COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. Saturday Morning, Feb. 11,1865. VALUABLE RECEIPTS White Wash. Exec limit. Toko a barrel and slack 1 bushel of freshly burn ed lime in it, by covering tho litati with boiling water. After It is tl ached, odd' cold water enough to hriug to proper on o'stenco. Then dissolve in water nnd add 1 pound of white vitriol, and one quart of . fioo salt. i To give this wash a oream color, add J pound of yellow oohro, and J pound Indian red. ; Soap, Jkaittiful and Cheap', Take 1 poand common bar soap, cut fine, and 1 pound sal soda, to a pail of water, boil ft little and you havo good soap ; with it jou can wash with hall tho labor. If you Wish thicker soap, take 2 pounds soap and 2 do sal soda to a pail of water. Freckles, &o. Take hall a lb clear ox gall, half a drachm each of camphor and burnt alum, 1 drachm borax, halt an ounce rock salt and rock candy. This should be mixed and shaken well several times & day for three wdeks, until tho gall become transparent; then strain it very csrofu'ly through filtering paper, and ap ply it to the face during the day ; wash it off at night. The aiticlo, if properly made, will not fail of its purposo It sella very readily, and commands a good prico. Paste tor Siiaiu'ENing Razors Take one ounce of oxide of tin levigated, or tutty powder, and mix it with a solution of oxalic acid, sufficient to form a paste. This composition is to be rubbed over the strap, and when dry a little water may bo added. Wart and Cokn Salve, Take tho extract of Belladonna 4 drachms, per oxide of ma&gancso 3 ounces, potash 0 pounds; pulverize the potash in an iron kcttlo, and let it stand in the open air 24 honrsj then mix the whole together. Shave the corn with a sharp knife, and thon apply for ten minutes the salve ; wash it oil and soak it in sweet oil, This is the article sold about the country, and on the corners of the streets in the cities fur 25 and 50 cents a 'drachm bottle, Fon Diarrhea. Tako half an ounce of caleincd magneia,and two table-spoonfuls of loaf sugar. Kub these in a mortar, and put- them in a bottle. Add one tea spoonful of laudanum, two essenco mint, two Hartshorn', one tablc-poonful red la render, two gills old" brandy, and four gills of water. Shake well before using. Give a desert-spooufiil niht add morning. If the complaint be very bad, give at noon alio. Ear-Ache in Children. Eir-oche is usually caused by a sudden cold. Steam the head over hot herbs, bathe tho feet, snd put into the ear cotton or wool wet with sweat oil and paregoric. Galls on Dorses. When horses bo come galled, or get the skin knocked off, apply a blister to tbo part immediately. Let it remain fifteen minutes ; then re move it. Apply to the part burnt leather, pulverized, and mixed with lard. The application of tho blister will prevent the inflammation extending, and the roots of the hair will not be destroyed. The oint ment will promote tic" growth of the hair, and insures its beiDg produced in its orig inal color. Minute Padding. A eggs, well beaten, 2 tablespoonfnls of Indian meal, 3 of flour, added to your beaten eggs. Have a quart of milk boiling, pour into your eggs and meal, which may bo sweetened or not, as you like. Have a hot oven, and put it in ns soon as you have it ready. Bake it ten minutes . Rais'.l Bread Puddiug TaL'c about bb much bread as half a ten cent loaf; cut it in small pieces, add about a quart of wa ter, i small teacup of yeast, and a little flour. Lot it arise about three hours Mix iu raisins or currants, and boil in a bag three hours. Eat with any kind of sauco you may prater. Rich Molasses I 'ak'e. 2 cups of flour, 1 oup of molasses, 1 cop of milk, 1 cup of butter. Take a spoonful of soda. Put your flour, molasses, milk and butter all together. Then take half n cup of boiling water, pour it ovor your soda, then into ; vour dish whero our ingredients arc, and mix all together. Grease your pans, and b;ke in a quick oven. Bread Griddle Cake, Tuke about five (slices offtulc bread, cut it in bits the bize of a small hickory nut ; put if to soaking three quarts of milk over night. In tho morniDg ndd S eggs, 2 cups of flour.l toe spoon of soda, nnd l'of salt. Dressi.nci Woonds, Nino limes out often, a wound will b;al quicker if done up in its own blood, than in any., other Troy, as tor a uurn, whatever will ex clude tho air quiokest Is tho best. Cotton will do this; so will oiled silk, if stuck down nt the edges by any kind of slicking salve Put nothing on a burn to heal it, Nature will do that when the air is ex. o'.uded, and the pain will uluioit immed iately oeac. SCROFULA. DR. E. W. WELLS' 1 THE AMERICAN COMPOUND For BLOOD. j THIS old eslablisltcd, thoroughly tried JRitncdy, rccommcdcd by some ofthcmosl eminent Physicians, has attained u celebri- ty in most parts of thi country, in curing SCROFULA OR' KhGS EVIL Scrofuloui Sort; Rosu or Erysipelas, Scaled Head, and Ring Worm, Tctlcror Salt RheumOcletor or Swell ed Neck, (so common with onr American Females) cu rable Cancers and Cancerous Sores, nialns or DoMs, Chronic Ulcerated Sore, Nose, Mouth and Throat, Syphilis In all Its forms, Sy. phltilic or nicrccrrlal Soro mouth, nnJ throat, chronic Ulceration of tho I.ungs, Stomach and Kidnoys, I'lm pies, rostuncs, and Illotchcs. Rheumatism, Female Weakness. Lcrcorrhao, (arising from Internal ulcera on Dropsy, Ccnenal Debility, Emaciation and all dis eases of the I n cases of Costiveness or Constipation it NEVER FAILS- Its mild In Its action. Just sufficient to regulate the bowels and keep them regular. Its unlike all prcpa rations forthn Blood, having the laxative properties combined, As it contains Wild Cherry, Maiidrahc and Dandelion prepared in a scientific inunncr it works wonderfully in cas ts of chronic affections of. the BOWJBXS, Chronic PILES, and permanently cured by the Alt.-r native and Laxative affect one great feature in it, produces an. APPETTIE. from Iho commencement In short It is a very fincTon-ic- Its palataole and can be taken by the most del icate I'cmaleor Child. It being purely vegetable there will be no harm done in taking it, if there is nobenefil derived. ' Preparea by Dr. E. W. Wells', Piactical Physicia?i W1LKES.BARKE, PA. OFFICE over L. 0. Pains Store, Mauket Street. For Sale by ull Druggists throughout tlie Country, V, 8. Every agent is authorized to refund tho money, where the compound falls to relieve. Full Directions accompany cachbntlle in English, French and Gcr man. N B-. No Cartlietio medicine is re' quired. In treating Fivo thousand cases, I havo never known a case to require Physio, or havo I ever jfuown it to fail iu thoroughly removing the diseases. As I devoto all my time at the study and treat- mcnt of Diseases OF THE BLOOD- I an, prepared to givo advice (gratis) by ap plyiug to my office or by. letter, accom panied by a Stimp. E'. W. tv"ELL3,. ' M. I). ! Whole, sle. 51'Cortland Street New York. Bold by W. II, CrssiT Cu. Light itrset-Mr, HoJsoii. Ilerwiek. Vn. un Ki.tMft.-la I IYES, MORE MEN WANTED I REVOLUTION IN HIGH PRICES. LA 11(3 K ARRIVAL OF FALL & WINTER goods. AT PETER ENT'S STORE, ix light snn:i:r, Columbia aw.vrv, pa, HAS Jut rote Ivccl from Philadelphia, nnd Is now opening nt the old stnntt lately occupied by Mart! tc Ent, n splendid nstortinenl or MERCHANDIZE wlilcli will be sold cheap lor CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. HIsMockcouslstsof Ladles Dress (loodf cholcestatyles nnd latest fashions Ualicos, Muslins, Ginghams, Flannels, Carpets, Shawls, Hosiory, Silks, READY MADE CLOTHING. Cassimcrcs, ' Satinets, Cottouadcs, Kontuoky Jeans, Thread, &c. Groceries, Queenswaro, Cedarwaro, Ilardwaro, Mcdicines( . Drugs, Oils, t Paints, BOOTS & SHOES. II ATS & CAT'S. In shone my thing ustmtiy kept in a country store. The patronage or old friends, and the public general ly, Is respectfully so'lcltccl, The highest market price paid forconntry produce. peter, ent. Light Street, Nov. l!, 1SG4. A NEW STORE IN ORANGEVILLE. Cheap G oils and Great Bargains, THE Subscriber his friends and tl.o has just opened a respectfully inlorras generous public, that tic NEW STORE, In the well-known siand of tho lato Win. fritz, Esq., on Mr.... Street, in Orniigevllle. Columbia county, I'a which lias been well-filled with all kin. In of Choice New Goods, rresh from the Eastern Markets, which ho Intends selling ns cheap ns the cheapest for ready pay and cuuutry ptoduc!. Ills Mock consists in part of the following articles : s k w n n m ' im s m w v n ' sO Cloths. Ciissimers. Snttluetts. Silks. C.imbrlcks. De. I 1. lines, Calliroes, Muslins, Shawls, Linens, Ailpackas Aiiiunery auu iircss linous, olc. Qt&Qimm, Ten, Coiree, Sugars, .Moltnses, Spices, Clieesc, Pislt Kai sins. Salt, Tobahco, Segars, Snuff, nud oih;r articles ill this line, usually kept iu Couutiy stores. ALSO : QUISENSWAHE & EARTHENWARE, Hals and t'ujis, Hools and hhocs, And all notions generally iu trade. C7 Orain, Butter, Eggs, .Meat, nud country pro. duco taken in exchange for Roods. 0O11XKLIUS BELLE 3. Orangcvlle. D.'C 17, 13134. - ly. FRESH Alt RIVA 1. Jjall anb iDintcr -tor- EVERYBODY 7 HE undersigned, gruteful fur past patronage, respec fully informs his customer nnd tlir publicgenernlly that he has Just received from the Easterno cities, the argestand most select stock of Fall and Winter That has yet been opened In Rloomsburg, to which he invites the attention of his friends, nnd assures them that tlwy are offered for sate at great bargains. Ills Stock comprises a large assortment of GENTLEMEN'S WEARING APPAREL. Consisting ot Fashionable Dkess Coats, of every des criptionj Pants, Vests, Shirts, Cravats Stocks, Cotton Handkcrchtefs, Gloves, Suspenders, &c. Goid Watches and Jewelry, Of every description, ttm- wMrncap. N, II. Remember " Loaenberg'a Cheat Kmporiun.' cull and see. No charge for exaiuing Goods. DAVID LOWEN'BERfl Jllooinsburg, Nov. in, 1314. (June IA50 ) New Grocery Store MORE FRESH GOODS. (Formerly Etasmas' old Siand) on Main Street, liloomsburg, THE undersigned has just received a good stock of FALL AM) WINTER DRY GOODS, of all kinds, Men's Heavy GALF ATO BfcP BOOTS the best in the market ; n Good Assortment of Ladies unit Chllilreua' Shoes of all kinds, A Fresh Lot of Groceries. of nil kirn's, surh ns Molasses, Sugars, Teas, Coffoo, Rico, Fish, Salt, Spices, Mats AND VAVSs Tobaooo, Sizars, CandioF,. Razens, Lard, &C, &C, Arj. FEED AND PROVISIONS. Together with a great t ariety of notions and ctcete las. too numerous to meii'iou, (17 Hitler, Eggs, Ateit and produce generally taken i i t'lihnugc fur goods, HENRY G1GER. Hloom-hiirg, Dec. 10. ISO I', NEW STORE & CHEAP GOODS. "Qlll K SAMJS Ml) SAMLL PROFITS." '"I'HE undersirnod, having lakon tho I Store lately occupied by James IC. Eyer. on Main Hlreet, ubovu Iron Btrcet, in Uloonnburg, und stocked fly OSS 9SDfl iv ,-iiu vwtf un. iy oi Reincclfullv informs his friends nnd the nubile een. erallj, that lie will uHiuppy to receive n share of Hie public patronage, nud tiusts that ho ran render gener al satisfaction by selling them the best 'tiulity iC on fair terms and at salisfaciory.prices. His stock consists, iu part, of DRY GOODS, GROCERIUS, FI8PJ, QUEENtfWARE. WOODEWARE, ; iiuois, tfiioi'.s. and especially with a splendid variety of i LADIES DRESS GOODS, FMW Jl.TCLKS .ye , lie., which he wrl sell as cheap ns the cheapest, for cash or ready nay. tQ-Country produce, generally taken In exchange for goods, ANDREW TERVVILLIOUR, fllooimburg, Jan 7, H05-y. A T T O R N E Y A T LAW, niooMSBuncii pa. Office in Court Ally, formerly occupied by Cbulss K uucksltw, IK.mniibqrt, Dec, 4, WO Keep Your Eye ON THIS PLACE.! SECOND ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS. HAS enlarged nnd greatly Imp roved his Store nonm nnd stocked it with a large nnd superior Stock of HALL and WINTER ROODS, which will he sold as low as at any other establishment in tho country, Calicos at 1(1, 18, 2(1 and 25 cents, Muslins, lllcachcdund Drown at 2C, 28, mm to 48 cents. nni'.SS nOODS of every shade, nunllty and price ! a full linn of Domestic (lands. viz : Checks, Stripes, Tlcks,I.liinen nnd l.'nttnn Table Diaper, Olnglinms, Nankeens, fee , he. A good supply of I. miles Shoes nnd (Jailers New stock of Hats nud Cans. All Wool Ingrain and Collage Cnrpcls, n splendid nrltno Just opened and for talc, A ircsu supply 01 Groceries and Spices, n new lot of CADAR AND WILLOW WARE. MACKEllAI, by the quarter, half nnd whole Imrrel Nos. I and medium and large. Also, a large and splendid assortment of new designs. Also, n new lot of TRUNKS and Oil Cloth Satchels. Having bought these goods before the Into rise, I am prepared to sell low, cheap ns tim cheapest for ish or country producp. WE STUDY TO ri.EASl!. f liloomsburg, Jan. 7, ISaS. BARGAINS ! BARGAINS! IF YOU WANT TO BUY GO TO Creasy's Store, in Lifxhi Street, Pa. Who Keeps all Kinds of CAL1UO, MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAM, FLANNELS, CARPETS, HOSIERY, SHAWLS, Ready-made Clothing Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, coffees, Teas, Fish, Salt, Bacon, Hams, Lard, Tobacco, f-frara, Hats, Boot", Caps, Shoes, Drug, Oils, Paints, &e., &c. In addition to our large stock of Dry Goods, we Have n tuige and full assortment of Brady M.ule Clothing fin Von mid ilo wear which wt ire determined to sell cheaper thin rnu b" bought elsewhere. Call nud ten. nnd Judge for yourselves. II. W.CREASV b. CO. I tell t Street, October Cheap Groceiy 8torc. .dLSO HATS, CAPS AA'U SHOES, 'I HE undersigned having b.-nstit out the Grocery" I llimd St roo n, Ii.ih rimovi il his Hat nud Cap More up to ritroup's old stand, whire in addition to a supe rior assortment of FALL AND WINTER Hats and Caps, COHFECTIONARIES, CRACKERS, Molasses, Suur, Coffee, Teas, Tobacco Snuff, Cigars, Spices, Dried Fruit, Uutter, Coal Oil, Drugs, Parlor and Hand Lamps, Books. "Writing Paper & Ink. Hardware und Cedarwarc, Packet Knives, Combs, (J'C, (j-C, (j-C, Together with a variety of articles generally kept in a i Store. Also-A fine Lit of KID-!, MOROl EOS and LisiNostn whicli lie invites the at entiou of Shoemakers and the 1 public. JOIIN K. CIRTON. Rloomsburg, Dec. S, IgC3 NEW ARlilN'AlZ , ass sxrjiSMSta At A. J. Evans' (LOIIIIM EJIPOillijl! BLOOMSBURG, PENN. LATEST SYLEB CAEAP GOODS 'fill; umlersignctl respectfully informs hia friends .1 nnd the public generally, that he has just received from the Eastern cities, a large assortment of MEW lGIiOXKIMP, being the best nssortmcnt ever oflered iu tills innrkel, Also a complete nssortmeut of Roys Clotliiug. In fact everything in ilia Liotniug i.iuo to leave their measures, n nerfe Tor those who prefer ct fif gi'urnnteetl. nnd . Olliiue but the best workiuauthin tn lishmcnt. lie also keeps ou hand a large assort mei ot BOOTS AND SHOES. HATS' VND CAPS, together with a variety of notions, E7- ""ALL AND BEE I'OR YOURSELF. D A. J. EVANS. Rloomsburg, April. S3, IBO-I. FRESH ARRIVAL OF Fall & Winter Goods A T Miller's Store. rpiIC subscriber lias-Just returned from Ilia Cities X with another lurge and reiect'nssortmct of VI AND WJN'JEIt GOODS. purcuaseu ni i uiiutieipuio. hi tuu intvosi "gure, ana which they aro deteruilued to sell on as moderate terms as can be procured clsevvheru in liloomsburg, Ilis slot k comprises L.iDir.y (toons, of choicest styles and latest fashion. DHY aitODS, .IM) aiWCMUES, II 1HWAHK fitKZ-.A-WIWif, Oi:W H'ARK, HOLLOW IMItE IHUX, MILS, HOOTS SHOES HATS-te- CAPS, Ac., Ijc, ij-e Iu short everything usually kept In cauutry Stores to vvhii h lie invite the public generally. The Highestprict) paid for country produce. S, II. MILLER. Bloorasburgt Nov 19, IF 04. TINWARE & STOVE SHOP. Tilt! undersigned respectfully informs his old friend and customers, that'he has purchased his brothers merest in tho above establishment, unit tho concern wils hereafter be conducted by himself inclusively, lie nas just receive a auu oners inr sale, me larg est and most cilcniivo assortment of FANCY BTOVL'S over introduced into tills market, His stock consist of a complete assnrtment of lie best Cooking and parln- stoves in the market, togeth er with Stove Fixtures of'irery .Inscription, Ovfen and Iloi Stoves, Radiators, C)liudar Stoves, t'at Won Air. Tight stoves, Cannon Sieves, &ci, Uv, Stovepipe and Tinware constantly ou hand und manufactured to order. All kinds nf repairing done, as usual, on short notice. 'i un patronage oi oia irieuas ana new cusiomars re- eertfuHv solicited, HI. A, M. EUl'liRT. Plnomrtiunj. NoTimksi 3d 16C4, -If. TO ALL invalids. IRON IN THE BLOOD. It Is well known to the medical profession that lROrt Is tho Vital Principle or Life Element of tin; blood. This Is dell ved chiefly from the food wo eat I if the I food Is not properly digested, or if from any cause what-. over, the necessary quantity of Iron Is not taken Into , the circulation, or becomes reduced, the whole system 1 sutlers. The had Mood will Irritate the heart, will clog up tho lungs, will obstruct thfl liver and will send lls'dlsense.produclng elements to all parts of the sys tem, nndevcry one Mill sutler In whatever organ may bn predlposed to disease, j 1 hit great value of liiox as a flicmnxK ! Is well known and ucknutt lodged by nit medical men The dlllkulty has been to obtain such n preparation u , It ns win cuter me circulation ouu assi.i.itnic ai ouco l Willi IIih llluod. Tills point, says Dr. Hayes, Massach I Hutu Slate Chemhl, has becnuttnined iu tho 1'cruvi , an Syrup, by combination in a wuy before unknown, i ! TUB PHIIliVIAN SYKUP I I ' I. n antitllmi nf llin PrntAvl.ln i.t Irnn n Vnv Discovery In Medicine that Strikes lit Ihn Hoot ofDIs ci! hv sumdvlnir the blood with Its V tat l'rlnclnlo or liifo Element Iron, THE FKARUVIN SYKOP Cures Dvspepiln, Liver Complaint, Dropsy reverend A..n u..nrlfln.lnl i U..1.11. I THE PERUVIAN SYRUP Infuses strcn;th,vlgCT and new life Inlotho systcm.atld builds up an "Iron Constitution, THE PERUVIAN SYRUP Cures Chronic Diarrhnta, Scrofula, noils, Scurvy, Loss of Constitutional Vigor, THE IERUV1AN SYRUP Cures Nervous Affections, 1'emale Complaints, all J all diseases "f the Kidueys nnd Bladder. THE PER Ul'lAN SYRUP Is a specific, for nil dlvaos originating In a bad stntn of , lie lilooil, or accompanied by Debility urn l.uw Stale of the By slum. Pamphlets contnliiing cerllflcnlss of cures and recoin lneiidnliiiiis from oiiiu of the I'liiineut PliysKinUH Clergymvi., nnd othi'is,lll be sent Free to liny midribs vu select u few of the names to show the di.iruiti r of the ti'stiuinuiils. joiin r. Williams, , President of the .Metropolitan Ihnilt, New York. Rev. AIIUI, STi.VEN'S. L.tte Editor Christ.iin Advornte mid Jonnoil Rev, f CHURCH. Editor New York Chronicle Rev John Pjcrpoiit, is Johnson. At D. Rev VYiirrcn Lurtiiit, Rev Arthur II Puller, Rev Gordon Rnbliiiis, Rev PvlvainiBL'nbb, Rev. T. ftarr King. Rev I'phraiin Note, Jr., Rev Joseph II Clinch, Rev. Henry l.'ph.mi, Rev P C lli odlev. RO.nvell Kinney .M1 D iS K Kendnll M D W R Clil-liolui, M D rrnuris D.iu.i. Al II Jereiuijh Stone, ,M, D Jose Auto Ranches At t) Abratiam Wendrll Al II. A A ll.i) es, M D. J R i In lion. M D. Rev John VV Olmest 'lid, II, E. Kinney. At D. Prepared by N I. CLARK k CO cm liisivcly for J. 1'. DI.N'ri.MORi:, No -It) I llroadway Nuiv York. Bo.d by nil DniUL-ists. No Family Should be Without it. Only 85 cents u box run slp. by J. P DI.N'SMORE No Ml lirn-nliv.iv. New York. 8 W POWLE U CO No. Id Troiiuuit M llm-ton And by all Druggitts and Country Stroekeepers. ItElMGS'S RiDSSii SALVE. FORTT YEARS' EXPERIENCE. Van fully OBtaMIpIicd the supc loritj of c RED DING'S RUSSIA SALVE, Over al other 1 juling prepa ntlons. It cures all kinds ofr-o' is, Cuts, Sr Ids, llitrin, tinils hers, ts.ill illieuui, E Sua Pilis, Coins Sore Hps Sure eves, ;. ic, reiining the p.iiu al oiii'i-. mid lli'duciiii: tin) most angry ' noking Sni'lliugs .iii.l iiiil.iuiiitiuii us if by iingic. Oulv'J.i cents a box. ion hu r BY J P 1'INi'MOIlE, No.4'.H Uroadnuy New York. 8 IV LOv LU 4.1 O.. N i. Ir'l'renii it-st, Iloston, And by all .Ma) T, liM-Uin, i i rT'HE ituderslgitiirts orso ein-oslveiy enmigen In Hie J undertaking Itutincus, anil nd for sale at his Warerooms Undertaking Butlncts, anil keeps cuistantly "if hand large assortment oi FINISHED es 00FF1NS, lly w liieli he is ennhled to fill orders on prose iitutjnn Ai.m Keeps n gouil Horse and Hearse, und will it I nl limes bo ready tu attend runerels. cUMON C. SIIIYE. IHoOMisliorg, January 20, IKB TvOIFR JAJl-iJ ui LVLItV HI .1-; anil tiUAI.IT Y, KEPT CONSTANT ly on haud.nnd will bo sold cheaper than Hie cheapen. wnn? mats ttn iiihitt by tho under.-igtied. at his Trunk, Fur and Vnlise esiaiiusiinichi, Mi, wi, jturket Street, Philadelphia. I T110S. W. AIATTSON. October 1, lftll.-3nt . ! tjhb; nrvBorv hoteii. I CENTREV1LLE, PA. TlfE'underslgned announces tn his friends nnd tho put'bllc. Hut hu has becatue the Proprietor of the New Centrevillc Hotel, LocLtetl iu Centrevillc, iu Cnnyugham tovvnship. Columbia County, whero He Is prepared to accommo date the travelling public, and nlf v.'hn may fuvor liim with tliclr custom, to general satisfaction , 1X7" Remember the Union Hotel, I A. W. 1.0 VII i.entrcvllle, Aug. uu, lH04,-Iy. BLOOMSBURG SinTT.IGlTI Picture Gallery. undersigned informs the citizens of lllonm. mm.- uiwipr.iBnp.i inr,,rni ' T' .a1 .,!,,!'fc.' C'L. J. nut1 nt'igliborliood, that he lias taken tholiirgo room nl the Exchange lllock, extending over Knrney Slnhuer linker)', und the llookstoru where hu has put in a large Skylight. It Is only by Skylight that good pic tures can buliikcii especially groups where each person mh be taken Just as well as separate. , He lias gone tu considerable expense to make his a tlrsl class one, and hu therefore solicits a liberal patron igu lo enable, him, to constantly introduce Dm modern improvcmeuts-nf the nrt. By Country producu taketrin Exclinnge fur pirtUres HENRY ItOdENSTOCK, Uloniiisburg, Nny. 23, IE01. (Nov, F. 0. HARRISON, M. D. WOULD repectfuly nfinu tliocltiiens of lllooms. burg, and vicinity, thul he continues the practise of MEDIVIXE A.Vi) SUltOEIir, ,.nd solicits u share ofpublic patronage, Oiritt. on Slain Street, flr.t house below tho Court House, lllouiusbiirg, February :i, lt5i-tf A. LOGAN GRIM, Attorney and Cnumclhr at .aw, LA-TOHTE, SI'LLIVAN CO., PA. 0 Military and other claims prompilyattorided to October I3,nuj, BLA.NK S! Of evftry deuoriprton, BLANKS! I for el it tbii office. I BUFFALO 'Wm 'VSLSt- I or DR. SCHENOK'B OWN CAPE, . n-ifiri i AnnniKii UNhvn r.nvattMTi'T'tii-'l. 11111.... .... ' V W..fS.,S t V.-SJ S, .1. . v., , , i I i n r r P , j .Slid hOW fltS Pulmonic Syritp, ScaWCtd Tonic, and Mandrake Pills acton the System curing hat dis ease, tind the GREAT SUCCESS ATTENDING IT I To nhove Is a correct likeness of Dr Schenck taken many years ngo, niicr ne nau rucuveri-u irmii uiiiisuuip "on I oy n course ot ins "PtiitstK's ixLMo.iicnvnii' , 'J hftllkcueis, altho.ig it dons not represent liim nny . thing like nslnd ns ho was at tho worst, yr tltls In strong contrast wllhlliohalu nud vigorous looks of thi i Porlriilt h.'low, which 1st lie true likeness nf hi hint the present time. The contrast between these two por traits is sn great mat ninny wouiunoi oencve mfin to no me same person, vet mere nre nuuurcus oi per- sons, iu nnd around Phllnil'lpliia, who wilt rcrognisc , both portraits to ho (run reprcsciilatloiis, When the nrst was token no weighed lUTpounus ;ui tne prusent nine nil wcigiil ts -.o poiiuiit. 1 Nkw Yiiiiri Widnest.iv .Mnrili "0, IWil. 30 7KE PmUQ i Thirty v.-nr" ego I ni In tin- Inst tnges nf Pulionii I nt Consumption nud glw.ii up to i'io. I r sl li d in j Plillailelphin nud Dr, J seph P.irrisli. tlii-n iiTiliis ciy. on c cd me In .Mprcetowii. N. J.. u ilisluuie i.f iiihc , miles, w Is it-li look me tvui ihu s to gi t tluro. On my v I rival I was put In bed, and there laid Inr many weeks. This wni in) native plan-, whin-nil my I'.nuilv lived and li iditii'il of Coiisuiiiptinn ir 'i'linriilnu. who nt lendi'd iu) f.ithi'r iu his hist illin-ss, n mil -it. unit gnvo mi-one Wjitr to lix up my.i.U iiri. Hu hail si t u nil oi) I'niiiilv gotlnit in), anil ilimiglit I nni lugii.tnu. 'I lieu 1 henrd of the ri'iueilie I now titr.-r In tlin pull ' lie, whii h cured mo. It s it in m. Him 1 could fuel thi'iii penttratini: my uhnle synli'iii. They mon ripened Hie n.ntli r on iny lnng, and I would spit otl'uioru tlian n iintot'i.n'iisive vcllnw mat ter every illuming As "0011 ns Hun hi eun ' tu nillilo, my rough, fever, iniu, night swi'ii's -.ill I, 'inn to lean me, nud my appetite li"c:uu i -o eri ut tliul it was with illllicultyl inuld hri-p from luting loo miiih. t mini gained my strength luid I h.U" hei'ii ernvMiig iu fl.i-li ever sinci-. l'oi ninny )e.irs I ban- i nj, y. il iiuiuter. 1 rupted good health, keepiu: t li Ini r uul lnm,iili hi althy with llte"-ii'aii" d Tonic nun .Mamlr.ike Pills.ns I 1 am of a bilious t.'mpi.'rauii ut. My w l ight u tn o bun dred nnd tuinlv poumls. Ou ir) n cnveiy pi nplu n milil sond for mo, fur und near, to see if tfn iri'.ies Here I like mine. Tor thi - purpose I pay proloh-ooial iits iuthe large (Hies. 'I lie vu umptiv s ni'lim see Hie one that makes lhic i-1 it i c p n a , ami u ho .is ciiri'd iif rouFUUiption b) th.-m. To make u , liiic is t its i V bin , but cavities in the lungs and chronic ulu'r.ilions nf th . hial tub.K tan li.; In'.il'il nwi, nts dying lioinlv iinih'r tl e uMlnnry Iri'iitmeiit of pb)i ciiiim, an I Jiut mill nrj t nr.-tt b) the proper iuo of .Si In in k'.! I'ului'jiiic iyrup. &'b'avi ed Tniiie, uiol Man. drake Pills. . Inmnown lienlthv'man, will- n large envily iu tii uiidille lobe of Hie tiubt hing.lhii limoi lobe veiy u.ui ii Iiciali7.i'd nud couipli le adh 'sioii of Ho- pleura, 'i'lm li lt lung is sound, and the upperlm.- uf Hie risht l.iug i. iu n toternlil) hiiilthy cmn iilnii 'i'lm grenl ri','inu wliy pii)sinaiii do not cur' eonumption is tliey try to do tun lillirli : liny give niediiiui'S In flop thi cinlgh, tn stop thill. In htnp night 'Weals. In tin lover. nud, lit doing, they ikrauge tl.o vvliol. 'lite'n k ing up the si-Lit'tiunt. anil - i iilii.tlly lhu patient miiI.s anilities. Alter I make a r.ireiul t xaiiuiottii'ii o the putii r.t tv itli the ili siiinini'!er. nnd liinl l.ingt eirm'.'li left tn cure. I ilin i t Hie patient how to use the three . r, -infill h Reliil t e Un; tlllise nn.l fie) will all slnpol' I their ov n accord. No one (an lie rured of coiimiiiiji. tleu.livir r inpliiiiit, dspipnia, t uturrli, c mki r, ill ci'i nt' it iiiili .ts Hie liver and M"in.-icli are made j healthy. Iu '. England this canker, chronic catorili, j iilei rate t tiiiniit, elimgaliou of iiviiln, is more pretn i lent I Ii ;i it in uii)tilhi'r mmIioii of the cuiiuti). This is ' frt'.pteiitly rnueit by n foul btoniath. You n ay burn itni'.twilh i.iuiic lime mid again, ami all Hie) ' gel I- temporary relief t'orr.'it the stomacli and liver, i ami tin) ttili Ii "i upllieiiiiielves, l.itoil nut iiion is the remedy. If) nu lnve any ills, ense iu nny pint ot the budy, it will remain theie ;,n, dei ) mr. nod more until ton can gelihe Mnmni h in , Iho condition in ihge.t food, .-in it innkn new blnod to i,.k tn .l it'c if iIim'iim'iI nutter. This is tho only ttn n Inal nit Hi"-in the lungs innl ulcerated lirou i Innl toll s. I'orn it tile stnmuch ami liver, and naliiri; will on the healing. Mini) pirsoin, have nn iden Hint leuniii meilii'iii are great purineis tiiVht- blond. . I.I i nl is linen ilii.eai.ed it I'.iiniul In- puiiliml ; it I is dihiui-eil the same ns the diseased tuuiior in the ' sy i-1 1-in ; hut get the appaialiis iu or ler, the liver und Ii. and give it plenly of noiirisbiuu' fund, it tvill mak tv blood, vvliuli will lake the place of that WIIIMI ll- IliFl'.ISl'll r-ilienck's 1'iiliiionic s)rup is one of the best prrpt- riilinus of iron iu usu, it is u powerful tunic, of it'elf, und when the S'livvecd Tonic dissolves the mucus in Ihostomiiih nud it i cirri nl ollb) the aid of lhu .Man. ilmki! Pills Oil Piilniiioie sitriin i i.. .nt ,.,,.' This is Hie only wnylncuru ciiusuiiuitiiiu. If 1 ran i mil gel ngnoil lippellln uu.l I'oml does, lint ili'.'est. I call. i urn t ii re Hie patieiil Never mind the cough ; remove ' ItlieiuiiS' and n will stop of itself. I Ins is Hu most trouble I have null my patient nt in) rooms They i say. "Dmlor, I feel sronger ; lean rnt' my night' sweats are better, and I feel littler every way ; but my 1 ; cough is so bad )i t ;" ami they nre us'oms'.'d tu h'-nr mo say Hint does uol matter i remove tho cuuse und it t in Mi'i iisen. ceiiencit s cenneuu rrt'Ulek u gooil appetite in uliniil nine days, when tlnau is nn lung ills- ease, null lhu liver is so conuusiuil Hint Hi . vtnn. drnkii Pills i.mnut iiulork the .huts ct the s,il bluddei in that short space of time, in oidu- lo ullovv Iho stale bile to tiass nil' Keen tlnj liver anil Ihn stnm.'isli j htnltliy und there is less danger nl consumption oruny 1 other disease. It is hard to tako cold when those or - irnlldliri, henllllV Tlinan tlmt n,n l.lltn.. l !!.. I ...... r .... ........ . , . ..UDU ...... u. b U,,,,,UB, U Blllllltlll, dreary, fueling stutiid, coated toiicue. onnr imneih,. - ' ' ' """ niu, oi er)iuiug Hint is cat "J," l,,,".1 l',..1 '..I .' tiCIILNLK'S SLAWLLD TONIC, und one bottle of ono box of onlv n rnst of one dollar and twenty-live cents, Willi full directions. Tills is sullicieiit. in man) cases, to satisfy what (ho ntetiii-iiies uru, r ro'iueiiuy one uuitie makes u great changu iu the system. Any person that enjoys ordina ry neaiiu, oy using 1110 Beavveeil Tonic nud Mandrake Pills orciuininlly, must get Hie iligestivo organs b un tt uiiiiiiiy tuiiuiiiuii tiiut tuey oecnino ttu'slii IV. can produce u number of my old toiisiiiiiiinvupatieuts ii..,. ,-,ij,.j,,ig ,;.,uii i.e.iiin, t.L'iuiug nearly -no poumls. I willcoiiiludo by relating tliree cures 1 havo made in New York, and which nruall diirerent, und wish nny one wlio feels any intirestin Iho matter to visit them First is .Mrs l'nrhiw, residing then ut No. 107 Houston street. Her husband called upon mo nl my room, 3J Dimd street, nud wished me tor. ill nn,l sen in.r n., said I could du no good j that hu had nil Hio best medl. till lilli'liilntiri.. mill nil nlil sin, tens , .. ,.n 1 id ull said shu was too furnoiiu v illi Consuiiintiou to ho cured : bin sin. i,,i i ..i J gieutcuresl liad made, and lie desired lo cratifv lit r wishes, trailed, and found her lying confined iu her bed iu lhu last singe of bronchial consumiilioii and willioul doubt must have died soon, 1 examined her lungs, fijiind both broiicliial tubts very miiih uirecteil but no cavities had formed, her cough was very severe, tin. a,.l..v,. ulml ,'.,. II I. .. . ... .1 ,'i,.u-i r .,,, ni iiiilis pus, ruiso hu, legs swollen very ninth; nud worse, tli.iti all she Innl thro, nic diarrhoea, Her bowls been moved eleven times tliat day. 1 told tier she had lungs enough tube rured. but tiiul litis iliiitrliii'a had been lung standing, nnd her stoinnch vva iu such nn ulcerated comlHion that I was afraid nolhi.ig coulil lie done, fc'hu insisted I should try uud du what 1 could for her, observing thai she would not last long in ho condiliiin stluvviisin. and I ctuilti not make her any worso. I guvu her first udosuol my AlNiidrako Pills, nud the tonic nnd Bvriirs freely. 'Ihiil Was Ou Tuesday, iiiidliylht iiextSuiiilay thu iliarrhcea was carried oil', hcrappeiito hud returned carr ed olf. hcraiiiiL'Hto hud reinrnini and Hu- could sil up in bed nud eat her dluiitr. She is now well, and gave too u Iniiz certificate, rerun,..! m i I I by lhu Rev. Dr. How ling. spared nu expense in prepanng 'Iu J-.xriuit'iK, mr Hie ilrs.llarlholouiew,B3 West Foriy.flfth street enmo I eiitertuiiiiuent of liis guests, iieitl. t ihere be tiny to my looms with u tumor on her liver, She vvrislow- "'lulling (on his parkin uiinls'ur tn theii personal spiriled, skni'salkivv, tongue ruaied, bowels costive, no comfort. His house is spacious und enjoys an t icollsUt nppetito, mill fast sinking into tim grave. The said husmess locution, tumor hud been runnii.g over fourteen yenrs. I cavo 1 Oiunibuscn run at all tnus between i Exchange her Syrup, '1 mile uud Pills, nud told her tu tuk.ulieiu Bllllthe latious Rail Ivm 1 Hi-puts, h) vluch trv Justa-Hie (lirectious worn printed, She cume back lo el,,ri I'0 plensaull) ctuiti)u.! to ii.m t o.'i tso ra iny ruoius. sfJIIonil street iu two weeks, suineiv hut speclivo Slatious iu duu tli.iu to iue..t Iho l.arij. better i her tongue had begun Hi cleiin a little around1 , , . , , , , ,. v'"' u' 1W0','U- thu edges. hor skin whiter and here)es hfijliter, nnd liloomsburg, July 7. leU) iiiu luiimr uiscnurt'iiig ery oiiensivo nintter. much fterthau it hud uver tlouu btfore, Sho kept gradu. ully Improving, und in tihnut two monlhs sho caiuo tot my rooms very much frightened, saving Hmithe tumor hud nearly slopped running, und was healing up, and that every doctor had told her that if il ever healed II would causa her death. I told her thai the disease had all It-finer system, amliiutuie would honl Hie ulcer up. Jliey are now healed, mid have been for atioui a year, and she Is hs hearty and rohiiita wouna yri win Units i rltt hs trlfUil for ny r ns tidHm-. her, and takes ureal pains to vl(l any out lias whs hears has anything like Iict esse, PM tiles to ft them Income nnd set hi". Tho ncxl erne I " Mln Heir fie Id, from Stamford, Conn. Mrs, ibirthidoinrw rot hi item n to see me, nnd she lias Men i ver shut M tut IKMFC. IS .1". 1IB. .1.111,1 HI III flUUlS, Slit" WSS much emaciated with a distreislngcouiih, spIiiIhc tjuatillties of blood. I eia.nli.-d hvr lungs Tltliu, iniuse. vv Men uv urn. inuiu in my mums, sue' was rospiroinelcr, and In nil my iiractlee never foum, . witit ono lung so inr gone mm tun otiur imik '.irund I coUld lint give iimi li enenurngemriit. I Ihoinlit sh9 ' would diet hut to my astonishment the PuLpe ItfffTn, Seaweed Tonic, nnd Jlnnd'nlto Pills nil si cm din,,. ' right td w.otk, Hm lung Is all lur.led over, Im-ins , icavlty as largo sn goose ijgtcood j, , ni,.,(n splfitSi and gnliitd some thiitv-fn'" y m i, I weight. Shn has some cough Vet, wlili l, I i tu, noti think will lenva hor before June, I sh 'ilil 'limit It would he of great Interest to so-. It. pr Ju 'lfed tili. clclnii to vl-lt theso caes, partirularly Mh t'rnDi Id, or nny of them who llnvn been cured by tnv m miiix. They ore uumeroiis In Now York, biitthe nbnvs Inrs. all differ Ironi eaili other t and If my modUins i. rit, Ing what 1 represent tin y nre, tiny should hu it tas, , i.i uuii it i in i ne iiiiueieu nil in. in ri' r 'in ui I ict IllNf i be cured. J. II. M'tlEMK, ' H. D r. J. If. Schenck ennhe found at his prim ipat in r , , No, 30 North Cth Street, yiillndolpiiin, uer ra'urtay, from 9 A. M., ulitll A P. .M to tlvo ad Ice, ft e of charge! but Tor n ilioioiigh rxiimiiiatlnn h. ilurgts threedollnrs Price nftho I'liliouiilii Syrup olnl Ssn. weodTonlc each SliiS per bottle, or $'i Hie halfdozeii ( Mnndrnko Pills '. '3 cents per box, nnd 'nt sail by nl. Druggists and Dealers. June 11, l-HI.-l x. IMPORIANTtoFEMAIIS" MOOS TO TBII3 SsAMESOfS ! BOTH MAHRIED AND SINGLE. Oldest Regulator for Females. I'll CIIEEflUVlAN'rf I'EMALE PILLS Will Immediately relievo, without piln. nil dMiirban. ics of the periodic I'lmharre, whtini r arMiue trom rn Inxallon or auppresslnn. 'I'hoy net like a cl.rm in ru. moving the pains Hint aicnmi.iti.v ilillinit or liiiinniler ntii meustru.itloii, nud are the only snfi. ;m. relishls renieily fur I'lurlies, yirk lle.i.t .li,-,Piuin m in, Back nud r-i le, Pi,ni i.tlon of the Henri. mWhuk l .... . mors, llyeterii's. Hpusnis, Broken Sleep nud oth r si is I pleasant nud ilangi-rcuis ollVtts of an iinii-.tiiral tmiili. . 1 1 mi of tin. Fcm.'il fuiicliini. In Ho imrst i.isus uf l'lilo. Allms, or Whites, they elh it : siiec.v i ur. Dlt. CIIEEriUMAN'S PEMALII I'll'.Ld. ! iinve been usi'd mcr n Cliinrter or n (Vniury. Th-t .ire nlT.'rcd n ttie only sjfe menus of renewing iiU' r- rupted menstruation, but Latins i I It -nr in mind, then' Is one condition of tho foinalii mli-iu hi wlilcli the Pills iniiiinl bo liiken without prniliii tng n peciilLii reull 'I'lii- loiiilillon refireil to Is rregnaticy - the result. .Mi.c.nrl.iiie. .Smli h Hie irrj-iiltibli. Un. demy iil'tlie niodli liio to renlore lhu sexual fuiiitlniis In n iinrinal rouditiiui, Unit tl en the repmductlve puw. or of niiiure ennuut resist It. 'They liiunot dohiirnj in I any other way. j DR. I.'t I'.IXI'.M N"ri rr.MALI! PILLS, , An- the only .Iteilli ine ti nt nrrled nud Bmrle Ladies have relied upon lor nianv yi-er,ur can r 'y upi.ii iioi Hew nre of Imitations ! These im t , (orei ih" 1'n.rst i Prep.iriiliou e ir put f.irrni, with iiiniiiilliiii! in.. I Persistent succcsi. DON'T I'll llEri.l VI'.H Taku Ins ndvcrtiiciiieul In ymir Drui'gist und tell him tlmt you w nut thn bet nnd itiosl rellnlilu Telltale Aleitlciuj in tin; world which iK'ooin.i.'.l in DR. ('IIEi:d.MA.N"ri I'EMALE PILLS I ' t They hne received, nnd nre now receH ing Ih i in cllon of th" hum oniiiifiil I'll, h Inns in Ahi'tic,. EXPLICIT DIKEITIil.NV i"i Mich Hot, il.e .t,e One lit liar per Ho, ruololl.ioi' t ruin .ill f 'J Pills. Pilli sent bv mini, promptly, by r niiltiox the pircr to ih'j Priiprietorn, or un uiilhorizeii Agent, Iu curraii funds. Sold l.i HrtiL'i.'isli' L'eu 'rally. lit. I'lllNUS & Hll.l.Yt.R Propri mrs. I fi-dar Mret. iNeW Yurk. fold in Eyrr & Moyir, Mid E P Lull Tib 'I',, Isii-L.-l). ....... EVANS & W A 1 S ON 'r'Mti5i."J?,J;.T'. IAI.AMA.VD1.!1 SAt'Ei? RP, UrfiVu'?- Phi'J'lpf. have ? i'il-t '.'' oudalari'o nrs-iiHiit nf l.,e v l' t!?'f K 1 ut I P'oot Miiui. un i"r s.ifi. rr iu. iron i nuts, lor bunti ur.rt stores, iron shutt r iiou safh. all -i'' - 'iSf'BS.jr mnkes of locks euu il tu aisy niu In in Hi- rnlted KtLts. f'lif 'iy l'i ojic .rtrs. Ml ecus ovl rl'it; i"itA c, Icefs in I'oad tondition. The ri'iUmand-r Hufts of 1'hllnds'lphia i.fKlnt tl world EVANS fc WATi-O'.'-', nave luui tne surest -Iciiiosireririu m t. f.sii tillirit" tint their inlnnifj.iur. of Liln-uni, te nt I'M.gtli Inlly vtnir.iiit". tli 1 1 prr -uliti i been i, in le nf th : i as rendering an uii'l i ' : icniust Hi. terrific i-li'ini.iit I'liilii'1' li'1'i-i .t" Jtf1MT1 f'l'7is A llclin,, f: , o the highest tin, i iii i,t:ii,. to yuu t. tin- very proti ttivt' i'inliti ut.i , of riafes vtliirh tte pureliiis -d ef y in s VV e saved n Inrje pr limn i f j v. lit -i itt. exposed Iii th mi inn,) .( ,",r' ii. I I In' miiriiiiig of ,'h lllh In ,1.. When i relh 1 1 ,l,.t tin s .nt. s t- ! . Inlirlh KtOI) nl'lll lllllldllll.' VV'j om.i, i , fell uJji!'i).'!itly i'llnll il it. I'l uruii'e vnsl C'iUi' n of Hie "i i ri" . .1 i melt, tte t'.nmi.i Out regard .,i .'irex rmiu f i rig cm rf. ' s ll'u. .11.. " ,'uritiv '. l-J'i. i li'P nil Ii the !ny ' r. fhe .! s IU ir v si i nl s. f ,b. liable ciilitenls :is oiiist rent im mg , .. t , - fitrity utiiuiled b )imrsati'i We shall ll.Ke'gri ,11 .l, nmre III rtt i il.Td men nf biisnti'ss iia a sure r-'luitn t h.m;h,.i n, i.i'.oitot: t sniMDvH s; pi . 2 "The) Ii. lie miii, ,'iiiiiiast.d n I. r, ' July 'Jo, loo.'. . tllgn ULra, 1".S I THE CUEAT WOltLI'S r'Atl'. 1"IU"I Pf V lli'.l II ' IX LONDON TI10S. W. MATTSO.N I Was ntvarilcd llm l'n.e Med- T"" nl fur his superiority over a, I ' . V I c"-niietltlous in ihn L'liiled ' X4 finttif. for his improvements 'V ' in -f,v". ! Triivt-lliMg Tiiinits, . v.-1-. He being the inventor and f; ?l(i'X.;" t Miiiiufiiclurer nf Hliistie ti i-l ' ' -l Sprine sn i,l Hole I. em he rami t-lt 1 : v fit no Htuuie I Tnivelliug 'I'riiuks. Vnlises, lain es 1) IT.u.i O.irpet ;ngs. i.eaiuer una, i ionr n.ts nu ' i mint nones, I 'io ' '-'S8' Propellers, Whei lberr .t ,.i . which hu I" prepared to si It nl tin- low ,t miii'i , lu-ii a price. ! 'I'1"' """" eteiii-iv e Trunk and t.'nrpsl I.iil V,i. it'tctur ' tT in Philadelphia. - ' -IUJ MAP.KLT riTREET, mm itnur ' ,'iiili. : -I'tHA. finith side, fit Is. l tT"rJales room on the first ilnor. B I riiuks neatly ri iaireil or exchang cues, ('all nud see, ns we m-ll very t lieap t nv, H, letiH I'.'nin 't. 'or new for cash. WKsS'S'aCBC SSTKIfs, , xt it t i i ) ir 17 n il . 1 a. . ! iNOS. J, II, I), 1'J, II UOUrtltllUlt otract 1 . NI''AR RROADWAY, NEW YORK i lTV 1 This old-established and favorite r .url of tlie riu... 1 iipmh l?niiililllllilv has bei-ll rerantt relillei!. unit i.emii. pletu in ever) thing that can nilniiler to Hie co nforts of I Its patrons Ladies and families are tbsciuily ami cure- I ..11.. ..l.U.I I... I mUJ IIIUIIIISU 1'I. ii is ccutraiiy locateii in tne nu ine.s pa.' irtnucuy, and ts contiguous to the principal lines of s' -au.botls, cars, omnibusses ferries, &c. Ill couseipieuce of the pressor.) cause 1 Ly the Rebel lion, prices have been reduced tn One Dollar at a rijty t ruts pi? .'?,'. ' The table is amply supplied Willi all tin. lux u ,i'ul I Iho season, and is equal to that of any olh hnu. i tne country. M I Ample accommodations uro oin-reu lor it. nrd of t i' i i diesis. ly- no not iienuvt. i miners. immtiii;.!, uuu outers won may say "iho Western lintel is full." D. D. WINCHESTER, Proprietor. THOSvD. WINCHESTER. Feb. IS, lEfi. STATUS VISION IHCTJBi. rod and COS Market Street, Philadelphia, I rnlllS Hotel Is located iu Ihn very centre ,f business i "ni1 l"CBr 11,0 resimi laclu tilaces id niiiiui'ni nit wlllch H particularly desirublo lo iernns vlslllns i Philadelphia ou business or pleasure ; nnd Itm ,V nnyf lnl,cs cl0sB l"'rsoual atti nllou to Hie nftt. I Ills' '" Cu,'19 1 ,l"'k " 1 coiufortable 1ioi.ii- lo, niiiUl as J. UK HAVE tSi.'MJA, rrorrs. JOHN SHOCKLHY.Cicits., July"3, 1501.--mo mmmm mm Mil'. Proprietor of this wcll-l 1 ted House, the' iilrally Lie" at - ois. ,Mui ihu Colli iu f'trent, in llluuuifchurg, iiiinii . Llu County Court House, ri spet I lu public iu gtitternl, llial I" ciiulii i.i, ui his friends I anil niu piiimc hi gtiuerni, mat ins iiousit ii. row in u, I "''r reception nuui'iil. ri nun, nl ot li-avelers vyliu ! may feel disposed tofuvnril tvitli lie lias LEA'l HER ! LEA'IUERII Til E undersigned would nunuuns tlint 1 t .u.ukirid nthis Hat a.ld Cap Eiupo'l ui, on Vlniu St'., Illnnuis. Inirgi un assortment nf illfleri ut hi r nf Itdth r such ss rlno calf skins, morocco, (red atidbiackjiii. ,i lugs all cf tthli Ii Iih vt ill sell rhi-apnrtlinn ' m be isenb"r n this ui.irkel, Call and omunin Hi ml .. .vulves, JWINU S.'V'JN ntcnmiburr, Msyt4, ISO,