COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT " Onr Oonntltnlloa' gnard It ever ' totia u: rv Via The proud Cauc.iaalan V)nr clorlon .Our Btarr ntonhold It dear t Flag---foria It never! oar only year : 1 Information about the Draft. We havo t'ftken tho Iroublo to collcot eom-lhFbrmation on tho subject of the draft i wli'tch we present for the bonofit of our renders. t Who are lixempty In addition to tho physically ami mentally disabled persons under 20 and over 45 years of ago at tbo date of draft are exempt. Family bibles, useless, although where they come from a Thirties pay (oountlng the premium on A Million Dollars in n Minute. In order tint cltliom of every town and nctlou uf the country may I" fforltd facilltlei for taklag tlio IMI'OHTANT TO LADIES. baptismal certificates and church registers nniTED nv Lnvi i.. tate, PHopntETon- whero those nre in existence, ore used iu - establishing non-liability on account of ago and should bo offered in proof, togctl cr.with tho nceossary affidavits. BLOOMSBURG: kiturday Morning,Fcb.25, 1065. ? ERMS OF THIS PAPER: ( AFTER JANUARY Iit, I8CS. ) $3 00 per Year, or 2 o0 if paid strictly in advance. Incomes in 1864. respectable source and can in any manner,)over ten por cent., Ana aro vn raumiay, aooui inrco ociock, mu m,m aki, ,., n,nV,lROli rriyu XIIH 1MUV&TE MEUl('Ai. AUVISHIL .ia ,. s,r .I Ml. b,d. .h ..r., a .,. ',?tvw$tttt!. ''"; iTT 'ZZZZTt ' "" rivn linn ui:;i il. n.r n:iv nm rrmiiv n. 1 1 1 . u v. unu .. uiwvu . -...w..- ,, Kiiimn , nitrp. PTif),,n, nnn nullum u, .. . . ... t I . I " . ' " 3'- - a misdotneanor and llablo lo punishment, soldi dollars. Attorneys or agents who assist drafted ' Answer. I horo are only about tnrco HLOODbued by AMERICAN ARMS." So said Henry Clay only fifteen yoars Alieu9 nre exempt. An alien, in tho meaning of law1, U a person born under a foreign government who has not filed a declaration of intention to becomo a citi zon,has never vo'tod nor attempted to voto and who has not held an offioo, civil or m'ilitary in this country. Tho faot of tho There seems to bo an impression abroad alienago must bo mado to appoar in das that tho recent proportions in Congross in form, supported by tho sworn certificate regard to amending tho income tax bill, aro of two persons not thcmselvos aliens, who n part of the first efforts towards framing 6tato that thoy know tho party and bcliovo our next payable tncomo taxes, that is, his statements to bo true, thoso of tho year 1804. Hut thoso taxes Persons who havo been two years in n,re alroady fixed by tho law approved sorvico aro exempt. Tho fact of having Juno 30, 1804. A they havo received so served must bo proven by the cxhlbi but littlo public attention, and as they jtion of a discharge or othor satisfactory differ considerably in some respects from prodf. tlioi-c of 1803, it may bo worth whilo to Substitutes before the Draft. As the planco at their ebief features. . law now Btands, only persons not tbcui- Tho new scalo of taxation is as follows : J selves not divided liablo to draft oan be On incomes between 800 andSiT,00, tbo come substitutes for enrolled mon beforo tn v is to be five por cont; betweon 85.000 ! draft. Of course for such wo must look and S10.000, seven and a half per cent ; to tho list of exempt persons under 20 nil over 810,000, ten per cent. Besides and ovor -5,aliens and sucu, as havo served tho 5000 whioh is oxempt in all cases, two years slnc'o the present war. there shall bo deducted all national, State, It should not be forgotten that the rr-g- nnd municipal taxes of tbo year, eriept julat'toiu rcquiro that a mad who oilier the income tax ; the income dorived from , himself as a substitute for an cnrollcn the dividends ef all corporations, 2nd tho man, must prove his non-liability to draft interest upon all their bonds and debts He. tho samo way that fee-would bo required previously assessed tho rent of tho pay- j to do if ho wero drafted and, claimed ex ci't homestead, or tho rental valuo of it 'eruption for tho samo reason, when owed ; and also the amount paid for I It should be born in mind that in all hired labor in carrying on a business, ' cases of furnishing substitutes in lieu of rents of places of business, monoys paid lor rrpairs not exceeding tho averogo of the precccding five years, and moucy paid fur Interest on incumbcianccs on real es tate. But it is lobe observed that thcro is to bo only ono exception of 000 from the aggregate incomes of a family ccm pod of parents and minor children, or hii-hand and wife, except where tho in come of wife and child is derived from a separate sottrce. Publishers of priV. will not have their income from ad vertisements deducted under this law, as uin'cr that uf 1602. The items of incomo are somewhat en larged. Tho net profits on real estate purohased and sold within the year are reckoned as incomo ; and losses of the ciime naturo are to be deducted. The in-ttr'-.-t dtie ovor aud above tho amount of hit' rest paid upon all notes, bonds, inort- fngss and other forms of indebtedness, if ;uod and collectable, is to bo included as income All gams derived from tho pur chase and sale of stocks brother property, including agricultural products, and the profits from all companies not specified in law that is, which have not paid taxes on dividends aro reckoned as income, as is also tho interest upon notes, bonds and other securities of tha United States. The taxes are to be levied on the first of May and to bo due and payablo by tho SOth ol June. ..j r. i mrnn nimlMU support oi oiaims to exemption, anu Dy law ' uj imijuuu uui.tiiuuu.uiiu u..u... restricted from charging nioro than fivo and ninety millions rehtain unsold, dollars in o linglo easo. 10 Question-. How lobg will it toko you The draft under tho oall of beoenibor to sell tho ballancs ? nbniil 800 National iiiu i ua io iui wuu j win f nmuuuuu iuiuu a u v v .uvw ... ... . 1l 1s( leers and substitutes for enrolled incti are Uanks all engage! in helling them ; also ..lla. laddt"Md4ih,'1W";," ' r received lor one, two or three years. a laigo number of tho old bank, and at v- Tho quotas as announced aro net, all least three thou.rnd private bankers and own language,) a. ho pointed his long slcn- v. i i i , . , , , i . 1 ,. tn U 3er foro-fingcr in the very laoo of Suhneh prmlifd ilnft Innnlifi ra hntrini? hnnn intrtnntnli V.Afi,,. rtni! nhflmnl nAntft Will DO Onfflcf- and allowed beforo their assignment. It cd in all parts of the country in disposing is useless to apply to tho Board of Enroll- ,of them to the people, ment for an abatemoot of quotas on ac- llth Question. How long will it take to count of men enlisted ono, two or thrco sell tho wholo ? years ago, inasmuch na all credits havo al I Ansiicr. In less than thrcn months tttoy nil wliu on lr I the note! for which th'cy lcclVo orders. JAY COOKE, HtD'CRirtio Aout, J'MMtlfkia. l?i'i'tilliihp,l fur tho benefit ol Pie i bn rctol)t otTUX CENTS. Hum W ten) pnitpald. n a tralod cnvi-luiu, to nil whu apply fr It It L'lvel n coiiclio ci m tin,. nr Ml llin lln.,.. ... ciillar to fo mal c . loscllier with niiiii uf iure. inl l.nfll. ut liirMfttl.tM. i,..ii.ku Ml. u.-.m... .... .... ... .1 w....--. ... .u.., .....Mb,, I'llIlllltl.MU. rtVN IT QUEUED ARMIES no DESOLATED "uk"' f f " ' XXjiJV plains no stukams op American '' D,Bk" "T i,hoonurJrtrliIlii:if,h,,a:.r.-,fc' u - Tlllll'.i: lilllTtONP, au.oim KAOII, IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMKN 1. hava ulroaily hoin puulUhMl add .li.irilmtud lbl. ,r. OP HarVey's Female PHlu,' ... . .r, miiii'c ill t tn Vh mvi'C M' tin! niot Infnllllilo iiinl popular remi'dy r,'r knowtifur H'ATrHKS,CIIAIftS,l)IAnIOAl)HlftU!Sfltt ull ,ll.ei.,.i ortlio Mnaleeux Thry hav. bfni u.od. " "" I III II II lulling VUCbVlf 'Ulll of MassaohuBcits. TltM.wwAhl; KtcAERTH Thu CrtNSTtxt)- XIonat.Ambhi)Mbst.-TIio Delaware Leg- Splendid List of Articles 11 All to i.i.... . ,i. ..a sold for Ono Dollar Eh I ! 1 ISIIHUIU UUS rUJCUluU IUU JllupuatH umfcuw VnntiV in llin nmialilnlinn nf tha United ready been established, and whether prop-1 will bo all sold, and will no doubt ihon gtatcs hj n dirce-fourths voto in tho Scn- 1.. - - . I.. .1 - .. . . . 1 !.,... it.. WnA .fill. ft.A ... .... 1 noriv or linnruiiuri v. iuuv uuuuub uuw uu sen at a nrciuimii ,ub nt3 i,iiu uuou ...... vuw ... , .i.:..i. u n,. ni.n ' r j - t r l ulu nuu u otu'uuiiia vuiu iu uiu uwujvi rovtscu. 3i Iutcrestintr Questions and An swers relative to the 7-30 u. S. Loan. Mn. Jay Cooke, of Philadelphia, who for so long ft time had tho management of tho popular '500 million 2.20 Loan, has just boon appointed b.y Secretary Fcsscn- den, the Ooncral Agent to ditposo of the only popular Loan now offered for Bale by the Government, viz. : the SEVEN THIRTY." In entering iipon ltis duties lio desires to answer plainly tho largo number of questions daily and hourly propounded to him, so that his fellow countryman may all understand what this "Seven Thirty Loan" is what aro its pcouliar merits, how thoy oan subscxibo for or obtain the notes, &o. 1st Question; Why is this Loan oallcd tho "Seven Thirty" Loan I Answer. It bears Interest, in currency, at tho rata of Sevon Dollars and thirty old Sovon-Thirties, the first Twenty-Year Loan, and the Fivo-Twentics. Tho abovo questions and answers, it is MARRIAGES. Iu Pcnton, Columbia county., on Thura- ttaitlira, "... I, . SZO I.ndiea' Hold unit Enamelled linn lino eaee Watch . JOO Omitt' hunting ibso Silver Wntchei. 35 MO lUariiond Whan. 10 Snoo Oolit Veit olid Ni'ck Chain! Mil Cold oral Unncl Unceloli. 4 iUUU Jet nnd Gold llrucelctt. , 4 VUQu t:hatul.iini)Chains&.(Juaidchul i 70UO Solllalro nnd tiold Mroochci. 4 believed, will give full information to all. I day, the 9th of February . by Elder J. . J. Z ffitfcS&Zkv :00 LM'ral.tin&l.&illmffraltlUarDrOpi 4 . i n in it 4uuu j&iiiuriiiii uinniuHu itrcnn pun ou ..II H,. r.,B Un ln,1 In nnSWp h t 1 In JilOOmSDUrg, U)' liCV. . . U. viMm, 3000 (loldFob and Veil Wntc l..ko SM I 6. .!. !lnil, :. lr 1I M. r.VtlER- . m f .t n nil u ii tuw iviu iifmi - - ONK MILLION nu...l. wuk , , ihj on In oVvVn,, TO DE DISPOSED OF Al ( tommendod, ftuil purtiimfarly In allcasc. nrl.lns fiu'u WM m&hMi (8A(Sia (b5tr'tlt!on &omse of Nature, Without r.(.rd Nottdbe pa.,, for until you SK'ttXSM keoivuhat you dre torncQivo III WVakiima and nihility, I'turlnu l)lrliaia, Nrfoui. ... ii cm fit , Kc lllij lllfjr AUI" l 1KH A (M ARM 1 , In itrriiLMlnln- tuiit rotMrlnn tlu rlriu, T,i:uruidi S50 Oenli Gold ltiintlngcaia of lutllcf liue ti lt'.n il fur .nrn itinl t r j ! Arinii 10 9lwU QQStl Oilier rrini-iiir mi 1 4111 l ' U rt'M ill i'l Illelf IK ft IK If not, tho General Subscription Agent.or . Harvey, Mr. James MoIIbsiiv, and Miss sow Mo.,joiuvaAnr'nu... 1 any of tho Banks or Bankers employed to uul" Ul l"ul V'"' 3 4 ' 2.iU ' qussttons, anu to mrnisn me ooven-imr- BU0T( ntlti Mis, Hahriet Kosteniioiiuuk, tics in small or lorgo sums ias tuo notes Q 0f i?ranklin township, Columbia coun aro issued in denominations of 850, 8100, j ty( pa S500. Sl.OOOand S5.000.) and to rondor 1 At Wcatbcrly, idth inst., by tlio Bcv. it oasv for al to subscribe thus fulfilling 1 James M. Salmon, Mr. ASHiNaroN Lti. iuwu ttton.. yct nn.i siRiietUiim 8- . . t, 1 . Rtitpci inil M5 Mahia M Smith, both . ,ouou (-,ni'f"r"M ullll"r"' iiini! 1 tho nstructions of Mr. Fcfsenden, who &i',E3 , , A ,AUIA . f, lia' 00 TsuoKctai.n.ile.'JoiMiry-jft .v.(iid 3 , , , , of Weathorly, Carbon county, Pa. ' two sen i.adie Jewciry-cmiim. earnestly desires that lao people ol tlio IIMI ,. , iv.nri, upai and other muih 4 4000 Fob ami Veil nlhlinilde 000 pcta tiolltarlodleevcbuttuna, .1003 (!ul,l 'I'liimblei, l'encil, he. 1011110 Minalnrii l.orki!ll ipni) .Ml.-iaiurt- l.uckuti.llaRlc riprlni,' IU 30110 Hold 'I'noth iicki,t'rosiea, &. 2 mwi i i.un lioiii niiiK 4 SOUO Cold Itlnj-a TO 100 .10 ti 10 ap 10 e ti B G 10 I. Ill 20" i " ir whole land, (as well as the oipitalists,) shall have every opportunity afforded them of obtaining a portion of this most desira ble invtslmcnt. Lot none delay, but Subsoribo at onoo, through tho Noarcst ltasponsiblc Bauk or Bankers. '.V,0 iu j 1" 1 3 - I ii lnimn rc.ii.i i...... Mii..r .... .;,, f,i DEATHS. den and IVnclla 4 .. IJO'JO (lol.l Puna & gold iimun'i-,1 Urldrra 0 000 Colli lVn. .V. tolil i'jlninlm do Soon l.adliV (UK indJrt llucklei 15 . . , 'rflnlapinli Ufllir ftl, dunrw 1, ,, nil rnrl nlla ra. urau, tuc principal is oxempt oniy as long -i -.j Uu...., uiaiiiug uio intcrosi as ioiiows : Ono cent per' day on each 8 50 note. ipo " THE WAR-. Tho Federal troopo havo 'entered Char- leston. Tho Federal Bag iv again raisrd ! upon Fort Sumter. Charleston was crac j ua'te'd by the Confederates upon last Friday ' evening. Tho fortifioations were uninjur I ed. The oannon mountod upon two hundred in number, were spiked. Six thousand bales of cotton.storod in tho up- 2d Question. When arid how can they per pari 0f the 'city, were burned. Alt tho Confederate stores and store houses, rail Two cents Ten " Twenty One dollar it ii u ii i ii 500" 1,01)0'" 6,000 ,c A I ilm m.inn.. cnti.tll lnir ,-, . 14 i. . i.i "00 l.aillun'llllt.t Jit ll.i.r llnra it Mall. A S. Mouroc, Catawissa, Pa., February K, aoun piier is.-bM mid Uriiikinu cup. s ' lorf; M.. ,,., llivi. nrrnii Rl vo.iis 3Jfl" silver U.ntpra , . 15 " iuui, ....o -0 j '-M00 Hilvor llruit,cnril,.'t CaVoh.iakila SO 1 ntnnnicliiir It" Mi lit 1805. Mrs. ' i'loO iln.rn SiUcr'lVn S,iiiina , 10 in Jiloomsburg, itu. i.i, iooji iur. mw ioi(ii (jV,.rT4bK.jj11011,'lJ Catiiauini: Giuton, wtto of Oscar P. lnrka. no Girton, of Amboy, Leo oo., Illinois, ngeil akiiammi.i: i:u., .Manurtiirern.-. or voora. fi mnnl is. nnd (i ilaVS. , No, li Itru.lilix ay, Nel' l,rK. I ' ' ' ' Announci- Hint nil of iho nliovj hit "f itoiItiii ii In Crppliwaoil lowinllin. Oil tllO lOtll mid for One Dollar inih. .. 15 10 Ill 1 15 0. " ill nnd tdfiiKm ul"lly l"ih.'.m no 01 DR. HAKVKrs FKMALK PILLS. . Thoy a e not u n dlcu ry b it a lon ttisd remedy! UlK calabrntU'l DR. JOHN IIAUV.EY, one nf Iho inu.l emliii'lii phy.lclnn., prefcillind them Tor many yuit in hi. pnuliai', nn,l mi phy.l i Ian wua inurj truly popular or lU'luly miown than Mm In I It u t rwat in- ut ol FBAIA l.U Dlb'l- IV UL TIES. AH hn liae mi d llr llnrve'a Friiinlc t'llla racom in.nil tbeni tn ntliera Nuiaei rrrwnuiPiiil lli 'iii-Hni llta and Dealer, rerrininii'ii, I tlntn Iu p'cl't-ruiiru tn ,,t he r meiljcinea, hecauao iiflheir merit'. N'o la ly ob jnl to tnke Hi nil for they are clrpinliy Prepared by an'd Chcmiit. Tli'y aro pi'tf.-clly Inrni.e.a on tha yteui, m.iy bn taken at any Unit- mIIIi p-ifi-it adfelj ; but diiriiiu tbi rally .lapaa of rregnuncy they -llotilil nut be tukeu , or n iiila urriugK inuy hi lakcn, or a tiii.caniiijt'-' miy , b Ibirosull. Tln-y never caiian nuy alr.kueai pain ' or ilLlrera. Until but coutnlua titty (iil.a and full dir i cl'.iiili lor ii. PRICE ONE DOLLAR R.7" C'ul tlih Hutu: nut li ynii itt-firo )t, Hntvjr n . Pill or 1I""k, .nut il )"u tmirifit prix-'irn thcni uf y , ilni(fi,Mt, tl'Hiui l.tltu nry ollh-r, fr unino iI.'aIltm ta nrn uhiriucillcU u ill icutiiiiiK'iid othnf rtmlo I'll'i, llicy tun iinfit a tArut'r prnfit . on -but outline Uio itumuj anu rnit I eel in Dr. J. BRYAN, Uenaral Au-rnt. Ilo .VI7.1. il Cedar Street, N V Who will laK' all n.k If (irop' rly illrei teil ; and n ill ri'H'ii ,! tin in pool pain, aeuiirely avaleil Iroiu ol aervatiun, hi relurti iiinil. j)M iiv i)i;rci;i.-Trf cr.xtirtAi.t.r. nr..MAri:.n,;r.- vt lit ureiuneuu uii.nii,, uii ; . ..... ,,r (P,,. I,, ,iii.iiiaafiiif j " 0 i- if tr In eone'iicnri: of the ( ingimtiou "i lra,le iu ' inst., Cn.niiE1 bUMNEIt, 6n Ol Will. U . tPt. manur.ict.iilnir diatritta of llvRlaiid. ihrnuitli Hoi yfurd Ed'lion . lift I) TlOltSUIl I , Oli )U' u:t. .lon'.l nnnA 7 voir j " innntlis and ai haiut: eut nirthe aiipply of eolton, a larKr quan- ',, ... Iticn, tlco U., agcu i joara, . munwis, suu (itv rf y,,, Ju(.lr)r.' ,;ti,;ioiiy nuin'f.i r,.r th.j cAi rovm road depots and publio buildings wcro des troyed. Tho town itself was burned. j Onljf its ruins wero captured by the Fed eral troop's. At nino o'clock on 'the morning cf Sat urday a detachment of Federal troops crossed over from James Island to Charlcd- Sa'turday Admiral Dahlgren i . tj, . , , imit lowninip, uoiuiuoja com,,) , in, unariostoo. vxooorai uun.oru emcrcu soon ( TueSllay, 14(A of March, 1800, afterwards. Tho Federal flagwas at .once Th, fji0wini: dc.mbeJ vcnonni property, viz i MS mviL mw The Peace Question. It is announced from Washington that tho extreme Radioals of Ben. Wade's sohool aro foaming with rage and Indignation bo eiusoof the President's desire for" peace. Wo wonder what would satisfy thosebloody and brutal mon I According to their own ebowing Blavery is dead, and what more ub thoy want 1 Do thoy wish" to extermi unto tho entire southern people, merely because we aro able to do eO I With the Aae wo reoeat the query what stands in the way of peace, viewing it from the utand-pointof the dominant party! The answer to this question is of vital impor Unco to tbo people. They ore longing for tho beginning of some plan for tho re construction of tho Union, and tho return of tbo era of psosperity to tho nation. -Will tho dominant party at this timo,it7if they claim that slavry has received its tlcatlMow,and the real cause of the war has Uten removed, aid in developing tho peace sentiment of the nation ! Tboy can hasten tho dawn of peace, or thoy can nlnnrrn tho nation utill deeper in blood and distress. This responsibility is upon the Abolitiou party and Mr. Lincoln,aud they rnnnnt cemiio from it. Now that.on thci nan showioc. ilavory is dead, lot thorn take the necessary stepi to let tho Union livo. iii tsr Jay Cooke a.d Company, -tho Philadelphia Rankers, havo been ro-em-ployed to aid tho Government in relieving its financial necessities, and will at once go to work at pushing tho 7-30 loan into as the substitute is not liable, not exceed ing the lime for which the substitute fhall J have been accoptod. If the substitute) en lists at ninotecn years and livo mouths of age, tho principal is exempt for seven ' months. If tho substitute bo over forty- fivo years of ago at enlistment, tho prin- bo obtained ! cipalis exempt for tho term of enlistment Answer. Tfaey ar6 for 6alo, at tar, and of the substitute or for a less period if and accrued intorcst, by all Sub-Troasur-Congress should meanwhile mako men over ics National and other Ranks, and all forty-five liablo to draft. In tho easo of Rankers and Brokers; an alien substitute tho principal is exompt M Question. When is the interest pay for his term of enlistment, although tho able and how oau it bo collected? alien himself may detorminc hiu principals Answer. The Coupons or Interest Tiok- liability by filling a declaration ol lntcn- cts arc uuo loth ol February and lo ofn,,. They received the surrender of the tion to becomo a ci'izcn, voting atelection , August in each year, and can be cut off; city at tho hands of the mayor. But few or holding an office, civil or military. from the noto, and will bo leashed by any I citizens wcro found. Two iron olods that Substitutes after Draft. Persons them- Sub-Treasurer, U. S, Dcpositry, National Wero building were burned. It is reported selvos liablo to draft, may enlist as sub- or other Bank or Banker. j that au explosion ccourred in tho Wil- stitutos for drafted men, but in sueli easo Mh (ucstie?i. YIieri must tho uoycrtt- tho namo of tho prinoipal shall agaia bo ment pay off theso 7.30s? placed on tho roll and be liablo to draft on ' Answer. They aro due in two years and futuro calls, but not until tho preBont en- a half from tho 15th of February, 1803 ; rollnient Bhall be exhausted. If a drafted viz.: on the ICtti of August, 1807. man furnish a substitato not liablo to draft, 5t Question. Must 1 receive back my he is exempt for tho length of time tha monoy so soon as iou7 J raised upon Fort Sumter substitute ii not liable. A dratted man Answer, no i not unless you yourscit furnishing a substituto can under no cir- prefor to do so tho Law gives you tbo rt 0f Confederate cavalry daahed into cumstances us exompt lor a longer ponoa ngiu to ueinauu irom tuo uovcruuicuc, at. Qjumberland, in Western Maryland. Thoy than ti e time lor which bo was dratted Neither substitutes for drafted or on rollod men, nor drafted mon themselves, 5.20 Xaold Hearing G pet cent. Loan ? 1 110 Inderal forces in that neighborhood are allowed any choice of regiments, but 5th Question. How tnueh do you oon- 'I'hcy got off in safoty with their distin must go wherever they aro assigned-. It i-hould bo stated that it is rarely that a boy uuder eighteen is accepted into ser vice by a prudent Hurgooa, by far tho lar- trom 1st ot November, are to day worth u , fjiere g a report by way of ger number of suoh being too diminutive per cent, premium. If thoy aro worth no J hat in tho movements between tho Edisto and immature. It frequently happens moro at tho end of two years and a lialf, that a man ove forty-five makes an availa- when you havo a right lo them, than they ble substituto,but his acceptability doponds noi'u aro, this prosaiuru added to the intcr- upon a variety of circumstauccs and cannot ost you receive, will give you at least 10 bo absolutely determined until the man is per cent, per annum for your money but offered. It is useless in any case to offer tho opinion is that tboy will bo worth a man as a substitute who is ovor fifty. moro than 9 per cont. premium at that Substitutes are not allowed furloughs time.- after enlisting. This remark applies to I itn Question. What other advantage volunteer recruits as well, Mon deter-' is thero in investing in the 7.30 Loan ! mining to enlist either as substitutes or ro-1 Answer. It cannot bo taxed by States, cruits should make allthoir artanccmonts Counties, or Citics,and this adds from ono before presenting themselves for enlist- ' to threo per cent, per annum to tho not in ment and not importuno officers lo dothat 'oomo of tho holder, aocordiug to tho rate which their instructions forbid, Colored ot taxation iu various localities. All bonds men may bo offerod as substitutes fdr whito ! and stocks, exoopt thoso of the United men. I States,' and all mortgagcs,&o., aro taxed, Persons who paid commutation in 1803 not only by tho Govornment,but by States, aro by law exempt for throo ycaro from 1 1 days. New Sftlwcrtiscmcnts. rneliih m illet hn b-en mill nil' lor snip n tbi. co'in ry. ANOMl'sTlli: HOLD AT ANY 8;i itu J' u -; I'nJer tlo'.e firciinii.l:imc, AllllANUil.i: t . 1 nillnjaa ajunla for thu principal Uiiroienn iimiufac 'turi-rs hiu reolved upon a tSKHAT (It I' IIMTIII- in rui.M. tuL'ji'ci mine loiinniu; repniM';"" . FaVuablc Iteal Estate SAL 13. HANNAH TOWNSKND, Adniinis trntrlx, of JolmToAii.end. lulu of .Ma,IU',i twp.. Columbia county, iluc'd., olfera for sa.J, a certain nio' auajtt and TRACT OF LAND, ndlnininc Linda of Jo.cph Heller. John Reii i.anl. lien 5f.oiii Mcrklo, Dr. Win. II. .MclteynoliU, asd, cuiitainiiiB about SlJCTY-ONii ACltF.S, mostly cleared, nod in a Ron.) ulatn of ciiltlvation. . . .,"? i I iii l ii t tlfllTOI AMI It A wniCQ la errciu'i " 1 ' ' " UAIIN'. VCAGON' UUUdi:. and oilier nutbuildinji ALSO a , . TRACT OF WOOD-LAND, niljninlnir lanja ol Itobtrt, Join Chriatian, iolrt lleiideiahot, aue oth'TS conttinlug TWELVE ACRES. 07" Any information in rejard to the above p'ro;icrty ran' be had by applying tomtentort. .7iiainillrairir. LViUieatea tiC the arioua article, an lir.t put into cut alopea, eal"d up, nml laiii'd i aiid'h-n or.ler-,1. nri-taken nm wllhnui rejird !' choice and i-nl by mail. IIiiih ti iiiK all n fmr ibaiire. II r-re i,t of tli ri-rlldcula. you ill aue what you are lilinve, ami tli-n I it la it yiur option to tend the dollar, ml take the ar ' title or not. 1'trcbjHJia may thin u'jt.nii u Utd 1 Wiilcli.Diauinnd ninj, or tie) Set oC'ewl y ""' i liat for one Dollar. a 1JY ROBT. F, HULL. M D iUinlif r if ll'i'Hn).i1 rullft nf Miirt?ffiui. I.nmlciu, niUr-'na'tl to yu lib. tin iti.irnil. aii'l Mi h ' I Id I'l I JJi 1 I I VI a.' l it ii i ii' . A rurffin .ith-m'I ot llii.-t tin.iH t V 'inn !i.lfii fi BOON, TO THU AbTLlO'T.D! n J baa h.iVet1 'thoiiauJi lioiu .1 hi',' il infer, and an UNTIMI3LY ORAVL. It trenla on the evils i,f. mtlhfiil I "Ii retlou tfulf Abuae. l-'euiiniil Wiukne... w.n. e!.- nil UK- nlnTn n,,x. ,,c ,.,, f,T- C- r I." I H ( 'I'l.' . eae , lieill III 1" Iu II)'. l.o III I'M"' r. r on SEND 25 Cl'.N i S 1' OR Cm I U IC A 1 L ; vr.-niatiir Ji . .- . luii'oieo.e, Ui.t&.c . whiilt unlit In nil tra'naactiom by iniiil. ivufi'ill iliarse lor 'for- ilie anCe.-r Ii Iiilfillnu Ihe warding tin Ci Illntatee, paj inc le anil dnwg ' ITtOA.l OF .M.IliV'l Kit:. the liiHiirai, 5.1 ccnta each, whivh uiut be iutlu.eil ., , when the IVrtilicaie i, aent for. iff lerlilrale, v,ill tnd lh- luei.ii. ol ui.-V Hi-- n or bvaentf.irSI.eluVei'i f.,r S-.', tbirt' for (j. nkly live JtlilJS SI'ICtHl'l' ! I'lLI.S, lor SI", anil u huudreil for V-. It ' nu,noumii i AUENTri. -Wo nut atpjiila tn'Very r. clnient and I nt-r treatment nece.aary In s'lum nuea. and in ecrj Initti and county In the nunc, . auj thnao ';, ,v, - .,;. ., ,,.., Ae ailiua a. audi i l le n lotted I eelua .o vry IVr- , U ItiUl A'ler Jl'llS to -. Hie, ami (I'll UL l"h biaerecteM HANK ' lillcala irdfrd fur tlo'oi, pr,.r;d Ih-'r reinitune, an. AOOX lluUrfi:. and other outbuihlins. aiuouut. I' aolUr. Aje.i ,. el , e, t. by , , , , i,,,.,,,,, ei urv Lertiuciiie. n-,1 runnt id .ooia n, ui. earner in m-ii i.v--,- , r. - cu i orpojtnsu alauipa, " . , d'eif no, n.l fi. jiauliu Psliruary ii, leM.-Jm. AL'lHTUU!?OTi( li. Kstnlc of William Urown, dccctsH. flll!-; midiTnirrtit!,. Auditor appointed mincton railroad dcp6l, by Which BCVOriil! M,j,on. February Si. lefiS. i '')' thc Orpltan'a Cm-t 'If l-'dumLM roun y. lo , , .. , . , ',, . . t I ' . - . L ' uoiko iliiliilnitioii or llw (nolfii thc hinJ. of the i.i- hundred Citizens Wero Klllud. 1 his lacks 1 1iriltl ' VI," VBSBIB editor of William llrmui IJi-jol llrinn real. lowo.hii, , t , , , I 1 UUIilf K iiilJIJiu. folumbla rount, ileeeai-d. aTiout the peraoiiH eim confirmation, however At two o clock on 7... . , .no8CI 0 nublic sale at 1 " ln"' l" reinve tin aiim. hi utu-ud m u, , ,m l ii ft' 1 ..... . ,. , i . ,. ... , iii a hi hi. ii ip, mi 101:1,1 ,' ' - - sidcuce of .Michael tstcckfr. In Hem-' ' gntay . th-s Irlttt day !' Maa-li, leii. al 111 o'rl.uK ' in Hie lorenooli, vtseutlltu -ic in y. rum- hi, mi; claiina aftato.t tre Vp.for.1ow mnrmna lofc'-r. (lnvliirliL. n liSB IIUIFt'llR. OVE Till- Ill.'linV, . HI.KHJII, TUL'CK .v.... j c -.-j -p--, - WAUON AND TANNING .MILL ala.M of a.lil ileceaeil. iimii t re ent Hit- B.uiit b-'foio laid ulnlilor, or bi lie larioo froni tsinluj; iu for a of anl lund. ; I IV. U'lliT. Wndiitr. llloonisburg, t'eb. IH. l-ai-l,vS.' M. .5l- t-ilie I'lll '1 hetu or Tin; ,i. " -o j tiumoerianu, in ivcsicru -uuryiiiuu. mej ouain and miaivij 1. that limo, either your monoy or an equal captured somo Federal pieket3, and Major Sl" yJcXfn na- amount ut par, of tho famous and popular j Generals Crook and Kelley, commanding riirm'Ktb" iIiMcroJYw Ii Farm for Rent. rPIIE sub-o.iber offri to runt, fur a j term of eara. h r KAMI AMI ri.ANT TID. annate in lleiuloik leu nihil . I 'oluiuliia county, about three mile. Weil of lluck lli.-n r oul.-iiiunj: about O.VI3 HUNDHKD ACRKS . ... ...I. ..,,. ,Mlv. not herein ,le. !of land, inoatof nhich l.cV.i-td II a hieh Half ini s ofcnltiialinu. rtv la loeileil ..n the raln nubile mad. leioliii? lo Wn.PmRtoinill, uilll fool l.lllK linru uain and roTATauu uv ruu nusnui.. 2s u U A 11 V K l . f l.nuaehuld nr.,1 Kitchun irtcn'.iou. 10 o'clock, A. M. on aaid dim.. Into n.tvtlnnA rt I annnrtronn itilft Vll . i . - I, . .l ,1... n j ......... .,, ti.II lieeleeo alio rnniot inn . ou I d.uv. i-....... , cuiSUCU prisoner". ll la rupunuu mill, .1 ohj. nv.. ........ ..... - t-rJllli,. 11,,,,. cul-l'illilivl e."ollent iireliarn.. va Loan to be worth ? , IC0 of Fedoral oavalrj has becu acnt af j '"jd M by '-i XnS'AXl "" "'Uc' " " Ansicer. 5.20s bearing Gold iWetert ler ! w wiTq.B '' ' i ni.n.l.,i.n .Vi .oViii' na on, at na rea , c uco u ii ooinsiiure, ,,o Charleston February 25, Ui,o. . . ... , . ..,,,. Kdllor of Dimocrat. t .. . n 1 m . 1 1 Diiar 9i : With your permiasion I r. Isli tn aay tc and Congareo rivers, General llatohjoom- , a,"rl of your paper that 1 wiiinnii. mail who . u . ...,.:..- . 0.. .bill, full (Ureptlon. for makine mumlinr. Rliarman'n nrlonni'n.rianfiirGrl SIT """'' V"" w ":...' .k.. ...,ii .r. i. , ......... .. - 1- 1 - nn.i Confederato oannou that ho had been abandoned. MnaMiv on Inst Pundnv canturcd sixtv naro Faces, aiinplo dlrectioua and in lorint-tion that iUOSCOyi on last t.unaaj jSapmrtu nixiy Hil eabu-them to Hart a fu'l groHth of Luiurianl ,.1 r.t nnn lnintlroil nnrl tWnnlv five Fed. Hair. Whiaken. or a Mouatachc, in leu thau thirty uaine n almple Vejetabln Halm that will elfeclual- ly reuiinu, In ton days, I'inipica, lllolilici .tan, rrrck tla.andall impiiritiea of tho Skin, leaving thu tame oft, clear, iniouth and lleuntiful. 1 .wii ,iii r,eu in Ihoae hariul flald lleada, or daya. tin, 'ith of IVbrunrv IHHIIAII Illl'UMII.I.UIt. IVbriinry H, IrCJ.-lin. ' !iXHIAISE BBOTS3L. rVlll.lC SQU.1IIK, HVil'KS S.MriirT. K.V.V. rWHl linvint, nur a& ih.iaedtbi Block of this well knon u lln.ll lei, -,,, lutriy nt-iii or ..lujir i iiiero.i,iao.. in They do iioOulerfero with hii.iii"a p'ir.iiila. and am aovi-tlt in itrtiiiil. , . 'no liiamsi: ok i 1 1 ; 1 i .-s ft in- .Srfi:v. 7ifl we Wairaiile-t i" ul c-vx. lo ha ff -. I11.1I 1,1 leinot ini: .ti-I riirm-j lh - .11 e.iai. 1. pnnid. of m 1, ilM'nr.n'nl e is -f nr "n r-'t -r ,1 ,! HAVr, UHKN CURKI) in it. ins iiu.i.V.'rf v-ri'.ciru; I'li.i.-. an i mn ,,t e.'iu be .how i'i troui iu in) Hint hiu ui",l tlo'io M) I'ASI. OF V xil.l.'K'U llVmi O.'i.'I IIH. I'ih nnl. ill a lloiiiliid I'livmlava ua,- th no "t,-ii ul in their pi il .,1-1 r.u lire, uu,l U. - til ,1 . ii i u -,' u ilt:,ul lh m. HULL'S SPKCIl' ( RILLS Are Un- oriii.i) mill only v imiiu" me ii I'niil ol l,i':!ii-ir - I.K'.V A IJ. TIIHSK ARK WARREN I'ED. I'lh'f urr .itliiitf'l lnt Mil' r fi'iiulr, ui. or yinnm. ni'l'iirc Hi. t .i y r I i.tiil r insiiv kmm u Un ilii ru i-l nil ilinf-nh' h ai mir; triun y U UTH I'l 1. lSDISVll f T1US In nil Hi'iinil na llonorihea.", Ub et, and in all I K t.. i. ) r, i, Ii.iuta, lb. y AC T LIKK A (MIA KM ! I'.t'ief i iipi-rieuced by lakinr n rliojle bin; an, frmo four lo aiU,n.- g -in tally t-If -i t n inr. S'll.H IIV IIHI l.iil-Trt lilAillt l.i.Y. iu le t.. , to.iliiimuii all pill-, prite SI, or .ii bou, (ji; nlao iu hire boiea. r, i, ill, imiii.' fotir of Ihu aiua I. pruo 3 I. i If ion nee, I Ihl I'lii' l. or Hie I'lll.. nil mil Una il.Ui t tl.t-n'itnt for refer. in-, nml if )oo ciniiot prociim them ofto'H i:rii(;i'l. do not Iw impo., d on b, any nth r refiif, lj, but em.l.i.e tin- nwin-y iu a lelUr to the pro pri.lor. Hill. BllYAX, 371, tr, t'eilnr ritrn t, N. V n ho will lake nil n.k if properl. tlireiie I. nod will aeiid the I'lll, ittured lio.o obat-rv jliou, by return , mail, Tout I'aid. . h i.D li v mti'iHiitfTS i;.:n i u ai.i.v . iii;ma-i i!Aiii:- u. m . New Vurk, V.holeaalf Ae.iula. ebariro. Ilcapectfully youri, THUS1, r. CHAPMAN', Cheiniat, 631 llroadway, New York. February 25. ISti5-3m. oral cavalrymen who wcro on a scouting expedition. Admiral Buchanan, of tho Confe'dorato navv. has been sent ID City Point to bo -L'-.-l -Ranged. !.u. i:. 7-: LUArs- lly tnc authority of tl o Secretary of tlio Tronury thc undersigned hasaaaumcd Uiu CenrrnlSubicriplloii 'J-- ,. , , , u.. u'iihmit ' reuu-r aaiiPiaciioii to aiitieai. All application! an.werrd by return mail without . B,H be-unt,li"d wil kct nnorda. fiool ttnblini for horj's, and ultentire II. J. Yaplu. reaueclfully tolicil the patrouaia.i of the public. I .Mi paina wil! lie apuieil in nny of ua tieparim-nia, nu.r aaiiaiaciloit lo aiirueat., 'i nutania anil uie t. ill always bc-auppli'-d Willi Iho lo'at tin mar- TO TIJE AFFIillTER ! FROM DR. J, , BRYAN, CONSfl.TIMJ 1'IM PHIAV. Ko 70 t ular Utrcit New i'orh. Mrtllrai treatiiient. the futct nful imfl be adapted tho day they wero drafted thoso that paid commutation monoy sinoi Feb, 24, 1601, aro liablo to thc draft about to bo made. Any persons who furnish fubatitutcs un der thc draft of 180'J for thrco years oau havo themselves strickon from tho list bo- fore draft by producing tho oertificato of tho oommissionor at that time and furnish .i. h.n,ia nf ennitaiiati. Messrs. Coofco Jnc ihclr own affidavit to tho facts set nnd Company arc confident that within forth in tho cortificato. Tho namo of the a month fundi will oomo into thb Treas-1 Bubstituto, the dato of 'his enlistment, tho ury at tho rate of two millions or more ' fr-g'nnent ho -entered and tho length of time per day. It U of tho utmost imporlanco for whioh he enlisted must bo shown. Ihat money should be forthcoming quickly, Members of religious denominations for somo of tho bureaus aro nearly ompty ' wlio shall by oath o-r affirmation ddclaro of money, Iho Army is several monlhs in that they aro conscientiously opposed to arrears, and Government vouchors in tho bcaring'arms, and who aro prohibited Quartermaster's Bepartments at the Wcit from doing so by the rules and articles of ... . . 1 . . 1 T, 1. 1 1 - C ,!,.!. h..,!...I.H nl,,.l, n.n n M 1 1 oro selling at a ueavy Tiiacouiii. n i oi- lauu ui iui inouii t-nuiu,., ulu u..t. timated that tbrougH tho wantof ready tlod when drafted to bo -considered non money to- ntako prompt payments tmj oorobatants. They may pay thrco hun .Government sufTdrs a loss of from three lo drod dollars or bo assigned to-duty in hos oir htfndred thmisand dollars par day in pitals or to the daro of freedmon, as ihoy tha Inorotocd prices put upon them by-obn- elcc1. Such drafted inett must show that tractors. If tho monoy oan bo had to pay their .deportment' has been uniformly oon cash promptly, prices of 6upplios will be' sistenfIth ush dealaration. tuuoh Ua md a vast eoviug o.Tcotod. , V1 lifhate? are for tbomosl'part Oouiities and Cities. 9th Question. How docs thc Govern ment raise tho monoy fo" pay tho i'ntotest, and is it eafo and sure ? Answer. Tho Government collects, by taxcB, Internal revohuo, an'd duties on im ports, fully three hundred millions eaoh year. This is nearly thrco times as muoh as is needed to pay tbo interest on all the debt, and a3 soon as tho war is onded, tho amount not needed to pay tho interest will be used in paying off tho debt. Our Gov ernment has twice paid off all its dck,ani can easily do so again. The interest is sure to be raid promptly, and tho dobt itself is tho very safest investment in tho world, It is as safo as a mortgage on a good farnt, and pays a better interest. It is, in faCt, a First Mortgage on all lands, al incomes, all railroad and canal bonds, and bauk or other stocks, mortgages, &o. Nothing cart bo safor, for wo aro all bound for it, and all .that wo have is firmly held for tho paytrteu't of principle and in tercet. How foolish those pooplo are, who kedp iheir gold and greenbacks idle and looked up, or purohaio inortgagos of rail road stocks and bonds,1 .Which' pay only 5 Extension of the State Capital Work has been commenced on the Cap- eencyfor tho Suln of United Stntei 'I'reaaury Notea itol extension, at Uarrisburg, tho found a bearing cvon nnd three tcnlha per cent, interest, per tion having beon escavatcd. Tho plan "mium, known a tim adopted proposes on extension iu tho rear SKVEN-TIIIRTY LOAN. of thc main or centrO building, ot present 'Thcie Notes arc lamed under date of Augift-lith OOCUnicd by tho SenatO and UOUSO. Tho leiH.andaro payable three yean from that time, In . - . JI-. Via,. .1.. nn.t.n rt I...I extension will embrace, on tho first floor, a number of coramitteo rooms and private rooms for tho Speakers of tho two Houses. Tho second floor wjll bo mainly oocu pied by tho Stato Librarian, whoso ac commodations, as indicated in his rcpdtt of 18G4, was restricted to put .two rooms of very limited capaoity. Many thousand linatlcra, Alan. I.ivorv atliched. j 'Ilia exchange ia illifibly a),'.ualed on Ills 1'uMic ' i Sauaie, and hu therefore ticuliar dlbanta;ei In per- I , aona attonillnj courl nr ding buaiiieaiJ in tin) Puldic i ''' . mil lb-n mat condition nftlit T o ''"" , ,, ! ..t,;,,! it the lime, and rtxulal- d from time to time, "cnur CV"STnKVlA a. he e, ae,,e. f'.n r.' .Meiliciue a.t. Wilke. Il.rre Feb IP nrV M-Klloni. I k. fy,M ,,,dll ,, othu. an. .1 narrc. leb, lr. rCj. , ImviI lv adnimi-tc.roJ lth l-wlo nil nt.tur.-. niinn ., ,-, . v Bi , biiJ not to fort'-it Jtl-Mlill SAIiL j Aii who trrj nfilictcd with Cbrouu VftllUlble RCtil lliStfitC , . oc ,.,, nHhll... f,liu.,i ,, ,' tain permanent bun mil, , ., . . , .. i r' cflt from llio treatment of their family pbyti. i.tii, aro ryilK subscriber, AeCllt for tllO heirs lf ""A "t" t gi Vo lair a .tatemenlofthtir condition, an I B Anilrew I ll.linp ,.,I 7rJr C.. .ul.. ,1 Veil. ! , ...III Hieo, freu of tliarite, wllit ttfdtlUOItl la due, on tho prenilaei on Saturday. March II, IfW, neccasnry to en. lire rccoiotj i Ihc limo reiuirtil, and AI.I, TI.Vr I'lIllTAIN Tract of Land, currency, or arc coA'var'liMo nt tho option of the hoi. D. S. 5-20 Six per cent. ( 0 L D - B E A II I N G JJ 0 N D S Th.te bonda are now Worth a premium of nimi per cent., lncludint! irold intcrcit from Nov.,which tnakea i'roviinentaaru a two atory wv . frit the actual rroflt on tho 7-30 loan, a current ratei, in. .0 WC 1 1 1 H OOUS'C O lying ahd beiiigln Mount rieatant towaiihip, Columbia county, l'a , uiljeinini,' landa uf (iunriie rtpplemali, nil the Hoiith, Aaron. Murg rove on tHu Norlli- Daniel Mc L'arly.oulhe Wert, aipl lands of laaa'; Dlldine on Ibe I'aili containing about OXB llUMHtER AND FIFTY ACHES, , U'l dt-i'i'tu to preacribe or give itdvico only In aueh ' eouiplirateilanil chronic ctaea as have baffl.d Iho .kll. 1 of other piiyaiclnni , , 1 To all Ufh 1 will pay rpeetly ulteiitiun, and giiu ' evt ty cao my aeriona eninitlerntlon. I Adrlce without moilirine 11 aelilonl sillncienl ; Ihere fora when addruaaini: me, cncluie one dollar In yo'ir letter, lor which I will give my candid opinion and itittfco. riild mlch mci! cine a I can aflord lor III " "111,1 tiv reiuru 01 man, tutu ii "t nahco with tho original jilan of tho Capi- tal, agreed upon in 1812, now on reoord in ono of iho departments, whioh propo scs the continuous oxtciiHion indicated. The oost of tho extension will bo from 00,000 al (55,000 and it is designed to mako it firo probf. This building perma nently establishes ilurrisbuig as the Capi tal of tho Stato, and puts an end' lo tho prospect of tho P"hlladelphians for secur ing its removal to that city. West liranch Democrut, Five h'JIlllrPil Ili.lllr. n th. .Iiv b ilaiicenf the nurrha.e lunlli'V nil llltl l("fm with iiiti'rft tun,, iin. iifiv (if Anrit. rnjicIoi 1Pti5; and n lcd to bo d' duJlng interoit. about ten per cent, por i4ia Ita trtmvlinn from 'St at A and municipal taiatian. volumes of interesting nnd valuablo Works aidi from ont to thru prr cent. mor, according to aro stowed awav in tho carrct of the old .he rato levied on -the property. Thc interest n p'ay- d about four front Ortngevillo nnfiitol for want, .nf roofil for iases within able eenii nnnually bV coupons nttachtd lo cacti aote TEEMS J . ,,t. . ...n,r... t...t.. tlio limits now allotted tor tho storogo 01 .i.i.rU. , books." Thtf adopted plan is in conso- interc.t. aniod,.t. to vjuv ccm jiur uiij uu u cu uuiu. Two conttt " " " $100 Ten " " " " 5500 " do Nt " " 81000 81 " " 85000 " Notea of all tho denomination! named will bo pioinpf, ly fiirniihcd upon rcetlpl of subscriptions 1'hiaia THE ONLY LOAN IN MARKET now onereo. oy t.overon.ent, ...u 1. ,. eoouiientiy I'Geionr.bcltiW Ilarr. eipectod lH4t ila mperior advantage! will maku it the I'll 1 1. A l A w hat One halfof which ia tleare.l mid In a'cooil alttn o terma I w III unileW.aKe the ciso . Cultivation, and the bilanco well limbered- The 1111- j My profeaa onal attention la givei 1 ...r pa ,..t. of inv pr 'le.Mon ; nnd I can treat them a! well at a ilina'nce o if called upon personally. . . 1 All Chrouic and Couinlicaled Affeolious ot , inoij frame Hank Ilarn SU X 3-1, Wagon liouan an, 1 . .1 SvbtCm ("and O 1 UlPCaSCS peCUIl other out-buildlng,, a good Orchard, nnd r-prmg of t0 OJ aiciu, yiuu ' Kxcellent Water. ar to to 1'CUialOS ) 1110 liirm ilea about pino miles Irnm iiinamiunrg 1 ri,,,e Uea.l.tiha n ea an, V .tula. ..hron'lc '''''.Jen.r'li'i'j! , "1 v. .11,1 N'atiiiiK Uiai.-aiesgoniir.ilD.' "H eaani Fistula, ..hronlc '''' V''1 ,ml"a'"n;'. '! iiat'lt of Safe. And the itS ; Hein.,1 an, Urinary Dlicasea fecetany. 1 - . ijji.:.:o on, I I'.tinw Dis wilh any (JOUSUmpllOn, urouijnutai "' 0 when attendance will ),,, given nud condllioni mod 1 ihogubicuber willj) nvpr Uio propeily iti.ii,i ucaiting 10 eKiiiue tho lauiu. ucuie to commeactiit I o 'elocK V .M. 01 rum our. I known by February IS, ttS. A bit AM H. Dtl.DlNi:..'''!. I'KISllMlvil ti. IJKOTllBIt.S. liOLKSAItE T 0 11 A O1C0 DEAL E It F NU.ioa.tsoitvn Tiiiitn stueict Ladles' Fin'3. BffiThe inauguration ball at Wasbio(. or O'percout' intei'est, whou thoso Seven- jtbn is to laUo plaCo 6h March Gih, mbienpuom to oihctNn, GREAT rOPULAR LOAN OF THE rCOH.I! I',ii than fcJOO.OOO.OOO remain unsold, which will ; The .Uriml apii.iellt t OIIAItl.l OAKl'OllU i. probab'ly be diposcd of within the next CO or DO days' KO.'ttnenlMul. I'liiladelphla when the noloa will undoubtedly command a prenll. XjadicS FUl'fi- .'. . . . . . . Tl,. U....I ..'.nil .,,1 tut n.LTlieil Ji uiu, as hti uniformly been the '.aie on doslrtf tin aV'J r,f,,,,;1.,Vilr ww,..-, W...........W .r.iBi ... ,w ,,-., oases genorally. IZin ,.n.:,,.aV,ia: n ...oceipt of u por.aga ! ".M'ientment for Con.uniplloi-. cinl air f- nm h,;'Kn attintledwi, 1 VHLV.Tbut.H-ck h follow Ihe beaten Irark cf thu iat 1 , J ol'llionelil.ituil trees of Ihf nre.l ; and I - luinerala under any clretlliilanie, ''Jrt,o!.v;.Ki.ii..ii.i--o, r . "B ,,.7ii t'odar rilircl. New Tori n una plain, also loivn. county and dial, nuda, "ply will h,(UiloJ a. soon a p.nilWi.. 1 tbiiutyll 'C'jJtytoiv