Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, February 11, 1865, Image 2

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Saturday Morning-Feb. 11,1065.
'TO L"'
" Oor Ootutlrtiflon jjaaril It eVtf !
Oar clorldus Unionbold It dear !
Our starry riag---forake H never!
The proud Gaucatslan cur only peer!
$3 00 per Year, or
2 50 if paid strictly inadvancc.
The Coming Draft.
Thooominir draft is bocinninc to awak-
en anxiety in tho households of tho poor
u w
throughout tho land. Tho wealthy aro
meeting everywhere to retain bow best
a j
they can raiso the sunn neocssary to shield
their precious bodies from tho daccer of
robel shot and sholl. They aro tho horned t coui,i bavo takon tho initiatory if tley had
oattle who still ory out : "If you want any chosen, and could have compelled Con-,
meat, kill tho ehcep and lambs; don't mcd- grefl3) ven in opposition l0 Congressional
dlo with us, there is no beef to sparo."- ;cn,imcnt to call a convention for proposing
,r, . .,. . Jscnllm-cnl),O0Rll&conemipniI0rProP5,Dg
j J " ---- ,
the cunning animal alter he had gained all
" uuwcvur, wwo siuu, auu
the information necessary for tho
tion of iho muttons and exhausted tliem.U I
ually turned round and informed tho cat
tlo who took him for their bc.-t and ten
derest friend, ''that ho means to cat ihom
up also." That it must come to thU, if
thru' destructive war goes on much' longer,
is as clear as sunlight. Thcro is a limit
to financial endurance, and the high rate
of taxes oooasioncd by the immense boun
ties, whioh arc tho premiums that coward
ico and wealth offer to save their own from
being driven to the slaughter pens, must
soon make legislation pause, and adopt a
system of draft whero no substitutes will
bo permitted, and whero all will be placed
upon an equality. Tho next draft must
necessarily bo made upon this system, and
then a howl will go up louder than that
whichTstartled tha fearful nigh't in Egypt,
when tbo prince and the poasnnt awoko to
find, equally, that tho Destroyer's foot
had been on their thresholds. By tho
laws of tho Directory all Fronohraen were
pronounocd toldiers, and when tho coun
try was declared in danger were summon-
ud to its defense. It was tho mad cry of
"liberty, fraternity and equality, that
introduced the rolentless inflexibility of a
wholosalc conscription into Revolutionary
Prance and it is thoame cry hero of in
sane fanaticism that will introduce it hero
in all its horrors. Tho conscription there
was the maximum of human tuffering,and
the most vexatious of all injustice, and it
will Boon be so hero. Among tho anomal
ies of human character that coufouud all
general roasoniug, there is none more in
comprcbeasiblc than that which tho Abo
lition dynasty whioh rules us to our ruin
exercises over this nation. A people of
all othors the boldest, and, at tbo same,
timo, tho keenest alive to their own im
mediate iutoref-ts, undtr tho influence of
bis power lose tho distinguishing features
o their charaoter;, and, on- subjects con
nected with the publio affairs, display tho
most crouching, abject fear, and a perfect
rceklcfsncss in tho accumulation ot the
most frightful debts. Thoy know and ob-
sorvo, as it were, instinctively, the precise
limits-assicnod to toe range ot language :
and, conoious that a mysterious ubibuity
is one of the attributes ot the merconary
spies of Government, discipline according'
1y tho tongue and the countonenco even in
their doinest'.o seclution. Uur rulers are
itriving to make us a military nation aB
tho French express if, "imc generation
2ropre a la gticrrct el a la gloiric apd
for this purpose our public schools aro
being formed into military aeademics
where military exercises form a largo part
of the studies. Now, let us remember, if
we are to beoomo a nation of soldiers, how
aatisn of soldiers must be occupied.-
Plunder 13 their tood, nnd will bo sought
wherever it may be found. "A people at
war," eays Montesquieu, "must nocessa -
rily triumph or bo ruir.od. They will la -
bor in their yocation. and ncvor mako
peace but as onquerers. Such a nati-
onal temroramcnt is onscntially at war
with all tho moral virtues and generous
principles of our nature, with tho gentle well as with the Iwarded treas
ures of peaco.
A True Democrat. In another ool
uinn will bo found tho remarks of Hon.
Wm. U. Sillier, ot too Dauphin Distriot in
Congross, his position upon the
proposition to amend the Federal Constitu-
tion. They havo tho ring of tho truo
Democratic metal. Having taken a
eolemn oath to "protect, defend and pre-
Bervo the Consfitutirti of the United
States," he would have been fclso to that
-oath and untruo to tho best intcrests-of tho
,.i.iritnnnfR i,,i i,n anftv
. . ...
voted diUerentiy. suit. Miner lias lairiy
repretentcd the constituency through whoso
votes he is now amembcr of Congress.
Every vote and aet of .his official life has
inet tbeir hearty endoncment, aud when
4te returns among them once more it will
bo to receive tno woii-ucservea saiutauon,
"Well done thou nood and faithful scr.rant."
But will bo the reception of those vbaso
i,in wlin ine been false to their eonsti-
luentiea and sold their vote for a tempo-
rary benofit ! Contoinp withering,
blighting scorn must bo their mood jfroEi
tho patriotic acd -coiiEtitution-loving
,,.w ......... --'-"tj
Demoorata who havo bowi bo infamiously since, it was resolved to petition tho. Leg- fcUu'Ya """"B'-s ...
betrayed. Long after 'theso reorcants, ,'slaluro to make provision for taxing allred at Iiella.r, froe to death m ihe Tirn Shooting Siabon. Ihe law prohib
.. . . , . ,1 .1 cu 1 i 1 11 .1 t house oars on Fr day nicht. w hi b rid nc 'its persons from ouher ehooimn, trapping
these timeserving demagogues, havo sunk doge in tho fatate, and ask tho attention of I J"' , J,J nU'DS i or de.iroying In any Way whatioever, or
into never ending oblivion, avi!1 tho namo iho Governor to the enmo subject. Dur-1 ,uo uu" l offering lor wlo, puWgo4, pheananu r.d
of William H Miller, and his steadfast iog tho discussion upon this subject it was $500,000 OOO for the Army, l rabbits Jrom tho iirtt day of January, unlit
anmpatriots, sbino briglrtly upon iho
r I-
pog'.-s cfaiur uiifortunats country's
Tho Amendment of the Constitu-
Tbo 2fow York News, says, it onnnot.
bo denied that tllo Abolitionists aro very
earnest nnd preserving in the pursuit' of
tllair objfect, but they aro alro ovdr san-i1"0
guiim, aud aro apt to oount tho spoils bo-'
foro tho field is won. The action of tho
tfcdtral Congress in regard to tho amend-
incut of tho Constitution prohibitory of
slavery, has boon accepted by our Mack
of their purpose of emancipation, and their
nj I . f 1 .l
iVfHiV,,, rMMii'i')Vrnqrii,nila Willi
., , . ,, . , . .,
all tho emphasis that u duo to congratula-
, ,. . . ,7, ,
lion over a work that is accomplished.
,,. , . , ., . . ,,
Wo do not wonder that they arc thus pro-
. ., . . i... .. r .i i
mature in their jubilation, for they liavo
, . ,. ., i , .
long since ceased to attaoh any importanoo
i .i . . i . ... , , . ., . .
to tho attributes of tho States m their in -
,. ., , ... , . ,, ,
...i.i ,i .:n 'r
tUIUI IIJUI bllV V OUUU1U ItXaiU 1UU lltlft Ul
the central Government as conclusive
NovcrlhclcS3, tho Federal Congress hsa
f1lllin nn ' , ,,,,, ,n .
uuno do more man 10 express us ucsiro in i
rnfar Bmi . n,n
tn r.Un notion n il,n ,w.. Tl,n Rin
auiuuuiuuuia iu tuu x iu- t
!minswitb the Slates to decide whether
amcnuments to tho Uonstiutton. it re-
destruo-ipmposed amendmontrshall be adopted.and
it is a ouestion whether, of their number. .
tho requisito throe-fourths will consent to
bo recorded us having tampered with a
fundamental of the Itopublio.duriog a con
dition of civil strife.
Tho Timis forces a conclusion favora-
blo to the adoption of tho amendment by l
tho convention of Stales, nnd anticipates, I
liko an oraole, tho verdict of tho sover- uch tho Constitution ceases to bo a com
cigntics one all, that aro to prnounco upon proiniso betwecu sovereignties. Tile rmr-
.1UV..3.1U... .uuo. ,v v..a
Jersey, Tennessee, Arkansas, Louisiana",
Virginia nnd.Wost Virginia as suro to vote
for tha amendment, when it is probable
it is certain that tho other States enumrr
alcd will have no yoico except such as may
bo uttered by a minority under tho eon
trol of tho military agents of tho Admiuis
tration. What does our cotomnorarv
, .. ,. . . . . ,, ,.
moan by citing Virgtnia as with "very lit-,
tlo doubt," in favor of abolition.when her (
soil is guarded to day by a powerful army
that holds at bay tho utmost power of the
Federal armies! Tho voice of Western I
Virginia would havo no constitutional
forco, lor sho has no constilutional cxis 1
tanco as a Stato. Tennessee, Arkansas
and Louisiana would, if left to their own
volition, emphatically reject the proposed
amendment, nnd it is only an cxtrcms
rccklcssnossof justio'o and- an utter disre
gard for iho virtue of our system of Gov
ernment that would count those State as
among the supporters of a movement that
is directly in antagonism with tho present
action of the great majority of thoir peo
ple. Wo foar, however, that there is "very
little doubt," that tho Administration pro-
poses to give a phantom cxistenco to just
so many of tho seoeded States as may "bo
considered necessary to comploto tho talon
of twenty-seven requisito to adopt tho
amendment. Tho whole proceeding at
the best is a fraud upon the slaveholding
Stales, supposing a probability of ihoir
return to the Union ; and the circumstance
that tho counterfeit presentments of one
or two of tho slaveholding States should
be made to play a part in the mockery J
e J J 1
scrvea but to cap tho climax of wrong aud
The members of tho IIouso who profes
to be Democrats, and who voted Ivt ihu
amendmont. have betrayed their cotistitn-
cnoioit Their aot;on has becQ UU(,P(10.
I . ,P, , - , . , , .
cra10. They havo violated tho orctd ol
, tbcir party, and have assisted tho progress
1 decentralization. 'J'bey havo recorded
themselves aa tho enemies of tho principle
of Sta,0 R)- ht nJld as fcnot lh wiU L
Consolation for Democrats.
Wendell Phillips is rerortcd to have I
Wendell 1 lumps is rerortcd to have
t1 ft- ir- ,.'
. that tho party that carried you through a
" 13 uu u.'iJiiiLg iuiu ui uauuu an mu
, war always vacates otuoo when it is ended
ond ,1)0 0,Iier Parl' COIn0S in I" 1808
ij00"''3 t0 1,resido at tbo NVhlte
his, from so prominent an Abolitionist
and surewd a politician as ho is, should bo
akon as a warning by the now dominant
Partv i,ud t,ltir acts and P0,iy S1J
sliaauU In ncooruance tfaoreHitlu Ut tho
many faUo and crude thiucs said hvljhil -
ii.,v,.L..iii..i k. t !.:.,
muB iu0iu. iuvuio
uttcranco ho but quotes history. He will
get no thanks from the loaders ol his party
d jet ho deserves their most regards for
poioiioc out 0 them the invct.ablc course
of events. If they are niso they will profit
h - -; i'""
w il break their rule, and that their places
at the helm of ihe government are to bo
asumed br new men of a new nartv.
i'noi'OSEu Tax cn poos. At tho on
nual meeting of tho Pennsylvania Stato
Agricultural Soscicty, hold a day or two
o -1
statod that such a lax would ,produco to
n . m 1 ..... .
the Stato Treasury aa annual .revenus of
not leu than 5700,000,
Raids on tho Constitution! I
Tho arohitcota of ruin having dissolved .
tlie U,,iu" odJ trmplod-on our liberties,'
aro planning i eptom of raids upon'
oimuuuon. ivno.i tncir wuric 01
dc9truction shal1 been couiplcled on
that fair charter of tho Union, thoy will
uavo lcft ns different from tho original
09 Sheridan's toroh has left tho Valley of
the Shonandoah. (
templates an express rcoognlllon in that ,
IIIDtlull.uUfc lit tllU (.'AlSbCUUU Ul U Utility,'
...i r ii. ! . i . -r .
I ho devil may be satisfied, with that aJ-
.... , , J
dition, but wo sco no renfon why tho rev-
. , .... , . , . .
orcntial spirit, by whioh it is pronoicd,
... ; ., , . . '
.might not, with equal propriety, seek to
. b ' . . ' . . .. .
incorporate in t ic Constitution al tho ar-
. , 1 , ,
tiolos of tho Christian religion,
i , . ,
Slavory constitutes another point of
atlaok ,n the raids on tho Constitution:
. .... - I
hG rel,gl0-n;9,s and moralists who urgojand-u considerable number Irom regt-
'TFnn wu , wo presume, pusn
out their views to the full extent by do-,
.. , , ,. ,-.
nandmg an amendment abolishing for ov
cr WItllln tho jurisdiction of tho Untied,
Statc9)tU0 sJBtGm of sainllJ villainy which
tefe,!?n "'"Ji m nr ftrn
..fLhl n ' '
tcs tho men engaged in
tho Constitutional patch-work. They have
.......... .. ,. " . .
, i . .... . r ...
nece.n.l,Dct for pulUng money iu
Iheir constituents' purse?: Their amend
luents of philanthropy and Christ! an ethics
aro excellent precursors to that end by
bearing down tho barrien of State sover
eignty. Tho domestic institutions of a
Stato overridden by actual praoticc in a!
clauso of the Constitution ,the General Gov
ernment becomes thenceforth not t!i
, b . lh .,,..
Tho States practically disenthronod. na
amount and only only remaining sover-
ejgnty may ,hon goyern the w0,0 M Qn&
... , , nd inloroa, Ncw Kn(r,fln,i nnn.
, , BOaaol:d!lt;on. Iln1ll!n thn
powers, will proceed to tnrn Iter, morals
and humanity into money. The taxation'
restrictions of the instrument of tho Union '
will, theroforo, bo all swept nway in order1
to promote the interests of tho evangelical
... .
conooctors oi tuo new sovereignty of i'ur-'
itau.8i MtmAy aQ amendmcnt to tho
CoDBlitutiou bas been prepared with tho 1
view of taxing internal interchan-o by tho!
(i....... Br,i,. .i . I
IZiZlZc 77" '"'""""'I
"J" " J"1" "u, u u""uu iu mo ocn -
ato. That amendment asks power for the
Legislature of tho "new nation" to lay talc
upon exports I The raw material may bo
therchv elmk nnt. li (.nmr,0if;n t..m r.
eign markets; but whether or nor,thc saints
of New England are determined to have a
monopoly of its manufacture.
I'uritania is moving on rapidly toward
its full development. Harsh ethics nnd
scvero godliness will constituto its moral
foundation. Tho domination of New En
gland will work its centralized power; and,
as shown in the last proposed addition to
! the Constitutional patch-work, will do so
by supplementing its protcotive tariffs, by
heavy duties on certain exports. Wooden ,
, nutraeGa wil1' .um,er tll3t bnW! IOZlmo
bupcrsmo mrcign nutmegs anu warm the
toddies of tho tariff-victims whobroak the
Maine Liquor Law on frosty morning in
the Far West.
Tho West will buy from New England,
booause it will bo prohibited by "protect
ive" tariffs fro buying anywhero elso,and
tho West will also sell to New England,
inasmuch as it will bo restricted in its
, , ., . . '. , . ,
sales to other countries by duties and ex
ports. And the cant of what tho Boston-
;nnu noli i,:i,.i :u .1 1.. 1
. . j- auww M t tj w U
daps for tho new Jerusalem of l,ritania
uuciaro ivnienea lor ivmoricans that is
to saj for those of them wHio live in tho
.huppy laud .erst of the Connecticut.
Meadvillo Bank Thief Arrested.
Mr. Dvek, tho Teller of the Bank of
Crawford County, Pa., was arrested yes
terday, while getting on tho cats at Mead
villo, on suspician ofbdns tho perpetrator
of tho theft at tho brink on Thursday ev-
ening. Upon being searched iho sum of,
ni,!7 nnn e 1 1
V m ' . . ,UU"UTT - P lUQ
seat of his pantaloons. Ho is now confin -
d 111 ttcCraffford oomty jail to await
Tiik Last Hour. A man was dying, i
Ho had a fricLd n author. Tho friend
camo to him, 'I'o comfort him 1 No ! to '
read manuscript. Ho produced a packet, '
and drew his chair to the bedsido of tho
dying man. "Only a few ohapters,'" he
o "aid, insinuatingly. " dear friend,"
, -b v" m uepnumg one,
l the doctor says I'vo only an hour to live."
What was the ronlv ? 'Vc r T L,
- i ""r
a" )a' i hut this will only take you twen-
ty minutos."
A pao8";:Tho Com,
y Buluu of th(j h
a of golem
1 iir y preity evident that if tho great
national debt wb ure now accumulation is
ever to bo paid,the Government muet rely! intelligent scholar and will no doubt bo
, on some extraordinary eouroo of revonuo come disiincuished Lawyers. Mr. ltnu-
not yet developed.'
Frozen to Death.
Tho Wheeling RcSiiter says that nine'
1 i.i: , 1, i fi, 1. 1
Tho army apnroprittion bill, as nassad
.. . t . . ' I .
by tho House, appropriates about five
hundred millioni of dollar.
From the Star.
Camp in Fboht or PuTk-wnunn, Va. j
January 1865. )
Mrf. Kbitor1;-
Doar Sir 1 will requo.t a
small space in your valuable papor, lor tho
publication of a few linos, which 1 am
about to wrilo lor the benefit and Interest of
our friends at homo. Ami especially for
our aged parents of Columbia whoso sons,
on tho 12th, of September, 1861, connoclod
thomsclvoa with tho 209lh llog'l P. V., anil
raarchoj 10 ,ha.front w0 first Mruck Vir
(jiiiin'soil at Bermuda Landing, whom wo
woro allowed lo romam only u few days,
when wu wcro ordered lo tho front to do
picket duty. During nilio weeks wo ro
malned there, having tilly two hoars of
picket duty to perform out of every seventy
two hours, bei.'Hloa.nur'regular drill, yet tho
boys onjoyed good hoallh. (0n tho 15th of
Nov. tho'ISeba gobblod our pickets at thai
placo, capiurini; iWonty boy s of our Kog't
" ,
- s "j
one . Cap.. Leo ol Compan , r , and
first Lieut, of Company B. Company V, lost
somo twelve man prisoners and ono wouii'
,,.,,,. nf colnmbl countv
. wa8 B,igy wounti0j. Oscar Penler and
i Oide.on Beishlino from Fishing Creek Col.
I "'V"0'0 'mokn? ',PAm Tn, P,
eu k-p. up a brisk firo or several days,
which confined us within our works for
I Bi.i...t. i, nr.i.1 and rain without
any sloop and only common dully rations.
On the 20ih nf Nov. wo broke up onr camp
nnd marched to lliu left of lite Federal
works along breastworks and threw camps
to iho exlremo leli, a dit-tancu of Iweniy
miles, where wo did picket serrice lour
days and then marched back lo the from ol
Petersburg, our present situation, uu inu
23th of Nov. we struck our tenls at llii
camp and were soon nfier connected to iho
1st Urigiule, 3d Division, 9 h .Army Corn-,
In a short lime our Brigade wm ordered !o
cover tho reireal ot tho 5ih Ct.rp-j which
was mil making a :nld commonly known
asihu "Apple Jack" raid. While doinij
this our inarch was mostly in iho niglr,
amid snow nnd mud lo orfr knees und ultuu
thiough creeki. Tho coumiiu of our Lieu
tenants atone, kept us from beinij i.iken by
guerrillas. At lenyih .iliur marching a din
lunca nl twenty mile we reached tha bunks
ol iho Nolaway rirer, oblnu 2 o'clock in tho
morning. Our blankets and cloihi's beint;
wet, our load vas heavier ih.m ii.-inil and
tho boys wore compleiuly worn nut in
lna,chla8 this distance in ton hours. II.n
coU1 and WBl "10 ,,0', P0" l,i,a ll,u rtfl,el
on U.e fires, by which they warmed
and dried iheir cloihos.and look n short imp
wliilo tho 5th corps wa? crossing the pen-
1 ,nons ol, tleir reiorn. The boys would oc-
j casionally blip om and cupiur? lurkiea,
t chickons, and pigs ; in fact ihey took ihair
' choice for the country was richly blonud
' with everwhiiii' tho hoarl couhl wiih. Al 1
o'clock tho samo day we were onlemu buck
over iho same ground we vs'i.e, and iih
grwa'tir rapidity. Many did nn! ant in cam p
till the day aficr tho regiment camped, but
nono rejjroliod their trip for the rich .-upply
full v renaid 11s. We are now 011 lili' duly
and enjoying pre ity gond health. I nin mu!
to inform Iho peoplo, especially the purunls
ol Fishing Creik. that Co. E, since 1I10 mid
havo bijrried two of K'r br.ivo sons. On
iho 3 1 el ol December wo vnro calliul lo in
ter the remains ul Samutd l.nnbaueh, nnd
on tho 18th of January 186ft wo wero re
called 10 Iho burial of Philip I'.imr.. a fim of
John Kanlz. It i said ho irunbleil Ii 1 m -t; If
to deaih on account of iho inhuman treat
ment his lather is receiving Irom the exe
cutive of tho aovernraont he wa lihtinsj lo
maintain. Thus l wo ol our bravu boys
havo passed away, and to more family
firesiiie made vacant. How many bravo
men aro yet to fall is unknown. May
cause peace lo prevail once mora in our
Tne Tubas unv Homhmb Cash Mstj
Harris, tho young woman from Chicago,
who shot lo death Andrew J. 15iirrough., a
! clerK ,n wie 0UlL0 01 11,0 P r""Br " '0
Currency, yoslerday aflernoon, in ihn Tron-
1 t .t .n i .1 .. r -1 .1. .
sury liiiildings, has been lodged in j-iil. It
I appoari Irom lha lesiimnny ih slio nn'ed
lo Mr. McCullough, ihe Compifolli'r, thai
tha diseased had violated his rnarpane n
gagemeni wilh tier. He had dona her no
harm, hul was enganed 10 her for many
years, even from lier childhood, and had
continued a correspondence until within a
month of his marriago. She said tre l tie olli
cer who conveyed her lo jail, ho akelt no
6jm,paihy lor herself. Tho only orrow 10
'bo ,e" WRS ,or her "&ei I,art!n"'- Sho
?ar "V" lfhB d"ce,,,Bd hd ba,:el
her, laken her Irom her homo ami fnendu,
"d had placed her in a house of ill-fame,
1 , jh.icay0i nnd ,ha, ,he,8foru she had do-
termined upon lha deed.
Our country is known to iho World as
The United Slates of Nonh America; we
hopo it will yet havo a name less lumber
ing and more convenient. Oreely.
Cnu it Nets) Afiica. Il Is so ouphoniou,
so classical aud ubovo all so appropri&lo.
Every Loyal Leaguer ought lo go in ectia
cies over this, and they will give them a
chance. N, Y.lleiidJ.
At the very lime thai Gen lJullcr wa
before iho war Committee on Ihe Conduct
llio War, at Washington, leelilying thai
,., ..,,,.. .i,fc'.. r-"
Fori Fishor could 110: be taken, Gen. Terry's
heroes wero placing Ihe Stars and Stripes
abore thai strongholJ. Tho? wm iho wind
taken out of our inflated humbug.
I' Jaies K. Hrl' and MiciUKt. Wiur
moykr were on Tuesday of '.his week ad-
mittcd 10 practice in the overal Courts ol
Columbia couniv. They 'are both active
OLcn begun tho study of Law in Easion Pa.,
and removing to "Columbia county ho con
cluded ihe course under the instruction of
John G- t,eete- Mr- Wiiiimovcr was a
siuaent 01 iiooert if, iiarK, wur.
the fiist day of October, in each aud every
I.. - ....... I... l (,.. ,111... .
" u"Je' pemliy ol hve dollars
each and eeiy cute
Statement of ttio Flnancct ol the County of
Coin inula
IjMlOM the firMdoy of January, A. D.,
18(11, to Iho first day of J uuuat), A. D,
Tho Auditors clhctod to settle and adjust
tho public accounts of Columbia County,
respeei fully boa leuvo (d. report ihut they
havo uxntnlneiillie sumo from the 1st daj
of Jan. A. I)., 1804, to Iho 1st day of Jan.
A. I)., I8G5 and respectfully lay belnro
tho llniiotabla Jniios of tho Court of Com
mon l'leas( of said County the following
Statement mid ruporl agreebly lo tho 22d
si'olinn of tho ' Ac! of Aombly of
lliis Commoir.veiillh passed on tho 4th day
of April. A. IV 1834."
UANIEI. MollF.NRY, Troanurer of Co
liimbia County, in account of said county,
1864. . Mr.
Jan. To cash of J' S. M'Niinch, lalo treas
urer, as per Auditors settlement of
18631 5G49 S
do To taxes ou'.Htandiin;
do' To Jaxes outstanding,
80273 23
7 9 78
ten day lis), 18G3,
M'rh Cash received'ol Sun
dry person? for tiso of
Court ltoom, 30 00
June,Am'l, ol rounty lax
aessud lor tr.o year
dc Coiinly lax (oaled
nnd iiiict'titcd lauds
lutnnu'd, 943 OT
do do do Hon. I 1063 SI
do do do Si-hnol ll I fttj
do do do Trior 333 14
Sopl. Cneh rec.'d ol Brier
cieek iwp , pr Sm'i
Kelcliner, tixpcr.ftfs
iH keepini; Cathariuu
10812 4l
n m Ilarri'burg
and Court charges,
.N ov. tonsil ol l).SVii(u
old bridua t i mtn r
105 00
1: 00
118 00
Cash ree'd ol It r it r
iTHfk iwp., t'xpen
8t'8 knelling Caiha
nne Sub al tl.irrn
lu.g. C.ipIi fni-M ol Jii-sti
Coletniui I'ro'i. line
S i) Edar. in 00
Am'i len tiny as-cF-
meat 180 1 71 85
Dec To cati ol Jo
Coleman I'ro'i
Jti r FfO-, S 21 00
do dh ol taint" co.ll IfiOt I
do raMi o! E lianoii ,
old plank " 00 ;
do e.i-h ol V Win (
coal IC'OO ....
do ca.-li of II C I'm it . '
' coal IS 00
ca.-h ti'o'd of mili- fund lo wii :
i'oki ol Kiiiollini'Mi
pnpci HI. ml; Hook
jimI expri'f3i.i;u. 49 90
I'.nil Tult! for print-
1 ny pifcopis and
nnlio, 20 00
l' iiNh'r.i for prinu
111 a-s'mi.lSGl 9:' 00
paid a.-h'r for uiak
my enroll'mt umlKr
lifl 1801, 00 03
r'dth paid a?.ke"Ors,
H.-m:'M1C1II ol ilog
lax lor 1804, 81 40
Amou'l. on islanding
lor 1801,
itS 62
4608 Ol
cifh n-ceiveii on !n
dry la.ei,
Gl 30
Ami oiiM.ind'uu lor
H0 4, and piovioii" J rs.
0GG1 70
401 09
1006 88 8l3i 73
13150 G3
ExoncraMoiiK alloeii
do Cnmmieiou al lowed
Am: order.t lediipm'd.
TrKa-iirer'-- Coriuin
mod on $11211 1)8 vt
4 (ipr I't'ii1
ltal. hand.- ol i'rea-'t)r.
410 04
503 20
feSSiOt'. SO
DANIEL McHENRY,'nniiMi;r of Co
limbi.i cojiily in acconul with lay mi dogt.
By iim'i iiiiitaiidinu and nil'
J t I ... n... , , II O
I'oiiocicii ;or inuj
1 108 01
Vi-ii M) 2I0U 40
o-.ed for loOl
Ami. nuttaiiding and un-
S781 45
100 85
, 00 71
1082 00
ExnnorJlions allowed lo
Coinuii".-ioHs alio a ed to
Am'i t'cp dainav, or
Cits r uleerneil
do paid nii.!r! for ac(.o
mcul ol dou lax lor 10 1
Am'i iii.d J S McNinuli,
lain Treai-urVr,
Tie.iMirerV (-(imrii irninn
on S1S76 13
13. il. Uuu Miid fund,
81 t3
101 03
51 00
1 01) ?21M0 51
Audttois din Ckik
Am't pd Andiior anil Cli'ik,'-t8 (in
do W Win, Miliums,
dn Pmh'v nnd ltHu'ior M:'o 12 b3
Am'i paid urs'is tor spring
ii-se.-sineni, -t3 '2
do do TriennUt as-'iuenl. 184 00 027 12
Amount paid mmlry cerniiic, J7 Oo
Am'i paid David .Suvago,
Am'i paid sundry pert-ous.
460 00
1278 90
Am't paid sundry jfri-oiK for
lroih':y aud Rfgisier's oflico, IU if
Am't paid the i!veal ronslablet
during iho year. 96 28
Am'i paid Moses CnlThiun, ' 36 00
Am't paid minify ier.-ons 27 SO
Am't paiil sundry person for repairs
lo Court House and Jail. 530 86
Am'i paid R C Fruit, Clerk, 8450 00'
do O H HemCommliMoiw, i73 50
do Ruhr Mi-Henry do 157 50
do T J Vanderslice do 103 00
do Allen Mann lo 10 50
5903 50
Am't paid W Wirt Attorney, 60 00
Am'i paid mindry person', 100 21
Am't paid E II Lillle, 6100
Am1! puid at Spring election, 397 B7
do General, l'
nnd epecial elections 1227 7fl
1625 r7
Am'i pant '0 mndr) pewon R7 tt
FUKIj &c.
Am't paid for Court Homo and Jail, 130 33
Ain't paid fur rlallonery for Court, 35 20
Am't paid I.ycomlns tnsuranoo Co. 25 77
Am't paid J M'ChnmborUiu for in--nucst
on I'oilv ol C Durtoii,
11 12
10 37:
19 22
12 28
10 04
I It Hoib'uie, for' luquesi on
1... 1. ... 1
null J u I llllll.l.n,
J It ! riiz. lor iiki
iiKinest on body
or T Solil,
Samuel Rhone, for inquest on
body of S Jiick-on,
Samuel Nn) hurt for iuqitosl on
body ol o variice,
Am't paid JurlirJnit cvnrHl Couito, 873 2b
Am'i paid J It Evans, altendaticu on
Am't paid ('" L Iliilier for uurollmeut
pupi'rs mid bl.iiik book, and ux
psu'i on iho same
do paid T.1I0 for pruning prcci'pts
and notices,
do paid iis'm for making enroll
ment under nut 1301.
b 00
40 DO
20 00
OH 03
130 53
Am'i paid L L 'Into, 166 00
do. do W H Jaenby,
do do J S S.imlerj,
212 00
81 00
10& 01
201 07
209 03
Am't paid E S l'eniiiniiary,
do I'oiin'a S I, lluKpitnl, PAR V."
Am'i paid J Ejerly, E-i.. l'roih'v,
10 45
100 M
182 UU
4 00
1 do do Je?at.' Coltfinan, du
I Am'i paid V John, I'u-lin.i-liT,
j Am'i paid sundry pcifon in llloom, 220 30
2S Oil
J U'li'llll,
0 no
2i: J'i
Bo no
70 (10
Am'i pjid J H 1'iiimi'i, lu.-. ti! i ti w
do .oanl J II Kiirmau I'liinoyin
' jjlt Trrt) cr ittid J ll'.r.-i m K S
dn pani t-'iiiiiiud So iVt ronvfj
ing M (Jalluloi , E S l'"iiiry,
Am'i psiiiPMiinlrv pernn. 10 nil ;
1 1 8 IK)
112 (Ml
.70 SO
24 DO
201 74
SO (10
12 od
234 00
37 (Ml
VM (ill
7 fill
f.3 0 1
8f 60
70 (10
13 00
1.1 M)
f8 5(1
78 50
MP 5il
U-l (111
14 I i 2 A
12 HO
39 no
Am'i p lid I' John Uu ';iiimi,
Am't p. id :d ihf .rin,n (..iir .
Am'i of road, m'Iioi.I iiinl poor,' r
liiMiled to dillcii'i.l i(HMnliip,
do loliiudi'd lo O A J.iouby,
b)i IS
1 t'.n mhvi-v
I Ain't raid to Hindu' pt-i-nn.-, and
1 inifri-' on lln; line. si;i 7.'i
' Uonn.l inr It u )nr 18111, 11718 20
' Drduri iim'i fhci-p dam-
iii; nidi for siinit, U(i2
! Di'durt liiM'r rf-lillided lo.
j tmii-hit &o. 1888 18
j Di'durt liorm-ied 111 oin-y
I and iniH'i-M on Hum-, 1 S j 0 75 57n 18
' Ai-iU'il flxpenUuurB lor lliu
j )rar 1H61, Uil-j 1 1
Ve lliu iinileriiniil Audilort' ol Cnliini-
In'a crtm-iy li.-iiiy duly rlHin-d 10 sw'ju-t
uiul lii-uie lh- Ji'rciii.l- of lint Tri-a-iin-r
( Mill Coillllli-KOIIlT' do I'lTtily lll.ll Ml!
inn al die ollii u ol tliti Coiiiiiii.--iin.frs In
! It.PO m-biirg, hiiiI I'dri-lilllj- f Miuillli-d ll'o
. accoiiui.-. uiul vouehtir.' ol iho -,i no, Irtnu
ihe 1-1 day 0! J.innarv A. 1)., Hlil-to lie
1 l-l ol J.11: A. I) , 1805, an I find ilium ror
' iecl us mm Inrlli in Iho li-reuniuu .-liilouieiil
, Mid llml m; liuil a ti.iliiui'H il i.i' Colnmbi.i
1 I'ounl) ol Fib llnii'.'litiil Mini Siiy-lhri!i!
Dotlnri- iiml 1 went) rem (&5li3 2d) Irom
Daniel Mullr-nry, rin.iMiifrolfaulroi.niy
1 Given under cur I1.1111I1. Un.. luiirlh day
01 January, A. V. 1SU5.
! A.J EVANS. ) Coim'y
I Attest ;-W. WHIT, Clork.
j Wi, the iiiii'er-iijiiud, Coinmiiinioiiur h ol
Ml i Coliimliiii conn') , do I'L'inly lliu iom-
SOiui! in a correct fl.iltimenl of Ihe acco
ol said I'ounly lor Ihe year I8fi4
U itneM, our hands, Jan 4, 1865
R C FRO! T, Clerk,
T J VANDERSLICE. ) Cniiiini.-ioners
ALLEN MANN. ol Col. L'oiimy.
Bal dim Irom eollecmri, SUlitil 7o
Dfdia-i fur e.oneratioii.s
ami Comm-s-ionn, I2(U)00 -5l6t77
H..!. duo from D Mcllnnrj',
)ft3 211
C027 116
Drilnri orders unredeemed
for 1863 and pre ioti' y t-urs 27 30
Dedn-:t orders unreJeeinM
fnr 1861, , 251 33
Deduct lodcm'jori money, 662 66
B.ilaiico boriowud money
iniU'iid, 1000 '(rf.
Inierebl on the mmn, 60 00 2001 35
Blanco in favor of Comity S4U26 61
Bal. due Irom collator?, $781 65
DeiliHH for'e.xoncratioii-i
aud Coinniisbioii ?00 00'
184 65
2 90
Balanco duo fnm Daniel
Mcllenry, tiei'urer,
Deduci orders uurDileom'd '
lor 1863 and pravioiu ju. 4j 00
Deduct ordik uiuedeom'il
lor 1W34. 5 1 1. ftp
S555 iu
ICteess of Hhcup diima-'Pti
oior eaiii fund,
February, 1, 1865
67 95
S565 5U
A Lot and Dowlling IIouso, with m!rh
(.-union, Hubk,- Truil Tretii. (Jullniilil- fjJlj!
inci ic , (ituulu on I liinl tuut-1. lit'luvv Mur EuiJll
kiiaiul nt'iir lliu Acuileiny. I'u--ia.ititt glvni upon iU
liral ilny nf April, IOA, fui Icrnn nu pnilinuUif
apply lu tlie ninlcuieiiu'l
II ( UUU I 1
Bln ,tiuii; linuar, HH,
lliiarrr.-rk to vr n p Ii i
liloom do
Hntbii do
Ib'iivur do
('r'lltft! (lo
('atl.min 1 do
Franklin d 1
Ki-liiiiycr.'.-l: dn
(jiui'liu (mil do
H in lock do
Jack-on Jo
l.ocnM do
Madi-oii do
Mi. P e.t-iiiu do .
Moinour do
M tllin do
Oin:;n do
noarumort'f k do
.SiiiirKiul do
Seoll i'o
Valuable Real Estate,
pilE undorsigncd, will ctposoto aaluby
J. I'ubllc Vendue, upon the irpin(i, on
Saturday, the day of J'cbni try, 1300,
Tho fall Aw I us (tcicriliiil Farm nnl l'l mutton, uliunlj '
I In Mniliion lown.hlp. C'uliiinlil.i cuMiily. I'.i., mljulu.
1 Ins lamlf ol John Uriihr.1.1, .Mlihaul Coon an J t'raiKK
livvt, loiiianiing
Whereon W orootcd a b'rumo
Dwelling SJouse,
Anil I.Od llAIUJ, uilf, UinmiM out b iildlnu. Well'
nnd fpr'ng of never falling watar'oli llio prealitv',
Alio, n Young
I? UU I T O U C Ii A It D'.
Aliont one hunilrnd Acro of raid T'acl. ii linorov
cd. nnd I In' Imlniii o in IIiciIht Intnl.
I 'If H.ilu 10 iiiiiihii'iiui ul IU o'll. 11k A. M of ralil
tiny. l.i'ii iilleiiJiiiicu Mill In ghod tin. I t'oiulltlont bu
kn.. 11, ly
- F.K1)K DKHIl.
I l'i liiiary II I'M
Venduk !
''li"'llir. iindfrxisiicd. Admini-trators of
j Hi llrt'.i.' of John Hliilry, Ijlotif llinverlowii
I iliii. Cnlilin'il t e'Miil). . I r-; -.( will t'luojj lo sale,
. hjr I'ubljc V't ii Iii4. ul lln preini", on,
J Ti.t'dtiy, tb,-uit ii-tlic i!ls, 1805,
l'l ha fultow inj; u valunMu peiional iroparly
vi. :
;one house, two milch cows,
; Four Young Cattle, Six Head of Sheep,
. miiltlireo Hot' One Two liuriu W unn. TfncK-V'a.'
' cii.tiluJ, I'lmvf, llirrnwii, nu.l I'anuluj JliU.
j Threshing Muchino, Ilaruoji, .c,
j .7 Y 1J Y T 11 T O A".
' And Straw by tho Hundlo. (!oru, ltyo.
'Oats, Uuckwheat and 1'otatoua by lLo
! Hu.-li.d.
AI.KO: lu-dsand ll.Miii. Inj.'lhr rtilli lh.i tlown
liold nnd Ktlclicn Poriillurir. chji-t'iIiv .
i.7 Kale to coni.i'i'nce nl 10 iiMork A M , of unit
. day linn ull"nj.'iir .ill !) C'V.. mi I lomlliniiH in
imdu i.unnu, lr
nwil'l. .IMil'.l,V
' iiur'.
1 IVIiriinry 9.
ILL h" rsiiii rd to
'uJdii! iIp, at
rilrr. in 1' iur'ri'.k
Itiv M-iMl' lUtf .ll 111. I -lltl
lu iihlnp. Ou u .1:11.1 rw.iiiU, 1'u . 1
'i'll4 ,y, tir :lt il Mill.,). lfil)'l,
I 'I'lui fulltmlii 'lit -.rlli.: I v.iln.ibn pors11u.1l i r ' 'ty.
kix Hi ad ot' 8,'tcip, five lmi,. Hog,
! A ni'W Ivvo hornc WnRt n', niiflli. r l i.lmr.e W.'ij n,
t'arn.iiju 101 1 IlilSfj-. a j'nnl HI. ili urn' h,ii.
j 11 A Y 'BY l II i: I' O N' ,
! ( urn and Oats by Hie Otislicl,
j One tut of ItlackMi'itli fools- Doubln ,t
J S uls Harness by the Lot.
I One llnrkrjp Ilmpcr TrPtliinir Vn liin-.i'crn HIiiIIt.
VI 111 .-Mill. 'Vlrfr.iih l.'ull mi II. 11. I'orki., Kik....
I Sltcivclv. I'liHi-., Ilnrrnwrt, i.'iiltm.lnri. uni, iiur.i
ll.iKu. nn. I l.ininiij nlMi.lK " ftnl 'j . l -.i iuiuiitii 1,
lu .Ii fii'itiili.
rl- txi.iiiiii mil nt 111 o' link, A. M , n.i , m I
ilny , v lien utt 'lulu nca ull bij mi. I cuiMliti'iii-. In
uijile kmiwii, l.y .
r-i-lirun ry 7. icri,
Admiuintrator's Noiico.
Estate of DmaH H'u y, lt "ast't.
j ctri-r-; of uilniiriisif.-iti.tri o.n iho li-lnio
' nr I) ilil'l W.t-r, III.' "I" l.iiiut Lit, u,liii. I ,.,
.iniilii.i c nut) , il cs tl. Iiav l ' gf-t I' I lr lh
n.'tulcr i'f I'uliiiiiliui ciMini), ., iti. ini.if.i inc. i , ,,u
t'iri4lMH JiaVlUK ll.-OUH :iv'-tlM-l 111 ' ,t.ll. ..r th ll.'i..
ildlll ari' ,i"jiii-li..l I" lr lli-m to til d .itiiiitri
till: nl Iiit r M.l li' if in -in 1 low ii. tu, i il n. il hU.
i.ri.l ;i I ii"r'ii'? nulilili-.I I" iim1, p.xv.n ri. f -thw tu
IVIiruary II, lrOJ, ow Jl
EE-fU'lHiiBJ Eiol For r.?ij.
S 1 1 1-1 undiT-'iyne'l, oil', r- to s.d.- Ht iri
l ato ale, lit-
Hotel Property & L ot of C round,
rilluntn in 111 I.I. V I I.I.I'.
Ur 'i-i"i i"uni"i. ('..linn
hi t r.Mituy. rtt..
mil ii'ivv uccni'i.'! ii U"i. it t'ulilic
Lilt Tl.lllllllL'lll.
'I'llO llllllru in I.U.UH.I Ull Ul! uril'T "fill.! llliriU
1 ci:il Sirci li in .M lilt ill'1, if .tUi. I r.'i.t buihliu.
, 111 X 4H fri I. Mlli .ml ll Inn 1. 1 1 il 2- '1 ....I ntl.'il All I
. I.uim fjinlilv, mill .t nit Hi ilm i. It lln mily
I lluli'l in lilt ill". iiiiI lluiicc, a v. ry dn t.iu I
j fur a I'ulillc lli.u..'.
I i7 I'.ir Icrun anil lurlli r irlii nl rn. H(iilj' lu i!n
i tnliai nl Hi, "iujlj llnUl," in l.ohfuliiirj. il
' umbia vo.ini . .
i I'rlirU.iry II. IFiVS. ?um.
Ueat'uess, Biiadn js & C icurra,
'I', i'iitiil itli Ilia uliiimi siirri'f. lij Ilr J 1:1 f'S.
Ocnlii.1 nnit A u 1 1 -1 iiniiiii'rly uf l.i'y.l.'n llnllaii.t N"
.ll'J l'l K ir.'.'I.riiil.iil. Ipliia. I'c-liin.iiiiiiU Ir lh
mnl ir' mure. t. in lliu t'ny mi.l i.niintry i.ui Ii
a. i'ii nl tiitf nllicc. 'Ill1 uicilical fac Ity ure invitml i
nii.oiii)i.iiiy llifir p:iiint, n Ii ha-ui .i'ifl in Iim
rnrtici. AUTIKU.-MI. I'.VliS liu.ri- l .in
No rliarji in.iilc Tor ia.iuii.itiiju
1,-rl'lii.irj- II. Hi.). liily'J. f I. I.'n
LMI'UIU'AN r 10 Ji D1K5.
i TUB 1'Jll V.tTK aiSiHHAh Al USER,
I Au iiiv.iTiu.blu Irratuo nf i.l jiagri. by
mi -ffOKW 5RTAX!.YK4
pnMlblii'il fur iho lisuciil ol tin ici.
On ridipt iifTUN' OHVI'!', it will m inl t,,t.l ,.n.l
ill Hcalu.l iiiiruli)in. In nil I: i niily fur il
It Si. up h ciiiu-irie ilcirripti.i.t nl 1 11 itic ilir-aHru pi
tulinr in f iii.ilif, iiiji'iliir wih in nut uf citrr. nil
Ireats f l.''iiicijiiiun. rrn.incy .Mi Pirrla.'.rliniit?
.-i'l'iuul AluiKi'i,, rrul.i"'!!- I'l'Ti. I'l'inalo l'i'.nltiin
l.'iitihiiiuplinii. Ac . ami innrli riIit nif"ni.
tiuii not piililitlKil in 9ity otli. r w.nk. Ktay in.i
rlioulJ prix ul i' n copv illiout .Irl-ty.
Tlllli:i; I-.U1 lMilNH. .'jiMIt II I'ACII.
liavo clri'iul)' liuin pub uli il nl i.ii rib t --1 lliu J'""r
Harvey's Female Pills
llio niol infallitilc atul pupiilar reni.'ili' ovit known fnr
nil ilmcanvi uf tno-Ituifili.' 1.1-x They tin vl- umJ
in many llioim.uiil camm mI1i iiiifmlin i '-es-aii'l
may b rt'lmil ni in uv ry c.i-io for liirli Hi. ar ra
tiiiiinii'inlC'l. ami pjilwultoy i i .ill cane-.. i i.-frnu
Obstruction, or &tonpttc oj Suture,
nri mailt r rroni what can-' il aru ,i. Til "e .'if t
tuni in ruMoring to h-alih nil u In. nr. t 11,1; from
Viiikni'n uiul l)i bility, Ulsriii Dii ir.t .urvonj.
ne-i &c , Aic.-nuii inrj-
' AUT l.JKK A I'll At H '
in tlrriiglhciiin; anil r.'.toiniC in . . C'lniinnil.
I of lidiu ulio have ouiHti .1 for yina ni' ihlmI vaiiou
I uihir ri'ini'ilii'a in vim, own u r "' ' I "t '' r lica lb
' r.n.l ttrcnslli liolly tn Ibc mil J-y f
9 hll, IIAUVKY'3 '.Vi-'MALK 1'ILLS.
'l'hoy i- rift a new ilitruvcry li.n alanj ' 1 tcincnly.
lhc (tlcbrnlijil
; ono nf the inost eminent pliyfio'.m-. prcicribeil lh n
, for many yrure in hii privatiJ priictMi'. ami un ph i
i wu iimru truly popular ur win I)' Ui iwii tl. .n
. Iiiru in lliu treatment of
I All who havo uncil Ilr llaivc) ! Ki n 'lu f'U nf
mend ilium to nihura. Nurivo re oniiit' "I tli;in -I"1'
lllrlaaml llrakra rcroiiimi iul llrni I' ptiiT in. 11
' ntlier nieillHuea. Ii.'cauao uf llieir im'n" No U ')' UJ
Jocla to lake tln iu for Ihcy nm uli iinnli,
' Prepared by an esperiuueed I'licmiit
1 Tlmy uro pcrfwlly lnnulcia on ill .ijiliin, tJ 6"
lakcii at any llnio with puifict af I) . hot fl.-"" "'
I'arly naiieairr iVii'siiitiicy thoy InmU noi hi tik i
ur a mix nrriage may In lakin, or n m-iiirri i-; m'
bu Uuieiiuit. They iuvcr ciu.u iny a, Unia p."
lorilnlreo. llacli box conlanu .uly nil ail I f nil ""
I ii'Uoiia ui1'
C7- fill lliis nntico mil If you ilciru Hni" '
1 r.' ...ii..... .limn til ,anr
i liu nr i...i, nun i. '. .u....... , .. ... .vl. .
ilrniiSi'l. ilu not Inku any ullior. f"r ouiy lcilcr w
nru iinprmcipluil will r-ciu imuihI ottiur l i'inal-) I '
Ihey tail niakii a lamer prolit on-but fuel"-"
niouey ami rcml illicit to
Dr. J. BttYAN, Guncal Au-ent.
HiuSU?-". 7'. C"l ir Cirecl.
Who will lake nil liak if proptn) .ur 'i " .
v ill ri-uin.' them po.l paw, au'iiiui,
..i In '
u IV.lllon oy .uuu u... ,.. y,.. ., , .
lii;.MAhliRMW U "';. V"
I I'.iu , ai