Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, February 11, 1865, Image 3

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Saturday Morning, Feb. 11,1065.
S&" Tho Fobruary No. of 'Our young
folks" Lai not been recoiled. Will the
Editor ploMe tend it along I
; 2" Major Samubi, FaEAS.has sold his
valaablo Farm in Briarorock twp., Col
umbia county, to Capt. John Cain, for 85,
tar Both branches of llio Pennsylvania
Legislature, liavo agreed to adjourn upon
Friday, tho 24th of March.
I" W obsorrc that the Pander of
Thomas Dunn has become tho Mouth
pieoe of Thomas Cullcn. Verily bo has
bit roward. ' F.
W Mr. Counemus Brimmes, keeps an
excellent Store in Ortngeville' He Iisb a
good Stock and tolls very reasonable.
Wo were gratilied,a fow days ago,on stot5-
ing into his Store, to see tho amount of
butinoia thcro irausaotcd.
CQr On Monday the 13th of Fob. at
have this ordinance performed.
"CV',,:iV,y,MUl A' WILSON,
Bpt. 8Mefl.-3 W IHUmrturih. King, ro.
HPO the Nervous, Dobilitated and Des-
J JioiidCMt of both aexea, A great iu Inter l.x.i...
uecn restored lo hcnllli
A raw il'ii. .
year, of misery, I. willing to a..l.t hi. '.,irerlni flf
Direct to JOHN M. I
po.tpald addressed envelope, a cony r u , "
cure emu oveJ. Direct to Jniiri i i V.f;,"lu."! "
cure employed.
Jan. 14, 1601,
Box IB3 foil Office, III o'calyn, N.r.
L uy IK, '04.
A rAiiiiii.t-i' directing hnw to apcedllv
ritnn In til n -I -l.. .... . . ' . . J
Vbllhoiit aid of doctor or medicine; BeiiM
wan, rroe, on reeiipt of lOcenta. Address.
A I ITTLE OP EVERYTHING relating to tho hu.
t man eyatem, male and female ; tlie cause, and
t.c,".".",n,of.,,l"!,,"!,' ,no "inrlaBo eu.tora. of the
. .?.' di'i'TV" '' well and n thou.and thin, never
tubllahed before rend the revised and enlarged cdl.
tlon of "Medical. Common Seine," a curloui hook for
curluu. people, and a good hook for every one. 4bo
pagea, luuilluitralion.. I'rlco 1.50. Content, table
sent free tu any adilrcea. Hook, may bo had nt tho
Hook Store., or w lil be aent by mall. pn,t paid on re.
eclpt of the price. HU, 1! ll. FOOTIi, M, I).,
1130 llroadwny, Nuw Vork.
February 4, ltfOJ.-Cm.
The law. that regulate health, are of Importance to all.
Bryan's Life Pills
A m re antidote for sickness, and a refugo from
Sorrow, Pain and Disease.
They are admitted to be the
Best Family Medicine
lor general ute, Purifying tho niood and cleaining
the system from all impurity, they ato
anil mild In their operation.
Read What They ff'ill Do:
A gentlo anJ effectual purgative.
I3 ou derangement remored.
Cleaner of the Ulood and ayatam,
Debility and I. on of puwer diapolled.
EnergJ supplied to the Muacloa 4: Narvea.
Wist aii's Balsam
remedies intiii: woui.ii for
Cough , Colds, Whooping Cough, llron
chitis, Difficulty of Breathing, Asth
ma, Hoarseness, Soie Throat,
Ciovp, and every affection
C O l $ V ill P T I K .
Unlformltr nf ! A K,.w IVntiirA ln n....ii.n.
Every one hi. own Salesman I JONL'3 Ac CO. of tho
urusciiiiinu incu uioiuing store, No. 201 .Markctilrco
above iJiith, Philadelphia, I
inauuitimiio Having the largest, most varied and
fashionable slock of Clothing In Philadelphia, made ex
pressly for retail sale., liavo constituted every ono
his own snlcman. by havlne marked In lienre. mi ,.nM,
I artldent the vcryloweat prlcu It can be sold for eotlity
luunut uKBuny vjirj- an must uuy auae, -ry
10 A. M., the ltev. 0. W. Soott will bap- M W, X TtJ'WXt irf.a,! "' remov.d,
ti70 ill FisllillPCrcck below town Kovcral !b,fu" nurancn ol getting a good article at tho very i
IIZC, III J.mmigl,rM.K, UUUW OV a, BBVCrai weatprice. Alao, n largo atnekofpiece good, on hand J
nnmnnn wild have pxnrpfeil n i pairn to i "" iy:aim uesi qunutiea.nnieiiwi ibouiai o
pLrsous uu uavi. Liprebltu u ucsiro 10 to order, In tho most fn.hiunable and best muniicr,
I pur etui, uciuw cri'uu prices,
llcniembcr the Crescent. In Market above Sixth street
" sui. JONi:a ti co.
riooiny anllclpatlona banished.
Kkpout. The report of lion. James
V. Barr, Surveyor General of Pennsylva
nia, shows that tho receipts fur patents on
lands, in tho Stuto, for tho past year, has
bueu as much as during the ten years pro
viom, llerctofoic tho Surveyor's office
did not pay the expenses of that Depart
ment. List year, it has yielded to tho
State.ovcr all cipeiiscBjabovo eighty thous
and dollars.
ts&r .Mr. John "W. HuK'tkh, of Pino
township, in this county, has our more
than thanks for I lie return to thin office,
with the money, and sevi ral new subhcri
bera to the Columbia Demociat. How
TimiltDLE I)ISCI.O?mtKa-riCCRDT3 rouTiin
A most valuable and wonderful publication. A w
"14m) pages, and 3D colored eiigravlnjs. lilt. HUN
TUlfS VADE MIX'U.M, nn oilglnal and popular tn-at-u
s on Man and Woman their Physiology, Functions,
end Sniual disorder of every kind with nevrrfaillng
r.umtdlns for their speedy cure. Tho poctlceofDr.
Hunter has long bees, and still is, unbounded, but at
the earliest solicitation of numerous persons lie has
hern iniluci'd to extend his medical usefulness through
1 1 i.i medium of his "VA015 MECUM," Itis a volume
thai hoiild bu iu the hands of every lamlly hi tho land
ns a preventive of secret vices, or as a guide for thu
ullenutiun of ono oflhu must awful nnd diitructive
sroiirges over vi.itcil mailXlnd, One copy securely cn.
veluped will be forwarded I'reo of po-tiigii to any 'part
ol the United Ht.He. ar 50 cents iu I' O rtanip...
Address, post paid, Dr. Hunter, No. 3 Division
Hlrei t, New Vork.
May 21, lc!,4.-y.
An Elegant Novelty iu U'ntclics.
I Tin' ens's of thH. are on entirely now Invention,
roo.posed of six ilill' rent metals, rottud to
gether and plauislie. I, producing .in exiet i litnllnn of
, .. . , . , , . IM caret gold, failed An ana, uiiirh will nlway" keep
lliaiiy more Of OUT IllUUUri, llllpreSCU Wltll itscnlnr. They urc as bsautiful and ilurnbluas solid
, f . a . 1 sold, and are atrurded at oneei!.'hlh thu cost, Thocasu
the importance Ol tllC promulgation Ol u hrautil'ullydesisocd, with I'nneland shield fur name.
, , . I -ii im m ,J with I'ali'ni I'u. h Tin, and on;rnvd In tlie exact st;le
BOUnd Ul'mOCratlC principle'?, Will like Jli 0r the celebrated Cold Hunting l.oirs unci are really
,. , , . , i , .'.Dine nnd .Irsh.ilile. and so exart nn imitation of
Hunter emuluto lIU tX HIIple OJ aiding - a. t .lefy delecllon. The mov it is mauu
.!. -:.l..i, ...o;ni ll. n l.'roo. I lactu'ed l' the vell Know n ?l Jiuier nlch oinpiiuy
kiiu kii viiiuh" . "'.(, i nf iiiiriiiii', mil
dom of the Pre.-a.'' Wf hop
.. : . t,: .,,,1.,!.!,. i with hoc diul and ktletou hands, und Im warranted a
ouicra iuiiiuvo uyuu uiniunutuumitu- I guml llinu keeper. Thme watches are ofihrcuTlurer
j ent slzi!, the suiallnst h.'lng fir ladles, mi l are all
ul"Plu- Hiiiiting fail's A case of six, will be sent by lu.iil or
Kxpress, fur St'W ou. A single on.' tent in ail elegant
I'eru CiOOrl. We have hud the larcesl Mmoccii" ase fur S-'5 OO ; mil readily sell lor three
f cry iiwi. ' uavl' u"u lm- i"'b'- .. ,ir , ... .... (10 ,, auct, fr ti,i watch
rtlU of new tubCI'ibcr.t. aud nrillted luoro Intlio United ritates. and l one aru genu. ne which du
I arc superbly tluislie'il.ti iv lug ensravej
, iu ml iniuy i jmijtue,.,!, 0Ml n,,. irupruved rnbyjewel ed arliun
Jobi and advertiscuient.1 this week than
at auy other Oouit week ineo we lntvo
been cntjagtd in bufincss at Uloonisburg.
Most kini'erely do we appreciate the good
offices ol our gctieroui friemls. It ebajj
he otir emei eucieavor iiereauer.ui a uum
iiesn-way, to mt'iit an increase of gener
ous con fill L'Ui'u aud enhance the iutcrett
of tho I'ulitm'i'ut Democrat."
Couuiih. Tho ailiuiuiatrution of medi
cal preparations iu the form of a lozenge,
i of all modc.-t tlie most eliuiMe and con
Bemcdy .
or C.ougli Lozenges allay irritation, which
induces ooughmg, giving iustatit relief in
Bronchitis, llojrsencsn, luflueuza, aud
Coumptivo aud Asthamatic complaiuis.
nut bear uurTiaile M..rk.
Vi&YA UOH & On , lvijioilcn.
lf Maiden Lane, New York.
r. b. II. lrT.3, 3ai.
Two Valuable Farms.
i ,i l 1 llOL'tfll. COOK-llllUSI'. .ailj.
ire especially S rOgarUS a tOUgll I Jr,,! piiuip, and n nevi r faill
,, ,11 i i n i i ' ises, witli water niiiveied t'
'liroVVII a DfOUCllial iroelies I .! ,i running sirenm I.) tin:
Iu B oomnutiri! : J.iu :J lot ult., I80S
nATTlE J. CaujlitiT of William ami Deli" i
I nli S-crnpr. aned 3 vears 7 moulhs audi
; o
0 days.
In Hemlock towiifhip, C'ol. Co, Pa., on
Tuesday. 17th of dan 1603, Mrs. Sabau,
wifu ol Iac Wagner. Diie'd., agod about
70 years.
T.hi: underfigucd, de-iirous of nioving
West. wrer. t" sell nt pri.ate .ale. his TWO FAKMB,
situate in llentou lowusblp. ('ohimbla i .unity, I a.
1 ho Farm on which lie now resides, containing about
sniin' seventy A. if. of which i cleiirod Land w hereon
I. elected V FIUMI! TWO CTOIIV HWIll.l.lNI!
1IOL si:. ( 'OOK-IIOUMI. . aiijuining witii won oi wnier
laiuni; r-pnng on inu pre.n-
tn th" door In I 'aucn.pipe.
and .1 running sirenm by the dour. Also, A t It .wt
SWIrfS IIAUN, 'M i ou feet, with Devanpurt ovep
shoot attwhi'd with mows Also.
Two Good Apiuc Orchards,
of Grafted Fruit, with all the neciasary improve-
I meiita in a high "talc ol lulinatiun
I A L!SO :
Another Farm and Plantation,
located nbout one quarter nl a mile noitli-o.nt of the
lirst nam d Farm, ci.nlainiiig
some thirtynino acres of which is cleared and under
urn euiiiv.ttion.
7" For conditions and further parti culars, apply
Kenton, Ta.. January il,
A Valuable Farm
I'lusdacho entirely cured.
Irritation of the Btomnih rcmorad.
Jaundice and Liver (.'oiuplainta cured.
Kidney diacasos rellrvod.
Loss of appetite and sick stomach removed.
Melancholy aud Ennui dispelled.
Neuralgia and Nervuusness cured,
Opium nnd other BtluiuUnts avoided,
IPimpIrs nnd Eruptions removed.
Cuinsy aud Sore throat bnaltij.
JRhfUiuali.m soon alleviatad.
Sleep produced Sweet and Hound.
I oKlhacho mid inflamed gum. rclisved.
Urinary diseases benefitted
Vitality produced In tho norvuus,
or inn iai variably cxpollud.
Xncily tin McJtchni vrnnteJ Ur
ou ng nnJ oll cp.d uac tltsiti.
fizvs MuilmUi, C'ipitatii
Bryan's Life Pills,
hove boon ucd by thousands with succesi,
lluudrcdfl of CertiQcatc can be Shown.
They M'sutalf tb' Hinnin' h. Livt-r nml Biliary Brcru
tioiiti vJncu in in i nit'i ratitaf ol nvrvuuncri , dnidi
iiutf, Oiitinl'sj ol'fitqlit, llcadsictie, Pick ftomacli inl '
otlcr Kiiulretl coinilnitil.
Ttioio of a iirrviMis tuinpr raniont whoso sicknpa
i aildn a lvcei'cr nn'iuijtf to the ills f lif, become! bleu
(ifj vitli a nct' t'lutrnto and their trata of aii'i'lisli
aru cli'ingcd ti phuU' of joy. by uaiiig tlmiu.
in inspiicd with brilliant thoights.
with new idea s, words of Are.
njih Indoinitablc courage.
i hp: inventor
with bright conception, of the future.
with business tact and power
with unfailing energy.
with skill that cntr antes.
with a sweet lailodioua voice.
with rapturous emotions.
becomes hopeful and
Bryan's Life Pills
Wistor's Balsam of Wild Chorry J
So general lias the use of this remedy become, and
so nonular is it everywerc, that it Is unnecessary to
recount its virtues. Its works apeak f'r it, and flue
utterance in the ubundatit and voluntary testimony of i
the muny who from long sulTeriug and settled tils
ease havn by Its use been restored to pristine vigor
nnd li cn 1 1 li . Wc ran present a mass uf evlilence in
proof of our assertions, that
The Rev. Jacob Sechler.
Well known nnd much respected among the (Jermnn
population in this country, mikes tlie following statu
ment for the benefit of, the afflicted.
Ilixovcn I'.. Feh. Ifl, IF.W.
Drar Sir Having rcallied Iu my family Important
heuiftts from the use of your valuable preparation.
Wis i xr's IIilsam or WiLDL'iit.nur-itnllordsiiie pleas
ure to recommend It to thu public. Homo eight years
ago one of my daughters seemed to he iu a decline, and
hopes of her recovery were cnlertnliied. I then pro
cured a I bottlu of your excellent lljlkam.aihl biforo she
had taken the whole of Hie contents of the bottle in my
Individual case, made f(t" use of )nur valuable
medicine, and have always been bsiipfltcd by it
From Jessie Smith, Eiq , President of the
Morris County Dank, Morristown
New Jersey.
iNlnr ii.e.t tip Wt. tar's flalsnm of wild Cherry
for about fifteen jenrs, and having realized beiuflclal
ressults iu my Inmiiy, unimrns me great piea.un. hi
rcomiuemliiig it tn the nuh ices a valuable remedy iu
casus orweak lungs, colds, coughs. &,c, and a rumeny
which I riinslilcr lobe entirely Iiinoient, and may bu
taken with perfect safety by the most dclkato health,
From lion, John E. Smith, a Cistin
guuhed Latvycs in Westmin
ister, Hid.
I hnve nn s-vrral occasions used Dr. Wlstar's ll.ilsani
of Wild Cherry fur sever" colds, and alwas with de
cided b.'iiellt. 1 knowofnopreparatlon .hat is more
clhrarious or inoro ileserving of giiuernl use,
Tl'dlalsmii has also been uieil with excellent iffjct
by J. II F.lllott, Merchant, 'Hall's L'rosi Roads. Md.
Wistor's Buhamoj Wild Cherry.
liYIi AND .'.'Alt IM'11111 AUY,
(On the Bnunrt, Three lloota from Btecte'f llote I
riMIlS INSTUTION in now opened and
I furnlthnd In tho moat costly style, deception.
Private and Operating lloouia aro large, convenient and
wen aunpicn, i rro nurgieai uparinieni coniaina in
finest collection of )iiturnent a In this country, and
thus his faculties will etiablo hlinto inert any nml all
emergencies In practice lid will operate Upon all the
various forms of IILlNIINIlHfl, Cataract, Oceluon of
the I'upil, Cross Eyes, Closure of thn Tear Ducta, In
version of tho Uyelld., l'tcryglurn, te lie. And will
treat all form, of Sores, F.yo (Jranuled Lids. Opaeetlea
of the Cornea, and Scrofulous disease, of the I'.ye to
gether with nil the diseases to which the Uya Is sub
ject. lin.U'NKarl. Will treat nil tho common tn
the organ. Discharge, from the, Noises In the tar
Catarrh, dllllculty of Dullness even where
the Drum Is destra)cd. Will Insert an one
answering nearly nil (he purposes of the natural.
DIHHAHF.H OF Till! 'I HIIUAT.-All diseases eom
mm. tn tho Throat and Nose will be treated
UKNI'.IIAL SUKni:tlV.-lle will operate upon Club
feet. Ilnlr Lip, Oft l'llato,Tuniors, Cancers, F.nlar
ted Tenclls, le I'lnstle operations by hrallhg new
tlesh Intn drformeil parts, and (leneral Burgury uf
whatever rharaclr It may present.
IIKHNIA (ur KUmiKi:.)- He will perform "t.ablus
opernlion for tin radical (complete) cum of Hernia,
this Is uniuestlnnnbly n Perfect rum. and is none w lib
llltle or no pain. Out ofmany hui.dred operated npoiiln
llnston theru has been no having unit the
pcrfert npprolmtlou of ull who have suhniltted tn It
AinTFICAl. F.YBS. Will Insert nrlinclal I'.yes giv
ing litem thn motion and expression of the natutal.
Theynre luserltd with the lenst pain.
IIK.MOllllllOtDH, (l'iles,)-Thls troublesome dlseasa
Is readily cured. Those suffering from It nllldoweD
to call,
Dr. Up DonrafT visits Wilkcs-Itarre wlthnvlowor
biiilillng up n permanent Institute for tha trentment of
the llyc, Larand (ieueral riiirgory, Tho ripnrleuee of
more than n quarter of n century in Hospital nnd gener
al practice, he hopes, will be a suilicient guarantee to
those w ho may be disposed to employ him,
May II, leJitl. tr.
7V..iri ri r.Niw
QMt&um OIL 5
Office 139 South Fifth Street,
Ciftltl Si.Oiitf.UOO. 5OJ.0OO, SAaru.iU SJ MM,
nio&pi.cj kia
or tin
A, I. M Ll t'RK.
P, i.jacxiun, ifunx w. ntvia.
thonas A.sculr, 'J. v. antiBSRoi-a, raria n. .mill.
Jny . roue kt,
1 BK.3llkS,
jam i:s m. Fi:i,i,i:iH.
Tnu Company has l.'O acrf uf lind. In foe.' on Al
legheiiy 1(1 ver imuiediately opposite Oil City, and ad
joining l.sytuiiia, with I IU rods front ou the river, nnd
7Sruds front on Lay's Run, Hon. I,'. I'. Ilamsdi II, u.l
itoriiflhe Oil City .1unllor, and agent for this laud,
assures Ihe Company that it will sail In tots fur JIU).
WW, reserving the oil right uhiih la worth SliM.nuo
additional. ImntdUU rrrtnus vlll Ic dtnrrd fjr tt
Company frtm Iki sas tf Ihui hti . and thu (,'ompafi)
havr two good engines with complete futures to opir
ate Imo.riliutely for oil. 'Ihe territory In this Imtm
dlate duality has never failed to produce pruntably
hundred nrres. In fio .iinnl.', lu the cele
brated Cherry Run District, immediately ndjniuing
1SG5. I lillaik'lnliia ic Erin 1805
3R A I & K 0 A ,
This great line traverses the Northern and North
west cnuutica of Pennsylvania to thu city of line, on
Lake I'.rio,
It has been leased by the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company, operated by ill 'in.
Its entire length was opened lor passenger and
freight business, October I'lh, IfiW.
Mail Train leaves, La-t III Hi 1'. SI,
Flmira Uiprois Train, II 'J7 1', M.
Lock Haven Accommodation, 10 127 A.M.
Williamsport Accommodation. '.'5 P. M.
Mall Train, . 4 SJ A. M.
i:imi,ra llipress Train, 5'J:p.. M.
Lock unveil Accommiiuuiioii l ;il l'.
Williamsport Accounuudation 1153 1'. m.
I'asstugers tints run through on Mail Train, with.
ouTiHANos both ways between l'hlladulphiaaud L'riu,
and llaltlmore nnd Lrie.
Ktegaut Sleeping t'ars on Ulmlrc Hxpress Trains
both ways between Williamsport and llaltimoro.
For information respecting 1'assciigur business, ap
ply altho Cor. 30Ili aud .Market tits.
And fur Freight businessnf the Company's Agents.
H. II. Kingston, Jr., l.'or.l3tli and Market Sis., I'lnfa
J. W. Reynolds, Drie.
J.M. Drill, Agent N. C. It: R llaltlmore.
II, II. Houston, (ien'l. Freight Agt . Philadelphia,
II. W. Cwinner. Uen'l.Ticket Agt, I'liiladelphia.
Joseph D. Potts, (Jun'l. .Manager, Williamsport.
Jan. 7, IbG.',.
( hcrrv Run I'etroliim Cniiinanv. w hose alock Is now
worth over $JU per share. 'I he Company now have of
fers, wli lib will be accepted, for sinking wellj on leaiu.
without onv cust lo tlie lornoiation nnd ono half the
proceeds to go to the Company, Tho Cuilln nnd St
Nicholas Companies are jn this Immudiate loculity,
. noil th.-lr stork Is now commanding a lrze oreiuiuui
I lu addition, the Company has 40 acres, in fr simple.
, oil Cherry Trei Run. which empties into uu trees,
und In Ihe hesl produrlng section of the Oil Territory
nnd Mil ncres In fee simple, on Walnut Lend. live
,ll... ilm.o ilm mouth of Oil Creek, ami not over two
miles from Ihe celebrated ltecd well, now pioducing
' over ftiu barri'la'per day.
' Also, thn lease of Ihreu trail, of land, two oil Oil
. Creek. ..a. h nrnduciuif over ten barrels per day, nnd
I one on AlKchenny River, producing ten kirrufs per
I day "f heavy oil, worth now S.'l per barrel 'I no
I Company now receives three-fourths ol the proceeds
I rih.. I.i.t iinined well, and one-hall of the oilier two
I'.aill nf these trarla will bu duteiopeu oy tnu pauy
by sinking a. Minimal wells and thu engines mid tlx
in,-, .ir.. now on blind to do It.
The olnccrs of this Company mean to prosecute the
development of these lands mot energetically, Mid
they have entire confidence that they will itld vviy
large Uivnienos on mu mi'.m"
tra-Siibscriptioin musl bo in.iilu promptly, as more
,i. ... Iintfnl the stock is Blren. vlcuuacuil.
Subscriptions w ill bj received at thu office of tho
January 7, l8M-3t.
Noiio genuino unless signed
' 1 UUITS," ok thn
1, P. DIS'SMOIIF., No VJI I'.roadwaj, New Vo k.
I ri. W. FUW'Lt; 4c. Co., 1'ropr itnrs, llnstun,
I And by all Drug, nil.
Lackawanna & Olooiusburg Itailioad.
Leave Northumberluud, r.on A. M.
" Dnnvillu, - K.40
WIIHAT, per bushel.
CORN, " "
FLtHMt per bbl.
flax si:i:n
1 ill
I Ml
1 S.I
I Ull
13 uu
5 511
4 M
r.CTIT.Il. -I'.CC.S
DHIKD APi'l.r.r,
HAY by ihe ton. mi o
CIIICKI'.N'S, per pair, 5'J
'Ihe iindorfiitncd deiroil3 of moving
...... ,r... . ii . ..rinie .ale. his Farm situate
; 511 iu Benton township. Columbia county, IM , C'lulaming
" j OXE ltUMMti:i) & FOUTV TIIKKE Acres.
cleared l.nnd
iwttit one hundred acres of which
the balance good Timber Laud, whereon is erected a
with an excellent well of water nnd pump at thu i'onr.
aud two never filling Springs ou thu ADo.
311x50 feet, and all other ncccsiary out building..
- n ... tinnn th orennsea. n large npplii and
. . , ... I .I-' '"- "- -I '.,..;.. r -Ihn ,,l,llnn.
Tl.n full ix'ino" oavmeillS liavc UCOU Iiuuu peacnorrnaru oi m nun... ...... ,V , 'T.V.V
!lC 1011 Wing pajiutuin " urc 60od and the laud is in a high state of eultiva
tO tUC LOiM IIUIU lJCimn.1 uuiwi '"o
.i.omni ih nf January. 1805 :
lias fully established tha supc.lority of
CUcr ni other I'jaling prepa ntions. j
It cures nil kinds ofSn-os, Cuts, Sc Ida, Itiirns, Kls
leers, Salt Rheum, C i.i()elaa Sues Files, Loriis. lips Sure ee, Sc.:, Kc ren.ning lUepainat
im.-e. and Reduciiig thu most angry I linking Swellings
nndiullaiiiatiiiii as ifby ui.igic. On'.v cents a box.
inn SAI E BY
J ' WNs'MUlit:, N'i.4'.ll llrnadway New York.
S W LOW LC 4. CO., N .. Ic'Trnni H-st. l!oton, .
And by all Druggl.ts, I
.Mnj 7, IrtCl lUni.
THE undersigned being regularly liccncil
!: Hi (D IT Q (ill OS K o
Hereby oders his .crvicu as such to all who may feel
disposed to givo him a call, Hi. long experi nco in
tim b'ji.incs., will enable hiiutu render b.iti.faclicn lo
his customers.
All persons desiring my services, will plesso inform
me to that clTect before they advertise.
rnt-DlTud n(i..r : Kolirftdiirg. Columbia cnunty.i'a
Jaickbim ttiwnnhip, Jan 7,
National Foundry.
- ISIouiosburg
- Shtckshiniif,
" Kington,
Arrive at Semnton,
" New York.
" I'liiladelphia,
I. K A V U
Lenve Scrauton.
" Kingstun
" llerwick,
" l-toomsburg
" Rupert,
" Danville,
Arrive at Northumberland,
" Harrisburg,
" Wnslniigton,
12.15 1'.
li OU A M
10 40
1.20 I'
. M.
Loo r.
5 40
H. I5
4 2') I'.
5. SO
7 30
111 00
I. 'ii
Till: JliKfsEV WtilsLOlL COMPAiW-
250,000 Shares, al 8'3 OOtr &iae.
ol Venango couuly,
of Philadelphia.
i L L I A M M B A R L O W ,
Of JiKDYAiU) & Haulow, Philadelphia.
Thn e per cent, per Month on 5500,000.
33 to &mm
Oil Companies, of Clarion lUvrf.
Office, No. 4'M W.tlnut St., Puil.
Capital Stoek, each E5l!J,tJ0O. 50.000
Share in civ!i, ltr VJut, 0)0.
). L. LAMUKHTON, lt t-Meijl. s.
J. SIMPSON AFRICA, Ne.-'iy V Tica.
The De Wit anil Mill 'tie i II I ei'fs'les were nr
ganised in thn ii.i'iith ol (" i"b-(. A D.IIU.
I lie preperty ol iii.'.m i oinvirtoies is .111141- m.
Clarion Riveri In Mill if k town. hip union ('.. .
t'uiii.illaiiia and Is ns the li rkmaii I.nn.11.
II c nslsts 1.1 two hunilud hnd twcnti Ave air. a. In
f. .. sin pie, In nrh C m any, with a ltonini! n 111..
Clarion tllver. In en. h, I Ihleo toiirths f ie roll'
'I h t'lhrion lllver 111 long 1 em i"f It Oil
springs aud ilvpisiti. II runs parallel ll tin; PpJr
Allechiliy Rlvi-r.and b th cross the west. 111 iluiilf rf
the same coal basin n, Ih' sam
The Clarion Itltei Is a Inru l.avigi.ble rtnani for
flatboots nlnl rults. riipaMe of r.iit 1.1s on each boat
one thujsand b.trrels ol (.-ll to market.
I'l.irion County ndjoli.s Venango uounty, ana iotai
lughuu) River iiiukus u grout sweep around both coun
ties, leaving them lu the slispe of a peninsula.
A glanc at the map will show, that a Una drawn
from the npper bend f thu Allegheny River, in the
virinll" of Oil Creek In lint lower bend of t, balotr
thu mouth of thn CUiion. will blaect the Oil rugljna of
thu Cirri. 1.1 River. Dana. the present acaaon, axpsrl
ouced Oil men and gvnlwisls have made & thorough
sxpiorailoo of this river, air I have large Investments.
Mlc.lil) lllu wnoii i.iirr irum 11s inouiu 10 ntiuo-s
its soune, has b.'en lia.ed and purrlnsed by Oil ml.
ju.lwt-lls are being sunk nloii it. wli..u leuvt.i with
greut rapidity 11 ml with n .tt.'tnig pmsp. els ur sh. res
Above und opposlle the Du Wlltaju . ill Oil
Companies, mme ten other Con pauks aru b ri wltn
engines, one of whl.h struck tha A1.1 vein of nil at
sixty feet, nnd auothiT iiomedijlgly mij"lnl:J struck
It nt fifty right feet In His ru. k.
Twenty years ago. on the river bchm- thess Com
piiuy's Uuds. kt tin- inoiilli of Deer ( reel). lt fa'ssr.
w hen boring for sn-t. .Iruik one uf the l.tiist Itow my
Oil welle known in the Ol. touuliy.
This well lu. (ongfueii famous an has born rv ir
since, and is now, go hiug out n cuilant strrau of
Oil and water. It i. l.o.s being pop red for Or p 11
poses ...
Further b'llow, at Alum llork. Oil oltainad
but the well has not yet b in lesud with an eugin.
.Messrs. Lyon, slurb A. t.'onip iny of tlw Slig.i Iron
Works, seyerul miles bclnw tlin C.inipa.ii.'s, duriit
the fall, struck a lljwing wll, ll it n.n b i.ig
(rent Assures nrr founJ In the lilnlfs. and
actus. Die river in this ili.inity. from which gas is
emitted, and Oil 1 Is .a 111 larg.i ulubnlo.. n bleb l.ur.t
on reaching the surf ic-nf the water au I cover it with
Oil, '1 li I a is in.-.lputjble proof nt Oil
territory- . . ...
Abundance "f limber aril foal Is found oil tin laud
for engine and other puiinisc.
One will will he put down Immediately on eapli
properly. A competent "u.l energetic, superintendent
is now 011 the groumL .up.riiileoiiiag the upeikOons
jf both Companies.
Tim slock ol the ml). lining Com anina have already
udvanced, by rua.un 01 llij early auicvia ulriai'y
lalned.A , ,
A liuiitod number uf Shares In dull C inpany, rnr
tho usu of the l.tiidholilcr. will ti-J sold -I 3'J "'
January Sfl. lcCV tin.
GOLD 1'liNb
Pens to Suit the Hand, awl Prices to Suit
the Pvcht.
Tho best Gold Ptin in the Woild !
On tie receipt of tha following sums, we win send,
he mail, nr as directed, 0 li'dd I'm or I'.ue sul. ili.u
thu sam rcordnig to the Uu.rriptiou. namely i
Cold Peua, in Silver" Plated E&teiisitm
Caacs.wilh IViicil'.
Tor 81 N.i.2pen . for l 25. No 3 pui f'ljl 5'lNa.
4 pen : for 62 No. .' pen f. r j; 25 S". 0 peu
These i.ens are staumcd Till: IMi'fclll L I'K.X. and
are wi ll lluished andflno wiini.jtl'o .1 l-rn.,w.lli go..
; aridiini pniuti. although Ih' ars uuw,rai.ioil, aii l
cunnot he exchanted
The shortsst and mint direit route lo tho west und tha
nil region I
tTT Trains of tne Philadelphia and I'.rlJ Railroad
lean: Nurthuinberlnnil every morning for Krie, nrrlv
me there the afuimimi of the saui'i day tn connect
wilh trains for Uuffalo Cleieliiud, Chicago, with ull
points west, and connecting at Curry with all trains
on the Oil CreeH Railroad.
?'ew and elegant Sleeping cars accompany the night
trains each nay bitweeu Northumberland nnd Il.iltx
more., and Northumberland ami Philadelphia.
II. A. FONDA, Supt.
Kingston, January II, Ic'W.
In c.tllinj; the attention of capitalists to
this mtcrprlsc, the Directors havu nn hsiitalion in
cipleseiug their bellel that their return from It will bu
..,. ntptin nml morn litierilt lllHIl flolll OUT II 0 W I
I company nnw'lieloro the cinniniinily. Tho property nf
I the company consists ol the lo'low nig .
, No. I. Three-eights of tho working interest in the,
, celebrated Jersey Writ, on the Hyde und llgbcrt Farm. '
: nn nil Creek, will, thu aero ol land ou which Ihe well
' is located. This well has been (lowing since early In i
1 Mar. i-ii'.i . nt lli.-. rate of about three hundred and tilty
I barrels daily, und is now flowing .it that rate, thus our name lAinerli.'in f). 1,1 IVn Co.. N Y is tai-ip
yielding In the Uoinpauy between miy aim sisiy uar- U1 un Un our nrkt ouHity I'm.. 1,11.1 llu p in. j
rels daily, worth, at present prices, twenty thousand warranted lor six uiouths. . jcept a .....l aicib iit
dollars per inOiith, which will pay tu the Stockholders I Uur sucunc; qonlity Pens, are tti.u"-u I III: N CI ION
in this Company. . I AV 1 UN, w ith the initials t i.ur lino ., . I' ? i )
MUIli; Til AN TIIRCi: n:il Cr.NT rutl MONTH ! nd are curelully nude, hi.iini th p.iiu. ,...iiis as or
from the start. There is room on the land fur several ert -lualily l'i ns . tho culy (itht n!li i-iuce bung m
more wells, two of whiih will b" immediately coin. ,,i.iliv uriiia i.old.
meiiced -y ihot'oinpany. and iu which we shall have ...ij u.... l.t.-inrl 2d ntmlilv ill ho.t'J
the same IntereH as in the Jersey. The character of (JOIU reUJ, l!l .100 .o quality III OO.u
Oliver;uaiUll Vyiioc-, 1 l,J.;ip.
Hi: subscriber, proprietor of tho above named ex
tensive catali.iihiueiit, is nun prepared to receive
crs for
AH Kinds of Machinery,
r Cutleries. Illnat Furnaces, Stationary Kngincs, Mills
rill'LS 1NO .viACIll.M.n. "
Cheap Grocery Stoic
ri HI", undersigned having bought nut the Ornery o
J David Strouu, has removed his lint nnd Cap Store
up to Sunup's old stand, where in addition to a supc.
rior assortment of
Jj$L Hats and Gaps,
! Molasses, Sugar,
! Coffee, Teas,
' Tobacco Snuff,
Cigars, Spices,
Dried Fruit, Butter,
I Coal Oil, Drugs,
Parlor and Hand Lamps,
Books, writing taper & ink.
Arc auuDicd for all Aires & Constitutions, mtn'ins. n'ow-imns, ami eve
mst'Ciass foundries
Ho is also prepared to make , loves, n m i, , ,J ,,,. ml Cellar Ware.
17 UN 11 g UJfUrti ' mnuu 1 1.
wilhin two inilea of
L C Meyer 4 Co. 8JI 00
Oeorge VlUidt W
Reuben lligirv '
John l.udwig, C, 00
Levi ncuhlini 2 (10
O W Driesbach (T'.p)l 0
Isacher M Kvana - JJJ
John Henry I 10
Wm(J Harris 2 ""
John 11 Miller.
Samuel llagrnbnch 3 J''
John O Jacoby i W
Joseph Hess (farmer) 1 20
N tl jounsou,
JohnTSh man
Hon R I. Wright
George Weaver Jones
lion Ueorge Belt,
F.IUs Creasy.
Mrs. It. A. Dodaon,
1-1.., 11 f'llrltetl.OU.
K.tate of Jacob Nuss 2 50
H.mnel Sovder. E.I 4 uu
Jeo tv urn
2 50
4 0(1
2 (10
8 U0
1 25
2 50
4 00
2 50
' 3 01)
2 50
li U0
Hon. Win. Jlerrinem, yu
S 00
4 U0
4 U0
2 00
4 U0
4 00
2 00
3 00
J U0
r-ol'j'Fre'xu1'"1" iSnK
rS'iipAchKh. 0 15 CJ.p.011 te I'e'er llodine
UvanC Jones
T J Swisclur, D,
A K Smith
O Kreamcr. Li'l.
Us. of Sam'l R A
Henry Rldillp
Richard Fruit, -i
Wa Jlcllridc, l-s
1) A Watson. IIsl.
JohnSmilh, Es'l
II Clay Mills
IVm Appleman Ls
T Ic C lcllcnry
And, Shiimau t.i
11, 11 ll.r
i.' 0"' .",:: .ki,.r! 50
-j ui -s w o.-i-r" " , -,o
John Hiuderliler.
Nathan Rredbenner Jr u
"""."" r e., a ot
B U0
2 UO
4 00
4 00
4 22
0 110
2 50
2 UO
4 00
2 00
4 50
3 00
li 23
4 U0
3 00
Saui'i Creasy, Es)
John Keller
Chn'a II Hess, Lsi
Stephen Wolf
1 K Swepenhiscr
Rudolph Shuuian,
Jacob Shugars,
Henry llartrel.
l'.liai Slininan,
iiciilauiiu Miller,
F.a. of Jos.Oeaihart
lis Rev. I)B Tobias
I'.s.of John Burnley,
John Miller (Doll)
Mnllnas Uilbert
Jacob Shipnnn L'
Isaac Cu'p.
1' K Herlieiu, Ell
Hera Mower.
Leonard Adams,
Henry Fink,
Ceo, Fetlcrman,
Amos Rhodes
Lucas Fahring'T,
u lliockwny
Ki, of Jacob liarizci
R 11 Winter.luen,
l.'harles Ash,
Thomas llaker,
J II Sleeker,
John Huffman, 1-1.
William Richart,
Jeremiah "ess
Isaac Iv Dililme.
fieo. II. Kilfhuef.
Ks.ofl'eter llodine,
Cupt Isaac I.eidl,
(Jco. I" Jnhnio.i,
Donicl Merlila
Is.cher M IMakr
Joa. Lilley, Li'l-.
Wm 11 llmder
W H lr( & ta-
William '
rr- The above properly laya
New Columbus nnd Cimurn.
For further particulars and conditions apply to
Denton, l'a Feb. 4, 18ii5.
3 U0
3 00
2 40
1 Sti
3 U0
A 50
3 (HI
3 00
2 50
1 Ull
5 23
0 U0
2 50
1 50
5 00
3 00
2 t-1
2 00
2 50
2 (HI
2 00
3 33
3 IU
2 50
5 00
1 50
Three Iluiulreil Dollars
rnilE board of school Directors
I of Centre township, in (he County of
Columbia, l'a offer
A I rcmium of Three Uundied
Payable in Twp. Honda tn any and every
citixeu of said township, whn will put a
Substitute into tho service 1 for three years,
un ll the quota of said Township, shall
have been filled, under tho present call of
juv.uvi. m.v... ..norie puis lu
AARON Kill. CIIN tit,
JceI Dirltttri.
JjaUiry 23. . .
Timber Jsiiml Vov Sale.
rpilU undersigned, offers tn sell at Pri-
I vate Sale, a good Tract of TIM HER LAND, sit
1,. itHiiton sndiSugarlnuf tuwuships, Columbia co
Thry aro composed nf the active principles of Herbs
and Hunts called from ourlislds and forests. They
nro mild but c. ruin in '.heir operation producing
neither 1 ramps, griping pains nr sickness. They
may be taken by all ages, sexes or condition without
To cure disease we must go fuither than simply pur
go the bowels ; we must ii.u such remriiies lis act in
harmony with the laws of nature, in the gentlest man.
ner. A cathartic nicicly prepares the way for other
melius but is iiiilippeiisihlu in very many cases lo
evacuate Ihe bowels of accumulated acid matter. A
disordered si tem conies 011 by slnw degrees, and Ihe.
actum of medicino must bu in like manner. Disease,
though local In its character, nfl'ccls more or le.s tho
whole syilem ; und it is ueceesnry to net in a similar
manner, on Ihe ey.lem by blood. healing and purifying
remedies first, locally on Ihe stomach and bowels,
end then nn 111" whole system Tlie medicine, instead
of all going tluough the boat ihould p.irlially remain
in it until n ihauiio is affected, an as lo accomplish
Ike woik desigurd , therefore, a simple cathartic pill
Is not what the system wlmlly requires. A medicine.
Is necessary that will not only oper.uo on tun bow.
els, but ham an e-pecial ntlloii on the accretions of
Ihe Liver, Stomach, Nerves, Kidneys and Alimentary
Canal nun finally on the lllnoj. Sueh, then, Is tho op.
erallon of llryan's Life Pills ; consniuently, thry arc
invaluable lu ell cases of Dyspepsia, llrad-acbc nnd
Nervousness, and will eipei ull humors from thu
blood. They net ou all parts of the system, und in
tlueiice a change in those organs that are deranged,
and can be successfully used in any diseaso that of
fe. Is Ihe human frame. They have healthful and life
giving properties, whlih, belngtaken up by ihe many
tin Hint vessels, enters tne oiuon nuo assi is uuiure iu
pejform lie functions. If attention is paid to Ihe ill
gestivo nrgana and regular uvnrualions of tho body,
much disease may be prevented ; and these pills are
designed to effect that end, na they not only net on tho
Ciliary Secretions by promcting dige.tinn, but curry
off. through the bowels and kidneys, all irritating hu
mors. Nulurs expounds her lawa, and the practice
that falls lu harmony Willi them is most suciessful.
No medicine should be taken that weakens thu sys
tem, aud prevents Ihe proper p.'rforiiiaucu of Ihe func
tions ul the body ; the vast machinery ot tho human
1.rl:rt. A'm'i'rs. f?n)in.
1.... r. , 1 1 , , 1 . . .....1 n f!i .! 1 p .1 1 workmen, war- . . . ' 1
..IS i ...i..v'; ...l, 11-, ...... , - --- r .
lantt him in receiving the largest contracts 011 the , )'C, iJ'C., O C , .
in.i.t ri'json.ibln tertiiH. Together with a variety of articles generally kept in a
ILy i.rain.u an kiiius win a-,e i v-.u,m-,c gtore,
n .(It,
This Cptablifhmeiit in loca.ed near the Lackawao
a Uloonisburg Railroad Dcpij.., mM Mf.y
Administrator's Notice
Estate or John Sinoliiy, Deceased.)
LETTERS of ailmini.t ration, on tho Estate of Joua 1
Si-iui.kV, late of Reaver township, Columbia co.,
deceased, havu been granted by the Register of Col
umbia county, to the unduistBned ; all persona having I
claims against lie Estate nf thu decedent, are renues- ;
ted to proeni Ihem lo the undersigned, residing in '
said township, without delay, aud nil persons indeb
ted ,0 make payment n-.l. SIVCLEY. !
January 21, IfCj.-Aw S3 Adni.ra I
Ailinini'sliiKoiS IVoiicc. I
iiifft'c oj William Webb, Deceased,
IiVLTERS of adminiatratiou, with the
i will aiineied, on thu Citato of WILLIAM
Wllllll, late of Centre towiuhip, Columbia county,
deceased, haio bceu granted by the Register nf Co.
uinbla county, to thu undersigned : all persons having
claims against the Estate ol Ihe dsccdent are reques
ted t present t hem tn thu undersigned, residing in
Scotl township, without delay, and all persons indeb
ted to maao pay ment forthwith.
1 I'.l.l HART-MAN, Mn'r.C.T-A.
D.'ctmb'r2l, 16(il,-liw. 61 U
Adinin'Hlraloi 's Notice.
Estate of Wtltiam Ptalt, Lcceas'tl.
Al.oA line lot uf KIDS. MOKOl EOS and Lim-insto
whuhhcinwles the at enlioti of Shncinakors and the
Illoomaburg. Dec. 5. tPr.3
a. n. TiioMrso-i.
No. 43 North Il'harvci,
ID" 11 UTTER, CHEESE, HAMS. i-c. a
No v. 14. lni'3j:uio
No. U57 North Third Street Phila'd.
Nnv .!. Irlrt.'
this properly, as ml land, is well known; it i- only
ueces'tiry to say tuai no wen ou 11 lias vj ui iuueu u.
getting oil, while it has already produced Ihe Maplo
Shade, the Co. incite, and the Jersey. '
I No. 2 Twenty-nve acres iu fee on thu cast side nf
I the Allegheny river, opposite the mouth of I.ig Sandy,
i This trait has about forty rods' front on the river, and
I rnntaini a lurge amount of boring surface. Oil wells
1 tit'l g largely nru found near this property ; among
I ilinn the llnbl.s, thu Hi over, tr. The Company 111
I tend to proceed hi unci' lo develop this fine property
and feel sanguine of suicesa.
No. 3. A lea." nf filter 11 yeara on the Win. n. Wil
1 ami Farm, on Slipptry Ruck Run, in Lawrence futility
i I'ennsy tv.-iuial
I No. 4, 5. li, 7 and 8 ate also 1-ases on Slippery
IRoik Run, coutiiintu; four hundred acres 111 all.
I They were obtain,".! in -piil. lro4, by Dr Egbert, and
' ci.ntinue for tilteeii years from llwir date. '1'hey su.
' cure 10 the Less "es all tloi oil and other minerals cm
, tallied In the several traits, wiih ihe right to divido
and sublet, with nil other rights and privileges con
netted with the business of mining for oil, coal uud
other minerals, und rescre a royalty of only
m lull of said oil or minerals.
'Ihe Slippery Rock Territory Is a new and only par
tially dinlopcd olliregion ; but Ihe .ucccai already
obtained there aud 011 tho Mahoning River, a few
miles wen. togsther Willi the largo quantities of oil
found north, ninth, east nnd wet of it, leal us lo
ho,,e that it will prove n siiccc-sful nil region.
Tho Conipnny have already an excellent engine,
tt-ols, and nil necessary fixtures on the grounds, with
a well partly down, anil shall proceed U develop the
property as fast as possible.
These lands uud leases wi re all select!.'! for nil pur
poiet by -ho rresideut of this Company, whose
aiicces. in the oil business, sterling integrity, .and
force of character are 100 wull known to require rom-
ment here.
auS.-criiilfoui rettittd alias cjTirio
420 Chralnut Street,
Oaly a tlhiilld .Vumter e Stkaril art fir Salt.
January 7, Id05-uti.
Revised Fee Bill of the
Columbia & Moutov County
JANUARY 1st, 1805
For Si 00 a No. I pen lt quality or -1 No 2 p. 11 -a on I
For ?J 25 a No. 2 pen I.t quality, r c Nn.i pen ,1 qu.l
For 82 ''I a N" pen 1st quality, ora No I pen 1. qnul.
I'm j:i 50 a No 4 p. n 1st qiialiiy. cr h .NoAp. o:,l e,u
For 51 30 n No5 pcn III quality, or a NuO pen M
For 55 50 a .No. 0 pen 1st -1011111,.
Tho n-anio Gold Solid Silver Gold
Plated Ebonj Dork Holileia and
Motocco Casta.
For 8 J 23 a No 3 pro 1,1 quality, or .1 , 1 I pen 2,1 qual
For 150 a No 1 pen 1st qiulity. ir n N.i3ypn Jd qui.!
For S3 20 n No 5 pi 11 J.I qui. lily, or a Noli pen 2.1 qual,
For 41 0l a Noli pen 1st quality For i '1 '0' a No 7
pen. For ijn 7.'. r n e pan. Fur tl 00 n No. li
pen ; all lir.l piality.
Our Pen-, rank (hrooejiotii t'lH rnnutry r equal it
not superior to any gold pens mniiufa. tared. -Nnl mily
for their wrlnng quuhties bu. durability .not rleganl
one 1 hills li The greutr.t t-nre Is nsud in their tnuii'ifof tare,
uud tinna titj sold will) the slicht'i.i lutpeifvctioii
w Inch skill ran uetc. t.
Parties 111 ouleriug must ppnrify til. 'inmi. 11.111,11 ir
nnd quality in all in-Unco, and whelhsr Hlif i.r Ii-pi
bcr. course or Ami.
I A discount of I t cut. will lt rll 'u J t-n ntnii-i
1 of gl5, if cnl to "do aiMrr m. (it oiw Unio ; I A pr c it I
1 All reiiiittnttccB tiv in-iil. !eciIrrrJ, arJ ut mir
To ull who I'tichifitf jn cent.-! t klt'i lur r jint nug. s
guarantuc thn ife ilclivory nfltic p.-oili.
1 Cirtulurti ol nil our nu i(yli. nuh r.t.cra m o
I oxact nnd prici', --iU upun rTHi(il "f fttitini if
UoBHt'ti, rent rtfotiiuu itr ) rnitji. itmn
Ftationcrii and jetVi,ll, an r"lMi-1 in orrrpu.i t
with us ri wu cuu otter them srea nntt.c.'ivstnu
AMKMCAX tSOI.n VM ' ()..
Nn. 'IlW Ur".. Itv; Yof
Jflnuftry 2-3. t863. 3m.
15. As 11. T. AitUiony & Vo.,
fllautifitctiircrs ol' riiotiigraplilc Mai
oials, Hltulcsnlc & Iti-iitll.
1501 HROADWAY. N. Y,
ar tti'i 'na sr ni-.irniinti aii iiti i.iinin n
Li luiit Viutt, nv of I'li'o tnwiinhhi, 'il, co., rfrc'J., 1 abuvo College. Youhr men desiring tittibtam n tlnuli
Pittsburgh Commercial College.
Iliughainpli .,,,,.
Crittenden's " " riiilndnlphia.
Strallnn. lttyant Sc. Co.. " '
'rim.u Serins, are In amoiinte nf 315 aud S 0 nml are
-is an much caah, by the Student on entrlag either of Die
Ordinary Visit in Town,
Each additional nut, sami day. in
Earh additional rise in (amity, in
Cotiniry or town, ....
Ordinary visit out o f town within
une mill', -
Each ndditional tinle. or frailion of a
mile, up in six miles,
Rising in, lught and prescribin.
Visit at night dun bin th" day viiit.
Ordinarycases of Parturition
I In.triimrutal ruses, nod nut li ns re-
I quire, turning,
IDi livering I'l.tconl i,
All niter atteudauie, nt cording lo
or ordinary rates, pit n-it,
Heduiiion of Fractures i. Luxations,
I major
Amputation i f Leg or Arm
i Amputation of Finger or To-.
I Operation for Ihre-llp.
I I xcjsion of Toilsils .
Extirpalion ol Tumors,
! Yatcination.
j Introduction of Cutheter
i t'i. I moil rximln'it f ir Coroner,
Consultation within eight miles, -!
I'sing Trornr in Ascites,
. Sneculcm Vaginal Ct.iminaliu i.
Medicine in all cases rtlra.
January. IrUJ.
S3 cts. In
y.o 1 1
50 cents. I
50 cents.
SI. 25
25 cents
In addition lo mr main biisiursi of I'hotograi Inn
Mali-rials ' "re Headquarters lor Ihe following, vit
Steraicopt awl Stcieoscopic Views
Of these wo have nil immense a.soi t.ori t, inclui'ing
Wai Sc 'nes, America i. and Foreign Cities aud l.t id
scares. Croups, .-laluery, See., i-c. A'su, Kevolsiuj
Slcrrosrop,., for public or tinvtite exhibition Our
Cjlaloguc.w ill ba sat to any aidless on receipt ef
Mamp. x
Photographic Albums.
8i.0T. Wowcre the tirsi to inlroluco Ihrso 11 to th Unllad
Slates, and we iuinuf.ii.lum Imoien-e quantities In
SluOO tL.ul limeiy. ranging tn price frnm ISO mils lo iJ'l
65 00 to S-'.W trr, (j,,, AI.IIL'MS have the reputation of being su
penor in beauty and durab. lily 10 an) others nn y
will tn xuut by mwil freu, on receipt of iric
CFJina ASums nnii tn Urdtr.e
S 10,00 In e.'.vnj tn 450 00 tu SIlMil)
6 10.00 In g.lil,00
1U.U0 to f l.i.tnl
b 10,011 to 823.00
SI. Un
6100 tn $5,00
Our I'eialosue now embraces 'tver foe dif
fere'il subjects Uu whi.h addition, nro r,i..iinuai y
beiii' inaJei of I'oitisits ol I'.i'iluunl Ainiriiitui. .kv
nr. ntiout
I 100 Stajor lionerf.H.
rj'ill.nil to Jtul.lM! -.Ill ling -Lei
SI. Oil lo elullll -Jlj Ciiloiiets
j I ll.n J IllU Lieut I'oloueli
fabric must bn k-nit in oritur, or some, oait beaoiuea
iiillnenpi'il bv oiKlin. r-ii-ltetneot ; tho uliolu -.v.tem nil oersqns hnviitg claims agalllsl the es
must be nourished, or it dies ; so, by under tnndlug 1 ute of thu deiedeut are requested to present thein to
fully the lawa upon which lilo and Health depend, w the inidcrslgnc-1, residing iu snid township, without
can snide the sysiem by the silent forces of naluru und delay, and all persons indebted lo ntaku payment
keip nil Ihe lunctiuus iu harmonious order, sum la forthwith,
the design nf llryan's Life Pills ; for nllhoogh a mild
have been granted by tho Register of Columbia co.,to the ed Collegiate Education, will here finjagood specula
lion ny .i"i i iiik -t him -...-..-'..
caiharlic, they never weaken thu system,
it to a natural equiiiuriuni-
ufie In llenton sudlSugarMuf townships, Columbia co
p", a.ljuiulng lands of Joshua llrlng, Uco, Dudionand I
jgiae fennlglon. coiilalnins about .
Four llundicd Acres,
2oo All ofwhiPh Istillahlo Und, well waterfd and ins-
2W 't ' iin . "bV Mcntlr- o, In pa,., of
one hundred, nr In rtRy acre lots, us may bo desired. '
n Vvrine easy nil liberal lime ou part of the
S 00
1 no
13 SU
John II Mstier. r- i - i , ,
er Very liberal paymtnts na. ---
,h, last month, for which our good tiiindi 0
le.rty hanks. A continuance of the .am. pro" P
customers for lt continuance of. 'Ifeetrc.e-
Gentlemen's Hate.
a., ..,
r) i'i-i i ij 1 i '
V ,,' l It r went m) WJ 1 urVlher paniculate eniulre of Ihe ..ib.criber at
!?".. u r.LK I i.ilre.ldenci) in township, or by ai 'lrcss ih
i . 3 m i nek l orn' THOMAS J. VANDIirtsi.iuii,
Oct. 13, IfG.
F, 0, 1IAUHISON, M. I).
no, r .....Arfriilli. inrnrni llio pllizens of lilOOUIS-
v ws'suiieXhr; ' liu)C 5071), 70 Cedar Street, N
ndsol c tsashareotpunnc 'simiiaiie.
Orriia n Main Street flr.t hoist bcln lh Curt
Ho'l.r. nioiiiitsB'irg
(nit restore
aud this great priniiplu
lies at tho inundation ot i very disease. Tiicy net on,
all parts of the system, and influence a change in thoio
organs aro deranged, Thu iitiuusl reliaucu may nn i
pluced ill theso fills ; they are thi result of deep-1
sought study and experience in the true action of na.i
turu'a remediea, directed in llio cause that lies at the)
fun in! ul i un of disease, They have been tiled by thou- 1
sands with successful results, and they are now placed I
before thn penpju with th o greatest confidence,
A Box. of Bryan's Life Pills will oost
They w ill acconipllih faithfully all that is represented.
'1 hey are elegantly put up by the proprietor, who
wan tho Inventor of IIRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS
a medic ine long and favorably kiiown to the American
lfynu wish lobuy IIRYAN'S LIFE FILLS and
not gi t thein of your druggist, dont take any other,
but send Twenty I'lvo Cents iu m Utter to tho proprir
tor, and you will get Ihcin by return nf mall, post
paid Address
JJK. J. IJUlrti-i,
ptim sr Due-Knit. (siih.t
DF.MArl, nFNEifcCO , N Y VVhol:uU .tjjntl,
F.ttuai)f I, ifii,- y;a-v.
Jan !1 IrtVi.-ow S3 0.
Pino tw'p .
Esiat. of Georgo W. Hiitlc, Deceased.
LETTi:.. I Testamentary ou the estat. f (Jeorgf W
Ililtle, i 'o of Ml. Pleasant mwnsuip, Columbia cn,, i
deceased, In c hern granted by th" Register of Wills ,
fee., in Ihe u leraigued both residing iu said twp, 1
all persons h ting claims agaimt tlio csiali' of the I
decedent are n nested to present them to tliu Riorn I
tr x without delay, and all persons initeincu in max t
payment forthwith, MARY HITTI.B,
Ml, I'leasaul twp., Nov. 12. inbl. r-i-rs, j
Adiniiiitratoi'N Notice.
Estute of Piter llodine, dec' it.
LETTERSof adininislration nn the Estate ut Peter
llodine, late ofCatnniss.i twp., Columbia ru der'.l.
have been granted by the Register of Columbia cn., to
tho undersigned all persona having claim against the
estate of tho decedent are requested to present them tn
His Administrator nt his residence in said town
ship without delay, and all persons indebted lo male
, payment forifiwith. y
Duceniksrll. IS'il-Ow $3im.
j GcnUcmcn'B Hats.
1 All Hie laical stllei at l"ll.tltl.l",i OAKfOSD
tO.NS, Cealinentil HH'.I rinlidili'li'i,
iO rcat Trunk
Vjl Ni
Heading Kail-road.
JSovMiiber 7th 1801.
Lino from the North aud
Ninth -West (or I'Mlade plna, ew-Yoik, llojil-
Ing. I'ottnille Lebanon, Allenlow u, l.asluu, Ui-.. 4.c.
Trains leave llarrlibitrg for New Yoik, . fdlows
Ai 3 00 and e". 15 A M and I - I 1 . arriving tit New
York at 10 A M . nod 2.11 and 10 00 l II
Th" above conned with simtlni Train, on ili-i l'enn
sjtvanla Rail Road, and sleeping Cars ai iouipany the
hrsl two Plains, without change
Leave for I'endlti-. I'ottsvill.'.'I'aniaqua. Miner. rilln
Allcutown, and Philadelphia ul - l'i A. M and I 45 I'
M , slopping at Li lnnun and princip-il Stations only
Way I'raius, stopping ul all points, at 7 25 A. M. aud
1.10 P. M. Returning Leave New -York at 'J A M., IS
....... . noon, and 7.00 I'. M. 1'lnl.i.l.lpliM ai A M nml 3.3U
TUlliU ST A' I'KtSESYL VAiWA Jl V V. M : roltsvilleal -SO A. .M.and 1' 11 , Thin .qua
" "leitfsltJltl'l'lx it IMtOTIlKKS.
TOBACCO 1) E A I, E It ?
ftO, 103, NORTH TU I HI) HTltKKT
Five door, below Ror
Ladies' Furs.
Purrhairia may rely upon grttin; Ihi krst run .1
CHARLES OAI.FORD L QN-1, Comiacnitl H'jl.l
Chcitit'il tfniet. Thilaliipkli
itrllE undersigned, having taken the Espy Hole),
L lately kepi by Mr, K Howell, would respectfully
I nf.irm hia friends and Un- public lu general, that no
pltlns will be aptred for Ihe satisfactory entertainment
of all who may favor him with their cucioui.
Eapy, Apriia.tMl
r-; rain ;.v inn m'. ii'im-iHion
SJU (JJltJZriUl-'a'iiJJ IXJiiJ U .'iliJO
BELL &. ALLAH ACH, Projirielais.
conNEii or
el rMi) A. M nnd 2.15 I' V und H. ailing n i i mlduight,
7 35 and 10.45 . . I 3- and UOi I'. M.
Reading Ariomodation Train l.cavei Reading at li.
30 A. M, returning from Philadelphia at 1.30 P. M.
Columbia Knilrnvl Trains leave Reading nl A. 10 and
11 A M.for,, Cojumbl.i- te.
On Sundaia ; Leave New-Yoik at 7 1' M , Phlladel
r.hiaS.IS I' '!.. Pnitsi ille 7.30 A. M , Tama I'M 7 A..M ,
.llarri.hurg ri 15 A. M.. and Reading at 12 midnight, (01
Coniuiulati'in, Mileajn, Season, Schonl, and l.iciir
inii Tirkrl to and from ill points, at reduced Rules
lUggage rheckc t tnro'ijh . "!0 pound, allowed each
''""C" ' .1. A. MOLL.,.
sTcfifrsI fivfrrlHrrsict,
i'tAt'to I's N'). !'! 1351 ' '
; 550 Slate. in. ii,
i Uu Dilutes,
; I .'a Anil ois,
i 40 AltlsU.
-at mh..r n-r.pera. 125 Stage.
75 Nuiy Olhcers, I 50 Prominent Women
150 From i nt Foreign Portrait!.
inc'itdin; reproductions of thu most celebrated llji
graving., Paintings, Statu,--, lie. Catalogue--! s.'i' or
receipt of Stamp. An ordir for One D,.zeu IV i
from our Catalogue will b lilted un tin :
(tl.rtd. and sent by mall. Ff.-.K.
' t'l ei.igi.iphf nnlotl.eis ordering goods ' P
with pi-i.e r-siit tweiry live psr cenl of tin i n
null l it. l r nidi r
; ,V II. 'I AM'lUlNY i. C '
.Vinl'jrli-rrpj ' Mil-JPl-lll Afmr
o')l HroiJway. "."
"- I'lie nines anl quiluyof. ur goits ca.
l.i.ali.l'j ;DltJ I om
The uudeMtRtied bav'tDg connected him
self with established Agouciea in Wash
ingtuu and Philadelphia is prepared to
attend lotbo collection of Back-pay ,lloun.
tie-! Pensinrt and all other I'qid'ub'a
claims against ilio (iovirt.nivnt. Ili r-
perienoe and tin "itn't-i umiiieciiniiH tuitii.i
him to allif d tu 'hitu tviih ih-. It aat po
tbla delaj - 1S rbaruts made 'iii c-i-i tlm
fluims are Ki! .I't'tl (ifliec wt h E 1 .
Lit lit) E
Imrc Pa,
Coun Uotio AUfv I nmn
0. li.nUOCKW'.Y
L'". 1'.', IsOl
FO'Uary 3