiuy who from long suffering nnd settled ills ensc h;i vu by Its uso been restored tu proline vlpor nnd health. Wo inn present n mass of ci Hence 111 proof nl our asscrtiuiu, tuai 1 CANNOT HE DISCREDITED. The Rev. Jacob Sechler. Well known and much respected nmong the German population in this country, makes tho fuilun lug stale- tnent lor tne ueueni 01 mo nuiicicu. lUxovi n Pa.. Teh. 10. Dtdr Sir. Having realized in my family Important lieiittits Irnui the use of your valuable preparation. , Wisicn's llAt-sAM i' Wuii CiiEnnv-it nllordnmc pleas , lire to recoinmcuii utn tne puuue. noma ciitm jrnrn ago one of my daughters seemed tn hi in u decline, and hopes of her recovery uero enteriained. I then pro cured n I bottle of your excellent llalsain.nnd lieforn she hail taken 1111; wlioicol tnc conicntsor tire Dome in my Inulvliiual rase, iniuio lrcqucni ue 01 jour valuable mediciut'i and have always been bem fltrd by It JACOIiSIX'IILEK I From Jeisic Smith, Esq., President of the Morris County Bank, Morristown I 2tyfi Jersey, "Having tlfcod Dr. Wlsl.ir's Halsam nft wild Cherry for about fifteen years, and liaving realized ben, fici.il ressitllH in my family, itnll'onls me great ph-nsuru iu rcoiumenillng It to the pub jens a valuable leiui dy in casus of weak lungs, colds, coughs, &c. nud u ruiu.'o) which I lotisldcr to be entirely innocent, and may be taken ilh perfect safety by the inutl delimit; health. Frotji Hon, John Smith, u C'is'iii tiuishcd Lawyers in IVentmin- istcr, Md. 1 I have on si vrral occasions Used Dr. Wittar1 ItaUam of Willi Ch irry for settre colds, nilil aKvays wit,i do- I rided benefit. 1 knuwui'no prepar-illon .Itat I, morel clllcacious or inure deervlng ol general usi, I Tl'ellalsuiu has aUn been lui-d ith excellent effect ' by J. II Elliott, Merchant, 1 1 fill's L'ro llo-ids. .Md, Jf'islur's Balsam nj Wild Cluny. None genuine w rapper. unless signed ' I HUTTA," on tho FOR SALE U1T J. P. IIIMHMOrcn, No. 4'll llrc.ndw.iy, NevV Yolk. 3. W. 1'UWLi: & Co.. I'ropr etors, lluHoii, And.ky all Drugji.U. iu:i)Dixcs s riisu salve. FORTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE. Hns fully established the nipclollty uf HEDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE, Over all other l eallug prepa.'ulion. ,. ,, i , j .. . o , i ,. . t -, It cures all Hnds of So cs.t.iits, Fe ,1.1s, Lilrhs fioils leers, tall l.heiim, I.jslpflas Wnes lilis, Oorus. More Hps Sore eves, i.c, rcn ,mng the pain at mice, nnd Iteducing tho most nngiy I ookiog Snellln, nndintlanintinii us u by magic. UnlvtU cunts n box leu sin. nv J I' DIN'd'MOHE, No. 4!M llrovlwny .Sew Voik. S W LOU LE &.CO., N i, l8Treni( it-I, l!oi.toii, And by all DruggLlt, Ma) 7, iaci-12tu, i - ivr rpiin uiiderstpoeiMs also extensively ensntelt In t'' J UudcrtaUnt! Ilusinesr. and keuiiscoiihtnnlly on hiinil I ltd for sale at his Ware-rooms, u largo m-sorlmeiit of I FINISHED xs& COFFINS, Dv which ho is cinblcl to nil orders on nresenlnliou Also Keeps a good Horse and Hearse, nud will at ul times be icudy to attend Fuucieln. ' rSl.MON C. SH1VE. " I!liirujjfrJbttc, Jauu.'iry 2f, 8M II. C. II 0 W E R, SURGEON DBNTIST. RFSPlX'Ti'VLLV offers his profess ional services to the Indies nnd gttith- men of hl.inmsliurg and vicinity, Ho is Jr prepared lo attend lo nil tin, various epjratinn? in Iho Hue of his profession, and is provided with the hite.-t Improved P01ICKMI. Th'.IVM; which will lxijtiaertcd on gold, platnia, silver and rubber buso to IooVkHI us the riHtuial teith Ml it r ll plain and bloik teclh innnufitctiired nnd all o eri'tii'its on teeth, carefully und properly nltcnded to. Ite.iih'iico and otiiiea few doors above liie t.'outt II. in. e, k.uni; side. lll.io.iiBbiif, Juiiull iX I J. V. lYtlt. . L N. MOVlll !Nbw Drug Store. I WHOLESALE AND RETAIL THE uiidcrtigiied would Inform their friends nnd Hie public genurally.that they havo taken Iho stand fur uieily ociu.iied by Oeo, ,M. Hiigcnbiicli, iu the Eichauge i lluilding, on IMaln street, in Illoouieburi,', where he has IwiusM.iiiHcincs.B'aiMtsi.oiis, Just received n lull supply oi Which w ill he sold on inuderale terms for ready pay. Also, NOTIONS generally, of every variety, tort and site. I'hjslcinns' prescriptions carefully compounded, ut all times and on short notice. KTT" Confeclioiieiy of the best telcctions, and fc'oda Water in season, Cv" A sharo of tke public custom in resjicctfully no icited. EVFU & MOVER, ftooinsburg, April 11, 18G3. ESPY I i iplIE undersigned, hnving taken the Espy Hotel, 1. lately kept by Mr. E llowcll, would retpetlfully i nforiii his friends nud tho public In general, that no pains will be spared for Ihe satisfactory entertainment of all who may favor him with .their cuilhiu. JOd D M.lUCllriANK, Espy. AprllS.lflil. ISAAC K. STAUFFER, WAT11K.AK.KH AND No, 1-18 North Second St., cor. of Quarry V 11 1 Li A JJ L 1' H 1 A An assortment of Watches, Jewelry, Hllver nnd' ruiea ware constantly on hand. US Repairing of Watches and Jewelry promptly t- vu January i, 1803, ly, Ladies' und Childrcn'fl HtitB. Latest itylft al CHARI.Ef) OAKKOKU c EONS, Crtntiatnlal lloleli rhiledclfhia, OP Dn.BfJlIEIIOK'B OWN L'ASe, WHILE LAllOntNO UNDKIt CONSUMl'TION, Until '"'c Mandrake Pills act on the System n curing hat (is- fase, ana mc HHV.AT HIICOESS ATTENDING IT 1 1! Te nbovn Is n correct likeness of Dr Prhonck taken ninny yours iiko, nftusflu' had recovered from Consump tion, by n course crhls "Scuknck's Pulmonic Hymn-," 'I hellki'iicts, nlthoiig II docs not represent hi in any thins Ilko nslmd ns he win ut Iho worst, yd it Is in strong contrast with Iho halo nnd vigorous looks of the l'ortrnit below, which is the true likeness of hi mat the present time. Tho conlrnst between theso two por traits Is so great that ninny would not liellevo th'in to lui ilio voiiiu uersnii. Yet lliere arc hundreds of per. kiiiis, In and around I,hllnd"lphla, who will recognise both portraits tobo true repri'scntntions, When the nrsi wnsiuxeu no weigneu 10 poiiuus , ai uio presuni tune hit weight is 2.0 pounds.. New Yoi." WiilncsiliiV March Hi), ltj.il. 70 iwE-pmm ' Thine jenr ago 1 was In the ' t slus'-s of I'lilmnn nrj (;iiniioiillnu, ami giv. u up ... i.'le 1 resided in Philadelphia and Dr. .1 n-ph I'itrri kII. ilieu of Mils city, on en d inc In Mnri'ftow li, N. .1., a dltlnucc of Mini' mile, which took mc two d:) lo gi t ilr re. On my ar rival I wn pul to bud. nud lliere Uidfnr m.'iiiV w.-eks. This vvns iu) nalive place, where nil my f.iinll.v lived 1 nnu uau .1 ifo "i i ouoiiipiii.o nr. j iioruioii. vvun at. tended my father in his Ian illu. sv, a called ,ui,l , . gave me one week Uf IK up my nll'.ilrs. He li.nl seen . j nil my f.iinil) go thai vvni. nnd thought I wns logo too. I 'i In ii I heard nf tho remedies I now ott'er to Hie pub lic, which cuied me. Il io-1-meii to me Hut I could fuel i ! them penrtiiiling my whole syelciu, ' ' 'I'll.'' soon ripened the matter on my lung, arnl I ' I wbuld spil nd'mi.rr Ih-in n pint ol oili-nsiv e jrllnw mat ter every morning A . "i a lh.it li.'iriui l.i nli.Ide, 1 my i-oueli- fever, pain. nL'ht we.it all hije.in In leave ' me. and my appeiite I uiuo u grent Hint il was Willi . ' dilhcillly I rollld keep fiom enlillg too much, f n,in I gained my rlreiiiMh, and I h:w ' b. en gruwiuu Iu II... h ever I'll" e. Foi many year" I have nj-yed uuiiitcr- ! ' rupteil good heallh. keeiiini,' l In- livei mid stmmiihi tiealthy w ill) IhuSeaw ITonii and Miin.lriiki.. Pill.-., as 1 I Urn of a billoiK t 'iU.iraioeiii. M- w eight ii 111 o hu-i ! I dred nnd twcnlv pmiinls. O.i lev n coverv p-opl- would ' j send fur me, far Mid near. t see if Ihetr rases were i like mine. For tb. purpn"" I pay prole. i.iurit vi-ils 1 in tlie hirg' 1 1 lies. 'I lie roil uuiplive vv Nh to M-e the , one tlml inakoK iIiom meilirlni..atid w ho wa i ured til i ci.tisumiilinu h Iheni. To make ir.w lung-i It. iiiinn-..!- ble ; lull i nvitilf in the lmig nod chronic iih-i raliont ,- ,. tl rottc-1 i .-t I lubes e-iu l- healed t-uch i uses arc ,,ills ),nlirV Mderllu 'i-dinarv trcMtiiicnl of p,v.. ' nnlln.l mi. Ii iiu- cii'.-d by tho In r u-o of Si hemk's I '11 1 in.) 1 1 i c P) nip. Seawed 'I'niuc, and .M.iu. . ur.iKe i ius. 1 am i.nw u hrnllh) nian, with a lame cavity in ihe middle Inho of Hie rieltt lung Fn- Inner lul.iivti) lunch ' hepali.ed nud cmnpleie adh 'M.iu of the pl.-ut.t. ''h i lelt lung i- Miintil, und the uppei Ii In: nt the rich! l-iug ' if In ntolcrably heallp) iiuii.iiiuu. 'I t.o i; r, :tt r.'iiMni w hy phi i-iriaii do not i up' inniiniplinn i. Hie) iry In I do loo lunch -, they give ri'-dkiui-h In ht.ip the tiiuah, to I i-tup llllll, lo Mnp llisllt we,iU, In'illi fevirnild, I,)' Mi ; doing, lliey ),-rHiiJfi: ll.e whole iljge-.lj.-i- pnuein, link. ' lug uplhe seen tious. and evemuull. the p.iii'-ut sinks i nud dies. After I make :i ran-lul ev.imiii.iiiiMi m tii, ialh.-nt w illl Hie llespilnuieter, -Hid Hint lung en-niull lel'ttoiure, I diriit Hie pall, ut how to use Hie three nmedi.n Remove ihe hIhm- mi it'n-) will nil ttopnf llieirowii ati-ord. .No one can lie i in ud uf cnui-uiiip-lien, liver nipl.'ilul, d)rp,p.ia, i.it.irilt, lanker. ul rer,il"d!throal, tin Ioj-i- Ihe In ei nnd .ti.ini.ili are made heallby. In New Eughnul tu rnul.er. chrniiir i-at.irth, ulr.-rate I tlniial, elnoguiinii iiruv-1,.1 m unite j.n-va-lerl t Its, li In mi) other set-tii.u of Hi : inuniiy. 'j'j-is i. fri quei.tly cniiM-d by a luul i-loiu.vh. uu t, uy burn it out Willi iiili-lii' tune in., I a'.'.iiii.- mill .-ill lli -y will -get I- leiupnrar) lelii f Corr-ei Ihe i-louiuili und liver, nud thry will he.il up Ho m-elw-i liiuid iiul iiliiu is ihe retueii) , lf)oii have nil) dif ease in any part of tin- bd) . il will remain tln-ie und i deui) mori und ui, ire until )iut can g -l the i-lotu-u h iu th rnllditlnii In ilt-rt fund, l,d make new Id.ind l.i I Ink.-Ilr-pl.icc of diM-.i.i-il null -r. Thi t Ihe only , w,-i) to heal tnvilie.- i i ilieltitius mid uli-i rl d brim- I . rlmil till. - t'orri'-t llin .lopinch .md liver, .'nld nature . will do tlie h'.tli.7'. .tl.i.iy p. rnll have an i lea th.it .teilain i'iei!ii-iiii.j.'ari gieal lurlliem of ihe bl..ud. Wli.-ii blond is once dise.-iM-d it ciiiumt he ptirilied ; it is ili5cnsiit.the fame n the diseased matter in Hi: i syi-lcui ; hut gel Hie upp.iralUB in order, the llv-.-r and , ktiiiu-ich, uudgivcit plenty nl' uuuiisliiug fond, n will I make new blood, which will like Iho place ol thai w UKii is ut.casi-ii. , Sthenck's I'uli.ionlc sjrup i. nil, of tho b-t prepa- , rntioiit. of iron iu use, it is u powerful tunic of ittcif, ' nud when the Seaweed Tonic dissolves Iho mucus in the siouuicli, and it i tarried ull'hy the nid of tho .Man. , drake Fills, Ihe Puhiiuiiic S)riip is m1de i ,tu blood. . This i Hit" only wu) to cure rniihUmptinu, if I call- not gtt u good uppelii-" and fnod dneV. not digort I can. j iiolcuro tin' patient Never tuiiid the cough ; remove i .thetuuse and H vvill .lop of its, If. 'this Mile; moi,t 1 I lioulile I hum with in) patients at my rouu.s They t:t) , "Doctor, 1 feci &inngur I lean n.il my night -sweats are belter, and I feel better ever) wuv -. In", my , tough U so b.id yet ;" and they arc nvuiiu-id t In'.'ir mu sny Ihul does nol inntlei ; remove th-i cu'lie und ' i il will slop itself. Ichuiiil,'8 cleawced itt.ite a pood ujipclilu in ubotil nine days, when llu-ie Is no lung ills- , ejee, unletj ihu liver is so cnr.;i..ied that Hi- Man-! drake Pills ctiHtiot unlock the tin. Is t.l III gad I. la. Met in that thorl.paw: of time, in ordc I ) allow the stale ' bile lo pr.ts oil Keep Iho liver and tho Huniath henltliy and there U less danger of consumption or any 1 oilier disease. Il is hard to t.iko told when lli.e'e or- i gjusuru la'tiltliy. '1'hose that me bilious, low unriled, I dreary, fueling t-tujild. touted tcuicuo, poor uppitite, uervoui., stomal h full ol" wind, ever) thing that i om en lies heavy io.t of uiemory, try oim bntlle of rICIIHXClv'S SIIAWI.LD TO.V10, und one bin of I S HENCK'SMANim MvHPII.LS. It is only a coU of . ono dollnr nud tweuty-llvo cuius, Willi full dir. 'ilium. Tills is siillicient, in many tares, to siili.fy what Ihe I medii-ines nre. Frequently ono bottle makes u great ' tliaiigeiutho eyslcm, Any person that enjoys nrilina- I i v health, by lining the Seaweed Tonic and .Mandrake ! Fills ouiasjoually. mii.t gtt the digettivc organs iu i such ulcLltky condition that they hecoinu ll.-shy. 1 can produce u iipmber of my old cousumptivo pallcins now enjoying good health, weighing ncnrlyWI pounds ' I w ill i (include by relating three cures 1 have made, in : New York, nud which nreull ilillereul, und wish liny , nnu who feels any imere.i m tlm mailer I" visit Ilium . First Is Mrs. Farlow, loiuiug Ihcn at No. HIT Houston . street. Her husband culled upon mc nl my room. :i.' ' llond ctrc-et, nud wished me to call nud tee her. lie I said I could do no good ; Hint ho had nil Iho host medi rnl ulleiidance. unit ull said i he was too I ir gone v nit ' Uoiieiiiuptlon to In. Hired ; bin hhe had heard of koine ' gient cures I had made, und he ile.ired to gratify Iu r ' wisbcii. 1 culled, nud found Iter Ivins cunfiiied to her bed iu tliu lust etugu of brimthin! toiisitmplion, and without doubt must havo died soon, I cuanuuoil Iter lungs, found bilh hrouihial lub-.s very luuili ull'ectcti, but no cuv ities had funned, her cough tvns vcr) severo, the epll-biu iva half till! of (kick pus. PuUe I III, legs swuueu veiy iiiueii, unu wursc nian an siio unu euro. . li ic diarrhna, llor bowls hud been moved eh eu I nine that day, I told Iter she had liingseuough lobe lured. 1 but that Hilt (liarilio-a had been lung ttiiudlng. nnd lier I stomach wuin tut I: nu iilcerittod'coudllion that I va. iifraldliolhiAg could he done, l-'hg iiisittt'd I tll'iuld try und do what I could for her, observing that the would not last lung iu Hu condition bhu wits in, , und 1 could nut mitko her nuy worse. I g.'ivu her lift uut.Buuj niy j.tiiuiu&u t ins, llllll uio ionic llllll pyrup freely. Tliut wan on Tuesday, and hy the iicilBuiiilny II, n ,llr,lm-, te. ,-f,rrl...l nil' lip n 1 1 n 1 v,.'l nnd the could til,iii in bed nud cm her dinner. Sho now well, nud gavo me a. long cerllfieulo. tertlllod to may feel dispo.ul tofaorit wit li f""'"1' ly the Itcv.llr. Howling. ' .pared no -pento iu prt-paiiu!.' th ''XcntNOB, or lis Mrs.llailholouiew.M Wett Fotiy.nnh street, came entertainuiciit efjil. , guests. "L'tlierr elrill r i yj to my rooms Willi a twuar on her liver, She vvusloiv ' thing vrniuW (na ti? pnrljt" luiujster to tlie ir 1 mi spirited, tkin ealluvv, toujtio coaled, bowels cn.livc, no 1 cotufojt. His house is spauuus and enjoys nn oxiein.nk appetite, nnd fast sinking into the grave. Tho snld business locution, ...,,. . i. ... tumor had been riinnli.e over funriecii veins. I lmio UV- OuinibutCii run nt nlUH.ios Wiweon inu i. JFfl er Byrup, Tonic nnd Fills, nud told her tu lakt'll i ju.tns the dliectioju were printed. Sim came bar!; lo i my rooms, 3v" lluiul Mrietju two weeks, tutne.wh.it i belter-, lier tongue had begun to clean n Utile nroiiud I flu, i.ilet.B. her mLI w hit,., nii.l Im,...,, l,,l ,l,ler ,,.!' tho edgt's-hor skin whiter nud her eves biijliter, nnd tho tumor discharging very nffciii-iv-o matter, ninth fester than it had over douo before, f-hc keul gradu ui,j i,,u,,it,i inn, hi uj, , ni.'tiuia r,,u t,iiiu 1,1 my rooms very much frightened, te) Ing llultlto tumor had nearly stopped runuliig, and was lien I Ing up, und that every duclur had told her Hint If it ever healed II wnulil cause her death, I told her Dial tliu doeato ha I all left her )stcin, and nstur" would heal Ho nlccrup 'i iiov are uovt-bcslcd. and have been for uhout a l est ally Improving, nud in about two mouths tho ciime to and ha it i.J hyiity di)d louu.t nninna jou -ill find in a dsj ulk, tlie ltU4 for any one 1 3 tall on ll-t-?1!1 lErct pnlnstio j ise, a hears has nnylhlng like s(A ti.tt nn ., i It10!11,' C01 nni' mo" rUa n tno ' '! N. Hold, from Dtnmford. Conn. Mrs. Ilartholomn.- en hce .lownto srome, nnd sho has been i ter UnrV nt Irl House. V Ijpri ihe first tania to my rminis, H10 w ui inutli c nnclnted wl h ft distressing cmi8li, spitllnu lure., qunntltlr-. of hlood. I oxamlnea her lunes will. L JVllh ono luilgsii fnrnono nud the nlhcr lung siisouii.l. , 1 could not itlvoinuch eilcoliragem. lit, 1 tbought sho would dlu I but to my nstonlsliment Iho l'lilmonlc fvrim. ...... . imunu . un pit 0,1 in rn I?" J "7.K.' " ?" m-.t, ic,.vtl, a I h' i lid ovr, Ici.vluj (i VIS 1-iRood nuiellte. fine us iiiikv iin kiiuiq Bnllio thlrtv-.flt-n nnii.t.U 1., weight. Bhe hns somo cough yet, wlilrh 1 do no m,i yet, June , think will leave her belore June. 1 should think it I tvoultl bo of grcnt Interest to some unpreludlifil idiv. clcl.iu to vilt these can s, particularly Miss Hmnehl. or nuy of litem list have been rilred by mv meilii inrs, rIhev ore numerous In Now York. I.tii tim ni.-n nil differ frtiiti enrh other i mid If my medicines nre d Ing what 1 represent Ihcy lire, they should have Ina tredll nnd the ullllctcd know win re and how they n.a" bo cured. J, II, HCIII'.NL'IJ, M, D, I .."A."' ?r''.('.n,c( tanbefoundnt kls principal nlfice. No. ait North blh Plrei-t, I'hllndelpliln, every Vnlilrdny. t frniit 0 A. M.. Ulltll 5 I'. M o tive nilvlcu, Irce if i charge but nr n thoTouah oxaniliiHtlnn ho cluirgri:' three dnllkrs I'rlro uftho Pulmonic Byrup and Bel I weed Tonic enih $IM per botili-, or 8(1 the half dozen Mniidrnkii I'ills '.'Scents per box, nud for salj by HI I Druggiits nnd Dealers. I Juno Hi 1-01. 1 A'. 1 IMPORTANTtoFEMALES tm 'B' THaiE HiABEiS ! 1J0TII MAHIUEI) AND SINGLE. Oldest Regulator lor Pouialea' Dli (MIEESEMivTir FILM ALU I'll.I.S Will liiimeilliitely relieve, wltlioiit pain, nil dislurban.' cos of tho periodic I'iFchari'o, whcllver nrisln; frn.n n laxaiioii or suppression. They to t like a charm In n moving Hie p.iim that nicninpany dllhcult or iinnm lor. ate ninunriiiilinii, nud nre the only Aiifo uiol roliablo remedy for I'liislms, Kick Ik-nil iche,l'.-ilni In the l.oln. Ilaik and i-idii, I'ulpi ntlon ofthe Heart, Nervous I ii-. mors. Hysterics, Hp.isms, llrok.'ii Sleep, nud nlh-ir tin pleiihnut and ilangeroiis ofl'octs of nn uniiatiiral comli tinu of Hn. seku.il I'nnc ioii'. In iho worst c.isoa of I Ilio, Allius, or Willi, s, they eili-it a peeilv cure. 1 lilt. I'llKIISHMAN'S I'EMAI.i: rtLI.fi. Have bet n used over n (tiianer of u (Yiil'iry. They I are nflereil ns Ihe only s.ifu'iiii aus of lenewlug Ititer , rnpled nienslril.itioii, but I, a lies must bear in inind ; Hi.M, lliere is oim tiiiidillou nf the I tu.-ili li "ni in I wliiih the Pill iiiiiiioI be I. ikon witlmut pr uu. ing a peiuliar reiull The condition relircil In i r -naiirv i tliu rem! Ml i-.riiagi'. Sioh 11 Hit- irr-'sistibh ten dency of the ttieill. iue to imtiiru Iho seXiim IhiiiIioim to n noriiinl rou.litiou. that even Hie lepro-luttivo pun . er of niitute caniioi resist il. They c iiiiint tloli. tun in any oilier way. int. i:iiki:-i;m ws femali: pills, Ate the only Aleilhine tbnt urried nud Sliigle L.nlieg have relied upon fur mini) years.ortau ri. ly upm n-ivr t liewnre of Imit.iliiiiif ! Thetii Fill lorui lite FImcsI I'rep.-ir.ttioti ev er put forwi-rd, with ini'iiedUte nud ' Persistent Kiircos. liil.V'T III: IIEUI.IVED. Tuks litis ndverli'i uieiit In vour lrtigi!it. .itid tell him t in. 1 I you want llioliel und m.ist lelmldc Fem.ilj Alediriuu ! hi Hiewotld whit h inrompriK d In j IIU. Clli;i'.MA,Vri FliUALt: PILLS'" i The. bivi receive, I, and aro now rr,iv ing Hi - s.'iu- i eiinti or ll.e limit rniio.ut I'll; sleiaus in Aut-nra. H.M'l.lt'lT III It III I P1XS with e.-iih Hoi, -ihe pried One li.ll.tr per Mov. iMitiaiiiiHg from .'ill to lilt Pills, Pill, .-. nl bv titail, iirnmpllv. by r.-mlllini; the pure to Hut I'ropiletors, oi no nutlioriKeil Agultl, in cuntiil luutlf. nlil by ttrttggul-t gelt.-rullv. Ill.TIII.MI.S d. Illl.l.Villt I'roprii'lors. f I L'.-d.ir Klreet. Nuw Vork y Sold In lllonnii.btirg. b) Ei cr fc Mover, e.nd E I' l.iltz Feb. -.'T, Ifii.l ly , EVANS i WATSON - Z't t.I. M .MMUt SAFES, It IV IlUMlH to .Vo IliAuuM foutlA ' t ; ' Strirt, I'ltilaiUllikia, h.-iv i.nd r, l.ii.., nsteriiuiiiit of Fne 'l c-SjC J ui-1 ptii'.rj-Ml nnaiiil'-r l.ibs ?jV2,V&jt If", iiui dn.irf, I'M li.inks ,niJ (!' makes uf locks f',u il to any o.a Ij III 111" Foiled Ptntrs. t-'irt SyV. in aryr pri. ,'ltl rem oht rW lctrk ror rrp: in e.l.l rfsi,ifO'"- The S,ilaina'iil..r S.ifi w w i. rid. of I'hil.nlclplii.i iiinti tlu EVANS d WATSON, iiKV-e had the surest demnniration in lie fdlovwiii i litir.it" Him Hie, r inaiiuf.ntur.. of S ilam nn er t a: e n at I'-i.gih full) wnrrauleil the lepr s.Mit.iin.ns v. lut.li Iumi b -en uia-le i.f Ho -in .i-. r.'inleriiig uu iiud-junt d s riti uy ug.ilusl Hie leirilic i lenient. l'liil.tdi-lphta Apt il I" ' . .tfi..r. I.rnti ,C- f,rl,on- tiei-Uenu-tl II nil I . i, ll Ihe higbesi fallrf.lllli.il l'i .Ht-ilo In you, that m '.g 1,1 Ihe vi.iy piolecllve .pmlil i. s 1 1" l ii of Ihe r-.iS.i ii . d, n H.if.. wlitrh wi pun Ins d of you miiu.i fivi I . i, , we i.iv i ,1 n l.-iree pnrti.-n ol Jew 1 1 r , mid nl. . ui n Kl OApni.tl t.. ihe i 'tin uu uiuis i, ,' in K'int.-r, I ( lb.- morning ofthe llih iii.t.. Wli.-n we r. Il-rt ;hvt Hi -s s.:f iw h--it -d : foituli st.ir) of th. huildiug wu m-rupied nn I Him tell ili,'ne.uenili ini.i.-i li np of burning runih v l vast c un- ntratliut ol Un- b.-ni cued lb hr l pi , tin l. we e tnti.it but rey.trd Ili.'Pr.'f. -mill. iu 1 'h i its, iirible e iidenty a. miti r.inv iiiLiug proof of the ereal f- riinij int.. rue, i i,y jour san-w. We i-hiill ti:l,e gr.-ni 1 1. hf.ii i t iu n fumini ndiur t'.v men of J.-jxim s- ri" n mre r. liaiiLe i.gtiiu.f fiie. (ii'.uitfii; . yi.MMoN'H & duo . .,,..;;. C They hate sum piirth.ii.edr.it l.-irt,.' .-..it -July i'... l.-i,.'. August .'li 1 the i;i:i:at WOIILI'S faii: l I.DNIIII.V I.XHIlllTIir, III' II lf.il. niOS. W. Al ATTSON Was nw ardeil the Ptir.e .Med ul foi his siipi-rioriiy titer Ml 1-. Illpelllll.il- III the Fmted Mfilet, lur his iiuproveuieut4 SL-- Itv.vvlliii!? Trititiis, r? . lie b.-ing Ihe iuvnilnr I ' 3?? ' M'liiufiicluri mri:ii t:i ..,1 ''na 1 ' Spriiii! o'ld Hole l.e.-nh -r md toMd lliveled Iron Traiim '1 r.ivi liin.; Trunks Vnli.iw. I, ad Hat Fase i;np,-i llngn. I.enlln r Ihii!-.. I mli rt l 1 :i i- nml llol.hv llor. . li.iys' lligs, Flopellers. Whei'lliei row'., r , wmrh ',.. is prepared tu wll al the lowest iMiiiuf.iituriiU' pri'ti. Tlie mine: exien.ive Trunk und Oarpet'li.ig .Vui,iif.ni,,r er in Philadelphia. UU JIAI1M.T jSTISEET, nnu door alive I nurth. t-i.iith "n!i , Pllll-AIHU I"!! I. r.j'Sale-t roiito on th. i first tl.-or. IL Trunks neaily r,-j..-itr. d or itthni'gid for n, w tlie.. I 'nil nud see, ns we m I! V. ly i he i, for 'r. h nv, 1 1, l.-n:i IMiuo luys a-: Si, Nos. !), 11, IU, I ft, 17 Courtlnnilt Stroo S'EAll IlllOADWAV NEW YOltK FIT v 'Fins old-t.nl.ililii-h .1 ami fnvoiito icsoriof tin. I'.utl-- tiess t'otuuniuil) lias been recently refitud, and isiom- nlclti in cv ert thing that tnu minisli-r lo the ro.nl'uri- of its patrons Ladles nud families are sp'jciu i .tndtaii-. lully prut ided for. It I - centrally Inraled in th" bu ini-sa part oi Hie city. no. I ! coiAiguoiis to Iho principal lines t-t nu.ni.lioou, curs, oi,iiiibusf-es ferries, ie. In coiiseqiieiicu of the i.'es sure caused by the (Ubet lion putoK have beta rediccl tu Oue Dollar a d I-iJtij ( cuts per Day. 'Ihe lable is amply siiiilied with all Iho liiiurl-s c the niisoii, and in equal tu mat of any other hotel in Un country. . , , . Ample accommodations are ollered for upward of Ul, gue.H. U y- Do not believe in liners, nnckinmi, nnd olhers tt lip may sa) "tho Wcsti'ru Hold is full." II. II. WINC'lIESTEll. I'roprn tor. TIIOS. 1). WINCHESTER. Fi b. 1.5, leti'J, . St'a'ATtES HJNIOW MUTESj. lOii and C0J Market Street, Fl..ladi Iplun, fplllS Hotel it located iu Ihe very renlro i f busineis X nud isucur Ihe rit-pt'i tin It, idar. s if iiiuus.-in nit which iniike it purtirul.il I) dt-slrnlilo lo persons visiting I Plillndeliihlu on hutlui-h or iiieasuiu , mid Iho Manage) i hopes hy tloie personal iilleiitioit tn the wuuisoflHt' his guetls to niiiko it n cninl'ortnblo liomn fn iiiuco nt . vith their iatrnnugn J. II. IIAUi.V ichO.V, rroji'rs,. JOHN SIIOCKLEV.I-'i.n'i'.. Jul) SI, leul.-IJ mo 7.1 M' 1 riMIEl'roprielnrofthis well-know n and centrally Jo'V 1 ted House, Ihe Exiiuniik lloitl., situate on Mai, Slrei.t, in lllooui.-burg. iniiiiedialcly jpnor ilo tho Loluiii i cuii.l, ,n 11, on,,,.-,..,, if , , .- .. , ., . bin County Owl Housc.ii'speclfully liifiiiius Us iiiei wt n,i,l ,l,e mil, lie 111 L't'LCrill. llUl hi lli-V M H"" "111 0 Is dor for the reccplloii miilentertainniont '' "'iVlias Hotel nud the various I'.u.l Ilo.nl Depot, b) "''J ' M clem v.ill bo ple.is.mll) tonivycd to and from m U spe.etivc liUioua ill duo tiuio tu uict t Ilio t uro. I "'' " lvu" Itlnint, clill rff . J ul V 7. 1 COll .1 LEATHER ! LEATHER 1 1 , I rpEundcisi!iied would announce, lh.it h-hason hat.' a ' aihit lint and Can Empoiiiiin, on Mniu St., illonni' tiiirg, uu usioitmuitt of ilifiv-rcul kind (ifleathi r. tuctl n. An. ralf skint iilnroi-m .r i andulaltiand llnlups ell cf win h he will tell dirspsi limn ran be had vl.-.evvvuo ... ,kt. ,.,.,,L, ('nil nnd i-tMiuiits Ilietii for nurstdvt, j. JOUMv Cili.tur. l'-mi!'uis M :i IPC I